DDC 11 Book
DDC 11 Book
Welcometo DunDraconXI ! READ THIS FIRST! Questions about DunDraCon? The people at the Information Table in the Oakland Foyer (see map) have all the most popular answers, and can tell you where to get any others you may need. Please check there first - Games Registration and Convention Regisradon Staff are usually too busy to answer general questions. Thanks. Castro Valley Room Petaluma Rooms Second Floor Game Rooms RESTRMMS Rooms 200-219 Berkeley Room Richmond San Lorenzo Atherton Room Fremont San Leandro Room llayward Room OPENGAMING DEMONSTRATIONS Restrooms RESTROOMS POOLAREA COFFEE SHOP GIFT SHOP CONVENTION AREA Game Information (Volunteers) Registration HOTELLOBBY - -Fllst tsloor COI{VENTION egrstratlon tr "ifi::"" ffi "o*-o*o*oro**t HYATT OAKLAND . 455 HEGENBERGER ROAD OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 9462t . (415) 562-6100 MEET THE COMMITTEE Hilary Powers Jean Moffett Ava Coleman Janet Winter Michael Sloan Hal Heydt Chairman: Hotel Liaison: Treasurer: Pre-Reg: Registration: Steve Perrin Steve Henderson Seminars: Tournaments: Official Games: Program Book: FIGURE PAINTING CONTEST Richmond Room Categories 1. Player Characters Built Character sketches Art Pruyn SCA Liaison Volunteers: Dealer Liaison: Flea Market: Miniatures Competition Hospitality l,ounge : Gordon Monson Hilary Powers Bill Keyes Shelton Yee Jeff Pimper Tony Hughes Karl Maurer Enter at Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm Judging Saturday, 2 pm Winners announced immediately after judging SPECIAL THANKS TO. The Daly City Police Cadet Explorer Post 817, and their adviser Bob Sola, for security service. Come see the entries Saturday, after judging, till 6 pm A special seminar by the judges on how they made their choices will start Sunday, 10 am in Richmond. Pick up entries Sunday, Noon to 4 pm. COPY MACHINE AVAILABLE! Once again, we have a machine in Con Reg so you can get copies on site for a small fee... whenever things are quiet enough for Reg staff to help you. HOSPITALITY LOT]NGE The Petaluma Rooms have been set aside for quiet TV watching and Getting Away From It All. There will be no game playrng in these rooms, but otherwise use them as a chance to get away from the hurly burly, rendezvous with friends, etc. 2. Monsters 3. Dioramas 4. Modifications 5. lfeciat category - Scratch ----- enries t if enough 6. Special category - Conveyances I - We will bry to return unclaimed figures by mail, but make no guarantees about getting them back to you. Fee: $2.00 per figure or diorama, payable when you tum it in. (Sketches free!) Loot: First, second, and third place winners in each figure category will get prizes, the amount of each prize to be determined by the number of entries. In addition, the top three places in each category will all get ribbons and certificates, and honorable mentions will get certificates as well. (Ribbons only for character sketches.) CONVENTION REGISTRATION DEALER'S ROOM Alameda room foyer (upstairs from hotel lobby) Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Oakland B, C, and D 6pm-10pm 9am- 8pm 9am- 8pm 9 am - 12 noon FULL MEMBERSHIP IS $20 ONE DAY MEMBERSHIP IS $10 Keep Your Badge! If we decide to replace your lost badge, you'll have to show ID and pay a fee. You Must have your own badge to get into the Dealer's room. You MAY NOT smoke, eat, or drink inside. Security will be firm on both points. Saturday 9:30 am 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 9:30 am 2:fi) pm am 9:30 Sunday Monday - GAME REGISTRATION VOLUNTEERS Go to the Oakland foyer at the times given below to Friday e to itfiritl'ro, gnmes starting & noon Saturday Saturday 9 to 1,1 am - For g{rmes starting betrween Noon & 8 pm Saturday Saturday 5 to 7 pm - For games starting THERE'S STILL A CHANCE TO SIGN UP AND HELP! betrveen 10 pm Friday benveen 8 pm Saturday & noon Sunday Sunday 9 to 11 am - For games starting Get an inside view of the con, a game Priority, AND get your membership refunded by putting in eight hours or more with the volunteer crew. Talk to Bill Keyes, Volunteers'Coordinator, at the Info Table if you'd like to sign up - or see Con Reg. & 7 pm Sunday Sunday 5 to 7 pm - For benveen Noon games starting bet'ween 8 pm Sunday and close of con We try to get everyone into a game, but can't it. However - even if you don't get assigned to the game you want, you may still be able to get in. Go to the room when the game is about to start, and the GM may use you to fill an empty spot, or to replace someone else who was registered for the game and then didn't show up. SOCMTY FOR CREATIVE ANACHRONISM guarantee The SCA will be back in Oakland A, with combat demos by the pool if it's not pouring. Their final schedule depends on the weather and the people they have on hand, so stop by Oakland A to find out for sure what's happening when. They'll have a constant display of armor, weapons (real and SCA legal), OPEN GAMING (Signup sheets available in Oakland tobby if you want to plan ahead!) Alameda room (up the ramp over hotel lobby) non-stop, 6 pm Friday to 5 pm Monday Hayward room (up the ramp over hotel lobby) non-stop (some tables reserved for demonstrations) San Leandro and San Lorenzo rooms: whenever they're not taken over for seminars, tournaments, or the Flea Market! NOTE: NO PERSONAL COMPUTERS in the Alameda or Hayward Rooms, or any other public areas! (We're sorry, but that's the deal with the hotel.) FLEA MARKET NOTE: Personal sales only - no dealers. Flea Market Co-ordinator's decision on admission is final! Fee per table: $10.00 Registration Sunday 5pmto6 pm San Leandro Room SetuP Sunday 5pmto6 pm San lrandro & San l.orenzo Rooms Sale Sunday 6pmto 10pm San lrandro & San Lorenzo Rooms and medieval-style artifacts, with people there to help you ry things out and argue about the effects on your favorite game system whenever there's no seminar in progress. Friday evening - come in and chat while we set up, if you don't mind getting drafted to help haul armor. Saturday - Fighting demo at 1 pm: includes about ar hour of straight SCA-style combat, followed by an hour and a half of adventure scenarios, whack-aknight (your chance to try to hit a fighter before he hits you), and miscellaneous madness. AM SAT 10 SAT 11AM SAT 4 PM Seminars History of Arms and Armor Steve Henderson & Friends Field First Aid for Fantasy Fighters Dr. Joanna Meyer Mitchell Roleplaying your Barbarian Rory Robertson Sunday - Fighting demo at 1 pm: same program Saturday, with whatever new wrinkles they've thought up. Seminars: SUN 10 AM Haunted Houses and Enchanted Groves - Live Roleplaying around Town Janyce Ardinger StlN 11AM Oriental Weapons Bob & Eddy Frager Archery SUN 4 Carl Thelan Ships and Games SUN 5 Carl Thelan Monday - Fighting demo at 11:30 tentative PM PM (if anyone has the strength) as SEMINARS AND TOURNAMENTS always free to all attendees. If you attend any of our serninars, please fill out one of our reaction forms and tell us what you thought of the seminar. DunDraCon TOU-RNAMENTS arc usually free (exception: see "Rubber Moruter Slugathon"). They often, but not always, you have prizes. With some, you sign up with the loumament director at the time of the tournament. With some indicated below, must sign up tlrough Games Registation. DunDraCon SEMINARS re FRIDAY TIME ROOM EVENT 6:00 PM Atherton Berkeley "The Celtlc World" - Stephen Abbon reveals all about the mysterious world of ttre Celts. "Lurid Tales of Doomrr - Ghostbusten own Ken Rolstqr introduces attendees to the wacky world Berkeley of Ghostbusting. ttBugs on Parade" - Ken Rolstqr leads a demonstration game of Ghostbtlsters' 7:00 PM SATURDAY 9:00 AM 10:00 AM San Lorenzo Atherton for S.player-teams of "Champlons Tournament" - Andy Robinsor begins a toumament Champions players. Get your friends together and sign up with Andy in the roqn' a medieval "Castle Buitding', - T.O. Green discusses the hows and whys of building castles in world. San Leandro riAutoduelling -- Sport for Today" - Ray Greer talks about where Steve Jackson Games is going with their ever-po,pular game. ttparanoia for Basic Bozoet' - Ken Rolston introduces Paranoia to lhose who haven't been there before. The CornPuter is your friend. roqn for FASA's game of giant robot 'rBatttetech Tournament" - Sign up in two-man teams in the baules. Can use own characters or GM supplied. 