C. Hackman1, S.M. Byram1, V.J. Slabinski1, J.C. Tracey1
C. Hackman1, S.M. Byram1, V.J. Slabinski1, J.C. Tracey1
USNO Analysis Center Progress 2012-4 Naval Observatory, Washington DC; Improvements in Products = orbits, clocks, polar motion (PM) Improvement = reduction in RMS wrt IGS Rapids 13-57% improvement in USNO ultra-rapids 6-25% improvement in USNO rapids Causes: • Improved tie to IGS reference frame • Lengthened measurement window used for ultra-rapid predictions to 40 h (was 27) • Current precision: ~17mm/37 mm past/pred orbits; ~100 mas/300 mas past/pred polar motion 2012 2013 reduction in median, 2012 -> 2013: rapids: 6% ultra, past and pred: 23% 2014 120 49 48 AC HISTORY AND ACTIVITIES 44 40 37 100 80 30 mm 60 21 19 20 40 • AC since 1997 2010 17 15 2011 22 2012 2013 17 16 10 0 365 730 1095 days since 1 Jan 2010 1460 1825 0 ultra, pred ultra, past rapid rapid RMS, USNO GPS Clock Estimates wrt IGS Rapid Combined Jan 2010 - May 2014 ultra, past ultra, pred reduction in median, 2012 -> 2013: rapids: 6% ultra pred: 35% 8000 2500 2930 2443 2296 1902 2000 2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 • Ultra-rapids: post-processed & predicted orbits, clocks, EOPS. Every six hours; 3 hrs latent 2011 1500 2012 2013 1000 500 80 0 365 730 1095 days since 1 Jan 2010 1460 1825 124 145 155 146 0 ultra, pred rapid RMS, USNO GPS Polar Motion wrt IGS Rapid Combined 2013 micro arc sec 2014 600 400 • Chair IGS Troposphere WG 277 200 300 235 0 2011 167 157 2013 116 130 79 100 -800 0 365 730 1095 days since 1 Jan 2010 dx, rapid 1460 1825 0 dy, rapid dx, rapid USNO Ultra-Rapid Polar Motion wrt IGS Rapid Combined Jan 2010 - May 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 1500 1000 micro arc sec dx, ultra past dy, ultra past dx, ultra pred dy, ultra pred • Produce UTGPS, a GPS-based extrapolator of VLBI UT1-UTC estimates, 5 times/day for IERS, which uses it to improve UT1-UTC predictions Top row: weighted RMS of USNO GPS orbit estimates with respect to IGS Rapid Combination.“Ultra, past” refers to 24-hour post-processed section of USNO ultrarapid orbits. “Ultra, pred” refers to first six hours of ultra-rapid orbit prediction. 2000 2010 dy, rapid 500 0 Second row: RMS of USNO GPS rapid clock estimates and ultra-rapid clock predictions with respect to IGS Rapid Combination -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 0 365 730 1095 days since 1 Jan 2010 dx, pred dy, pred dx, past 1460 1825 r Rows 3-4: USNO polar motion estimates minus IGS Rapid Combination values. dy, past COMBINED GPS/GLONASS Byram, S and C Hackman, High-Precision GNSS Orbit, Clock and EOP Estimation at the United States Naval Observatory, Proc. 2012 IEEE/ION PLANS, 659-63, 2012. • Have generated GPS+GLO ultras, rapids since 2012 • Ultras under consideration for inclusion in IGV combination • In-house precision estimates: • GLO orbits: 49 mm post-processed; 119 mm predict • PM: ~100 mas • More details: Byram & Hackman, “Multi-GNSS Based Processing at the USNO,” PS11 Byram, S and C Hackman, IGS Final Troposphere Product Update, Poster Session PS05, 2014 IGS Workshop, Pasadena, CA, 2014. Byram, S and C Hackman, Multi-GNSS Based Processing at the USNO, Poster Session PS11, 2014 IGS Workshop, Pasadena, CA, 2014. Dousa, J, S Byram, G Győri, O Bӧhm, F Zus and C Hackman, Development Towards Inter-Technique Tropospheric Parameter Comparisons and Their Exploitation, Plenary Session PY09, 2014 IGS Workshop, Pasadena, CA, 2014. Hackman, C, GPS Code/Carrier-Phase Time/Frequency Transfer, IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Tutorials, 149 pp, 2012. Hackman, C, Mitigating the Impact of Predicted Satellite Clock Errors on GNSS PPP Positioning, Proc. ION 2014 International Technical Meeting, 743-50, 2014. Hackman, C, Impact of Orbit, Clock and EOP Errors in GNSS