The Company Sale
The Company Sale
2 0 1 3 COMPANY SALE מכון ירושלים The Company Sale Machon Yerushalayim Machon Yerushalayim, The Jerusalem Institute of Talmudic Research, was founded forty years ago in Jerusalem, and is recognized today as one of the largest Jewish research institutes in the world, and the foremost publisher of rabbinic writings. It conducts its activities though its twelve branches spread throughout Israel, employing approximately two hundred rabbis, leading researchers, and scholars. The goals of Machon Yerushalayim are to spearhead Torah research and creativity; discover and publish rare manuscripts of Jewish scholarship; and to elucidate, emend and correct errors which crept into earlier editions of basic Jewish works. Through the various frameworks of the Machon, nearly one thousand books have been published, on a wide range of Torah and historical topics. The majority of these works are first editions from antique manuscripts found in private or public libraries from around the world. The books have been widely accepted both by Torah scholars as well as by learned laymen, researchers and academicians, due to the Machon’s high standards of scholarship. Sets such as the Shulchan Aruch-29 volumes, The Complete Tur-22 volumes, Otzar Meforshei HaTalmud-18 volumes, Responsa of the Rishonim-15 volumes, Sifrei HaMaharal-29 volumes, the Complete Minchas Chinuch-3 volumes in addition to many other publishings of the Machon, have become valuable tools used and enjoyed by Torah scholars everywhere. Machon Yerushalayim also established a number of projects to resurrect and to preserve the cultural and spiritual life of European Jewry and Jewry from North Africa and the Arab lands, to memorialize and engrave in golden letters the memory of those once proud communities and their leaders, and to publish the writings and compositions of the great men of previous generations. The Israeli public has come to anticipate the Shavua HaSefer, Jewish Book Week, once a year, and now, for the fourth consecutive year, Machon Yerushalayim is bringing this exciting event to the U. S. A. with a celebration of Jewish scholarship and publishing by presenting the opportunity to invest in a select group of the treasured jewels of Torah works at special limited opportunity prices! 2 אוצר מפרשי התלמוד מפעל תשובות ראשונים The most complete and all encompassing collection of commentaries on the Talmud, featuring a unique summarized commentary, culled from thousands of works of commentary, responsa, halacha, drash, aggada, commentaries on the Torah and more. $396 18-volume set Most volumes reg. price: $495 with actual pages of the Gemara! Edited and arranged anew based on earlier printings and manuscripts with many additions and supplemental material, notes and sources, comments and explanations, introductions, addendum and indexes. $280 15-volume set reg. price: $364 $22 per volume reg. price: $27 שו"ת הרא"ש ·גיטין ג פרקים ה ו ·גיטין ד פרקים ז ח ט ·חלה פרקים א ב ג ד ·מכות פרקים א ב ג ·סוכה א פרקים א ב ·סוכה ב פרקים ג ד ה ·פסחים ד פרק י יד-·קידושין א דפים ב לו-·קידושין ב דפים יד } ·בבא מציעא א פרק א ·בבא מציעא ב פרקים ב ג ·בבא מציעא ג פרקים ד ו ·בבא מציעא ד פרק ה ·בבא קמא א פרקים א ב ·בבא קמא ב פרקים ג ד ה ·בבא קמא ג פרקים ו ז ·גיטין א פרקים א ב ·גיטין ב פרקים ג ד שו"ת הרי"ף שו"ת הרשב"ש זכרון יהודה שו"ת ריב"ש שו"ת התשב"ץ שו"ת הרשב"א $40 2-volume set reg. price: $49 $88 4-volume set reg. price: $108 $108 5-volume set reg. price: $134 $22 per volume reg. price: $27 3 שלחן ערוך מהדורת פריעדמאן Machon Yerushalayim & Machon Morashah LeHanchil are proud to present the greatest Torah research project in recent history, which fulfills the dream of many generations, who yearned for a new and corrected printing of the שלחן ערוך. The volumes of the Shulchan Aruch - Friedman Edition were edited anew and printed based on manuscripts and earlier printings. Thousands of errors and misprints were corrected, many passages which had been deleted were restored, abbreviations were spelled out fully, all sources were cited, tens of additional commentaries were printed from manuscripts, and many other improvements were incorporated in this monumental work of scholarship. The twenty nine volumes which have been published so far, eight on Orach Chaim, eight on Yoreh Deah, ten on Choshen Mishpat and three volumes of Even Ha’Ezer, represent a vision which has become a reality, providing a beautiful and easy to use edition of these timeless texts. The remaining volumes are in advanced