www.gws. com. tw UQ'flON . K\;r.\ Please read these Instructions carefully and thoroughly before assembly In order to achieve safe operation with maximum performance from your "PT17" flight. USER'S GUIDE RIC ELECTRIC AIRCRAFT ^ fffl SPECIFICATIONS s ii Tt GW/PT-17-EPS350C 18.46~20.38g/dm2 (g_g 7 oz/sq.ft) Battery Required (5)ti3^1tS) : 7.2v~8.4v 2/3AA270mAh~400mAh (NI-CD gll) 8.4v~9.6v AAA500mAh~730mAh (NI-MH MM) Servo Required ((^M) ; PICO / NARO / MICRO / MINI Series (^50) Power System (UXllSli) GW/EPS-350C-BS Electronic Speed Controller (®^®ji§§); ICS-300 above Propeller EP1080 Length m Wing Span Wing Area Flying Weight Wing Loading 760mm (30 in.) 962mm (38 in.) 26dm^ (403 480~530g (16.9-18.7 oz) Receiver (Jgl|5®) : R4N / RON Radio Required (jSSIsM): 4 Channel Radio (4ii!)('pm±sei§) GW/PT-17-EPS400C Length Wing Span Wing Area Flying Weight Wing Loading Power System Propeller (±S) (MM) (iKHfi) (l^liMs) (H®mS) (SlltJ^M) (lliS^iS) Battery Required (®;ffi^ll§) : 8.4v 2/3AA270mAh-400mAh (NI-CD iSli) 26dm2 (403 8.4v-9.6vAAA500mAh-730mAh (NI-MH gfi) Servo Required (iiBgli) : PICO / NARO / MICRO / MINI 510~580g (18-20.5 oz) 19.62-22.31g/dm2 (6.4-7.3 oz/sq.ft) Series (rS^O) Electronic Speed Controller (B^SSli): ICS-400 above GW/EPS-400C-DS Receiver (J^lKS) : R4N / RON EP7035 Radio Required (jSJS^M): 4 Channel Radio 760mm (30 in.) 962mm (38 in.) (4KH'Pm±5iStg) 1'^TOOLS AND ITEMS^1 1 To assemble this airplane you S ilfl ^ ^ Cutter Knife ^17] Drill Screwdriver Triangle Eft® Pliers Paper Tape Alcohol mxmmm ;ifi Nippers mnm Spray Paint Scissors m73 CAGlue Epoxy ABfli(5minidli) PYPOP-1050 PYPOP-1049 PT-17 Decalxipce. E-Zone Decal x 1pee. PYPOP-1003 PYINS-1073— GWS Decal x1 pee. Instruction Manual x 1 pee. Ssm '" GWSGWS The E Zone , www.ezon« www, n.www,[n.(w «niniii.gws.Gom,lw>^gSsxan!» - 1 PT-17 PT-17 GW/PT17-FAS1 PHFUS-IOI^^^^^^s^S^mieiil xlpce 0 PHFUS-1019-W-C PT-17 Radial EngineWiBM xlpce. sill X1pee PHFUS-1019~W-E- PT-17 Fuselage L GW/PT17-FAS2 RHW(N^:024i« (Up) PHWIN-1024 -W-T Horizontal Stabilizer Hifaff xlpce. PYCRD-1001 PVPEF-1059 PT-T7 Cockpit (Clear) Hinge SMFT xlpce. (^19) x2pcs. GW/ME109-FAS3 PHTYRP1006~D2A- 0.8mm dia (2")x2pcs. Ultra-Light Wheel Rim PHTYRP1005-D1- Ultra-Light Wheel Rim PTMEW-1018 WS5i'l4li^5.4mm dia 2.0mm SliUS Main Landing Gear xlpce. {1")x1pce. PTMEWA1010—T- iS!l.2mmHillli Tail Dragger GW/PT17-FAS4 —T PTMEWA1001 Push RodiiSji4t0.9mm (JtaP) x 3pcs. • e PTGUM-1014 PMHOD-1005 PQTUBH035 Fiberglass stick Rubber Grommet 3*480 x 1pce. X 2pcs. T Plastic Pushrod Tube SltfS'^30 is*460mni (Clear ii@a)x2pcs. PTMEW-1024—A- IPTMEW-1015—U- I PTMEW-1024—B- Elevator Linkage Wire Aileron Linkage Wire ifflii!!)S'?1.4mm(L)x1pce,(R) x Ipce JTI^IEUSiiltf 4(1.4mm x Ipce. 2 - PTFLX-1001 Plastic Tube is(2.5x25mm (BlackM) x2pcs. PT-17 — "IV GW/F4U-FAS350 GW/P-STICK-FAS6 PTPROA1060 (PT17 Accessories A) Propeller liJSit(EP1060)x1 pee. (PT17 A) PMCHSA1005 EPS MountiroSS 10*10*90x1 pee.I PHSPIR100125D- lows PMSPC-Ioon PMSPC-1001 Plastic Parts Frame "A" ip25mm Spinner ffisU AASMEPS 5C1 A X 1 set Electric PowerSystem GW/EPS-350C-BS/BB 8SADHP1003 GWS Glue PTPROA9070 Propeller Slia|(EP9070)x1 pee. X 1 pee. GW/PT17-FAS7 (• A-1 (• PHHLD-1013-T— R.9 C* •)C- B-1 •) A-3 C* c- •) A-2 A-2 PTCUS-1016 •) A-3 (• B2 C- (• OC- B-1 •) A-1 Double-sided Sponge Tape X 4 pes. 8SRBD1001 Rubber Band x 12 pes. 01!