16th May 2015 - 27th Iyar 5775


16th May 2015 - 27th Iyar 5775
Mazel tov to Alexander Zakay on the occasion of his barmitzvah. Mazel tov to parents Adi
and Sol Zakay
Mazel tov to Alan Finch on his 90th birthday
Mazel tov to Alan and Betty Bloom on their 63rd wedding anniversary. Mazel tov also to
Alan on the 74th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah
‫ בחקתי‬- ‫בהר‬
Chaim aruchim, long life to Sherry and Alan Stern, on the passing of their mother Ray Stern
Late Cecile Harris
Late Phoebe Agran
Late Anne Kissin
Late Stella Weinstein
1.00 pm
12.30 pm
11.30 am
9.30 am
Bushey Cemetery
Bushey Cemetery
Willesden Cemetery
Bushey Cemetery
“I will remember My covenant with Jacob and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My
covenant with Abraham will I remember, and I will remember the land.” (Vayikra 26:42)
The patriarchs are listed here in the reverse order.
Rabbi Yaakov Charlap was one of the leading disciples and colleagues of Rav Kook, the
first Chief Rabbi of the land of Israel in the modern era. Rav Charlap saw in the reverse
order of the patriarchs, a profound lesson for redemption in our times.
If there are Jews who are like Jacob, then we will be redeemed. That means Jews who, like
Jacob, are connected to the full measure of the Jewish experience: Torah study, prayer and
acts of kindness.
Nevertheless, even if there are not sufficient Jews at the Jacob level, if there Jews at the
Isaac level, we will be redeemed. Isaac represents the supreme value of sacrifice. There
are many Jews who may not be completely observant but who make enormous sacrifices
for Jewish identity. Indeed Jews have been persecuted, especially in the Holocaust,
irrespective of how religious they were.
Moreover, even if there are Jews who are only known for their quality of kindness – which
was the outstanding trait of Abraham – that is also going to be enough for our redemption.
Finally, concludes Rav Charlap, there are Jews whose sole connection to their people is
through the land of Israel. They have come here, he says, to drain its swamps and rebuild
its ruins. This connection alone will count in leading to our redemption.
Dayan Ivan Binstock
Page Nos: Hertz 513/542/551 - Stone 696/708/1179
Cantor Moshe Haschel will lead the services
Paul Summer and Bar Mitzvah Alexander Zakay will lein
Ralph Goldstein will read the haftarah
Dayan Ivan Binstock will deliver the sermon
Raphael Sakhai will sing anim zemirot
Rabbi Moshe Levy will speak over a joint
Anshei Shalom - St John’s Wood seudah shlishit between mincha and ma’ariv
This Shabbat begins 8.32 pm. Earliest candle lighting time 7.09 pm.
Shabbat is brought-in in shul at 7.45pm. Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 7.15 pm. Shabbat ends 9.46 pm
Next Shabbat begins 8.42pm
Service Times
9.00 am
8.30 pm
9.46 pm
8.15 am
7.30 pm
Follows Mincha
7.15 am
7.30 pm
Follows Mincha
Tuesday Rosh Chodesh breakfast
7.00 am
7.30 pm
Follows Mincha
7.25 am
7.30 pm
Follows Mincha
7.15 am
7.25 am
7.30 pm
7.15 pm
Follows Mincha
Follows Mincha
Next Shabbat Erev Shavuot
9.00 am
8.45 pm
9.45 pm
Yom Yerushalayim breakfast
Adi and Sol Zakay invite the congregation to kiddush
in the Moritz Gertler Hall after the service in celebration of Alexander’s Bar Mitzvah
Toddlers Service
In the Bride’s Room
Reception and School years 1 & 2
In the classrooms upstairs
Years 3-6
Rosh Chodesh Sivan Breakfast in Elisheva
and Jonny's flat
Youth Minyan (Years 7-13 boys and
girls) will be in the Zoo
Bnei Akiva (BA) this Shabbat will take
place from 3.30 - 5.30 pm
Sunday 17th May
Years 7-13 Quasar Outing. 3.00-6:15pm.
Please text Elisheva on 07803 552 064 if
you would like to come
Tuesday 19th May
The EBBM Bar/Bat Mitzvah programme for
boys in Year 8 and girls in Year 7 continues
from 6-8 pm
Sunday 24th May - Shavuot
Years 7-13: Mussaf Youth Minyan at
12.30pm followed by a Yom Tov BBQ
meal in our flat, where we will be sharing
words of Torah about the festival of Shavuot
Shabbat 6th June
Years 5 and 6 Shabbat Lunch and afternoon
Programme in Elisheva and Jonny's flat.
Join us for a second round of fun exclusive
to you
Shabbaton 12-14th June
Years 7-11 Away Shabbaton together with
the Youth of Spanish and Portuguese
More details at www.shulinthewood.com
Get in touch if you want to participate in any
of the above!
Email - youth@shulinthewood.com
Elisheva - 07803 552 064
Jonny - 07981 910 798
Contact Susan Kosky 020 3441 9476 Or
To the Security Team for this week.
What are the next 3 numbers in the sequence
7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 ,..., ...., ...?
Last week’s puzzle:
DAYAN BINSTOCK: Which members of the
Kohen’s household may eat Terumah, the sacred food that was tithed and given to the Kohen?
Answer: Wife, son, unmarried daughter, nonJewish servant
Winners: Beano Waiman
(Reception) : What animals are in this week's
Answer: Ox, Goat, Sheep
Winners: Salome Elmalem, Elona Sitbon
For Yom Yerushalayim week
How many times is Jerusalem mentioned
in our prayers over Shabbat?
