Let`s Move!!!!
Let`s Move!!!!
TAHPERD NEWSLETTER Spring, 2014 Volume 33, Number 2 From the President ♦ Sharon Cradic TAHPERD Officers 2013-2014 It is such a pleasure and honor to serve TAHPERD as your President. Sharon Cradic President There are so many great things happening in our association. TAHPERD has been Tina Bozeman VP, Health & Wellness Division ing quality physical education. This banner debuted in a parade and will be used Paul Zenker VP, Physical Education Division DVD promoting the importance of physical education. Tennessee students spoke LaNise Rosemond VP, General Division was a record breaking conference of over 740 attendants. TAHPERD also has a Cam Kerst-Davis Executive Director cal education teacher evaluation. We are currently piloting an elementary PE- working hard in our advocacy efforts. We have created a state banner for promotin administration and superintendant meetings as well as other areas to get our message out – “Physical Education is the Common Core”. We also created a about their experiences in physical education classes and how important it is to them in the DVD. We gave these out at our state convention, which by the way student growth measures team creating an assessment option to be used for physiSGM as an option for districts in 2014-2015. This is very exciting as accountability will hopefully improve teaching and student learning. TAHPERD sent representatives to speak with House and Senate members on Education committees on Legislation Day and to Speak -Out Day in Washington DC. WOW! These are President’s Message 1 I challenge every member to be “TOAD” ally Active and plan on attending the Message from Executive Director TAHPERD conference this year on October 26-28, 2014 in Murfreesboro and 2 4 General Division Report 5 Physical Education Division Report 6 Let’s Move In Schools 7 Advocacy for TAHPERD 8 Status of PE/TN 9 SGM 10 Legislative Day 11 Awards/Dates look for our workshops offered this summer. If you are interested in serving on the board either as a section chair, committee member or officer please let me Health & Wellness Division Report only a few examples of how this organization works together to make a difference. 12/13 know. We would be glad to find a place for you to serve this great association . Let’s all be “TOAD” ally Active. Sharon Cradic is currently a K-8 physical education instructor at University School on the campus of East Tennessee State University as well as an adjunct instructor for the department of Kinesiology, Leisure, and Sport Sciences (KLSS). She has been on the faculty at East Tennessee State University for eleven years and has taught physical education for sixteen years. Sharon has been a head volleyball coach, cross country coach, softball coach, and Girls on the Run coach. Page 2 TA H PER D New s l e tte r Message from the Executive Director CONGRATUATIONS TO… TAHPERD’s newly elected board, President elect – Alysia Jenkins, Vice President elect – for Health Michael Phillips, for Physical Education Stuart Currie, and for General Division Daniel McMasters. New National Board Certified Teachers, TAHPERD members Nicki Bray and Mark Banasiak. Katherine Pebworth, a Southern District Honor Award recipient in Lexington. THANK YOU… Cam Kerst-Davis, , TAHPERD’s Executive Director, is now retired from teaching elementary physical education for 39 years. Cam is a past Washington and Tennessee state AHPERD president and past Southern District president. Tennessee Coordinated School Health Directors for all the support you give health and physical education teachers and TAHPERD. They provide financial support and release time for teachers to attend TAHPERD conventions and workshops. CSH Directors work with TAHPERD to provide district in- services and workshops. CSH Directors work tirelessly to help spread the word about health and physical education across the state. THANK YOU Coordinated School Health Directors. Dr. Shirley Holt/Hale for your work on a state survey for over two years, to find out how often physical education teachers see their students and what it would take to see all students a minimum of twice a week. Again, CSH Directors were extremely helpful in making sure surveys were completed and returned. Dr. Tina Hall for leading the charge to develop and pilot Student Growth Measures for second and fifth grades. The instrument is currently being piloted in three counties. This summer TAHPERD has tentative plans to provide three workshops across the student to train teachers to administer the SGM if the state accepts the SGM instruments. INSIDE THE NEWSLETTER: TAHPERD has a parade banner that members can use to help spread the word “Physical Education: THE Core Curriculum” Read inside to see what the awards, nominations, advocacy, LMAS, Joint Projects and grants committees are doing to bring more services and recognition to TAHPERD members. SHAPE America (formerly AAHPERD): The new SHAPE America President elect is Steve Jefferies, Professor in the Department of