2013 - Erasmus MC


2013 - Erasmus MC
Annual Report
COEUR Course Cardiovascular Medicine December 2013
Grants and Awards
PhD training
Research Seminars
Other educational activities
MD elective program
Doctoral degrees
Citation Classics
PubMed Publications 2013
We proudly present the annual report of the Cardiovascular Research School COEUR for
the year 2013. In terms of scientific output, 2013 has been a fruitful year. Our staff and
PhD candidates altogether produced 588 PubMed articles, whereas 24 PhD candidates
successfully defended their thesis and obtained a doctoral degree. Drs. Van der Linde
and Mokhles earned the doctorate ‘cum laude’, for which they are to be congratulated.
Details on the PhD theses can be found in the chapter on Doctoral Degrees.
The strong earning power of COEUR is reflected by the large amount of grant funds
that have been raised by COEUR investigators. As described in the chapter on Grants
and Awards, in 2013 a total of over 25 million euro was raised. In particular our scientists in heart valve disease, congenital heart defects, the heart-brain connection and
cardiovascular imaging have been successful.
The reporting year 2013 was memorable for our colleagues De Jaegere, who was appointed professor of Interventional Cardiology, and Takkenberg, who was appointed
professor of Clinical Decision Making.
Professor E. Sijbrands has been appointed Raine professor at the School of Medicine
and Pharmacology, Perth, Australia. Young investigator and presentation awards were
obtained by several of our PhD candidates.
This report presents a photo impression of the ‘COEUR day’, which was held on May 31.
We aimed to outline the strengths and capacities of the various project groups, in order
to foster collaboration and research within COEUR. By means of short lectures, a poster
walk, and debating sessions, senior staff and PhD candidates used the opportunity to
share insights and ideas. The COEUR day was well-attended and -appreciated and will
henceforth be organised as an annual event.
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
COEUR currently lists 199 PhD candidates, who conduct their research in one of the 37
projects, which belong to the three main themes Vascular Medicine, Acute Coronary
Syndromes and Chronic Cardiac Disease. This structure was created upon recommendation by the 2009 accreditation committee of the Royal Netherlands Society of Arts and
Sciences. In 2014, COEUR will again be inspected and reviewed. We are curious to learn
how our scientific and educational undertakings and achievements will be appreciated
by external reviewers.
In the meantime, we hope that you will enjoy the presentation of our activities in this
annual report. We wish all COEUR staff and PhD candidates an exciting and successful
scientific 2014.
Eric Boersma, Scientific Director
Adrie J.M. Verhoeven, Secretary
Felix Zijlstra, Chairman
Professor Eric Boersma, Scientific Director
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Dr. Adrie J.M. Verhoeven, Secretary
Dr. Shirley Uitte de Willige
Dr. Dick Rijken in “Cardiovascular Medicine” Course
The mission of COEUR is two-fold:
■ To promote basic, translational and clinical
cardiovascular research, aimed at improving
the understanding of the pathophysiology
as well as the prognosis and quality of life of
patients with cardiovascular disease
■ To train future national and international
leaders in the cardiovascular field through a
systematic scientific education and training
To achieve this mission, COEUR conducts
innovative research and provides high quality
training in the cardiovascular research field.
The research programs include a wide spectrum
of disciplines, such as cardiovascular biology
and pharmacology, biomedical engineering and
informatics, clinical science, clinical epidemiology
and health care research. Training involves an
individual training program and includes monthly
research seminars and an all-encompassing
cardiovascular science core curriculum.
COEUR recognizes the need for an integrative,
multidisciplinary, translational approach
and encourages national and international
Cardiovascular Research School Erasmus University Rotterdam (COEUR)
Participating institutes
Board representatives
Anesthesiology and Vascular Surgery
Professor Robert Jan Stolker
Professor Felix Zijlstra, chairman
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Professor Ad JJC Bogers
Professor Frank WG Leebeek
Intensive Care Medicine
Professor AB Johan Groeneveld
Internal Medicine, Pharmacology,
Vascular and Metabolic Diseases
and Division of Nephrology
Professor AH Jan Danser
Dr Anton H van den Meiracker
Professor Bob Zietse
Neurology (Vascular Neurology)
Professor Diederik WJ Dippel
Pediatric Cardiology
Professor Wim A Helbing
(including Biomedical Imaging)
Professor Aad van der Lugt
Professor Wiro J Niessen
Surgery (Vascular Surgery)
Professor Hence JM Verhagen
Professor Eric Boersma, scientific director
Dr Adrie JM Verhoeven, secretary
Accredited (2003) by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and
Sciences. Re-accreditated in 2009
10 COEUR participants
Graduate School
Erasmus MC
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Intensive Care Medicine
Scientific Advisory Board
Internal Medicine
Pharmacology, Vascular and
Metabolic Diseases
and Division of Nephrology
Pediatric Cardiology
Scientific Director
Biomedical Imaging Group
Vascular Surgery
Scientific Secretariat
Theme I
Vascular Medicine
Theme II
Acute CV Syndromes
Theme III
Chronic Cardiac Disease
Denise van der Linde is EPAR PhD Student of the Year
Grants and Awards
A selection of grants and awards obtained by COEUR investigators in 2013 is given below.
PhD candidate Denise van der Linde was awarded
with the title of EPAR PhD Student of the Year
2012 for being the most outstanding and unique
PhD student at Erasmus University Rotterdam. In
this competition, the PhD candidates’ association
of Erasmus University Rotterdam EPAR searches
for PhD students who – besides their excellent
research activities – have time and energy to be-
Petra Opiç with the Young Investigator Award
come involved in extracurricular activities like
entrepreneurship, voluntary work and political
involvement. The nominated students all excel in
society involvement, connections within their research field and academic achievements. The prize
was presented to her during the Talent Day on
February 19th, 2013 and included an award-statue
and a financial prize (€ 1.000).
During the meeting of the Association for
European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology
(AEPC) “Psycho-Social from Fetus to Adult” in Cologne, Germany, PhD candidate Petra Opiç won
the Young Investigator Award with her presenta- 15
tion “Sexual functioning is worse than expected
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Dr Peter de Jaegere has been appointed professor
of “Intervention Cardiology, particularly cathetherrelated treatments of valve defects”. On January
11th he delivered his inaugural lecture titled
“Standing still promotes progress”.
in adults with congenital heart disease”. She performed this study as part of the 30-year follow-up
of patients with congenital heart diseases. This
was the third follow-up in this unique longitudinal cohort, in which patients were not only examined medically, but also underwent extensive
psychosocial examination. The first and second
follow-ups took place at 1990 respectively 2001.
Project leaders were Professor Jolien Roos-Hesselink and Dr Lisbeth Utens (Department of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology, Erasmus
Medical Center).
In 2013, PhD candidate Matthijs van
Kranenburg received financial support for
his project The sudden heart attack from the
Stichting DIRA(mr. Moerman).
On November 28th Professor Patrick W. Serruys
was awarded an honorary doctorate by the
Complutense University of Madrid.
PhD candidate Denise van der Linde obtained her
PhD degree ‘cum laude’. Her thesis defense was
at April 19th, and the title was “Congenital Aortic
Stenosis and Aneurysms”.
Professor Dirk Duncker received an Erasmus
MC Pilot Grant worth € 50.000,- for research on
wound healing in the infarct area after an acute
myocardial infarction, in collaboration with
Dr. Han van Neck (Plastic Surgery). In addition,
he has been appointed as Associate Editor of
Cardiovascular Research (the basic science journal
of the European Society of Cardiology) as of
January 1st 2013.
The BAV consortium (LUMC, UMC St. Radboud
and Erasmus MC), in which the department
of Congenital Heart Disease is an important
participant, received a grant (€ 1.000.000) from
the Dutch Heart Foundation for study called
“Unravelling etiology and risk factors in patients
with bicuspid aortic valves”.
Dr Daphne Merkus received a CVON grant for
her part in the project Phaedra: Pulmonary
Hypertension and associated Right Heart Failure:
breaking the vicious circle. This project is run
together with Anton Vonk Noordegraaf, Harm-Jan
Bogaard and Geerten Nieuw-Amerongen from the
VUMc, Peter ten Dijke and Marie-Jose Goumans
from the LUMC, and Rolf Berger from the UMCG.
In 2013, the unit Translational Electrophysiology
was founded as a new research unit at the
department of Cardiology. Dr Natasja de Groot
received a research grant (€180.000) from the
Thorax Foundation.
The 1Valve consortium (1Valve: one valve for
live) of which Professor Arie Pieter Kappetein is
one of the two leaders, and professor Hanneke
Takkenberg is principal investigator, received
a CVON grant worth € 9.000.000, for their study
aimed at the development of in situ engineering
of heart valves.
Daphne’s part in this project is the development
and study of two pig models for pulmonary
hypertension. The focus lies at the adaptations
of lung endothelial cells and the right ventricle
to the altered hemodynamics, and the role of
TGFbeta and BMP signaling in these adaptations.
She receives about €715,000 for two PhD students,
one technician plus bench fee.
PhD candidate Mostafa Mokhles obtained his
PhD degree ‘cum laude’ at December 16th, for his
thesis titled .“Innovative Modeling of Outcome in
Cardiac Surgery”. PhD candidate Aart Mookhoek
received the prize for best presentation at the
COEUR day 2013 for his talk “Material Properties
of Failing Pulmonary Autografts”.
Dr Heleen van Beusekom received an NWO
investment grant together with Dr Gijs van Soest
and dr Theo Luider (Neuro-oncology) to acquire
an MS imaging suite to study pharmacodynamics
of drug delivery and biodegradable scaffold
behavior (€900.000), and a grant of € 120.000 from
the Dutch Trombosis Foundation (together with
Dr Moniek de Maat (Hematology)) to study the 3D
functional architecture of coronary thrombi in the
CorTAsk biobank.
Cardio-thoracic Surgery
Dr Hanneke Takkenberg has been appointed as
extraordinary professor occupying an endowed
chair on behalf of the Erasmus Trust foundation,
in Clinical Decision Making. On September 6th she
delivered her inaugural lecture titled “Dance with
Dr. Mostafa Mokhles
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
On June 10th, 2013, PhD candidate Ruben
Osnabrugge, received a Fulbright scholarship
out of the hands of Minister Jet Bussemaker
and American Chargé d’Affaires, Edwin Nolan.
The Fulbright program is an international
educational exchange program sponsored by
the US government and is designed to “increase
mutual understanding between the people
of the United States and the people of other
countries.” The Netherlands has participated
in this program since 1949. The main criteria
for granting the scholarship are: outstanding
academic performance; being regarded as
promising in their field; and being capable of
representing the Netherlands in the United States.
Ruben was one of the 10 PhD students who were
awarded with this scholarship this year. This
scholarship enables him to conduct part of his
research at the Mid-America Heart Institute in
Kansas City, Missouri. His research focuses on less
invasive treatments for coronary artery disease
and aortic valve stenosis. In addition to the clinical
outcomes, his research will concentrate on the
quality of life and the costs associated
with these treatments. The Mid-America
Heart Institute is an authority in this
field of research.
Ruben Osnabrugge with
Minister Jet Bussemaker
Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Postdoctoral researcher Dr Shirley Uitte de
Willige received the 2013 Joint Fellowship
100 K€) from the International Society of
Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) and the
European Hematology Association (EHA) for her
research on alpha-2-antiplasmin. She also won a
Pier M. Mannucci Award for best articles by young
authors published in the Journal of Thrombosis
and Haemostasis in 2012.
Professor Frank Leebeek, Dr Moniek de Maat,
Dr Marieke Kruip, Dr Dick Rijken and Dr Shirley
Uitte de Willige were members of the local
organizing committee of the XXIVth International
Congress of the International Society of
Thrombosis and Haemostasis, held in Amsterdam
29 June - 4 July 2013.
PhD candidate Yvonne Sanders received a Young
Investigator Award from the ISTH for her abstract
“Genetic variations determine von Willebrand
factor levels in patients with von Willebrand
disease – the WiN study”.
Dr Moniek de Maat received a grant from
Stichting Coolsingel for the project Fibrin
treatment: turning point in chronic wound healing
(40 K€) and a grant from the NOVO Nordisk/ECAT
Foundation worth 50 K€ for the project External
Quality Control Hemostasis: interaction between
laboratory and clinicians in the Netherlands.
Together with dr. J van Neck (Plastic Surgery) she
received an additional 100 K€ from the Fonds
NUTS-OHRA, for the project Fibrin treatment:
turning point in chronic wound healing. Together
with Dr Heleen van Beusekom, she received
a grant of 120 K€ from the Dutch Trombosis
Foundation for the study titled Functional
three-dimensional architecture of the coronary
thrombus in relation to phenotype: in vivo and in
vitro thrombus fate.
PhD candidate Carina Stoof received an NVTH
Award of Excellence (€ 2000,-) for her work on
“High rate of postpartum hemorrhage in women
with Von Willebrand Disease and carriers of
hemophilia, despite specialized care”. Additionally,
she received a Young Investigator Award from the
ISTH for this work.
Dr Janine van Loon was awarded a Pier M
Mannucci Award for best original articles
published by young investigators in the Journal of
Thrombosis and Haemostasis in 2012.
Dr Marieke Kruip received a grant from Fonds Nuts
Ohra for a study on unexplained bleeding tendency
(150 K€) and an unrestricted research grant from
Thrombosis Service Star-MDC for studies on
treatment with oral anticoagulants (200 k€).
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Internal Medicine: Pharmacology, Vascular
and Metabolic Diseases
The consortium COBRA - Congenital heart
defects: Bridging the gap between Regeneration,
Adaptation, late Attrition and Ageing -, for which
professor Wim Helbing and VM Christoffels
(AMC Amsterdam) are the leading PI’s, received
a consortium grant of € 1.500.000 from the
Netherlands Heart Foundation.
A consortium grant was also awarded by
the Netherlands Heart Foundation to CARSII; cardiomyopathy Registry Study-II, Dilated
cardiomyopathy in children. Improving
diagnosis by state-of-the art genotyping and
outcome by risk stratification and optimizing
pharmacotherapy, of which Dr Michiel
Dalinghaus is principal investigator ( € 350.000).
PhD candidate Stephanie Lankhorst received
an accommodation grant for the 23rd European
Meeting on Hypertension, which was held
from June 14-17 in Milan. This grant includes
accommodation during the congress and
congress fee. At this meeting she gave an oral
presentation entitled: ‘OPTIMAL TREATMENT OF
PhD candidate Paula Bautista Niño received a
4-year PhD grant from Colciencias, the public
entity that designs, manages and coordinates
the National Policy on Science, Technology and
Innovation in Colombia. This project concerns
a joint collaboration between the departments
of Epidemiology and Internal Medicine/
Radiology, department Biomedical Imaging
Professor Wiro Niessen became Executive Director
of the Medical Image Computing and Computer
Assisted Intervention Society (MICCAI).
Professor Eric Sijbrands has been appointed
Raine Professor at the School of Medicine
and Pharmacology, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth
Together with Dr. Theo van Walsum (Biomedical
Imaging Group/Radiology), Dr Hans Bosch
obtained a grant of € 627.000 for their IMAGIC
project. This project is part of the STW iMIT
Perspective program, and focuses on image guided
cardiac interventions.
The CVON project Heart-Brain connection
(HBC: the missing link in the pathophysiology
Dr Adrie Verhoeven was elected by the 2nd year
medical students as Teacher of Year 2 for 20122013.
of vascular cognitive impairment), in which
professor Wiro Niessen, professor Peter Koudstaal
en dr Afran Ikram are principal investigators, was
granted (€ 10.350.000).
Dr Stefan Klein received The Henk Stassen award
for his research in biomedical image registration
during the Dutch Conference on BioMedical
Engineering, January 24/25, 2013, in Egmond aan
Zee. The chairman of the jury was Prof. dr. Frans
van der Helm (TU Delft).
On December 1-6, 2013 at the 2013 RSNA Annual
Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, PhD candidate Raluca
Saru of the department of Radiology received
the Certificate of Merit award for her education
exhibit at the 99th Scientific Assembly and
Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of
North America. Dr Koen Nieman acquired a ZonMW
Doelmatigheid grant for the CRESCENT II study.
