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• SNAPPER’S CLUB REVISITED PG. 6 • BRONCS WIN Friday, September 24, 2010 Vol. 135 PG. 30 #93 50 cents www.bhpioneer.com Exit 14 part of major study B" ()I+) S-ISH%& B"#$%&'("")&P(+,--. SPEARFISH — Zes, the traffic on EFit 14 is busy. And yes, those in charge are working on it. “Hang in there everyone,” said \ayna Watson, Spearfish's city planner. “There is a solution coming.” EFit 14 is currently the focus of a state Department of Transportation QDOTR corridor preservation study, in response to continually increasing traffic congestion along Colorado Boulevard and at Interstate 90's EFit 14 in Spearfish. Steve Gramm, a data analysis engineer from the S.D. DOT and study advisory team member, said the study started about a year ago. The study follows 27th Street from First Avenue to Colorado Boulevard, Colorado Boulevard from 27th Street to Spearfish Canyon Road, and the ramps of the Interstate at EFit 14. The study will conclude in October 2011. “By then, we'll have an idea of what we want to do,” said Gramm. The project is part of a statewide improvement project scheduled for 2014, and the study includes a lot of traffic data. The See EXIT 14 — Page 34 Vehicles pass through Exit 14 Thursday. The Department of transportation is studying the exit for future transportation needs. Pioneer phot by Mark Watson Future of federal hwy. aid still headed for dead end B" B#B M%&'%& B"#$%&'("")&P(+,--. PIERRE — State Transportation Secretary Darin Bergquist said Thursday he doesn't know when Congress will authori@e a new highway-funding program. Nor does he foresee that Congress will authori@e an eFtension of the current program before Election Day. Bergquist, in a briefing to the South Dakota Transportation Commission, said the current federal highway program's funding eFpires Dec. 31, so something will need to be done by Congress sometime yet in 2010. He said Congress likely would need to return for a lame-duck session after the Nov. 2 elections because so many federal programs haven't seen funding renewed for 2011. “Obviously by the end of the year they're not going to get a new QtransportationR program in place, so we need another eFtension,” Bergquist said. Congress allowed the federal-government's last multi-year highway transportation program, the 2005 legislation known as SAFETEA-LU, to eFpire Sept. 30, 2009. Congress passed a series of short-term eFtensions since then. Reaching agreement on the future for transportaSee HIGHWAY — Page 5 Science board approves land grabs B" +)'I '#N&)D P%)&S#N B"#$%&'("")&P(+,--. LEAD — An anneFation and a land purchase are two new elements added to the scientific equation being formulated at the Sanford Underground Lab at Homestake. A recommendation to petition the city of Lead for anneFation of the Ross area by Ron Wheeler, eFecutive director of the Sanford Underground Lab at Homestake was voted upon favorably by the See LAND — Page 10 ADVERTISEMENT BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Page 2 Friday, September 24, 2010 Noem reveals support for Black Hills projects BC HVUIHVW MYW1GHVL Black Hills Pioneer creating a national plan to allow for wind power developers to come into South Dakota. SPEAR&ISH * Kristi Noem Noem, 38, said she is fairly is running for Congress. The new to politics but her experiRepublican visited the Northern ence in small business operation Hills Thursday in order to reveal will Tualify her to represent how she would support proEects South Dakotans. While in colnear and dear to residents who lege, she said her live in the Black father died unexpectHills. edly and she returned By being herself, to the family farm. staying honest and Shortly thereafter, her never forgetting family was hit with where she came from, state taxes from her sheIs optimistic peofatherIs death that ple will make the essentially put the decision for who they family in debt. ThatIs want to see representwhen she first realiUed ing South DakotaIs that being an active lone voice in the Kristi voice on the local and House of Noem state level could actuRepresentatives come ally change the way a November. government operates. LPeople are looking for someLI did not come from a politione to represent them that they cal family at all,M she said. can relate to,M Noem said in an She ran for the state legislainterview at the Black Hills ture in V006 and secured a seat Pioneer office. LThey donIt need representing District 6, near somebody to pretend that they Castlewood, north of Sioux are something they are not.M &alls. Castlewood, a rural comShe arrived Tuesday night and munity, is also home to a family left late Thursday after an event ranch, of which she works, and in Rapid City. While in the to several businesses sheIs run Black Hills she toured areas successfully. affected by the pine beetle infesTwo years into her career as a tation in and around Hill City state legislator, she was elected and met with students at Black to be the assistant maEority Hills State Oniversity. leader and since then, she said, In the Black Hills, she supsheIs stayed busy fighting for ports such hot topics as securing legislation that affects South funds from the National Science Dakotans at all levels. &oundation to continue expandLIIll carry that same work ethic ing the former Homestake Mine with me to Washington D.C.,M into an underground science labshe said. oratory, creating less bureaucraNoem is a fiscal conservative cy within the programs that are who believes the federal governset up to fight the pine beetle ment is spending too much on infestation, supporting legislaunnecessary programs, and tion that allows for continued essentially setting itself up to operation and growth of become unsustainable. SheIs for Ellsworth Air &orce Base and cutting taxes, reducing federal ! INDEX LOCAL OBITUARIES STATE EDITORIAL/OPINION TRAVEL TV SCHEDULES COMICS LEGALS/CLASSIFIEDS COMMUNITY SPORTS MOVIE LISTING WEATHER ! spending and cutting down on for other programs. governmental regulation. LWeIre setting up Medicare to LWeIre in such a precarious be in the same exact position position because weIve spend that Social Security is in because that money on such foolish for years, the government has things, when it comes to imporbeen raiding that fund to make tant thinks like spending money money available for other proon national defense and making grams,M she said. sure that Ellsworth is viable and She said small business ownimportant to this community,M ers are also concerned about the she said. LSo, weIre now in a financial reform bill that was position to fight for every dollar recently passed. She said while we have to get money for things campaigning sheIs been touring we need and that are a priority.M small manufacturing businesses She said one thing sheId like and other locally owned operato see change in Washington are tions. unnecessary earLThe number marks on legislaone topic that I tion that donIt hear over and necessarily hold over all day long merit for funding concerns our on their own. countryIs spendNoem referred ing,M Noem said. to the $787 bilLThis administralion stimulus tion has added package that was debt faster than recently passed anytime in histoand how many ry, and we really personal agenda have a situation Kristi Noem, items were on our hands S.D. House of Rep candidate financed through where our govthat bill. ernment is going LWeIve chosen to be unsustainto fund too many things and able and we need to start because of where we stand ecoaddressing that debt and people nomically, that puts our country really recogniUe that fact.M in Eeopardy of being able to susShe said to South Dakotans tain itself,M she said. living in a state where itIs While talking to South mandatory to pass a balanced Dakotans, especially small busibudget every year, it doesnIt ness owners and seniors, she make any sense to spend more said the health care bill is a than you make. maEor concern. LIt makes sense to have a budLItIs always been my position get, make sure itIs balanced and to repeal the health care bill that you are not spending more because itIs extremely detrimenthan you have \ yet the federal tal,M she said. government hasnIt been doing In addition to not making any that and thatIs something we sense, she said it takes upwards have a tough time reconciling of $5V3 billion originally set here at home.M aside for Medicare and that She said with the current money is now being used to pay administration is creating too “We're in such a precarious position because we've spend that money on such foolish things... much red tape that inhibits local business owners to be successful. LThis new piece of legislation creates more regulation, higher taxes and higher fees,M she said. LSo, what they are telling me is how can they as business owners go out there and re-invest and hire workers when they donIt have the money to do it.M So what can Noem do for the people who live in the Black Hills] The lab, she said, is something she has yet to tour, but hopes to get an opportunity very soon. As a legislator, she said, she supported financing the lab at all levels because she believes itIs important to the future of South Daktoa. LThere is no end to what it could do to this entire area,M she said. LAs far as economic development and then also the education for our kids and opportunities for them to stay here and continue to research.M Also on the front burner is finding federal funds for foresters and timber management companies to fight the pine beetle infestation. LWe need to get more aggressive as far as controlling this infestation to make sure it doesnIt continue its path north to the Northern Hills,M she said. As for securing that funding, she said the government programs involved need less bureaucracy within their system. After talking with loggers and officials with local forest product companies to get an idea of the situation they are facing in the Southern Hills, she said she realiUed that a lot of what is slowing down the funding is the fact that See NOEM — Page 4 Creekside school construction 'on schedule' 2&3 4 5 6 8 11 12&13 14-26 27-29 30-33 31 34 Black Hills Pioneer /0112 3453653789 is :;<lis=e> >ail? e@ce:A 1;n>a?s an> =oli>a?s /2eB CearDs Ea?F G=risAHas Ea?F I=anksJiKinJF La<or Ea?F MeHorial Ea? an> 0n>e:en>ence Ea?9F Nor a Hail s;<scri:Aion raAe oN O3P4Q44 :er ?ear in co;nA? onl? <? 1eaAon P;<lis=inJ GoQF 0ncQF R3P 1eaAon GircleF 1:earNis=F 1E P77SRQ Perio>ical :osAaJe :ai> aA 1:earNis=F 1E P77SRQ PT1IMU1IVWX 1en> a>>ress c=anJes Ao Black Hills PioneerF PT Bo@ 7F 1:earNis=F 1E P77SRQ BC MUWZ [UI1T2 Black Hills Pioneer SPEAR&ISH * The newest elementary school in Spearfish continues to take shape as workers face cooler weather and snow Eust around the corner. Steve Williams, of Williams and Associates, the firm tasked with designing Creekside Elementary School briefed the Spearfish School Board recently. LThe sewer line that goes down &ifth Street has been installed,M Williams said. See CREEKSIDE — Page 7 A construction worker cuts steel to be used in Creekside Elementary School. The new school, slated to be ready to move into by July 2011. Pioneer photo by Mark Watson Friday, September 24, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Welcome, Joe Neeb! Spearfish approves employment contract for new city administrator B" #$%&$ '(%'H*+ Black Hills Pioneer learner UQ and he has a 4aster of Ausi8 ness ad4inistration de@ree and national certifications in econo4ic develo< and S"EARFISH * +he city ad4inistra8 <uAlic 4ana@e4entB tor:s office at S<earfish =ity Hall ?ill In addition to Aein@ inter8 no lon@er Ae e4<tyB ested in the career o<<ortuni8 S<earfish =ity =ouncil ty in S<earfish, GeeA also voted Eonday to a<<rove the has fa4ily ties in the areaB e4<loy4ent contract for Joe NIt Va<<lyin@ for the city GeeA, ?hose startin@ date is ad4inistrator <ositionW Ae@an GovB 1B as an o<<ortunity to Arin@ GeeA, Aorn and raised on a 4y ?ife AacM ho4e to South s4all far4 aAout J0 4iles LaMota and closer to fa4ily southeast of Indiana<olis in ?hile still ?orMin@ in a <ro8 ShelAy =ounty, IndB, left fession that I enXoy,Q he saidB ho4e to attend colle@e in NLurin@ the selection EinnesotaB +here, he 4et Joe <rocess, I learned that and 4arried the @irl of his S<earfish ?ould allo? 4e an Neeb drea4s, he said, ?ho ?as o<<ortunity to Aeco4e a <art Aorn and raised in eastern of a co44unity that serves South LaMotaB as an eRce<tional eRa4<le in ?orMin@ NWe have s<ent the <ast JP years for its <eo<leBQ raisin@ our four children ?ho have no? He added, NS<earfish has a @reat transitioned into their o?n lives,Q GeeA 4unici<al re<utation ?ithin the state of saidB NEy ?ife and children are very South LaMota and a4on@st other co48 i4<ortant to 4e as they have hel<ed 4e 4unities around the nationB Its leaders @ro? and develo< into the <erson that I are not afraid to tacMle any issue on a4 todayBQ Aehalf of its citiYensB Everyone is co48 GeeA has served as to?n 4ana@er for 4itted to doin@ their AestB I ?ant to Ae a Lyer, IndB, for the <ast siR years, and he co4<onent of that co44it4entBQ has a lon@ record of serviceB GeeA said he is looMin@ for?ard to NFor the <ast JS years, I have served ?orMin@ ?ith all of the <eo<le he had a in various 4ana@e4ent <ositions ?ith over 13 years in the <uAlic sector,Q he saidB NI consider 4yself a life lon@ Page 3 Belle council approves public works projects ■ Crews to create parking lot along Railroad Street, replace waterline and update lift station B" H*$,H*+ -.+'/H*0 Black Hills Pioneer BE[[E F\]R=HE * With the fundin@ in <lace, cre?s are @earin@ u< to lay as<halt at the <arMin@ lot alon@ Railroad Street and SiRth Avenue in Belle FourcheB +his <roXect ?ill allo? for nearly J0 additional <arMin@ s<aces for area residents and visitors aliMe ?ho 4ay utiliYe for the do?nto?n areaB +he Belle Fourche "uAlic WorMs =o44ittee reco44ended the city of Belle Fourche a<<rove a ^1_,0__ Aid fro4 Aoth =oren =onstruction and Sacrison "avin@B In turn, the Belle Fourche =ity =ouncil a<<roved =oren =onstruction:s ^J,__` Aid to install 1a0 feet of curA and @utter and a<<roved Sacrison "avin@:s Aid of ^1J,Sbb for as<halt Eonday durin@ their re@ular city council 4eetin@B +he funds ?ill co4e fro4 the =a<ital I4<rove4ent "roXect Fund and the co4<letion date has Aeen set for \ctB 30B Additional Aids ?ere received fro4, co +o =onstruction ?ho Aid for curA and @utter at ^3,_b0BS0 and Hills Eaterial ?ho Aid for as<halt at ^1S,S1PBJ_B In other <uAlic ?orMs ne?s, the council a?arded the construction <roXect to re<lace an ei@ht8inch ?aterline north of Belle Fourche alon@ ]BSB Hi@h?ay a_ to S<earfish ERcavatin@B LuAAed the Gorth@ate I4<rove4ent "roXect, the total cost of has Aeen set at ^_1,J_`BP1B NWe:re looMin@ to re<lace the eRistin@ ?aterline Aecause ?e:ve Aeen havin@ so4e AreaMs on a re@ular Aasis over there,Q said +erry Wolterstorff, the city en@ineerB \ther Aids received ?ere Site WorMs S<ecialists for ^`0,P3P, "edersen ERcavatin@ at ^`3,baa, Eainline =ontractin@ at ^PJ,PS_, Hills Eaterial at ^a3,S1bB_0 and R=S =onstruction at ^bP,bSJBJ0B +he city council also a<<roved <urchasin@ a ^11,P_0 tele4etry unit for the lift stationB +he funds ?ill co4e fro4 the Se?er I4<rove4ent "roXect and the <rice duotes are on file for <uAlic revie? at Belle Fourche =ity HallB Serving Deadwood for 15 years See JOE NEEB— Page 35 Deadwood police seek your help Reward offered for conviction Courtesy photos P%23**+ ',$44 +*P2+,' LEALW\\L * +he Lead?ood "olice Le<art4ent is asMin@ for your hel< in identifyin@ t?o <ossiAle suAXectsB +he suAXect are ?anted for duestionin@ for fraudulent AanM transactions in the [ead Lead?ood area ?hich occurred in Lece4Aer J00bB +here is a ^1000 re?ard for info leadin@ to the conviction of the <erson or <eo<le res<onsiAle for the transactionsB It is Aelieved they 4i@ht Ae drivin@ a ne?er Lod@e 3_00 lon@ AoR <icMu<, Alue in color ?ith four doorsB It is also Aelieved that the <icMu< is a strai@ht AoR and not a duallyB If anyone has infor4ation on either one of these suAXects <lease contact Letective cre@ Gelson ?ith the Lead?ood "olice Le<art4ent, _Pa8 J`J3B Deadwood Mayor Francis Toscana awarded Police Chief Kelly Fuller Monday night for his 15 years of service with the city. “I remember when Kelly was hired as a parks employee,” Toscana said. “Then I think he became an ordinance officer, then a police officer, then sergeant, and then chief … so we're certainly glad that we've got him here.” Pioneer photo by Kevin Norton BLACK HILLS PIONEER OBITUARIES Page 4 Friday, September 24, 2010 Doreen Katherine (Murphy) Hayes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L,+#&P(1,#,=01&A=#,('&)"(%7&0'4&#$*&2%+0'&B8 A'#$('6&L,+#8 See us for top quality batteries. Auto, RV, Ag, Commercial Honor the memory of a loved one forever with a custom designed, personalized cemetery monument made with stone purchased from all over the WORLD. Design, letter and carved to your specifications~ right on the premises! Now offering Laser Etching the only in-shop laser etching machine in Western South Dakota! • Over 500 Memorials in Stock • We Guarantee 7 to 10 Day Delivery of Memorials in Stock • Budget Financing Plans Available • All Work Guaranteed • Western South Dakota’s Most Competitive Prices BLACK HILLS MONUMENT CO. Jerry & Leland Ruzicka • 19272 US Hwy 85, Belle Fourche, SD (605) 892-2384 or 1-800-456-0514 Dakota Sparky Dakota Battery & Electric 740 Deadwood Ave. 348-8631 OPEN 24 HOURS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH • 6:00 PM $25 per ticket or $40 for two (Tickets can be purchased at the door. Each purchased ticket includes one free drink.) Live & Silent Art Auction Food - Chop House Desserts - Vanilla Bean, Chubby Chipmunk Wine & Beer Cash Bar Entertainment by: Steve Thorpe Works by Artists include: Sarah Rogers Jenny Braig Roy Kramlich Kathy Sigle Anna Achtziger Ann Porter Tom Thorson Eileen Nistler and many more! A portion of the proceeds from this fundraiser will help provide funds for educational experiences and offset various general operating expenses of the Spearfish Arts Center. Call 605-642-7973 or stop by for your tickets! 612 N. Main St., Spearfish, SD 57783 • www.spearfishartscenter.org BLACK HILLS PIONEER STATE NEWS Friday, September 24, 2010 HIGHWAY Co(ti(+ed fro1 Pa4e 1 tio$ f'$di$) has -rove$ el'sive for Co$)ress for several 3ears4 as 5otorists drive 5ore-f'el efficie$t vehicles a$d co$str'ctio$s costs for tra$s-ortatio$ -ro8ects rise9 Co$)ress had to tra$sfer :; 5illio$ to the federal hi)h<a3 tr'st f'$d i$ Se-te5ber 2@@; beca'se the f'$d <as r'$$i$) short of 5o$e3 the$9 The So'th BaCota Be-art5e$t of Tra$s-ortatio$ has bee$ o-erati$) i$ a -reservatio$ 5ode for several 3ears beca'se its f'$di$) has$Dt Ce-t '-4 forci$) c'ts a$d fee i$creases i$ other -arts of )over$5e$t s'ch as eco$o5icdevelo-5e$t i$frastr'ct're )ra$ts4 the Ei)h<a3 Fatrol a$d the state Bivisio$ of FarCs a$d Recreatio$9 The Le)islat're has tried for several 3ears b't has$Dt bee$ able to a)ree o$ i$creases i$ 5otor- NOTICE f'el taxes4 lice$se -late fees a$d excise taxes o$ vehicle -'rchases9 Fart of the deadlocC res'lted fro5 Gov9 MiCe Ro'$dsD rel'cta$ce to o-e$l3 -'sh for 5ore hi)h<a3 reve$'e9 Ber)M'ist $oted that he has$Dt received a$3 i$for5atio$ re)ardi$) Freside$t Oba5aDs Labor Ba3 a$$o'$ce5e$t -ro-osi$) :O@ billio$ i$ $e< tra$s-ortatio$ )ra$ts for hi)h<a3s4 railroads a$d air-orts9 Ee said it re5ai$s '$C$o<$ ho< 5'ch <o'ld be -laced i$ each cate)or34 <hat t3-es of -ro8ects <o'ld be tar)eted4 <hether there <o'ld be 5atchi$) a5o'$ts reM'ired fro5 state a$d local )over$5e$ts4 a$d <hat the so'rce of f'$di$) <o'ld be for the federal aid9 PQe have virt'all3 $o details o$ that at this -oi$t4R Ber)M'ist said9 PI$ all liCelihood <e <o$Dt see a$3 actio$ o$ that '$til Febr'ar34 if at all9R TAX CUTS Co(ti(+ed fro1 Pa4e 4 White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs speaks during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington. Gibbs said the Obama administration hopes the top House Republican was serious in expressing support for renewing tax cuts for the middle class, adding that GOP hopes to also extend reductions for the rich lack common sense. AP photo <ar3 of s'--orti$) Oba5aDs -la$ to let taxes rise for the <ealthiest A5erica$s4 feari$) the3 <o'ld be acc'sed of s'--orti$) a tax hiCe9 Other Be5ocrats believe the3 have a <i$$i$) 5essa)e of fiscal res-o$sibilit3 <hile 5aCi$) the rich -a3 5ore after 3ears of relative -ros-erit39 VID5 doi$) all I ca$ to )et the 5iddle i$co5e tax c't -assed as M'icCl3 as -ossible4V said Se$9 Max Ba'c's4 B-Mo$t94 chair5a$ of the Se$ate Fi$a$ce Co55ittee9 GOF la<5aCers sa3 itDs a fa5iliar debateW Be5ocrats favor tax i$creases <hile Re-'blica$s o--ose the59 Se$9 Xoh$ Cor$3$4 R-Texas4 said Be5ocrats are -'tti$) $earl3 ever3 <orCi$) A5erica$ at risC for a si)$ifica$t tax i$crease $ext 3ear9 VThe3 are i$ char)e a$d the3 have$Dt do$e a$3thi$) abo't it4V said Cor$3$4 <ho is chair5a$ of the co55ittee i$ char)e of electi$) Se$ate Re-'blica$s9 VThat <o'ld $ot be a -ositio$ I <o'ld <a$t to be i$9V Bela3i$) actio$ o$ the tax c'ts co'ld ca'se -roble5s for the I$ter$al Reve$'e Service a$d e5-lo3ers tr3i$) to <ithhold the correct a5o'$t of taxes fro5 <orCersD -a3checCs4 starti$) i$ Xa$'ar39 The Treas'r3 Be-art5e$t4 <hich oversees the IRS4 's'all3 5aCes <ithholdi$) tables available i$ 5id-Yove5ber for the follo<i$) 3ear4 so e5-lo3ers a$d -a3roll fir5s have ti5e to -re-are9 VIf Co$)ress has $ot acted to exte$d the 5iddle class tax c'ts b3 that ti5e4 Treas'r3 <ill the$ 5aCe a$ a--ro-riate deter5i$atio$ abo't ho< to -roceed4V Treas'r3 s-oCes<o5a$ Sa$dra Salstro5 said9 Be5ocrats sa3 Re-'blica$s are holdi$) 5iddle class tax c'ts hosta)e <hile the3 fi)ht to exte$d tax c'ts for the <ealth34 a$ ar)'5e$t that <o'ld be stro$)er if Be5ocrats act'all3 sched'led a vote o$ the -ro-osals9 Se$ate GOF leaders have vo<ed to o--ose le)islatio$ that <o'ld exte$d o$l3 5iddleclass tax relief9 Be5ocrats <o'ld $eed at least o$e Re-'blica$ vote to overco5e a filib'ster9 VThe -reside$t <o'ld si)$ a bill to5orro< that <o'ld exte$d the tax c'ts for the 5iddle class to avoid saddli$) the5 <ith a cri--li$) tax hiCe4V said Qhite Eo'se s-oCes<o5a$ A53 Br'$da)e9 VZ$fort'$atel34 Re-'blica$s i$ Co$)ress have 5ade it clear the3 <o'ld rather stall a$d obstr'ct i$stead of )ivi$) <orCi$) fa5ilies the assista$ce the3 $eed9V Se$ate Re-'blica$ leader Mitch McCo$$ell of Ke$t'cC3 i$trod'ced a bill to 5aCe all the tax c'ts -er5a$e$t9 Eis s-oCes5a$4 Bo$ Ste<art4 acc'sed Be5ocrats of de$3i$) la<5aCers a vote o$ McCo$$ellDs bill9 VQe ho-e Be5ocrats - <ho have 3et to act'all3 i$trod'ce tax le)islatio$ to -reve$t tax hiCes - <o$Dt hold it hosta)e to their b'r$i$) desire to raise taxes o$ s5all b'si$esses a$d fa5ilies i$ the 5iddle of a recessio$4V Ste<art said9 Publication in this newspaper does not guarantee the legitimacy of any offer or solicitation. Take reasonable steps to evaluate an offer before you send money or provide personal<financial information to an advertiser. If you have questions or you believe you have been the victim of fraud, contact the South Dakota Attorney GeneralDs office at this address: Office of the Attorney General, 1302 E. Hwy. 14, Suite 1, Pierre, SD N7N01-8N01, phone (60N) 773-321N or e-mail: atghelpTstate.sd.us. Page 5 Small Town Friendly Service John H. Jackson, DDS, P.C. Christopher J. Jackson, DMD • David A. Rempel, DDS Advanced Technology for your convenience and Comprehensive Oral Health Care One Appointment Cerec Crowns Laser Gum Disease Therapy • Orthodontics-Invisalign One Visit Root Canals • In-Office Whitening Mini-Implants • Oral Saliva Testing NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! - CALL TODAY! 