2012 Annual Report - Larkin Street Youth Services
2012 Annual Report - Larkin Street Youth Services
Administrative Offices 701 Sutter Street, Suite 2 San Francisco, CA 94109 Tel (415) 673.0911 Fax )415) 749.3838 mail@larkinstreetyouth.org www.larkinstreetyouth.org Board of Directors Honorary Board Senior Management Team Charles Dicke, Chair Laura Powell, Vice Chair Victoria J. Johnson, Secretary Art Fatum, Treasurer Phillip S. Estes, At-Large Annie Ellicott, At-Large Nina Hatvany, At-Large Blake Jorgensen, At-Large Sherilyn Adams, Executive Director Terry Allen-Rouman Ray Brown William F. Campbell James E. Canales, Jr. Laurence A. Colton Jay Cuetara Penelope Douglas Tim Emanuels Judy Getto Vince Hoenigman Steve Janowsky Debbie G. Jorgensen John E. Kalin Stephen C. Kirmse Stephen Koch Mary V. Lester Elizabeth A. Levy John L. Martin John E. Martinez Paul R. Mohun Maria Muzio David J. Nygren Carla B. Oakley Jean Richardson Henry Safrit J. Milton Seropan Anne B. Stanton David A. Thompson Gregory W. Wendt David B. Zenoff Sherilyn Adams, LCSW Executive Director Board Members Chris Brahm Connie Curran Mark A. Edmunds Conor Famulener Anita Feiger Julie B. Harkins Jim Henry Anne Hoecker Terry Kramer Mary M. Prchal Philip Schlein Aaron C. Schwartz Christine A. Tsingos Carla Washington John Whiting Charles J. Wibbelsman Victoria Willock Linda Wood Allison N. Wysocki Board Fellows Ravi Banda Vishal Kudchadkar The mission of Larkin Street Youth Services is to create a continuum of services that inspires youth to move beyond the street. We will nurture potential, promote dignity, and support bold steps by all. Ray Fort Chief Operating Officer Kathie Lowry Chief Development Officer Dina Wilderson, PhD Chief of Research and Evaluation Aimee Armata Clinical Director Irene Casanova Director of Engagement Nicole Garroutte Director of Marketing & Events Ruth Nunez Director of Residential Programs Chelsea Ross Controller Don Sanders, MSW Director of Education and Employment Gwynne Seidell Director of Human Resources Lara Tannenbaum, MSW Director of Health Services Holly Tedford, MNA Director of Development, Grants Puccini & Pinetti Recology Recommind, Inc. The RHE Charitable Foundation Salesforce.com San Francisco Airport Commission San Francisco Federal Credit Union The San Francisco Giants Charles Schwab Foundation Alice Phelan Sullivan Corporation The Swinerton Foundation Therapy Stores Tibco Software, Inc. U.S. Bank Until There’s A Cure Foundation Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. Visa Wetherby Asset Management Wilkes Bashford Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation WNPC Foundation Zephyr Real Estate $500 to $999 ACG Artisan Printing BraunHagey & Borden LLP Chevron DreamWorks Gap International Grant Thornton Kreuzberger Associates MassMutual Moss Adams LLP Pan-Med Enterprises Parthenon Capital Foundation PFM Synthetic LLC Tonic Beverage Catering U.S. Trust Valuation Research West Bay Builders $100 to $499 Agilent Technologies Aon Foundation Barclays Capital BlackLine Systems Bloomspot, Inc. The John Burton Foundation CableLabs CBRE CBS Interactive City National Bank Clarence & Dyer LLP Cliff Consulting The Clorox Company Culture Effect Degenkolb Engineers R.R. Donnelley & Sons Envirotech Laboratories Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco G2 Insurance Services Harvey’s Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation Huntsman Architectural Group Juniper Networks KCBS All News Radio Kforce Professional Staffing McKesson Foundation Med Thrive T Co-Op, Inc. Microsoft Corporation Mosaic Financial Partners Oracle Corporation S.S. Papadopulos and Associates, Inc. Qualcomm Atheros The Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation Sears Holding Corporation Michael Sechman & Associates SJ Engineers Sports Basement The Stuart Foundation SurveyMonkey Tiffany & Co. R. Torre & Company TriNet U.S. Bank Foundation United California Group Varian Medical Systems Waldman Management Group, Inc. The Y & H Soda Foundation CIVIC & RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS American Montessori Society American University Back to Business Bay Street Helping Hands California Society of CPAs Calvary Presbyterian Church Community Housing Partnership Community Thrift Store First Presbyterian Church of Livermore Folsom Street Events Galesburg High School Gay Buddhist Fellowship Girl Scouts of Northern California Grace Presbyterian Church Huckleberry Youth Programs International Association of Firefighers Local 555 Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund Lakeside Presbyterian Church Lower Polk Neighbors National Association of School Psychologists Children’s Fund Old First Presbyterian Church Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic Leader Presbyterian Women of Centerpoint Presbyterian Presbyterian Women of Livermore Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church St. Raymond Catholic Church STREETSMART4kids Summit Preparatory Charter High School Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp. TMASF Connects Vista Del Mar Baptist Church PUBLIC FUNDING SOURCES California Emergency Management Agency Federal Emergency Management Agency San Francisco Department of Children, Youth and Their Families 20 San Francisco Department of Health: Community Behavioral Health Services Housing and Urban Health San Francisco Human Services Agency San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) US Department of Health and Human Services: Administration for Children and Families Health Resources and Services Administration US Department of Housing and Urban Development • • • • Larkin Street Youth Services has made every effort to list accurately our donors. If you feel your name has been withheld, or reported incorrectly, please contact the development office at (415) 673.0911 ext. 301. Dear Friends, Looking Ahead Larkin Street is now at the threshold of great change. The youth we serve face significantly greater challenges obtaining the support and life skills necessary to enter and navigate the job market. Over 70% of our youth do not have a high school diploma or GED, and the job market is shrinking for people with no postsecondary education. Further, in 2014 the national GED standards are being raised. While this is a good thing for our country, at the same time it presents an even greater challenge for our young people, many of whom already struggle to pass the current GED. So over the next five years, Larkin Street will take the opportunity to once again lead the way. We will pioneer a new model which both deepens our impact and extends our reach. With our 2012-17 strategic plan we have established bold outcome goals for the youth in our services: Living-wage employment Two years of postsecondary education Safe and stable housing Physical and emotional well-being To support these ambitious outcomes we will be making both wide-ranging as well as nuanced changes to our programs, our people, and our policy work. We will increase our program retention, increase our already strong graduation rates and job placements, strengthen rigor and accountability across the agency, employ better technology, and expand the reach of our policy and advocacy work. It was a busy, thought-provoking, and productive year; and a crucially important one. As you know, Larkin Street Youth Services has a strong legacy of success. For almost 30 years we have built a robust continuum of care to help homeless youth get off the streets. We are a pioneer in this field. There is no other agency in San Francisco – and few nationwide – that offer the same breadth of services with comparable results. Over the past year this success served as the foundation for the intensive planning process that we undertook to develop our new five year strategic plan. We took the time to assess our progress thus far, question our goals, test our mission. We evaluated at length every possible new direction we might want to take; every new program, new geographic area, new approaches to our young people. •• •• What emerged from this comprehensive and challenging effort was the affirmation of our belief in our mission and in the direction we are already headed. We also affirmed that at this time, we must deepen rather than widen our reach. We must, and will, change how we deliver education and employment services, how we match services to youth needs, and how we measure youth progress. Over the next five years we will move youth through our continuum of services as effectively and expeditiously as possible, inspiring the deepest and most lasting change. We will drive youth outcomes higher rather than bringing more youth through our doors. There is, of course, much more detail supporting the Larkin Street Youth Services 2012-17 Strategic Plan, and we invite you to read the executive summary on our website in the About Us: Agency, Mission and History section at www.larkinstreet youth.org. As you review the plan, keep in mind that it reflects broad and comprehensive input from throughout the agency; from the staff, the board, and our youth. This plan is one of the most sweeping and important endeavors we have ever undertaken at Larkin Street. We are looking forward to our next five years with a sense of realistic optimism about the challenges and opportunities that will emerge as we implement it. Looking Back The strength of our 2012-17 strategic plan is that it both reflects and is built upon the good work we have always done. In the last five years alone we have: Increased our housing capacity by 86 beds, with 24 more in the pipeline. Greatly improved our structure of coordinated care; with increased clinical capacity, cross-program communication, and outcomes reporting. Formalized our knowledge leadership activities through publications, training, and the development of a resource library. Strengthened our administrative infrastructure, developing greatly improved processes for such key processes as succession planning and performance evaluations. And we have accomplished all this while serving an average of 3,500 to 4,000 young people each year and contributing over 80% of all funds raised, directly to our programs. Our most outstanding outcome has been and continues to be this: three out of four youth who complete Larkin Street’s comprehensive programs exit street life. This is where all of you, our donors, volunteers, and mentors, enter the picture. It is through the generous contribution of your time, talent, and funding that we have been able to become a nationally recognized provider of services for homeless and runaway youth. Your support for our work has helped thousands of disconnected young people get off the streets and on to a path to achieve their potential. We ask that you stay with us over the next five years as we guide our young people on an even stronger path towards independence. Larkin Street seeks to end homelessness among all youth through advocacy, education, housing and employment. With your support, we can do this. •• • • Warmest regards, Executive Director 1 Chair, Board of Directors Place of Origin California San Francisco Other Bay Area California Non-Bay Area Other States International Other/unknown July 2011– June 2012 Program Statistics and Youth Served Total unduplicated youth served 4,105 Street Outreach contacts 5,043 Youth served at the Drop-In Center 985 Youth served at the Haight Street Referral Center 1,955 Total housing nights 83,360 Emergency housing, youth served 480 Transitional housing, youth served 308 Permanent housing, youth served 26 Youth accessing Hire Up, Education 1,094 Ethnicity African American White/ Caucasian Latino/a Multiracial Asian/ Pacific Islander American Indian Other/Unknown Age 12-17 18-20 21+ and Employment Center Youth employed 188 Average starting wage per hour $11.27 Youth graduated from Job Readiness Class 111 Youth enrolled in afterschool programming 92 Youth participating in GED preparation 180 Youth obtaining a GED 18 Youth enrolled in postsecondary education 114 Youth provided with services from the Medical Clinic 654 Youth that received HIV prevention services 575 Number of art program workshops 845 Gender Male Female Transgender MTF Transgender FTM Other/Unknown Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Gay Bisexual Lesbian Questioning/Other/Unknown 2 57% 48% 23% 29% 23% 11% 9% 34% 25% 17% 11% 4% 2% 7% 7% 36% 57% 60% 33% 3% 1% 3% 68% 11% 11% 3% 7% Patrick Valentino Pauline van Ysendoorn Ines Maloberti Vaniman and Bryan Vaniman Debra and Michael Varner Frances W. Varnhagen William Vastardis John and Mary Viboch Christine Waage Erika Wah Johanna and Michael Wald Sara Walker Peter Walsh and James Fitzpatrick Elaine Warren Robin and Carl Washington Celine Feng Yan Wei David Werdegar, M.D. James Whelan Robert and Karen Wickers Cynthia and Jonathan Wilcox Jack Wilkie Christy Williams Linda and Drew Williams Clare Winterton Heidi Witherell Benjamin Witte Reuben and Doriena Wolff Mark Wong and Keith Phares Paul W. Wong Rachel Wong Kenneth Woods The Honorable Carol Yaggy and Ms. Mary Twomey Clinton Young and Margaret Chen James Young Ingu Yun Ertug and Filiz Yurdutemiz Olena Zaporozhets Laura N. Zhang Lydia Zinn Mary and Harold Zlot Rebecca Zucker LARKIN STREET SOCIETY Anonymous Lewis Byington Marilyn and Bill Campbell William and Mildred Campbell Ray Cutino Nancy and Phil Estes