stages of editing and preparation for the completion of the set of the The Shulchan Aruch Friedman Edition. חושן משפט שנח-ט סי' רצא תכז-י סי' שנט אבן העזר כה-א סי' א סה-ב סי' כו קיח-ג סי' סו 4 כז-א סי' א נו-ב סי' כח עד-ג סי' נז צו-ד סי' עה קלב-ה סי' צז קפח-ו סי' קלג רמ-ז סי' קפט רצ-ח סי' רמא } יורה דעה אורח חיים כח-א סי' א נז-א סי' א ס-ב סי' כט קמט-ב סי' נח פו-ג סי' סא רמא-ג סי' קנ קיא-ד סי' פז ש-ד סי' רמב קנח-ה סי' קיב שדמ-שא 'ה סי ew ! קפב- ה* סי' קנטN תכח-ה* סי' שמה רב-ו סי' קפג תצד-ו סי' תכט רסט-תרצז ז סי' רג-ח סי' תקפא } הלכות שבת טור ושלחן ערוך Friedman Edition Edited and arranged anew based on the first printing and subsequent manuscripts, corrections and removal of thousands of misprints, with exact notes of innumerable sources, commentaries, corrections, alternative texts, cross references, and supplementary material. $95 3-volume set reg. price: $119 $918 29-volume set Reg. price: $1,240 $36 per volume Reg. price: $45 5 מנחת חינוך בשולי המנחה נודע ביהודה השלם Rennert Edition Rennert Edition Rabbi Yechezkael Landau Beautifully endowed with thousands of corrections, additions, notes and bibliographic sources, full spelling of all abbreviations, enlightening comments, an introduction, and indexes of sources and subjects. 3-volume set מא-כרך א מצוות א קיד-כרך ב מצוות מב Handsome edited edition based on earlier printings and manuscripts, with thousands of corrections and supplementary material from the manuscripts of the author and his sons, notes and sources, an anthology of comments from later authorities and a detailed index. $57 small reg. price: $72 $82 large reg. price: $102 $62 with Avi Ezri reg. price: $78 $21 per volume reg. price: $26 $65 5-volume set reg. price: $81 Minchas Chinuch with Gilyonei Avi Ezri A unique version with the addition of the chiddushim and explanations of HaGaon HaRav Shach zt”l on the Minchas Chinuch. 6 The Minchas Chinuch in a revised and corrected edition with an all encompassing treasury of chiddushim, comments and many explanations from the achronim. ספרי מהר"ל אור זרוע Rabbeinu Yitzchak from Vienna $331 29-volume set reg. price: $414 נצח ישראל תפארת ישראל באר הגולה $32 3-volume set $32 3-volume set $32 3-volume set reg. price: $40 New revised edition based on manuscripts, including the piskei halacha of the Mahar”ach, with notes and sources, corrections, alternative texts, cross references, and supplementary material. } The series of the Maharal’s wonderful works, revised and edited based on earlier printings and manuscripts, with notes and sources, commentary and explanations, cross references to all of his works, and with introductions and indexes. reg. price: 40 reg. price: $40 נתיב התורה דרך חיים גור אריה $27 2-volume set $72 7-volume set $121 9-volume set reg. price: $34 reg. price: $90 reg. price: $151 $70 3-volume set reg. price: $87 7 חומש רבינו יהונתן רמב"ן על התורה הלכות גדולות Rabbi Yehudai Gaon A beautiful Chumash with the magnificent commentary of Rabbeinu Yehonasan Eibeshitz, appearing for the first time, culled from tens of his seforim and manuscripts, published with notes and sources. Newly revised edition corrected according to the Venetian edition 1548 and manuscripts with notes and cross references, introduction and an index with explanations and notes from Gedolei Yisrael on the author. $59 5-volume set reg. price: $73 $22 reg. price: $28 ספר התרומות Rabbi Azaryiah Figo With the Commentary Gedulei Trumah New revised edition based on earlier printings and manuscripts, with comments and explanations, alternative texts, notes and sources, an introduction and index. $45 2-volume set reg. price: $56 8 Redacted based on earlier printings with corrections and variant readings, supplemented by passages from all of the writings of the Ramban, notes and sources. Published with the great commentaries on the Ramban’s work, led by the renowned Techeles Mordechai of HaRav Jaffe, edited based on manuscripts and earlier printings, with sources, glosses and explanations. $83 5-volume set reg. price: $104 ספרי מהרי"ל Rabbi Yakov Molin The works of Rabbeinu HaMaharil, the father of the customs of Ashkenazy Jewry, comprising his works: Sefer HaMinhagim, on Jewish customs, as well as his T’shuvos and T’shuvos Chadashos. $37 3-volume set reg. price: $45 זכר יצחק Rabbi Yitzchok Yakov Rabinovitz Questions and answers, chiddushim and explanations on Shas from the Gaon Reb Itzele from Ponevezh, published from his manuscripts and other sources with cross references and index. $15 reg. price: $18 מור וקציעה ספרי