the year in review - Shirley Heinze Land Trust


the year in review - Shirley Heinze Land Trust
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Board of Directors
Rachel Saxon, President
Henry Jones, Vice President
Warren Buckler, Treasurer
Laura Henderson, Secretary
Terry Bonace
Steven Cohen
Kathy Dennis
Dale Engquist
Tim Griffin
Robert Lamprecht
Naida Lehmann
Sara Leonard
Ralph Lerner
Myrna Newgent
Ed Noonan
Nancy Philippi
Dan Plath
Ray Szarmach
Life Board Members
Judith Gaskell
Irene Herlocker-Meyer
Barbara Plampin
Advisory Council
John Bacone
Bob Boklund
Lee Botts
Walt Breitinger
Ken Brock
Mark Chamberlain
J. Ronald Engel
T. Clifford Fleming
Marilyn Holscher
Rory Holscher
John Hoppe
Paul Kohlhoff
Karen Rodriguez
Robin Scribailo
Ron Trigg
Robert Wolfe
Kathleen Zelkowitz
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Shirley Heinze Land Trust’s history goes back only 26 years, but they
have been years filled with achievement. In that short time we have
protected well over 1,000 acres of precious natural land featuring some
of the rarest natural communities in Indiana. It is a record that makes us
extremely proud. But we are equally proud that ours is an organization
that adheres to the highest standards and practices and has earned a
reputation for integrity among its working partners and colleagues.
As we look forward to the future, we can see that acquiring property is
just the beginning of our responsibility. We are obligated to protect our
land from encroachment and degradation, and we are committed to
improving its value as habitat through restoration and wise management.
We cannot rest on our laurels; we must act now to prepare for the
challenges that await us tomorrow.
We took many steps in 2007 to strengthen our organization, beginning
with the adoption of a new Strategic Plan which sets our institutional
pathway for the years 2008 through 2010. That document identifies
many goals to help us prepare for the future by providing for financial
security, broadening our appeal to local communities, and reaching out
to the next generation.
We have made great progress in our fundraising efforts over the last few
years. Our annual appeals and summer benefits have been very
successful, and we have been able to expand our circle of supporters
every year. To build on this success, we have hired – thanks to a
generous grant from the Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation – a
development coordinator whose task is to increase our fundraising
capacity and enhance relationship building with our supporters.
Our efforts have begun to yield results. We produced and distributed
this past year a planned giving brochure to encourage supporters to
include the Heinze Trust in their estate plans, and Legacy Circle
membership has already increased nearly threefold. New computer
software has made tracking our donors easier, and we have been
delighted at the ever growing number of volunteers who are anxious to
give their time to our fundraising efforts.
We greatly increased our efforts to spread the word about the Heinze
Trust this past year by establishing a much expanded speaking program
that provided presentations to more than a dozen service clubs and other
community organizations during the year. We invited school children
Kristopher Krouse, Executive Director
and neighborhood groups to tour our preserves, and we installed trails,
Paul Quinlan, Stewardship Program Manager
signage, and information kiosks to make them more accessible to the
Jim Erdelac, Stewardship Assistant
general public. We know that the future belongs to the next generation,
Samantha Narjes, Stewardship Technician
and we are committed to working even harder to make the children of
Shandra Niswander, Development Coordinator
today aware of the treasures we have saved and excited about protecting
Peg Mohar, Property Assistant
Janet Kaminski, Administrative Assistant
444 Barker Road
Michigan City, IN 46360
Phone 219-879-4725
Fax 219-879-4818
All this adds up to another good year for Shirley Heinze Land Trust.
But we remain ever mindful that we cannot succeed in the long term
without the support of people like you. Thank you for all your efforts to
help us protect this region’s amazing biodiversity.
Kristopher M. Krouse
Shirley Heinze Land Trust was founded in
1981 through an endowment by Mr. & Mrs.
Robert L. Seidner to honor the memory of Dr.
Shirley Heinze, an Ogden Dunes resident who
was actively involved in the protection of the
Indiana Dunes. Dr. Heinze, who died in 1978,
was a psychologist and faculty member at the
University of Illinois at Chicago.
