Sujit ?Omar Baal 4c Chamber; FE, 522, Flat No.4B Salt Lake CitySector-Ill, Kolkata 700106 ■2334-8856 a. 9433192022 qr(oth Advocate High Court, Calcutta Bar Association, Room No.2 Kolkata 110001. /at • 6:67,c7-eo7Q2z_anA rAc j VAele e)-7947 CCAL2 t-C XA1.0/ q r- 7 r4otc:271 e e 67C^eiCeT7 Zef.‘-aI 9 Z .42-Q A) 7- A"( 1 61 te'- (xi al/62714-a cf SAlle (—VC e Ca 72 e --clioYeacyr at! ' )27E:At?' gj yr; 24 / Ak?-"iyat 4)--ecw i gettina4-14 acea #79-Lame-47,--tv 671c- R-L'e //Ltd gie e 41-77:/e4 e ° 927 1-54-areili A"3-Atild PePth >1{ trAt 7)1 K -e-97)-cR--1( '212_ 4c.0-- kieL0( A9 rar? rfrIg Qvi-c_eY ifje_ Mzl),:go Yvt-'61-MC ,D/Wk2^cri-, /6 e--€6 la • 0111/4Czfrfria-4t- )(jaw ,(6)/A_Ion_ J9) - 05 • aziA cirt PE 9'W ( cc-&, e/i-e ,,76-667-11/91.g (-04,47/6/7/- F 9-10 /kJ CLAb (76)--ti j / 0-iyr25 071)-v(y - T 39A%d-Vir Ha(2-011 wcPtice et s Ur in the )iig Court at Calcutta Constitutional ; rit %%diet:action kopellete side. W.I.L.R.T.No, Of 2014 in the matter of An r.41pLicetxoti under :amcle 226 the connituticts of India t Subject matter relating to s Group - new, of the Classificat/ st T Cause Title Blue tit chanure shit •. etitioner .-Vereur The state Of ;c+ert Bengal 6. Ore. ••••itespootsentP • F.thecateman-4(easra SutIt Yr. Ilea. %allocate gar sesucLattonarOOM uo.2 IMO Court/Calcutta. _District 3 i/ 4110CIAM e4 Put In the High Court at Calcutta cUh stituttcnel writ Jexiesictioe Appellate :Ace. k•P 01..R.T.9o• of 201$ ip the matter of To application under trticie 224 of the Constitution of India. And to In the matter at • art *hams Chandre lett • • • •P &titian er •Arersuest The estate of s eat Bengal it ors. • • •Eespondenta• lt Particulars of unmants Annexurce 1. 11/472lication 2. :Iowa of sale Deed and "eCt receipts collectively 1 to QS ma anus of 11.0.1t.s. collectively 4.. 5. 4. 'Pet Xerox of itepreseltation and notices callectively• Op041 Xerox of Representations yelp. S. PAZ' ;L evel: of ()ran passed in 14*Jitease xesox of J usage 4en t end calectively Pages SI — S1-1 a•3' — LI 6 tkl — re. — P ?sir I 1 Xereic of the letter of Dal OttA•O• t P.4' 132,1211i 9 .erox 10• o f notices eco astral slips collectively s'erox of Representation 11. Original of the impugned order 'P.4' G6 CI GS — Ea List of Dates 2149 • 1971 lobn.is were purchased by the petitioner by °ode 30.7.1074 Or -er passed by the L4, Eteautive naristrate Amcor, in si. . este Dc 220 of 11172 confirming possession at the petitioner it the suit Lends by fort:44ring the opposite pettier from melting any disturbance to his postmodern in the suit leant. 03.6.1987 The Lcay h ird nal District Judge hi spare order parsed in T4A4Lar.435 of MS by ratting ankle ma quashing the tlarktrent/Decree peened in T.S. /04224 of 1991 by permanently rertreining the Ciettlinnante Leer interfering with peaceful pormeseiou of the petitioner/plaint! f f in the suit lane and declareo hies thight• title beterege w4 at en pc:trent/CM there in the visit /woe. 7.3.2010 4. Mean 04223/2011 dated 7.342011 was traced by initiating a proceeolac for correction of by deleting entry of •Jortheng 30.9.3015 The Lu. ard bench of the tcest bengal Land fiefouas awl reneecy atbaual parried tartar In Li minc;* 922 of 2015 (LATT) <Ants of Late The ors eti titan in di co fedi againet the °run of the ld• Tribunet• *id Reds involving point, as to whether, aslief ra &night for by the petitioner can be granted by the 144 Tribunal en correction of R.044 in the light of the judoement/Oecree passed ry the id, Civil Court / 0 of injunction can be Peened by way p U reetr ith wo twin di t injunction ut the Lde ikeePcn 9 Peaceful poeaesaion petit stoner in the lead in qua tion ? 3M of t of whibttlem red other eirretion nsta 11.1 CI TO. titic 0 sAii :10.922 of 716 (worn ebsouchertars tilts et 12 re c•Ang at -Wee* elpite Deletes Diet:Act Penhla <L. 'Pass I .1* 7 calls andlia r' s• otatrict tours Diet tat « vsechis etgalout• 'in * 721/01,, 1• 7( N Farad; genets gon at Tuft eye. V---‘8) duns Hark. X 8$1114 7) Ohowsebrin %nib eau at dna gut t utt.ate j 170 tut to allyisk I $ OW ‘ingias ton ot lc zg~ ila his ?lace tile toga Nitro-4 Oc t) Lianas it) *tin Nett f; inch the Its. Mit hag catvonaa Justices at the said livea ble (butt. of the petitioner at Joao eaa be to real` tie raNcov-ca ntatoo he paaect the 22 before se a Agana atlas ad Lee strove we di M ) coma "posing of the as or 7.2•201/ 'SAM 1, teal" with* 4 I W144 4. asl soAO C 03S hal bin ne :ft "PA* =Sleet,. y• Ot 5 f n„G.Ro by War tzarist:the aF cis e the idd. Executive Magistrate, In Class, re and a pWceediog in mar No.2 6 of 1973 kad beet e private reo cn4ents and/or some of, their predecessors alive at that time. The said. paces Sag ended on 30.7,1974 by r aseed by the to. Executive maulstrate, let Class, Alidnevore wy en artier by observing that the appiicant is in possession and he in entitl esi to such possession in the lends in question entt the opposite parties re attft Cs the private were forbidaie to visite any aissturbAnce of such the said order of Maiiesse is mine xed Iflsrt as marked coneoure 'P/3' That the petitioner states Elie several represent.» Ciotti, to the concerned rewoddant, the block d o Lisa ftwiwung officer, Den tan-ai fur deleting the alleged note of toreusug an* for correction of P.00.9, eccordingLy and to that effect notices were served upon applicant EP r.ea CA or attended the hearing, but till date no atcs snob curt the applicant ane3 others. The be en taken by tt authority,concerned for f Xerox v f rep even end no are annexed herewith marked Aimexare '9/41' 9) That the petiti etates s ince the matter at ca Gear* 0.11, was pending ipr lung before the cycemed authority end haying there threat at dieposeeeeton at the petitioner estion, and having no altexflatiw there, the petitioner filed the T.6•Dos 256 at 1961 against the state ®nci other before the 16. ihinsit at Denten. Dirtrict macidigur, praying for destitution of his absolute right, title. interest and thjutletteitt• The said suit was not contested by all, the defeneientsfprivatee Respondents. noetever the petiti ones could not succeed in the seta title suit. are to the said suit,, at the prc+chuce the paper relating 9. That the petitioner states against the ora.r of the la. men ,t ataten, Medinipur, the petitioner preferred me 6p2eel being T.Appeal uo.420 of 1986, before the lid o Mar Diet at Judge.. HicinsPare and the 1 Adult District Judge. 6th Court i re silo 1 tag *side and gnashing p.rued in the Lem at strts Is tan and ciect04:4 the kraal' Tot f•Uo, sight, title Intercom a 0 ;JoareaeloD of the platatiff/ et lantaVittitt. 1. tratniog the aefaakqeme tint U t Ueda raptly t flees, of seeaa laiD as nez zervebt QC salt psupertys • col I yeti vel re WU* y of the tistemeate cuulo net aantoa I4 prayer f t c ►ttrjecree Ptea his t of R.P.Re In fa tight of the jeer.