TAHPERD NEWSLETTER Spring 2016 Volume 35 Number 2 TAHPERD Officers Inside this issue: FROM THE PRES. 2015-2016 President: LANISE ROSEMOND 2-3 ED’s CORNER 4 PRES.-ELECT 5 CONVENTION 6 President Elect: HEALTH & WELLNESS 7 DIANE KLEIN VP, H & W Division: PE DIVISION 8 AHA 9 WAYNE HINES VP of P.E. Division: AGIT KORGAOKAR VP General Division: ADVOCACY 1011 LMAS! 12 WORKSHOP NEWS 13 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR 14 DANIEL MCCMASTERS Executive Director: ANDREA BURTON Membership Why be a TAHPERD member? -Connect with experienced professionals -Keep current in the profession -Opportunity for grant funding -Share ideas and become a leader in your field presenting -Attend a fabulous convention -It's only $35.00!!! Congratulations to Shirley HoltHale on receiving The 2016 SHAPE America Luther Halsey Gullick Award. This award is given to someone who is clearly outstanding in his/her profession and who exemplifies the best in service, research, teaching, and/or administration. The award winner is recognized by members of SHAPE America as a noteworthy leader and as the type of person whose life and contributions could inspire youth to live vigorously, courageously, and freely as citizens in a free society. We would love to hear the great things others are doing across the state!! If you would like to share your story, contact E.D., Andrea Burton @ tahperd.ed@aol.com Check out this blog from one of our PE Teachers, Mark Banasiak!!! https:// iteachmorethangym.wordpress.com TAHPERD NEWSLETTER 2 A Message From Our President: Dr. Lanise Rosemond Greetings TAHPERD! It’s a tremendous honor to be the President for an outstanding state association. Thank you for your confidence in electing me as your President. TAHPERD is one of the strongest educational professional organizations in the state of Tennessee. With TAHPERD’S rich legacy and heritage the organization is pioneering new ideas and models in the educational field. The theme I selected this year supports our National Shape Association’s theme “TEN N is IN: 50 Million Strong by 2029.” I have set goals aimed at being IN, three very important areas. First, WE are IN to encouraging our students both in and out of the classroom to live healthy lifestyles that allow them to be at their best physically, mentally, and emotionally which will produce winning results. To support this goal, I have asked all TAHPERD members to let me know when something great is taking place in your classrooms, courts or fields. To encourage communication amongst TAHPERD members I have developed a new campaign called “COUNT ME IN.” This campaign is designed to highlight you and your colleagues across our state about the creative teaching strategies we are implementing as physical educators. Please email me and let me know about all the wonderful things that you are doing at your district in our field. Second, W E will continue to be IN, promoting and advocating at the state and national level by voicing our concerns about the importance of the Physical Education Profession. For instance, on March 2nd, I had the opportunity to go to Washington DC along with Vice President Elect Charity Rice to advocate for Physical Education in the state of Tennessee. Charity and I had a chance to share our concerns with five different representatives at the nations capital. We were encouraged that our legislators are beginning to understand the importance of maintaining good physical health and the role that physical education plays in producing healthy lifestyles. However, Charity and I understand the need for TAHPERD to continue to be a voice statewide and nationally for quality physical education and educators. If you are interested in advocating for our profession, please get in touch with Dr. Fran Hoogestraat, our Advocacy Chair. Third, W E will be IN to encouraging and motivating each TAHPERD member to stay on the cutting edged by pursuing ground breaking training in our professions that produces notable results. In order to meet this last goal, I will need ALL of you to maintain your TAHPERD membership and TAHPERD NEWSLETTER 3 at TAHPERD we have recruited several new board members who are creative and passionate about TAHPERD. Our Board is made up of a group of high performance educators, who are committed to being the best in their field of study. On February 26th and 27th our TAHPERD Board had its 2016 Leadership Development Conference (LDC) in Cookeville, TN. We were honored to have distinguished guests, such as: Tennessee Tech University (TTU) President Dr. Phillip Oldham, Director of Teaching and Learning Dr. Laura Cruz of TTU, and Personality Specialist, Jaida Campbell. Furthermore, we were trained by three of our very own TAHPERD trailblazers; the 2016 SHAPE America Luther Halsey Gullick Award winner Dr. Shirley Holt-Hale, Dr. Cam Kerst-Davis, and Dr. David Bow. Our Leadership Development Conference theme was “Super Board: Over Coming the Hurdles to Victory.” Through cutting edge instruction our trailblazers passed the torch of knowledge, insight and direction to the “Super Board” in order for them to help the TAHPERD community be the barrier breaking organization