/ PMHOD-1015 pee. GW/PT17-FAS6 (PT17 Accessories C) {PT17 C) PMSPC-1008—1~ Miero Plastic Parts Frame "C" PXTPAF-4J-1490R- (unM 0 xlset PXISOF-6P-3030— Gowllng Fixing Screw ffiSillMJJMl. 4*9 X20pes. Bolt SsiliiMl M3 X 30mm x 1 pee. PWWAHF63053208- PWNUTF43183005- Wastier x 1pee. Nut tlli XIpee. M3 X 1.8mm inr PTWEG-1001 a Clay i£BiS± 30g PTGUM-1007 Rubber Grommet mSI^P^(PICO) (s) 5 x3 mm x 1 pee. o RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM ® ICS-300~ICS-400 Electronic Speed Controller e 4 Channel Transmitter w MC2002 Charger 4 Ufffglili GWS PICO, NARO, MICRO, MINI Series Servos 8.4v~9.6vAAA500mAh~730mAh (Ni-MH HE; 7.2v~8.4v 2/3AA270mAh~400mAh 8.4v 2/3AA270mAh~400mAh (Ni-Cd Ulra) GWS R4N / R6N FM Receiver Servo Extension Wire PT-17 CONTENTS OF KIT(PARTS LIST) 01. 02. 03. 04. PT17 Fuselage(Left Side) PT17 (Right Side) PT17MainWing(Up) PT17 Main Wing(Down) Xl XI XI xl 05. PT17 Horizontal Stabilizer xl 06. PT17 Radial Engine xl 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. Ultra-light Wheel Rlm(2") Ultra-light Wheel Rlm(1") Main Landing Gear(is(r2.0mm) Tail Dragger(is)r1.2mm) Push Rod Tube(is!r3.0x460mm) x2 xl xl xl x2 12. Plastic Tube is)r2.5x25mm x2 13. Rubber Grommet x2 14. Fiberglass stick 15. Aileron Linkage Wlre(L) 16. Aileron Linkage Wlre(R) 17. Elevator Linkage Wire 18. Push Rod(is;r1mm) xl xl xl xl x3 19. Plastic Parts Frame"A" 20. Plastic Parts Frame"C" xl xl 21. 22. 23 24. 25. 26. xl xl xl xl xl x20 Clay Rubber Gronnmet(is)5x3mm) Bolt(3x40mm) Washer(3.2x8x0.5) Nut(M3) Cowling Fixing Screw(M1.4x9mm — 01. PTi7iim'(L) 02. PT17SliM(R) xl xl 14. 03. PT17±M(Jl) 04. PT17iK(T) 05. PT17 7j(ipMH xl xl xl 16. 06. PT17g|Ssi(D xl 19. 07. ffl^Pftli(2") 08. ®^3iftli(1") 09. ±lilg('s?r2.0mm) 10. llli?!?(S(r1.2mm) 11. ffitfS^((?r3.0x460mm) 12. Hggg (is) r2.5x25mm) x2 xl xl xl x2 x2 20. 13. hUMjIIMtIPS x2 26. 15. m m 21. iy*^i)tf(L) H!JHiSfi]tT(R) 24. 25. xl 31.GWSGIue xl xl x4 xl 32 Rubber Band x12 33. Instruction Manual xl 34. PT17Decal xl 35. GWS Decal xl xl 27. S]t}M EPS-350C ^ EPS-400C xl xl 28. S}ti^ (10x10x90mm) xl xl 29. xl JiE^T(is)rlmm) "A" "C" iBaa± (<s(5x3mm) 22. 23. or EPS-400C 28. Eps Mount (10x10x90mm) 29. Propeller (EP9070, EP8060) or(EP1060) 30. Double-Side Sponge Tape — 17. 18. 27. Electric Power System EPS-350C MB (3x30mm) (3.2x8x0.5) x3 30. xl 31. (EP9070, EP8060) it (EP1060) xl mmm GWS SfflPTK xl xl 32. xl 33. xl 34. xl 35. GWS x4 x12 PT17l!^0Jl PT17Bfiffi xl xl xl xl 3ili (M3) xl (Ml .4x9mm TPA) x20 FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY at 03 $1 ^ . , 260 mm , Fuselage Parts List as Follows: PT-17 Fuselage L&R. (Pic. 1) Cut the plastic tube to specific length as shown in the picture.