Raluca Saru
Vascular Surgery
Dr Jeroen Essers was invited to give a lecture
at the Gordon Research Conference July 21-26,
in Biddeford ME, USA, with the ‘Consequences
of impaired elastogenesis in Fibulin-4 deficient
PhD Training
June 20 & 21, 2013
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Coordinators: Professor Jan Danser (Internal
Medicine) and Dr Antoinette Maassen van den
Brink (Internal Medicine)
Number of participants (PhD candidates): 14
COEUR offers PhD candidates a research and
education program tailored towards their
individual requirements. This program aims to
develop their knowledge and skills such that
they can become independent researchers, and
provides them with a broad basis for their future
professional career. Monitoring of the actual
education progress of individual PhD candidates
is now standard practice, and an overview of the
education obtained during the duration of the PhD
program is presented elsewhere in this booklet.
Importantly, the current education program has
received high marks during the re-accreditation in
2009 by the Royal Dutch Science Society (KNAW).
December 12 & 13, 2013
Cardiovascular Medicine
Coordinators: Professor Frank W Leebeek
(Haematology) and Dr Anton van den Meiracker
(Internal Medicine)
Number of participants (PhD candidates): 22
Research Seminars
January 18, 2013
Translational Electrophysiology
Organizers: NMS de Groot (Cardiology) and C Kik
(Cardiothoracic Surgery)
Speakers: Professor M Alessie (CARIM), C Kik,
NMS de Groot, DAMJ Theuns, T Szili-Torok
Number of participants: 20
The curriculum of 2013 comprised the following
January 10 & 11, 2013
Cardiovascular Imaging and Diagnostics
Coordinators: Professor Aad van der Lugt
(Radiology) and Dr Hans Bosch (Cardiology)
Number of participants (PhD candidates): 35
February 22, 2013
Pulmonary-Right ventricle Interaction
Organizers: IKM Reiss (Neonatology) and
D Merkus (Cardiology)
Speakers: IKM Reiss, RJ Rottier, DPM de WijsMeijler, WA Helbing, E Martelli Moreira, D Merkus,
AE van den Bosch
Number of participants: 30
April 25 & 26, 2013
Congenital Heart Disease
Coordinators: Professor Jolien Roos-Hesselink
Professor Ad Bogers (Cardiothoracic Surgery) and
Professor Wim Helbing (Paediatrics)
Number of participants (PhD candidates): 17
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
April 12, 2013
Symposium Careful and integer dealing with
research data
Organizers: H Boersma (Scientific Director COEUR)
and AJM Verhoeven (Secretary COEUR)
Speakers: H Boersma, S van de Vathorst, RE Juttman
Number of participants: 26
(AMC, Pathology), A Karanasos, ASA Autar, MPM
de Maat, Professor H ten Cate (MUMC, Internal
Medicine), MAH Sonneveld, S Uitte de Willege
Number of participants: 51
May 24, 2013
Carotid atherosclerotic plaques: biomechanics and
Organizers: WJ Niessen (Radiology), A van der Lugt
(Radiology), FJH Gijsen (Biomedical Engineering),
JJ Wentzel (Biomedical Engineering)
Speakers: M Cibis, L Speelman, H Smit, AC van Dijk,
A Arias Lorza, HA Nieuwstadt, M Selwaness
Number of participants: 26
April 19, 2013
Professor Jay W Heinecke, Professor of Diabetes and
Obesity Center, University of Washington, Seattle
Title: HDL’s Protein Cargo: Friend or Foe in
The curriculum of 2013 comprised the following
June 11, 2013
Professor Edward O. McFalls, Chief of Cardiology, VA
Medical Center
Professor of Medicine, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, USA
Title: The Hibernating Heart: Will it Ever Awaken?
June 21, 2013
Gender differences in cardiovascular disease
Organizers: JW Roos-Hesselink (Cardiology) and
JE Roeters van Lennep (Internal Medicine)
Speakers: JW Roos- Hesselink, C de Klijn (UMCU,
Neurology), JE Roeters-van Lennep, MPM de Maat,
K Nieman
Number of participants: 38
June 25, 2013
Professor Carsten Wagner, Institute of Physiology,
University of Zürich, Switzerland
Title: Regulated excretion of acid by the kidneys?
October 23, 2013
Professor Jacques Ohayon, Professor of Mechanics,
5525, In3S, Grenoble, France & Engineering School
Polytech Annecy-Chambéry, University of Savoie, Le
Bourget du Lac, France
November 29, 2013
Coronary and Cranial Thrombosis
Organizers: HMM van Beusekom (Cardiology), E
Regar (Cardiology), MPM de Maat (Hematology)
and DWJ Dippel (Neurology)
Speakers: DWJ Dippel, Professor AC van der Wal
Aortic Pathology Symposium, April 18,
Bourget du Lac, France
Title: Biomechanics of Atherosclerotic Plaque: Site,
Stability and in vivo Modeling
The second Aortic Pathology Symposium was
organized in the WTC in Rotterdam by Professor
Jolien Roos-Hesselink (Cardiology) together with
the Dr. Jos Bekkers (Cardiothoracic surgery),
Professor Hence Verhagen (Vascular Surgery) and
Dr. Marja Wessels (ErasmusMC, Clinical Genetics).
New insights and actual treatments of aortic
diseases were discussed. The keynote speaker
was Professor Erwin Oechslin from Toronto
General Hospital, who talked about the “Bicuspid
aortic valve”. The symposium was targeted at
cardiologists, heart- and vascular surgeons,
clinical geneticists, and those in training for these
specialisms. The symposium was attended by
more than 100 participants.
Other educational activities
The 18th European symposium on Ultrasound
Contrast Imaging, 17-18 January 2013
An inspiring 18th symposium was organised by
the Scientific Committee, composed of Dr Folkert
ten Cate, Professor Nico de Jong, Dr Arend Schinkel,
Erasmus MC and Dr Edward Leen (Imperial College
London). This conference on the latest development
in contrast echocardiography was attended by
clinicians, engineers and basic scientists from both
academia and industry. The excellent organization
and the small-scale setting allowed for extensive
interaction and lively discussions among
participants. PhD candidates Zeynettin Akkus
and Stijn van den Oord from the departments of
Biomedical Engineering and Cardiology received
the best poster award because of the translational
aspect of their research. They developed software
for semi-automated quantification of intraplaque
neovascularization in carotid atherosclerosis
and validated this in a clinical setting. The prize
included a certificate and a sum of €500.
Erasmus Winter Programme
February 25 – March 15, 2013
Faculty of COEUR actively participated in the
NIHES Erasmus Winter Programme held in the
Erasmus Expo- & Congress Centre, Rotterdam. The
Programme was focused on the basic principles
and methods of clinical research. It included
courses on clinical trials, drug safety research,
biostatistics and in decision making in clinical
medicine. Number of participants: 193
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Minor Medical Delta
In cooperation with the combined Erasmus MC PhD
committee and the other (local) Research Schools,
COEUR participated in the yearly “PhD information
market”, which took place on July 4th. The Research
Schools provided the beginning PhD students
with information of their institutes and education
programs. Last-year PhD students were informed
on thesis printing and career development
strategies. Presentations and workshops were
given on practical PhD issues including ethics and
medical communication and writing.
Several COEUR groups participated in this minor
for physics students from Delft and Leiden.
Medical Delta is a collaboration of the Erasmus
MC, LUMC and the Technical University of
Delft, aimed at the improvement of healthcare
through the development, improvement and
implementation of medical technology. In this 20week minor 40 physics students were introduced
into various aspects of biomedical and clinical
research. In two 2-weeks projects, they worked
in various COEUR groups on solving technical
problems in biomedical applications.
Medical students elective course
In January, the elective course “Introduction into
methodologies and measurements” that includes
an introduction to ECG and echocardiography as
well as acute neurovascular disorders was given
to 30 motivated 2nd year medical students. The
aim of the course is to introduce the students with
current research questions in the Cardiovascular
field, and to learn about the various approaches,
models and methods to address these questions.
In addition, the students have to write a small
systematic review of the literature on a topical
issue within the cardiovascular clinical practice.
PhD-training course “Cardiac Function
and Adaptation”, “Thrombosis and
Haemostasis” and “Vascular Biology”.
September 30 - October 4, 2013
The venue of the course was Papendal, near
Arnhem. The courses are organized under
auspices of and with financial support from the
Netherlands Heart Foundation.
The courses are an integral part of the PhDtraining offered collectively by the Dutch
Cardiovascular Research Institutes including
COEUR. The three courses are taught
Shear Stress Symposium on
Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and
Cardiovascular Disease
simultaneously, meaning that each student can
participate in only one of the three courses each
year. An important aspect of the courses is the
interaction between PhD students from different
Research Institutes. To this end, assignments were
discussed in small groups and social activities
were planned during the evenings. Participants
also had to present a poster of their own research
project. 12 COEUR PhD candidates attended to this
year’s training course.
In April 2013 the 8th “International symposium
on Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and
Cardiovascular Disease’ was organized in the
Hilton hotel in Rotterdam. The symposium
aimed to bridge the gap between biomechanics,
vascular biology and clinical research in order to
understand more about cardiovascular disease.
A number of internationally renowned speakers
with a clinical/biological or technical background
were invited to discuss this topic for 2 days. The
keynote speakers this year were prof. dr. Peter
Davies, University of Pennsylvania, USA (Atherosusceptibility of the stressed endothelium: In
vivo site-specific cell adaptation) and David
Steinman, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
(Geometric risk factors for atherosclerosis: A
30-year-long odyssey), who presented their latest
work. Over 160 participants from academia and
industry from all over Europe and the USA visited
the symposium and more than 78 abstracts (66
posters en 12 oral) were presented. The reactions
of the speakers and the visitors were very positive,
indicating that a symposium of this kind fills an
important need. In forthcoming years the location
of the conference will alternate between the
North-American Continent and Rotterdam, the
Optics in Cardiology
March 21 and 22, 2013
The second conference for scientists, clinicians
and engineers on Optics in Cardiology was held
in Lantaren/Venster Rotterdam. During this
two-day symposium the latest breakthroughs
in applications of light in cardiovascular
medicine were presented, highlighting clinical,
technological and translational advances in this
fast-moving field.
Number of participants: 223
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
COEUR day 2013
The Principal Investigators and senior scientific
staff spent the afternoon debating the future
of the COEUR Research School. The afternoon
sessions for PhD students included a workshop
on communication styles and feedback, delivered
by Louise Mennen, and concluded with 3-minute
presentations by PhD students, explaining
their research projects. The prize for the best
presentation was awarded to Aart Mookhoek,
PhD from the department of Cardio-thoracic
Surgery for his talk “Material Properties of Failing
Pulmonary Autografts”. The breaks were well used
for interaction among the students and staff.
The COEUR day was held on May 31 in the
Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi). The
day is a continuation of the annual COEUR PhD
day, and was organized together with the PhD
committee. For the first time, this day was not
only meant for PhD students, but also for staff
members, and consisted of plenary sessions in
the morning for all attendants, and separate
sessions for PhD students and staff members in
the afternoon. The aim of the day was to outline
the strengths and capabilities of the various
project groups, in the hope that this will facilitate
collaboration and thereby strengthen research
within COEUR. 46 PhD students and 33 principal
investigators/ senior staff members attended the
The day started off with a general opening
statement from the director of COEUR, Professor
Eric Boersma, followed by a series of short lectures
in which the diversity of COEUR was presented
according to the 3 by 3 matrix. The morning
session concluded with a Poster walk, in which
almost all project groups within COEUR presented
their skills and capabilities, as well as a PhD poster
as an example of those capabilities.
PhD Comittee Nienke Duppen, Arna van Engelen, Yvonne Sanders and Kirsten Berk
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
The original six research themes have been
converted in a new, matrix like structure. In the
new approach, biological, pathophysiological
and clinical entities are now dominant, and the
organizational scheme has now moved to the
background. The current structure follows the
example already given in the annual report of
2006, and results from both internal as well as
external recommendations. In the current setup, the following three major themes have been
I. Vascular Medicine
II. Acute Cardiovascular Syndromes
III. Chronic Cardiac Disease
Within these three major themes, different
Research Programs haven been created, while the
various disciplines and diseases stages are now on
the vertical axis. The matrix is outlined in more
detail on the following pages, and should provide
much better insight into the various research
activities within COEUR.
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Discipline II
Aetiology &
& Pathogenesis
Discipline IIII
Imaging &
& Diagnos
Theme II
Vascular Medicine
Molecular Biology
CAD im
Vascular Damage
Damage &
& Repair
Disorders of
of the
the microcirculation
Role of
Regulation of
of Tone
Cardiovascular Genetics
Aneurysm disease
Genetic regulation
regulation of
of vasculo/angiogenesis
Metabolic Diseases
Molecular biology
Aortic imaging
Genetic regulation
Role of
Aortic remodeling
Theme IIII
Acute CV
CV Syndromes
Hemostasis &
& Thrombosis
Role of
of hemostasis
hemostasis in
in thrombosis
Acute Coronary
Coronary Syndromes
Mechanisms of
of Plaque
Plaque Vulnerability
Stroke &
& Migraine
Critical Illness
Illness and
and Sepsis
Theme III
Chronic Cardiac
Cardiac Disease
Cardiac Remodeling
Remodeling and
and Failure
CAD im
Causes of
of Stroke
Neurovascular Imaging
Pharmacology of
of migraine
Mechanisms of
of cardiac
cardiac remodeling
remodeling and
and failure
3D echo
Cardiac Imaging
CV Imaging
Imaging &
& DiagnosDiagnostics
Cardiac Imaging
Atrial fifibrillation
Congenital heart
heart disease
Mechanisms of
of cardiac
cardiac remodeling
remodeling and
and failure
Cardiac Imaging
Discipline IIII
ging &
& Diagnostics
CAD imaging
Peripheral imaging
Discipline III
Therapy &
& Prevention
Image Processing
Peripheral Vessels
US Transducers
Stents and
and Restenosis
US agents
CV Surgery
Surgery &
Risk Stratifi
cation &
Pharmaco Therapy
Clinical Decision
Decision Making
Making in
in Surgery
Cardiac Risk
Risk Evaluation
Evaluation and
and Modifi
Role of
Image processing
Aortic endografts
Medical Manag.
Manag. of
of aneurysm
aneurysm disease
Molecular imaging
Manag. of
of hemorrhag
hemorrhag &
& thrombc
thrombc disorders
CAD imaging
Image Processing
Peripheral imaging
US Transducers
Image Processing
Primary PCI
PCI for
for AMI
Biomarkers of
of acute
acute coronary
coronary event
Cerebrovasc. Disease
Prognosis &
& Clinical
Clinical Manag.
Manag. of
of Stroke
Pharmacology of
of migraine
Image Processing
Stem Cell
Cell Therapy
US Transducers
Heart Transplantation
Catheter Ablation
Image Processing
Cath Based
Based Int.
US Transducers
ICD Therapy
Therapy Stratifi
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Discipline I
Aetiology & Pathogenesis
Theme I
Vascular Medicine
Disorders of the microcirculation
Cardiovascular Genetics
Aneurysm disease
Theme II
Acute CV Syndromes
Hemostasis & Thrombosis
Acute Coronary Syndromes
Stroke & Migraine
Critical Illness and Sepsis
Theme III
Chronic Cardiac Disease
Cardiac Remodeling and Failure
Congenital heart disease
Imaging & Dia
Discipline II
Imaging & Diagnostics
Discipline III
Therapy & Prevention
CV Surgery &
Risk Stratification &
Pharmaco Therapy
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 1
Cardiac (mal) adaptation to stress and damage
Ischemic heart disease, in particular myocardial infarction, and hypertension are major causes of heart failure
in western countries. Following myocardial infarction or chronic exposure to pressure-overload, the heart
undergoes extensive alterations in muscle mass and geometry. This cardiac remodeling is associated with an
increased likelihood of progression towards overt heart failure, particularly in the setting of an ageing population.
Research within Project Group 1 is aimed at improving our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the progression from ischemic and hypertensive heart disease towards heart failure in order to identify
novel targets for therapy. For this purpose, our research focuses on the pathogenesis and therapy of (i) acute
myocardial infarction, (ii) the cardiac remodeling and dysfunction that follows in the days-weeks after myocardial infarction and systemic pressure-overload, (iii) myocardial dysfunction and perfusion abnormalities
in post-infarct remodelled myocardium (iiii) pulmonary hypertension secondary to hypoxia, left ventricular
dysfunction or thrombo-embolic events. Furthermore, we study (v) the effects of aging and exercise training
on cardiac remodeling and dysfunction following myocardial infarction and chronic pressure overload and (vi)
the influence of age on the cardiac responses to hemodynamic overload.
