PDF Details - Lofthouse and Partners
PDF Details - Lofthouse and Partners
To Let Office Premises 5a Imperial Buildings The Broadway Houghton le Spring DH4 4DJ Town Centre Office Suite Prominent Location Close to Your Move and Kimmitt & Roberts Comprising 3 Offices plus Kitchen Totalling 513 ft2 (47.66m2) Self-contained access Location L Rate eable Value The T property forms part of a promine ent parade o of shops s located d on the frin nge of Hough hton le Spring g d Town T Centre.. The parad de is extreme ely visible and benefits b from m free parkin ng to the front. Nearb y occupiers o incllude Your Mo ove and Kimm mitt & Robertts and a Robert Miiller & Co Acco ountants. Follow wing an enqu uiry on the Vaaluation Office website we ha ave ascertaine ed that the Raateable Value is £1,950. Howe ever this figu ure cannot bbe relied upo on and if neces ssary a writte en request shhould be made to the Local Authority for confirmation.. The Uniform Business Rate for the Rates Year 2016/20017 is 49.7p Description D As a new occupier rights of apppeal may exist against the assessment a sh hown above. For further in nformation pleas se contact our Rating Deparrtment. The T suite is located on the first floor having selffcontained c acccess from The Broadway an nd comprises 3 good g sized offfices, kitchen and a WC. Accommoda A ation The T property b briefly comprisses as follows:ft2 2 m2 GROUND G FLO OOR Entrance E Lobb by FIRST F FLOOR R 3 Offices and kitchen totaling t 0.00 513 3 47.66 Our verbal enquiires with Citty of Sunderrland non dome estic rating department have confirm rmed that the property p pres sently qualifie ies for 100% business rates s relief subje ect to meetin ng certain so ole trader cond ditions and we w would advvise intereste ed parties to dis scuss the ma atter with Sun nderland City y Council beforre proceeding g 0191 56118850 Disc claimer None e of the equipm ment or systeems within the premises have been teste ed by the A Agent and it is the respo onsibility of th he Purchaser//Lessee to en nsure that they are a in working g order. Tenure T A new Lease e is available e at a comme encing annua al rental r of £5,2 200 upon term ms to be agre eed (minimum m lease term 3 yyears). Code C of Pra actice The T Landlord accepts the principles off the Code o of Practice P for Co ommercial Lea ases in England and Waless. Alternative A lea ase terms are e available upo on request. A copy c of the Code can be e obtained fro om the Roya al Institution I of Chartered Su urveyors, 12 Great George e Street, S Parliam ment Square. London, SW W1P 3AD Te l: 0207 0 695153 35, Fax: 0207 7 3343795 or o alternativelyy from f the webssite: www.leassingbusinessprremises.co.ukk Costs C Each E party willl be responsib ble for their ow wn Legal Fee s incurred in the e transaction. Viewing V Contact C – Marrio Jaconelli or Alexa Reavle ey mario o@lofthouseandpartners.co o.uk alexa a@lofthousean ndpartners.co.uk 0191 56588 844 VAT V Figures F quoted T where charg geable. d exclude VAT Ref C340 08 Prep pared March 2016 EPC gy Rating G Energ