Physical Education, School and Public Health, from Central Washington University. Marybell Avery, curriculum specialist for Health, Physical Education, and Character Education for Lincoln County Schools in Nebraska, was elected to the Board of Directors. Dolly Lambdin, clinical professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education at the University of Texas at Austin, is the new President of SHAPE America TA H PER D New s l e tte r Page 3 Message from the Executive Director continued… TAHPERD WEB SITE: The TAHPERD web site and blast emails are the best methods to keep members updated and informed about legislative activity, workshop updates and how to stay in the know professionally. School systems and higher education institutions may block TAHPERD emails due to the mass number of emails sent at one time, considering them to be spam. If you are not receiving TAHPERD emails and blasts contact your system’s technology department to see if they can permit you to receive emails from the domain “tahperd.us” or ed@tahperd.us. If you have opted out of TAHPERD emails at anytime you will need to opt in to receive notices. If you have suggestions or links for suggested websites of interest please contact me at ed@tahperd.us or cam7777@edge.net. Have a great Spring 2014 and end of the year. President Sharon Cradic and Past President Katherine Pebworth at the TAHPERD table during the Southern District Convention in Lexington, February 19-22, 2014 during the Taste of the States. Message From Convention Manager: Katherine Pebworth We are excited about the upcoming 45th Annual Convention on Oct 26-28, 2014 in Murfreesboro. Come join us for food, CONVENTION UPDATES: networking, fun and lots of learning. Each year we keep getting better and this coming year is no exception. Over the The 2013 TAHPERD convention had an attendance of past few years our numbers keep growing, we were over 720+ strong with professional and student members. 700 in attendance last Oct. Make your plans NOW to join us in Oct. Sunday had a strong opening with workshops, Casino Night, Dessert Social, and Exhibits Opening. If you would like to serve in an office please contact me, Monday and Tuesday offered over 80 sessions meeting the you are more than welcome to self nominate. Please send needs of attendees. me information to Katherine.pebworth@LMUnet.edu. Reserve OCTOBER 26- 28, 2014, “BE TOADally ACWe are also doing Soles4Souls again this year. Last year TIVE”, at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro for 2014. we collected over 333 pounds of T-shirts and over 500 shoes. Let’s top that this coming year. We again are collecting BOTH shoes and T-shirts. Convention 2014 - “BE TOADally ACTIVE – October TAHPERD’s Convention 2013 is over and we are starting work on Convention 2014 - “Be “TOADally Active!” 26-28 – Embassy Suites The 2014 program proposal can be found at www.tahperd.us. Attention ALL members!! It's time to start thinking about the 2014 convention. October is not as far away as it seems. Please consider presenting a session at the convention this year. We always enjoy and benefit from the variety of interests and expertise of our members who present. Individuals, groups, members and nonmembers are urged to submit a proposal for consideration. The proposal form should be up on the TAHPERD website very soon. If you are considering submitting a proposal, but have questions about the process or anything related to presenting at the convention, please contact me directly at ckillman@tntech.edu or 931372-3539. Your valuable contribution is necessary to help make this the best convention yet! Let’s Be “Toad-ally” Active and show up in October ready to learn, network and have fun. TAHPERD Talks: The Tennessee Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance has funding available for any current member to apply to host a TAHPERD TALKS event. The purpose of TAHPERD TALKS is to bring professionals together to enjoy a meal and have open discussion. The host of TAHPERD TALKS has the authority to structure the event to his/her preference. The attendees do not need to be TAHPERD members but the host is encouraged to promote TAHPERD at the event. Go online to fill out the paperwork. http:// www.tahperd.us/tahperd_talks.html TA H PER D New s l e tte r Page 4 Health and Wellness I am pleased to serve as the TAHPERD Vice President for the Health & Wellness Division. The Health & Wellness Division will work to provide quality sessions for the 2014 convention and provide support for TAHPERD members throughout the year. The section chairs for the Health and Wellness Division are: First Aid and Safety - Josh Haley joshuahaleyatc@yahoo.com Fitness - Michael mbphillips@tntech.edu Phillips If you are interested in presenting a session on health education or lifetime wellness at the 2014 TAHPERD convention, please complete the proposal form (found on the TAHPERD website) and submit it as soon as possible. If you know of a health or lifetime wellness teacher that would