wayAn PhotoContest


wayAn PhotoContest
Every Thursday | ISSUE 111 | RS. 20
28 March 2012 | !% r}t @)^*
ISSN 2091-1092
9 772091 109009
Beauty with brains
personified, Saddichha
Shrestha shares her day
with Fr!day.
Determined to succeed in her
efforts in making her country
heard,Wasifa Nazreen embarks
on a journey. Support her.
You don’t tire of Momos?
Then the Tewa Momo Fest is
here to try and satisfy your
momo hunger.
The spirit of womanhood is
reflected in this issue as we
bring to you inspiring women
from a launch of their stories.
Nodar, an artist who
portraits other artists – we
delve into his intriguing
artistic endeavors.
Chef Khatri turns the table to
present the eggplant, one of
the commonly hated veggies,
in another light.
Every Sunday
National Consumer Weekly
Model: Suzeeta Gurung;Venue and Instrument Courtesy : Planet Music, Mid Baneshwor; Wardrobe Courtesy: Dot Fashion, Ktm Plaza and Cheeky, Woodland Complex
The coolest bands of the country meet some
body breaking, and perhaps soul searching, hip
hop in a musical festival headed by one of the
most long running and successful rock outfits
of South Asia. Parikrama, who have played all
around the world, in concerts and festivals,
and have opened for Iron Maiden on several
occasions, is coming to town. And our own
Cobweb, X-Mantra, Nepsydaz are all set to
perform in the festivities of food, games and,
face painting.
— Aayush Niraula
For more, turn to page 2
Issue 111
| 28 March 2012
Melodious Kat(mandu)
arikrama is one of the
oldest rock bands of
South Asia. Beginning in
1991, it took influences
from the classics such as Pink
Floyd, Led Zepplin, Deep Purple, Jimi Hendrix, a combination
that has inspired much of the
rock and roll of the 90s and in a
lingering way, most emphasized
in our part of the world, continues to do so. Not many bands in
the continent are reputed to stick
together, or going international
with their music. Parikrama has
stuck, and has gone to a wide,
worldly audience, but at the same
time, it has maintained an off
beat status by holding back from
getting totally commercial with
the music business. They trot
around with a heavy live concert
schedule but put out the digital
versions of their music for free,
and they have a steady following.
“They have come here before
as well, and as I have come to understand, they have fans”, Suvedra Thapa of Frequency Events,
which is bringing the band to
Jawlakhel grounds on 31 March
explains. He tells me he had seen
them play before and had been
left impressed. The band’s performances attract a good crowd,
their reputation also helped by
the fact that they have opened for
Iron Maiden many times, on the
request of the influential English heavy metal ensemble who,
first taken up by the Indian band
in a supporting role playing at
a charged and historic concert
in Banglore, had made way for
them to open their show in the
Download Festival of 2007. In a
way Parikrama, whose members
looked up to Maiden while growing up with rock and roll, is an
outfit that can be related by other
young bands with aspirations.
Their success is relatively unique
to South Asia’s context and is at
the same time, down to earth,
coming from gigs and festivals,
and driven by passion more than
money (most members have
other involvements for income),
releasing songs on the internet
subjected to free downloads and
pure entertainment. This was
how “But It Rained”, a single
released in 1996 on the Kashmir
valley kidnappings of the time,
spread to popularity and is still
played in cell phones and ipods
with touching effects. Internet is
also a viable and instant marketing for the band, which functions
economically on performances,
but it represents music as art
more than many of the methodically commercial products of our
The Melodious Kat Festival
aims to bring a musical evening
to the capital lining an interesting mix of artists and activities.
Cobweb, of a long (they started
in ’92) and cool history in the national scene, and with killer impressions of the seminal Floyd,
is playing. They have a new,
seventh album in hand, but Mercedes Benz can still be a heart
pumping start to any concert.
The music is diverse, and well within the intention of
the festival organizers, who describe the event as “of
its own kind - where Hip-Hop meets Rock spreading
one love”. Organizers are hoping for a similarly diverse
audience on the day, from rock and roll fans to hip hop
lovers and families who can probably enjoy both.
Also performing is Yama Buddha, a rapper whose lyrics and
smooth delivery is adding a comparative gravity to the genre in
Nepal, and has been appreciated
on the internet as well as gigs.
Adding more hip hop to the show
will be Nepsydaz, an old name of
the “Chudaina” fame.
Similarly Mt. 8848 (cool
funk, remember “Sathi”), Abhaya
and the Steam Injuns (“Timro
Lagi”) and X-Mantra (who
brought impressionable originality to the underground metal
circles at its start), bands with
respect and commendable name,
are all in line. There is also DJ
Nawang, spinning sessions for
those in the mood to put on some
moves. The music is diverse, and
well within the intention of the
festival organizers, who describe
the event as “of its own kind
- where Hip-Hop meets Rock
spreading one love”. Organizers
are hoping for a similarly diverse
audience on the day, from rock
and roll fans to hip hop lovers
and families who can probably
enjoy both. !
Tickets to the event are available at the Tranzit
WoodFire Restaurant and Bar, Thamel. Details of
the event on page 8.
make your statement
celebrity surveillance
Sadichha Shrestha
Sadichha Shrestha’s warm smile is what puts you at ease. She exudes humility that contrasts with the
attitude that most would relate to a beauty queen. On this day, Miss Nepal 2010 balances her roles
as a student, a friend, a daughter and a beauty queen.
— Mannat Shrestha
5:37 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
3:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Early Bird
The beauty queen wakes up with
a big smile looking forward to a
productive day.
The first meal of the day is always
with her parents. Her diet includes
roti and a glass of juice.
Work Calls
Meeting at Hessed Cafe with
Gyanendra Lal Pradhan, Chairman
of Energy Committee FNCCI in
reference to the hydro power summit
that took place on 14-15 March.
Game Away
Reaches home where she
spends time with her siblings
playing games on the iPad.
“ We usually play Jetpack and
Ninjump, and the competition is
6:02 a.m.
Kick starts the day with some hot
lemon with honey.
After 1 hour 10 minutes, she is
done and all set to go out for
1hour 15 minute of a light workout
session follows.
11:35 a.m.
Photo Shoot
Arrives at the ECS office in
Kupondole for her shoot.
9:00 a.m.
After 15 minutes of waiting for
Reecha Sharma’s shoot to be over,
Sadichha is called in for her make-up
and hair by Sakil Kunwar.
Study Study Study!
She picks up some doughnuts for
her grandmother, whom she plans
to visit later.
Her highest score in Jetpack.
2:03 p.m.
Out For Lunch
Arrives at Roadhouse Café,
Jhamsikhel and meets her friend
for lunch. She drinks another glass
of hot lemon with honey before
starting the meal.
It has been 4 months since she
turned vegetarian.
7:34 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
Leaves with Pradhan for FNCCI for
another meeting.
5:33 p.m.
Family Time
Drops in at her mama ghar where
she meets her grandparents and
hands over the doughnuts.
“Every time I visit my grandparents
I get them doughnuts from Hessed
Cafe because it’s my grandmother’s
The 2nd Year BBA Student at St.
Xavier’s College, Maitighar, has her
exams coming up, which
is also the reason for
her not being able
to get involved in
many proposed
12:24 p.m.
Sadichha is finally ready for her
shots, dressed in a traditional
Newari wedding attire and jewelry.
Arrives at Moksh for the launch
of RVL Radio.
9:55 p.m.
Arrives home and checks Facebook.
likes for her Fan Page
Friend Request
messages received on her
personal Facebook page
phone calls received throughout.
11:00 p.m.
Goodnight World
DurbarmargCity CenterBluebird mall
issues that matter
Not Just Climbing Mountains
She put together her skills in development, writing, climbing and advocacy to make the best possible outcome to raise the
profile of her country. “My peoples are hungry for the positive recognition that Bangladesh deserves,” she says. With an aim to
make Bangladesh heard from the highest peaks of the world, this woman set out on a journey to climb the Seven Summits.
— Yukta Bajracharya
he resigned from her post
as a highly paid employee
of CARE Bangladesh,
pawned her mother’s
jewelry, sold off her inherited
land, took on neck loads of loans
and set out to voice her country
from atop the highest summits
of each of the seven continents.
Wasfia Nazreen gave birth to the
Bangladesh on Seven Summits
campaign virtually on 26 March
2011, Bangladesh’s 40th Independence day and since July 2011 she
has been making it from one summit to another to tell the story of
her motherland, not out of blind
patriotism but rather with a drive
to bring Bangladesh out of the
curtains, not just as a country
victimized by climate disasters
and marred by corruption. “The
campaign is not only about climbing a mountain,” says Nazreen
“its about the international community to recognize the other
versions of Bangladesh.” Only
37 women have completed the
Seven Summits out of which only
two were Asian. “I’m a first generation Bangladeshi and naturally
grew up with very raw emotions
and stories of the struggle for
Independence. Following many
movements, and finally after a
nine months long brutal war,
Bangladesh was formed in 1971
and since she turned 40, I decided
it was high-time to do something
meaningful as a tribute to her and
the resiliency that went behind to
birth her,” she says.
Born in Dhaka and brought
up in Khulna and Chittagong of
Bangladesh, Nazreen had always
been in touch with nature. “But
before, going to the mountains
were more like a passion for me,”
says Nazreen who earlier thought
of the mountains as a place of refuge but now perceives mountaineering as a religion. “Everything
is a struggle in the mountains,
everything we take for granted in
normal lives disappear once you
are up there. It has to be adapted
into a lifestyle and this is what we
are trying to do – promote mountaineering and outdoor activities
as a lifestyle for women in Bangladesh.” Bangladesh on Seven
Summits has become a foundation, which when it will start
work next year, will be focusing
on the development and health of
women, both mental and physical, she adds. The organization
is a hub for women to pursue
and master wilderness activities,
sports and high-altitude interests.
