kimmy kirkwood
kimmy kirkwood
design portfolio kimmy kirkwood cell email twitter web 206.604.2294 @kimmaykay 1 K B promoting popular cities and favorite italian drinks. travel italy posters 2 SB: K>:EMH ..* EE> GM> LO <: IH NZO :E LʼA DE G> O> EB: BM: : O B K * . . >E M AH AHM>EKBO: 3 le sirenuse branding 4 corporate identity including logo design, room essentials design and website design 5 Fa m i l y V i n e y a r d s Cabernet Sauvignon 20 05 hoge family vineyard design 6 logo and bottle label design for historic family vineyards 7 urban outfitters promotion design 8 spring 2009 collection design included poster and hangtag design 9 Community Action Fund of Orange and San Bernadino Counties Post Office Box 6145 - Orange, CA 92863-6145 planned parenthood fundraiser design 10 creating all essentials for large fundraising event, from the invitations and envelopes to RSVP cards, directions, speaker list and event program 2010 ROE HOST COMMITTEE Janice Johnson, Co-Chair Tricia Nichols,* Co-Chair Elaine Weinberg, Co-Chair Mary Ellen Abilez* Anne Andrews* Karen Clark* Deborah Dudley* Carina Franck-Pantone Sharon Gomez Kate Jeffrey Jan Lansing* Lizabeth McNabb* Tim Prince* Melahat Rafiei* Nancy White* Bill* and Sharon Wood Presented by The Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties FEATURING GUEST SPEAKER Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of Half the Sky Sheryl WuDunn 6:00 P.M. Private Sponsor Reception with Sheryl WuDunn 6:30 P.M. Cocktail Reception Silent Auction featuring local women artists 7:15 P.M. HONORABLES** Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez* The Honorable Sheila Sonenshine* John Palacios, Santa Ana Unified School District Board* Rose Espinoza, La Habra City Council* Pam Keller, Fullerton City Council* Susan Henry, Huntington Beach Union High School District Board* Beth Krom, Irvine City Council* Community Action Fund of PPOSBC board member *Affiliation noted for identification purposes Dinner and Program Book signing to immediately follow program. MUSIC BY the Irvine Young Concert Artists For more information on this speaker, please visit Contributions to Community Action Fund are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes because they fund lobbying and electoral work. Your donation may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. We cannot accept contributions from businesses or labor organizations. One hundred (100%) will be deposited into our state PAC (ID # 1282464) to support state and local electoral work and advocacy on ballot initiatives. ____ YES! I will be a sponsor of the Roe v. Wade 37th Anniversary Celebration CHAMPION: $25,000 includes full-page ad in program, 20 tickets FROM POINTS NORTH OR SOUTH: From I-405 exit MacArthur Blvd. to the event, and 6 VIP tickets to private reception with Sheryl WuDunn. Turn left onto MacArthur. Pass through the light at Birch Street and make an immediate left turn into The Fairmont Newport Beach driveway. LEADER: $10,000 includes full-page ad in program, 10 tickets to the event, 4 VIP tickets to private reception with Sheryl WuDunn. Hotel is located on MacArthur Blvd. between Birch Street and VonKarman Avenue. ADVOCATE: $5,000 includes ¾ -page adin program, 8 tickets to the event, and 2 VIP tickets to private reception with Sheryl WuDunn. SUPPORTER: $2,500 includes ½ -page ad, 6 tickets to the event, FROM POINTS EAST: and 2 VIP tickets to private reception with Sheryl WuDunn. Follow the 91 Freeway West to the 55 Freeway South to the 405 Freeway South. STUDENT SPONSOR: $2,500 includes 6 tickets to be gifted to Exit MacArthur Blvd. Turn left onto MacArthur. Pass through the light at Birch Street and make an immediate left turn into The Fairmont Newport Beach driveway. 405 Fairmont Newport Beach SPONSOR: $500 includes 2 tickets to the event. PATRON: $300 includes listing in program. ____ I am unable to attend, but wish to make a non-tax-deductible contribution of $___________. d eR mb ore ne Dr us mp Ca 73 event, and 2 VIP tickets to private reception with Sheryl WuDunn. ____YES! I would like to purchase ____ ticket(s) to the Roe v. Wade Anniversary Celebration at $125 each. Mic he Ja Re Jo hn W ay d Hi ll A ve 55 Ai rp or t Mac Arth ur B lvd Hotel is located on MacArthur Blvd. between Birch Street and Von Karman Avenue. local Students for Choice activists. FRIEND: $1,000 includes ¼ -page ad in program, 4 tickets to the Ca m pus lso Dr nD r Name:___________________ Address: _____________________________________ City, State, Zip:_________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ E-mail:______________________________________ Occupation*: Employer: If self-employed, name of the company or foundation*: *This information is required by