contribute a quality presentation at the upcoming convention, encourage him/ her to complete the proposal form. If you have any questions, email Tina Coordinated School Health Education - Meri-Leigh Smith meri-leigh.smith@cityschools.net Lifetime Wellness - Wayne Hines louis.hines@mnps.org Bozeman at tbozeman@comcast.net or the section chair for a specific health or wellness area. Health & Wellness DivisionVice President: Tina M. Bozeman, D.A., NCBT Let’s Move in School January Snap Shot: State/District Engagement to Date As of January 31st, eight districts across the country have committed to Let’s Move! Active Schools. This month, Shelby County Public Schools (TN), which recently merged with Memphis City School District), announced that the district will enroll 100% of schools in LMAS. In January, we also learned Putnam County School District (WV) is 100% enrolled in LMAS. All 22 schools in this district are committed to creating a more active school environment. There were 6,479 visitors to the website from January 1st through January 31st; out of those visitors, 74.8% were new to the website. The online metrics indicate that the majority of visitors to the website are signing up and/or going to the grants section of letsmoveschools.org. The top five referral sites are: 1. Letsmoveschools.org 2. Letsmove.gov 3. NBA.com 4. Aahperd.org 5. Twitter.com Continued on page 8 Page 5 TA H PER D New s l e tte r General Division Vice President of General Division: Dr. LaNise Rosemond As the Vice President of General Division, I would first of all like to thank all of you for your countless commitment to TAHPERD. At the last 2013 Convention the general division had several well attended presentations that were requested again for the 2014 Convention and the number of presentations has grown tremendously over the years. The five areas in the general division and division chair persons are: Higher Education (Dr. Pam Womack), Dr. LaNise Rosemond is Vice President over the general division of TAHPERD. As the VP of the general division, Rosemond’s primary duties are to provide leadership and directions to sec- Students (Dr. Diane Klien), Recreation (Dr. Robyn Riel), Research (Dr. Todd Lane), and Sport Management (Dr. Julie Powell). We have some new and exciting items on the horizon in our division. The newest item is the Mentoring Program for Future Professionals. All of the section chairs for the general division are already mentoring their selected future student tion chairs in the following areas: sport professional. Dr. Klien has been encouraging professional members to consider mentoring a management, research, recreation, stu- student member of TAHPERD. She did a presentation at the 2013 Convention titled “Future dents, and higher education. She loves serving TAHPERD and enjoys working Professional Leadership.” Be on the lookout for the opportunity to connect with a future with the leadership team. As a result, professional. Dr. Robyn Riel and Dr. Christy Killman pushed for the new recreation and Rosemond has conducted well over ten leisure concentration at Tennessee Technological University. Due to the baby boomers and different presentations at TAHPERD’s the increasing disabled population the recreation and leisure fields are in high demand. Last annually convention over the years with both colleagues and students. She also serves on the TAHPERD’s awards and advocacy committees. Rose- year Dr. Riel's presentation on “Dirty Hands and Wet Feet” shared insight information about the importance of getting outdoors. You can expect to hear new and insightful presentations from Dr. Riel and her students at the 2014 Convention. I would like to see the recreation mond teaches as an assistant professor at presentations increase in this year and we need your help. Please feel free to try to present Tennessee Technological University. She topics associated with recreation and leisure. You can contact Dr. Riel for ideas and topics to teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses in sport management. Rosemond had taught six years in public school system and eleven in higher education. LaNise has coached at two NCAA Division I programs served as a consider presenting. Dr. Todd Lane, section chair over research did a presentation titled, “Games Designed by Students.” Dr. Lane’s presentation shared new and inventive games designed by students that physical educators could use in their classes. We are encouraging all members and future members to consider presenting in the general sport administrator at a Division II pro- division at TAHPERD this year. Please contact the VP or any of the section chairs if you gram. LaNise can be contacted at lrose- would like to present at our next 2014 TAHPERD Annual Convention. mond@tntech.edu. Page 6 TA H P E R D N e ws l e t t e r Physical Education Division Many positive things are taking place across TN in our Physical Education “classrooms” as with TAHPERD. We have listened to our members and action has been