This itself is not an easy task
– in a country like Bangladesh
which is secular yet deeply rooted
in Islam, it is a privilege for girls
to be even allowed to play outside
in the open, Nazreen shares. Even
for her, a girl who was brought up
in a liberal family, the campaign
she has taken up has not been an
easy one. “Ultimately it comes
down to being conditioned. The
earlier you are exposed, the better
adapted you are and it becomes
relatively easy. I started late. I
“The mountains at home are ten
times more difficult to climb,”
Nazreen goes on to talk about the
obstacles she faces.
found the virtue of being outdoors only when I was exploring
life in the West – which may be a
day to day thing for most people
in many countries around the
world, but was not for me when I
was growing up” she shares why
as a South Asian woman, it has
been more difficult for her. “The
mountains at home are ten times
more difficult to climb,” Nazreen
goes on to talk about the obstacles
she faces. From visa issues due to
lack of liaisons in some countries
to criticisms from the society to
finances, there are other mountains she has to overcome before
venturing for the physical ones.
Of the seven summits, Nazreen has attempted three summits and succeeded in two. She
reached the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2 October and Aconcagua
on 16 December in 2011, Bangladesh’s 40th Victory day. She will
be heading for Mt. Everest on 26
March. “Everest has always been
my fascination. I haven’t been this
ready for any other mountain,”
she says. Nazreen will be attempting the Everest from the south
side, which is also the first for her
country. “I consciously chose the
south side since it is considered to
be the original successful route,
the trail that Tenzing Norgay
Sherpa and Sir Edmund Hilary
took,” she talks about the climb
that is now ahead of her. “Climb-
ing the Seven Summits is a hugely
expensive endeavor. “This year,
for the first time, I am being funded by national companies at home.
The City Bank is my platinum
sponsor while Renata Limited
and Kazi Farms Limited are my
gold sponsors. This is a huge load
off my back,” Nazreen expresses
her gratitude in now being able
to completely focus on the ascent
and the preparations without feeling the weight of finances.
Needless to say, the climb itself is one that demands a lot of
struggle and hard work. Nazreen
shares how being a female naturally and biologically imposes
weaker physical conditions that
make the journey more difficult in
comparison to her male counterparts. “Though at the end of it all,
watching the sunrise and sunset
from the high camps makes up for
the journey and all the hard work
you have done,” she says. She is
scheduled to complete this campaign by the end of 2012.
An individual who believes
that in today’s times, it is high
time for women to be in the forefront of peace, rebuilding and
development, Nazreen proves to
be the epitome of a woman from
the 21st century who despite the
hurdles can climb the mountains
of the world and reach greater
heights. !
Follow her campaign on www.facebook.com/BangladeshOnSevenSummits
With events to the left and right, Fr!day makes it a little bit easier for
you to choose events to check out this week and the next. Here are
our top three picks:
get more out of your weekends
Enjoy the combination of good rock music from Space Cake Break and
delicious food at Trisara.
what’s on
Take out your bicycles and get ready to cycle and help light up the
Bagmati Bridge with solar lights.
things to do
Spend some quality time exploring Antonio Nodar’s artistic endeavors.
Momos for a Cause
Date: 24 March (Saturday); Time:1pm to 7pm; Venue: Army Officers’ Club,
Sundhara;Ticket: Rs. 600 and Rs. 700 (Vegetarian and Non vegetarian respec tively)
If you are a momo lover and also
have the heart to help, this Momo
Fest is the place for you to be.
Tewa, in partnership with Nanglo,
is organizing a one day momo fest
for a good cause. It is a local fund
raising program, where the entire
amount raised will be used to help
empower women across Nepal.
Tewa is a nonprofit organization,
which is run for and by women.
It aims to increase the selfreliance of Nepalis by reducing
dependency on foreign donors.
This is a festival with food, drinks,
music, and games – ideal for a
family outing. A variety of momos,
a concert and other attractions –
this is your opportunity for a fun
event with family and friends while
you also do your bit to empower
Nepali women. (Akriti Shilpakar)
POST US: Email event details to events@fridayweekly.com.np or call 5011571/
5011639/ 5011730/ 5011731 for listings. Listings are free but inclusion is not
guaranteed due to limited space.
with Sita Shrestha
Fundraising Officer,Tewa
Corporate Mask Party
Date: 23 March (Friday)
Time: 5:30 onwards
Venue:Vintage Cafe and Pub,
9849046268/ amoghimire@
The masquerade party
being organized by Dasham
Entertainment is targeting the
corporate crowds. The theme
itself is enough to get the party
going. DJ Nuga and DJ SID will
be creating some funky music
to groove to. The night will be
filled with fantasy, mystery and
romance. The excitement and
fun is even greater because
all the guests will be invited
through invitations only.Yet,
there might be a partial door
sale at the venue for VIP crowd.
Tickets: via invitations only
Date: 23 March (Friday) Time:
7 pm onwards Venue: Trisara,
We end up paying at least Rs. 35 for a plate of momos. But, isn’t
it much better when you can eat momos and know that you are
helping someone? The momo fest being organized by Tewa in
association with Nanglo is one of such few events.
Since it is a fund raising event, how are the proceeds going to be
Fund raised through such fund raising events goes to our Grant Making
Program entirely. That helps rural women through micro-projects such as
income generation, capacity building training and many more that help women
empowerment. In the last 16 years, Tewa has given more than Rs. 1 crore 80
lakh rupees worth of grant to 356 women’s organizations from 65 districts.
What are the other attractions and details that you would like to
There are two categories of tickets: vegetarian and non vegetarian. The price
also includes mineral water, soft drinks/juice and ice-creams.
Other attractions of the event are product stalls from volunteers, mehendi
and face painting, game stations for children, and a live concert from
Heartbreakers. (Akriti Shilpakar)
Nepfest March
Date: 24 March (Saturday) Time:
1 pm onwards Venue: Fun Park,
Bhrikuti Mandap 5541322
such as: Ritmos (rhythm),Vueltas
(turns), Taconeos/Zapateados
(footwork), Brazeos (armwork),
Palmas (rhythmic clapping).
Bookings for additional group
classes, children’s classes, private
lessons are available upon
Class Rates (per student): Rs.
750 (single class), Rs.3,750 (for
a class card of six) and Rs. 6,000
(for a class card of 12)
The LA Cup
Momos for Everyone
How is this event different from other events happening around
This is not a profit-making venture, and if people want to spend for a good
cause then this event is definitely for them. Also, this is a family event, and
equipped to be a complete outing for all ages. We all spend on outings over
the weekend, so why not spend for a worthy cause.
The On the Rocks series will go
on till 6 April.
Seagrams 100 Pipers Presents
‘On the Rocks’ – an event
dedicated to celebrate the
magnificent genre of rock music
and to promote the various
eating outlets which have been
adding flavor to Kathmandu.
Popular Nepali bands such as
Cobweb, Rusty Nails, Space
Cake Break and His Will will
be performing at different
venues during this event, which
will take place every Friday.
The venues chosen for the
event are Bourbon Room (Lal
Durbar),Trisara (Lazimpat),
Lorry’s (Jhamsikhel) & 8 Degrees
(Jhamsikhel). This Friday the
band Spacecake Break will be
Nepfest is coming up with
yet another event as one of
the promotional gig for the
legendary polish death metal
juggernaut ‘Decpitated’ who
are set to perform at the
Nepfest IV, this September. For
all those who missed out on
the Nepfest Reloaded, Nepfest
in association with KTM Rocks
presents Nepfest March with
a big surprise for all the metal
heads in the venue. The event
will feature some of the metal
bands in the city like Antim
Grahan, Kalodin, White, Garudh,
The Exorcist, Disintegrated, and
Ticket Cost: Rs. 150
Flamenco Dance Classes
Starting Date: 12 March
(Monday) Ending Date: 6 April
Time: 1:00 pm to 2:15 pm and
6:30 pm and 7:45 pm
Venue: The International
Club, Sanepa 9813930267/
For those who missed it last
year, The International Club
presents another ‘Introduction
to Flamenco Dance’ workshop
with guest teacher Maradee de
Guzman of Clara Ramona and
Co. Learn this bold art form that
can be performed by both men
and women alike.
Opening Date: 22 March
Closing Date: 1 April (Sunday)
Time: To be announced
Venue: Little Angels’ Premises,
The Mahindra Two Wheelers
6th LA Cup begins this March.
The LA Cup is a sports event
organized by the Students’
Council of the Little Angels’
College of Management
(LACM). The event will feature
competitions such as football,
lawn tennis, basketball, volley
ball, tug and war and open art.
While the football match will
be held among 24 colleges from
within the valley, the lawn tennis
matches will be a national level
competition for students in
their plus twos and bachelors.
The other remaining games will
be between the colleges under
Kathmandu University such
Registration Deadline: 15 March
Ghode Jatra Scrabble
Date: 22 March (Thurday)
Venue: Basantapur Durbar
The classes will be held
Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays in two time slots.
Classes will cover techniques of
movements and combinations
Nepal Scrabble Club is organizing
a Scrabble meet on Ghode jatra
at Basantapur on 22 March, titled
‘Ghode Jatra Scrabble Meet’. The
day of horses will be made special
with friendly Scrabble match and
a special Equestrian show by
professional trainers. It will bring
scrabble enthusiasts and newbies
from different schools and colleges
in the same circle. The event will
also have a live Nepali music
performance as well as it will give
an opportunity for the younger
generation of the participants and
spectators to ride horses on the
day, keeping the spirit of Ghode
Jatra real.
The second installment of the
Scrabble meet will be on 24 March
at Yala Kendra without horses.
Date: 22 March (Thursday)
Time: 7am onwards
Venue: Patan Durbar Square
Time: 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Venue: Pranamaya Yoga Studio,
Kantipath (behind Global Banks)
on 5 consecutive Saturdays,
mostly outdoors. One will
gain knowledge about camera
lenses, composition, portfolio
making and more. Deserving
participants would get a
chance to work at reputed
international and national
organization, and media houses
Issue 111
| 28 March 2012
Dancing in the Sun
Date: 24 March (Saturday) to 25 March (Sunday);Venue: The Last Resort,;
Preferred: DSLR Camera,
Mandatory: Digital Compact
Anusara Yoga Workshop which
is being hosted by Pranamaya
Thamel is bringing to you a golden
opportunity to practice yoga
with visiting yoga instructor, Jonas
Westring. A profound, therapeutic
and elegant Hatha Yoga system
that blends the ancient art of yoga
with the science of biomechanics,
Anusara Yoga features Principles
of Alignment, a Tantric Philosophy
and a celebration of the full
potential of life as a whole. This
special chance to sign up and
learn from Jonas’s workshop is
only available via email at info@
Fee: Rs. 3499
Opening Date: 28 March
Closing Date: 11 April
Time: 5:30 pm
Venue: Patan Museum, Patan
Durbar Square
5544880/ www.kathmanduarts.
