14 - Yankee Heritage Tole
14 - Yankee Heritage Tole
Yankee Tole Crier www.yankeeheritagetolechapter.com The Official Newsletter of the Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter An Affiliated Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters 2014, Issue # 2 Editor: jo-anne.naugler@charter.net Mar—May 2014 Presidential Chapter Chatter... Hello everyone, I hope this newsletter finds everyone in good health, lots of happiness and a brush in your hand. I would like to thank JoAnne Naugler and Cindy Harrison for a wonderful afternoon program. We had a great time learning something new and sharing an afternoon of laughter and friendship. I want to make more boxes and now I will be on the search for napkins of all kinds and matching paper to make the box. This next meeting I will be bringing in some napkins to swap with the ladies I shared the afternoon with. This is going to be fun! We also had time for shopping with Wood Items & More with some great prices. We have so many fun things happening in YHT. Great workshops, afternoon programs, a picnic lunch in June for the membership hosted by the officers and board, ending the year with the grand finale, the November Installation meeting. There is a lot to look forward to and spending time with friends makes it even more special. Spring is officially here according to the calendar. We are all looking forward to warmer days with sunshine and flowers blooming to make us smile. Take care everyone, the next time I see you we will all have green grass and maybe my roses will be awake. Mary St.Pierre What’s Inside... Presidential Chapter Chatter .........1 What’s Inside ................................1 YHT Calendar ...............................1 Officers, Board, Positions and Committees ...................................2 1ST VP Report ..............................3 Thank Yous ...................................3 Website Info ..................................3 Treasurer’s Report.........................4 March Meeting Pictures ................5 Cheryl Merolla donation ...............6 L Andrews Workshop Signup .......7 March Minutes ..............................8 Code of Ethics ...............................9 June Signup .................................10 Yankee Tole Crier Classified Ads .............................11 MDF Tip .....................................11 YHT Chapter Happenings ...........13 Sister Chapter Happenings ..........14 NET 2014 Teachers ....................15 Teachers’ Showcase ....................16 SDP Membership form ...............17 YHT Membership Form..............18 YHT Advertising Contract ..........19 Calling All Artists .......................20 Sail Into Creativity ......................21 Directions to meeting ..................22 Things to bring ............................22 Cancellation Policy .....................22 YHT 2014 Calendar Jan 19: Board and Gen. Mtg—PM Program: Angel Boxes Feb 8 Workshop—C Watson Mar 14 & 15: Seminar—M. McLean &B. Frederico Mar 16: Board and Gen. Mtg—PM Program—Boutique Box Apr 12: Workshop— L. Andrews Jun 22: Board and Gen Mtg—PM Program: L Andrews Sept 7: Workshop—B Frederico Sept 21: Board and Gen Mtg—PM Program: G Markauskas Nov 16: Installation Mtg and Banquet 1 YHT Officers, Board, Positions & Committees 2014 President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Past Pres./Advisor Board Members: Appointed Positions Historian Newsletter Editor Nominating Parliamentarian Committees Angel Boxes Audit Community Serv. Fund Raising Hospitality Meeting Raffle New Product Eval. Ornament Swap Scholarship Secret Pal Show, Share & Tell Standing Rules Sunshine Webmaster Workshops Volunteer Coord. Mary St. Pierre Julia Tufano Nancy Mullen Sylvia Ball LuAnn Klick Jo-Anne Naugler Lola Piciullo Chris Watson Sylvia Lewis Jane Stone-Tatro Ginny Sargent Kathy Slawsky Marie Sakellarion 508-476-1655 mary@douglasbsa.com 508-757-3170 tufanojulia@yahoo.com 860-742-1221 nmdeco@charter.net 508-366-8497 sbdeco1@verizon.net 401-647-3638lamklick@aol.com 603-465-3405 jo-anne.naugler@charter.net 401-946-7822 hdladyrt66@yahoo.com 401-714-6235 (Cell) 413-967-5444 brolla1@comcast.net 401-524-2748 leftyscorner@verizon.net 978-840-0311 bonnie.hebert8@Gmail.com 774-364-5884 (Cell) 508-876-1122 handpaintedheart@hotmail.com 603-598-1150 sylvialewis@comcast.net 401-568-4141 janest42@verizon.net 978-453-3099 chrisgins@comcast.net 508-836-9507 kathyslawsky@gmail.com 978-544-6473 mariesak@hughes.net Lori Gianfrancesco Jo-Anne Naugler Bonnie Hebert Jean McKay 401-524-2748 leftyscorner@verizon.net 603-465-3405 jo-anne.naugler@charter.net 978-840-0311 bonnie.hebert8@qmail.com 508-883-0886 jmckay1210@charter.net Melissa Walsh Jo-Anne Naugler Melissa Walsh OPEN Chris Watson Julia Tufano Lori Gianfrancesco Sylvia Lewis Jo-Anne Naugler Mary St. Pierre Gail Berinato Jean McKay Kathy Slawsky Mary St. Pierre Mary St. Pierre Julia Tufano Jo-Anne Naugler Larry Provencher 508-344-1509 walsh.mh@gmail.com 603-465-3405 jo-anne.naugler@charter.net 508-344-1509 walsh.mh@gmail.com Barbara Rolla Lori Gianfrancesco Bonnie Hebert 508-876-1122 handpaintedheart@hotmail.com 508-757-3170 tufanojulia@yahoo.com 401-524-2748 leftyscorner@verizon.net 603-598-1150 sylvialewis@comcast.net 603-465-3405 jo-anne.naugler@charter.net 508-476-1655 mary@douglasbsa.com 860-872-2049 gberinato@hotmail.com 508-883-0886 jmckay1210@charter.net 508-836-9507 kathyslawsky@gmail.com 508-476-1655 mary@douglasbsa.com 