Shabbat Shalom –       


               Shabbat Shalom –       
October 11, 2014 Shabbat Shalom – Chag Same’ach
17 Tishri, 5774 Please note that we use the regular Artscroll Siddurim for Tefillot and for Torah/Haftorah readings! Wed.Afternoon, Oct. 8 Candle Lighting
Sukkot- (Day 1) Oct. 9 Shacharit
Forest Park Sukkah Hop
(Please meet at 124 Sumner Ave 3:00pm
In shul parking lot)
Candle Lighting
(from pre-existing flame after)
Sukkot-(Day 2) Oct 10 Shacharit
Light candles
(from pre-existing flame before)
Shabbat. Oct.11
1st intermediate day of
Continuing Education
*Rabbi Bier’s morning class meets daily in the library after breakfast!* Monday Night Monday7:45‐8:45pm Talmud Chabura – No class this week Tractate Sanhedrin with R. Bier Siddur Literacy Tuesday 6:30pm with Mitzie Hiatus Friedman Parsha Class Tuesday 7:30pm with Rabbi Davis Holiday Hiatus History, Halacha & Wednesday 7:45pm Hashkafa with No Class This Week Rabbi Moshe Bier Talmud Class Thursdays, 1:00pm (Frieder Mem. Talmud Meets in the Jewish Shiur) Nursing Home with Rabbi Davis Holiday Hiatus Mincha/Seudah Shlishis is sponsored by David Katz observing the yahrzeit of his mother, Sylvia Katz 5:50pm Forest Park d’var Torah by Amy Mager Eunice Dr. Seudah: Revital Pollack will speak about serving in the IDF. Shabbat Concludes/Havdalah 6:57pm Mazal Tov Mazal Tov
Micah Pava upon earning Commended Student status for the Nat'l Merit Scholarship Program.
Baruch Dayan Emet We regret to announce the passing of Leona Fieldman, beloved wife of Jesse Fieldman for 64 years. The funeral was held Wednesday, Oct. 8th (erev Sukot). May the Almighty comfort the family along with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Todah Rabah - Thank You
Congrats to Joyce Rosen for setting a new CBT record for Most Pies Baked at one time in the shul kitchen. Joyce created
fourteen absolutely delicious apple pies for all to enjoy on yuntif. THANK YOU JOYCE!
Please see separate list of thank you’s for so many wonderful contributors to our High Holidays. Seeking readers for Simchat Torah Women's Torah Service ‐ Portions available large and small (as small as 3 verses.) Please contact ASAP Vivian‐ ‐ 731‐1359 or Miriam ‐‐ 567‐4366 Happy Birthday
Joyce Rosen, Ellen Grey, Evelyn Bennett, Israela Kahan, Linda Mathis, Irwin Weitz, Eunice Kofsky, Lois Saffer, Janet Black, Ausher Kofsky. Happy Anniversary
Is your anniversary this week? Please let the office know. Refu’ah Shleimah – Speedy Recovery
Chessed Corner
>Can you carpool a local Jewish child to school 1 morning or 1 afternoon per week? Please contact R. Davis for info. >Thank you to all who contributed to the young Ukrainian Jewish family that lost their father/husband. Your generosity in dollars goes a long way in the Ukraine. > Thank you to all the volunteers for bringing in Yamim Nachum ben Devorah, Gertrude Weiner, Shifra bas Rache
Nora’im food donations. Please be mindful that many Rose Mary Swart, Hy Neigher, Carolyn Levine. congregants have food allergies, esp. nut products. Thank We observe the following Yahrzeits
you again for your generosity and sensitivity. Harry Asher, Nathan Bennett, Joseph Stambovsky, Anne Weinberg, Sarah Kasten Aizenstat, Martin Bass, Jack Hirschfeld, Charlotte G. Konick, Lillian Torff, Mildred Pillar, Leonard Goodless, Abraham Reisman. Sukkot & Beyond…
What's large, friendly, enjoys Twizzlers and skipping?... THE FOREST PARK SUKKAH HOP! Thursday afternoon, Oct. 9 3:00pm The fun begins in the shul parking lot at 124 Sumner Ave. Feel free to come in costume as one of the "Ushpizin". THIS Sunday, October 12, 4‐6pm Prepare yourselves for…The Chubby Chickpea Glatt Kosher Food Truck: Shawarma, felafel, shnitzel, salads, and more! Spread the word. Invite your friends from CT to VT and let's show The Chickpea some love! Tue. Oct. 14, 6:30pm
Sushi in the Sukkah Presented by the Federation of Western MA NextGen (Young Adult Division) B'nai Torah Sukkah (Rain or shine) $10/person To RSVP, call 737‐4313 x137 by Fri., Oct. 10. SIMCHAT TORAH MIRTHFUL MAYHEM!