Cost: Rs.1200
Digital Photography
Laxmi Cares, a registered NGO
and a social initiative of employees
of Laxmi Bank is organizing the
‘Laxmi Cares Annual Mountain
Bike Rally’ in lieu with its ‘Go
Green’ campaign. The rally is being
held to raise funds to put up LED
solar lights, to light up the Bagmati
Bridge, Thapathali. The rally will
begin from Patan Durbar Square
and come to a halt at St. Xavier’s
Godavari School, Godavari.
Yogeshwar Amatya, Jems Pradhan,
and Lyrics Indy will be performing
at the concert which follows the
rally at the St. Xavier’s grounds
itself. So this Ghode Jatra, choose
to cycle for a cause and enjoy the
musical event that follows your
muscle work!
Entry fee: Rs. 1,500 (including
mountain bike hire, lunch,
water, refreshments, t-shirt and
transportation) and Rs. 1,000 (if
you bring a bike of your own)
Anusara Yoga Workshop
Opening Date: 24 March
Closing Date: 21 April (Saturday)
Time: 1 pm to 5 pm (with
extendable timings)
Venue: Opposite of Peanuts, New
Road, Kathmandu
4244348/ 9841240341
Good news for photography
enthusiasts. The Image Park is
organizing The Special Ultimate
Digital Photography WorkshopXV, which will allow busy office
co-workers and busy students,
who are interested to learn
photography but don’t have the
time during working days, to
do some serious photography
learning. The sessions will be held
Date: 23 March (Friday)
Kathmandu Contemporary
Arts Centre (KCAC) invites
you to Antonio Nodar’s ‘From
portrait to self-portrait’. The
exhibition of this inspirational
and unique art will be opened
on Wednesday 28 March at
5:30 pm at Patan Museum,
Durbar Square, Patan. The
exhibition seeks to expose the
excellence and vitality of art in
Nepal today with its fusion of
contemporary and traditional.
It will display the photographs
of more than 200 Nepali artists
that Antonio has photographed
in six weeks since his arrival on
10 January.
The diptychs of portraits
and self-portraits were first
presented at an exhibition in
Barcelona in 1997, and it won
the art critics’ award for the
best gallery exhibition that
year. One can explore the
photographs during museum
hours - 10 am to 5 pm till 11
Anusara Yoga Workshop (Miscellaneous)
Corporate Mask Party (Music & Parties)
Flamenco Dance Classes (Miscellaneous)
On the Rocks (Music & Parties)
The LA Cup (Miscellaneous)
Digital Photography Workshop-XV
Flamenco Dance Classes (Miscellaneous)
Nepfest March (Music & Parties)
The LA Cup (Miscellaneous)
Flamenco Dance Classes (Miscellaneous)
The LA Cup (Miscellaneous)
Digital Photography Workshop-XV
Flamenco Dance Classes (Miscellaneous)
The LA Cup (Miscellaneous)
Digital Photography Workshop-XV
Flamenco Dance Classes
From Portrait to Self-Portrait
The LA Cup (Miscellaneous)
Digital Photography Workshop-XV
Flamenco Dance Classes (Miscellaneous)
The LA Cup (Miscellaneous)
Digital Photography Workshop-XV
Ticket price: Rs. 3,500 (including transportation, food, accommodation,
music) (Akriti Shilpakar)
with Darshan Shrestha
Assistant Marketing Manager
An Adventurous Musical Fest
A two-day long musical event at one of the most adventurous places
in Nepal. Plenty of sunshine, great music, amazing food and of course
something for those with an adventurous streak.You don’t want to miss it.
Events Index
Flamenco Dance Classes (Miscellaneous)
Ghode Jatra Scrabble Meet
Laxmi Cares Bike Rally (Miscellaneous)
The LA Cup (Miscellaneous)
Get ready this month of March, to wear yourself out dancing to some
amazing music all day. Sundance Music Festival is a one of its kind event in
Nepal. Started by Nirakar Yakthumba and Sam Voolstra, a few years back,
this fest has been attracting a lot of music lovers ever since. Organized
by The Last Resort and Moksh, this two day long event will be held at The
Last Resort.
With plenty of sunshine, good music and of course the extraordinary
environment, this is one musical festival you better not miss this year.
The festival will have both Nepali and foreign musicians creating beautiful
music. Beside music and dance, good food and lots of sunshine, it also has
something to offer to those with an appetite for adventure. This festival has
something for everyone. The ticket price for the event is Rs. 3500 which
includes food, transportation, accommodation and of course a lot of music.
Tickets are available at Moksh and The Last Resort.
Digital Photography Workshop-XV
Flamenco Dance Classes
The LA Cup (Miscellaneous)
In essence, what is the Sundance festival about?
We have tried our best to preserve the original idea of Sam Voolstra and
Nirakar Yakthumba - to bring national and international musicians together
on the same platform and celebrate music. The main objective of Sundance
Music Festival is to give an opportunity to local and international musicians
to interact with and learn from each other. Also, the fest brings together all
music lovers to celebrate music.
Which local and foreign bands will be playing in the two-day long fest?
We have Soul Train featuring Rainer Pusch (Germany), The Acoustic (Shanti
Music), Joint Family and Streetlife collective.
Why should people come to this festival, when there are plenty of
gigs happening around?
Firstly, it’s not just a gig. It’s a great weekend escape with amazing musicians,
good food and unbelievable atmosphere. And where else can one find
another music festival with a range of adventure activities? (Akriti Shilpakar)
get more out of your weekends
Photokipa 2012, an expo and seminar
dedicated to photography and
videography. Photokipa’s objective is
to summon the entire photography
and imaging industry under one roof.
It will bring together the industry,
trade, professional/amateur users
and consumers with a passion for
photography and create a market, a
market for people to understand and
upgrade in this field.
mark your calendar
events in the next few weeks
Around 100 exhibitors from both
the international and domestic
markets will be exhibiting at the
event, promising to offer a complete
imaging experience featuring the
latest photography equipment and
technology and a series of concurrent
forums and events.
Corporate Fun
Date: 30 March (Friday) to 31 March (Saturday);Venue: Riverside Springs Resort,
Kurintar; 9851112717
Since 2009, Shangri-La Cricket
Academy has been organizing
Beach Cricket Series, that
focuses on Inter Bank Cricket
and it is a one of its kind
event in Nepal. The main
motive of this series is to
bring the corporate world
into a cricketing platform and
build a warm relationship
through sports. However,
there is no lacking in fun. In fact it is more loaded than ever. Like in any
other cricket game, there are strict rules here too. The whole structure
has been designed for “serious fun”, with at least one senior executive,
one compulsory female participant et al. The matches will be played in the
exciting Super Sixes format with colored balls and colored outfits. They
have elaborate trophies and awards at the end of the series too.
The teams will be playing to win and will show good spirit for the sport.
At the end of the day, it will bring work colleagues closer and hence make
them more efficient when they go back to their regular working days. The
Sixth Inter Bank Cricket Series will have 16 teams and will be played from
30 to 31 March. There is another Inter Corporate Cricket Series being held
with 16 teams in the next month on 13 and 14 April.
(Akriti Shilpakar)
with Aamir Akhter
Manager, Shangri-La Cricket Academy
Serious Fun
Beach Cricket by the riverside does sound seriously fun. Fr!day finds
out about the details of the beach cricket 2012 event from Aamir
Since it first started, how has it grown as an annual sport series?
It was just a wild idea to promote cricket on the beach. Normally Beach
Cricket is played on sea beaches but we are probably the only country in
the world that plays Beach Cricket on a river beach. Although Nepal is a
landlocked country and we made it possible. Today I can proudly say that
Beach Cricket attracts around more than 32 corporate teams every year.
We have grown very well with the support of loyal participants, sponsors,
media, Riverside Springs Resort Team and my management team too.
What is the tourism angle to the Beach Cricket event idea?
Actually we are promoting the much needed concept of Weekend Tourism
in the Corporate Sector. Activities like Beach Cricket that are played at a
reasonable distance from the capital will surely penetrate the idea of going
out and exploring the local tourism spots on the weekend.
Is it more about having fun or building corporate and business
Well, with sports comes fun and the beach cricket falls under the mixed
bag activity. Apart from the obvious fun, every team also learns team
building exercise. And it is also a huge platform for every participant to
exchange contacts and do networking too. Nevertheless we promote
Beach Cricket as “serious fun”. (Akriti Shilpakar)
Entry Fee: Rs. 150 (special discount
of Rs. 100 if you come with your
Parikrama Live in
Date: 31 March (Saturday)
Time: 11 am to 8 pm
Venue: Jawalakhel Football
Ground, Jawalakhel9801032067
After the successful Baneshwor
Street Fest, Frequency Events are
organizing an informative musical
event featuring the well-known
rock band from India - Parikrama.
The event will feature many
artists like Cobweb, Abhaya and
the Steam Injuns, X-Mantra, Mt.
8848, and also the hip-hop group
Nepsydaz. All the excitement is
to be followed by a DJ session
along with B-boying to top up
the event. From mouth watering
food stalls, interesting games the
event will be a one of its kind
with something for everyone.
The tickets are soon to be
available at Tranzit Woodfire Pizza
Restaurant & Bar, Thamel from
14 March.
Ticket Cost: Rs. 100: for
Students (Valid student I.D
required), Rs. 200: Normal
Ticket, Rs. 300 (includes
complimentary drink), Rs. 400:
Family Ticket which includes (2
Adults and Children under 10)
The Hangover
Date: 12 April (Thursday)
Time: 6pm to midnight
Venue: Meconopsis Boutique
Hotel, Pulchowk
Marking the Nepali New Year’s
eve and their first anniversary,
We fear Silence is organizing an
event titled “The Hangover”. The
event highlight is a ramp show
displaying Tenzin Tseten Bhutia’s
first ever own label fashion
collection ‘le Melange’. The show
will be opened by a belly dancer.
