Schedule of Events
Schedule of Events
Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015 Resolutions Committee Meeting.................. 7:30 a.m. Registration................................ 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Registration sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Refreshments sponsored by Sunnyside Feeds. North Dakota CattleWomen Silent Auction .............................. 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. It’s time for the NDSA’s 86th Annual Convention & Trade Show! Schedule of Events All events held at the Ramada unless noted. Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015 Golf Scramble & Hole-in-One Contest Tom O’Leary Golf Course, Bismarck............ 9:00 a.m. Contact Wade Moser at (701) 226-4269 or to register your four-person team or to be placed individually on a team. Golf Scramble sponsored by Stockmen’s Supply and Stockmen’s Supply West. Hole-in-One Contest sponsored by CATL Resources. Registration.................................. 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Seedstock Council Livestock Marketing Workshop .................................. 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Anne Kimmey, Cultivate Agency, Inc., and Branded Spur Creative Marketing Workshop Lunch..............12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Cattlemen’s College.............................3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Dr. Rick Funston, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dr. Tim Petry, North Dakota State University Dr. Kent Andersen, Zoetis Anne Kimmey, Cultivate Agency, Inc., and Branded Spur Creative Cattlemen’s College sponsored by Zoetis. Refreshments sponsored by Bismarck-Mandan Convention & Visitors Bureau. Trade Show Social .........................................6:00 p.m. Social sponsored by Farm & Ranch Guide, First Community Credit Union and Arvig. Supper ............................................................7:00 p.m. Supper sponsored by DeHaan, Grabs & Associates, LLC; NDSU Hettinger/Carrington Research Extension Centers; Northern Pulse Growers Association; and SweetProPremium Supplements. General Session ............................................. 8:15 a.m. The morning session will include speakers who will address important issues facing the beef industry. Speaker Line-Up: • Dustin Van Liew, Public Lands Council • Ernie Meier, McDonald’s Speakers sponsored by AgriLabs; American Angus Association; CHS Nutrition; Liphatech, Inc.; and Select Sires. Refreshment Break Refreshments sponsored by CATL Resources. Doorprizes sponsored by North Dakota Red Angus Association. Friday, Sept. 25, 2015 Trade Show.................................. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Refreshments sponsored by Central Livestock. Registration.................................. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Opening General Session.............................. 8:45 a.m. President’s Message North Dakota CattleWomen Welcome “Riding for the Brand” Recognition Executive Vice President Report Doorprizes sponsored by North Dakota Bankers Association. Philip Ellis, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Brand Inspection Report Nominating Committee Reports Floor Nominations of Officers & Directors Candidates’ Forum Doorprizes sponsored by Merial. Buffet Lunch (pay as you go).......................12:00 p.m. Committee Meetings............................1:00 - 5:15 p.m. Ag Policy; Feeding & Marketing; Research & Education; Resolutions; Animal Health; Environmental Issues; and Brand & Theft Committee meetings will be staggered throughout this time-frame. Refreshments sponsored by K2S Engineering, Inc., and CattleCents Consulting. Tomorrow’s Top Hands Alumni Social .........5:30 p.m. Social sponsored by Biozyme, Inc. Stockmen’s Sports Night Social...................6:00 p.m. Social sponsored by First International Bank & Trust, River Ag, Inc., and Tri-State Livestock News. Stockmen’s Sports Night Supper .................7:00 p.m. Wear your favorite sports team apparel! Supper sponsored by American Simmental Association, Dakotaland Feeds, LLC., and Ellingson Companies. ComedySportz Entertainment sponsored by Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Leedstone and M&M Ag Sales & Service, LLC. Doorprizes sponsored by Merial. Live radio broadcasting sponsored by American Ag Network. Online broadcasting sponsored by DVAuction, Inc. Convention program printing sponsored by NDSU Vet Diagnostic Lab and Stockmen’s Livestock Exchange. Mentoring Program Meeting ...................... 