508-476-1655 mary@douglasbsa.com 508-757-3170 tufanojulia@yahoo.com 603-465-3405 jo-anne.naugler@charter.net 603-772-2522 larryprovencher@yahoo.com New England Chapters Council/New England Traditions Chapter Rep. Mary St. Pierre 508-476-1655 mary@douglasbsa.com Class Selections Mary St. Pierre 508-476-1655 mary@douglasbsa.com Volunteer monitors Kathy Slawsky 508-836-9507 kathyslawsky@gmail.com Move in move out Larry Provencher Yankee Tole Crier 2 1st VP’s Corner... Hello!! Well, our seminar has come and gone. Unfortunately, due to extenuating circumstances including a variety of other painting programs taking place the same weekend, we had to cancel Mary McLean’s Saturday program. For this, I do apologize. I want to thank Bonnie Frederico. Her Batik project on Friday was interesting and a lot of fun to do. Our Sunday program, a multi-media constructed box, taught by Jo-Anne Naugler and Cindy Harrison, was different and also fun. Thank you to our teachers and participants! Our next painting session is a workshop with Lynne Andrews on Saturday, April 12th. She will be teaching the Brrrr plate. Lynne will also be teaching the afternoon program at the next general meeting on June 22nd. The project is called “Lavender for Love”. Another workshop, a pumpkin themed project taught by Bonnie Frederico, is coming in August. The September 21st meeting will have an afternoon program taught by Grace Markauskas. She has designed a charming Santa shelf sitter for us to paint. Sign-up sheets are available in this newsletter and on the website. Make your reservations now! Julia Tufano T hank Yous To Linda McClure for volunteering to paint the metal tree for next year’s fundraiser. And to my secret Pal for the wonderful gift bag. The bag was beautiful and it was full of so many surprises. I can’t wait to relax and read the books. Thank you for your kindness. Mary St.Pierre If your contact info, i.e., address, phone number, email changes during the year please notify Membership Secretary Lola Piciullo or any of the officers. Contact info for all officers is located on page 2. VISIT YHT’s WEBSITE Go to www.yankeeheritagetolechapter.com and find out what’s happening. There are color photos of all our upcoming workshops and seminars, as well as a full color version of this newsletter. See photos of past happenings. The scholarship application letter and form are out there as well as the chapter bylaws and job descriptions. Send questions and concerns to our webmaster, Mary St. Pierre at mary@douglasbsa.com. Yankee Tole Crier 3 YHT Treasurer’s Report—Mar 1, 2014 1/1/2014 – 3/1/2014 2014Total 2014 Budget INCOME Membership Dues ................................................... ............................. .................... $1,800.00 March Seminar - Fri & Sat ................................ $100.00 ................ $100.00 ............... $2,250.00 General Meetings (5) ............................................... ........................... .................... $2,000.00 Gen Mtg Surfaces & Patterns .................................. ........................... .................... $1,500.00 New England Traditions Shares .................... $1200.00............ $1200.00 ......................$0.00 Fundraising ........................................................ $29.00................ $29.00 ............... $1,600.00 Bank Interest............................................................ ........................... ...........................$0.00 Newsletter Ads/Showcase ................................. $40.00................ $40.00 ......................$0.00 Donations................................................................. ........................... ...........................$0.00 Workshops/Paint-Ins ............................................... ........................... ...........................$0.00 Total Income ................................................ $1,369.00 ............. $1,369.00 ................ $9,150.00 DISBURSEMENTS Newsletter copies and postage ........................ $69.48 ................. $69.48 ................... $200.00 March Seminar - Fri & Sat ............................... $405.00 ............... $405.00 ................ $3,500.00 Room rental - General meetings..................... $250.00 ............... $250.00 ................ $1,200.00 Room rental - Seminar .................................... $100.00 ............... $100.00 Room rental - Workshops Dolly Lancaster Scholarship ..................................... ............................. ......................... $500.00 SDP Dues & Insurance ............................................. ............................. ......................... $185.00 NECC Dues ...................................................... $250.00 ............... $250.00 ................... $200.00 Sunday Program Teacher Fees & Exp ...................... ............................. ......................... $850.00 Sunday Program Surfaces & Patterns .................. $ .73 ................. $29.73 ................ $1,500.00 Workshop Teacher Fees ................................. $125.00 ................ $125.00 ................... $375.00 Chapter awards and charms .................................... ............................. ......................... $150.00 President Gift ........................................................... ............................. ........................... $50.00 Fund Raising ...................................................... $71.73 .................. $71.73 ................... $150.00 Sunshine .................................................................. ............................. ........................... $50.00 General office costs ................................................. ............................. ........................... $75.00 Historian .................................................................. ............................. ........................... $75.00 Bereavement & other donations ............................. ............................. ........................... $70.00 Bank Fees ................................................................. ............................. ........................... $20.00 Nov. Meeting Lunch Nov. Meeting Supplies ...................................... $56.94 .................. $56.94 Total Disbursements ................................... $1,357.88 ............. $1,357.88 ................ $9,150.00 Beginning Balance 1/1/14 Plus Income Less Disbursements Ending Balance 3/1/14 $12,010.41 $1,369.00 $1,357.88 $12,021.53 Balances 13/1/14 Checking Savings $12,021.53 $5,014.04 $1,369.00 $1,357.88 $12,021.53 $17,035.57 Thank you to Bonnie Hebert, Sylvia Lewis, Kathy Slawsky, and Chris Watson, for auditing the 2013 finances. The SDP end of year report and the IRS tax form have both been completed and filed. Yankee Tole Crier 4 At the March meeting... Now really, whit is more fun than shopping? We had a great selection of surfaces from Wood Items and More and many of us found just the right piece for our next project. Bonnie Frederico won Show, Share and Tell with these two colored pencil nest/feather designs Bonnie explained that these are an original design and they use just six colors. The designs are intended as an introduction to colored pencils for someone who has never tried them.. She will be teaching these at the JB Wood Spring Festival. Sants even came to the meeting! He’ll be back in September and would like to see many of you here. He’s bring Grace with him! Many beautiful angel boxes were returned including five painted in oils be students of Mary McLean. Mary, be sure to thank them for us. And a very Spring-y-Easter-y setup for our painted egg swap! Yankee Tole Crier 5 Mary St. Pierre read a letter she received from Cheryl Merolla. Cheryl was one of the founding members of the Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter of SDP that was formed in 1979 as the first SDP chapter in New England. She now lives in Clearlake, Iowa. Cheryl also sent along with her letter a bowl painted by Peter Hunt, a wooden shoe painted by Nancy Whorf, a painting workbook signed by Nancy Whorf and a copy of the book “Priscilla Hauser presents the Peter Hunt Workbook. Peter Hunt is one of the masters whose works are a part of The Decorative Arts Collection . The booklet “The Fathers of American Decorative Painting” Copyright © 2003, Decorative Arts Collection, Inc., includes his biography and several pictures of his work. Several museums and galleries on Cape Cod also house much of his work. Nancy Whorf was an apprentice of Peter Hunt in his furniture studio when she was a teenager. She parlayed the folk painting skills she learned from Peter into a business she ran for 18 years in Wellfleet before turning from folk art to fine art exclusively. She first tried watercolors but then switched to oils and the palette knife that became her signature style. And though she loved to travel, she only painted scenes of Provincetown. Her work is also in many museums and galleries on the Cape. Google her and you will see several of her paintings online. Cheryl wants these, and other pieces that she has, to return to New England, to a member of our chapter and suggested that we auction them at one of our meetings. She wants these four items to stay together. The board has decided that we will auction these items at our November meeting. In her collection Cheryl also has works of Peter Ompir, Robert Berger, and Christopher Gershwin in ajnd she plans to send a few pieces to YHT every year. These are a valuable part of the history of our art. If you are a collector of historical pieces you won’t want to miss this opportunity to add these to your collection. Wooden shoe, measuring 6 3/4 in by 2 3/4 in, painted by Nancy Whorf. Painting book signed by Nancy Whorf Bowl painted by Peter Hunt. Measures 10 3/4 inches across and 2 3/4 inches deep. Yankee Tole Crier 6 YHT Presents a Workshop with Lynne Andrews Saturday, April 12, 2014 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Location: Northborough Library, Patty Lane (Off Route 20), Northborough, MA Library parking lot entrance is on the left. Lynne will be teaching her “Brrrr Plate” pattern Payment: One check is required to sign up for this event. One payment to YHT for $10 to hold your space – this check will be returned to you at the workshop if you attend and if you are member of YHT. Nonmembers may attend but will not receive their check back. It is not too late to sign up to paint with Lynne. As of March 20, 2014, the surface is no longer available, but you may provide your own surface. The design is 10” round but certainly can accommodate any surface or size. Any questions contact: Jo-Anne Naugler at 602-465-3405 or jo-anne.naugler@charter.net KEEP THE TOP PORTION OF