But the partying won’t end there.
It also includes an after party
with DJ Bickky from UK. So get
ready to welcome BS 2069 in
style and have a good party with
those who know how to do it
Tickets: to be announced (the
first 500 will be invitations)
Photokipa 2012
Opening Date: 13 April (Friday)
Closing Date: 14 April (Friday)
Time: 11am to 7pm
Venue: Exhibition Hall, Bhrikuti
Creative D Pvt. Ltd. in association
with Kathmandu Photographers
Association is organizing -
Opening Date: 29 March (Thursday)
Closing Date: 7 April (Saturday)
Time: 10 am
Venue: KCM, Gwarko
9803454512/ 9841849513
InMotion, an inter-college film making
competition, is a chance for you to
think, create and shoot. It is a one of
its kind show in Nepal that promotes
a chance to young minds to show their
strength, creativity and skills. There
are basically two segments; Short film
(5-8 minutes long) and Public Service
Announcements (30 seconds long).
There are cash prizes for winners and
the categories are elaborate. There is
also a chance to make jingles and PSAs
for Himalaya TV.
The maximum number of team
members for both segments is five,
excluding the actors.
Entry Fee: Rs. 500 per team (short
film), Rs. 250 per team (PSA)
Last Thurdays with Rajendra
Date: 29 March (Thursday)
Time: 4:30pm to 7:30pm
Venue: DECC hall, 4th floor of
UWTC, Tripureshwor
This time Last Thursdays have
entrepreneur Rajendra Khetan as
the Guest Speaker. The Chairman
of Laxmi bank, Everest Insurance,
Prime Life Insurance, Gorkha
Brewery and many more, he is
one of Nepal’s most sought after
businessmen. Entrepreneurs for
Nepal in association with Samriddhi,
brings you this opportunity to learn
about entrepreneurship and to gain
knowledge on specific entrepreneurial
opportunities in Nepal. It is also a
very good platform to meet other
entrepreneurs and innovative Nepalis.
Entry: Free, but come early for seats.
Earth Hour 2012
Date: 31 March (Saturday)Time: 6:30
Venue: Basantapur Durbar Square,
4434820/ www.wwfnepal.org/
The annual Earth Hour, a WWF event
to stop environmental degradation, is
going beyond 60 minutes of darkness
this year and making a commitment
for continued action all year around.
In Nepal this year, it is focused on two
places: Kathmandu and Lumbini. In
Kathmandu, WWF is planning a mass
convergence of youth, celebrities,
government officials, corporate
leaders and conservation partners
at Basantapur Durbar Square, which
will be followed by a night rally,
performance by fusion band Trikaal
and conservation messaging. The event
will be brightened by candlelight. In
Lumbini, the event will be continuing
their ambitious Million Tree Project,
which was initiated at Earth Hour last
Spring Camp for Kids
Opening Date: 2 April (Monday)
Closing Date: 6 April (Friday)
Time: 10 am
Venue: Kathmandu Jazz Conservatory,
5013554, 2111505
The Kathmandu Jazz Conservatory, in
association with Initiative Outdoor, is
organizing a 10-day Spring Camp for
kids aged 6-9 and 10-14. Although, they
have been conducting Spring and Winter
camps since 2008, this is the first time
they are organizing a musical outdoor
camp. The camp aims to empower
the participants via music, dance, art
and craft, and outdoor activities. The
minimum number of participants for
both the age groups is 10. The camp
for the latter group is from 8-12 April.
Participation is only available through
registration. The cost for the registration
includes expenses for equipments, first
aid, instructors and light snacks.
Registration fee: Rs. 800
Photo Workshop with Frederic
Opening Date: 3 April
Closing Date: 6 April
Time: 6hrs/ per day
Venue: Photocircle office, Jhamsikhel
It is always good to learn. The Photo
Workshop with Frederic Lecloux is the
perfect platform to enhance one’s skill
on photography. He is a French-Belgian
photographer, traveler and a writer.
In this workshop, he will be working
with a group of 8-10 young Nepali
photographers. The main objective of
this is to change their way of looking
at very simple things and events that
happen around them. He will work with
them to build a meaningful photographic
story that might help them look at
their country differently. The workshop
targets young Nepali photographers
with intermediate skills, who should
have technical base in photography and
should be comfortable shooting on
manual function with a DSLR.
To apply, interested participants need
to fill in and email them attached
application form, with a portfolio of 10
to 20 images [800 pixels on the longest
side]. Images can be singles or a story.
Registration deadline is 5 pm, Sunday,
25 March.
Participation fee: Rs. 3500
4th Enfield Rendezvous &
Poker Run 2012
Opening Date: 12 April (Thursday)
Closing Date: 14 April (Saturday)
Venue: From Kathmandu to Pokhara
Its time to take out your bikes, clean up
the engines, shine it up or better give
it a new paint job, because the annual
Motorcycle riding event is back. Aimed
to bring motorcycle riders together
for a day’s ride through the Nepali
countryside, it will see international
bikers from Germany, India, Luxemburg,
Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA this
year along with our very own home
grown Royal Enfield Riders and classic
bike owners.
To make things more interesting, the
Poker Run is also aimed at finishing up
with the best hand of Poker Cards. One
card is dealt at each stop along the way
to the destination. There are numeral
awards and prizes up for grabs too. The
event will end with a bang with lavish
BBQ dinner and singing to a live band
playing jazz, funk, blues, reggae and local
hit numbers until countdown to usher
in the Nepali New Year 2069 BS.
the week that was
event reviews of
the past week
Nepa~laya’s Next
Akriti Shilpakar
Kathmandu, 14 March
Mishra is the
next author
whose book
‘Khana Pugos,
Dina Pugos’
(May You Have
Enough for
Yourself and
to Give Away)
is next on
pipeline. The
book is the compilation of Mishra’s
column essays published in national
dailies – Kantipur and Nagarik
between BS 2065 to BS 2068. Mishra
is a columnist, essayist, journalist and
The main theme of this book
is ‘practical philanthropy’ and
‘philanthropic journalism’. Nepa~laya
has published works of fiction,
picture books, travel memoirs and an
autobiography. This is the first book
under its essay category. Kiran Krishna
Shrestha of Nepa~laya said,”Articles
in newspapers usually have a short life.
However, many materials printed in
newspapers have a long lasting impact
and deserve to be archived for future.
This book is an initiation of such
archival practice.”
Khana Pugos Dina Pugos contains
56 column-essays and is scheduled
to be released by the end of March.
Publication Nepa~laya’s distributor
Education Book House will be
distributing the book.
represented by a woman who has
succeeded in creating a niche for herself
in the same.
Hisila Yami commenced the seminar by
highlighting how far women have come
with the people’s revolution and the gaps
that still remain in the current scenario
as well. Ambica Shrestha shared personal
experiences of her younger days and the
struggle that came attached with those
older times. Shanta Dixit shed light on
the current scenario of gender issues
in the context of education. Raveena
Desraj Shrestha opined on the key to
her success, a woman having made it in
the corporate sector that most choose
to define as ‘a man’s world’.
Lady Shruti Rana, who holds a
multifaceted portfolio of a musician, a
healer, and an educationist among many,
concluded the seminar with the most
interesting perspective on gender issues
through traditional cultural knowledge.
She begun by saying that she was
expected to talk about the feminine,
but she knows nothing but the feminine
as every thing is ‘shakti’ – the feminine.
She elaborated on the fact that the
Vedic knowledge system believes that
every thing living or inanimate pulsates
with energy or shakti, even if it is the
vibrating protons. She also shared the
story of her own struggles along and
ended on a beautiful note that the key
lies in courage – the courage to break
away from norms, or to stay grounded
to your roots ignoring weightless
influences, or to follow your heart
regardless of societal chides.
Director of ICC, Dr. Geeti Sen, ended
the seminar with some of her own
The seminar was followed by hi-tea in
Hotel Shangri-la’s Shambala Garden.
Roles That Women Play Napalm Death
Thrashes the
Srishti RL Shah
Kathmandu, 16 March
Indian Cultural Centre organized a
seminar at Hotel Shangri-la to celebrate
International Women’s Day. The seminar
had a distinguished array of panelists
to cover five different sectors, each
Girish Subedi
Lalitpur, 17 March
On Saturday, fans witnessed a grand
metal concert organized by ‘Defenders
For the first twenty minutes,
the occupied three rooms were
devoid of any sound. The nine
finalists were meditating over
the subject at hand. They were
asked to interpret ‘nature’ and
were taking ample time to
materialize their concept on
the empty sheet of paper. The
earlier contours were shaky
and exhibited uncertainty. But
as time progressed, the lines
became firmer as if each knew
the path to travel. After the
completion of two hours, the
set time period, nine complete
sketches were ready.
The contest was organized to
celebrate the completion one
successful year of Teenz and Kasthamandap Art Studio
acted the venue wherein the drama unfolded on 11
March. Bhairaj Maharjan and Vinod Pradhan, the judges for
the event, both from Kasthamandap Art Studio, seemed
impressed by the submitted art works. “The topic has
ensued great amount of brainstorming on the part of the
contestants, that is why the final products vary in concept
and execution,” commented Bhairaj Maharjan. The first
prize winner, Sandeep Shrestha bagged the three-month
of Metal’ that was held at the Jawalakhel
Football ground. The concert featured
the live performances by one of the
well acclaimed metal bands from Nepal
and other countries like India, Iran, and
of course, the famous Napalm Death:
Grindcore Death Metal band from UK.
The first band to perform was 2 point
3 four from Darjeeling who entertained
the crowd with their Black Heavy
Metal style. Narasamhar, a black metal
band from Pokhara, were up next
who performed the song ‘Khukuri’
twice upon encore requests from
the audience. The Death Metal band
Binaash from Kathmandu entertained
the crowd with their originals such as
‘Momo’ and ‘Wak’. The versatility of the
performers was well appreciated by the
audience as the band is also regarded
as one of the powerful metal bands in
the present context of the Nepali metal
music scenario. The stocking that the
band members wore on their heads
was to compliment their style that they
call ‘ramailo metal’. Grimmortal from
India, and Arsames from Iran, followed.