taken. Stay tuned for details. Every year we plan and host our annual convention and this year is no different. Without you it would not be possible. We are looking for proposals from you or someone you know to share in all areas at all levels. To help you get started here are some guidelines/questions to consider as you prepare: How does your lesson achieve student growth? Does your lesson align with the National/State Standards? What are the clear targets of your lesson? How will your audience achieve them? How does your lesson involve “Common Core” (hint, hint, critical thinking and problem solving)? We need your help achieving our goals – Making a positive difference. Please fill out the proposal form on the TAHPERD website and submit it. Thank you for all you do. Paul Zenker TAHPERD Vice President – Physical Education Division Paul Zenker enjoys life and all of its extraordinary facets like being the father to a beautiful little girl and married to his beautiful wife. During his younger days he was a professional InLine hockey goaltender and served in the USAFSecurity Forces (Disabled). After his enlistment he attended the University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh and received his undergraduate degree in PreK-12 Physical Education, Health Education and Coaching. He also studied Theatre Education and Adapted Physical Education. He has since designed and implemented adapted physical education programs and procedural guidelines for Arizona Public School Systems, taught high school Physical Education, Intro to Drama and American Literature classes. Since moving to Tennessee in 2009 he has taught Elementary Physical Education with MetroNashville and currently is teaching Physical Education at Richview Middle School and is the Head Tennis Coach for Clarksville High with Clarksville Montgomery Co Schools. Furthermore, he is the U.S. Department of Education Special Services Prek-12 Adapted Physical Education Parent Contact for TN. The Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education. Recreation and Dance has had many great leaders in the past, and we still have great leaders. The Archives committee would like to preserve the memories of past leaders and events in our association. Would any university be interested in establishing a "TAHPERD Hall of Fame?" This could be a classroom where TAHPERD material could be displayed. There are many things that could be displayed and many records to be stored. It could be great blessing to your students and perhaps TAHPERD could provide guest speakers from the past as well as the present to come and talk to your students and students from nearby schools. If interested contact David Adams dock.adams@att.net TAHPERD HALL OF FAME Page 7 TA H P E R D N e ws l e t t e r Let’s Move in Schools continued… Professional Development Opportunities LMAS PE/PA Advisors offer customized Professional De- FREE!! Information on how to engage your students in activities through- velopment to LMAS schools as well as technical assistance out school and at home. while schools work through the Six-Step Process. LMAS Criteria based (school inventory) professional devel- When you sign-up for Let’s Move Active Schools you will have access to opment focuses on improving the quantity/quality of physi- an abundance of information related to healthy active lifestyles. cal education and physical activity programs. These opportunities address physical education/physical ac- At the time of our last newsletter Tennessee had 157 schools signed up, tivity instructional strategies and best practices in the areas currently we have 231! I hope that you spread the word to your colleagues of increasing moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), physical activity integration, standards based in- and help get other schools enrolled so that we can help the children/families struction, assessment, physical fitness, etc. in the state of Tennessee develop and maintain healthy lifestyles! Within LMAS, the Physical Activity Leader (PAL) Learning System offers professional development training, an online learning community and a vast array of resources to Physical Activity Leaders over a 12 month period. Congratulations to Westview High School in Weakley County for being the winner of the $50.00 gift card/basket. Every school that is registered was eligible to win. TAHPERD will continue to have enrollment incentives…so Trainings are designed for those looking for additional guidance, inspiration and assistance while providing an interactive network to support the implementation of their Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP). get registered! Keep up the great work and Let’s Move The use of the learning community, along with the suggested milestones and global engagement approach utilized during training, will ensure that PALs are set up for success. Let’s Move!!!! These trainings are targeted for groups of 30-50 leaders per training and are offered at no cost. TAHPERD has eight (8) $500 grants