10:30 a.m. Foundation Luncheon..................................12:00 p.m. North Dakota Stockmen’s Foundation Scholarship Presentations Mentoring Program Recognition Tomorrow’s Top Hands Beef Leadership Recap Foundation Luncheon sponsored by North Dakota Beef Commission. Closing Session..............................................1:30 p.m. The closing session features the adoption of resolutions, committee reports, director and officer elections, retiring director presentations and membership contest results. Membership prize sponsored by Action Motor Sports, Inc. Doorprizes sponsored by North Dakota Red Angus Association. Refreshments sponsored by Igenity and Quality Liquid Feeds. Kids’ Corral.........................................5:30 - 10:00 p.m. Kids’ Corral sponsored by Agweek. Childcare provided by Go-Getters 4-H Club. Social...............................................................6:00 p.m. Social sponsored by Cattle Business Weekly and Hubbard Feeds. Annual Banquet..............................................7:00 p.m. During the banquet, the NDSA will recognize its Honorary Members, the Rancher of the Year, the Environmental Stewardship Award recipient, an Honorary Brand Inspector and two employees for their years of service. Entertainment will be provided by the Strolling Strings. Dale Brown, former Louisiana State University basketball coach and North Dakota native, will be the banquet speaker. The banquet will also include the North Dakota Stockmen’s Foundation Wine & Product Auction. Entertainment sponsored by Elanco. Speaker sponsored by Haugen Sales & Leasing; Image Printing; North Dakota Corn Growers Association; North Dakota Farm Credit Services; Purina Animal Nutrition, LLC.; and Red Trail Energy, LLC. Certified Angus Beef sponsored by the North Dakota Angus Association. Rancher of the Year sponsored by Wells Fargo. Environmental Stewardship Award sponsored by the North Dakota Game & Fish Department. Thursday’s Highlights Saturday’s Highlights Golf Scramble & Hole-in-One Contest Dustin Van Liew, Public Lands Council Executive Director The 2015 NDSA Golf Scramble will take to the tee at Bismarck’s Tom O’Leary Golf Course. Contact Wade Moser at (701) 226-4269 or to register your four-person team or to be placed individually on a team. You could win a 38-foot portable Daniels Double Alley with a hole-in-one! Cattlemen’s College This year’s Cattlemen’s College is focused on the beef industry at a time of herd expansion. The NDSA has called on a strong lineup of beef industry experts who specialize in fields ranging from ag economics to herd development. Dr. Rick Funston, North Dakota native and beef cattle reproduction expert from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, will discuss heifer development and selection strategies. Dr. Tim Petry, North Dakota State University livestock marketing economist, will provide a look at the future and a forecast of the cattle market as producers look to begin expanding herds across the United States, and Dr. Kent Andersen of Zoetis will discuss several genomic and herd selection tools for use in strengthening your herd. Anne Kimmey will also share her livestock marketing programming. Livestock Marketing Workshop Anne Kimmey, Cultivate Agency, Inc., and Branded Spur Creative Anne Kimmey is the founder and owner of Cultivate Agency, Inc., and Branded Spur Creative. She is a regionally recognized communications expert from Justin, Texas. After working as director of communications at the Georgia Beef Board, Kimmey moved back to Texas to start her own agency with a mission to help clients grow their business, their message and their identity. Today, Kimmey’s clients include the State Fair of Texas, Justin Discount Boots, the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo and the Texas Beef Council, among others. In her Thursday morning and afternoon sessions hosted by the NDSA Seedstock Council, Kimmey will examine the fundamentals of modern livestock marketing and give you tools to grow your operation’s identity. Friday’s Highlights Philip Ellis, NCBA President Philip Ellis is a fifth-generation rancher from the Bear Creek Valley in southeast Wyoming where his ancestors settled in 1883. Ellis took over the day-today management of his family’s cow-calf and stocker operations in 1991. He has been involved in the cattle industry for many years and served in various leadership roles with the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association before assuming the national presidency. Ellis is making a stop in North Dakota to discuss national beef industry policy issues and to gather feedback from North Dakota producers. Committee Meetings Grassroots policymaking is always the heart of the NDSA Annual Convention & Trade Show. During this year’s committee meetings, members will discuss and debate policy issues and learn from industry experts who will offer informational reports on topics such as the Veterinary Feed Directive, Argentine and Brazilian beef import rules, corporate business structure options, preparing samples for veterinary diagnostics, pipeline siting and more. Friday Entertainment Public Lands Council Executive Director Dustin Van Liew, a seventh-generation production agriculturist, is a leading authority in Washington, D.C., on public lands grazing policy issues, thanks to his extensive knowledge of the legislative history, the regulatory framework and the many legal challenges facing the industry. Van Liew’s leadership regarding legal strategy has guided public lands ranchers through several major victories, including a court decision granting unprecedented legal standing to livestock organizations. He will give producers an update on some of the current issues facing public lands ranchers and explain how those outcomes affect all