50-80 tqrs/no kills' ttGamemaster Forumrr - Glenn Thain leads a discussion in how to gamernaster and other tricks of Berkeley of the 'tWomen ln Gaming', - The distaff side of dice rolling, from five women frun all sides Petaluma Berkeley San Lorenzo the trade. 11:00 AM subject. Noon Atherton IHow to Teach Role Playlng" - Brian Babcock discusses how he teaches people to play games Hayward and makes money at it. games and answer ',play By Mail Forum" - leaden of the PBM industry discuss how they run their questions from the audience. ,,Creailng I Story'r - Veteran cartoon writer larry DiTillio derncnstrates how io write a story for canoons, showing one of his own as an example. Encouters of the Commie Klnd" - Ken Rolston demonstrates Paranoia to all who wish to Atherton "Clty Bulldlng" - Anden San Leandro Petaluma "Ctose see. 1:00 PM San Leandro and Barbara Swenscn continue to expand their ever-po,pular series of how+o-build-an-authentic-city talks. lChamplons: The Comic Bookn - Dennis Mallcree disorsses rhe trials and tribulations of translating a best-selling game inO a readable storyline, uld answers any questiofls about why things are dqte the way they are. area's leading game ',What,s Happening rt Electronlc Artsu - Staff mernbers from one of the software manufacurr€rs speak -- with visual aids! monster for the battle of the "Rubber Monster Slugathon" - bring your ownl-6 inch high rubber ages. Winner takes all the mqtsters hune. Sign up in the rmm' ,,Dunei - For those of a more serious bent, vie with other cqrtestants for control of the planet Atherton IGM Staging" - Ken Berkeley 2:00 PM Petaluma San Leandro 3:00 PM Atherton Anakis's lucrative sPice trade. Rolston discusses effective RPG Adventure Presentation. answer questiors about their "Champions Q&Au - George MacDonald and Steve Peterson brainchild, and other Hero Games. riNuclear Wartt - Rick Loomis leads a three-hour toumament in the game that lets you be the first Irrson on your block to blow up the world. Games'r - The San lose Play by Mail company discusses what's happening with their San Lorenzo ,tBatflesyiem,, - Ioitr Berkeley San Lorenm 4:00 PM "T\rin.Engine company's products, Petaluma B-"" Cummins for a miniatures battle using the AD&D mass combat nrles. Two evil armies struggle for control of an oasis. Sign up at Games Registraticn. uGURpS in 87" - Ray Grer reveals what's upcoming for Steve Jackson Games'newest entry in the RPG marker. 5:00 PM Berkeley 6:00 PM Atherton San Lorenm leads a discussicn on various ',punching up your Champions Campalgn" Andy Robinsur meth-ods for adding new dimensions of play to Champions campaigts' ,'publishing your RnG adventure" - veteran game writers larry DTillio and Ken Rolston reveal all the secrets of how to be a published game writer' battle using WRG #6 rules with "Fantasy Miniatures" - A firll scale fantasy miniatures up with Games Registration' Sign and friards. Lucien Alan modificarions frqn STJNDAY TIME 9:00 AM ROOM San Lorenzo EVENT "Champions Tourney" - The secsrd set of teams do their stuff in rhis toumament, see Sanuday armouncernent. 10:00 AM Atherton Berkeley Richmond San ll:ffi AM Leandro Petalurna Berkeley Hayward "Problems of the Gods" - larry DiTillio leads a discussion of creating a workable panthecr of gods for a furtasy campaign. "The Price of Freedom" - Ken Rolston discusses West Bnd Games'new post-Soviet-invasian RPG. rtHow the Judging was Donerr - The judges of the miniatures cont€st explain the gmd and bad points of the pieces they judged. 'rPlayers Forum" - Glerm Thain and Bruce Harlick lead a discussion of how to roleplay your characiers to your and the GM's satisfaction and entertainment. "Vl'hat's New at SJG" - Ray Greer tells all about Stwe Jacksqr Games plans for the coming year. 'rRobot Warriors" - Steve Penin and George MacDonald explain their new game and answer questiurs abort the game and future pnricts. 'rPrlce of Freedom Demonsbation" - Ken Rolston dernonstrates West Ends Price of Freedqn garne, San Lorenzo IWiz-IVar Tournament" - This is a card and board game of wizardly battle and stolen treasure. No lolly Game table in Dealer Room. Cash Prize of $20.001 One hour per round trllve Role Playing" - Scott Spence of Dream Buccaneers and Brian Babcock tell all about their methods of running live action role playing adventurcs. "Role Playing Game Workshop . Crafting the Scenariorr - larry DTillio and audience will attempt to put together a roleplay scenario. This is a Handson workshop. "Flight of the Buffalo" - Rick l,oomis discusses the cunent plans and future of his Flying Buffalo, dre oldest PBM company in the business. "Paranoia Gamemasterlng Tipsi' - Ken Rolsron provides hints on how to rcally drive yow players crazy. r'Whatrs up at Chaosiumrr - Charlie Krank and Sandy Petersen unveil the coning attractiors from the heart of RuneQuest and Cthulhu country. I'Whatrs Happening at Electronic Arts'r - Staff members fiom one of the area's leading game software manufacturers speak - with visual aidsl "Mldnlght Games" - Jim hndes of this PBM company tells all, answen all, about his games. rrRltual Magickrr - Stephan Abbott, professional magician, shows how to make rinral magic work in role playing games. "Flgure Painting, Modification, and Dioramlsri - Multiple award winner Nicholas Tompkins dernonstrates what he does to win all those awards. rrClose Encouters of the Commie Kindtt - Ken Rolston demonstrates Paranoia to all who wish to experience necessary. Sign up at Noon Atherton San Leandro 1:00 PM Berkeley 2:00 PM Atherton San Leandro Petaluma 2:30 3:00 PM PM Berkeley Atherton San Lorenzo Hayward sc4:00 PM Berkeley 5:00 PM San San Lorenzo Leandro rrCthulhu at Large" - Author Sandy Petenen reveals all, including the Cthulhu boardgame and the Miskatonic U matriculation package, Closed to get ready for Flea Market. Closed to get ready for Flea Market. MONDAY 9:00 AM San Lormzo - The perfect game for unwinding after a lcrg ccr. Recmit mqrsters, fight bizane foes. Roll lots of dice. by Randy Kreidt. Sign up in the room. Up to 18 people. "Titan" AM AM Berkeley Petaluma "The Tarot" - Stephen Abbott 11:(X) 11:00 AM Hayward 'rKlngs and Thlngsrr - Ken Rolstan dernonstrates West End Games latest boardgame of magical 11:00 discusses the Tarot and how it can be used in gaming. "SSI Presents" - Staffen from Strategic Simulations Inc. disq.rsses their latest entries into rhe home video game market- conquest. Lots of fun to end the con with. fust come to the room CHAOSITJM The Chaosium will be running games of Call of Cthulu,Pendragon,and RuneQuest evenings in the Berkeley Room. Just show up to participate. o play. INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGISTERING IN DunDraCon GAMES DLJNDRACON vll rttcmpt io 8ct cv.rt mcmb.r last onc grm. Du. to dr.ft!, popuhrlt of artrh hto 7 DESC plu rug wa We aru ulng r mputcr progrm thrt ruppllBl dl?.rcnt ch 4h random rmbar to mmbar ld d3n up but lt remmbr! who hu bccn ulgred !o grmr and glv6 prlorlty to thos who hrvan'L To slgn up lor grm.r: 1) READ thh game m SICN up for th. 8rre rt thc proDrr dgn-up dm u listed beloF. (Wehh lc apchl porfln8r). SEn-up b ln the lobby out sldc of thc Dedcrr rm (Oekhad bbby). 