(260mm x 2 ) (Pic. 2) Drill 0 3mm holes into the L&R fuselage pushrod guide slot. (Pic.3) Insert the plastic pushrod tube (260mm into the hole, from inside of fuselage and come out for approximately 10mm. Glue the tube in place with GWS glue. (Pic.4) • PT-17 »(Bl) • jt§03mm XL420mm x2ffiiig5DBt^ - ®iiJfiS260mm x 2 ° (^2) • =(B3) • }|f26Omm05fflBgfdSyffiA®9ffi)tiEff5L - BLMGWS«fflP7i<}g^ flillSlOmm ° (B4) Use Drill - 4 - Use GWS Glue PT-IT Frame C Plate 3mm Nut (idf^C) use CA glue Use Paper Tape Kmmm^ Use GWS Glue • Insert the "C"6 Into the slot of the fuselage and glue It securely. (Pic. 5,6,7,8) • Apply GWS glue at the Indicated area. For faster cure, you may use a 6-minute epoxy Instead of the Included glue. (Pic.9) • Once glued, fix in 5 or 6 places using either a very low tach masking tape or secure with tape that does not come in • contact with the painted foam,(Pic.10) which can remove paint. • Smm^BMAIBffC.S > • JDHffiAC.e • • ° (H5,6,7) = (B8) o (B9) - (Bio) POWER SYSTEM INSTALLATION A) 05 S it CAUTION: Before assemble the fuselages, check which version of power system (EPS-350C, EPS-400C or slope Gllder)you purchased, then follow according to that version's power system Installation. • Prepare EPS-350C parts and insert the EPS mount to the electric power system(EPS). Make sure that the mount is pushed into the EPS by 10mm, if it is too tight to insert the mount, trim the mount slightly with knife or sand paper.(Pic.ll) • Drill a 1mm dia. hole by hand drill as picture 12, Secured by a screw. (Pic.12,13) Put the power system In the fuselage upper chamber, making sure it fits and is not too tight, then pull it out. Apply glue or epoxy and Install permanently.(Pic.14,15) •7ti511]EPS-350C65B)A)l^ffi«fffnB)Al)$R¥si5iii!MJ •= (111) • - a£!i±¥sItmSJ@^ ° (•12,13) • ) i f ' mmmmiMmmTimi: - ifi]KB$®»A75iu«05B:otira ° (•14,15) Use Drill Use Screwdriver A B Use Epoxy - 5 - PT-17 Qg»tnmiis EPS400C POWER SYSTEM INSTALLATION •TiV Make a mark on the dummy engine for the power system Installation. (pic.1) Cut the dummy engine as per the mark you just made. (pic.2,3) Install the power system to the fuselage, (pic.4) (refer to page 5 power system installation) Trail fix the dummy engine into the power system, then glue it to the fuselage, (pic.5,6) Install the propeller & spinner, secure with a nut and washer, (pic.7,8) ° (HI) o (B2,3) mAmum^ - (•4) ffllfTKIfin ° (>5,6) gJzllHig =(>7,8) ° Use Cutter Kn MAIN WING ASSEMBLY ^ M 0!) Si sticker stickern • GWS glue the fiber glass for wing enforcement on the bottom of the wing, (leading edge) (Pic.16,17,18) • Locate aileron linkage wire (L&R) and Black rubber tube(X2 pcs).(Pic.19) P.S; Be careful of the color of stickers,@on white wing;@on yellow wing. . M03x48OSiiiMAC£ltiraa6'2±:GWSl|fflP7i( . • ° (816,17,18) » (hiq) P.S: A B ° Use Epoxy 't": -j-- - 6 - PT-17 10mm • Cut the black rubber tube in half.(Pic.20) • Slide two of the rubber tubes onto the aileron linkage wire. (Pic.21,22) • Push the rubber grommet into a coil of the aileron linkage wire. (Pic.23) • Cut the aileron apart from the main wing (both right & left) with a knife as per the groove. (Pic.24) Put the aileron linkage wire into the aileron slot and glue the rubber tube in places and trim the aileron wire as shown. (Pic.25) Mark out the hinge (3 each side) and linkage wire location. Make a mark on the main wing, aileron and linkage wire . (Pic.26) For the aileron linkage, cut a 1mm x 1mm x 28mm siit. Drill 1mm dia. &20mm deep hole on the aileron.