Since 1984, the Heinze Trust (originally called
Shirley Heinze Environmental Fund) has held taxexempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code, thereby making contributions tax-deductible to the extent allowed by
The first paid part-time employee was hired
in 1994. During the following year, the organization received a generous bequest from the estate
of Faith and Gordon Greiner which opened new
opportunities for land protection. This also allowed the organization to hire its first full-time
executive director.
Since inception, the Heinze Trust has acquired for preservation about 1,060 acres of
natural land in the southern Lake Michigan watershed. This includes 892 acres owned and
managed by the Heinze Trust, 138 acres held as
conservation easements, and about 30 acres
transferred to the National Park Service and the
Indiana Department of Natural Resources. The
Heinze Trust has published four books of environmental interest and conducts numerous educational hikes and other public programs every
year. The Heinze Trust works cooperatively
with many land protection entities, including government agencies, other non-profit groups, and
The Heinze Trust is governed by a Board of
Directors comprising up to 18 members. Directors determine policy and also serve on committees addressing various aspects of the Trust’s
work. Officers for 2007 were Rachel Saxon,
President; Henry Jones, Vice President; Laura
Henderson, Secretary; and Warren Buckler,
Treasurer. Steven Cohen, Kathy Dennis, Dale
Engquist, Tim Griffin, Bob Lamprecht, Naida Lehmann, Sara Leonard, Ed Noonan, and Ray Szarmach were elected as new members of the
Board of Directors, and Tina Rongers left the
board after completing her term. Marty Balogh,
Ralph Lerner, and Craig Menne were chosen to
begin new terms in 2008, and Warren Buckler,
Laura Henderson, Henry Jones, and Carol Lerner
concluded their board service at the end of 2007.
Board members volunteered 2,454 hours in
2007 and contributed the equivalent of $1,888 in
in-kind donations, in addition to their monetary
The day-to-day management of the Heinze
Trust is the responsibility of the Executive Director. Kristopher Krouse has held that position
since March 2005. The Stewardship Program is
managed by Paul Quinlan. Administrative Assistant Janet Kaminski, Property Assistant Peg Mohar, Development Coordinator Shandra Niswander, Stewardship Assistant Jim Erdelac, and Stewardship Technician Samantha Narjes completed
the permanent staff at year’s end. Part-time seasonal stewardship personnel are hired as needed.
The Heinze Trust relies on public support
from individuals, organizations, foundations, government agencies, and corporations for its funding. A list of all 2007 contributors is included
later in this report.
Individual cash and stock donations for 2007
totaled $89,224. The Heinze Trust’s summer
fundraising benefit, “Layalina,” generated a net
profit of $32,380.
The Heinze Trust has three endowment
funds designated for stewardship invested in local
community foundations. The endowment with
the Unity Foundation of LaPorte County was
valued at $184,400; that with the Porter County
Community Foundation was $132,899; and the
Legacy Foundation of Lake County endowment
The Heinze Trust was established with the following objectives:
To preserve natural areas within Northwest
Indiana through identification of environmentally
significant properties and, where possible, their
To educate the public concerning the environmental and cultural uniqueness of the area;
To advance the goals of clean air and water
in Northwest Indiana.
was $32,119 at year’s end. An anonymous endowment donation of $22,000 was received in
2007 and invested in the Legacy Foundation fund.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service grant funds totaling $ 23,196 were received in 2007 for restoration work at Heinze Trust preserves. The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation provided the Heinze Trust’s largest-ever foundation
grant in 2007: $60,000 over three years to fund
the hiring of a new development coordinator.
The Natural Resource Damage Fund administered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, DNR,
and IDEM provided $44,083 for various land acquisition and stewardship projects. The Environmental Challenge Fund of NiSource awarded the
Heinze Trust $5,000 for restoration work at Yellow Birch Fen. The John W. Anderson Foundation provided an award of $2,000, and the Carlson Family Foundation gave $1,000. The Michigan City Community Enrichment Corporation
provided $3,000 for stewardship work at Ambler
Flatwoods. Among other funds received were
$4,695 from book sales and the educational hike
The Heinze Trust continued its efforts to increase corporate support. Sixteen corporate
entities donated $8,575 in monetary contributions, and 46 made in-kind donations.
to protected habitat, i.e. large properties containing sustainable natural communities or additions/buffers to (or corridors between) existing
protected areas. At year’s end, negotiations
were underway that should lead to significant
additions at several preserves and project areas
in the coming year.