THIS FORM Workshop with Lynne Andrews–April 12, 2014 Please sign up by March 1, 2014 Name_________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ E-mail:__________________________________________ I am enclosing: $10.00 payable to YHT Mail your check with the bottom portion of this signup sheet to: Jo-Anne Naugler, 34 Hideaway Ln Hollis NH 03049-6162 Yankee Tole Crier 7 Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter Minutes of the General Meeting – January 19, 2014 Meeting called to order by Mary St.Pierre. HOSPITALITY - Mary welcomed members and guests. Door prizes were awarded throughout the day. SECRETARY - Minutes of the January meeting were accepted with a motion by Cindy Harrison and 2nd by Lori Gianfrancesco . TREASURER - JoAnne Naugler reported a total of $17,035.57 Savings: 5,414.04 Checking: 12,021.53 PRESIDENT - Mary St.Pierre - Reports are listed under corresponding categories as shown below. 1st VICE PRESIDENT - Julia Tufano presented the following agenda. AFTERNOON PROGRAMS 3/16/14 Cindy Harrison and Jo-Anne Naugler - Boutique Box June/2014 Lynne Andrews floral design which will be adaptable to the painter's choice of surface. Sept/2014 Grace Markouskas will be teaching a new Santa Claus shelf sitter painted on a tin surface. 2ND VICE PRESIDENT - Nancy Mullen reports that this year's installation theme is "THINK SPRING". Plans are proceeding with the Westborough Country Club for the November installation meeting. She brought unpainted centerpieces for members to sign out and paint. She asks that members return the painted pieces at the June meeting. MEMBERSHIP - Lola Piciullo reports that we have 64 members at this time. COMMITTEE REPORTS/APPOINTED COMMITTESS NEWSLETTER: Deadline is Friday 3/21/14 SCHOLARSHIP: Deadline has been extended to May 1, 2014 SUNSHINE: Kathy Slawsky mailed card to Bonnie Hebert for her pending surgery ANGEL BOXES: Melissa Walsh thanked all who returned painted boxes. She also complemented five boxes that were painted in oils and donated by Mary McLean and her students. She has more packets available for all 3 designs from the January meeting if members would like to paint another box. COMUNITY SERVICE: Melissa also thanked everyone in donating to this on-going project. FUNDRAISING: Mary St. Pierre is requesting a volunteer to paint the metal tree for our next year long raffle. In the meantime she reminded everyone that tickets for this year's raffle for the painted wheelbarrow may be purchased from Barbara Powers. HISTORIAN: No report MEETING RAFFLES: Julia Tufano has 2 baskets for today's meeting. NECC/New England Traditions—Mary’s report is at the end of the minutes; NEW PRODUCT EVALUATOR: Lori Gianfrancesco is checking into a 3-Dimensional paint product by Deco-art that can be used on a variety of different surfaces. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Bonnie Hebert will be calling members soon to fill any open positions. ORNAMENT SWAP: Cheryl Barb covering for Sylvia Lewis at today's meeting. SECRET PAL:- Mary St.Pierre reminds participants to pick up the secret pal goodie bags before leaving today. SHOW/SHARE/TELL: Gail Berinato asked Bonnie Frederico to speak about the colored pencil nest/feather designs that she displayed as part of today's show/share/tell. This was an original design by Bonnie using only 6 different colors. It will be offered at the JB Wood Spring Festival as a make it/take it. WEB MASTER: Mary St. Pierre reports that her husband has been updating the website. YHT will be doing 'mass email' reminders each month focusing on upcoming classes and workshops. WORK SHOPS: 10 people have signed up so far for Lynne Andrews snowman class. OLD BUSINESS—NEW BUSINESS -Anne Hunter spoke to members about her candidacy for SDP Board Member at large. She is requesting support from YHT membership and brought absentee ballots for members to fill out and send to SDP. -Cheryl Merolla sent 2 items to Mary St.Pierre to be auctioned off. She would like to see the auction limited to New England painters since YHT was the original chapter encompassing all of New England. Anne Hunter stated that Peter Hunt items were 'very collectible' and could bring a good price. It was suggested that the history of the auction items be made available when presenting the items up for bid. -Bob Van Herpe from Wood Items & More spoke about the new line of framing products available at their store. They feature 33 different moldings and they will custom make odd frame sizes. Glass and inserts are also available. Wood Items & More has set up a 'trunk sale' for the membership after today’s meeting. The meeting was adjoined with a motion by Melissa Walsh and 2nd by Lori Gianfrancesco. NECC/NET Meeting was held on February 15, 2014, with snow in the afternoon. This is Net’s 16 th year. -Fliers and pamphlets are being designed for members to place in their local establishments. Examples are local libraries, senior centers, high school, restaurants, grocery stores etc.. I have handed over to Laura Peterson newspapers from my local area as well as some from the Boston area. These will be used for advertising NET. -The Country Store will be remaining at the hotel this year. The hotel has some fall foliage bus tours schedYankee Tole Crier 8 Minutes continued from page 8 uled during our Convention and we’re hoping folks on the tours will shop at our store. There will be signs for the Country store for the public to