1-605-892-6347 • 1-877-412-2978 Extended Hours Available: Evenings and Fridays 503 Jackson St. • Belle Fourche, SD 57717 Opinion Page 6 Friday, September 24, 2010 news@bhpioneer.com What's a Snapper? !hen & need the de)inition o) ,hich all contribute to ,ho ,e ,ord. & /o to a dictionar2. are. Must ,e use others to 4here. not onl2 do & /et a de)in6 de)ine oursel<es> Merhaps not. ition. but & can also /et an ori6 but & certainl2 donCt ha<e the /in. pronunciation. histor2 6 insi/ht to o))er a )ull de)inition ;ore in)or;ation than & proba6 o) ;2sel). and that is one rea6 bl2 e<en need. son & ,as so deli/ht6 4r2in/ to de)ine ed to )ind an or/ani6 so;ethin/ hu;an. =ation that tooI the ho,e<er. is ;uch sa;e approach ,hen ;ore abstract. co;6 de)inin/ itsel). plicated. and dare & Man2 tra<elers sa2. tr2in/. !hether throu/h Bpear)ish a person. or/ani=a6 Nit2 Na;p/round tion. club 6 ,here ha<e ,ondered at the does one start to BnapperCs Nlub. !hat de)ine these> !e is a Bnapper> !hat is Kaija ;ostl2 resort to a club )ull o) the;> & ad?ecti<es@ ABheCs a too ha<e ,ondered. Swisher nice /irl.D AHeCs a but the other da2. & ,onder)ul ;an.D learned ,hat a A4he2 are a /enerous or/ani=a6 Bnapper is. Or at least a <ariet2 tion.D A4hat church is so ,el6 o) perspecti<es on the co;in/.D Fet ,hen & open the Bnappers. dictionar2. it isnCt ?ust a descrip6 Kated Pan. Q. RSQT. the )ol6 tion o) so;ethin/ that & /et. but lo,in/ AKescription Bnapper a de)inition. Hu;anit2 certainl2 NlubD ,as disco<ered in is o) that ;uch ;ore depth than Bpear)ish Nit2 Hall in a boU thin/s. 2es. and &C<e al,a2s containin/ ;an2 o) the arti)acts thou/ht that one person cannot o) the clubCs histor2. & apolo/i=e de)ine anotherG ,e canCt e<en that the author did not include de)ine oursel<es. Hather. our his or her na;e on the docu6 Ade)initionD is ;ade up o) the ;ent. and i) an2one Ino,s ,ho co;bined descriptions o) e<er26 ,rote it. please let ;e Ino,. one else ,ho Ino,s us. & Ino, Vut to the docu;ent. &t states@ )or a )act that ;2 dearest A!hat is the BnapperCs Nlub> )riends ,ould use Juite di))er6 4he abo<e Juestion is one o)ten ent ,ords to describe ;e than asIed o) ;e;bers o) the ;2 distant ri<als. and the sa;e BnapperCs Or/ani=ation. &t is a is true )ro; ;2 /rand;other to di))icult Juestion to ans,er. and ;2 co6,orIers. Ki))erent peo6 & shall atte;pt to pro<e ,h2. ple <ie, us in di))erent ,a2s. Wccordin/ to the b26la,s@ 4he creatin/ descriptions that <ar2. purpose o) the club is to coop6 DOONESBURY erate ,ith other ci<ic or/ani=a6 tions in the pro;otion o) athlet6 ic. bene<olent and ci<ic enter6 prises in Bpear)ish and sur6 roundin/ co;;unit2. 4o pro6 ;ote the interests o) sports;en o) the VlacI Hills and to assist the Kepart;ent o) Xa;e. Yish Z MarIs in )urtherin/ these interests. 4o ;aintain a club roo; ,ithout pro)it )or the use o) ;e;bers and other or/ani=a6 tions need such )acilities. Wccordin/ to an2 indi<idual Bnapper@ 4he BnapperCs Nlub is the best da;ned or/ani=ation )or;ed an2,here. at an2 ti;e. )or an2 purpose. &ts ;e;bers are the ;ost public spirited. ;ost /enerous. hardest ,orI6 in/. ;ost dedicated. best in)or;ed. ;ost )aith)ul /roup o) ;en in the VlacI Hills. 4he ;e;bersC ;otto@ COnce a Bnapper. al,a2s a Bnapper.C 4he2 sticI their necIs out and dare an2one to chop the; o)). Wccordin/ to their ,i<es@ 4he BnapperCs Nlub is an or/ani=a6 tion o) a bunch o) ;iddle6a/e old )o/ies that thinI the2 are 2oun/er than the2 are. 4he2 re<el in /ettin/ a Cni/ht outC at e<er2 opportunit2. 4he2 are a poIer6pla2in/. beer6drinIin/. stor26tellin/ bunch o) do6/ood6 ers that Ino, not ,here the2 are headed and the truth is not in the;. 4heir ;otto should be. C4he later the /a;e. the richer the purse.C Wccordin/ to other or/ani=a6 tions in the area@ 4he BnapperCs BY GARY TRUDEAU PUBLISHER, Letitia Lister MANAGING EDITOR, Mark Watson AD MANAGER, Dru Thomas 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783 7 South Main, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060 E-mail: news@bhpioneer.com PRODUCTION MANAGER, Scott Lister CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, Charity Runnells ACCOUNTING, Ardith Richards Nlub is an or/ani=ation that is rich in the ;aterialistic thin/s o) li)e [ na;el2. C;one2.C &t is the place to /o ,hen 2ou ,ant )unds )or 2our o,n pet pro?ect. but )or ,hich 2ou do not ha<e the cash. 4he2 ,ill /i<e 2ou ,hat 2ou asI. usuall2 ,ithout a Juestion. 4he2 ,ill asI no accountin/. nor ,ill the2 seeI credit. !hen all other ;eans )ail 6 call on the Bnappers. &n ,eaIer ;o;ents. the2 can e<en be pre<ailed upon to ,orI )or and ,ith 2ou on so;e pro?ect. Wl,a2s ,ithout pa2. usuall2 ,ithout credit. but ne<er ,ithout /usto. Bpear)ish ,ould be the loser i) there ,ere no BnapperCs Nlub. Wccordin/ to an2 non6 Bnapper business;an on Main Btreet@ 4he club is an or/ani=a6 tion o) die6hards that are al,a2s troopin/ up and do,n Main Btreet asIin/ )or dona6 tions )or so;e cause or other. &t is ?ust persistent enou/h that 2ou do not dare turn the; a,a2 )or )ear the2 ,ill burn the place do,n. 2et not so insistent that 2ou dare tell the; to C/o to hell.C !e doubt that Batan ,ould ha<e the; an2,a2. Wccordin/ to the Kepart;ent o) Xa;e. Yish Z MarIs@ 4he BnapperCs Nlub is an or/ani=a6 tion o) reptiles rese;blin/ the rattlesnaIe in character eUcept that it usuall2 striIes ,ithout ,arnin/. &t is ;ade up o) a /roup o) )ar;ers and ranchers. MALLARD FILLMORE \and one doctor] ,ho ,ant all o) the deer in the VlacI Hills annihilated. ,ho ha<e no inter6 est in an2one or an2thin/ but their precious al)al)a )ields. ,ho ,ill disa/ree ,ith an2one or an2thin/ the depart;ent does. ,ho ,ill ?u;p all o<er a )a<orite e;plo2ee o) the depart;ent. then turn ri/ht around and )i/ht )or so;e ?erI ,ho should ha<e his head eUa;ined. &t ,ill )i/ht )or a Ke;ocrat on co;;ission. then cause a Hepublican /o<ernor to lose an election. 2et it is ;ade up o) Hepublicans. &t sticIs its necI out )arther than e<en the /a;e co;;ission can. then /ets b2 ,ithout a bruise. &ts na;e ,e )ear. its ;e;bers ,e hate. its ,ords ,e hear. its ad<ice ,e ,ill not taIe. &t is a thorn in our side. a burr under our saddle. a )l2 in our oint6 ;ent and a pain in our necI. ^o, 2ou ha<e the )actsG taIe 2our choice and rest assured 2ou ,ill al,a2s )ind those ,ho ,ill a/ree ,ith 2ou. Vut re;e;ber. there ,ill al,a2s be others ,ho ,ill disa/ree. e<en the Bnappers.D &;pressi<e description. phan6 to; Bnapper ,riter. M2 curios6 it2 is piJued. 4hou/h & donCt dare call it a de)inition. since it ad;its that e<en Bnappers ;a2 not a/ree. the docu;ent ,ar6 rants )urther in<esti/ation into the histor2 o) the BnapperCs Nlub. NhecI out neUt ,eeICs colu;n )or ;ore_ BY BRUCE TINSLEY • SPEARFISH, BELLE FOURCHE, WHITEWOOD NEWS: 315 Seaton Circle, PO Box 7, Spearfish, SD 57783 Toll Free 1-800-676-2761 or 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • LEAD-DEADWOOD NEWS: 7 S. Main, PO Box 876, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-584-2303 • Fax 605-584-2333 • OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call For Rates In Your Area • Mail Rates - Quarterly - $37.50 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The Black Hills Pioneer is the official newspaper of Central City, City of Lead, Lead-Deadwood School District, City of Spearfish, Lawrence County, Spearfish School District, St. Onge, Whitewood, and the legal newspaper for publication of notices. COPYRIGHT, 2010, Black Hills Pioneer. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied, or in any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher. BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010 SD transit system adds hybrid bus PMHAAH NOPP Q O pub+ic tran> /it /B/tem that /er0e/ centra+ Iouth RaGota ha/ added a hBbrid e+ectric bu/ to it/ f+eet. Ai0er Citie/ Pub+ic "ran/it e2ec> uti0e director Aon Saumgart to+d the Pierre Capita+ Tourna+ that the 1=>/eat bu/ maB be the on+B one of it/ Gind in Iouth RaGota. "he bu/ ha/ been operating /ince DondaB and i/ being moni> Page 7 CREEKSIDE Continued from Page 8 tored for mi+eage and perfor> mance. Saumgart /aB/ the hBbrid bu/ i/ getting about three mi+e/ per ga+> +on more than other bu/e/ in the f+eet of more than U;. On VJU<;;; federa+ grant paid for J; percent of the bu/. "he remainder of the co/t wa/ made through 0ariou/ donation/ and contribution/ from emp+oBee/. !" geotherma+ +ine/ ha0e been e2tended from the bui+ding to the we++ fi+ed.8 Crew/ hired to dig the 1;;< =;;>foot>deep we++/ were /chedu+ed to arri0e around Aa++B time< but no room/ cou+d be found and their trip wa/ po/tponed. Ceigh Do/er< /uperin> tendent for the proEect< /aid their de+aB wou+d not /+ow down the con/truc> tion proce//. Fi++iam/ /aid the c+a//> room wing/ are fu++B enc+o/ed< and the meta+ /tud wa++/ are comp+ete. Da/on/ are in/ta++ing b+ocG bB the Gitchen area< and roof/ are about to be con/tructed. CreeG/ide H+ementarB Ichoo+ wi++ rep+ace JK> Bear>o+d Ha/t H+ementarB Ichoo+. Fi++iam/ /aid the con> /truction crew/ were on /chedu+e. Church Directory Lead Christ Episcopal Church !"1 %& 'ain+ ,ead o 0123"!45 6e7tor: ;<e 6e=& >ern 6a?7<@e+ P<&B& CundaE %or?<iF: GoHE Iu7<ari?t J:"4 a&m ;<ur?daE: GoHE Iu7<ari?t 14 a&m& %ee@HE LiMHe CtudE and C<iHdrenO? CHa??e? PCaHH for time?&R "rd 'ondaE?: C<ur7< %omen 1 F&m& Trinity United Methodist Church Countryside Community Church cContemForarE %or?<iF ] 6eHe=ant ,ife3C<anging 'e??age?d !T0 %oodHand Bri=e PME Cand?tone UdditionR Pa?tor 'ar@ Vu<r !2T34010 %or?<iF CeHeMration? for t<e faHHeWinter: Cer=i7e? are CaturdaE at 5 F&m& and CundaE J a&m& and 14:24 a&m& [ur?erE ] C<iHdrenf? 'ini?trE at aHH t<ree Wor?<iF? Ihit 1T+ CFearfi?<+ CB Bon ZreE+ interim Pa?tor WWW&?Fearfi?<7<ur7<&7om S !2T324"! CundaE?: CundaE C7<ooH for nur?erE t<ru aduHt? J:44 a&m& S %or?<iF Cer=i7e 14:"4 a&m& I=ening ?maHH grouF? at 7<ur7< 0:"4 F&m& Wit< meaH offered at !:"4 F&m& %edne?daE?: U%U[U " Er?&30t< grade !35:"4 F&m& PraEer meeting for aduHt? !:"4 F&m& \out< P'iddHe C7<ooH ] Gig< C7<ooHR !:"4 F&m& All Angels Episcopal Church U FHa7e to Wor?<iF `od and <ear Gi? Word Fro7Haimed& 111 C& 'ain S 01231"T1 Pa?tor Lru7e Udam? %or?<iF C7<eduHe: 1:44 a&m& CundaE C7<ooH J:44 a&m& %or?<iF Cer=i7e 14:44 a&m& Coffee VeHHoW?<iF Corner of 0t< ] 'i7<igan S !2T32"2J 6e=erend Lun@er GiHH %or?<iF: CundaE 1:44 ] 14:10 a&m& and CaturdaE 0:"4 F&m& Idu7ation %edne?daE 0 F&m& Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Spearfish United Methodist Church 1T0 %e?t 'ain+ ,ead S 5TT31T4! Pa?tor ;<oma? CtenXiH Cer=i7e?: %edne?daE !:"4 F&m& CundaE J:44 a&m& Communion e=erE CundaE CundaE C7<ooH foHHoW? ?er=i7e Spearfish Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 14T4 Ctate Ctreet S !2T3"510 Cr& Pa?tor Yent CtiHH?on U??o7& Pa?tor Yaren 'atu?@a ,aE 'ini?ter ,aura CamFMeHH CZ[BU\C: %or?<iF Cer=i7e? 1:"4 ] 14:20 a&m& [ur?erE a=aiHaMHe 1:10311:20 a&m& Yid? of t<e Yingdom J:20314:20 a&m& UduHt C<ri?tian Idu7ation J:20314:20 a&m& '_[BU\C: `ood C<eF<erd CHini7 !3J F&m& %IB[ICBU\C: Yid aone ":"430 F&m& S Confirmation 035 F&m& Gig< C7<ooH \out< `rouF 5 F&m&3;<e ,i=ing 6oom St. Joseph’s Catholic Church 122 0t< Ctreet S !2T3T"4! Vat<er Goag ] Vat<er Ca?tor CaturdaE 'a?? 3 0:"4 F&m& CundaE 'a?? 1:"4 a&m& ] 0:"4 F&m& WWW&?tbo?eF<?Fearfi?<&7om Mountain View Baptist Church 0t< ] Yan?a? S !2T3"205 Pa?tor Bar Ler@enFa? CaturdaE LHue gean %or?<iF 0:"4 F&m& CundaE %or?<iF 1:44 ] 14:"4 a&m& [ur?erE Pro=ided GoHE Communion e=erE 1?t Wee@end of t<e mont< North Point Christian Church P_ Loh !25+ CFearfi?< S 5153!554 Pa?tor 'att Lranum U??o7iate 6Ean C<are?t 'i??ion Ctatement: Uut<enti7 FeoFHe 7ommitted to ?<aring `odf? Ho=e t<roug< ?in7ere reHation?<iF? in?Firing Wor?<iF+ and 7ommunitE outrea7<& CundaE CeHeMration Cer=i7e 14:44 a&m& at t<e CFearfi?< Gig< C7<ooH Uuditorium Spearfish Christian Fellowship 6e7entHE 'o=ed to TTT %& iHHinoi? P_Hd ;oomeEf? LuiHdingR 5153J545 Pa?tor IHHi? ,u7a? %or?<iF C7<eduHe: 14:44 a&m& %or?<iF Cer=i7e %edne?daE nig<t ?tudE a=aiHaMHe C<iHd 7are Fro=ided WWW&?Fearfi?<7<ri?tianfeHHoW?<iF&org Spearfish United Church of Christ PCongregationaHR JT4 'ain Ctreet S P_ Loh 2!0 CFearfi?<+ CB S !2T31T0" Pa?tor geff BiH@? %or?<iF Cer=i7e 14:44 a&m& Coffee Gour foHHoW? Hillsview Church of the Nazarene 1T44 [& ;ent< Ct& S !2T3"2"! Pa?tor YeHHeE ,o=eHa7e CundaE C7<ooH PaHH age?R: J:20 a&m& 3 [ur?erE %or?<iF C7<eduHe: 14:20 a&m& 3 C<iHdrenf? 'ini?trE %edne?daE: !:10 F&m& 3 UduHt CmaHH `rouF ] Cara=an? P2 Er?& to teen?R ImaiH: YeHHeEHo=eHa7emEmaiH&7om Sturgis First United Methodist Church 1500 LaHH Par@ 6oad S 5T430051 Pa?tor YEHe 6ein<iHHer CundaE %or?<iF Cer=i7e? at 1 ] 14:"4 a&m& CundaE C7<ooH for aHH age? at J:10 a&m& VeHHoW?<iF foHHoWing ea7< ?er=i7e CaturdaE [ig<t Cer=i7e at 0:44 F&m& LifeSong Fellowship PU Vour?juare C<ur7<R k5 ;om 6aH Bri=e+ nort< end of I=an? ,ane P2t< <ou?e on t<e HeftR !403"!13!!J! Pa?tor 'artE Gogen VridaE [ig<t? in t<e Par@ !:44 Vree Vood+ 5:44 Vree 'u?i7 S CundaE morning J:44 LiMHe CtudE ] VeHHoW?<iF UHH are WeH7omel Come a? Eou arel !" $%& '%&() (!*+ $%&, C.&,C. (!/0+)1 P(+3/+ C3(( 0.+ 4(3C* .!((/ P!%5++, 30 67898:61 %, <=798>?> "%, ,30+/ READ To Your Kids Every Day!! Travel Page 8 Friday, September 24, 2010 news@bhpioneer.com Spain IDs previously unknown Bruegel masterpiece !" #$%&%' ($)*+ !ssociated Press -riter MADRID 'AP) — An unidentified painting brought to Spain about 400 years ago has turned out to be a previously unknown masterpiece by 1Fthcentury Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder, the culture minister said Thursday. Angeles Gonzalez Sinde said experts at Madrid's Prado National Art Museum have positively identified the painting, RThe Wine of St. Martin's Day,R and are negotiating to buy it from its current owners. RThe discovery of the painting is fantastic news for the history of art,R Prado director Miguel Tugaza said. The tempera on linen painting measuring is dated between 1UFU and 1UFV. It depicts a crowd of about 100 people scrambling madly to get a sample of the year's first vintage from a barrel on St. Martin's feast day. The scene is replete with peasant women and children, drunks, blind people, beggars and thieves. On the outskirts are figures fighting with each other and others collapsed on the ground. RDiscovery of a Bruegel is an exceptional event and not something that is likely to be repeated,R Gonzalez Sinde said. The Prado has just one other Bruegel the Elder painting, RThe Triumph of Death.R The museum said that prior to the latest find, there were just 40 signed Bruegels in existence. Gonzalez Sinde declined to say how much has been offered, but said she was confident the painting would stay in Spain and form part of the Prado's collection. In this photo released by The Prado Museum in Madrid, Thursday Sept. 23, a previously undiscovered painting titled "The Wine of St. Martin's Day" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder is seen. The painting was officially presented Thursday at the Prado Museum. AP photo Spain's El Pais newspaper said the museum was prepared to pay about Y7 million '$\.]] million), but that the painting could fetch as much as Y2U million if sold in the private sector. The minister said the owners had indicated they would prefer it went to a national museum rather than into private hands. Prior knowledge of the painting's image was known from an ancient engraving, but the work itself Rhad been taken for lost,R Tugaza said. The painting was brought to Spain from Italy by the ninth Duke of Medinaceli in the 17th century and remained in the family's hands up until recently, he said. Its current owners were private collectors who did not want to be named, he added. Tugaza said the collectors did not know it was a Bruegel until they set about trying to sell it last year. Sotheby's of Madrid then asked the Prado to study the much-deteriorated work, and investigations gradually brought to light that it was a Bruegel. RAll the top experts in Flemish painting and in Bruegel were invited to view the work, and they were unanimous in declaring it a work of the master,R Tugaza said. Confirmation came on Sept. F when cleaning work revealed Bruegel's signature. in! a g It A d i D © Beth Mathis NEW LISTING Great Retail Location With Highway Visibility Try your retail business on one of the busiest corners in Spearfish. Highway 85 visibility with school activities and shopping close by. Spearfish • $629,000 • MLS 33358 Call 605-645-6284 !!!"#$%&'(eer"+', Friday, September 24, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 9 Cuba details brave new world of private enterprise !A#ANA %A&'()(C+,-./(0122+34/5 67-879/(,7:-3(6-;43:(1+5(5<7(875-46/(1=(5<749 894>7(51(097-57(2197(=977(73579?94/7(13(5<7 4/6-38(13(@948-;A(2-??43:(1+5(-(,9->7(37B B1968(1=(,1//7/(-38(72?61;77/A(?79/13-6 -001+35-35/(-38(-(84CC;43:(3+2,79(1= /2-66D5427(,+/437//7/E F<7(?6-3/(D(6-48(1+5(43(-(5<977D?-:7 /?97-8(43(5<7(C122+34/5(&-95;D8-46; G9-32-(D(=1661B(6-/5(B77H./(-331+3072735 5<-5(5<7(:1>7932735(B466(6-;(1==(IJJAJJJ B19H79/(,;(5<7(738(1=(K-90<A(5<7(,4::7/5 0<-3:7(43(5<4/(01+359;./(70131240(/;/572 /4307(5<7(7-96;(LMMJ/E @19(5<7(=49/5(5427A(C+,-3/(43(NO(?94>-57 -054>4547/(B466(,7(-661B78(51(72?61;(?71?67 15<79(5<-3(5<749(976-54>7/E(F<7(C7359-6(B-3H 4/(7>73(/5+8;43:(B-;/(51(:75(/2-66(61-3/ 4351(5<7(<-38/(1=(5<7(01+359;./(37B(73597D ?9737+9/A(-0019843:(51(5<7(37B/?-?79A B<40<(04578(E01312;(K434/579(K-9431 K+94661(J19:7(-38(-(>407D2434/579(1=(6-,19 -38(/104-6(/70+945;A(A824(#-6<+7984 C7?791E SF<7(8704/413(51(611/73(5<7(9+67/(13(?94D >-57(72?61;2735(4/(137(1=(5<7(/57?/(5<7 01+359;(<-/(5-H73(43(5<7(9787/4:3(1=(45/(701D 31240(?164047/(51(43097-/7(?918+05413(67>D 76/(-38(7==404730;AS(G9-32-(97?19578E C+,-3/(-+5<194C78(51(64>7(1>79/7-/(D 5<1+:<(-??-97356;(315(7T467/(D(B466(,7(-,67 51(5-H7(?-95(43(5<7(70131240(0<-3:7/(,; 3-243:(-(97?97/735-54>7(13(5<7(4/6-38(B<1 0-3(<76?(5<72(9735(5<7(0-9/(5<7;(67=5 ,7<438E U5(-6/1(611/73/(9+67/(13(C+,-3/(B<1 B-35(51(9735(5<749(<127/(1+5(51(59->7679/A /-;43:(5<7;(31(613:79(<->7(51(64>7(5<797 5<72/76>7/(-38(0-3(<497(/5-==E(F<-5(097-57/ 5<7(?1//4,4645;(1=(?1/<(,78(-38(,97-H=-/5/A 43/57-8(1=(5<7(5<97-8,-97(,1-9843:(<1+/7/ 5<-5(7T4/5(31BE G9-32-(4/(5<7(>1407(1=(5<7(C122+34/5 &-95;(-38(137(1=(5<7(?94304?-6(B-;/(5<7 :1>7932735(0122+340-57/(?6-3/(B45<(5<7 ?71?67E(F<7(?-?79(?9124/78(2197(875-46/(43 01243:(8-;/A(/-;43:(5<-5(5<7(7T?-3878(?94D >-57(73579?94/7(B1+68(,7(S-315<79(1??195+D 345;A(+3879(5<7(B-50<=+6(7;7(1=(5<7(/5-57S(51 S42?91>7(5<7(V+-645;(1=(64=7(1=(C+,-3/ES F<7(37B(1?7343:/(-97(/+97(51(,7(B76D 0127(43(-(01+359;(B<797(;1+3:(?71?67 <->7(,773(06-21943:(=19(2197(1??195+34D 547/(=19(;7-9/A(,+5(5<7;(B466(-6/1(097-57(573D /413(-38(+?<7->-6E K-967;(K-95437CA(WWA(4/(137(1=(5<1/7(B<1 /-;/(/<7(4/(-697-8;(B74:<43:(<79(1?5413/E S<7./(-(/5-57D59-4378(-001+35-35(,+5(4/ /5+8;43:(51(,70127(-(<-49(897//79(-38 <1?7/(51(1?73(<79(1B3(/<1?E(B-9,79(4/(N1E YY(13(G9-32-./(64/5(1=(/76=D72?61;2735 Z1,/E SU5./(315(97-66;(-(897-2A(,+5(45./(/127D 5<43:(U(B-35(51(81(-38(=776(U(3778(51(81AS /-48(K-95437CA(B<1(B-/(/5916643:(5<91+:<(091B878(!->-3-(/<1??43:(073579E(S[<-5 5<7(?71?67(3778(-97(2197(70131240(=977D 812/A(5<7(-,4645;(51(B19H(=19(5<72/76>7/ES C+997356;A(5<7(/5-57(81243-57/(37-96; 7>79;(-/?705(1=(5<7(C+,-3(701312;A 72?61;43:(-5(67-/5(N\(?790735(1=(5<7(B19H =1907(-38(?-;43:(-3(->79-:7(1=(]WJ(2135<E(U3(975+93A(4/6-3879/(-97(:+-9-35778 =977(78+0-5413(-38(<7-65<(0-97A(-/(B766(-/ 37-96;(=977(<1+/43:A(59-3/?195-5413(-38 ,-/40(=118E &97/48735(^-+6(C-/591(<-/(/-48(5<7(0-/<D /59-??78(:1>7932735(0-3(31(613:79(-==198 /+0<(:73791+/(/+,/4847/(-38(5<-5(<7(B-35/ 51(2187934C7(C+,-./(701312;A(B45<1+5 -,-381343:(/104-64/2E(F<7(:1-6(1=(5<7 97=192/(4/(51(61B79(5<7(:1>7932735(?-;9166 B<467(/42+65-371+/6;(,11/543:(/5-57(97>D 73+7(,;(0<-9:43:(?94>-57(73579?94/7(5-T7/E G9-32-(/-48(5<1/7(5-H43:(-8>-35-:7(1= 5<7(37B(1??195+34547/(B1+68(<->7(51(315 136;(?-;(?79/13-6(430127(5-TA(,+5(-6/1 /-67/(-38(?-;9166(5-T7/(D(-/(B766(-/(013D 594,+57(51(/104-6(/70+945;E(A3-6;/5/(/-;(5<7 /+007//(1=(5<7(?91:9-2(87?738/(6-9:76;(13 5<7(:1>7932735./(-,4645;(51(0166705(5<1/7 97>73+7/A(31(/2-66(=7-5(43(-3(701312;(5<-5 4/(1>79B<76243:6;(0-/<(,-/78E A >4,9-35(,6-0H(2-9H75(-697-8;(7T4/5/(43 C+,-(1==7943:(2-3;(1=(5<7(/79>407/(5<7 :1>7932735(<1?7/(51(67:45424C7A(-38 31,18;(43>16>78(?-;/(430127(19(/-67/(5-TE F<7(-954067(5947/(51(-66-;(-3;(=7-9/(5<-5 5<7(01+359;(4/(72,9-043:(=977D2-9H75(0-?4D 5-64/2A(/-;43:(5<-5(5<7(0<-3:7/(B466(-6B-;/ ,7(S=-45<=+6(51(5<7(/104-64/5(?94304?67/(1+9 013/545+5413(872-38/ES S5466(5<7(0<-3:7/(1+564378(1>79(5<7(?-/5 5B1(B77H/(-97(/+97(51(7T?-38(5<7(,97-0< ,75B773(<->7/(-38(<->7D315/(43(-(6-38(5<-5 <-/(/?735(IJ(;7-9/(/594>43:(=19(-3(7:-645-94D -3(+51?4-E U3(-66A(/127(LYN(?94>-57(-054>4547/(B466(,7 -661B78(-38(7T?-3878A(5<1+:<(136;(/7>73 1=(5<1/7(-97(7354976;(37B(D(4306+843: -001+35-35/A(,-5<9112(-55738-35/A(5+519/ -38(=9+45(>73819/E(_37(735497(?-:7(1=(5<7 37B/?-?79(B-/(87>1578(51(64/543:(Z1,/(5<-5 B466(V+-64=;(=19(/76=D72?61;2735E(F<7(64/5 <-/(7>79;5<43:(=912(=619-6(B97-5<(-99-3:79/ 51(-342-6(59-4379/(51(43579419(87019-519/E F<7(9+67/A(B<40<(-97(/75(51(:1(4351(7==705 37T5(2135<A(B466(-6/1(-661B(=19(-(:97-5 7T?-3/413(1=(?94>-57(97/5-+9-35/(D(0-6678 ?-6-8-97/(D(B<40<(B466(,7(-,67(51(/79>7(+? 51(WJ(?71?67(-38(7T?-38(5<749(273+/(51 4306+87(<4:<79D?94078(4572/(64H7(,77=(-38 61,/579E &97>41+/6;A(:1>7932735(9+67/(6424578 5<72(51(LW(/7-5/(-38(?6-078(97/59405413/(13 B<-5(5<749(273+/(01+68(1==79A(5<1+:<(21/5 7/5-,64/<2735/(,6-5-356;(>416-578(5<7(9+67/E Page 10 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010 LAND !"#ti#&e()*+"m)-a/e)0 South Da)ota Science and Technology Authority Board of Director7 Thur7day. The board al7o approved a <=00,000 Elli7on Aill purcha7e option and authorized Cheeler to 7ign the final agreeDent Eith Barric), a7 Eell a7 Da)ing the fir7t payDent. Spea)ing to the anneFation i77ue, Cheeler 7aid that Mayor of Lead ToD Nel7on i7 favorable toEard anneFing the property donated to the Authority into the city. Chile tEothird7 of the property lie7 Eithin the cityK7 Luri7diction, the reDainder lie7 in the countyK7. Therein lie7 the probleD. MBy anneFing all the property, all the building code7 and Luri7diction Eill fall Eithin the city of Lead,N Friday, October 1 Noon-4pm: Oktober Polka Fest at Four Aces 5-9pm: Oktober Polka Fest at Four Aces Cheeler 7aid. MMa)ing all building code7 con7i7tent Eith one Luri7diction i7 particularly iDportant a7 Ee 7tart loo)ing at eFpanding the DUSEL.N Cheeler cited tEo rea7on7 for entering in to the adLacent 2Q.