1968 triumph tr25w 250cc
1968 triumph tr25w 250cc
REPLACEMENT PARTS CATALOGUE THEtrW asE TR25W 25 0 c.c. (15 cu. ins.) www.bsaunitsingles.com =\ I I I REPI.ACEMENT PARTS CATALOGUE TROPHY 250 TR.25.W. g$otot C tle <tv *,ct,otet {t, rtcc, n, r::..cetlc Ul4ein czdgcnl 1ijt,.*Qr's,(. & HAWTHORNE WORKS, FAf(K STRItl , TTJAHr OXFORDSHIR$ Trlrphonc: IHA|,IE 271 TRIUMPH ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMTTED MERIDEN WORKS ALLESLEY COVENTRY ENGLAND TELEPHONE I.IERIDEN I31 TELEGRAMS ..TRUSTY, COVENTRY'' REF. No. trC6 PWI.ISHED MAECH 1968 www.bsaunitsingles.com TRIUMPH GUARANTEE 1. ln this Guarantee the word "machine" refers to the motor cycle, scooter, motor cycle combination or sidecar as the case may be, purchased by the Purchaser. 2. ln order to obtain the benefit of this Guarantee, the Purchaser must have correctly completed the registration form and returned it to us within fourteen days of the purchase 3. We will supply, free of charge, a new part in exchange for, or, if we consider repair sufticient, will repair tree of charge any part prove.d within six months of the date of purchase of any new machine, (three months overseas) or within three months of its renewal or repaii in the case of a part already renewed or repaired, to be defective by reason of our faulty workmanship or materials. 'We do not undertake to bear the cost of fitting such new or repaired pait or accessory. 4. Any part considered to be defective must be sent to our Works, carriage paid, accompanied by the i nformatioHName of purchaser and his address; (b) Date of purchase of machine; (.) Name of dealer from whom the purchase was made; followi ng (d) Engine number and model. 5. This Guarantee shall not extend to defects or damage appearing after misuse, neglect, abnormal stress or strain, or the incorporation or affixing of unsuitable attachments or parts and ii particular:- (") Hiring out; (.) Racing and Competitions; A.daptation or alteration of any part or parts after leaving our Works; The attaching of a sidecar in a manner not approved by-us or to an unsuitable (b) (d) This Guarantee shall machines whose trade mark, name or manufacturing number has ""I:i:J#:'i been altered or removed, or in which has been used any part not supplied or approved- by us, or to tyres, saddles, ch.ains, speedometers,_revolution counters and electrical'6quipmend br to the order of the Purchaser and different from our standard specification. to parts supplied 6. Ou.r liability and.that of our dealer who sells the machine, shall be limited to that set out in this guarantee, and not other claims including.claims for. consequential damage or injury to person or prop-erty, shall be admissable. All other coiditions and warranties statutor:y or othelwise'and whetfier express or implied .are hereby excluded and no guarantee other than that expressly herein contained aiplies to the machine to which this Guarantee relates or any accessory or part thereof. 7. We reserve the right to modify or deviate from the Published Specification without notice. THE FITTING OF ANY COMPONENTS WHICH ARE NOT APPROVED BY THE MANUFACTURER INVALIDATES THE GUARANTEE REPAIRS GUARANTEE 1' Whilst-the highest standard of workmanship. and- materials is aimed at, we cannot accept liability for any defects appearing more than three months after the machine, assembly or component has lefi our Works after being repaired. 2. We.will repair or re.place.at our option free of charge any.defective work, materials or parts relating repairs carried out by us appearing within thaitime but shall nor be under any furiher or othei !9.tlt. liability for any other loss or damage whether direct or consequential and our liability shall be limited to the cost of so making good. We do not undertake to bear the cost of fitting any replacement or repaired part. 3. We do not accept liability in respect of parts of proprietary manufacture, e.g. tyres, saddles, chains, speedometers, revolution counters and electrical equipment which may be uied'by us in effecting a repair. All other conditions and warranties statutory or otherwise express or implied aie hereby excludEd. www.bsaunitsingles.com r TROPHY 250 TECHNICAL DATA 67 x 70 mm. Bore and stroke 249 c.c. Capacity 10:1 Compression ratio Champion N3 Sparking plug Amal Concentric .928 Carburettor Choke size 28 mm. Main jet Needle jet .106 Need le Th 170 Stan d No. rottle valve ard 3 5 teeth Gearbox sprocket 1 Final Drive Sprocket 52 teeth Chains F $ in.x $ in. Duplex x 70 links j in. x 1f in. x 100 links ront Rear Capacities Fuel tank Oil tank Gearbox ... Primary chaincase Front forks (each leg) Brakes Front and rear diameter Tyre size F 3.916 galls. U.S. 6 pints { pint