Principal Investigators
PhD candidates
DJGM Duncker, D Merkus
VJ de Beer, A Bogers, C Cheng, AH Danser, RJ van Geuns, IM Heinonen, JH Hoeijmakers,
M van Houwelingen, AH van den Meiracker, KM Reiss, AJM Roks, J Roos- Hesselink, D Tibboel, AJM Verhoeven, F Zijlstra
GMJ de Boer
Cardiac dysfunction in aging: The role of genomic instability
S Ding
Microvascular function in health and disease
GJ van Essen
Does cardiovascular performance in domestic swine obey allometric scaling laws?
DPM Meijler
Pulmonary hypertension (of the neonate)
Y Octavia
The dual face of endothelial nitric oxide synthases in the different etiology of heart failure
K Stam
Pulmonary Hypertension and associated Right Heart Failure: breaking the vicious circle
YJHJ Taverne
Reactive oxygen species and the endothelium. Friend or foe of the cardiovascular system?
T Yetgin
Effects of ischemic postconditioning and/or glucagon-like-peptide-1 mimetic exenatide on infarct size
Project 2
Experimental interventional cardiology, vascular injury and repair
In this project our focus is to study vascular wound healing with a focus on
1) the vascular response to coronary (PCI) and peripheral vascular interventions and
2) treatment strategies and sequellae following experimental “ischemia and reperfusion”.
PCI studies are performed in different species as well as in disease models. We have found that these play
an important role as they significantly affect the response to vascular injury and repair in both coronary and
peripheral arteries. We employ simple models such as direct stenting and balloon angioplasty (injury) prior
to PCI in healthy young animals, but also more complex models such as diet and Diabetes Mellitus induced or
accelerated atherosclerosis. Different imaging modalities (invasive by e.g. OCT, NIRS, IVUS, and non-invasive
by CT or MRI) allow us to characterize the baseline environment and to study the vascular response to drug
eluting stents and scaffolds in a longitudinal setting. In these models we study the pharmacodynamics and
polymer degradation behavior using drug eluting stents and biodegradable scaffolds in different vascular
environments in health and disease.
Ischemia-reperfusion studies, both acute and chronic, are geared towards novel vascular (adjunctive)
therapies for acute myocardial infarction. By means of invasive and non-invasive imaging and histology, we
routinely characterize LV-function, and the composition and geometry of the infarct and no-reflow zones. We
can successfully achieve therapy by means of local drug delivery and post-conditioning strategies. For the
longitudinal studies we have set-up an early and sensitive assay for the determination of baseline infarct size
and no reflow upon reperfusion. In addition and in collaboration with the clinical catheterization laboratory
we are building a biobank of coronary thrombus aspirates (CorTAsk) to aid in understanding no-reflow in the
clinical setting
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 2- continued
Experimental interventional cardiology, vascular injury and repair
Principal Investigators
HMM van Beusekom, DJGM Duncker, ES Regar
AHJ Danser, TM Luider, MPM de Maat, G van Soest, OE Sorop, F Zijlstra
PhD candidates
ASA Autar
Arterial Thrombosis
N van Ditzhuijzen
Imaging of coronary interventions and early artherosclerosis in a porcine coronary model
M van den Heuvel
Vascular repair in diabetes mellitus
M Kurata
Nettosis in Acute Myocardial Infarction
DB Uitterdijk
Novel therapies for acute myocardial infarction
Project 2- continued
Experimental interventional cardiology, vascular injury and repair
Intracoronary imaging of bioresorbable vascular scaffolds in diabetics:
from experimental to clinical study - Nienke van Ditzhuijzen
The bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) is a recently introduced everolimus-eluting scaffold developed
for the treatment of coronary artery lesions with transient vessel support and drug delivery. BVS allow for
temporary scaffolding of the vessel and therefore potentially enable return of vasomotion, late luminal
enlargement and late expansive remodeling.
The swine coronary artery model is a valuable model for the evaluation of coronary scaffolds
because of the close similarities of the anatomy and physiology of the pig and human hearts. By the
induction of diabetes mellitus and by feeding the swine a high-cholesterol diet, coronary atherosclerosis
similar to that seen in humans can be developed. Scaffolds can be placed in the vascular bed they are
designed for, and serial intracoronary imaging can be performed to allow for detailed long-term evaluation.
This is noteworthy, as intracoronary imaging techniques such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and
near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) have the potential to complement standard histology in the assessment of
the BVS platform by allowing in-vivo serial evaluation of the BVS and the vascular healing response to BVS.
Our group developed an atherosclerotic swine model that closely mimics the clinical situation.1 All swine
were fed a high-cholesterol diet and in half of the swine diabetes mellitus was induced. To evaluate the
vascular healing response to BVS we implanted 32 BVS in 2 of the main epicardial arteries and performed
serial OCT and NIRS imaging at baseline, 3 and 6 months follow-up in all swine.
As a result of our study in swine, we are currently initiating a multi-modality intracoronary imaging study to
evaluate the vascular healing response to BVS in diabetic patients.
1. van Ditzhuijzen NS, van den Heuvel M, Sorop O, van Duin RW, Krabbendam-Peters I, van Haeren R,
Ligthart JM, Witberg KT, Duncker DJ, Regar E, van Beusekom HM, van der Giessen WJ. Invasive coronary
imaging in animal models of atherosclerosis. Neth Heart J. 2011;19:442-446
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 3
The circulation, ventilation and ethics during multiple organ failure
Critical illness often results in multiple organ failure. Sepsis is a common source and the syndrome affects
the circulation and ventilation among other vital organ functions. The research around this typical intense
care syndrome is thus programmed around these topics, as can be deducted from the individual projects
enumerated below. Research on the circulation in the syndrome focuses on peripheral perfusion, among others.
New techniques, like side stream dark field (SDF), laser speckle imaging and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
have been studied for assessing microvascular perfusion in septic patients. In order to minimize inflammatory
response in mechanically ventilated septic patients, a new lung monitoring device (Electrical Impedance
Tomography) is used to optimize ventilator settings. Ultimately, the syndrome can be intractable, raising
ethical issues on end-of life decisions.
Project 3 - continued
The circulation, ventilation and ethics during multiple organ failure
Principal Investigators
J Bakker, J van Bommel, DAMPJ Gommers, ABJ Groeneveld,
C Ince, E Kompanje
PhD candidates
JPC van den Akker
The effect of mechanical ventilation on kidney function
IG Bikker
Optimization of oxygenation and circulation in critically iII patients
P Blankman
Optimizing ventilator settings in order to reduce inflammatory response
M Egal
Acute kidney injury and fluids
J Epker
Palliation of end of life
P van der Geest
De ProBic study and other diagnostics of infection
ME van Genderen
Hemodynamics in the critically ill; Effects on systemic and peripheral perfusion
HRH de Geus
NGAL, The Early Biomarker for AKI
K de Haan
Vitamin D in critical illness
M Helmi
Limiting Lung-Heart Interaction during Mechanical Ventilation
SH Hoeboer
Markers of infection and adverse sequelae
B van der Hoven
Measurement of functional liver blood flow
E Klijn
Microcirculation in critically ill patients
LPB Meijs
Mean systemic filling pressure and heart performance in determining cardiac
performance and fluid balance
C Slagt
The Flotrac: validation and clinical application
S Stads
Predicting initiation and discontinuation of continuous renal replacement therapy
in the critically ill
Z Trogrlic
Improvement of care for ICU patients with delirium by early screening and
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 3 - continued
The circulation, ventilation and ethics during multiple organ failure
Optimizing ventilator settings to reduce inflammatory response - Paul Blankman
Promotor: Diederik Gommers
A large group of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) require mechanical ventilation. Although
mechanical ventilation is a lifesaving treatment for patients with respiratory failure, it is known that it can
cause or aggravate damage to lung parenchyma leading to Ventilator Induced Lung Injury (VILI). It is difficult
to assess which ventilator settings are optimal for the individual patient at the bedside. Electrical Impedance
Tomography (EIT) can be used as a bedside monitoring tool to visualize the ventilation distribution. We
have previously shown that the optimal PEEP level to keep alveoli open in post-cardiac surgery patients
differs between the upper and lower lung regions as measured by EIT. However, the lower lung regions and
especially the dorsal lung regions are of special interest, because these regions have high risk for atelectasis.
We found that EIT was able to detect the point where lung regions start to get overdistended during the
inspiration. In another study performed in the same group of patients, we compared the effect of Pressure
Controlled Ventilation (PCV) and Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV) on ventilation distribution. During PCV
the mechanical ventilator takes over the respiration of the patient, whereas during PSV the patient has
his own control to start ventilation and the ventilator delivers a preset amount of pressure assist. Because
during PSV the patient uses his diaphragm, more air is then distributed to the better-perfused dorsal
lung regions. This leads to less shunting and alveoli are less at risk to collapse. Thus if we use EIT to titrate
ventilatory settings during PSV, we might reduce the amount of atelectatic lung tissue and thus the stress
on lung parenchyma. This might reduce the risk to develop VILI, which could help to reduce the length of
stay on the ventilator and length of stay at the ICU.
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 4
Shear-stress related plaque formation: from bench to bedside to population studies
Shear stress plays an important role in the patho-biology of the endothelium. Among others, it primes the
endothelium for atherosclerotic plaque formation, which can be found at the low and oscillatory shear
stress regions in the vasculature. However, evidence is accumulating for a role of high shear stress in plaque
destabilization. This project focuses on the different (molecular) aspects of the role of low or high shear
stress in the generation and destabilization of vulnerable plaques. For that reason studies are performed
in an established animal model of vulnerable plaque formation as well as in patients that are treated for
pathological lumen obstruction. For those studies a combination of computational fluid dynamics and
advanced catheter based or non-invasive imaging techniques for the assessment of plaque composition is
applied. Using the information from the before described studies, we investigate whether shear stress can
contribute to prediction models of atherosclerotic plaque growth and events in a population based study.
Principal Investigator
JJ Wentzel
RJ van Geuns, FJH Gijsen, K van der Heiden, A van der Lugt, ES Regard,
PhD candidates
AFW van der Steen, TH van Walsum, MW Vernooij, GP Zahnd
M Cibis
Image based wall shear stress measurement
JTC Schrauwen
Fusion of imaging parameters for prediction of plaque rupture in human coronary
M Selwaness
Association of local biomechanical parameters with vulnerable plaque
development and risk of stroke
LCJ Winkel
Endothelial NOX/ROS contribution to plaque vulnerability
R Xing
Linking biomechanics to the biology of plaque progression: a non-invasive
imaging study
Project 5
Biomechanics of the vascular wall
Plaque rupture is in the majority of the cases the underlying cause of cardiovascular events. Plaque rupture
occurs at the locations were the stress exceeds the local plaque strength. Plaques are very heterogeneous
in composition and local tissue strength. However, not much is known on the biomechanical properties
of the different plaque components. In this project we investigate at which pressure and at what location
the plaque would rupture by studying the local stress distribution and deformation of the different plaque
components under increasing loading. Therefore, in an in vitro setup atherosclerotic plaques from patients or
animal models of atherosclerosis are subjected to different pressure loadings and the local deformations are
imaged using advanced imaging techniques. This information will be used to validate computations on stress
distributions in these plaques. Advances will be made in imaging of plaque deformation and (multiscale)
modeling of the different plaque components.
Principal Investigators
FJH Gijsen, JJ Wentzel
M de Bruijne, PJ de Feyter, A van der Lugt, WJ Niessen, PhD candidates
L. Speelman, AFW van der Steen
ZAM Kassar
Biomechanical stress in Carotid Atherosclerotic Disease
HA Nieuwstadt
Biomechanical Modeling of Carotid Artery Plaque Rupture
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 6
Genetic regulation of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
In this project, we have performed a genome wide expression to identify new molecular regulators of vessel
formation during development and disease. Using cross species expression profiling we have identified
2000+ genes involved in neoangiogenesis in the mouse, zebrafish and in the cardiac patient. 110 of these
clones were analyzed using in vivo knockdown analysis in the zebrafish larvae. 32 Novel proteins have been
identified that previously were unknown and not associated with new vessel formation. Subsequent studies
analyzed in depth the function of the novel proteins using gain-of-function and loss-of-function analysis in
primary cell cultures, ex vivo vascular complex formation (embryoid body, retina model), and various in vivo
models, to determine the molecular signaling cascade and the function of the proteins in vessel formation in
development and cardiovascular and oncological disease.
Previously, we have been able to describe the role of F-family of Sry-related HMG box transcription factors
in the determination of arteriovenous patterning. Arterial specification was lost in Sox7/Sox18 morphant fish,
as well as in Sox7 and Sox18 knockout zebrafish. In other studies, we have identified new genetic regulators of
vascular pruning of the developing arterial bed, a poorly understood process during which ectopic arterioles
appear to regress (‘arterial pruning’). Currently we are creating knockout mice of several of these newly
identified molecular regulators. In addition, the function of these genetic regulators in human ischemic
disease is studied in human patients with manifest ischemic coronary artery disease.
Principal Investigator
HJ Duckers
DJGM Duncker, JHJ Hoeijmakers, S Schulte-Merker, PW Serruys, F Zijlstra
C Cheng
PhD candidates
MM Brandt
Molecular Endothelial-Pericyte interaction
PE Burgisser
Genome wide expression analysis in ischemic coronary artery disease patients
I Chrifi
Effect of mural cell-endothelial cell interaction during new vessel formation
RA Haasdijk
Molecular regulation of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
DMA Hermkens
Genomic regulation of vasculogenesis
IA Panfilov
Stem cells in cardiology
D Tempel
Mouse genomics to identify the genetic regulation of vasculogenisis / angiogenesis
Project 7
Molecular biology of atherosclerosis
The molecular regulation of late atherosclerosis and progression into unstable plaques has long eluded
scientists. In patients with cardiovascular disease, endothelial dysfunction due to impaired bioavailability
of Nitric Oxide (NO) is a hallmark and causes impaired vascular remodeling. We have been able to identify
several regulators of plaque destabilization by differential expression analysis in mice, zebrafish and
cardiovascular patients. These genetic factors are mainly involved in microvessel formation in the advanced
atherosclerotic lesion and the associated inflammation of the plaque. Identified clones have been shown
to regulate microvessel formation, the regulation of capillary permeability (arterial leakage) and vessel
maturation. Whereas some genetic regulators have been shown to promote plaque stability by stimulation
of neoangiogenesis via maturation of the capillary plexus and control of the vascular permeability (Hmox1),
others have been shown to both promote local inflammatory processes and vessel permeabilisation (Ets1/
Ets2) resulting in overt plaque destabilization.
Also, we are currently developing a rabbit vulnerable plaque model using the Watanabe hyperlipidaemic
rabbit model, as well as a rupture-prone vulnerable plaque model using a crossbreed of ApoE knockout mice,
with a recently created knockout model of one of our identified vasculogenic candidate genes. In the near
future the combination of stem cell therapy and eNOS gene targeting could lead towards a successful therapy
to repair and stimulate vascular remodeling in patients with cardiovascular disease.
Principal Investigator
HJ Duckers
C Cheng, DJGM Duncker, F Grosveld, J Laman, W Serruys
PhD candidate
WK den Dekker
Molecular mechanism of the vulnerable plaque
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 8
Hypertension, the kidney and vascular ageing: focus on the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system
This project focuses on hypertension, capitalizing on four pathways to discover novel intervention pathways,
- the role of aldosterone in difficult-to-treat hypertensive subjects,
- hypertension induced by angiogenesis inhibition in patients with cancer,
- the impact of genomic instability on hypertension, and vascular and renal function, and
- the regulation of volume and osmoregulation in kidneys by WNKs and exosomes
An important unifying aspect in all the above topics, apart from the common relationship with hypertension,
is the involvement of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), resulting in projects that investigate
angiotensin/aldosterone interaction in the kidney, the function of the (pro)renin receptor in intercalated cells,
the vasodilator effects of endothelial angiotensin II type 2 receptors (with an emphasis on gender-related
aspects), the angiotensin-(1-7) / Mas receptor axis, the non-genomic effects of aldosterone in the vessel wall,
and the role of RAAS- and related interventions on genomic instability-related vascular and renal dysfunction.