Then came Napalm Death, who officially
stared performing at 8:30. The band’s
unique showmanship left the crowd
requesting for more.
Karuna Natural Wears opened its
new outlet at Durbar Marg on 16
March, Friday. Established in 1997,
the store’s main aim has been to
promote and utilize Nepal’s local
resources; fabrics and raw materials.
They sell clothes and accessories
that are designed, developed and
manufactured right here in Nepal.
The Mokume-gane( a technique of
metal folding) collection included a
range of very unique bracelets and rings
| 28 March 2012
Ujeena Rana
Lalitpur, 11 March
Akriti Shilpakar
Kathmandu, 16 March
clothings. Jwellery from Tisa were very
contemporary, made out of brass, gold
and silver plating and precious stones.
Issue 111
Teenz and Artistic Endeavors
Karuna Natural Wears
The Karuna outlet in Durbar Marg
is different from the rest of Karuna
outlets,in terms of accessories. The
other outlets only had different
shades and clothings, but this one
offers a variety of Jwellery from Tisa
and a collected range of Mokumegane accessories. It had in display
clothings made out of fine natural
fabrics such as linen, hem, allo etc.
Both imported and local fabrics
were used in the making of the
from Valhalla. The displayed items were
made up of blended metals; mostly
brass and silver, creating a beautiful,
natural pattern on the surface. The cost
of these breathtaking ornaments starts
from Rs. 5000.
course at Kasthamandap along with a gift hamper worth Rs.
5000, Shivata Grela was unanimously selected the second
winner and received a gift hamper worth Rs. 3000, whereas
Binaya Rai stood third and registered a gift hamper worth
Rs. 2000 in his name. The gift hampers were sponsored by
Vajra Books, Thamel. The finale was the result of an open
call earlier announced, which had received an enthusiastic
number of submissions. The event was a collaborative effort
of Teenz and Kasthamandap Art Studio.
Surya Nepal
Masters 2012
Akriti Shilpakar,
Kathmandu, 17 March
The 19th edition of the Surya Nepal
Masters ended with a surprising
winner. 20-year-old Abhijit Chadha
took home the title of Surya Nepal
Masters 2012, while this was only
his third professional event.Vijay
Kumar, an experienced player, who is
a former Indian Open winner, stood
second. The tough fight, left Shiva Ram
Shrestha and Mukesh Kumar tied on
the third spot.
Shiva Ram, Nepal’s number one,
was the one on whom the host’s
had their hopes of victory pinned
on. Then again Vijay Kumar was one
of the most experienced players
on the golf course, who had lost
count of the tournaments he has
played in his career. But, youth gave
experience a rough beating, when
the Chandigarh pro shot a final
round of 4-under 68 while Vijay
signed an even par card of 72. Raju
Ali Mollah and Gaurav Pratap Singh
were tied for the fifth place. Tashi
Tsering took the honors in the
amateur section, while grabbing the
25th position overall.
The surprising winner bagged
the title and a pay cheque of Rs.
6,46,600. Vijay Kumar walked away
with Rs. 4,46,600 while Mukesh and
Shiva Ram recieved Rs. 2,26,600.
Madhav Prasad Ghimire, Chief
Secretary, Government of Nepal,
and Leela Mani Poudel, Secretary,
Govt. of Nepal along with Sanjiv
Keshava, MD, Surya Nepal, Rabindra
Man Shrestha, President NPGA
and Uttam Singh Munday, Director
PGTI, felicitated the winners. The
Chief Secretary also unveiled SNPL’s
corporate calendar, with the ‘Visit
Lumbini Year 2012’ theme, on the
Draw out a Cannon
Nimma Adhikari
Lalitpur, 18 March
Salina Bhuju, a BBA first-year student at
Apex College, became the lucky owner
of a brand new Canon PowerShot
A3200 in a lucky draw organized by
ECS Media. The prize was handed over
to Bhuju by Dinesh Agrawal, Marketing
Manager for Primax International, New
Healthylife, a monthly publication of
ECS Media, undertakes a lucky draw
every three months for its subscribers.
Bhuju was declared the winner after the
lucky draw for the month of January
through March. Bhuju has been a
Healthylife subscriber for four months.
She says that she was not expecting
to win. She was planning to buy a new
camera but was lucky enough to win
it through the lucky draw. “I like the
articles on healthy lifestyle and the tips
on fitness published on Healthylife,” says
Bhuju “I would like to thank ECS for
organizing such competitions.”
The next lucky draw will be held in
June, 2012.
Lady Shruti Rana Live in Nepal
15 March, Russian Cultural Centre
‘The Inner Sound: Musical Journey of the Self’ by Lady Shruti Rana was organized by
Indian Cultural Centre (ICC).Amidst a VIP audience that comprised of dignitaries
from the Indian Embassy as well as well known faces, Lady Rana and her team of four
tremendously talented musicians presented an hour of musical Hindu chants.
The program commenced soon after the arrival of chief guest Satya Mohan Joshi and guest
of honor, Hisila Yami. First, Director of ICC, Geeti Sen, delivered an opening account about
the evening event and gave an introduction of the healing singer, scholar and documentary
filmmaker – Lady Shruti Rana. Soon after, the musical evening began with the chanting
of ‘Om’.The evening progressed with other prayers, mantras and religious rhymes that
imparted messages of peace, wholeness and auspiciousness.Throughout the evening, she
presented musical renditions of mystical notes, Beeja mantras and sacred songs of Hindu
Gods such as Ganesha, Shiva and Krishna. In her maiden performance in Nepal, she created
an ambience of peace within the concert hall with her remarkable voice.
1.Ambica Shrestha 2. Narayan Wagle 3. Minendra Rijal 4. Pratima Pande 5. Hisila Yami
6. Dilbhushan Pathak 7. Lady Shruti Rana 8. Satya Mohan Joshi
Swa-Astitwa Ko Khoj
9 March, Nepal Tourism Board
‘Swa- Astitwa Ko Khoj’ was launched at a ceremony on 9 March.
Published by Akshar Creations, the book is a collection of 38
personal accounts by Nepali women writers. Edited by Archana
Thapa, the books focal points are women’s individual identity,
emotional woes, catastrophes and endeavors.
Thapa shared that this book has autobiographical elements to it
and is in no way an attempt to foster feminism or outdo the male
ideologies. She also mentioned that the book covers all kinds of
emotions – from joy to tragedy, epiphanies to despair. The book
portrays an internal journey that every woman’s life entails and
aims at bringing into people’s conscience that women are equally
capable of displaying emotions. It seeks to express women’s
voices and bring out their personal experiences to public.
1. Gyanu Pandey 2. Shankar Prasad Uprety 3. Ramesh Bajracharya
4. Rekha Thapa 5. Tara Chamling 6. Ashmina Ranjit 7. Archana
Thapa 8. Sarad Pradhan 9. Usha Sherchan 10. Sanjeev Uprety
11. Chirag Bangdel
A Candid Portrait
14 March, Nepal Art Council, Babar Mahal
Inaugurated by Yang Houlan, the Chinese Ambassador for Nepal, ‘A
Candid Portrait’, the 7th solo exhibition of Laxmi Prasad Ngakhusi
showcased 31 different photos by him. Ngakhusi said, “The exhibited
photos are the selected ones among the 4000 pictures I’ve taken in
the last five to six years. They are from the districts I have visited
around Nepal. Here, I have tried my best to showcase different faces,
expression wise.” Ngakhusi, a photo-journalist by profession excels in
capturing the festivities on camera. The photographs displayed were a
window to Nepal and its people.
H.E. Houlan, mentioned Nepal’s rich culture, history and nature being the
basis for the visual aesthetics of the exhibited photographs along with, of
course, the skill involved. He commended the exhibition and mentioned
that he truly enjoyed the exhibit. Mega Bank CEO, Mr. Anil Shah was
present there as an aspiring photographer and wished Ngakhusi his best
for future. The event also inaugurated Laxmi Prasad Ngakhusi’s website
1. Jagdish Tiwari 2. H.E.Yang Houlan 3. Lakpa Dhundup Lama 4. Laxmi
Prasad Ngakhusi
Bourbon - On the
9 March, Bourbon Room
Among the five On the Rocks gigs that
are lined up for upcoming Fridays across
chosen bars and pubs in Kathmandu and
Lalitpur, the event at Bourbon Room
was the first. Sponsored by ‘Seagram’s
100 Pipers Premium Scotch Whisky’,
this event kicked off with a performance
by His Will.
Nabin Tuladhar, the owner of
Bourbon Room, said that when mu’az
entertainment approached him for
the event, he was ecstatic. And hosting
a rock concert at Bourbon, when
Kathmandu has been flooded with
DJ sessions and dance parties, was
a good change for him. The crowd
included youngsters and middle aged
people alike, who came to enjoy
classic rock. All time hits by Bryan
Adams and Eagles such as ‘Look into
my eyes’, ‘Love will keep us alive’ and
‘Hotel California’ were played by the
band. Hindi tracks such as ‘Aahatein’,
‘Purani jeans’ and ‘Kasam se’ were also
performed on the audience’s request.
1. Rishi Chhetri 2. Patrick Wilson
3. Bittu Armong 4. Nabin Tuladhar
5. Pravir Nag 6. Ravinder Saini
7. Dukpa Lepcha
Francophony’s Week in Kathmandu
18 March, Hotel Shangri-La
Francophony’s week in Kathmandu was organized by the joint efforts of the
Swiss Embassy, French Embassy, and Alliance Francaise inside the premises of
the Shangri-La Hotel, Lazimpat. The event featured an elegant evening of French
cuisine and French poetry, with a live concert by Aliose, the French speaking
band from Switzerland.
The event kicked off at 7 in the evening with a welcome speech from Anne-Lise
Heyen, director of Alliance Francaise, followed by French poems. The event
offered French delicacies with soulful songs performed by Aliose who are known
for their moving lyrics.
