From the office of the Director.
From the office of the Director.
Second Quarter 2016 323 13th Street Franklin, PA 16323 814 432-2229 From the office of the Director. . . Well, I think it might be safe to say that spring is here! Although we had a very light winter, it did still seem to go on forever! But, as with life, there is a cycle. New birth, maturing and death. Thank you, Lord, for this season of new life! I’m excited to report that ABC continues to be a light and beacon to families in our community and you are a part of that! Each baby born, each parent mentored, each blanket that cradles, each book that is read to a child, you are a part of because of your generous support of ABC! We continue to endeavor to share the love of Jesus Christ with all who enter our doors. As you contemplate spring and the new life it represents, I pray that you will also contemplate how God will use you (as He has been or in a new way) as a part of the ministry here at ABC. There continues to be a waiting list of families ready to join our Earn While You Learn program. We are still working to increase our Sexual Risk Avoidance Program (abstinence) and the funding to complete the ultrasound imaging is still behind. There are many ways to become involved such as volunteering, financial support and praying for the ministry. As we come out of the winter season into the spring, we look forward to working with you in whatever way God leads you! Please call if you would like suggestions of ways to become a part of the ministry here! Keep lookin’ forward! Robyn Executive Director Board Members: Ruth Ruditis, Chairperson Bill Yard, Vice Chairperson Judy McGill, Financial Officer to the Board Becky Kearney, Secretary Mike Kearney Paul McGill Jason Peterson Mary Lee Riley Carol Thompson Executive Director Robyn Ohmer, LAS Director of Client Services Diane Montgomery Fiscal Manager Pat Dilley Client Services *Jane Allen Georgia Capozzi Sharon Goldsmith Kathy Hoffman Mary Lee Riley Carol Thompson In Training Madeline Fedor Baby Boutique Services *Mary Jane Craig Phyllis Hiles *Kathy Johnson Sheri Manross Barbara Books Cathy Campbell Peggy Hamm Bernice Nelson Dodie Schmidt Tish Way *Karen Dunlap Anna Marie Jersey Becky Kearney *Judy Reilly *RSVP Volunteers Data Entry *Judy McGill Robin Riddle Teen Volunteers Lexi Herdle Audrianna Montgomery Center Care Services Kim Bega Kelly Clark Dave Herdle Dan Kearney Sonja Shirley Creative Concepts Jodi Herdle Sydney Herdle Kaleb Ohmer Art Capozzi Linda Clark Megan Hilton Zach Persing “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…” Jeremiah 1:5 Second Quarter 2016 Volunteers of the Quarter Typically, each quarter, we choose a volunteer to be the volunteer of the quarter and feature them in our newsletter. This month, I am choosing all of our volunteers. We love and cherish each one of them and are blessed to see how God uses each one in the ministry here at ABC. I would ask that you look at our staff list on page 1 and pray for each one. And if you know them, the next time you see them, give them a big hug or pat on the back and thank them for serving so faithfully. ABC would never be able to do what we do without each one! Some of the ladies from the office were showing off their “jeans” for Rare Genes Day. World Rare Disease Day is an annual observance held on the last day of February to raise awareness for rare diseases and improve access to treatments and medical representation for individuals with rare diseases and their families. We Love Our Rare Friends!! Thank You Volunteers! You Bless Us!! Stephen Kosak, of the PNC Charitable Trust and ABC Boardmember Paul McGill Early this month, we received that visit that we are always excited for—Stephen Kosak hand delivering our grant from Samuel and Edith Justus Charitable Trust. Thank you Steve, for your faithful service to our community and most importantly your fight for children & families of Venango County and beyond! February always brings our babies to the limelight when we have our Beautiful Baby Contest. Above are this year’s winners. 1st Place was a free photo session and 8x10 picture from Olivia Williams Photography. 2nd Place was a free photo session from Riddler’s Eye Photography and 3rd place was scrap booking supplies. Thank you to our wonderful contributors! Second Quarter 2016 33 Zonta International Oil City-Franklin, PA Thank you to the Zonta Club for their very generous baby shower to benefit the clients of ABC Life Center! Diane Montgomery, Director of Client Services attended the shower to represent ABC and one of our clients attended to open the gifts while everyone “ohhed & awed”! Everyone enjoyed a great time and all the clients benefitted from the gifts both material and financially. Way to go Zonta!! 323 13th Street, Franklin, PA 16323 Syd Herdle’s Senior Project 30 Hour Famine Syd Herdle, a senior at Franklin High School, held a 30 hour famine at her church to raise money to help with World Vision in their endeavor to end world hunger. As part of the famine, it is suggested that the group pick a service project in the community. Syd brought her group to ABC to help with some projects we needed finished. Some prepped bottles for the Baby Bottle Boomerang, others made up baskets of new baby items for new babies and her sister Lexi worked on the bulletin board! (and we must not forget the youth leader, Jonathan got all the pictures ready for the Beautiful Baby Contest.) We accomplished a lot in a few hours! Thanks Syd and friends! @ABCLifeCenter Like us on Facebook 814 432-2229 United Way Partner Donor Designation #12508628 Mark Your Calendar!!! You shop. Amazon gives. Sun May 8th Sun Jun 19th Sat Jun 25th Thurs Aug 25th Tues Oct 11th 10:00 – 2:00 Baby Bottle Boomerang Begins Baby Bottle Boomerang Ends Golf Outing at Lucky Hills Car Seat Inspection Station at ABC ABC Fundraising Gala at the Franklin Second Quarter 2016 Bowling for Babies 2016 Riddler’s Eye Photography held a fundraiser for ABC. They offered low cost, quality pictures with a portion going to ABC. Thank you Riddler’s Eye for your generosity. What a fun afternoon of bowling while raising almost $2800 for the center! Thank you to our lane sponsors: Engles Trucking, LeGoullon Counseling Services, Lighthouse Apartments, Potter’s Chiropractic, and Specialty Fitness Systems. And a special thank you to our bowlers! Baby Bottle Boomerang It’s that time of year again! Mother’s day May 8th Thru Father’s Day June 19th The Baby Bottle Boomerang is our biggest fundraiser! It’s fun and easy to implement! If your church or organization (or even just yourself) would like to be involved, it’s simple! Just call ahead and let us know how many bottles you would need. We will get them ready and you can pick them up (or we can deliver if needed) by Mother’s Day. You pass them out on Mother’s Day, letting your congregation or group know that they are to fill them with checks, cash or change and return them where they received them by Father’s Day. Sounds so simple, right? Everyone can do it! It’s an easy, fun way to come alongside the ABC Life Center as we work with the families of our community. We raised over $25,000 last year. Do you think we can pass $30,000 this year???