The studies concerning genomic instability involve transgenic mice with decreased DNA repair function, and
are performed in close collaboration with the Departments of Genetics and of Vascular Surgery. Studies on
the importance of nucleotide phosphodiesterases in ageing occur in collaboration with the Department of
Project 8 - continued
Hypertension, the kidney and vascular ageing: focus on the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system
Principal Investigators
AHJ Danser, EJ Hoorn, AH van den Meiracker, AJM Roks, R Zietse
A Dheghan, DJGM Duncker, J Essers, OH Franco, JHJ Hoeijmakers, GJ van der Horst,
M Kavousi, I van der Pluijm
WW Batenburg, JHM van Esch
PhD candidates
P Bautista Niño
Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases in vascular aging
S Lankhorst
Hypertension and vascular and renal dysfunction induced by angiogenesis-inhibition: on
search for underlying mechanisms
X Lu
Ion transport in cardiovascular (patho)physiology
AD Moes
When salt turns sour: from kidney salt transport to hypertension
LCW Roksnoer
Urinary biomarkers in humans and rats: focus on diabetes and aldosteronism
M Salih
Exosomal research on ADPKD
B Seva Pessoa
Cyclic Angiotensin-(1-7), a new tool for treatment of heart failure
D Severs
The immune system and sodium balance
K Verdonk
The role of the (pro)rennin-angiotensin system in preeclampsia
H Wu
Vascular DNA protection by G protein-coupled receptor stimulation
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 8 - continued
Hypertension, the kidney and vascular ageing: focus on the reninangiotensin-aldosterone system
PhD project: “When salt turns sour: from kidney salt transport to
hypertension” - Arthur Moes
Hypertension remains one of the major cardiovascular risk factors affecting approximately one third of the
adult population. The role of the immune system in the development of hypertension has gained increasing
attention in recent years. More specific, adoptive transfer studies in mice have shown that the presence of
T but not B cells is required for a complete hypertensive response (Guzik et al., J Exp Med 2007). The mechanism by which T-cells control blood pressure regulation, however, is unknown.
We induced a salt-sensitive form of hypertension in Sprague-Dawley rats using deoxycorticosterone
acetate (DOCA), a precursor of aldosterone. To do so, we implanted a subcutaneous DOCA-pellet in sixteen
Sprague-Dawley rats and provided them with 0.9% sodium chloride to drink. One group was also treated
with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an immunosuppressive drug inhibiting T and B cells, while the other
group received vehicle. To measure the blood pressure response, half of the animals in each group received
a telemetry transmitter via a catheter in the abdominal aorta. The experiment lasted for four weeks after
which kidneys and blood vessels were collected for analysis. Vascular reactivity was analyzed with Mulvany
Myographs, using iliac and mesenteric arteries. Baseline mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was 97 ± 6 mm
Hg in the vehicle-group and 97 ± 6 mm Hg in the MMF-group . In both groups DOCA in combination with
sodium chloride increased MAP, but this increase was significantly attenuated in the MMF-group. The final
MAP in the vehicle-group measured 126 ± 14 mm Hg versus 107 ± 7 mm Hg in the MMF-group (P < 0.001 by
two-way ANOVA). We are currently analyzing the systemic renin-angiotensin system, vascular reactivity, kidney salt-transporters and tissue T-cell invasion to analyze the mechanism of the anti-hypertensive response
of MMF. We anticipate that these insights will increase our understanding of the role of the immune system
in the development of hypertension, and may contribute to finding novel therapeutic targets.
Department of Nephrology
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 9
Pharmacology of migraine
Migraine is a paroxysmal neurovascular disorder, which is 2-3 times more prevalent in women than in men.
Currently available drugs for the acute treatment of migraine all constrict cranial blood vessels, which most
likely mediates their therapeutic action. However, since these drugs may also constrict peripheral blood
vessels, including the coronary artery, there is concern about cardiac side effects and these drugs are thus
contraindicated in patients with cardiovascular disease. We are investigating the neurovascular properties of
prospective antimigraine drugs that may act via a primary neuronal mechanism. This could result in a reduced
coronary side-effect potential of these prospective drugs. Further, since migraine occurs more often in women
and depends on hormonal fluctuations such as occurring around the menstruation, we investigate the effects
of (changing levels of) female sex hormones on mechanisms implied in the pathophysiology of migraine.
Principal Investigator
A Maassen van den Brink
AJJC Bogers, AJ van den Bogaerdt, AHJ Danser, CMF Dirven, AG Uitterlinden
KY Chan
PhD candidates
K Ibrahimi
Migraine and female sex hormones: a clinical approach
S Korremans-Labruijere
Migraine and female sex hormones: a focus on epigenetics
Project 10
Acute coronary syndromes and heart failure
Current research addresses the detection and management of heart failure and cardiogenic shock in patients
with acute coronary syndromes (myocardial infarction). Of particular interest is the microcirculation in
relation to acute heart failure and shock, and how microcirculation and prognosis by specific interventions
can be improved. Furthermore the implications of cardiomyopathies are investigated.
Principal Investigators
KM Akkerhuis, H Boersma, K Nieman, ML Simoons
PhD candidate
L Jewbali
Novel treatment strategies in heartfailure: extracorporal life support systems and assist
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 11
Cardiovascular aging
The study of the structural and functional age-related vascular changes represents a good model to unravel
the complex process of senescence.
We investigate mainly three items:
• The environmental and genetic determinants of vascular aging.
• The consequences of vascular aging on short and long term blood pressure regulation.
• The consequence of vascular aging on morbidity and mortality and its possible role in
cardiovascular risk stratification.
These investigations are performed within several settings, in the general population but also in specific
categories of patients including persons with end stage renal disease and with a history of syncope and
patients with first signs and symptoms of dementia.
Principal Investigator
FUS Mattace Raso
AH van den Meiracker, JCM Witteman
PhD candidate
GC Verwoert
Genetics of hypertension and arterial stiffness
Project 12
Cardiovascular genetics and metabolic diseases
At the Erasmus outpatient clinic for cardiovascular genetics, family based approaches are employed to
study inherited cardiovascular diseases: cardiomyopathies, congenital heart malformations, arrhythmias,
dyslipidemias, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and severe premature coronary artery disease.
Technical innovation is a hall mark of this research: for example, novel imaging modalities are used to
identify new phenotypes and high-throughput molecular analyses are performed to identify modifier genes
in addition to major locus effects.
We have identified a large number of novel genes that are associated with cardiovascular disease and
related traits. We perform molecular and biochemical studies to get a better understanding of the mechanisms
underlying the diseases and the complications.
Our clinical research is performed in patients with very rare diseases, like ßβ-myosin heavy chain defects in
noncompaction cardiomyopathy, but also more common disorders of synthesis and processing of insulin in
families with type 2 diabetes.
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 12 - continued
Cardiovascular genetics and metabolic diseases
Principal Investigators
EJG Sijbrands, F Zijlstra
FJ ten Cate, CM van Duijn, ECH Friesema, FUS Mattace Raso, M Michels, MT Mulder, JE Roeters van Lennep, FWM de Rooij, JW Roos-Hesselink, AFL Schinkel, AG Uitterlinden, AJM Verhoeven, MW Wessels
PhD candidates
KAC Berk
Cognitive behavioral therapy after very low calorie diet in overweight patients with type 2
S Bos
Improvement of risk stratification in patients with familial dyslipidaemia
Th Geragotou
Beta-cell function in metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes
TTW van Herpt
Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors of Type 2 Diabetes
S Jainandunsing
Pancreatic beta-cell function and type 2 diabetes
GL ten Kate
Vava vasorum neovascularisation in type 2 diabetes
FPJ Karstens
Modifying factors of Pompe’s disease
RFH Lemmers
HDL and vascular complications in Diabetes Mellitus type 2
B Özcan
Glycemic control in type 2 diabetes
RGM Timmermans
Complications and treatment of MPS1
R Vongpromek
Lipid composition in heart and brain diseases
PA Vriesendorp
Risk stratification in hypertrophic cardiomyopahty
R Yahya
Novel diagnostic test to improve CVD risk reduction in subjects with DMII, increasing cost
effectiveness and quality of life
Project 13
Stroke: risk factors and etiology, prognosis and treatment
Stroke is a heterogeneous disease; it comprises ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid
hemorrhage. Stroke is a high ranking cause of death and the most common cause of acquired disability in
The Netherlands and Western Europe. Causes of disability include motor dysfunction and disturbances of
language, memory and cognition.
Etiologic studies include genetics (Metabochip), hemostasis (von Willebrand factor, fibrinogen), glucose
metabolism, cardioembolic disorders, and carotid plaque morphology (PARISK).
Intervention studies include a series of multicenter RCT’s of the effect of prevention of high body
temperature and fever (PAIS). Also, we conduct a large national multicenter study of the effect of intraarterial treatment for acute ischemic stroke (MR CLEAN). Furthermore, we evaluate early cognitive linguistic
treatment of aphasia in a series of multicenter RCT’s (RATS) and the value of functional imaging (FIAT) in
patients with aphasia caused by stroke.
Data for genetic, prognostic and etiologic studies are derived from the Erasmus Stroke Study, an ongoing
hospital based registry, and from the Rotterdam study, a large population based cohort study.
Principal Investigators
PhD candidates
DWJ Dippel, PJ Koudstaal
CM van Duijn, MH den Hertog, MA Ikram, F van Kooten, LML de Lau, FWG Leebeek,
HF Lingsma, A van der Lugt, MPM de Maat, M Smits, EW Steyerberg, EJG Sijbrands,
MW Vernooij, EG Visch-Brink
D Beumer
Study of hemostatic parameters and intra arterial treatment in acute ischemic stroke
RFAG de Bruijn
Genetic and non-genetic causes of dementia
S Fonville
Impaired glucose tolerance and stroke
PSS Fransen
Mr Clean
L Khajeh
Hypopituitarism in patients after subarachnoid hemorrhage: screening and treatment
CP Mendez-Orellana
Mechanism of language recovery after brain damage
F Nouwens
A comparison of radiofrequency and cryotheraphy for ablation
E Osei
Prediabetes in patients with a TIA or minor stroke
IR de Ridder
Paracetamol and stroke
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 14
Management of hemorrhagic and thrombotic disorders
Clinical studies on bleeding disorders, including von Willebrand disease are currently performed within this
theme. The Willebrand in the Netherlands (WiN) study is a nation-wide study coordinated by the ErasmusMC
(PI Prof dr Frank W.G. Leebeek) on the clinical aspects of von Willebrand disease. In this study more than 800
patients with moderate and severe VWD are included. We have studied the impact of the disease on quality of
life and obtained more insight in diagnosis and disease burden. In addition we focus on optimal treatment of
this bleeding disorder. In the future we will focus on the genotype-phenotype association.
The etiology, diagnosis and treatment of various clinical entities of venous thrombosis are also focus of
our research. One of our interests is the site specificity of venous thrombosis, for instance hepatic and portal
vein thrombosis. In collaboration with other partners we have initiated studies on prevention and treatment
of arterial and venous thrombosis using new oral anticoagulant drugs, including direct factor IIa and Xa
Principal Investigators
FWG Leebeek, MJHA Kruip, MH Cnossen
MPM de Maat, DC Rijken
PhD candidates
JS Biedermann
Treatment with anticoagulants
HCAM Hazendonk
OPTI-CLOT: Peri-Operative PharmacokineTIc-guided dosing of CLOTting factor in hemophilia
YV Sanders
Moderate and Severe Von Willebrand Disease in the Netherlands
SCM Stoof
Optimization of treatment of inherited bleeding disorders
Project 15
Role of hemostasis in arterial thrombosis
The studies performed in this theme are focusing on the role of coagulation factors and platelets in the
development of arterial thrombosis. Several case-control studies have been initiated to investigate the role of
hemostatic or inflammatory factors in determining the risk of first and recurrent arterial thrombotic events,
including stroke and acute coronary syndrome. Our special interest is on von Willebrand factor and fibrinolysis.
Several genetic approaches are used, including GWAS, SNP and haplotype analysis. We have obtained more
insight in the mechanism of fibrin formation and fibrinolysis by identifying new proteins binding to fibrin
using plasma proteomics techniques. In the coming years we will also focus on the role of alpha2-antiplasmin
in arterial thrombosis. The effect of fibrin structure on the risk of thrombosis and the relationship with
atherosclerosis and angiogenesis, is studied using recombinant and plasma-purified fibrinogen forms.
Principal Investigators
FWG Leebeek, MPM de Maat, DC Rijken
JW Deckers, DWJ Dippel, PJ Koudstaal
S Uitte de Willige
PhD candidates
S Abdul
Regulation of fibrinolysis by alpha-2-antiplasmin
MAH Sonneveld
Von Willebrand factor, atherosclerosis, and stroke risk
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 15 - continued
Role of hemostasis in arterial thrombosis
Von Willebrand Factor, ADAMTS13 and arterial thrombosis - Michelle Sonneveld
Arterial thrombosis is associated with a high mortality and morbidity in the Western world. Currently, there
are many risk factors known for arterial thrombosis, including a number of coagulation factors. My project
focuses on the role of von Willebrand Factor (VWF) and ADAMTS13 in the pathogenesis of arterial thrombosis, including myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. VWF plays an important role in the hemostasis by
mediating platelet adhesion and aggregation. Large VWF multimers are cleaved by ADAMTS13 into smaller,
less thrombotic forms. We have previously shown that high VWF plasma levels are associated with an
increased risk of arterial thrombosis. In the current studies, we want to elucidate the mechanism by which
VWF increases the risk of AMI and stroke. Firstly, we studied VWF in relation to atherosclerosis and observed
an association between high VWF levels and the extent of atherosclerosis in patients with ischemic stroke.
This indicates that VWF is related to atherosclerosis, but it is still unclear whether VWF plays a causal role
or whether VWF levels are mainly a marker of endothelial dysfunction. Furthermore, we are investigating
whether high VWF levels are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality.
We also investigate in the Rotterdam Study whether low ADAMTS13 levels are associated with AMI and
ischemic stroke, because low ADAMTS13 will give an increase in the prothrombotic high molecular weight
VWF multimers. We are the first to study the role of ADAMTS13 in arterial thrombosis in a prospective cohort. When ADAMTS13 plays a role in ischemic stroke, it may provide a basis for the use of rhADAMTS13 as
therapeutic option in patients with a recent ischemic stroke
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 16
Ultrasound contrast agents
Ultrasound contrast agents consist of gas microbubbles (1 – 10 µm) that are coated by a protein, lipid or
polymer. In addition to their diagnostic value, microbubbles have great potential as local drug delivery systems.
In project 16 we investigate the clinical and the more fundamental/ future use of UCA.
The clinical use includes the left ventricle opacification and myocardial perfusion during normal and
stress echocardiography. Further, a clinical study (ParisK) is running to detect the presence and properties of
atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid artery after administration of UCA.
Future use of UCA lies in molecular ultrasonic imaging uses tiny microbubbles that bind to cellular disease
processes. These microbubbles can be functionalized using specific ligands and injected into the human
body. Upon excitation by an appropriate ultrasonic field the microbubbles start to vibrate thereby acting as
an ultrasound source. This source shows a very specific signature which differs to a great extent from the
scattering by normal/pathological tissue. For therapy the bubble can be either loaded with the drug of choice
where the drug can be locally released upon ultrasound and/or the vibrating bubble is used to enhance the
uptake of the drug. Essential in this whole process is the knowledge of the vibrating bubble, the ultrasound
field and the imaging capabilities of the ultrasound system.
Principal Investigator N de Jong
Co-Investigators AFL Schinkel, FJ ten Cate, AFW van der Steen
K Kooiman, GGJ Renaud
PhD candidates
TJA Kokhuis
Directing adipose derived stem cells to the area at risk in the heart after myocardial
infarction using targeted microbubbles. Development of a new molecular therapeutic
Y Luan
SCH van den Oord
Contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging of the vasa vasorum
T van Rooij
Molecular Ultrasound Imaging
IV Skachkov
Project 17
Echocardiography: Transducers and image processing
Research focuses on novel ultrasound transducers and image processing for ultrasound, with a strong accent
on novel 3D cardiovascular imaging. This includes matrix transducers, electronics and new beamforming for 2D
and 3D imaging of the heart, the carotid artery, the bladder etc. Moreover, image processing approaches for 3D
image generation, 2D and 3D image analysis and quantification by segmentation, tracking and classification
are pursued. Advanced geometric and statistical modeling is employed. Current applications include improved
realtime 3D TEE imaging, 3D echocardiography analysis, stress echo, analysis of plaque vulnerability in carotid
arteries, and monitoring of electrophysiological interventions with 3D ultrasound.