Precise Point Positioning, 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, oral presentation G13C-01, 2012. Hackman, C, Accuracy/Precision of USNO Predicted Clock Estimates for GPS Satellites, Proc. 44th Ann. PTTI Meeting, 43-52, 2012. Hackman, C and S Byram, IGS Troposphere Working Group 2012, IGS Technical Report 2012, 195202, 2013. Hackman, C and S Byram, IGS Troposphere Working Group 2013, IGS Technical Report 2013, in press, 2014. Hackman, C and D Matsakis, Precision and Accuracy of USNO GPS Carrier-Phase Time Transfer: 2012 Update, Proc. IEEE IFCS, 94-99, 2012. USNO Test GPS+GLONASS Ultra-Rapid Polar Motion wrt IGU 24-h post-processed segments compared 25 500 400 20 300 200 cm micro arc sec 15 10 100 0 -100 -300 RMS (x, y, micro arc sec): 115, 72 -400 median (cm): ultra, past: 4.9; ultra, pred: 11.6 0 -500 60 120 180 days since 1 Jul 2013 pred 6hr past 24hr 240 300 360 0 60 120 180 days since 1 Jul 2013 dx, past 240 300 dy, past Left: RMS of USNO ultra-rapid GLONASS orbit estimates wrt IGS Combined Ultra-rapid GLONASS orbits. “Ultra, past” refers to 24-hr post-processed section of USNO ultra-rapid orbits. “Ultra, pred” refers to first six hours of ultra-rapid prediction. Helmert transformations computed using Bernese 5.0 Software. Right: Difference between 24-h post-processed polar motion estimates in USNO test ultra-rapid GPS+GLONASS solution and IGS “IGU” GPS-only ultra-rapid solution. 300 250 2011 mean: 322 2012 mean: 302 2014 mean: 328 2013 mean: 325 (+8% wrt 2012) 200 0 365 730 days since 1 Jan 2011 1095 1460 clickable station map, list 360 Web interface draft layout graphs up to six stations with multiple technique comparisons user defined comparison graph AC GNSS Experiments • Always testing new ideas in GNSS-based PNT • E.g., recently tested GPS+GLO PPP • Encountered pseudorange-based receiverdependent bias between GPS-, GLO-based receiver-clock estimates • Resolving… GLO/GPS OFFSET EST'D FROM P-CODE Experiment • Obtained GPS+GLO measurements from seven receivers 10-21 Feb 2014 • Did PPP using GPS, GPS+GLO and GLO using EMR GLO/GPS orbit products • 24-hr batches; static positioning • Receiver-clock estimates every 300 s name east longitude, deg north latitude, deg ellipsoidal height, m ALGO -78 46 201 KARR 117 -21 109 MBAR 31 -1 1337 Hackman, C and J Tracey, Monitoring Signal Strength of China’s COMPASS/Beidou Satellite Transmissions, Office of Naval Research Science and Technology Partnership Conference, Crystal City, VA, 2012. OHI2 -58 -63 32 STJO -53 48 153 Hackman, C, S M Byram, V J Slabinski and J C Tracey, USNO GPS/GLONASS PNT Products: Overview, and GPS+GLONASS vs GLONASS Only PPP Accuracy, Proc. 2014 IEEE/ION PLANS, in press, 2014. TRO1 19 70 138 WHIT -135 61 1427 Hackman, C, S M Byram, V J Slabinski and J C Tracey, Near-Real-Time and Other High-Precision GNSS-Based Orbit/Clock/Earth-Orientation/Troposphere Parameters Available from USNO, Proc. 2012 ION Joint Navigation Conference, 1274-88, 2012. -200 5 • Total: 16 product sets per day; 98100% on-time rate 2012-4 Analysis Center Publications RMS, 7-Par Helmert Transform btwn USNO, IGS Ultra-Rapid GLO Orbits 350 Number of stations for which IGS Final Troposphere Estimates were produced by USNO • Above estimates generated using Bernese GPS Software 99 -600 400 • Since 2012: produce test GPS+GLONASS rapids, ultra-rapids 2010 2012 197 157 183 187 200 -400 160 132 -200 160 165 154 mirco arc sec 400 295 317 2012 336 2011 reduction in RMS, 2012 ->2013: dx, rapid: 16% dy, rapid: 25% dx, ultra past: 57% dy, ultra past: 51% dx, ultra pred: 32% dy, ultra pred: 13% 362 2010 491 500 800 314 USNO Rapid Polar Motion wrt IGS Rapid Combined Jan 2010 - May 2014 • Produce IGS Final Troposphere Estimates ultra, pred 377 rapid Number of Quality-Checked Troposphere Files Submitted to