f, pint j pint 7 in. x 1j in. 3.25 x 18 ront 4.00 x 18 Rear www.bsaunitsingles.com INDEX Poge AIR FILTER ALTERNATOR BATTERY CARRIER CARBURETOR CARTON PACKS CHAINGUARD 47 15,43 Poge HANDLEBARS 39 HORN 41 MUFFLER 27 OIL PUMP 13 OIL TANK 77 PILLION FOOTRESTS 29 23 47 7 2s PISTON CHAINS PROP STAND 25 REAR PANELS 27 REAR WHEEL 35 RECTIFIER 4t 13 SPARK PLUGS 11 29 SPEEDOMETER 41 STEERING RACES 31 SUSPENSION UNITS 75 CLI-,'TCH 21 cotL 41 CONTACT BREAKER 43 CONTROL CABLES 39 CONTROL LEVERS 39 CRANKCASE CRANKSHAFT CYLINDER HEAD EXHAUST PIPES 27 FENDERS 37 FOOTRESTS 29 FRONT FORKS 31 FRONT WHEEL 33 GAS TANK GASKET SETS GEARBOX 9 21,35 39 swlTcHEs 41, 13 TIMING GEARS 19 TOOLKIT 45 TWINSEAT 39 VALVES 11 WIRING HARNESS 41 ZENER DIODE 43 7 17,19 www.bsaunitsingles.com I I i ILLUSTRATION INDEX Poge No Fig. No. 8&10 1 CYLINDER AND CRANKSHAFT 2 CRANKCASE 17 &14 3 GEAR CLUSTER 16 & 18 4 CLUTCH 5 FRAME COMPLETE 6 SWINGING ARM 7 OIL-TANK, PANELS AND EXHAUST 8 FOOTRESTS 9 TELESCOPIC FRO NT FORK 30 10 FRONT WHEEL 32 11 REAR WHEEL 34 12 FENDERS 36 13 GAS TANK, 14 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 15 TOOL KIT 44 16 CARBURETTOR 46 20 72 74 26 SYSTEM 28 AND BRAKE LINKAGE 38 TWIN SEAT AND HANDLEBARS www.bsaunitsingles.com ,10 & 42 TRIUMPH SPARES HOYY TO ORDER. Every part is indicated by a number, and this should be quoted totether with the description.. ln order to assist customers, dimensions have been given in many cises wheie parts are similar. Partswherepossiblehavebeenlistedinorderofassemblyandinumberoftheillustrationsihowthe assembly order also. With these aids, there should be no difficulty in identifying the parts you require. ALWAYS HEAD YOUR ORDER WITH THE ENGINE NUMBER, STAMPED ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ENGINE JUST BELOW THE CYLINDER, TOGETHER WITH THE PREFIX LETTERS. \ffHERE TO OBTAIN. Triumph Spare Parts can only be obtained from an authorised Triumph Dealer, and we recommend our customers to place their ordeis with the Triumph Dealer in their distrii:t. When parts not usually asked for are required, ind for which the Dealer may have io write or obtain specially, the postage or carriage incurred becomes payable. Customers are warned. against th-e risk incurred by purchasing parts that are not of genuine Triumph manufacture. This risk is eliminated if parts are ordered is instrucied from recognised Deilers. PROPRIETARY G ROUP . Ancill-ary equipme.nt which is fitted to our motor cycles is of the highest quality and is guaranteed by the manufacturers and not by ourselves. Any repairs or claims should-be diiected to rhe-actual makert or their local agents-who will always give owners every possible assistance. The following are the addresses of the various manufacturers:- CARBURETTORS. The Avon lndia Rubber Co. Ltd., Messrs. Amal Ltd., Melksham, Holdford Wilts, Road, Witton, Birmingham, 6 SPARKING PLUGS. Champion Sparking Plug Co. Ltd., CHAINS. Fe lt ham, Reynold Chains Ltd., Wythenshawe, Middlesex. Manchester. SPEEDOMETERS. Messrs. Smiths lndustries Ltd., Cricklewood Works, London, N.W.2. ELECTRICAL EAUIPMENT. Messrs. J. Lucas Ltd., Gt. Hampton Street. Birmingham, 18. TYRES. Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., Fort Dunlop, SUSPENSION UNITS. Messrs. Girling Ltd., Birmingham Road, West Bromwich, Staffordshi re. Birmingham, 24 www.bsaunitsingles.com HOW TO USE THIS PARTS CATALOGUE First check that the engine number of your machine is subsequent to that guoted on the title page. Page 0 for the parts or group of parts which you w.ish to locate. When slure from the end columns that the Part you have located does apply to parts make the you have located your machine. Next consult the index on List the quantities required as single units; do not ask for "2 pairs" or "3 dozen". Items marked "reference only" are not available from the factory. ln case of painted items always state the colour. Painted parts are available only in the colours specified for that model of that particular year. Model Colour TR25W Hi-Fi Scarlet N.B. Hi-Fi Scarlet is a flamboyant finish applied over Gold Paint is available only in Aerosol containers. PLEASE NOTE THROUGHOUT TH]S LIST, ASSEMBLIES ARE PRINTED IN CAPITALS AND THE COMPONENTS INCLUDED IN THAT ASSEMBLY ARE INDENTED IN THE DESCRIPTION COLUMN, REVERTING TO THE ORIGINAL ALIGNMENT WHEN THE ASSEMBLY IS COMPLETE. TO ORDER THE COMPLETE ASSEMBLY IT IS NECESSARY ONLY TO QUOTE THE ASSEMBLY NUMBER. ANY COMPONENT PARTS LISTED MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED SEPARATELY IF REQUIRED. SPECIAL WORKSHOP TOOLS A COMPLETE LIST OF WORKSHOP TOOLS CAN BE MADE AVAILABLE BY EITHER CONTACTING CASES Voun DEALER oR APPLYING DIREcT To THE TRIUMPH SERVICE