STYLE GUIDE - Eye Clinic Of Wisconsin
STYLE GUIDE - Eye Clinic Of Wisconsin
eye clinic of wisconsin & EC LASER AND SURGERY INSTITUTE OF WI, LLC & GRAPHIC IDENTITY STANDARDS STYLE GUIDE Updated April 28, 2015 Eye Clinic of Wisconsin and EC Laser & Surgery Institute, LLC Contents ABOUT 4 BRAND IDENTITY 5 8-11 TYPOGRAPHY PAIRINGS CONSIDERATIONS ABBREVIATIONS & STYLE 12 OFFICIAL COLORS GENERAL LOGO GUIDELINES 13-14 OFFICIAL LOGOS 15-21 EYE CLINIC OF WISCONSIN EC LASER & SURGERY INSTITUTE HEARING CENTER ECLASIK VALUSPECS LOGO REQUEST FORM 22 About the Eye Clinic of Wisconsin and EC Laser & Surgery Institute The Eye Clinic of Wisconsin was founded in 1964 by brothers Gordon and Bill Backer, and has been serving Central and Northern Wisconsin for over 50 years. Owned by its practicing ophthalmologists, the Eye Clinic’s main goal is to provide quality, expert eye care and hearing services. Its seven facilities offer the most comprehensive centers for diagnostic, laser, surgical, pediatric, and general eye care. Hearing services are offered in limited locations. In January 2013, the Eye Clinic of Wisconsin opened an ambulatory surgery center, the EC Laser & Surgery Institute of WI, LLC, in its Wausau location. As the region’s only dedicated ophthalmic outpatient surgery center, the EC Laser & Surgery Institute is fully equipped to provide high level metropolitan-style care for a wide range of ophthalmic conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachments, as well as functional and cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. The Institute includes two operating rooms, two laser rooms and one minor procedure room. 4 Brand Identity The Eye Clinic of Wisconsin and EC Laser & Surgery Institute seeks to position itself as the premier eye care provider for Central Wisconsin. It caters to all demographics, but appeals most heavily to those 55 and older, as they make up 49% of current patients. The Eye Clinic brand represents established excellence with local community care, as well as spectacular surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction. It relies on clean, minimal messaging, and professional, caring tonality. It seeks to balance a contemporary, innovative feel with the backbone of 50 years of established excellence. Patients By Region Age Demographics Wausau 20% 65+ 32% Other (674 locations) 29% 18-24 5% 1-17 13% Rhinelander 10% 25-40 14% Merrill 7% Athens 1% 55-64 17% 41-54 19% Crandon 1% Schofield Tomahawk 3% 3% Rothschild 1% Birnamwood 1% Eagle River 1% Marathon 1% 5 Plover 2% Weston Medford 3% 3% Mosinee 4% Stevens Point 5% Antigo 5% Our Founders 1967 First building built in Wausau 1972 2nd location (Rhinelander) opened 1968 6 Became “Eye Clinic of Wausau”. Name changed to “Eye Clinic of Wisconsin” in 2003 2003 Dr. Rossman, one of the original physicians, passed away. 2014 Founder Dr. Gordon Backer passed away Rhinelander Merrill Antigo Medford 2007 New Wausau location built. EC Laser & Surgery Institute added to lower level in 2013. 2015 Wausau Stevens Point WI Rapids 7 1988 - Tomahawk opened (closed in 2005) 1989 - Merrill and Antigo opened 1992 - Medford opened 1997 - Stevens Point opened 2000 - Rib Mountain opened (closed 2007) 2015 - Wisconsin Rapids opened Typography ITC Avant Garde Gothic Std ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ & *( ) Century Gothic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ &* ( ) The primary typeface for the Eye Clinic of Wisconsin and EC Laser & Surgery Institute is ITC Avant Garde Gothic Standard. All fonts within the Standard family may be used - the condensed fonts with moderation. The Pro family caps and ligatures may not be used. In the event that Avant Garde is not available, Century Gothic may be substituted in its place. The Eye Clinic of Wisconsin official logo uses only lowercase Avant Garde letters. The lowercase acts in opposition to the original use of Avant Garde - still claiming the typeface’s modern and innovative bend, but keeping it firmly reined in with safety and consistency - a sovereign set of values in healthcare. The EC Laser & Surgery Institute logo, however, takes the opposite approach. It is still firmly entrenched in the Standard end of the family, but is presented in all capital letters. This both reflects the literal feeling of lasers in the sharp letterforms, and a sense of “cutting edge” modernity that a state-of-the-art surgery center deserves. 