(Pic.27,28,29) Cut a slit (10mm x 10mm ) at 3 places for hinge installation on the aileron.Then apply GWS glue to a half of the hinge and insert them into the aileron slits. (Pic.30,31) Apply glue on all hinges and aileron linkages and insert them to the wing securely. (Pic.32,33) ° (Ko) " (m2i,22) SJiPS ^ - (fcs) ° (124) HSlJSatfBSAHffiFg - ° (125) SiSffiiJDSMfulSjlBtf (uUffltiiKslSOH - (Re) $nHi6$SeiJSF«9i!litilI7]tJ]-fi28mm;3?1mm[H]1i ° Hl-idmm#! - B$28mm(!iliiti:i}l?20mmKlli5L ° (•27,28,29) =(130,31) ° (132,33) Use Cutter Knife Use Drill A B Use Epoxy 7 - Use GWS Glue PT-17 r!'ra.-a933Bs- . 7^ Apply epoxy glue to the frame "C-14". (Pic.34,35) Glue the plastic part "C"1 with epoxy on the fuselage. (Pic.36,37) Place the plastic part "G"2 in the position and install the main wing and glue plastic part "C"2 as per guide holes. (Pic.38,39,40) Glue the plastic part "G"5 on the center top of the wing with epoxy.(Trailing edge).(Pic.41) Drill a (p 3mm hole through the plastic part "G"5.(Pic.42) Trial fix the wing into the fuselage.(Pic. 43) Put the 3 mm wing bolt screw through the wing from top, then check the wing and fuselage meet exactly no gap. (Pic. 44) Adjust the wing and fuselage configuration as the picture shown.(Pic. 45) ®lli*ff("G"14 )mkkBmhh " (•34,35) Sffi»Jlli^ABPSfi|i5«ff"G"1 <= aiigJl*ji|:"G"2 ° (•36,37) ° - s)if"G"2 ifiiijiij^EPsijiesiiffijua (•38,39,40) I5lifi5ff("G"5 " (^41) ' 3Ll^ilfel5g03mm - (B42) 0 (143) $nBI^3 mm jLlMfiffiaHf " (B44) Frame C (IBffC) a = a' o (B45) TAIL ASSEMBLY Q!) m 40mm Gut the elevators apart from the horizontal stabilizer with a knife as per the groove. Then drill 1.5mm dia. & 22mm deep hole on the elevator.(Pic.46,47,48,49) ' SB$Ugy5itf1uSB±ie5^S01.5mm5L - ;3^22mm =(•46,47,48,49) Use Cutter Knife Use Drill A B Use Epoxy - 8 - Use Paper Tape PT-17 p Cut a slot at 2 places for the elevator and insert the elevator linkage wire securing with GWS glue.(Pic.50,51) Cut a slit (10mm x 10mm) at 4 places for hinge installation on the horizontal stabilizer and elevator.(Pic.52,53,54) Appy gws glue on all hinges and elevator linkage wire and insert them into the horizontal stabilizer securely.(Pic.55,56) Cut the rudder apart from the vertical fin with a knife as per the groove.(Pic.57,58) Polish both side of the rudder with a sandpaper as the picture shown.(Pic.59) For tail dragger installation, cut a 1mm deep and 17mm long slit.(Pic.60) Drill a 4> 1mm & 22mm deep hole on the rudder as shown.(Pic.61) ' nmmmwmhGwswymAmm ° ( iSJ^PSHbSMluBMJiiBsS • l^0fi£SB5jliu«tJ]iii^1Ox1Omm®n »(•52,53,54) . }|f?^PiliEfD7j<qzjiHSgg o (B55,56) o (157,58) ° (BSO) 6 ] — ' ft 17mm ^ ;Sm1mmEltl ° (BOO) (llmmiHffi " 22mm;Sffi)g|i^||iB5L ° (B61) Cut two slits for hinges installation on the rudder. Insert the two hinge and glue them in place.(Pic.62) For tail dragger installation, cut a 1mm deep and 16mm long slit.Drill a <t> 1mm & 25mm deep hole on the rudder as shown.(Pic.63) Tail steering assembly, insert the tail gear into the bracket (plastic parts ClO) then install the Ultra-lightwheel (25mm dia.) and fix it with the retainer then. Glue the steering set to the rudder securely. Glue the hinges and install the rudder to the vertical fin. Glue the C10 to the fuselage.(Pic.64,65) ° (B62,63) ° (B64,65) Use Cutter Knife mmnji A B t, W Use Epoxy Use GWS Glue iis^aMn==iii^a - 9 - PT-17 — "lA' I (• < (• B-1 •)G (• A.3 (• (• G A.2 G •) A-l B.2 •) •) •) •) A.2 M 6-2 G B.1 •)G •) A-1 77. ' Check the horizontal stabilizer with the wing and adjust the alignment as described.