available to current TAHPERD members. Grants are awarded to individuals who are seeking funding sources for innovative projects, research endeavors, or specialized equipment to improve teaching. Awardees are required to share their project during the grants session at the next TAHPERD Convention. The application is available at www.tahperd.us. To find the download application, enter the TAHPERD website, click on About Us tab then Grants link in box to the right. Deadline: October 1, 2014. The 2013-2014 awardees were the following: Josh Boynton, Lake City Elementary; Tina Bozeman, Martin Luther King Magnet High School; Kathy Caudill, Pearre Creek Elementary; Joe Miles, Tennessee Tech University; Robin Reding, Westwood Elementary; Tanya Ross, Woodlawn Elementary; Nancy Jo Tyner, Craigmont Middle School; and Jordan Webb, Cookeville High School. For further information, contact Dr. Marcy Maurer, Austin Peay State University, maurerm@apsu.edu. TA H PER D New s l e tte r Page 8 ADVOCACY PROGRESS FOR TAHPERD With Tennessee ranking #3 in obesity statistics nationally, TAHPERD is taking steps toward increasing physical education in schools in our state. Although it can be a slow process, we meet during March with our state legislators in Nashville to discuss the value of mandatory physical education for elementary school children (either 3 times per week, or less preferably 2 times per week). We have many statistics that connect children's health and regular physical education, and will pursue this goal until it is mandated by our legislature. This year, a wide variety of children and TAHPERD teachers helped us produce a six minute video about children's experiences in physical education. It is available from TAPHERD board member E.J. Wood (ejwood121@gmail.com) in either a DVD (or electronically in an IPhone format). We welcome physical educators to use this short video to educate and inform your local and community decision makers about the value of physical education. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words...how much more with video! TAHPERD now has a bright blue vinyl banner (3' x 8') suitable for parade or indoor display use, which promotes "Physical Education as the Common Core". Members may request the banner by contacting our Executive Director, Cam Kerst Davis (cam7777@edge.net). The banner comes with instructions for parade display, and we thank you in advance for returning it promptly after use. In a smaller version, "Physical Education as THE common core" bumper stickers will be available by May 2014. Let's use these wonderful methods of communication to promote the true foundation of education for children's health. Contact Cam Kerst Davis for more information. In an initiative for learning how to connect with our federal Members of Congress, the national offices of SHAPE (formerly AAHPERD) are hosting a "Speak Out" Conference in Washington, DC. TAHPERD is proudly sending two members to this conference so that we are knowledgeable in state and federal legislative activism. Any TAHPERD member interested in participating in our March Legislative Day on Capitol Hill in Nashville should contact Fran Hoogestraat (fran.hoogestraat@gmail.com) for more information. Let's make our concern for children's health known across our legislative body. We welcome your help! The American Heart Association’s “ducks” are a HUGE success this year. Keep up the heard work. Donations are still coming in. Still having the challenge of 35 new schools to enroll and complete a Jump Rope for Heart and/Hoops for Heart even this year. A gift membership to TAHPERD offers schools who complete an event and raise of $600. So, let’s have new schools STEP it up. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our joint projects coordinator, Mike Smith at 615497-0140. TA H PER D New s l e tte r Page 9 The Status of Elementary Physical Education in Tennessee: Results of the Survey The media reminds us daily that Tennessee ranks near the top in obesity for both adults and children. The percentage of overweight/obese students among Tennessee counties ranges from 23% to 51.9%. The percentage of overweight/ obese students is highest for 6th grade students. (TDOE, 2013) In 2006 a bill was introduced to the Tennessee State Legislature for physical education with a fiscal note of sixty million dollars; yes, the amount was 60 million dollars. The extravagant financial figure raised eyebrows not only within the legislature, but also within TAHPERD. As we began to ask questions we realized we did not have an accurate survey of the number of teachers, number of programs, number of days per week of instructional physical education, etc. As a result of this internal inquiry TAHPERD decided a statewide survey of physical education, K-12, was needed. Thanks to collaborative efforts with Rebecca Johns-Womack, State Director of Coordinated School Health, the Tennessee Obesity Taskforce, and to the CSH directors across the state, TAHPERD was able for the first time to begin