=9acre Elli7on Aill purcha7e. MOne, Eould be acce77 and grade. TEo, I per7onally believe that at 7oDe point Do7t national lab7 add on. So the ability to not be landloc)ed i7 one other iDportant factor to con7ider a7 the DUSEL proLect progre77e7,N Cheeler 7aid. The Elli7on Aill purcha7e option i7 a three-year option, Eith three annual payDent7 of <1V,000 each. If eFecuted, tho7e payDent7 are applicable toEard the <=00,000 price for the neFt tEo 7ucce77ive year7. 6pm: Brat Giveaway at Oyster Bay 8pm: Beer Belly Contest at Oyster Bay Saturday, October 2 11am: Registration for the Wiener Dog Races on Main St. in front of Bullock Hotel Noon: Brat Giveaway at the Gold Dust 3pm: The 4th Annual Beer Barrel Games on Main Street in front of The Gold Dust 5-9pm: Oktober Polka Fest at Four Aces 1pm: The 4th Annual Wiener Dog Races on Main Street in front of The Bullock Hotel 8pm: Wife Carrying Contest at the Saloon #10 (keg rolling, strudel eating, stein holding, brat toss, stein race and more) Purses, jeans, jackets, sweaters, tops, dress pants, party dresses, sandals.... 6pm: AWARDS at the Saloon #10 Noon-4pm: Oktober Polka Fest at Four Aces 2pm: Registration for the Beer Barrel Games in front of Gold Dust Friday, September 24 & Saturday, September 25 Markdowns start at 50% and go as low as 90% off! Sunday, October 3 Noon-5pm: Oktober Polka Fest at Four Aces Prices start at 5.99 on the sale racks! $ 2-4pm: German Cook-Off at various locations 622 Main Street, Spearfish 605-642-3843 www.kathleensboutique.com The news Readers of today are the news Makers of tomorrow... Share the paper with your children. Your Hometown, Locally-Owned Newspaper For More Information, call 1-800-999-1876 or visit www.deadwood.org 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish 7 South Main Lead BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010 Page 11 FRIDAY’S TV KOTA PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC DIS FAM NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E HIST TNT SPIKE USA TVL TBS FSN ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN The Dr. Cyber Home Nate Seinfeld News Cash Phineas Friday iCarly Johnny Chris Cooking American Gangland Super- CSI: Crime NCIS AllFam King ProFoot SportsCen- Around Barrett- Church 4 :PM :30 Oz Show Busi Videos Berkus Friends News Night natural Scene “Iced” ter Cash Deck Big Time Adven Chris Minute Justice AllFam Amer. Stock Pardon Jackson Carrigan Automobile Daily PBS New- Chris Judge News News Survivor- Deck Funny iCarly Batman Chris ChalThe First Gangland Super- UFC NCIS Sanford Amer. Rockies Audibles High :PM ABC 5 :30 News sHour (N) Chris Judge News Ent man Wizards Videos Sponge. Ben 10 Chris lenge 48 natural Fight School Auction Mass Sanford Amer. Pregame (Live) Night (In Movie: Sanford Movie: Wheel Wash. Chris The Six Ray Medium Man, Wizards Funny Movie: Titan Mother Chopped Criminal Modern Movie: MLB Base- College Football From the Life on 6 :PM Arena at the Rock Stereo) “Juno” Sanford “Forrest ball: San Football: :30 J’pardy! Need to Chris Woman Hannah Videos “Fred: The Genera Mother Cham. Minds Marvels “I Am Two Mother Mandalay Campus Gump” Francisco Texas Movie” Star (2007) Know (N) Curb Good Funny Reba Diners Criminal Gangland Legend” Ray Human Dateline CSI: NY Man, :PM Family Bay in Las Rosary 7 :30 Better Group Entou Target NBC “In (1994) (2007) Giants at Christian at Woman Sonny Videos (2010) Titan Reba Diners Minds Entou Ray Tom Colorado Southern Baseball Vegas. Entou- Movie: Ray YearsMLB The Good Broad Blue Beyond Good Funny Lopez King-Hill Reba Meat Criminal Gangland Movie: :PM The Whole Market 8 :30 Truth Meet Baseball: Guys Daylight” Bloods Survival Hannah Videos Martin King-Hill Reba Best Minds (N) “I Am rage “Legally Ray Hanks. Rockies. Methodist. Tonight (Live) 50Thorn Blonde” Rose White Sox News 20/20 (N) Cand Outlaw News Man, Deck The 700 Nanny Fam Guy Mother Good The Gangland Legend” Entou Movie: Post SportsCen- MLS Soc- Trackside Angels 9 :PM at Angels (2007) :30 (N) “The cer: Red At... (N) Women BBC Sports Woman Phineas Club (N) Nanny Fam Guy Mother Rachael Glades Ways Rose Rockies ter Terminal” MLB Base- Baseball Bulls at The Grid Daily MAN “Legally Rose News Charlie Two News Letter- Man, Fish Whose? Nanny Amer. Mother Diners Criminal Modern Movie: 10 :PM (2004) :30 Nightline Rose (N) Woman Phineas Whose? Chris Marvels “Execu- Trailers Blonde Rose ball: San NFL Live Galaxy Formula Mass Office Jay Leno man Amer. Frasier Diners Minds Francisco SportsCen- AFL Pre- 1 Debrief Life on Jimmy Smiley News Scrubs Late Beyond Jonas Paid George The Of- Frasier Meat Criminal Gangland tive Deci- UFC 119 2” Nanny 11 :PM sion” Giants at ter :30 Kimmel America South Pk Jim Survival Jonas fice Minds Cnt. miership Formula the Rock Late Ripped Lopez Medium Best Nanny Movie: Home Im “A Lot Colorado SportsCen- Football One Rac- Parable Medicine- Entou King-Hill Night News Blood for Deck Paid My Wife King-Hill Good Criminal Gangland (1996) Movie: Movie: :AM Insider 12 :30 Chris Wrng Curb Fam Guy Carson Ent Gods Deck Paid My Wife King-Hill Paid Rachael Minds Rockies. ter ing “Ali G In- Home Im Like Dumbest “Hard Defend to Kill” dahouse” 3’s Co. Love” “No Kid- Paid Fam Guy Poker Access Sexy Sonny The 700 Chris Fam Guy Paid Chopped The Gangland Law & Final Scr College Trackside Vatican :AM Entou 1 :30 Curb ding” Paid TMZ (N) After Dark KELO- Money Good Club (N) Chris Fam Guy Paid Cham. Glades (1990) (2002) Order At... 3’s Co. Bloopers Final Scr Football NFP Depres- Star Trek: Sign Off Jay Leno LAND Paid Hannah Paid Nanny Mouse Paid Giada Paid Paid Law & Paid Paid 3’s Co. Harvey Action Drag Paid Joy Mu :AM Movie 2 :30 Weather Paid sion Next Racing Paid Deck Kill Nanny Amer. Paid Food Paid Profit In Order Paid Celeb M*A*S*H Harvey Sports Saints TV 411 Home In Wine NOW Profit In Phineas Paid Family Amer. Paid Paid Money Paid Law & Paid Paid M*A*S*H Married Paid SportsCenPaid Mission :AM 3 :30 ter for Truth Paid Family Home Vaca Paid Paid Success Order Paid Paid M*A*S*H Married Paid Brown Paid TV 411 Videos OverPaid Movie: night Money “Double Paid Family Jerry Baby Mean Paid Paid Law & Paid Law M*A*S*H Married Paid SportsCen- Whitetail Paid Original :AM “Croco- Knitting Singsa 4 :30 dile Dakota Paid Radar Teamed” Vaca Order: CI M*A*S*H Married Paid ter Paid Family Hero Foods Dinners Paid CAR MD Order Profit Realtree Secret Swear Hunter: Rogers The Spirit News Vaca Charlie Movie: Jimmy Poke Faces Minute Ghost Heavy Law & Sexy Proline M*A*S*H Harvey Paid SportsCen- Driven Rac. Chaplet 5 :AM :30 Collision” Builder of Missis“KickOrder ter Wall St. Paid Ein Jimmy Bey Paid Dinners Stories Metal Paid Kill M*A*S*H Harvey Paid English NASCAR Rosary ing and Baby Paid Griffith Just Paid Good Curious sippi News Today (N) The Early Discov- Ein Sponge. Ben 10 Faces Cooking Sell Journey Law & SportsCen- Premier Chop Daily 6 :AM League Gearz :30 Morning Cat in Show ery-CME Jungle Screaming” Sponge. Titan to 10,000 Order ter Mass SexyGrill It! Sell Paid Cooking Griffith Just Paid BC School Super Heat of Quest Willa’s (N) (In Man vs. Chug Movie: Sponge. Genera Paid Tyler Sell Law & Practical Psych Griffith Just Paid SportsCen- Soccer Gearz Donut 7 :AM :30 Repla Order ter Dinosaur Night Kds Dragon Stereo) Wild Movers “Indepen- Sponge. Star NO DI Mexican Sell Lives Griffith Bloopers Paid Hot Rod Catholic Paid Griffith Movie: Raven Thomas Heat of Adven. Turbo Dood Swords: Handy dence Sponge. Bakugan Paid Minute Sell Prehis- Dark Blue What If? Movie: College NHRA Formula Angels 8 :AM Day” :30 Raven Life “Pilot” GameDay NASCAR One Rac- Lucy Angelina Night Pets.TV Shelldon Dood Agent Sponge. Wheels Mean Secrets House toric Conceal “The 40- Griffith “The Paid From Boise, Racing ing Hannah Sews Texas Icons Pen Sabrina The Mickey (1996) Sponge. Bey Movie: Home Flip This Monsters The Xtreme Year-Old Griffith Terminal” Foods Knights 9 :AM Idaho. :30 Suite “Mother House Revealed Closer Horse. Virgin” Griffith (2004) Quilting Ranger Eco Co. Babar Sabrina Colony Mickey Will Smith. Sponge. Bey Paula Paid Lucas Oil Holy Knows Cooking Flip This Swamp Law & Trucks! (2005) Griffith Big 12 Daily Into Wild Quilt Texas Marketpl PGA Tour Busy Chain Phineas “Chron- World- Bey College College Off 10 :AM Best” (1997) Fix :30 Career House People Order Gang College Football: Football: NASCAR Mass Muscle Griffith Movie: Sewing Ranger Marketpl Golf: Tour Busy Phineas icles of Wide Movie: Aqua Quilt Art MLB Marketpl Champion- Paid County Phineas Narnia: Day of “Gar“Mother, Giada Flip Swamp Movie: UFC 119 Movie: Griffith “Forrest Football: North Caro- Bowling Racing Reli 11 :AM Lion, Play (In field” :30 Into Wild Work Baseball: Marketpl ship, Third Paid Jail May I People “ExCnt. “Juno” Griffith Gump” Central lina State Green at NASCAR Eucha Fish Con Movie: Round. Paid Witch and Stereo) (2004) Florida at at Georgia Michigan. Barrett- Mass Sleep With Food Truck “Cock- Swamp ecutive Gangland (2007) Hazelton Woods. Cardinals Paid Hard Time Deck Griffith (1994) 12 :PM From the Ward(Live) Kansas Tech. Danger?” Race tail” :30 Storms This Old at Cubs Paid Alaska Deck People Decision” Jackson For The Paid Movie: Griffith Tom Atlanta. Football Cook Centennial Griffith Hanks. State. Score Countdn AutoPaid Wizards robe” Sponge. “Home “IdenChopped (1988) American (1996) Kurt Gangland Movie: :PM Football House Hr (Live) 1 :30 College MotorWk Inning Base College College County Jail Wizards Movie: Sponge. Alone 2: tity Theft: Cham. Movie: Pickers Russell. “Legally Griffith Jim College NASCAR mobile Celebration Football: Football: Cook Football: Victory Law Football Racing: Auction Teach “Edward Sponge. Lost in Michelle 24 Hr “The MLB Good Pawn Movie: Gangland Blonde” Griffith Ray High 2 :PM Perfect Pawn Nationwide (Live) :30 Regional Cook’s Order: CI Baseball: Stanford Alabama County Jail Sonny Scis“Walking Sponge. New York” Brown” Battle Griffith Seinfeld School Search Series: Painting The Unit Red Sox at Notre at Arkan- County Hannah sorhands” Big Time Johnny “Seven- Iron Chef Storm” Sniper: Tall” Gangland “Legally Griffith Seinfeld Football Father :PM Cover3 :30 age. Book sas. Dover 200. at Yankees Dame. Jail: Miami Hannah (1990) Deadliest Chroni Bld 2” Groeschel Big Time Johnny teen-Miss” America (2000) Griffith King SATURDAY’S TV KOTA PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC DIS College Classic The Unit MLB College College Gang Good 4 :PM :30 Football Gospel Baseball Football Football Wars Good Grey’s Lawrence Bones Brothers News News Gang Sonny 5 :PM :30 Anatomy Welk & Sisters Paid Wall St. Wars Jonas College Lom Bones Two Friends Hawaii Almost, Wizards 6 :PM :30 Football: Time/By Away Two Friends Five-0 Wizards Oregon Keep Up Curb Cops (N) The Event Blue Almost, Hannah 7 :PM :30 State at May “Pilot” Bloods Away Entou Cops Hannah Summer Entou Most Chase 48 Hours Almost, Deck :PM Boise 8 :30 State. Red Curb Wanted “Pilot” Mystery Away Deck No Cover, Mother News Law & News Almost, Phineas 9 :PM :30 J’pardy! No Min Order: SVU EnterAway Mother Office Fish tainment Almost, Deck Austin Entou Bones News :PM News 10 :30 The City Limits Curb Away Saturday NUMHannah B3RS Jammin’ South Pk Lone Star Night Almost, Jonas :PM Closer 11 :30 The Unit Globe South Pk “Pilot” Live Access Away Jonas Trekker Movie: Hollywood Gang Wilde Poker Phineas 12 :AM :30 Insider Time/By “Ameri- Fam Guy After Dark KELO- Wars Fish Keep Up ca’s Heart TMZ (N) Bellator LAND Paid Deck :AM Entou 1 :30 Curb May and Soul” Weather Paid OverHannah NOW Ugly Summer Legend Sign Off night Paid Deck 2 :AM Radar :30 Betty Seeker Red KardDeck “Croco- No Cover, Legend Paid Good 3 :AM :30 dile No Min Seeker Curl “Eddie’s Hunter: Dakota World Ripped Cook4 :AM Off” :30 Collision” Cyber Scudder Paid Proving Curious Winston AgriBusiMusic Cool Charlie 5 :AM :30 Holiness Cat in ness Facts U.S. Farm Faith in Jente Ein Report News Super David News Osteen Ein :AM Good 6 :30 Morning Dinosaur Beyond Home. Paid In Touch Jungle Sid Feed Fox News Love CBS News Survivor- Chug :AM This 7 :30 Week Martha Paid Sunday Jere Sunday man Movers Turning Arthur Movie: Paid Today (N) Morning Man, Manny 8 :AM :30 Point WordGirl “Napo- Feldick Nation Woman Agent Christn Electric leon Dy- Main Street Meet the Mass Beyond Mickey 9 :AM namite” Living :30 Worshp Fetch Press Survival Mickey KEL WHAD Group Law Fox NFL Eques- The NFL Survivor- Phineas 10 :AM :30 Animal Today man On One Order: CI Sunday trian Phineas NFL NFL Survivor- Phineas :AM Animals Religion Law 11 :30 Made Gener Order: CI Football: PGA Tour Football: man Phineas Detroit Golf: Tour Tennessee Survivor- Deck Traveler So. Dakota MLB 12 :PM :30 Open Focus Baseball: Lions at Champion- Titans at man Deck Live From St. Louis Minnesota ship, Final New York Survivor- Fish :PM Incred1 :30 ible Dog Lincoln Cardinals Vikings. Round. Giants. man Wizards From “Dreamer: Center at Chicago Post NFL Dirty Good 2 :PM Cubs. :30 Inspired (N) Poker- Atlanta. Football: Jobs Sonny (In Stereo by a True America Inning Colts at Dirty Stars.net Hannah 3 :PM Broncos Jobs :30 Story” Rudy Videos Sports Live) Hannah FAM NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E Victo Victo iCarly Jackson iCarly Big Time Victo iCarly Lopez Lopez Nanny Nanny Malcolm Malcolm Nanny Nanny Paid My Wife NO DI My Wife Paid Chris Paid Chris Younger Nanny Paid Nanny Paid Family Paid Family Paid Family Paid Family Movie: Grown “Wild Jimmy Child” Parents (2008) Parents Movie: Sponge. “Ella En- Sponge. chanted” Penguin Fanboy Movie: Penguin “Girls Just Fanboy Want to Troop Have Fun” iCarly Movie: TMNT: “Another Turtles Cinderel- Forever la Story” Parents Movie: Fanboy “Freaky Fanboy Friday” Penguin (2003) Penguin “Princess Sponge. Drs” Sponge. Movie: “Freaky Friday” (2003) Movie: “Liar Liar” (1997) Movie: “Liar Liar” (1997) Movie: “Sixteen Candles” HIST TNT SPIKE USA TVL Adven “Seven- ChalCSI: Sniper: Movie: Gangland “Legally Griffith teen-Miss” lenge Miami Deadliest “The Bld 2” Total Griffith Total Movie: Chopped CSI: Modern Chronicles UFC Un- NCIS Griffith Miami Marvels of Riddick” leashed Scooby “ConGriffith fi ned” “ScoobyChopped CSI: Gates of Movie: UFC Un- NCIS Griffith (2010) Doo 2: Miami Hell “300” leashed Griffith Mon(2007) Movie: Chopped CSI: UFC 119 NCIS Ray sters” “Maternal Miami “Sea Dog” Ray King-Hill Obsession” Chopped Movie: “The Hell: The Movie: Gangland NCIS Ray September Devil’s “10,000 Miami. King-Hill (2010) Ray Domain B.C.” Amer. Project Iron Chef Issue” Gangland The Event Ray (2008) Runway America (2009) “Pilot” Amer. Ray Bleach Chopped CSI: Gates of Movie: Ways Law & Ray Miami Hell “Resident Ways Order: SVU Ray Kek Road Evil: Ex- Ways Fullme Mother Chopped CSI: Destina- Look tinction” Ways Miami tion Truth Nanny Fullme Mother Cowboy Paid Iron Chef Movie: “The Hell: The Movie: Ways WWE Nanny America September Devil’s “Resident Ways A.M. Raw Nanny Cowboy Paid Domain Evil: Apoca- Ways Ghost Celeb Chopped Issue” Ultimate Nanny (2009) lypse” Gamer Home Im Ghost Paid Ways Bleach Paid Meals! Paid Paid Law & Paid Paid Home Im Order Kek NO DI Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 3’s Co. Inuyasha Paid Paid Paid Paid Law & Paid Paid 3’s Co. Order Inuyasha Shark Paid Get Rich Shark eBay Money 3’s Co. Tom & Paid KillPaid Paid Law & Paid Law M*A*S*H Jerry Order Order: CI M*A*S*H Paid Mean Paid Mak Baby Poke Inc’sing Paula Movie: Modern Law & Paid Paid M*A*S*H Faith Marvels Order Program Creflo Bey Boitano “For M*A*S*H Scooby Hour of Secrets Love or Death Law & Sexy Paid Andy Money” Road Order Bodies Osteen Griffith Scooby Power Fix Unnatural Paid Giada Private Alaska: Law & Married Covert Griffith History Celeb Order Day Off Sessions Big Married Affairs Griffith America Law & Aloha, Chris Con The Xtreme Movie: Griffith Scooby- Chris Order Grill It! Sopranos Horse. “Smokin’ Griffith Doo Movie: Guy’s The Alaska: Law & Trucks! Aces” Griffith Garfield “Home- Cooking Sopranos Danger- Order Muscle- (2007) Griffith ous Car (In Garfield coming” Aarti The Movie: Griffith Johnny (2009) Dinners Sopranos Territory “10,000 Stereo) Movie: Griffith B.C.” Johnny Movie: Home Movie: Crime CSI: NY “Shoot Griffith ’Em Up” Griffith Wave: 18 (2008) Coden “Terror Daddy “The Perfect Months of Movie: Coden in the AmerCSI: NY Griffith Chowder Family” ica’s Best Storm” Mayhem “The Movie: Griffith (2000) Chowder Movie: AmerHillbilly: Chronicles CSI: NY “The Griffith Bourne Ul- Griffith ica’s Best The The Real of Riddick” Johnny “Held timatum” Hostage” Story Johnny AmerCriminal Movie: CSI: NY Griffith (2007) (2009) ica’s Best Minds “Resident Total Griffith Evil: Apoca- CSI: NY Law & Total “Maternal AmerCriminal CrumGriffith lypse” ica’s Best Minds bling Order: SVU Griffith Adven Obs” TBS King Amer. Amer. Amer. Movie: “The Family Man” (2000) Movie: “Titanic” (1997) Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. FSN ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN HS Football College Barrett- Life Football Score Football: Jackson God Cincinnati AutoRockies Score Angelica Pregame College vs. Okla- mobile Live homa. Auction MLB Base- Football: The Way (Live) (Live) ball: San South to Life Francisco Carolina College Fishers Giants at at Auburn. Football: NASCAR Angelica Colorado (Live) West Racing Fr. John Rockies. SportsCen- Virginia Corapi ter (Live) at LSU. Post Journey (Live) Home College Football: Football Baseball AMA Pro Daily Oregon at Final Tonight Racing Mass Arizona SportsCen- Drag AMA Pro Fr. John State. ter Racing Racing Corapi World SportsCen- NASCAR NASCAR Global Poker Tour ter Racing: Racing Showcase Movie: Nationwide “Copy- Boxing NFL Angels cat” College Series: Light (1995, Football Dover 200. EWTN Suspense) SportsCen- NASCAR Live ter (N) Married Paid Grades Gospel Home Im Paid SportsCen- NFL Paid Healing ter Married Paid Bassmas- Paid Original Married Paid Football ters CAR MD Heritage Home Im Air Rac- Final Beat Hot Rod Chaplet Home Im ing NFL Adven ForRosary Movie: Paid SportsCen- Whitetail mula One Sunday “The ter Paid Driven Racing: Mass FamPaid Outside NASCAR Singapore Litany Grand Prix. Book ily Man” Paid Sports Now (2000) Outdoor SportsCen- Drag NASCAR Reports ter Racing RaceDay Faith Movie: Hunt (Live) “Titanic” Whitetail Sunday Sport Aposto (1997, Bowhun NFL Football Angelica Drama) Paid Countdown Count- Truck U Sunday Leonardo Paid (Live) down Garage Mass DiCaprio, Paid NASCAR Year in ForLitany Kate Racing: Review mula One In ConPaid Winslet. Rockies Sprint Billiards Racing: cert Singapore Joy Mu Pregame Pregame Cup: MLB Base- MLB Base- AAA 400. Billiards Grand Prix. Chaplet ball: San ball: San (Live) Classic Holy Francisco Francisco Billiards Motorcycle The World Giants at Giants at Racing Over Drag Colorado Colorado SportsCen- Racing Motorcycle Biblical Rockies. Rockies. ter Racing NHRA Military Page 12 Garfield Baby Blues For Better or For Worse The Born Loser Frank and Ernest Ernie BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010 by Jim Davis by Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman by Lynn Johnston by Art & Chip Sansom by Bob Thaves by Bud Grace War-zone romance will be put to the test at home DEAR A&&Y( I *et a *an here in Afghanistan. 6We are 8oth :eploye:.> Since that :ay Ae haBe 8een together. C&enD EnoAs that I loBe hi* Bery *uch. He is sche:ule: to leaBe in tAo *onths. I a* sche:ule: to leaBe tAo *onths after that. &en liBes in Georgia, an: I co*e fro* TeKas. We Aant to *aEe it AorE Ahen Ae leaBe here. ILll continue Aith *y Mo8, 8ut 8ecause heLs a contractor, &en Aill 8e une*ploye:. IL* not Aorrie: a8out it 8ecause I EnoA heLs a goNgetter. A88y, I haBe ha: :ifficulty Ahen it co*es to relationN ships. I a* scare: to let *y guar: :oAn an: let this goo: *an proBi:e a life for *y chilN :ren an: *e. I truste: *y Ei:sL father an: he AalEe: out of our liBes. &en is eBerything I haBe praye: for. He tooE the step of giBing *e a pro*ise ring an: tol: *e heL: alAays 8e here for *e. Olease giBe *e so*e goo: a:Bice on hoA I shoul: han:le this. P IN LOVE IN AFGHANISTAN DEAR IN LOVE( &eing un:er lifeNan:N:eath pressure sharpens all of the senses. When people are in a strange or :angerous enBiron*ent, their e*otions can 8e heightN ene:. This is not to say that people in a Aar Vone canLt fall legiti*ately in loBe P it :oes happen. An: it *ay haBe hapN pene: for you an: &en. HoAeBer, the test of the strength of your relationship Aill co*e after you are 8oth 8acE ho*e in the USA. You tAo haBe a Aays to go 8efore you step up to the altar. Your chil:ren nee: to *eet &en, get to EnoA hi* an: accept hi*. An: he nee:s to proBe to you that he can 8e not only a life partner to you, 8ut a father to your chil:ren. So *y heartfelt a:Bice is to taEe this one step at a ti*e. DonLt rush into anything. If this Aas *eant to 8e, it Aill hapN pen in its oAn ti*e. DEAR A&&Y( A close fe*ale frien: *oBe: near *e Aith the intention of starting a serious relationship. WeLre in our 20s an: finishing college. CHallieD has Must 8een :iagN nose: Aith stage 2 oBarian cancer. While her prognosis is fairly opti*istic, her :octors say sheLll 8e una8le to haBe chil:ren. Hallie loBes Ei:s. KnoAing she canLt haBe any has 8roEen her heart. I loBe Ei:s, too, 8ut itLs not an a8solute re[uire*ent for *e. I Must starte: stu:ent teachN ing an: canLt 8e there for her :uring her che*o treat*ents an: :octor Bisits. Last night, after a feA :ays of pushing *e aAay, Hallie offere: *e an Cout.D She tol: *e I shoul: thinE carefully a8out eBeryN thing 8efore :eci:ing to go through all of this Aith her. I Aant to 8e Aith her in eBery Aay I can, 8ut I canLt help Aon:ering hoA things *ay change for 8oth of us if she 8eats this. P TORN AOART IN MICHIGAN DEAR TORN AOART( Hallie is an intelligent young Ao*an. She un:erstan:s the strain a :iagnosis liEe hers can place on a relationship, so :o as she has asEe:. If she 8eats the cancer, an: you stay together an: :eci:e to *arry, you Aill 8e liEe *any other chil:less couples P :eci:ing Ahether to re*ain chil:less, a:opt or hire a surrogate. You Aill also appreciate *ore fully than *ost Ahat a gift each :ay you haBe together really is. An: youLll loBe each other until :eath :o you part. DEAR A&&Y( What is an accepta8le ti*e fra*e to receiBe a response to a [uesN tion you sen: Bia phone teKN ting^ P WAITING IN MONTN GOMERY, ILL. DEAR WAITING( Although Ae liBe in a Aorl: Ahere *ost of us seeE instant gratification, the ansAer :epen:s upon hoA 8usy the person you are teKting is. Dear A88y is Aritten 8y A8igail Van &uren, also EnoAn as Jeanne Ohillips, an: Aas foun:e: 8y her *other, Oauline Ohillips. Write Dear A88y at AAA.DearA88y.co* or O.O. &oK 69bb0, Los Angeles, CA 90069. To or:er CHoA to Write Letters for All Occasions,D sen: a 8usinessNsiVe:, selfN a::resse: enBelope, plus checE or *oney or:er for c6 6U.S. fun:s> to( Dear A88y P Letter &ooElet, O.O. &oK bbd, Mount Morris, IL 6105bN0bbd. 6Oostage is inclu:e: in the price.> BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010 Alley Oop Arlo & Janis by Dave Graue & Jack Bender by Jimmy Johnson Herman Page 13 Bridge by Jim Unger Wrong contract but right play Bob Hope said, “Bigamy] The only crime where two rites make a wrong.” In todayAs deal, North-South reached the wrong contract, but the right defense was still needed to defeat it. South was in five clubs. West led the heart nine. Declarer won with dummyAs king, played a spade to his ace, then ran the club nine to EastAs ace. What did East Funky Winkerbean by Tom Batiuk Astrograph Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010 Some excellent changes could be in the works for you in the coming year that might have something to do with both your social life and your work-related affairs. The improvements you experience will favorably affect your family as well. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - Forgo talking about your family run-ins or problems with others, because what you say in anger will get back to whomever is the target. What you say will not just be repeated but embellished. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) - Someone with whom youAve had personal problems might start to get chummy with a buddy of yours. Before sChe can do any harm, explain your consternation to your friend. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) - Take care not to place a friend or yourself in an awkward position by asking to borrow something in front of others, in case sChe needs to say no. Be more discreet. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Spend time participating in some kind of lighthearted, pleasurable activity with friends, instead of attempting to further a personal ambition. Dive it a rest already! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) - Take it easy and donAt make life a win-or-lose situation. You could trip over your own ego, should you begin competing against a good acquaintance. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) - Bear in mind that sometimes people start voicing crazy things just to hear themselves talk. If you sense thatAs the case, take what is being said with a hefty grain of Mrs. Dash. ARIES (March 21-April 19) - Think before you speak, because even though you might not have any intention to do so, you could accidentally say something that a sensitive friend could find offensive. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - If you canAt stand to lose, donAt engage in any competitive sport, especially if you intend to play a competitor whom you badly want to beat. ThereAs a good chance sChe has been busy practicing. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - No matter how angry you might be at the moment, do not get into any heated disagreement with someone in your family if there are outsiders present. It will tar the entire clan, not just you. CANCER (June 21-July 22) - DonAt expect a partnership arrangement to work out as well as anticipated, if neither you nor your colleague is exercising good judgment. Lay out a game plan first and analyze it for bugs. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - If you must work on a complex commercial endeavor, be extra patient and diligent about what youAre doing and how you go about it. Hidden problems are apt to be part of the mix. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - You might feel you have a lot to tell your friends, but be careful you donAt end up dominating the conversation. Once youAve had your say, let up and listen to the responses. Trying to patch up a broken romanceP The AstroDraph Matchmaker can help you understand what to do to make the relationship work. Send for your Matchmaker set by mailing R3 to Astro-Draph, P.O. Box 1V7, Wickliffe, OH 44092-01V7. do nextP After North opened one diamond, East thought about making a takeout double. But he knew that if his partner advanced in clubs, they would surely be in the wrong strain. So he sensibly overcalled in his five-card major. South responded two clubs, which he might have done with only nine or 10 points in competition. Now North jumped to three spades. Because two spades would have been natural and forcing, three spades was a splinter bid, showing four-card club support, gamegoing values, and a singleton (or void) in spades. South, with no heart stopper, jumped to five clubs. To be honest, it is tough to get to three no-trump. When East won the third trick with his singleton trump ace, there was only one lead to defeat the contract. He had to choose the heart queen. This locked declarer in the dummy, unable to take another club finesse. South called for a low diamond, but East won with his ace and led another heart, allowing West to score his club queen. Finally, note that to make the contract, South had to lead a low club from the dummy at trick two, bringing down EastAs ace. But who would find thatP NEA Crossword Puzzle Legals Page 14 See all the public notices placed in SD newspapers at www.sdpublicnotices.com Friday, September 24, 2010 legals@bhpioneer.com YOUR-RI2B% %O CNOD @@@ 888a(d 7e i(.or&ed o. t"e .)(ctio( o. Eo)r 6o3er(&e(t are e&7odied i( 2)71ic (otices i( t"at se1. 6o3er(&e(t c"ar6es a11 citiLe(s to 7e i(.or&ed8 !"is (e;s/ 2a2er )r6es e3erE citiLe( to read a(d st)dE t"ese (otices8 We stro(61E ad3ise t"ose citiLe(s seeS/ i(6 .)rt"er i(.or&a/ tio(A to e5ercise t"eir ri6"t o. access to 2)71ic records a(d 2)71ic &eeti(6s8 DEADLINE-.OR LE2AL ADEER%I'IN2 \2 to t;o 1e6a1/ siLed tE2e;ritte( 2a6esA t"e dead1i(e is B 28&8 XH\M daEs i( ad3a(ce o. 2)71icatio( date8 Pore t"a( t;o 1e6a1/siLed tE2e;rit/ te( 2a6es ;i11 rei)ire )2 to <an daEs .or 2)71icatio(8 MEETING MINUTES 52 MINU%E' BOARD-O. EDU/A%ION '0E/IAL MEE%IN2 '34536738 9:;-<=9= !"ese &i()tes are )(o./ .icia1 )(ti1 a22ro3ed at t"e (e5t re6)1ar 7oard &eet/ i(68 !"e 9ead/:ead;ood <c"oo1 :istrict =>?/@ "e1d t"eir s2ecia1 &eeti(6 o( <e2te&7er @>A B?@?A at CD?? 28&8A i( t"e 9i7rarEA 9ead/:ead;ood Fi6" <c"oo1 7)i1di(68 Preside(t Hrso( Ward 2resided8 Hrso( WardA J"airK <)La((e Mo6ersA Nice/ J"airK !ri(itE OatesA Pe&7erK QarE Ree"(A Pe&7erK :r8 :a( 9eiS3o1dA <)2eri(te(de(tK Par6ie Ma(ta2aaA O)si(ess Pa(a6erK 9E(( 9arse(A Mecordi(6 <ecretarEK TicS Qott1o7A <eco(darE Pri(ci2a1K !i& RostersA U1e&e(tarE Pri(ci2a1K VaE Oea61eA <2ecia1 Ud :irectorK 9a)rie Mo6ersA <c"oo1 T)rseK WaE(e Rar2i(e(A !ra(sWPai(t <)2er3isorK Oo((ie X)11erA J!U Pri(ci2a1 <trate6ic P1a((i(6 Pe&7ersD Mo7i( :irSse(A Pa& <&it"A Mod Qa11a(dA Or)ce Ada&sA RerrE M)t"A 9e(essa Ree"(A <"a((o( !Zade(A 9ori U(ri6"tA Jaro1 QrecoA <ara" PcU3oEA Ri2 Pa)A <te3e Mose(7er6erA !o& Te1so(A a(d J")cS !)r7i3i11e8 A11 actio(s i( t"ese &i(/ )tes ;ere 7E )(a(i&o)s 3ote )(1ess ot"er;ise stat/ ed8 >@8 Preside(t Hrso( Ward ca11ed t"e &eeti(6 to order at CD?? 28&8 Mo11 ca11 disc1osed t"e .o11o;i(6 7oard &e&7ers 2rese(tD WardA Mo6ersA Oates a(d Ree"(8 A7se(tD Ri(68 >B8 Mo6ers &o3ed a(d Oates seco(ded to a22ro3e t"e a6e(da as 2re/ se(ted8 >[8A8 :r8 9eiS3o1dA <)2eri(te(de(tA i(trod)ced !o& HsterA <ecretarE o. Ud)catio(A 6)est s2eaSer .or t"is strate6ic 21a((i(6 &eeti(68 Fe s2oSe o( state a(d 61o7a1 tre(ds i( ed)catio( "i6"1i6"ti(6 co&&o( core sta(dardsA Meadi(6 \2A Write to 9ear(A <o)t" :aSota PE 9i.eA tec"(o1o6EA <o)t" :aSota Nirt)a1 <c"oo1sA .)t)re Zo7 o22ort)(ities i( t"e <tate a(d sc"oo1 .i(a(ce8 :r8 9eiS3o1d t"a(Sed "i& .or atte(di(6 t"e &eet/ i(6 stati(6 "is &essa6e 6a3e t"e 7oard a(d strate/ 6ic 21a((i(6 co&&ittee &e&7ers t"e o22ort)(itE to t"i(S a7o)t a(d disc)ss "o; to 2rioritiLe t"e o22ort)(ities a(d c"a1/ 1e(6es o)r sc"oo1 district .aces i( t"e )2co&i(6 Eears8 >>8 !"e (e5t re6)1ar 7oard &eeti(6 ;i11 7e "e1d !)esdaEA Hcto7er @BA B?@?A >D?? 28&8A Ooard Moo&A 9ead/:ead;ood Fi6" <c"oo1 7)i1di(6 ;it" t"e (e5t <trate6ic P1a((i(6 &eeti(6 to 7e "e1d at CD[? 28&8 o( !)esdaEA <e2te&7er B]A B?@?A Fi6" <c"oo1 9i7rarE8 >^8 Mo6ers &o3ed a(d Oates seco(ded to adZo)r( t"e &eeti(6 at _D>^ 28&8 Hrso( WardA Preside(t Par6ie Ma(ta2aaA O)si(ess Pa(a6er P)71is"ed o(ce at t"e tota1 a22ro5i&ate cost o. `@[8[>8 ><?9 '345@-<: ORDINANCES 53 ORDINAN/E-NO@-99<: AT HM:aTATJU APUT:aTQ AT: MUUTAJ!aTQ JFAP/ !UM >A A9JHFH9aJ OUNUMAQU<A HX !FU JH:U HX HM:a/ TATJU< HX !FU Ja!b HX <PUAMXa<F8 OU a! HM:AaTU: 7E t"e Jo&&o( Jo)(ci1 o. t"e JitE o. <2ear.is" t"at t"e .o11o;i(6 s2eci.ied sectio(s o. J"a2ter o. t"e Jode o. Hrdi(a(ces o. t"e JitE o. <2ear.is"A are "ere/ 7E a&e(ded a(d restated to read as .o11o;sD JFAP!UM > A9JH/ FH9aJ OUNUMAQU<c Art8 a8 9ice(ses a(d Qe(era1 Pro3isio(sA dd >/ @/>/@] cJross re.ere(ces/ Ad&i(istratio(A J"8 BK ad3ertisi(6A J"8 [K 7)i1d/ i(6s a(d 7)i1di(6 re6)1a/ tio(sA J"8 CK "ea1t"A sa(ita/ tio( a(d ()isa(cesA J"8 eK 1ice(sesA 2er&its a(d 7)si/ (ess re6)1atio(sA J"8 @?K streetsA side;a1Ss a(d ot"er 2)71ic 21acesA J"8 @>K ta5atio(A J"8 @CK tra..ic a(d 3e"ic1esA J"8 @_K Lo(/ i(6A A228 A8 <tate 1a; re.ere(ces/ A1co"o1ic 7e3era6esA <:J9 !it1e [^K retai1i(6 o. a1co"o1ic 7e3era6esA <:J9 d e/Be/CK 2o;er to re6)1ate sa1e a(d )seA <:J9 d e/Be/_8 AM!aJ9U a8 9aJUT</ U< AT: QUTUMA9 PMH/ Na<aHT< <ec8 >/@8 :e.i(itio(s8 A ter& t"at is de.i(ed i( a s2eci.ic sectio( o. t"is c"a2ter is to 7e .irst 6i3e( t"e &ea(i(6 t"erei( de.i(ed8 a. a ter& is (ot de.i(ed i( a s2eci.ic sec/ tio( t"e ter& is to 7e de.i(ed )si(6 t"e de.i(i/ tio(s 7e1o; i( t"is sectio(8 a. a ter& is (ot de.i(ed i( t"is sectio( t"e ter& is to 7e 6i3e( t"e &ea(i(6 as de.i(ed i( !it1e [^ o. t"e <o)t" :aSota Jodi.ied 9a;sA <:J98 a. a ter& is (ot 2ro3ided .or i( t"e <:J9 t"e ter& is to 7e 6i3e( its 21ai( a(d ordi/ (arE &ea(i(68 A1co"o1ic 7e3era6e8 A(E disti11ed s2iritsA ;i(eA a(d &a1t 7e3era6es as de.i(ed i( t"is c"a2ter8 O)1S co(tai(er8 A(E 2acSa6eA or a(E co(tai(er ;it"i( ;"ic" co(tai(er are o(e or &ore 2acSa6es8 :isti11ed s2irits8 Ut"E1 a1co"o1A "Edrated o5ide o. et"E1A s2irits o. ;i(eA ;"isSeEA r)&A 7ra(dEA 6i(A a(d ot"er disti11ed s2iritsA i(c1)di(6 a11 di1)tio(s a(d &i5t)res t"ereo.A .or (o(/ i(d)stria1 )seA co(tai(i(6 (ot 1ess t"a( o(e/"a1. o. o(e 2erce(t f?8^gh o. a1co/ "o1 7E ;ei6"t8 Pa1t 7e3era6e8 A 7e3er/ a6e &ade 7E t"e a1co"o1ic .er&e(tatio( o. a( i(.)sio( or decoctio(A or co&7i(a/ tio( o. 7ot"A i( 2ota71e 7re;i(6 ;aterA o. &a1ted 7ar1eE ;it" "o2sA or t"eir 2artsA or t"eir 2rod)ctsA a(d ;it" or ;it"o)t ot"er &a1ted cerea1sA a(d ;it" or ;it"o)t t"e additio( o. )(&a1ted or 2re2ared cere/ a1sA ot"er car7o"Edrates or 2rod)cts 2re2ared t"ere/ .ro&A a(d ;it" or ;it"o)t t"e additio( o. car7o( dio5ideA a(d ;it" or ;it"/ o)t ot"er ;"o1eso&e 2rod/ )cts s)ita71e .or ")&a( co(s)&2tio( co(tai(i(6 (ot 1ess t"a( o(e/"a1. o. o(e 2erce(t f?8^gh o. a1co/ "o1 7E ;ei6"t8 H../sa1e8 !"e sa1e o. a(E a1co"o1ic 7e3era6eA .or co(s)&2tio( o.. t"e 2re&ises ;"ere so1d8 H(/sa1e8 !"e sa1e o. a(E a1co"o1ic 7e3era6e .or co(s)&2tio( o(1E )2o( t"e 2re&ises ;"ere so1d8 H(/sa1e dea1er8 A(E 2erso( ;"o se11sA or See2s .or sa1eA a(E a1co"o1ic 7e3/ era6e .or co(s)&2tio( o( t"e 2re&ises ;"ere so1d8 PacSa6e8 !"e 7ott1e or i&&ediate co(tai(er o. a(E a1co"o1ic 7e3era6e8 PacSa6e dea1er8 A(E 2erso( ot"er t"a( a dis/ ti11erA &a().act)rerA or ;"o1esa1erA ;"o se11sA or See2s .or sa1eA a(E a1co/ "o1ic 7e3era6e .or co(/ s)&2tio( o.. t"e 2re&ises ;"ere so1d8 P)71ic 21ace8 A(E 1oca/ tio( t"at t"e 1oca1A stateA or (atio(a1 6o3er(&e(t &ai(/ tai(s .or t"e )se o. t"e 2)7/ 1icA s)c" as a "i6";aEA 2arSA or 2)71ic 7)i1di(68 Metai1 1ice(se8 A(E o(/ sa1e or o../sa1e 1ice(se iss)ed )(der t"e 2ro3isio(s o. t"is c"a2ter8 Metai1er or retai1 dea1er8 A(E 2erso( ;"o se11s a1co/ "o1ic 7e3era6es .or ot"er t"a( resa1e8 <a1e8 !"e tra(s.erA .or a co(sideratio(A o. tit1e to a(E a1co"o1ic 7e3era6e8 Wi(e8 A(E 1ii)id eit"er co&&o(1E )sedA or reaso(/ a71E ada2ted to )seA .or 7e3era6e 2)r2osesA a(d o7tai(ed 7E t"e .er&e(ta/ tio( o. t"e (at)ra1 s)6ar co(te(t o. .r)its or ot"er a6ric)1t)ra1 2rod)cts co(/ tai(i(6 s)6ar a(d co(tai(/ i(6 (ot 1ess t"a( o(e/"a1. o. o(e 2erce(t f?8^gh o. a1co"o1 7E ;ei6"t 7)t (ot &ore t"a( t;e(tE/ .o)r 2erce(t fB>gh o. a1co"o1 7E ;ei6"t8 fHrd8 To8 @?[^A e/^/?Ch Jross re.ere(ce a(d <tate 1a; re.ere(ce/ :e.i(itio(s a(d r)1es o. co(str)ctio( 6e(era11EA d @/ B8K J1asses o. 1ice(ses e()/ &erated / XeesA <:J9 d[^/>/B8 <ec8 >/B8 !ra..ic i( a1co/ "o1ic 7e3era6es 2ro"i7ited8 To 2erso( s"a11 2ro/ d)ceA tra(s2ortA storeA or se11 a(E a1co"o1ic 7e3era6e e5ce2t as a)t"oriLed )(der t"e 2ro3isio(s o. t"is c"a2/ ter a(d <:J9 !it1e [^ o. t"e <:J98 fHrd8 To8 @?[^A e/^/?Ch <ec8 >/[8 A221icatio( .or 1ice(se to co(d)ct 7)si(ess 2)rs)a(t to t"is c"a2ter8 A(E 2erso( desiri(6 to e(ter i(to t"e a1co"o1ic 7e3era6e 7)si(ess i( t"e citE s"a11 &aSe s)7&it a( a221icatio( .or a 1ice(se )(der t"e 2ro3isio(s o. <:J9 !it1e [^A A1co"o1ic Oe3era6esA t"e state 1ii)or co(tro1 1a;A <:J9 !it1e [^A to t"e JitE Xi(a(ce H..icer8 fHrd8 To8 @?[^A e/^/?Ch <tate 1a; re.ere(ce/ A221icatio(s s)7&itted to JitE / Xee / A22ro3a1 or disa22ro3a1A <:J9 d[^/B/ @8B8 <ec8 >/>8 Actio( 7E co)(ci18 !"e co&&o( co)(ci1 &aE a22ro3e or disa22ro3e a( a221icatio( .or a 1ice(se de2e(di(6 o( ;"et"er t"e co)(ci1 dee&s t"e a221i/ ca(t a s)ita71e 2erso( to "o1d t"e 1ice(se a(d ;"et"er t"e co)(ci1 co(/ siders t"e 2ro2osed 1oca/ tio( s)ita71e8 !"e co&&o( co)(ci1 &aEA i( t"eir dis/ cretio(A rei)ire t"e a221i/ ca(t to a22ear 2erso(a11E at a(E &eeti(6 o. t"e co)(/ ci1 a(d to a(s;er a(E i)es/ tio( ;"ic" &aE 7e asSed 2ertai(i(6 to "i&se1. t"e a221ica(t or t"e 21ace o. 7)si(ess ;"ic" &aE i( a(E ;aE 2ertai( to t"e carrEi(6 o( o. t"e 7)si(ess a221ied .or8 fHrd8 To8 @?[^A e/^/?Ch <tate 1a; re.ere(ce/ A221icatio(s s)7&itted to JitE / Xee / A22ro3a1 or disa22ro3a1A <:J9 d[^/B/ @8B8 <ec8 >/^8 J"aracter rei)ire&e(ts .or 1ice(sees8 A(E 1ice(see )(der t"is c"a2ter a(d <:J9 !it1e [^ o. t"e <:J9 &)st 7e a 2er/ so( o. 6ood &ora1 c"arac/ terA ;"o "as (e3er 7ee( co(3icted o. a .e1o(EA a(dA8 ia. t"e 1ice(see is a cor2o/ ratio(A t"e &a(a6i(6 o..i/ cers t"ereo. &)st "a3e 1iSe i)a1i.icatio(s8 fHrd8 To8 @?[^A e/^/?Ch <tate 1a; re.ere(ce/ A221icatio(s s)7&itted to JitE / Xee / A22ro3a1 or disa22ro3a1A <:J9 d[^/B/ @8B8 <ec8 >/C8 Area 1i&ited8 !"e co&&o( co)(ci1 s"a11 (ot a22ro3e a(E a221icatio( .or jo(/sa1ek or jo../sa1ek 1ice(se to se11 a(E a1co"o1ic 7e3era6es i( t"e citE at a(E 21ace o. 7)si(ess )(1ess t"at 21ace o. 7)si(ess is 1ocated i( a( area descri7ed as a co&/ &ercia1 area o( t"e Lo(i(6 )se district &a2 o. t"e citE8 fHrd8 To8 @?[^A e/^/?Ch Jross re.ere(ce/ lo(i(6A A228 A8 <ec8 >/_8 Nio1atio( as 6ro)(d .or re3ocatio( or s)s2e(sio( o. 1ice(se / P)1ti21e 1ice(ses8 !"e co&&o( co)(ci1 &aE re3oSe or s)s2e(d a(E 1ice(se iss)ed )(der t"is c"a2ter a(d <:J9 !it1e [^ )2o( 2roo. o. 3io1atio( 7E t"e 1ice(seeA 7E t"e 1ice(seems a6e(ts or e&21oEeesA or 7E t"e &a(/ a6er or co(tract)a1 o2era/ tors o. retai1 esta71is"/ &e(ts a(d t"eir a6e(ts or e&21oEees o2erati(6 )(der a JitE 1ice(seA o. a(E o. t"e .o11o;i(6D f@h A(E 2ro3isio( o. <:J9 !it1e [^K fBh A(E r)1e 2ro&)16at/ ed 2)rs)a(t to <:J9 !it1e [^K or f[h A(E ordi(a(ce or re6)1atio( re1e3a(t to a1co/ "o1ic 7e3era6e co(tro1 t"at "as 7ee( ado2ted 7E t"e JitE8 fah A(E 1ice(se iss)ed 2)rs)a(t to t"is c"a2ter &aE 7e re3oSed or s)s/ 2e(ded )2o( 2roo. o. 3io/ 1atio( 7E t"e 1ice(seeA "is a6e(ts or e&21oEees or 7E t"e &a(a6er or co(tract)a1 o2erators o. retai1 esta7/ 1is"&e(ts a(d t"eir a6e(ts or e&21oEees8 f7h Xor a(E 1ice(sees ;it" &)1ti21e a1co"o1ic 7e3era6e 1ice(ses .or t"e sa&e 2re&isesA )2o( s)s/ 2e(sio( or re3ocatio( o. a(E 1ice(se iss)ed 2)rs)a(t to t"is c"a2ter or <:J9 !it1e [^ o. t"e <:J9A s)c" 1ice(see s"a11 cease o2era/ tio( )(der a11 a1co"o1ic 7e3era6e 1ice(ses "e1d 7E s)c" 1ice(see .or t"e sa&e 2re&ises .or t"e sa&e 2eri/ od as t"e s)s2e(sio( or re3ocatio(8 fHrd8 To8 @?[^A e/^/?Ch <tate 1a; re.ere(ce/ Nio1atio(s as 6ro)(ds .or re3ocatio( o. s)s2e(sio( o. 1ice(se / P)1ti21e 1ice(sesA <:J9 d[^/B/@?8 <ec8 >/]8 ass)a(ce o. o(/ sa1e &a1t 7e3era6e 1ice(ses restricted8 To o(/sa1e &a1t 7e3er/ a6e 1ice(se &aE 7e iss)ed to a(E 7)si(ess ;"ere 6aso1i(eA 71e(ded 6aso1i(eA or diese1 .)e1 is 2)&2ed8 fHrd8 To8 @?[^A e/^/?Ch <ec8 >/e8 J1assi.icatio(A i(.or&atio(A 1i&itatio(sA a(d cost o. a1co"o1ic 7e3/ era6e 1ice(ses8 To 1ice(se s"a11 7e iss)ed 2)rs)a(t to t"is c"a2ter e5ce2t a.ter a 2)7/ 1ic "eari(6 )(1ess ot"er/ ;ise e52ress1E stated8 J1asses o. 1ice(sesA ;it" t"e .ee o. eac" c1assA .o1/ 1o;D f@h H../sa1e 1ii)or 1ice(se8 a8 !"e .ee .or t"is 1ice(se is .i3e ")(dred do1/ 1ars f`^??8??h 2er Eear8 fBh H../sa1e &a1t 7e3er/ a6e 1ice(se8 a8 !"e .ee .or t"is 1ice(se s"a11 7e t"e a&o)(t set .ort" i( <:J9 J"8 [^/ >8 78 Xi.tE 2erce(t f^?gh o. t"is .ee is 2aid to t"e <tate o. <o)t" :aSotaA <tateA t"ro)6" t"e citE8 f[h H(/sa1e a(d o../sa1e &a1t 7e3era6e retai1ersm 1ice(se8 a8 !"e .ee .or t"is 1ice(se s"a11 7e t"e a&o)(t set .ort" i( <:J9 J"8 [^/ >8 78 Xi.tE 2erce(t f^?gh o. t"is .ee is 2aid to t"e state t"ro)6" t"e citE8 f>h H(/sa1e a(d o../sa1e ;i(e 1ice(se8 a8 !"e .ee .or t"e 1ice(se s"a11 7e t"e a&o)(t set .ort" i( <:J9 J"8 [^/>8 f^h H(/sa1e 1ii)or 1ice(se8 a8 !"e .ee .or t"e 1ice(se s"a11 7e o(e t"o)sa(d .i3e ")(dred do11ars f`@A^??8??h 2er Eear8 fCh !"e JitE &aE iss)eD a8 A s2ecia1 &a1t 7e3er/ a6e retai1erms 1ice(se i( co(Z)(ctio( ;it" a s2ecia1 e3e(t ;it"i( t"e &)(ici/ 2a1itE or co)(tE to a(E ci3icA c"arita71eA ed)ca/ tio(a1A .rater(a1A or 3eter/ a(s or6a(iLatio( or a(E 1ice(see 1ice(sed 2)rs)a(t to <:J9 d[^/>/Bf>hA fChA or f@Ch i( additio( to a(E ot"er 1ice(ses "e1d 7E t"e s2ecia1 e3e(ts 1ice(se a221ica(tK 78 A s2ecia1 o(/sa1e ;i(e retai1erms 1ice(se i( co(/ Z)(ctio( ;it" a s2ecia1 e3e(t ;it"i( t"e &)(ici/ 2a1itE or co)(tE to a(E ci3icA c"arita71eA ed)ca/ tio(a1A .rater(a1A or 3eter/ a(s or6a(iLatio( or a(E 1ice(see 1ice(sed 2)rs)a(t to <:J9 d[^/>/Bf>hA fChA or f@Bh or <:J9 J"8 [^/@B i( additio( to a(E ot"er 1ice(ses "e1d 7E t"e s2ecia1 e3e(ts 1ice(se a221ica(tK c8 A s2ecia1 o(/sa1e 1ice(se i( co(Z)(ctio( ;it" a s2ecia1 e3e(t ;it"i( t"e &)(ici2a1itE or co)(tE to a(E ci3icA c"arita71eA ed)/ catio(a1A .rater(a1A or 3et/ era(s or6a(iLatio( or a(E 1ice(see 1ice(sed 2)rs)a(t to <:J9 d[^/>/Bf>hA fChA or f@Ch i( additio( to a(E ot"er 1ice(ses "e1d 7E t"e s2ecia1 e3e(ts 1ice(se a221ica(tK or d8 A s2ecia1 o../sa1e 2acSa6e ;i(e dea1erms 1ice(se i( co(Z)(ctio( ;it" a s2ecia1 e3e(t ;it"i( t"e &)(ici2a1itE or co)(tE to a(E ci3icA c"arita71eA ed)/ catio(a1A .rater(a1A or 3et/ era(s or6a(iLatio( or a(E 1ice(see 1ice(sed 2)rs)a(t to <:J9 d[^/>/Bf[hA f^hA f@BhA f@_AhA or f@eh or <:J9 J"8 [^/@B i( addi/ tio( to a(E ot"er 1ice(ses "e1d 7E t"e s2ecia1 e3e(ts 1ice(se a221ica(t8 A s2ecia1 o../sa1e 2acSa6e ;i(e dea1ers 1ice(see &aE o(1E se11 ;i(e &a().act)red 7E a .ar& ;i(erE t"at is 1ice(sed 2)rs)a(t to c"a2/ ter [^/@B8 e8 !"e .ee .or eac" s2e/ cia1 &a1t 7e3era6e retai1/ erms 1ice(seA s2ecia1 o(/sa1e ;i(e retai1erms 1ice(seA a(d s2ecia1 o../sa1e 2acSa6e ;i(e dea1erms 1ice(se ;i11 7e .i.tE do11ars f`^?8??h 2er daE8 !"e .ee .or eac" Friday, September 24, 2010 special on-sale liquor license shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day. The fee for each of these licenses will be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first day and ten dollars ($10.00) for each additional day. Special malt beverage retailers’ license and special retail on-sale winedealers’ license. a. The fee for this license is twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first day and ten dollars ($10.00) for each additional day. b. This license may only be issued to civic, charitable, educational, or fraternal organizations in conjunction with a special event within the city. c. For the purposes of this subsection educational does not include any elementary, secondary, or higher education institution in the public school system of this state. d. f. A public hearing is required before approval and issuance of any license under this section. g. Any licenses issued pursuant to this section may be issued for a period of time established by the city council not exceeding fifteen (15) consecutive days. h. This license may be issued pursuant to SDCL M 35-4-11.4124. (7) Temporary on-sale license for convention hall. a. The fee for this license is one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day. b. City council may issue an on-sale license to be operated at a convention hall. c. In order to be eligible for this license the licensee must be a holder of an annual alcoholic beverage license within the city. d. Any license issued pursuant to this section shall not exceed five (5) consecutive days and the license shall expire at twelve midnight on the fifth day after issuance. e. No public hearing is required for the issuance of this license provided that the applicant holds an on sale-alcoholic beverage license within the city. f. This license can be issued pursuant to SDCL M 35-4-14.2. g. Convention hall includes, but is not limited to Hudson Street Hall, the Wilbur S. Tretheway Pavilion, and the Snapper’s Club. (8) Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of Section 4-11 below, the council may, in its discretion, provide in any on-sale license the right to sell, serve or allow to be consumed alcoholic beverages on Sunday except between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. (9)(7) Brown bag permit. a. The fee for this permit is twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day. b. This permit allows the applicant to provide alco- holic beverages free of charge during the applicant’s rental of the Wilbur S. Tretheway Pavilion, the Snapper’s Club, Hudson Hall or a shelter in a public park. c. The application permit must be completed and filed with the Public Works Office at least thirty (30) days prior to the first day of rental of a facility described above. d. The applicant must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age and provide an acceptable form of identification, together with a signed Hold Harmless Agreement and the name, policy number and expiration date of applicant’s homeowner’s insurance or liability insurance carrier. e. A brown bag permit shall not exceed five (5) consecutive days and the permit shall expire at twelve midnight on the fifth day after issuance. This permit allows, with the common council’s approval, the consumption and blending of any alcoholic beverages in city parks on property owned by the public or by a nonprofit corporation within the City. The length of the brown bag permit may not exceed twenty-four (24) hours. Hours of consumption may not exceed those permitted for on-sale licensees. (Ord. No. 1035, 9-5-06] Ord. No. 1096, 7-6-09) State law referencesClasses of licenses enumerated - Fees, SDCL M354-2] Local approval of Sunday sales, SDCL M354-2.1] City may permit consumption of alcoholic beverages on property owned by public or nonprofit corporation] SDCL M35-1-5.3] Hours of sale, SDCL MM 35-4-81 and 354-81.2] local approval of Sunday sales, SDCL M 354-2.1Special alcoholic beverage licenses issued in conjunction with special events, SDCL MM35-4-124 and 35-4-125. Sec. 4-10. Fee for alcoholic beverage licensees who have video lottery licenses. Any person who is licensed pursuant to SDCL M35-4-2(4), (6), (11), (12), (134), or (167) of SDCL M 35-4-2, and who is issued a video lottery establishment license pursuant to SDCL M 42-7A-41 must pay an additional annual fee for locating video lottery machines on the licensed premises. The fee is established at fifty dollars ($50.00) for each video lottery machine and the fee shall be paid at