2) 3) USE the propcr lbr up fom, rcmnbcr !o wltc clcrrlt and put you m.mbcr nunbcr md mmr m thc fom, 4) DO NOT rubmlt nultlplc *cslon Thc omput r wlll m), bc Pcull4d! fom+ m qt GAME SESSION ONE Sign up 6-9 PM Frlday for games numbered I to 99. 1 MIDDI-F.EARTI{ CM JI. LAI{EY ROOM 109 SMOKINGNO TITLE TO FIND THE DUXE'S DAUCIITER DESC A mysru Drk! hiEr th ptty to yd old tleugblar; wa thogh hi! ciliE EEy coild !.t lbd bcr. Hc will girc cad mobcr 10 Mirhil VAR. NONE # Vl PLAYERSTo{AR LEVEIJ: TJPTO t0 2 CALLOFCTHTJLHU ROOMlll GMARRONCONWAY 8 e at@tbtmed TIMEFRI1OPM HOIJRS SMOKINGNO TITLE WHO WILL STOP TIIB DARKMGITTS DESC ChuctsE rcIrm irFiditrg it Uoodnd Stq *rm b.f@ tbly rbp )$. VAR. NONE # PLAYERS/CIIAR fll LEVEIJ: RBASONABLE 3 AD&DVARIANT ROOMlI3 GM CLAUDIO GAITINA TN,{EFRIIOPM HOURS 8 SMOKINGNO TITLE THB T&lvlPLE OP THE DEMON C,oDDESS VERRA DESC Ttrc lad ir plagrd by wr. Aid Cbrr u difecl TnEl to tE Vuiding Trc & tho Tcrplc of tb Dcrm God&g Vm in banishing Lw by rcwring VAR, MACIC & SPEIIJ * PLAYERSrcHAR fll LEYEIJ: 8TH- 12THLEVEL 4 CIIAMPIONS ROOM1I5 GMMARKISMMING *rt of g.D. VAR. SLIGTIT # I{-AYERSrcHAR dl LEVETS: CENTERED ON 320. 5 CALLOPCTHI.JLI{U ROOM 11? GM ERIC RAUSCHER TIMEFRI1OPM HOURS SMOKINGNO TITI.E MURDER, MAYI{EM AND MADNESS 6 DESC ExFd stregc (rc, viriw ofirrxflicabb bom ilk (rlog 6 gbstly d6tb rDd 6c with vitty rcprbc). S@d $50 o Bq 666, Arkb.o, rcsljm & VAR.NONEKNOWN #PLAYERSIO{AR O1 ROBOTECH Ifi. IIVEIJ: ROOM1I9 GMMATTSEDIK TIMEFRI1OPM IIOIjRS 8 TITLE AFORCE OFARMS DESC You tbdrght idd bo csy tr flc itRe thu! ju* poin in SMOI(NGNO u r pilcr, r dircctio !oFot'l@.. Yo tbogln *rog... and VAR. #P!-AYERS/CHAR Vl 8lt LEVEIJ: 2I{DSTHLEVEL Tb c.henca SMOKINGNO ir ro rtop mlt & Dcd Vl 18 AD&D ROOMCASTROVALLEY OMTYSONFULIZ SMOKINCNO TIMB FRI 10 PM HOURS TITLB WO}JDER.I.AND TITLE NOR'I}I TO DOR,ESTADT Tndi!8 rdv@er rod mirdrrcaor$ ia DtsSC lw-ugic, ncd,icvd Eurec. Bring VAR ALTERNATE EARTH - DARK AGES J PLAYERSTHAR LEVEIJ: MAX 80% INSKILL DESC MAY-DAY MAY-DAY! Obcrlirda Wirer Roi RoqEd AsbtlELiE spFr citiql Rcowdy tss!..Tqid borclpd.,jrgrlr VARNONB TIMEFRI1OPM TIME FRI TO PM HOTJRS 12 SMOISNC YES TITLB SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE DESC PCr rc goiDg o r finl minil3 crmiro hcfc tbir rcrl milin. PCr m* *rilc e How rgrinlt OE if 6 DESCTb! ISS IMFERATORwiftd ffi2myd ego & wu prcmd ldl Now r dyiDt m dqg o&awirc youll tc rd dngeed of by e bddo! CTHULHIJ tlE Dep Oe! Wdld Dclru*io Tro '87 LBVEIJ: GMSUPPLIED #PLAY'ERS/CI{AR 4y'1 LEVEIJ: O\,T TIMEFRI1OPM HOTJRS 8 SMOKINGNO TITLE WHIT.E THE DEMON IS AWAY... DESC Xnth, r bi& b.4 rnd ryly doco, ir rwry o vrc{io Erch ofye bs d6 cidod to hrc r 'Ffiy'rt hi! bdrc. Rmbcr to bcwrc of 'bop rittan'! VAR SPACIAL COMBAT & ROLEPLAYINC RI,JLES *PLAYERSrcI{AR fll LEVEIJT 4TH. TTHLEVEL 15 ADTDVAR]ANT G\,T VAR. FLAYERSrcIIAR # 8 SMOKINGNO Nrm'r fcgim tho grbw voDd Clodod h nlCl" tby crm in ngo PriioclJ g@; yq Ern fid lg m VAR ARDUIN/CALL OF CTHTJLU/RT'NEQT]EST TPLAYERS/CHAR E/l LEVEIJ: trtH - 12Tl{ LE\IEL LEVEIJ: FIRST TIT1I THE }IORROR FROM THB DFJC Erccpt d&ro fa thc Fditim lo Dc.lh Orfao friliry to EIut m th! bd in DEEPS OF SPACE dbit, rbc ax- dilpFe4 ei.ot ruiu. Yq bu'r sligrrd: Finirb tb jcb. VAR. CALL OF CTHIJLIITJ & TRAVEER COMBINED PI-AYERSrcI{AR 8/l LEVEtrS: CREATED rcR GAME f 22 CALLOFCTHULI{U R@MI15 GM CIRIS CRITES TIMESAT6AM TIOTJRS 4 SMOKINGNO TITLE'WEI,OOMEHOME' DESC A <brlrod horo ia old Srbm md rb ietigrh! cEd ticd b irl€d tlE irdo r ptd of eiElRft .& EwDtc. But wbo't ... rCoirg Hm"? VAR.NONB #PI-AYERSTSAR 4 LEVF$;H(PERIBNCD ZJ AD&D ROOM 117 GM'EFFREYWALKER TIMBSAT6AM HOTru 8 SMOKINGNO TITLE A MCTIT AT T}IE TROLLTAVERN DESCTb m ir6lll,tb u ir&m. Fird ot why Trdl-Tewm ig u o rbc rcrcrdcd llmk lin. frht-h.ed! FI-AYERSTGUR AD&D 8/l Nd fa rbc ALI'WED VAR. SOME VARJANTS 24 TITLE CI.JRSE OFTHB lllqI PRIESTESS MEGLANOC DESC Aa 4c psrd rim wa/r boo vqed mm 8/l COFC +TRAVELER ROOMIOg GMJIMSCHREIBER TIMESAT6AM }IOIJRS 8 SMOKINCNO # TIMEFRI1OPM HOI]RS SI\,TOKINGYTS 2I ROOMATHERTON RAYMON'D A. NG 8 DESC Youe itribdb rwiedsbo ir bcing hcld eptirc i! his (M tova by unhom fres, rpcod ir mcid, for tb wiand mn bo trc by thc full ROOMFREMONT MIXE BARTEIJ 62 LEVEIJ:,TTH.STHIwEIJ TITLE RACETOHOCHTODE LEVEIJ: MODERATE AD/IDVARIANT b ieh<re,ywlirc! & wqtrbs, ROOMRJCH}I{OND GM ANDREAS METZCER rw, 13 CAIIOFCTHIJLHU ROOMREI,IONT O\{DoNSTTJRMAN TIMEFRI1OPM HOTNS 8 SMOKINGNO 14 SN'OKINGYES @ 12 TRAVELLER ROOM219 OU RICHARD BENDER TIMEFRI1OPM HOT'RS SMOKINGYFJ TITLE WRBCK OF TIS IMPERATOR TITLE DELUSIONS OF CRANDEUR DESC Coc ro thc Cow*rlc, Bring t HOI.JRS TIMEFRI1OPM HOURS 6awinmpbdFme. l90r abdbd in Occ, Europc #PLAYERSrcHAR ql LEVEI,ST CREATED FORGAME Vl LEVEIJ: 9TH. IZIHI.BVEL 20 AD&D VAR PCr rc yw Fculc; t/l VAR.NONB FI-AYERSICIIAR # TWILIGHT2M ROOM2IT d\,I STEPHENT. BLACK PLAYERS/AjAR bricl rcd. lho ]Gllow TITLB ASSATJLT ON TIIE CAVES OF MTJLTICAR DESC Cdr hdp b &rtroy tb fqer of Multigrr, u wil wiad bcc o rhc &*uctio of lrw & go&c* Bo *ly- #PLAYERSrcI{AR 8f2 LEVEIJ: cM SUP[{.|ED hd& OE cle to i! frhilru tn p@i&d )or 8ct tbt fdt! VAR acitiog 19 AD&D ROOMRJCHI\4OND GMBRIAI{HUGHES SMOKINGYES Un& Anrk! qrdticr'.}hrvy DrmF # fdlos #ILAYERSrcHAR 8 SMOKING YES flEt, u logcDdey @h; R@M215 TIMBFRIlOru HOURS TITLE THE WI}TTER M,OST O BcAbuir o rdcpbyiq - Brilg heliDg! VAR. CRITICAL HITSEODY I,OCATIONSAPtsLL POINT (l G\{ RANDY GREER 1 AdElirE b Ev 'poqflo', berlc jrt Eut€p.u chu@r a dvl vill opply, TRAVELLBR rlo pcoct rb vill4c VAR. DEIITION OF OPNONAL COMBAT RULES * Pi-AYERS/CIIAR 8/l LEVEUT 7TH - lOtH LEVEL Rr.tMQuESTrrI R@M213 DESC w Fctul lc& ofMr&cf. VAR. HEAVIER,TI{ANNORMALPSIOMC USB #PLAYERSrcI{AR LEI/EIJr 1214 LEVEL E SlitOKINcyES TIT1.B BAI.ID OF THE DART HEART DtsSC Rryqr &rrroy E tibo nditu tb vdloy of tb. frorniEirS CTt{uLIfU GM JOHN CARNAI{AN 8 TIMBFRI1oPM HOURS S6rbn bbinRI{YBI{. TIMEFRI1OPM HOIJRS ROOM CASTRO VALLEY CMXEVINPEDIGO 10 mirlr gdda b.dv. Adrprw 17 ADILD R@M211 iso Illqinin 1@ b Juglo coia, in rbc Ruiri City. VAR. ADID ADAPTABIX/RLJIjS GIVEN pRIoR TO RUN * PLATISRSrcHAR 82 LEVEIJ: 1-1UTOTAL <t2O e VAR TIMEFRITOPM HOURS 8 SMOKTNGNO TITLE CI{AOS IN CAMPAIGNCITY DESC Cbancrn rc ollod bb ltcp pld of rcrcga& Sword Sclmirt Egoinr diwgcd. Rdcr vrietio will bc discu*d bcfm *rf. FrMl I 1I 8 TIMEFRIIOPM HOURS ftrd hir lod, 4 DESC 10 nmbcr per h multlplc fomt rnd ys per thc