The Heinze Trust continued to give increased
emphasis to stewardship and restoration work.
Grants from a variety of sources – U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Service, the Natural Resource Damage
Fund, NiSource Environmental Challenge Fund –
supported ongoing restoration projects at John
Merle Coulter Preserve, Bur Oak Woods, Hidden Prairie, Spangler Fen, and Ivanhoe South.
The Trust worked closely with The Nature Conservancy, Indiana DNR, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to enhance habitat for the federally
endangered Karner Blue Butterfly at dune-andswale properties in Lake County. Restoration
work accomplished at Seidner Dune & Swale and
Ivanhoe South contributed to the Grand Calumet Remedial Action Plan administered by the
Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
Routine stewardship activities at Heinze
Trust preserves focused on control of invasive
plants, fence construction and repair, cleanup,
and trail maintenance. Grants from the Michigan
City Community Enrichment Corporation, the
John W. Anderson Foundation, and Indiana Heritage Trust helped fund this work. With advice
from Indiana DNR and in compliance with local
laws, the Heinze Trust implemented deer population management at preserves where deer
overpopulation has been detrimental to the biodiversity of the preserve.
Stewardship staff – with the assistance of the
Lake County Parks & Recreation Department
and individual volunteers – conducted prescribed
burns at Hidden Prairie and Spangler Fen. They,
in turn, assisted Lake County Parks with a burn
at Gibson Woods County Park and the Tryon
Farm Institute with a burn at Tryon Farm. Staff
and volunteers also conducted two native plant
rescue operations in Porter County.
The stewardship volunteer program was
greatly expanded, with volunteer workdays being
scheduled at least once monthly throughout the
year. A total of 75 volunteers provided 481
In 2007 the Heinze Trust acquired outright
ownership of nearly 17 acres of new property.
Dennis Osysko donated a 10.47-acre addition to
Ambler Flatwoods Nature Preserve in LaPorte
County, and the Lake County Commissioners
donated 3.2 acres adjacent to Ivanhoe South Nature Preserve in Gary. Five wetland lots, totaling
1.27 acres, were purchased as additions to the
Great Marsh project in Beverly Shores. The
Heinze Trust also purchased a 1.88-acre tract
adjacent to Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore’s
Mnoke Prairie restoration project; the property
will be donated to the National Park Service.
Heinze Trust staff and board members examined dozens of other land acquisition possibilities
which were ultimately rejected because they
failed to meet acquisition criteria; many of them
were referred to other land preservation organizations. In keeping with its land acquisition priority plan, the Heinze Trust gives preference to
properties which provide the maximum addition
hours of labor at 13 different sites in 2007.
Stewardship staff made Heinze Trust preserves more accessible to the public by installing
streetside signs at Barker Woods, Ivanhoe South,
Hidden Prairie, and Bur Oak Woods. Wellmarked hiking trails now exist at Cressmoor
Prairie, Barker Woods, Ambler Flatwoods, Bur
Oak Woods, Spangler Fen, and Ivanhoe South.
Stewardship Manager Paul Quinlan and Assistant Jim Erdelac took advantage of educational
opportunities provided by the National Wildfire
Coordinating Group, Purdue University Calumet,
Spence Restoration Nursery, the Northwest
Indiana Invasive Plant Network, and the Midwest
Partners for Amphibian Research and Conservation.
been so generous with their support. The event
featured guided hikes at Seidner Dune & Swale
Preserve in Hammond and lunch at the Jean
Shepherd Community Center. The Trust also
hosted a special community hike at Ivanhoe
South Nature Preserve in September for residents of Gary’s Brunswick neighborhood, which
is adjacent to the preserve.