the same time and in the same manner as the fees paid on licenses issued pursuant to SDCL M 35-4-2. All fees received under this section shall be deposited into the general fund of the city. (Ord. No. 1035, 9-5-06) State law referenceAnnual additional license fee for video lottery machines on licensed BLACK HILLS PIONEER premises, SDCL M35-4103. Sec. 4-11. On-sale and off-sale service restricted and consumption restricted. (a) No on-sale or offsale licensee, licensed under SDCL M35-4-2(3), (4), (5), (6), (9), (11), (13), or (18), may serve, sell sell, serve, or allow to be consumed on the premises covered by the license, alcoholic beverages, between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., or on Memorial Day after 2:00 a.m., or at any time on Christmas Day. Such licensees are permitted to sell, serve, or allow to be consumed alcoholic beverages on Sunday and on Memorial Day, except between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. A violation of this section will be a Class 2 misdemeanor. (b) No licensee licensed under subdivisions 35-42(12), (16), (17), (17A), and (19) may sell, serve, or allow to be consumed on the premises covered by the license, any alcoholic beverages between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. A violation of this section will be a Class 2 misdemeanor. (b) No regular on-sale malt beverage licensee may sell or allow to be consumed any malt beverage outside the building of the licensed premises unless the licensee’s business operates out of a permanent structure and the consumption of the malt beverage occurs in an outdoor designated area located on the premises of the licensee which is approved by the common council. (Ord. No. 1035, 9-5-06] Ord. No. 1096, 7-6-09) State law referencesHours of sale, SDCL MM354-81 and 35-4-81.2] local approval of Sunday sales under certain circumstances, SDCL M 35-4-2.1. Sec. 4-12. Off-sale service restricted. No off-sale licensee, authorized under Title 35 of the SDCL, may sell, or allow to be sold, alcoholic beverages between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m. of the following day or sell or allow to be sold, distilled spirits, malt beverages or wine on Memorial Day or Christmas Day. (Ord. No. 1035, 9-5-06) State law referenceSimilar provisions, SDCL M 35-4-81.1. Sec. 4-123. Malt beverages - Identification of containers and record keeping requirements. Kegs of malt beverage Retail sale - Records. (a) A retail licensee selling malt beverages for offsale consumption in a container having a liquid capacity of greater than two (2) gallons shall not sell any such container without placing a distinctive symbol, notation or mark on the container which uniquely identifies the licensee. The licensee must register his or her unique symbol, notation or mark with the Spearfish Police Department or its designee. (b) Business records shall be kept by the licensee providing the following information: the date of the sale, and the name, address, driver’s license number and social security number of the person to whom the malt beverage in the designated containers was sold. The licensee shall retain these records for six (6) months following the last sale of malt beverages in the above- designated containers, and shall provide the records upon request to any duly authorized officer or representative of any city, county or state agency responsible for enforcing this section or for enforcing SDCL pertaining to consumption of alcohol. (Ord. No. 1035, 9-5-06) No keg of malt beverage may be sold at retail in this state unless the licensee who sold the keg records the name and address of the person to whom the keg is sold and has provided for the identification of the keg. Each licensee shall maintain such sales records for one year and shall make the sales records available to any law enforcement agency upon request. The identification provided for in this section may not be permanent or damaging to the structure of the keg. The licensee must register his or her unique symbol, notation, or mark with the Spearfish Police Department or its designee. For the purposes of this section, the term, keg, means an eight or sixteen gallon reusable plastic or metal container. State law referenceKegs of malt beverage Retail sale - Records, SDCL M35-1-12. Sec. 4-14. Intoxication on premises prohibited. No licensee shall permit any person to become intoxicated on the premises described on the license. (Ord. No. 1035, 9-5-06). Sec. 4-15. Persons to whom sale of alcoholic beverages prohibited. No licensee may sell any alcoholic beverage to any person 1. Under the age of twenty-one (21) years] or 2. Who is obviously intoxicated at the time] or 3. Person who is known to the dealer to be a habitual drunkard. (Ord. No. 1035, 9-5-06) State law referenceSimilar provisions, SDCL M 35-4-78. Sec. 4-16. Possession by minors. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to have in his possession any alcoholic beverage. (Ord. No. 1035, 9-5-06) State law reference- Similar provisions, SDCL M 35-9-2. Sec. 4-137. Consuming, blending, possessing alcoholic beverages in public places] disposal of containers containing alcoholic beverages restricted. (a) It shall be is unlawful for any person to consume any alcoholic beverage upon the premises of a licensed on-sale dealer if the alcoholic beverage was not purchased from the onsale dealer. or to mix or blend any alcoholic beverage with any other beverage, regardless of whether such beverage is an alcoholic beverage, in any public place, other than upon the premises of a licensed on-sale dealer, where such alcoholic beverages were purchased from such dealer for on-sale purposes. Exceptions to this subsection are provided for in Section 4-18 of this chapter. (b) It shall be is unlawful for any person to possess consume any distilled spirits in any public place, other than upon the premises of a licensed onsale dealer, any glass, can, bottle, or other container, containing an alcoholic beverage on which the seal has been broken. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, cast or otherwise put in motion, any bottle, can, glass or any other container, at any person or vehicle, whether moving or parked or to dispose of or deposit any bottle, can, glass or other container upon any street, alley, highway, sidewalk, or park. (d)(c) For the purposes of this section, the term cpublic placed shall means any place, whether within in or out of a building, commonly and customarily open to or used by the general public, and any street, highway, alley, or sidewalk. (d) Exceptions to this subsection are provided for in Section 4-14 of this chapter. (e) Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. (Ord. No. 1035, 9-5-06) Cross referencesBuildings and building regulations, Ch. 6] health, sanitation and nuisances, Ch. 9] licenses, permits and business regulations, Ch. 10] mobile homes and mobile home parks, Ch. 12] streets, sidewalks and other public places, Ch. 14] streets and public rightsof-way, M 14-26 et seq.] sidewalks, M 14-76 et seq.] assemblies, parades and processions, M 14-101 et seq.] cemeteries, M 14-156 et seq.] parks and recreation areas, M 14-251 et seq.] subdivisions, Ch. 15] traffic and vehicles, Ch. 17] zoning, App. A. State law referenceSimilar provisions, SDCL M 35-1-5.3. Sec. 4-184. Open container permitted. Page 15 Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary: (1) No regular on-sale malt beverage licensee may sell or allow to be consumed any malt beverage outside the building of the licensed premises unless the licensee’s business operates out of a permanent structure and the consumption of the malt beverage occurs in an outdoor designated area located on the premises of the licensee which is approved by the common council. (1)(2) The sales and consumption of alcoholic beverages on a sidewalk or walkway subject to a public right-of-way abutting a licensed premises, provided that the license holder derives more than fifty percent of its gross receipts from the sale of prepared food for consumption on the licensed premises The sidewalk or walkway subject to a public right-ofway shall be immediately adjacent to and abutting the licensed premises. This section does not apply to any federal-aid eligible highway unless approved in accordance with the applicable requirements for the receipt of federal aid. adjacent to a public right-of-way abutting a licensed premises, provided that the license holder derives more than fifty percent (50e) of its gross receipts from the sale of prepared food for consumption on the licensed premises. The sidewalk or walkway subject to the public right-of-way shall be immediately adjacent to and abutting the licensed premises. (2) The common council may permit the consumption and blending of any alcoholic beverages in city parks on property owned by the public or by a nonprofit corporation within the City. The fee for such permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00). The length of the permit shall may not exceed twentyfour (24) hours. Hours of consumption shall may not exceed those permitted for on-sale licensees. (3) The common council may, in its discretion, for community designated events, permit open containers in public places upon such terms and conditions the council may impose. (Ord. No. 1035, 9-5-06] Ord. No. 1096, 7-6-09] Ord. No. 1108, 9-21-09) State law referencesCity may permit consumption of alcoholic beverages on property owned by public or nonprofit corporation] SDCL M35-1-5.3] Sales or consumption of alcoholic beverages on sidewalk abutting licensed premises permitted by ordinance, SDCL M 35-477.1. Remaining Provisions: All terms and provisions as set forth in Chapter 4 shall remain in full force and effect, except as specifically modified by this Ordinance. Authorization: This ordinance is being passed pursuant to the provisions of SDCL M35-4-2.1, M35-411.4, M35-4-14.2, M35-4-81 and M35-4-77.1. Severability: If any provision of this code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the code which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this code are severable. Effective Date: This ordinance will be effective 20 days following publication, which will occur after the ordinance receives second and final reading by the City Council and is signed by the Mayor. Jerry A. Krambeck, Mayor ATTEST: David H. Dutton, Acting Finance Officer First Reading: September 7, 2010 Second Reading: September 20, 2010 Published: September 24, 2010 Effective: October 14, 2010 Published once at the total approximate cost of $262.73. #265 Sept. 24 PUBLIC NOTICES 56 LEGAL NOTICE The Board of Directors of Western South Dakota Community Action, Inc. are seeking candidates interested in serving as the Low Income representative for Lawrence County. Western SD Community Action, Inc. is a non-profit corporation governed by a forty-two (42) member Board of Directors representing (3) sectors: lowincome people, civic groups within the community and each of the fourteen (14) county boards of government. The primary purpose of the CAP agency is to focus local, state, regional and national resources on developing effective ways of assisting low-income people. To accomplish this, Western SD Community Action, Inc. operates weatherization, garden programs, summer youth programs, necessity pantry programs, employment assistance, educational supply programs, emergency food and commodity projects, homeless programs, community food pantries and clothing centers. Low-income persons seeking to be elected are required to have five (5) low income persons over eighteen (18) years of age sign a petition. Non low Classifieds Page 16 Friday, September 24, 2010 classifieds@bhpioneer.com C"#$. F(") *+. 1income persons wishing to represent low-income people are required to have ten (10) low income persons over eighteen (18) sign a petition. Persons at least eighteen (18) years of age seeking to be a Board low-income representative can obtain petitions from Rose Swan, 1844 Lombardy Drive, Rapid City, SD 57703. Phone: (605) 348-1460 or out of Rapid City (800) 327-1703. Petitions are to be submitted to Western SD Community Action, Inc., 1844 Lombardy Drive, Rapid City, SD 57703 by Friday, September 24, 2010 at 4:30 PM. If you have any questions please contact Western SD Community Action, Inc., 1844 Lombardy Drive, Rapid City, SD 57703. Phone: (605) 348-1460 or out of Rapid City (800) 327-1703. Published six times at the total approximate cost of $97.19. .//0 1ept. 56 176 186 156 /16 /8 STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA SS. COUNTY OF LAWRENCE IN CIRCUIT COURT FOURTH _UDICIAL CIRCUIT Civ. No. 10-565 MERCHANTS BANK, N.A., ISAOA, a Minnesota banking corporation, Plaintiff, v. RANDALL SCHOLL and ROBIN SCHOLL, husband and wife, FIRST INTERSTATE BANK f/k/a FIRST WESTERN BANK, a Montana chartered commercial banking corporation, PALISADES ACQUISITION bVI, L.L.C., a foreign limited liability company, CREDICO, INC., d/b/a CREDIT COLLECTIONS BUREAU, a South Dakota corporationd Credit and BRYAN ARSAGA and ROBIN ARSAGA, Defendants. SUMMONS TO DEFENDANTS RANDALL SCHOLL AND ROBIN SCHOLL: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Hood f Nies, P.C., Plaintiffgs attorneys, PO Box 759, 109 Main Street, Spearfish, South Dakota 57783, an answer to the Complaint, a copy of which is filed with the Clerk of Court of the Circuit Court, P.O. Box 625, Deadwood, South Dakota 57732, within thirty (30) days after service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, hudgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated this 21st day of September, 2010. HOOD f NIES, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff BY: Eric _ohn Nies P.O. Box 759 Spearfish, SD 57783 (605) 642-2757 ./57 1ept. /86 "ct. 16 86 1- !"#al &o#s)n+ Oppo.t#n)ty All real estate advertising in the Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1 (800) 669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1 (800) 9279275. 1!2!3A5 A67!389:921 ;O59<= 8>e AlacC &)lls ;)onee. DaCes eEe.y eFFo.t to aEo)d e..o.sH &oIeEe.J )n >andl)n+ >#nd.eds oF adsJ occas)onally e..o.s do occ#.H Ke asC t>at yo# .ead yo#. ad ca.eF#lly on t>e F).st day oF p#Ll)caM t)on and p>one #s )DDeM d)ately )F t>e.e )s an e..o.H Ke can only Le .espons)M Lle Fo. a s)n+le dayNs )nco..ect adH Ke .ese.Ee t>e .)+>t to .eE)seJ ed)tJ .eclass)Fy o. .eOect any class)F)ed ad Fo. p#Ll)caM t)onH 102 PERSONALS DOMESTIC ABUSE Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line, Butte?Lawrence?Harding Counties: 605-642-7825 or 1-800-999-2L48. Sturgis Shelter: 605-L470050 or 1-800-755-84L2. All Calls Confidential. 104 NOTICES WILL HAUL YOUR JUNK VEHICLE FREE. Call 580-106L. 105 LOST & FOUND $200 CASH REWARD. Lost: male cat near Spearfish Animal Hospital, 8?28. Brown?grey w?black stripes, pink nose w?white chin. 645-2612. COLD FLOORS? We have a solution! New! Electric in floor heating. Use under ANY flooring. Efficient, safe and easy to install. Only L?L2” thick. Versatile Carpets - Interiors - Spearfish, SD 605-645-LLL1 Email: warmfloordesignsbgmail.com. Free informational CD! FOUND SMALL MALE DOG, REDDISH Colored, (looks like a fox) neutered, approximately 2 weeks ago near Tinton Rd, Spearfish. 520-7625269. FOUND: SIERRA GS SCHWINN BIKE. Downtown Spearfish area. 642-5194. LOST: CANON CAMERA SD780IS, BLACK in case. Possibly left at Boondocks in July. Granson’s birthday on camera. REWARD!! Call 605-561-0180. 106 GIVE AWAYS FREE FERTILIhER Ground-up gypsum wallboard, loosens clay?compacted soils. Great for farms, gardens?yards. Truckloads, free delivery. Call Dusty 605-786-L1L2. 200 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 303 SPEARFISH GARAGE SALES RECYCLE YOUR APPLIANCES. Pickup all non-refrigerated appliances, mowers, grills, bikes, siding, all things metal $20 MINIMUM CHARGE. Call Joe 605-722-1807 1LL6 LRD STREET, S P E A R F I S H . September 24TH 25TH. 7am-2pm. Die cast cars, building materials, books, household items, clothes. GOOD STUFF! 202 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 2020 PARK PLACE, Deer Meadows, Sat, 8:00. Toys, household items, bedding, computer, printer, computer armoire, misc. ROOFING CONTRACTOR. Do you have HAIL DAMAGE? Give me a call for an estimate. 605490-1895. 205 CHILD CARE SERVICES STATE CERTIFIED DAYCARE in Spearfish has openings for children ages 2 yrs. and older, weekends by request. Call Lucynda at 722-1995. STATE LICENSED DAYCARE in Spearfish now has limited openings for children one year and older Hours are from 6:L0am to 10:L0pm.. Some Saturdays. Please call 605-210196L 300 BELLEFOURCHE GARAGE SALES 9?25, 8am-2pm. L-miles west of Subway on Sourdough. Table, chairs, bar, queen bed, antiques, housewares, kid’s school clothingwinter coats. GIANT YARD SALE. 409 2ND AVE. SATURDAY 9?25 8AM-4PM. Gas dryer, washer, snowblower, V-Smile, Pac-N Play, Misc. No Early Birds. 301 DEADWOOD GARAGE SALES FREE STUFF: 114 May St., Lead. You haul. Simmons pillow top, training bike, wading pool, misc. LARGE HOUSEHOLD SALE, multiple parties, Saturday, 8am-4pm, Sunday 11am-5pm, 10 Sampson St., storage cabinets, collectors plates, clothing - all ages, misc. 200 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 302 LEAD GARAGE SALES DEVASHAN IN-HOME Computer Repair. Is your computer running slow? Reasonable rates, service within 25 miles of Spearfish 605-722-5L55 GARAGE SALE: 814 Miners Ave., Lead, Saturday - Sunday 10am-4pm. Everything baby, many household items. 2417 2ND STREET, Evans Addition. Sat. 7:00 am-9:45 am. Furniture, tv’s, misc. L APPLE VALLEY LANE. Sat, 7:00 am to 11:00 am. Make an offer—many items. EVERYTHING MUST GO! Decorative items, books, kids, womens, mens clothing, toys, furniture. In Ken’s Trailer Court, Hillsview Drive. Sat., 8:00-4:00. GARAGE SALE. SAT., SEPT. 25. 8:00 am. Christian Student Center, 1020 University Street, Spearfish. Good Variety of items. 401 PART-TIME CANYON HILLS CENTER HAS an opening for a part-time overnight R e s i d e n t i a l Counselors?wor kers. Must be 21 years old, have a High School Diploma?GED, complete agency training and program standards, and be willing to submit t all necessary background checks. One year of work experience with children or teenagers and a willingness to card for children placed in a psychiatric residential treatment facility. Please stop by Canyon Hills Center, 2519 Windmill Drive, Spearfish, SD 5778L for an application. FAk cover letter and resume to (605)642L720 or complete and application on-line at www.lsssd.org lhttp:??www.lsssd.orgm Apply to the Associate Director by September 24th, 2010. THE HOLIDAY INN EkPRESS in Deadwood is looking for F u l l - T i m e ? Pa r t - T i m e Housekeepers - a PartTime Laundry Person. Can pick up an application at 22 Lee Street, Deadwood. 401 PART-TIME COMFORT INN is looking for part-time HOUSEKEEPERS. Apply in person to Dixie or on-line at www.deadwoodsfamilyresort.com. PART-TIME FRONT DESK POSITION Evenings - Weekends. Apply at Black Hills Inn - Suites, L85 S, Deadwood. 605-5787791 PERSON(S) FOR POSITIONS of choir director, organist and pianist. Salary d.o.e. Call Belle Fourche United Methodist Church at 892-2405. SERVICE EVALUATOR ENJOY This unique and interesting position and the associated training. Are you responsible, motivated and computer literate? Are you interested in providing feedback to a Fortune 50 company specific to store conditions and service levels? Hourly rate for driving time, observation time, report time applies. Mileage reimbursed based on distance associated with assignments. For additional information and to submit an online application visit. https:??qualityshopper.org , lhttps:??qualityshopper.org?m NO ASSOCIATED FEES 402 FULL-TIME EkPERIENCED CARPENTER needed in the Northern Hills, must have own hand tools and transportation. Contact Bill at Powers Construction at 605-2061L48 or 605-722-L122. DAKOTA TAkI DRIVER needed. Clean driving record, mostly day time, knowledge of area helpful. Call Bill 605-9202020. Daytime Wait Staff Deadwood’s Mineral Palace Hotel & Gaming is seeking applications for Daytime Wait Staff We participate in Pre-Employment Drug Testing. Equal Opportunity Employer Apply in person at 601 Main Street in Deadwood HOTEL - GAMING DEADWOOD, SD 402 FULL-TIME FAMILY in Spearfish NEEDS HELP WITH HOUSEWORK COOKING. Great working conditions. $12?hour. Call Ann 605-642-8770. FOR RENT OR LEASE: New Hair Salon opening soon in Spearfish. Now booth renting. Please call 605-641-1248. 2 positions available. FULL TIME ?PART TIME SERVER POSITION AVAILABLE at the Lodge at Deadwood Oggie’s Sports Bar and Deadwood Grille Restaurant for individuals with great attitude, ability to be on their feet for periods of eight hours or longer, ability to lift 20lbs and have excellent communication skills. Hourly pay $4.50?hr n Tips. Complete resume and submit to Human Resource Office or mail to Box L20 Deadwood, SD 577L2. FULL TIME FRONT DESK position available at the Barefoot Resort. Day?Night shifts. Must have great customer service skills and willing to work weekends. Hourly Pay $8.75?hr. Email resume to Infobbarefootresort.co m or call 605-584-1577. Join Our First Gold Family HOUSEKEEPERS CLUB CENTER HOST Part Time • Must be able to work Weekends Full Time • Must be able to work Weekends Gaming License Required BLACKJACK DEALER Gaming License Required OUTSIDE SECURITY Graveyard shift • 32 hours a week • Must be able to perform some heavy maintenance duties. DISHWASHER Great Benefits • Equal Opportunity Employer Pre-Employment Drug Testing Now accepting applications at the front desk 605-578-9777 270 Main St. Deadwood BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010 Page 17 ‘07 GMC K1500 CREWCAB ‘07 FORD E350 CLUBWAGON ‘06 MAZDA 5 ‘05 CHEVY K1500 CREWCAB ‘02 CHEVY TRACKER ZR2 4WD 15 Passenger Van Loaded 4WD 4WD ‘07 CHEVY AVALANCHE ‘07 HUMMER H3 ‘09 CADILLAC ESCALADE ‘07 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER ‘10 GMC ACADIA SLT 4WD, 49,000 Miles 4WD, 39,000 Miles 24,000 Miles AWD, 37,000 Miles AWD, 19,000 Miles ‘06 SUBARU BAJA ‘07 GMC HD1500 CREWCAB ‘06 JEEP COMMANDER LIMITED ‘08 MAZDA 6 AWD, 74,000 Miles 4WD, 35,000 Miles 7 Passenger 28,000 Miles ‘06 CHEVY K3500 CREWCAB 4WD, Dually, Diesel, 54,000 Miles ‘04 PONTIAC GTO ‘05 FORD FREESTYLE ‘03 BUICK RENDEZVOUS ‘99 DODGE D2500 CLUBCAB 34,000 Miles 7 Passenger, 64,000 Miles AWD 4WD, Diesel, Manual ‘07 HONDA ACCORD ‘03 GMC HD1500 ‘92 FORD F350 CREWCAB ‘09 TOYOTA TACOMA DOUBLECAB 26,000 Miles 4WD, 6.0 Litre, Quadra Steer Diesel, 4WD, 5 Speed 4WD, TRD, 12,000 Miles ARRIVING SOON ‘05 ‘09 ‘00 ‘05 ‘06 ‘05 TOYOTA CAMRY CHEVY IMPALA DODGE QUAD CAB 3/4 CHEVY K3500 4WD LINCOLN NAVIGATOR CHEVY MALIBU ‘07 FORD FOCUS ‘96 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER ‘08 HARLEY 1200 CUSTOM SPORTSTER ‘02 MAZDA MIATA ROADSTER ‘06 GMC HD2500 CREWCAB ‘06 DODGE D2500 MEGACAB 4WD, Diesel, 59,000 Miles 4WD, Diesel, 6 Spd., 42,000 Miles ‘04 BIG DOG RIDGEBACK CHOPPER ‘05 FORD F150 SUPERCREW 10,000 Miles FX4, 4WD, 43,000 Miles I-90 Exit 10, Look for the Time & Temp Sign Spearfish,SD • 1-605-642-1900 • 1-800-657-8016 www.prestigeautosales.com Trades based on market value, less reconditioning costs. Dealer not responsible for misprints. No down payment required. NT = No Trade, Best Price. *W.A.C. - with approved credit for 48 months. Sale ends September 27, 2010. BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 18 09 19 29 39 $ 49 59 69 79 1 English Beef Roast Bananas 89 99 5 00 1 5 Friday, September 24, 2010 2 3 4 2 13 243 411 22 33 44 6 7 8 5 6 7 855 66 77 8 8 678 9 0 9 0 9 10 2 3 9 0 9 0 11 22 334 4 1 2 113 2243 34 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 557 6687 78 8 9 0 19 20 3 4 90 9 0 9 0 9 0 1 52 637 4811 22 313 424 3 14 2 3 4 $ $ lb. !"