Cemeteries in the Quantz History Around Stouffville


Cemeteries in the Quantz History Around Stouffville
Cemeteries in the Quantz History
Around Stouffville
Copyright 2013 by Gordon and Shari Quantz
All rights reserved. No part of this Journal may be reproduced, posted or distributed in any printed or electronic
form without permission. If necessary you can reach the copyright holders though the webmaster of
www.quanz.net at johnquanz@rogers.com.
Buttonville – St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery
This is the Lutheran Cemetery in Buttonville
where Melchior Quantz and his immediate family
are buried.
It is located at 9171 Woodbine Avenue in
Markham, Ontario north of Highway 7.
St. John’s Lutheran Church was founded in 1892.
The cemetery is relatively small and
clearly old. Many of the older gravestones
are made of soft stone and are becoming
difficult to read. Melchior’s family grave
stones are those in the row fathest back
in this picture on the left (noth) side of
the cemetery.
More Quantz graves are found as we
look to the right.
Melchior’s grave is on the left.
Both Melchior’s and Christina’s names have been
angelosized on their gravestones. Melchior
Quantz’s grave is shown as Michael Quantz.
Michael Quantz
Feb. 20, 1827
Aged 77 Years, 5 months
Christina’s name is written as Christine.
Wife Of
Michael Quantz
Died Feb. 20, 1820
Aged 77 Years, 5 months, & 5 Days
Daughter of
Frederick & Elizabeth
Died Aug. 8 or 12, 1822
E: 8 Months & 26 Days
Daughter of
Frederick & Elizabeth
Died Jan. 8, 1835
Aged: 9 Years, 10 Months & 2 Days
George and Mary Quance
There is one family buried in St.
John’s Cemetery whose name is
spelled Quance. How devastating it
must have been to lose seven
The connection with
George and Mary Quance
is not known at this time. It would
seem that these children could be
from George and Mary Charlote
Quantz, George being the son of
Frederick and Elizabeth Quantz.
The time-frames do fit gaps in the children we have recorded in the database.
Does anyone have any confirmation of this?
Julia Ann
Daughter of
George & Mary C.
Died: Nov. 11, 1839
Aged: 25 Days
Happy infant rarely blest
Rest in peaceful slumber rest
Surely rescued from the cares
Which increases with growing years
Charlotte Jane
Daughter of
George & Mary C.
Died: Jan. 20, 1841
Aged: 7 months
I no smiling pleasure know
I no gay delights could [?????]
Joyless [rest not readable]
Mary Elizabeth
Daughter of
George & Mary C.
Died: Aug. 27, 1847
Aged: 11 Years
Farewell my dear parents
The Lord bids me come.
Farewell my dear sisters
I’m now going home.
Loisa Ann
Daughter of
George & Mary C.
Died: April 30, 1849
Aged: 6 Years & 6 Months
To the dark and silent tomb
Soon I [??????] from the world
Scarse the dawn of life began
Err I [?????] end my span.
Three small grave stones only give their initials –
likely small children.
Further to the right
(south) we see this
group of grave stones.
The tallest grave stone is for the
George Quantz family.
In Loving Memory
George Quantz
Sept. 26, 1892
Aged 80 Years
6 Mo. 25 Days.
For they showed me no little kindness.
The left panel reads;
In Loving memory
Mary Charlotte
Dec. 4, 1899
Aged 80 years
8 mo.
Errected by their son
The east side reads;
In Loving Memory
Francis Watt
Dau (Daughter) of
George & Mary
1848 - 1924
Left stone;
Frederick Quantz
Nov. 3, 1876
E. 94 Years
Right stone;
Wife of
Frederick Quantz
Aug. 7, 1876
E. 85 Years
In Memory Of
Daniel Quantz
Born Sept. 27, 1829
Died July 24, 1905
Mary Ann
Wife of Daniel Quantz
Born Oct. 7, 1829
Died June 23, 1916
Churchill Christian Church Cemetery
Churchill is a small village on the 9th Line just north of
Aurora Sideroad and east of Ballantrae. The address is
15336 Ninth Line, Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON.
Churchill is the correct spelling for the name of the
community, the church and the cemetery however
William always wrote it as “Church Hill” as you will see
in his diary (The Old Memorandum).
A Baptist Church now owns the facility and
meets weekly there.
The property was donated by William’s
father for the Church and Cemetery.
The cemetery is still active. The
older graves are near the front and
this is where most of the Quantz’s
are buried.
The author of the “Memorandum” is
buried here along with his family.