The Heinze Trust continued efforts to build
cooperative relationships aimed at strengthening
collective influence on environmental issues. It
increased its support for the Chicago Wilderness
consortium by endorsing the “No Child Left Inside” project and participating in a number of its
programs. Board member Dale Engquist was a
member of the consortium’s Steering Committee, and Naida Lehmann led volunteers participating in its Plants of Concern program. Program Assistant Peg Mohar, in her own capacity,
sat on the Board of Directors of the Indiana
Dunes Environmental Learning Center.
Executive Director Kris Krouse was the
Trust’s representative to the Indiana Land Protection Alliance; board members Dale Engquist
and Ed Noonan addressed the group during the
year. Kris Krouse participated in a panel discussion at the Land Trust Alliance’s Midwest Conference in Indianapolis, and Development Coordinator Shandra Niswander attended the organization’s National Land Rally in Denver. Heinze
Trust staff helped organize a beach cleanup sponsored by the Alliance for the Grat Lakes at
Michigan City’s Washington Park in September.
The Heinze Trust continued to play a key
role in regional forums, including the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission and
the Quality of Life Council. It provided input to
the Greenways and Blueways Plan and the Marquette Plan. The Trust also participated in various local festivals, including Green Gary and the
Native Plant Sale sponsored by Friends of the
Executive Director Kris Krouse was honored
as a recipient of the Governor’s Award for Tomorrow’s Leaders by Indiana Governor Mitch
Daniels and the Indiana Humanities Council.
The Trust initiated a renewed effort to inform the public about its work through a series
of presentations to service clubs in Michigan
City, Chesterton, Valparaiso, Gary, LaPorte, and
Highland. Local newspapers and periodicals
provided good publicity for the organization’s
public programs and were generous in their coverage of its activities.
The 2007 hike program featured guided walks
at Moraine Nature Preserve in Porter County,
Dupont Dune & Swale in Lake County, Stoutsburg Savanna in Jasper County, and the West
Beach area of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Hike leaders were Paul Labus, Director of The
Nature Conservancy’s Southern Lake Michigan
Rim Project; Indiana DNR Regional Ecologists
John Ervin and Tom Post; and Heinze Trust
board members Myrna Newgent and Barbara
Plampin. The Heinze Trust also sponsored a
workshop on the identification of grasses; Keith
Board and Scott Namestnik were instructors.
Board member Carol Lerner and staffers Kris
Krouse and Peg Mohar made a presentation to
the Porter County Master Gardeners, and Kris
Krouse and Paul Quinlan addressed students of
the Indiana Master Naturalist Program. The
Heinze Trust hosted the American Fern Society
and the Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society on separate hikes at Ambler Flatwoods.
Paul Quinlan led a hike at the Gary City Schools’
Deep River Outdoor Education Center, and the
Heinze Trust pledged support in the preparation
of plant inventories and a management plan for
the Center. Paul Quinlan led students from
Gary’s Bailly Middle School and Emerson Middle
School on hikes at Ivanhoe South Preserve in
conjunction with Groundwork Gary. Jim Erdelac
represented the Heinze Trust at Lake Central
High School’s Volunteer Fair.
The Heinze Trust hosted a Donor Appreciation Hike in July to thank those who have
Shirley Heinze Land Trust Donor Circles 2007
Foundation / Grant Support
John W. Anderson Foundation
Carlson Family Foundation
Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation
Environmental Challenge Fund
Indiana Humanities Council
Indiana Natural Heritage Campaign Trust
MC Community Enrichment Corporation
The Natural Resource Damage Fund
Corporate Support
Beachside Gardens
Bistro 157
Blue Chip Casino: William B’s Steak
Aide Rentals & Sales
Arcelor Mittal
Café 444
Ayers Realtors
Centier Bank
Eco Logic LLC
Chesterton Blossoms
General Insurance Services
Chesterton Feed and Garden Center
Horizon Bank
Clark's Secret Garden
J&D Realty Holdings, LLC
Jay Costas: Soft Touch Car Wash
J. F. New & Associates
DeWolfe Clothing
Lakeside Wealth Management Group Don Quijote Restaurant
MonoSol, LLC
Eat at Moe's / Mezza
Flanagin’s Bulk Mail
Pizzo & Associates, Ltd.
