Schedule of Events - North Dakota Stockmen`s Association
Schedule of Events - North Dakota Stockmen`s Association
North Dakota CattleWomen Silent Auction...................8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. General Session................................. 8:15 a.m. Photography Contest Winner Announcement Photography Contest sponsored by Alltech and Tri-State Livestock News. It’s time for the NDSA’s 87th Annual Convention & Trade Show! Schedule of Events All events held at the Holiday Inn Riverside unless noted. Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016 Golf Scramble & Hole-in-One Contest Wildwood Country Club, Burlington......................................... 9:00 a.m. Contact Scott Ressler at (701) 391-7310 or to register. Golf Scramble sponsored by Dow AgroScience, Stockmen’s Supply and Stockmen’s Supply West. Hole-in-One prize sponsored by CATL Resources. NDSA Board of Directors Meeting........................................... 11:00 a.m. Registration............................. 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Registration sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Opening General Session.................. 8:45 a.m. Call to Order – Steve Brooks Presentation of Colors – Pat Artz and David Petry National Anthem – Minot State University Singers President’s Message – Steve Brooks Doorprizes sponsored by North Dakota Bankers Association. “Riding for the Brand” Recognition Executive Vice President Report North Dakota CattleWomen Greeting – Jolyn Wasem Trade Show Refreshment Break Refreshments sponsored by Central Livestock and North Central Feed & Seed. Opening General Session (cont.)..... 10:30 a.m. Tracy Brunner, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Nominating Committee Reports Floor Nominations of Officers and Directors Candidates’ Forum Doorprizes sponsored by Merial. Trade Show Set-up.................. 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Buffet Lunch...................................12:00 p.m. Cattlemen’s College................ 2:30 - 6:00 p.m. Marcus Brix, CattleFax Tim Andriesen, CME Group Randy Martinson and Amy Ryan, Martinson Ag Risk Management Committee Meetings............... 1:00 - 5:15 p.m. Ag Policy; Animal Health; Brand & Theft; Environmental Issues; Feeding & Marketing; and Research & Education Committee meetings will be staggered throughout this time-frame. Cattlemen’s College sponsored by Zoetis. Refreshments sponsored by Minot Convention & Visitors Bureau. Trade Show Social.............................6:00 p.m. Social sponsored by Arvig, Farm & Ranch Guide and First Community Credit Union. Supper..............................................7:00 p.m. Supper sponsored by DeHaan, Grabs & Associates, Inc., NDSU Dickinson and Hettinger Research Extension Centers, NDSU Carrington and Central Grasslands Research Extension Centers, Northern Pulse Growers Association and SweetPro Premium Supplements. Ice Cream Social...............................8:00 p.m. Social sponsored by Giant Rubber Water Tanks. Friday, Sept. 23, 2016 Complimentary Breakfast................. 7:30 a.m. Breakfast sponsored by Holiday Inn Riverside. Trade Show......................8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Registration......................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Refreshments sponsored by K2S Engineering, Inc., and Northern Plains Equipment. Speaker Line-Up: John Lundeen, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Market Research Steve Dittmer, Agribusiness Freedom Foundation Speaker sponsored by Bayer Animal Health, Dakota Global Group, Highline Manufacturing and Multimin, USA, Inc. Bruce Vincent, Third-Generation Logger Speaker sponsored by American Angus Association, CHS Nutrition, Liphatech Inc., and Select Sires. Refreshment Break Refreshments sponsored by CATL Resources. Doorprizes sponsored by North Dakota Red Angus Association. Mentoring Program Meeting........... 11:15 a.m. Foundation Luncheon.....................12:00 p.m. North Dakota Stockmen’s Foundation Scholarship Presentations – Jason Zahn Mentoring Program Recognition Convention Intern Recognition Beef Quality Assurance Program Recognition Region 7 Environmental Stewardship Award Recognition Foundation Luncheon sponsored by North Dakota Beef Commission and North Dakota Corn Council. Closing Session.................................1:30 p.m. Policy Committee Reports Policy Development Director and Officer Elections Retiring Leader Recognition Election of Officers and Directors Membership Report and Contest Results Membership prize sponsored by Envision Cooperative. Doorprizes sponsored by North Dakota Red Angus Association. Refreshments sponsored by Genex Hawkeye West and Quality Liquid Feeds. Resolutions Committee Meeting.......1:45 