that we are destined to be. Furthermore, seven highly skilled students attended the Future Professionals Leadership Development Conference last summer from colleges and universities that TAHPERD has partnered with in the state of Tennessee. After the last Leadership Development Conference, I was very encouraged and elated about the next generation of health and physical education professionals. This is my nineteenth year in the teaching profession and I have never witnessed such commitment to excellence from a group of young educators. I want to encourage each member of TAHPERD to bring students to our next conference. Our students are the prospects of TAHPERD’s future and I can guarantee you that with the proper training and motivation, they can, and will, excel into being some of the country’s best physical educators. Please consider this your personal invitation to attend the annual convention at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Murfreesboro Tennessee on November 6-8, 2016. The “TENN is IN: 50 Million Strong” Conference will be an opportunity to network with like – minded people across Tennessee as well as obtain innovative ideas, and motivation to being the best physical educator you can be . The cost of membership is minimal compared to the value you will receive by being a participating TAHPERD community member. Please consider becoming an active member by getting involved in one of many committees that TAHPERD has, such as; Let’s Move Active Schools, Jump for Heart, Hoops for Heart, and our summer workshops. Moreover, browse our TAHPERD website to learn more about the committees you can participate on. We encourage you to share your best practices and creative ideas as a presenter at our convention. Check out the convention link to find the proposal and registration forms. Please feel free to contact me at lrosemond@tntech.edu. Also please join us on Facebook and Twitter (@tahperd). Again, I am delighted about being your TAHPERD President for 2016, with your participation and the passion of the “Super Board”; I anticipate we will see TAHPERD go where no organization such as ours has gone before. Come on and get IN, because TENN is IN: 50 Million Strong! Sincerely Your TAHPERD President! Dr. LaNise Rosemond TAHPERD NEWSLETTER E.D.’s Corner By: Andrea Burton Welcome to TAHPERD’s Executive Director’s Corner! Spring has sprung, and this school year is coming closely to an end. I would like to ask each of you who are doing great things in our state to email me, tahperd.ed@aol.com, so I can share what you are doing in our organization and possibly spark a wonderful idea in someone else. I would like to highlight Mark Banasiak, a k-5 Physical Educator at Sango Elementary School in Clarksville, TN. Mark has started a PE blog, https://iteachmorethangym.wordpress.com, for this school year. You can follow, comment, or email him. I believe this is an awesome way to communicate ideas of what works well and not so well across the state. I’m sure Mark would love for you to follow his blog and share your thoughts! Mark your calendars! The 2016 TAHPERD Convention, "TENN is IN: 50 Million Strong" will be November 6th-8th at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro, TN. Check our website for the program proposal link! I want to encourage you to present, especially if you have never done so before. We all have strengths, knowledge and experience that is valuable to others, share yours with us! I have been very busy representing TAHPERD while advocating for more Physical Education time. Coordinated School Health in Oak Ridge and Rutherford County helped out our efforts tremendously! TAHPERD, Joan Cronan, The American Heart Association, Champions for America’s Future, Mission Readiness, Tamika Catchings (former Lady Vol and Olympic Gold Medalist) and Chandra Cheeseborough Guise (Olympic Gold Medalist) were able to speak about the importance of Physical Education being taught by licensed physical educators along with the importance of getting adequate time in P.E. for all students! We were bringing awareness to the Tom Cronan Physical Education Act, which is also known as the Governor’s Three Star Physical Education and Literacy Program. Senate bill 2001 and House bill 1852 are designed to create a pilot program which will study the relationship between increased Physical Education and test scores in schools. Have you hosted a Jump or Hoops for Heart event at your school yet? If not, THERE IS STILL TIME!!! This year we are giving away a total of 6 FREE TAHPERD CONVENTION REGISTRATIONS ($135 value). All you have to do is host and complete an event! Two coordinators who raise below $600 and four coordinators who raise $601 or above will be chosen at random and notified by September 15th that they have received a FREE CONVENTION REGISTRATION. Tennessee AHPERD is extremely fortunate to have so many highly qualified people in our organization and our state. Please consider sharing ideas and resources that you have found helpful, at our state convention. Something you may have done for years, might be brand new to someone else. Our 2016 Convention Program Proposal is now LIVE! The deadline to apply is June 15th. You can find the link on our website, www.tahperd.us, or by copying and pasting the link below: https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/119LKhP4ZePx6VAIy1Z6aFzmGqadnALDjZif82ZkSwns/viewform SHAPE America’s Southern District Convention will be in Baton Rouge, LA January 10th-13th. You can find the link for program proposals on our website, or here: https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/1r_nkLXnmTCgLrO40MbzdoQIMThpS3RkKXM55ckIGEfY/viewform. The deadline for Southern District program proposals is June 1st, 2016. Please don’t forget if you ever have questions or need help to contact me at tahperd.ed@aol.com, I want to hear the great things you are doing in your schools! 