Last week’s question:
Youth are referred to a few times in the siddur
but do we refer to a young person’s hair?
Answer: In Anim Zemirot NS 461:
Like a youth’s, His hair in locks unfurls;
Its black tresses flowing in curls.
Winners: Ambassador Daniel Taub
"Ten measures of beauty descended to the
world, nine were taken by Jerusalem."
(Talmud: Kiddushin 49b)
Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem on
7th June 1967 (28th Iyar 5727) uniting the city
for the first time since the establishment of the
state. It also captured on the same day,
Jericho, Bethlehem and Sharm-el-Sheikh and
lifted the blockade of the Gulf of Aqaba. The
entire Jordanian bulge on the western bank of
the Jordan came under Israeli control.
To sponsor a kiddush, breakfast or
seudah shlishit, please contact Hayley on
0207 286 3838 or
1984. Playhouse Theatre. Monday 29th June.
7.30pm. £32.50 (non-SJWS £40)
Impossible. Noel Coward Theatre.
Tuesday 4th August. 7.30pm. £40
Details from Richard Mernane
020 7289 9173 or
Duplicate Bridge, Mondays from
1.00 to 4.00 pm.
Supervised bridge 1.15 to 3.45pm. Donation
£7 a session including tea.
Director: Mike Eden.
Contact: Sandra Stecker on 020 7586 2532
or Gillian Burr on 020 7586 0156
St John’s Wood Synagogue Cheder
Sundays 9.45am – 12.45pm
Contact Rabbi Ronen Broder
0794 108 7701 or
St John’s Wood Synagogue
Kindergarten Daily, from 2 years old
Contact Estelle Brown 020 7286 3859 or
Every other Friday 10.30 – 11.30am in the
David Weisz Hall. Join us for free play,
coffee & our fun Shabbat table!
High-energy Israeli songs with Einav every
other week.
Contact Sara Elias 07957 697769 or
Next Book Club: Thursday 7th May,
8.30 pm at the home of Valerie Garston.
Book to be discussed: “The Narrow Road to
the Deep North” by Richard
For details contact Valerie Garston on 020
7435 7507
Shabbat Afternoon
‘Ethics of our Fathers’ - with Rabbi Ari
Shainfield - 45 minutes before mincha
Contact: Essie Graham 020 7586 0454
‘Talmud Shiur’ - with Alex Grunfeld 45 minutes before mincha
with Stevie Sillers on 0783 678 4823
Tuesday Shiur with Dayan Binstock,
every week at 10.30 am
Next lunch date
Tuesday 19th May
Drinks 12.30pm. Home cooked lunch
1.00pm. £6.50 for Synagogue members,
£7.50 non-members.
Contact Gillian Burr on 020 7586 0156 or
Melody Salem: 020 7286 9810
If you are housebound and would like a
visitor or a regular phone call, if you need
advice or information on local
services and activities or if you would like
a lift to the Shul's Communal Lunches,
please get in touch.
Please contact Gillian or Melody
Wednesday Ladies Shiur at 10.30am
with Rabbi Irving Jacobs
Contact Linda Sharpe
20th May - ‘Magnificent Obsessions’ at
The Barbican Art Gallery at 11.15 am
£12 Guild & Arts members, £14 for guests
4th June - Coach outing to ‘Blenheim
Palace’ at 11.15am
£45 Guild & Arts members, £50 guests
Gentlemen welcome to all events
Contact Gillian Burr on 020 7586 0156
1st day Shavuot - Choral service and farewell Kiddush-Lunch for
Cantor Moshe and Nechami Haschel
2nd day Shavuot - Guest Chazan, Cantor Yudi Cohen
Sermon by Rabbi Prof. Avraham Steinberg MD
Batmitzvah of Dalia Vecht followed by Kiddush
Guest Chazan Moshe Tatz
Batmitzvah of Yana Szerkowski followed by Kiddush
Guest Chazan, Cantor Avraham Kirshenbaum
For calendrical purposes the Jewish month is calculated to start at the time of the molad, lit ‘birth’ when the new
moon is born. This is the moment when the moon becomes invisible, between the end of the old month and the
beginning of the new. The real time varies slightly from month to month. For calendar calculations an average
time is used and in many communities this time is announced or communicated when the Blessing of the New
Month takes place. For the month of SIVAN the molad will be on Monday, 18th May at 2.11 (and 5 chalakim) pm
(Jerusalem time).
The St John’s Wood Synagogue Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 18th May,
at 8.00 pm in the David Weisz Hall. This will be preceded by voting for the Male Nominees for
the Board of Management from 7 - 8pm. Voting will also be available in the office 10am - 5pm.
14th June
Rabbi Ari is taking part in the 10 legged Rabbi Run at the Maccabi Fun Run, raising funds for
US Futures. Goal £2,500.
To sponsor Rabbi Ari please go to www.justgiving.com/Ari-Shainfield/ or email
A generous donor has kindly offered to match your donation £ for £!
19th June
Join us for a French gourmet 'chic' Friday night dinner with Rabbi Lord Sacks and United
Synagogue CEO, Dr Steven Wilson. £48 members - £60 Standard.
Email rabbishainfield@shulinthewood.com for more details.
Weekly 5-a-side football at 7.30pm at Mill Hill Power League. Sponsored by Patron Capital.
For more information contact rabbishainfield@shulinthewood.com

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