to acquire accurate information on physical education in Tennessee. A TAHPERD Committee developed the survey in 2006; it was distributed in 2012, with results tabulated in the fall of 2013. A survey of 95 counties in Tennessee, with an 85% return, revealed that every school in the 80 counties reporting had elementary physical education taught by a certificated physical education specialist. The number of days per week ranged from one to five days, with twice per week being the average for elementary physical education taught by a specialist in the elementary schools of Tennessee. (TAHPERD, CSH, 2012-2013 school years) Two days per week of instructional physical education are better than one day per week…definitely better than no physical education. Two days per week are, however, extremely limiting in skill development and fitness achievement. (Imagine TCAP scores with only two days of math and reading per week.) Three days per week of instructional physical education and deliberate practice of skills are needed for the development of the skills for a lifetime of activity and health related fitness. The national standards for physical education are on a foundation of three days per week. Past recommendations by both NASPE and the CDC were for daily physical education, and while still the goal, the economic reality prohibits its implementation in all but a few districts. The survey of elementary physical education in Tennessee showed we have the personnel in place for two days per week of instructional physical education across the state IF physical educators were free to teach their curriculum in their gymnasiums each day…free to teach physical education for the entire school day. The cost of moving from a two days per week to three days per week of elementary physical education is 26 cents per student per day for a school of 500 or more students. That is very little to pay for our children’s health and their future. Send questions or comments to Shirley Holt/Hale (holthale@aol.com). TA H PER D New s l e tte r Page 10 SGM.PE (Student Growth Measure in Physical Education) Perform, Create, Respond, Connect. These are the categories of measurements for student growth in physical education. These are the student growth measures for teacher evaluation in physical education. The Tennessee Department of Education and a committee of physical education professionals, led by Tina Hall, MTSU pedagogy specialist, have been hard at work for the past two years creating an evaluation model to measure student growth in elementary physical education. The model has been written, rewritten, and written again. It has been piloted in elementary schools across the state and tweaked based on the feedback from teachers involved in that process. It will be ready for presentation to the State Board of Education in July, 2014, and to school districts for the 2014 ’15 school year. Are we excited about the completion of the teacher evaluation model for elementary physical education? YES! Physical education teachers now have a choice of the 35% student growth assessment being in physical education or taken from classroom scores. We are teachers of physical education. Our student growth measures should be centered in physical education. Workshops sponsored by TAHPERD during the summer of 2014 as well as convention programs in November will focus on assessment and teaching for student growth. Watch the TAHPERD website for specific dates and locations. Important Footnote: The physical education teachers in each district will decide if they wish to use the physical education student growth measures or the classroom scores. It will be a district decision, initiated by the physical educators in that district. Speak up for student growth in physical education; choose SGM.PE! Address content questions to: Tina.Hall@mtsu.edu Process questions to: Courtney.Seiler@tn.gov TAHPERD Board Members at the recent Spring Board meeting. Picture taken by David Adams, Chair of Archives. Page 11 TA H PER D New s l e tte r Legislative Day on Capitol Hill in Nashville. Four TAHPERD members, Kathy Clark, Frank Burnette, Patty Pender and Fran Hoogestraat recently had a productive day on Capitol Hill in Nashville building relationships specifically with house and senate members on the Education Committees. TAHPERD was well represented to 20 state legislators during a super busy day on the hill. We are grateful for our legislators who work toward the necessary laws that build a higher quality of life for all Tennesseeans. The Advocacy Committee of TAHPERD has carefully researched options, and will proceed immediately with legislation for the 2015 legislative session. At the Fall TAHPERD Convention, we will be asking all members to contact their respective legislators to support our bills. Even on a super busy day on Capitol Hill Fran Hoogestraat and Patty Pender in Nashville, Sen. Reginald Tate from with Rep. Dawn White from Mur- Memphis was able to enjoy a few light moments with TAHPERD members. Page 