* Li eyelet• by making further tip eeentattem - L2 12) That the Petition es t .22310-14ers 254nlin dated 07•3•11, 'he owe to know that in reply to hie memo E79/0400.1I dated 25.10.20 0, the pietrie Land & Lan9 Reforms Officer E'eschin kiewthipwr °note a ntic e O.L. 4 L.R.0• g him with the else that he may proceedeo tip ryttele,gt-t1 a noting of forcitte possession subject to au tenon of tx tion o r passed by comp* eat court of law in this doL. L' LoRiia *quested the R.L. & L.h.0 usativou to intone t e applicant that a snatibn order from the appropriate court of law is required first. %inn of the letter of Das. & 4.12 • is annexed herewith as ma e That the 0 Hers nconned ant tote latter of & L•11403.4 further served the applicant fixing dates f hearing on sever, ocrasionawftaich he at bit no fruitful result was upheld there by withhol 4 he issue- for long time., t is surprise to note that whenever the possession of the applicant la eetahuthod by the IA, Civil Court of L it is not the tt t ix in a cbeeisnaliary 12471 y tae eXbs et oft as. in wry • poaaea !lets the • ittegel and in lea* • '14/91eo 1 1 rely. of time mart flea dry sem the ropresentation, to the rain tunetkon 'rarer am Ma I yew at Ills Pant* is curreeteci 14 ig a fore the Data =satbority the 22 of 235 (LRfl) before the rd Tenancy Tribunal end the 14. at the ee14 Tabuoal has p dog We 30.9.201$ ea oentan of of its cc vitt tew, if not eiteed e from the oate of Pesstng at the Ea. einem the seta order had bee Tattun44 t' difOusie weft no order to of the no int; Peoiltem of prim: ght of ZedgemeerteJectse of the Ld. Civil court and for injunction rare passed for "retentions of the right, title and intare*et as there is serious threats of dispossession and or disturbance fat a else side of the private respondata e 1' i ritunal failed to aPPrebiate the of the petitioner Ear id. typpeal court 1e has passed fludgentant/Decr by declaring right , title ono intereets Ara also possession at the petitioner in to Pass order to that effect of cantina ling order of injunction of the L4.CYvit Courts Hance the trougieci order requires judicisl raided end certain Loa nation in the oner is necessary. end that ought to be considered in the interest of Justice. 11 That the petitioners states unless irrugned order is ra odifi the extent passing the order of injunction pastramis); the Privets reePoe or disturbing aftectipg peaceful possession of the petitioner Luau his right, title and interest therein the lams in question as omit/matted by the pe in Title Appeal till dleposal of the pnceecting Ina also correction of the is s. Ria • the petitioner shall face irrepsrabte lose aid injury. 17) That being aggrieved by end dissatisfied with the impugned in part begs to move this writ petition on the following amongst others Grounds kbr that the 'Snail:tied Sat. & lo • Denten has done nothing in respect of correction of erroneousentry •rr of the Rees% of tle er but heir prOcestinated the Pinceecaing for nothing sun tiering there the Cudgernan and Decree of the Oa court. Evan he lies net take eny stens for floatation of right, title and interest of the petitioner in the laid in question. Star that the 1d. Ounces in the Tribunal tailed to pass am nine order by oirecting the kee tai Id•RipCi• t0 car eat the ko•h. of the p L• fc nt 8. ti et interns of the Judgement anti Decree of the les. Civil Court le Titl e sweat tik4420 of ass cit has confirmed the richt. title and interest of the petitioner in lands in question. sh •-• T Pot that the ld. judger failed to e id. civil court IIPPreciate the case that uit to Taos has passed 0raar of permanent injunction Ms the Responde[rts particularly the wrivetit Respondents f petitioner sad fra ling with the possession of the q stiectiag his right. u interest and no effective orcar/directionhas been passed to that effect of maintaining the void order where there is serious threat of inter!: see end distnrbonces from the side of the rieatsdental. IV. Itir that the impugned otter pass by the i,d. Tribunal matters from that score of non existence of these sorts 0 ck r 0 jut:Acid review of this Court and modification ti that effect, t the order imougmed is not to be said a end appropriate lacking those tut asp. directing the S.L. ire. by not R.O. Dents II to correct the toms of Judgsnsnj *leers P8One6 by the ld, Civil Court in Title "ppeal :1 o,4 of 1986 and by not passing an a er of injunction to the effect of protection of rich • interest and also puaseasion of the petitioner in Lines in question till disa3. of the proceeding sod or till CIDrreati011 ut. RoP • R. 18) That the petitioner sohnita there is no altmuvatly a Application before this ilon s kie Court twos taking the iLpugnedi arbor on j iwel mot:tiering the aerie on the score of stove aspects. an ~uatc e petitioner sutraits there is serious threats rota the aie5s os the Private R espondents over the lawful possession of the petitioner overthe UMW As such this I * COert will he pleased to protect that title. interest as yell ea possersion of the petitioner • th e suit huts ups con Li oration of the genre titi *ern of the 1 Civil mart, 17 w:tiler t e 'petitioner begs to pray before the non. Ile court te pass further order directing the reaponderat .R.U. cone's:nen to corr team, of the Ontig Ft R e in tii)eo.effi of the 14. Civil Cuurt • 19 4Appeal Ho•420 of 1996 ur r to pass Order of injunction restraining the reePondel * utterly the private Respondent, £ijm interfering with peaceful possession of the petitioner Hers soe • 20) That the petition is mac* Innafide fur the ends of i+utice. Under the facts of the case the petitioner begs to pray balm, You. Lordships to pass the eil Lewing order/airection a) a writ of Handsaws be issued commanding the re onrl 9t Iao.4 to dins& of the myna ding as initiataEi Pa y him in Han Ins.273 doted 7. 3 1 lbr correction of P*0.9. of the petitioner in to of Judgerac dna of the kis Civil Court passed In Title Appeal Mos420 at 1984 byway Of Eying the imphsnee °vier eis (Masco by the Ids 2n i Lend Reforms ma of 2015 (Lnt datnd 30.94015 wench at west aengel Tenancy rritonal in 0•A•90•922 rdettbbe peened by way 0* passing on restraining the private Respondents Coma interfering with the rights title tert.at as Well as possession at the pelt timer in the subject lends in question in any manners whatsoever from changing nature and character of the said land and Limn aistzzrbdnq peaceful possession of the petitioner in the respeati, lane in question* a) a writ of Certiorari be passed directing the retwondent/r, dilate cunceaK44 to prom duce the rel vent records of the case before this Honsble court for effective di) a writ of justice. Prohibition be issued prohibiting the ?riVette arvondiltite Edam interfering with and also from disturbing right, title., interest and peaceful possession of the petitioner in the suit 1ascn in my manners whatsoever. interfering with end or oirturbing title, int eft eno oleo gin et the n the "quit two in c atiep $0 any tshotroever ging nature ma sher,eatet of 5uestiap by way toy neonate wise of the leo co • matt or flit be paned rectitrq the resoontleotAmer dente pante cularty iteeoccoeot 4 to etir. ming aim nu a of tine • by coratting the meat eau vents, of the le. Civil Clare is 4r of left oraor ot Injunction e:are9 e• intartnat ea nett GO pOlires Urn the lend to queens* met chereeter of Ito be fit inia paspere 4- p at At I/AVO • L PJA r X 21 la Unt.440 *raw euletzelp etas Y ee tallow* is inetect tees of Or eiretnetences ut the OWNS 2) That the etatannts lane In the PerecrIP noes //o /g are true in my k outetscie *4 the tette at the penman* hlit4elere ar respeotte1 tan** auks tartan before this bnitte (butts 45 to 'let tosAr . a =ea botany tae 67?"; ;nicest** Stiley u& Jemmy. tcylty; refaner* .94%An-zte,fre ;gt/-• 1-1 )1' 4— ' Aiet.e4v. E ST H:INC;Al_. ca, .k-z) ,t‘ 4244 048609 )7 0 217 I /0 -x 1 ‘1 'lc 10' 0 I c -r' ,., i. d 1 r P1 W 14 _.., r,t, 41 1,..,,, § di 0 .f, p IK. ; q-I R & ile. rl ' 3 ,‘I I IH,± as fib Iri - P % pt\ ... e-x. c, 10 -- \ L&:, 'Q' 0, , , \-• , \ Li ‘ r . ,- • qi . • ,i1 a it . rfr , 1I ,• 4 i . ik- frI I . 4 , ... x .. . • en, ___ _ -- 7 . .2 1 4 .C F 1 • li • ...A . 1 u .. 1. i . 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Form No. 107' BUR SBP B t to Trfin mk PA% cull 4 :16309 ,twi‘ w{pct >1 cgrii fiv -fr ) r qs-tA ArA 1 C3M57 A: 1 .I Ai. .