4 TAHPERD NEWSLETTER President-Elect 5 Diane Klein Greetings From Your TAHPERD President-Elect – First, let me introduce myself to those of you who do not know me. My name is Diane Klein. I’m a Professor of Health and Exercise Science and Chair for the Department of Health and Human Performance at Tennessee Wesleyan College (TWC), soon to be Tennessee Wesleyan University, in Athens, Tennessee. I have been involved as a member of SHAPE America (formerly AAHPERD) since 1998, starting during my doctoral program at Arizona State University (ASU). I presented on my own and with my mentors and faculty from ASU at Southwest District and National conferences for AAHPERD until I moved in 2002 to Tennessee to become part of the faculty at The University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Although I no longer participated with Southwest District, I continued with the Southeast District. In 2009, when I transitioned my career to TWC, I joined the state organization and was determined to be as involved in TAHPERD as I had been in the Districts. I have now been a member of the TAHPERD Board for several years. And, I have come to recognize the talent and wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience among your TAHPERD Board members. Many of these individuals have rolled off and back onto the Board over the past 20-30 years. Now, they are seeking a legacy and actively recruiting new, younger, motivated individuals to become part of the Board. There are many committees, sections, and divisions looking for “new blood” to infuse new ideas into the organization. So, as your president-elect, I am asking any interested professional or future professional to throw their hat(s) into the ring. This year, I will be busy working with the Past-President, President, and the rest of the Board along with our Executive Director to determine future directions for TAHPERD. We’d love to hear from you too. My biggest challenge this year will be the production of the fall Leadership Development Conference (LDC) for our future professionals, where we add to the development of tomorrow’s leaders. The LDC will occur the weekend before the conference in November 2016. My next challenge is coming up with a theme for the 2017 fall conference and frankly, I am at a loss. But, if you have any suggestions, I’m listening. We have been making great strides to move the state forward for physical education, but we know we need more. Since our conference in October 2015, I have been part of a small ad hoc committee looking to expand the TAHPERD horizons and expanding statewide opportunities for more future professionals. This time, we are thinking about broadening the disciplinary focus to include more exercise science, sport management, coaching, school health, nutrition, and other related discipline areas to attract more undergraduate and graduate students, from higher education, with little or no opportunity to network with professionals and other future professionals. So, keep an eye out for this motion to appear on a ballot in the near future. Your input and support is needed to make this happen. TAHPERD NEWSLETTER A message from the Convention Manager: Alysia Jenkins What makes TAHPERD an effective organization? One answer...people! I know I have personally and professionally benefited from the contributions of many different members over the past 20 years. I became involved as a senior major because of two of my professors. I now have all these years of networking, professional development, and friendships simply because two people spoke up and encouraged me to join. As the end of the school year stares us down, I want to encourage you to do two things: 1. Take the next step as a TAHPERD member, whether that means presenting a session at convention or serving in a leadership role; 2. Encourage someone else to join you as a member and/or present at convention. It's may be difficult to think about convention in November when we are just starting to enjoy spring, but the deadline for presentation proposals is June 15. Think about what you do well, what you enjoy teaching, and submit your proposal online. Ask peers and colleagues to submit one as well. Team up and present together! It's easy to feel like we don't do anything different than everyone else does; however, we all do something really well that others can learn and grow from by watching us do it well! Remember, sessions