Principal Investigators
JG Bosch, N de Jong, AFW van der Steen
C Lancée, A van der Lugt, T Szili-Torok
Postdoc GGJ Renaud
PhD candidates
Z Akkus
The Assessment of Plaque at RISK
V Daeichin
Targeted imaging of microvessels using ultrasound
A Haak
Integration of 3D ultrasound into electrophysiology for support of ablation procedures
D Koeze
Intelligent image guidance in cardiac interventions
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 18
Intravascular ultrasound techniques
Intravascular imaging is momentarily highly focusing on characterizing the composition of the atherosclerotic
plaque. Charactering lipid content, plaque vascularization and thickness of thin caps are of particular interest.
These characteristics discriminate a stable plaque from a rupture prone or vulnerable plaque. The latter one
can cause myocardial infarctions or stroke. Plaque vascularization is measured by intravascular ultrasound in
combination with ultrasound contrast agents. Several strategies are developed to characterize lipid content.
These are based on optical coherence tomography or combination catheters where light and sound are
Principal Investigator Co-Investigators
AFW van der Steen
G van Soest, ES Regar, PW Serruys
M Emmer
PhD candidates
M Gnanadesigan
Tissue characterization of the atherosclerotic plaque using optical coherence tomography
J Janjic
Image-guided Interventions and Therapy-Chronic Total Occlusions (IGIT-CTO)
PK Kruizinga
Photoacoustic imaging of the carotid artery
T Wang
Development of a high speed OCT cathether and imaging system
M Wu
Intravascular photoacoustic imaging
Project 19
Intravascular imaging and interventional cardiology
The decision making process for patients with obstructive coronary artery disease requiring revascularization
is evolving. Historically, patients with the most complex coronary artery disease were preferentially treated
by surgical revascularization: however technological advances in percutaneous therapy have ensured that
many of these patients can now receive equally effective treatment with percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI). Intertwined with these developments are a lower threshold to investigate patients with symptoms
suggestive of coronary artery disease, an increasingly elderly population in need of revascularization, the
changing dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship, and a greater emphasis on guideline driven patient
care. Consequently decisions regarding revascularization are now more complex than ever before.
The advent of drug eluting stents (DES), which consist of a drug (immunosuppressive or antiproliferative
drug), a polymer and a metallic platform, has revolutionized the practice of interventional cardiology by
significantly reducing the rates of restenosis and repeat revascularization as compared to bare metal stents.
Within this project, this subject is studied in detail while taking into account evolvement in stent development,
as well as secular trends in acute and chronic benefits of percutanuous coronary interventions.
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 19 - continued
Intravascular imaging and interventional cardiology
Principal Investigator
PW Serruys
H Boersma, RT van Domburg, HJ Duckers, PJ de Feyter, RJM van Geuns,
PPT de Jaegere, ES Regar, CJ Schultz, AFW van der Steen, F Zijlstra
PhD candidates
CAC Campos
Imaging in Interventional Cardiology
RD Diletti
Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis and Restoration Therapy in Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold Era
V Farooq
Bioabsorbable coronary stents
CHD Girasis
Prognostic Impact of Left Main Coronary Artery Anatomy
BDG Gogas
Invasive Imaging of High risk atheromatous plaques
JL Gutierrez-Chico
In vivo evaluation of neointimal healing after stenting with optical coherence tomography
A Karanasos
Optical coherence tomography for guiding coronary interventions and assesing the vascular
healing response after coronary stent implantation
MM Magro
Percutaneous coronary intervention in high risk patients and complex lesions
T Muramatsu
Multi-modality imaging assessment of complex coronary lesions and bioresorbable scaffolds
Y Onuma
Novel technology in coronary intervention and coronary stents
L Räber
From early to newer generation drug-eluting stents
M Radu
Optical coherence tomography-Methodological considerations and clinical application
G Sarno
Coronary Imaging
C Simsek
The long-term follow-up of drug-eluting stent
JB van der Sijde
Retrospective analysis of the Thoraxcenter OCT data on the impact on stent procedure and
Project 20
Cardiac Imaging (MRI and CT)
The advanced cardiac imaging group is a joint initiative by the departments of cardiology and radiology and
collaborates with several (pre-) clinical departments within the Erasmus MC. In 2013 research activities included
assessment of several technological innovations and new clinical applications, i.e. various scan protocols to
reduce radiation exposure, computational fluid dynamics and stress myocardial perfusion imaging to assess the
hemodynamic significance of obstructive coronary disease. Ongoing investigation into the implementation of
cardiac CT in clinical practice includes the use of cardiac CT in patients with stable angina (fast-track chest pain
clinic), to exclude coronary disease in patients with congestive heart failure, and as a tool for triage of acute chest
pain in the emergency ward. Also the potential role of cardiac CT in high-risk populations, including patients
with familial hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, is being explored. The incremental value of CT imaging prior
to valvular and coronary interventions is being investigated. The cardiac MRI imaging PhD candidates focus on
myocardial imaging investigating the acute and chronic damage due to myocardial infarctions. In acute imaging
new techniques to investigate the reversible damage in the area at risk are explored as well as the effect of
microvascular obstruction on long-term remodelling and clinical outcome. Late imaging includes research
into new possibilities for fibrosis imaging (Myocardial T1-mapping) which, if successful, can also be applied on
different cardiac disease where myocardial fibrosis plays an important role.
Principal Investigators
PJ de Feyter, RJM van Geuns, K Nieman
M Dijkshoorn, MGM Hunink, A Kono, G Kotek, A Kurata, A Moelker,
WJ Niessen, M Ouhlous, JW Roos-Hesselink, CJ Schultz, PA Wielopolski
PhD candidates
A Coenen
Imaging in advance coronary artery disease
A Dedic
Clinical application of competed coronary angiography
AS Dharampal
Cardiac CT
GJR ten Kate
Imaging of coronary arteries by MSCT
M van Kranenburg
CMR of acute myocardial infarction
MM Lubbers
Clinical implementation of cardiac CT
SL Papadopoulou
Coronary atherosclerotic plaque imaging with MSCT
R Saru
Advanced MRI techniques
T Springeling
Acute myocardial infarction and MRI
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 21
Cardiac imaging (ultrasound)
Echocardiography is one of the most important diagnostic tools in cardiology. Recent advances in ultrasound
hardware and software have made 3-dimensional echocardiography and speckle tracking echocardiography
possible. These techniques are used for estimation of left ventricular pump function according to the classically
defined volumes and ejection fractions but also deformation and rotation. Newer developments are
1) 3D trans-oesophageal echo,
2) Imaging of the vasa vasorum and
3) Plane-wave imaging.
Principal Investigator
ML Geleijnse
PhD candidates
F Kauer
Speckle Tracking Echocardiography in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
B Ren
3D quantification of mitral & tricuspid valve
Project 22
Neurovascular imaging (MRI and CT)
Ischemic cerebral infarcts are related to the presence of atherosclerotic disease in the carotid artery. Severity
of the stenosis is a predictor of clinical symptoms and is used as parameter in the therapeutic decision as to
which patients will benefit from carotid intervention. Next to stenosis , plaque morphology is thought to be a
major determinant of cerebrovascular events.
Within this project, imaging of the atherosclerotic plaque in the carotid bifurcation with multidetector
CT and MRI is evaluated. We focus on 1) the validation of imaging parameters by comparison of images with
histology, 2) development of new structural and haemodynamic parameters of atherosclerortic disease, 3)
development and validation of automated measurements, 4) prospective studies in patients and healthy
volunteers to prove the additional value of plaque parameters in risk prediction, 5) Serial imaging studies
to evaluate the natural course of the atherosclerotic disease, 6) Studies into the relationship between
atherosclerotic plaque parameters and brain infarcts and white matter lesions on CT and MRI.
Principal Investigator
A van der Lugt
DWJ Dippel, PJ Koudstaal, GP Krestin, WJ Niessen, HJ Verhagen,
MW Vernooij, CM Witteman
PhD candidates
MJ Berghout- van Gils
Serial CT Angiography of atherosclerotic carotid plaque: determinants and
prognosis of change in volume composition and morphology
QJA van den Bouwhuijsen
The predictive value of vulnerable plaques in the carotid arteries for risk of
coronary heart disease and stroke
AC van Dijk
Imaging atherosclerotic plaque in ischemic stroke
PJ Homburg
Atherosclerotic plaque characterization with CT angiography
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 23
Image processing (cardiovascular)
Cardiovascular imaging has gone beyond the traditional depiction of vascular luminal morphology. Stateof-the art imaging techniques have the potential to provide detailed information on the vessel wall, such as
plaque composition, elastic wall properties, and even biochemical processes that take place in the plaque.
In addition, dynamic and perfusion imaging can provide functional information, e.g. for determining the
perfusion or motion of the heart, or to study tumor activity. Owing to the growing complexity and sheer size
of cardiovascular data, in combination with the large increase in the number of studies in clinical practice
and biomedical research, there is a strong and increasing interest in robust, automated processing tools to
aid in the analysis of these data. This research line aims to develop and evaluate novel image processing
techniques for visualization, quantification, and integrated analysis of multimodal anatomical and functional
cardiovascular imaging data.
Principal Investigator
WJ Niessen
M de Bruijne, PJ de Feyter, RJM van Geuns, S Klein, G Kotek, GP Krestin, A van der Lugt, AFW van der Steen, Th van Walsum, JJ Wentzel
PhD candidates
A Arias Lorza
Image analysis of the carotid artery for assessment of biomechanical stress on
atherosclerotic plaques
D Dias Bispo Carvalho
Image registration for the analysis of atherosclerotic plaque
G Dibildox
Computer Aided Image Guidance for Percutaneous Treatment of Coronary Chronic Total
A van Engelen
Multimodal image quantification and risk assessment of carotid atherosclerotic plaque
EMM Santos
Automated Intracranial Thrombus Quantification and Characterization in Computed
H Smit
Automated carotid plaque analysis from quantitative MR Imaging
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 23 - continued
Image processing (cardiovascular)
Multimodal image registration of carotid arteries - Diego Carvalho
The goal is to establish correlations between different images, allowing an improved analysis of atherosclerotic arteries.
The challenging aspects in the MR (Magnetic Resonance) and free-hand sweep three-dimensional
Ultrasound (US) registration are the differences in the image intensities, and in the position of the patient's
neck during the examination. In order to calculate spatial transformations to align the images, geometrical
and intensity information were used. The lumen centerlines were considered as geometrical landmarks
that provide reliable information about the changes in the carotid position. The centerline positions
were combined with the image intensity to achieve a rigid and a consecutive non-rigid registration. On
the experiments, images of 6 healthy volunteers and 5 diseased patients were used. The validation was
performed by calculating the overlap between the segmentation of the arterial lumen in the reference
image (US) and the registered image (MR). The average overlap for the patients and volunteers dataset was
around 0.70.
Registrations were also performed in two-dimensional longitudinal US sequences. These images contain
time frames of side-by-side Bmode US
(BMUS) and Contrast Enhanced US (CEUS). CEUS allows a clear delineation of the arterial lumen, which
can be difficult to define in BMUS. The main objective is to compensate the motion across time, performing
transformations in order that the pixel intensities tend to be constant across the time frames. The motion
tracked by the registration was compared against the average of manual trackings performed by three observers in 150 frames in 11 carotids. The root mean square error in this comparison was around one pixel.
By averaging the intensities of the registered images on all time frames, we obtained images with improved
Signal-to-noise ratio. These images are being used in another algorithm to develop accurate lumen and
plaque segmentations.
Project 24
Molecular biology of aneurysm formation
In the basic research line ‘Molecular biology of aneurysm formation‘ of the Laboratory for Experimental Vascular
Surgery (LEVAS), the molecular processes that underlie aneurysm formation are investigated through close
collaboration between the department of Genetics & Cell Biology and the department of Vascular Surgery.
The goal of this translational research line is to decrease aneurysm related mortality and reduce the need
for surgical intervention. Consequently, we focus on two research areas: 1) early detection of degenerative
changes in the aortic wall, and 2) pharmacological intervention to treat aortic wall degeneration. To this
end we make use of the scientific expertise and state-of-the-art infrastructure of our research institute as
well as the practical implications, anonymous patient data and bio-bank of the clinical research group. This
intensive collaboration ensures innovative basic research based on clear clinical relevance. This research line is
embedded in the Erasmus MC research schools Medical Genetics Centre South-West Netherlands (MGC) and
COEUR in collaboration with among others the departments of pharmacology, cardiology, clinical genetics,
bioinformatics and biochemistry.
Principal Investigator
J Essers
AH Danser, DJGM Duncker, R Kanaar, D Majoor-Krakauer, JW Roos-Hesselink,
EV Rouwet, PJ van der Spek, HJM Verhagen, MW Wessels, WFJ van IJcken
ED van Deel, I van der Pluijm
PhD candidates
NWM Ramnath
Aortic aneurysms, from bench to bedside
L te Riet
Dilating versus stenosing arterial disease; identification of the genetic factors involved in
aortic aneurysm formation
BS van Thiel
Characterization of aortic aneurysm disease and the development of therapeutic strategies
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 24 - continued
Molecular biology of aneurysm formation
PhD project Pharmacological intervention of the angiotensin II-TGFß-axis in aneurysms
and the identification of genetic factors involved in aortic aneurysm formation Luuk te Riet
Thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAAs) are a potential life-threatening disease with limited pharmacological treatment options. Current treatment options are aimed at lowering aortic hemodynamic stress, predominantly
with βß-adrenoceptor blockers. Increasing evidence supports a role for the renin-angiotensin system (RAS)
in aneurysm development. RAS blockade would not only lower blood pressure, but might also target the
angiotensin II-transforming growth factor-β ß(TGFßβ)-axis in aneurysm formation, resulting in less TGFßβ- and
extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2-signaling.
Transgenic mice with a 4-fold (Fibulin-4R/R) reduced expression of Fibulin-4 display the histological features of cystic media degeneration as seen in patients with TAA and dissections. Prenatal treatment of such
mice with the angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist losartan prevented elastic fiber fragmentation
in the aortic media of newborn mice. We currently focus on the effects of postnatal treatment in homozygous knockdown Fibulin-4 animals. The first results show that AT1 receptor blockade reduces aneurysm size,
and improves heart function.
Last year, thanks to a collaborative approach of
multiple departments within the Erasmus MC a
micro-CT scanner (QuantumFX) was installed in
the AMIE (Applied Molecular Imaging Erasmus MC)
facility. This new scanner allows one to obtain high
resolution fast scans non-invasively, which is ideal
for longitudinal studies, e.g., during treatment with
losartan. The first results on the 3D progression
state of the aneurysm (Figure) show that aneurysm
growth is stabilized by AT1 receptor blockade. In the
near future we intend to perform in vivo imaging of
the remodeling processes by using 3D fluorescencebased tomography (FMT) combined with micro-CT.
In parallel, we started a RNA-profiling project for the identification of genetic factors involved in abdominal
aorta aneurysm (AAA) formation. By comparing tissue of AAA patients with a non-AAA-affected group, we
hope to obtain not only new insights in the remodeling processes, but also potential biomarkers.
In summary, my PhD project focuses on both pharmacological intervention (with RAS blockers) and
screening (via early biomarkers) of aneurysms. Through RNA-profiling we might even discover new treatment targets.
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 25
Endovascular management of aortic aneurysms
Aortic pathology like aneurysms, dissections and traumatic ruptures were traditionally treated by open surgery
repair. In the last decade, endovascular technology became available as a minimally invasive alternative. Like
with all other new and innovative treatment modalities, results, especially long-term, are unknown and it
remains unclear whether this minimal invasive treatment is beneficial for all patients or only for the ones
declared “unfit for surgery”. Furthermore, many uncertainties remain on the best indications for stentgraft
placement: is it only advisable for aneurysmal disease or should it be used for all aortic pathology known to
eventually lead to life-threatening dilatation of the aorta. If so, in what stage of the disease should it be used:
as treatment or as prevention? Can it be seen as definitive treatment or will it turn out to be just a “bridge to
surgery”? Within this project, many sides of this new treatment are being investigated.