• AtA 1 3Ag AAv A: CZN II a i COM RIR CO, ,9•, Ra 1 • RIRIIRIRt 1I RR rN a r4R q • • na I Ici.7. aist1 r#1311 f171,1 a111e Mf- 5) I Tik131 ,M1 I 5-a,C14'Y> tle \"V`C l'Orltr21•COV— .5I4 9:(•oar iara 4a• ' a' . • ::. cc • j RaR Wral 'R c.t1.21,1194 > 9 I4) 5 f4 E— r 17 Tiv g.• 1 • ,„, a 9* 7.14q i 1 1,11.1 Pr? 4! . crM.rf':-. •, 7 A? S 1,2-' c ) ))5CT. CR CAA 9b (90 94 — 2..,.itcr cog et L 11,0, 6/ i ri •rrf,ir fr- Its- - )thn. )) ) ))) . ,,. .ke‘o )))z clo Tv 7-0 s di k ?, ?....., ), ) ) Taw ort:r?li fiT (to r').NICA CM ,1301rzl fricL;* 6.71%0 1 c49Ii :5,5M 9,r1211,1114.1. ') .51 -\,Sa 1 _ ).-- ).- 5Uy 9v). cs-95 z )5. • 9 ‘/ Negs-Cs-r- (bIr>a kb ir) 6 tri 8 ,- 4 TY) ki) 06 — )e, _ NRIIIRI [4:1 9 P^n R9 IR RiltIIR OR c'T.J RIR •Itt , t To) r /1,-0 1_ 1,--5 2- b-1-.) 2 b-o \y 0-6 14 F4419 *C 4..- NR ita 6tt 1 e.. al I' ti ,,la rk 9 'IR/ fril ;z . atrw °I, ?I) 2 t . \ qr.1 4tfac rkr4. la 51* >b IRrl '-‘5TRTIR1 inzi 1 , / y 9 o '-'1;51 long ___. 886')• A A. I -..-1.-- wp- .,,,:ty 0 ' .° • ( Ai. i *" 1 *171 IL 1--* %1T 74 911 -/ k q A: 0 Nisi a: MY >0 8 I filAkIE 0 • 1. I. de Y r lor, 1r r :- N'15 '51 3v R .0) 14. • I 4/1///), ) : West Bengal Form No. 1077 L & R J SBP . 4082168 WtRfli t4'k RRsIt zr14 twt*ziknit •> 3 (A.3 gm k1 33114i3r alt<3 cefif ac z 1 4114c.i4vx 1 a Acts at cl:C24-tir: nrara7— Li 0 )o' 53iIn tw .8,G_N•lb— 417n < CI CV1RoliFiA ,0 4. , ,t GI 37111-<FNt 7N7T-- s 1 ,QR11c0 CaA OR at 91 ''Ifoala w d-.„___ b1 FM ae Ai z44<iRr41,1 & 0 tr--- ... . e-at e:_, 4Th ,G ,ifft4..-----N .5 i i Avtkta Sint)raTak • aft<....: ‘---..." • awi:49r.4 .3,1trmTINTz--• 74c17 ‘11-51W >MI 5rs< 501 arc! i 514 Tpm, ffAk1 kitly11111)Kr 4139 kk-fili144 "c51-41141fi” (/) )9 (I) ‘S cats 6f3i (") (as) Rcei ,sTrril* ft471-c-4.1 87116 ,7 6 5. WIT Rtm k-m 'furl 9Pi11 iR/ .Q.1 _ Oir le *Tam -4820 0 0 91-- 91 qi- k?i71_ 9)—'1 ,°-1 NI) - og )-fe el/ n --,--_____t-L e .31zR31,trair Bt4J 15,1.441 V- Q il‘ e9/ C 4. e .N114 .... c5T-0 fahR 1,11-aql grelTIAC&1‘0Wa'-‘51k1* facRs Tann Wifit1u ) rznimpinffl SB?., Kolkaia-700 015. I, • a bengal Form No. 1077 L&LR SBP t saeP1 879969 \G1.1 vm?fTlext I • MI cts \ ' k I Qpinripe car S \DI 1171*C61-4111,3 ictiel*31-415 aT ,1 ( et' — a i rtma ate 2 GST.an? ‘i sri ii ae ':r 0 I MCI NM 3 r e, -, G ..)5' .-T-,,-,_____ cv- ct i 4ft-TS ae a 1 cersgi 901111 br I Mg ae '0 Tilf<R I q?I‘I. 2mt ( Vi i1 )2tRat airttc Ynn - 2`-..._ e-a-R mat mtnmi )k 131/9‘9T3ft1 T9t nra an( 9iRt am )z )8 514,ra I 9t* '11 G•11•11 From as )a 4-n ,rma vic4M 10 §4-1-42 VIII eerra INNN act wtnattkta etrt2 urn cat etnrr4t IIM bRi )17- (4) 71111, Fliv)9 ( ) )9 (91) TIN (..11 MR0 ,0 gent 0101 lirc 11 2 it( ¶(14 ko 21 , C'PI : WOO )a VI 95fital 10• 1.t '41W 71-.4 TS( 9121ag t- 1 Tkir)swRf aravf mtgroi ffi, /----- wpiR 411 1 q 4 fryea.l etem um 1 00 3114 bri( i 00 cam .„..........---1 CAM et —._. * 01 )TCR3 AZI5 *ZIR I 41311 °1RM Otell Rttet t Wirtz 2$z-4i STIP. Kolicata-700 015. .........--. _....., .. 'Cat W1111! eliCR \Ora (a“7.1131) CY-n 3 ryi wrifirisrZt aim wik "a,)irs‘M4 • 4. West Bengal Form No. 1077 L&LR SBP wtRmt cgw;.R-R*t z--4 gra wee 9 I ktkr* gni e ) ! CW1174 Oral ca ae 0I 8771980 a I NOkumat -a at ae art4usta ata e eat Kas at t-s Pc-it. \ aI ciltsiMMQ Ca-C ^, ctt '' , 1-(V)-- a I al <3 CZ LLCM. ae t I atrtRaNt a ....1 ITO *4M ko , ).__G /A a 1510* cm ( ,apk-Rt ) Tn.*ktink C.5-kfib L e-C10nil'Al: ).9a fli Mina e falatintainr e 44 era aI a. i liN ae .. -r-vd-vi, — QracK--,Q --cw (:5:-n ck oc WW1* ciK ›iftitffi 5'to 9MR1 'I1 erg )3 k ), gva Ta )8 criaa4 rri1 )‘t 431 ) sAlri c aeizia *a CTRI Ckit ata '‘O 091 1b- 09 . )tr (K) a Pr* 91M Tkkti 99-49 mar frk)9 (15) )9(v) , \sTrtatm ft** .4* 'eta lila.* Ic-4, ,icil liR ,Rtiit iiris k) ko kk Vat 74c** ltdi kz k kiza 7 2ex„ 1 ftrisi .4.‘k 91MR1 NM boi / 9c9 •oa eC '‘ w 91.4 As31 14911 ;RI 'a F ' C)9, N i via , i yaw 7ritcavi fib '41,131-11 *11119 If ev wfit orii (4).4m mt. (a) cipi cint am Ram / .ate• v ---31? F — (Th acaa ama `Tel* c10,1 I/ Ett•IJa Cbc<191 aiat 91190-41 01\ OM 0,CGI oll9ItCR TIVA Rifkes kta SHP.. Kolkata-700 015. N. , VitiRldt 941;14 'IR "151c51 Wass Bengal Bengal Form No. 5463/Modified Khatian f&K' r.nrid a; f‘51111.q stt ctrt)rty aafag -SiT4 Arai 11M5 45 ('N- dirsictl OCCS 1:141‘i witty!ail3 (yraft) *Ifni Pr% fy -artr) zit Eta 514.1‘s w2inicra ‘syrgfiwt31 )51-d) in4 tog') talc farts r4IIN re 114114 oa JJ 'fitn9 ti1x-ef-Dr-r7 (--e;ILLS I bait of Altho 01011, . mkt fro y PolloIN4 nit* 11,10-Secttom (2) al 5mod nem P., lad iiarne Art )niesq Att. a C4 ' mocoof amelpet ----itzeit-Inticr-trir.-rm-mrst-lind brava 4. .taa,neetrti UtS 11" lours- hrt.11‘ cots, r CP55 (7) a'the at Wee t Iv Am x_ar (tbutt. . e tIleyai M, -4.lniMtil ‘c‘afavWINsfu ifIct aaa 2): cz\ 5 Jr/relit WfilI ant nfiRiq int T, •Ttil ( Nig Trb'l ) Nerinz ircv.KfIrcsii 1-c Rrtirtaf 4)00 tt•: _q 3 West Bengal Form No. 5463/Modified !Milian fra9t4 at \.„5 cc) rim 'A.5(<050- telal tqfet rl I On gial 1105 flc OPI 4rim >Fg) 0.11 vc r cent iva felett /cy f-4Aaa wall4R JJ .•111.11•1 Mete.. if Millis hall, eeet4 ad le llr IorbIlshed Unit §)-ft or Wen Rented tload Itifornit Act' 11035 Wen Menerl Ac X. of 19)6 Jr ado: fasiloe 20 (2) or lb West Mgol N .41.4colMrei nee ialeSectioA (2) of Certified re be yen the 40 es of Dart ei h r otenci nts which hay,- bar, po-teruu ondep Chaptut till of tk- -unit Bengal Ten Remy rue L-t Act; X ;11 Thestate Drat t Publt.dttota IFinel Publicati on nee IN4e, com pi,,ted wh o rl thin awn Wail 'melee toilialt, ha. t f 1.1c. ir ( ..,UrItIP t AI' -,------21141114 CZ C3 LT wat vc,u f;io awwla wfir i21ILfil 4C) c51 21C•U T4RL'il IffNA vfilift61 •I4: I •.,. 'I: Cit4" 1414 26 \‘'7): CZ. yont5r_ Ti • Wt I 54- 4 C".“1\1 i‘lb41 ; aA 1 ir t N•:) cV1"^•^' cft cryftThy taV c 6\4A•Cnfi•Si RUN *fill cart; qfiltrq — `=`o vc* fuI wfzutta 22 •;\ 216$4 ca Z M.Z.P,P./280/260(94-95)/50,000. •21' sitorq cziT • -`S5 Dale of application for the copy Dalre,Ori for noufwng delivery of the equisitt namps and folios. Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. ire 04 the pi Isitc ,ut [ober of .410 and folio& .‘5155 lAt ) R„ C nit No. 226 nit of 1111Z. r mud Caft51nds ttyeim 0 in c.i & 5 oth 7,41 14 4 Cr. ➢ . C. yin C eea ON T a • 0. tho kurd,;,„, r1 Ih mi. NO. ni at. -A, •• as ta (IQ 1. 5, 73. ter t(::) p t Cai60 -p r et, a eels ; Nihano Ch. S hit 73. Ghana° hydm Sinch of 4„ DantAn who Irny rxi for lir ottiction r.t}' 'dr Law!. R. No. 214 (ES of 19'a and hiS No, 2.30 at,. 73 in thn Court of E. N, jeraCniltd. t (Ar ti cu 1) a 6tfr Choc. to Nbovo Plot No. 535 total. tared 0.96 tier rliTs Of band - liacchiar tRry,TIRS of lchigian No, 2 /1/1 gothiaA Lna4a• i L. No, 2 7n F. B. 1 d IrltUn J.@ not viTtErl to till! 3 t54t 474 nv r ,yiet 7", re. tb lade. artharOatrea s/o iiholu, rkth vfle thr taxaland own't of thl ci/Dove it lot and paid 111.11t & CWa mato 1370 36.2.: a) 3hunn Oh, StrIt lour oh26 li the glbovo plot u.hare 4ra6. 0/6n , acre, out of toted earrate 0p.96 Acriz thron‘t 41‘0-dtexati des kry., t • Anc,; NU, 4106 d t, Q. 9. 74, at13 t At :56 es 40 Ian' et] - 0 !:):, Ch'4 718‘11 Mcihciihr. .0124 -ter u3 cand. Rtm whit Tfro-,',1. "( (3' other thr otk 4,1) ri.45f.ja n Not 4 1 07, 4199 Cl t,, $, 9, 74 , •s dated 04 saw el Dare of application for the copy <cbate fixedtor p tifying .the requisite 'nu mCbP ofr starnps and folios. Date of delivery of the rertaisito starnpr and folias ) 1a r J119 Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. I I Date of ivi44.14,A . Ygr i the copy tà.the applicant. 2 31 n th to:notion-In pahopaa tr:a kind Fita6hob °honor:a o hit 4 Yr ekto9 ea Not J noro in th4 3rand bate cc', ct ti n linci i n t nviiti on of their poszt 633 inn ri t Ind thy', ; 'Jr, cult] eatin4 th0 la bon cobra' 1 ."