see. -Salon A will have a comment and suggestion box for everyone. -The art show will have more room this year. Anything large must have their own display. -There are 6 vendors already signed up. -”Night Owl mask’arade” is the theme for the Saturday night social. This will start at 8:30 because some classes do not end until 8 p.m. This is not a dinner but a gathering with a cash bar and goodies to eat. Last year the hotel had a very good dinner for a reasonable price set up in the atrium area. This is being checked into for this year as well. -The chapter preconvention hours has been discontinued. They are always looking for volunteers during the event from Tuesday to Sunday CONVENTION HOURS STILL COUNT. -Trifolds went well last year, so we will need more. I would like to have some as well for the shows I participate in. -There were 230 submissions for classes with 134 chosen. I have the list of teachers for anyone to look at. The listing will be placed in the newsletter as well. -Thursday evening will have the special shopping event for registered attendees. Code of Ethics for Chapters of the Society of Decorative Painters As members of a chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters, our purpose, in common with that of the Society, is the promotion of decorative painting. To this end we pledge ourselves to support the goals and purposes of the chapter and the Society and: TO keep the lines of communication open with fellow chapter and Society members, respecting one another and following appropriate lines of communication. TO have a positive and open attitude, listening to fellow members’ opinions. TO remember the importance of an active membership, contributing our time and talents. TO maintain high standards of integrity and honesty. TO respect the rights of each member individually, and the right of the majority to govern; therefore supporting the decision of the majority, regardless of how we personally voted. TO support and cooperate with leaders who serve the chapter, respecting the time and dedicated service of past leaders, and when completing our terms as officers, relinquishing our responsibilities cheerfully to support new leaders. TO promote a friendly chapter environment where chapter members motivate and inspire one another, and where differences of opinion are accepted without a need to continue to discuss past differences. TO accept and respect the varied reasons members have for chapter membership and the varied skill levels they represent. TO remember the chapter is not a business and should not be used either to promote any specific individual or business or to create business for itself, thus competing with members who are in business. TO realize the conduct and activities of the chapter and its members reflect on the entire Society of which the chapter is a part. As members of the chapter and of the Society, we acknowledge this code of ethics as an expression of our determination to maintain high professional standards. It is only the conscience of the individual who subscribes to this code that can guarantee its effectiveness. Yankee Tole Crier 9 Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter Afternoon Program Sunday, June 22, 2014 “Lavender for Love” Original Design by Lynne Andrews Time: 1:00pm to 5:00pm Location: Knights of Columbus, 17 Willow St., Westborough, MA Lunch is not included. Prep and supply list and line drawing will be sent when reservation is received. Bring your own surface. Painted area is 6 ½” square. Paints included in cost. Questions? - contact Julia Tufano - 508-757-3170 – tufanojulia@yahoo.com Please keep this portion for your records ____________________________________ Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Street:___________________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________ State ______________Zip Code__________ Phone:_________________________ E-mail__________________________________ I _____will ____will not attend the General Meeting I _____will ____will not attend the afternoon program No. of Guests: _______attending the meeting; write the names of your guests below. I have enclosed $10.00 for each person attending the afternoon program. ___________ Make checks payable to YHT and mail to Julia Tufano, 129 Puritan Ave., Worcester, MA 01604 Yankee Tole Crier 10 News from SDP: The 2015 SDP CONFERENCE HEADS BACK TO CHICAGO! The 43rd SDP International Conference & Expo will be held at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, Ill. on May 11-16, 2015. This is from a Facebook post by Linda Lover in a discussion on MDF products: “Having mentioned MDF wood in a previous post about taking care to wear a mask when sanding, further information comes from Wikipedia about this popular wood product. Urea formaldehyde is commonly used in binding this type of wood. Testing has revealed that MDF products emit free formaldehyde compounds that can pose health risks at various concentrations. Urea formaldehyde is always being slowly released from edges and surfaces of MDF so when sanding, it's good to wear a mask and when painting, seal all sides.” We must be careful that the same care we use with all products is applied to MDF. Many companies may be selling formaldehyde-free MDF but because it is not always labeled we don't know. Just as with wood products, it is advisable to use a mask when we are sanding MDF. HELP WANTED YHT openings for 2014: Co-chair for