William A. Quantz
Born – Died
1854 – 1945
Florence E. Amoss
Born – Died
1866 – 1957
John O. Quantz
Jun. 10, 1903 – Mar. 6, 1982
Eileen C. Taylor
His Beloved Wife
Feb. 4, 1904 – Jan. 6, 1989
John Oscar Quantz
John Oscar Quantz
Born Jan. 12, 1868 – Died Jan. 24, 1903
Also His Wife
Margaret Baxter
Born Aug. 16, 1863 – Died Apr. 17, 194
Beloved Wife Of
E. A. Quantz
Died Dec. 21, 1915
In Her 30th Year
Edwin A. Quantz
Died May 16th, 1959
In His 94 Year
In Memory Of
Charles A. Quantz
Son of
George & Jane
1872 - 1874
In Loving
Remberance of
George Quantz
June 19, 1892
Also of
His Beloved Wife
May 4, 1906
Many Friends of the Quantz Family are
also buried here such as the Badgeros,
the Pyrnes and the Lazenbys
Memory of
Jacob Pryne
Who died
Apr. 10, 1887
Aged 57 Years
Also his Wife
Who Died
Mar. 19, 1857
Aged 23 Years
Ira Pryne
1849 – 1922
Margaret C. Pews
His Wife
1859 – 1933
In Memory of
Arletta Beach
1889 – 1951
Beloved Wife of
Wilfred W. Lazenby
1877 – 1955
Willis, Infant 1913
Daughter of
Philip & Elizabeth
Died May 1, 1873
E. 37 years, 10 months, 6 days
In [Fond Memory Of]
Our Dear Mother
Elizabeth Badgero
March ??, 189?
Aged 89? Years
William Badgero
Born 1833 – Died 1904
Mary Bates
His Wife
Born 1838 – Died 1916
Churchill Town Limits as seen
from the north.
Peach’s United Church Cemetery
The Peach’s Church Cemetery is
located at 10762 McCown Road
near the Markham Fair Grounds
(at the corner of McCowan Road
and Elgin Mills Road about 1
country road north of Major
Mackenzie Road north of
Markham Ontario).
It started as a Methodist Church
in 1847. The existing building
was built in 1890. It is now part
of the United Church
The grave stone looks relatively
new and brings five graves
around it together.
In Memory Of
Harvey Quantz
Died Oct. 13, 1935
In His 78th Year
Sarah Ann Jennings
Wife of
Fred H. Quantz
Died June 3rd, 1919
In Her 60th Year
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
On the back (west) side of this grave stone;
Children of
Fred H & Sarah A.
Mary Vida
Died 1892, in her 5 Year
Mabel Helena
Died 1892, in her 3 Year
Elma Blanche
Died 1892, In her 1 Year
Suffer the little children to come unto me
Peach’s is a small cemetery but still
Quantztown Cemetery
Quantztown Cemetery is
located on McCowan
Roadon the west side just
south of 16th Avenue at
address 9112 McCowan
Road, Markham, ON..
Quantztown Cemetery is no
longer active.
This information is from
Historic Tour of Markham
Presented by The Town
Crier of Markham Inc.
Quantztown Cemetery
Earliest Marker 1844
The hamlet of Quantztown was settled by descendants of Melchior Quantz, who emigrated from
Germany. He settled in Markham in the 1790s. Melchior Quantz was a Berczy Settler. His son donated
land for the cemetery, which was constructed in the 1840s. The earliest marker is dated 1844.
Some of the people who are in the cemetery are as follows:
Sophia Quantz, died in 1882 at the age of 75. She was the wife of George Haacke, buried with her, who
died four years later in 1886 at the age of 86. He was the son of John Haacke, who settled in Markham
with his wife, Hannah Adams, reportedly a cousin of John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the
United States. George was their only child to remain in Markham. Four of their children, Henry, 3,
Margaret, 13, and Janie, 5, all died within eight days of each other in the fall of 1861. Mary Ann also lays
there. The wife of David Miller died in 1865 at age 22.
Beside the children is their sister, Hannah. The daughter of George and Sophia Haacke and wife of John
J. Lunau died in 1858, days shy of her twentieth birthday. Hannah Lunau, her daughter, died in 1862 at
age 3 years, 10 months, 10 days.
Darius Witter was killed by the falling of the Desjardine's (sic) railroad bridge - March 12, 1857. On that
date, 90 passengers were on a Great Western Railway train from Toronto to Hamilton. As the train
neared its destination, the swing bridge over the Desjardins Canal collapsed. The train plummeted into
the frigid canal, killing 59. He was 30.