`11W 1-*TOto 1 n^35 acrce with rue ' , fit 1 position , But in %ire tion of rn ti:P1 ni; tn 2 nd Party cr tint; di . ctnrboncis unsenthorto sat to D re int riti on. This tYPf ,Of bill-int 'anti on 8 hOtiad IMaid io Vane ettentiarterth 'Wit; aVidnet the for clean PO- 1 t ' in. Th ,r1L, cr tventh .7t0 1.5 c. -ran ^ r " 15 Lolnit•onn 6 I k'i ' a e) el t-00 4u2, 423, 411-14 Ifonjo no c ri. OhlatndtO hyto. (kg 12 of Jaand oinGh 4-nO nt hem r Pact Wo e 11:56 a. 1104, 1, 536 Trr2 '0) S36 '1.1 114r,t0t3 tn of yho ti on Lad Air L. NO. 2 70 tcd 119 Nos' Nos. 413941 4F.'1 la an tan .4r LI Glismasnycim Sipa] Cc') Reaqh:hti C?) Jaddi (4)'. Nato nr4h ,ar the rocori all -I04 11W of the nott, hte:a not., are ;. lay jseint to :Plot No. 5:55. MOnja poiSor 2 an . 3.: 1. No. D et/tan. r n th ytar on sac,:,ninoti on t *ham that t T h r • ct r the; forrilblei occivkl 9r , 2nd (Juin cfr one 'sn4 daper it. to in Intl nO or l ittle(' iry,, th-7ey Ott! to ron. 8j -1 t'l 1'3 t CCC3 .}C:711 t WO Vit ha ; t hai kan, ti on mty t kr.:n n p to arts n win ivai.akobbit e Date of of application for the coin Datr fixed for notifving the ienuisitti IllImberof N;diltris and lobos, Date of delivery of the ittinisite stamp, 1 C fill Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. and folios. Date of mak1.1) • the copy tb -lii-nt s applicant 3 tin or the locaslity, I 111141A3, jf minx., LnCttt. for nh Ørt1ctr, 3ccn3rio L. IL, Ctr C i. Al 16, 6 73, Y. Os 3 . §et r26, f• tr' G s 76, CIEENTIRED TO BE TRUE pun iitcoral Keeper, iikthepors Owicoborato, tatiarimod a ill Ti of Att. St ni y 1_, /) Date of application fo the c spy ....• ...ad IP Date fixeflor notifying the requisite number of tn. and folios, Date d delivery of the requoile slangs and folios. I Date on which the copy was ready For delivery. Date o • I 3k 1:117q: -WI/ --P1 a Qi ca.) is tri ct loSt casa . Via nil por 6,, in th n court of 4ri le, Kt Roy. 4x-tcuti 1r4 tAthaa tra 4$ t c luF.36 midne it:r a, R. CPO l• NO. 2(46 i of 1 6 R. t Stft:snit Oh„ Virst.ts & 6 Other. Ghainate hyent ° 144., Cr. p , 0. u .t1 No, ni fru rr L-;. I <AV' (\rid tir with 3 1L71Rtilri of th gssia .31). 7, 145 74. OA trate. T his is a Pr octtolin imder stisction F. a. concerning pocts1Vsion of .Plot No, 635 at incsusu , P. 3, D 4ntfer nrke urt n c; 0.66 dm, of lond. This ]~' ccr•reinc was at tsrtei in the: y ',-.3%r 10*, Ycr1t$tu th3 COMPatAint and rnporta of 1, L. a, c„ The }<lira 271 urfi (VC, satin tit Y, 3.. wls 0 tt E{P.0 t rocej,yt end th ft perils tug they a ffidawi.t$ tsrcii kobisv,itt ink NO, &Me rt., tort 1. 4), 71 filled by this fire t Far ty petitioner ,, ahri i2thitnn nit in s tipp5rt of his ciabsim star the alerts:4 antra, t 4,4 isettirs pea'c huts t ct t x*.•,,/ trntn the rsciat MO' 3oars deed that the firg t tb_ aispitted List , eller is era* 0,6,0 &sc, out of toe 0, 96 aft. c. Rea; Ste teil in their s haw catflte tha to s chest iao tribe and the pr oeseding lona wile bank of "! t‘nik , They dmiad that the'. pot/timer tver crew. T . R . r% pada y on the; _ 63D Date of application for the copy. Date fixed for notifying I Date of delivery of the the r equisi co number of requisite stamps stamps and folios. and folios. __ L. . )c-r, . .• 2 tikak trd Soft relartitt lithe , rtt ex• R. o. 4: 2 /1/1 lir)" Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. die close3' that the is ar51-53r , 1 of lehotian No. th.13,..t a no, ith and. i t FTC "ad vt that th2 petitioner iS. not vto ted to the i•••iltate. 3}Yelmi ch, .4 hit parchmi;e1 t.he d /1 inci t.h6i ac ()id pir ty ere:ant nt; die tur ban age unseetherie-edlY with f'Ionr' intlntinn tend th..7 8 IC Ct18 {Air ty nen arti forcible ne e n jij 03. dean woolin frind le• Vara tel in no.tur cc enquiry ,• it') / k ,c,13 vio\\§a \c6 o s'isi.V8 8 Go It unrcliere fr -do tha wrta tint WI Ott 1LI mOnt de Cori that tht. aiqlititild plot at liind wite roc on" ea in erns rm ra3 of Date ^nd th inkite li 4thdriatnA, hus bond Or' wohitkintrtt nm A nn m drt3 fr OM ether C Oacif o.TrirS the tition es fire t ,por Piw •cl th!! c1 / 1 per dOkei3 t -weal ta tee goboini Tht• r rocithitt was ta.tyPn tell tivotr or a'rirendru erthapktra ?Tit and clis *a hal yti "Ion paid tug 0 4:.) 76 by ttr, etitionfr firs't Atty Fine t poriy s. p et t tosner WAS fled 3 tcsi Ni tri es s' ,13 ear OX0 rnin3ct - r - 111 &abet:nits. The rus Od their de*.thiitit. ts sm..rn by the inu ivisiSia Pe2'sens say that the t phir ty i in 110ca Ise-ion of the irt Thtt titrt leen). dis intnret nd nor ai yin rc; n t grin9 llEtros, T h cot id jni lands limn- the, yr oe nedinA; Lind * (1'4 .'• Dalt aa application for the corn jate.l.srt_gortn - tee ferinklie- Tvdt I and trort Dan delivery of the n'Innyle stamp. and folios 4 mt Date on which the copy was ready Date of...aking4 o4eLt. ihe copy *d`aeth for delivery. applican, 3 NC)C\J X gq No R. C. rvr it. T n mid a "Cr) 4 nti n thi of nor 11:,/ 'of w. rid ovi t .' ni t, 3n rft. d ocuraftn oth •nz; tent (2-L. v.' I) n fi 1 -d watt' te3 f Did yet, y „Tier a t t tiefert IS found t hat 01 to 1;0114o ntfi t :lie c.0 t 11y se did not stint). the d ocunTh to ttnr1C-11.P.r,a, cony pr rty n.; cot not hint; to tind thir Or P. s fi Ind by the cs.ri from thri it , emirsit thus d 0 cu 111•!nt8 tvg th th!', et; c.‘ a .aid d 'pertinent* to to rat orci od its notnin G in tho r loorzi to ehow thott, thee p ,4iti,mpt to be costa r °cord 011 ttlithnt in the d/4. th •;‘, took beck o mrt thin 0„ po s, ti of the wfcrii nat.t td not con cs4rn..z.1 tith the acitta44411 prbe fitid thc-- t the r hos in support of their claim I c cno i .1 ''fr in (; -' l1 th ' 1 fact ti 0 cc. r ;31103. itit arttnlopti: tionl 01 th- .toesufinta. r dnclar., th 0 t first party ,tino •Iir)0 -1 nss 1 on of tha )111.. 9v .Y. th,; Hen cO p i order thS firs t ty p'5 ti ti.oner 4allart •.) hit hc4s btfai in gosf.'t titt3i on of the Fr nceOdint; land nt tho ti nt, of ins ti tnti on of this Iroerxtilinc; and ht,-i is enti "—to pusstst on thcir90 f until e rt. cted therefrom in duo coerce' •0 1 t5W by ollY comrtint court, e. e forbid(' $vg to rtellet arty di`!t nr,,•encM of atlen P0 00 roe on !Inti1 such ction,, t 7tvirpi 3d/r- D. Y. ulx Roy, uti v vpi cis tratk5 wine et it. Al by R oy,. - \t . L4C-0\MA-ct Jon. , • S. 0 L crA \AA 0 IA.sr V i1/4..K)-c); cia'a'\4 --. , k:,, n-\ tiP 'ICV• kil GC' -JC\-1? .--1 ;-"Viltric _ .. i rM .r C z.“ •• ._ 01,4\ "?_tiOby.:: NNtri? I Cr...S\ A f - 0.-“ C kiC)4 41—zs D .L. ; lielpSIN fr 041,E S # e.r. 4,A &Cyr • • 1 o-ite\-7“.i e.J[ - A eicicp..5—, ‘.t.-rroctcl, 6 (,. . - icrtnr.r • Sbrtstn ‘414{Cn ,^-rill...., Q0 _ 0.-(--ci cs. 00-o). A v‘e:\\? ;\c-t •—smn. ci, y\ .Q -LI (te 0,4— -VI 1 9 I c•-c4 3/-1 ti E 51 htc vc Nqy,,...strzKc:00 414 °-INN,Wvt, \s4A.4;? — . -3 . 3..L\ . ,...s'•:-.?, ns -1.. ..4 , , csil..-Q --ecrr narod r, 1 / 4 , ,---- •,-.7.)ti . c•Yzy-NY Q6-11---< 0 'erQ crt .. ,,,* LssVit .-3:,--?,..r( ( vI e c \.; cia 'I 1-5-01140E cdt 7..."\--) cr(val 1 D-Nid-\r-zo --(krt-K-a) —try-A 0-4 cP,Nrt,Thiv 1 r- ,.....„ , • .A \0,..A—It\I.: ) t-tm eNtatctrk."): r@) etsste 30 " ) e PC(631-\t'r 4 -C: 2 7 N c N. ) ( . ''' k . • - a h' Z2 V (,_ \-5 4i , i i \ \ .L co'✓ • '2;.11 ') ),7 19,-,D3 /4 , '. 1k,„: -- 21 enntl ":r t.‘ —74-11v)-el 97)11`k64 Q:\ ‘L, 1-Sc-) -1015 >mac>) (mot, ,,A 2,-;11, 1--kt I Lt • YCeR\c,")<1 rya-Lac crt- 07i)- c 46 (e‘ tui,Nv - rcir-Avark,-) —No.) V (+(i41-Q7C9 ‘D, :Pa C4 • • C 1,4,. R • ..?1/13 vi) 0S gtrcr 3Rt th)- 1%* iikEw tifad q tot reAff. pate fixed for, notifying stamps aril altK,AIRaW airM Date of delivery:f the reauleite:ata Re-ADC. 441111:0 "aft, aRt*. $01414 Atm AI , Date on which the copy was ready Jot ( elivery Date of making over-th Onfty-.letfr . 