Z Club of San Diego Est. 1991 JUNE 2013 Vol. 22 No. 6 Yahoo Group: http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/zcsd/ Facebook: group and page “Z Club San Diego” (ZCSD) Serving the County of San Diego since 1991 NEXT GENERAL MEETING IS JUNE 4TH AT DENNY’S in the Clairemont Square Shopping Center (See Page 2) ZCSD 22nd Anniversary Picnic and Car Show SEZ THE PREZ THE PREZ SAYZ May started off with our General Meeting and even though the guest speaker from the Fabric Shop, good reports about the West Coast National Z Car Convention. We had ten members attend the Convention, won a top place in the car show. ZCSD OFFICERS BOARD MEMBERS: President WALLY COOK Wallace@captscook.com Vice President DAVID GONZALEZ Davidgonzalezmen@yahoo.com Secretary Patty COOK Patty@captscook.com Treasurer MICHAEL MONTAG mtmontag66@cox.net COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Membership CLIF YAUSSI (619) 401-0680 Clifyaussi@sbcglobal.net Events Coordinator Wally Cook Wallace@captscook.com Newsletter Editor DAVID GONZALEZ Datsun260zt@gmail.com Newsletter Production Our event for May was our annual Picnic which was held at Santee Lakes. There were close to 30 cars, and 14 were entered into the car show, run by Sheri, and we had 5 categories. The hamburgers, hot dogs, and bratwurst were great and barbequed by Lenny. This was a great turn out and a lot of fun for everyone. The June general meeting will be this June 4th, at Denny’s in the Clairemont Square. Arrive about 6PM and park in back in the Z club parking lot. Meeting will start at 7PM upstairs. The event for June is a nice drive up to Idyllwild, lunch in the park or at a restaurant, then a good drive home. This is your Club. Drive your car, bring a friend, and enjoy the fun. Your Prez – Wally Cook Established in 1991 by the owner of Z -Whizz. The Z Car CLUB OF SAN DIEGO is a group of Datsun and Nissan Z enthusiasts and a Charter Member of the National Z Car Club Association. Purpose: The Club is organized as a California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation formed to:1) Provide its members with access to knowledge about their Z Cars; 2) Provide a forum for members and other interested parties; 3) Exchange Z Car information; 4) Organize events and activities for members which enhance their enjoyment of Z car ownership. Persons interested in becoming a Member should fill out the Membership Form located on the last page of this Newsletter. Monthly Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month with dinner at 6 PM and meeting starting at 7 PM. See below for driving directions. Contact an Officer: See the list of Officers on the left side of this Newsletter. Any Officer will respond to your Email. Club Mailing Address: Z Club of San Diego P.O. Box 710886 Santee, CA 92072 SHERI ARNOTH Webmaster RICH SCHARF Rich.scharf@att.net Member at Large LISA FOSTER Track Coordinator DENNIS DARNALL zcardennis@gmail.com Club “Store” MICHELE RUPPERT CheleyRup@gmail.com Convention Chairman Lenny Arnoth Lennynsheri@cox.net Our monthly meeting place: DENNY’S 4280 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92117 Driving directions: From 52, take the Genesee exit south to Clairemont Mesa, go west just past Clairemont Drive, and it’s on the right From 5, go to Clairemont Dr and go east a couple miles ‘til you get to the Clairemont Square Center. Turn right on Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Then look for the Denny’s. on your left. We park in back of Denny’s ZCSD EVENTS for 2013 *January 19th – ZCSD Campo Train Museum *February 23rd – ZCSD Fire Memories Museum * March 23rd– Anza Borrego * April 26th – 28th – Motorsport Z-Car West Coast Nationals in Orange CA * May 19th – ZCSD Annual Picnic at Santee Lakes * June 8th – ZCSD Idyllwild Drive & Lunch * June 21st,,22nd, 23rd - ZCSD