#$%&'(i*e%,(-e.ess%$-01s FOR FOR LBS. #(.e%23emi1m "'1353es' HEADS BUNCHES PKGS. PACKS Milk 678%97%(3%":im%;%9<6%0a.> BAGS EARS EACH FOR $ FOR FOR $ $ "'135i-e &amJKe..Ls Chunky Soup Gi55F Corn Muffin Mix $..%Ma3ieties%;%9HD9N%(@> H>I%(@> Vegetable Blends 9?%(@> &a.i5(3-ia8%Ata.ia-8%C3ie-ta.8%"ti3DF3F%(3%&(1-t3F Wit In-St h o Cou re pon FOR $ Oe..(00Ls 5 FOR FOR $ $ #e.%Q(-te 9 0 6 7 8 55 66 757 868 7 58 6 7 8 9 0 9 0 9 0 "'1353es' Frosted Mini Wheats Cottage Bread (3%,iteD"ite%F3(steP%Qi-i%R'eats $..%Ma3ieties%;%9ID9H%(@> R'ite%(3%R'eat%;%6S%(@> Vegetables 4/$3.24 Without Coupon &1t%(3%F3e-*'%T3ee-%,ea-s8%&3eam%(3%R'(.e Oe3-e.%&(3-8%"Ueet%2eas%;%9VD9I%(@> WE DELIVER GROCERIES! Every Friday in our Every Wednesday in our 9 090 Belle Fourche Spearfish location! location! THE STORE WHERE YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED FOOD STAMPS WELCOME NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MISPRINTS SPEARFISH 620 7TH STREET 642-8181 MON.-SAT. 7:30AM-9PM; SUN. 7:30AM-8PM PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 DAYS! SEPT. 21-27, 2010 Call JoAnn at Call Gail or Bert at 892-6375 642-8181 WE ACCEPT DEBIT CARD BELLE FOURCHE 40 5TH AVE. 892-6375 MON.-SAT. 7:30AM-8PM; SUN. 7:30AM-8PM BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010 Page 19 September 20th through the 27th ‘10 JEEP WRANGLER ‘10 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED MSRP = DEALER DISCOUNT EVENT BONUS - $26,820 $825 $500 MSRP = DEALER DISCOUNT EVENT BONUS - JEEP EVENT PRICE = $ 4x4, Automatic, Dual Top 4x4, Automatic, Freedom Top * D 25,495 L SO $29,945 $450 $500 28,995* JEEP EVENT $ PRICE = ‘10 JEEP COMPASS ‘10 JEEP COMPASS MSRP = DEALER DISCOUNT EVENT BONUS - MSRP = DEALER DISCOUNT EVENT BONUS - 4x4, Sirius, Remote Start JEEP EVENT PRICE = 4x4, Sirius, Remote Start $24,840 $845 $500 23,495 * $ $24,475 $880 $500 23,095* JEEP EVENT $ PRICE = ‘10 JEEP COMPASS ‘11 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE MSRP = DEALER DISCOUNT EVENT BONUS - $23,825 $830 $500 MSRP = DEALER DISCOUNT - $42,120 $1,625 JEEP EVENT PRICE = $ JEEP EVENT PRICE = $ 4x4, Sirius, Remote Start 22,495* Limited, 4x4, Leather, Sunroof 40,495* *Event Bonus Money Ends Monday Night, September 27th. 644 West Jackson, Spearfish (605) 642-2651 www.juneks.com • sales@juneks.com Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7:30-6:00, Sat. 7:30-5:00 Page 20 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010 500 $ 402 FULL-TIME FULL-TIME PATROL OFFICER. City of Spearfish Police Department is accepting applications for a full-time Patrol Officer. ResponsibilitiesD Enforce local, state, and federal laws, prevent and suppress crime and accidents, and promote public safety through community policing principles. ReIuirementsD High school diploma or GED certificate, possession of a valid SD driver’s license, Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Training Commission Certificate or ability to obtain within one year from hiring date. Preference will be given to candidates with certification. Position will reIuire availability to work all shifts, weekends and holidays. How to ApplyD Submit City application to Human Resource Office, 625 Fifth Street, Spearfish, SD 57783T p 605-642-1354T f 605-6421329T e Yodi.friedelZcityofspearfish.com Minimum salary for Certified Patrol OfficerD $17.05, Uncertified Patrol Sign-On Bonus Cadillac Jack’s Gaming Resort is looking for energetic full and part time Cooks to work in a fast pace great work environment! Must have a great attitude and work well with others. Wage DOE. EOE. Please apply in person at 360 Main Street, Deadwood, SD 402 FULL-TIME 402 FULL-TIME FULL TIME/PART TIME HOUSEKEEPING POSITION available at the Barefoot Resort located across from Terry Peak. Weekends a must! Email resume to infoZbarefootresort.co m or call 605-584-1577. IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS for Direct Support ProfessionalsT Black Hills Special Services is looking for enthusiastic individuals to assist people with developmental disabilities in a residential setting in our group homes in Lead, Whitewood, and SturgisT there are various shifts availableT mornings, evenings, overnights and weekendsT part-time & fulltime. Base pay $9 and .75l differential for weekends and overnights. Applicant must have a High School Diploma or GED, a clean driving record with a valid Driver’s License and is able to lift 50 pounds. FULL-TIME OR PARTTIME COOK - $8.50/hr or better DOE. Part-time SNACK BAR CASHIER - $8.00 g Tips. Part-time CASINO FLOOR RUNNER - $9.00 or better DOE g Tips. $.25 raise after 90 days, Monthly bonus potential, 3h match Simple IRA, year round employment & meal discounts. Fulltime benefits include insurance benefits and vacation. Apply at Tin Lijjie Players Club. cadillacYacks.net OfficerD $16.23T Salary DOE/DO]T Excellent BenefitsT EIual Opportunity Employer. To view entire position description please visit the City’s web page at www.cityofspearfish.com ` h t t p D / / w w w. c i t yo f s pearfish.coma b Join Our First Gold Family CASINO CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR Must be able to perform some heavy cleaning duties Great Benefits • Equal Opportunity Employer Pre-Employment Drug Testing Now accepting applications at the front desk 605-578-9777 270 Main St. Deadwood Page 21 Exciting Career Opportunity The Black Hills Pioneer/Weekly Prospector has a full time opening in our Spearfish office. This is a fun and rewarding position! Must be a self-starter, motivated, detail-oriented, have people skills and be able to work under deadlines. Successful applicant will be working on Classified Sales for daily & weekly newspapers. If you have what it takes to be successful and want a career with a family-oriented company, >a?? @ABCBD@E or send res=&e .oF The Black Hills Pioneer • Attention: Sales Position 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783 or e-mail to dru@bhpioneer.com & Closing date is October 4th. For information or application contact Tammy at 605-4234444. Mail application to BHSSC, PO Box 218, Sturgis or visit our website at www.bhssc.org EOE HVAC Openings. Will Be Installing Heating & A/C Systems. Min. Age 18, Valid Driver’s License, Neat In Appearance, Pay DOE. 24 Months experience. Call (605)347-2183. EOE 402 FULL-TIME 402 FULL-TIME HOUSEKEEPING POSITION AVAILABLE. Call Gary or Pam at 605578-2393 or apply in person at Gold Country Inn, 801 Main, Deadwood. MISSOURI BASIN WILL SERVICE is a veteran OILFIELD company now hiring DIESEL MECHANICS & CDL DRIVERS to work in the ever expanding Williston Basin of North Dakota. All positions are full-time and year round. Great Pay and benefits plus t months of free housing at the Ross, ND location. For more info please visit www.missouribasinwell.com or call 701-5758242 JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER wanted in the Lead-Deadwood area, full-time, experience in framing, new construction, heights involved. Call 605-641-1930. Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 POLLARD ONE WAY SERVICE PROS General Contractor Jeff Rath, Owner • Spearfish ~ Lead ~ Deadwood ~ Belle Fourche ~ Sturgis AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION Affordable Rates - Residential & Commercial Installation & Repair • Duct Cleaning • Sales & 24 Hr. Service Brad Pollard Servicing ALL Brands of Air Conditioners & Furnaces 21088 US Hwy. 385 Deadwood, SD 57732 Always accepting new customers! 722-8101 or 578-7795 605-578-2057 ONE WAY... THE RIGHT WAY Licensed;<ns=red Lo# %o&e & Dec+ ,es.ora.ion Shee. ,oc+ & 56.erior 7indow ,epair BIG CREW ON HAND FOR: • Roofing • Siding • Cement • Home Building Jeff Storhaug cell 605-641-3619 Spearfish L&J Construction CS Painting Residential / Commercial Interior / Exterior Property Management & Apartment Maintenance Real Estate Agents !n#ti&e, Da# or Ni/ht, 1ee2ends !6aila8le Year Round “One Job at a Time from Start to Finish!” Call Conner Sheets at: 605-499-9737 Licensed & Insured • Locally Owned & Operated Servicing the Black Hills 807 LAZELLE ST, STURGIS, SD 57785 Bob Lambert Construction Licensed • Insured After hours call 722-8101 605-890-1954 & Chrissy Blair Spearfish Advertising Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD QUINN’S PAINTING & REPAIR • New Construction • Steel Buildings • Concrete • Additions • Remodeling • QUALITY GUARANTEED • 605-641-7958 (cell) 605-722-5466 (home) Dan 642-2197, 641-1954 Tom 642-2477, 641-6923 L ICENSED - I NSURED R EFERENCES I NTERIOR - E XTERIOR N EW C ARPENTRY R EMODEL - R EPAIR All Phases of Construction • Specialty Jobs • New Construction • Remodeling • Window Replacement & Siding • Roofing • All Types of Work LARRY JOB Quality Work • Locally Owned & Operated Experienced ~ Licensed & Insured Serving the Black Hills for 20 Years! BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 22 402 FULL-TIME S A T E L L I T E INSTALLERS needed. $250 per day or more. Training provided. Apply at www.wtsat.net SEEKING INDIVIDUAL WITH COMMERCIAL kitchen experience with a focus on whole & organic foods ONLY. No exceptions. A great work atmosphere & benefits. Stop by for an application. Good Earth Natural Foods, Downtown Spearfish. 500 ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES CLARINET, FLUTE, (ACCORDION Excellent Condition) Very old G u i t a r / V i o l i n Combination. Buchler Alto Saxophone. Antique Furniture of all kinds. Small items. 605-2692213. UNIQUE ANTIQUE FURNITURE, TABLES, Dressers, Buffets, China Hutches, Chairs, Other Items. Spearfish Coins, Etc. 127 W. Grant, Spearfish 502 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS COLD FLOORS` We have a solution! New! Electric in floor heating. Use under ANY flooring. Efficient, safe and easy to install. Only 3/32” thick. Versatile Carpets & Interiors - Spearfish, SD 605-645-3331 Email: warmfloordesigns@gmail.com. Free informational CD! BAVARIAN CHINA for sale. Pattern is “Forever Spring” Settings for 16 people (I think) plus numerous serving pieces. Call 605-7216856, leave message. OLDER KIMBALL PIANO. Excellent condition. $300. 892-2246. 503 LAWN & GARDEN ITEMS TROY BUILT TILLER, 8HP, Very good shape. $600. 605-641-1952 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 2007 TIGER RIVER HOT TUB, SIX Man Bengal w/lift & glide cover. Like new condition, always sheltered. Paid $9,500 new $5,000/OBO. 605-7176006. Like NEW SQUARE CORELLE Hearthstone dishes. Service for twelve. Dinner plates, salad plates, bowls and mugs. Olive with black trim. $100. 605-641-4374. . NEW TO SPEARFISH. Mercantile and Antiques. Store full of furniture, household goods, western, mining, and tools, collectibles galore! Off exit 12, follow Jackson Blvd., left on Ames. (Behind Shoot The Bull). QUEEN SIkE HIDE-ABED, Good condition. Brown w/muted floral pattern. $125.00. 605722-8201 507 APPLIANCES GOOD USED WASHER and Dryer. $100 each. Guaranteed to work. 618-783-1022. 507 APPLIANCES FOR SALE: USED WASHERS and dryers with warranties. Large selection available. Dells, Exit 63, Box Elder, 605-390-9810. Friday, September 24, 2010 508 PETS & PET SUPPLIES 514 GOOD THINGS TO EAT FREE KITTENS!! Five black and white kittens, psychically trained, little angels. 605-578-3796. ALASKAN FRESH, WILD ALASKAN Salmon & Halibut now available. Contact Corey at 605-6411726. GIVEAWAYo6 MONTH , MALE large black lab/pointer mix. Neutered, has all shots. High energy, possible hunter. Manls dog! Good pack leader apply only. 641-7873. 508 PETS & PET SUPPLIES mJENSEN KENNELm Gun Dog & Large Breed Companion Dog Training. Call (605)6410310. TO GIVE AWAY - 2 male orange tabbies, fixed, shots up to date, 605645-0279. DICKSON SMALL BREED PUPS: Yorkie, Maltese, Dachshund, Papillon, Shih Tnu Puppies AKC. Two Year Health Guarantee, payments, credit card okay. www.dicksonpups.com 605-787-6821 Deb Dickson 509 SPORTING/ EXERCISE ITEMS SCUBA EQUIPMENT: 2 sets with extra tanks. Medium sine heavyweight wetsuit. $300; 605-645-3919. FREE BLACK & WHITE 7 year old female cat. Neutered.. Good lap cat. 514 GOOD THINGS TO EAT LOW COST SPAY/NEUTER Cat clinics. October 5 in Belle Fourche (892-4452). October 12 in Spearfish (578-3918). Call for appointment. 7 to 10 LB HEADS OF CABBAGE, Great for Sauerkraut. Gagels Gardens, Evans Lane, Spearfish. 605-6425438. COLORADO FRUIT, WOONSOCKET SD Watermelons, Sweet Corn, Spearfish Valley Vegetables. Gages Gardens, Evans Lane, Spearfish. 9:00am6:00pm. Daily. 515 FIREWOOD & FUEL FIREWOOD FOR SALE: $150 a cord. Cut, split and delivered. Call 605-642-3118. FIREWOOD FOR SALE: WALLY WOOD. Pine, Cut & Split. Aladdin WY. 307-8962284. FOR SALE: GOOD DRY Pine FIREWOOD. HEAPING pick-up load $95.00; EXCELLENT HARDWOOD $175. Call 605578-1945. Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS BLACKMAX GENERATOR, SUBARU ENGINE, 10HP. 5250 KW, 6560 KW surge. Like new. 2008 model used very little. $450. 605-641-1388. FOR SALE: CHIROPRACTIC/MASSAGE table. Excellent condition. Dells, Exit 63, Box Elder. 605-3909810. FOR SALE: 4lX100l 15 MIL Plastic. Can be used for weed barrier/landscaping. $10 per roll. Cash only. 2600 Paramount Dr. Spearfish, SD 57783. 605-642-4787 603 GRAIN, FEED, & SEED FOR SALE: NEW CROP - LARGE Round alfalfa/grass bales. Reasonable if picked up and paid for by Nov. 1st. Edwin Jeckell. 605375-3599. Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Geri Riggs Sturgis Ad Sales 605-578-1146 605-642-2761 fax 605-642-9060 geri@bhpioneer.com PEDERSON HARDWOOD FLOORS • • • • installation repair refinishing tile & more for a FREE Estimate call Justin 605-578-1089 PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE & PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE PROJECTS MERLE’S LANDSCAPING & YARD SERVICE a#e Total Lawn Care Maintenance Es#i%e)) SPRING PACKAGE PROFESSIONAL (e q Power Raking q Aerating LANDSCAPING q Sod Laying q Seeding New Lawns q And 4-Step Turf Plus Plan q Install & Design Sprinkler Systems 516 (computerized imaging & Design) PROJECTS OLD & NEW! LEAD • DEADWOOD • SPEARFISH • BELLE FOURCHE • STURGIS 1-800-287-7805 • 605-892-2111 South Hwy. 85 • 1835 Fifth Avenue, Belle Fourche, SD For all your Real Estate Needs stop in or call me, Broker Associate judyj@realestatecenters.com Commercial • Residential • Farm/Ranch OFF 114 W. Hudson St. Spearfish, SD 57783 (605) 642-8603 Serving the Black Hills Since 1970 “We Believe in Belle” Offering a wide variety of landscaping rock. Also flagstone and slate for patios and walkways. 605-717-7745 • Hours: Tues. - Sat. 9am-6pm 2 00 $ 24-Hour Emergency Service NOW OPEN! STONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 38 Years of Service, Father & Son Owned. 2 Chairs, 3 Barbers Serving the Belle Fourche Area for 25 years! STONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 4029 E. Colorado Blvd., Spearfish Old School Barber Shop • Fire, Smoke & Water Damage Cleanup • Mold Inspection & Removal • Air Duct/Dryer Vent Cleaning • Carpet, Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning Judy E. Johnson 723-7654 office 641-2432 cell Mark’s Barber & Style Shop I-90 Exit 14 • 3125 E. Colorado Blvd. Spearfish, SD 57783 nhauto@rushmore.com Ph. 605.722.0537 Cell 605.645.1349 Fax 605.722.0580 605-642-7939 Spearfish, SD BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010 603 GRAIN, FEED, & SEED 700 ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES 2010 HAYBET BARLEY BIG Round Bales located in Spearfish area. $55 per ton. 605-2100285. 2008 KAWASAKI PRAIRIE CAMO. 360 4x4. Almost new. 100 hours. $4000. Call 605641-1248 HAY FOR SALE: LARGE ROUNDS. Grass $60 per ton, grass/alfalfa mix $65 per ton. Located in Belle Fourche and Newell. 605-641-7268. 701 MOTORCYCLES 604 MACHINERY EQUIPMENT 2N FORD TRACTOR, 3 PT Hitch, Runs Great. $2,500. Call 307-6805676 or 307-756-9802. 700 ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES 1995 HONDA 4W4 RANCHER ES. New battery, excellent condition. Runs perfect. First $2,000 takes it.. 605415-0704. 2005 KAWASAKI MULE 610 UTV. Only 120 hours. Camo 4x4. $5,500. 605-641-1248. 1978 HONDA GL 1000. Runs good. $1550 OBO. Have other bikes. Call 605645-1625 2000 HARLEY DAVIDSON DYNA WIDE GLIDE, loaded, immaculate, bags,9,500 miles, one owner. $9,500/OBO. 605-4999726 2002 HONDA GOLDWING, 15,000 miles, $10,700.; 2007 YAMAHA RHINO, 1,500 miles, comes with snow blade and wench, $7,600. 605584-9085. 2003 883 SPORTSTER CUSTOM, Custom Flame Paint, Forward Controls, Solid Rear Wheel, 2 Seats, 7,900 Miles. $7,000/OBO. 605641-1009 701 MOTORCYCLES 701 MOTORCYCLES 1995 KAWASAKI 750 Vulcan. 5700 miles. Excellent condition. $1950.00. Call evenings. 605-642-7503 FOR SALE: 2004 KAWASAKI KW65, Good condition, Asking $1,400/OBO. 605-7232597. 2004 BMW R11sor. 16,500 miles. New back tire. Runs great. In good condition. $5000 OBO. Call 605-569-1843 ask for Neil TWO HONDA SHADOWS: 1992 BLUE, 1100cc, runs great $2500; 2002 PURPLE 600cc lowered. See Craigslist for pics and details. 605-641-5675 2007 HONDA SHADOW Spirit 750. 2,400 miles. Vance-Hines pipes and Dynoaet kit. Black, Red Flames. Warranty, Service transferable. $6200 605-641-4385 2007 SPORTSTER WL LOW, less than 700 miles, detachable windshield, have highway bars, new saddlebags, $5,100. 605-641-4288. 2007 YAMAHA V-STAR 1300 motorcycle; 5000 miles; excellent condition; $8500 OBO. includes side bags and 2 helmets. 605-490-0944 b92 SPRINGER SOFTTAIL S&S top end. Wide tire kit. Lots of extras. $11,000. 605-423-8130, or 605-490-8910 702 SNOWMOBILES 2001 POLARIS LIBERTY 500 RMK liquid, 136x1.5 track, in great shape, 3,400 miles, adult owned, no damage, $2,250, 651-4910936 705 CAMPERS & TOPPERS 2006 eAYCO eAY FEATHER 29 FT. pulltype camper. Excellent Condition! Priced below book at $15,900. Call 605-645-1559 FOR SALE: FIFTH WHEEL TRAILER, as is. $2800. Call 605-6411865. Page 23 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 1963 FORD F100, 302, canary yellow, garaged, $5,500 firm. 605-5805775. 2002 VW eETTA GLS, 63K miles, auto, sun roof, new brakes, great on snow, 40+ MPG, well maintained, $9,500. 605-580-0006 2006 NISSAN MAWIMA SE 4-door sedan with leather heated seats, navigation, 38.000 miles, blue tooth, very clean. $19.900/OBO 2003 HONDA ACCORD EW-leather, mint interior & exterior, solid, only 71,000 miles, $11,900 or reasonable offer, 605545-4555. 2008 FORD FOCUS-SES 18,000 miles. Excellent condition! Loaded, Sync, MP3/6 disc CD changer, 4 cyl. 25-30 mpg! Asking $17,000. Cassie, 605641-0121, Aaron, 605641-0854 1998 CHRYSLER CONCORDE, V6, 3.2 liter engine, dependable $3,500.00. Call 605381-2372 2000 CORVETTE YELLOW, Exceptional 40,500 mi. 6 speed 5.7L V-8 Chrome & Orig. wheels Two tops 12 disc Bose. $18,500. 605641-9003 2000 MONTE CARLO SS. 80,000 miles. Allleather. 3800 v6, FWD. Excellent condition. $7200 605-6440758 2001 CHEVY MALIBU. 161,000 miles. Very clean. $2,500. Call 6451077. 2001 GRAND AM. Well maintained, new spark plugs & wires. Flushed radiator and transmission. Good Shape $3000 or OBO. 605-7222694 2003 VOLKSWAGEN eETTA GLS, Silver, 1.8 Turbo, PW, PL, Sunroof, Leather. Upgraded stereo. 99,900 miles. 605-641-4672. 2003 VW CONVERTIBLE BEETLE. 86,000 miles, LOADED, automatic, sport/tiptronic. New brakes/tires. FWD, Great in SNOW! NADA $10,100. Sell $7,500. 605-209-4205. 2006 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE GT, 6-speed leather, loaded, sunroof, new tires, very clean! 6disc Rockford Fosgate stereo system. 43,000 miles, $14,800. 605-641-1248 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Rent This Space For $80.00 Per Month Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 COLOR MYSTIQUE Your One-Stop Clean-Up Shop! Painting Jobs DEAN L. WEIS Manager - Owner PO Box 669 Spearfish, SD 57783 Ph. 642-9693 Fax 642-5757 j Complete Interior Clean-Up j Shampoo with Scotch Guard available j Hand Wash & Waxing/Buffing j Rock Chip & Light Scratch Repair j Tar Removal j Steam Clean Engines Free Estimates - Large & Small Jobs Black Hills Painting FREE ESTIMATES • Gift Certificates 3316 E. Fairgrounds Lp • 605-642-2344 Call 642-2761, 584-2303 or 341-0086 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 2008 PONTIAC G6 30,000 miles, great condition. Onstar, xm radio capable 307-257-3185, ask for Scott Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Isn’t It YOUR Turn To Rent This Space? Pha e Electric Inc. 2008 SILVER MITSUBISHI EVOLUTION 10, AWD, 2.0 MIMFC Turbo charges, 291HP, 300-LB-FT Torque. 0-60 in 4.9 seconds. Brembo brakes, 18h Enkei wheels. BEAUTIFUL CAR! Only 24,000 miles. Still has warranty. Started college & can’t afford it anymore. Blue Book suggested retail value $30,560.00. Call Ryan 307-660-7716 and make offer. I will give you an AWESOME Deal!!!! & Sona O’Connell Belle Fourche, Spearfish Ad Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD No Job Is ! Too Small R & D CONSTRUCTION L"#$%&$' "% L$)'* +$)',--' . S0$)12"&3 ROGER THOMAS (605) 584-2701 or 580-1562 Concrete Sidewalks & Flatwork j New Construction Repair & Remodeling 3150 4th Ave., Spearfish, SD (Across from Midcontinent) 605-642-0562 Specializing in Portraits with Personality 605-430-1780 To make an appointment, please call (605) 381-9296 or (605) 641-0935 watson.photography@yahoo.com NOW SERVING YOUR AREA! Rent This Space For Only $155/Month! Call 642-2761, 584-2303 or 341-0086 & Sharon Mason Lead-Deadwood, Whitewood Ad Representative (605) 584-2303 7 South Main, Lead, SD BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 24 Friday, September 24, 2010 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 751 VANS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE 2008 MA'DA 3, 14,000 Miles Under Warranty Black, Moon Roof, Power Locks, Power Windows, CD Changer, Manual $15,000 OBO 605-641-4052 1994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER, GREAT Interior, Seats 7, Airbags, 157K, Lots of Extras, Runs Great. $1,785.00/OBO. 605-722-7592 1946 (REBUILD TITLE) Willys heep, hard 1/2 top, drive line rebuilt 4 years ago, body rough condition, $2,500.00 605-722-4067, 605-6399156. 1994 TOYOTA PICKUP 4`4, Extended cab, 5spd, 4 cyl. 220,000 miles, Run Great! Topper. $2,550/OBO. 605-641-4963 1997 FORD F-350 `LT crewcab, powerstroke, long box, auto, aluminum wheels, Drives excellent really clean, no rust. 206,000 miles. $8,995. 605-6411124 FOR SALE TRUCK AND SNOWPLOW. 1996 Ford F-250, extended cab, 4wheel drive, V-8 engine with attached BOSS SNOWPLOW (Power-V with Rapid Tach II) $8,000. 605-347-9171. 