Ot{ DAVID B. DI.'NCAN TIMEFfl 1OPM HOI.JRS TITLERACE INR'I,YEH drady, dborcr th. dm rnd r@n of th. to let ADILD 9 boklrt oxirtoe PLAYERSTI{AR # 8 sCa, you'rc lntcrBt d ln. rccmd fio of 8 S}TOKINGNO TITLB WELMMB TO TRANQUILITY DFSC Oiihad Eao&i, 23rd Wiand of tb Mrgcr Guil4 setr yo to EtrE r ngik of Bob E*hcr. shm quilE rb.y MDdly VAR. COMBAT MODIFICATIONS rhl.g. wsnt! s GMJEFERYMILLETT TIMBPRI1OPM HOTJRS Scbcg 6. M@gEl wirbo r gol& cbdie CANNOTGUARAMEE ahrt uy plrtbhr rrmbcr rlll tct lrto a gam; rtll 16 thrt th.y rll 8ct lnto thc gmc thct - If you do rct get lnto lh. gmc tbt you nEALLy show up for lt rnyny, thcr. my bc opcnlqg. Thfr b up to thc lndlvldul CM md th. othn pbtfr uEn.d to the game If JDU REALL& REALIY lo8ct tntot grm., voluntecr a I gophcr. ['a thalr Fdq thct trt prlorlty gsmc lslgnmnl 16 ARDT'INVARIAN? R@MAIHEIITON R@M209 8 gsmemtcB, md othd fictor'' WE - AD&D GM BRYANWYII,YAMS TIMEFRJTOPM HOURS SMOIqNGNO TITLE BUARRE BAZAAR BBZIQUE LEVEIJ: 7TH & 8TH LEVEL ROOMT19 GM STEVEN HTJNTSBERRY TIMESAT6AM TPTJRS SMOKINGNO TITLE MALICE AT MELENOFF DtsSC You rc bcing prid by thc Churdr of ldu b !o to I\ibl@II Ed Ei$, rh.t 6cir rrdremy, $c Arurcb of lll, bs boa 8 &*rqrd rfir 30 VAR. AYERSrcHAR tE pu, tA Cu yq do it? LEVEIJ: 6TH - 8THIIVEL 25 ADRUINVARIENT RooM2O9 GM CASSANDRA L. KYI.B TIMESAT6AM HOTJRS 10 35 AD&D rd uybco i@iaio yrelf o Doutlc lboud .!d tbc dic of 6o law if 1or'rc Dd wg reftI. VAR. COMBAT& HIT POINT SYSTEIVTS I|-AYERSrcHAR V1 LEVEIJT THRU rOTH ROOM215 OMJACKMAtrSLEIT 8 36 ARDUINI}AD&D DBSCCrnpr hcrh6o towd? Whrt Giur irooud Csdc. Ap@d.d dU lqd to br, .Dd h6 to I tE.re. VAR.NONE '€u PLAI'ERSrcHAR 6/2 LEVEIJ: 3RD - IzTH LEVEL n AD&D SMOKINGYES TITLEDROPSTIAPT Yor 6nd ywlf flrrecd i*o r rw sqld eit! Bw vcqs, Crptrrcd od uying ro cnpc & fad r wry bre, yo rut liSht 6 d'€. Wh rDd tlcry ruin. DESC VAR.NONE H.AYERSrcHAR # AD&D 28 rfll Abq ItfiNIATUnES q ROOMlll GMDAVID CIIRJSTENSEN liu rgair drta - Tt! DF,SC Qla lelybu 6 101 102 1Ur LEYEI,S:7TH - lrTH IEVEL 31 RUNEQLJESTn ROOMCASIROVALTTY VAR" ATTACKS WHOTJLD BE IN 60 - 70 PT RANGB 8 TIMESAT2PM HO(ru II VARNONE #PLAYERSrcHAR HOTJRS SMOKINGNO TITLE TEMPLE OP THE BTJLL DESC Vclrw illo tbe l@ c.rtbly of tho Bapbcrt ddEry dcmlcd tlE &vic up@ 'qr rd tryb whichho iftDdr b uDtcsh wqld.Iltrte ph)61, dq8 VAR. NO TJNEART1IED ARCANA ERMITTED J IT AYBRSrcHAR LEVBIJ: 7TH- 9T!{LBVEL Vl 34 AD&D ROOM211 GMDANNFOWLER TIMESAT1OAM HOIJRS t SMOKINGNO TNLE QT'EST rcR TI{E HEARTSTONE DESC FiDd ddcn u&ic ir tb Ic Moruris. VARNONE #ILAYERSTHAR 8/l LEVBIJ: 5TH- ffHLEVEL Vl LEVEIJ: STH - TTtltEVEL 104 DANGERINTERNATIONAL ROOM 119 GM BENMONROB TIMESAT2PM HOURS SMOKINGNO 8 TITLECATA@MBS 62 RooM215 G}I ERIC BAVERBERC TIMESAT2PM HOIJRS t SMOKINGIES tbs Prc61 e[t to tb VAR. CIIARACTERS MAY BE GENBRAIED AT TIIE CAMB PLAYERS/€!|AjR lCIl LEVEIJ: f lG AD&D ROOM115 GMMARKR.STEINER 8 TIMESAT6ru HOUP.S SMOIANGNO TITI.I TIS BATTLB AT NORTTIWALL CN-ts CONNNEND DBSC llrrlm tbcr-Evil nveger tlr Ncthlrod A wdl BALANGD g@p of dworm rc rcugla to fu &bndsr of VAR, SOMB (10%) . EMPHASIS ON ROLEPLAYING *I{-AYERSrcHAR 84 LEVEIJ: STH- 8TH AD&D ROOM2ll GMMARC DECKARD + JAN REVIS HOURS 8 SMOKINCNO TITLE 'A BAND OF ORCS, ORC IS M?' DESC A prlrt of a good chrch werr a bod of cvil @ &dt widL 1ffi GP rcwrd -Lis!(t .!d srbd clfcc! will bc wd TIMESAT6PM qn@ Imd-Bc F?ed VAR.MANAPOINTS # P!-AYERSrcHAR 110 8A to rdl pLy LEVBIS: 3RD - STHI,EVEIJ CALLOFCTHUII{U ROOM111 GMMIKEBEAVERS 6 TIMESAT8PM HOIJRS TTTLETHE ORPHANAGE SMOKINGNO PhFn rc ire*igrtiDt I o.lhorgc afor r micr of rtengc @, DESC VAR. TPLAYERSTTCIIAR 6y'1 LEVEISTN/A IlI GAMMAWOR,LD ROOM2I3 E HOTJRS SMOKINGNO TITLE ST'BSTANCES OFPOWER DESC Oh bu my all lddr.Erird! of E&.ty 'Rod rc tor!! Tboc rc thht' b Cry, dilry &o& to bo (h!!! So lhrr Bdit. Dic br&, lct ur & it! VAR. GAMMA WORLD FIRST EDMON #II-AYERSrcHAR 5/l LEVEIJ: MODERATE Dolls' *lw 112 AD&D ROOM217 GMMCT{AELMAYEAU TIMESAT2PM HOURS 10 SMOKINGYTJ TITLE TIIE GATJNTI-ET & VAR.NONE LEVEIS: 125 - 175 PIS re lt{m* Mou{ r vrr uDdagu&d €ddq holcgcd to o wil ugc. Afer 666 F lb. d!c'r Ek b! boa m rgein, iu tbc Prlee! lftod r god ds mixtw VAR. MANNAPT SYSTEM FOR SPELITASTERS # I!.AYERSrcIIAR 6A LEYEIJ: 7TH - 9THLEVEL ttr ctla ri& RnaGwoRlD TTTLB RINGWORLD ENGINEERS ebo DESC A! rdvatl& fq dl Ey RINGWORLD, .nd r *qld ia VAIIBY SMOKINCYBS DESC Trcrm VAR PI-AYERSrcHAR 12 DtsSCYowillcmrcmondq mo ri& rnd try to wi! fin to tbc cxit o o;ou gor rrd nit up fc rdotlE nislm in th glrulnr Mrir C6F! D@t wary, lhir c vill bc r cErith up fith d rdh 'bug hDf DESC Smp 105 HOI,JRS TITLE MARROWMOT'ND TIMESAT8PM WOKINGNO rE # 8 TIMESATIOAM t ROOM CASTRO CMBILL ISRGTNER TIMESAT4ru GMDAVIDSTBVENS TITLE DRAC'ONS LAIR DESC An Evil hherr bu c+tld r Good Priry Dngo.Dd Fr mrt bd! WIIAT??! Ec 33 AD&D ROOM115 GMCARYHUCKABAY LEVEIJ: 30330PTS ROOM 117 GM MIO{ABL'DoC GI.ENBOSXI frud in r &st toe But Cb.d ndot iL hfr I ir 6. !.Awl to tlE bB. Vl ffl IG} ADITD HOT'RS SMOXINGYES TITLE HUMAKT HUNT - PART I DESC You rc sl@d to lind u llcro r ryqd th.t wd los in tb. Cod, wr- It wu ol l-o-1 modrla. ydlc tb bcrt VAR. NO ARCANA. NO PSIOMCS # PLAYERSr'OIAR LEVEIJ: STII - 1OTH LEVEL t fc tla trstln h to gurd 6c ii.- #PLAYERSrcIIAR 1g' AD/[n b 28 GUNFIGHTS CHAMPTONS RmMtl3 hnc CAI\,IP". VAR, CLASSIPIED * ILAYERS/1O{AR 6/1 LBVBIJ: YBLtr,O\Y r09 ERIC & CHRIS ANDERSON HOURS SMOKINGNO TITLE THE HOUSE OFFUN AND FRIq{T DESC Tb gai of Azlui*a b hcyud bcruty. Modo ndi:dr wold pry rry prbc ttE strpordly li[rSiol Afrif.d Ya # PLAYERSrcHAR SMOKINGYBS LEVELST 6 chil& rcrquy 8 TIMESAT2PM Mbt, 12 Vl SMOISNGNO Ncthsdl. ROOMTO9 KINNEY O{ TITLE DARK TOWBR' BY JTJDGES C,UILD DESC A hdy rlrirc <rorrla byEvl, rtegc dilapFerru & *roSc lcgo!& h thr @lhs of Mirr'r Firt lb HOURS MTKE VAR AD&D TIMESAT8AM BOOTHILL #PLAYERSy'CHAR ROOM213 CM BRADIIYR.MARTIN TII1A THE DUEfS OF ASGARD - copctitio DESC Tet yw favcia cberct( r$id otbcr y'rpn. Fru DMr will u cigbt PCr tnough a &trblc+limimtio pymid ido difiictrltia clD tby $a [d t!.t cluuc f]D ilM? REWARD: $5,06 in gdd. TIMESAT8AM HOL'RSlz SMOKINGNO 32 AD&D ROOM CASTRO VALLBY GMALLENCOHN rliE Bc*rc, rb thicva rc re of rb rrPErt m*cr b dq rlep lcjla. VAR. OFFICTAL ERRATA PLAYERS/C}IAR 41 LEVEIJ: CREATED AT GAME VAR. SOMEAIO OFFICIAL CONNECTIONWTTHPART out DESC STOLEN:Amrtofrpu. # #P!-AYERS/OIAR 8/1 LEVELS; HIGHI.ORDRIF,ST ru HOLIRS SMOKINGNO TTTLE THE SPURS OP DOBIE GILLIS rcawgcdtoreodlao! GMCOOKIETAVARFS MINIATURE I 8rm numbci FAI{TASY hrt rd ol TIMESAT2PM u TIMESATSAM Touurert & ahc FAI{TASY E@ r v.yhid tiemElq ud Gl\,T SMOKINCMAY Q@ctar vill ba @.bd d tb. g.D, foUorcd by a rhdt rdwDte, Bcgim rteS dli.6 dd rhqtr VAR.FEW II,MINOR th. BATTLESYSTEM #PLAYERVCHAR 5/1 LEVEIJ: GM-SLIPPLIED TTTLE INTRODUCTION TO RTJNEQI.JEST M DESC Thir ir iutoduaio b REQE* m 30 MANA VAR. ORIGINAL SYSTEM 29RTJNEQUESTIU ROOM1r3 HOIjR.S IT At.@ n@rb 23rdca![y Ftrmto 1y/5 to VAR.MANA # I{-AYERSrcHAR 7/1 LEVELS: 1G10 CMJEFPOKAMOTO cltptbF6@tto ertul 8 disppcrcd lcavirg oly a rlidlo. Solvc dE mFbiy, bef@ tb scld ordr TIMESATsAM lc dgn up 6 HOI.JR.I| bmdritrrl, r tim of grcd lmiry rd pcrol growthred'SLIMMER 120 RECLAMATION PROJECT ROOMFREMONT G[,T DAWN ATKINS TIMESATNOON HOURS SMOKINONO TITLE RESClJB THB FUTI,JRE TIMESAT8AM HOIru 12 SMOKINGNO Dad Onc qdviry& qyrtrl rlth Grrer ncg by fllllng @t r dgn up lom rlth lDu mnb.r nmb.r rrd ure rnd thc w& EATTLESYSTEM LEVEIS; 8TH-ldIH LEVBL TTILE TOMB OFDEATII DESC TID Errh !br&rc, tF rkicr CMLARRY I.A}ICLEY TITLE THOSE LAZYIIAZT CRAZY DAYS OF CLASSIFTFD DESC PqDd iD rcklt F-oop. srhive bos rbotminw? yu my lUl PARANOIA R@M209 TIMBSAT4PM SMOXINONO GAME SESSION TWO Sign up 9-ll AM Sat for games numb€red 101 to 199. ROOM219 GMCI{RIS MARS}IALL 8 & 10 VAR. ARDUIN CI{ARTS FOR CRITS & OTHERS II-AYERSr'O$R LEYEIJ: STH - l0nt LEVEL # 1(' R@MPREil{ONT Fild dt d tb Ke?t. 