p.m. Kids’ Corral............................5:30 - 10:00 p.m. Social................................................6:00 p.m. Social................................................6:00 p.m. Supper & Product Auction................7:00 p.m. Annual Banquet.................................7:00 p.m. North Dakota Stockmen’s Foundation Auction Dr. Rick Rigsby Refreshments sponsored by Cattlecents Consulting. Social sponsored by Agri-Clear, Biozyme and River Ag, Inc. Supper sponsored by American Simmental Association, Dakotaland Feeds, LLC., Enbridge and First International Bank & Trust. Comedian Russ Stolnack...................8:00 p.m. Entertainment sponsored by Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Elanco, Leedstone and M&M Ag Service. Doorprizes sponsored by Merial and Range Magazine. Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016 Resolutions Committee Meeting....... 7:30 a.m. Registration.................... 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Registration sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Coffee sponsored by Semi-Trailer Sales & Leasing, Inc., and Sunnyside Feeds. Kids’ Corral sponsored by Agweek. Social sponsored by Cattle Business Weekly, Hubbard Feeds and Merck. Speaker sponsored by Haugen Sales & Leasing, Inc., Image Printing, Neogen GeneSeek, North Dakota Farm Credit Services, Purina Animal Nutrition, LLC., and Red Trail Energy, LLC. Honorary Member Award Recognition Rancher of the Year Award Recognition Environmental Stewardship Award Recognition Employee Service Awards Certified Angus Beef sponsored by North Dakota Angus Association. Rancher of the Year Award sponsored by Wells Fargo. Environmental Stewardship Award sponsored by the North Dakota Game & Fish Department. Live radio broadcasting sponsored by American Ag Network. Online broadcasting sponsored by DV Auction, Inc. Convention program sponsored by North Dakota State University Veterinary Diagnostics Laboratory and Stockmen’s Livestock Exchange. Golf Scramble & Hole-in-One Contest The 2016 NDSA Golf Scramble will hit the links at Wildwood Country Club in Burlington. Contact Scott Ressler at (701) 391-7310 or to register. Cattlemen’s College This year’s Cattlemen’s College will focus on the beef markets at a time of significant volatility. The NDSA has turned to a strong line-up of beef industry experts who specialize in fields ranging from market analysis to livestock risk protection. Marcus Marcus Brix Tim Andriesen Brix, CattleFax analyst, focuses much of his work on risk management research. Tim Andriesen, managing director of agricultural and alternative investment products at the CME Group, will provide insight on the futures market and revisions to the CME’s contracts. Randy Martinson and Randy Martinson Amy Ryan Amy Ryan of Martinson Ag Risk Management will give producers an overview of livestock risk protection options. John Lundeen, NCBA Senior Executive Director of Market Research John Lundeen, senior executive director of market research at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, works to capture consumer insights to help the beef industry respond to its consumers. He maintains a close watch on trends that shape the demand for beef and consumer opinions of the industry. Lundeen will discuss current market trends among beef consumers and the work being done to bolster beef demand. Steve Dittmer, Agribusiness Freedom Foundation Executive Vice President Agribusiness Freedom Foundation (AFF) Executive Vice President Steve Dittmer has worked for more than a dozen years to provide facts, reasoned analysis and bold opinion regarding beef industry economics and politics. Dittmer grew up on a small cattle operation in Ohio and today works in his role at the AFF to point out ignored facts, distortions and the agendas of those attempting to “reform” the beef industry. Dittmer will visit North Dakota to discuss front-burner national issues like trade, immigration and environmental regulations and what they mean to North Dakota’s beef sector. Bruce Vincent, Third-Generation Logger Tracy Brunner, NCBA President Tracy Brunner is a fourth-generation rancher on his family’s operation located near Ramona, Kan. He manages the family’s feedyard and a yearling grazing operation and oversees the ranch’s cattle and grain marketing decisions, commodity risk management, customer relations and financial reports. Brunner will join the NDSA Convention to discuss national beef industry issues and gather feedback from North Dakota producers. Committee Meetings Grassroots policymaking is always at the heart of the NDSA Annual Convention & Trade Show. During this year’s committee meetings, members will discuss and debate policy issues and learn from industry experts who will offer informational reports. Topics will