DEPARTMENT. IN MOST USE' AND WORKSHOP FOR ENTIRELY MADE ARE THEY COSTLY AS THESE Tools ARE RECoMMENDED THAT THE pRlvATE owNER PURCHASES THE Tools lN rHEneronr, tr ts Noi 'ERY ONOTN TO AID SERVICING THE MACHINE ONCE OR TWICE ONLY. IN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES IT IS FAR MORE ECONOMICAL TO GET IN TOUCH WITH A RECOGNISED DEALER. UNIFIED THREAD FORM NEW PARTS HAVING THREADED FIXINGS INTRODUCED IN THIS CATALOGUE HAVE THE UNIFIED FORM OF SCREW THREADS. THIS CHANGEOVER WILL BE CONTINUED AS AND WHEN NEW PARTS ARE INTRODUCED. EVEN WHERE PARTS ARE SIMILAR IN APPEARANCE NEW PART NUMBERS WILI- SE ALLOCATED TO IDENTIFY THE UNIFIED THREADS. ALL NUTS, BOLTS AND STUDS HAVING THIS THREAD ARE IDENTIFIED BY MARKINGS. BOLTS HAVE A CIRCULAR RECESS IN THEIR HEADS' STUDS A CIRCULAR GROOVE ON THE END, AND NUTS HAVE INTERLOCKING CIRCLES ON THE SIDE. www.bsaunitsingles.com CARTON PACK LIST The following sub-assemblies are supplied in carton packs under the C.P. part number stated. The contents ofthese carton packs are preserved and will not deteriorate under adveise conditions. PISTON (complete with rings, gudgeon pin and circlips). These are in effect'carton assemblies. E7998 E8772 10:1 C.R. 10:1 C.R. E8273 '10:1 C.R. STANDARD SIZE 0.020 in. oversize 0.040 in. oversize PISTON RINGS cP 211 (Standard size) 1 E8276 1 E8782 Top Compression Ring Middle Compression Ring 1 E8779 Scraper Ring PISTON RINGS cP211120 (0.020 in. oversize) 1 E8277 1 E8283 Top Compression Ring Middle Compression Ring 1 E8280 Scraper Ring 1 1 1 E8278 E8284 Top Compression Ring Middle Compression Ring E8281 Scraper Ring PISTON RINGS cP211140 (0.040 in. oversize) OVERHAUL GASKET SET 99-0031 DECOKE GASKET SET 99-0040 www.bsaunitsingles.com pack' r 65 €) '!3 ce)- -oo u"--@)6) sgtl \ o? -42 d a 7(6 ?A:, & VO' :)1 (@l € ./ I 36 -LF @ ,r6 .ru Ofr\ :6--- 4t B R6fr 1 4 n"Y 'ft"$ N 3S 4'l N 20 Fis. 1 CYLINDER AND CRANKSHAFT www.bsaunitsingles.com Ref. No Port No. DESCRIPT'ON CYLINDER QUANIIIY AND CRANKSHAFT 1 E8031 2 88032 3 E8033 4 E8034 5 E8035 6 E8037 7 E8028 Flywheel d riveside Flywheel bolts upper (1$ in. U.H.) Flywheel bolts lower (2 in. U.H.) FLYWHEEL TIMING SIDE Flywheel screwed plug Washer Cran kshaft assy. 8 E8038 Shi m A.R. 8 E8039 Shim A.R. 9 E1 580 1 4 4 1 1 8 1 Cran kshaft pin ion key 1 10 E8144 Rotor key 1 11 E8836 17 E3705 CONNECTING ROD Connecting rod bolt 2 '13 E7977 14 E,+003 15 E6068 16 E7998 17 E8044 '18 E8047 19 E8050 70 wE203E 21 wE479 22 El 895 73 E7728 74 E8053 24 E8055 25 E7739 76 E8008 27 E81 96 1 Self-locking nut Small end bush (split) Big end bush PISTON COMPLETE Plain compression ring Taper compression ring Oil control ring Gudgeon pin 2 Circlip Cylinder barrel ... Cylinder base washer Push rod (exhaust) Push rod (inlec) .. Cam follower Cylinder barrel stud 2 Stud nut 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 ... 2 78 E821 5 Washer 2 79 E8197 CYLINDER HEAD 1 30 E8228 Stud-short (2ft 31 E8229 Stud 32 E8079 Stud-long (3fr in. O.A.) 33 E801 0 34 E8080 35 E8777 36 E8225 37 88276 Dowel Stud (2"1{ in. o.A.) Carburettor stud (1$ in. O.A.) Valve guide (inlet) Valve guide (exhaust) 38 E8081 in o.A.) 39 E8137 40 E81 36 Cylinder head gasket Carburettor stud nut Carburettor flange washer 41 E7820 Distance piece www.bsaunitsingles.com 2 2 3 2 7 2 1 1 1 7 1 1 halves r -T u"--@)6) sst" g? -i'..F 1\ qr. N 39 4'l S'e /S- ,/ -Nl/ zs) (UL - -2t Fis. 1 ^\ \ 5 CYLINDER AND CRANKSHAFT www.bsaunitsingles.com !" Ref. No. Port No. DESCRIPT'ON QUANI'TY CYLINDER AND CRANKSHAFT 42 E7911 43 E7858 Rocker box Rocket box gasket 1 44 E7787 Rocker spindle 2 45 E7790 INLET ROCKER 1 46 E1483 47 E7791 46 E1 48 El 575 49 E1 50 E8952 Ball end EXHAUST ROCKER Ball end Thrust washer Th rust washer lnspection cover 51 E8085 Gasket 52 E8086 53 E8116 Screw (l{ in. U.H.) Top collar 54 E8117 Split collet 55 D911 55 E81 57 D1002 58 1 59 E8084 SPARK PLUG (N3) Washer Plug cover Lockn ut Washer 60 E7958 60 E7959 60 E7960 483 330 38 4-0403 61 E1564 62 E1577 63 64 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 7 4 halves 1 1 1 2 2 Corrugated ring... Corrugated ring... Corrugated ring A.R. A.R. A.R. lnspection Cap Washer 2 E8087 Nut 2 E8088 Washer 2 65 E8089 Nut 7 66 E8072 7 67 E8082 68 E8083 Washer Union Fibre washer E81 05 OIL FEED 2 1 1 PIPE 1 69 E81 06 Rubber connection 70 E81 07 71 E8110 Nipple Union nut 72 E8111 Clip 1 73 E8112 lnlet valve 1 74 E7777 Exhaust valve 1 75 E8113 Bottom cup 2 76 E8114 E811s Valve spring-outer Valve spring-inner 2 77 1 1 1 2 11 www.bsaunitsingles.com 71 rF> / Y@ M"rA K 1f il,,,(@l 68 65 \\7 72 m- -5 *b @ "/ rq H N lt ' i,t1t- 1'" 63 \ & 2 lii 66 1 \ t[,---: !,--[') ^s-.,'\* ;+l'-"s,," , il' .r-l 60 /61 78 W>W.o.--),u;' .ou rn 1l )xiP .