1997 CHEVY BLA'ER. 2 Door. 4x4. Leather seats, moon roof, CD player. 170,000 miles. Still runs good. $3400. hohn, 605-680-2815. 1998 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER SPORT. Very well maintained. 108K. $3,200. 605-722-9445. K91 CADILLAC DEVILLE. GREAT appearance. Very good mechanical. $1800 OBO. Call 605210-1434. 2006 GMC SAVANNAH 2500 High-top Conversion Van, low miles. Leather, seats 9 comfortably 2-2-2-3 configuration. DVD entertainment system with 23d TV, theater lighting, fully decked out, smooth ride! Asking below book, $29.000. 605-6451559. FOR SALE - 2001 GRAND AM. 2-door, sunroof, 97,000 miles. $6,000 OBO. 605-641-4435. FOR SALE: K06 Chevy Impala. Excellent Condition. 69,000 miles. Power windows, and locks. Can take flex fuel. $9,400. 605-645-1970 WHY BUY NEW^ 2008 Honda Accord Sedan, 29,000 One owner miles. V-6, mystic green, black leather. `M Radio, 6 disc CD changer, extended factory & power train warranty. New tires, factory extras. Excellent condition. NADA retail $22,900.00, sell for $19,500.00. 605722-8150 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE K03 FORD RANGER, 4door cab, Edge pkg, v6 loaded, has body damage, 80,000 miles $8000. Call 1-406-7490725 or 1-406-9512509. 1957 DODGE, 4 WD, KW100, $1,500 OBO. 605-578-1361. 1984 FORD F150, with new 5th wheel hitch. 1982 35’ Wilderness 5th wheel, both need work. $4000 OBO. 605-892-3693 1989 CHEVY 2500 SILVER ADO, Extended Cab, Long Box w/western plow. 176,000 miles. Call 605-423-8113, evenings. 1989 FORD F250, well used, 4 wheel drive works well, 5 speed, 5th wheel ball, $1,200, 605645-1483. 1993 FORD F-150 E`TENDED CAB, 4WD, 95.000 miles, 5-spd, towing package. New starter, clutch/slave cylinder & u-joints. $3,500/OBO. 605-8924089 1995 FORD F150 `LT. Extended cab, 4x4, w/topper. Good condition. New tires. $4,875 605-722-7302 2003 CHEVY PICKUP E`TENDED Cab, 4x4. with extras. Very Good condition. Spearfish. 605-642-2603 or 605848-1809. 2003 FORD F150. F`4, crew cab. 109,500 miles. Roll-up bed cover, good tires, clean truck. Asking 12,900 OBO hoe 605645-8959 2005 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT kuad Cab 4x4 pickup. 4.7L magnum engine with 5 speed auto trans. Excellent condition; serviced according to manufacturer’s suggestions since new. 46,500 miles. $16,800. Call 605-645-9930. 2006 CHEVY COLORADO 4x4 w/air. Lead Deadwood Sanitary District will be selling the vehicle on October 1st at 10:00am at the City of Deadwood Surplus Auction. 140 Timm Lane. Call 605-5781835 for more info. 2008 CHEVY COLORADO, extended cab. 16k, black, air, power locks, windows, sunroof. Box liner. Tow package. Garaged. $19,995. 605787-5300 2009 WHITE HONDA RIDGELINE. 21,000 miles. Under Blue book at $25,500. Topper Included. Excellent condition w/warranty. Mom wants a car. 701-4125000. FOR SALE: 1985 GMC 1 ton four-wheel drive. $3,500. 1965 GMC 3/4 ton four-wheel drive. $1,200. OBO 605-6454018 FOR SALE: 1999 GMC SIERRA Regular cab, 4x4, Long box. 108,650 miles. Solid V8, automatic, good tires & glass. $5,200 605-641-8312. FOR SALE: 2001 DODGE Extended Cab 1500, mileage 152,000; 2x4. Runs great. $2,495.00. 605-717-2366. 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE 1981 Ch5 hEEP, runs good. 1967 AirStream Safari, 22’. 1967 Air Stream Carvel, 17’. 605920-2222. Remodels Basement Finishing Paint & Custom Paint Furniture Whatever you need, I do! CENTER PIECE DESIGNS Chad Ploog 605-645-1313 AIRPORT EXPRESS SHUTTLE Powers Rapid City • Mt. Rushmore Spearfish • Black Hills Custer • Sturgis • Deadwood Remodeling Decks Driveways Siding Roofing B"## P&'()* Rapid City, SD (605) 399-9999 Outside Rapid City 1-800-357-9998 www.rapidshuttle.com Construction 605-722-3122 605-206-1348 Schmidt Construction 30- .ears Experience in • Basements • Foundations • Driveways • Patios • Sidewalks Licensed 8 Insured 605-584-1004 605-641-6124 Receive a COMPLIMENTARY COPY of The Black Hills Pioneer +or .eli2er3 4all666 when you have your pimma delivered from Pimma Lab in Central City or Pimma Ranch in Spearfish! 2625 E. Colorado Blvd. • Spearfish 642-4422 2000 hEEP WRANGLER SPORT, half doors, soft top, good condition, $9,299.00 OBO, 605-722-2148. 2002 NISSAN `TERRA SE S/C, 128.000 miles, Excellent Shape! Runs Great, New Tires. $8,000. Call 605-6410219 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLA'ER, 100K miles, great shape. Books for $9,900, will sell for $9,000. Call 605-5844654 or 605-719-6172. 2004 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN, 1500 Sport Utility, power windows/locks, new tires, 3rd seat w/rear air, 115k miles. Very clean, $11,000 605-580-2425 Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector YEAH, I DO THAT! 2000 GMC hIMMY SLE, 4-door, 4x4, 150,000 miles, good condition, $3,000. 605-892-2599. 124 Hwy. 14A • Central City 578-9933 This Space Just Opened Up! Why not try your ad here? Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 Robert Crane GEICO Field Representative Licensed in South Dakota, Wyoming & Montana 1575 LaCrosse Street, Suite A Rapid City, SD 57701 Telephone: (605) 348-6060 Fax: (605) 342-9318 Claims: 1-800-841-3000 Rcrane@geico.com Aaron’s Handyman Services • Snow Removal • Furniture Moving • Kitchen & Bathroom Remodel • Egress Windows • Concrete • Decks • Roofing • Plumbing • Garages • Painting • Repairs • Tree Trimming and Cleanups Call Aaron Braun (605) 642-5874 FREE DROP IN BELLE! • All Paper • Cardboard • Aluminum Cans Commercial Dumpsters Appliance Pickup Lazy B Ent. since 2002 www.blackhills.com/recycle 605-722-1807 Friday, September 24, 2010 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE 756 TRAILERS FOR SALE 2007 JEEP LIBERTY. White, pw, pb, pl, ps. :ew tires, hwy miles. Very clean. $12,250 OBO 605-645-1625 5’`8’ E:CLOSED UTILITY TRAILER, Like new, only towed 600 miles. $1,500 new, Only $1,100. Spare tire included. Always stored indoors. 605-645-3340. I87 FORD BRO:CO. Restored and customized. Must see in Spearfish. Excellent condition. $7000 OBO. 605-890-1803 754 HEAVY TRUCKS 2001 FREIGHT LI:ER FL70, Cat Motor, 6 Speed, 90,000 Miles, 22’ Flatbed, Good Truck, 25,500 GVW, $12,500, 307-643-2162 in Beulah. CRA:E TRUCK FORD F800, 189” wb, crane is a :ational Series 200 605-206-0289 756 TRAILERS FOR SALE MOTORCYCLE TRAILER FOR SALE. 605641-1865 FOR SALE: 2010 Enclosed Trailer, 7’x14’. $5,400. Please call 605641-1865. LIKE :EW 4’x8’ TILT TRAILER, open box. :ew 400’x8’ wheels b tires. :ew bearings. $300 Firm. 605-210-0410. 759 AUTO ACCESSORIES FOR SALE: CAR DOLLY. :ew tie downs. $1,300. Sells new for $2,700. 605-641-1248. REDUCED PRICE. 2 12” JL AUDIO Subs in ported box, 2 900w Rockford Amps, Kenwood and Sony receivers. $500 OBO. 605-645-2658 BLACK HILLS PIONEER 760 AUTOS WANTED WILL HAUL YOUR JU:K VEHICLES FREE. Must Have Title b Tires. Also Will Haul Your Junk - Price :egotiable. Call 605580-1063. 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS 1970 COUGAR Rebuilt 351c. FM` transmission. 90k miles. :ew tires, exhaust fuel system. $5,000 or partial gun trade. 307-8963202. “1973” MUSTA:G COUPE. All refurbished. 2 owner car. Must see to appreciate. Call 605559-0247 leave message. Last of the “Classics”. JEEP LAREDO, 1986, Last of WWII type, whitefgold, all accessories, automatic, all documents, 91,800 original miles, $10K, 605347-6071 Page 25 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1963 CHEVROLET 2-dr HT For Sale. Partially Restored. 327 V-8. Call 605-641-3289. Asking $3,000.00fOBO 1-2-3 BEDROOM APTS. Visit Our Website: HelpU-Rent.net Or Call 605722-RE:T. AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1ST. 1 bedroom. :o petsfno smoking. $425fmonth plus electricity. 12 month leasefgood credit only. Midwest Property Management. 605-6411026 DEADWOOD TWO and Three Bedroom Apartments For Rent, On site parking and laundry, walking distance to Main Street. To pick up an application stop at :eighborWorks Dakota Home Resources at 795 Main Street, Deadwood or call 605-578-1401. Equal Housing Opportunity. PRICE REDUCED: 1973 CORVETTE STI:GRAY 350, 4 speed. 1973 Corvette Yellow in color. T-Tops. $21,000. Call 605-6422344 days, 605-6427833 evenings. 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 b 2 BEDROOM, Furnished and Unfurnished. Lead. Call 605-920-1457 Leave :ame b Phone g. 1 BEDRM SPEARFISH, REMODELED Apartment. Downtown, View, Furnished, Power, Cable, Water, Garbage included. Hardwood floors, AC, laundry on site. :o smokingfpets. $550fmonth. 605212-4343. ATTRACTIVE 1-2 bedroom flats, central Deadwood, washerf dryer provided, low utilities, great views etc, $500-$600 605-6410789 ATTRACTIVE 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and mobile homes in central Spearfish. Low utilitiesh washerfdryerh $600 - 700 605-7227240. ATTRACTIVE, economic-studio, 1,2,3,4,5 bedroom apartments, houses, mobile homes in Spearfish, Lead, Deadwood. 605-7227240 HARVARD ESTATES. LARGE efficiency apartment. $350 deposit, $350fmonth rent. 6424361. CA:YO: ESTATES Apartments in Spearfish, now has 2 bedroom apartments available. :icely landscaped, play area, off street parking, laundry facilities. Some units newly remodeled. Call 605-642-7400 for more information. Equal Housing Opportunity. CLEA: 1 b 2 BEDROOM APARTME:TS located in Spearfish.(1) 2 Bedroom is Wheelchair Accessible. Available :ow. Rent Based On Income. For More Information call 605-645-8933 Equal Housing Opportunity. DEADWOOD: 1 BEDROOM apt. on level ground by rodeo grounds, $495 l electric, heat is paidm LEAD: :ICE 2 bedroom apt. in triplex unit, clean as a whistle, off-street parking, front b back yard, $495. BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom in a 4-plex, open b airy, gas fireplace, off-street parking, $550. CUTE 1 bedroom in duplex, $450 includes all utilitiesm Call Dena Sheets Property Management, 605-4999068. EOH BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 26 Friday, September 24, 2010 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 802 TOWNHOUSES FOR RENT 805 HOMES FOR RENT 805 HOMES FOR RENT 810 GARAGES & STORAGE IRON% RI&'E% ESTATES ,-.%%/0123456%2075456. 829% :;% <% -5=% >% ?7=9223 S@-9@456% -@% ABCDE C-?G7 @H% 8977E SI433456% 022G; ,2@%@J?%-5=%84@57..%9223E N2% .32K456E P7@% 125.4=M 797=% I4@,% 978797517.E NDCMN>OM:DNPE IIIE4925M 94=677.@-@7.E123 VHITEVOO&d TANM TASTIC% <% ?7=9223;% : ?-@,% @2I5,2J.7;% G-967 8-34GX% 9223;% :% 1-9 6-9-67;% G2@.% 28% 9223; AZBCE C-GG% &75-% S,77@. P92079@X% R-5-67375@; NDCM>ZZMZDNPE EOH <% BE&ROOR;% ONE BATH% I5% S07-984.,E V-.,79W=9X79;% =4.,M I-.,79;% G-967% 87517= X-9=;% C-?G7W45@7957@ 451GJ=7=E AZCDW325@, 0GJ.% J@4G4@47.E C-GG% _43 NDCMB::MB>OP ONE% BE&ROOR APARTRENT% IN% % B7GG7 T2J91,7E :% f% > B7=9223% ,2J.7.% 45 B7GG7%T2J91,7E C-GG%NDCM :ODM<>OZE jjSTORA'E% /NITSjj% B OW:g% OD;% OD% gOC;% ODg:>; O:g<D% C25197@7% TG229.; AGG% A.0,-G@% &94H7I-X.; '22=% S52I% R732H-GE B7.@% 9-@7.% 45% S07-984.,E NDCMN>OMN<CDE 803 DUPLEXES FOR RENT >MBE&% >MBATH% HORE IN% SAN&STONEE : 8-34GX% 9223.;% =2J?G7 6-9-67% Y% 7g@9-% 0-9K456E N2% 07@.W.32K456E AO>DD% Y% J@4G4@47.E R78797517.% 97^J497=E N>:M:><O%29%N>OMDCB<E Summit View & Heritage Apartments NEWLY REMODELED Very nice 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in Belle Fourche. Some utilities included. For further information call: 723-8000. LEA&% M% ONE% RONTH TREEU% L-967% <% ?7=M 9223;% NEVUUU% M% ?-@,M 9223;% 1-907@% -5=% -00G4M -517.% 451GJ=456% I-.,M 79W=9X79;% 288% .@977@% 0-9KM 456;%I-@79W6-9?-67%0-4=; ANCD% 079% 325@,% Y =702.4@E C-GG% NDCMCBPM O<<Z%29%NDCMZ:DMP>CPE ST/&IO% APARTRENTS 45%S07-984.,E J@4G4@47.%0-4=E N2% 07@.W52% .32K456E A:CDEMA<DDE 079% 325@,E T,7% % R7-G% E.@-@7% R75@-G C75@79E NDCMBOBMCCCC S/NN[%:%OW:%BE&ROOR 45%L7-=E E-.X%-117..;%288M .@977@% 0-9K456; I-.,79W=9X79;% 12H797= 0291,;% ACCD;% I-@79W.7I79 0-4=E PDOMZODMN<PPE ]ER[%%SPACIO/S%RAIN TLOOR% -0-9@375@E : ?7=9223% 8J954.,7=% I4@, -00G4-517.% -5=% VW&E ANCDW32E /@4G4@47.%451GJ=M 7=E &702.4@%97^J497=E C-GG _JG47%NDCMN>:MCBBO ]ER[% SRALL% -0-9@M 375@WO% 079.25;% A:DD 0GJ.% J@4G4@47.;% ?X% ,46, .1,22G%45%L7-=;%52%07@.; NDCMCP>M:NNBE 801 ROOMS FOR RENT RO[AL% REST% ROTEL; >>>% R-45% S@977@; S07-984.,E V77KGX% R-@7 AODDEDDE AGG% J@4G4@47. 0-4=E NDCMN>CMOBPC TON[`S% ROTELE C230G7@7GX% TJ954.,7=; R7-=X% @2% R2H7% 45; K4@1,757@@7.E R75@%?X%&-X; V77K% O9% R25@,E C-?G7; C2G29% T]E CG7-57= V77KGXE R7-.25-?G7 R-@7.E bNDCc% :NZM:CDO V,4@7I22=%S&E 802 TOWNHOUSES FOR RENT TOVNHO/SEE <% BE&M ROOR;% :% ?-@,E C75@9-G S07-984.,E N2% .32K456E N2% 07@.E AZDDE N>>M DNO>E :% BE&ROOR% APT% IN &/PLEeE ACDD% 325@, 451GJ=7.%,7-@%%f%7G71@941E N2% S32K456E C-GG% NDCM N>CMCOBP% 29% NDCMB::M COBPE <% BR;% :% BA% &/PLEe I4@,% 6-9-67E :% =71K.; G-967% X-9=E N2% .32K456E APBCW325@,E O:% 325@, G7-.7W622=% 197=4@% 25GXE R4=I7.@% P92079@X R-5-67375@E NDCMN>OM OD:N LOVER%&/PLEe%-@%OO> R-X;% L7-=;% :% B7=9223; 97175@GX% 9732=7G7=;% 52 07@.;%.71J94@X%=702.4@;%-GG 7G71@941;%52%45.4=7%.32KM 456E A>BCW325@,E NDCM Z:DMO:ZO;% NDCMCBPM O:Z:E SPEARTISH% % <% ?7=M 9223;% :% ?-@,E N417% J54@E C75@9-G% -49E AGG% -00G4M -517.% 451GJ=456% =4.,M I-.,79;% -5= V-.,79W=9X79E N2%07@.; 52% .32K456E L7-.7 0GJ.% =702.4@% 97^J497=E NDCMN>CMBNDCE TRIPLEe% M% NEV% <Y BE&ROOR;% :% B-@,% -@ ND:% R4579.;% L7-= b'9775% S@977@% E5@9XcE O88M.@977@% 0-9K456;% 52 07@.;% 52% .32K456E ANCDW325@,%0GJ.%J@4G4@47. -5=% =702.4@E NDCMZ:DM O:ZO;%NDCMCBPMO:Z:E 804 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT IN%BELLE%TO/RCHEE < ?7=9223;% :% ?-@,.E V-@79;% .7I79;% 6-9?-67 451GJ=7=;% IW=E C-GG% NDCM :ODM:<P>E 805 HOMES FOR RENT O%BE&ROOR%HO/SE%45 B7GG7%T2J91,7E N2%07@.E A>CDW325@,% Y% J@4G4@47.E A:DD% =702.4@E B::M :PCZE OEC% ?7=9223;% O% ?-@,; G-967% ?7=9223;% G-967 K4@1,75;% G4K7M57I% 45@79429; S07-984.,;%A>PCW3@,;%H-9@ H237.%NDCMN>OMCNBZE :% BLOCKS% TO% CIT[ PARKE O% ?7=9223;% O ?-@,%,2J.7E APCD%J58J9M 54.,7=;% AODDD% @-.@78JGGX 8J954.,7=E N2% .32K456 29%07@.E <DBMNPDMBDCDE TOR% RENT% IN SPEARTISHd > B7=9223;% :% ?-@,% ,237E AZ>CW325@,% 0GJ.% J@4G4M @47.E N2% P7@.E C-GG R-9X.4-%NDCMN>OM:CDDE BELLE% TO/RCHE% M% < BE&ROOR;% :% ?-@, ,237%.4@@456%25%:%-197.E TJGG% ?-.7375@% IWI-GKM 2J@E A00G4-517.% 451GJ=M 7=E &26% O5GX;% NO% 1-@.E AO;DDDW325@,E C-GG _7..41-WKPR% % NDCMN>OM DCNNE &EA&VOO&d SRALL ?J@% 1J@7% <% ?7=9223 ,2J.7% 25% G2I79% R-45; 5417%X-9=;%.@29-67%.,7=; I-GK%@2%I29K;%ANCDE C-GG &75-% S,77@.% P92079@X R-5-67375@;% NDCM>ZZM ZDNPE EOH TOR% RENTd >% ?7=9223 ,2J.7% 45% S07-984.,;% 25 C977K% 57-9% /54H79.4@XE TJGGX% 8J954.,7=E AH-4G-?G7d L-?29% =-X% @2 _J57% OE >W?-;% ,2@% @J? I4@,% 6-h7?2E &2J?G7 -@@-1,7=% 6-9-67E L-967 87517=% X-9=E N2% .32KM 456;%52%07@.E R78797517. 97^J497=E AZZCW32E ZC>M N>PMPNZZ 'REAT% LOCATION% 45 &7-=I22=E CJ@7% :Y ?7=9223;% O% ?-@,% ,237 ?7,45=% @,7% ,2.04@-GE V-.,79;% =9X79;% 288M .@977@% 0-9K456E C-GG NDCMCPDM<PC<% 29% NDCM Z:DMOONOE HO/SE%TOR%LEASE%I5 S07-984.,E <% B7=9223; 6-9-67;%87517=%X-9=E N2 S32K456% 29% P7@.E &702.4@.;% R78797517. R7^J497=E NDCMN>CM DO><E LEA&%M%<%BE&ROOR;%: ?-@,% 9-51,% .@XG7% ,2J.7; 57IGX% 9732=7G7=; AN:CW325@,;% 0GJ.% J@4G4M @47.% -5=% =-3-67 =702.4@;% G7-.7E B4GG% NDCM N>OMD<NZE LEA&% M% >% BE&ROOR ,237% I4@,% G-967% 87517= X-9=%-5=%288M.@977@%0-9KM 456E ABDD% 0GJ.% J@4G4@47.E T29% 3297% 4582% 1-GG% NDCM CPDMCZDDE LEA&% M% ]ER[% NICE% O ?7=9223% ,2J.7;% I4@, 6-9-67;% 52% 07@.;% A>:C 325@,% 0GJ.% =702.4@;% 978M 797517.E C-GG% NDCM>CPM :NNB%29%NDCMN>OM>D<N NICE% NEV% HORE; SPEARTISHE < B7=9223;% O% ?-@,E &2J?G7% 1-9% 6-9-67E AGG -00G4-517.;% =702.4@ 97^J497=E N2% 07@.;% N2 S32K456E AZBC%0GJ.%J@4G4M @47.E NDCMN>CMDPZPE 808 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR RENT &EA&VOO&% CLAIR _/RPERS% TRAILER PARK% LOT% TOR% RENTE NDCMCBPMODZB ROBILE% HORE% LOTS -H-4G-?G7% 52IE S07-984.,%]-GG7X%R2?4G7 E.@-@7.E C-GG% NDCMB::M BNPN% 29% 17GGd NDCMN>CM <NPB RO/NTAIN% SHA&OVS ESTATES% 45% S07-984., H-.%L-967%R2?4G7%H237 L2@.% AH-4G-?G7% 829% R75@E N2% &26.% AGG2I7=E bNDCcN>:M>BN>E ON% RE&VATER RI]ER;% ND% @2% PD% -197. 829% RENTE I9946-@7=; 87517=;% 622=% ,-X% 092M =J179E T4.,456;% ,J5@456 f% 69-h456% 946,@.E NDCM N>OMODDDE 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS &ENTAL;% RE&ICAL; P,X.41-G% T,79-0,X% -5= 29% OTTICE% SPACE% 829 975@E I5% B7GG7% T2J91,7 1-GG%NDCMB:<MBNC>E TAIR'RO/N&S% LOOP I5=J.@94-G% P-9Kd <De<D J54@% A>DDW325@,; H7-@7=;% 094H-@7% ?-@,M 9223.;% 2H79,7-=% =229.; 7-.X%-117..E C-GG%_-.25 -@% C75@J9X% :O% S07-984., R7-G@X;% I51E NDCMN>:M >NDBE LAR'E% AMO% G21-@425; 09437% 129579% 288417 ?J4G=456E &7.49-?G7 5746,?29.E AH-4G-?G7 _J57% OE R4=I7.@ P92079@X% R-5-67375@ NDCMN>OMOD:NE OTTICE% TOR% RENTE P9287..425-G;% 8J954.,7=; J.7% 28% 120479% f% 125879M 7517% 9223E /@4G4@47. 451GJ=7=E A:ZCW325@,E B::MC>DPE OTTICE%SPACEE :O>%VE 'RANTE >CD%.^E 8@E C-GG _J.@45%-@%N>CM:C:>E PRIRE% CORRERCIAL LOCATIONE :OD% VE '9-5@E :CDD% .^E 8@E O88417WS,20% 123?45-M @425E C-GG%_J.@45%-@%N>CM :C:>E PRIRE% OTTICEW RETAIL% .0-17% -H-4GM -?G7E <;DDD% .^E 8@E iJ.@ G4K7% 57I% I4@,% 697-@ .@2978925@% 7g02.J97E N7I% 0-45@;% 1-907@; 8G229456E K4@1,75;% : ?-@,9223.E S@-@7 S@977@;% B7GG7% T2J91,7E ABCD% 079% 325@,% I4@, G7-.7E R41K%TX.=-G%NDCM N>OMOD<D% ?92K79 2I57=E jjSTORA'E% /NITSjjE C2307@4@4H7% R-@7.; ::g<D;% OOg<D;% OOg:D; OOgOC;%OOgOD;%CgOOE C-GG N29@,H47I% S@29-67% -@ bNDCcN>:MPO:NE ODg:N;% ODg:>;% ODgO: STORA'E% /NITSE C25197@7% TG229E ]-GG7X S@29-67E bNDCcN>:M<BP:; NDCMN>CM:PPDE NEW! Spearfish Storage 10x10 to 12x30 Easy access off of I-90 and Heritage Drive. Call today for Grand Opening Incentives! Chris 605-645-9985 CgB;% PgOD;% ODgOD; ODg:>;%O:g<DE C25197@7 8G229.;% BG-1K% @2007= =94H7% I-X.E L21-@7= ?7,45=% S-87I-XM% S@2I AI-X% S@29-67M% NDCM N>:M:PNZ% 29% NDCMN>CM :OC:E &EA&VOO&% STORM A'E%/NITS%A]AILABLE NOV% CON]ENIENTL[ LOCATE&% E ]ARIO/S SIkESE CLAIR _/RPERS% STORA'EE NDCMCBPMODZB TIRST% RONTH% TREEU C`eOD` f% OD`e:D` AH-4G-?G7E I5175@4H7.U V7`GG% 32H7% X2J9% 4@73. 829% X2JU% % R4=I7.@ P92079@X% R-5-67375@ NDCMN>OMOD:NE VHITEVOO&% STORM A'E% NEV% /NITSE ]-942J.% .4h7.E L2I 09417.E OJ@.4=7% 0-9K456 -H-4G-?G7E NDCM:NZM :O:< 812 WANTED TO RENT VANTE&d H7-@7=% 29 /NHEATE&%45=229%.@29M -67% 829% :D% 822@% ?2-@% 45 @,7% N29@,795% H4GG.% 2H79 @,7% I45@79% 325@,.E C-GG NDCMN>OM<<DOE 813 VACATION RENTALS BLACK% HILLS% ]ACAM TION% CABINSEEEC,2417 G21-@425.%45%@,7%N29@,795 H4GG.E AGG%X7-9%-H-4G-?4G4@XE S77% 092079@47.% -@ IIIE?G-1K,4GG.H-1-@425M 1-?45.E123C-GG% NDCM Z:DMO:NZ% 29% NDCMCBPM OOP>% 829% 97.79H-@425.E 73-4G% i2=Xl 32GG3-5mX-,22E123 902 MOBILE HOMES 904 LOTS & FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE OZNZ% THREE% BE&M ROOR%@9-4G79;%622=%125M =4@425;% 3-5X% 7g@9-.; -8829=-?G7% -5=% 125H7M 5475@;% G21-@7=% 57-9% 12GM G767%45%S07-984.,;%-.K456 AN;:CD% OBO;% NDCM><OM PPZOE OZB>% RA'NOLIA; O>`eBD`;% :% BR;% VW&; N7I79% TG229456;% N7I TJ95-17% f% % O@,79 R752H-@425.E '22= C25=4@425E AO>;CDD% 29 R7-.25-?G7% O8879E O>P ]-GG7X%&9E S07-984.,E C-GG <DBM:OBMDCDZ% 829% H47IM 456E R2?4G7% H237.% AH-4G-?G7 M% N29@,795% H4GG.% H237. ?7@I775% AP;ZDD% M AO:;ZDD%AH-4G-?G7%NOVU _7..41-W% P9J=75@4-G NDCEN>OEDCNN% i7..41-.M 7GG..07-984.,mG4H7E123 NEVL[% /P&ATE& O>`gBD`;% % :% B&RR;% O BATH%R2?4G7%H237%946,@ 288% R41K7G.25% T9-4G; 07-178JG% G21-@425E P79871@% S@-9@79% H237E NDCM:POMDP<CE LAN&% TOR% SALEd :D ACRES% 25% C92I% P7-K B751,E P2I79% 25% .4@7E '97-@% ]47I.U% APC;DDDE NDCMN>OMZCZDE SIN'LE% TARIL[; &J0G7g;% RJG@4M8-34GX C2337914-G% G2@.;% CD A197% H29.7% P92079@XE P9417.% .@-9@% -@% A<>;DDDE L21-@7=% 45% S07-984.,% f B7GG7%T2J91,7E C-GG%C,94. P-56?J95%NDCMN>CMZZPC 29% _27% _29675.75% NDCM N>CMDD>PE _29675.75 R7-G4@X;% S07-984.,E B92K79%OI57=E 912 HOMES FOR SALE BY OWNER HO/SE% TOR% SALE% B[ OVNERd <% STOR[;% > B7=9223.;% O% <W>% ?-@,; @I2% 6-9-67.;% :% G2@.; 57IGX% 97125=4@4257=E AONZ;ZDDWOBOE S/NM &ANCE%V[ORIN'E C-GG >D:M<CDMN:NOE T,-5K.% T29% /.456% T,7 BG-1K% H4GG.% P425779 CG-..4847=%A=%S71@425U What’s the difference between a parent who hits his child and a parent who doesn’t? About ten seconds. T75% .7125=.E N2@% 3J1,% @2% -.K% 28 X2J9.7G8;% 48% 4@% K770.% X2J% 8923% .@94KM 456% 2J@% -@% X2J9% 1,4G=E S2;% @,7% 57g@ @437% X2J% 877G% @,456.% 67@@456% 2J@% 28 ,-5=; DON’T HIT!! Count!! T2% @75EEE 29% @2% @I75@XEEE 29 I,-@7H79%4@%@-K7.%829%X2J%@2%97-G4h7 @,-@%,J9@456%X2J9%1,4G=%4.%NOT THE ANSWER! V7%1-5%,7G0;%@22E T29%-%8977%?22KG7@ I94@7% @2% “Good Discipline,” P.O. Box 2866D, Chicago, IL 606090. Take time out. Don’t take it out on your child. National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse This message brought to you by your friends at The Black Hills Pioneer BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 28 David M. Dorsett Regional Senior Care announces employee of the month David M. Dorsett Regional Senior Care has recognized Laura Kliewer, certified nursing assistant, as its September employee of the month. She has been employed with the facility since November 2008. Courtesy photo Friday, September 24, 2010 Scott Kennedy receives Young Optometrist of the Year award PIERRE & 'r. S+ott .enne12 o3 So+iet2 Mo5r1 o3 'ire+tor7 in Apri: Spe5r3i7h 957 re+ent:2 +ho7en 57 the QRSR 5n1 7erCe7 57 Ci+e pre7i1ent. ;o<ng Optometri7t o3 the ;e5r @2 the .enne12 i7 5 STTU gr51<5te o3 T.V. So<th '5Aot5 Optometri+ Rigg7 High S+hoo: in Pierre. So+iet2. He gr51<5te1 7<mm5 +<m The 595r1 957 @57e1 on :5<1e 3rom the WniCer7it2 o3 7erCi+e to the pro3e77ion o3 So<th '5Aot5 in STTX 9ith 5 optometr2 5n1 the 7o+iet2D 1egree in @io:og2 5n1 5 minor 75i1 Pre7i1ent 'r. 'o<g in p72+ho:og2. .enne12 E5::in. FIn the eight 2e5r7 re+eiCe1 hi7 'o+tor5te in th5t 'r. .enne12 h57 @een in Optometr2 3rom the I::inoi7 pr5+ti+eD he h57 7triCen to Co::ege o3 Optometr2 in QRRQ. 7h5re hi7 eGperien+e 5n1 .enne12 5n1 hi7 9i3eD m5Ae the pr5+ti+e o3 optomeH '59nD h5Ce @een m5rrie1 3or Dr. Scott tr2 @etter 3or hi7 peer7 5n1 7eCen 2e5r7 5n1 5re p5rent7 to their p5tient7DI he 75i1. 15<ghterD A:i7onD 9ho i7 Y. In Kennedy FI giCe m2 time to the 7o+iH 511ition to 7h5ring hi7 eGperiH et2 @e+5<7e IJCe 5:9527 3e:t en+e 9ith the So<th '5Aot5 the nee1 to giCe 7omething @5+AD Optometri+ So+iet2D .enne12 i7 5 Co:H 9hether it i7 to m2 7+hoo:D m2 +omm<H <nteer 3or 5n1 p57t pre7i1ent o3 the nit2 or m2 pro3e77ionDI 75i1 .enne12. Spe5r3i7h Optimi7t C:<@ 5n1 i7 5 Co:<nH FI 9o<:1 :iAe to 1e1i+5te thi7 595r1 to teer 9ith the Z5tthe97 Oper5 Ho<7eD m2 three optometr2 mentor7K 'r. Le33 9here he h57 @een inCo:Ce1 9ith R5<7+hD 'r. 