In September 2004, Alize Oswald and Xavier Michel met at the Ateliers du
Funambule, in Nyon, where they were both following an artistic training. They
began to work together to give birth three years later to the band Aliose.
The gathering included the presence of many diplomats and even ambassadors,
who were accompanied by family and friends.
1. Shambhu Ram Simkhada 2. Sunita Pandey 3. Pasang Lama Sherpa 4. Renete
Sherpa 5. Maxime Steiner 6. H.E. Il-Doo Kim 7. Alf Arne Ramslien 8. Dr Chakra
Raj Pandey 9. Dr Moustafa Gendy
let the good times begin
Faces of Nepal
A catalogue of Nepali artists and their work, for those who do not
know Nepal.
—Nischal Oli
ntonio Nodar arrived
in Kathmandu back in
January. At the time,
there was no welcoming party to receive him. In fact
there were only a few names
in his black-book. No possibility of itineraries either. Just a
small Leica camera glued to his
side relieving any suspicions of
motive. If you ask the Spanish
photographer himself, he’ll tell
you he is a tourist. But Nodar
has become an epicenter, from
which has pulsated a rhythmic
ripple. At its far end, the waves
have caressed the very corners
of the Nepali art scene. Working on a tight schedule, he has
come to understand Nepal unlike any other traveler, often invited to the back of the curtain
where the country lies bare.
Nodar hasn’t had a day of rest
since he has been here, his blackbook today is full of names and
numbers. They are all artists
and associated company. With
the help of his assistants, Nodar moves from place to place,
looking for a special attraction,
the creative expression of those
artists. If willing, the photographer will carry his magnum
opus, Portrait to Self-Portrait
to his destination. Instantly, the
thick book becomes the biggest
catalog of contemporary European artists one has seen. Inside,
the only words printed on most
pages make up the artist’s name.
On a spread, Nodar’s portrait of
the artist fills one page and the
next is saved for a special collaboration.
When an artist chooses to be
involved in the process, Nodar
knows “they become integral in
backing the project.” It is a mutual relationship, there is give
and take. The photographer
captures their faces in black and
white. Artists, in return get the
print on a canvas. Nodar says
“lot of the artists tell me, it’s
a good exercise for them,” essentially the artists agree to
having “their faces, their name,
and identity at stake.” An overwhelming decision on their part,
which lets Nodar elude the role
of a curator. By allowing for
recommendations, his network
of local artists has grown to
three digit numbers in just two
months, featuring some of Nepal’s most prominent artists.
After the initial exchange between the photographer and his
subject, a brief interval occurs
before Nodar gets the reworked
version, the artists’ self-portraits. But he still doesn’t rest,
there is work to be done. More
portraits and more waiting for
the self-portraits. “This is the
first time, I had to give myself
a time-limit” he says, alluding to
Movies at QFX
My Life
Movie Name: Agent
Release Date: 23
Director: Jeevan Rashaili
The exhibition that will conclude
Nodar’s stay in the country will be
the first of its kind – the biggest
collaborative exhibition in the
history of the contemporary scene.
It will also help record the arts of
Nepal, in all of its expansive sense.
foods, places and see things,”
Nodar explains, “but then, the
people are also my reflection
on the country.” For Nepalis,
Nodar’s project piles on other
importance. The exhibition that
will conclude Nodar’s stay in
the country will be the first of
its kind – the biggest collaborative exhibition in the history of
the contemporary scene. It will
also help record the arts of Nepal, in all of its expansive sense.
There will be familiar names
with unfamiliar styles, unknown
artists and their triumph over
experience, non-Nepalis in Nepal and much more. Most of all,
the Portrait to Self-Portrait will
be a celebration of the arts, and
for Antonio Nodar it will be an
enlightening visit, to a place he
might not be able to visit next
time, without inciting the welcome of hundreds upon hundred of those his project has
touched. !
Nodar’s exhibition opens on 28 March (Wednesday) up to 11 April (Wednesday) at the Patan
Museum, Patan Durbar Square. Find the details
of Nodar’s exhibition on page 7
Release Date: 23 March
A story that revolves
around themes
of both love and
Cast: Jharana Thapa,
Sneha Sharma, Suraj Rd,
Ayub KC, Sraj Garach
the first book which took some
15 years to come out, “the first
one only came out last year, a
limited print of 1001 copies.”
The project itself had gained
wide attention back in 97, when
with just 97 diptychs, Nodar’s
exhibition was awarded the
show of the year in Barcelona.
KCAC, which was influential
in getting the photographer to
the country, will be responsible
for the logistics here, which will
include hanging 317 diptychs
and coordinating those artists
during the inauguration. Nodar
is thankful that the “hardest”
parts of the project always are
reserved for someone else.
Humble as the photographer
is, among his most celebrated
people are Elsa Peretti, whose
foundation helped Nodar realize
his dream of meeting people,
and to instigate the cause of a
global conglomeration of world
art and cultures. Nodar recently
also got at the four digit milestone thanks to this visit. “It is
not about the numbers,” Nodar
reassures, and that any number
won’t stop his motivation.
The photographer will tell
you that the process hasn’t been
much different from that of the
precedent, the European excursion that bore the first volume.
Of course, “the hospitality is the
same and people want you to try
The Hunger Games
Release Date: 23 March
North America has
collapsed, and it is
replaced by Panem.
Two representatives
from each district are
selected through lottery
to participate in The
Hunger Games each year,
where the participants are
forced to eliminate their
Cast : Jennifer Lawrence,
Josh Hutcherson and Liam
Director: Gary Ross
A series of seemingly
unconnected events
across the world
leads to Agent
Vinod undertaking
a globe-trotting
mission to discover
why his colleague was
Cast : Kareena Kapoor,
Saif Ali Khan and Gulshan
Director: Sriram
maverick’s musings
Confront Political Correctness – It’s a Sham
wrote recently about political correctness and how
I abhor this trend. As far as
I am concerned, folks who
are not bigots and not given
to making snap judgments or
being culturally or socially insensitive shouldn’t worry about
PC religiosity. I mean let’s face
it – we all have preconceived notions about people, and cultures
and nationalities. So just try to
keep the raging and irrational
side of your xenophobia -micro
and macro - under control. But
what gets my goat above all are
those doyens of social virtue,
the PC gurus of the parenting
So I came across this article
in the International Herald
Tribune (IHT) where a woman
was breathlessly sharing her
anxieties about what to do when
her daughter used the ‘f ’ word
for the first time. It turned out
that the lady is a little portly, so
all this excitement exploded over
the word “Fat. I don’t want to
sound profane and foul-mouthed
but I mean - come on. You get
paid to write this for the IHT?
And now that my kids are
perfectly aware of what the
real ‘f ’ word means, we are very
clear - use whatever language
you wish but make sure you are
equally comfortable saying it in
front of your teachers and your
grandmother, as with your buddies and within earshot of parents. And if you curse, know that
you are inviting similar use of
toilet language towards you. It
seems to work. They are the first
to remind us when bad language
escapes our lips. And when South
Park is on, my daughter is often
grimacing, shutting her ears and
closing her eyes. Her brother
watches - but he’s inured to the
bad language since he was introduced to this series at age 4 and
has taken on the habit of telling us what we cannot say as a
result. And the upshot of early
exposure to irreverence is that
they are extremely empathetic
and careful about what kinds of
issues are entirely unacceptable
and constitute racism and intolerance. In my view, watching
TV in measured doses is hugely
helpful to stretching children’s
minds. I used to drive my kids
nuts by insisting on having them
take in BBC news from time to
time but now they are quite happy learning about the world and
know that Cartoon Network is
not next to godliness. But using
TV to baby-sit children is clearly
what a lot of parents are scared
of and often guilty about – so
they overdo it by banning all access to the boob tube.
Another source of great
amusement and irritation is how
parents will beam about what delightful eating habits their kids
have. And by that I mean, they
barely eat anything or what they
do eat falls under the rubric of
that hallowed of all words “organic”. An entire generation of
kids being brought up on socalled organic produce, who are
allergic to virtually all kinds of
foods from nuts to eggs to cow
milk. I guess I should count my
blessings. My kids have so far
not sprouted allergies to anything. When they have a stomach bug, they eat toast or banana
| 28 March 2012
loves to observe, comment and
sputter – but she hopes you
take everything with a pinch of
salt. When she is not penning
her columns while living in
Nepal, she works for the
United Nations in New York.
preferences has learned the hard
way – to eat spinach, eggplant
and mushrooms and to eat balanced meals. There is no choice
at our table – no fish fingers, no
chicken nuggets, no spaghetti
with butter, and no pizza. Just
whatever we are eating – from
tuna niçoise to pork vindaloo to
smoked salmon to aaloo ko achaar
to penne carbonara to daal bhat.
My son is an avowed foodie and
will lose no opportunity to savour fancy cuisines. But he has a
redeeming virtue - he never complains about food.
Another thing I don’t understand is parents who worry
all the time. I guess I was just
born without a parenting anxi-
There seems to be a simple maxim
to political correctness.You don’t
need to try so hard if it comes from
deep within. And if you lead by
example, your kids will imbibe these
habits by osmosis.
or rice, drink lots of water, and
before long, they are fine. I don’t
ban sweets or soda or chips.
They have it when it’s offered
to them. But most of the time
they are happy eating fruit and
the same meals as us. Yes, my
daughter who has finicky eating
Issue 111
ety gene. I wasn’t freaked out
during pregnancy; didn’t go to
millions of classes (none of that
Lamaze for me - breathing in
and out and how to scream with
the right momentum so you
stay on top of those contraction
waves). Didn’t have food fads, no
bingeing on sweets or midnight
feasts. No morning sickness - no
time for it, have a busy job and
what was I to do? Excuse me, I
need to relieve my gagging sensation, please hold the meeting
while I recover. I did feel sleepy
at times especially after lunch,
so I would fall asleep at my desk
for a 15 minute cat nap (both
kids were born after a hot summer so I would be dragging myself around during the dog days
of August). Worked till the last
days of pregnancy until I tidied
up my desk, came home on a
Friday and gave birth on a Monday and Tuesday (respectively).