ר' יצחק אלחנן Rabbi Yitzchok Elchonon Spector All the seforim of the Av Beit Din of Kovno, now published with notes, comments, a detailed index, in addition to a volume of never before published t’shuvos, and an in depth biographical introduction of the leading Posek of his generation, Rav Yitzchok Elchanon Spector. $202 11-volume set $22 reg. price: $28 Rabbi Yitzchak Nunish Bilmonti Revised corrected edition of this famous work on the Rambam, with thousands of corrections, sources and notes, comments and glosses from Gedolei Yisrael, with an introduction and index. $29 2-volume set reg. price: $37 reg. price: $253 עין יצחק באר יצחק עין יצחק תנינא $39 2-volume set reg. price: $49 $39 2-volume set reg. price: $49 $34 2-volume set reg. price: $43 Rabbi Yakov Emdin Chiddushim and explanations on the Tur and Bais Yosef on Chelek Orach Chaim, published with additions and suppplementary material from the author with sources and notes from Gedolei Yisrael and an introduction. שער המלך נחל יצחק תשובות ר"י אלחנן $68 4-volume set reg. price: $86 $16 reg. price: $20 פני שלמה Rabbi Shlomo Gantzfried Chiddushim and commentary on the Talmud by the great gaon, the author of the “Kitzur Shulchan Aruch,” appears largely for the first time from manuscripts with notes and sources, comments and a broad introduction. $67 5-volume set reg. price: $84 9 with 5,250 Version 11.0 has arrived, e program. new titles as well as improvements to th | | Israel: ++972-2-5866078 | USA: 917-538-0812 Otzar HaHochma is the world's largest digital library of Jewish books. The repository contains over 59,000 scanned books, appearing on the screen in their original format, encompassing all realms of Torah and Judaism. The sophisticated search engine provides maximum utility. Every $50 spent entitles you to one raffle entry!!! First Prize Raffle Entry Name: Address: Phone: Mobile: Otzar HaChochma including sifrei Machon Yerushalayim Second Prize The most complete and all encompassing ing collection of commentaries on the Talmud. lmud Date and place of purchase (include stamp): Third Prize 18 Otzar Meforshei HaTalmud Email: volume set The Minchas Chinuch Amount of purchase: To enter raffle please submit this form either to your place of purchase of by: Mail: Machon Yerushalayim P.O.B. 43295, Jerusalem, 91431 Israel Fax: 972-3-677-2291 (24 hrs.) Email: 11 Feb. 3rd- March 5th 2013 כ“ג אדר תשע“ג- כ“ג שבט At Your Local Judaica Bookstore: Boro Park Z. Berman Books 4602 17th Ave Greenfeld’s Seforim 1366 39th St Miller’s 1359 39th St Moznaim 4304 12th Ave Biegeleizen 4409 16th Ave Shira 4116 16th Ave Judaica Corner 4301 13 Ave Eichler’s 5004 13 Ave th Williamsburg Talpiyot Seforim 684 Bedford Ave Yofi Book Publishing Inc 544 Park Ave Weinstocks 650 Bedford Ave Beis Hasefer Seforim Store 75 Lee Ave Rubinfeld Seforim 269 Marcy Ave Lee Ave. Seforim (Einhorns) 114 Lee Ave Beth Hasefer Bookstore 75 Lee Ave. th Flatbush Im Hasefer – Levitz 1188 E.18th St Eichler’s 1401 Coney Island Ave Z. Berman Books 1586 Coney Island Ave C&S Hecht Bookstore 1265 Coney I. Ave Heichal Haseforim 1122 Ave. J Judaica Place 1917 Ave. M Makor Haseforim 1973 Coney I. Ave. Tehilat Yitzchak Ltd. 551 Kingstone Hwy Crown Heights Judaica World 329 Kingston Ave. Queens Judaica and Stam (Safra) 64-69 Main St. Gift World 72-20 Main Street Five Towns Z. Berman Books 408 Central Ave Ki Tov Gift Shop 1847 Mott Ave. West Side West Side Judaica 2412 Broadway Riverdale Riverdale Hebrew Books 3706 Riverdale Ave Kiryas Yoel Kiryas Yoel Seforim Gesheft 15 Garfield Rd Monsey Merkaz -Shoppers Haven Mall 2427- Orchard Bais Hasforim 58 Rt. 59 Tuvia’s 421 Rt. 59 Menorah Judaica 19 Stern Street, New Square Lakewood Tora Treasures 254 2nd St Judaica Plaza 1700 Madison Ave Z. Berman Books 118 Hillside Blvd Z. Berman Books 219 Squankum Rd Z. Berman Books 916 River Ave Teaneck Zoldan’s Judaica Center 412 Cedar Lane Passiac Z. Berman Books 119 Main Ave Baltimore Shabsi’s Judaica Center 6830 A Reistertown Rd Miami Torah Treasures 524 41St. Street Cleveland Heights Jacob’s Judaic Book & Gift 1873 South Taylor Rd Oak Park, MI Borenstein Book Store 25242 Greenfield Southfield, MI Spitzer’s Hebrew Bookstore 21790 W. 11 Mile Rd. Los Angeles Brenco Judaica 8815 West Pico Blvd To order: Hafotzat Hasefer Tel: (718) 942-9152 Tel: 972-3-676-5382 (Israel) Fax: 972-3-677-2291 (24 hrs.) Email: WWW.TORABOOKS.COM For dedication opportunities or to sponsor a project, please contact: Machon Yerushalayim P.O.B. 43295, Jerusalem, 91431 IL Tel: 972-2-651-0627 Email: