tsunami simulation in indonesia`s
tsunami simulation in indonesia`s
TSUNAMI SIMULATION IN INDONESIA’S AREAS BASED ON SHALLOW WATER EQUATIONS AND VARIATIONAL BOUSSINESQ MODEL USING FINITE ELEMENT METHOD THESIS Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Institut Teknologi Bandung By DIDIT ADYTIA NIM : 20106001 Program Studi Matematika INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG 2008 ABSTRACT TSUNAMI SIMULATION IN INDONESIA’S AREAS BASED ON SHALLOW WATER EQUATIONS AND VARIATIONAL BOUSSINESQ MODEL USING FINITE ELEMENT METHOD By DIDIT ADYTIA NIM : 20106001 In many cases, tsunami waveheights and effects show a high variability along the coast. One way to study this complexity is to simulate the tsunami above a certain area by using water wave models. Since a tsunami can be considered as a shallow water wave, we can choose the well-known Shallow Water Equations (SWE) as a non-dispersive water wave model for the tsunami. Dispersive wave means that harmonic waves of smaller wavelength propagate slower than waves of larger wavelength. For the dispersive wave model, we used the recently derived Variational Boussinesq Model (VBM). In the SWE model the vertical variations in the layer of fluid is neglected, different from the VBM where the vertical variations lead to the effect of dispersion. These models are derived by using variational formulation. Consistently with the way of their derivations, these models will be solved numerically by using Finite Element Method (FEM). In FEM, the solutions are approximated by linear combination of the basis functions. In this thesis, we used linear basis functions. The radiation boundary condition and hard-wall boundary condition are implemented for both SWE and VBM. To simulate the tsunami, we use the available data of the bathymetry of Indonesia which is incorporated into our FEM schemes. The tsunami simulation in the two areas of Indonesia, which are the area in the south of Pangandaran and the area in the south of Lampung, will be presented as a result of FEM’s implementation for the SWE and the VBM. Keywords. Tsunami, Simulation, Indonesia, Shallow Water Equations, Variational Boussinesq Model, Finite Element Method i ABSTRAK SIMULASI TSUNAMI DI DAERAH INDONESIA BERDASARKAN PERSAMAAN AIR DANGKAL DAN VARIATIONAL BOUSSINESQ MODEL MENGGUNAKAN METODE ELEMEN HINGGA Oleh DIDIT ADYTIA NIM : 20106001 Pada banyak kasus tsunami, ketinggian dan akibat dari gelombang ini menunjukkan variasi yang sangat tinggi di sepanjang garis pantai. Salah satu cara untuk mempelajari masalah ini adalah dengan melakukan simulasi tsunami pada suatu daerah tertentu dengan menggunakan model gelombang air. Karena tsunami dapat dianggap sebagai gelombang air dangkal, maka dapat digunakan persamaan gelombang air dangkal atau Shallow Water Equations (SWE) sebagai model non-dispersif. Gelombang yang bersifat dispersif diartikan bahwa gelombang harmonik yang mempunyai panjang gelombang yang pendek berpropagasi lebih lambat dibanding dengan gelombang dengan panjang gelombang lebih besar. Untuk model gelombang dispersif, akan digunakan Variational Boussinesq Model (VBM). Pada model SWE, variasi pada arah vertikal diabaikan, berbeda dengan VBM dimana hal tersebut tidak diabaikan sehingga muncul efek dispersif. Kedua model tersebut diturunkan dengan variational formulation, konsisten dengan cara penurunannya, model-model tersebut dicari solusi numeriknya dengan metode elemen hingga atau Finite Element Method (FEM). Pada FEM, solusi dihampiri dengan kombinasi linier dari fungsi basis. Pada tesis ini digunakan fungsi basis linier. Radiation boundary condition dan Hard-wall boundary condition akan diimplementasikan baik untuk SWE maupun VBM. Untuk melakukan simulasi tsunami, digunakan data bathymetry Indonesia. Simulasi tsunami pada dua daerah di Indonesia akan diperlihatkan sebagai implementasi FEM dari SWE dan VBM. Kata kunci. Tsunami, Simulasi, Indonesia, Persamaan Air Dangkal, Variational Boussinesq Model, Metode Elemen Hingga ii TSUNAMI SIMULATION IN INDONESIA’S AREAS BASED ON SHALLOW WATER EQUATIONS AND VARIATIONAL BOUSSINESQ MODEL USING FINITE ELEMENT METHOD By DIDIT ADYTIA NIM : 20106001 Program Studi Matematika Institut Teknologi Bandung Approved 21 June 2008 Supervisor Dr. Andonowati GUIDELINES TO USE THE THESIS This thesis is not published, it is registered and is available in library at the Institut Teknologi Bandung. This thesis is not open to the public in condition that the copyright belongs to the author. Permission is granted to quote brief passages from this thesis provided the customary acknowledgment of the source is given. Copying or publishing any material in this thesis is permitted only under licence from the Director of Program Pascasarjana of the Institut Teknologi Bandung. iv For Husin Mas’ud and Yensi Nio my best parent ever ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In the Name of Allah, I express gratitude to Allah S.W.T for allowing me to finish this work. Although it is my name who appears in the cover of this thesis, but there are many people with their help and support who made this work possible. First of all, sincere thanks to my teacher and my supervisor, Dr. Andonowati, who has really inspired me about mathematics and natural phenomenon, and also giving me a trust to do this work. This work was initiated at Labmath-Indonesia in mid 2007. I wishes to thanks to this institution for providing me a financial supports and facilities. This work mostly has been done in this institution under supervision of Prof. E. (Brenny) van Groesen and Dr. Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan. I really want say many thanks to Mr. Brenny for his beautiful Variational Boussinesq Model (VBM) and his brialliant opinion about mathematics and nature, that is really open my mind about mathematics. Thank you for choosing me to do this job. Special thanks to Pak Sena, for introducing me the beauty of Finite Element and the art of computing. I found it really amazing. In doing this work, I worked with a young reseacher, L. Oscar Osaputra, who gave a very much contribution to this work. I really thanks for our 4 months work. My thanks for Dr. Sri Redjeki for her support, nice sharing and discussion about mathematics. My thanks are also to all staff and researchers in Labmath Indonesia for their supports and friendship, I really appreciate that. I express my thanks to graduate students and all staff in Mathematics Department, Institute Teknologi Bandung, for all friendship. Finally, to my parent, Husin and Yensi, my brother and sister, Tinton and Ika, my great friend Fara, and my families, gratitudes always goes to their deep understanding and supports. Bandung, Juni 2007 Author vi CONTENTS ABSTRACT i ABSTRAK ii GUIDELINES TO USE THE THESIS iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vi CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES ix Chapter I Preliminary 1 I.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I.2 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I.4 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter II Basic Theory 4 II.1 Variational Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 II.1.1 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 II.1.2 Variational Formulation for Surface Wave . . . . . . . . 5 II.2 Shallow Water Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 II.3 Variational Boussinesq Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 II.4 Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 II.4.1 Radiation Boundary Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 II.4.1 Hard-wall Boundary Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Chapter III Finite Element Method Implementation for SWE and VBM 14 III.1 Finite Element Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 vii III.2 FEM Implementation for SWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 III.3 FEM Implementation for VBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 III.4 FEM Implementation for Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . 25 Chapter IV Tsunami Simulation 28 IV.1 Water Wave Simulation Above Flat Bottom . . . . . . . . . . . 28 IV.2 Indonesia Bathymetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 IV.3 Tsunami Simulation Using SWE and VBM above Indonesia Bathymetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Chapter V Conclusions and Recommendations 46 Bibliography 48 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 At the left, we show a plot of discretized domain by using pdetool from MATLAB, and at the right plot show the global and the local numbering (in bracket). The local numbering is assumed in counterclockwise direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Figure 3.2 Plot of linear basis function Ti (x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Figure 3.3 Linear transformation from Ωe to master triangle and inverse map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Figure 4.1 Plot of the bipolar initial profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Figure 4.2 Plot of the crosssection of initial wave at y = 0 with 1.7m amplitude and Λ = 20km. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Figure 4.3 Plot of the splitting initial bipolar hump above flat bottom using SWE model at t = 7 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Figure 4.4 Plot of SWE simulation above flat bottom when the wave reached the boundary at t = 12 min. Notice that there is no reflection from each boundary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Figure 4.5 Plot of the splitting of initial bipolar hump using VBM, notice the development of dispersive effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Figure 4.6 Plot of the VBM simulation when the wave hits the radiation boundary condition, notice the reflected wave from the left and right boundary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Figure 4.7 Plot of available bathymetry data with 1′ accuracy. . . . . 33 Figure 4.8 Ilustration of the approximated bathymetry data in triangle domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Figure 4.9 Plot of discretized domain in the south of Java. . . . . . . 34 Figure 4.10 Profile of the bathymetry in the south of Java for Pangandaran case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Figure 4.11 Plot of the location of earthquake in the south of Java at July 17, 2006. Courtesy : USGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 ix Figure 4.12 Plot of the splitting of intial bipolar hump using SWE model at t = 3 minutes. The location of the source is near 9.220 S and 107.320 E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Figure 4.13 Plot of the tsunami simulation on Pangandaran case using SWE model at t = 9 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Figure 4.14 Plot of Pangandaran’s tsunami simulation using SWE model at t = 60 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Figure 4.15 Plot of the maximum crest-height during 1 hour simulation using SWE model. Crossection near the coast denoted by white line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Figure 4.16 Plot of Pangandaran’s tsunami simulation using the VBM at t = 9 min. Notice the appearance of the dispersive tail. . . . . 39 Figure 4.17 Plot of the maximum crest-height near the coast during 1 hour simulation using VBM. The below plot denotes the crosssection in the white line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Figure 4.18 Plot of approximated bathymetry for Lampung Case. Notice the shallow area surrounded by deep area in the south of Sumatra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Figure 4.19 Plot of the location and the shape of initial wave for Lampung Case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Figure 4.20 Plot of the tsunami simulation for Lampung case by using SWE model at t = 9 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Figure 4.21 Plot of tsunami simulation for Lampung case by using VBM. Notice the appearance of the dispersive tail. . . . . . . . 42 Figure 4.22 The wave after 18 minutes by using VBM. There is delayed and amplified wave above the shallow area. The waveheight reached to more than 10m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Figure 4.23 Plot of the maximum waveheight during 1 hour simulation by using SWE model. At the spesific area, the waveheight reached 9.47m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 x Figure 4.24 Plot of the maximum waveheight during 1 hour simulation by using VBM. At the specific area near the coast in the south of Sumatra, the wave reached 9.61m. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 xi Chapter I Preliminary I.1 Motivation Tsunami is a series of travelling ocean waves of extremely long wavelength generated by disturbances associated primarily with earthquakes occuring below or near the ocean floor. Volcanic eruptions, landslides, or large meteorid impact also have the potential to generate a tsunami. Tsunami is shallow water waves, which means that the ratio between waterdepth and wavelength is very small. The wave moves with speed equal to square root of the product of acceleration of gravity and water depth. In the deep ocean, the tsunami may only be a few feet high, but it has a wavelength of hundreds of miles. When it comes toward the coastline, the amplitude becomes higher and the wavelength become shorter, causing widespread devastation over the land along the coastline. Indonesia is a tsunami prone area since it is an active seismic region. The Krakatoa eruption that generated great tsunami in 1883, the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami with over one hundred and fifty thousand fatalities in Indonesia or several other tsunami events in Nias, Pangandaran are examples that showed the coastal areas of Indonesia are potential to be hit by a tsunami. I.2 Problem Formulation In many cases, tsunami waveheights and effects show a high variability along the coast, as reported on the website of EERI (2005) [9]. The complexity of tsunami’s behavior near and on the shore is affected by the topography of the bathymetry underneath the sea. 2 One way to study this complexity is to simulate the tsunami above a certain area by using water wave models. To do that, we have to choose (or derive) a good water wave model. Since a tsunami can be considered as a shallow water wave, we choose the Shallow Water Equations (SWE) as a non-dispersive water wave model. Dispersive effect means that harmonic waves with smaller wavelength propagate slower than waves with larger wavelength. For the dispersive water wave model, we used the recently derived Variational Boussinesq Model (VBM) [1]. In the SWE the vertical variations in the layer of fluid is neglected, different from the VBM where the vertical variations lead to the effect of dispersion. These models are derived by using variational principle. Consistently with the way of their derivations, these models will be solved numerically by using Finite Element Method (FEM). In FEM, the solutions are approximated by linear combination of the basis functions. This recently derived VBM is different from other Boussinesq models. It is derived without introducing higher order derivatives in the dynamic equation so that we can use linear basis functions. To simulate the tsunami, we use the actual data of the bathymetry of Indonesia, which is incorporated into our FEM schemes. We will simulate the tsunami in two areas of Indonesia which are the area in the south of Pangandaran and the area in the south of Lampung by using both the SWE model and the VBM. Both of the results of the simulations will be showed. I.3 Objectives Referring to our problem in Problem Formulation, our objectives are to built a reliable tsunami simulation. Although a tsunami event can not be prevented, by simulating possible scenarios of tsunami events, we can identify the vulnerable shore lines for early warning purposes and preparedness, also to optimize future designs of structural tsunami defence. By simulating the tsunami above 3 certain areas, specially in Indonesia, using water wave models, we can identify (or predict) the waveheight near and on the specific shore that we consider. I.4 Outline The organization of this thesis is as follows. Chapter 1 is the introduction part of this thesis, which describe the general idea of the thesis. This part is devided into four sections, which are motivation, problem formulation, objectives, and outline. In chapter 2, we derived the wave models by using variational principle and also we choose two kind of boundary conditions which will be implemented in our water wave models. Chapter 3 and 4 are the main parts of this thesis. Chapter 3 contains some explanation about FEM and its implementation for the SWE and the VBM, and also for the boundary conditions . In chapter 4, we consider the simple problem of wave propagation above a flat bottom, after that, we described the bathymetry data of Indonesia and how to incorporate it into our FEM schemes. In this section, we took two examples of tsunami simulations in two areas of Indonesia by using both FEM’s implementation for SWE and VBM. In the section 5, conclusions and recommendations of this thesis will be given. Chapter II Basic Theory In this chapter, we will describe the basic theory for the derivation of our water wave models which are the Shallow Water Equations (SWE) and the Variational Boussinesq Model (VBM) by using variational formulation. The complete derivation of these models can be read at [1] . We consider a layer of fluid with free surface and assume water as an idealized fluid, with properties that are inviscid and incompressible with uniform mass density (ρ = 1). The flow is assumed to be irrotational. Moreover there is no pressure from the atmosphere above the fluid layer. II.1 II.1.1 The Variational Formulation Notation We consider three dimensional space, two horizontal directions x = (x, y), and vertical z-axis. The gravitational acceleration is assumed to be constant 9.81m/s and denoted as g which has direction opposite to the z-axis. The surface elevation is denoted as η(x, t) and measured from z = 0. The fluid velocity is denoted as U, and with the assumption that the flow of the fluid is irrotational we have curl U ≡ ∇3 × U = 0, hence there exist a scalar function Φ, such that U = ∇3 Φ = (∇Φ, ∂z Φ). In the setting of the problem, the function Φ is called as the velocity potential. The depth given by h(x, t), so the bathymetry is given by z = −h(x, t), but later in the applications, we will assume that there will be no bottom motion, so h(x, t) ≈ h(x). II.1.2 Variational Formulation of Surface Wave We begin with Luke’s Variational Formulation, which can be stated as Z min P(Φ, η)dt Φ,η 5 where P(Φ, η) = Z Z 1 2 ∂t Φ + |∇3 Φ| + gz dz dx 2 −h η (2.1) with P is the pressure functional. Minimization of this ”pressure principle” with respect to (wrt) Φ gives the governing equation for the interior of the fluid (The Laplace problem), and kinematic boundary condition at the surface and boundary condition at the bottom. In this case, it is assumed that there is no friction and no flow though the bottom (impermeable). While minimization wrt η gives the dynamic free surface condition. This leads to the full 3D surface wave problem. It is hard to solve the full 3D surface wave problem directly, so we want to reduce that into two spatial variables only. This dimensional reduction leads us to introduce a functional (which is the kinetic energy) that should be expressed in the variables to be introduced. The formulation will involve two physical quantities, which are η(x, t) and φ (x, t) := Φ (x, z = η (x, t) , t). The second variable is abtained by prescribing the velocity potential at the free surface. With these simplifications, the solution of the full 3D surface wave problem can be determined uniquely. We start with introducing K (φ, η) as kinetic energy functional of our basic quantities, which is the value function of this following minimization problem K(φ, η) = min {K(Φ, η)|Φ = φ at z = η} Φ where K(Φ, η) := R nR η 1 |∇3 Φ|2 dz −h 2 (2.1) can be rewritten as Z Z (2.2) o − Φ∂t h dx. The functional P(Φ, η) at 1 2 ∂t Φ + |∇3 Φ| + gz dz dx P(Φ, η) = 2 −h Z Z Z Z η 1 2 2 =− φ∂t ηdx−K (φ, η) − + ∂t Φdz dx g η −h 2 −h using Rη η ∂ Φdz = ∂t −h t R η −h Φdz − φ∂t η − ΦB ∂t h , where ΦB is the Φ at the bottom. Since we assumed that there is no bottom motion, so ∂t h = 0. Now 6 our Luke’s Variational Principle can be rewritten as follow Z Z min φ∂t ηdx − H (φ, η) dt φ,η (2.3) where H (φ, η) is the Hamiltonian Functional (or the total energy) as follow: H (φ, η) = K (φ, η) + Z 1 g η 2 − h2 dx 2 (2.4) where the second term in right hand side (RHS) is the potential energy. The resulting variational principle in (2.3) is known as a canonical action principle. The Euler-Lagrange equations which are obtained by taking variations with respect to φ and η in the action principle are given by ∂t η = δφ H (φ, η) (2.5) ∂t φ = −δη H (φ, η) which is known as the Hamilton’s equations. By using (2.4), equations (2.5) can be rewritten as ∂t η = δφ H (φ, η) = δφ K (φ, η) ∂t φ = − [gη + δη K (φ, η)] (2.6) Now our problem is to determine the functional for the kinetic energy. The Hamiltonian which contains functional K (given by (2.2)), can not be expressed explicitly in the basic variables ( η and φ ) . This is the essential problem of surface wave theory. Most of surface wave models deals with the choice of this kinetic energy, more pricisely, the approximation for the velocity potential Φ. Examples of such approximation will be given in the following subsections in the form of the shallow water and Boussinesq type of approximation. II.2 Shallow Water Equations The Shallow Water Equations are derived with the assumption that the wavelength of the waves are much larger than the depth of the fluid layer where the vertical variations are small and would be ignored. This approximation can be 7 applied in the tsunami case since its wavelength reach hundreds of kilometers above (usually) 4km depth. In this case, there will be no dispersive effect. Dispersive effect means that harmonic waves of smaller wavelength propagate slower than waves of larger wavelength, see [2]. This assumption leads to the idea to approximate the velocity potential at every depth by its value at the surface, namely Φ (x, z, t) ≈ φ (x, t). With this approximation, the kinetic energy is approximated with 1 K (φ, η) = 2 Z (η + h) |∇φ|2 dx (2.7) With the above approximation for kinetic energy, our Luke’s Variational Principle in (2.3) turns into Z Z 1 1 2 2 2 dx dt −∂t ηφ + |∇φ| (η + h) + g η − h min φ,η 2 2 (2.8) Now, the vanishing of the first variation of (2.8) with respect to variations δφ in φ results Z Z {−∂t ηδφ + (η + h) ∇φ.∇ (δφ)} dx dt = 0, (2.9) while the vanishing of the first variation of (2.8) with respect to variations δη in η results Z Z 1 2 (∂t φ) δη + |∇φ| δη + (gη) δη dx dt = 0. 2 (2.10) The resulting Euler-Lagrange equations from the expressions in (2.9) and (2.10) are the full SWE. In this thesis, we will not use the full SWE, we will make simplifications. We will linearize the equation and assume that there is no bottom motion (h (x, t) ≈ h (x)). So the integral expressions in (2.9) and (2.10) become Z Z and {−∂t ηδφ + h∇φ.∇ (δφ)} dx dt = 0, Z Z {(∂t φ) δη + (gη) δη} dx dt = 0. (2.11) (2.12) 8 It can be shown that the Euler-Lagrange of (2.9) and (2.10) are the full SWE. With kinetic energy given by (2.7), the Hamilton equations in (2.6) can be written as ∂t η = −∇. [(h + η) ∇φ] − ∂t h ∂t φ = − gη + |∇φ|2 /2 (2.13) Note that (2.13) is the full SWE. Linearization and assuming that there is no bottom motion (h(x, t) = h(x)), then the equations in (2.13) simplifies to ∂t η = −∇. [h∇φ] ∂t φ = −gη (2.14) Also it can be shown that (2.14) are the Euler-Lagrange of (2.11) and (2.12). Since in this thesis we just deal with the simplified SWE, namely, the linearized SWE and there is no bottom motion, so in the rest of this thesis we will call the simplied SWE as the SWE. II.3 Variational Boussinesq Model Variational Boussinesq Model (VBM) aimed to make a better approximation for the kinetic energy that gives rise to the dispersive effect. In shallow water, the velocity potential at every depth is approximated by its value at the surface ( Φ (x, z, t) ≈ φ (x, t), independent of z ), but in this Boussinesq, the approximation for Φ will depend on z. Instead of minimizing the kinetic energy over all possible velocity potentials (Φ), we minimize it only over a subset of it, namely, we choose a subset Φ = φ(x) + F (z)ψ(x), with F (z = η) = 0, (2.15) with additional new function ψ on the surface and the vertical profile function F (will be explained later). The choice such that F (η) = 0 is taken to assure such that Φ (z = η) = φ. Since the choice for Φ(x, z, t) is given by (2.15), so the kinetic energy depends also on ψ : K(φ, η, ψ), and besides the two dynamic equations, we have an additional equation to be solved, namely δψ K = 0. 9 To get the functional for the kinetic energy, observed that |∇3 Φ|2 = (∇Φ)2 + (∂z Φ)2 = [∇φ + (∇2 ψ)F ]2 +(ψF ′ )2 , where F ′ denotes derivative wrt z. Instead of (2.7), the kinetic energy for VBM reads 1 K (φ, η) = 2 Z Z η −h 2 2 ′ (∇φ + F ∇ψ) + (F ψ) dz dx, by expanding the above equation, we get 1 K (φ, η) = 2 Z Z η −h 2 2 2 ′ |∇φ| + 2F ∇φ.∇ψ + (F |∇ψ| + (F ψ) dz dx. Introducing the coefficients (which will depend on x through η and h) β= Z η F dz, α= −h Z η 2 F dz, γ= −h Z η 2 (F ′ ) dz, (2.16) −h we obtain 1 K (φ, η) = 2 Z |∇φ|2 (η + h) + 2β∇φ.