So what is political correctness? The kids who don’t play
with toys made in China are
superior to all those kids from
China who have no choice about
the treasure trove of things
that emerge from their homegrown manufacturing gulags?
And are the toys made in Export Processing Zones in Malaysia and in Sri Lanka living up
to a different labour standard?
Now since we are unaware of
whether the folks in those EPZs
are being exploited or not, what
do we do with those toys? And
then what about kids’ clothes?
Designer togs for Lilliputians
could be made in Israel or the
Philippines or Bangladesh. Are
we sure no Palestinian lands
were used for the sweatshops, or
little hands were not helping to
sew those Ralph Lauren jeans
instead of going to school? You
get the point - it is virtually impossible to be self-righteous and
claim the moral high ground.
When I hear about parents
instructing their kids about
socialization skills or bemoaning the inadequacies of other
parents when it comes to inculcating these skills in their own
offspring, that deeply furrowed
brow of mine becomes the telltale one eyebrow. To me it’s very
simple: considerate, kind, sharing and caring children become
the same kind of adults. The
kids who refuse to share their
lollipop or balloon may be going
through a phase but beware it
doesn’t become a lifelong habit.
To be sure, the kids who kick,
pinch or are mean may just be
acting out - but I can’t bear the
parents who make excuses for
their badly behaved ketas or ketis. And the kids who treat servants without respect or make
borderline racist remarks are
almost always taking their cues
from the adults around them.
There seems to be a simple
maxim to political correctness.
You don’t need to try so hard if
it comes from deep within. And
if you lead by example, your
kids will imbibe these habits by
osmosis. So don’t kid yourselves
folks - political correctness
doesn’t change us, it just helps
keep the unpleasantness and intolerance under wraps.!
for the adventurous palate
The Not-so-liked Eggplant
Sandeep Khatri
A professional chef for many
years now, Chef Khatri begun
his culinary journey since
he was 16, and continues to
follopw his passion.
There seem to be a lot of people who have the eggplant on their not-so-liked
vegetables list. Find out the details of this nutritious vegetable, and tips that can turn it
into an appetizing delight – you might want to give the eggplant a second chance.
veryone has their own set
of vegetables they detest.
Personally, I don’t have a
problem with vegetables
at this stage of life, but in my
younger days, the eggplant
topped the detested vegetables
list. However, the eggplant has
won the hearts of many due to
the variation that can be played
with while cooking it, and apart
from that, eggplants have minimum wastage. For instance, take
the cauliflower. After de-stemming and cleaning the waste is
almost 40 percent. On the other
hand, eggplant has a maximum
of 5 percent going to waste.
The eggplant has some famed
avatars – baigan ka bharta in the
Indian sub-continent and babaganoush in the Middle East.
Something more popular locally
is the bhyanta tareko – simply
rubbed with salt and chili, and
then dusted and shallow fried.
It may have different names
like aubergine, eggplant or brinjal. The scientific name is solanum melongena, believed to be
a close relative of potatoes and
tomatoes, and native to Southern India and Sri Lanka. It is
believed that before the domestication and hybridization, they
were small, white and oval, specially the ones that were found
in Europe. The name eggplant
was given in the 18th century by
cultivators because of its close
resemblance to goose eggs.
There are several health benefits of the eggplant – low in calories yet rich in soluble fibers. A recent study shows that eggplant is
effective in the treatment of high
cholesterol. It contains most of
the basic vitamins like B-complex,
pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and
thiamin and many more. It is rich
in minerals like manganese, copper, potassium and iron working
as co-factors for the antioxidant
enzymes. The study has shown
that the deep purple skin of an
eggplant contains elements that
fight against cancer, inflammation,
aging and neurological diseases.
One of the greatest assets
of the eggplant is its availabil-
2 cup mozzarella cheese
2 tbsp dry oregano
4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
6 basil leaves julienned
Salt and pepper to taste
Cut the eggplant into thick,
round slices, and place on the
greased tray.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Sprinkle basil, and then top
with balsamic vinegar, oregano and wine.
Cover it with aluminum foil
and bake for 20 minutes.
Serve as a hot appetizer.
First preheat the oven to 140
Grease the tray with butter.
food bites
Kala Subba
Radio Jockey
Kala subba is a senior RJ at Hits FM.
She is an established model and a
choreographer. She is also involved as
a partner at ‘The Ramp’ – a modeling
institute in Kathmandu. She has also
worked as an in-house producer for
Channel Nepal where she produced
‘The Cookery Show’. She exclaims she
loves food, so we find out the details
about her food preferences:
What food best defines you?
Hot and spicy food, what we
would call chat-pat!
Be sure to check the stalk when
you pick the eggplants from the
vegetable market. If the stalk is
green and firm, it implies that the
eggplant is fresh.
ity in every season. Apart from
that, you can find variations in
shape, color and size. Be sure to
check the stalk when you pick
the eggplants from the vegetable market. If the stalk is green
and firm, it implies that the eggplant is fresh. As for its storage
at home, a cool place ensures
its freshness for many days. Be
weary of eggplants that are soft
when you grip them with your
hands or those with wrinkled
skins – more often than not,
those will taste bitter.
An allergic reaction to the
eggplant with itchy skin or mouth
is problem that some people face.
It contains an allergic protein that
survives the cooking process, and
symptoms post consumption can
be seen in less than two hours.
Different styles of preparation can transform this purple
vegetable into an epicurean delight – from pan searing to deep
frying, or choose to roast it, you
can even puree it. Since my culinary journey as professional begun, I have learned to love the
eggplant, especially because of
what I have already mentioned –
the minimal wastage factor. For
all those who particularly dislike eggplants, I hope this recipe
will change your opinion.
Sweet Wine Melted Eggplant
(Serves Four)
How often do you have
unhealthy food and where do
you think they serve the best
deep fried snacks?
I often indulge in unhealthy
food, because for me the taste
is all that matters! I enjoy trying
out the piro alu, chatamari and
other goodies at local newari
restaurants around town. I think
I need to mention my weakness
for the spicy Newari food you
get in restaurants like Honacha
in Patan, Wanjula in Naxal, or
Bhoomi in Lazimpat.
If you went on a diet, where
would you go for your plate
of salad?
I should reveal first that eating
salad is as good as a punishment
for me. But if I had to, I would go
to Nanglo Chinese room.
What is your prize winning
Well I cook good typical homemade food. However, my prize
winning dishes are chicken and fish
made in my style.
Have you fallen sick after
eating something? What was
it and where?
I didn’t fall sick, but it was
2 whole eggplants
½ cup olive oil
½ cup sweet wine
something that taught me a
lesson: don’t be too smart while
ordering a meal you do not
know about. So, this was in Hong
Kong. I went with my friends to
a Japanese restaurant. I was not
much of an expert so I ended up
ordering raw fish, which I had to
forcefully swallow with the wasabi.
It tasted horrible; I just managed
to refrain from throwing up. My
friends still taunt me about the
A dish from any restaurant in
Nepal that you would love to
learn to cook:
Well since I already know how to
make a few Indian and Chinese
dishes, I would love to learn
to bake. I find the Black forest
cake and the creamy pastries at
Annapurna Cake shop , I would
love to have the hotel’s pastry
chef help me with baking.
Have you ever been to the
following places, if so what
are your comments:
Rice and Bowl: I used to be a
frequent customer here. Although
the food was good, I began to feel
like it wasn’t too hygienic.
Moksh: I have just been there once
during a launch of an album. So all
I tried was the cookies and coffee.
However, I loved the ambience. It
manages to transport you away
from the city’s bustle, almost
like you’re in a resort and not a
Mannat Shrestha
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vicinity picks
Issue 111
| 28 March 2012
weekend hunts
Rooftop Views of Basantapur
Magic Beans
Basantapur is one of those places in Kathmandu where chaotic array of events amuse you. Making
your way past people for ten long minutes just to get to your favorite mo:mo pasal, which is just a
two-minute walk away from the main square, is never tiring. With summer closing in, we pick out some
rooftops around the square ideal for a bottle of chilled beer, snacks and a good view.
asantapur is full of places; fancy expensive restaurants and dingy bhattis
and momo pasals. If and when you get
tired of the same place and similar
tried-before-several-times items on the menu,
the need to explore the area closely arises.
There is always a chance that you will discover a khaja ghar in a galli you walk through
often but had never noticed. You might come
to realize that just next to the momo pasal
you frequently visit is a place that offers a delicious palate of choila, sukuti and alu ko achhar.
The charm in the chaos of this part of
Kathmandu is completely different. With
summer just a few weeks away, these places
will be swamped with people on the rooftops
with bottles of beer in their hands, basking in the sun, the breeze ruffling their hair
occasionally, and the majestic view of the
Square right before their eyes.
— Nikita Tripathi
Festive Fare Restaurant
The rooftop restaurant is a delight
boasting of rich traditional Nepali
décor.You will know better than
to miss out on the Nepali Thali
set and Tare ko Bandel. It is slightly
expensive than most other places
in the area however, the place is
totally worth it.
Directions: As you walk in the
main entrance of Basantapur, there
is a huge building on the left that
houses a fabric and crafts store,
just at the turn to Freak Street.
You certainly know the place, there
is always someone sitting on the
stairs of the ground floor.
Jessy Penny, Freak Street,
If you have spotted Festive Fare,
take the Freak Street lane and keep
walking ahead. Jessy Penny is on the
left, a little ahead from the turn to
Snowman. The stacked bar, hookah
and one of their specials- Serenade
chicken, Cantonese fried noodle or
Shanghai fried prawn is more than
enough for a good time.
Situated at Durbar Marg, Magic
Beans has always been known
as a coffee destination, but along
with a variety of coffee, it serves
a good range of deserts as well.
Pastries that melt in the mouth,
along with a cup of your favorite
coffee – just what one needs to
slow down during a rushed day.
Quick service with coffee and
cakes makes this the perfect
place to meet up with a friend or
just flip through a book.
Durbar Marg, 4230914
The Cake Shop
With a variety of pastries to
choose from, The Cake Shop is
one of the finest destinations
for desserts. Located at Durbar
Marg, it is famous for cakes
and sweet offerings. They have
custom made cakes, suitable for
every celebration or occasion.