Hearst Castle * July 27th – ZCSD Drive-In Movie Night – Sheri * August 24th – ZCSD Beach Party at Crown Point in Mission Bay * September – ZCSD Support & Attend: • Japanese Classic Car Show at the Queen Mary, Long Beach • Coronado Speed Festival * October 5th – ZCSD DYNO Day and B-B-Q * November 9th – ZCSD Ramona Valley Wine Drive *December 14th – ZCSD Holiday Party Other Events: * April 8th – 10th Bottom Buster Motor Tour * August 3rd – 9th ZCON, Nashua, New Hampshire * October 12th – Empire Z’s Annual Car Show * November TBD – ZCCIV Annual Car Show * Jay Leno’s Garage (Big Dog Garage) – will try to coordinate a visit with some of our clubs contacts. Go to WWW.ZCSD.ORG for a list of our Clubs Sponsors Your Board in Action The Board of Directors meeting was held on May 21st 2013. Topics of discussion included; the Motorsport Z-Car West Coast Nationals in Orange and the car show on April 28th, the Annual Picnic on May 19th, June’s Idyllwild Drive and July’s Drive-In Movie Night (Wolverine), the use of the new club logo and 2014 Convention planning. The Hearst Castle trip has been canceled due to a hotel scheduling conflict. We won’t try to reschedule it until after the 2014 Convention. Don’t forget the next General Meeting: June 4th at Denny’s (Dinner at 6, meeting at 7). 18th Annual Muckenthaler Motor Car Festival The oldest and grandest car show in North Orange County hosts Hot Rods and a Concours D’Elegance with the true classics of the automotive industry spread out over eight acres of lawns. This awesome event took place on May 19,2013. Our friend and fellow ZCSD member Michael Grassi had his awesome 1983 white 280ZX on exhibit and took 3rd Place in the Special Interest Category. Congratulations Michael !!! One more award for your collection. ZCSD STORE CLIF’S MEMBERSHIP OUR CLUB FUNCTIONS BEST WHEN MEMBERS ARE ACTIVE AND ENVOLVED. WE HOPE WE CAN COUNT ON YOU TO JOIN WITH US IN 2013. Hurry up and Renew your Membership Total Members: 117 We want to welcome back a past member who has renewed for 2013, Jack Hill. He drives a yellow 1971 240Z Which Z car is the most popular in ZCSD? Z Car Model # of cars 240Z 260Z 24 280Z 2 280ZX 9 300ZX-Z31 11 6 JUNE BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday! Walt Bradfield 06/02 Diane Pickelsimer 06/03 Dan Williams 06/03 Dee Valle 06/06 Nick Fulton 06/07 Glenn Zuiderweg 06/10 Michele Rupert 06/10 Sharon Anderberg 06/14 Brian Alexander 06/19 Tom Branch 06/21 300ZX-Z32 9 350Z-Z33 14 370Z-Z34 6 Short note from your Vice- Prez and Newsletter editor Welcome to the June 2013 ZCSD Newsletter Edition. This Newsletter is the first one featuring the new clubs logo. Last month we celebrated the Club’s 22nd anniversary with our traditional Picnic/BBQ and car show. We had a great turn out with friends and family and fellow Z car enthusiast from other Z car clubs like ZCCIV and Group Z. For this general meeting Rich Sharf will have a presentation on the Z car History. The run for this month is the Idyllwild Run organized by Lenny and Sherry Arnoth , also Empire Z is having their traditional Bear Mountain Run more details on www.empirez.com. Our sister club ZCCIV is having some interesting runs and museums visits. We have a page of their activities here courtesy our friend and ZCCIV Prez, Pat Connolly. A new event : Nissan Jam will be held on June 16, sponsor by Connell Nissan of Costa Mesa. Hope to see you all at the General Meeting, David NEW CLUB LOGO Want to take this opportunity to present to you our New Club Logo and to thank Dennis Darnall for his efforts and hard work in coordinating this great effort. This initiative began from the need to find a way to create new club’s merchandize for us and for the 2014 ZCON at a reasonable price. We love the “Vintage” logo but the price of reproduction is too high because it very high