Principal Investigator Co-Investigators
HJM Verhagen
JA Bekkers, B Muhs, EV Rouwet, F Schlosser, O Schouten
PhD candidates
MV Bastos Goncalves
Aortic calcification and perioperative cardiovascular risk
SA Cornelissen
Advances in imaging after EVAR
JMW Donker
Modern outcomes in Vascular Surgery
FHW Jonker
Thoracic Aortic Catastrophies, towards an endovascular solution
J van Keulen
Endovascular management of Aortic Pathology
JH van Laanen
Long-term CAS
KM vd Luijtgaarden
Familial Aneurysms
KHJ Ultee
Clinical Outcome of Endovascular Treatment for Elective and Ruptured Abdominal Aortic
MT Voûte
Diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular complications in vascular surgery patients
Project 26
Improvement in the prevention of sudden cardiac death
Therapy for survivors of sudden cardiac death has improved considerably. Prevention is now performed by
selecting high risk patients to receive a prophylactic device (implantable cardioverter defibrillators, or ICD`s).
This is not always easy, nor cost effective. Therefore, we are focusing more and more on co-morbidity and cost
efficacy of this therapeutic modality.
Quality of life is an important issue in this matter while technical improvements also play a very
important role to make this therapy acceptable. The role of anti-tachycardia pacing and resynchronization
therapy has influenced the role of the ICD alone (the shock box) within the therapeutic arsenal. In this regard,
developments such as the subcutaneous ICD are a potential improvement. Home monitoring for implants is
another promising tool but its exact place remains undefined. Several local as well as multicenter studies in
this area are being undertaken by our group to enhance our understanding of these issues.
Principal Investigator
LMJL Jordaens
MGM Hunink, SS Pedersen, JCJ Res, DAMJ Theuns
PhD candidates
L Dabiri Abkenari
Actual Insights on Prophylactic ICD Therapy
SDA Valk
Approaches to ventricular tachycardia and sudden death
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 27
Lung surgery and lung transplantation
Technological developments in lung/thoracic surgery in the direction of video-assisted surgery as well as
improvements in peri-operative care are actual issues, resulting in concentration in larger centres. Larger series
and better quality of care are the result and form a sound basis for further clinical research and cooperation at
international level. A multidisciplinary approach is the key to this goal. This also holds for lung transplantation
for which also preclinical studies on organ preservation are undertaken. This project aims at outcome research
with emphasis on clinical decision making.
Principal Investigator
AJJC Bogers
AP Kappetein
O Birim
PhD candidates
NP van der Kaaij
Ischemia reperfusion injury as a risk factor for the development of chronic transplant
dysfunction after lung transplantation
Surgical aspects of mesothelioma treatment
Project 28
Stem cell therapy of acute coronary syndromes
The Thoraxcenter has taken an interest in cardiovascular regenerative medicine since 2000. Initially, we
have studied the effect of intramyocardial injection of skeletal myoblasts in patients with congestive heart
failure. In 2007, we initiated a new approach of cardiac stem cell therapy by use of adipose-tissue derived
mesenchymal-like stem cells (ADRC) in the treatment of cardiovascular patients, including acute myocardial
infarction (APOLLO) and ischemic congestive heart failure (PRECISE). The APOLLO, first-in-man application of
these ADRCs, suggested a beneficial effect on myocardial salvage and local perfusion following a myocardial
infarction, resulting in preservation of global left ventricular function and reduction of ventricular arrhythmias.
Hence, in the current ADVANCE study, the effect of these ADRCs in the treatment of AMI is further evaluated in
a multicentered, prospective study in 375 AMI patients. Allogeneic stem cell therapy may offer the opportunity
to optimize cellular graft quality, and to represent a true off-the-shelf cell product. In the AMICI-1 study, an
allogeneic mesenchymal precursor stem cell therapy is tested in 225 patients with a myocardial infarction.
In porcine and ovine large animal models, the working mechanism, optimal conditions and efficacy of
various stem cell therapy approaches are currently being evaluated (collaboration with the Exp.Card.dept. of
the UMCU (G. Pasterkamp, I.Hoefer)).
Here, we study the effect of CellBeads, aliginate beads with clusters of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells,
transduced to elute cardioprotective proteins i.e. recombinant glucagon-like-peptide 1, in the treatment of
congestive heart failure and acute myocardial infarction.
In addition to regenerative cardiovascular therapy, the molecular cardiology laboratory has an interest to
evaluate various molecular biomarkers in the diagnosis, prognostication and drug responsiveness in patients
with ischemic heart disease. In the BioTxs biobank, genetic material is collected from blood samples of CAD
patients to develop a proprietary blood test for ischemic disease based on specific transcripts or the autoantibody profile.
Principal Investigator
HJ Duckers
I Hoefer, A Lewis, G Pasterkamp, C Wallrap PhD candidates
HJ Houtgraaf
Cell therapy in myocardial infarction and heart failure
R de Jong
Allogeneic Stem cell Transplantation Use of GLP-1 Producing Cellbeads for the treatment of
cardiovascular disease
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 29
Percutaneous Interventions in Structural Heart Disease
Catheter-based treatment of structural heart disease is a recent but rapidly evolving treatment modality. At
present it is primarily reserved for patients with aortic stenosis who are considered poor candidate for surgical
valve replacement. As a result of ongoing research and innovations in catheter technology, bioprosthetic
materials (scaffolding frame and tissue), imaging (3-4D, co-registration) in addition to operator experience,
it is expected that catheter-based treatment will also be available for other forms of structural heart disease
such as mitral – and aortic regurgitation, left ventricular systolic dysfunction in addition to the application of
these techniques in patients who are candidate for surgical treatment.
Research in this domain will encompass 1] clinical cohort research examining the safety and efficacy,
the evaluation of responder and non-responder by the definition of determinants of (clinical and technical)
outcome by means of single- and multicenter collaborative efforts, 2] pathophysiologic assessment of the
effects of treatment on the morphology, function and haemodynamics of various cardiac components
(myocardium, valves, ascending aorta) in collaboration with the department of radiology and experimental
cardiology, 3] randomised clinical comparison between catheter-based and surgical treatment of structural
heart disease, 4] advanced imaging allowing 3 and eventually 4 D co-registration of the anatomy during
treatment (collaboration with experimental cardiology, radiology and industry)
Principal Investigators
PPT de Jaegere, PW Serruys
RT van Domburg, RJ van Geuns, MJ Lenzen, CS Schultz, M Witsenburg
PhD candidates
RMA van der Boon
Transcatheter Aortic valve implantation insights into clinical complications
NMDA van Mieghem
Evolving transcatheter treatment strategies in mitral and aortic valve disease
MJAG de Ronde-Tillmans
Influence of TAVI on quality of life in elderly patients with Aortic Stenosis
Project 30
Translational electrophysiology:
QUASAR Project: Amor Project: Danara Project: RiverLeft: Quest for the Arrhythmogenic Substrate of Atrial FibRillation
RotterdAm RhythM MonitORing
Dysrhythmias in pAtients with CongeNitAl HeaRt DiseAse
Treatment of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with the Sick Sinus Syndrome; the Rijnmond Right versus Left Study.
The research projects of the unit translational electrophysiology are aimed at developing innovative
diagnostic tools and therapies by implementing experimental electrophysiology in daily clinical practice.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The prevalence of AF will
continue to rise and AF will persist to pose a major burden on public health costs. Anti-arrhythmic drugs are
often not effective in eliminating AF episodes and ablative therapy is also not so successful as first assumed.
The expected epidemic of AF necessitates research in order to develop preventive strategies, to improve
existing treatment modalities and design novel therapies. After the discovery that paroxysms of AF can be
triggered by pulmonary vein foci, isolation of the pulmonary veins was introduced as a potential curative
treatment modality. It is in general assumed that in patients with persistent AF, AF has progressed from a
trigger-driven to a substrate mediated arrhythmia. In these patients, persistence of AF no longer depends
on the presence of a trigger (‘true fibrillation’) but is maintained by an arrhythmogenic substrate. Although
animal studies have provided extensive insights into the various mechanisms that can explain perpetuation
of AF, it is unknown which specific electropathological changes are relevant for the development of a
substrate of persistent AF in humans. Also, it is unknown whether different cardiac diseases result in different
electro-pathological alterations. Particularly in patients with congenital heart disease, there are no mapping
data available. Clinical mapping data of AF are scarce and the available studies are often limited to parts of
the atria or a small number of beats. Theoretically, multi-site high density mapping can be used to localize
sources generating AF in patients with trigger-driven AF and to identify areas perpetuating AF in patients with
substrate mediated-AF. Based on the premise that AF can be eliminated by ablation of either the trigger or the
substrate perpetuating AF it is expected that multi-site high density mapping is a suitable tool to diagnose AF
thereby allowing individualization of AF treatment. The mechanism of early post-operative dysrhythmias is
studied by correlating continuous rhythm registrations with hemodynamic alterations.
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 30 - continued
Translational electrophysiology
Principal Investigator
NMS de Groot
MA Allessie, AJJC Bogers, C Kik, F Zijlstra
PhD candidates
P Bhagirath
Cardiac imaging and electrophysiology
R Bhagwandien
A comparison of radiofrequency and cryotherapy for ablation
AWM van der Graaf
Cardiac imaging and electrophysiology
P Knops
The arrhythmogenic substrate of atrial fibrillation
TTTK Ramdjan
Mechanisms underlying persistence of atrial fibrillation
A Yaksh
The electropathological substrate of atrial fibrillation in patients with coronary artery
Project 30 - continued
Translational electrophysiology
“DysrhythmiAs in patieNts with congenitAl heaRt diseAse”
DANARA project: an international multicenter study
“Treatment of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Sick Sinus Syndrome: Right
Atrial Stimulation Compared with Left Atrial Stimulation”
Riverleft: a multicenter, randomized controlled trial - Tanwier Ramdjan
Cardiac dysrhythmias are common late complications in patients with congenital heart defects (CHD). The
incidence of dysrhythmias in CHD patients is higher compared to the general population. Corrective or palliative surgery may play a role in the development of dysrhythmias by e.g. facilitating reentry along suture
lines, patches or areas of scar tissue.
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 30 - continued
Translational electrophysiology
However, dysrhythmias are also documented in patients with unrepaired CHDs. In these patients, chronic
pressure and/or volume overload may give rise to cardiac conduction abnormalities and hence to dysrhythmias.
In 2012, the “DysrhythmiAs in patieNts with congenitAl heaRt diseAse” (DANARA) project, an international multicenter study was initiated by Dr. Natasja de Groot.
At present, we have included 750 CHD patients with either brady- and/or tachyarrhythmias. The aim of this
project is to examine time course of development of both early and late post-operative bradycardia, atrial or
ventricular tachyarrhythmia in CHD patients in relation to specific CHDs, surgical procedures and arrhythmia characteristics. Data derived from this project are used to gain further insight into the mechanisms
underlying cardiac dysrhythmias in patients with congenital heart defects.
Sinus node dysfunction (SND) accounts for approximately 50 % of the pacemaker implantations.
Symptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) occurs in 30% of these patients.
Clinical studies have provided evidence that atrial pacing may prevent episodes of AF.
It is common practice to implant atrial leads in the right atrial appendage (RAA); however, pacing in this
position is insufficiently effective to prevent AF episodes.
The right versus left (Riverleft) study is therefore to determine the effect of distal coronary sinus pacing
compared to RAA pacing for the prevention of recurrent AF episodes. Total number of AF recurrences and
time between recurrences will be assessed and compared between both groups. Patients of 18 years or older
with SND and at least one PAF episode of ≥ 30 seconds within six months before enrollment, will be eligible
to participate in the study. A conventional dual chamber with home-monitoring functionalities will be implanted in all patients.
Project 31
Surgical aspects of acute and chronic cardiovascular disease and heart failure
Technological developments in surgery (and interventional cardiology as well) and peri-operative/periprocedural care continue to evolve at a rapid pace. In particular, the field evidence with regard to the treatment
of coronary artery disease and cardiac valvular disease is rapidly expanding. The search for hybrid approaches
applying minimal invasive techniques continues. This is also relevant for the further development of robotic
techniques. It was shown that a multidisciplinary approach delivers the best results, and collaboration
between engineers, cardiologists, cardiothoracic and vascular surgeons and radiologists is the preferred and
chosen route. This project aims at outcome research with emphasis on clinical decision making.
Principal Investigator
AJJC Bogers
H Boersma, AP Kappetein, JJM Takkenberg
PhD candidates
LE de Groot-de Laat
Three-dimensional echocardiography in mitral regurgitation
WJ van Leeuwen
Clinical results of mitral valve surgery
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 32
Determinants of outcome of pediatric (congenital) heart disease
Treatment of congenital heart disease in early childhood has resulted in excellent survival in the pediatric age
range. However, residual cardiac loading abnormalities and the effects of pre-treatment hypoxaemia may
impair long term survival and quality of life. The project aims to identify early (bio)markers of suboptimal
outcome following treatment in childhood and to develop new treatment modalities to improve outcome.
Novel imaging methods and animal experiments are used for these purposes.
Principal Investigators
WA Helbing
M Dalinghaus, DJGM Duncker, LP Koopman, IKM Reiss, JW Roos-Hesselink,
JJM Takkenberg, M Witsenburg
PhD candidates
SL den Boer
Heart failure in children with cardiomyopathy. Which markers can be used to predict
SMM Bossers
Long-term outcome of the single ventricular circulation: multicenter study to assess risk
factors for heart failure and reduced health related quality of life
EAB Buijs
In vivo and in vitro assessment of pediatric microvascular functioning with particular
emphasis on catecholamines and catecholamine receptors
N Duppen
Exercise training in congenital heart disease: is it effective and safe and does it improve
quality of life?
Project 33
Surgery for congenital heart disease
Surgical management of congenital heart disease has improved significantly in the last decades and has
resulted in improved survival into adulthood. Thus the number of adult patients is growing. While the number
of patients to be operated at young age is more or less constant, the number of patients needing an operation
at adult age is increasing, both the number of primary operations as well as the number of reoperations due
to residual cardiac abnormalities. In particular, an abnormal load is commonly imposed on the right ventricle
or on single ventricular hearts. Residual abnormalities may cause heart failure, rhythm disturbances and may
affect quality of life. Evidence-based treatment is often lacking. Guidelines for timing of catheter intervention
and surgical therapy also may lack sufficient evidence. This project aims at outcome research with emphasis
on assessment of cardiac function in the right ventricle and in structurally abnormal hearts with conventional
imaging techniques. An important part of this theme concerns these imaging techniques on one hand and
improvement of clinical decision-making and therapy on the other.
Principal Investigator
AJJC Bogers
WA Helbing, AP Kappetein, L van Osch-Gevers, JW Roos-Hesselink, JJM Takkenberg
PhD candidates
JAAE Cuypers
Very long term follow-up after surgical correction of congenital heart disease at young age
A Mookhoek
Changing Roots: remodelling after the Ross procedure
A van Saet
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs in neonates and children during
cardiopulmonary bypass
PC vd Woestijne
Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect and systemic-pulmonary collateral arteries
GA Zeilmaker
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs in neonates and children during
cardiopulmonary bypass
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 33- continued
Surgery for congenital heart disease
Donating a heart valve to yourself - Aart Mookhoek
“At the Department of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, we are interested in studying all aspects of aortic valve
replacement: from valve biology to clinical decision-making.”
The focus of my PhD project is the Ross procedure. In this procedure, surgeons replace the aortic root
by the patient’s own pulmonary root. The right ventricular outflow tract is then reconstructed with a
homograft or heterograft. The rationale behind this procedure is to have a living, non-immunogenic valve in
the systemic circulation.
In The Netherlands, the Ross procedure is nowadays performed almost exclusively in young children.
Worldwide, only a few centres perform this procedure in adults. The foremost reason why enthusiasm for
the procedure is limited, is that progressive dilatation of the neo-aortic (autograft) root may necessitate
So, why does the autograft root dilate? Differences in wall composition between native aortic and
pulmonary roots in combination with higher pressures in the systemic circulation likely cause dilatation. A more interesting question is: to what extent does the autograft adapt to the demands of the systemic circulation and how may we facilitate this adaptation process?
To look for answers to this question, I am fortunate to collaborate with several national and
international institutes. Together, we study the histology and biomechanics of explanted autograft roots,
observe how neonates and infants fare after the Ross procedure and determine which variables predict a
successful outcome once a reoperation on the autograft root becomes necessary.
I believe these and other projects will continue to offer interesting new challenges in the year to come.
We hope the lessons learned from studying the Ross procedure will benefit our patients directly and may
offer novel insights into the process of aneurysm formation and aortic dissection.
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 34
Perioperative care
Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of postoperative morbidity and mortality. In Europe, 40.000.000
surgical procedures are performed every year, with a cardiovascular mortality rate of 0.3% (133.000 patients).