(Pic.66,67,68,69) ' Ensure that the horizontal stabilizer is also level in regards to the fuselage and vertical fin.(Pic.70,71) ' Make sure all is in place, then spread the glue on the horizontal stabilizer which contacts the fuselage.(Pic.72) ' Stick the strut base on fuselage and the main wing, be careful of the position of the base.(Pic.73,74,75,76) ' Main wing strut.(Pic.77) ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • • • o ffiScloiKlillligB» (B66,67,68,69) »(^70) ' »aiillK|5|7j(qz|lKSSmSil90ga7Kq2|iK|5|S»HSgS§¥iS)fiffflc=c' ° (^71) o (ffl72) =(•73,74,75,76) •> (177) Fix the main wing strut as illustrated. (Pic.78,79) Completion of the main wing strut. (Pic.80) Be careful of the wing balance. (Pic.81) Cut the dummy radial engine right in the middle as shown. (Pic.82,83) Glue it with epoxy as instructed. (Pic.84,85) • • • ° (•78,79) " (•80) " (Hsi) • ° (•82,83) • mABmm^m^mm-^'(±mm ° (•84,85) 1 Use Cutter Knife rtmmx73 / Use Drill A B Use Epoxy -10- Use GWS Glue •) •) PT-17 Fix the retainer to the axle. (Pic.86,87) Locate main landing gear system including. Main landing gear( 2.0mm piano wire), ultra-light wheel rimx2, Screwsx2, Retainers. (GWS-STICK-FAS6#1x2) (Pic.88) Secure the landing gear to the mount with screws, as picture shows. (Pic.89,90) Ultra-lightwheel (25mm dia.) and fix it with the retainer (plastic parts "A4").(Plc.91,92) Glue the "010" to the fuselage.(Plc.93) Stick the control panel with double-sided tape as illustrated. (Plc.94,95,96,97) lUiiiiaenfiitggA" (•86,87) 2.0mmiiilg ' 1^*11x2 . W-mMMilxl (GWS-STIGK-FAS6#1)x2 ° (H88) ilf ° (>89,90) )ll™a?S3iW^"C10" . ^f«^±25mmilgllli - HII±litt"A4" =(191,92) ffiSXlO-iKSmSSB ° (•93) 2.0mm3Eli§i? ' liMlix2 >¥SlllflSJx4 ° ° (•94,95,96,97) CONTROL SYSTEM INSTALLATION IS ^ M <r -11- It PT-17 »! • Clean the outer shell of servo, receiver and speed controller with paper towel and alcohol.(Pic.98) • Applythe double side foam tape to servos as picture 98. Put the servo in iocation. (Pic.99,100) • Bend a "V" shape on the push-pull rod.(Pic.lOI) • Please note the locations of "V" are different. Connect the push-puil rod to controi horns. (Pic.102,103) The horn has 2 hoies, If you use inner hoie u^T^and the moving angie is bigger than you use outer hoie. Set the servo in neutral, install the servo horn, use a marking pen to mark out the connecting point on the push-pull rod. Push-pull rod arrangement for tail units.(Pic. 104) Bend a "Z" connector on the marked point of push-puli rod and cut the extra wire. (Pic.105,106) Repeat the procedure for the other side aiieron push rod ,then fix the servo horn with a screw. Bend one end of the push rod (Z shape) then hook up the push rod into the aileron linkage . And make a " V" shape bend (5~7mm) in the push rod as shown ,then mark the position where the push rod passes the hole of the servo horn and make another Z shape for servo horn connecting.(Pic 107,108,109,110) This location is for the electronic speed controi.(Pic. 111,112) Connect the wires of SERVO, ESC, and EXTENSION WIRE to receiver.