0 correctly st Heeding. of Sudgement on iippepl. rinesd APP from the orde and made in T A Bhanu Oharan Sheet — Appellant Versus 1. Ghanath yam Bing 2. $m. Punta 1.ng and ors. — This appeal .come. Reap(); dent( on this ,daY (or having been heard on) -.:„6-817 in the presence of qr.". S.N. Das II Sri ID. BC h Advocate for Appellant orty— Advocate." Tor Respdt.No.8 Sri_ ,A. Malty, lan-a the court del er This anneal 1.:s. di-reCtea ag and decree p ndgcgmet1 d.by asri ScChattopadhyayr Winskry: • , ankcq ltr.. Date of application for the copy. taf431)" *f a Win tei Sift& cc a *1 irS ol Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. write kaTVA .%4 . tth.4 Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. cat4.4, RiefThig lit Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. lftisofcrt Date Orm4Ing spier :the copy to, the applicant. -2.. Munsi f, ta.ntan, in Title Suit. No, 256/81, The case of the plff in brief is that R. q.Plot 535 measuring 96 decimals of mouja T elpur under P, S , Denten which i s Bagelair previously belagged to Samerendra 'lath Das Mahapatra, ---The name of Samarendra Das Mahapatra has been recorded1n the R, q. R.0, R. in khati an no, 7/111. Samarendra died leaving his sons and daughters and Trife, Samarendra was in possession/of plot 535 till his death, After his death the properly devolved upon his legalheirs and who till before the transfer of the suit property bas in possession, R, S, Plot 535 has been recorded in three plots in the record-of-rights prepared under the 1,7:?,,L.R. Act, The plots are 603* 604 and 606, While the heirs of Samarend-a were in possess-ion of plot 5S5 they sold 60 decimals from plot 535 which includes the present suit land fully 3escribed in schedule of the plaint to the plff by a registered idohnle ferxdated 7,0,71 corres- J m ari*T-4 Mk* Date of application for the copy. Tani att 0?ir elAs •rtA eta aitifes cif 7T cT Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. arc)%s ken siN th1%1 14 a eifte Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. nl~ld, .441 "F41 e. Area ob..' 3[14f4ftr Thig Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. Date of making over the copy to the applicant. -3. „corresponding to 91st Rh adra 1378 B. 5, Me puff since his purchase is in possession of the suit property as described in schedule of the plaint al so by growing crops thereon, The names of the defdts 1 to 7 erroneously have teen recorded in the record-of-rights preps-red in the current settlement. The names of the defdts lto 7 have been recorded as forcible possession in the suit property, AccorrThinr! to the plff, the entries of the record-of-rights prepared during, the current settlement erroneous and without any basis and foundation, The -defdts 1 to 7 taking the oppotrtunity of the erroneous entries of the record-of-rights three-tened the plff with dispossession from the p roperty described in the schedule of the pinint, filed The elflireatixthe suit for declaration of his righ t, t3t7 e, and possession in the suit p,-operty and al so for permanent injunction. The defdts 1 to 7 entered into appearnice end filed written statement wherein they denied 9 Rfde4t- filq arr-M4-4 eft Date of application for the copy. * th ) - P4a4 cur elde en< #.311)%lif Malta Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. aicia fa-PIT * (dab* t4 0 ark dieq, Aald, t4*. P1/.4, %zfR YR Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. Date on whichrthe copy was ready for delivery. e' eta ‘4 Date of making over the copy to the applicant. -4- they denied the material allegations of the pi The defdts 1 to 7 however ultimately did not. ---contest the suit. The alit was contested on behalf of ("ler& boil - the St&e of7est Bengal. The de -Pritno.8 fl so filed a writt en statement wherein dente d the material allegations of phe plaint. According to defdt no.B the defdts 1 to 7 are in possession or the suit .property and the record - of-rights was correctly prepared duringthe current settlemert, rEfdt no,8 prayed for di missal of the it The leErned Nunsif after having considered the pleadings of the parties and al so the issues fraud by him and as well as the oral and elacumentary evidence adduced on behalf of plff cane to the conclusion that the plrf has got title in the suit property by virtue of the deed of purchase but held that the plfr is not in actual possession of the suit property and accordingly he dismissed the suit The pl f f- appell ant being aggrieved and 3;PDIRr faq a *I mPtd Date of application for the copy. te.ifq aft<tAfkail- #1 airlf(ts Taigr ti9d ciA t Wits' ar4fkrd maraft vlaaf? At ribs 7* hit ift riffle( Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. eta t atieMc mfaikitt Date of making %over the copy to the applicant. -5- aggrieved and di s slat' sued with the ,judgment and decree passed by the learned Munsif preferred this appeal, This appeal is contested on b eh al f orrespdt no,3 the State or West Bengal. and as well as rrspdt no..9 Revenue nfl. cer-cum- Sped al Officer, Scheduled caste and trib es Social Welfare Officer, 14 dnapor e, Leff:Its 1 to '7 ( respdt nos, 1 to 7) 'however did not contest the appeal. earned advocate appearing on behalf of appell ant 'contended that then the le Er red Munsif held that the Taff has got title in the suit property, he should not have d.sriissed the suit irithout vi ng an opp ortunity to the pl.Pf to anend the plaint suitably. It was al so conten. -dad that the learned Munsif failed to appreciate the oral vicience which wentunchallensed reaarding the possession of the plff-appeil ant in respect o the suit property, I t was contended that the learned? Munnif t t ought to have held that the pl 4T-arcellanthas pot possession in the suit property and in such circumstances the learned 31 cafker Date of application for the copy. aiNtaf3W-.! ‘ziat aft(ffia11*ait1Rts ziwr t141 -t* 0 fats mtAe * Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. tfclq a *FIR AP& AzIR iii Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. Date of making Pver.the copy to the applicant. -6- „the learned Mundt" instead of dismissing the suit --suit should have decreed the sane. The learned advocate appearing on tehalf of the respdt-the State,„oi Vast Pengal on the other hand contended that the learned 14unsif proPe1413' aporedeted that' the defdts 1 to 7 are in possesdon.of the ?pit property and rightly dismi ssed the . suit, The learned advocate appearing on behalf of resat, no.9 on the other hand conten_ thattae suit is bad Es because of the fact no notice u/s 90 of The fl,P,0, was given to the reaodt no.9 before the institution of the suit, h aving heard of the learned advocates of both sides and al so having considered the materials on xecor d I find that itC.plot 535 thich is recordeld in the R, S.11. 0, R, in the name of Sams-rendralx Nath Ins Mahapatra in khcbt an nos. 2/ 1/1( vi de rxt„ 2/1s). Piot 535 measuring 96 -lee', -mats Bageh ar in respect of Ithich khanda khatian has been opened in the name of Semarendra. gfe4itr air k9. ittkr Date of application for the copy. kTfrtf * xhYk* *ARV *"t fair ate( Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. airlikon A thlf4t cefk4 Date of delivery of the requisite stamps,and folios. I ..5rfsdf4r ,114 cum siRDPIziR Date on which the copy was ready for deliiery. Date of making over the copy to the applicant. —7.