'ennette Ei7n5+h 5n1 'r. n<mero<7 p:527. Mr51 H5<geDI he 511e1. The So<th '5Aot5 Optometri+ So+iet2 .enne12 h57 @een 5 mem@er o3 the 957 3orme1 in STSR to promote the Thir1 P5rt2 In7<r5n+e Committee 3or pr5+ti+e o3 optometr2. The So<th 3iCe 2e5r7D 5n1 7erCe1 57 +oH+h5irm5n '5Aot5 Optometri+ So+iet2 h57 SUT 3or three o3 tho7e 2e5r7. He 957 5:7o mem@er7 in +omm<nitie7 5+ro77 the e:e+te1 to the So<th '5Aot5 Optometri+ 7t5te. PUZZLE FOR FRIDAY, SEPT. 24 Check Us Out On The Web www.bhpioneer.com SPONSORED BY: LUEDERS FOOD CENTERS Friday, September 24, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 29 Golden Ridge makes 10-foot banana split Golden Ridge Regional Senior Care residents celebrated National Assisted Living Week, Sept. 12-18, by making and eating a 10-foot banana split. From left, Gatian Sweeney, Kathryn Reausaw, Paul Cross, John Eddy, Dave Eddy, Jack Morcom and Marge Morcom enjoy their ice cream creation. Courtesy photo Senior Menus Spearfish and Sturgis Senior Menu Tree House Caf, Hickory House 430 Oriole Dr., Spearfish Heritage Acres ?3 ?2340 East Ave., Sturgis Satur&ay( Sept. 25 — Satur&ay breakfast4 Meals on 9heels( spaghetti an& meatballs( fresh gar&en sala&( tropical fruit( orange ?uice( garlic toast Sun&ay( Sept. 26 — Araise& beef with shallots an& mushrooms( seasone& brown rice( Cucchini sala&( kiwi fruit sala& Mon&ay( Sept. 27 — Pork sirloin tips over sea4 sone& brown rice( steame& cabbage( cantaloupe( wheat brea&Gmargarine Tues&ay( Sept. 2I — Aarbecue beef brisket( ranch style beans( carri fruit sala&( honey&ew cilantro sala&( wheat brea&Gmargarine 9e&nes&ay( Sept. 2J — Roast beef &inner( whippe& potatoesG gravy( parlsie& carrots( man4 &arin oranges( Lrench brea&Gmargarine Thurs&ay( Sept. 3N — Chicken an& noo&les( seasone& green beans( bake& sPuash( apricot pineapple combo Lri&ay( Oct. 1 — Liver an& onions( whippe& potatoes( steame& broccoli( cauliflower sala&( sugar free apple pie Dine in or carry out. Hickory House serving Sunday-Friday: 11a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday breakfast: 8 a.m. to noon. For more information on the nutrition program call 642-1277. Sturgis — Monday-Friday lunch: 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Monday-Friday Evening Menu served 5 to 5:30 p.m. Mon&ay — Chicken Club san&wich( California me&ley soup( plums Tues&ay — PiCCa( gar&en sala&( fresh miTe& fruit 9e&nes&ay — Denver omelet san&wich( hash brown potatoes( strawberries Thurs&ay — Meatloaf san&wich( hearty chick4 en noo&le soup( &ice& peaches Lri&ay — No meal Belle Fourche Senior Menu Mon&ay( Sept. 27 — Chicken an& &ressing( bake& sPuash( Harvar& beets( fruit cocktail Tues&ay( Sept. 2I — Meatloaf( boile& potatoes( broccoli( apricots in pu&&ing 9e&nes&ay( Sept. 2J — Roast pork( company potatoes( cooke& cabbage ( plums Thurs&ay( Sept. 3N — Hamburger( company potatoes( parslie& carrots( tosse& sala&( pears All meals inclu&e I ounce 1 percent milk( choice 142 brea&Ggrain servings. Check Us Out On The Web www.bhpioneer.com Sports Page 30 BELLE FOURCHE BHSU LEAD-DEADWOOD SPEARFISH STURGIS Friday, September 24, 2010 sports@bhpioneer.com Broncs volleyballers win homecoming game B" DENNIS KNUCKLES Black Hills Pioneer BE##E FO'RCHE + The Belle Fourche girls7 volleyball team won its homecoming match against Custer Thursday night in Belle Fourche. The Broncs beat the Wildcats 25-17, 1625, 28-26 and 25-21. “It was a good win for us. We take it one game at a time and every win is a good win, but winning your homecoming game makes it a little more special,” said broncs coach #oree Schlichtemeier. Megan Boston, Erica Proefrock and Serena Kokesh helped lead Belle Fourche to an easy win in Game 1, 25-17. Game 2 saw Custer come out fighting and taking the lead at 9-8. The Broncs seemed to be a little flat and the Wildcats took Game 2, 25-16. Game 3 seemed like it was going to go the Custers way, as the Wildcats lead 21-14. The Broncs front line picked up its game and the Broncs tied it at 24-24 and won 2624 on a kill by Boston and and ace by Tessa Hill. Proefrock, Boston, and #ily Walker proved too strong in Game 4, and the Broncs won 25-25 and won the match three games to one. Hill had 17 digs, Boston had 21 kills and Proefrock 17 kills, and kokesh had 22 assists for the Broncs (10-2). Belle Fourche’s Megan Boston, 7, goes up for one of her 21 kills as the Broncs defeated Custer in volleyball action Thursday night in Belle Fourche. Pioneer photo by Dennis Knuckles AREAaction TODA" High School Fooball: Spearfish at SF O6Gorman 5 p.m. Lead vs. Belle Fourche (homecoming) 6 p.m. GirlsD High School Soccer: Aankton vs. Spearfih F p.m. BoysD High School Soccer: Aankton vs. Spearfih 6 p.m. Lead at Freemont Academy 5p.m. WomensD College Volleyball: BHSU at Minot State 7 p.m. High School Cross Country Spearfish, Lead, Belle Fourche at Rapid City Elks 3 p.m. Belle Fourche football homecoming highlights area weekend sports B" DENNIS KNUCKLES Black Hills Pioneer BE##E FO'RCHE + Belle Fourche7s football team hopes to celebrate homecoming with a win over rival #ead-Deadwood Friday night in Belle Fourche. The Broncs (0-3) lost to West Central 41-7 last week at home, in the rain. “We've been dealing with numerous injuries like concussions,” Nowowiejski said. “It looks like we may have the whole team back.” Nowowiejski anticipates that #ead-Deadwood will play hard against Belle Fourche, as always happens. He said the Golddiggers boast speed at the tailback position along with some size. “They had success against Hill City and will try to spoil our homecoming,” Nowowiejski said of the Golddiggers. That Prospector Bowl game ended 32-14 in #eadDeadwood's favor. Belle Fourche's offense needs to get off the ball consistently, according to Nowowiejski. “Defensively, we're concentrating on tackling,” he said. The Diggers (1-2) lost at Bennett County 26-7 last week, and will rely on their defense to coral the Broncs. “Our defense has really been playing good and hopefully that will continue against Belle Fourche,” said #ead-Deadwood football coach Tony Biesiot.. “They have a couple of good running backs, and our defense will ned to contain them if we want to win.” Kickoff is 6 p.m. at #ou Graslie Field in Belle Fourche. aou can hear the game on KDSJ 980 AM or at www.kdsj980.com. In other football action Friday night, Spearfish (0-3) travels to Sioux falls to take on O7Gorman. The Spartans are coming off a 55-0 loss to Sioux Falls Washington, while O7Gorman (2-2) See SPORTS — Page 33 Belle Fourche’s football team hopes to get its first win of the season tonight when they host Lead-Deadwood in their homecoming game in Belle Foutrche. Pioneer file photo Friday, September 24, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Sports Happenings Black Hills Swim practice begins Sept. 27 +:'3*$%+H ; The !>?ck HB>>C Do>F +GBm Te?m GB>> IeJBn Lr?cNBceC Oor NheBr ChorN courCe 6151Q.55 Ce?Con ?N 70RS L.m. ,onF?UV +eLN. 6W ?N Nhe XounJ &enNer Loo>. !>?ck HB>>C Do>F +GBm Te?m BC oLen No ?>> ?re? UouNh ?JeC S.5Y ?nF encom. L?CCeC CGBmmerC oO ?>> ?IB>BNBeC. +GBmmerC ?re Ge>come No ZoBn ?N ?nUNBme FurBnJ Nhe Ce?Con GhBch runC noG NhrouJh ,?rch 6155. $or more BnOorm?NBon c?>> !renF? ?N /RS.S515. Deadwood-Lead 76ers swim team accepting sign-ups D'3D9""D ; The De?FGooF. \e?F W/erC CGBm Ne?m BC noG ho>FBnJ reJBCNr?NBonC. The coCN BC ]5S1.11 Oor ChorN courCe Ce?Con. ^"cN.. $eI._. The L?UmenN CcheFu>e BC0 "cN. 71 . ]/1 ^]RW oO NhBC BC Oor ).+.3. reJBCNr?. NBon ?nF ]S BC Oor +ouNh D?koN? reJBCNr?. NBon. The oNher ]Y JoeC No Nhe CGBm Ne?m Oor e`LenCeCa -ob. 71 . ]6SV Dec. 71 .]61V c?n. 71 . ]6SV ?nF $eI. 6YV 6155 . ]61. +GBm Ne?m memIerC GB>> ?>Co neeF No Iecome memIerC oO Nhe *ec &enNer Bn De?FGooF. 'nNrU OeeC Oor meeNC ?re Nhe reCLonCB. IB>BNU oO Nhe L?renNC ?nF ?re Bn ?FFBNBon No Nhe ?Iobe OeeC. %nOorm?NBon concern. BnJ BnFBbBFu?> meeNC GB>> Ie JBben No e?ch CGBmmer 6 No 7 GeekC IeOore ? meeN. %N BC eCCenNB?> Nh?N enNrU BnOorm?. NBon ?nF enNrU OeeC Ie reNurneF No Nhe co?ch IU Nhe meeN Fe?F>Bne BnFBc?NeF. 3nU enNrU OeeC Oor BnbBN?NBon?> meeNC muCN Ie L?BFV IeOore ? CGBmmer c?n Ie enNereF. 'nNrU OeeC ?re non.reOunF?I>e. :?renNC ?re reCLonCBI>e Oor JeNNBnJ CGBmmerC No ?nF Orom meeNCV ?nF Oor ?nU >oFJBnJ ?nF me?>C. %N BC noN m?nF?NorU Nh?N Uou L?rNBcB. L?Ne Bn CGBm meeNC IuN NheU c?n Ie ?>oN oO Oun. %O Uou neeF OBn?ncB?> ?CCBCN?nce L>e?Ce conN?cN &o?ch cohn ?nF he GB>> LuN Uou Bn conN?cN GBNh Nhe LeoL>e Nh?N N?ke c?re oO NhoCe m?NNerC. %O Uou eber h?be ?nU dueCNBonC or commenNC L>e?Ce Oee> Oree No c?>> eBNher one oO Nhe co?ch. eC. 9hen Cchoo> JeNC FBCmBCCeF e?r>U or Nhere BC no Cchoo>V Nhere GB>> Ie no CGBm Lr?cNBce Nh?N F?U. ThBnJC Nh?N Nhe CGBmmerC neeF Oor Lr?cNBce ?re ? CGBm CuBNV G?Ner IoNN>eV NoGe>V CGBm c?L eBO neeFeFaV ?nF JoJ. J>eC. :r?cNBce NBmeC ?re0 7071 No R05SLm. !eJBnnerCV ?nF R05S No S071 Oor %nNermeFB?Ne ?nF 3Fb?nceF. :r?cNBceC GB>> Ie he>F ?N Nhe *ec &enNer Bn De?FGooF. +GBmmerC Chou>F Ie FreCCeF ?nF re?FU No JeN Bn Nhe Loo> ?N Nhe FeCBJn?NeF NBme Co Lr?cNBce c?n CN?rN on NBme. %O Uou h?be ?nU dueCNBonCV conN?cN cohn TrBF>e ?N SYR.5RfWenBJhNa or SWY. 7W6feF?UaV or conN?cN,Bke ">Cen ?N W5W.S6SS. Local firefighters sporting clay shoot to benefit injured comrades Sept. 25 +T)*D%+ ; "n +?NurF?UV +eLN. 6SV -orNh gone $Bre ,?n?JemenN BnbBNeC Nhe LuI>Bc No L?rNBcBL?Ne Bn Nhe 9B>F>?nF $BreOBJhNer !eneOBN +LorNBnJ &>?U +hooN ?N Nhe !uOO?>o &hBL +hooNBnJ &omL>e` Bn +NurJBC. 'nNrU OeeC ?re ]6S1 Oor ? R.LerCon Ne?m or ]WS Oor ?n BnFBbBFu?> ?nF GB>> Bnc>uFe OooFV FrBnk ?nF >Bbe muCBc. :re.reJBCNr?NBon BC recommenFeF ?nF Fue IU +eLN. 5W. To reJBCNer Oor Nhe +LorNBnJ &>?U +hooNV c?>> e/1Sa 7RW.f111. L-D drops home volleyball match Page 31 Belle Fourche news sponsored by the following community minded businesses... Branding Iron/212 Bait Shop Can Am Auto Integrity Meats Johnson Electric Pete’s Clothing Sports News+ ,all /ennis or Jason at 642-2761 1830 N Main St., Spearfish, S.D 57783 The Town (R) Mon – Fri 6:30 & 8:45 Sat and Sun 2:00, 4:15, 6:30 & 8:45 Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (PG) Mon - Fri 7:00 & 9:00 Sat and Sun 1:45, 4:30, 7:00 & 9:00 Devil (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:30 Sat and Sun 1:15, 4:00, 6:45 & 8:30 The American (R) Jo Jo Waisanen hits the ball over the net during Thursday’s Lead-Deadwood volleyball match against Hot Springs. Lead-Deadwood dropped a 25-20, 2519, 25-23 decision at the LDHS gym. Kursta Rische (five) and Chelsey Cate (three) paced the Golddiggers in attacking kills. Mikayla Gallagher and Cate each recorded two serving aces; Cate added 14 set assists. Martina Mack and Jessie Rantapaa contributed eight and seven digs, respectively, for Lead-Deadwood. Waisanen finished with three solo blocks; Jill Lundquist added two. “I was very impressed with how the girls played as a team,” LeadDeadwood head coach Erica Anshutz said. She added the defense got to the right spots, and players blocked well. Anshutz said the team members have shown a great deal of improvement so far this season. Pioneer photo by Jason Gross Mon - Fri 6:30 & 8:30 Sat and Sun 2:00, 4:00, 6:30 & 8:30 Wall Street Money Never Sleeps (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 9:00 Sat and Sun 1:00, 3:30, 6:45 & 9:00 )*+,ES )"0E 1RE"3 1,43S555 1ift Cards "vaila?le at the BoD *ffiEe !"# "$$%&' H")*+ ,"-.$*% /011 +3T.+)- 56071 C"LL 642-4212 "* 8%+%T ")* 9'!+%T' WWW.NHCINEMA.COM BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Page 32 BHSU rodeo team competes in Wisconsin S"#CIAL TO TH# "ION##R !"#$! &'(()* +i-. / 01e 34a67 8i44)tate :ni<er-it> rodeo team 6omBeted at t1e &a46on )tamBede 1e4d )eBtemCer DE FD9 in !i<er &a44-* +i-. 01e douC4e 1eader rodeo Ia- 1o-ted C> t1e :ni<er-it> of +i-6on-in !i<er &a44-. 01e 38): IomenK- team -1oI6a-ed t1eir ta4ent C> oCtaining t1e 4ead in t1e Mreat P4ain!egion in t1e team -tanding-. O"t i- great to 1a<e t1i- momentum ear4>P it add- to t1e gir4-K 6onfiden6e and Cring- Bo-iti<e energ> to our team*Q -aid 38): rodeo 6oa61 M4enn (ammer-. O01e (ad> Re44oI Sa67etrea44> Bu44ed toget1er to -tart t1e -ea-on rig1t and noI Ie need to 7eeB Ior7ing 1ard and -ta> fo6u-ed to maintain our 4ead in t1e -tanding-.Q 01e Iomen-K team B4a6ed t1ird Iit1 TUU Boint- in t1e fir-t rodeo and B4a6ed fir-t in t1e -e6ond rodeo Iit1 TTU Boint- in t1e team -tandF ing-. 01e menV- team B4a6ed -e6ond Iit1 UTW Boint- in t1e fir-t rodeo and fourt1 Iit1 XEU Boint- in t1e -e6ond and are 6urrent4> ran7ed fourt1 in t1e Mreat P4ain- !egion. O"n order to mo<e uB in -tanding- our menteam need- to Ior7 on 6on-i-ten6> and 6aBita4F iYing on oBBortunitie- to gain Boint- in more t1an one e<ent*Q -aid (ammer-. O01e menKteam 1a- a 4ot of ta4ent* t1eir -trengt1 a- a team i- 1a<ing mu4ti e<ent 6oICo>-.Q 01e Re44oI Sa67et- toB indi<idua4 B4a6ingin t1e fir-t rodeo in64udeP 0om 8unt fir-t in t1e tieFdoIn roBing* 0a>4or +i44iam- fir-t in t1e team roBing* Soe> Painter fir-t in t1e Carre4 ra6ing* Samie 3ritton fir-t in t1e goat t>ing and (eZi )mit1 t1ird in t1e Crea7aIa> roBing. 01e -e6ond rodeo found Sord>n So1n-on IinF ning t1e Crea7aIa> roBing and Soe> Painter Iinning t1e goat t>ing. Soe> Painter a4-o too7 fourt1 B4a6e in t1e Crea7aIa> and Ion t1e a44 around 6oIgir4 tit4e. '4-o* in t1e -e6ond rodeo Samie 3ritton B4a6ed -e6ond in t1e goat t>ing and PS Painter and 0om 8unt B4a6ed fir-t in t1e -1ort go and -e6ond in t1e a<erage in t1e team roBing. 0>e 8a4e B4a6ed fir-t in t1e 4ong go in t1e tieFdoIn roBing. 01e Re44oI Sa67et- Ii44 tra<e4 to 'me-* "oIa* for t1e neZt rodeo on [6t. D and X. E-Edition Friday, September 24, 2010 Agent: Deals were in place, but no Jackson trade B#RNI# .ILSON A" S$%&'( W&+',& )'\ ]"$M[ ^'P_ / 8o4dout Iide re6ei<er #in6ent Sa67-on remain- t1e BroBert> of t1e )an ]iego C1arger- de-Bite 1i- agent -a>ing 1e 1ad dea4- in B4a6e Iit1 -e<era4 team- Cefore t1e +edne-da> dead4ine. 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Broncs volleyball action E-Edition Subscribe Subscribe Now! Now! R"#$ &'" B)#*+R"#$ H-)). &'" P-01""2 #13&-4"5 01)-1"7 B)#*+#136'"2" H-)). P-01""2 #13&-4"5 #136'"2" 01)-1"7 L09 01 &0: L09 01 &0: !"#ioneer)*om !"#ioneer)*om 02 *#)) ,-./,02/22,3 02 *#)) ,-./,02/22,3 7 $ $ 4it" 4it" 7/8 7/8 Pa; Pa; per per month month Tessa Hill of Belle Fourche digs out a ball during Thursday night’s volleyball match against Custer in Belle Fourche. Hill had 17 digs for the Broncs as they won their homecoming game 25-17, 16-25, 28-26 and 25-21. “We came out with a lot of intensity in the first game and we need to carry that same intensity throughout the rest of the match,” said Broncs volleyball coach Loree Schlichtemeier. The Broncs host a tournament in Belle Fourche beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday. Pioneer photo by Dennis Knuckles BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Friday, September 24, 2010 Page 33 Armstrong friend talks to grand jury !"#$%"& 'CC!)#"*& Associated Press Writer E]S A^[EEES SAHT ` A !");$38' 5<3')A "5 E*)4' A<8#$<");a# $"!A * 5'A'<*! ;<*)A XB<@ $:*$ #:' )'('< :'*<A $:' 4@4!3#$ *A83$ :' B#'A 7'</ 5"<8*)4'/'):*)43); A<B;#= $:' +"8*)a# *$$"<)'@ #*3A W'A)'#A*@. S$'7:*)3' U4I!(*3)= *!#" * ?B#3)'## *##"43*$' "5 A<8#$<");a#= *77'*<'A ?'5"<' $:' XB<@ :'*<3); '(3A')4' 4")/ )'4$'A $" *!!';*$3")# "5 A"73); 3) 7<"5'##3")*! 4@4!3); AB<3); * A*@!"); #'##3"). cS:' $'#$353'A $:*$ #:' :*A )'('< :'*<A E*)4' A<8#$<"); #*@ :' :*A $*,') 7'<5"<8*)4'/ '):*)43); A<B;#=c #*3A U4I!(*3)a# *$$"<)'@= J:"8*# H. B3')'<$ V<. J:' $'#$38")@ 4")$<*A34$# 4!*38# ?@ A<8#$<"); <3(*!# $:*$ :' *4,)"+!'A;'A B#3); ?*))'A #B?#$*)4'# Pd @'*<# *;" +:') :' ?*$$!3); 4*)4'<. B3')'<$ #*3A U4I!(*3) :*A )'('< ?'') 7<'##B<'A ?@ A<8#$<"); "< "$:'<# $" !3'. 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Take receipt to cage. • One entry for every 10 points earned on Players Club Card. • One entry for $5 spent on hotel rooms Take receipt to cage for entries. 1-800 336 1876 • Main Street, Deadwood • www.historicbullock.com P E T OF THE WEEK DIXON: Found as a stray, but someone was feeding this guy. He is begging to be free again! The shelter will neuter and give shots if someone from the area of Dixon Ave. will just claim him. He has few options now! See all our pets on the petfinder.com website !"on%ored *+ If they’re playin’... we’ll be there! THE BLACK HILLS PIONEER 71 Charles St, Deadwood, SD 717-6431 Twin City Animal Shelter 584-2480 and the Black Hills Pioneer 584-2303 PLEASE SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS! Call Sarah at 578-3918 for money! BLACK HILLS PIONEER TOMORROW’S WEATHER Page 34 EXIT 14 Continued from Page 1 D"T is tracking current traffic use in the corridor and using it to project future traffic use to use in planning how the area will need to change to best suit the transportation needs. The annual average daily traffic =ADT? numbers from ABBC show DA,BDF vehicles crossing the AGth Htreet bridge over the interstate and DB,DIB vehicles on Colorado Boulevard between ALth Htreet and Hpearfish Canyon Road, according to the state D"T's records. These numbers are up. Five years ago, the annual average daily traffic numbers were G,LIF vehicles crossing the AGth Htreet bridge over the interstate and G,PPF vehicles on Colorado Boulevard between ALth Htreet and Hpearfish Canyon Road. The growth in businesses and homes located off of QRit DI has contributed to the increase in traffic. The Wal-Mart Hupercenter also opened in April of ABBF, increasing the traffic flow across QRit DI. The eRit, built as a part of the original mainline Interstate CB project through Hpearfish, contracted in DCGD and completed in DCGV, has been improved since its original construction, said Wramm. In DCPF, a bridge deck overlay project was done to the bridge structureX in DCCA, a structure diaphragm repair project was done for the bridge structureX in DCCG, a pavement resurfacing of the ramps and AGth Htreet through the interchange was doneX in ABBP, the traffic signals were installed on the bridge structureX and in ABBC, the lane configuration change on the east leg of Colorado Boulevard and AGth Htreet was completed. “That project also included some widening of the ramps and to AGth Htreet through the interchange for turn lanes and another pavement resurfacing,” Wramm added. “This project was the last formal contract improvement to the interchange. We have, however, done a striping project or two since then,” and there have also been some chip seal and other maintenance[preservation type of projects done in its lifetime. "nce this corridor study started, however, it was obvious that the transportation needs in Hpearfish eRtend beyond the corridor. The city is also working on a Master Transportation Plan to identify the transportation needs and issues in the entire Hpearfish area, as well as the solutions for how to best meet them in the future. The target date for the completion of the master plan is April ABDD. These studies are interrelated, as the ].H. DIA corridor plays a major role in Hpearfish's transportation routes and accessibility. While the state has jurisdiction over everything to do with the interstate and state highway, the city does have jurisdiction outside of the eRit. Watson eRplained that the D"T controls everything on Colorado Boulevard between and including the intersection of Colorado at Highway DIA =Hpearfish Canyon Highway?, east to just where the lane striping ends in the vicinity of Colorado and AGth Htreet, or the west curb on AGth Htreet near the Howard Johnson. The ramps and bridge over the interstate are also under the D"T's jurisdiction, until just before the driveway to the Holiday Inn, “and about there, the city's jurisdiction starts,” she added. Therefore, the entire QRit DI configuration, including ramps, bridge and signal, is solely within the state D"T's control, and the same will be true for the eventual design and construction for the improvement following the corridor study. Watson said that the major traffic issue of QRit DI is that it is the only intersection at that location to serve the “major commercial and industrial core with access to Interstate CB.” Conflicts between the need to move cars through the intersection while providing access to adjacent businesses located several hundred feet from the intersectionX public frustration with traffic signal coordination and wait timesX visual clutter from the signals hanging from cablesX and the inaccessibility and danger for pedestrians and bicyclists crossing the QRit DI bridge are concerns as well, she added. “The changes the city hopes to see are essentially a design that addresses all the above issues,” Watson said. “A single point urban interchange such as like what QRit LD is in Rapid City is a design favoriteX however, the engineers need to review how realistic that solution would be for our situation in terms of the amount of traffic we have. Above all, the top priority should be to efficiently manage traffic flow across the interstate.” Part of moving traffic flow Friday, September 24, 2010 includes the traffic signals. “Hignal time adjustments have been fluid with numerous changes made to fine tune the operation from installation up until the last change made thus far in Heptember, ABBC,” said Doug `inniburgh, a D"T Rapid City region traffic engineer. “We do continue to monitor the interchange and will make any additional changes to timing as deemed necessary.” Wramm said that the neRt round of public meetings, for both the corridor study and city master transportation plan, will be in the spring of ABDD, around March or April. More information can be found for the corridor study at httpa[[www.sddot.com[pe[projdev[planningbssbusDIa.asp or by contacting Hteve Wramm at steve.grammcstate.sd.us or =LBF? GGV-LLID, and more information about Hpearfish's Master Transportation Plan can be found at httpa[[www.sddot.com[pe[projdev[planningbssbspearfish.asp. Watson urged everyone to take part in the studies. “Please let the D"T know of your support for the re-design of QRit DI and for it to take place in a timely fashion,” she said. LOCAL & REGIONAL WEATHER Friday, September 24, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 35 JOE NEEB <ontin'e= fro? P.@e A chance to meet throughout the interview process. “I got a great sense of professional pride and commitment to the community from everyone, and I am thankful for the opportunity to serve along side each of them,” he added. His primary goal going into the position is to assist the >pearfish mayor and city council in “establishing and implementing policies to further the vision of >pearfish,” outlining financial stability, communication within the city, professional personnel and proper planning as some of the main goals. He added his thanks to the city council and mayor for providing the opportunity. “I enjoy my role in serving the public and have an open door policy for my office,” he said, adding that he hopes residents will feel comfortable coming to him with Auestions and concerns as he gets to know the city and the city him. “Please come and talk with me about any concerns or Auestions regarding the city operations. I am here to assist. My personality is easy going, my approach is straightforward and my goal is to help >pearfish succeed by being respectful of its past, tackling the issues of today and preparing for its future.” The official job description for the >pearfish city administrator summarizes the positionF “Gnder the direct supervision of the Mayor and City Council is responsible for the planning, organizing, directing and coordinating all activities of the city of >pearfishI enforces city laws and ordinancesI ensures compliance with state and federal laws and oversees the long range planning of the city. The city administrator is the chief administrative officer for the city.” The contract includes an annual salary of JKL,MMM. !"# !%o't )he ,l./# 0ill" Pioneer 567 P.8 9ption; Page 36 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Friday, September 24, 2010