>illL L I !: 57 ryg/ffi_-"& D-/ o'o" n fui}# fu'' ,w2.7 ffi,t'_ru 27 -//o ,/) FJ( /n)^ E 45 'YW,,-H a9J/ ln i r)* ,/// ll /1r r o6gw ffi-," @-::'"1 33 so da * q(e 1*@>4./1 13 a\ f9\ vw/ </ sa--@ -13:- - 15 u.--n@ €-]. (a) \=y AJ ':" 8."t9(fl -.\:-i,XJ po 35' =,--{*-eNqy'p --l) lJn !9- -35 Fig. 2 CRANKCASE 12 www.bsaunitsingles.com oo / sz 34 I Ref. No. Port No. DESCRIPT/ON QUANTITY CRANKCASE 1 E8000 7 E8006 3 E8003 4 E8025 5 1 6 E81 35 7 CRANKCASE COMPLETE Cylinder securing stud Crankcase bearing Crankcase oil seal E8007 I Cylinder securing nut Washer Crankcase stud-top (2{f in. O.A.) E8008 Crankcase 9 E81 33 Nut 10 E8088 11 E8009 Washer Dowel 17 E801 6 Cran kcase bolt 13 E801 0 Hollow dowel 14 E801 Solid dowel 15 E8012 16 E8017 4-0303 stud-rear (2j{ in. O.A.) . I 1 17 E8064 Sump stud Scavenge pipe complete Sump cover 18 E8070 Gasket 19 E8072 Plain washer 20 E8071 Nut 71 E801 3 22 E8127 Oil union stud (1{ in. O.A.) Oil pipes and union block 'O' ring 32 23 E81 24 E81 33 25 E81 76 E8090 34 Union nut Washer OIL PUMP COMPLETE 27 E8092 Spindle housing 28 E8093 Spind le 79 E8094 Spindle gear 30 E8095 31 E8096 32 E8097 gear-driven Scavenge gear-driving Scavenge gear-d riven 33 E8098 Driven gear spindle 34 E8099 35 E81 36 E8071 37 F9041 Spindle gear nut Spindle gear washer 38 E81 03 Gasket 39 E8A71 Holding nut 40 E8104 41 E8004 00 Feed Bottom plate Screw Washer Camshaft bush 42 E8059 Camshaft 43 E8060 Camshaft pinion (;//'.:' ,it C;.,clc dir --,, *if {l;;, isdfg l,tl.taitr *ttgcnt \C,,&,,;.8. #r "i"i' ,:'r""fq llA\,"\/TH(JRi.L tt()Rl(5. fARK 5!"i{ t'i" T}"{nfrlf tolcphonc: TTIAME 2:rl -1g ()XFt)trDSHIRi. : www.bsaunitsingles.com pd K 68 78 ,.dvi' -52 41 az ,,43 l \e -36 s1-,, ffi-," '&_,, "$#t 55 56 5t da 54- v g\> u.-@ F,,} \2o Fig. 2 CRANKCASE 14 www.bsaunitsingles.com Ref. No. Port No. DESCRIPT'ON QUANT'TY CRANKCASE ;45 E8051 Woodruff key E8041 46 E8040 Drive gear Crankshaft pinion 47 E8043 Lockwasher 44 48 E8042 Nut 49 E81 23 50 E8121 Pressure release valve plug Plug washer 51 E81 57 E8122 53 T2696 54 T2697 'O' ring 55 E8179 56 E81 73 57 E81 58 E81 81 Chain oiler Rubber pipe Fibre washer Bolt (1j in. U.H.) 59 E81 50 20 80 Spring Ball Gearbox drain plug 1 1 1 Generator lead grommet 1 E3789 Oil seal housing 1 48 61 E3832 Gasket 1 62 E3833 Oil 1 63 E3821 Screw 64 E8140 Distance plece Distance piece Distance piece seal 6 A.R. 64 E8141 64 E8147 65 E81 66 E8144 67 E81 43 68 E7779 68 E7778 68 E8026 69 T2695 70 E8071 Generator stud-rear (2ii in.) Generator stud-front (2if in.) Generator stud-bottom Dipstick Nyloc nut 71 E8077 Washer 3 72 99-0739 Rotor 1 73 E8224 Lockwasher 1 74 E8146 75 E8174 Nut Non-return valve spri ng 76 E81 77 E8126 78 E7885 79 E81 80 E8288 81 E8022 82 T948 39 25 59 A.R. A.R. Engine sprocket (23T) 1 Chain tensioner Distance piece 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 Valve ball Valve screw Sealing plug Washer Stud (21f in. O.A.) Dowel 'O' Ring for dipstick I 1 1 1 2 2 1 15 www.bsaunitsingles.com K ffi T ) <-q^l ./"" ,53,,'s+ /q'?-- /)\ru82 f o-," 7a ^/t oK^,1 'l 84 69 i"'/,^ ,A'iL lq o@ P \ 62 59 Fis. 3 GEAR CLUSTER 16 www.bsaunitsingles.com I 2V z6 77 { Ref. No. Port No. DESCR/PflON QUANrln/ GEAR CLUSTER 6 T2680 7 T2673 Mainshaft complete with bush HIGH GEAR (22T) High gear bush Mainshaft oil seal Mainshaft bearing Thrust washer Thrust washer Thrust washer Mainshaft second gear (21T) 8 r2664 I I Spacer T2665 12666 Spacer 9 r2662 10 T2663 11 E81 51 12 E81 1 T2661 2 T2676 T2753 3 4 E801 5 5 6 4 T2678 T2679 6 E801 52 13 T2677 14 T2685 15 T2686 16 T2667 17 T2671 17 T2672 18 E8005 19 24 T2668 T2669 T7674 T2675 T2752 T2670 25 T2733 26 T1 391 20 21 22 23 1 1 2 1 1 A.R. A.R. A.R. 1 A.R. A.R. Spacer Mainshaft third gear (24T) Mainshaft Iow gear (16T) Mainshaft bearing Bearing circlip Felt washer Lockwasher Mainshaft n ut Layshaft and high gear (14T) Thrust washer Thrust washer Layshaft bearing ... Layshaft second gear (22T) Layshaft circlip Layshaft third gear (19T) LAYSHAFT LOW GEAR COMPLETE (27T) Low gear bush A. R. 1 Spacing shim Clutch push rod Push rod bush Clutch lever complete 77 T2750 28 T2699 29 T2700 Clutch operating rack Clutch operating pinion 30 E801 9 Thrust ball 31 T2765 31 T2701 31 Gearbox sprocket (15T) Gearbox sprocket (16T) Gearbox sprocket (17T) Alternative Alternative 34 T2766 T2702 T1434 T1164 Gear change pedal 1 35 r2450 Pedal rubber 1 36 T2703 Pedal bolt 32 33 Lockwasher 1 Nut 1 (j{ in. U.H.) 1 17 www.bsaunitsingles.com _--1 ffi 34 ,( .R82 @-zs 78 t/ -K^,1 i"'{,^ 'ro 93 / /," {'* /q ot@ .e6 wW 95 www.bsaunitsingles.com i ,L 2V 76 -rz { Ref. No. Port No. DESCR/PTlON QUANIIIY GEAR CLUSTER 37 T2692 T2693 38 39 T1277 T7107 40 r2435 r2106 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 