'qr Pley it nw, bo bmd u cxflrc. VAR OWN MAGIC SYSTEM OP TIMB CASTING *PLAYBRSrcHAR 6/2 l5r'El.S: AIIY # HOI,JRS rin fiu *rugo b+p@in8r crrt of ton. Will )Eu bnE Frty &.cpt thi! &dly lrl( ICudof Ie? CM CLTFFCONKLIN TIME SAT 1O AI{ HCIJRS TIT1A BrrOD lSLi{I{D SMOISNOYES TMI,A RESC1JB INTHE CT,OIJDS DFSC l{or Yol Noodod - r doa w Feh"ntE ir t iDg told by r Sb@ TIMESAT6AM TIMBSAT2PM HOTJRS 12 SMOKINGYES TITLB THE ARCALET - RAVENI,OFT tr DESC Cddd n bc tb Evil Pric of Drrkncg bo tb graw? S@t! Fpdt VAR. CRITICALI{ITS, FT,JMBLB AND D.IIT SYSTEM #P!.AYERSrcHAR Vl LEVEIJ: 4THTO 6TH AD/iD TIMESAT6AM HOI'RS forka log # 26 GMTIMBULLARO re cu bu Trw-rodDogn- hymtb &dr ROOM2l9 106 AD&D TIMEFRI IOAM }rcURS 10 SMOKINGYFS TITLE TTIE VOYAGE OF THE WHITE SEAL DBSC Tb up o 1ur b rord grc rod yo to it'r rcocc; Wbc TITLEWHODT'NIT DESC Murdor, kid@p aad fout flay; yo corld 6nd ROOM 217 d\{JAM8S S'.TUCXBR SMOKTNGNO of tbc !@rein AdwUc # P!-AYERSrcHAR 113 ADILD 82 LEVE6: refuI! 4TH- 9TIILEVEL ROOMFREMONT GMRE)(ROUVIERE TIMESAT8PM nogc. rboud, Bc HOI.JRS 12 TITIT WHEN INDOUBT DESC CD hb tbc tuhe - ,or SMOX]NGNO hE 12 hdE b.r& r Mqd.r. VAR. WITI{ CAMMAWORI.D & ARDUIN VARIANTS * II-AYBRSrcHAR 84 LEVEIJ: 9TH - 15TH LEVEL to b.ig 1I4 ADLD ROOMFRBMONT CMPETERPECEI 209 12 T1MESAT8PM HOURS SMOKINCNO TITLE A TREASTJE MAP CAN BB A DAN@ROUS THING DESC I-Ly yo! CIre. I gd @thjtr' Acalrcrem.p,u'rurUilb Ya, rcl cbcap! (In\ 1 r*;ng $c fdF' Vl Tb City L Wb* brw 1ur bdb tESlh rdvdtE gc*? numbered 201 to 299. 2O1MEKTON 8 HOUPS TITLETHE STAND DESC \,tab rE to !th. Abfigltr&ybliE, VAR.MINOR Vl PLAYERS/CTHR CM CRATG I]AIT LEVEIJ: GM SUPPLIBD 8 uwngc, brutal crnghb piililgc e sryivc o tbc ofa u4 o]an? By Sc G,t of lst pr/s Highvry to llcll VAR. * PLAYERS/CIIAR 4/1 LEVBIS: CREATBD FOR GAMB 203 AD&D ROOM CASTRO VALLEY GM ANTI{ONYVERVOORT TIMESAT8PM HOT]RS SMOISNCYFS TITLE I DIDNT PAY rcR THIS DESC Tbc ugo salt thc E4 lcd !o ! gErt bor4 sy@pridb.b ftc. You 8 tu pay him to trU yqr rbqrt guddim.. tlt VAR. TJNEARTHED ARCANA & STJRVIVAL GJIDES PLAYERS/CI{AR LEYEIJ: 9-12 GM SUPPI-IED dl # 204 ADrkD 10 TITLE ELEMENT OF CHANCE DESC Thc balme ofpowo! ir rt EARTII HOME d*., Tb! G. Dnid is dying of e illrcs, 6o &ui& rc bclplcs. C\rc dr G. Drull & yin tlEir lcyslity. Bcwe tboy m m c VAR.DM STIPTJLATIONS # E-AYERSrcHAR lUr LEVEIJ: 9-13 MC, 1416 N AD&D ROOM 113 CMDAVIDDERNIER 2N5 TIMESAT1OPM HOTJRS IO TITI.E THE MALTESE CLIJB DESC Expcrbred plapn ONLY. All cbuctro will bc oprplbd" T}r MAIN cuduir k o rdving puzdo. VAR. * F -AYERSICI{AR 2'6 Vl CHAMPIONS LBVEIS: GM S ldid tE # lorurn AD&D ROOM119 GM CREG FREY TIME SAT 10 PM HOTJRS 10 SMOKING NO TMI.E TTIE GAMBIT DESCWsrtod: Go4 SudyAdwcwto 6nd ttr Ep Of Thc Wcld. Cruric thir ir u EXTREMELY &ngmr rdva&, tro wak *rrmcbr allwcd - Alrc uo bqd loro VAR. DRA@N MAGAZNE MODIFICATIONS # PLAYERS/CI{AR LEVEIJ: ETH - ISTH LEVEL Vl 26 CHAMPIONS ROOM2Og GMTOMPRICts 8 TI}IESATIOPM HOURS SMOKINGNO TITLE LEGIONOFMUTANTS DESC YOU rc Yo & y@& ya bew jurt dbowcd 1uu po*6, rnd rnrrr! Gicty hlr So m truDod joiu tb itr b.ct @ )or. LEGION OF MUTANTS! VAR. # R@MU5 }T,AYERSTIHR 6T2 LBVEIJ: CRBATED FOR GAME Rlrrc nmo4[to8obGt6 r@- rato IJr& b clfqd thcir c VAR. SOME RIJNBQUEST M RI,JLES # II-AYERSICIIAR lU1 LEVEIJ: RUNEMASTERS 2l9ROLEMASTER SMOKINGNO Wclo Stry&writfdrbTffibt VARNONE #PLAYERSrcHAR 10 SMOKING YES 8 DISPAIR!' VAR SUIER-AGENT & GFIANT l$l ROBOTS WELOOITIB LEVEIJ: 25O30 PTS ROOM 213 GM MICHAELDEFRIFSB 6 SMOKINGNO TITLE ITCOIJLD SOLVE EVERYONES PROBLEMS DESC Crn ,qr opon e Ew hdc 0E rDd .Irc tr Caert VAN. SOME OWN RIJLES LjE,VEIJ: Glv{ SUPPT-IED 3-5 &l #PLAYIRSrcHAR 6 yo bnc VAR r clw 8/I LEVEIJ: tim, VAR.85% TRTJB # I{-AYERSr'O{AR higb wio wio h! dlu&&- rdvanrt {d low q!&y, Jrpanimicn, fu my mirdq *d m... VAR TRAVELER.RTJNEQTJFST M HYBRJD #PLAYERSrcHAR 4/I L8,VEI.S: o{-DDI}D GMJEFPREYWALKER TIMESUN8AM HOTJRS 8 SMOKINONO TITLE ADEN OFTHIEVES DESC Bc r Thbf sith e difbrc s !o reck t thlrye ! l.ir. Going ikil n wly idpott m in thir rdvdttc VAR.NEW CAME SYSTEM- INTRODUCTORY GAME # I{-AYF-RS/OIAR 6y'1 LEVEIJ: I.oW AD&D ROOM 119 GMROBERTBOWFJ TIMB SUN 8 AM HOTJRS 10 SMOKING NO TITLB POINT OF KNOW RETURN DESC Rcricrc u rclm rclic frm a lebyrhth et tbc han of e wrrqr. Tbrc sia& rc nwur Frzlcr dd rBild brF. ll&k &d rl{h t}fca will nc le* log. VAR. MINOR.95% PTJRE 8n LEVE$: cM Yo rrtc in r drk ell, virtudly ukcd lagmity & 6q6rtio e r&d to alt out of thi, G; &d lhc i' re rt lbtD the jut yru om rLilr. VAR MANY . MEI.8E. MAGIC & MONSTERS trl LEVEL,S: 68 GMSUPPLIED 'PLAYERSrcHAR 2I? AD&D ROOM 215 GMTTTOMAS LGAR"DNER SMOKINGYFS TIMESI'N6AM HOURS TTILE RI,'INS OF CASILE GREY}IAWK DF,SC w. An wil claichg tb rub u poga. VARNONB RI'NEQUFJTItr ROOMCASTROVALLEY CMCDOKIETAVARES TIMESUNsAM &m frr& &ci&dlow r focbdd fc hir rirc 8 HOTJRS SMOKINGYES TMLE }II'MAKT HI.JNT. PART tr DESC Yo rc rdcd r fnd u llcro'r scd $rt eE lolt ir tbc Godr vr. It w frod in r &st tow But Qqc nrlcc it hrt II ir 6c tom itelf, I|-AYERSrcI{AR r 84 LEYEIJ: HIGHLORD PRIFjT 224 CHAMPTONS R@Mllt GMDBNNIS ROTIINS TIMESUNTOAM HOURS SMOKINGNO TITLETERROR INC. DESC W6d b.! it lbEG ir r rw TERROR. INC. Ire powdfirl tb{t tE cigiul &d with 6 a cw Mm f,o that wil.l bring civilirad wqtd b ir VAR.NONE PI-AYERSIOIAR # t Tb dir! t cto dcru6 SUPPI-IED 223 ROOM2ll GlU KATHERINEFUGITT TIMESI,'N6AM HOUPS SMOXINGNO TITLE THE NAKED ADVENTURER DESC LEVBIJT GM SUPPLIED VAR. SOMF/I.IO OFFICIAL CTf,NNECTIONWITITPART 8 blu&i, 1ql ROOM 1I3 221 SACA # EST 215 TRAVQT ROOM2,9 GM DAVE BRYAI{T& KENPICK TIMESUN6AM HOURS SMOKINGNO TITLE VON DER VERI,OREN SCTILUSSEL DFSC 'AGERN An iqrowd of la* pr/r flry- b* cditio, 6i! hd@!q tut ydMs.Eyw&whcrwlalorc at-ttMt rcd. qt-auncd {d dffi ou SMOKINGNO TNLEVALEDICTION DESC If yo npodrer of Amri.r dol grt hrclEv b.ct to tb Sovi* Uaico, rry bF bl/E btb. US.A. Ti@ limit 6 tlt #PLAYERSrcHAR of ROOM1O9 TITLE TO SAVE A CITY DESC Li& i! b.tdd6 dE # PLAYERSICI{AR 214 ST,JPERWORLD ROOM 1I7 GI\{MIKE ORSOB TIMESI,JN6AM HOIJRS dutrrc An M, 2r3 ADiID TIMEST,JN4AM HOIjRS Rdm. GMJIMHITHER TIMESTJN8AM HOIJRS1O SMOKINGNO giD. LEVEIJ: NOVICE-DPERIENC TIMEST'N2AM HOTJRS SMOKINGYBS TITLE ACOPALYPSENOW! DFSC 'BEIIOTD THE FALLEN AN@L KNOWN ASJ BRIMSTONE! GAU INTO MYEYES, Y.E MIGHTY, AND PLAYERSrcI{AR Highlad of fll 2I2 CIIAMPIONS ROOM219 AU IANM. STUDEBAXER, A.KA.DRAGON 216 ROOMCASTROVAII,EY GMDARINLEEOWEN TIME SUN 8 AI\,T HOTJRS 22OTWILIGI{T2MO 10 HOTJRS 8 FI-AYERSIOIAR 5/1 LEVEIJ: GM SLJPPLIED 2fi1 LEVEIJ: SEB DESA.IPTION FolHrc Cuwcin. Rub olbow *ith 6c litcr ofPhilcu P. Srddw*y rd crhE . ROOMTTT CMJOHNTABER TII,TESATTOPM HOT.IRS 8 SMOKINCNO TITLE ruST ANOTHERDAY? DESC tL6 e rbilitirs rd lkilL to ohrit agm, villaiu nd tbc big lca&r. This garc will bc u rt POLYCON 87 s tITCHAMPIONS VAR. NONE ffl TITLB SCREAMER.FROM THE SHROUD DESC to rbc l?th A@l Ocrult lrd to lind him, rnd SMOKINGNO bciry eptrcd ad dl divi- imiguc od pora. Ta )bu dcdryirg rkillc [d src tb. Elm ne. VAR. # II,AYERSrcHAR 8/r LEVEIST loTH - 2OIH Ble& h&l Tb.t'lvil Sdw Ewrl,wr Prodco SMOKINGNO Prl*r rc mio giw m re-TIIANATAR Pw<firl Amcls: 20D630D6 Do&E: Apptop.irt rcaiwo III DBSC TITLE T1IATWHICHDoFS NOT ISIIUS' DESC You arlcd fc it end mw yur hwo it; VAR SLIGHT # LEYEIJ: lST- 3RD LEVEL Tb Sotod baq of tbc rald b.E &lla. Nw r rw Era ir f.tlErcd to rrp tb villiu bcfc ib too l.b. DESC ROOM 109 CMBRIANCFARMBR TIMESAT 1OPM HOT.IRS LEVEIJT $7 E ROOMATHERTON TIMESAT8PM HOURS SMOKINCYES TITLE HIGTIWAYTO HELLtr DESC P6t WWUL Ody 6oF @bilc dnth to di&! Vl tbra city, Thi' TIMESUN2AM HOIJRS SMOKINGNO TITLB ANOTHER WORLD 1HREATENING STTUATION TIMEST,'N2AM 2O2OR]GINALRULES t/l RtNBQUESTtr ROOM217 GMMARCGROSSBERG TIME SIjN 6 AI\,I HOTJRS 12 SMOKING YES TITLE RFJC1JE OR REVEI.IGB coquldzd, 211 CALLOFCTHTJLHU A\{ CIIRIS HOCKABOUT o db.