law. 11 Amy Brummet chocolate maker p: 714.655.4911 f: 714.555.2789 skibba sweets branding 12 Amy Brummet chocolate maker p: 714.655.4911 f: 714.555.2789 Amy Brummet chocolate maker p: 714.655.4911 f: 714.555.2789 corporate identity including logo design, business cards, letterhead and package design for three flavors of chocolate candy 13 mercedes benz promotional poster 14 poster for mercedes benz classic center in Irvine, CA featuring the 1955 SL 300 Coupe kittens are children too. help keep kittens safe. give a donation at puppies are children too. help keep puppies safe. give a donation at humane society print ads two print ads for the humane society’s anti-animal abuse campaign targeted towards parents owning pets 15 1 campaign for state farm insurance 16 full campaign for renters and auto insurance for the target audience 18-25 year-olds, including creative executions for paid, earned, owned and created media placements as well as national promotions and sub-initiative public relations campaign we set out to understand Young Adults... ...and found out they don’t understand you. OBJECTIvEs research impressions We set and executed five research objectives to guide our campaign and ultimately build a lasting relationship between Young Adults and State Farm. • • • • • man on the street interviews Recognize Independent Young Adults’ current views of Auto and Renters Insurance Analyze State Farm’s top competitors in the Auto insurance industry Discover profitable approaches to reach our demographic effectively. Test various State Farm brand identities for recognition, recall and reinforcement of brand positioning Attract and maintain Independent Young Adults california hotspots professional interviews college campuses events TOTAL SURVEYS general insight surveys warlocks & witches attendees get covered attendees parent surveys next breath attendees Initial research surveys and impressions were conducted at the Warlock’s and Witches’ Ball independent young adult surveys • Largest market share in the Auto insurance industry • Agent based business model • Long history of growth and success psychographic surveys • Reposition State Farm to Young Adults • Leverage State Farm’s Agent benefits • Exploit social media • Target Hispanics hispanic surveys Branding focus group that provided insight on the effectiveness of State Farm’s messaging and recall versus its competitors focus groups diaries media diaries agent diaries 6 dIffErEnT TypEs Of rEsEarCh gavE us OvEr 6,000 rEsEarCh ImprEssIOns and lEd us TO kEy InsIghTs InTO Our TargET dEmOgraphICs. • Disproportionately low penetration of Young Adult market • Ignorance of agent benefits • Inconsistent advertising • Social media • Multiple agent-based models: Allstate, Nationwide, Farmers • Young Adult preferences for online telephone communication • Highly saturated insurance market • Young Adult’s perception that agent based model is outdated 3 Before we could better our audience’s lives by being there, we wanted to understand how to turn our audience into brand advocates. We found out where, when and how to reach them in the most relevant and exciting way. Research diaries granted us insight on State Farm’s current physical work environment. Our media diaries revealed the vast number of messaging vehicles our markets are exposed to everyday. We utilized the high turn out at our three events to approach our audiences in a non-intrusive way. Professional interviews with auto collision specialists, social media experts, lawyers and the director for the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy gave us insights on Young Adults in relation to insurance. Man on the Street Interviews at UNLV that provided valuable qualitative research insights 4 Translating Our Insights Into Executions Brand IdEa Bettering people’s lives by being there. BIg IdEa fEEl frEE The Now What? campaign perfectly illustrated Young Adults reacting to property damage scenarios, leaving them in a state of panic and uncertainty. We have coined this gasp The Inhale Moment. The moment after the Inhale is the key to communicating our message to Young Adults. This is the moment that State Farm customers count on their Agent. The moment when they realize their time is not compromised. The moment they Feel Free. CrEaTIvE vIsIOn sTaTE farm agEnTs EnaBlE yOu TO ExhalE, and Carry On. Inhale moments are universally overwhelming. State Farm agents make a difference in people’s lives by offering support and saving time, allowing customers to exhale and carry on with their lives. It is this vision that manifests the Feel Free moment in a practical way. TOnE The tone is lighthearted, empathetic and assuring copy and themes. This remains consistent with the