stich count and difficulty to reproduce in other merchandize like hats, bags, Tshirts, stickers, etc. A basic version is going to be use for the letterhead in all written communications. May ZCSD General Meeting Z Cars at the General Meeting Z CARS WILL MAKE AWESOME BATMOBILES Great group of people Anniversary Picnic & BBQ ZCSD 22nd Anniversary Picnic and BBQ at Santee Lakes , great weather, friends, family and cars. Thanks to all that came to the Picnic and brought their beautiful cars and delicious food to share. The car show was fun and difficult to judge with so many awesome cars from stock to modified. All Z car models and an awesome Datsun 510 were on display. Thanks to Sherry Arnoth for organizing this event and Lenny Arnoth for making the car show plaques and doing all the grilling. Winners Circle Jack Terry Andrew Devin Clif I present to you the ZCSD 22nd Anniversary car show winners : Jack Hill got best modified in his son , Sebastian 1971 Datsun 510 Tammy got best paint with her 280zx Turbo Devin got best of show ,best engine compartment with his 370Z (also won the 50/50) Andrew got best interior with his 350Z Roadster Clif won best daily driver in his 300ZX Roadster Cars show winner beauties Sebastian’s Datsun 510 : Best Modified Terry‘s 280zx Turbo: Best Paint Devin’s 370Z: Best Engine Bay and Best of Show ( also won the 50/50 Drawing) Andrew’s 350Z Roadster : Best interior Clif’s 300ZX Roadster : Best Daily Driver Palomar run with Randy Rodriguez and George Notaras ,aka, Motoman. 20 370z's made the run to Palomar Mountain. Some came from Orange County, some from ZCSD, all had a picture perfect driving experience, the weather was outstanding! a 100 miles of Palomar and Julian back country roads. I can tell you it was a pretty sight, 20 370's snaking through the twisties and the best part NO MOTOR HOMES OR MINI VANS to slow us down, hard to believe considering it was Memorial Day weekend. On the rare occasion when a pedestrian car would be in the way, they pulled over to let us drive!! We ruffled the feathers of one ornery, jealous, Park ranger when we took over the "empty" parking lot at the Palomar summit.. Heading back to San Diego cause Randy had planned a BBQ for the group. though the group was way bigger than he anticipated no one went away hungry. Thanks Randy we all had a great time... News Update from ZCCIV Saturday the 1st of June, our club will meet a the Cars & Coffee in Temecula. Hours: 7:00-9:00 AM located at the Cosi Restaurant parking lot behind Costco on Promenade Way. Just look/ listen/ follow the Ferrari's, Lambo’s, Porches, Corvettes ,and Z cars After coffee , for those interested, we may travel to the Motte Historical Museum, located at 28380 Highway 74, Menifee (info@mottemuseum.com) Our monthly meeting place has relocated to: Casa Jimenez 40535 California Oaks Rd Murrieta 92562 (951) 677-4579 Due to the closing of Carrow’s this May 31st . Meeting date and time remain the same, 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM Sunday June 9th , Empire Z will host a Big Bear run, for more information check their web site. www.empirez.com Sunday June 30, ZCCIV will host a club run to quality West Wing & Uncle Bud’s Car Museum (www.unclebuds.org) in Corona. We will meet at the Arco gas station, Nichols Road exit, I-15, North of Lake Elsinore at 12:00 (noon) Uncle Bud’s 1700 W. 6th St Corona, CA 92882 Will like to have a club RSVP count by June 17: connollybp@aol.com gmahopea@aol.com Prez Pat :) ZCCIV at Cars and “Cosi” , Cosi Restaurant parking lot in Temecula Z 4 Zale This awesome sleeper 280 Z 2+2 belongs tour friend Juan Chavez, RB 25 Turbo engine swap, Carbon fiber hood and lots of upgrades. For more information please contact Juan at (323) 839-0957 or email:zmaniac77@gmail.com
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