∇ψ + α |∇ψ|2 + γψ 2 dx. (2.17) Now we rewritte Luke’s variational principle in (2.3) in a form of a minimization problem with respect to three variables (φ, η, ψ) min φ,η,ψ Z Z φ∂t ηdx − H (φ, η, ψ) dt. (2.18) With the approximation for the kinetic energy given by (2.17), the vanishing of the first variation of (2.18) with respect to variations δφ of φ , δη of η, and δψ of ψ resulting three equations below Z Z Z (δφ) ∂t ηdx − [(η + h) ∇φ.∇ (δφ) + β∇ (δφ) .∇ψ] dx dt = 0 (2.19) Z Z Z 1 2 gη (δη) − |∇φ| (δη) dx dt = 0 (2.20) − (δη) ∂t φdx − 2 Z Z {(β∇φ) .∇(δψ) + (α∇ψ) .∇(δψ) + γψ (δψ)} dx dt = 0 (2.21) The resulting Euler-Lagrange equations from the expressions in (2.19), (2.20), and (2.21) are the full VBM. As we did in SWE, to simplify the problem, we linearize the VBM equations in first variations (2.19) and (2.20) , we obtain 10 the linearized VBM equations in integral form Z Z Z (δφ) ∂t ηdx − [h∇φ.∇ (δφ) + β∇ (δφ) .∇ψ] dx dt = 0 Z Z Z (δη) ∂t φdx + gη (δη) dx dt = 0 Z Z {(β∇φ) .∇(δψ) + (α∇ψ) .∇(δψ) + γψ (δψ)} dx dt = 0 (2.22) (2.23) Now we will show the VBM in the partial differential equations (PDEs) form, as follow, the variations of the kinetic energy in (2.17) with respect to φ, η, and ψ, results δφ K = −∇. ((η + h) ∇φ) − ∇. (β∇ψ) δη K = 1 |∇φ|2 2 δψ K = −∇. (β∇φ) − ∇. (α∇ψ) + γψ. Variations with respect to φ and η of the Luke’s variational formulation in (2.18) results the dynamic equations for VBM, given by ∂t η = δφ H (φ, η, ψ) ∂t φ = −δη H (φ, η, ψ) , which could be rewritten as ∂t η = δφ K (φ, η, ψ) ∂t φ = −gη − δη K (φ, η, ψ) . Observe that by taking variations with respect to ψ of (2.18) resulting an additional equation that has to be solved (an elliptic equation): −∇. (β∇φ) − ∇. (α∇ψ) + γψ = 0, (2.24) so the resulting equations to be solved for the VBM would be ∂t η = −∇. ((η + h) ∇φ) − ∇. (β∇ψ) (2.25) ∂t φ = −gη − (2.26) 1 (∇φ)2 2 0 = −∇. (β∇φ) − ∇. (α∇ψ) + γψ. (2.27) 11 if we linearize the three equations above, we obtain ∂t η = −∇. (h∇φ) − ∇. (β∇ψ) (2.28) ∂t φ = −gη, (2.29) the third equation remains the same since it is already linear. Now observe that the three equations in (2.25), (2.26), and (2.27) are the Euler-Lagrange equations from the expression (2.19), (2.20), and (2.21). Also (2.28) and (2.29) are the Euler-Lagrange equations from the expression (2.22) and (2.23). In this thesis we will just deal with the linearized VBM, so in the rest of this thesis we will call the linearized VBM as the VBM. The three coupled PDEs in (2.27), (2.28), and (2.29) have to be solved together. We will describe the algorithm for solving these equations. First, we need to have η and φ at t = 0 (initial conditions), then we calculate α, β, and γ (at t = 0). These are used for solving the elliptic equation (2.27), so we obtained ψ at t = 0. This ψ will be used for the time stepping in the dynamic equations. We get η and φ at the next time step and repeat this algorithm again to obtain the solutions at each time steps. The choice for function F (z) is explained thoroughly in [1], we choose a normalized function F (devided by the depth : h), given by 2z z 2 + 2, F = h h (2.30) this choice is motivated by the fact that the solution of Φ for linear wave approximation (small variation in surface elevation and mildly sloping bottom) is a cosh (z) function. This leads to the idea to choose the function F (z) as a parabolic profile. The choice for function F can be a function that depend on surface elevation η, but for the tsunami case we assumed that the depth is much larger than the surface elevation, so we just choose function F as in (2.30). 12 II.4 Boundary Conditions To implement either SWE or VBM as wave models for tsunami simulation, we need boundary conditions. In this thesis, we use two types of boundary conditions (BCs). They are radiation boundary condition (RBC) and hardwall boundary condition (HBC). The RBC will be used to terminate the computational domain in the ocean. Meanwhile, the HBC will be used for boundary between land and sea. RBC means that when waves hit the boundary, it will propage through the boundary without reflection. On the contrary, when waves hit the land, it will be fully reflected or no wave propagate through the boundary. II.4.1 Radiation Boundary Condition First we will derive the RBC for the SWE. We start with the derivation of RBC for 1D case, then we will extend it to 2D case. Suppose our domain is an interval (for instance [0, L] ) in the x-axis. We want to place the RBC at the left side of our domain, namely at x = 0. The idea for deriving the RBC is that we have to know the general solution in the exterior of our computational domain (in this case, the solutions at left side of x = 0). For the 1D linear SWE ∂t η = −∂x [h∂x φ] ∂t φ = −gη we assume that on the left side of the boundary (at x = 0), the bathymetry extends at a constant depth h0 towards −∞. Hence the general solution for outgoing waves at the left exterior can be written down as p gh0 t) p φ(x, t) = G(x + gh0 t) η(x, t) = F (x + with F and G are arbitrary differentiable functions. By way of ilustration, we will only derive the boundary condition for φ. The derivation for η is the same. 13 Differentiation of G wrt t and x at the neighborhood of this point results ∂x φ = G ′ p ∂t φ = ghG′ Elemination of G′ resultin the RBC as follow ∂t φ − p gh∂x φ = 0 (2.31) for the 2D case, the RBC would be ∂t φ − p gh∇φ.n = 0 (2.32) where n is outward normal direction at the boundary. Condition (2.32) is the radiation BC for SWE. For the VBM, the derivation of the RBC is rather difficult. In this thesis, we do not have the RBC for the VBM yet, so we will use the RBC for the SWE for implementing radiation BC for VBM. In the next chapter, it will be shown that the RBC for the SWE is not appropriate to be implemented in the VBM, it will gives some reflections on this boundary. However, since the RBC is used to terminate the computational domain in the open ocean, the reflection that apprear from this boundary is rather small compared to the outgoing wave, so this reflected wave will not much contribute to the waveheight near coastline. II.4.2 Hard-wall Boundary Condition In the HBC, the normal flow through the boundary is assumed to be zero or U.n = 0, where U is fluid velocity. For SWE, note that we approximate the velocity potential at each depth by its value at the surface : Φ (x, z, t) ≈ φ (x, t), so the condition for hardwall can be rewritten as ∇φ.n = 0 (since U = ∇3 Φ and Φ ≈ φ). Same problem appear as in the RBC, we do not have the HBC for the VBM yet, so we will use the HBC of SWE for implementing the HBC for the VBM. Chapter III Finite Element Method Implementation for SWE and VBM III.1 Finite Element Method The finite element method (FEM) is computational technique for obtainning approximate solutions for partial differential equations (PDEs). Rather than approximating the PDEs point-wise as finite difference methods, the FEM use a variational problem that involves a functional of the differential equation over the domain of problem. This domain is devided into a number of subdomain called elements. The solution of PDE is approximated by polynomial basis function on every elements. These polynomials have to be pieced together so that the approximate solution has an appropriate degree of smoothness over the entire domain, after that, the variational integral is evaluated as a sum of contributions over each element (see [3]). There are several ways to so solve PDEs or variational problem by using FEM, the two common methods are through the variational problem and through a weak formulation. The first method is to substitute the approximate solutions into the functional of the problem then minimize it with respect to certain quantities. In the weak formulation, we substitute the approximate solutions into the PDEs then multiply it with an arbitrary test function and integrate it over the problem domain. The second method is known as Ritz-Galerkin method. In this thesis we will use both of these methods. The first method is used to implement the interior problem and the second method is used to implement the boundary problem. 15 III.2 FEM Implementation for SWE To implement FEM for the SWE, we start with describing the essential part of FEM which is to provide FEM basis functions. After that we devide the domain into finite number of elements and define polynomial basis functions on each elements. First, we discretize the domain into n elements. In this case, the computational domain is discretized by using a mesh generator to make a triangulation from the domain. There are many kind of mesh generator (commercial or noncommercial), but in this thesis, we use the mesh generator from MATLAB and FEMLAB. FEMLAB’s mesh generator will be used for discretizing the domain for Indonesia’s bathymetry. An illustration of a discretization of a domain is given by a the left plot of Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1: At the left, we show a plot of a discretized domain by using pdetool from MATLAB, and at right plot show the global and the local numbering (in bracket). The local numbering is assumed in counterclockwise direction. The mesh generator gives the information of the numbering and the coordinate of every nodes that is generated in the domain. There are two types of numbering, global and local numbering. Local numbering means the number of nodes in each element (triangle), which are 1, 2 and 3 (in counterclockwise direction). This local numbering is important in the calculation in FEM which will be explained later on. Meanwhile, the global numbering is the numbering 16 of points in the whole domain. These numbering are ilustrated in the right plot of Figure 3.1. As we mentioned before, in this thesis, we will use linear basis function for finite element implementation, denoted as Ti (x). Ilustration for this linear basis function is given by Figure 3.2. Note that this basis function has a strict local character, with has a value 1 at one point, namely at point i and zero at other points. Figure 3.2: Plot of linear basis function Ti (x). In order to construct a linear polynom which is defined on each triangle we need 3 parameters. A natural choice is to use the function values in the three vertices of the triangle. The linear polynom is defined by L (x) = ai + b i x + c i y 2∆ (3.1) where ∆ is the area of the triangle in which the vertices are given by the three points (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), (x3 , y3 ), its value is given by 1 x1 y1 1 1 ∆ = 1 x2 y2 = [(x2 − x1 ) (y3 − y2 ) − (y2 − y1 ) (x3 − x2 )] 2 2 1 x3 y3 (3.2) There are three unknowns (ai , bi , ci ) in (3.1), so we need three points (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), (x3 , y3 ) to get the expression for L (x). Assuming that L (x1 , y1 ) = 1, 17 and zero at the other vertices, we have 1 = ai + b i x 1 + c i y 1 0 = ai + b i x 2 + c i y 2 0 = ai + b i x 3 + c i y 3 where the values of the coefficients ai , bi ,and ci are given by ai = x 2 y 3 − x 3 y 2 bi = y2 − y3 (3.3) c i = x3 − x2 . so now we have an explisit expression for L (x) per element, and note that the indexing in the above equation refers to the local numbering. In FEM, the solutions are approximated by linear combination of the basis functions. We proceed with the approximation for solutions of SWE which are η and φ with η (x, t) = φ (x, t) = n X k=1 n X k=1 ηbk (t) Tk (x) φbk (t) Tk (x) (3.4) where Tk (x) is ilustrated by Figure 3.2. In the FEM implementation of SWE we use variational principle, which means, we substitute the approximation (3.4) into the SWE in the integral form which is given by (2.11) and (2.12). We get the following functionals ! ! ) Z ( n n X X − ∂t ηbk (t) Tk (x) δφ + h (x) ∇ φbk (t) Tk (x) .∇ (δφ) dx = 0 k=1 Z ( ∂t n X k=1 ! k=1 φbk (t) Tk (x) δη + g n X k=1 ! ηbk (t) Tk (x) δη ) dx = 0 (3.5) Note that δφ and δη are arbitrary admissible variations with respect to φ and η. We can also approximate these variations using the same basis function as δφ = 18 Pn i=1 v1i Ti (x) and δη = Pn i=1 v2i Ti (x). If we substitute these approximations into (3.5) then say that the integrals vanish for arbitrary nonzero v1 and v2, we conclude that Z ( −∂t n X k=1 ! ηbk (t) Tk (x) Ti (x) + h (x) ∇ Z ( ∂t n X k=1 n X k=1 ! φbk (t) Tk (x) Ti (x) + g ! ) φbk (t) Tk (x) .∇Ti (x) dx = 0 n X k=1 ! (3.6) ) ηbk (t) Tk (x) Ti (x) dx = 0 (3.7) which hold for every i. We can rewrite the approximation in (3.6) and (3.7) in a matrix equations as follow : − → → M∂t − η = Gφ − → → η M∂t φ = −gM− or − → 0 G M 0 η = ∂t − → −gM 0 φ 0 M − → η − → φ (3.8) − → → where − η and φ denote the vectors solution for η and φ, the entry of a matrix R M is given by mij = Ω Ti (x) Tj (x) dΩ, and the entry of a matrix G is given by R gij = Ω (h (x)) ∇Ti (x) .∇Tj (x) dΩ. To evaluate the entries of these matrices directly, is rather difficult. Note that we have an unstructured form of triangles in our domain (see Figure 3.1). This cause the difficulty in calculation when we calculate integrals of the basis function directly. One way to solve this problem is to transform any triangles into ’natural’ coordinate where we can calcute the integrals within these triangles easily. We will call this transformed triangle in natural coordinate as master triangle, see Figure 3.3. 19 Figure 3.3: Linear transformation from Ωe to master triangle and inverse map. There are three non-zero basis functions over this master triangle, they are T n1 (ξ, η) = 1 − ξ − η, T n2 (ξ, η) = ξ, T n3 (ξ, η) = η (3.9) The linear transformation from a triangle (x1 , y1 ) , (x2 , y2 ) , and (x3 , y3 ), arranged in the counter clockwise direction, to the master triangle is x = Σ3j=1 xj T nj (ξ, η) , y = Σ3j=1 yj T nj (ξ, η) or 1 [(y3 − y1 ) (x − x1 ) − (x3 − x1 ) (y − y1 )] 2∆ 1 η= [− (y2 − y1 ) (x − x1 ) + (x2 − x1 ) (y − y1 )] 2∆ ξ= where ∆ is the area of the triangle which is given by (3.2). Now with the linear transformation of the coordinate, we can calculate the integral of the basis function by using Z Z ∂ (x, y) |dξdη f (x, y) Ti (x) Tj (x) dx = f (ξ, η) T ni (ξ, η) T nj (ξ,η) | (∂ξ, η) Ω Ωe (3.10) for some function f (x, y), where ∂(x,y) is known as determinant of the Jaco(∂ξ,η) bian matrix. 20 In assembling M and G matrices, we have to work element-wise, since the global numbering also has an unstructured numbering as ilustrated in the right plot of Figure 3.1. For assembling M, for each element, we have a 3 × 3 elementary matrix mij = Z Ti (x) Tj (x) dΩe ,with i, j = 1, 2, 3 Ωe where i and j are the local numbering. By using the linear transformation of the coordinate in (3.10), we get mij = (1 + δij ) ∆, 12 with i, j = 1, 2, 3 (3.11) where δij is Kronecker’s delta and ∆ is given by (3.2). We proceed to assemble P hs Ts (x) (we choose to apmatrix G. First, we approximate h by h (x) = ns b proximate h (x) in this way since we assumed that there is no bottom motion). The same procedure is done for calculating the matrix G, we also have 3 × 3 elementary matrix for G gij = Z Ωe = Z Ωe (h (x)) ∇Ti (x) .∇Tj (x) dΩe ! n X b hs Ts (x) ∇Ti (x) .∇Tj (x) dΩe ,with i, j = 1, 2, 3 s=1 where i and j are the local numbering. The value of gij is given by bi bj + c i c j gij = 4∆2 " 1 Xb hs as + 2 s # P X X x y s s s b b hs bs + s hs cs 6 6 s s P (3.12) where s = 1, 2, 3, and a, b, c are the coefficients of the basis function given by (3.3). Note that system in (3.8) is system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). This system can be easily calculated by using Runge-Kutta method or using ODE solver in MATLAB to obtain the solutions in each time steps. Note that until now, we already get complete matrix sistem in (3.8) except for boundary conditions. We will implement the RBC and HBC in our FEM scheme, but we will explained it later. In the following, we will proceed with FEM implementation for VBM. 21 III.3 FEM Implementation for VBM Similar with FEM implementation for SWE, for the VBM, the variables (φ,η,ψ,α,β,γ,h) are approximated by linear combinations of basis function Ti (x). Approximation for φ and η are given by (3.4), and the approximations for ψ, h, α ,β and γ are ψ (x) = α (x) = n X s=1 n X s=1 ψbs Ts (x) , h (x) = α bs Ts (x) , β (x) = n X s=1 n X s=1 b hs Ts (x) βbs Ts (x) , γ (x) = n X s=1 γ bs Ts (x) (3.13) We will explain the reason why we choose (3.13) the approximation for α, β and γ. Note that we have defined α,β,γ in (2.16). Originally, α, β and γ are functions of x and t (through η and h), but in the tsunami case, we assume that the depth h is much larger than the elevation η. So we approximate α,β,γ R0 R0 R0 by β = −h F dz, α = −h F 2 dz, γ = −h (F ′ )2 dz. For the parabolic profile function (F (z)) is given by (2.30), the values of α,β,γ are given by α(x) = 8 h(x), 15 2 4 β(x) = − h (x) , γ (x) = , 3 3h (x) and now we can rewrite the approximation for α,β,γ in (3.13) as n α (x) = n n 8 Xb 2 Xb 4X 1 Ts (x) hs Ts (x) , β (x) = − hs Ts (x) , γ (x) = 15 s=1 3 s=1 3 s=1 b hs As we did in the FEM implementation for SWE, we use variational principle for FEM implementation, so we substitute the approximation for the variables φ,η and ψ (we keep variables α,β,γ,h in α (x),β (x),γ (x), and h (x) first) into the linear VBM in integral form in (2.21), (2.22), and (2.23), we get the following 22 integrals Z Pn − (∂t k=1 ηbk (t) Tk (x)) δφ P n bk (t) Tk (x) .∇ (δφ) dx = 0 φ +h (x) ∇ k=1 +β(x)∇ (δφ) .∇ Pn ψb T (x) k k k=1 ! ) ! Z ( n n X X ηbk (t) Tk (x) δη dx = 0 φbk (t) Tk (x) δη + g ∂t k=1 k=1 P n b β (x) ∇ φ (t) T (x) .∇(δψ) k k=1 k Z P n b +α (x) ∇ k=1 ψk Tk (x) .∇(δψ) P n ψbk Tk (x) (δψ) +γ (x) k=1 dx = 0 (3.14) Note that δφ, δη and δψ are arbitrary admissible variations with respect to φ, η and ψ. We can also approximate these variations using the same basis P P P function as δφ = ni=1 v1i Ti (x), δη = ni=1 v2i Ti (x) and δψ = ni=1 v3i Ti (x). If we substitute these approximations into (3.14) then let that the integrals vanish for arbitrary nonzero v1, v2 and v3, we conclude that Z Z ( ∂t n X k=1 P − (∂t nk=1 ηbk (t) Tk (x)) Ti (x) P n bk (t) Tk (x) .∇Ti (x) +h (x) ∇ φ k=1 P n bk Tk (x) +β(x)∇Ti (x) .∇ ψ k=1 ! φbk (t) Tk (x) Ti (x) + g n X k=1 ! ) dx = 0 (3.15) ηbk (t) Tk (x) Ti (x) dx = 0 P n b β (x) ∇ φ (t) T (x) .∇Ti (x) k k=1 k Z P n b +α (x) ∇ k=1 ψk Tk (x) .∇Ti (x) Pn b +γ (x) ψk Tk (x) Ti (x) k=1 (3.16) dx = 0 (3.17) 23 which hold for every i. We can rewrite the approximations for (3.15), (3.16) and (3.17) in the system of matrix equations as follow − → − → → M∂t − η = Gφ + Rψ − → → η M∂t φ = −gM− − → − → Lψ = Kφ. (3.18) (3.19) (3.20) Note that the system of (3.18) and (3.19) is similar with the system of matrix equations for SWE(3.8) except for additional term in the first equation (Rψ). The M and G matrices are given by (3.11) and (3.12), while for assembling matrix R, for each element, we have a 3 × 3 elementary matrix rij = Z Ωe = Z Ωe β (x) ∇Ti (x) .∇Tj (x) dΩe Σns=1 βbs Ts (x) ∇Ti (x) .∇Tj (x) dΩe ,with i, j = 1, 2, 3 where i and j are the local numbering. By using linear transformation of the coordinate in (3.9), we get: # " P P X X x y bi bj + c i c j 1 X b s s βs as + s βbs bs + s βbs cs rij = 4∆2 2 s 6 6 s s where s = 1, 2, 3, and a, b, c are the coefficients of the basis function given by hs . Now for the third equation in (3.3). The value for βbs is given by βbs = − 23 b VBM (3.17) which can be rewritten as (3.20) where matrix L is assembled for each element, from a 3 × 3 elementary matrix lij = Z Ωe =− Z [−α (x) ∇Ti (x) .∇Tj (x) − γ (x) Ti (x) Tj (x)] dΩe Ωe Σ3s=1 α bs Ts (x) ∇Ti (x) .∇Tj (x) + Σ3s=1 γ bs Ts (x) Ti (x) Tj (x) dΩe with i, j = 1, 2, 3 are the local numbering. lij is given by # " P P X X x y bi bj + c i c j 1 X s s lij = − α b s as + s α b s bs + s α b s cs 4∆2 2 s 6 6 s s Z Z Z − γ b1 T1 Ti Tj dΩe + γ b2 T2 Ti Tj dΩe + γ b3 T3 Ti Tj dΩe Ωe Ωe Ωe 24 where Z ∆ , 10 ∆ = , 30 ∆ = , 60 Ti Tj Tk dΩe = Ωe if i = j = k, if i = j 6= k, if i 6= j 6= k with s = 1, 2, 3, and a, b, c are the coefficients of the basis function given by (3.3). The value for γ bs and α bs are γ bs = 4 3b hs and α bs = 8b h. 15 s The matrix K matrix is assembled for each element, from a 3 × 3 elementary matrix where the entries are given by Z kij = β (x) ∇Ti (x) .∇Tj (x) dΩe Ωe Z Σ3s=1 βbs Ts (x) ∇Ti (x) .∇Tj (x) dΩe = ,with i, j = 1, 2, 3 Ωe or bi bj + c i c j kij = 4∆2 " 1Xb βs as + 2 s # P X X x y s s s βbs bs + s βbs cs 6 6 s s P where s = 1, 2, 3, and a, b, c are the coefficients of the basis function given by (3.3). Note that matrix K is exactly the same as matrix R. Now we already have a complete system of matrix equation in (3.18), (3.19), and (3.20). The dynamic equations (3.18) and (3.19) can be rewritten as a system of ordinary differential equations − → 0 G M 0 η = ∂t − → −gM 0 φ 0 M − → − → Rψ η + − → 0 φ (3.21) and the third equation (3.20) can be expressed as − → − → ψ = L−1 K φ (3.22) The system in (3.21) and (3.22) should be solved together. As we already described before, we use the initial conditions η and φ (at t = 0) to calculate − → α, β, and γ (at t = 0) . These are used to get a ψ (at t = 0) by using (3.22). − → Then this ψ will be used for the time stepping in the dynamic equations 25 in (3.21). So we obtain η and φ at the next time step. By repeating this algorithm we will obtain the solutions at each time steps the system in (3.21) and (3.22). Same as in SWE, the system in (3.21) can be easily calculated by using Runge-Kutta method or using ODE solver in MATLAB. III.4 FEM Implementation for Boundary Conditions The derivation of the governing equations from the first variation (2.11) and (2.12) does not give the corresponding boundary condition because the functional that we minimized accounts only for the interior (from Pressure principle in (2.1)). We need to modify the weak formulation in order to incorporate the boundary conditions. Therefore, we use the corresponding governing equations from the weak formulation of (2.14) only for implementing the BC. To have the weak formulation of (2.14), we multiply the first equation of (2.14) by a test function and integrate it over a domain, then we do partial integration for the right hand side term, so we obtain the following equation Z v∂t ηdx = Ω Z Ω h (x) ∇φ.∇vdx − Z ∂Ω (vh (x) ∇φ.n) d∂Ω (3.23) where v is arbitrary test function. Note that this is essentially the same with (2.11) without the boundary term (second term at right hand side). Including the RBC in (2.32) into the last term on the RHS of (3.23) gives ! Z Z Z vh (x) ∂t φ p d∂Ω v∂t ηdx = h (x) ∇φ.∇vdx − gh(x) Ω Ω ∂Ω (3.24) Note that from (2.12), we have the relation ∂t φ = −gη, so (3.24) is equivalent with Z Ω v∂t ηdx = Z Ω h (x) ∇φ.∇vdx + Z ∂Ω vh (x) gη p gh(x) ! d∂Ω (3.25) For FEM implementation for the SWE with RBC, we will use this last equation instead of (2.11), by setting that test function v = δφ. Now we will only treat the boundary term, because the rest is the same with (3.8). Note that the boundaries in a 2D domain are basicallly a curve (or a path), so the 26 boundary integration in (3.25) is implemented as if in 1D FEM. In principal, the procedure for deriving the FEM scheme in 1D case is the same with FEM in 2D. The different is only for the basis functions. In 1D case, we use a linear basis function which is given by x−xk−1 xk −xk−1 x−xk+1 T 1k (x) = xk −xk+1 0 , x ∈ [xk−1 , xk ] , x ∈ [xk , xk+1 ] , elsewhere (3.26) For every boundary, we will not discretize the boundary again since the boundary is already discretized by the mesh generator when we generate the finite element mesh in 2D. We will use the nodes at the boundary as discretized by the mesh generator. The same like other FEM implementation, we approximate v, η and h in boundary term of (3.25) by linear combination of basis functions in 1D (3.26), then substitute these approximations into the boundary term. This will gives a matrix called B which is assembled from a 2 × 2 elementary matrix,in which the entries are given by Z p √ h(x)T 1i (x)T 1j (x) d∂Ω, with i, j = 1, 2 bij = − g ∂Ω then approximation p h(x) = Σni=1 q b hi T 1i (x), gives √ √ Bek = − g∆k √ h1 h2 + 4 12 √ √ h1 + h2 12 √ √ h1 + h 2 √ 12 √ h1 + 4h2 12 where ek denotes the k-th element in the boundary, ∆k is the length between two points of the element in the boundary, and h1 and h2 are the depth in the points of element at the boundary (the indices correspond to the local numbering, note that the local numbering for 1D case are 1 and 2). With the presence of the boundary term, our system of matrix equation in (3.8) would be − → → → M∂t − η = G φ + B− η − → → η M∂t φ = −gM− 27 or − → B G M 0 η = ∂t − → −gM 0 φ 0 M − → η − → φ Now we discuss about HBC’s FEM implementation for SWE. Note that we already show in subsection boundary condition (II. 4) that in order to implement the HBC, the condition ∇φ.n = 0 has to be satisfied in the boundary term of (3.23). This condition makes the boundary term in (3.23) vanishes. With this condition, we will have the system of matrix equation exactly the same with our system in (3.8). So the HBC’s FEM implementation for SWE gives the system of matrix equation that we derive based on the variational principle (2.11), where the that term is not present. Until now, we do not have a precise radiation boundary condition for VBM. So for the VBM’s FEM implementation on the boundary conditions, we will implement it in the same way as we did for the case of the SWE. Chapter IV Tsunami Simulation In this section we will show several simulations of our code that we derived at the previous chapters. We start with the wave propagation above a flat bottom, by using SWE and VBM, in order to give an intuition about the evolution of these waves. After that, we will deal with our main purpose which is the tsunami simulation above the real bathymetry of Indonesia. We will choose two areas in Indonesia which have the potential to be hit by a tsunami. They are the area in the south of Pangandaran coast and the area in the south of Krakatau volcano. IV.1 Water Wave Simulation Above Flat Bottom In this part we will show the water wave simulation above a flat bottom by using both SWE and VBM. Suppose we have a rectangle domain, and discretized using mesh generator form MATLAB (pdetoolbox), with size 110km × 110km. In the four sides of the domain, the RBC is implemented both for the SWE and VBM. In order to capture the propagation history, we use a tool called Maximum Temporal Amplitude (MTA) that is introduced in [5]. In this thesis we will use the variants of MTA. They are maximal temporal crest-height (MTC) and minimal temporal through-depth (MTT), also called the maximal positive and negative amplitude respectively. These are a curve that represent the maximal and minimal surface elevation at position x as a function of time M T C (x) = max η (x, t) , t M T T (x) = min η (x, t) . t We consider an initial wave (a bipolar hump with initial amplitude 1.7m) with a wavelength Λ = 20km released without a speed above a horizontal bottom at the depth 1000m. Plot of the initial condition is shown at Figure 4.1, and the plot of the crosssection at y = 0 is shown at Figure 4.2. 29 Figure 4.1: Plot of the bipolar initial profile. Crosssection at y=0 of the initial wave profile 2 1.5 1 η [m] 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 −40 −30 −25 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 45 x [km] Figure 4.2: Plot of the crosssection of initial wave at y = 0 with 1.7m amplitude and Λ = 20km. 30 Figure 4.3: Plot of the splitting initial bipolar hump above flat bottom using SWE model at t = 7 min. Figure 4.4: Plot of SWE simulation above flat bottom when the wave reached the boundary at t = 12 min. Notice that there is no reflection from each boundary. 31 Figure 4.5: Plot of the splitting of initial bipolar hump using VBM, notice the development of dispersive effect. Figure 4.6: Plot of the VBM simulation when the wave hits the radiation boundary condition, notice the reflected wave from the left and right boundary. 32 The resulting evolution for SWE is shown at Figure 4.3. The plot below it denote the crosssection at y = 0. It illustrates the splitting of the bipolar hump into every direction. It also can be seen that when the wave hit the boundary, Figure 4.4, the reflection is rather small. For SWE, this RBC is good enough for our purposes (tsunami simulations). The evolution for the VBM is shown at Figure 4.5. In this evolution, it can be seen clearly the effect of dispersion. Observe that slower wave with smaller amplitude is propagating behind the wave with the largest amplitude. This ”dispersive tail” appear in our VBM, because we incorporated vertical variations in the approximation of the velocity potential Φ. In the SWE the waves run with the same velocity which is square root of gravitational accelleration times the depth, but in the VBM, the velocity of the waves depend on its wavelength. The waves with larger wavelength will propagate faster than the waves with smaller wavelength. Observe again the different between the SWE and VBM simulations at Figure 4.3 and 4.5, with the presence of this dispersive tail in the VBM simulation, it produces a different wave elevation than in the SWE simulation. We can see at the VBM’s crossection, the wave that propagate to the right has the positive wave larger than the SWE. This is caused by ”the exchanging of amplitude” between the first negative and the successive second positive wave, the positive wave compensate the decreased negative wave. But for the wave that propagate to the left the amplitude are smaller than the SWE’s result, this is expectable, because dispersion will decrease the amplitude. In general, the presence of dispersive effect will decrease the amplitude, the fact that happen in the wave that propagate to the right is accidentally because the limitation of the domain, for the longer domain, the amplitude will decrease. Since we use the radiation BC of the SWE for the VBM, the result is not so good, it can be seen in Figure 4.6 that there are reflections from the boundaries. 33 IV.2 Indonesia Bathymetry In order to simulate the tsunami, we need to incorporate the real bathymetry of Indonesia. There are several sources on internet which provide the world’s bathymetry, some of them are free and the others are not. Indonesia’s bathymetry that we used is taken from The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). This a free bathymetry which provides the bathymetry data in global grid with one arc-minute spacing. For information, one degree is equal to 60 minutes (or written as 10 ≈ 60′ ) and 1′ ≈ 1830m. The Ilustration for this bathymetry data is given by Figure 4.7. Figure 4.7: Plot of available bathymetry data with 1′ accuracy. A problem appears when we want to incorporate this square grid data into our domain (a triangular grid, see Figure 3.1). In this case, we approximate the n X b function of depth h (x) by h(x) = hi Ti (x), hence we need to know the value i=1 for b hi which is given by the value of h at the point xi : b hi = h(xi ). In this thesis, we choose to approximate b hi by the average of the four nearest nodes from the original data, as ilustrated in Figure 4.8. 34 Figure 4.8: Ilustration of the approximated bathymetry data in triangle domain. An example for a triangular mesh is given by Figure 4.9 which is generated by using FEMLAB, while the plot of approximated bathymetry of Indonesia is shown at Figure 4.10. This area is in the south of Java, near Pangandaran. Discretized Domain of Pangandaran Case longitude[deg] −7.3 −8.3 −9.3 106.2 107.2 108.2 109.2 latitude[deg] Figure 4.9: Plot of discretized domain in the south of Java. Figure 4.10: Profile of the bathymetry in the south of Java for Pangandaran case. 35 IV.3 Tsunami Simulation Using SWE & VBM Above Indonesia Bathymetry In this subsection we will describe the main results of this thesis which is the tsunami simulation in two areas of Indonesia. They are the areas in the south of Pangandaran and in the south of Lampung (near Krakatau). We start with Pangandaran’s tsunami. This is a historical tsunami in Indonesia which happened in July 17, 2006. As reported by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the location of the earthquake was 9.220 S and 107.320 E at the depth of 34km. The earthquake with magnitude 7.7 occured as a result of thrust-faulting on the boundary between the Australian plate and the Sunda plate. On this part of their mutual boundary, the Australian plate moves north-northeast with respect to the Sunda plate at about 59mm/year. The Australian plate thrusts beneath the Sunda plate of the Java trench, south of Java, and is subducted to progressively greater depth beneath Java and north of Java. This subduction produced the bipolar initial condition with the negative hump into the coast direction and the positive hump into the oceanic direction. These informations are very important for simulating the tsunami. Figure 4.11: Plot of the location of earthquake in the south of Java at July 17, 2006. Courtesy : USGS. 36 The location of the souce of the tsunami ilustrated in Figure 4.11 is taken from USGS. For Pangandaran’s tsunami simulation, we start by using our SWE’s FEM code, then later we will compare it with the result of VBM’s FEM code. We consider an initial wave (a bipolar hump with amplitude 2m) with a wavelength Λ = 40km is generated by a fast bottom excitation of that form. We assumed that this initial wave profile is released without a speed at the same location in the historical Pangandaran tsunami. As we described previously, we will implement the RBC for the ocean and the HBC for the islands. Also we will use the MTC and MTT curves at the crossection area to analyze the propagation of the tsunami. The resulting simulations are shown at Figure 4.12 and 4.13. The wave reached the nearest coast line after 18 minutes and reached the Pangandaran’s coast line after 30 minutes. The profile of the wave after 1 hour is shown at Figure 4.14, the waveheight reaches to more than 5m in certain coastline. Notice that the appearance of reflected wave is caused by the complexity of the bathymetry and also by the HBC at the island. Meanwhile the RBC at the ocean looks very appropriate (Figure 4.13). 37 Figure 4.12: Plot of the splitting of intial bipolar hump using SWE model at t = 3 minutes. The location of the source is near 9.220 S and 107.320 E. Figure 4.13: Plot of the tsunami simulation on Pangandaran case using SWE model at t = 9 minutes. 