To improve postoperative outcome, preoperative identification of patients at risk is performed using
clinical risk scores, biomarkers for coronary artery disease and heart failure, and cardiac imaging. The
preoperative risk assessment is linked to the intraoperative identification of acute coronary syndromes using
electrocardiography and cardiac imaging as well as newly identified biomarkers. The follow-up of these patients
is performed regularly, for early identification of cardiac events. The identification of a genetic predisposition
in relation with biomarkers and subsequent treatment is the research line of this group.
Principal Investigators
RJ Stolker, H Verhagen
S Hoeks
PhD candidates
LH Derks
Perioperative care in noncardiac surgery: aspirin initiation prior to surgery
W Galal
Correlation of pre- and perioperative ischemia in vascular surgery
F Grüne
Changes of effective downstream pressure in cerebral perfusion under influence of
anesthetics and vasoactive drugs
R Kuyper
Use of handheld echo device in perioperative care
DY Lin
Decrease XVI: aspirin in preventing cardiovascular events in patients undergoing
noncardiac surgery
MAH van Velzen
The making of the 'MPA-16'
Project 35
Clinical decision making in cardiac surgery
This project concerns risk modelling, decision making, innovative statistical analysis and health technology
assessment of appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic measures in the area of cardio-thoracic interventions.
One of the challenges for contemporary medicine is to apply evidence-based medicine and to rationally
implement the available therapies in clinical practice, in the appropriate patients at the appropriate time.
Current research includes the application of longitudinal statistical models on serial data such as cardiac
biomarkers and echocardiographic measurements over time for the purpose of outcome prediction, the
optimization of individualized prognosis prediction through the development of novel risk models, shared
decision making studies in prosthetic heart valve selection and NSCLC treatment selection, and costeffectiveness studies of novel cardio-thoracic interventions. The results are applied in outcome research and
should support clinical decision making.
Principal Investigators
AJJC Bogers, JJM Takkenberg
AP Kappetein
PhD candidates
ER Andrinopoulou
Statistical tools for the investigation of the prognostic ability of biomarkers
E Charitos
A framework for the evaluation and reporting of outcomes after complex heart valve
NM Korteland
Optimizing clinical decision-making in prosthetic aortic valve selection
HJ Heuvelman
Characteristics, treatment options and prognosis of patients with aortic stenosis
S Mokhles
Prognostication and decision making in non-small cell lung carcinoma
RLJ Osnabrugge
Evaluation and clinical integration of new techniques in cardiac surgery
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Project 36
Clinical epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases
In the past decades, significant improvement has been achieved in the management and outcome of
patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Despite these developments, CVD still is a major cause of the
loss of healthy years in The Netherlands: the annual number of fatal events is as high as 40,000. The burden
of CVD is expected to increase in the decades ahead, and it is crucial to develop and improve CVD risk
prediction instruments, and implement appropriate preventive and therapeutic measures. Traditionally,
the assessment of CVD risk is based on global risk models. However, these models fall short, as they do not
utilize contemporary knowledge on the pathophysiology of CVD. Project 36 is designed to improve CVD risk
assessment and risk reduction. Several concepts are currently studied: (multiple) CVD biomarkers, repeated
biomarker assessment, cardiac imaging, dynamic risk modelling and simulation risk modelling.
Principal Investigator
H Boersma
KM Akkerhuis, RT van Domburg, JL Hillege, RJ van Geuns, I Kardys, MJ Lenzen,
MD Levin, SS Pedersen, V Umans
PhD candidates
SS Anroedh
ECGs and Biomarker measurements in coronary disease and heart failure
LC Battes
Micro-simulation modelling for clinical decision-making in individual patients with
coronary artery disease
SPM de Boer
Determinants of prognosis in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention
N van Boven
Serial Biomarker measurements and new echocardiographic techniques in chronic Heart
Failure patients result in Tailored prediction of prognosis (Bio-SHiFT)
JM Cheng
Determinants of prognosis in patients with acute heart failure
NLM Damen
Psychological factors & biomarkers in Cardiac patients treated with PCI: overlapping or
independent Risk markers for morbidity & mortality?
C Liesting
Cardiotoxicity of treatment in patients with HER2Neu positive breast cancer
RM Oemrawsingh
Prognostic value of biomarkers in patients with chronic CAD
M Sunamura
Opticare: optimal cardiac rehabilitation following acute coronary syndrome
LC van Vark
Epidemiological validation and clinical implementation of candidate biomarkers in patients
with acute heart failure
Project 37
Adult congenital heart disease
In the Netherlands, 8 out of 1000 children are born with a congenital heart defect. Due to improved
diagnostics, the introduction of the heart lung machine and open heart surgery, more than 85% of these
patients reach adulthood and nowadays there are 30.000 adults living in the Netherlands. Many of them have
late complications, such as valvular dysfunction, arrhythmias or heart failure. In addition often surgical or
catheter reintervention is necessary. Research in project 37 focuses on long-term outcome in these patients,
both after surgical correction, interventional treatment or natural history. Special emphasis on psychological
outcome, pregnancy and sports participation is important in this specific group of young adults. Also genetic
research, imaging of the complex cardiac anatomy and biomarker studies are being conducted.
Principal Investigator
JW Roos-Hesselink
H Boersma, AJJC Bogers, AE van den Bosch, RT van Domburg, WA Helbing,
MGM Hunink, JJM Takkenberg, EMWJ Utens, M Witsenburg
PhD candidates
JA Eindhoven
Prognostic value of biomarkers in adult congenital heart disease patients
IM van Hagen
Pregnancy and Cardiac Disease
MJG Leening
Epidemiologic aspects of cardiovascular disease. A population-based approach
ME Menting
Echocardiography in congenital heart disease
JO Younge
Randomized controlled trial of mindfulness training as complementary therapy in adults
with structural heart disease
Doctoral degrees
21 out of the 24 doctorates had included a detailed
portfolio. Missing portfolios were exclusively associated with foreign PhD candidates. The median
number of ECTS points scored was 33. The time
to PhD degree varied between three and six years
with a median time of 4 years and nine months.
COEUR currently lists 199 PhD candidates. In 2013,
the drop-out ratio was 1 %, as 2 candidates discontinued their PhD trajectory.
In the year 2013, 24 COEUR PhD candidates successfully defended their PhD thesis and obtained
a doctoral degree. Details of their achievements
are given on the next pages. Apart from scientific
accomplishments, PhD candidates are required
to document their educational activities (courses,
meetings and teaching) in their portfolio, which is
integral part of their thesis. Thirty ECTS (European
Credit Transfer Score) points are required. In 2013,
Doctoral degrees 2003 - 2013
January 25, 2013
Azadeh Firouzian
Automated Analysis of Intracranial Aneurysm Morphology and Dynamics
from CTA Data
Promotor: professor Wiro J Niessen (Radiology/Biomedical Imaging)
Copromotor: dr R Manniesing (Biomedical Imaging)
February 20, 2013
Martijn van Geldorp
Severe Aortic Stenosis, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis
Promotores: professor Hanneke JJM Takkenberg (Cardiothoracic Surgery) and
professor Arie Pieter Kappetein (Cardiothoracic Surgery)
Maart 14, 2013
Alexandre Lima
Noninvasive Monitoring Of Peripheral Perfusion In Critically Ill Patients
Promotor: professor Jan Bakker (Intensive Care)
Copromotor: dr Jasper van Bommel (Intensive Care)
Maart 15, 2013
Simone Talens
Novel Fibrin Clot Components
Promotor: professor Frank WG Leebeek (Hematology)
Copromotor: dr Dick C Rijken (Hematology)
Denise van der Linde
April 19, 2013 - CUM LAUDE
Denise van der Linde
Congenital Aortic Stenosis and Aneurysms
Promotores: professor Jolien W Roos-Hesselink (Cardiology) and
professor Hanneke JJM Takkenberg (Cardiothoracic Surgery)
June 4, 2013
Lisan Neefjes
CT Coronary angiography to Detect Coronary Artery Disease: Low Dose
Radiation in High Risk Individuals
Promotores: professor Gabriel P Krestin (Radiology) and
professor Pim J de Feyter (Cardiology)
June 11, 2013
Rutger - Jan Nuis
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Current Results, Insights and Future
Promotores: professor Peter PT de Jaegere (Cardiology) and Professor
Felix Zijlstra (Cardiology)
Copromotor: dr Ron T van Domburg (Cardiology)
June 12, 2013
Pieter M Jansen
The Role of Aldosterone and Aldosterone Blockade in Hypertension
Promotor: professor AH Jan Danser (Internal Medicine)
Copromotor: dr Anton H van den Meiracker (Internal Medicine)
June 14, 2013
Hortense A Kirisli
CTA Quantification and Multi-modal Visualization for Assessing Coronary
Artery Disease
Promotores: professor Wiro J Niessen (Radiology/Biomedical Imaging) and
professor Hans JHC Reiber (Radiology LUMC, Leiden)
Copromotor: dr Theo van Walsum (Radiology/Biomedical Imaging)
June 18, 2013
David Maresca
Ultraharmonic IVUS Imaging of Microvascularization
Promotores: professor Anton FW van der Steen (Biomedical Engineering) and
professor Nico de Jong (Biomedical Engineering))
Copromotor: dr Gijs van Soest (Biomedical Engineering)
June 25, 2013
Saskia E Luijnenburg
Outcome Late After Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot
Promotores: professor Wim A Helbing (Pediatrics) and
professor Barbara JM Mulder (Cardiology AMC, Amsterdam)
Copromotor: dr Hubert W Vliegen (Cardiology LUMC, Leiden)
June 28, 2013
Alexia Rossi
Quantification in Non-invasive Cardiac Imaging: CT and MR
Promotores: professor Gabriel P Krestin (Radiology) and
professor Jolien W Roos-Hesselink (Cardiology)
Copromotor: dr Robert Jan van Geuns (Cardiology)
September 13, 2013
P Titia E Ruys
Adult Congenital Heart Disease with Focus on Pregnancy
Promotor: professor Jolien W Roos-Hesselink (Cardiology)
September 20, 2013
Petra Opićć
Impact of Congenital Heart Disease at Adulthood
Promotor: professor Jolien W Roos-Hesselink (Cardiology)
Copromotor: dr Liesbeth EMWJ Utens (Paediatrics)
September 24, 2013
Tabita M Valentijn
Novel Insights in Perioperative Care
Promotores: professor Robert Jan Stolker (Anaesthesiology) and
professor Hence Verhagen (Vascular Surgery)
Copromotor: dr Sanne E Hoeks (Anaesthesiology)
October 2, 2013
Erik Jan Bakker
Cardiac Complications after Non-cardiac Surgery; Perioperative Risk
Prediction and Reduction Strategies
Promotores: professor Robert Jan Stolker (Anaesthesiology) and
professor Hence JM Verhagen (Vascular Surgery)
October 11, 2013
Stuart J Head
An Appraisal of Developments in Surgical and Catheter–based Cardiovascular
Promotores: professor Arie Pieter Kappetein (Cardiothoracic Surgery) and
professor Ad JJC Bogers (Cardiothoracic Surgery)
October 15, 2013
Maarten de Mulder
Glucose Regulation in Acute Coronary Syndromes
Promotor: professor Eric Boersma (Cardiology)
Copromotor: dr Victor AWM Umans (Cardiology MCA, Alkmaar)
October 23, 2013
Ali Ç Akyildiz
Biomechanical Modeling of Atherosclerotic Plaques for Risk Assessment
Promotor: professor Anton FW van der Steen (Biomedical Engineering)
Copromotor: dr ir Frank JH Gijsen (Cardiology)
November 4, 2013
Rahil Shahzad
Quantification of Imaging Biomarkers For Cardiovascular Disease in CT(A)
Promotor: professor Wiro J Niessen(Biomedical Imaging)
Copromotor: professor dr ir Lucas J van Vliet (Imaging and Applied Sciences
Delft University of Technology)
November 12, 2013
Zhichao Zhou
The Dual Face of Endothelial Control of Vascular Tone
Promotor: professor Dirk Jan GM Duncker (Cardiology)
Copromotor: dr Daphne Merkus (Cardiology)
December 3, 2013
Hilde RH De Geus
Biomarkers for AKI
Promotores: professor Jan Bakker (Intensive Care)
and professor AB Johan Groeneveld (Intensive Care)
Copromotor: dr Michiel GH Betjes (Internal Medicine)
December 18, 2013 - CUM LAUDE
M Mostafa Mokhles
Innovative Modeling of Outcome in Cardiac Surgery
Promotores: professor Ad JJC Bogers (Cardiothoracic Surgery) and
professor Hanneke JJM Takkenberg (Cardiothoracic Surgery)
December 18, 2013
Krista Jansen
Intravascular Photoacoustics
Promotor: professor Anton FW van der Steen (Biomedical Engineering)
Copromotor: dr Gijs van Soest (Cardiology)
Citation Classics (2013)
1. Serruys PW, de Jaegere P, et al. A comparison of balloon-expandable-stent implantation with balloon
angioplasty in patients with coronary-artery disease. New Engl J Med. 1994;331:489-495 [cited
2. Altman R, et al. [incl. Koudstaal PJ, Serruys PW]. Collaborative overview of randomized trials
of antiplatelet therapy.1. Prevention of death, myocardial-infarction, and stroke by prolonged
antiplatelet therapy in various categories of patients. BMJ. 1994; 308:81-100 [cited 2336x].
3. Morice MC, Serruys PW, et al. A randomized comparison of a sirolimus-eluting stent with a standard
stent for coronary revascularization. N Engl J Med. 2002;346(23):1773-80 [cited 2097x]
4. Lechat P, et al. [incl. Jordaens L].The Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study II (CIBIS-II): a randomised
trial. Lancet. 1999;353:9-13 [cited 2021x].
5. Appleby P, et al. [incl. Simoons ML]. Indications for fibrinolytic therapy in suspected acute
myocardial-infarction - Collaborative overview of early mortality and major morbidity results from
all randomized trials of more than 1000 patients. Lancet 1994;343:311-322 [cited 1546x]
6. van Swieten JC, Koudstaal PJ, et al. Interobserver agreement for the assessment of handicap in
stroke patients. Stroke. 1988;19:604-607 [cited 1538x].
7. Topol E, et al. [incl Simoons ML] An international randomized trial comparing 4 thrombolytic
strategies for acute myocardial infarction. New Engl J Med. 1993;329:673-682 [cited 1409x]
8. Bots ML, et al. [incl Koudstaal PJ]. Common carotid intima-media thickness and risk of stroke and
myocardial infarction – the Rotterdam Study. Circulation. 1997;96:1432-1437 [cited 1198x]
9. Topol E, et al [incl. Deckers JW, Simoons ML]. Inhibition of platelet glycoprotein llb/llla with
eptifibatide in patients with acute coronary syndromes. New Engl J Med. 1998;339:436-443 [cited
10. Ross AM, Simoons ML, et al. The effects of tissue-plasminogen activator, streptokinase, or both on
coronary-artery patency, ventricular-function, and survival after acute myocardial-infarction. New
Engl J Med. 1993;329:1615-1622 [cited 1008x]
Pub Med publications (2013)
J, Hubay M, Lendvai Z, Merkely B, Szili-Torok
T. Radiofrequency Ablation at Low Irrigation
Abraham P, Abkenari LD, Peters ECH, Szili-Torok
Flow Rates Using a Novel 12-Hole Gold Open-
T. Feasibility of Remote Magnetic Navigation for
Irrigation Catheter. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol.
Epicardial Ablation. Netherlands Heart Journal.
Cleophas TJ. Effect of Collaterals on Deaths and
Carcao MD, Cox Gill J, Key NS, Kouides PA,
Re-Infarctions in Patients with Coronary Artery
Kurnik K, Lail AE, Leebeek FWG, Makris M,
Disease: A Meta-Analysis. Netherlands Heart
Mannucci PM, Winikoff R, Berntorp E. Prophylaxis
in Severe Forms of Von Willebrand’s Disease:
Journal. 2013;21(3):146-51.
A, Van Der Lugt A, Vernooij MW. Cerebral
Prophylaxis Network (Vwd Pn). Haemophilia.
Microbleeds and the Risk of Mortality in
the General Population. Eur J Epidemiol.