Matt Irwin-Perkins Debbie and Blake Jorgensen Catharine and John Kalin Irv Lichtenwald Gary L. Lomax Marcus Loy Carla Oakley and Kevin McCarthy Rachel Randall-Jones Jeanne M. Sears Victoria Willock, Willock Partners Mary Lou Wilson David B. Zenoff and Janet N. Hunter CORPORATIONS & FOUNDATIONS $100,000 and Greater S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation The National Youth Employment Coalition The Tipping Point Community $25,000 to $99,999 Adobe Foundation The Bank of America Charitable Foundation The John R. Cahill Fund Comerica Bank Crowe Horwath LLP Deloitte & Touche USA LLP The Gap Foundation Genentech Foundation Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation The Mimi and Peter Haas Fund JPMorgan Chase Foundation Levi Strauss Foundation M·A·C AIDS Fund Macy’s Foundation Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation Metta Fund Room & Board Bob A. Ross Foundation George H. Sandy Foundation The Morris Stulsaft Foundation The Nick Traina Foundation Union Bank Wells Fargo Foundation $10,000 to $24,999 Bain & Company, Inc. Bank of America Merrill Lynch BlackRock The California Endowment The Capital Group Companies The Clif Bar Family Foundation Contango Capital Advisors Mary A. Crocker Trust Ernst & Young LLP First Republic Bank Gilead Sciences Google Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund Crescent Porter Hale Foundation Robert Half International Intel Corporation JPMorgan Chase & Company Kaiser Permanente KPMG LLP Macy’s Morgan Stanley Foundation The Morrison & Foerster Foundation PwC Reed Smith LLP Spencer Stuart Target Vodafone Americas Foundation The Webb Family Foundation Williams-Sonoma $5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous (2) Adaptive Planning Align Technology, Inc. AvAirPros Services Barney & Barney The Boris and Vera Bogart Foundation Casey, Quirk & Associates LLC Citi Clif Bar & Company Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc. Foodpro Logistics, LLC William G. Gilmore Foundation GoPro 19 Walter & Elise Haas Fund Heffernan Foundation Jamba Juice Lam Research Corporation Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation Latham & Watkins LLP Leapup Marketing Solutions Lindquist, von Husen & Joyce LLP The Live Oak Fund of the Horizons Foundation McKenna Long & Aldridge Foundation The Joseph R. McMicking Foundation Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management Safeway Foundation State Street Foundation Sutter House Associates, LLC SVB Financial Group Wallis Foundation $1,000 to $4,999 Anonymous The Apothecarium San Francisco Apple Computer Bank of the West BDO USA, LLP BlackRock Matching Gift Program BRIDGE Housing Corporation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Matching Gifts Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP East Bay Jewish Teen Foundation Flora Family Foundation Forward Management Gateway Bank Grosvenor Americas The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation The Hilltop Foundation Hood & Strong LLP Jive Software Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Keesal Young & Logan McKinsey & Company Paragon Real Estate Group Plant Construction Company PRC Clinical Puccini & Pinetti Sameer Narang M. Negri Brad Nemer Michael Neril Michael Neumann Nancy and William Newmeyer, III Erik Noland Erik Nolder Hallie Normington Gloria Northrup Megan Nottingham Robert Nurisso James Oakley Susan T. Obata, M.D. Lauren O’Brien Philip O’Connor Helen C. Oglesby Carol and Dick Olrich Cecily Olson Keith Onodera and Jill Tajima Robert Orban Jordan Ormont Stig Ornvall Eileen O’Rourke Alicia Ortega Angela Osborne John Osborne Laurie and Lance Page Robert Pakter Carolyn and Richard K. Palmer Mary and John Palmer Su Park Margot Parke Richard H. Pascoe Mona Patel Monica Pauli Catherine A. Payne Mark Pederson Mary Anne Pedroni Heather Pelant Nuala Peoples Peter and Jennifer Picetti Dem Pilafian Sara Pirami Jon Podell Juliann Podesta Earl Pogue Lee and Stuart Pollak Joe Pollaro Byron and Teresa Pollitt Michael Poplardo Eli and William Portnoy Robert N. Power Salil Pradhan George Puffett Anderson Pugash Tobin Pugash Laurence C. Quant Michael T. Rafferty Nikhil Raghavan Steven Ramirez Patricia Ramos Jessica A. Ransom Sanjay Rao Marsha Raulston and Marge Boric Nancy and Alan Raznick Melissa Redd Chad Rego Russell Reiff Anna Rembold Stuart Resnick Gregory E. Rice Lila and Neville Rich Janice E. Richards Laura L. Richter Joanna Riley Michael S. Ringler Matt and Katie Roberts Cristina Robinson Emmanuel Romero Jo-Ann M. Rose Gary Rosenberg and Angela Marti James A. Rothschild Steve and Liz Rouman Cynthia Ruiz Anthony H. Sacco, Jr. Farinaz Sahba Keith Salvucci Harriet Sand and Michael Ollod Joshua Sassoon Carol Savio, RN, MS Ken Sawyer Janet and Victor Schachter John and Pam Schaefer Gary Schaumburg Ron Scheldrup Nancy Scherer Erica Schisler Ulrich Schmid-Maybach Else Marie Schmidt Tracy L. Schmidt Hannah Schmunk Rebecca Schneider Leah Schoellkopf Aleatha Scholer Zoe and Stephen Schwartz Edmond Scola Helen A. Scott Drew Sechrist Anna Seeger Jeffrey D. Seid Bruce Seidel Lowell Selvin and Gib Winebar Lew Serbin Lisa L. Sernett Ruth Ann and Lee Seward Mary-Ann and Richard Shafer Scott Shafer Erin Shallat Stefani Shanberg Matt Shaw Ian Shea Michelle A. Sheely Ellen Shehadeh Harrison Sheppard Inna Shnayder Shira and William Shore David and Dianne Simpson Kavita R. Singh Clarisse Siu Dr. Rochelle Slamovich Forrest Slater Karen Frankel Slater Linda G. Slezak Dale Smith Deborah Smith Scott Snow William Snyder Timothy Sofo Harriet and Mitchell Sollod Lauren Sorof 18 Ward Sorrick Jennifer Heyneman Sousae Starr Spangler Robert A. Spoor John and Barbara Squeri Claire Stapleton Dennis C. Stephens Richard Stephens Tricia Stone and Chapin Koch George Strang Kayla Strunk Sara Sullivan Steve Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. John C. Syer Rosalee Szabo Richard Takahashi Christine Tam Heather Tatroff Michal Tavrovsky Kim Taylor Ted and Keri Taylor Kimberly Thier William Thiessen Rosemarie Thomas Kathleen and Paul Thompson Samuel and Julia Thoron Jerry Threet Selina Tobaccowala Ruby and Benjamin Tom Margaret Tourje and Jane Krensky Paul Touw Don Toy Christine Tozzi Huy K. Tran Gerald Trebesch Victoria Treyger Leslie and Michael Trigg Carmel Triska Ann and Herman Trutner Stacy Trzesniewski Ellen Matthews Turiel Jerry Turin Sandra Tye The Uff Family Nicholas M. Ukrainiec Julia Umnov Steve Uphaus Sources of Revenue July 2011 – June 2012 Revenues and Expenses Public Sources Private Contributions Foundation Events REVENUES City, State and Federal 9,213,416 Foundation Grants 1,698,467 Individual & Corporate Contributions 1,691,648 Sources of Revenue Other Contributions 197,646 Public Sources 67% Special Events, Net 939,073 Private Contributions 14% Interest and Investment Income 5,096 Foundation 12% Other Revenue 38,858 Events 7% Total revenue and support 13,784,205 EXPENSES Program Services General & Administrative Fundraising Total expenses CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 67% 14% 12% 7% Allocation of Expenses Programs Administrative Fundraising 86% 8% 6% 12,616,667 1,171,906 898,668 14,687,241 Allocation of Expenses Programs Administrative Fundraising (903,036)* * Larkin Street ended fiscal year 11-12 with a deficit of $903K, after enjoying a surplus of $985K in 10-11. There are several factors that contributed to this including that we are required to record grant revenue when received, even if it is restricted for future purposes. This can inevitably lead to revenue and related expenses being recorded in different periods, thus a surplus in one period and a deficit in another. In addition, we were challenged in 11-12 by funds being more restricted by funders than in past years, resulting in an imperfect alignment of revenue and expenses. In other words, expenses grew in areas core to our service mission that were not matched as well as we would expect with funding trends and interests. We have taken internal steps to prevent future deficits and at the time of the printing of this report expect to end the year with a balanced budget. 33 86% 8% 6% Knowledge Leadership Larkin Street extends impact beyond the youth that we serve within programs through our commitment to knowledge sharing and thought dissemination. The goals are to contribute to the evidence base of service providers to influence best practices in service delivery and to educate policymakers in order to impact the development of sound public policy related to homeless youth. This is achieved through various activities including publications, presentations, training, technical assistance, and advocacy. Conference Presentations Last year Larkin Street presented at 10 professional conferences across the United States. Topics included program models for homeless youth, program evaluation, youth leadership, and youth workforce development. Selected Conferences National Conference on Ending Homelessness: Evidence-Based Practices for Serving Runaway and Homeless Youth Beyond Housing - A National Conversation on Child Homelessness and Poverty: Beyond Barriers - A Harm Reduction Approach to Housing National Association of Workforce Development Professionals Annual Conference: Let’s Work Together - Creative Employment and Workforce Collaborations between Government Programs, Private Industries, and Youth Agencies Taking Action Conference: S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting: Youth Advocacy Power Publications Youth Homelessness in San Francisco: 2011 Report on Incidence and Needs, is an annual publication that provides an overview of the incidence of youth homelessness in San Francisco, the needs of the population, and Larkin Street’s response. Strategies to Prevent Youth Homelessness provides an overview of the root causes of youth homelessness and policy recommendations to prevent youth homelessness. Community Building and Technical Assistance Larkin Street contributed to the development of the youth services field through the provision of 23 trainings to other services providers regarding our integrated model of care for homeless youth, nonprofit management, and organizational development. In addition there were 27 community based presentations on a range of subject areas including developing housing projects for homeless youth, building service coalitions, and the disproportionate representation of LGBTQ youth among the homeless population. Policy and Advocacy Larkin Street representatives participate in various workgroups, committees, and tasks forces to advocate on behalf of homeless youth. These are some of the groups participated in over the last year: California Homeless Youth Project (HYP) Advisory Council San Francisco Transitional Age Youth Executive Directors Network San Francisco Human Services Network Family and Youth Services Bureau Runaway and Homeless Youth Outcomes Working Group Meeting 4 Sara Haber Ms. Andrea Hacker Joyce Hairston Marissa Halbrecht Carlyn Halde Kelly R. Hall Colby Hallen Douglas E. Haller Marian Halley Jack F. Hamilton Anna Hamilton-Manns Judith Hanks Michael Harris and Becca Foster Lori Harrison Daniel N. Hartdegen Arlene Hartsock and John W. Neal, Jr. Eric Harvieux Peter and Cheryl Hauslein Randy J. Heinz Annika Held Ron Heller Barbara and Hugh Hempill James Hendriksen and Terisa Chaw John P. Henry Brad and Elisabeth Henske Jack Herr Kevin Hickey Richard N. Hill and Nancy Lundeen Elaine A. Hilp Suzanne Hingel Megan Hitchner Peter Ho Dan Hodapp and Peggy Da Silva Ashley Hoffmann and K. C. Corkery Susan Hogeland George Holmes Lorraine and Victor Honig Todd Hopkins Carol Shanks House Mary K. Howard Don Howerton Michael Hoy Jordan Hudson Nick Hudson Melissa Hughes Sonja and Edward Huie Ronald A. Hummel Carole Kornblum Bill and Anita Kramer Steve Kramer Jim Kreissman Mark Kroll Belle Krumholz Jeffrey S. Kuhn Nancy and Lory Lacsamana Susan and Charles Lakatos Karen L. Landau Kelly and Kaitlyn Landers Wendy and Dan Langley William and Patricia Langley Amy Lauer Quyen Boi Le Olson and Nancy Lee Niki Leondakis David W. Lerner Alan W. Leung Patrick Leung Carly Levin Robert S. Levy Duncan Ley John Leys Edward F. and Peggy S. Libby Steve Lichtenberg and Betsy S. Aubrey Noah Lichtenstein Stephen and Jaynie Lilley Donna Linden Agneta Lindman Ann Wadsworth Liuzza Carol and Barry Livingston Gina P. Lopez, M.D. Karla Lopez Charles M. Louderback Marcus Lovingood Kaitlin Lurmann Rod MacGregor Sheila Mackay Paul Maestre Madeleine Mahaney Julie Main Lissa Maldonado Susan and Jay Mall William T. Manierre Cheryl Manning John Mao Natalie Hummert Matthew Humphrey Laurie Hunter and Jonathan MacQuitty Patricia Hunter Rich Hurst Crosby Hyde Karen C. Inaba Christopher Inverarity Michael Irschick Dawn and Michael Isaacs Patricia Ito Lucy Jacobs Emily Jarosz Paula Jesson Chelsea Johnson Marta S. Johnson Ragina Johnson Anders Jones Julie A. Jones and Carl Espe Judy and Greg Jorgensen Wilhelm H. Joseph, Jr. Sandy Joung Robin Joy Pamela Jue Sheri Kahn Michael Kaney Brigitte Kanter Beth Katz Evan Kavanagh Mairead Kavanagh Gary Kebbel and Kenneth Mason Kathleen M. Keene Mark Keleher Allison Kelley Daniel Kellmereit Andrea Kendrick Susan Ketcham and Anne Casscells Michael Kieschnick Cynthia Kilroy Alannah Kinser Lynn Kirshbaum Gene Klein Kay Klumb Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Rosette Koch Joanne and Richard Koch Gerald W. Kohr