38 Figure 4.14: Plot of Pangandaran’s tsunami simulation using SWE model at t = 60 minutes. Figure 4.15: Plot of the maximum crest-height during 1 hour simulation using SWE model. Crossection near the coast denoted by white line. 39 Figure 4.16: Plot of Pangandaran’s tsunami simulation using the VBM at t = 9 min. Notice the appearance of the dispersive tail. Figure 4.17: Plot of the maximum crest-height near the coast during 1 hour simulation using VBM. The below plot denotes the crosssection in the white line. By taking the same initial condition, the resulting Pangandaran’s tsunami simulation using the VBM’s FEM code is shown at Figure 4.16 and 4.17. Through the crossection plot in Figure 4.16, we can see the dispersive tail in 40 the VBM result. Again we can see that our RBC does not perform well with the VBM code. But the reflections at the boundaries, acceptable since it is rather small so will not have much contribution for the amplitude amplification near the coast. The important results of these simulations is to give a public awareness about how fast the propagation of this tsunami since it is generated above the earthquake source and which areas will be hit by waves with bigger amplitude than others. At the specific area, compared to the SWE’s result, the VBM produces larger surface elevation because the presence ot the dispersive tail in VBM gives different wave elevation. It can be seen at Figure 4.15 and 4.17, at the same location in the coastline, the SWE produces 8.9m waveheight, but the VBM produces 10.0m waveheight. For the second case of tsunami simulation, we choose the area in the south of Lampung (between Sumatra and Java), we took a new area instead of the historical tsunami from the Krakatau’s eruption in 1883. The same with the Pangandaran case, this area also has a potential to generate an earthquake which results in a tsunami. The location of Lampung’s case is also in the region of the plate boundary between the Australia plate and Sunda plate which is seismically active region. Although there is no historical tsunami generated from this specific area that we will choose, still, there were many historical tsunami from the surrounded area near it. As the information from USGS, there were tsunami on June 2, 1994 with magnitude 7.8, killed over 200 people, and on August 20, 1977, a magnitude 8.3 normal-fault earthquake occured within the Australian plate about 1200km east-southeast of the earthquake that happen in Pangandaran in 2006. Also in 2006 Yogyakarta’s earthquake with magnitude 6.3, occured at shallow depth within overriding Sunda plate. So it not imposible at all that tsunami can be generated from this Lampung area. 41 Figure 4.18: Plot of approximated bathymetry for Lampung Case. Notice the shallow area surrounded by deep area in the south of Sumatra. We start Lampung’s case by using SWE’s FEM code. We took the initial wave profile the same like in the Pangandaran’s case, but we adjusted its location so that it is on the top of the mutual boundary of Australian plate and Sunda plate, see Figure 4.19. As we did before, in this case it is assumed that the tsunami is caused by a fast bottom excitation so the initial wave profile is released without a speed. The resulting simulation by using SWE’s FEM is shown at Figure 4.20 and 4.23. Figure 4.19: Plot of the location and the shape of initial wave for Lampung Case. 42 Figure 4.20: Plot of the tsunami simulation for Lampung case by using SWE model at t = 9 minutes. Figure 4.21: Plot of tsunami simulation for Lampung case by using VBM. Notice the appearance of the dispersive tail. 43 Figure 4.22: The wave after 18 minutes by using VBM. There is delayed and amplified wave above the shallow area. The waveheight reached to more than 10m. Figure 4.23: Plot of the maximum waveheight during 1 hour simulation by using SWE model. At the spesific area, the waveheight reached 9.47m. 44 Figure 4.24: Plot of the maximum waveheight during 1 hour simulation by using VBM. At the specific area near the coast in the south of Sumatra, the wave reached 9.61m. Meanwhile, the resulting simulation for the VBM is shown at Figure 4.21, 4.22 and 4.24. As already mentioned previously, the difference between the VBM’s simulation and the SWE’s simulation are the appearance of the dispersive tail that results in different wave amplitudes and also the reflection of the RBC in VBM’s case. It can be seen that since the initial profile is released, the wave reached the nearest coast (at Panaitan island, small island in the west side of Java and Ujung Kulon in Java) after 11 minutes (see Figure 4.20 and 4.16) and reached the south of Sumatra after 27 minutes for both wave models. For the SWE model, the maximum waveheight reached 9.47m at the south coast of Sumatra, and 9.6m for the VBM, see Figure 4.23 and 4.24. Figure 4.23 and 4.24 show the maximum wave amplitudes during 1 hour simulation along the coast at Sumatra, Java, and other small islands between them. There is something ”special” in this Lampung’s case. It is the topography of the bathymetry at southest area of Sumatra. There is a very shallow area between two deep areas (a ridge) as shown at Figure 4.18. According to the √ linear wave theory, the wave speed c is related to the depth h by c = gh. 45 In the shallower area, the wave will propagate with slower speed, whereas in contrary, in the deeper area, the wave will have faster speed. Based on this fact, the topography like in Figure 4.18 supports a phenomena called near-coast tsunami waveguiding, as introduced in [3,4]. At the top of the waveguide (above the ridge) where the speed of the wave slower that the surrounding area, the wave will have an amplification of the waveheight, but outside of the waveguide (above the two deeper area surrounding the waveguide) the distorted wave has to adjust with the delayed wave above the waveguide, see Figure 4.22. Observe that the amplified waveheight reached 13.3m for the SWE’s simulation and 10.8m for the VBM’s simulation above the waveguide as shown at the Figure 4.23 and 4.24. Futher studies about this phenomenon will be investigated in the future. Chapter V Conclusions and Recommendations V.1 Conclusions In the derivation of the SWE, the vertical variations of velocity potential Φ are neglected, different then the derivation of the VBM where the vertical variations of the velocity potential lead to the effect of dispersion. This dispersive effect is very crusial thing in tsunami simulation, with the presence of this dispersive effect in the VBM, it produces a different wave elevation than in the SWE simulation. At a certain area in the coast line in the Pangandaran’s tsunami simulation, the wave amplitude reached 8.9m for the SWE’s simulation and 10m for the VBM (at the same position). Meanwhile for the tsunami simulation in the south of Lampung, there is a ’focusing’ of the wave above a shallow area that surrounded by deeper area in the south of Lampung. This kind of phenomenon has been investigated in [3,4], and it is known as nearcoast tsunami waveguiding. Above this waveguide, the waveheight reached 13.3m for the SWE’s simulation and 10.8m for the VBM’s simulation. Since we do not have the boundary conditions (either radiation or hard-wall boundary conditions) for the VBM yet, when we used the SWE’s boundary conditions for the VBM, it gives a problem. For radiation boundary condition (RBC) for the VBM, it gives some reflection in the boundary. However, since the RBC is used to terminate the computational domain in the open ocean, the reflection that apprear from this boundary is rather small compared to the outgoing wave, so this reflected wave will not much contribute to the waveheight near coastline. 47 V.2 Recommendations From the simulation results, it can be seen that the RBC that we incorporated does not perform well for the VBM, so it needs further study to improve this type of boundary condition. In order to get more realistic tsunami simulation, these codes can be improved by adding an appropiate boundary condition between land and sea. At this thesis the nonlinearity of the SWE and VBM are not incorporated, but it will be a part of future research. Bibliography [1] Van Groesen, E. 2006. Variational Boussinesq Model part 1, Basic equation in cartesian coordinates. Technical Report of LabMath–Indonesia,LMIGeoMath-06/02, ISBN 90-365-2352-4; http://www.labmath-indonesia.or.id/Reports/Reports.php. 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