core principles of State Farm and embodies the message of Feel Free. ExECuTIOns All executions will seamlessly integrate into the above ideas and the tag line, Feel Free. 11 12 if it doesn’t exist, we’ll make it. it’s been there, whether you knew it or not. THEIR INFO _______________ Policy Number: _______ ______ _______________ _______ _ _______________ Place: _______________ in accident: THEIR INFO YOUR INFO ______ All witnesses: ___ ______ ______ Name: Policy Number: ___ Policy Number: _______________ Address: Y 3547961 YOUR INFO Name: John _______________ Smith Policy Number: Y 3547961 Address: 421 _______________ _______ Grand St. Orange, _______ CA 92867 _ Driver’s Licence: D9801359 _______________ State/License Place: CA/GIW868 _______________ Persons involved in accident: ______ ______ ___Y 3547961 Policy Number: All John Name: Smith _______________ _______________ witnesses: _______________ ______ Address: 421 Grand______ St. Orange, CA 92867 _______________ ___ _______________ Driver’s License: Driver’s Licence: D9801359 _______________ _______________ State/License Place: _______________ Agent Name/Number Persons involved in accident: : Alex__________ Diez Persons involved in accident: Name: All witnesses: John _______________ Smith All witnesses: _______________ Address:421 Grand St. Orange, _______ State/License CA 92867 State/License Place: CA/GIW868 _______________ _____ Policy Number: _______________ Driver’s License: Y 3547961 _______________ _______________ _______________ _______ _ D9801359 _______________ Place: CA/GIW868 _______________ Policy Number: Y 3547961 will include information on our initiatives, contests and will link to our social media networks and the State Farm homepage. Agent Name/Number: Alex_______________ Diez Name: John Smith _______________ Policy Number: Y 3547961 _______________ Address:421_______________ Grand St. Orange, CA 92867 gO. play. wIn. fEEl frEE wEBsITE 552-558 Name: Address: Driver’s License: State/License Persons involved Go. Play. Win. is an iPhone game that prompts users to take pictures of State Farm logos encountered in everyday life. This interaction encourages them to visit various State Farm offices where they can find clues to win a variety of prizes. TODAY, parking is on us Collision Card Driver’s License: D9801359 _______________ State/License Place: CA/GIW868 _______________ COllIsIOn Cards sms plaTfOrm Collision Card Collision Cards will allow State Farm customers to Feel Free from worry, knowing they have all the necessary information to exchange after an accident. parkIng lOT TakE-OvEr (not pictured) State Farm customers can send a text to a specific number, which will return a text with their policy information. State Farm will utilize major sporting events and concerts for their parking lot take-over initiative. They will buy out the entire lot, covering the cost of parking for attendees. Instead of a traditional parking voucher, they will receive a State Farm branded free parking pass for the entire day. COllaTEral rEdEsIgn All collateral materials will be redesigned to match the Feel Free campaign. grEETIng Cards BIkE TIrE lapTOp Sometimes the best office work is done outside the office so Renter’s insurance can cover your laptop ANYWHERE you go. example: Parking lot takeover of Lady Gaga concert, MLB Playoff games and music festivals BrandEd paCkagIng TapE Branded packaging tape will act as a reminder of our brand at one of the Occasions of Opportunity, moving. State Farm Agents will send greeting cards on special occasions to their customers. For example: BIg rEd COuCh 21 Sitting areas in State Farm offices will be supplemented with red, branded couches. These allow the agents to build a more comfortable and relaxing environment in their office, mirroring the support and comfort an agent provides. “Whole wide world meet Austin. Austin, meet the whole wide world. Take some time to get to know each other.” auTO kIT mOvE-In kIT An auto kit includes everything a Young Adult would need if something were to happen to their car. A move-in kit will provide commonly forgotten items used during the moving process for our Transitional market. Renters insurance covers your bike everywhere you go. So go somewhere. 44 USA For about the price of 4 STAMPS, you could add Renter’s Insurance BrandEd usps sTamps State Farm branded stamps remind our market of the low cost of Renters insurance. 