can be in any of our three main divisions, health and wellness, physical education, and general. This year's convention theme is Tenn Is In: 50 Million Strong as we make a commitment to the national goal of 50 Million Strong by 2029. Our strength is in our members, and we want to showcase all Tennessee has to offer in 2016. Be sure to check the dates for summer workshops (get professional development hours in your field) and reserve November 6-8 for convention in Murfreesboro. If you have suggestions, questions, or contributions you would like to make about convention, please do not hesitate to contact me! Be healthy, be happy! Alysia Jenkins Past-President, Convention Manager alysia.jenkins@mtsu.edu 6 TAHPERD NEWSLETTER Health and Wellness Division: Wayne Hines Here are your Super Leaders for the Health and Wellness Division for the year 2016. Vice President- Wayne Hines; louis.hines@mnps.org Vice President Elect- Mandy Irvin; mandy.irvin@knoxschools.org Past Vice President- Todd Layne; telayne@memphis.edu First Aid and Safety- Josh Haley; joshuahaleyatc@yahoo.com Fitness- Michael Phillips; mbphillips@tntech.edu Coordinated School Health Education- Meri-Leigh Smith; merileigh.smith@cityschools.net Lifetime Wellness- Josh Boynton; jboynton@acs.ac We are working diligently to secure sessions for the upcoming convention on November 6-8, 2016. Our goal is to provide well rounded and well attended sessions on a wide range of topics. The desire is for each participant to feel that it was well worth their time to attend the TAHPERD convention. We are currently working to provide sessions on a variety of topics, including: nutrition, CPR training, coordinated school health, grants, CDC updates, neurology studies, state policies on concussions, CPR, and heat related injuries. Please contact any of our board members if you would be interested in leading a session at our 2016 convention. We welcome the expertise of teachers in the field and encourage you to take this opportunity to share your knowledge with others. You can find the link to submit a program proposal on our website, www.tahperd.us. Wayne Hines East Nashville Magnet Head Boys Track/Bowling Coach Middle School/ Freshman Athletic Director VP-Elect Health/Wellness 7 TAHPERD NEWSLETTER 8 From the Physical Education Division Ajit Korgaokar Dear TAHPERD members, I am excited to serve as Vice President for the Physical Education Division of TAHPERD. The following section chairs have confirmed they will continue in their role for the upcoming year: Vice President – Ajit Korgaokar; ajit.korgaokar@gmail.com Vice President Elect – Charity Rice; ricecha@fssd.org Past Vice President – Stuart Currie; scurrie1@utm.edu Dance Chair – Laura Morefield; lmorefield@martinmethodist.edu Aquatics Chair – Timothy Jones; tjones@trnstate.ed Pre-Kindergarten – Jessica Myers; jmyers@mail.iced.net Elementary – Kason O’Neil; oneilkm@etsu.edu Middle School – Donna Dey; deyd@apsu.edu Secondary School – Darnell Spann; darnells@wcs.edu Adapted Physical Education– Jeff Knox; jeff.knox@knoxschools.org Sports and Coaching – EJ Wood; ejwood121@gmail.com Per our discussion at the LDC meeting, each Section Chair is recruiting presenters for the 2016 conference. Thanks to Shirley Holt-Hale , we already have the Sunday workshop identified. Stuart Currie and I also plan to conduct a soccer workshop on the Saturday of the conference with further details to follow. If you are interested in presenting a session that falls under the Physical Education Division, or know of a presenter who would be interested in presenting, please complete the proposal form (see the TAHPERD website). If you have questions, please e-mail Ajit Korgaokar at ajit.korgaokar@gmail.com or the appropriate section chair. Lastly, I would like to thank Stuart Currie, Past Vice President, for his years of service, leadership and advice as I transition into the V.P. role. TAHPERD GRANTS 2016-2017 TAHPERD Grant Applications Now Being Accepted TAHPERD has eight (8) $500 grants available to current TAHPERD members. Grants are awarded to individuals who are seeking funding sources for innovative projects, research endeavors, or specialized equipment to improve teaching. Awardees are required to share their project during the grants session at the next TAHPERD Convention. Only on-line applications are accepted and is available at www.tahperd.us. To find the application, enter the TAHPERD website, click on Explore tab then Grants then Online Application. Deadline: October 1, 2016. TAHPERD NEWSLETTER 9 American Heart Association Jump Rope for Heart and Hoops for Heart is in full swing across the state. In the 20152016 school year 749 elementary, middle and high schools will be completing an event in Tennessee. We are looking forward to one of our best years ever raising money, saving lives and promoting heart health. Recruitment has begun for the 2016-2017 school year. Elementary and Middle schools can register to participate in Jump Rope for Heart or Hoops for Heart. All schools that participate in an American Heart Association event will receive materials to complete an event including 12 Jump Ropes or 2 Basketballs