beef producers. Ernie Meier, McDonald’s Corporation Director of Quality Systems, U.S. Supply Chain Management Ernie Meier serves as the U.S. supply chain management director of quality systems for McDonald’s USA. In this role, Meier develops quality assurance systems and processes to ensure food safety, food quality and responsible practices for beef, pork, poultry, dairy and egg products and oversees the quality programs for the packaging suppliers. He establishes safety and quality requirements and is responsible for compliance among the company’s primary and secondary suppliers in areas such as raw ingredient products, BSE and avian influenza firewalls, animal welfare, raw material and finished product sampling and microbiological testing. Meier will provide perspective from one of the beef industry’s largest partners on topics like procurement, sustainability and antibiotic stewardship. Bruce Vincent, Communities for a Great Northwest President Bruce Vincent is a third-generation logger who moved his family back to Libby, Mont., in 1984 to run his family’s logging business. In 1988, Vincent helped form Communities for a Great Northwest, a non-profit education and information group dedicated to the intelligent use of natural resources. Vincent is also a partner in the public relations firm ENVIRONOMICS and often provides testimony on resource issues before Congress. Vincent will detail his family’s journey in pushing back on activist-driven regulations that have threatened the logging and related industries. Dale Brown, Former Louisiana State University Head Basketball Coach & Proud North Dakotan As a North Dakota native and former Louisiana State University (LSU) head basketball coach, Dale Brown knows a thing or two about success. Coach Brown has the most wins of any coach in the nation over Kentucky and is the winningest coach in LSU history. He has won several Southeastern Conference titles and advanced to two Final Fours while coaching basketball superstar Shaquille O’Neal. He was chosen twice as the National Basketball College Coach of the Year and is a member of the National College Basketball Hall of Fame. Brown welcomes the chance to come back to North Dakota to share his own ingredients of success in hopes of inspiring you to believe in your dreams and realize the difference faith can make not only in your job, but in your life. After a busy day of policymaking, it’ll be time to relax and show your team spirit on Friday evening. Sport your favorite team’s gear at the Stockmen’s Sports Night Social and Supper. Of course, you aren’t required to sport your team colors, but be prepared to tap into your competitive spirit with entertainment from ComedySportz of Minneapolis, Minn., who will have you laughing with their light-hearted, improv-style comedy show. NDSA’s 86th Annual Convention & Trade Show Sept. 24-26, Ramada, Bismarck, ND Pre-Registration Pre-register by Name(s)_______________________________________________________________ Organization/Ranch Name_______________________________________________ Address____________________________________ County___________________ Sept. 10 to save $27 and receive a Trunk Organizer from Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. City, State, Zip_________________________________________________________ Telephone____________________ E-mail __________________________________ Registration fee must be paid by all who attend the convention. Registration and name tags will be required to enter all meetings and meal functions. Meeting & Trade Show Registration # of People If you register by Sept. 10 If you register after Sept. 10 Full Registration Fee (all 3 days) (Per Person) x $35 = x $50 = Student Registration Fee (all 3 days) (Per Person) x $10 = x $15 = One-Day Registration Fee (Per Person) x $25 = x $30 = By Sept. 10 After Sept. 10 Check Day: Thursday____ Friday____ Saturday____ Special Events # of People Not Available Livestock Marketing Workshop (Workshop attendees must complete one-day or full convention registration to attend.) Thursday Supper x $17 = x $20 = Friday Supper & Entertainment x $25 = x $28 = Saturday Foundation Luncheon x $19 = x $22 = Kids’ Corral (Childcare provided by Go-Getters 4-H Club) x $15 = Not Available Annual Banquet x $34 = x $37 = TOTAL Accommodations: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Ramada in Bismarck until Sept. 10. The cost is $83 plus tax before Sept. 10. To make reservations, call (701) 258-7000 or (800) 854-9517. Kids’ Corral: Childcare service for kids age 0 to 10 will be provided from 5:30 to 10 p.m. on Sept. 26. The service includes food and age-appropriate activities for children who are pre-registered. Please indicate names, ages and any special care instructions on a separate sheet when you pre-register. Mail with payment to North Dakota Stockmen’s Association, 407 S. 2nd St., Bismarck, ND 58504. For questions, call (701) 223-2522. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID 407 S. 2nd Street Bismarck, ND 58504 Permit No. 341 Bismarck, ND 58501 NDSA’s 86th Annual Convention & Trade Show Sept. 24-26, 2015 Ramada, Bismarck, ND Follow us on social media or check us out online at
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