T210s T1109 T7689 T2659 T2588 GEARCHANGE QUADRANT COM PLETE Spring rivet Keeper plate 2 1 Screw 1 Spring Pl u nger 2 7 Return spring Selector fork 1 2 Anchor bolt 1 1 T2690 Cam plate 1 T1 069 Camplate spindle lndex spring 1 T7691 T1749 T1076 T'1180 E81 50 54 E3172 1 Spring backing 1 Screw 2 Lockplate 1 Camshaft 1 P.g Camshaft oil seal Crankshaft T/S oil seal 55 E81 53 56 57 E81 E8157 Oil seal circlip 5B E8'155 59 60 Cable grommet KICKS1ART CRAN K 54 63 T2763 T2774 T2330 T1169 T1167 64 E81 61 1 Selector spinCle 53 62 1 Gearchange quadrant 1 1 cov pLiir Kickstart folding pedal Pedal rubber ... Pivot bolt (1 in U.H.) Spring Steel ball 25 65 r2704 66 67 68 69 70 T27As T2706 Cotter pin Cotter washer Cotter nut r264.3 KICKSTART SPINDLE E8005 T2687 Needle roller Return spring 71 T2660 Anchor pin 72 Kickstart stoP 73 T2657 T2658 Circlip 74 E2681 K ic 75 E2682 T2683 Bush 1 Pin ion Spri ng 1 E8172 E8072 Contact breaker clip 1 E7919 E81 60 E8161 lnner timing cover ln ner cover screw-short lnner cover screw-bottom front OUTER TIMING COVER 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 T2684 E8232 E801 0 85 86 T2641 Kickstart oil T2647 Bush 87 E8167 88 E81 58 89 90 E81 60 E8169 E81 70 E8171 E8737 93 94 95 96 E7882 E7354 E81 6s 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Washer 84 92 1 kstart ratc h et 83 91 1 1 Dowel 1 5 2 1 2 seal 1 1 Outer cover screw Outer cover screw 1 lnner cover screw 4 3 Outer cover screw ($ in. U.H.) lnner cover screw (jf in. U.H.) Outer cover screw (2$ in. U.H.) 3 1 1 Cover 1 Gas ket Screw ({ in. U.H.) S e r rated washer 2 2 1 19 www.bsaunitsingles.com 10 \ ,,-.- @ 19 ,," \ 16 Fis. 4 CLUTCH www.bsaunitsingles.com Ref. No. Port No. DESCRIPTION QUANrtry CLUTCH 1 2 3 4 , E8231 Filler plug NE507 Fibre washer 2 E8953 Primary chaincase cover 1 E7856 Chaincase gasket 1 5 6 E8168 E8160 Cover screw Cover screw 7 F9174 E8174 lrrain nrrrDrain plug E8175 Washer E801 0 Chaincase dowel I 9 2 10 D951 Primary chain (701.) 11 E8176 lgnition pointer screw ... 12 E895s lnspection cover 13 E8178 Gasket 14 E8177 Screw 15 19 T2713 T2714 T2715 T2716 T2719 20 r2720 21 Reference on ly 16 17 18 22 r2721 23 25 T2722 T2723 T2724 26 T272s 27 24 ({ in. U.H.) Clutch hub Clutch hub key ... 1 Clutch spider Sprocket and housing Roller INNER RETAINING PLATE Spring stud 1 1 25 1 4 Outer retaining plafe 1 4 Shock absorber-drive and rebound Centre I 1 T2726 Driven plate Driving plate 4 28 T2727 Spring r1144 4 29 4 30 Pressure plate 1 32 T2748 T2728 T2729 cuP Spring nut Adjuster... 1 33 F879 Lockn ut 1 34 T2730 35 T2731 36 T2732 Retaining nut Plain washer Lockwasher 31 5 4 1 1 1 21 www.bsaunitsingles.com ,41 35 ,/----'\ /-- a 0 l. r.( fu+z -@.-4a e\ \ F-o, U l_38 i cl,s N 'o-p @ Jr>a3 g,- @-44 @-ou .27 q. '33 dg g' -51 19 "(O.I^ \K?rs--1G n YreI -\rz 1s Fig. 5 FRAME COMPLETE 11 LL www.bsaunitsingles.com L itr' Ref. No. Port No. DESCR/PTlON QUANr/Ty FRAME COMPLETE 1 2 F8451 F8994 3 Reference only 4 F8995 F8996 5 6 7 F881 9 F9029 34 Frame SWINGING ARM SPINDLE Spindle locking plate Spindle nut Shakeproof washer Engine shield Bolt (l in. u.H.) U. (j .., Shakeproof eproof washer was Front engine fixing bolt 2 2 8 E81 9 F8984 10 15 16 E8084 E8194 F8985 F8987 F8986 E81 89 F5535 17 s25-2 18 881 34 19 20 E81 33 Nut Engine steady stay 22 F9745 F5535 E8084 73 E8194 Nut 24 25 26 27 78 29 E81 91 Shakeproof washer F8988 Steering race cup F9094 Bracket F9093 F9090 Rubber buffer Tool tray 1 Fastener clip 6 11 17 13 14 21 S Nut Rear stud (21| in. O.A.) Rear nut Washer Steady bracket Bolt Washer Shakeproof washer F9091 Pop rivet Bolt (.641 in. U.H.) 37 33 F9097 Spacer E8071 F9060 Nut Bolt ($ in. U.H.) E8072 Washer E8071 F8989 F8285 Nut Bottom bolt 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 F9004 F9005 F9006 F9007 F9008 E8137 F9086 F9007 F901 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 30 F9003 3 2 1 1 12 1 Battery carrier Battery tray rubber Hook Battery strap Bolt Mou 1 2 Plain washer 3'1 35 35 37 38 39 1 2 7 2 Bolt Reference only Reference on ly 34 (3fr in. U.H.) pacer nting ru bber Washer Nut Bolt (3 in. U.H.) Mounting rubber Washer E8194 Nut 50 F9087 S 51 F9227 Tank anti-roll rubber 52 F9084 53 F9023 54 w1691 'P'clip Bolt (j{ in. U.H.) Nut 55 E8088 Washer pace r 23 www.bsaunitsingles.com Fis. 6 SWINGING ARM 24 www.bsaunitsingles.com *---** ',c Ref. No. Port No. DESCR'PflON SW I N G I N G A I '11 ,l QUANTITY RM 1 F8992 Swinging arm 1 7 F8993 Silentbloc 2 3 F8876 Suspension unit 2 4 F8997 Unit fixing bolt 2 5 F8998 Plain washer 2 6 F8999 F9085 Nut Nut 2 7 8 F9766 Propstand 1 9 F3097 Swivel pin 1 2 10 F3096 11 F2610 Lockwasher Spring 12 F9059 Chai nguard 1 13 F9060 Bolt 1 1 1 14 E8071 Nut 1 15 w2336 Bolt 1 16 E8084 Plain washer 1 17 F908s Nut 1 il I .]:,' .l ULlotot C; cie & j)eoe*r {x*inccl a/lein e,tgcnt 9.'S,cxt'' & 'Aeloccttc -fl-:Al{} HAWTHORhIE vt'()RKS, PAR.K sTR'Nl' C)XFORDSHIRf Trlcphoncr YHAi'4.E 277 25 www.bsaunitsingles.com p .2\/12 w w 11 814 \ 13 "" '\>1- b tr g q, 32 s J + '@>,$. ..