- „in the nine of Samarendr a, Plot 535 as it appears from Fxt, 2/b was retainedby 8E11119in:1ra. No possession appears to have been recorded in the names of the defdts 1 to 7 in the TR, S,R.O.R. R„.Splot 535 it appears "as born recorded in 3 plots 603, 604 and, 606 in the record—of—rights prepares under therll,f13,I, R, Act. Piot 006 as it appears from Txt, 2 has been rcorded in the name of the plff..appell ant, The present suit is in relation to plot 608 and 604 measuring 34 (loci— ._ In colrmn 13 of the current record—of-rigths the name of the plff_annellent hap been recorded,In column 23 1 find that rossession of the 'Writs 1 to 7 have been recorded in respect of plots 603 and 604, Ext. 2 is Ichasra record—of-rights prepared under 1„,13„t,R, Act, Nothing anpearing that the record—of—rights prepared under thelI,B,T„R. Adt has been finally publi-shed , Thus there is no presumption of correc— tness of the record—of—rights prepared under the current settlement, However, it is achissible in evidence and inasmuch as it is a . M.11.-7erfQ,Yx4 RIMaN kiNas1/44 tr Date of application for the copy. Tag atK mai tai feT~ ticrir /YAK{ %-tk t Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. aSIRie Taint tMaTt, ctin4 Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. 111td, Al *.l* 54[4f4ff NIL * Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. Date of making over the copy to the applicant. .it is a good piece of evidence regarding possession in favour of defdts Ito 7. --Defdts. 1 to 7 I already indicated above that although they filed written statement but ultipat ely. \ did not contest the claim of the plff. They also did not contest the appeal. The present pl ff- appall ant stepped i nto the witness box and Dated that he is in posse-ssion of the property as derribed in schedule of the plaint, Th e pir9 (ti also denied the possession of the defdts 1 to 7 in respect of the property as described in the schedule of the plaint, The evidence of the plfe-appellant resPrding possOton of the suit property which is almost ex parte as again the defdts 1 to 7, On considering the evidence of the pin-appe-11 ant I find no reason to Alb el ieve him regar-ding his possession in respect of the suit property. Ext, 3 is kob al a dated 7,9.71 by which the pl r-appellant purch sod 60 decimals of 7, S, plot 535 from the successors of Sam-rendre. tiR ar[4-cs NI~&a Date of application for the copy. 314rVU 311L tik4f Tr4 141*d. du Date. fiyed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. 31aa. kegs 3? tt eft* Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. iw 7rfics, a411( Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. Date of making over the copy to the applicant. , .0f StiMarenrrg. Ext,' is the cern fi ed copy of the final order s 145 Cr. P,C, p c•Sc-71 b y the 1. starred Executive ‘71 str ate, Wi In poo re. From T. 74, it appears that the present pl c ft-r4pell ant aft er s pur- - chase of the gait property filed a proceeding u/s 145 Cir. HP„C„ p..yri.nst some of the de Tit e 1 to 37, In such nroceeinR the possess-inn or the ,, Magistrate 171 ff- appell ant was found by the learne in respect of the grit property,s not the case of the cant esti ng -ke ktit - the State or C30 `Tits I. to 7 after the West Bengal th atlic final order u/s 145 was passed the rlerrits 1 to forcibl y dL spossesser3 the pl ff-appe'l 1 ant from the suit property. The final order u/s 145 Cr. P,C as it appears from Ext, 4 was passed on 30,7,74, The learrirg n rl f-or the jud gn, ent compl etely dL arscart-led Ext, 4 whi ch i s a vend. pig re of evi dense regardt np, possession FM,' PC, SO the Tn{-3:7 Cvi I ence relays-11 ng pos se seri o of the pl o t appeal ant in respect of the suit iifftLd Date of application for the copy. Eircr *17 itt41)- arcaff 4ai- itflff 14154ff *au Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. t sinr4frAmt* *kW Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. Date of making over the copy to the applicant. *t Maq Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. lo- „in respect of the suit property, 'The persons interested defdts 1 did not contest to 7 suit nor they dried possession or the plrf-annellant in *erect the ,1 property. -IT eying coal dared the meter' s on r esor I hol deb th e learner' nine r should not have re; ected.the evidence of the sl `°"s- sone, 1 ant regarding possession of the suit property, un the other hand the learned Munsi f in the absence of case of dispossession of-the nil”' by the derdts 1 to 7 after the find or ler having passed u/s 145 Cr, P,C, and 91 so having song.-dared Frt. 4 end as well as the oral evidence rt the p"I "rsapnell ant regnrdi nP possession 0r gake the suit property should have decreed Nee suit instead of disclosing the same, Therefore, having heard o? the le Armed advocates or both sides and al 50 on the reasons Lndicated :boys I am unable to agree with the findings or the learned bsonsi f, Pro '?xt, orm„. malsnavaa) arr4t& se- 61'r afg th-lf43 tad- Mktg Date of application for the copy. my:r 3fr< as mug aitY4ff atita Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and rig , r4lt Teregfk k4t S 3trdt4- 1ft Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. Date of making over the copy to the applicant. folios. FromExt, lie I ft nd 'hnt the pi ft appall ant henorz the Institut f on of the :31'11 al so pave a roti ep L1 ^ P.0 to t he re dt no, ° , In th e farts and circumstances I *in -3 no force it th con+ entlo n or' the learre cl advocate appearing on bah al.fof re spat no.? that no notice u/s Tin C. P,C, waq given to the resort no,9 before the institution of the gait. The appeal in theci-cumstances sho, ld b e al loved and the suit shout d be decreed, 'Terre, ordered +ha . +he anneal surreal- end is allow on contest oat the reard+ nos,P, and 2 and ex n21- t: the rest, the judgment and decree p seas,' by inst thP 1 earned ainsi r are set aside, Thesuit is decreed or nonce st agahnst the defdta nos,8 and 9 and ex parte against the rest, Ili P g,h+.4 titl e, interest and possession of the pit" in re ere et of the property described in schedule of the plaint ail Rfaf4lit 17 srrkF *r MOW Date of application for the copy, Taftai/ *tairlf4s 4,1t4'ail fes' et( Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. atd%s aircr .4,1131)* cuat4 Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. ttltltd, t la c% fk R fft Date on which She copy was ready for delivery. as-dk"- erkl ctickg Date of making rover the copy to the applicant. — 1P— , in schedule of the plaint is hereby dad are ... _ The defdts. are permanently restrained from ......... nt er fer ng ui.th the right, title, nt ere st e 11(1 posseisEd.on of the pl ff in ref ect of the property as deslr,$.bed LrOghedul e 7 — sche re so a beqg d 14,4 __ ;34 1 of̀ arssay th4t)ukh t; - tit?, their •4 fr,.v Me moNo f appea.vegrrisc9:qv1Pee°. *;,Kong ^.6,87 rte.& corr, by me, N.Konar, A Oft. list, Judge, (Court Se al'. tOrr.„ II strict Judge, Court, 1,1c.inapore„ ; Nt. )• _ v5 ;red* kf Mftla — Date of application for the c.py. ic ttrii 41T 31)- *f ,3Paff •twir kf4a- =0 f4fiw tClhi ar t Wag Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. TE)ab arrd er liftWer as e eraLa siraPfer AzEii Ift Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. Date on which the copy was r y for delivery I if( Date of making over the copy to the applicant. -NJ \ C' ,.4- i:C'ti y F't rf-ieci f m; 4 90 1:96 Inst. on 31.9,86 , rt "?' NO.( <10 40, acrE e on ',pre al ( Order 41, Mlle 35, Code or 011r11 Proo , =3ure). -A strict (3r cnore In the Quirt of the A L-11. 'II. strict Judpe 4th Court 1‘11 dnancre. Cr he, Ch Ft Li Meet, 11() °hut en la e et L al pur P 1 'Uttar Rehar 11. 