IGS improved results screening 800 0 Chair IGS Troposphere WG • ~50 members • WG splinter meeting Wed PM: all welcome • Have almost completed 2012-4 main project: building cross-technique (GNSS, VLBI, radiosonde, etc.) tropo-comparison website/database • More info @ Dousa et al., “Development Towards Inter-Technique Tropospheric Parameter Comparisons…”, PY09, Thu AM • Special thanks: J Dousa, GOP number of receivers for which files submitted ps • Rapids: orbits, clocks, EOPs for 00-2359 GPST yesterday; released by 1550 UTC today Median RMS, USNO GPS Clocks wrt IGS Rapid Combined, 2010-3 ps 3000 r • Contribute GPS-based rapid, ultrarapid solutions to IGS Combined Rapid, Ultra-Rapid Products 14 20 0 u Produce IGS Final Troposphere Estimates • ZTD, gradient estimates for every IGS station • 24-h files (one per station), 5-min estimate spacing • 10.3M files downloaded in 2013 • 8% increase in # stations processed/day, 2012->2013 • Improved data screening • More info @ Byram & Hackman, “IGS Final Troposphere Product Update,” PS05 Hackman, C, S Byram, V Slabinski and J Tracey, United States Naval Observatory Analysis Center Report 2012, IGS Technical Report 2012, 86-91, 2013. Hackman, C, S Byram, V Slabinski and J Tracey, United States Naval Observatory Analysis Center Report 2013, IGS Technical Report 2013, in press, 2014. Hackman, C, S M Byram, V J Slabinski, J C Tracey and J R Rohde, USNO Analysis Center Progress 2012-14, PS01, 2014 IGS Workshop, Pasadena, CA, 2014. NS 2011 This poster summarizes these developments 50 140 USNO IGS Troposphere Coordination • It also directs IGS troposphere activities. Median WRMS, USNO GPS Orbits wrt IGS Rapid Combined, 2010-3 cm and J.R. 2 Rohde Dog GPS, West Palm Beach FL • USNO has improved its product accuracy – in some parameters, nearly 50% – and initiated new projects since the 2012 IGS Workshop. • • • • • WRMS, USNO GPS Orbits wrt IGS Rapid Combined Jan 2010 - May 2014 2Black J.C. PURPOSE USNO RAPID, ULTRA-RAPID (GPS) PRODUCTS 2010 V.J. 1 Tracey -400 -420 -440 -460 -480 -500 -520 -540 56698 OHI2 WHIT STJO ALGO KARR 56702 56706 MBAR 56710 MJD SUBTRACT FROM ALGO Site locations (above), receiver information (below) receiver type TPS NETG3A TRIMBLE NETR9 JAVAD TRE_G3TH DELTA JPS E_GCD JAVAD TRE_G3T DELTA TRIMBLE NETR8 TPS NETG3A antenna type radome type clock AOAD/M_T none TRM59800.00 none 80 40 NS 1U.S. S.M. 1 Slabinski , STJO-ALGO 0 WHIT-ALGO H-maser -40 MBAR-ALGO internal -80 56698 ASH701945B_M SCIS internal TPSCR.G3 TPSH internal AOAD/M_T none H-maser OHI2-ALGO TRM59800.00 SCIS internal AOAD/M_T none rubidium 56702 56706 MJD 56710 KARR-ALGO PPP CLOCK DIFFERENCE, GLO - GPS 80 RMS, ns: STJO, 38; WHIT, 18; MBAR, 20; OHI2, 42; KARR, 54 40 STJO-ALGO GPS-GLONASS System Time differences estimated from pseudorange measurements; relation to PPP time-estimate errors. Top: GPS-GLONASS system time offsets estimated from pseudorange measurements. Middle: ALGO values subtracted from others. Bottom: Difference between GLONASS and GPS PPP-derived receiver clock estimates. Note resemblance to middle plot. NS C. 1 Byram , update station list 1 Hackman , 0 WHIT-ALGO MBAR-ALGO OHI2-ALGO KARR-ALGO -40 -80 56698 56702 56706 56710 MJD Hugentobler, U and C Hackman, International GNSS Service (IGS) – Products and Models for Precise GNSS Analyses, COST Action ES1206 Meeting, Munich, Germany, 36 pp, 2014. Slabinski, V, When Did the Mean Solar Day Equal 86,400 SI Seconds?, 45th Meeting, American Astronomical Society Division of Dynamical Astronomy, Philadelphia, PA, 2014. For more information: Christine Hackman, US Naval Observatory, 3450 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20392, USA. Tel: (202) 7621428. e: christine.hackman@usno.navy.mil. Products online: http:/www.usno.navy.mil/USNO/earth-orientation/gps-products