Adams HHH, Cavalieri M, Verhaaren BFJ, Bos D,
van Dijke CF, Niessen WJ, Veenland JF. Regional
Robin Spaces on Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Heterogeneity Changes in Dce-Mri as Response
Stroke. 2013;44(6):1732-5.
to Isolated Limb Perfusion in Experimental Soft-
Akca F, Schwagten B, Theuns DAJ, Takens M,
Tissue Sarcomas. Contrast Media and Molecular
of Single-Catheter Ablation Using Remote
Alic L, van Vliet M, Wielopolski PA, ten Hagen TLM,
R, Ikram MA. Rating Method for Dilated Virchow-
Musters P, Szili-Torok T. Safety and Feasibility
Akoudad S, Ikram MA, Koudstaal PJ, Hofman
Results from the Von Willebrand Disease
Van Der Lugt A, Enzinger C, Vernooij MW, Schmidt
Akin S, Yetgin T, Brugts JJ, Dirkali A, Zijlstra F,
Abshire TC, Federici AB, Alvárez MT, Bowen J,
Imaging. 2013;8(4):340-9.
Amrane H, Porta F, Van Boven AJ, Hofma SH, Head
Magnetic Navigation for Treatment of Slow-Fast
SJ, Kappetein P. Tools and Techniques - Clinical: The
Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
Transaortic Approach through a Mini-Sternotomy
Compared to Conventional Ablation Strategies.
Using the Self-Expandable Corevalve Revalving
Acta Cardiol. 2013;68(6):559-67.
System. EuroIntervention. 2013;9(5):648-9.
Akca F, Theuns DAMJ, Abkenari LD, De Groot
Arias A, Petersen J, Van Engelen A, Tang H,
NMS, Jordaens L, Szili-Torok T. Outcomes
Selwaness M, Witteman JCM, Van Der Lugt A,
of Repeat Catheter Ablation Using Magnetic
Niessen W, De Bruijne M. Carotid Artery Wall
Navigation or Conventional Ablation. Europace.
Segmentation by Coupled Surface Graph Cuts.
LNCS. 2013; 7766: 38-47.
Akca F, Zima E, Vegh EM, Szeplaki G, Skopal
Assink-de Jong E, Groeneveld ABJ, Pettersson
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
AM, Koek A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE,
18. Bakker EJ, Valentijn TM, Van de Luijtgaarden KM,
Beishuizen A, Simoons-Smit AM. Clinical
Hoeks SE, Voute MT, Goncalves FB, Verhagen HJ,
Correlates of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Loads
Stolker RJ. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Independent
in the Lower Respiratory Tract of Critically Ill
of Insulin Use, Is Associated with an Increased Risk
Patients. J Clin Virol. 2013;58(1):79-83.
of Cardiac Complications after Vascular Surgery.
13. Auger D, Hoke U, Bax JJ, Boersma E, Delgado V.
Anaesth Intensive Care. 2013;41(5):584-90.
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Value of a Ghrelin Test for the Diagnosis of Gh
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R, Muramatsu T, Fahy M, Weisz G, Stone
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40. Boersma E, Van Domburg R, Hoeks S, Kardys
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Ventricular Outflow Tract Stenting Be Made into
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One of the Many Small Steps on the Long Road
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Aortic Valve Update 2013. EuroIntervention. 2013;9
Der Ploeg AT. Mucopolysaccharidosis: Cardiologic
Features and Effects of Enzyme-Replacement
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Inherit Metab Dis. 2013;36(2):227-34.
Cost-Effectiveness of Two Endovascular Treatment
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Klein S. Image Registration Improves Human Knee
51. Boven NV, Bogaard K, Ruiter J, Kimman G, Theuns
Cartilage T1 Mapping with Delayed Gadolinium-
D, Kardys I, Umans V. Functional Response to
Enhanced Mri of Cartilage (Dgemric). Eur Radiol.
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Is Associated
with Improved Clinical Outcome and Absence of
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Prescribing to Reduce Risk of Falls (Improvefall)
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54. Brands M, Roelants J, de Krijger R, Bogers
A, Reuser A, van der Ploeg A, Helbing W.
59. Brugaletta S, Sabate M, Martin-Yuste V, Masotti
Macrophage Involvement in Mitral Valve
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Pathology in Mucopolysaccharidosis Type Vi
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Valgimigli M, Tespili M, den Heijer P, Bethencourt
A, Vazquez N, Gomez-Lara J, Backx B, Serruys
55. Brands MMMG, Frohn-Mulder IM, Hagemans
PW. Predictors and Clinical Implications of
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Stent Thrombosis in Patients with St-Segment
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Analysis of Ovine and Pediatric Pulmonary
Artery for Heart Valve Stent Design. J Biomech.
60. Bruining N. The Diabetes Conundrum: Despite
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Diabetic Type Ii Patients, Their First Cathlab
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Presentation Is Later Than Expected. Eur Heart J.
J, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Bioresorbable Vascular
Scaffolds in the Clinical Setting. Interventional
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JC, Prince JA, Ibrahim-Verbaas CA, Schuur M,
66. Campos CM, Muramatsu T, Iqbal J, Zhang YJ,
Breteler MM, van Duijn CM, Kehoe PG, Barber
Onuma Y, Garcia-Garcia HM, Haude M, Lemos
R, Coto E, Alvarez V, Deloukas P, Hammond N,
PA, Warnack B, Serruys PW. Bioresorbable Drug-
Combarros O, Mateo I, Warden DR, Lehmann MG,
Eluting Magnesium-Alloy Scaffold for Treatment of
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Coronary Artery Disease. International Journal of
H, Smith AD, Lehmann DJ, Morgan K. Discovery
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by the Epistasis Project of an Epistatic Interaction
67. Chai CK, Akyildiz AC, Speelman L, Gijsen FJ,
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Kif11 Locus in the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.
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Neurobiol Aging. 2013;34(4):1309.e1-.e7.
Properties of Human Carotid Atherosclerotic
62. Bussink BE, Holst AG, Jespersen L, Deckers JW,
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Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Outcome in the
General Population: Results from the Copenhagen
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White HD, Moliterno DJ, Théroux P, Ohman EM,
63. Cabrera JA, Butterick TA, Long EK, Ziemba EA,
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Zhang J, Chen Y, Ward HB, Kelly RF, McFalls EO.
Harrington RA. Trends in Clinical Trials of Non-St-
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over 15 Years. Int J Cardiol. 2013;167(2):548-54.
69. Cheng C, Chrifi I, Pasterkamp G, Duckers HJ.
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Biological Mechanisms of Microvessel Formation
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70. Cheng JM, Akkerhuis KM, Battes LC, Van Vark
75. Chitsaz S, Wenk JF, Ge L, Wisneski A, Mookhoek
LC, Hillege HL, Paulus WJ, Boersma E, Kardys I.
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76. Cornet AD, Hofstra JJ, Vlaar AP, Tuinman PR,
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71. Cheng JM, Van Leeuwen MAH, De Boer SPM, Wai
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MCGTJ, Den Uil CA, Jewbali LSD, Van Geuns RJ,
Beishuizen A. Activated Protein C Attenuates
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Pulmonary Coagulopathy in Patients with Acute
F, Akkerhuis KM. Impact of Intra-Aortic Balloon
Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Journal of
Pump Support Initiated before Versus after Primary
Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2013;11(5):894-901.
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients
77. Cornette J, Ruys TP, Roos-Hesselink JW.
with Cardiogenic Shock from Acute Myocardial
Assessment of the Right Ventricle in Pregnant
Infarction. Int J Cardiol. 2013;168(4):3758-63.
Women with and without Structural Heart Disease.
72. Cherpanath TGV, Lagrand WK, Schultz MJ,
Int J Cardiol. 2013;168(3):3087.
Groeneveld ABJ. Cardiopulmonary Interactions
78. Cornette J, Ruys TPE, Rossi A, Rizopoulos
During Mechanical Ventilation in Critically
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Ill Patients. Netherlands Heart Journal.
Van Den Bosch AE, Geleijnse ML, Duvekot JJ,
Steegers EAP, Roos-Hesselink JW. Hemodynamic
73. Cheung YM, Scoones GP, Hoeks SE, Stolker
Adaptation to Pregnancy in Women with Structural
RJ, Weber F. Evaluation of the Aepex Monitor of
Heart Disease. Int J Cardiol. 2013;168(2):825-31.
Hypnotic Depth in Pediatric Patients Receiving
79. Costet P, Ehrenborg E, Fisher R, Fielding B, Groen
Propofol-Remifentanil Anesthesia. Paediatr
A, Kardassis D, Malle E, Mulder M, Niemeier A,
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Norata GD, Hansen AT, Eckardstein A. European
74. Chieffo A, Buchanan GL, Van Mieghem NM,
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Serruys PW, Fajadet J, Carrié D, De Jaegere
80. Cummins P, Serruys PW. Esc Journals Working
PPT, Colombo A. Transcatheter Aortic Valve
Together. EuroIntervention. 2013;9(6):655.
Implantation with the Edwards Sapien Versus the
81. Cummins P, Serruys PW. The Journal Citation
Medtronic Corevalve Revalving System Devices:
Reports Impact Factor: Annual Results 2012.
A Multicenter Collaborative Study: The Pragmatic
EuroIntervention. 2013;9(3):294-5.
Plus Initiative (Pooled-Rotterdam-Milano-Toulouse in
82. Cuypers JA, Witsenburg M, van der Linde D,
Collaboration). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013;61(8):830-6.
Roos-Hesselink JW. Pulmonary Stenosis: Update
C O E U R Annual Report 2013
on Diagnosis and Therapeutic Options. Heart.
Associated with 7-Year Mortality in Patients
Treated with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention:
83. Cuypers JAAE, Opić P, Menting ME, Utens EMWJ,
Results from the Research Registry. Int J Cardiol.
Witsenburg M, Helbing WA, Van Den Bosch AE,
Ouhlous M, Van Domburg RT, Meijboom FJ,
90. Damman P, Kampinga MA, Van Der Horst ICC,
Bogers AJJC, Roos-Hesselink JW. The Unnatural
Woudstra P, Grundeken MJ, Kuijt WJ, Harskamp
History of an Atrial Septal Defect: Longitudinal 35
RE, Nijsten MWN, Zijlstra F, Tijssen JGP, De Smet
Year Follow up after Surgical Closure at Young
BJGL, De Winter RJ. Multiple Biomarkers for the
Age. Heart. 2013;99(18):1346-52.
Prediction of Short and Long-Term Mortality after
84. Daemen J. Current Technologies: An Introduction.
St-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: The
Amsterdam Groningen Collaboration. J Thromb
EuroIntervention. 2013;9 Suppl R:R75-82.
85. Daemen J. Diastolic Dysfunction and Arterial
Stiffness: The Chicken or the Egg. Neth Heart J.
Thrombolysis. 2013;36(1):42-6.
91. Dangas GD, Serruys PW, Kereiakes DJ, Hermiller
J, Rizvi A, Newman W, Sudhir K, Smith Jr RS,
86. Daemen J, Mahfoud F. Renal Denervation:
Cao S, Theodoropoulos K, Cutlip DE, Lansky AJ,
Expanding the Indication. EuroIntervention. 2013;9
Stone GW. Meta-Analysis of Everolimus-Eluting
Suppl R:R101-4.
Versus Paclitaxel-Eluting Stents in Coronary Artery
87. Damen NL, Pelle AJ, Boersma E, Serruys PW,
Disease: Final 3-Year Results of the Spirit Clinical
Van Domburg RT, Pedersen SS. Reduced Positive
Trials Program (Clinical Evaluation of the Xience
Affect (Anhedonia) Is Independently Associated
V Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System in
with 7-Year Mortality in Patients Treated with
the Treatment of Patients with De Novo Native
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Results
Coronary Artery Lesions). JACC: Cardiovascular
from the Research Registry. European Journal of
Interventions. 2013;6(9):914-22.
Preventive Cardiology. 2013;20(1):127-34.
92. Danilouchkine MG, Van Neer PLMJ, Verweij MD,
88. Damen NL, Versteeg H, Boersma E, De Jaegere
Matte GM, Vletter WB, Van Der Steen AFW, De
PP, Van Geuns RJM, Van Domburg RT, Pedersen
Jong N. Single Pulse Frequency Compounding
SS. Indication for Percutaneous Coronary
Protocol for Superharmonic Imaging. Phys Med
Intervention Is Not Associated with Symptoms
Biol. 2013;58(14):4791-805.
of Anxiety and Depression. Int J Cardiol.
93. De Bacquer D, Dallongeville J, Kotseva K, Cooney
MT, Pajak A, Deckers JW, Mayer O, Vanuzzo
89. Damen NL, Versteeg H, Boersma E, Serruys
D, Lehto S, Fras Z, Ostor E, Ambrosio GB, De
PW, Van Geuns RJM, Denollet J, Van Domburg
Backer G, Wood D, Keil U, Sans S, Graham
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of Neuronal Degeneration in the Aging Mouse
Cerebellum. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics.
94. De Beer VJ, Merkus D, Bender SB, Tharp DL,
Bowles DK, Duncker DJ, Laughlin MH. Familial
100. De Groot M, Verhaaren BFJ, De Boer R, Klein S,
Hypercholesterolemia Impairs Exercise-Induced
Hofman A, Van Der Lugt A, Ikram MA, Niessen WJ,
Systemic Vasodilation Due to Reduced No
Vernooij MW. Changes in Normal-Appearing White
Bioavailability. J Appl Physiol. 2013;115(12):1767-76.
Matter Precede Development of White Matter
95. de Boer SP, van Leeuwen MA, Cheng JM,
Lesions. Stroke. 2013;44(4):1037-42.
Oemrawsingh RM, van Geuns RJ, Serruys PW,
101. De Groot M, Vernooij MW, Klein S, Ikram MA,
Boersma E, Lenzen MJ. Trial Participation as a
Vos FM, Smith SM, Niessen WJ, Andersson
Determinant of Clinical Outcome: Differences
JLR. Improving Alignment in Tract-Based Spatial
between Trial-Participants and Every Day Clinical
Statistics: Evaluation and Optimization of Image
Care Patients in the Field of Interventional
Registration. Neuroimage. 2013;76:400-11.
Cardiology. Int J Cardiol. 2013;169(4):305-10.
102. de Groot NMS. Remote Magnetic Catheter
96. De Boer SPM, Serruys PWJC, Valstar G,
Navigation: More Than Just Bells and Whistles?
Lenzen MJ, De Jaegere PJ, Zijlstra F, Boersma
Netherlands Heart Journal. 2013;21(6):294-5.
E, Van Domburg RT. Life-Years Gained by
103. De Koning WB, Van Osch-Gevers LM, Robbers-
Smoking Cessation after Percutaneous Coronary
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Intervention. Am J Cardiol. 2013;112(9):1311-4.
WA. Enlarged Right Ventricular Size at 11 Years’
97. De Bruijn RFAG, Schrijvers EMC, De Groot KA,
Follow-up after Closure of Secundum-Type
Witteman JCM, Hofman A, Franco OH, Koudstaal
Atrial Septal Defect in Children. Cardiol Young.
PJ, Ikram MA. The Association between Physical
Activity and Dementia in an Elderly Population: The
104. De Mulder M, Umans VA, Cornel JH, Van Der
Rotterdam Study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2013;28(3):277-
Zant FM, Stam F, Oemrawsingh RM, Akkerhuis
KM, Boersma E. Intensive Glucose Regulation
98. De Geus HRH, Betjes MG, Van Schaick R,
in Hyperglycemic Acute Coronary Syndrome:
Groeneveld JABJ. Plasma Ngal Similarly Predicts
Results of the Randomized Biomarker Study to
Acute Kidney Injury in Sepsis and Nonsepsis.
Identify the Acute Risk of a Coronary Syndrome-2
Biomarkers in Medicine. 2013;7(3):415-21.
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489. Valentijn TM, Hoeks SE, Martienus KA, Bakker EJ,
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495. Van De Luijtgaarden KM, Bakker EJ, Rouwet
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490. Valk SDA, Dabiri-Abkenari L, Theuns DAMJ,
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496. Van De Luijtgaarden KM, Bastos Gonçalves
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505. van den Oord SCH, Sijbrands EJG, ten Kate
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511. van der Boon RM, Nuis RJ, Benitez LM, Van
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C O E U R Annual Report 2013
Edited by: Erna Egelie
Photography: Levien Willemse
Lay out: Maud van Nierop
Production and publication: COEUR Secretariat, Erasmus MC
Printing: Mediajoenit BV, Rotterdam
Erasmus MC
P.O. Box 2040
3000 CA Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-10-7035312
Email: e.egelie@erasmusmc.nl
Website: www.coeur.nl