teco lines as
teco lines as
TECO LINES AS YOUR SHORT SEA CARRIER BETWEEN THE NORTH SEA ANO THE BALTIC SEA OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE TECO Lines AS is a shipping and transportation company registered in Estonia. We have been a container short sea operator since 1992. The company is today owned jointly by Estonian Shipping Company Ltd, Estonia and Samskip, hf, Iceland. The company operates a fleet of over 800 containers,including a number of special equipment types and presently employs 4 containervessels. The head quarters of the company is located in Tallinn, Estonia. Estonian Shipping Company: www.eml.ee Samskip: www.samskip.com SERVICES PROVIDED BY TECO LINES AS TECO Lines AS offers short sea transport possibilities õn a pier-topier basis as well as õn a door-to-door basis. We also offer LCL services between several of our ports. We can transport your products in our own containers, which include all forms of special container equipment, between all major inland locations in Western Europe to and from Finland, Estonia and Russia. We also service inland destinations in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgystan õn through B/L from Western Europe. With our own liner network, with 4 vessels, we connect Bremerhaven and Hamburg with Muuga, Estonia õn a weekly basis. Felixstowe, Rotterdam (twice weekly) and Antwerp (twice weekly) äre connected with Helsinki and Muuga (both twice weekly). Via connecting services we also service destinations in the Oslo bay area and in Ireland, as well as Northen Ireland. All inland destinations äre served with reliable truck, rail or barge companies. Please feel free to contact us or one of our Agents for rates and more information. TERMINALS USED BY TECO LINES AS ANTWERPEN P&O Ports 736 BREMERHAVEN Eurogate, NTB FELIXSTOWE Trinity/Dooley HAMBURG Eurokai, Burchardkai, UCT, TCT, СТА HELSINKI West Harbour MUUGA Muuga Container Terminal, berth 14, 15 or 16 ROTTERDAM RST North Beatrixhaven, ECT Delta ROUTE MAPS FINBEST A SERVICE WEO HELSINKI/MUUGA THU MUUGA/HELSINKI FRI SAT SUN MON ANTWERP TUE ROTTERDAM WEO THU FRI SAT HELSINKI/MUUGA SUN MUUGA FINBEST В SERVICE SAT HELSINKI/MUUGA SUN MUUGA MON TUE WEO THU FRI SAT FELIXSTOWE ANTWERP ROTTERDAM SUN MON TUE WEO HELSINKI/MUUGA HEAD OFFICE TECO Lines AS 4 Sadama Str. 10111, Tallinn, ESTONIA Phone: +372 6 409 756 Fax: +372 6 409 787 E-mail: info@teco.ee Web: www.teco.ee AGENTS ESTONIA REVAL LOGISTIKAS Phone: +372 6 409 751 E-mail: info@rlog.ee Web: www.rlog.ee ITALY Fax: +372 6 409 786 FINLAND JOHN NURMINEN OY Liner Agency Services Phone: +358 10 545 00 Fax: +358 10 545 2659 E-mail: lineragency@johnnurminen.com Web: www.johnnurminen.com CSA spa Phone: +39 02 334 11418 Fax: +39 02 308 3672 E-mail: tecoagency@csaspa.com Web: www.csaspa.com IRELAND/NORTHERN IRELAND Trinity Ltd. Phone: +353 1 671 1305 Fax: +353 1 671 1307 E-mail: teco@trinityshipping.ie Web: www.trinityshipping.ie DENMARK GERMANY SAMSKIP GmbH Hamburg Branch Office Phone: + 49 40 36 14 160 Fax: + 49 40 374 34 74 E-mail: mstolle@samskip.is Web: www.samskip.com CHR. JENSEN SHIPPING AS Phone: +45 33 74 75 76 Fax: +45 33 32 22 18 E-mail: cph@chrjensen.dk Web: www.chrjensen.dk NORWAY THE NETHERLANDS SAMSKIP BV Phone: +31 10 428 50 50 Fax: +31 10 428 50 90 E-mail: rotterdam@samskip.is Web: www.samskip.com SAMSKIP NORGE AS Phone: +47 69249615 Fax: + 47 69249616 E-mail: moss@samskip.is Web: www.samskip.com SWEDEN BELGIUM SAMSKIP N.V. Phone: +32 3 545 91 91 Fax: +32 3 545 91 97 E-mail: antwerpen@samskip.is Web: www.samskip.com MELSHIP AB Phone: +46 8 661 78 90 Fax: +46 8 661 78 95 E-mail: esco@melship.se Web: www.melship.com RUSSIA UNITED KINGDOM SAMSKIP LTD. Phone: +44 151 224 1502 Fax: +44 151 227 1465 E-mail: dsa@samskip.co.uk Web: www.samskip.com FRANCE S.A.S. Phone: E-mail: Web: (Shipping Agency Service) +33 02 351 91 780 Fax: +33 02 351 91 781 pmoulin@sas-shipping.com www.sas-shipping.com SAMSKIP RUSSIA GMBH (Moscow) Phone: +7 095 933 31 50/51 Fax: +7 095 933 31 52 E-mail: samskip@co.ru Web: www.samskip.com SAMSKIP RUSSIA GMBH (St. Petersburg) Phone: +7 812 327 4037 Fax: +7 812 327 4035 E-mail: shangua@bbr.spb.ru Web: www.samskip.com RAHVUSRAAMATUkogu V.„ ■—. AR----------- /