Jennifer Kopec 17 Jean L. Mar Cindy Marin Chris and Bill Marks Anne Mars Susan Martin Kristen Mary Scott Mataya Gregg Mattner George Mauze Alice and Fraser McAlpine Sean E. McBride Mac McClelland and Nancy Crolius John A. McCormick Laura McCrea and Robert Ragucci Elizabeth A. McDonald Derek M. McGreal John and Melissa McIlwain Deena Lynn McKelvey Martha D. McKenna Patrick McKenna James Meenaghan Annette Mello and Marcus Jager Foroozan Memari Emily Metcalf Karen V. Metz Julie Metzger Tahl Milburn Roger Miles Howard J. and Eleanor W. Miller Judith W. and Walter Miller Michael A. Millman Phylis Mills Steve Minkoff Phillip W. Moffitt Osama N. Mogannam David Monks Susan and John Monson Cristina M. Morgan Barbara Morgen John and Adela Mori Dave Morris Mary and Dale Morrison Milton J. Mosk Sarah J. Moss Catherine Munson Robert and Suzanne Murillo Gregory K. Myers Scott Bennion Courtney Bensen Barbara F. Bentley Prof. R. Joseph Berard Raoul Berman Alison M. Berndt Max Bernstein and Karen Robbins Jean L. Bertrand and Anthony B. Leuin John Black Martha J. Black Richard C. Blaska Steven Blumlein and Arlyne Charlip Nadine Boffi Debra Bok Harald Borrmann Richard A. Bosch Madeleine Boshart Rhab Boughn Dione Bowers John and Lisa Boydstun John Boynton Nika Brady Jerome Braun Steven Braunstein Joanne M. Braxton Ellen and Andrew Brengman Leona Bridges Roberta Britting Gregory P. Broome Cabot Brown Owen and Alison Brown Bernice Brunswig Marian Buckhart Peter Bull Diane Burgess and Jonathan Redding Natalie Burigin Sheana W. Butler Andrzej Byczko Lewis Byington Elizabeth S. Bykoff John Calcagni Melissa Callison Jane Calvani Ray Cannon and John Sullivan Aurele and Paul Carlat Amber Carlson Andrew Carpentier Marie Carr Scott Case Mary Rose Cassa Kathryn Cavanaugh Sabrina Cecchini Craig M. Chamberlain Sheree Chambers Patrick Chammas Scott Chapman Marcia Charles-Mo and Douglas Mo John M. Charnon Kay and Robert Cheatham Larry Chiang Maelin and Chau-Chun Chien Avery and Jane Chope Madeline Chun and John Farnkopf Deniz Civay Mike Clark and Arlene Waksberg Amelia Clay Geraldine J. Clifford Valerie Collett George and Jane Collier Cecilia Colombetti Ray and Monica Conrady Matthew Cook Erica Cook-Threat Nancy and Tyler Coon Dan D. Cooper Krista Cosner Michele and Matt Cost Maureen and David Costello John C. Couch Peggy Crawford and Bruce Scharschmidt Gabor Cselle Adam Culley James Cunniff Mariano Curat Katalin Czegledi Rita da Luz Gretta and Rodney D’Acquisto Jacquelyne Damato Lawrence Dan Myles Danielson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dantzler Stephanie and Chris Dauer Barbara Davi Anthony De Natale Joseph DeBlasio Carlin Decato and Ramana Rao Yvette Deen D.A. Defreese Frank DelGrosso Lara C. DellaRocca and James Erwig Diane DeLonzor Burk Delventhal Simone Derayeh Gretchen and Peter Detre Terrence and Heidi Deveau Eric Dew Sharon Dezurick Jan Dickinson William C. Diebel Stephanie DiMarco and Jim Harleen Michael Dobo William Donahoe and M. Kristin Klein Cynthia R. Dorfman Nancy and Jack Doty Josie Drake Benjamin Draper John Drum, Jr. Bruce Dugstad Paul Dunn Nathaniel Durbin Lori Dutcher Kenneth Ebbitt Mark R. Eggleston Diane Ehrensaft, Ph.D. Joseph Ehrman III Aline and Philip Elicagaray Barbara and Roy Endlich Peter and Alison Engel Scott Engelman Joseph and Cheryl Engle David Epstein Carolyn Eriksson Don Eugene Anne Evans Jonathan Falik Catherine Farrell Jim and Catherine Farrell Henry Fee, M.D. Roshan Fernandes Lisa Filler Pam Polite Fisco and Dennis Fisco 16 Betsy and James Flack Conor Flaherty Francoise G. Fleishhacker Vicki and David Fleishhacker Stephen Follansbee and Richard Wolitz Jon Fos Andrew Foster Jason Fournier James Fousekis Susan Fraimow-Wong Laura Frame and Charlie M. Ferguson Robert Freidenberg Janet and Verlan Gabrielson Sally Greer Galway Jennifer Garland Noni Garner Thomas and Nancy Garvey Jennifer Lynn Gee Kathleen Geisse Jerome Geller Michelle A. Gerber Gregg Gerst Douglas Gibson, Jr. John Gilliland and Eric Pfeiffer William Glass Andrea Godbout Howard Gold Constance and Paul Goldsmith Mark and Christine Gonzalves Adrian Gordon Mary L. Gorman Jaclyn Grant Gerard Granucci Doris W. Grau Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Greene Lauren Pressman Greenfield Barbara Gregoratos and Jeffrey Brandstetter Mary and Daniel Gregory Zane Gresham and Carol J. Robinson Neil Griffith Christopher Gross Mark Gudaitis Carmine and Wendy Guerro Marsha and Ralph Guggenheim Robin Guido Haydar Haba Community Involvement Volunteers As a community-based nonprofit organization, Larkin Street Youth Services depends upon the support and input of the community for its success. Volunteerism is a vital part of that support. Whether they are cooking meals, tutoring, sorting donations or helping us to beautify a space for our youth, volunteers are an integral part of everything that happens at Larkin Street. The energy, creativity, time, and passion they bring supplements Larkin Street’s ability to provide high-quality comprehensive services for our youth, and we are truly grateful for this support. July 2011– June 2012 Volunteer Support Program Volunteers Holiday Volunteers Group Volunteers 85 107 760 Total Volunteers Total Volunteer Hours 814 19,540 Community and Corporate Volunteer Groups We thank the following companies and groups for their time and dedication: Academy of Art University Adobe Systems, Inc. Alexander Group American Montessori Society American University Aperian Global Bain and Company Banana Republic Burrill & Co. CBS Interactive Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Current TV Deloitte & Touche USA LLP Demand Force Gap, Inc. Genentech GlaskoSmithKline Vaccines Google GSC Logistics JPMorgan Chase & Company Levi Strauss & Co. LinkedIn Pottery Barn PwC Room and Board Salesforce San Francisco State, Alpha Phi Omega SF Reality Triage Consulting University of North Carolina USF MBA program Wilson West Wix 5 Team Larkin Street On behalf of Larkin Street and the youth, thank you and congratulations to the Team Larkin Street members: Running and Fundraising Team July 29, 2012 San Francisco Half Marathon Kate Black Larkin Street and coach Marathon Matt kicked off the sixth year of the Team Larkin Street running and fundraising program. Eight community members and Larkin Street staff conquered 13.1 miles in the San Francisco Half Marathon and raised $16,000. Alexandra Holton On behalf of Larkin Street and the youth, thank you and congratulations to the Team Larkin Street members: Janell Tryon Laura Lammers Martha Mar Irene Morrison Benjamin Nelsen Ines Vaniman The San Francisco Social Benefiting Larkin Street Youth Services November 10, 2012 The Fairmont Hotel On November 10, 2012 the San Francisco Social hosted their 7th annual fundraising gala, which this year benefitted Larkin Street Youth Services. The gala; with dancing, libations, and a silent auction, attracted a crowd of over 500 young and hip party-goers who are passionate about giving. Together they raised over $75,000, and will be spending this coming year participating in awareness efforts on behalf of Larkin Street. 6 Cornelia Foster Lauren and Mark French Sorelle A. Friedler Abe and Jennifer Friedman Kathe and Dan Friel Jessie Gertz Hydeh Ghaffari Odette M. Go Kevin R. Gogin and Daniel McPherson Mark Goldstein Stephen B. Goldstein Mark J. Gooder Hilary Gordon and Michael Blumlein Kathleen Gorman Kay Sprinkel Grace Robert and Susan Green Richard and Lorrie Greene Todd Greenhalgh Ann Goggins Gregory Irma M. Grieve Richard Grotch and Erika Pardo Leslie R. Guggenheim James W. Haas Brian Hadaway Katherine Dehart Hale William D. Hardie Brian D. Hardwick Greg Hargrove Dorothy Harkavy Laura Heffron Kara Helander Paul Hendry Dana Hermansen Alan Herzig Stephen J. Hohenrieder John N. Honchariw Heather R. Hopfer Douglas Horngrad Frank W. Horst Lisa Horton George H. and Leslie P. Hume Callum Hutchins Robert Ishii Christopher Isidro Charlene Janzen Mike Jenkins Victoria and Tim Johns Jay and Claire Johnston Eileen and Ken Jones Erica Jordan Mary Jung Catharine and John Kalin Stacy R. Kamin Lisa and David Kaplan Niranjan Karnik Stephen Kaus and Melissa Havilan Elizabeth W. King Jeremy Koch Nina Ladow Michael D. Lampen Gina Larkin Meghan LaTorre David Lewis Rhoda Longhenry Mario Lopez Janet Luck and Stephen Kealhofer Hon Luu Siesel and Howard Maibach Susan and Philip Marineau John L. Martin Caroline Matthews Kristen McCulloch Kirk McKenzie Kevin McLean Martin McMahon Justin McSharry Christopher Meehan and Mary Ann Koory Adam Melenkivitz John and Betsy Mell Jane Miller John D. Mitchell Sara Morradian Laurence and Jennifer Morgan Susan Moy William L. Nagle Naomi Nakashima, M.D. Mary Nicholson Brad and Judy O’Brien Daniel O’Rielly and Margaret Metz William and Caroline Orrick Jonah Papesh Edward and Judith Parken Margot Parker and Joel Spolin Don Pender 15 Kim Perdikou Richard A. Petit Jeri Pierson Julia Popowitz Susan Porter William Primozic Douglas Rayner Terry Rolleri Kyle Roslyn and Mat Mullen Michael and Doris Rudolph Jeff Ryan Patrick Ryan Gregory J. Ryken Lois Sangster Andrea and Richard Scheve Charles Seaman Stacy L. Shamberger George W. Shardlow Judy and Wylie Sheldon Kasi Sheridan In Memory of Skye Silverman 1972-2002 Kelly and Edward Simpson Praveen Sinha Mark Smallwood and Taffy Everts Mary and Will Spence Chinar and Ryan Starck Sara Steingart Jack Stephenson Jan Woodward Stevenson Margaret A. Stevenson Rob Stoeckmann Michele and Richard Stratton Jaap Suermondt Gary Sullivan and Timothy Lynn Teresa J. Thomas Christopher Tilley Karl G. Trass Dyann Tresenfeld Ted van der Linden John Vogel and Anthony Berno Lucy Wang Michelle C. Wells Lynn and Peter Wendell Sara and Ross Wilson Terri Winnie Christopher Wood Stacey Wueste Jay-Dee Yu-Cote Lisa Zimmerman $100 to $249 Anonymous (31) Sy Aal Daniel S. Abrams Dori Acampora Barbara J. Ageno Harley K. Aguillon Matthew C. Alber Alexandria J. Albers J. S. Allegretti Lina Alvarez Keith R. Alward, Ph.D. Jody and Karl Amrhein Carl Anderson John Anderson Lee Anderson Margot Antonetty Karly Aparicio Jenny Appel Nicole and Fred Aron Mitchell Ashley Edward Atkinson Christine Aylward Victoria Bailey Stan and Mary Baker Colleen Bal Peter and Noriko Balint Richard and Mary Barber Gary Barg and Ross Jackson Ryan Barnes William Barnes Heather Barondess and Jesse Byler Pamela and Douglas Barry Cheryl Barth and Tom McCurdie Kirsten Bartok Jerome Barulich Oguz Basarir and Peggy Duvette Neill Bassi Neal Battersby Jeffrey Beall James Beckemeyer Jeanine Becker Janet M. Beegan Joyce and Joseph Behar Elon Ginzburg Karen J. Goelz Jonathan and Linda Gologorsky Kent Grubaugh Jennifer and Gary Guerrero Douglas Hanlin Larry Alan Hashbarger Libby and Craig Heimark Jim and Pam Henry Carolyn and Chip Herman Dr. Charles J. Homcy Charitable Foundation James M. Illig and Larry Dotz Dorothy and C. Bradford Jeffries Debbie Jelilian Mrs. Katharine H. Johnson Tim Jones and Fred Lessley Karen Jones-Mason and Daniel Mason Dan Joraanstad Faith in the Future of Horizons Foundation Fazal Kaka Peggy and Edmund Kavounas Kurt Keadle Katherine E. Kelly Kathryn and Richard Kimball Nancy Kivelson and Tom Angstadt Brian Kliment Raymonde and Doug Kramlich Karen Ku Cheryl La Franchi Robert Landsness Stacey Lawrence Maribelle and Stephen Leavitt, through the Simcha Foundation Joan and Evan Lewis Whitney Lewis and Brian Golson Darin C. Little Karen Long Bill and Susanne Losch Susan Lowenberg and Joyce Newstat Michael MacBryde Lydia and Van Maroevich Linda Martin and Ruth Allen Maira Martinez Nestor Matthews and Brent West Alison and Michael Mauze Patricia A. McCaffrey Sarah Sparks James E. Spear Diane and Chris Spirandelli Thomas and Giselle Sponholtz Jeanne Stovroff Jennifer Sudbury Daniel F. Sullivan Barbara and Sandy Tatum Scott E. and Carol L. Taylor John F. Thistleton Laurie Thomas David and Diane Thompson Michele K. Trausch and Michael Slaughter Michelle Unruh Suzanne and Gene Valla Jerome and Mary Vascellaro Eryk Vershen Rich Weingart Steve Weissman and Laura Mahanes Charles B. Wilson and Frances Petrocelli Mary Lou Wilson Steve Wissing Alex Witherill William Wynn Wong Ingrid Woods and Steve Cummings Brian Wyszynski David Bruce Young T.G. Zimmerman John and Margaret McCracken Ellen McLean and Anthony Imhof, III Kathryn K. McNeil Carolee and Terrence Mech Barbara J. Meislin Teri DeRouchey Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Tony Milburn Mindful Assets Paul R. Mohun and Courtney C. Mohun Steve Morris Morgan and Allen Morton Tim Murray Lisa Nahmanson and Sandra Steele Ira Naik Jeff Nanney Richard D. Nelson Dennis Olivas Will and Julie Parish James C. Park David Parker Catherine Parkin and Moe Mitchell Kara and John Parsons Christopher H. Pederson Brynn and Galen Pewtherer Duane E. Phillips John and Amanda Pomeroy Randy and Cynthia Pond Paula B. Pretlow Edward Randolph Lawrence A. Reh Alisha Render Rocket Fund for Equality of the Horizons Foundation Abigayle Rosser George W. and Kate M. Rowe Fund Kathleen Ryan Bob Ryker Sandeep Sandhu Steven Scarpa Nathalie and William Schmicker Abby and Gene Schnair Aaron C. Schwartz Stephanie Shields Barbara Shipley and Paul Lamoreaux Rich Shrieve and Yvonne Don Robert M. Smith Allison Sparks $250 to $499 Anonymous (7) Zachary Adams Douglas P. Allen Chris Armstrong and Lou Dangles The Employees of AT&T Services, Inc. Steve Athanases Judy Austin Darryl Babbitt Sheila Baisley Andrew and Kathy Barish Kerry Barrett Marie Bartie Alvin H. Baum, Jr. Ann Bauman George E. Becker, M.D. Margaret McDonough Becker Bruce Bell 14 Gerry B. Belling Carolyn Betts Alan Billingsley John Biscevic Richard and Rita Bohling Dale Boutiette Rena Bransten Mark and Mary Brody Van Bui Michael A. Bulawit Eleanor and Bernard Burke Curtis Burr and Lisa Moscaret-Burr John and Patricia Cahill Meghan Callinan Claudia Campbell Christopher and Kathleen Carpou Larry and Juana Carter Steven Cary CB Fund Judy P. Chan Ilene Chau Petra Chequer Margaret Cimino Callie Coburn Susan Colman and Jonathan Blanding Jennifer Colosi Elizabeth L. Colton Craig Copeland Jeane Da Silva Don Daves-Rougeaux Mary Liz De Jong David and Jennifer DeGraaff Greg and Michele DeRosa Gregg Dillenbeck and Jamie Shauvin Lee Dixon Tom Drews John Lemoyne Ellicott Dorothy M. Evans The Evind Family of San Francisco Scott Faber Mansoor and Annette Farmanfarmaian Peter Farmer Roland and Lois Feller Sarah Ferris Craige P. Flater and Gregory P. Brorby Cynthia and Bill Floyd Gail Foland Larkin Street Golf Tournament September 10, 2012 Lake Merced Golf Club The 3rd Annual Larkin Street Golf Tournament was a huge success raising nearly $45,000 for Larkin Street. Thank you City National Bank, Title Sponsor, and all sponsors and golfers for their participation. 