-:-1---\ --..\ U OIL-TANK, PANELS AND EXHAUST i I l Nri I www.bsaunitsingles.com I \- SYSTEM Ref No. Port No. DESCR'PT'ON QUANT'N' olL TANK, pANELS AND EXHAUST SYSTEM , 1 F9241 2 F8975 Muffler FIXING CLIP 3 F9128 Pin 4 F9179 Swivel 5 s5102 6 Bolt 7 14-0114 14-0707 8 F8981 9 E9514 Plain washer Exhaust pipe Finned clip Screw (ff in. U.H.) Nut Nut 10 F8976 11 F8977 12 F8978 13 F9743 14 F9067 15 F9068 Nut Oil tank Bolt (1f in. U.H.) Nut 16 F6039 Rubber sleeve 17 F9075 18 F9076 Filler cap c/w dipstick Filler cap washer 19 F8874 Banjo 20 F9070 Fibre washer 21 F9071 Filter 22 F9146 Rubber connection 23 F9073 Clip 24 F9124 Rubber connection 25 E5473 Clip 26 t't927 Sleeve 27 D1922 Panel motif D/S 78 F9477 Panel D/S 29 D1923 Panel motif T/S 30 Panel T/S 31 F9478 D1006 32 D982 33 D893 33 D984 34 Reference only Reference only 35 . . Oddie stud-long Oddie stud-standard Stud rubber Stud rubber Fastener clip 2 Rivet 4 1 3 1 27 www.bsaunitsingles.com 24 2sdr^1e31 $* N b,z4 *[*gfu, ,a N,,, k" ;%6,Y*w Pkb ei#\^" ^y2'sw ,( \/re*ge--* 35YRN^ Fis. 8 FOOTRESTS AND BRAKE LINKAGE www.bsaunitsingles.com 30 Ref. No. Port No. DESCRIPTION QUANT'T)' FOOTRESTS AN D BRAKE LI N KAGE 1 F9031 2 F9032 Rear brake pedal Fulcrum pin 3 F9033 Nut 1 4 F9034 Washer 1 (f 5 E81 93 Bolt 6 s26-1 7 F9035 Spring Washer Plain washer Rear brake rod Toggle spring pin Bnake pedal stop I F9036 9 w2006 10 F9037 11 F9038 12 F9039 13 F9040 14 15 1 1 in. U.H.) ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 F8979 Swivel pin Adjuster nut Adjuster bolt Washer 2 F9041 Shakeproof washer ,t 16 F9042 Nut 2 17 F9043 18 F8448 Folding footrest Footrest bracket 7 ''9 F9044 20 F9045 21 F9046 22 F8986 23 F8987 24 F9085 25 19047 26 F9048 27 F9049 Stud (2 in. O.,A.) Locking plate Washer 28 F9050 Nut 29 F9034 3o F9051 2 31 F9057 Spring washer Footrest rubber Bolt 32 E8137 Nut 2 Pillion footrest 2 1 1 2 2 Anchor bolt Bolt (2jf in. U.H.) 2 1 Plain washer Spring washer 1 1 Nut Nut 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 33 F9053 34 F9054 Ru 35 t9044 35 F9055 Anchor bolt O/S Anchor bolt N/S 36 E8084 Plain washer 2 37 F9085 2 38 t9057 39 .{0 E8137 F91 33 Nut Bolt (1{ in. U.H.) Nut Pillion footrest support bracket O/S 41 F8991 Bolt 3 42 E81 37 Nut 4 bber 7 1 1 29 www.bsaunitsingles.com 2 2 1 R" EI ;" mr,' 36---\d<:g 22 L_ry / 52 & -g* sq-@ 4s Ag 4 'eh6"' I4 n \\ \\k\ w;\\ \ \ *& 46--€. Or-@ ae'=€l 4e__g ??tg Fig. e TELESCOPIC FRONT FORK www.bsaunitsingles.com Ref. No. Port No. DESCR'PT/ON QUANflT)', FRONT FORKS 2 H3610 H2679 3 F8980 Spring washer 4 4 Sleeve complete N/S Sleeve complete O/S 6 H3652 H3653 H2513 H2630 7 l-12631 7 4 2 2 2 1 5 FORK ASSEMBLY COMPLETE (1ft in. U.H.) Bolt H2633 H2634 Drain plug 11 H263s 12 H2636 13 H2637 H2638 Fibre washer Stanchion Top bearing 14 15 16 17 18 19 H2632 H2639 H2640 H7514 H2641 2 2 Oil seal holder Oil seal Oil seal holder 2 2 21 H2536 22 H2s7s H2645 H2646 Top Lug H2647 H2650 H2651 Top cone Bottom cone Steering head ball Dust cap ... Sleeve nut H2652 Nut 75 26 27 28 29 30 H2648 E8125 and bearing spacer Main spring Gaiter ring 2 1 1 1 H2653 Plain washer l-12526 33 34 s785 14-0303 Middle lug and stem Pinch bolt 35 H2654 36 37 H2655 38 F8981 39 40 Cable guide bracket Gronnmet Damper Tube 47 H26s8 H2659 H2660 H7661 43 H2662 Circlip 44 H2688 Bolt 45 46 H2664 H2665 H2666 Valve collar t12667 Valve seating E8071 Nut H2668 H766e Washer 51 52 E81 33 Nut 53 H7670 Sealing.washer 54 112671 55 56 H7237 H3625 Retainer Heat slnk Bracket 57 144217 58 14{702 Bolt 59 60 1+6102 s2l12 Bolt Washer 61 E8088 Spacer 48 49 50 2 Special nut 32 47 2 2 2 Bolt 31 41 2 Shaft plug Plug washer H2643 H3678 24 2 Bottom bearing ... 20 23 1 2 Washer 9 10 I 1 Gaiter Spacer Sealing washer Sealing washer 1 4 4 1 1 40 1 1 2 2 1 2 Nut 2 Cable guide Handlebar clamp 1 2 H2656 4 4 2 2 2 2 Bush 2 2 2 2 2 Circlip Valve 2 7 2 2 2 2 Damper rod 2 1 1 1 Nut 1 1 2 1 31 www.bsaunitsingles.com \d d Fis.10 22 FRONT WHEEL 32 www.bsaunitsingles.com Ref. No. Port No. DESCRIPI/ON QUANTTTv FRONT WHEEL w3424 FRONT WHEEL COMPLETE (LESS BRAKE AND TYRE) FRONT WHEEL RIM, HUB AND SPOKES ASSEMBLY 2 w3323 w1230 w3325 3 w1236 3 w3329 3 w330 Spoke T/S Spoke T/S 4 s79-7 N 5 8 w653 w1237 w1238 w1641 9 w1481 1 6 7 10 w2710 1 1 Rim 1 Hub Spoke D/S ipple 1 20 10 10 40 Beari ng 7 Dust cover Circlip 1 Spind le 1 Grease cap D/S Cover plate 1 1 1 11 w3337 12 w582 Bearing support ring Bearing retainer 1 1 13 w1301 Anchor plate 14 w1639 15 E8084 