-' A grcy day 6ir DdhiD& pd!re CTIAMPIONS R@Mlll * P{-AY'ERSrcIIAR lqrn rddir, tbc choicc Wbrtr tE tiDo &awr # SMOK]NGYES SMOKINGYES qUSAMBBLL ROOMAII{ERTON CMTIMDUNN TIMESAT8PM 8 Yoll b c@CcEly VARNONB 210 2I8 niglhcd &db.r #PLAYERSrcHAR GAME SESSION THREE Sign up 5-7 PM Sat for games PLAYERS/IO{AR ROOM215 TIMESATIOPM HOURS TITIT CITYOPDISPAIR DF,SC kiD& of Fobl@ sAetru 8rt itu?) VAR. NO TINEARTHED ARCANA OR ORIEI.ITAL C{AR # PLAYERSy'O{AR LEVEIJ: 7TH LEVELHI.TMANS t ADln GMDAMONSTUBER rcry 6/l l@!. th! LEVEIJ: 30G400 PTS 225 RUNEQUESTrc-OF-C ROOM213 GM RODERICK ROBERTSON TIMESTJN1OAM HOTJRS E SMOKINGNO TITLE AN E)(CIJRSION TO SACRED SITES 1874 DFSC Joh ttr Sciay of Droi& of tbc Wcrtcm lllos @ r rip with thc High Dilid to Ari.ot lld My*icd shcr itr EnghDd & Scdlsrd. VAR.LAIE VICTORIANERA lUl LEVEIJ: PARANOIA ROOM219 # F!-AYERSTOiAR 2A' GMBRUGCTJMMINS TIMESI,'NIOAM HOTJRS TITLE @NE RIFLBTAG DESC Tb CIIMPUTER ho 6 N/A SMOKINCYFS rsigrdyo tducdmbE fa tb lrt.Eud irar -ccta trru! Whr coild poibly uug? ExFrio@dphF floe. tobc thc go VAR. VARIANT DAMAGE SYSTEM #PI-AYERSrcHAR 6y'1 LEVEIJ:GREEN I 38 23ORQ2HEROQI,JEST R@MFREMONT TIMESUN8AJII HOTJRS1O SMOKINGNO TITLBHELLTOWER DESC Dolcai brc rs*e. A! S{td 231 Vl -AYERSrcHAR ADLD Wht ail ir dcetryi4 WIrtI CHAOSIIIM LEVEIJ: RLJNBLEVEL+ SMOKINONO TITLE MG}ITMARB Mimi' bc LEYELA:2ND-STHIIVELS TIMBSUNNOON HOI.JRS 10 VAR. tlre SMOKINGNO to itr rigbtzu hcir! LEVELJ: GMSLJPFT IEDHIGH 8 b how sbt h+pcod. T2 VAR #PLAYERSrcHAR 8/1 LEVEIJ: lST- 6TH 3T3MIDDLEBART1I SMOKINGNO C[\,T CARL L. BRODT TIMESI.'N6PM HOI.]RS SMOKINGNO TITLE SEARCHFORTT'E LIGITT GET{S DFSC Corc jio rrrch 4 tho dwro ligh ivclr. Erch Srya gct! G vG - Medy &rcciw wclc Md Kilbn, I(rejcrk Figbrcr r I,m wotd aa fiurtbn wcll. ILAYERSTHAR 1211 I.EVEIJ: 101PTS MAX TnEl todE c.iL retr* 8 SMOKINONO TITLE I HAVB W}IAT YOU WANT DESC "Ctrnffi eiil Ekb Effi tbo dl'. 315 LBVBIJ: 7TH-ldrHLE1r'BL HOTJRS TITLE WAND QUFST DESCTho Weod of Gatln dd wiad will pay Crn ya }'-.lb 8 Vl LEr/EIJ: 7TH - 15TI{ LEVEL A Myb? Wcll, u 8 SMOKINGNO tr hddbymroddltlterlaof dn Tb@ eill bG . bm .dw!te, r ris jwE adr fiulmidtrEb.tdc. # tbc cbdtLogc? lZlll LEVEL ROOMIT1 TITLB OPERATION: BUTIERUP CI)DENAMB: O-AMBAKE DFSC *cp tfr NERDS &u dirupting u acitarcrist cting ard if yo rtth.'86 Cc@ RPGATro Bcg. LEVEIJ: CREATED FORGAME 316O{AMPTONS ROOMFREMONT GM ROBERT POI,JI,OS TIMESI'N8PM }IOIJRS12 SMOKINGNO GMJAP'I SINGHICIAIJA TINTESUN4PM HOURS 8 SMOKINGNO wit s onediutbmigi@lbrtwsu V2 wlo. VAR. MODIFIED @MBAT ,I'T-AYERSrcHAR 4/1 LEVEIJ: 3f, RINEQUBST ROOM113 GM MICI{AEL STRATHEARN HOTJRS 8 SMOKINGMAY TIIE @DDESS ARISFS DESC SdE tl& nystay of tbc cvil ciry of Mcdu; nisciDg fri@&, tb Erdc of TIMESI'N4PM TITII wxphird @giq md wblt tb! tb@ b8o$cr. 4 Db,Z b@brct VAR.MINOR #PLAYERSrcHAR dl LEVEIJ: INIT-RLNB TITLE THE HOUSB T1IAT JACK BTJILD DESC Dot yo HATEDbT&? Ycp, cryeidly Hm&. Wlnopr! I jut rillcd r 3 tbdc fc cwlurlt Glffi, p bc (Doath Rrt! in th! i! pcpepd) VA& NO ALIENS. MUSTHAVE AHIJNTED ;PLAYERSrcHAR dl LEVEIJ: I2DICEMA( 3U CALLOFCTHULHU ROOMFREI"{ONT WHITNEY LEE PRESTON TIME STJN 8 PM TIOURS T2 SMOKING NO TITLE TRICK OFTHE LIGHT? DESC lwetigeto virh r trao fc ugic? C&,T vith r Eto fa !cqE? Ned I ny mn? Brbt eoxpqi(red drncbr, ' inlinS qp, od Eldcr rigp. VAR t PLAYERSrcHAR 7/1 ISVEIJ: 3 OR IvIORERLJNS Ol6y-str6 ROOMATHBRTON 8 TIMESI'N8PM HOTJRS SMOKINGNO TITLB SEARCHING FOR PAZZU DBSC vck fq r CdnFlt6? PAZZU r,.cd! Eu qplm, rod,ur'rc eveilaHc! Trgct OLD irutdbtim hricd by ghcid. Th. tril ir @kr4 but .VAR. STRIKER COMBAT SYSTEM WITI{ SOMEMODS it r u #PLAYERSrcHAR 8/1 LEVEIJ: MAXTECHLVL 12 ilcl MORROWPRO,ECT GMCLIVEHENRICK TIMESIJN8PM HOIJRS ROOMRICIIMOND 6 SMOKINGNO TITIT WHERE DEVIIJ HIDE DBJC Athti@ Exdm Tcm-3; lcetcd gengr go to lLlk $@.niliteyteting grod rcr tbcrc. Wming @[t !@a rc 'raiw' VAR. # PLAYERS/CHAR in rca 6/l MPC dt LEVEIJT RECONA{ARS SYSTEMS ROOMRICHMOND OM BRU@VONKRUGEI,GEN TIMESUN8PM HOIjRS t SMOKINGNO TITLE'I'IIE CODS MI,'ST BB CRAZY 4O4 HERO GAMFS DESC Wbrt'r tho I-Iao vmg *ith rbir picrc? Urc nrlcr in thir &nilfu, dl vill hc @cbd !t gts (vith GM hclp). VAR. RTJI.ES NEEDED TO MD( TIIE VARIOUS SYSTEMS FOR GAME * ITAYERSrcHAR 6r'r LBVEIJ: CREATED ,105 AD&:D ROOM115 GM OIRISTOPTIER FRERXING TIMEST'NIOPM HOURS 10 SMOKINGNO TITLE API,ACETO HIDE Tb 'Migbty' Adw!tueE eill brEl b u irqoeqilhld (?) bo6y to bolp tb brn &stot u 'wil oehmr'. WARHAMMER R@MII? VARNONE PI.AYERSE{AR it lST - 8TH LEVEL DBSC @UJOHNSULLINS TIMESTJNSPM T'OUP.S SMOKINCYFS VAR.NONE # I{-AYERS/CI{AR 8/1 LEVEIS: 8TH - tbc Goda, md MADNESS TITLE IN TTIE MOTJNTIANS DESC Rocrptw r Dwwa fcnrs orcody brndrcly fc TOPSECRET Sm lLrthrd incrnint@ltwr VAR HP & D/A #PLAYERS/CIIAR 305 ADLD ROOM215 GM GEORGBMBARS TIMEST'N2PM of 62 LEVEH: 4OzTRAVELLER Gm dic....rcR THEHONOR OP BAIIOMET TIMESTJN2PM HOIJRS &l & VAR. * I{,AYERSrcHAR pt urfirniliu, rdvcotwr. ClmotE! 6 d ROOM2ll grcstlt Fizo of LBVEIJ: I ONLY TIMESIJN6PM HOIJRS WOKINGYBS TITLA CHALLBNGB THE PAIADINS DESC P!hdit!, Eru tl! Artiict of B.hmrt GMTROYCREEK VAR. NON'E Vl 3T4 ADAD ROOM217 (il\,IJOSEPHLEPIK VAR. * ILAYERS/CIIAR . VAR" SOMEROLEMASTER MODIFICATIONS TO MAGIC #PLAY'ERSrcIIAR ud tic o Gdc & clu o lio rrrch. Will ocpontiq q tE.dry Ebn u cls rc palod? TITLB MGI{T OF BI,OOD IN IIOLLY1VOOD DESC ruSTICE INCIORPORATED TOIJRNAI\,IENT 304 ADITD IIVEL SMOKINGNO TITLE TIIE TROI'BLE \{TIH TRIDDIf,S DESC A wuld shc thingr rc rrcr dwayr *bet tby rcrn, r puzlo ir of rclving, rnd bc doeiving. ROOM2T3 tr #PLAYERSr'CHAR 5/1 LBVBIJ: 303 JUSTICtsINCOR.PORA'TBD R@M2!9 CM DAVID BELL &PAIIL SMIT}I HOI.JRS 311 DUNGEONS &DRACONS ROOM 109 GlMTOMPRICB TIMESTJN6PM HOT'RS SMOKINGNO TITLE DUNGEON OFTTIE CI.ERGYMEN DESC Why hu tbc ta& bctwm ,ryr bor gd lod Tcjor king&m ltoppod? Fird in thc DIJNCEON OFTHB CLERGYMEN! 8 VAR.NONB TIMESI'N2PM Vdlcy of Dcrd'. You rctiorc it. VAR COMBAT & MAGIC SYSTEM t PLAYERSrcIIAR Vl LE\rElJ; 6ETGM SLJPIt-IED 8 TIMESI.'N8PM HOtru GMJAMFJ KUNDERT dt CALLOFCTHULHU ROOMIIT CM CIIRIS SEEMAN TIMESI.'NNOON HOIJRS SMOKINGNO TITLE SENT TO THE FIFI1I STA@ DESC An did@tto Chir hdt mysrtidy dirrypcod in Tibct Aenu Wuhirytoo ws 8 TIMESUN6PM tIOt]RS SMOKINCYES TITLB AS WB \VALK INTO THE VALLEY OFDRBAD DESC ta m dr mirhry, r EEd rcbcdogi* 8 deFr FcGrcd. fll ROOMCASTROVALLEY job, .6Edw of . fDrlly Etu tba PLAYERSrcIHR ORIGINALDIID GMMARKc.BAILEY ld u Eclrf.difrc{. Thir cifd i! trow bqliGEd to bc in Tb DESC Join th. grc.Bt rcalm b e epic qE* to Isludie VAIL NO SFELL COMPONENTS/I.IO ALTCNMENTS 5/l LEVEIJ: VARIABLB 310 ROOMATHERTON GMDONNABASHAW bs TTILE TTIE SWORD OPSAROS MabE 4OlARDTJIN/AD&D {PLAYIRSrcHAR ROOM1IS GM SEAI.I C. STIDD GAME SESSION TTVE Slgn up 5-7 PM Sun for games numbered 401 to 499. nyr, lvcy Grtc rppco. Th gre bcaiu. 