2012 JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge Benefiting Larkin Street Youth Services September 12, 2012 Larkin Street ran in the 28th running of the JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge along with a sold-out crowd of 10,000 participants, all running 3.5 miles to benefit Larkin Street Youth Services. 7 Paving the Way March 8, 2012 The Four Seasons The 10th annual Paving the Way kicked off our 28th year at the Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco. Hosted by special guests, former San Francisco 49ers Harris Barton and Ronnie Lott, the event was attended by over 350 community leaders and Larkin Street supporters and raised a record $650,000 to support Larkin Street. “Our theme for Paving the Way 2012, On a Path to Independence, speaks to our commitment to our youth – to get them off the streets of San Francisco and give them a path to a positive future,” said Phil Estes, former Larkin Street Board Chair. Thank you to all of our sponsors, supporters and guests. 8 Linda Frey Ellen A. Friedman Kimberly Fullerton and Stephen Johnson Harold and Sheldon Furst Endowment Fund Gay Chemists Support Fund of Horizons Foundation Ernest and Judith Getto Michael Ginther and Jim O’Donnell Daniel F. Goodman, M.D. Jordan Graham Mike Gupta Blake Hallanan and William Doyle Michael and Julie Hennessey Tom Holland and Sandra Carroll Winnifred and Bruce Homer-Smith The Honorable James Hormel The Horton Family Foundation Jane and Herman Howerton Kimberley Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Isbell Sarah Jaffe Kelly A. Johnson Pete Johnson Dan, Rosemary, David, Dan and Deborah Kaplan Jonathan and Marci Kaplan Thomas R. Kearney David M. Kelly Noel Kidd Kurt King David L. Kirp Carole and Henry Klyce Stephen Koch and Kathryn Nyrop Michael S. Kwun and Sigrid Anderson-Kwun David LaHorgue Ross LaJeunesse Debbie and Chris Lammers Joq Lambda Lasner Fund of Horizons Foundation Ann Laurenson Jean-Yves Lendormy Chris M. Long and Pamela Dieckman Ronnie and Karen Lott Connie and Bob Lurie Norma Foster Maddy Charlotte and George Shultz John Simpson Scott G. Smith Jeffrey Sosnaud and Jean Curran, M.D. Gary Stolzoff and Suzi Alexander Robert Suehiro Mark P. Swift Blake and Beth Thompson Lance Thomson Karen Trilevsky Terence H. Tsai Tuchman Training Systems Kathy Valiasek Edward J. Vicedo Adrienne Q. Walker Lynn Webb James Weir Weisman Foundation Scott W. Whitman Douglas and Jane Wolf, Wolf Family Fund Linda Wood and Dave Sutton Cynthia Yueng Arthur and Charlotte Zitrin Foundation Lisa W. Maibach and John K. Yamaguchi Steven Martel and Tim Aliviado Susan and Steven Masters James McBride Rebecca McCray Kate and Andy Mecca Paulette Meyer and David Friedman Michael D. Miller and Ronald Eastman Nancy Milliken, M.D. Erik Moe Peter Muscat Amanda L. Nelson Robert Newbold Stuart and Darcie Newton Konstantinos Nicolacakis David Nied David J. Nygren, Ph.D. Susan and William Oberndorf Michelle Pampin Travis and Lisa Pearson Cara Peck Sonya and James Peters Patty and Michael Phleger Perry Piazza Philip D. Pitchford Christina Polischuk Brian M. Powers Karen Quint Adam Reilly Hope and Milton Righetti Barbara and Richard Rosenberg Richard H. Rosenbloom Michele and John Ruskin John Sanger Francis and Karen Scarpulla Amy L. Schioldager Rachel and Matt Scholl Pamela and John Sebastian Beatrix Lazard Seidenberg and Michael Seidenberg Mahla Shaghafi Margaret Sheehan Gerard Sheridan The Sher-Right Fund Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Sherwin Michelle and James Shorin Kelley Showen $500 to $999 Anonymous (8) Paul and Laura Ackerman Paul S. Almy Angela Alvarado Jonathan Arnowitz Cliff Atkinson Eva Auchincloss Sandra Bagnatori Neil R. Balius Nick Bell Ms. Cassandra Benjamin Nina and Michael Berg Danielle Bersen JoAnn and Jack Bertges Philip Berton Matthew D. Birder Mark and Lisa Brandin George Brandt and Maureen Blanc Randy Breault Patricia Breuer Linda J. Brodzik Sharon and Bob Burke 13 G. Steven and Kelli Burrill Ron and Sydney Bushman Laurie Cameron Conrad J. Camit Tina Caratan, CPA Dave Carniglia and Mary Claire Baker Jonathan Carpenter Antonio Casabat John F. Casey Matt Casey Mr. Leslie Chard and Ms. Tanda Neundorf Martin S. Checov and Timothy J. Bause Tammy Cheng Francois Christen Dan Clifford and Linda Shih Bonnie Cohen Ken Coit Michael W. Connolly Blaire and Bob Cooter Juliane Cruz Colleen Curry Erin and Richard Darwin Timothy G. Davenport Thomas L. Davis Jessica Denecour Frances A. Dillingham Employees of eBay Annie Ellicott Donald and Arian Ellis Pat English and Vicki Ono Stephen Etter and Anne Schreiner Robin Evitts Sarah Flanagan Deborah and Keith Flye Ben Fort and Katie Zack Raymond Fort, Jr. Jeffrey Fraenkel and Alan Mark, Fraenkel Gallery Shirley and Roy Francies, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Frankel Bina Galal Michelle Gall Jeff Garelick Stanlee Gatti Alison F. Geballe Barbara and Ronald M. George Karin Gesster July 2011 – June 2012 DONORS INDIVIDUAL GIVING $100,000 and Greater Anonymous The Estate of John Douimbia Tim and Beth Emanuels $25,000 to $99,999 Anonymous The Grossman Family Charitable Fund Julie B. Harkins Hopper-Dean Foundation William W. Jahnke The Estate of Michael O’Callaghan Helen Steyer John Whiting and Karon Stirling $10,000 to $24,999 Sherilyn Adams and Elaine Teoh Barbara and Gerson Bakar Harris Barton Chris and Jennifer Brahm Marilyn and Bill Campbell Barbara Cannella Bruce Colman Jay Cuetara Charles A. DeMarzo Trust Charlie and Leslie Dicke Mark and Michelle Edmunds Dana and Bob Emery Nancy and Phil Estes Art and Barbara Fatum Marcia and John Goldman Linda and Jon Gruber Nina Hatvany and Jonathan Kitchen Hoenigman Family Foundation Honey and Peter Johnson Debbie and Blake Jorgensen Kevin Kachuck Mary Lester John and Kimberley Martinez Sharon and Craig McCollam Carla Oakley and Kevin McCarthy Greg Pelling and Julie McLaughlin Mary M. Prchal Doug Beeferman Eve Bernstein and Alex Gersznowicz Judith Binsacca Jeff Chartrand Eric T. and Maria G. Clothier The Connolly Family Rodrigo Dillon Jeffrey C. Freedman and Marie C. Boylan Kristina Gavello Susan and Sidney Goodwill John D. Green Lisa and Scott Halsted Alyssa and Jonathan Harris Edward G. Harrison Thomas C. Hays and Mary Ann Hays Family Foundation Barbara Hébert Adam H. Holt and Susanna Giles Holt Michael Hope Patricia A. Hughes Susan E. Hunter Paul A. Kaschube Christina and John Keker Linda Kim Kathie and Dexter Lowry Milt and Cindy McColl Kim Miller Loretta and Mark Mullins Ross Pasquale Mark G. Petersen Anne and Martin Roher Elizabeth R. Shafer Dina and Scott Smith Mary and Calvin Tilden Christine A. Tsingos Gary P. Van Dyk Jeanine Walters Markus Watson, D.D.S. Debra Wetherby Fund Charles J. Wibbelsman, M.D. Wendy Will Jeanne and Mike Williams John Windle and Chris Loker David B. Zenoff and Janet N. Hunter William Snider and Brian Cameron Wardell-Smith Family Fund Lisa and Greg Wendt Allison Wysocki $5,000 to $9,999 Judith Avery Richard C. Barker Burt and Barbara Foundation Ruth M. Collins Fund James Corbett The Crown Family Mary Lou Dorking Anita and George Feiger Dianne Feinstein and Richard Blum Guy and Lia Haskin Fernald Michelle and Bob Friend Alicia and Philip Hammarskjold Kelly Hawk and Brian Kusler Anne Hoecker Gloria Hoppe Gerald and Keiko Horkan Emily and Steve Janowsky Teke and Elizabeth Kelley Terry and Suzan Kramer Barry McCarthy Leslie and Mac McQuown JaMel and Tom Perkins Family Foundation Fund Laura Powell and Chuck Byce Scott and Michelle Richards Rodan Family Philanthropic Fund of The Jewish Community Foundation Philip Schlein The Scorpio Rising Fund Milt and Judy Seropan Roselyne C. Swig Elizabeth Levy Ward and Richard Ward Carla Washington Victoria Willock, Willock Partners Diane B. Wilsey Peggy and Lee Zeigler $2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous (3) Myrtle L. Atkinson Foundation Nancy and Joachim Bechtle $1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous (6) 12 Arthur Albrecht, Esq. Angelo Aloisio Thorsten Anderson Barger Family Fund Peter Bausch and Joyce Holland Keith Belling Ann Brennan Bosche Barbara and John Boyle Ann and Ray Brown Karen and Anton Bruehl Terry M. and Patricia F. Buckley Joanna Bueche and Timothy Pueyo Pete Bullard and Andrew Ogus James and Kristin Burns John Busby Rick and Heather Callister Gerald Campos Jim Canales and Jim McCann Christine Carolan and Dave Janiszewski Steve Castle George Cogan and Fannie Allen Susan and Peter Colby Tyler Comann Edward and Nancy Conner Dana Corvin and Harris Weinberg Carson Cox and Deborah Haase Tom and Jennifer Cunningham Silvia Damen Charmaine C. Detweiler Grace and James Dignan Patricia Swig Dinner Chris Dupuy Lee and Melissa Dutra Carolyn Duvall Lawrence Dyer and Linda Killiam-Dyer Pam Earing and Jeffrey Thomas Liz Ecke Jean and Richard Eckert Susan L. Egan Fred Emanuels Francis and Noriko Enderle Renay and Michael Fanelli June Farmer and Soul Htite Astrid and Jim Flood Ronald and Barbara Francies Carol L. Francis Katherine Fraser and Steve Larson The 7th Annual Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards May 30, 2012 The Westin St. Francis The 7th Annual Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards celebrated the Lifetime Achievement honoree and CFO of the Year finalists and winners. A sold-out crowd of over 550 local business leaders attended the event that raised $450,000 in support Larkin Street. A special thank you to the 2012 Title Sponsors, Comerica Bank and Deloitte. Congratulations to the winners of the 2012 Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards. Winner, Hall of Fame, Lifetime Achievement Award Sharon McCollam, Retired Director, EVP, CFO, COO, Williams-Sonoma, Inc. Winners of the 2012 Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards: Public Company with revenues above $500MM Sydney Carey, TIBCO Software, Inc. Public Company with revenues up to $500MM Kenneth Arola, Align Technology, Inc. Non-Public Company Brian Mayhew, Metropolitan Transportation Commission Emerging Company Kurt Amundson, GoPro Transformation Agent Douglas Bettinger, Avago Technologies Non-Profit Organization D. Kemp Valentine, BRIDGE Housing Corporation Friends of Larkin Street 2nd Annual Gala April 15, 2012 The Fairmont Hotel Friends of Larkin Street, a group of aspiring young philanthropists, hosted its 2nd Annual Gala raising nearly $65,000 to benefit Larkin Street. Attended by over 300 high profile young professionals and Larkin Street supporters, the event boasted a silent auction followed by a live performance by popular 80’s cover band Notorious. 