22 17 rok rum campaign 18 w w w. ro k r u m . c o m introducing a new project for appleton estate rum, the campaign includes executive for traditional and non-traditional media placements as well as promotional parties introducing then new products, sweepstakes and unique press kits 19 Reality CheCk Plans Book Kimmy Kirkwood Entertainment Marketing Professor O’Connor [1] KEY DVD ART CHARACTER IMAGES Reality Check DVD will be given in the Festival kit with the full film, chapters, and additional information about the film inside the Reality Check Manila Envelope. BILLING BLOCK All Key Art can be found on the Key Art CD in the back of the book. [22] reality check film 20 film festival kit with press kits and guerilla campaign national wide release campaign plan for film’s distribution under universal pictures [21] 21 century council campaign 22 campaign for century council combating the problem of dangerous overconsumption of alcohol among college students WARLOCKS & WITCHES BALL THE SUSPECTS BURT MAJORS Students mingle on the dance floor BUDDY HEY TIO! FIDEL a while and We haven’t heard from you in your traveling wanted to drop you a line. How’s love to hear all been? When you get back we’d about it! hard at work Here at Chapman, we’ve been Council building a campaign for The Century overconsumption (TCC) that combats dangerous after we received of alcohol. Less than thirty days team, Circle the campaign case study, our Warlocks and Advertising, hosted the third annual Witches Ball at Marion Knotts Studios. by bringing The Ball kept TCC’s goals in mind ree students together in a fun, alcohol-f Students environment. This year, 390 College attended. Before the Ball ity to remind We saw the Ball as a great opportun sumption of students of the dangers of overcon at the alcohol and perform primary research as a 1920’s murder same time. We set the theme ending. mystery, a “whodunit” with a surprise ed fictional The Ball began when we introduc Revealing whodunit! suspects. Guests 1920’s celebrities who were the hallways toward were then ushered through the tly, our our sound stage and most importan Century Council room. Come on in! Council room for Guests stopped by The Century from behind refreshing root-beer floats served guests to walk our non-alcoholic bar. We invited goggles which beer wearing while line a straight discovered quickly They BAC. simulated a .08 while become tasks how difficult simple “intoxicated.” on the red carpet room with a Students left The Century Council and with a different perspective on drinking, address for a business card containing the Web videos and real blog we created with pictures, the negative stories from young adults about (check it out consequences of overconsumption at The Plot Thickens d in the Grand Once all of our guests assemble continued. Guests Ballroom, the murder mystery and mingled with asked questions of the suspects it”. Guests cast each other to discover “whodun the murderer. their ballots, and we revealed that the crime was Guests were stunned to learn chose to drink committed by the suspect who a few words about and drive at the event. After of alcohol, our the dangers of overconsumption party started. dance the and stage the DJ took That’s All She Wrote... Almost With the Warlocks and Witches Ball we showed College Students the dangers of overcon sumption of alcohol, and provided a safe environm ent where students could have a good time without drinking… or so we thought. When the party was wrapping up, Chapman’s Public Safety Officers alerted us, to our surprise, that they found several bottles of alcohol secretly stowed away, ironically, in our own Century Council room. We had a lot to learn! JONNIE KING ITZ IVY FR With this incident we saw firsthand how pervasive alcohol consumption is, and our task to create an awareness campaign for TCC became even more poignant. So, TIO, we’re going to need your help with the rest of our campaign. You know exactly what we’re up against, and with your knowledge, maybe you can help us shed a little light on the problem. Sincerely, Chris, Kat, Amy ACCOUNT DIRECTORS CIRCLE ADVERTISING MAXIE ROZ ELLA 2 EXECUTIONS NYC BILLBOARD & illumoPHOTO BANNER KIDS CROWD OF COLLEGE NEW YEAR’S EVE, ING 10, 9, 8... CHANT TV SPOT DRUNK COUPLE ABOUT TO KISS 3 PEOPLE WILL BE LIVE ACTION; TIO WILL BE A SKETCH ING UP SOUNDS OF GIRL THROW Y GIRL LOOKS QUEAS body’s response Throwing up is your alcohol poisoning to ER WORLD WELCOME TO A BRIGHT BOY HAS VOMIT ON HIM TIO SHOWS UP TO HELP 30-SECOND SPOT AIRS DURING DICK CLARK’S ROCKIN’ NEW YEAR’S EVE ON ABC WHEN SCROLLED OVER, PICTURE SHOWS WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING AT THE PARTY, LIKE A GIRL THROWING UP YOUR BODY CTION TO UP IS A REA L POISONING THROWING G TO ALCOHO WORLD RESPONDIN A BRIGHTER WELCOME TO 49 MINUTES AN AVERAGE COLLEGE STUDENT SPENDS WITH HIS COFFEE, WHICH IS SEEN BY 6 PEOPLE COFFEE CUP SLEEVES WRISTBANDS TIO WRITES FACT ON SCREEN ZOOM IN ON FACT, FADE UP TAGLINE DIGITAL BILLBOARD GENERATES 1.5 MILLION IMPRESSIONS DAILY IN TIMES