3OlFANTASYHERO 306 'FiDd wivo! E[ aciio Mrtw advatrcs Ed 6ly SMOKINGYFS 'tlrc ir thcEp.'I& odtbctmfr& &de 'qL GAME SESSION FOUR Sign up 9-11 AM Sun for games numbered 301 to 399. f 10 }IOTJRS HOIJRS apfly fc this &aclly & ewsdiDg qE*. VAR.FASTCOMBAT # P!-AYERS/CIIAR 82 LEVEIJ: 4TH-6TH LEVEL KBT.I SELFRJDGE 8EE VAR. NO ORIENTIAL CHARACTBRS 3O2 BRYAI{ & TIMEST'N4PM 3 *F!,AYERSrcHAR 8 SMOKINGNO TITLE ASSATJLT ON DRAGONBIADBS KEEP DBSC THINK FAST! b dMsrt tbc lrMstsE ard emtic &bs. Exciting, F l tim TITLE THE DREAM CAPTIVES OF WOTAN DESC Tbc GM afpcs iu yw liviug @.Dd cdiE tom rtud( vith uighb.E& pEt! to lh! d\@tw: M@s6y, Ickbo< rdNighb.&. tt'c e re to DESC Aa # tn& c.F thc ROOM r19 GMWILLIAMKCIIAR TIMESUN6PM ADITDVAIRIA}IT ROOMCASIROVAUIY G1\{ HOIru12 OF DEATH vo. Bruo rdwtuw rc bciry bircd. VAR I,'NEARTHED ARCANA RTJLFS #PLAERS/CSAR lUl LEVEIJ: QBATEDFOR GAMB 309 ROOMFREMONT GMR C. OLLA TIMBS1JN8AM TIMBSTJN4PM }IOI.JRS 8 SIVIOKINGYFS rou tlc &.d & Dot dio. Th. IIBE lut to to lloll Twa, rcw bcicgod, &d tlcr #F 322 AD&D A. TOMPKINS TITLEFOREST OFDARKNFSSrcARAVAN DESC ThG Bqkydcl fost lior $o rculr to thc citicr ofNor$ Bldvodd. har, qEst to tqp tbr Iad of Ncdath. VAR. NON-OMCAIIJNCONNBCTED ROOM2r9 ADITD q\{ MCIiOLAS GMSTEVENMAT'RER vAR. NO ORIENTIAL CHARACTBRS/nEMSAPEUJ FLAYERSTIiAR 6A LEVEIJ: 2l,ID - 5TH LEVEL # 406 AD&D ROOM2U GMCAILBONDI TIMEST'NIOPM HOTJRS 10 SMOKINGNO TIILE STEPFB-ING STONES TO ASTITIR of XaqMEI s& gEtingr to hic ouin rhc Suof Aghrir. YtrF ty will bo riditrg vift tb. dbl@x'r r.vo. VAR. ORIENTAL ADVENTI.JR"EPS ONLY it F!-AYEPSICHAR 8A LEVEIJ: 6TH - 9TH LEVEL DFJC jir Tb Glcior Ecpqq w@t 4{' UNPUBLISHEDRULES ROOM215 GM ROBERTM. WRIGTIT & KURT SO{NEIDER HOI.JRS SMOKINGYES TITLE SPACE CAPADES BY DARKREALM GAMES DtsSC A )Grm15 vr rhip hu o}E4 AJ-.D. bar bircd yru bord of mradios to ogitol, Cu 1ur & it 6 TIMEST'NIOPM wr tr bcfm rhc Xcntal 5 Zodiec *rio &? VAR.NONB # H-AYERSrcHAR 6/l LBVEIJ: CREATEDFOR GAME 4S CHAMPIONS ROOMlll CMJOHNJOYNER TIMESATMID HOI,ru TITII TERMINUS DESC TERMINUS; hcirg of mi:,porcrfrrl, c* t SMOKINGNO oti-ntlr, co:r ud&*q hiE. Tnwl oROV to r3airfc*iand hclp. bc*rc of Moctoitr. VAR.RULESFROMI,tr& Itr *ILAYERS/CI{AR 5/l LEVEIJ: NUCLBAR TRAVELLER R@MII3 409 GMLEONARDMIYATA bddprizc@wr@c+trr!d 2lodai Nbrcharrt Vel!. R.@M 215 418 PAST IRESENTFUTTJRE 8 TIMESTINMID HOURS SMOKINGNO TITLE POPSICLE: ADVENTURB OF A FROUN \VATCH DESC Wanlcd. vdcocn fc Frm Wrtd Duty Mui hE applieblc spc skik. VAR. OFFICAL GDW CIIARACTER CI,ASSES ONLY #PLAYERS/CTIAR LEVEIJ: (1 O\.{ DtsLLBEAIJDR,Y IO SMOKINCYFS TIMBMON6AM HOTJRS TITLE THE PROI'NGED MI.JRDER OF DORSAI FAENDRAIIL DESC A<hptun in r hidh vatd eith 5&r of hi*cy ud idsy Oeo4 Fts @lte. Crr )qr foil tlE Eai!.ti.m of u Archd&? Metrc leprr pc&rcd VAR. ORIGINAL DFSICN TN P!-AYTFST STAGB PLAYERST}IAR 4/1 LEVEI.S: &6D&D EQUALIV. # 410 AD&D ROOM217 GMSTEVEWLI.ETT 42OCIIAMPIONS 8 T]MESTJNMID HOIJRS SMOKINGYFS TMLE T1IE TEMPLE OF MORGA BRAWN DESC Visit ttE ldg6t city of Arct! TnEl thc wilds of Ecgmdall ! Aid tb of Frolb Cmw by bnvirg thr Es of utis Mcga Bnw! trmcdiato Advred ro VAR. D1O INTNATIVE MANASYSTEMNO ARMORADJ II-AYERSr'O{AR 8A IXVEII: 3RD - 6HLEVEL # 411 AD&DVARIANT ROOM219 GMWILLIAM A. RUMLEYJR ile6 to fild tlE IIVEIJ: PLAYERSIAIAR 1?/1 # 1OTH-15TH LEVEL D&D 8 SMOKINGNO Adwntrm jrreythru uulom f@st to ftrd fic dDgco &ut be gco obigoyoufm. UnuudCbdffi Stsdrgc Monrtc6, Rdo Playhg Pwlcr. VAR. 10% VARIANCE FROM BOOKS # PLAYERS/CT{AR 8/l LEVEIJ: 1ST - 3RD LAVEL 413 WAR}IAMMERFRP ROOM119 GM CHRIS HOCKASOUT TIMEMON2AM HOURS SMOKINGNO TITLE T}IE ISLE OF KYREPERRE 6 hircd by e myruiru prine o cxplm thc irlmd of Kyrc Rrc, cm lhouglno @ ha! cE rctrftd (Whd cls i! Ew?) VAR. NON.WARI{AMMER PLAYERSrcHAR # 414 S.AC.A. Ol PI-AYERS WEI-COME I,EVEIJ: ANYy'GM SUPPLIED ROOM209 CMDAVEWAIMO 6 TIMEMON2AM TIOIJRS SMOKINGNO TITLE BFJT MAN FOR THE JOB IS A WOMAN II DESC Sim hew bocn eporhg yft @fdL Toight Sreur K1a iNiE yfl hdis to s Frty.Coici&r@? SAGA is r relcrcl basd FRPG. May @d ch.nctsd. VAR. ORIGINAL SYSTEM, 4 YEARS COITIVENTION I{-AY P'-AYERS/GIAR LEVE[,S: LOW-MEDIUM Vl # 4I5FANTASYHERO ROOM213 CM SEAN STURGEON TIMEMON2AM HOTJRS 8 SMOKINGNO TITLE TO STALK TIIE TI6ER DESC JapaE$ cbmcbn a lirc in Japea A lcd in ing bclp to rcclaim his chuc!6 *ho qlc ir ckrhc sd &u8htc! ft@ r baDd ofninj*. VAR- BUSHIDO INFLTJENCE # PLAYERS/CX{AR LEVEIS: AROI.IND 2fr PTS fll TTOTJRS 6 SMOKINGNO TITLE THE GLITTER OFTIiENIG}IT DESC NoEd phyrici*, Dr Hrdiug, bs b.@ ki&nppcd Tb mil wil t kc yo to Mmo, Prir & a errpod of h.Eryd, EctEry e @ffi<piogc. VAR. P!-AYERSICHAR # Bo wary. ,tll IIVEIJ: ROOKWAGENT 417 ADI|D ROOM117 GMBRYANWYLLYAMS TI}TEMON6AM }IOTJRSIO SMOKINCNO TITI.E MONSTER M.A.SI{. DESC Citi.! rc bcing wro by vicbu, hmiblo, Uoodbioty Morenl (pu, that ir). Join dE MoNSTER ArEclists Sdutim to Mignhqic Hmity Todry! VAR. CI)MBAT MODIFICATIONS # PLAYERS/CIIAR Vl dsL tquc Aftr SMOKINGNO gmcot tb with ROOM CASIR.O VALLEY ANDREAS METZGER TIMEMON6AM HOTJRS 10 SMOKINGYES TITLE CARAVAN THROUGH HELL u itrportet spdy c.tro DrDtclSeriro to tbo to bc '{n beciged city of DDldPfrrd ttrcugh vrlld tcmi!, hduding r flro bop. VAR. #PLAYERSrcHAR Vl LEVEIJ: STH - TTHLEVEL DFSC tblp c*m foo tbc MASTERY HOTJRS 8 SMOKINGNO TITI,E SMUCGLER'S BLT]ES ftelme mgghtr DESC Th. psty to b(hg i! A re, dcrdy &ug (*hid vill bc rlicd inlo e e r&d umlor csthotie) VAR. NEW SYSTEM. EASYTO LEARN f PLAYERSrcIIAR LEVEIJ: CREATED FORGAME 7I 423 LEVEIJ: 6TH-12THLEVEL 429CT{AMPIONS 8 letim Ship who fmd clua to rhc Bcllc Flwa, e of tb ld *PLAYERSrcHAR @rdglcd h VARMINOR Vl LEVEIJ: N/A Vl Nc* Yck hs rcopcrcd withe Hu of publiig wd.r Es tml8@t VAR" #PLAYERSrcIIAR 612 LEVEIJ: N/A q{ ROGERTIUNNICUTT HOURS SMOKINGNO TITLE MATDU IN THE LAND OF FIRE DEI\,ONS DESC bam RrmQuet III ty d.ying r Mrilu 8 TIMEMON8AM io tbc lsn Voloic Nrtiol Pck of long ago. NoRwQuot hnwbdgc rcquircd. VARNONE #PLAYERSrcHAR 8/1. LEVEIj: CRBATED AT GAMB 4' CX{AMPIONS R@M2TT GMTHOMAS MGKIMMY HOURS 8 SMOKINCNO TITLE TAKE TIIE VANGUARD DESC Vmgu!4 tlD iDbmtiol npcr-bcrc gup mu rrlly to sE e inpailod Elnh! VARNONE *PLAYERSrcHAR dl LEVEIJ: @tl SUPH-IED TIMEMON8AM *ugtlc oe tho cit/r VAR. * PI-AYERSrcHAR 5n LEVEH: z5G30PTs 43OC{AMPIONS ROOMRICHMOND GM SCOTT }IEINE & STEVE liOI}{ES TIMEMONsAM TIOURS SMOKINGNO TITLB A CIONFLICT OF HONR (A) DESC ebourdr s 8 qhag e Adm ffiBbd h r tuBglo oa trc cit/r udawal<L 2 rqcac grer irucrt*inc rbd build to r riDglc, qcitiry clirru! VAR. 5A LEVEIJ:25G30PTS 431 STELLARWARS R@M109 GMTIMSWENSON TIMEMONIOAM TIOTJRS 3 SMOKINCNO TITLE BOARDCAME DESC C6E phyt * s Ee g&. Siodo, fen, rd fiu berdg@ of shb to shb ry{@ cmb.L DcsigEr waDl! & cpinio ofhir gm ubied VAR. LEVEIJ: 432 ruSTICtsINC ROOM2I3 GMDAVTDABERGE TIMEMON1OAM IIOURS TITLE DESC TlS 6 SMOKINGNO WEAPON OPCIIOICE of dhing ud iotigw of tIE Fts@ of rIE Enpita S@ ucming wi*! m Qub, Tb aftadim mur&r ir optidd. VAR.90% PURE #P!