8 Typography Pairing Avant Garde is the preferred typeface for inclusion in all forms of stationary and communication, but it can be freely mixed with any number of types faces to increase readibility and/or visual interest. Some recommended pairings are listed below: Adobe Caslon Pro ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Book Antiqua ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Calibri ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Nautilus Pompilius ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%&*() All typefaces shown in 16 pt font. 9 Typography Considerations The largest readership for the Eye Clinic of Wisconsin and EC Laser & Surgery Institute is patients, and a large section of materials are geared toward those with visual deficiences. This presents particular challenges for some materials; enhanced legibility and clarity are essential. Body text for patient materials should be no smaller than 12 pt using Avant Garde as a standard (shown below). If material is geared toward Retina patients, font should be no smaller than 14pt. Increased leading and tracking is highly encouraged. ITC Avant Garde Gothic Std [12 point] ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Since certain patients suffer from decreased or distorted color vision, materials should be legible in black and white, as well as color. High contrast is encouraged. For Retina patients, all type should be in dark or black ink on a white or light background. 10 Abbreviations & Style Eye Clinic of Wisconsin should always be written with capital first letters in text to distinguish it as a proper noun. “The” may be added before it for writing flow and added effect. Eye Clinic of Wisconsin may be abbreviated ECW or ECOW, but only for informal communications. In formal documents, it may be abbreviated as Eye Clinic for shorthand after it is introduced with full title. EC Laser and Surgery Institute of WI, LLC may be written the following ways: EC Laser and Surgery Institute of WI, LLC EC Laser and Surgery Institute of WI EC Laser and Surgery Institute EC Laser & Surgery Institute of WI, LLC EC Laser & Surgery Institute of WI EC Laser & Surgery Institute The usage of an ampersand [&] is preferred when the title follows a previous “and”. Only one variant ([&] or [and]) should be used within a document. “The” may be added before it for writing flow and added effect. EC Laser and Surgery Institute of WI, LLC may be abbreviated ECLSI, but only for informal communications. In formal documents, it may be abbreviated as Institute for shorthand after it is introduced with full title. 11 Official Eye Clinic of Wisconsin and EC Laser & Surgery Institute Colors PRIMARY PANTONE COLORS The official colors of the Eye Clinic of Wisconsin and EC Laser & Surgery Institute are dark teal and light teal. These colors are best reproduced in print production by the Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors: Pantone 328 Pantone 328 40% CMYK (90,36,73,23) RGB (0,106,84) HEX #006A54 CMYK (37,05,33,0) RGB (163,204,181) HEX #A3CCB5 SECONDARY PANTONE COLORS In addition to the primary colors, the following Pantone colors are official sub-branding shades and may be used may be used to add variety. They should not be used without the presence of either Primary color: Pantone 549 Pantone 7652 CMYK (39,03,09,19) RGB (127,176,190) HEX #7FB0BE CMYK (57,100,40,39) RGB (92,18,70) HEX #5C1246 Key (Black) 50% and 20% are also often used as a neutral accent. 12 General Logo Guidelines The logos are NEVER to be altered in any way, except in proportional scale. X X stretched disproportionately color altered X X “c” placed in front of “e” R lettering moved Changing any elements, including (but not limited to) relative element size, colors, and font is strictly prohibited. 13 General Logo Guidelines Give each logo adequate space. Do not crowd logos. Please refer to each minimum guideline below. 14 Official Eye Clinic of Wisconsin and EC Laser & Surgery Institute Logos The following logos are property of the Eye Clinic of Wisconsin and the EC Laser & Surgery Institute, and their use is strictly prohibited without written permission. Each logo is only for use with entities which it has produced, sponsored, or is otherwise knowingly promoting. Additionally, only copies given by Eye Clinic of Wisconsin or the EC Laser & Surgery Institute are considered valid logo reproductions. Each logo is available in color, grayscale, white lettering, full white, and black & white. To request use of one of the following logos, please fill out the “Logo Request Form” on page 22, or contact Katie Stainbrook, Marketing & Design Specialist, at You can also call her at 715.261.8540 for more information. 