the Volunteer Room at NET. In this position you will assist Kathy Slawsky with monitoring the volunteer room. Kathy will be there all week but would like someone to relieve her once in a while so she can take a break to take a class or two, or even eat lunch. If you’re planning on going to NET anyway, this is a perfect opportunity to help while you’re there. NET newbies may also apply. No previous volunteer experience is required. Send all inquiries to Kathy Slawsky at kathyslawsky@gmail.com. YHT Fundraiser Chair. In this position you will coordinate the chapter’s fundraising activities. These include the annual raffle that is held in November and organizing the items to be sold at the NET Country Store. If interested, or looking for more information, please contact mary@douglasbsa.com. Painters needed. In this position you will assist the 2nd VPs by painting centerpieces for the November installation meeting. The theme is Think Spring and you may paint anything you wish that fits the theme. Where else can you find a job with such freedom? If you are interested please contact Nancy Mullen at 860-742-1221 or nmdeco@charter.net Yankee Tole Crier 11 Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter Afternoon Program Santa Shelf-Sitter Taught by Grace Markauskas September 21, 2014 Time: 1:00pm to 5:00pm Location: Knights of Columbus, 17 Willow St. Westborough, MA Lunch is not included. Please bring: Regular painting supplies. Paints will be provided. Questions? - contact Julia Tufano - 508-757-3170 – tufanojulia@yahoo.com Please keep this portion for your records____________________________ Afternoon Program with Grace Markauskas Registration Deadline – September 12, 2014 Please return this form if you plan to attend the meeting whether or not you will be painting. Name:__________________________________________ Street:__________________________________________ City:_________________________________ State ______________Zip Code_______ Phone:_________________________ E-mail______________________ Sunday, September 21, 2014 I _____ will _____will not attend the General Meeting I _____ will _____ will not attend the afternoon program No. of guests ______ attending the meeting – write the name(s) of your guest(s) below. I have enclosed $15.00 for each person attending the afternoon program. TOTAL ______________ Make checks payable to YHT. Please mail your check and this completed form to Julia Tufano, 129 Puritan Ave., Worcester, MA 01604 Yankee Tole Crier 12 YHT Chapter Happenings F undraising Happy Birthday to ... Any one wishing to purchase tickets for our year long raffle for the wheelbarrow donated by Cindy Harrison and painted by Barbara Rolla, please see Barbara Powers who is so kindly taking care of the tickets. The drawing will take place at the November meeting. For the Country Store, I have painted 82 wooden leaves to be made into pins. I brought a few for everyone to see to decide whether to put a small wooden backing to the leaf—it was decided not to. We have more of the plastic sheets if anyone would like to paint on them for the country store. Ione suggestion was to paint it with blackboard paint to make a surface for notes. With a magnet on the back, it could go on the fridge and be used for notes. If you’d like to paint these, or other pieces of your own, please contact me. All items for the NET Country Store will have to be returned by the September meeting. Thank you everyone. Gail Gonsiewski LuAnn Klick Patricia Anderson Cheryl Krilovich Maureen Kelly Jo-Anne Naugler Bea Tanner Mary McLean Jacki Murphy Phyllis Stone Bev Weymouth Ginny Sargent Linda Mandella Joan Wilding Lola Piciullo 3/5 3/5 3/7 3/21 3/24 3/29 4/10 4/29 4/30 4/12 4/13 5/19 5/31 6/4 6/17 Mary St. Pierre Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuuuuu! O rnament Swap Thank you to Cheryl Barb for doing the Easter egg/ornament swap. We also had a drawing for those who brought in ornaments and Mary St Pierre was the winner of that prize. We will have a Christmas ornament swap at the November meeting, so please plan on participating. We have many talented painters in our chapter. You know you will receive a lovely ornament in exchange for your beautiful work. Thank you. Sylvia Lewis S S unshine A card was sent to Bonnie Hebert with well wishes for her pending surgery. If you would like to support a Chapter Member with a special card from the Chapter, please contact me by email at kathyslawsky@gmail.com or by telephone at 508-847-8008. Kathy Slawsky cholarship The Dolly Lancaster Scholarship form is on our website! I still have not received any applications this year so it was decided at the meeting to push the due date out one month to May 1, 2014. Please print a copy of the form and bring it to your local high school, or to a high school senior you know that is planning to major in art in college. Jo-Anne Naugler Yankee Tole Crier 13 A ngel Box Program Thank you once again to YHT members for your continued support of the Angel Box Program. Fifteen boxes were donated at Sunday’s March meeting. I continue to be amazed by the generosity and talents of our members. What an inspiration! A special thank you goes out to Mary McLean and her students who donated boxes painted in oils. Truly beautiful! C ommunity Service YHT is continuing to support the Comfort Bag Program at the Children’s Medical Center of UMass Memorial Healthcare. The Pediatric ICU accepts donations of journals, fleece blankets, and toiletries to give to parents who are staying at the hospital with their children. It’s a small way to make a difference! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas about the program @ walsh.mh@gmail.com. Melissa Walsh There will be boxes available at our June meeting for anyone who is interested in joining our efforts. There will be patterns available as well, from January’s meeting for those who want to paint a box or try their hand at Zentangle. Try all three patterns! Or any pattern you choose. Remember that each box you donate will give you a chance toward November’s Angel Box Raffle! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas about the program @ walsh.mh@gmail.com. Melissa Walsh Sister Chapter Happenings White Mountain has scheduled for 2014: Lynne Andrews, seminar - May 2 & 3 (unreleased designs) and May 4 Afternoon program – God's Plan Ornament Dotty Pullo, CDA, workshop – September 13 New gourd design. Members:$25 plus surface. Non-members: $35 plus surface. Dotty Pullo, CDA – September 14 Afternoon program – gourd ornaments Deanne Fortnam, MDA Workshop – November 8. Still Life Members: $25 plus surface. Non-members: $35 plus surface. Deanne Fortnam, MDA – November 9 Afternoon Program (TBD) Pictures of the projects and more info at www.wmdpgnh.com. Capitoler’s is hosting: Sea Strokes of Maine has scheduled: An acrylic seminar with Rebecca Baer, CDA on October 25 and 26, 2014 Nancy Scott seminar on April 26 and 27, 2014 More info at www.capitolers.com. Yankee Tole Crier More info available from Debra Cannistra at paintingbug@msn.com. 14 NET 2014 Teachers’ Elizabeth Allen eallensart@gmail.com Christina (Tina) Greenfield TngJeg@aol.com Mary Owens mary@maryo.com Sandra Philips sphilips1213@gmail.com Roxanne Puchalski, MDA rocky@twiddleybits.com Dorothy Pullo, CDA rosedapullo@gmail.com Judith Ribitch judy@ribitch.com Donna Roskamp justa_vessel@yahoo.com Maryse Roy maryseroy04@msn.com Nancy Scott, CDA nscott1@nycap.rr.com Donna Scully donnascullyart@gmail.com Keith Sluder keithsluder@me.com Patricia Smelkoff psart71@hotmail.com Janet Snell Janet@janetsnell.com Patricia Anderson mrsbumble47@verizon.net Barbara Halvorson halvorsonart@hotmail.com Lynne Andrews andrews181@cox.net Cindy Harrison cindy@cdpnh.com Maureen Baker maureenjbaker@msn.com Margit Hartl margithartl@att.net Rosemary Barrett rbarrettstudios@gmail.com Chris Haughey chris.haughey@cdwood.com Teresa Baruffa bamboohavenstudio@gmail.com Sandra Terepka Hoffman SandraTHoffman@yahoo.com Deborah Bonnewell, CDA debb@bonnewell.com Kim Hogue, CDA kihogue@comcast.net Diane Bunker dianebunkerdesigns@gmail.com Anne Hunter creativetouch@earthlink.net Barbara Franzreb Bunsey bbunsey@calicogoose.com Jessica Jansen jansenstudioprod@aol.com Bobbie Campbell, CDA bobbie@bobbiecampbell.com Arlee Jenkins arleej@aol.com Judy Coates rcyou@aol.com Marlene Kreutz, CDA mfolk@q.com Janice Cormier countryschoolhse@aol.com Arlene Linton lintonac@aol.com Eileen Dellaselva, TDA ezpaint@yahoo.com Elizabeth Love love_betty@hotmail.com Lynne Deptula Dbrush1@aol.com Laurie MacKenzie, TDA l.mackenzie@cox.net Judith Diephouse distinctj@aol.com Linda McClure McClureLD@aol.com Bobbie Takashima btfrogs@aol.com Cynthia Erekson cynthia.erekson@gmail.com DeAnn Meely deepaints@aol.com Rebecca Trimble rebecca@rebeccatrimble.com Bonnie Frederico, CDA bonniefr@charter.net Frances Mittelstet fran@watercolorwithfran.com Elizabeth Wagner bethwagnerdesigns@yahoo.com Sandi Greco paintnpoststudio@aol.com Arlene Newman, CDA aarthouse@aol.com Christine Watson chriswatsondesigns@hotmail.com Laurie Speltz Lspeltz@aol.com Carol Spohn carol@carolspohn.com Mary Svenson, CDA tolesampler@comcast.net 16th Annual New England Traditions Convention Fall For Painting! October 8-12, 2014. Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel and Trade center in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Yankee Tole Crier 15 Teachers’ Showcase Please support our advertisers.. Your ad could be here in the next issue of the Yankee Tole Crier newsletter. Advertising info and contract are located on page16 of this issue. Yankee Tole Crier 16 Yankee Tole Crier 17 2014 YANKEE HERITAGE TOLE CHAPTER (YHT) MEMBERSHIP FORM For 2014 YHT is offering FREE membership for renewals, new members and re-joins! Name: _______________________________ SDP Membership #:_______ Street: _____________________________________________________ City: ______________________________ State: ____ Zip Code: ________ Home Phone: __________ Bus. Phone____________ B’day(Mo./Day) __/___ E-mail address: _______________________________________________ Circle all that apply: New Member Renewal Re-Join Shop Owner Teacher Student Referred to YHT by current member named:___________________________ Do you want your address and phone listed in the YHT directory? ___Yes ___No If you want to have your shop listed, fill in the following: Shop Name: _________________________________________________ Address/Phone/Website:________________________________________ I would like to receive my newsletter as follows – Check One: ____ Hard copy by US Postal Service ____ By e-mail notification that the newsletter is available on YHT’s website Annual Membership Dues for 2014 are $0.00 Yankee Heritage (YHT) is offering open enrollment for 2014. This applies to renewals for 2013 members, new members and re-joining members (those who dropped out in previous years and