SQUARE 600,000 DISTRIBUTED A MONTH OFFER ON-PERSON MESSAGING OVER MULTIPLE HOURS PRINT AD 96% OF COLLEGE STUDENTS READ THEIR COLLEGE NEWSPAPERS REGULARLY TIO’S TIPS HEAT SENSITIVE INK WILL REVEAL THE FACT ON COFFEE SLEEVES 18 19 23 Your Words Have a Lot to Say aol instant messenger campaign 24 campaign for aim including product integration plan, traditional and non-traditional placement, social media press kits and promotional pitch plan United we stand, divided we fall. And we’re not talking about the clothing store. Circle Advertising constructed a method that analyzes all of AIM’s products and compares their strengths and weaknesses according to how many of the 7 Social Needs they meet. This allows us to find gaps in the current product offering and better position AIM and AIM Social Media products. This method is called the Social Media Honeycomb.1 of the standalone products, whereas Chat, Comments, Polls, Groups, and People Connection require integration to fully optimize their potential. In order to increase engagement, Circle Advertising strategically integrated Chat, Comments, Polls, Groups, and People Connection into AIM Profiles, while also strategically linking features of AIM Profiles to AIM Messaging and People Connection to Userplane. Such integration allows AIM to strengthen all of the AIM properties. Below is a model showcasing how the new integration strategy for AIM products better fulfills Connected Youth’s needs. In this example we analyze People Connection. The Social Needs that are met by People Connection are shaded, while the needs that are not met remain unshaded. The Social Need of Communication is in the middle of all the honeycombs as it represents the cornerstone of all of the AIM products. MESSAGING In short, the more honeycombs shaded, the more needs it fulfills. ten Our analysis of all eight AIM properties revealed that as stand-alone products, the AIM Social Media suite only meets a few of the 7 Social Needs. Circle Advertising discovered that by integrating specific Social Media products together, AIM better meets all of the 7 Social Needs. According to the Social Media Honeycomb model, AIM, Userplane and AIM Profiles are the strongest Messaging Profiles Userplane Groups People Connection Comments Comments Chat Chat Polls Polls MESSAGING 1. Based on the writings of Matt Webb, Stuart Butterfield, and Gene Smith. MESSAGING Our integration strategy is designed to increase trial and usage while bridging the gap between AIM and AIM Social Media products. The streamline effect allows us to leverage the AIM brand into all other Social Media products and highlight the specific benefits. By integrating these products we can ensure AIM, AIM Profiles, and Userplane work in synergy while also paying close attention to the priority ranking of each product as stated in the AIM case study. BridgingtheGapStrategy AIMMessaging AIMProfiles Position AIM Profiles as the central communication hub for AIM Groups and People Connection, while integrating Chat, Polls, and Comment features in ways that optimize user engagement. This makes conversation intimate to specific interests that align with the AIM brand personality while addressing Connected Youth’s concerns. • Groups: Drive engagement by allowing existing real-world relationships to communicate online as a group and create open communities around shared interests • PeopleConnection: Consolidate into AIM Profiles by providing users with the ability to host blogs1, start message boards, and easily find friends • Chat: Integrate into Groups, Profiles, and People Connection in order to bring together users with similar interests • Comments: Meet the communication needs of Connected Youth by allowing comments on any type of medium such as groups, blogs and profiles • Polls: Place user-generated polls on AIM Profiles while using it as a method that allows users to give feedback regarding Web site functionality, features, and content Make AIM Messaging an entry point into AIM Profiles with the addition of an “update feed tab” that allows Connected Youth to check up on what their friends are doing. Userplane Create a selectable option to place Userplane applications on People Connection blogs and message boards while also implementing a Userplane B2B strategy. eleven 1. Circle Advertising recommends that AOL Journals change its name to AIM Blogs to better communicate its fuctions to Connected Youth. MESSAGING Guerilla: Crosswalk Takeovers Out of Home: Mall Placements Mall placements in high-traffic pedestrian epicenters reach Experience Seekers when they are out and about. Creative executions will be tailored to fit the context of the media placements to achieve a higher level of relevance for Experience