15 Eye Clinic of Wisconsin Logo The Eye Clinic of Wisconsin logo can be found with or without its registered tagline “One Vision. Yours”. Either logo is acceptable for use; however, please note the following general guidelines: External materials, such as those for marketing, promotion, and sponsorship, should always use the tagline version (“secondary brandmark”) unless it is redundant to do so (ie, the tagline text is listed nearby), or if the tagline version is unwieldy or inappropriate for that entity. Internal materials such as forms, database usage, and long-standing items often require only the primary brandmark. An alternative primary mark is available for “extreme sizing”; very small or very large projects. It may also be used in place of the other two options when logisitically appropriate (ie, the text is more critical for visibility than the “ec”). For large projects, the logo should be generally used WITH the tagline. For small projects, the logo should be used withOUT the tagline. Other notations: Grayscale is preferred over black and white for these brandmarks, as it promotes a a more finessed contrast for the “ec”. Black and white should only be used in speciality circumstances, such as with small promotional products. 16 Primary Brandmark The primary brandmark should never be sized smaller than 11/4”x 1/2” (WxH) [shown right] Secondary Brandmark ® The secondary brandmark should never be sized smaller than 19/16”x 3/4” (WxH) [shown right] Alternate Brandmark The alternate brandmark should never be sized smaller than 11/16”x 5/16” (WxH) [shown right] 17 ® EC Laser & Surgery Institute Logo The EC Laser & Surgery logo should be used only in situations where the Institute is directly involved, such as with internal brochures and forms. It may or may not be used in conjunction with the Eye Clinic of Wisconsin logo. When used with the Eye Clinic of Wisconsin logo, it should maintain a proportion of 1:2 height (demonstrated below). It should not be used in external marketing promotions, except in rare and approved circumstances. Other notations: Grayscale is preferred over black and white for these brandmarks, as it promotes a a more finessed contrast for the “ec”. Black and white should only be used in speciality circumstances, such as with small promotional products. Primary (Sole) Brandmark The primary brandmark should never be sized smaller than 17/8”x 1/4” [shown above right] (WxH) Correct Proportions with Eye Clinic of Wisconsin Logo 18 Hearing Center Logo The Hearing Center logo is solely a branding device, and does not represent a separate company or entity. It is used for Audiology-related materials only. It may be seen in the following ways: External materials, such as brochures, signs, business cards, and mailers Internal materials such as forms, letters, and lab coats It may NOT be used in official, legal documentation or separate sponsorships, such as contracts, letterhead, or community donation events. Other notations: Grayscale is preferred over black and white for these brandmarks, as it promotes a a more finessed contrast for the “ec”. Black and white should only be used in speciality circumstances, such as with small promotional products. Primary (Sole) Brandmark The secondary brandmark should never be sized smaller than 11/2”x 3/4” (WxH) [shown right] 19 ecLASIK Logo The ecLASIK logo is solely a branding device, and does not represent a separate company or entity. It is used for LASIK-related advertising materials only. It may be seen in the following ways: External materials, such as brochures, signs, advertisements, and mailers It may NOT be used in official, legal documentation or separate sponsorships, such as contracts, letterhead, or community donation events. Other notations: Grayscale is preferred over black and white for these brandmarks, as it promotes a a more finessed contrast for the “ec”. Black and white should only be used in speciality circumstances, such as with small promotional products. Primary (Sole) Brandmark The primary brandmark should never be sized smaller than 115/16”x 3/16” [shown above right] 20 (WxH) ValuSpecs Logo The ValuSpecs logo is solely a branding device, and does not represent a separate company or entity. It is used for optical-related advertising materials only. It may be seen in the following ways: External materials, such as brochures, signs, advertisements, and mailers It may NOT be used in official, legal documentation or separate sponsorships, such as contracts, letterhead, or community donation events. Other notations: Grayscale is preferred over black and white for these brandmarks, as it promotes a a more finessed contrast for the “ec”. Black and white should only be used in speciality circumstances, such as with small promotional products. Primary (Sole) Brandmark The primary brandmark should never be sized smaller than 23/4”x 1/2” [shown above right] 21 (WxH) Logo Usage Request Form COMPANY NAME SUBMITTER FIRST NAME SUBMITTER LAST NAME SUBMITTER TITLE SUBMITTER EMAIL COMPANY ADDRESS CITYSTATEZIP PHONE NUMBERWEBSITE URL WHICH LOGO(S) DO YOU WANT TO USE? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR INTENDED USE? BEGINNING DATE OF EXPECTED USE EXPECTED DURATION OF USE I hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions of use set forth in this guide and understand that any deviations from its rules will mean the termination of my permission. SIGNATURE DATE Return completed forms to Katie Stainbrook at 22 One Vision. Yours. 24