(Pic.112.113) • • ° (1.99,100) X25D15^fu«}/T-"V"Jf$ ° (1.101) • - (1102,103) ;il! (Sffl RMESeiiA ° . }E75^l3E5?TBliEcpriSiuB]5$filg^^B3LfuS - 5DB]Kii^^4f-fB§P. =(1104) • - (nos.ioo) • •> (Ho/) . ° • • =(ino) • )lfiiflg^«?»iS§§SSR^i5DIB«liS§3gggi|5S ° (•111-114) Use Cutter Kn Use Drill lA'iB Use Epoxy ixmmxD -12- ° (1108) ° (Bio9) Use Paper Tape PT-17 BALANCE LOCATION >Cut velcro in halfand attach one half (A) to the hollow on the fuselage , then attach the other Velcro half(B)to the battery pack.This will keep the battery in position. The battery location in the nose should be slid as forward as possible. (Pic.115,116) The 0. G.(Center of Gravity) is located Omm+10 from the leading edge of the wing .Afterall radio gears and the battery pack is installed , check the C. G. point of the airplane . If the C. G. is offset, move the battery forward or back-ward until you find the recommended balancing point. The other way to (balance) the C. G. point is to use the supplied clay to add weight. Do not fly ifthe plane is not properly balanced.(Pic.117) JiSyiiSiRiuBBgtuHMJiWtfi ° (Bit5,116) •/[L\ (C.G.) iii«ia^B$iSiT]liffi^*S0mm+10 RADIO INSTALLATION WIRING & CONNECTION (GWS/JR/SANWA)RADIO SYSTEM(aaSg£) Ch1. Throttle (Electron^^fged controller) •Ch2. Aileron(iyS) 0W5 CG GWR-6N DECEIVEt Ch3. Elevator(3^^JlS) Sr.H hJARn TYPF- NARROW SANC Ch4. Rudder(:&[S]IS) Futaba/Hitec)RADIO SYSTEM(iie.^,^^) Chi. Aileron(Mi I) GWS. CE GWR-6N RECEIVER 6CH MARO TYPc MARROW BAND Ch2. Elevator(?|-|^llS) ICrystal lnstaliaton.(Plc. 158,159) 158,159) Ch3. Throttle (Electronic speed controller) Ch4. Rudder(73[°]j|'6) (SUGGEST CONTROL THROW SETTING) =§• SE @ ^3 fi X >J\ (l)Elevator (2)Alleron iij (3)Rudder7Dl^Sb -13- PT-17 Electric Accessories Wire Installation Diagram Electronic Speed Controller IIifS(+) Red Wire (+) 8.4V 400mAti(NI-Cd)(aii) 8.4V~9.6V 730mAh(NI-MH)(iI«) ICS-IM-SOOC * GWS Battery Black Wire (-) \ Mift (-) Alleron(iyK)(GWS PICO/NARO/MICRO/MINI) Propeller Extension Wire($^M$^) {EP-9070 or 1060) Q [g EPS-350C SYSTEM • ELEVAT0R(3H-PSI9E) (GWS PICO/NARO/MICRO/MINI) Recelver(fSl|5ffi) GW/R-6N RUDDER(:&|S]ll'e) (GWS PICO/NARO/MICRO/MINI) CAUTION: Before installation please read the Instructions carefully. Please follow the above showing wire diagram to connect the wire and be sure the servo are in neutral position. When you are testing the servo, please do not connect motor wire and be sure to turn on transmitter first. RADIO SETTING MODE 2 The right side stick of the transmitter (elevator and aileron) The left side stick of the transmitter (throttle and nose steering) ELEVATOR TEST Pull the stick backward then the elevator should flip up ( pull-up). Push the stick forward then the elevator should flip down (pushing down). When the stick is in neutral , the elevator should return to neutral position. AILERON TEST Moving the stick to right, then the right side aileron should flip up and the left side aileron should flip down. Moving the stick to left, then the right side aileron should flip down and the left side aileron should flip up. When the stick is in neutral, the two ailerons should return to neutral position. THROTTLE TEST Pull the stick all the way backward and the trimmer at the 1/3 position ,then wait for 2 seconds. Slowly push the