Seekers. Phase 2 Online Animated Banner Ad Online Animated Banner Ad Fishhook & Hitchhike: 300px x 250px Boss & Employee: 300px x 250px Crosswalk takeovers will reach Experience Seekers when they are away from their computers. This specific tactic is a perfect fit for the concept of walking and talking through AIM Mobile. It is also an unexpected approach that will catch the attention of Experience Seekers and create a memorable brand encounter. umm... Streaming Video Spot: “Word Party” :30 This party’s gonna rock! This party’s gonna rock! Open to two words entering a party. Audio: “Word Up” by Cameo Camera moves to the conversation between “Flirty” and “Awkward.” Camera moves to the conversation between “Trendy” and “Chic.” Camera moves to the dance floor to focus on “Bootylicious” and “DJ.” The word “You” comes in to the party. (All the other words celebrate) Camera zooms out to reveal the party is happening inside the AIM Expression Marquee. Voice Over: Your Words Have a Lot to Say. Voice Over: Join the party at “I used to think AIM was still the same as in middle school, I had no idea they offered so many other features. This image makes then far more approachable and up to date.” - Focus Group Participant eighteen nineteen Who likes to rock the party? Strategy Word Yourself Our promotions sustain Your Words Have a Lot to Say by providing an avenue for Connected Youth to express their creativity, make new friendships, and interact with AIM. Our research concluded that Connected Youth rarely make friends online, rather they make friends offline and subsequently bring those relationships online.1 This insight was the inspiration behind the Word Yourself event. Our promotions empower Connected Youth and break down the two barriers by: • Encouraging offline friendships and transporting them into the online world • Creating memorable AIM brand experiences • Providing a platform for Connected Youth to express their creativity Word Yourself is an AIM branded live creation dance party. This event will be held on 40 diverse college campuses throughout the country during the beginning of the school year when Connected Youth are more likely to meet new friends. To put this promotional plan to the test, Circle Advertising hosted the Word Yourself event on Chapman’s campus. The event was a huge success, with over 200 people in attendance. During the event, 233 Instant Messages were sent between the DJ and guests. In addition, three days after the event, 330 views were recorded on the event’s AIM Profile page. “The promotion was great. The fact that I got an instant message telling me to show up here was pretty amazing!” “I feel as though I expressed myself quite verbosely!” Word Yourself provides Connected Youth with a platform to meet new buddies for their Buddy List, thus increasing usage of AIM and AIM Social Media products. Top-Ten Word Yourself Destinations: Features of the event include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. • Blank walls providing guests with a place to write, draw, paint, and express themselves • Free AIM branded t-shirts to wear as a personal canvas to collect the Screen Names of new buddies • Computer kiosks for IMing the DJ with song requests and adding new buddies when Screen Names are still top-of-mind • Free AIM speech-bubble shaped whiteboards for each attendee’s dorm room twenty-two “Amazing, good time, I’m all worded up!” 1. Circle Advertising Exclusive Primary Research 1. Quotes from Word Yourself Guests Ohio State University of Minnesota University of Texas Arizona State University University of Florida Michigan State University Pennslyvania State University University of Illinois at Urbana University of Wisconsin, Madison Purdue University twenty-three 25 madeleine font 26 full script font with light, regular and bold widths and includes all keyboard glyphs 27 hammerhead font 28 font inspired by the head of a hammer, font comes in regular and italic 29 kuppel kuppel font 30 unique font originally inspired by kimmydesign logo, comes in expanded, condensed and ultra-condensed with regular and bold widths and regular and italic styles ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ A BCD EFGH IJKLM NOPQRS TUV W 12 XYZ 345 1234567890 ABCDEFG H I J K L M NOPQRST UVWXYZ ABCDEFG H I J K L M NOPQRST UVWXYZ a b c d e fg h i j klmnopqrs t u v w x y z a b c d e fg h i j klmnopqrs t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 0 A B C DEFGHIJKL M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A H N U a b c d e fg h ijklmnopq rstuvwxyz 67 8 9 0 B C D E F G I J K L M O P Q R S T V W X Y Z a b c d e fg h i j k l m n o pqrstuvwxyz a b c d e fg h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 0 1234567890 31