want to re-join). You must send this form to Lola (see below) to renew, join or rejoin. Renewal dues are due on October 1 for the following year. Send this form to: Lola Piciullo, P.O. Box 514, Harmony, RI 02829 Note: You must be a member of the Society of Decorative Painters to become a member of YHT. Send SDP dues directly to SDP’s national office. You may be required to show your SDP and/or your YHT membership card(s) at YHT events and programs. THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT, but as a thank you for your free membership this year, it would be very much appreciated if you would donate a painted piece (old, new, large or small) to us for fund-raising. If you don’t usually attend meetings, but would like to donate, contact Mary St. Pierre at mary@douglasbsa.com to make arrangements. Yankee Tole Crier 18 Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter of New England Affiliated Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters ADVERTISING CONTRACT Company Name:____________________________________ Contact:_____________________________________ Address:___________________________________________ Phone (business):______________________________ City:______________________________________________ Phone (other):_________________________________ State:____________________ Zip:______________________ Email:_______________________________________ Size of Ad you are requesting:__________________________ Fax:_________________________________________ Number of Issue Insertions: (we publish 5 times/year)___________ Website:_____________________________________ Link on Yankee’s Website: Yes____ No____ Signature of Advertiser Date THE NEWSLETTER (CONTAINING ADVERTISERS) IS POSTED ON YANKEE’S WEBSITE @ yankeeheritagetolechapter.com (ADVERTISERS WHO PLACE AT LEAST A ½ PAGE YEARLY AD, WILL ALSO HAVE THE OPTION TO HAVE A LINK BACK TO THEIR WEBSITE OR EMAIL. (SEE ADVERTISERS’ LINK ON YANKEE’S WEBSITE.) Please send a copy of this contract with your payment (made out to YHT) to: Jo-Anne Naugler 34 Hideaway Ln Hollis NH 03049 Send digital copy to jo-anne.naugler@charter.net. If you are sending printed copy, it must be camera ready. Send to: Jo-Anne Naugler 34 Hideaway Ln Hollis NH 03049 Questions? Email me at jo-anne.naugler@charter.net Yankee Tole Crier 19 2015 Convention Artist New England Chapters Council invites all NECC Chapter members to submit entries for the 2015 New England Traditions Convention Artist. Qualifications will include a willingness to work closely with the 2015 NET board and committees for the duration of the convention preparations. Attendance at the NET planning meetings is required. You will have the opportunity to sell your artwork at the Country Store You will be invited to submit a special event to the Special Event Selection Committee You will have the opportunity to have a full-page ad in the Catalog at half price. Please send a 9 x 12 original painting on heavyweight paper, board, or canvas (without signature) relating to the 2015 themes. “Symphony of Color” Please show us your ideas! What do you envision when you think of the theme ‘Symphony of Color? These paintings need not be in final stage. Lettering suggestions should be included. Multiple entries are encouraged. Also, if you are too intimidated to do this on your own, consider having a buddy or team, this does not need to be a single person adventure. A full job description is available upon request. For more information and submission contact: Regina Brown NECC 2014 President 3 Galileo Way Latham, NY 12110 518.785.1117 Submissions must arrive before May 31, 2014 for voting at the June meeting! Have fun with it! Yankee Tole Crier 20 Yankee Tole Crier 21 Things to bring to the meeting… Directions to the next meeting John Boyle O’Reilly Council No.85 17 Willow Street, Westborough, Ma 01581 From Mass pike to I-495 North (go Left) I-495(from either direction) Exit 23B – Westborough Right onto Route 9 West (Worcester) Right onto Route 30 West (also known as East Main Street) Go past CVS/McDonald’s Just before the overhead Railroad Bridge, turn right onto Willow Street. 1. Painted Angel Box(es) 2. Donations for our Community Service Project 3. Donate a door prize for a future meeting 4. Donations for future meeting raffles 5. Guest(s) to introduce to YHT 6. Items for Show, Share and Tell 7. Lunch 8. A happy face 9. Completed FREE Membership renewal form 10. Your painted name tag. Meeting/Activity Cancellation Policy To see whether or not a YHT activity has been cancelled due to weather (or other reason)-check our website at www.yankeeheritagetolechapter.com. This will be posted no later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of that activity. If you don’t have access to the internet, please call a friend who does or call Mary St. Pierre at 508-476-1655. Newsletter Information The Yankee Tole Crier is published 5 times a year. The newsletter deadline is 12:00 noon the Friday following the General Meeting. All material is to be emailed to the editor at jo-anne.naugler@charter.net. Photos taken with a digital camera can be emailed directly to the editor or put on a CD and mailed; photos from a film camera can be mailed to the editor. and will be scanned for insertion into the newsletter. Any problems with the printing and mailing of the newsletter should be directed to the editor. Yankee Tole Crier 22
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