Framing Station
Porter State Bank
Growth Coach
Spence Restoration Nursery
Hearthside Cottage Designs
Tryon Farm
Horizon Bank
Wal-Mart—Michigan City
Horseshoe Casino
LaPorte Herald Argus
Lettuce Entertain You
Corporate Support
Lubeznik Center for the Arts
Martin Binder Jewelers
Massage Therapy & Wellness Center
Ahern Sign Design
Michigan City News Dispatch
Al's Supermarkets
Corporate Support
Miller Bakery Café
National City Bank
Pizzo & Associates
Red Cup Café
Reverie Spa
Skystone N'Silver
Stop 51 Wood Fired Pizzeria
Suzy Vance LLC
Taste of Thailand
Talbott Hotel
Tryon Farm
The Schoolhouse Shop
Victory Gardens / Biograph Theater
Lee Wainscott, Auctioneer
Westville Printing
Individual Donors
Thismia Circle
Gifts of $5000 or more
Mark Klein & Mary Wagner
Barbara Plampin
Prairie Gentian Circle
Gifts of $1000 or more
Martin Balogh & Carl Stimson
Lee Botts
Warren & Pat Buckler
Dr. Mary Chuman
Karl & Kathy Dennis
Dan Dresner
Barbara & Aaron Halle
John & Susan Heinze
Irene Herlocker-Meyer
Sarah Henderson
John & Edmar Hoppe
Mark Kurth & Shelby Moravec
Sara Leonard
Carol & Ralph Lerner
Richard & Leslie Miller
Peg & Don Mohar
Myrna & John Newgent
Eve & Ed Noonan
Jean Rudd & Lionel Bolin
Rachel & John Saxon
Leslie Shad & Joe Brennan
Ralph Siemion
Ray Szarmach & Deb Ramstorf
Ron Trigg
Victor & Jen Yngve
Robert Buell
Steven Cohen
& Michael Godnick
Mary Ann & John Crayton
Joyce & David Drake
Dale & Jo Ann Engquist
Judith Gaskell
Kris & Heidi Krouse
Leanne Lachmann
Naida Lehmann
James & Linda Martin
Angela Maurello
Barry & Paddy McNamara
Jean Reed
Charles Rex
J. Timothy Ritchie
Karen Rodriguez
Joan Solbeck
Mary Ann & Ray Tittle
Mary Wenckus
& Sam Harnish, Jr.
Savanna Blazing Star Circle
Gifts of $500-$999
Mort Arnsdorf
& Rosemary Crowley
Doris & Stuart Bernstein
Marshall Blankenship
& Susan Perdomo
John Blew
Terry Bonace
Sullivant’s Milkweed Circle
Gifts of $250-$499
Stephen & Vickie Adik
Hank & Joan Bliss
Larry Boehlke
Robert Boklund
Lee & Patricia Casebere
Jean Cohn
Theodore Cohn
Roland & Darlene Dehne
Joan & Ron Engel
Deborah & James Franczek
Kathleen Gillespie
Carlyn Goettsch
Tim Griffin & Suzy Vance
Ted Harris
David Harvey
Erv & Marilyn Hawrylewicz
Laura Henderson
Jan Hunter
Peter Jannotta
Henry & Eleanor Jones
Rose Jagust
Paul Kohlhoff
Don Kurtz
Kermit & Sally Myer
Joan & Harold Olin
Lorain Olsen
Nancy Philippi
Dan Plath
Timothy & Shelly Rice
Bruce & Tammy Rowe
Annette Salomon
William & Lorene Schaudt
Robert & Susan Smith
Alan & Nancy Sons
Juana & Robert Stanley
Francis & Lorna Straus
George & Alice Tolley
Judith Watson
Leland Wilkinson
Kale & Helen Williams
Dr. Marvin & Kathleen Zelkowitz
Ben & Devin Zimmer
Ladies’ Tresses Orchid Circle
Gifts of $100-$249
Isaac Abella
Alex & Rinda Allison
American Fern Society
Stella Artunian