-AYEP6rcHAR 5/t LEVEIJ:?S PTBASE 433 CAIIOFCTIITJLT{U ROOM217 GM JANYG, ARDINGER TIMEMON1OAM TIOI.JRS 6 SMOKINGYES TITLE COOPERSTOWN Coopagtm es s bodtr t(Jm &uing tlE 1800!, Dw iE cqty.,rxc.pt fa rh. tom 'cl@cbl - .Dd rothing cbc? DESC VAR.FEW LEVEIJ: 25G325 POINTS 42J CAIIOFCTHTJLHU ROOM 119 C[\{ TOM HOIJINGER TIMEMON8AM HOURS 8 SMOKINGNO TITLETHEWATERS DFJC A effi with I .hJy pd ir up.trb hdio a uDdtrsald 2 scpEeE alGr ictuiE end buitd o r singlc, cxciting di@! fabulru 424 CHAMPTONS ROOMlrs G\{ ARTHIJR S. PRIM.I TIMEMON8AM HOTJRS 6 SMOKINGNO TITLE A CASE OFMISTAKEN IDBNTITY DESC'Yo hpo 24 hM b tot $1m,0m,m b8ctbff .rd tivo n to G a wbrt bdr hpFrEd to lhcr hqq will brppq r tr diE B.y AE '. * PLAYERS/CIIAR 8 DESCAdrcmrcabqudsatrbd6& drring tE log Ditht VAR RT]LE BOOKS T-9, STRIKER CI)MBAT SYSTEM rhip ROOMRICHMOND GM STEVE }IOIIi,!FS & SCOTT TIEINE ITOT]RS SI\,IOKINGNO TITLE ACONFLICT dHONOR (B) TIMBMON8AM ROOM113 GT,I BRION K. LIENHART TIMEMON8AM HOURS SMOKINGNO TITLE QI.JESTFORTHE SILVER BELI.E FI-OWER DESC Tbc plepn rc .Font6 of r lrdthot Sils *da # PLAYERSy'CIIAR 6rO TRAVELLER frasw 8 bd 'ILAYERSrcIIAR ROOMT11 BILLHODCIIEAD TIMEMON8AM GMDWAYMP.FOX TIMEMON8AM HOTJRS SMOKINGYES TITLE PROMETITIUS I.JNDER FIRE DF.SC TfE @rt dbcm wbo bg r TOP SECRET Gd. Roj. PROMBTHruS MK ry Still w, emwcrk & rdcplay cquirc<L 40pt !M .trclq Agod LEl, Dcibr-2096 VAR. SLIGIIT MODIFICATION TO MENTAL POWERS # FI-AYERSrcHAR 8/t LEVEIJ: 10G120PTS r hEd &y of 426 RTJNEQUESTIII ROOM2O9 416 JAMESBONDOCr/ ROOMATHERTON GMCTIRIS FELIOWS TMEMON4AM hrw 4 hgdqr, it'r AMBUSH tic. VARNONE #PLAIERSTCIAR 5/l LEVEIJ: MD(375 PTS G{ DESC playo rc DESC l-Iocr in ltF 422 ROOM109 GM MARGARET SCHMID TIMEMON2AM HOIJRS TITLE DRUID'S DUNGEON DESC Thc TITLB AMBUSH HOT]RS q\{ P@poB of Tnth to dcbat tlD B@k VAR. INCLI,'DFJ DRAGFON MAGAZNE RI.JLES 412 ROOMATHERTON ARIWARNER 42I AD&D TIME SUN MID HOURS 10 SMOKING YES TITLE FATED TIME AND TIS BOOK OF LIFS DESC Dcstiny eds Rcality fru thc Book of Lie md is sprcading Evjl. Tnwl to Exh-&miui@l G1\{ TIMEMON6AM 4U HERO.STJPERAOENTS ROOI{CASTROVALLEY ; P!-AYERS/IOIAR 5/1 LEVEIJ: N/A 434 AD&D R@M219 GMEZRADENNEY TIMEMON1OAM IIOTJRS 6 SMOKINGYES TITLETHE CASTLE OFNO RETURN DESC lfto&d a gmp of h.aE rdv6M6 to rru tlr mucs of @ilbreh frcn lbc DREAD CASTLE OF NO RETURN. DaEa, cxciccnt, rcwards & bad pur ebond. VAR. ARDUIN CR,IT CIIART * PLAYERSrcHAR 8/2 LEVEIJ: 7TH - IOIHLEVEL N Colisium Oakland Hyatt 1. you are right now. There is a coffee shop, a_ fancier restaurant, a bar, and a little slore with candy and-snacks, plut several soft drink machines. No snack bar in the Alameda Room this year, so far as we know. The Oaklnnd Hyatt Hotel,where Carrows Restaurant. OpenT am- 11 pm every day. Moderate-priced sit-down meals - a bit fancier than Denny's. Open 10 am - 5:30 pqFqrday & Monday; 10 am - 3 pm on Saturday; S"unday. Smells good; has V3 lb. burgers under $3.00. J. Hegenburgers. "closed 4. Jack-in-the-BOX. Drive-thru open24 5. DayBreak. 6. Hungry Hunter. Lunch ll:3}-2Monday 1 Arco AMIPM Mini-Mart. Open24hrs. 8. Sirloin & Brew. hrs; dining room closes at midnite. Basic 24-hr motel coffee shop - sandwiches $4-5; dinners $5-9. thru Friday; Dinner 5-11 pm Friday and Saturday and 5-10 pEr Sunday and Monday. Expensive but good and quiet. Open 4-11 pm Friday, Saturday, and Monday; 4-10 pm on Sunday. Early bird dinner special ($5.29) from 4-5:30. 9. Open 6 am to 9:30 pm every day - till 10 on Friday. Call them at 562-5509 and they'll your stuff ready when you get there. try to have Fosters FreeZe. 10. Sam's Hof 11. Brau. 0pen 10:30 am - 1:30 am every day. Main dishes about $2.50 - $5.00, cafeteria or take-out. Denny's. 0pen 24 hrs. Market. 0pen 9 am - 9 pm (7 pm Sunday). The closest full-service store to the hotel. Emby's lower-middle-class neighborhood - we recommend that you do NOT wear costumes when you shop here. 12. EMBY'S - Domino's Pizza. They deliver from 1204 Fruitvale - 536-3200. js in a SURVIVAL TIPS 11. Use the trash cans. 12. Smoke only where allowed for DunDraCon XI 1. Read all this 2. stuff. You really do want to know most of what's in it. Follow the few rules we've got. Chaos is no fun when you can't leave the table. 3. Return the feedback forms. We can't plan for more of what you like and less of what you hate unless you tell us which was which. 4. Sleep some of the time. Your body needs rest, even with non-stop distractions. If you start another run at 2 in the moming, you'll probably be too wasted to play in your Official game at 8am next day. 5. Eat something besides potato chips and candy. Your endurance and concentration will improve amazingly. (And remember - it's hard to buy food in the middle of the night, so lay in supplies.) 6. Drink a lot. Hotel air is very dry; but try to avoid sugar and alcohol as much as you can. (Alcohol is allowed only in the bar and in private rooms, and only for those of age. Ignore this rule, and you will be asked to leave the convention.) 7. Tell people where you are. Make sure your family and anyone else who might need to reach you know you're at the Oakland Hyatt, and what you room number is. Give us a number where we can reach your family or friends. 8. Check the hotel desk and the DunDraCon bulletin board for messages a few times a day - it's a nightrnare to bry to find one person among the mob filling the hotel. 9. Keep your temper. The committee is trying to make the Con run as smoothly as possible. If something goes wrong, we'll get it fixed faster if we can just work on the cure - without stopping to swear that we didn't foul things up on purpose. 10. Watch your step. Don't run in the halls, slide down the bannisters, or otherwise endanger yourself or others. It's hard to move figures when you're in traction. L3. - that is, those Official Game Rooms posted to allow smoking, and in hotel lobbies, private rooms where the owner doesn't mind and outdoors. Do not smoke in the Dealers Room, Seminar rooms, Hospitality [,ounge, or any other posted non-smoking area. Leave weapons and masks in your room, if you've brought'em. (A weapon is, by definition, anything the Committee thinks is a weapon - please don't argue.) This is for your safety (any weapon, real or fake, may startle someone into taking action against you ) and the safety of your companions - you may mean no harm, but most things that look like weapons are a real hazard in crowded halls. Even the SCA people keep everything in their room except en route to and from scheduled demos. Masks are a safety hazard too. We want to keep everyone recognizeable and responsible for their own acts. Lazertag-type guns and equipment are included in this; you will probably be considered to be a Killer player if you're wearing this stuff. T4, Stay out of Killer games! Killer players get bunced from the Con. 15. Don't cook in your rooms! It's a hazard that might set off extinquishers, cause fires, or just get you thrown out of the hotel... 16. If you choose to go out and get food (or have have it delivered) please don't leave the carcasses lying around - it annoys the Hotel staff, which makes it harder for us to work with them next year. t7. We cannot page people at the Con, nor can we guarantee to reachfind anyone. You CAN leave a note on the message board. 18. Please keep your rooms relatively neat. Especially, keep sleeping bags, iceboxes, etc. safely stowed away in closets/drawers. Eniov vour stav at ffunDraCon 11!