Hacienda San Lucas
Hacienda San Lucas
HACIENDA SAN LUCAS OTOCH HACIENDA SAN LUCAS HACIENDA SAN LUCAS OTOCH HACIENDA SAN LUCAS Otoch and Hacienda San Lucas logos are designs by Frida Larios (fridalarios.com) and part of The New Maya Language © OTOCH -a sustainable approach to land ownership- what is otoch? Otoch in ancient Maya language means “abode” or “to dwell” aimed at lovers of nature and human history. There are fourteen land parcels, articulated via country roads to the municipal road network of the department of Copan in Honduras. Otoch is an opportunity to be a custodian of the landscape, flora, fauna, heritage and legacy of the Maya OTOCH first eco-turistic land development, and advocate of Mayan history, culture and traditions a conservationist approach for energy endowment, the use of solar and/or wind energy will be promoted. The project will also have its own regulations for construction and occupation. sustainable tourism making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible with complete harmony with nature OTOCH values rich culture, alive history due to its privilidged location, it is an invitation to become stewards of world patrimony, and to become a direct participant in the development of La Pintada community in the area. 14° 49' 35.4" N 89° 08' 09.4" O less than half a mile away from the Acropolis of the Maya in Copan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site OTOCH location nestled in the foothills of the mountains that cradle the Municipality of Copan at an elevation of over 2,450 feet above sea level lies a pleateau of roughly 6.3 hectares within the premises of Hacienda San Lucas lots hoo uac bolon lahun oxlahun ox can uuc uaxac buluc OTOCH caa hun lahca canlahun 4,166.85 m2 44,851.6 ft 2 OTOCH hun 4,032.12 m2 43,401.38 ft 2 OTOCH caa 3,824.13 m2 41,162.593 ft2 OTOCH ox 3,910.27 m2 42,089.796 ft2 OTOCH can 4,207.91 m2 45,293.566 ft2 OTOCH hoo 4,207.31 m2 45,287.108 ft2 OTOCH uac 4,207.41 m2 45,288.184 ft2 OTOCH uac 4,206.75 m2 45,281.08 ft 2 OTOCH uaxac 5,679.64 m2 61,135.136 ft2 OTOCH bolon 3,861.57 m2 41,565.593 ft2 OTOCH lahun 4,805.05 m2 51,721.128 ft2 OTOCH buluc 2,790.48 m2 30,036.477 ft2 OTOCH lahca 2,901.47 m2 31,231.163 ft2 OTOCH oxlahun 4,287.77 m2 46,153.172 ft2 OTOCH canlahun the homes to be built should be designed within the local architectural context, but with the owner’s own focus., the conservation of typical architecture preserves style and is also the most appropriate to the environment… and climate The homes will have a maximum area of 6,458 square feet, and should not exceed 20% of the home to plot ratio OTOCH Picture: Al Argueta housing The architectural designs of the houses should be inspired on the concept of the nineteenth century local hacienda. We can recommend a reputable and qualified local architect/ builder, who will work closely with you, to design a property that meets all your requirements. The use of adobe walls, clay tile flooring, and clay roof tiles, with textured walls and typical color schemes will be encouraged. HACIENDA SAN LUCAS for more information, , please visit: www.haciendasanlucas.com info@haciendasanlucas.com www.haciendasanlucas.blogspot.com/ OTOCH @haciendasanluca www.facebook.com/haciendasanlucas Copán Ruinas, Honduras +(504) 2651-4495 HACIENDA SAN LUCAS OTOCH