16 E8999 Fulcrum pin Fulcrum pin washer Fulcrum pin nut 17 w7069 Brake cam 18 w492 Lever return sPnnS 19 20 w2000 w2027 71 14-0403 Brake cam Brake cam washer Brake cam nut 22 w1197 w1198 Balance weight short Balance weight long w1246 w1406 Spindle nut LEADING BRAKE SHOE TRAILING BRAKE SHOE Brake shoe Brake lining 22 23 w1407 76 Reference only Reference only Reference only 77 w141s 28 w13s w'I640 24 25 29 1 1 1 1 Brass rivet Pivot 1 pad Brake shoe spring Cable abutment www.bsaunitsingles.com 1 1 1 1 A.R. A.R. 1 1 1 2l Not 2 lServiced 1 6J Separately 2 7 1 M '14 31 W 19 ff 44 at^t € 4-{J Fig.11 REAR WHEEL 34 www.bsaunitsingles.com Ref. No. Port No. DESCRIPTION QUANfln', REAR \^/HEEL 1 7 3 4 w2789 w2290 w2297 REAR WHEEL COMPLETE (LESS BRAKE AND TYRE) RIM, HUB AND SPOKES ASSEMBLY w2291 6 7 8 9 10 w2309 1 Hub complete w2297 w2293 w2294 5 1 1 Spoke N/S Spoke O/S N ipple 20 20 40 Rim 1 w101s Fixed spindle nut Chain adjuster Chain adjuster end cap ... E8137 E8088 Ad Adjuster nut juster washer 2 2 2 2 11 w2335 Torque stay 1 17 w2335 w2337 Bolt (1..| in. U.H.) 1 Washer 1 13 w2339 14 F9085 Nut 15 w2325 16 17 18 19 20 w2324 Fulcrum pin nut... Fulcrum pin washer Fulcrum pin Brake anchor plate 21 22 23 24 75 76 77 28 79 w2323 w2327 w2327 Reference only Reference on ly w2328 w7329 w2276 w2326 w2334 w2330 w2331 1 1 1 1 1 1 BRAKE SHOE COMPLETE WITH LINING Brake lining Brass rivet 2 1 Brake shoe spring Brake cam lever .. BRAKE CAM Grease nipple Brake lever return spring Plain washer Shakeproof washer 2l NotServiced 4-,;l Separately 2 1 1 1 1 1 Nut 32 33 w2332 w2317 D1 02st w2314 w2317 34 w2311 Bearing circlip Bearing Shim 35 36 37 38 w231s w2316 w2308 39 40 w2298 w2299 Beari ng 7 Thrust washer 1 41 w2313 Washer 1 42 w2310 w2300 Beari ng Spind le sleeve w229s w2318 w2354* w2319 w2320 w2302 Secu 30 31 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 w2305 51 w2301 w2303 52 w2304 53 D1026 54 55 w2306 w2307 55 w2333 1 Locking plate Rear Chain Driving (f x j x 3 rozlj 1 Flange 1 1 1 Bolt 6 6 Nut Fixed spind le Bearing retainer 1 1 1 1 rity bolt 2 Brake drum Chainwheel (52T) Chainwheel bolt 1 1 10 10 Spring washer lnner retainer Felt washer Outer retainer Hub end cover 1 1 1 1 Speedometer gearbox Distance collar inner O/S Distance collar outer O/S Hub spindle 1 1 1 1 *Early editions have 49T chainwheel 41-6091 tEarly editions have 99 Link chain D1023 35 www.bsaunitsingles.com l''t''\ @,.a Y55--st 1e flw"' eb ,P 12 't3 @^: qq., Fis.12 FENDERS 36 www.bsaunitsingles.com 6 11 .t3 % Ref. No. Port No. DESCR'PTION QUANTITY FENDERS 1 F9016 2 H3619 3 H3621 4 H3523 5 F9019 6 F9068 Front fender Front stay Bridge stay Bottom Stay Bolt (j in. U.H.) ... Nut 7 F9029 Bolt 8 E8088 Washer 9 w1691 Nut Bolt ($ in. U.H.) Bolt (1$ in. U.H.) Nut 10 F9017 F9088 11 12 13 r W1691 t8991 14 E8088 15 E81 34 Plain washer Spring washer 't6 F9026 Nut 17 F9506 Rear fender 18 F901 9 Bolt ({ in. U.H.) 19 F9027 Special washer 20 F9020 Spring washer 21 F879 22 F9023 Nut Bolt 23 E8088 Washer 24 E81 37 Nut 25 F9028 26 F9481 27 (ff in. U.H.) F9023 Wiring grommet Rear fender support rail Bolt (ff in. U.H.) 28 E8088 Washer 29 w'l691 30 F81 39 Nut Tail lamp support Stud (jf in. o.A.) Support plate 31 E2980 32 F9132 33 s25-1 Washer 34 F9030 Spacer 35 F9068 Nut 36 F9198 Rear number plate bracket 37 F9019 Bolt 38 s25-1 Washer 39 E8071 Nut (| in. U.H.) $q'. rtllolot b'' Fevgaour {nginccs Cyclc ";;;;;'"rcnt & 'scoottt B'e''&' & iilH:l*li^N:lf 'ndocette' ''T*'lTilhJ5"i$ 37 www.bsaunitsingles.com 7 ) -5 -4 6 2 )fu" # tt-,,uoV \WT zo@ ,, Jl & 31 29 30 Fis.13 GAS TANK, TWIN SEAT AND HANDLEBARS www.bsaunitsingles.com F. Ref. No. Port No. DESCRIPI/ON QUANI'TY GAS TANK, TvvtN SEAT AND HANDLEBARS 5 F9063 Gas tank Mounting rubber-rear Mounting rubber-front Bolt Distance tube 6 E8088 Plain washer 7 F9064 Mounting rubber 8 F9065 Plain washer 9 1 1 F9479 2 F9061 3 F9134 4 s1 824 4-0302 Nut Trim strip 10 F9480 11 F4715 Screw 1Z H430 13 F6888 't3 F6887 Washer Styling unit TiS Styling unit D/S 14 F8192 15 F81 93 7 'l 1 Knee grip D/S Knee grip T/S 1 1 16 F4179 17 F7888 18 F9769 Styling unit screw-front Styling unit screw-rear Gas pipe ... 19 F4971 Gas 19 F4972 Gas 20 E7351 Gas tap washer 2 2t F9226 F9744 Filler cap Tie bar I 23 F9196 Spacer 2 24 s5662 Bolt 2 25 E8088 2 26 w2320 Plain washer Spring washer 27 F9472 28 F9476 Twin seat Rear fixing bracket 29 F9020 Spring washer 2 30 E81 01 Nut 2 31 s602 Plain washer 2 37 H2628 33 D957 lebar-Western type Throttle twist grip 34 D959 35 D960 36 D961 37 D962 38 D862 Throttle cable Front brake cable 39 D963 Cable toggle 'l 40 D964 Screw 1 41 F9020 Spring washer 1 42 D965 43 D966 Nut Clutch cable 72 tap-Short tap-long 2 2 1 1 1 I 7 1 1 Hand Dummy grip Front brake control Clutch control 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 39 www.bsaunitsingles.com /'\ 3 O) - --1 '--....