July - Lisbon Baptist Church
July - Lisbon Baptist Church
July 2016 V o l u me 2 7 , I s s u e 7 Li s bo n Ba pti st Ch u r c h Celebrate Freedom! Patriotic Service Sunday, July 3rd 6:00 p.m. Looking Ahead to Christmas! The Women’s Ministry will be collecting items for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes during May-August. Each month we will be asking for donations of a different item: July - School Supplies: pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, small tablets, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc. August - Accessories: t-shirts, socks, hats, sunglasses, hair clips/bands/ribbons, jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries), etc. Our target age group is: 10-14 Both Boys and Girls Notes of Gratitude To My Lisbon Family, Thank you so much for the phone calls, food and prayers during my recent knee surgery. You are a wonderful church family! We Are So very blessed, Mary Gilder Dear Lisbon Family, Thank-you so much for your thoughts, prayers, calls, and visits. Our church family means so much to us and we look forward to being back with you soon! We love you and covet your continued prayers. Love, Margaret & Thomas Brown Sunday School Report for June Average Weekly Attendance = 127 Average Weekly Visitors = 5 Total Contacts for Month = 17 Usher Schedule - July 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT June 2015 Glenn Royal Monthly General Budget Required: $31,548.02 Bobby Harris Terry Bowlden Fred Watson General Received—$35,988.96 Vernon Christian Special—$596.63 Doug Jarrett Building Fund—$1,241.25 See Glenn Royal if you need to reschedule your turn SPECIAL MINISTRIES Assisting the Homeless in Griffin/Spalding County During the month of July, Special Ministries is teaming up with W.O.M. to provide health care items for the homeless and needy in the Griffin area. We are asking each Sunday School class to pack a handbag with toiletries and personal items for the ladies or pack a bag with toiletries and personal items for the men. Bags, purses and a list of the suggested items will be available beginning July 3rd. Ice cream Ministry for local schools Coming up in August, we will be showing our appreciation to the staffs of our 3 nearby schools by providing homemade ice cream to Sara Harp Minter Elementary and Whitewater Middle School on Tuesday, August 2 and Whitewater High School on Thursday, August 4. Sign up sheets will be in the Welcome Center, beginning July 17. .--------------The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own. -- Lao Tzu Happy Birthday To: 7/4—Anya Fields 7/6—Tanner Webb 7/14—Kaley Henderson 7/21—Samuel Kunz 7/22—Sharon Harper 7/28—William Patterson Weekly Opportunities for Kids Sunday School – every Sunday 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. (rooms 107, 108) Family Worship – every Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon in the Worship Center GAs (Girls in Action) – Wednesday 6:30–7:30 p.m. – Girls learning about missions (room 107) RAs (Royal Ambassadors) – Wednesday 6:30–7:30 p.m. Boys in missions (room 116) Upcoming Children’s Department Events July 3rd – Church-wide Patriotic Service @ 6:00 p. m. July 10th – Scavenger Hunt and Service Project – Let’s get ready to serve in a seeking sort-of-way! I think we might have to seek before we can serve (if that makes sense)! Any way, this is an event you don’t want to miss! Meet in the Fellowship Hall at 4:30 p.m. Parents will pick you up at 7:00 p.m. July 17th – Swim Party – We will meet at the church at 4:30 p.m. and head to Mr. Doug and “Miss” Lucy’s for some major fun swimming! Bring your sunscreen, beach towel, and be ready for some wet fun! We will return to the church for parents to pick you up at 7:00 p.m. July 23rd – Family Night at Stone Mountain’s Laser Show – This event is for the entire family. A parent must attend with children!! Bring a picnic to eat on the lawn as we wait for the Laser Show to begin. The mini-bus will leave at 5:00 p.m. Please make plans to drive if we have a large crowd going. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, games, etc. for an evening of fun. Return will be after the show! July 24th – Family Worship – Join your family upstairs for worship during the evening service. July 31st – Farewell Party – We will have a swim party to say our good-byes to Mattie and Conner. This will be their last Sunday with us before heading to the Youth Department. Join us from 4:30-7:00 p.m. Catch a ride on the minibus for some serious fun and food. Don’t forget that sunscreen and towel! August 7th – Welcome-Up Swim Party – We will meet at the church at 4:30 p.m. and head to the Fields’ for a party to welcome up the new 1st graders into the Children’s Department. Plan on an afternoon of fun, food, and water! Bring sunscreen and your beach towel! We will return to the church at 7:00 p.m. August 14th – Family Worship – Join your family upstairs for worship during the evening service. August 21st – Skating at Dazzles and Pizza at Stevie B’s – We will leave the church at 3:30 p.m. for skating at Dazzles followed by pizza a Stevie B’s. We will return to the church at 7:00 p.m. August 28th – Farewell Summer Swim Party – The last swim party of the summer will begin at 4:30 at the church where we will once again board the church mini-bus and head to the Fields’. Once there, we will swim, laugh, eat, swim some more, laugh a lot more, and have a grand time! Remember your sunscreen and beach towel. I bet you know what time we are going to be back at the church!! Yep, 7:00 p.m. You’re good!! Schedule of Activities for July 2016 Sunday July 3 9:00a Church-Wide Prayer Time in Youth Room 4:00p Deacons’ Meeting Monday July 4 Independence Day Holiday—Office Closed Saturday July 9 9:00a Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study Sunday July 10 4:30p Children’s Dept. Scavenger Hunt (F.H.) 4:45p Youth M-Fuge Prayer Dinner (Youth Room) Monday-Saturday July 11-16 Youth M-Fuge Summer Mission, Mobile AL Sunday July 17 430p Children’s Swim Party Saturday July 23 9:00a Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 5:00p Children’s Outing to Stone Mountain Sunday July 24 9:30a Blood Pressure Screening, Room 206 Wednesday July 27 6:30p Youth Worship Encounter Sunday July 31 Newsletter Deadline 4:30p Children’s Swim Party Weekly Recurring Church-Wide Events: Monday’s 5:30-7:00 PM—Weight Loss Class Tuesday’s @ 1:00 PM—Ladies Prayer Group meets in Room 103 Wednesday’s @ 6:30 PM—Prayer Meeting (4th Wednesday; Family Mission Studies) Wednesday’s @ 6:30 PM—Children’s Mission Groups & Youth Bible Study Wednesday’s @ 7:30 PM—Celebration Choir Practice Sunday’s @ 6:00 PM—Evening Worship Service Lisbon Baptist Church 1662 Highway 85 South, Fayetteville, GA 30215 Weekly Worship Schedule: Sunday: (770)461-1583 / Lisbon@bellsouth.net 9:45 AM Bible Study (all ages) www.lisbonbaptistchurch.com 11:00 AM Celebration of Family Worship Office Hours: Monday-Friday—9:00a-4:00p 5:00 PM Discipleship Classes / Children’s Choir 6:00 PM Evening Worship David Rathbun, Pastor Wednesday: david@lisbonbaptistchurch.com 6:30 PM Prayer Meeting (except 4th Wednesday Missions Night) Jeff Durham, Minister of Worship 6:30 PM Preschool Mission Friends jeff@lisbonbaptistchurch.com 6:30 PM Children’s R.A.’s and G.A.’s 6:30 PM Youth Bible Study 7:30 PM Celebration Choir Practice Clayton McClain, Youth Minister clayton@lisbonbaptistchurch.com Carol Holt & Anya Fields, Children’s Ministry Co-Directors carolsholt@comcast.net anyamike@bellsouth.net Debbie Pass, Ministry Assistant lisbon@bellsouth.net
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Lisbon Baptist Church
1662 Highway 85 South, Fayetteville, GA 30215