9 co 1s, p. (1. saer4 '''nfITtlr. Aprel 1 eat Ve.r -.0 a et; an 7.!: sbyee gI.nah, 710 late !“:". 41-r .• Punti am*, 1J/0 ete RatanFt-1nel) F.r4 Gr ag 111 cm- In q,1J/C 1 Pte O') ein 1 a te Japa 'hu Ri na,-, 4. gri. nr. 5. C`ri. Nentu Strip, 5/() I ate Deb re Cl.nek 6. CH. Atel Mark .9/0 late K bade Nay .k 7, "ti. Nental ' Netu a Sing, sio late Trail okya 1k nib al I are Mch e dui e. Tribe, are of Lel pur, P. r, 79rui. , P. C,T3c1 da, st • e, 9. qtrEir': or test riinsTtr.', et p Revenue Officer sent ed ty C P. 5, H. Pt. wn: apeoi cc tor, el of 11 c er Schedul e mfaRti i#R 30-4a-rfka Date of application for the copy. te.r q Sit( eiW* tt 4r4festr1/4er a CiSVP49Rnita araff tevAi Za thY - 4Aa4fiq Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. 7rfha, sOfat4 'Nu( 1ft atvEmi Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. Date of making over the copy to the applicant. Schedule Caste nrirl Trib es, Dacia Wel fare, office, W`idnarur 10, it strict e x Settl en cr•t, Offl. cer,ruinanur at, P, 0, -4- Ps s„ dt, r1narur„ 11., Revenue C eft car , cett1evert Centralised C apr at Thennsxar n„ r' ekti r ".9, 4 5 f anapu r, , 12, J,T.,R 0, Kb akur da, yt P, -.Tr h i<urrla r. ^ t?ei ill/ s4 .11 (inmore_ ncr...p411. .C. Suit tr, e nl ro, 420 .of 198 6 from S. Matt op sit? yay of t th e J',, i n n f nor t Cr r81.14. the 25th rimy oP r pu et, rn Thi S 8 ur,eal zr, np on for e ri ns on tho I st sy of AIM, 198?before Sri. N,K onar, A drib, itstri at Judo, 4th Court, Midnanur in the !Sear of Sri S, N, Das II r re Bence n • ; o Sri e App r ab rty, A 'i', for re spdt no, n ty, Adv, for re spdt 70.9 the n.r e cpc nit nt, it ip_rt- A h, C ottf A on. xre4ik woo? 0MN . J1 slf?Pft fc t 3W arta Date of application for the copy, kxrar aft( th1- e431'r iartlf-Off iii4i -f4a- fita t Maid Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. th)ffiab mik-4 wrftka, AAR, k4 14g mfaraftic %ft arrkm eater cuN Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and Date on which the copy was ready tor delivery, Date of making over the copy to the applicant. araff W•IT 311( folios. - 3- aryl is albowed on content against the rest -Its nos. 8 and 9 and exparte agai nst there st. The judgement and decree pasneci y the 1 parne1 are get aside. The suit is decreed on cont C St agai net the -'eP1tr ,o8, n an' 'n gairnt the(ree% est pr.? poseecrion of the i n re erect of' th p prop— rt,;describe •"; n eche oka t" the fl pint h ereby , de cl ase (9. irh e 4e -It. are perm Pri enti y restrei red from i liter Peri_ ng with the ri ti tl arr. in respect n te-rc st and F^68510T1 of the or the property Cescrit:ed in ahead, e of the Plaint is hetet c decl. a-ed. 'MerlePat p. are perm. lent1 y restrained ?Mr. int er fed. ng with the right, ti e interest and posse nr; of the p1 respect of the property es o it scrib erf sr schedule e hl. aiict, Par ties fe b ear their, respective costs thrtc: ,Thout e liven unci and this, 91n1 -lay of' June, to e!-1 6.P 7 sfri ,rn ripe, 4 th court, Ni !rim ore. rtt a•'•AIT el ver I II t hf. -4 err-ee are the (Addiracv- (2/ +7t k_ 945-Yk:f tc. ,rAikeS. n lf,Icener ‘11 rriaPN >ati-o*r afh eiW31)- tt,3rEaff ail 14ff t cil&cf Mika. Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of stamps and folios. Date of application for the copy. of 9Yt kei.qa&tafaai't afr viArdi Mfki ofe4fer I( In Date of delivery of the requisite stamps and folios. clIfk Date on which the copy was ready for delivery. Date of making- over the copy to the applicant. cosy NWT, 1)-, 4-2-0 c-, 01/, . P. . 00 2 • 00 alise24,44 en C ^3/41e, 1 1 ci-) Ji 1e4.,,,>, Rh 00 16,00 . I, Q '114201 I L., 0, se - Oil',/,' eotal, 5-0 --52L“Id 601,,2i, ciplf61 au A00, ea • )0Vdook, -e-Akk-Ufs WW1 (xi, CE dieviewi G3-L'et, 1.4./ u‘,94/ aer 1-et- (P* 0)(6e/vs, 14 Tr? 5?-el„ , DeA-s, St 187_ 2- C. te-zikt .1w e c.0 p er ‘v„-c\grair - -( , z --( /.- _ nr- % - ) -7-77d7/37r (- 7,9r/ - 'W„" . ,Z, 77,..r .7-31W-7- '2.671Y.T/ ?-1122. , --At. 7 /23--6-niot; --277- -W-,177ro • i pi' n-Yy - ,',7 -e fL___ .GYY,7 4,46 : 77,44,412, ' Y>7 1-'W " {al; 21 21 tiLl or YVet I - frV17: e I al I li -.1(''' • 6.-v-,_ Ir -) 11 .t."*Ine— GM,itr I, .'"ill .., Z3. 4 2011 Se [v77:e4 7 -9,43y>") - -7-.tvin{The 2 27-c-"tv f --g -di art- et ! z-Aly'ru y L--y, e) LI --(7'712> ' i}jen - <Whit e--z?"747 .t/; (77-(-4) A 4, ,, ----eyra--;1-77 7- .4) -- ,, nr,/,:i, --': I r'', 1 ,-7 e`v ' ;7 1 <21 0 ' r e:e ' .614:''Cin ed. jam' -777_,ny -,,e7 ‘:- e7 L ,:,; 0-0 e '75 C' • !.- Cl - ? -nec.• :; -e't -^7' S- .7 t - 'N" ,.-sti , `2. -1.," cc., e 2.e.- sin = 7,-2- '277/ ,,1',:3 - r2..-.-; 21 ), )- c`' .26-7;#7 4- - , , 7/7c...5) 2: if •>?.21-el)-2r ter• _ .4-p 0 - z .s-n: n ,j, -421/2 - 5rri-_;-6"775 TLC Mrla '-`Z:141. SZWIeffon r'>/' rfro7 -2' 11C1— Z96>17>—#.> -• L4'. CA:i n erti!4v iv ,2,07' zi 4,-,i n.: , --cri-ri-fi tr 0 OF40-411 (, - 47 : . 7, 7 4,2 t ,..,- 4s 22- e- usl 22z3 --2.6.21 e-77verz., , for.,4122,,r --‘), 7a- ', a 1a771- c\ ,:frr N/2:4 .1 --- 7 -,,,_,--). ,y<:-,., a &-I .," -,Th r, i,- „ 2.._,..' , 1- ,:', :Ct ,,,-4" -.! .6 ,T,The;- ,--Xlec /A. ") 4 NY" .‘"))4-) -)/q("21;•-y:--.1 1 `'D ) >I> 1 1)7e- 111-27%., 6uP4 C_ cvz_S\-N) -A, V-Scc Government of West Bengal Office of the District Land & Land Reforms Officer Paschim Medinipur Memo Nip. 2 213 /G-16/T.S. 256/81/11 dt. 10 The Block Land &. Land Re cells tcer Dantan-I1 Sub:- Correction off-OforcibleossessioRentry in ROR udgment in respect of land of as per Civil Courts) Ehanu CRaran Shit . Ref:- His Memo no. 579/ Dan-11/dt.25.10.10 , tszle-I-N Reference above, this is to inform that in T.S. No. 256/81) Vihanti Charm Shit did not get any favourable order regardingThicijci7iffle and pose. -;:ston ( oni_y com2romisingtitlewas 21ven \vithoutiosseS In T.A. No. 420/86:tvas given right, title, interest anT possession over the concerned land. Till then he has been praying before 1111.&L.R.0 & SDL&I 110 for rectification of reco:ds t.e. Lickning me noting of <&,:c..iLle possessix." as per order in T.A. No. 420/86 L A.; pei' iiH ( BLELL.R.0 !)antan-II) report the Ohs have been po-ssessing the land by digging small ponds there or otherwise and die petitioner has not been able to establish his possession there. In this situation only TA. order favouring right, title and possession is not enough for establishing the petitioner's claim or prayer for deletion of the names of forcible possessor and to do that execution of TA order is necessary. Under this circumstances, he is instructed with the advice that he may proceed To delete tire. noting of forcible posSession, subject to srubmiss'ion of — __— execution order passed by competent court of Law In tFis regard. He is also requested to inform the azplicant that execution order from the approp:iate court of )..clw .5 re..quiteu nrst. --7/1141 / L nd ReforiirrOfficer District Land & Paschim Medinipur jc /11 — sr: "N--"}t d:Cr1;1- c c t351-`41-Q, Cj a Cz7K L-17, t 4- ••-). v Lk (h. ‘c _cra 1)..4, /2_ p 44'-' 117 /" / co- -1116 c ,cifra-16•fr tfr- .3:-Taktra — --ct-9-Th • .11 tar•-•c,-T-x tr-;4 - or. 03(11-r r(-19 r-:‘ !win - z Di-ns 3 • •••Zra arms ;"-k-• ci 1 13--j Car°, -atsc-r -5.r, 1 •cl-cip, 'soca e 4) -c„•:, -13-c; - a ems` tz~x ° re Csxa-..c —— ‘5,1•1-11-1-t- "5.S-c.-?-c7K"-1 o casci, 1-4.4hre45.? -C74 C.C1- 4-",, 223/ -:1-4•- r• EtrQ-1-, 'N?:3•rr tl7 -".c -c-11-sc14-d4 w; 2_2l -1) ‘"%, Pi) -\fir .