Lydia Wismer died in January 1857, just several days shy of her 87 birthday. David Wismer died in
August that same year, at age 87. Their son, David, was a deacon at the Christian church at Quantztown.
The church, which is no longer there, was built at the edge of the cemetery. It was part of the Bible
Christian Church, which originated in the United States. Missionaries brought its teachings into Upper
Canada. Congregations started at Ringwood, Markham Village, Bloomington in Whitchurch, in Stouffville
and in Quantztown.
The last marker is dated 1946.
The above is from HISTORIC TOURS MARKHAM at http://www.historictours.ca/HT1.asp?strID=173
At first glance there does not seem to be many graves used in this cemetery but there are many thaat
are not marked. The City of Markham has a complete listing of the people buried here. The city has done
a very good job of stabalizing and repairing the grave stones here.
Some of the Quantz
grave stones.
Loving Memory
George Quantz
Son of
H & S Quantz
(Herbert & Sarah Anne Quantz)
Died: July 20, 1893
Aged 7 Months
Katharine Elizabeth
Inscription is below
In Memory Of
Katharine Elizabeth
(Catherine Crosby)
Beloved Wife of
Philip Quantz
Died May 14, 1880
E. 38 Years, 7 months
This grave stone is in the back row.
In Memory Of
Sophia Quantz
Beloved Wife of
George Haacke
Died Aug. 1, 1892
Aged 75 Years, 25 Days
George Haacke
Died Mar. 21, 1896
Age 86 Years
“Rest In Peace”
In Memory Of
Beloved wife of
John Quantz
Born Sept. 1, 1822
Died Nov. 15, 1902
Quantztown Cemetery
Additional Memorials to the Quantzs
There are two streets named
after Quantzs. Both are in the
general area behind or to the
east of St. John’s Lutheran
Cemetery at Buttonville.
Quantz Ct.
Melchior Cres.
George B. Quantz House
This information is from
Historic Tour of Markham
Presented by The Town Crier of Markham Inc.
Community: Heritage Estates
Constructed: 1864
Address: 2 David Gohn Circle
Research credit: Heritage Markham, Doors Open Markham
This is the only surviving building from the hamlet of Quantztown, settled by the descendants of
Melcher Quantz who came to Markham in 1864.
Formerly at 8982 McCowan Road
· This house was constructed by George B. Quantz c. 1864 and is the only surviving remnant of a small
hamlet that once existed on the 7th Concession Road, now known as McCowan Road.
· George B. Quantz was the grandson of Melchior Quantz, a soldier in a Hessian regiment of the English
army during the American Revolution. After the war, Melchior returned to England but the Quantz
family came back to the United States in 1791. There they joined a group of German settlers, led by
William Berczy and came to settle in Markham in 1794. Melchior Quantz was granted Lot 13, Concession
2 upon his arrival in the Township of Markham. His eldest son, Frederick carried on the family farm and
later passed it on to his children.
· George Quantz Sr. Was Melchior Quantz’ second son. He married Mary Ann Baker in 1807 and together
they settled on the east half of Lot 14, Concession 6, having 11 children. In 1854, George Quantz Sr.
began to subdivide this lot for his children. The group of lots soon became known locally as Quantztown,
or as Centerville because it was located in the centre between Unionville and Markham Village.
Architectural Attributes
· A Classic Revival house with Italianate features.
· A fine example of the plank on plank construction method. As this construction method was not overly
common in the Markham area very few known examples exist.
· Clad in wooden clapboard siding in corner boards
· The windows have been replicated in the 6/6 style.
· The tail has been added.
Contextual Significance
This 1½ story cottage, built in the Classic Revival style of architecture, is one of the few known examples
of plank on plank construction existing in Markham today.
Originally located at 8982 McCowan Road, this house was constructed by the grandson of Melchoir
Quantz, one of the earliest British settlers to arrive in Markham Township in 1894.
It is interesting to note that Markville Secondary School was to be named after the Quantz family, but
the parents and students of the new school petitioned the School Board to change the name, so in their
infinite wisdom, they named the school after the shopping centre to the south. So much for local
See page http://www.historictours.ca/HT1.asp?strID=91
If you find any errors or additional information you can provide please contract us at at
--- End of Quantz Cemeteries ---
Copyright 2013 by Gordon and Shari Quantz
All rights reserved. No part of this Journal may be reproduced, posted or distributed in any printed or electronic
form without permission. If necessary you can reach the copyright holders though the webmaster of
www.quanz.net at johnquanz@rogers.com.