Case Study - RO Writer
Case Study - RO Writer
Products in the Field Automotive Inventory Tracking Seminole Diesel Service in West Texas was opening a new facility and was faced with the task of trackinga large volume of inventory for their maintenance & repair of diesel trucks as well as over-the-counter sales. Optimizing your inventory with the right information, less inventory and higher coverage for parts sales is critical to manage. It was necessary to put procedures in place to eliminate loss and maintain inventory control. That is when Shopprofit, A Total Solutions Provider, combined the ROWriter software with the AML M5900i Industrial Portable Handheld to scan product bar codes, track inventory, print bar code labels and count stock quantities. The software also enables a comprehensive audit trail of individual parts, stock and non-stock sales history at a glance reporting, automatic re-ordering of inventory parts and receiving them with the click of a button. Shop Profit has as its primary mission to help shop owners in solving their day-to-day management and workflow related problems by providing management and marketing which include R.O. Writerâ„¢ Shop Management Software and The Back Office Software. About AML M5900 R.O. Writer® Shop Management Software M5900i Industrial Portable Handheld Now that their inventory is being managed by utilizing ROWriter Shop Management Software and the AML M5900i, their focus and time is more efficiently spent on the other facets of day-to-day operations allowing for more growth and profitability. Contact AML at 800.648.4452 or email to learn more. AML - 2190 Regal Parkway, Euless, Texas 76040 With big business functionality at a small business price, the AML M5900 portable data terminal can help streamline and improve your business operations, while keeping IT costs low - no matter the size of your business. 800.648.4452