July Newsletter
July Newsletter
“Operational Call Sign of the USS William J. Bordelon DDR/DD 881” B o r d e l o n R e u n i o n C o m m i t t e e July 2014 OFFICERS Jim Sullivan National Chairman sully1944@gmail.com Seb Riccobono Secretary/Treasurer riccobono@dcwis.com Charles Morgan Store Keeper chazznsharn@comcast.net Position Open Historian Barry Richards Chaplin ltjgbarry@comcast.net ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ray Cotton Herman Achtzlger Milo Fuller Cal Casey Bob Comins Barney Oursler Volume 25, Issue 2 I hope this Newsletter finds all in good health and looking forward to next year's Reunion in Philadelphia, PA. This edition of the newsletter contains a Status Report on the 2015 Philly Reunion along with a very short reunion survey which I hope you will review and, most importantly, provide us with a response. The reunion committee has identified quite a few sightseeing opportunities and tours available in the Philly area and in the next month or so we will be forwarding an extensive listing for review and comment to those members who are considering attending the reunion. The goal is to make the Philly Reunion a memorable event. Bravo Zulu! “Sully” Sullivan James Sullivan—National Chairman Do You Know These Bordelon Shipmates Page 2 Bordelon Reunion Loses Long-time Shipmate, Friend and Historian T he smiling face and a quick “how have you been” or “how has your day been.” That describes what will be missed at future reunions. Recently one of our shipmates with a wealth of Bordelon history passed on to a higher command. We are referring to Francis J. Doherty. “Frank” was here at the beginning of the Bordelon Reunion Committee, ever present to lend his shipmates a hand or search out some little known fact about the Bordelon ’s history. Frank, You will be Missed! Bordelon shipmate John (along with his wife, Barbara) Reed contacted us with the suggestion that the Bordelon Reunion Group sponsor a Commemorative Plaque in honor of the USS Bordelon DDR/DD881to be placed on the Commemorative Plaque Wall at the U.S. Navy Memorial, Washington, DC. Sponsorship of a Commemorative Plaque requires a total donation of $3,000 to the U.S. Navy Memorial. If you would like to support this project, please contact Reunion Chairman Jim Sullivan (via email at: Sully1944@gmail.com) indicating how much you would like to donate towards this project. U.S. Navy Memorial Commemorative Plaque Once we reach the necessary $3,000 in donations, Jim will then contact all donors requesting they mail in their checks. We will not move forward on this project until we have obtained commitments for the full amount of $3,000. Are you in Favor? If so, vote with your checkbook! SAMPL E PL AQ UE For more information, see the e Navy Memorial website at: http://www.navymemorial.org/ events/exhibits/commemorative-plaque-wall Page 3 Page 4 This is John Edward (Jack) Joy III, son of John Edward (Jack) Joy, Jr. who served on the Bordelon. For some time, I have been receiving copies of the ForeRunner News. I assume the reason for this is my having the same name as my Dad. I’d like to offer some brief information about my Dad for the benefit of any surviving shipmates who may have known him. My Dad, “Jack Joy”, would have been part of the late 40’s or early 50s crew because I was born in 1954 and his Bordelon service predates me. I know he served on many ships as a young enlisted man that I can no longer recall, but I definitely recall the Bordelon being one of them. After I was born, he strove for shore duty and was quite successful in that quest. After shore duty in San Diego and New Orleans, my memory sharpens when we were stationed in San Angelo, Texas with back-to-back stints from about 1959 through 1962 where my Dad made Master Chief and was second in command of the Naval Reserve Training Center there (since demolished circa 2000). We were stationed on Guam at the Naval Hospital in 1963-1964. Although on shore duty there, my Dad spent some time aboard the USS Wandank (aka the USS “Winkie Dink”). The Wandank was just a seagoing tug, but her claim to fame was escorting the bathescape “Trieste” to its historic Marianas Trench dives a few years earlier. His last sea duty was aboard the carrier Midway circa 1965 when we (me and my Mom) were stationed in Alameda during the early Viet Nam era. Finally, after serving shore duty in Kingsville, Texas my Dad retired in 1968 as a Master Chief with submarine service (aboard the USS Besugo). In civilian life, my Dad did well. He had been an accomplished and published Zoologist and Herpetologist throughout his military career. He became the assistant director of the Dallas, Texas zoo after his retirement until about 1978 whereby he retired again to an active life of adventure including African and Mexican scientific safaris. He was invited to direct the Abilene, Texas zoo in 1982, which he did until 1992 whereby he retired once again. He died in 2003 at age 79. Because I have never served, I can never completely understand the bond of the Bordelon crew. However, as a Navy Brat, I can assure you that I have a very good understanding of military life in general. Thus, with that understanding, and in honor of all who served, and specifically on behalf of my Dad, Jack Joy, I have sent his belated dues to Sebastian Riccobono. I consider it a personal privilege to support an organization such as yours. Sincerely, Jack Joy (John Edward Joy III) 2400 Summit View Dr. Bedford, Texas 76021 o W A N T E D Page 5 Current & Lost Shipmates Contact Information Every couple of years we try to update Shipmates contact information. This way you will receive the latest information and we will make sure you get information and details on the next reunion. If you have contact information on any of your Bordelon Shipmates that you think we may not have in our database please give us the information so we can include them in Bordelon mailings. Please take the time to mail in your information with your dues or email them to us. We need the following information: Full Name:___________________________________________________ Rate/Rank_____________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Time aboard Bordelon: _______________________________ Did You K n o w ? That Bordelon went to west pac twice ? That Bordelon made two complete trips around the South American continent? The year & place Bordelon was FRAMED? That Bordelon lost it’s starboard turbine while under enemy fire in the Tokin Gulf? Find out more Bordelon history on the Bordelon Reunion Committee Website: www.1DynamicPlace.com ** ** Then click on the Bordelon Logo to start exploring all the events and information Bordelon. Plan For 2015 Reunion— Things to Do in Philadelphia As mentioned in our February Newsletter, our 2015 Reunion will be held in Philadelphia, PA. The tentative dates chosen are August 26-30, 2015, but may change by a day or two based upon availability. As also mentioned in the February Newsletter, the selection process which resulted in the choice of Philly was, as usual, done by majority vote of those in attendance at the 2013 Reunion in Milwaukee. What was unusual about the selection, however, was that Philly did not have a local sponsor who had already performed the financial and logistical ground work. Thus, the selection was made without much knowledge of hotel pricing, parking costs, or local hotel rules regarding our Hospitality Room (i.e., ability to bring in our own beverages and snacks.) As it turns out, hotel rooms are pretty pricey (highest $230, lowest $149 per night total, with other hotels priced somewhere between the high and low), Parking is very pricey (highest$40, lowest $15 per day, but mostly around $25), and Philly hotels do not allow groups to stock their Hospitality Rooms with their own beverages and snacks. As a result of the above, the committee expanded its search into the Philly suburbs, including across the Delaware River into New Jersey. Room rates are cheaper ($115 per night total), Parking is Free, and there appears to be no problem with having our own beverages and snacks in the Hospitality Room. Of course, getting into Philly to enjoy Page 6 the food, sights, sounds, and ambiance of this fine city becomes somewhat problematic; the Downtown Train ($3.80) is 3.5 miles from the hotel, which does not have a shuttle service. Additionally, all hotels require a guaranteed number of booked rooms. This latter point, however, is not that unusual, except that we have, at this time, no estimate of how many of our members are considering attending the 2015 Reunion Thus, I would like to ask those who are currently considering attending the 2015 Reunion to take part in a small survey (not more than 4 questions). Your input will greatly influence the decision on whether we hold the reunion in a Philly hotel, or we cross the Delaware River to New Jersey. (Continued on page 7) Milwaukee Memorial Brick Page 7 For the Milwaukee Reunion we purchased a Memorial Brick. It was placed and dedicated this past Memorial Day at the Milwaukee’s Lakefront Veterans Park Vietnam Memorial. This tribute will act as a reminder to all who visit the Memorial that our shipmates, living and departed are honored and acknowledged for their “Honor, Courage and Commitment” to the Nation and Navy they served! Plan For 2015 Reunion—Continued (Continued from page 6) I would encourage ALL to reply to this survey, especially since the first question is very important to us in planning the reunion. Please reply to Jim Sullivan, at email address: Sully1944@gmail.com or Phone: 919-467-2342. ****We need your reply ASAP, certainly no later than August 15, 2014.**** Please remember to include your name with your response. You need only include the question number, followed by your answer. Bordelon Milwaukee Brick 1. At this time do you plan to attend the 2015 reunion (YES or NO or UNSURE). If NO, you can bypass all further questions, but please do respond! Note: We know plans can change, so a YES response will not be considered a firm commitment to attend. 2. Indicate your preference on location: PHILLY HOTEL, or NEW JERSEY HOTEL, or EITHER LOCATION. 3. Do you plan on driving a car to the reunion? (YES or NO). Approximate Location of Brick 4. Is having our own Beverages and Snacks in the hospitality room important to you? (YES or NO). Thank you in advance for your input. Wisconsin Vietnam Memorial Veterans Park, Milwaukee Lakefront Bordelon Reunion Committee 1213 Glenview Avenue W auwatosa, W I 53213 Fore Runner News James Sullivan—Editor Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved Website www.1DynamicPlace.com Click on Bordelon Logo ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Sickbay & Taps Lacy Harding Milam – 2011 Vernon D. McLane – 2014 James Cappua- 2009 William E. Gausman – 2012 Lamarr Beatty - 2014 Cornelius J. Carmody (Skipper, 1971-1973) - 2008 Cathy Myers, wife of Jack Myers – 2014 Francis J. Doherty – 2014 John Edward (Jack) Joy, Jr. – 2003 Alfred Troian – 2014 William "Billy" McAden - Unknown Roy Wilken — Unknown Lee Benson — 2014 ————————————If you know of any Shipmates or Spouses’ death, hospitalization or being homebound due to medical issues, Please let us know. ————————————— 2014/2015 Dues Just a reminder for those who have not paid your 20142015 Dues. Dues are $25. Send check to Bordelon Reunion Committee C/O Sebastian Riccobono 1213 Glenview Ave Wauwatosa, WI 53213 Remember Dues support this newsletter, the ship’s Store as well as the Hospitality Suite at the reunions. Send Sebastian an email riccobono@dcwis.com or call (414) 852-2103 to find out if your dues are current. Nautical Humor A boat painter was awarded the job of painting a small sailboat and when the owner asked him, how long it would take him to finish the job, he replied, "Two weeks". Three weeks went by and the owner, a little concerned of the delay, confronted the painter. "Hey Paul", said the owner, "You told me that it would take you two weeks to paint my boat and it's been three weeks... What's up with that?" The painter put his paintbrush down, looked the owner square in the eye and said, "That was two NAUTICAL weeks, like a nautical mile, they're a little longer".