----7 a-' \-, c,,t L6J\ G\ '/' A4 It' t-) .5 -1a -d"a t9 *, (rei) l'3L_17 6 )'\ 2 ir -]'(,.. , ,/ tr"\ ,tu/ l-l #), Fig.14 ELECTRICALEQUIPMENT www.bsaunitsingles.com /\ &N - I 20 Ref. No. Port No. DESCRIPT/ON QUANTITY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT I i I D1926 D962 H3626 Speedometer head-M. P.H. Speedometer cable 4 D195'1 5 F9091 6 E8077 7 E81 Speedometer lead Bolt Washer Spring washer 8 D986 9 F9123 10 F91 31 11 s602 12 F4374 Washer Distance piece 13 E8071 Nut 14 D980 15 D981 16 D997 17 D989 Battery vent pipe Vent pipe clip H.T. lead lgnition switch 18 D1000 t9 21 99- r 000 D994 D992 2i E-q1e1 Washer 23 F5535 24 E8084 Bolt Washer 25 E8194 Nut 76 D996 27 F8273 28 F81 Double Lucar blade Rear reflector Rubber washer 29 F81 95 Push-on fix 30 F8286 Front reflector 2 31 F8349 7 32 D1950 Reflector bracket Rectifier 33 D990 Stop switch 1 34 F9t9t Screw 2 35 F8979 Washer 7 35 99-r00r Harness (54953550) I 99-1002 HEADLAMP ASSEMBLY (5988r) 1 2 3 70 Mounting cup 02 Coil (451 l0) Coil support clip Bolt ($ in. U.H.) ... 40 37 99-069 38 99-0688 99-0683 99-0545 99- I 003 99- I 004 99- r 005 39 40 4t 42 43 I lgnition lock lgnition switch nut Horn push (54130041) Horn 1 Rim (534343) Lig ht un it I I (5 I 6828) I Fixing wire (504665) Bulb (446) 6 Adaptor c/w leads (54520540) Bolt (ll220l) 7 Washer (137498) 7 41 www.bsaunitsingles.com I 2 6) N4 -ra tr tJ -d':r n &N -T .19 [e{= /tt '' 20 E-_2 t- ll-/ z \\ 31 e Y'b^(,,, \ \u_(,.L/ _\V r3o rc/' ( .K 32 2a /* t79 o*d ,"/ f-o o^ ,n-r6) -91 \ ',' L/ t\Y"/ ril ,RIU 36 fu /-\e ..-tr/ 33- -{V34 w @&" /u 35 37 --\\-N-\\ .-\-. --\\'- N 42 www.bsaunitsingles.com -.l Ref. No. Port No. DESCRIPT'ON QUANflrv ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 44 99-0563 45 99-0556 Lighting switch (35710) Dip switch (31620) 46 144921 Screw Reference only 47 Plate Reference only 48 s5408 99-0568 49 5494s043 50 99-0537 51 99-0569 57 99-0695 53 99-0548 1 1 Warning light (Red) Warning bulbholder Bulb (2W BAT5) (281) Warning light (Green) (38191) Pilot bulbholder (554710) ... Pilot bulb (989) 1 Reference only 2 1 1 1 54 F831 55 D988 56 99-1 005 57 D987 Stop-tail lead Battery Stator (47205) Zener diode 58 99-1 008 CoNTACT B REAKER (54419645) 59 60 99-0077 99-0769 61 99-1007 62 99-1011 63 E7831 Adlusting pin (54419220) AUTO ADVANCE UN|T (5441 Spring set (54417992) Contact breaker bolt 64 E81 63 Washer 1 65 E4747 Pillar bolt 2 66 E81 64 Washer 2 67 E81 66 Contact breaker lead sleeve 58 D995 Con den D991 sToP AND TAtL LAMP ASSEMBLY 4 Reference only 1 1 1 1 Points set (54419827) se 2 e6s3) ... ... .. 2 ... 1 1 1 I r 1 (53973) 1 69 99-0781 Lens (54572932) 1 70 99-0698 Screw (572289) 2 71 54s74348 Bulbholder with reflector 72 573828 contact Reference only Reference only 73 99-0542 99-0780 Bulb (6/21W offser pin) (380) Gasket (54571677) 1 75 F4715 Screw 2 76 G5299 Washer 2 77 F8307 Stop and tail lamp lead tube 1 78 F4715 Screw 2 79 G5299 Washer 2 74 assy. 43 www.bsaunitsingles.com 1 \ =P 10 H TOOL KIT www.bsaunitsingles.com Ref. No. Port No. DESCR'PT'ON QUANflT)', TOOL KIT D967 1 D969 D968 TOOLROLL COMPLETE WITH TOOLS Toolroll 1 "l 3 D801 Damper unit and rear chain ajuster spanner Combined tyre lever and tommy bar 4 D970 Plug spanner 1 5. D767 Screwdriver set 1 6 D975 7 D97',\ I Screwd river Box spanner D972 9 D973 10 D974 '11 D977 17 D978 13 XA69 2 1 1 1 1 Ring spanner Tyre lever Tyre valve key Rubber cable clip Alum. cable clip Alum. cable clip 1 1 1 9 4 3 45 www.bsaunitsingles.com Q 5 ry" 'WW{w" E-- 1s '' ?t'o ,a& ff-' .t"t:i Fig.16 CARBURETTOR www.bsaunitsingles.com Ref, No. Port No. DESCR'PflON QUANTITY CARBURETTOR 99-001 9 cARBU RETTOR COMPLETE (R92814) 1 1 994521 2 99-0221 3 99-0531 4 99-0507 Top cap (928497) Throttle spring (622-061) .5 99-051 0 Circlip (622-067) 1 6 994529 Needle (928-063) 1 7 99-0527 Throttle valve (3) (928-060) 1 8 99-1 01 0 9 376-1 00 '10 99-051 6 11 Body (Re28/00s) Main jet (170) Throttle stop screw (622-077) Pilot air screw (622-076) 1 1 Screw and washer (622-086) Plug screw (4-137A) 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 99-05't5 99-0520 13 994572 'O'-ring (622482) 'O' ring (622-101) 14 622-073 Gasket 15. 1 99-051 8 Needle jet (.106) (99-0518) 1 1 16 99-051 9 Jet holder (622-080) 17 99-0512 18 99-051 3 19 99-0511 20 21 99-0506 376-093 Float Float Float Float 22 994517 23 F9000 24 F9194 25 F9001 2 (622-069) spind lb (622-071) needle (622-068) chamber (622-050) 1 1 1 1 Filter 1 Banjo bolt (622478) 1 AIR CLEANER COMPLETE 1 Air cleaner element 'O'ring 1 1 47 www.bsaunitsingles.com
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