as well as Common Core/TN State Standard Aligned lesson plans. In addition, schools are also eligible to earn U.S. Games gift certificates to purchase P.E. equipment depending on the amount of money raised. Schools that raise $600 will receive one TAPHERD membership ($35), two TAPHERD memberships ($35) will be given to schools that raise $4001 or more, and if the event raises more than $10,001 a third and fourth person will receive a TAHPERD membership ($35). These are just a few of the benefits for holding an event. If you are interested in registering for an American Heart Association event for the 2016-2017 school year please contact Jessie Wiens, Youth Market Director for the American Heart Association, at 615-509-9399 or Jessie.wiens@heart.org for more information. NEW this year, TAPHERD will be giving out 6 grants to cover the cost of the convention to schools that complete a Jump Rope or Hoops for Heart event. The grant will pay the TAPHERD Annual Conference fee ($135) for the Event Coordinator at two schools raising less than $600 and four schools raising more than $600. Grant recipients raising less than $600 will have their TAPHERD Membership dues ($35) paid as well. The recipients will be randomly chosen. TAHPERD NEWSLETTER 10 Advocacy By: Fran Hoogestraat In 2016, we reap the benefits of legislative relationships on Capitol Hill in Nashville. Thanks to past Advocacy predecessors who created these connections and the TAHPERD reputation, we have been welcomed again with physical education legislation. Senator Bill Ketron (R- Murfreesboro) and Representative Roger Kane (R- Knoxville) are our leading advocates for our eventual goal of reinstating (a minimum of) 2 days/calendar week of elementary physical education across our state. Even though this legislation comes at minimal cost of cents per day per student, sometimes, as former TAHPERD president Katherine Pebworth noted, we face detours we must accept toward our greater goal. That is currently the case! Rep. Kane and Sen. Ketron again lead the charge for physical education legislation that introduces a pilot program for grades 3-5 of 4 days of physical education per calendar week. If passed by both houses, and signed by Governor Haslam, schools with the highest BMI rates, priority schools not offering physical education (from all three grand divisions of our state) can apply for funds to participate in the 1 ½ year pilot study. The legislation is named the Tom Cronan Physical Education Act and the Governor’s Three Star Physical Education and Literacy Program. This pilot study will provide legislators with actual data from Tennessee elementary schools that should show the impact of regular physical education upon elementary children. We are enthusiastic and hopeful about this legislation that can address one of our state’s unfortunate credentials: Tennessee is ranked #4 nationally in childhood obesity. To learn more, go to: www.capitol.tn.gov/legislation and look for SB 2001 (Senator Bill Ketron) and HB 1852 (Rep. Roger Kane). On February 24th, both bills cleared the first hurdle from the Senate Education Committee and the House Education Instruction & Programs Subcommittees. WHAT CAN TAHPERD MEMBERS DO RIGHT NOW? 1) Go to www.capitol.tn.gov and look at the members for both House and Senate commit tees. Then, as a TAHPERD member, contact these committee members and express your sup port for his valuable legislation. The sooner the better. Email or phone contact are the best methods. Everything you need is on this website. 2) Review the video of these committees on the website listed above. Learn who supports physical education and who you can help us contact to win their support. 3) As always, be prominent professionals in your physical education teaching and advocacy to your PTAs/PTOs and school board members. 4) Show through individual commitment to personal health and fitness that physical education is part of the critical foundation of health. 5) Live your life in such a way that your physical education students will catch the interest and priority for their own health and fitness. TAHPERD NEWSLETTER DID YOU KNOW? Thanks to the national advocacy effort promoted by SHAPE America in the spring and fall of 2015, Congress passed the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), a reauthorization of the 50 year old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Hats off to Senate Education Committee Chair Senator Lamar Alexander, who played a pivotal role in getting this legislation into law, and signed by the President on December 10, 2015. President Barack Obama stated, “With this bill, we reaffirm that fundamentally American ideal---that every child, regardless of race, income, background, the zip code where they live, deserves the change to make of their lives what they will.” ESSA expands upon the 2002 No Child Left Behind legislation under President Bush. Happily for TAHPERD members and in thanks partly to Senator Alexander from Tennessee, physical education is again a player at the education table! Also, the Carol M. White Physical Education Program (i.e. PEP GRANT) has also been reauthorized. The PEP grant