Extreme Edition *Extreme Torah *Extremely Joyful
October 16 ‐ 17
A conspiracy of Yeshiva University Torah Tours and CBT.
Prepare yourselves, for the END (of Deuteronomy) is near!!! The 4th annual Community Shabbat Dinner
Friday night, Oct. 24, 7pm in the CBT Social Hall
Evening services at 5:40pm and PJ kids program at 6pm
Presented by The Jewish Federation of Western MA & Try-a-Synagogue
Plenty of ruach & delicious catered meal by the one and only Meital! RSVP to the Federation: 737‐4313.
Shabbat, Oct 31/Nov 1 CBT welcomes special guest speaker, Mrs. Edna Bension: Escape from Iran An account of extraordinary courage and Kiddush Hashem, from the streets of Kerman to the catering halls of Brookline. This event is not to be missed! Details of Fri. night dinner & Shabbat presentation TBA Todah Rabah!
We are sincerely grateful to all who assisted with this year's Yamim Nora'im efforts at CBT. Coordinating all of the logistics, davening, meals, and events is truly a group effort, and we are blessed with a deeply dedicated, hard‐working, and highly inspiring group. Although we have tried to assemble a comprehensive list of credits, if you know of someone whom we inadvertently omitted below, please contact the shul office ASAP. Thank you! Ba'alei Tefillah, Leyners, and Gabba'im: Yehuda Edry, Dr. Ira Pollack, Rabbi Yaakov Wolff, Shmuli Zema, David Feder, Robert G. Foint, Dan Garfield, Ken Gorenstein, Dr. Rick Granowitz, Dr. Barry Izenstein, Dr. Ira Nathanson, Bart Nierenberg, Sam Pava, and Dr. Michael Rosen. Kiddush Crew & Sustenance Support: Janis Creeger, Ina Herman, Esti Mager Garfield, Masako Glushien, Ellen Grey, Pauline Grunthalt, Mary Nathanson, Andrea & Shoshanna Olkin, Marion Pava, Rona Rosen, Joseph Singer, Sylvia Soba, Tova Wilson. Special thanks to Ken & Rosalie Abrahams for sponsoring the break fast; to kiddush quarterbacks Betty Szlajen, Amy Mager, Mary Nathanson, and Rona Rosen; and to the one and only Joy Reid. Thank you to Sue Scott; Annette Andrews. Youth Programing: Yehuda Edry, Lior Helman, Paulette Kofsky, Dalia Davis, Vivian Newman, Vicki Philips, Joyce Rosen, Debbie & Eric Rubenstein, and our outstanding Israel Youth Emissaries Ofek & Noa. Thank you Candy Kahan, Dr. George Falk, and Tali Edry for your timely and meaningful presentations. Special thanks to Rabbi Yaakov Wolff for his warmth, leadership, (and extra miles walked this yuntif,) and to Bob & Lynn Dashevsky for handling arrangements & care for this year's Forest Park ba'al tefillah, Shmuli Zema. We also appreciate all that our members do to ensure a quality davening experience at Jewish Lifecare (JGS). Thank you Sid Weiner, Dr. Howard Ser, Abe Neigher, and Pollack Family. Thank you to Michelle Ser; Lenny Schreiber. To Joel Creeger and custodian Alan Gendreaux for immense & intense assistance with building prep, troubleshooting, and gas leak sleuthwork ‐ THANK YOU! We are grateful as well to the dynamic duo in the shul office, Lisa Nascembeni & Annie Rivera, for all of their extra work. Finally, to Ken Abrahams, Ed Greenbaum, and Ken Gorenstein for countless volunteer hours, phone calls, and conversations to facilitate shul operations, thank you and yashar koach! Most recently, thank you Michael Rosen, Mary Nathanson, Eitan Garfield, and the Olkin & Scott Families for building the Forest Park Sukkah. Thank you Yehuda & Tali Edry and Rachel Berezin for Sunday's phenomenal Sukkah Decorating/PJ Library event. Special thanks as well to interior decorators David Steinberg, Jeremy Powers, Haim Helman, and Rachel Berezin.