range from the Veterinary Feed Directive to the use of drones and from futures market changes to endangered species updates. Friday Entertainment After a day packed with policy-making, Comedian Russ Stolnack will entertain convention attendees with his award-winning impersonations and personalized comedy. Stolnack has performed at every level, from the stage in Las Vegas to appearances on ESPN, CBS and Fox Business Channel. He was the National Speaker Association’s humorous speaker of the year. Bruce Vincent is a third-generation logger who moved his family back to Libby, Mont., in 1984 to run his family’s logging business. In 1988, Vincent helped form Communities for a Great Northwest, a non-profit education and information group dedicated to the intelligent use of natural resources. Vincent is also a partner in the public relations firm Environomics and often provides testimony on resource issues before Congress. Vincent will detail his family’s journey in pushing back on activist-driven regulations that have threatened natural resource industries. Dr. Rick Rigsby, President and CEO of Rick Rigsby Communications Dr. Rick Rigsby, a San Francisco native and a former award-winning journalist, followed a television news career with graduate school. A college professor for two decades, Rigsby spent most of those years at Texas A&M University, where he also served as character coach and chaplain for the Aggies football team. Rigsby now devotes his full attention to empowering people worldwide — from presenting leadership principles in Nigeria to speaking to Fortune 500 companies in the Americas, Europe and Canada. A favorite among professional sports organizations, Rigsby offers common-sense wisdom to those desiring to rise to greater levels of excellence. NDSA’s 87th Annual Convention & Trade Show Sept. 22-24, Holiday Inn Riverside, Minot, N.D. Pre-Registration Name(s)______________________________________________________________________ Organization/Ranch Name______________________________________________________ Pre-register by Sept. 8 to save $27 and receive a Travel Case from Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Address__________________________________________ County_____________________ City, State, Zip_________________________________________________________________ Telephone_______________________ E-mail ______________________________________ Meeting & Trade Show Registration # of People Registration fee must be paid by all who attend the convention. Registration and name tags will be required to enter all meetings and meal functions. If you register by Sept. 8 If you register after Sept. 8 Full Registration Fee (All 3 days) (Per person) x $37 = x $52 = Student Registration Fee (All 3 days) (Per person) x $10 = x $15 = One-Day Registration Fee (Per person) x $27 = x $32 = If you register by Sept. 8 If you register after Sept. 8 Thursday Supper x $17 = x $20 = Friday Breakfast Complimentary Complimentary Friday Supper & Entertainment x $37 = x $40 = Saturday Foundation Luncheon x $24 = x $27 = Kids’ Corral x $15 = Not Available Annual Banquet & Entertainment x $39 = x $42 = Check Day: Thursday____ Friday____ Saturday____ Special Events # of People TOTAL Kid’s Corral: Childcare service for kids age 0 to 10 will be provided from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Sept. 24. The service includes food and age-appropriate activities for children who are pre-registered. Please indicate names, ages and any special care instructions on a separate sheet when you pre-register. Accomodations: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn Riverside in Minot until Sept. 7. The cost is $84.95 plus tax before Sept. 7. To make reservations, call (701) 852-2504. Check box for card type: Credit Card Number__________________________________________________________ Visa Discover Master Card American Express Name as it appears on the card__________________________________________________ Expiration Date___________ Cardholder Signature___________________________________________ Date_________ CVV Code_______________ Mail with check or credit card payment to: North Dakota Stockmen’s Association, 407 S. 2nd St., Bismarck, ND 58504. For questions, call (701) 223-2522. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID 407 S. 2nd Street Bismarck, ND 58504 NDSA’s Permit No. 341 Bismarck, ND 58501 87 Annual th Convention & Trade Show Sept. 22-24, Holiday Inn Riverside, Minot, N.D. Follow us on social media or check us out online at
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Schedule of Events
Registration................................ 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Registration sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim
Vetmedica, Inc.
Refreshments sponsored by Sunnyside Feeds.