provides grants to Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) and community-based organizations to initiate, expand or enhance physical education programs, including before school, after school, and summer programs for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. This is a continued boost for innovation in physical education. Apply for a PEP grant for your school or program right away. Continue to show Congress that physical education makes a daily difference in the lives of our nation’s children. WHERE CAN TAHPERD MEMBERS READ MORE? · The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): www.ed.gov/essa or www.shapeamerica.org · The Carol M. White “PEP Grant”: www2.ed.gov/programs/whitephysed/ index.html or www.shapeamerica.org Fran Hoogestraat, Chair, Advocacy/Legislation TAHPERD fran.hoogestraat@gmail.com 11 TAHPERD NEWSLETTER 12 Let ’s Move! Tennessee Let’s Move Active Schools Regular physical activity helps students succeed in school – and in life! In addition to keeping kids healthy and strong, being active for 60 minutes a day has been shown to: Boost academic performance, increase concentration and focus, and improve classroom attendance and behavior. Today, Let’s Move! Active Schools is the physical activity and physical education solution to ensure 60 minutes of physical activity is the new norm for schools. By equipping school leaders and educators with the tools to create an active learning environment, Let’s Move! Active Schools makes the process simple for teachers and strategic for administrators. Not only does Let’s Move! Active Schools streamline the selection of physical activity and physical education programs, resources, professional development and funding opportunities, but it also delivers each school a comprehensive, customized FREE Action Plan. An Active School gets kids moving for at least 60 minutes before, during and after the school day in 5 key areas: 1. Physical Education 2. Physical Activity During School 3. Physical Activity Before and After School 4. Family & Community Involvement 5. Staff Involvement Take 10 minutes out of your day and sign up right now: www.letsmoveschools.org TAHPERD NEWSLETTER 13 Workshop News Be looking for more information on the TAHPERD web page, www.tahperd.us, in the coming months. Below are workshops/conventions from our neighboring states, as well. Alabama Spring Conference April 15-16, 2016 Orange Beach, Alabama Kingsport Wellness Institute June 2016 *Official Date TBA Kingsport, Tennessee Vanderbilt Sports: Concussions June 10, 2016 Nashville, Tennessee http://www.asahperd.org/page/478809/conferences Math and Movement Institute June 15-18, 2016 Chattanooga, Tennessee http://mathmadefun.com/?product=national-math-foundation-summer-institute-chattanooga-tn-june-15-18 Physical Education & Lifetime Wellness Summer Workshop June 16-17, 2016 Cookeville, TN 38506 Contact ckillman@tntech.edu or (931) 372-3539 for more information 2016 Robert W. (Bob) Moore Summer Institute June 14-15, 2016 Gwinnett County, Georgia http://www.gahperd.org/robert-w-moore-summer-institute.html TAHPERD 47th Annual Convention November 6-8, 2016 Embassy Suites Murfreesboro, Tennessee Share the Wealth Conference January 21-23, 2017 Jekyll Island, Georgia 2017 Southern District Convention January 10-13, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana http://www.shapeamerica.org/about/districts/southern/conference.cfm 2017 SHAPE America Conv. March 14 - 18, 2917 Boston, Massachusetts 2018 SHAPE America Conv. March 20-24 Nashville, Tennessee Awards If you know of someone deserving who fits one the award categories, please submit the short Awards Nomination Form, that can be found by going to our website, selecting Awards and then clicking on Nominations. There you will be able to either submit an online nomination or print, complete, and the form back to our Awards Chair, Bob Benge, rcbenge@southern.edu. The deadline for our 2016 award nominations is June 15th 2016. If you have more questions about awards, please contact Bob Benge, rcbenge@southern.edu We want to recognize all the great work our professionals are doing in our state! TAHPERD NEWSLETTER Letter from the Editor: Julian Allen Here we are! Wrapping up yet another fabulous year of educating our students! As we head into the summer, I hope that many of you will take advantage of this newsletter and see all of the wonderful things that are going on within this great organization that we call TAHPERD. You’ll notice that we have strong advocacy, determined leaders, many opportunities to grow professionally through summer workshops, and more excitingly; the fall convention is quickly approaching!!! If you would like to present, please contact Alysia Jenkins or Andrea Burton to get set up! In addition, we would like to recognize all members of this professional organization, so If you know of a death of a physical education professional, please notify Necrology Chair, Tony Kirk: tkirk@fhu.edu We would love to see what everyone is doing in their school! Thank YOU for all that YOU do, to make OUR organization, TAHPERD, GREAT!! 14
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