12 TA H PER D New s l e tte r CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2014 TAHPERD AWARD WINNERS Award:Connie Hall Givens---Coordinated School Health Recipient: Nicole Proffitt-Boyle, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools This award was established to honor the legacy of Connie Hall Givens and represent the influence she attributed to children’s health in Tennessee. Award: TAHPERD Life FellowRecipient: Ralph "Buck" Jones This award is given in recognition of many years of meritorious leadership and service to TAHPERD and the fields of health, physical education, recreation Award: James E. Ward---Future Professional Recipient: Ashley Johnson, Austin Peay State University Award: Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year This award was established to recognize an out- Recipient: Lauren Beard, Northfield Elementary, Murfrees- standing Tennessee college or university students boro, TN majoring in health, physical education, recreation, This award recognizes a teacher’s outstanding contribution dance and/or related areas. to and dedication for elementary physical education. Page 13 TA H PER D New s l e tte r TAHPERD Updates: www.tahperd.us The TAHPERD program proposal for the October 26-28, 2014 convention is on the web page. Deadline is June 15. Information can be found on the web page for submitting applications for award recipients, grants applications, candidate names for president elect and vice president elect for health, physical education, and general divisions. Workshops are in the final planning stages. The focus of TAHPERD workshops will be on the elementary Student Growth Measures. Each workshop will be 2 days - topics covered with be: Introduction to the Student Growth Measures, Rubics/assessments and Teaching for Success. Workshops are tentatively being scheduled in East, West and Middle Tennessee. Specific dates, locations and registration information will be available soon. WORKSHOP Updates: TAHPERD Growth Measures, June 2-3, Kingsport, TN. TAHPERD Growth Measures, West Tennessee tentatively will be in the Jackson area. TAHPERD Growth Measures, Middle Tennessee tentatively will be in Franklin or Murfreesboro. Newsletter Editor: Julian Allen High School Physical Education Unicoi County, TN allenj@unicoischools.com We’re on the Web www.tahperd.us Complete information on dates, locations and registration will be available April 30. Kingsport 5th Annual Summer Wellness Institute, June 3. Info: lpreston@k12.com Alabama AAHPERD, Spring Conference, April 11-12, Orange Beach AL. Info: dhes- The mission of the Tennessee Association for ter@uab.edu Health, Physical Educa- Georgia AHPERD Summer Institute, June 2014. Info: kthompson.gahperd@att.net National PE Institute, July 28-30, University of North Carolina, Asheville,NC. Info: www.NationalPEInstitute.com or (800) 927-0682 tion, Recreation, and Dance is to promote healthy lifestyles for Tennesseans. PELT, August 21-23, Black Mountain, NC. info@ncaahperd.org “Exercise and recreation Share the Wealth, January 2015, Jekyll Island, GA. Info: kthompson.gahperd@att.net are as necessary as read- TAHPERD Annual Convention, October 26- 28, 2014, Murfreesboro, TN ing. I will rather say more necessary, because health is worth more than learning.” Thomas Jefferson Page 14 TA H PER D New s l e tte r Letter from the Editor Hello TAHPERD members! My name is Julian Allen. I will be serving you as the newly appointed newsletter editor. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for submitting your excerpts to me in a timely matter, making the transition into this position as smooth as possible. In addition, I would also like to commend Ruth Henry’s efforts in supplying the newsletter for the many years before me. She did a wonderful job and I have hopes of living up to those high expectations by giving you a quality newsletter. Feel free to email me anytime (allenj@unicoischools.com) with questions or concerns that you may have about the newsletter. Again, I am excited to be your newly appointed newsletter editor. It is my pleasure serving you, the quality members of TAHPERD! Thank you and I hope you enjoy!! Julian Allen is the newly appointed newsletter editor for TAHPERD. He is currently teaching Health and Physical education in addition to coaching football and baseball at Unicoi County High School In Erwin, Tennessee. Julian also has experience as a FIT KIDS instructor at the elementary level. When Julian is not teaching or coaching, he enjoys time with family, friends, crossfit, and staying active, and attending University of Tennessee football games. Moreover, Julian has been an active member of TAHPERD since 2009, and strives to attend any and all conferences in order to become a better teacher.
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coming closely to an end. I would like to ask each of you who are doing great things in our state to email me,
tahperd.ed@aol.com, so I can share what you are doing in our organization and possibly...