-R;:arrc`z s cusziTh "b-cThr Thr'<linCer -R4'9)? •----csk *Qs -st>stv•r•-•1% •=snsnrr-v c: 01-alW :1~44 lb a4tPts-n -pa 7r4--cr•CaljtrTararc ti -Ca; -40c1 cc I <-161-)-3"r-V 8 L. & ILR.O. Dantan-II Paschim Medinipv: 1\14se,\ • To The Block land & land Reform Officer. Dantn-II At-Khakurda,P.O-Khakurda Dist-Paschim Midnapur, INur / 9 'cat 4 O Yek5 ONT C C;fler 0 vqt e(112) r *r.,) K21Th WO% RDATtcr c5m tfrt ;414tGSA i ;R *TTITtiN •TRit 3Twur wry(' rz-K kiW4 *t, r eaa,faz-4cji 1Th *qru3 k 3s p Ac•- "N urr414T -N% DiT47VRT TETTTR7 TqfT:- ATAT, ZCN9T- 9filvn Tiffitr.17? , .• lizrarm- altrito- run' csr% ttlf44T917-4 LAT 01T1iT9U • .111r6s1 Tyltdrca 4-)179 6Titt*(4 ft. a. ( tTVCP9 Unci9 ) 3s 8k0 0IA antic C -31 G ltat'r trZTA. ag• ac k90, Arfor; ;s o0b 13TZ3RF Q08, 7r9 3( 0•Xs, 4) Rs - gin wrrn 9T1 As Q00, TM As t50o, as giu-4 G 311. :(Mc, T9 Tin a; -Goa - ke, tin 317 Tint (10 Ta 10411 AsPIT 41TA:31 OTTTA5A 901 1:3: y2.13T ......................... siTs117, writi caT.raT 471 73AT” ..$9T4T4T3 , 9T9•12 ufklarst qrullw I "ft,ics ft-41.1-31 t4T791. 117m any ttST-n rata? ,24U; tIT1 r4 1144^4ry6 TITITCR fl q117 . 4%, WNW mit .kf"a VWF urfuutwI 1:r? UT?. 431. T?Vt& urr/a T1TThn 311?-414- g1T SP KURATA WO 1700091> EN2P2/192 q6IN Gaunter No:21,0E-Code:LFALL La,lia ltmite 1o:11.LAL.R. 0,DANTAN -2,B.LAL.R.0 KmaRDA, P1N:721445 From:GLOIT K1.P RA111 d KOL-1 Wt:14grams, Pact139,(x) . ilia/2015 , 15:40 Tmes:R5 .4A11<Thact, cry www.irdiapot.o R”1" TX 'TWIST: AlW,:ern tia , 913146t "1-T9 arta? qvc4 tam FT14 %TTRI n4t4 tiaT tr6-C4N aqt-11 I12M? t"qT4 sIWCff at itraT31. mits 5$‘ qe1,1,111 Urit 7,1k1 siCc4T IITtC74 ab ( 8) clITTWR1 117n QO () sittratit131 521AT 1:14-TAal nTtrzigR via "c71Pii Zik‘M Ti:91 freR1' •'I Wt. ”I T45,1‘16 711WT 147To ThTR tIZEM 9fTtr; I fR3171/4 9(P.1 *IT tTerQ3RTt: 4Tt/stftftM 48Q at fl- T 1479 itITRITII atibti4IfitZ TITTWS ura• TVA S la-44t* CATZ-4 11 412'47 12111 Int ) 1711 TIWI '431‘9•Tc? Vs (511-Cort 5+6 RII 1 a3t FLITZT qt. kkG614. b "r-4‘4T 'Pd IfITt"15 t , 71' t741:1 aT 41'daT 61TT99 731 , 'That; 6S 31•Cqiis T4T; 1T • VISTtfT9 'NV- sic -Pint; IT I bab 1. at rzar4tri .1T31 , "QT4t1. 12atsitik 61IcT96, 1"6a as Biticqt kaG z31 "T"CI;111 Ofd t 6r2Tm tiqTrairr k5ITTRi1 aT tIT”T • Cilbfshr, VAT a 441 Z91 8\0 OR Otr6 CilTArq GQ1, ( b0,4 ) UT9T96 , t;k 1T 3 - balr4 6T -NttIV V3I 1179 TISSI" 5415 9TZI1A. wrn G• aT 171 tgl*QT to,c tro-: ttr qTTI 's -613117 t15.?I" W to uTTIT? 4TWC; 9171/41W1-31 VSITT77; 114M Tzl Trq I to- too cKthIPS ;IT traT7- stri1;1 t REIM TIITtiit5 '711 aqi \.. siTa-crw z(1 sict9rtrca31 4$43-W1 raT urRit nit ITEMCU , C5Ttrr aTZ T at'4:1 I qTR97, t%. 49. at k40, at -oO15 - Q K1 - bU coz54 qT: tSOo - 44 IV kG 95q1 T: -G08 4*(11 ),e)e-ectect Cre 5,1 _..!\e-e-Co Gr5 2;16:2015 Article Tracinng EW789710246IN Booked at KOLKATA GPO Booked On Destination Pincode 11/02/2015 721445 Tariff Article Category Delivered at 39.00 Domestic Khakurda S.0 (721445) Delivered on 13/02/2015 Detailed Track Events For EW789710246IN Date Time Office Event 11'02/2015 15-40.20 KOLKATA GPO Item Booked 11,02;2015 16-07 09 KOLKATA GPO Ilem bagged for NSH KOLKATA AIRPORT 11,02,2015 16- 52:29 KOLKATA GPO Bag Despatched to NSH KOLKATA AIRPORT 11,02:2015 18:46. 19 NSH KOLKATA AIRPORT Bag Received 12/02/2015 0020- 10 NSH KOLKATA AIRPORT Item Received 12/02/2015 11:53:35 NSH KHARAGPUR Item Received 13/02/2015 04:10:38 NSH KHARAGPUR Item bagged for Khakurda 5.0 13/02/2015 05:02:00 NSH KHARAGPUR Bagged in Transit Bag for Beide S.0 13/02/2015 05:06:35 NSH KHARAGPUR Transit Bag Despatched to MA KHARAGPUR RMS I 13/0212015 09.36. 49 Khakurda 3.0 Bag Receive( I 13/02/2015 09:40:39 Khakurda 5.0 Item Received 13/02/2015 09:40:39 Khakurda S.0 E3:-, ; Opened 13/02/2015 13- 17:00 Khakurda S.0 Item Delivered [To: B.L.81.R.O,DANTAN-2 ) Click here and enter details to get contact information Not satisifed ? Click here to register complaint Page 1 of 2 ckeforrn Parra -No. ORDER SHEET West Bengal Land Reforms and Tenancy Tribunal 'Po , 2nd Bench Present. The Hon'bie Mr. Partha Pratim Roy. Judicial Member & (,,Z:i The HonIble Mr. Debashis Bandyopadhyay, Administrative Member ;') \ I4, 1 9 Nov N .. • —% 7. 2015 g Block-EE, Sector-II Case No. O.A.-922/2015 (LRTT) Bhanu Chandra Shit Serial No. and date of Order Versus The State of West Bengal & Others For the State Afr. A K. Gupta & Mr l< Allikherre, Govt. Represefficznues Order of the Tribunal with signature 2 30.09.15 For the applicants Mr. S. K. Rath, Ld. Advocate. \1/444 I Nsk.. ' :!ake,) ---..-:— _, Notes of the Registry and Office action with dale and dated signature of parties when necessary 3 Ld. Advocate Mr. Biswa Priya Ray appears on behalf of Mr. S. K. Rath, Ed. Advocate for the applicant. Ld. Govt. Representative is present. Ld. Advocate appearing for the applicant today submits that on the strength of decree passed in T.A. No. 420/1986 applicant filed representaircE) before the B.L. & L.R.O., Dantan-11, Dist. Paschim Medinipur vide Annexure 'F' at page 56 of the instant O.A. followed by another representation vide page 57 of the instant O.A. In this connection he also referred letter of the D.L. & L.R.O., Paschim Medinipur vide Annexure 'G' at page 58 of the instant O.A. and notice issued vide paves 50 to 61 of the instant' G.A. from ihr end of the concerned Hi. de. L.R.O. Ld. Advocate for the applicant prays for conclusion of the aforesaid proceeding. Ld. Govt. Representative submits that in the letter of the D.L. & L.R.O., Paschim Medinipur as aforesaid the execution order from the appropriate court of law is required. At this stage. leL Advocate for the applicant submits that the said order has also been submit red before the concerned B.L. & L.R.O. Accordingly. we direct the lit & L.R.O., Dantan-II, Dist. Paschim Medinipur to dispose of the proceeding included in the impugned notice within a period of mix months from the date of communication of this order after hearing all the interested parties in accordance with law, if nor I lin-n(1y disposril of ,,,k, cb Pa 2 o 2 Applicant is directed to serve copy of the instant O.A. along with -annexures as well as copy of the order passed today upon the B.L. Es L.R.O., Dantan-II, Dist. Paschim Medinipur within four weeks from the date of receiving the certified copy of this order. B.L. L.R.O., Daritan-II, Dist. Paschim Medinipur should also intimate the final order to the applicant within four weeks from the date of passing of the same. If the applicant files an application for having certified copy of the said final order as per Rule within four weeks from said communication the same should be supplied within two weeks therefrom. O.A. No. 922/2015 (LRTT) is thus disposed of. Let a plain copy of this order duly countersigned by the Principal Officer of the Tribunal be made over to the Ld. Govt. Representative for communication to the concerned Authority for information and compliance and Xerox certified copy of the order, if applied for by the applicant, be delivered subject to payment of requisite court fees. s_ck p e 1/64-r rActiL1/4t°1/41 [Date of application for copy., 1 .... .. L. .).....1.:). Date or Notifying me ch arges /...7....12,..f...). .6 3-2:9- Serial No - Page'/Pa ges. Date of Putting in is champs in cOurl 'era s"tmor, Certified to be a true copy I Date cilti who) the coo: .;a; ready for delivery 1i nate ,.., -u,' irakin 1 I.,fover .._ 'bec..., 'L , I Authorised analogous prrhhiple of Section vi Lvidance Act, 1872 l______ to lbe applicant \\.\ ck • Sectf n b fficer Land Reforms & Tenancy Tribunal West Bengal Countersignature lb I Principal ilPffic r West Bengal Land Reforms and Tenancy Tribunal 1°1 I I '5"-- tpur Calcutta 2et6 Of 4 te motivation muter rtiele at t my etitut ion of India. in eta net' er of 0 °Isamu rtmcirm =lalt 'On *tittuner oArmasuaw The ;.• tete of t Pet amaget 6 Uti crier .G it 1 r 3 Orpobtleri t • N