9 Ways to Get Involved Give Make a donation/ host a donation drive or event. Make a corporate matching gift donation. Make an in-kind donation . Include us in your planned giving and memorial gifts. Give a gift of stock. Donate now online: www.larkinstreetyouth.org/donate Attend Attend or sponsor a Larkin Street event. Paving the Way Gala March 8, 2013 www.pavingthewaygala.com Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards June 5, 2013 www.cfoawards.org Larkin Street Golf Tournament September 16, 2013 Learn Volunteer Visit the events page for a full list of events at: www.larkinstreetyouth.org/events 10 For a few hours a month to a few hours every week Reach out to youth on the streets. Help support our Holiday programs for youth. Assist youth in one of our Larkin Street programs. Share your professional talents. Lead the charge on a gift or clothing drive. Help solicit in-kind or auction donations for events. Attend the next orientation: www.larkinstreetyouth.org/volunteer/ Email: volunteer@larkinstreetyouth.org Call: (415) 673.9011 ext. 221 Take a tour, attend a youth graduation or come to a breakfast with our Executive Director to learn more about how we are serving youth and to see our programs in action. Take a Tour – at any time Celebrate at a Youth Graduation – monthly Attend a Breakfast with the Executive Director – quarterly Enjoy or host a Wine & Cheese Reception – throughout the year Email: klowry@larkinstreetyouth.org Call: (415) 673.0911 ext. 301 11 Ways to Get Involved Give Make a donation/ host a donation drive or event. Make a corporate matching gift donation. Make an in-kind donation . Include us in your planned giving and memorial gifts. Give a gift of stock. Donate now online: www.larkinstreetyouth.org/donate Attend Attend or sponsor a Larkin Street event. Paving the Way Gala March 8, 2013 www.pavingthewaygala.com Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards June 5, 2013 www.cfoawards.org Larkin Street Golf Tournament September 16, 2013 Learn Volunteer Visit the events page for a full list of events at: www.larkinstreetyouth.org/events 10 For a few hours a month to a few hours every week Reach out to youth on the streets. Help support our Holiday programs for youth. Assist youth in one of our Larkin Street programs. Share your professional talents. Lead the charge on a gift or clothing drive. Help solicit in-kind or auction donations for events. Attend the next orientation: www.larkinstreetyouth.org/volunteer/ Email: volunteer@larkinstreetyouth.org Call: (415) 673.9011 ext. 221 Take a tour, attend a youth graduation or come to a breakfast with our Executive Director to learn more about how we are serving youth and to see our programs in action. Take a Tour – at any time Celebrate at a Youth Graduation – monthly Attend a Breakfast with the Executive Director – quarterly Enjoy or host a Wine & Cheese Reception – throughout the year Email: klowry@larkinstreetyouth.org Call: (415) 673.0911 ext. 301 11 July 2011 – June 2012 DONORS INDIVIDUAL GIVING $100,000 and Greater Anonymous The Estate of John Douimbia Tim and Beth Emanuels $25,000 to $99,999 Anonymous The Grossman Family Charitable Fund Julie B. Harkins Hopper-Dean Foundation William W. Jahnke The Estate of Michael O’Callaghan Helen Steyer John Whiting and Karon Stirling $10,000 to $24,999 Sherilyn Adams and Elaine Teoh Barbara and Gerson Bakar Harris Barton Chris and Jennifer Brahm Marilyn and Bill Campbell Barbara Cannella Bruce Colman Jay Cuetara Charles A. DeMarzo Trust Charlie and Leslie Dicke Mark and Michelle Edmunds Dana and Bob Emery Nancy and Phil Estes Art and Barbara Fatum Marcia and John Goldman Linda and Jon Gruber Nina Hatvany and Jonathan Kitchen Hoenigman Family Foundation Honey and Peter Johnson Debbie and Blake Jorgensen Kevin Kachuck Mary Lester John and Kimberley Martinez Sharon and Craig McCollam Carla Oakley and Kevin McCarthy Greg Pelling and Julie McLaughlin Mary M. Prchal Doug Beeferman Eve Bernstein and Alex Gersznowicz Judith Binsacca Jeff Chartrand Eric T. and Maria G. Clothier The Connolly Family Rodrigo Dillon Jeffrey C. Freedman and Marie C. Boylan Kristina Gavello Susan and Sidney Goodwill John D. Green Lisa and Scott Halsted Alyssa and Jonathan Harris Edward G. Harrison Thomas C. Hays and Mary Ann Hays Family Foundation Barbara Hébert Adam H. Holt and Susanna Giles Holt Michael Hope Patricia A. Hughes Susan E. Hunter Paul A. Kaschube Christina and John Keker Linda Kim Kathie and Dexter Lowry Milt and Cindy McColl Kim Miller Loretta and Mark Mullins Ross Pasquale Mark G. Petersen Anne and Martin Roher Elizabeth R. Shafer Dina and Scott Smith Mary and Calvin Tilden Christine A. Tsingos Gary P. Van Dyk Jeanine Walters Markus Watson, D.D.S. Debra Wetherby Fund Charles J. Wibbelsman, M.D. Wendy Will Jeanne and Mike Williams John Windle and Chris Loker David B. Zenoff and Janet N. Hunter William Snider and Brian Cameron Wardell-Smith Family Fund Lisa and Greg Wendt Allison Wysocki $5,000 to $9,999 Judith Avery Richard C. Barker Burt and Barbara Foundation Ruth M. Collins Fund James Corbett The Crown Family Mary Lou Dorking Anita and George Feiger Dianne Feinstein and Richard Blum Guy and Lia Haskin Fernald Michelle and Bob Friend Alicia and Philip Hammarskjold Kelly Hawk and Brian Kusler Anne Hoecker Gloria Hoppe Gerald and Keiko Horkan Emily and Steve Janowsky Teke and Elizabeth Kelley Terry and Suzan Kramer Barry McCarthy Leslie and Mac McQuown JaMel and Tom Perkins Family Foundation Fund Laura Powell and Chuck Byce Scott and Michelle Richards Rodan Family Philanthropic Fund of The Jewish Community Foundation Philip Schlein The Scorpio Rising Fund Milt and Judy Seropan Roselyne C. Swig Elizabeth Levy Ward and Richard Ward Carla Washington Victoria Willock, Willock Partners Diane B. Wilsey Peggy and Lee Zeigler $2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous (3) Myrtle L. Atkinson Foundation Nancy and Joachim Bechtle $1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous (6) 12 Arthur Albrecht, Esq. Angelo Aloisio Thorsten Anderson Barger Family Fund Peter Bausch and Joyce Holland Keith Belling Ann Brennan Bosche Barbara and John Boyle Ann and Ray Brown Karen and Anton Bruehl Terry M. and Patricia F. Buckley Joanna Bueche and Timothy Pueyo Pete Bullard and Andrew Ogus James and Kristin Burns John Busby Rick and Heather Callister Gerald Campos Jim Canales and Jim McCann Christine Carolan and Dave Janiszewski Steve Castle George Cogan and Fannie Allen Susan and Peter Colby Tyler Comann Edward and Nancy Conner Dana Corvin and Harris Weinberg Carson Cox and Deborah Haase Tom and Jennifer Cunningham Silvia Damen Charmaine C. Detweiler Grace and James Dignan Patricia Swig Dinner Chris Dupuy Lee and Melissa Dutra Carolyn Duvall Lawrence Dyer and Linda Killiam-Dyer Pam Earing and Jeffrey Thomas Liz Ecke Jean and Richard Eckert Susan L. Egan Fred Emanuels Francis and Noriko Enderle Renay and Michael Fanelli June Farmer and Soul Htite Astrid and Jim Flood Ronald and Barbara Francies Carol L. Francis Katherine Fraser and Steve Larson The 7th Annual Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards May 30, 2012 The Westin St. Francis The 7th Annual Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards celebrated the Lifetime Achievement honoree and CFO of the Year finalists and winners. A sold-out crowd of over 550 local business leaders attended the event that raised $450,000 in support Larkin Street. A special thank you to the 2012 Title Sponsors, Comerica Bank and Deloitte. Congratulations to the winners of the 2012 Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards. Winner, Hall of Fame, Lifetime Achievement Award Sharon McCollam, Retired Director, EVP, CFO, COO, Williams-Sonoma, Inc. Winners of the 2012 Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards: Public Company with revenues above $500MM Sydney Carey, TIBCO Software, Inc. Public Company with revenues up to $500MM Kenneth Arola, Align Technology, Inc. Non-Public Company Brian Mayhew, Metropolitan Transportation Commission Emerging Company Kurt Amundson, GoPro Transformation Agent Douglas Bettinger, Avago Technologies Non-Profit Organization D. Kemp Valentine, BRIDGE Housing Corporation Friends of Larkin Street 2nd Annual Gala April 15, 2012 The Fairmont Hotel Friends of Larkin Street, a group of aspiring young philanthropists, hosted its 2nd Annual Gala raising nearly $65,000 to benefit Larkin Street. Attended by over 300 high profile young professionals and Larkin Street supporters, the event boasted a silent auction followed by a live performance by popular 80’s cover band Notorious. 9 Paving the Way March 8, 2012 The Four Seasons The 10th annual Paving the Way kicked off our 28th year at the Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco. Hosted by special guests, former San Francisco 49ers Harris Barton and Ronnie Lott, the event was attended by over 350 community leaders and Larkin Street supporters and raised a record $650,000 to support Larkin Street. “Our theme for Paving the Way 2012, On a Path to Independence, speaks to our commitment to our youth – to get them off the streets of San Francisco and give them a path to a positive future,” said Phil Estes, former Larkin Street Board Chair. Thank you to all of our sponsors, supporters and guests. 8 Linda Frey Ellen A. Friedman Kimberly Fullerton and Stephen Johnson Harold and Sheldon Furst Endowment Fund Gay Chemists Support Fund of Horizons Foundation Ernest and Judith Getto Michael Ginther and Jim O’Donnell Daniel F. Goodman, M.D. Jordan Graham Mike Gupta Blake Hallanan and William Doyle Michael and Julie Hennessey Tom Holland and Sandra Carroll Winnifred and Bruce Homer-Smith The Honorable James Hormel The Horton Family Foundation Jane and Herman Howerton Kimberley Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Isbell Sarah Jaffe Kelly A. Johnson Pete Johnson Dan, Rosemary, David, Dan and Deborah Kaplan Jonathan and Marci Kaplan Thomas R. Kearney David M. Kelly Noel Kidd Kurt King David L. Kirp Carole and Henry Klyce Stephen Koch and Kathryn Nyrop Michael S. Kwun and Sigrid Anderson-Kwun David LaHorgue Ross LaJeunesse Debbie and Chris Lammers Joq Lambda Lasner Fund of Horizons Foundation Ann Laurenson Jean-Yves Lendormy Chris M. Long and Pamela Dieckman Ronnie and Karen Lott Connie and Bob Lurie Norma Foster Maddy Charlotte and George Shultz John Simpson Scott G. Smith Jeffrey Sosnaud and Jean Curran, M.D. Gary Stolzoff and Suzi Alexander Robert Suehiro Mark P. Swift Blake and Beth Thompson Lance Thomson Karen Trilevsky Terence H. Tsai Tuchman Training Systems Kathy Valiasek Edward J. Vicedo Adrienne Q. Walker Lynn Webb James Weir Weisman Foundation Scott W. Whitman Douglas and Jane Wolf, Wolf Family Fund Linda Wood and Dave Sutton Cynthia Yueng Arthur and Charlotte Zitrin Foundation Lisa W. Maibach and John K. Yamaguchi Steven Martel and Tim Aliviado Susan and Steven Masters James McBride Rebecca McCray Kate and Andy Mecca Paulette Meyer and David Friedman Michael D. Miller and Ronald Eastman Nancy Milliken, M.D. Erik Moe Peter Muscat Amanda L. Nelson Robert Newbold Stuart and Darcie Newton Konstantinos Nicolacakis David Nied David J. Nygren, Ph.D. Susan and William Oberndorf Michelle Pampin Travis and Lisa Pearson Cara Peck Sonya and James Peters Patty and Michael Phleger Perry Piazza Philip D. Pitchford Christina Polischuk Brian M. Powers Karen Quint Adam Reilly Hope and Milton Righetti Barbara and Richard Rosenberg Richard H. Rosenbloom Michele and John Ruskin John Sanger Francis and Karen Scarpulla Amy L. Schioldager Rachel and Matt Scholl Pamela and John Sebastian Beatrix Lazard Seidenberg and Michael Seidenberg Mahla Shaghafi Margaret Sheehan Gerard Sheridan The Sher-Right Fund Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Sherwin Michelle and James Shorin Kelley Showen $500 to $999 Anonymous (8) Paul and Laura Ackerman Paul S. Almy Angela Alvarado Jonathan Arnowitz Cliff Atkinson Eva Auchincloss Sandra Bagnatori Neil R. Balius Nick Bell Ms. Cassandra Benjamin Nina and Michael Berg Danielle Bersen JoAnn and Jack Bertges Philip Berton Matthew D. Birder Mark and Lisa Brandin George Brandt and Maureen Blanc Randy Breault Patricia Breuer Linda J. Brodzik Sharon and Bob Burke 13 G. Steven and Kelli Burrill Ron and Sydney Bushman Laurie Cameron Conrad J. Camit Tina Caratan, CPA Dave Carniglia and Mary Claire Baker Jonathan Carpenter Antonio Casabat John F. Casey Matt Casey Mr. Leslie Chard and Ms. Tanda Neundorf Martin S. Checov and Timothy J. Bause Tammy Cheng Francois Christen Dan Clifford and Linda Shih Bonnie Cohen Ken Coit Michael W. Connolly Blaire and Bob Cooter Juliane Cruz Colleen Curry Erin and Richard Darwin Timothy G. Davenport Thomas L. Davis Jessica Denecour Frances A. Dillingham Employees of eBay Annie Ellicott Donald and Arian Ellis Pat English and Vicki Ono Stephen Etter and Anne Schreiner Robin Evitts Sarah Flanagan Deborah and Keith Flye Ben Fort and Katie Zack Raymond Fort, Jr. Jeffrey Fraenkel and Alan Mark, Fraenkel Gallery Shirley and Roy Francies, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Frankel Bina Galal Michelle Gall Jeff Garelick Stanlee Gatti Alison F. Geballe Barbara and Ronald M. George Karin Gesster Elon Ginzburg Karen J. Goelz Jonathan and Linda Gologorsky Kent Grubaugh Jennifer and Gary Guerrero Douglas Hanlin Larry Alan Hashbarger Libby and Craig Heimark Jim and Pam Henry Carolyn and Chip Herman Dr. Charles J. Homcy Charitable Foundation James M. Illig and Larry Dotz Dorothy and C. Bradford Jeffries Debbie Jelilian Mrs. Katharine H. Johnson Tim Jones and Fred Lessley Karen Jones-Mason and Daniel Mason Dan Joraanstad Faith in the Future of Horizons Foundation Fazal Kaka Peggy and Edmund Kavounas Kurt Keadle Katherine E. Kelly Kathryn and Richard Kimball Nancy Kivelson and Tom Angstadt Brian Kliment Raymonde and Doug Kramlich Karen Ku Cheryl La Franchi Robert Landsness Stacey Lawrence Maribelle and Stephen Leavitt, through the Simcha Foundation Joan and Evan Lewis Whitney Lewis and Brian Golson Darin C. Little Karen Long Bill and Susanne Losch Susan Lowenberg and Joyce Newstat Michael MacBryde Lydia and Van Maroevich Linda Martin and Ruth Allen Maira Martinez Nestor Matthews and Brent West Alison and Michael Mauze Patricia A. McCaffrey Sarah Sparks James E. Spear Diane and Chris Spirandelli Thomas and Giselle Sponholtz Jeanne Stovroff Jennifer Sudbury Daniel F. Sullivan Barbara and Sandy Tatum Scott E. and Carol L. Taylor John F. Thistleton Laurie Thomas David and Diane Thompson Michele K. Trausch and Michael Slaughter Michelle Unruh Suzanne and Gene Valla Jerome and Mary Vascellaro Eryk Vershen Rich Weingart Steve Weissman and Laura Mahanes Charles B. Wilson and Frances Petrocelli Mary Lou Wilson Steve Wissing Alex Witherill William Wynn Wong Ingrid Woods and Steve Cummings Brian Wyszynski David Bruce