stick forward and the power system starts to run. Now push the throttle all the way forward and the motor should run at full throttle. Pull the stick all the way backward and the motor should stop. MODE 1 The right side stick of the transmitter (throttle and aileron) The left side stick of the transmitter (elevator and nose steering) If the control fin or throttle Is not on the correct movement, please switch the reverse on the transmitter. • lUKwap! = (iOKiijia) ^ - fi^i^=sa0giy*i«i^TiiB > Tn^^iyKajziii!) •> miijcprzifiit. ^a05iyH)«iSiB[i]syi^.5t50gfizB ° • ii^iiB$i/30gfuB - mmzmm (TfPfUbiijK) ^ mmmimti - nmmmmjimm = fSWfiiuJl ' 54-PfflElBl^TiiB » msycpTzifiBf ' ° > if®fflfat>fflJT05IEiSISPJil5l5t54lE ° -14- PT-17 r R.O.C A/F Painting i © PT17 Decalxipce. ^6IilS-3S GWS Decal x1 pee. Ififfi—5 BWS www.gws.Gom.iw U-SJARM^. i=;i i' WWW.gWS.COm.tW wwwgwsconrtw -15- PT-17 US A/F Painting m N67193 © PAINTING: • Choose emulsion paint suitable for polystyrene. • Before Paint ,wipe all surface with medical alcohol and remove oil, dust, dirt etc. yK 14 tK ts 3< « • For best results, hold the spray can about 20cm away from the surface. Do not over painting for the sake of each additional layer will increase the weight of the airplane.Please remember the lighter the better for the airplane. -16- PT-17 CBunnsB 1. It is best for you to fly your plane in a large open place. 2. Do not fly around some restricted location like airports, military bases, etc. 3. You will need to range check the transmitter to be sure you are not experiencing any Interference. (If you are flying with other RC modeler at a field, do not turn on your transmitter until you are certain that no one else Is using your channel.) 4. Always turn on the receiver last after turning on the transmitter and shut off the receiver first before turning off the transmitter. 5. If you are only a beginnerto the radio control model flying, do not attempt to fly your model without any assistance or advice from advanced expert fliers. 6. Please refer to the Instruction guide carefully and thoroughly before assembling equipment kits. Different power units and servos combination will lead to Its various flight performance. Remember the lighterthe better. 7.Watch the wind direction. — nil Wind Direction TAKE OFF 1. Apply full throttle to speed up the airplane against the wind. 2. Keep the tracking straight using the tall steering during the take-off process. 3. Applyjust a touch of up-elevator when the model reaches sufficient takeoff speed and the model lifts smoothly Into the air. 4. Make the turn when the model Is at a high altitude. Then the trim all control surfaces to*' ft f V achieve the level flight. 4 nil Wind Direction \ LANDING & 1. Gradually reduce the throttle during the final pattern for speed down the airplane. 2. Slightly touch up-elevator to maintain a smooth ratio of the descendent process. & Do not apply too much up-elevator otherwise the plane may go Into a stall. 3. Make a final turn against the wind and heading to the runway. 4.When the altitude approximately 30cm from the ground, pull a little more up-elevator and let the airplane nose-up and touch- down. -17-
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