Martha Bayless
Robert & Arlene Beglin
Howard Bjornson
Barbara & George Bolesch
Walt & Cindy Breitinger
Pete & Katherine Bresler
Matthew & Jane Rae Brown
Donna Brum
Warren & Elizabeth Canright
David Capp & Ruth Hennage
John & Diane Carpenter
Kathy Mankin & Gar Seifullin
William & Mary Carstedt
Shirley Heinze Land Trust Donor Circles 2007
Edmund & Deanna Caulfield, Jr
Mayor Rudy Clay, City of Gary
Joan Buckler Claybrook
Andy Austin Cohen
Dan Casey & Dolores Connolley
Joseph & Aurelia Costanza
Doreen Crewe
Joanne Day
Laurie Dettmers
Deborah Doyle & Carl Hunter
Frank & Jane Emke
Steven Fischer
Miriam Frankel
Damien Gabis
Isak & Nancy Gerson
Cliff & Angel Gochee-Goins
Constance Goldberg
Melvin & Sylvia Griem
Dr. Andrew & Moira Griffin
Gwen Grogan
John & Ruth Grote
Ralph Grundel
Charles Haffner, III
Marianne Hahn
Meg Haller
Tom Heaney
Joyce & Garland Hicks
Edwin & Sharon Hochman
Nancy Hoffa & Linda Burton
Wendy & Richard Holland
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Houck
Ann & Frank Howard
Karen Howes
Jack & Janice Husak
Grant & Mary Ireland
Edythe Jastram
Larry Jensen
& Rosemary Gemperle
Allen & Nancy Johnson
Jim & Janet Kaminski
Gilbert Kantner
Lawrence & Dorothy Keen
Steve Killerman
Keith & Becky Kirkpatrick
Ole & Abbie Joy Kleppa
Thomas Klitzkie
& Barbara Schwarz
Joan & Loren Knibbs
Melanie Kroczek
David Kropp
Thomas & Catherine LaFrance
Hans & Barbara Lagoni
Tyson Lagoni
Robert Lamprecht
Jack & Dani Lane
Robert & Kathleen Lauer
Paul & Mia Levy
Penny Lombard
Bernard & Barbara Lootens
Greg Lyman & Margaret Williford
Margaret MacKimm
Keith Magiera
Richard & Sylvia Manalis
Kathy Mankin & Gar Seifullin
Rosalie Marschke
Edward Master
Elizabeth Maynard
Holly McDonald
& Francisco Bezerra
Danny McDowell
Dorothy Miller
Garrith Minzey
Barbara Morgan & Joy Schmit
James Morrow
Gloria Newcomb
Ralph & Marta Nicholas
Donna Norkus & William Taylor
Sandy O'Brien
Joan & Joaquim Panozzo
Ella Pennington
Mary Persyn
Carol Petrie
Nancy Philippi
Tom & Sandra Post
Elizabeth Postell
Joanne Powers
Michael Pych
Dr. Philip & Lori Radtke
Alex & Jude Rakowski
Thomas Rockwell
& Patricia Messina
Matt Rogatz
Earline Rogers
Merilyn & Henry Rooney
Dr. Walter & Patrice Rudzinski
Jerrold & Gail Sadock
Carolyn Saxton & Bill Gregory
Ken Schoon
Mallory Scott
Jeffrey Singer
Donald & Tia Smales
Art & Jan Smith
Marcia Smith
Susan Spelde
Mark & Mona Stern
Eileen Stewart
Pat Taylor
Norma Tormey
Helen Trigg
John Vail
Duane & Ann Waugh
Edith & Glenn Welliver
Mary White & Henry Streiffer
Suzanne Widmar
Catherine Wrzesinski
Nancy Joan Wykes
James Zervos
Larry Zimmer & Ted Perzanowski
Big Blue Stem Circle
Gifts up to $99
Sharon Adley
Barth Anderson
Ders Anderson
Daniel Austgen
Michael & Claudia Anderson
John & Joyce Bacone
Susan Bagby
Lida Jane Barker
Steve Barker
Michael & Mary Behnke
Andrew Blackburn
Ben Bolton
Peter & Cathy Bomberger
Eleanore Bornstein
Thomas Brand & Carole Stodder
Ericka Brandstetter
Richard & Ellen Brauer
David Brodar
James & Jane Walsh-Brown
Robert Calvert
Marcella Ciucki
Susan Coffey
Jay & Cheryl Costas
Duane & Frieda Davison
Sheila & Anthony DeBonis
Donald & Jacqueline Diehl
Meillyn & Michael Donohue
Evelyn Ebbert
Laurie Eberhardt
Evelyn Edborg
Donald Evans
Karen & Keith Evans
Kristine Fallon
Mary Ann Finnegan
Bunny Fisher
Louis & Ruth Foster
Jack & Ada Fournier
Heinz & Elizabeth Freese
John & Patricia Geffert
Elaine Gehring
Herbert George
Kevin & Sheryl Golab
Donna & Louis Gonzalez
Glenn Goodwine
Alice Greenlee
Tollie & Art Grimes
John & Mildred Gruenenfelder
Margaret Hagerman
Tamara Hall
Heidi Harbaugh
John Hayes
Sandy Henderson
Mary Henrich
Charles & Sarah Hensel
Anne Hiestand
Virginia & Daniel Hilf
Joseph & Rosalie Isaacson
Dan Jakubovie
Daina Jaras
Richard Johnson
Knoeful & Janet Jones
Sue Joys
Nicole Kalkbrenner
Glenn Keldsen
Elizabeth Kelson
Peter Kesheimer
Nancy Kohlhoff
Shirley Kowalisyn
Katherine Kozacky
Judith Kuttig
Keith & Mary Ellen Lakin
Marcus Lehmann
Henrietta & Mary Leja
Mary Leonard
Mary LeVan
Alan & Judith Lindmark
Andrea Lyon
Edward & Eden Lysaught
Frank Maguire & Lynn Walker
Ruth Maxwell
Barbara May
Keith & Rita McBride
James & Carolyn McClure, Jr.
Patricia & Bernard McGinn
Raymond & Janice McLaughlin
Margaret Meiser
Richard & Marcia Metzcus
Dorothy Meyers
Mark Mihalo
Cynthia Milcarek
Ita Moriarity
Leigh Morris
Gregory Mueller & Betty Strack
Paul Myers
Scott & Lindsay Namestnik
Amy Navardauskas
Barbara Nelson
Shandra Niswander
Kathleen O'Neal
Alexander & Shiv O'Neill
Nick& Kristin Owens
Noel & Sara Pavlovic
Shari Pergricht
Dorothy Potucek
Rebecca Couch Pride
Herbert & Charlotte Read
John Risteter
Vincent & Lucille Risteter
Tina Rongers
Anne Roosevelt
Robert Roth
James Ruge
Kenneth & Susan Salach
Mollie Sandock
Lisa Sarsany
David & Jane Savage
Sherry & Eugene Schlickman
Carol & Daniel Schneider
Linus Schrage
Eugene & Doris Schroeder
Jane & Jim Scott
Anthony Shafton
Alan Shannon
Dr. Richard & Janet Sheffer
Eugene Snyder
Laurence Stanton & Susan Loeb
Lynnette Stephens
Gloria Stern
Sandra Story
John & Heidi Sullivan
Judith & Paul Surowiec
Valerie Taglieri
& Ronald Wennekes
Pat Talbot
Earl & Leona Temkin
Betty Thomas
N. Morrison Torrey
Terry Trusgnich
Susan & Dolph Ulrich
Lois Upton
George & Patti Van Til
Joseph Vargo
Pam Weinberger
James & Dawn Weingart
Pam Wheelock & Greg Munger
Nancy Whitaker
Peter & Judith Wilkin
Zann & Michael Wilson
G. R. Winsberg
Allyson Witt
Robert Woodburn
Elizabeth Woolsey
George & Kay Yatskievych
John Young
Land Circle
Dennis Osysko
Legacy Circle
Anonymous (3)
Marshall Blankenship
& Susan Perdomo
Terry Bonace
Robert Buell
Steven Cohen & Michael Godnick
Heinz & Elizabeth Freese
Linda Burton & Nancy Hoffa
Larry Jensen
& Rosemary Gemperle
Peg Mohar
Myrna & John Newgent
Barbara Plampin
J. Timothy Ritchie
Jean Rudd
Ron Trigg
Robert & Charlotte Wolfe
In-Kind Donations
Jim Kaminski
Peg & Don Mohar
Ron Trigg
Gifts for Endowment
Tina Rongers
Rachel & John Saxon
Shirley Heinze Land Trust Donor Circles 2007
Bettimae Reshkin
Karen & Keith Evans
Gifts in Memory of
Mary Ann Abella
Isaac Abella
Jean Bonace
Holly McDonald
& Francisco Bezerra
Myrna & John Newgent
Barbara Plampin
Phillip Cardan
Rachel & John Saxon
Rose Carlson
Carol Petrie
Joshua Benjamin Cohen
Susan Cohen
Gertrude Fredrick
Cynthia Fredrick
Richard Handschuch
Wendy & Richard Holland
Bill Jewett
Joanne Powers
James & Jane Walsh-Brown
Nancy Kohlhoff
Myrna & John Newgent
Chad & Christine Kostel
Dr. Marvin
& Kathleen Zelkowitz
Dianne Krouse
John Risteter
Horace Nichols
Richard & Janet Sheffer
Eleanor Petersen
Joyce Drake
Judith Gaskell
Larry Jensen
& Rosemary Gemperle
Sara Leonard
Myrna & John Newgent
Barbara Plampin
Gloria Stern
Rachel Pearson
Robert & Charlotte Wolfe
Dr. John Reed
Jean Reed
Barbara Wykes
Terry Bonace
Myrna & John Newgent
Barbara Plampin
Nancy Joan Wykes
Gifts in Honor of
Terry Bonace
Larry Boehlke
Lionel Bolin
Deborah Ramstorf
Warren Buckler
Joan Buckler Claybrook
Frank & Jane Emke
Barbara Plampin
Ron Trigg
Jack Dearhammer
Sandy O'Brien
Evelyn & Wendell Dygert
Richard & Sylvia Manalis
Judy Gaskell
N. Morrison Torrey
Laura Henderson
Barbara Plampin
Ron Trigg
Edith & Glenn Welliver
Barbara Plampin
Rinda & Alexander Allison
John & Joyce Bacone
John Blew
Mark Klein & Mary Wagner
Richard & Leslie Miller
Linus Schrage
Sherry & Eugene
Francis & Lorna Straus
Glenn & Pat Tabor
Nancy Joan Wykes
Paul Quinlan
& Stewardship Staff
Ron Trigg
Carol Wilmore Serynek
Merilyn & Henry Rooney
SHLT Staff
Jean Rudd
Ron Trigg
Kevin & Sheryl Golab
Ted Harris
Nancy Joan Wykes
Richard & Leslie Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Roger I. Wykes
Richard & Leslie Miller
John & Eddi Hoppe
Virginia & Daniel Hilf
Jacqueline & Blair Stewart
Suzanne Widmar
Henry Jones
Barbara Plampin
Ron Trigg
Mark Klein & Mary Wagner
Peter Jannotta
Sara Leonard
Margaret MacKimm
Carol Lerner
Barbara Plampin
Ron Trigg
Barbara Melton
Damien Gabis
Ruth Osann
Herb & Charlotte Read
Emma Pitcher
James & Carolyn McClure
Funding Sources
Hikes &
Shirley Heinze Land Trust Acquisitions 2007
Legal Description
How Acquired
Lake County
Ivanhoe South
Donated by Lake County Comm.
LaPorte County
Heinze Trust Minor Sub.
Donated by Dennis Osysko
Beverly Shores
Beverly Shores
Beverly Shores
Porter County
Total acres preserved
- 10 -
Annual Report 2007
Shirley Heinze Land Trust, Inc.
TEL: 219.879.4725
FAX: 219.879.4818