Young T.G. Zimmerman John and Margaret McCracken Ellen McLean and Anthony Imhof, III Kathryn K. McNeil Carolee and Terrence Mech Barbara J. Meislin Teri DeRouchey Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Tony Milburn Mindful Assets Paul R. Mohun and Courtney C. Mohun Steve Morris Morgan and Allen Morton Tim Murray Lisa Nahmanson and Sandra Steele Ira Naik Jeff Nanney Richard D. Nelson Dennis Olivas Will and Julie Parish James C. Park David Parker Catherine Parkin and Moe Mitchell Kara and John Parsons Christopher H. Pederson Brynn and Galen Pewtherer Duane E. Phillips John and Amanda Pomeroy Randy and Cynthia Pond Paula B. Pretlow Edward Randolph Lawrence A. Reh Alisha Render Rocket Fund for Equality of the Horizons Foundation Abigayle Rosser George W. and Kate M. Rowe Fund Kathleen Ryan Bob Ryker Sandeep Sandhu Steven Scarpa Nathalie and William Schmicker Abby and Gene Schnair Aaron C. Schwartz Stephanie Shields Barbara Shipley and Paul Lamoreaux Rich Shrieve and Yvonne Don Robert M. Smith Allison Sparks $250 to $499 Anonymous (7) Zachary Adams Douglas P. Allen Chris Armstrong and Lou Dangles The Employees of AT&T Services, Inc. Steve Athanases Judy Austin Darryl Babbitt Sheila Baisley Andrew and Kathy Barish Kerry Barrett Marie Bartie Alvin H. Baum, Jr. Ann Bauman George E. Becker, M.D. Margaret McDonough Becker Bruce Bell 14 Gerry B. Belling Carolyn Betts Alan Billingsley John Biscevic Richard and Rita Bohling Dale Boutiette Rena Bransten Mark and Mary Brody Van Bui Michael A. Bulawit Eleanor and Bernard Burke Curtis Burr and Lisa Moscaret-Burr John and Patricia Cahill Meghan Callinan Claudia Campbell Christopher and Kathleen Carpou Larry and Juana Carter Steven Cary CB Fund Judy P. Chan Ilene Chau Petra Chequer Margaret Cimino Callie Coburn Susan Colman and Jonathan Blanding Jennifer Colosi Elizabeth L. Colton Craig Copeland Jeane Da Silva Don Daves-Rougeaux Mary Liz De Jong David and Jennifer DeGraaff Greg and Michele DeRosa Gregg Dillenbeck and Jamie Shauvin Lee Dixon Tom Drews John Lemoyne Ellicott Dorothy M. Evans The Evind Family of San Francisco Scott Faber Mansoor and Annette Farmanfarmaian Peter Farmer Roland and Lois Feller Sarah Ferris Craige P. Flater and Gregory P. Brorby Cynthia and Bill Floyd Gail Foland Larkin Street Golf Tournament September 10, 2012 Lake Merced Golf Club The 3rd Annual Larkin Street Golf Tournament was a huge success raising nearly $45,000 for Larkin Street. Thank you City National Bank, Title Sponsor, and all sponsors and golfers for their participation. 2012 JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge Benefiting Larkin Street Youth Services September 12, 2012 Larkin Street ran in the 28th running of the JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge along with a sold-out crowd of 10,000 participants, all running 3.5 miles to benefit Larkin Street Youth Services. 7 Team Larkin Street On behalf of Larkin Street and the youth, thank you and congratulations to the Team Larkin Street members: Running and Fundraising Team July 29, 2012 San Francisco Half Marathon Kate Black Larkin Street and coach Marathon Matt kicked off the sixth year of the Team Larkin Street running and fundraising program. Eight community members and Larkin Street staff conquered 13.1 miles in the San Francisco Half Marathon and raised $16,000. Alexandra Holton On behalf of Larkin Street and the youth, thank you and congratulations to the Team Larkin Street members: Janell Tryon Laura Lammers Martha Mar Irene Morrison Benjamin Nelsen Ines Vaniman The San Francisco Social Benefiting Larkin Street Youth Services November 10, 2012 The Fairmont Hotel On November 10, 2012 the San Francisco Social hosted their 7th annual fundraising gala, which this year benefitted Larkin Street Youth Services. The gala; with dancing, libations, and a silent auction, attracted a crowd of over 500 young and hip party-goers who are passionate about giving. Together they raised over $75,000, and will be spending this coming year participating in awareness efforts on behalf of Larkin Street. 6 Cornelia Foster Lauren and Mark French Sorelle A. Friedler Abe and Jennifer Friedman Kathe and Dan Friel Jessie Gertz Hydeh Ghaffari Odette M. Go Kevin R. Gogin and Daniel McPherson Mark Goldstein Stephen B. Goldstein Mark J. Gooder Hilary Gordon and Michael Blumlein Kathleen Gorman Kay Sprinkel Grace Robert and Susan Green Richard and Lorrie Greene Todd Greenhalgh Ann Goggins Gregory Irma M. Grieve Richard Grotch and Erika Pardo Leslie R. Guggenheim James W. Haas Brian Hadaway Katherine Dehart Hale William D. Hardie Brian D. Hardwick Greg Hargrove Dorothy Harkavy Laura Heffron Kara Helander Paul Hendry Dana Hermansen Alan Herzig Stephen J. Hohenrieder John N. Honchariw Heather R. Hopfer Douglas Horngrad Frank W. Horst Lisa Horton George H. and Leslie P. Hume Callum Hutchins Robert Ishii Christopher Isidro Charlene Janzen Mike Jenkins Victoria and Tim Johns Jay and Claire Johnston Eileen and Ken Jones Erica Jordan Mary Jung Catharine and John Kalin Stacy R. Kamin Lisa and David Kaplan Niranjan Karnik Stephen Kaus and Melissa Havilan Elizabeth W. King Jeremy Koch Nina Ladow Michael D. Lampen Gina Larkin Meghan LaTorre David Lewis Rhoda Longhenry Mario Lopez Janet Luck and Stephen Kealhofer Hon Luu Siesel and Howard Maibach Susan and Philip Marineau John L. Martin Caroline Matthews Kristen McCulloch Kirk McKenzie Kevin McLean Martin McMahon Justin McSharry Christopher Meehan and Mary Ann Koory Adam Melenkivitz John and Betsy Mell Jane Miller John D. Mitchell Sara Morradian Laurence and Jennifer Morgan Susan Moy William L. Nagle Naomi Nakashima, M.D. Mary Nicholson Brad and Judy O’Brien Daniel O’Rielly and Margaret Metz William and Caroline Orrick Jonah Papesh Edward and Judith Parken Margot Parker and Joel Spolin Don Pender 15 Kim Perdikou Richard A. Petit Jeri Pierson Julia Popowitz Susan Porter William Primozic Douglas Rayner Terry Rolleri Kyle Roslyn and Mat Mullen Michael and Doris Rudolph Jeff Ryan Patrick Ryan Gregory J. Ryken Lois Sangster Andrea and Richard Scheve Charles Seaman Stacy L. Shamberger George W. Shardlow Judy and Wylie Sheldon Kasi Sheridan In Memory of Skye Silverman 1972-2002 Kelly and Edward Simpson Praveen Sinha Mark Smallwood and Taffy Everts Mary and Will Spence Chinar and Ryan Starck Sara Steingart Jack Stephenson Jan Woodward Stevenson Margaret A. Stevenson Rob Stoeckmann Michele and Richard Stratton Jaap Suermondt Gary Sullivan and Timothy Lynn Teresa J. Thomas Christopher Tilley Karl G. Trass Dyann Tresenfeld Ted van der Linden John Vogel and Anthony Berno Lucy Wang Michelle C. Wells Lynn and Peter Wendell Sara and Ross Wilson Terri Winnie Christopher Wood Stacey Wueste Jay-Dee Yu-Cote Lisa Zimmerman $100 to $249 Anonymous (31) Sy Aal Daniel S. Abrams Dori Acampora Barbara J. Ageno Harley K. Aguillon Matthew C. Alber Alexandria J. Albers J. S. Allegretti Lina Alvarez Keith R. Alward, Ph.D. Jody and Karl Amrhein Carl Anderson John Anderson Lee Anderson Margot Antonetty Karly Aparicio Jenny Appel Nicole and Fred Aron Mitchell Ashley Edward Atkinson Christine Aylward Victoria Bailey Stan and Mary Baker Colleen Bal Peter and Noriko Balint Richard and Mary Barber Gary Barg and Ross Jackson Ryan Barnes William Barnes Heather Barondess and Jesse Byler Pamela and Douglas Barry Cheryl Barth and Tom McCurdie Kirsten Bartok Jerome Barulich Oguz Basarir and Peggy Duvette Neill Bassi Neal Battersby Jeffrey Beall James Beckemeyer Jeanine Becker Janet M. Beegan Joyce and Joseph Behar Scott Bennion Courtney Bensen Barbara F. Bentley Prof. R. Joseph Berard Raoul Berman Alison M. Berndt Max Bernstein and Karen Robbins Jean L. Bertrand and Anthony B. Leuin John Black Martha J. Black Richard C. Blaska Steven Blumlein and Arlyne Charlip Nadine Boffi Debra Bok Harald Borrmann Richard A. Bosch Madeleine Boshart Rhab Boughn Dione Bowers John and Lisa Boydstun John Boynton Nika Brady Jerome Braun Steven Braunstein Joanne M. Braxton Ellen and Andrew Brengman Leona Bridges Roberta Britting Gregory P. Broome Cabot Brown Owen and Alison Brown Bernice Brunswig Marian Buckhart Peter Bull Diane Burgess and Jonathan Redding Natalie Burigin Sheana W. Butler Andrzej Byczko Lewis Byington Elizabeth S. Bykoff John Calcagni Melissa Callison Jane Calvani Ray Cannon and John Sullivan Aurele and Paul Carlat Amber Carlson Andrew Carpentier Marie Carr Scott Case Mary Rose Cassa Kathryn Cavanaugh Sabrina Cecchini Craig M. Chamberlain Sheree Chambers Patrick Chammas Scott Chapman Marcia Charles-Mo and Douglas Mo John M. Charnon Kay and Robert Cheatham Larry Chiang Maelin and Chau-Chun Chien Avery and Jane Chope Madeline Chun and John Farnkopf Deniz Civay Mike Clark and Arlene Waksberg Amelia Clay Geraldine J. Clifford Valerie Collett George and Jane Collier Cecilia Colombetti Ray and Monica Conrady Matthew Cook Erica Cook-Threat Nancy and Tyler Coon Dan D. Cooper Krista Cosner Michele and Matt Cost Maureen and David Costello John C. Couch Peggy Crawford and Bruce Scharschmidt Gabor Cselle Adam Culley James Cunniff Mariano Curat Katalin Czegledi Rita da Luz Gretta and Rodney D’Acquisto Jacquelyne Damato Lawrence Dan Myles Danielson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dantzler Stephanie and Chris Dauer Barbara Davi Anthony De Natale Joseph DeBlasio Carlin Decato and Ramana Rao Yvette Deen D.A. Defreese Frank DelGrosso Lara C. DellaRocca and James Erwig Diane DeLonzor Burk Delventhal Simone Derayeh Gretchen and Peter Detre Terrence and Heidi Deveau Eric Dew Sharon Dezurick Jan Dickinson William C. Diebel Stephanie DiMarco and Jim Harleen Michael Dobo William Donahoe and M. Kristin Klein Cynthia R. Dorfman Nancy and Jack Doty Josie Drake Benjamin Draper John Drum, Jr. Bruce Dugstad Paul Dunn Nathaniel Durbin Lori Dutcher Kenneth Ebbitt Mark R. Eggleston Diane Ehrensaft, Ph.D. Joseph Ehrman III Aline and Philip Elicagaray Barbara and Roy Endlich Peter and Alison Engel Scott Engelman Joseph and Cheryl Engle David Epstein Carolyn Eriksson Don Eugene Anne Evans Jonathan Falik Catherine Farrell Jim and Catherine Farrell Henry Fee, M.D. Roshan Fernandes Lisa Filler Pam Polite Fisco and Dennis Fisco 16 Betsy and James Flack Conor Flaherty Francoise G. Fleishhacker Vicki and David Fleishhacker Stephen Follansbee and Richard Wolitz Jon Fos Andrew Foster Jason Fournier James Fousekis Susan Fraimow-Wong Laura Frame and Charlie M. Ferguson Robert Freidenberg Janet and Verlan Gabrielson Sally Greer Galway Jennifer Garland Noni Garner Thomas and Nancy Garvey Jennifer Lynn Gee Kathleen Geisse Jerome Geller Michelle A. Gerber Gregg Gerst Douglas Gibson, Jr. John Gilliland and Eric Pfeiffer William Glass Andrea Godbout Howard Gold Constance and Paul Goldsmith Mark and Christine Gonzalves Adrian Gordon Mary L. Gorman Jaclyn Grant Gerard Granucci Doris W. Grau Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Greene Lauren Pressman Greenfield Barbara Gregoratos and Jeffrey Brandstetter Mary and Daniel Gregory Zane Gresham and Carol J. Robinson Neil Griffith Christopher Gross Mark Gudaitis Carmine and Wendy Guerro Marsha and Ralph Guggenheim Robin Guido Haydar Haba Community Involvement Volunteers As a community-based nonprofit organization, Larkin Street Youth Services depends upon the support and input of the community for its success. Volunteerism is a vital part of that support. Whether they are cooking meals, tutoring, sorting donations or helping us to beautify a space for our youth, volunteers are an integral part of everything that happens at Larkin Street. The energy, creativity, time, and passion they bring supplements Larkin Street’s ability to provide high-quality comprehensive services for our youth, and we are truly grateful for this support. July 2011– June 2012 Volunteer Support Program Volunteers Holiday Volunteers Group Volunteers 85 107 760 Total Volunteers Total Volunteer Hours 814 19,540 Community and Corporate Volunteer Groups We thank the following companies and groups for their time and dedication: Academy of Art University Adobe Systems, Inc. Alexander Group American Montessori Society American University Aperian Global Bain and Company Banana Republic Burrill & Co. CBS Interactive Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Current TV Deloitte & Touche USA LLP Demand Force Gap, Inc. Genentech GlaskoSmithKline Vaccines Google GSC Logistics JPMorgan Chase & Company Levi Strauss & Co. LinkedIn Pottery Barn PwC Room and Board Salesforce San Francisco State, Alpha Phi Omega SF Reality Triage Consulting University of North Carolina USF MBA program Wilson West Wix 5 Knowledge Leadership Larkin Street extends impact beyond the youth that we serve within programs through our commitment to knowledge sharing and thought dissemination. The goals are to contribute to the evidence base of service providers to influence best practices in service delivery and to educate policymakers in order to impact the development of sound public policy related to homeless youth. This is achieved through various activities including publications, presentations, training, technical assistance, and advocacy. Conference Presentations Last year Larkin Street presented at 10 professional conferences across the United States. Topics included program models for homeless youth, program evaluation, youth leadership, and youth workforce development. Selected Conferences National Conference on Ending Homelessness: Evidence-Based Practices for Serving Runaway and Homeless Youth Beyond Housing - A National Conversation on Child Homelessness and Poverty: Beyond Barriers - A Harm Reduction Approach to Housing National Association of Workforce Development Professionals Annual Conference: Let’s Work Together - Creative Employment and Workforce Collaborations between Government Programs, Private Industries, and Youth Agencies Taking Action Conference: S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting: Youth Advocacy Power Publications Youth Homelessness in San Francisco: 2011 Report on Incidence and Needs, is an annual publication that provides an overview of the incidence of youth homelessness in San Francisco, the needs of the population, and Larkin Street’s response. Strategies to Prevent Youth Homelessness provides an overview of the root causes of youth homelessness and policy recommendations to prevent youth homelessness. Community Building and Technical Assistance Larkin Street contributed to the development of the youth services field through the provision of 23 trainings to other services providers regarding our integrated model of care for homeless youth, nonprofit management, and organizational development. In addition there were 27 community based presentations on a range of subject areas including developing housing projects for homeless youth, building service coalitions, and the disproportionate representation of LGBTQ youth among the homeless population. Policy and Advocacy Larkin Street representatives participate in various workgroups, committees, and tasks forces to advocate on behalf of homeless youth. These are some of the groups participated in over the last year: California Homeless Youth Project (HYP) Advisory Council San Francisco Transitional Age Youth Executive Directors Network San Francisco Human Services Network Family and Youth Services Bureau Runaway and Homeless Youth Outcomes Working Group Meeting 4 Sara Haber Ms. Andrea Hacker Joyce Hairston Marissa Halbrecht Carlyn Halde Kelly R. Hall Colby Hallen Douglas E. Haller Marian Halley Jack F. Hamilton Anna Hamilton-Manns Judith Hanks Michael Harris and Becca Foster Lori Harrison Daniel N. Hartdegen Arlene Hartsock and John W. Neal, Jr. Eric Harvieux Peter and Cheryl Hauslein Randy J. Heinz Annika Held Ron Heller Barbara and Hugh Hempill James Hendriksen and Terisa Chaw John P. Henry Brad and Elisabeth Henske Jack Herr Kevin Hickey Richard N. Hill and Nancy Lundeen Elaine A. Hilp Suzanne Hingel Megan Hitchner Peter Ho Dan Hodapp and Peggy Da Silva Ashley Hoffmann and K. C. Corkery Susan Hogeland George Holmes Lorraine and Victor Honig Todd Hopkins Carol Shanks House Mary K. Howard Don Howerton Michael Hoy Jordan Hudson Nick Hudson Melissa Hughes Sonja and Edward Huie Ronald A. Hummel Carole Kornblum Bill and Anita Kramer Steve Kramer Jim Kreissman Mark Kroll Belle Krumholz Jeffrey S. Kuhn Nancy and Lory Lacsamana Susan and Charles Lakatos Karen L. Landau Kelly and Kaitlyn Landers Wendy and Dan Langley William and Patricia Langley Amy Lauer Quyen Boi Le Olson and Nancy Lee Niki Leondakis David W. Lerner Alan W. Leung Patrick Leung Carly Levin Robert S. Levy Duncan Ley John Leys Edward F. and Peggy S. Libby Steve Lichtenberg and Betsy S. Aubrey Noah Lichtenstein Stephen and Jaynie Lilley Donna Linden Agneta Lindman Ann Wadsworth Liuzza Carol and Barry Livingston Gina P. Lopez, M.D. Karla Lopez Charles M. Louderback Marcus Lovingood Kaitlin Lurmann Rod MacGregor Sheila Mackay Paul Maestre Madeleine Mahaney Julie Main Lissa Maldonado Susan and Jay Mall William T. Manierre Cheryl Manning John Mao Natalie Hummert Matthew Humphrey Laurie Hunter and Jonathan MacQuitty Patricia Hunter Rich Hurst Crosby Hyde Karen C. Inaba Christopher Inverarity Michael Irschick Dawn and Michael Isaacs Patricia Ito Lucy Jacobs Emily Jarosz Paula Jesson Chelsea Johnson Marta S. Johnson Ragina Johnson Anders Jones Julie A. Jones and Carl Espe Judy and Greg Jorgensen Wilhelm H. Joseph, Jr. Sandy Joung Robin Joy Pamela Jue Sheri Kahn Michael Kaney Brigitte Kanter Beth Katz Evan Kavanagh Mairead Kavanagh Gary Kebbel and Kenneth Mason Kathleen M. Keene Mark Keleher Allison Kelley Daniel Kellmereit Andrea Kendrick Susan Ketcham and Anne Casscells Michael Kieschnick Cynthia Kilroy Alannah Kinser Lynn Kirshbaum Gene Klein Kay Klumb Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Rosette Koch Joanne and Richard Koch Gerald W. Kohr Jennifer Kopec 17 Jean L. Mar Cindy Marin Chris and Bill Marks Anne Mars Susan Martin Kristen Mary Scott Mataya Gregg Mattner George Mauze Alice and Fraser McAlpine Sean E. McBride Mac McClelland and Nancy Crolius John A. McCormick Laura McCrea and Robert Ragucci Elizabeth A. McDonald Derek M. McGreal John and Melissa McIlwain Deena Lynn McKelvey Martha D. McKenna Patrick McKenna James Meenaghan Annette Mello and Marcus Jager Foroozan Memari Emily Metcalf Karen V. Metz Julie Metzger Tahl Milburn Roger Miles Howard J. and Eleanor W. Miller Judith W. and Walter Miller Michael A. Millman Phylis Mills Steve Minkoff Phillip W. Moffitt Osama N. Mogannam David Monks Susan and John Monson Cristina M. Morgan Barbara Morgen John and Adela Mori Dave Morris Mary and Dale Morrison Milton J. Mosk Sarah J. Moss Catherine Munson Robert and Suzanne Murillo Gregory K. Myers Sameer Narang M. Negri Brad Nemer Michael Neril Michael Neumann Nancy and William Newmeyer, III Erik Noland Erik Nolder Hallie Normington Gloria Northrup Megan Nottingham Robert Nurisso James Oakley Susan T. Obata, M.D. Lauren O’Brien Philip O’Connor Helen C. Oglesby Carol and Dick Olrich Cecily Olson Keith Onodera and Jill Tajima Robert Orban Jordan Ormont Stig Ornvall Eileen O’Rourke Alicia Ortega Angela Osborne John Osborne Laurie and Lance Page Robert Pakter Carolyn and Richard K. Palmer Mary and John Palmer Su Park Margot Parke Richard H. Pascoe Mona Patel Monica Pauli Catherine A. Payne Mark Pederson Mary Anne Pedroni Heather Pelant Nuala Peoples Peter and Jennifer Picetti Dem Pilafian Sara Pirami Jon Podell Juliann Podesta Earl Pogue Lee and Stuart Pollak Joe Pollaro Byron and Teresa Pollitt Michael Poplardo Eli and William Portnoy Robert N. Power Salil Pradhan George Puffett Anderson Pugash Tobin Pugash Laurence C. Quant Michael T. Rafferty Nikhil Raghavan Steven Ramirez Patricia Ramos Jessica A. Ransom Sanjay Rao Marsha Raulston and Marge Boric Nancy and Alan Raznick Melissa Redd Chad Rego Russell Reiff Anna Rembold Stuart Resnick Gregory E. Rice Lila and Neville Rich Janice E. Richards Laura L. Richter Joanna Riley Michael S. Ringler Matt and Katie Roberts Cristina Robinson Emmanuel Romero Jo-Ann M. Rose Gary Rosenberg and Angela Marti James A. Rothschild Steve and Liz Rouman Cynthia Ruiz Anthony H. Sacco, Jr. Farinaz Sahba Keith Salvucci Harriet Sand and Michael Ollod Joshua Sassoon Carol Savio, RN, MS Ken Sawyer Janet and Victor Schachter John and Pam Schaefer Gary Schaumburg Ron Scheldrup Nancy Scherer Erica Schisler Ulrich Schmid-Maybach Else Marie Schmidt Tracy L. Schmidt Hannah Schmunk Rebecca Schneider Leah Schoellkopf Aleatha Scholer Zoe and Stephen Schwartz Edmond Scola Helen A. Scott Drew Sechrist Anna Seeger Jeffrey D. Seid Bruce Seidel Lowell Selvin and Gib Winebar Lew Serbin Lisa L. Sernett Ruth Ann and Lee Seward Mary-Ann and Richard Shafer Scott Shafer Erin Shallat Stefani Shanberg Matt Shaw Ian Shea Michelle A. Sheely Ellen Shehadeh Harrison Sheppard Inna Shnayder Shira and William Shore David and Dianne Simpson Kavita R. Singh Clarisse Siu Dr. Rochelle Slamovich Forrest Slater Karen Frankel Slater Linda G. Slezak Dale Smith Deborah Smith Scott Snow William Snyder Timothy Sofo Harriet and Mitchell Sollod Lauren Sorof 18 Ward Sorrick Jennifer Heyneman Sousae Starr Spangler Robert A. Spoor John and Barbara Squeri Claire Stapleton Dennis C. Stephens Richard Stephens Tricia Stone and Chapin Koch George Strang Kayla Strunk Sara Sullivan Steve Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. John C. Syer Rosalee Szabo Richard Takahashi Christine Tam Heather Tatroff Michal Tavrovsky Kim Taylor Ted and Keri Taylor Kimberly Thier William Thiessen Rosemarie Thomas Kathleen and Paul Thompson Samuel and Julia Thoron Jerry Threet Selina Tobaccowala Ruby and Benjamin Tom Margaret Tourje and Jane Krensky Paul Touw Don Toy Christine Tozzi Huy K. Tran Gerald Trebesch Victoria Treyger Leslie and Michael Trigg Carmel Triska Ann and Herman Trutner Stacy Trzesniewski Ellen Matthews Turiel Jerry Turin Sandra Tye The Uff Family Nicholas M. Ukrainiec Julia Umnov Steve Uphaus Sources of Revenue July 2011 – June 2012 Revenues and Expenses Public Sources Private Contributions Foundation Events REVENUES City, State and Federal 9,213,416 Foundation Grants 1,698,467 Individual & Corporate Contributions 1,691,648 Sources of Revenue Other Contributions 197,646 Public Sources 67% Special Events, Net 939,073 Private Contributions 14% Interest and Investment Income 5,096 Foundation 12% Other Revenue 38,858 Events 7% Total revenue and support 13,784,205 EXPENSES Program Services General & Administrative Fundraising Total expenses CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 67% 14% 12% 7% Allocation of Expenses Programs Administrative Fundraising 86% 8% 6% 12,616,667 1,171,906 898,668 14,687,241 Allocation of Expenses Programs Administrative Fundraising (903,036)* * Larkin Street ended fiscal year 11-12 with a deficit of $903K, after enjoying a surplus of $985K in 10-11. There are several factors that contributed to this including that we are required to record grant revenue when received, even if it is restricted for future purposes. This can inevitably lead to revenue and related expenses being recorded in different periods, thus a surplus in one period and a deficit in another. In addition, we were challenged in 11-12 by funds being more restricted by funders than in past years, resulting in an imperfect alignment of revenue and expenses. In other words, expenses grew in areas core to our service mission that were not matched as well as we would expect with funding trends and interests. We have taken internal steps to prevent future deficits and at the time of the printing of this report expect to end the year with a balanced budget. 33 86% 8% 6% Place of Origin California San Francisco Other Bay Area California Non-Bay Area Other States International Other/unknown July 2011– June 2012 Program Statistics and Youth Served Total unduplicated youth served 4,105 Street Outreach contacts 5,043 Youth served at the Drop-In Center 985 Youth served at the Haight Street Referral Center 1,955 Total housing nights 83,360 Emergency housing, youth served 480 Transitional housing, youth served 308 Permanent housing, youth served 26 Youth accessing Hire Up, Education 1,094 Ethnicity African American White/ Caucasian Latino/a Multiracial Asian/ Pacific Islander American Indian Other/Unknown Age 12-17 18-20 21+ and Employment Center Youth employed 188 Average starting wage per hour $11.27 Youth graduated from Job Readiness Class 111 Youth enrolled in afterschool programming 92 Youth participating in GED preparation 180 Youth obtaining a GED 18 Youth enrolled in postsecondary education 114 Youth provided with services from the Medical Clinic 654 Youth that received HIV prevention services 575 Number of art program workshops 845 Gender Male Female Transgender MTF Transgender FTM Other/Unknown Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Gay Bisexual Lesbian Questioning/Other/Unknown 2 57% 48% 23% 29% 23% 11% 9% 34% 25% 17% 11% 4% 2% 7% 7% 36% 57% 60% 33% 3% 1% 3% 68% 11% 11% 3% 7% Patrick Valentino Pauline van Ysendoorn Ines Maloberti Vaniman and Bryan Vaniman Debra and Michael Varner Frances W. Varnhagen William Vastardis John and Mary Viboch Christine Waage Erika Wah Johanna and Michael Wald Sara Walker Peter Walsh and James Fitzpatrick Elaine Warren Robin and Carl Washington Celine Feng Yan Wei David Werdegar, M.D. James Whelan Robert and Karen Wickers Cynthia and Jonathan Wilcox Jack Wilkie Christy Williams Linda and Drew Williams Clare Winterton Heidi Witherell Benjamin Witte Reuben and Doriena Wolff Mark Wong and Keith Phares Paul W. Wong Rachel Wong Kenneth Woods The Honorable Carol Yaggy and Ms. Mary Twomey Clinton Young and Margaret Chen James Young Ingu Yun Ertug and Filiz Yurdutemiz Olena Zaporozhets Laura N. Zhang Lydia Zinn Mary and Harold Zlot Rebecca Zucker LARKIN STREET SOCIETY Anonymous Lewis Byington Marilyn and Bill Campbell William and Mildred Campbell Ray Cutino Nancy and Phil Estes Matt Irwin-Perkins Debbie and Blake Jorgensen Catharine and John Kalin Irv Lichtenwald Gary L. Lomax Marcus Loy Carla Oakley and Kevin McCarthy Rachel Randall-Jones Jeanne M. Sears Victoria Willock, Willock Partners Mary Lou Wilson David B. Zenoff and Janet N. Hunter CORPORATIONS & FOUNDATIONS $100,000 and Greater S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation The National Youth Employment Coalition The Tipping Point Community $25,000 to $99,999 Adobe Foundation The Bank of America Charitable Foundation The John R. Cahill Fund Comerica Bank Crowe Horwath LLP Deloitte & Touche USA LLP The Gap Foundation Genentech Foundation Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation The Mimi and Peter Haas Fund JPMorgan Chase Foundation Levi Strauss Foundation M·A·C AIDS Fund Macy’s Foundation Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation Metta Fund Room & Board Bob A. Ross Foundation George H. Sandy Foundation The Morris Stulsaft Foundation The Nick Traina Foundation Union Bank Wells Fargo Foundation $10,000 to $24,999 Bain & Company, Inc. Bank of America Merrill Lynch BlackRock The California Endowment The Capital Group Companies The Clif Bar Family Foundation Contango Capital Advisors Mary A. Crocker Trust Ernst & Young LLP First Republic Bank Gilead Sciences Google Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund Crescent Porter Hale Foundation Robert Half International Intel Corporation JPMorgan Chase & Company Kaiser Permanente KPMG LLP Macy’s Morgan Stanley Foundation The Morrison & Foerster Foundation PwC Reed Smith LLP Spencer Stuart Target Vodafone Americas Foundation The Webb Family Foundation Williams-Sonoma $5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous (2) Adaptive Planning Align Technology, Inc. AvAirPros Services Barney & Barney The Boris and Vera Bogart Foundation Casey, Quirk & Associates LLC Citi Clif Bar & Company Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc. Foodpro Logistics, LLC William G. Gilmore Foundation GoPro 19 Walter & Elise Haas Fund Heffernan Foundation Jamba Juice Lam Research Corporation Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation Latham & Watkins LLP Leapup Marketing Solutions Lindquist, von Husen & Joyce LLP The Live Oak Fund of the Horizons Foundation McKenna Long & Aldridge Foundation The Joseph R. McMicking Foundation Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management Safeway Foundation State Street Foundation Sutter House Associates, LLC SVB Financial Group Wallis Foundation $1,000 to $4,999 Anonymous The Apothecarium San Francisco Apple Computer Bank of the West BDO USA, LLP BlackRock Matching Gift Program BRIDGE Housing Corporation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Matching Gifts Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP East Bay Jewish Teen Foundation Flora Family Foundation Forward Management Gateway Bank Grosvenor Americas The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation The Hilltop Foundation Hood & Strong LLP Jive Software Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Keesal Young & Logan McKinsey & Company Paragon Real Estate Group Plant Construction Company PRC Clinical Puccini & Pinetti Puccini & Pinetti Recology Recommind, Inc. The RHE Charitable Foundation Salesforce.com San Francisco Airport Commission San Francisco Federal Credit Union The San Francisco Giants Charles Schwab Foundation Alice Phelan Sullivan Corporation The Swinerton Foundation Therapy Stores Tibco Software, Inc. U.S. Bank Until There’s A Cure Foundation Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. Visa Wetherby Asset Management Wilkes Bashford Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation WNPC Foundation Zephyr Real Estate $500 to $999 ACG Artisan Printing BraunHagey & Borden LLP Chevron DreamWorks Gap International Grant Thornton Kreuzberger Associates MassMutual Moss Adams LLP Pan-Med Enterprises Parthenon Capital Foundation PFM Synthetic LLC Tonic Beverage Catering U.S. Trust Valuation Research West Bay Builders $100 to $499 Agilent Technologies Aon Foundation Barclays Capital BlackLine Systems Bloomspot, Inc. The John Burton Foundation CableLabs CBRE CBS Interactive City National Bank Clarence & Dyer LLP Cliff Consulting The Clorox Company Culture Effect Degenkolb Engineers R.R. Donnelley & Sons Envirotech Laboratories Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco G2 Insurance Services Harvey’s Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation Huntsman Architectural Group Juniper Networks KCBS All News Radio Kforce Professional Staffing McKesson Foundation Med Thrive T Co-Op, Inc. Microsoft Corporation Mosaic Financial Partners Oracle Corporation S.S. Papadopulos and Associates, Inc. Qualcomm Atheros The Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation Sears Holding Corporation Michael Sechman & Associates SJ Engineers Sports Basement The Stuart Foundation SurveyMonkey Tiffany & Co. R. Torre & Company TriNet U.S. Bank Foundation United California Group Varian Medical Systems Waldman Management Group, Inc. The Y & H Soda Foundation CIVIC & RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS American Montessori Society American University Back to Business Bay Street Helping Hands California Society of CPAs Calvary Presbyterian Church Community Housing Partnership Community Thrift Store First Presbyterian Church of Livermore Folsom Street Events Galesburg High School Gay Buddhist Fellowship Girl Scouts of Northern California Grace Presbyterian Church Huckleberry Youth Programs International Association of Firefighers Local 555 Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund Lakeside Presbyterian Church Lower Polk Neighbors National Association of School Psychologists Children’s Fund Old First Presbyterian Church Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic Leader Presbyterian Women of Centerpoint Presbyterian Presbyterian Women of Livermore Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church St. Raymond Catholic Church STREETSMART4kids Summit Preparatory Charter High School Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp. TMASF Connects Vista Del Mar Baptist Church PUBLIC FUNDING SOURCES California Emergency Management Agency Federal Emergency Management Agency San Francisco Department of Children, Youth and Their Families 20 San Francisco Department of Health: Community Behavioral Health Services Housing and Urban Health San Francisco Human Services Agency San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) US Department of Health and Human Services: Administration for Children and Families Health Resources and Services Administration US Department of Housing and Urban Development • • • • Larkin Street Youth Services has made every effort to list accurately our donors. If you feel your name has been withheld, or reported incorrectly, please contact the development office at (415) 673.0911 ext. 301. Dear Friends, Looking Ahead Larkin Street is now at the threshold of great change. The youth we serve face significantly greater challenges obtaining the support and life skills necessary to enter and navigate the job market. Over 70% of our youth do not have a high school diploma or GED, and the job market is shrinking for people with no postsecondary education. Further, in 2014 the national GED standards are being raised. While this is a good thing for our country, at the same time it presents an even greater challenge for our young people, many of whom already struggle to pass the current GED. So over the next five years, Larkin Street will take the opportunity to once again lead the way. We will pioneer a new model which both deepens our impact and extends our reach. With our 2012-17 strategic plan we have established bold outcome goals for the youth in our services: Living-wage employment Two years of postsecondary education Safe and stable housing Physical and emotional well-being To support these ambitious outcomes we will be making both wide-ranging as well as nuanced changes to our programs, our people, and our policy work. We will increase our program retention, increase our already strong graduation rates and job placements, strengthen rigor and accountability across the agency, employ better technology, and expand the reach of our policy and advocacy work. It was a busy, thought-provoking, and productive year; and a crucially important one. As you know, Larkin Street Youth Services has a strong legacy of success. For almost 30 years we have built a robust continuum of care to help homeless youth get off the streets. We are a pioneer in this field. There is no other agency in San Francisco – and few nationwide – that offer the same breadth of services with comparable results. Over the past year this success served as the foundation for the intensive planning process that we undertook to develop our new five year strategic plan. We took the time to assess our progress thus far, question our goals, test our mission. We evaluated at length every possible new direction we might want to take; every new program, new geographic area, new approaches to our young people. •• •• What emerged from this comprehensive and challenging effort was the affirmation of our belief in our mission and in the direction we are already headed. We also affirmed that at this time, we must deepen rather than widen our reach. We must, and will, change how we deliver education and employment services, how we match services to youth needs, and how we measure youth progress. Over the next five years we will move youth through our continuum of services as effectively and expeditiously as possible, inspiring the deepest and most lasting change. We will drive youth outcomes higher rather than bringing more youth through our doors. There is, of course, much more detail supporting the Larkin Street Youth Services 2012-17 Strategic Plan, and we invite you to read the executive summary on our website in the About Us: Agency, Mission and History section at www.larkinstreet youth.org. As you review the plan, keep in mind that it reflects broad and comprehensive input from throughout the agency; from the staff, the board, and our youth. This plan is one of the most sweeping and important endeavors we have ever undertaken at Larkin Street. We are looking forward to our next five years with a sense of realistic optimism about the challenges and opportunities that will emerge as we implement it. Looking Back The strength of our 2012-17 strategic plan is that it both reflects and is built upon the good work we have always done. In the last five years alone we have: Increased our housing capacity by 86 beds, with 24 more in the pipeline. Greatly improved our structure of coordinated care; with increased clinical capacity, cross-program communication, and outcomes reporting. Formalized our knowledge leadership activities through publications, training, and the development of a resource library. Strengthened our administrative infrastructure, developing greatly improved processes for such key processes as succession planning and performance evaluations. And we have accomplished all this while serving an average of 3,500 to 4,000 young people each year and contributing over 80% of all funds raised, directly to our programs. Our most outstanding outcome has been and continues to be this: three out of four youth who complete Larkin Street’s comprehensive programs exit street life. This is where all of you, our donors, volunteers, and mentors, enter the picture. It is through the generous contribution of your time, talent, and funding that we have been able to become a nationally recognized provider of services for homeless and runaway youth. Your support for our work has helped thousands of disconnected young people get off the streets and on to a path to achieve their potential. We ask that you stay with us over the next five years as we guide our young people on an even stronger path towards independence. Larkin Street seeks to end homelessness among all youth through advocacy, education, housing and employment. With your support, we can do this. •• • • Warmest regards, Executive Director 1 Chair, Board of Directors Board of Directors Honorary Board Senior Management Team Charles Dicke, Chair Laura Powell, Vice Chair Victoria J. Johnson, Secretary Art Fatum, Treasurer Phillip S. Estes, At-Large Annie Ellicott, At-Large Nina Hatvany, At-Large Blake Jorgensen, At-Large Sherilyn Adams, Executive Director Terry Allen-Rouman Ray Brown William F. Campbell James E. Canales, Jr. Laurence A. Colton Jay Cuetara Penelope Douglas Tim Emanuels Judy Getto Vince Hoenigman Steve Janowsky Debbie G. Jorgensen John E. Kalin Stephen C. Kirmse Stephen Koch Mary V. Lester Elizabeth A. Levy John L. Martin John E. Martinez Paul R. Mohun Maria Muzio David J. Nygren Carla B. Oakley Jean Richardson Henry Safrit J. Milton Seropan Anne B. Stanton David A. Thompson Gregory W. Wendt David B. Zenoff Sherilyn Adams, LCSW Executive Director Board Members Chris Brahm Connie Curran Mark A. Edmunds Conor Famulener Anita Feiger Julie B. Harkins Jim Henry Anne Hoecker Terry Kramer Mary M. Prchal Philip Schlein Aaron C. Schwartz Christine A. Tsingos Carla Washington John Whiting Charles J. Wibbelsman Victoria Willock Linda Wood Allison N. Wysocki Board Fellows Ravi Banda Vishal Kudchadkar The mission of Larkin Street Youth Services is to create a continuum of services that inspires youth to move beyond the street. We will nurture potential, promote dignity, and support bold steps by all. Ray Fort Chief Operating Officer Kathie Lowry Chief Development Officer Dina Wilderson, PhD Chief of Research and Evaluation Aimee Armata Clinical Director Irene Casanova Director of Engagement Nicole Garroutte Director of Marketing & Events Ruth Nunez Director of Residential Programs Chelsea Ross Controller Don Sanders, MSW Director of Education and Employment Gwynne Seidell Director of Human Resources Lara Tannenbaum, MSW Director of Health Services Holly Tedford, MNA Director of Development, Grants Administrative Offices 701 Sutter Street, Suite 2 San Francisco, CA 94109 Tel (415) 673.0911 Fax )415) 749.3838 mail@larkinstreetyouth.org www.larkinstreetyouth.org
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