Offering their signature cuisines
like chocolate truffle, black/white
forest cake, mixed fruit cake and
pineapple flakey, it is a great place
for those with a sweet-tooth.
Durbar Marg, 44221711
Imago Dei Gallery Cafe
Vishram Restaurant
Its name gives it all away! There
are just two tables on the rooftop
and three on the floor below.You’d
have to be really lucky to get one
of those, especially in the evenings
in the summer. Having said that,
it does not hurt to try your luck
once in a while. Try the bacon rolls
or Napolitano here.
Directions: The place is on the
right side to the entrance of Freak
Street, just walk further right from
the ticket counter and look for the
board past the bikes parked in a
Bajra Café
The view from here is the best
that you can get from anywhere
in Basantapur and when the wind
blows in late afternoons, this is a
place to be at this time of the year.
The menu is the usual, but it is the
view from here that makes you go
back specially in the evenings. And
eating under the candle light during
the unfavorable load-shedding
schedule is a different thing
Directions: The place is located in
the middle of the rows of buildings
in Phyaphal.
Located at Nag Pokhari, opposite
the east gate of Narayanhiti
Musuem, Imago Dei Gallery
Cafe serves multi-cuisine, one
must try their cheesecake and
brownie. The paintings displayed
on the walls of the eatery makes
the ambience more delightful.
Nag Pokhari, 4442464
Café de Cosmopolitan
Phyaphal’s Cosmopolitan has a
great view of the Square to offer.
One of those places where the
food and the view together make
you want to keep going back. Alu
tama, kukhura ko bhutan, nauni bhuja
with jhane ko mas ko daal, bhatmas
and gundruk ko achhar with that
view, anytime here is a good time.
Directions: A building or two next
to Bajra.
More on
and bars
the city in
and Bars 2012
Photo Contest
Strong, emotional attachments with family is characteristic of Nepali living. Most Nepalese
live with large, extended families and thus have a strong sense of family and community.
What elements of family life do you think are Nepali in their essence?
Theme for March : “Family”
Submit your photos at www.ecs.com.np/contest for a
chance to have your work published and win exciting prizes!
Supported by:
More Than Just Dinner
Cozy lunch venue by day, intimate lounge by night. The Walnut Restro &
Lounge caters to a wide range of tastes when it comes to wining and dining.
— Wallace Woon
Issue 111
| 28 March 2012
restro news
Trout- it’s all about!
Olive Garden, Radisson Hotel, has a new
promotion for the fish lovers.“Trout-it’s
all about!” from 14 March onwards,
presents the very best of Trout. Steamed,
grilled, pan fried or crust baked,
however you like it.All you have to do
is place your order in grams and enjoy
a complimentary glass of house cocktail
(vodka based) and a Vegetable Soup, and
the fish will be at your table. However, it
is only available for dinner, which will be
from 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Olive Garden, Radisson Hotel Thamel,
aving opened just over
a month ago, the joint
serves a variety of cuisines ranging from Indian to Western, as well as serving up their own unique courses
with deft Oriental touches. Located along Jawalakhel Road, it
is difficult to miss and definitely
is a seamless addition to the
many other dining options in
the locale.
Whilst the abundance of
seating space along the entrance
corridor is reminiscent of a food
court, a few more steps bring
you to the lounge area and the
bar. Abstract paintings adorning the walls and groovy blue
lighting all add to the atmosphere of the lounge. The widescreen LCD mounted on the
wall did confuse me for a moment and left me wondering
whether the owners were looking to open a sports bar or a true
definitive lounge.
Chicken Kastoori Kebab, Rs. 395
“Customers can come in and have
their dinners, then retreat to the
lounge area to enjoy a drink and
relax.” – Ebha Shrestha, Manager
Third Eye Restaurant
Thamel, Kathmandu, 4260289
Black Forest Cake Rs 350
Look out for:
Whole Fish Hot
Walnuts Snack Platter
Spring Rolls
Chicken Biriyani
When it comes to food however, the Walnut serves up its
own distinctive brand of cuisine. Incorporating regional
ingredients with a Chinese
recipe, the Whole Fish served
is a bright and colorful sight to
behold. More creative are the
Walnut Special snack platter –
meant for a three to four people,
fried chicken, chips, deep fried
tofu, slices of cheese and buff
sausages make it a real appetizer
for the rest of the courses. !
Third Eye Bakery
Thamel, Kathmandu, 4701510
Salade Nicoise (Tunafish Salad), Rs. 350
Yin Yang Restaurant
Thamel, Kathmandu, 4701510
Every Thursday
markets & launches
Dish Home’s Smart
Box in the Market
Akriti Shilpakar
Kathmandu, 14 March
The sole DTH service provider for
Nepal, Dish Home has launched the
Smart Box. The Smart Box is the latest
version of Dish Home Set-top box.
It is enabled with a recording facility
through which the users can record
the programs and watch them at
their convenience. According to the
press release, the box also has other
features such as an inbuilt media player,
facility of checking balance on the TV
screen, recharge amount and signal
cutoff date through a single click of the
button on the remote. The Smart Box
is priced Rs.5999 and is full HD.
Dish Home also plans to launch HD
channels in the near future. It also has
announced a grand scheme titled ‘Flat
Khane Offer’, where the customers
purchasing Dish Home will get a sure
gift of 90 days of free subscription
and 15 lucky winners will win Yamaha
motorcycles in weekly draws. At the
end of the scheme, one lucky winner
will win a 3-bedroom apartment in
Get Closer to
Yukta Bajracharya
Kathmandu, 14 March
Slice, the pure mango drink, has a
special surprise for its customers
in each of its bottles. A part of a
special promotional scheme by the
company, between 6 March and 5 April
customers can get a chance to spend
an evening with the Bollywood beauty,
Katrina Kaif.
brand ambassador Katrina Kaif. On
calling the number on the scratch
card, consumers will hear various fun
messages about Katrina, only one of
which is the winning message, the
release further stated. Consumers
who get the message with Kartina
Kaif’s voice will be shortlisted and
might be among the three lucky
winners from Nepal. Shortlisted
participants will receive an SMS
confirmation of the shortlist and
then the final three winners will be
selected through a lucky draw. In
addition to the grand prize, there
are also Katrina’s calendars and free
drinks to be won.
Smart Phone for
Smart Youth
14 March
CG Impex
Pvt. Ltd.,
the sole
distributor of
LG Mobiles
for Nepal,
has launched
new smart
the youth.
The new LG T500 better known as
LG Dakota is a budget-friendly touch
screen phone with a 2.8 inch resistive
touch screen. Its features include
three idle home-screens, a two
mega pixel camera to shoot QCIF
resolution videos, Bluetooth and a
micro USB 2.0 port. The T500 holds
an internal storage of 50 MB that can
be expanded up to 8 GB using its
micro-SD card slot. It comes with a
950 mAh removable battery, which
is claimed to deliver a talk time of up
to 14+ hours while the phone can
be kept in the standby mode for up
to 550+ hours. It supports GPRS and
EDGE and is priced at Rs. 6,666.
showcasing never-been-seen-before
new in-flight products – Qatar
Airways in Nepal informed through a
press release.
F19 Addition to
Fighter Series
Akriti Shilpakar
Kathmandu, 20 March
The first of 60 Boeing 787s, of which
Qatar Airways is the Middle East
launch customer, will join the fleet
this summer. 14 new routes are being
added to Qatar Airways’ international
network during 2012 and the New
Doha International Airport is also set
to open at the end of the year.
During the show, Qatar Airways also
announced a number of capacity
increases to various destinations,
including Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur,
London Heathrow, Milan, Algiers,
Cairo, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, and Kuwait
City, as well as new cargo flights to
Karachi, Johannesburg, Seoul and
Muscat. The airline also exhibited
its latest suite of amenity kits and
its newly-unveiled Boeing 787
Dreamliner Business and Economy
Class seats, housed in a customdesigned exhibition stand, which was
making its debut at ITB.
Fabia Bookings
Akriti Shilpakar
Kathmandu, 19 March
Fabia is introducing three variants:
Active Plus, Ambitition Plus, and
Elegance in the market. According
to the press release, Skoda M.A.W
unveiled prices for the new Fabia and
announced that it would begin taking
bookings. All the new Fabias will have
1.2 liter petrol engines, power of
75 PS and a torque of 110 Nm. The
other features in the new variants are
172 mm and an enormous 315 liters
luggage compartment.
Qatar Airways at
ITB Travel Trade
Yukta Bajracharya
Kathmandu, 14 March
Qatar Airways participated in yet
another successful year at ITB Berlin,
the world’s largest travel show, by
The sole distributor of Colors mobile,
Teletalk Pvt Ltd announced the launch
of F19. According to the press release it
is a new variety in their Fighter series.
It stated that the new variety features
dual SIM with 2000mAh battery that
gives dual standby for more than 400
hours. Other highlights of the handset
More Flavor to be Fit
Dabur Nepal’s Real Activ range has
introduced another variant ‘Real Activ
Grape Juice’ in the market. Great to
taste, as well as a source of antioxidants,
grapes help you stay fit and active;
Dabur Nepal Real Activ juices are
currently available in four categories
in the market. The categories are Fruit
Juices range, Fiber range, Fruit Veggie
range and Super Fruits range. The
company added that all Real Activ juices
come with no added sugar, color or
A New G Five
The authorised dealer of G Five mobiles
in Nepal, Call Mobility launched a
new handset, High Touch T5000, in the
market. According to the company, this
touch-screen mobile phone is available
in two variant colors – red and white.
The hand set comes with pre-installed
games, pre-installed movies, long battery
life, loud speaker, Oval system, FM,
Bluetooth, and torch. It also supports
GPRS network.
Philips Toaster (HD-2586)
The new Philips toaster has a stylish
look that will surely make your kitchen
is 1.3MP camera,
2.4inch screen,
8GB expandable
memory, stereo FM
radio with recording
option and a 3.5mm
standard audio
jack support. The
company claimed
that the new mobile
phone supports
All Color mobile
phones come with
6 months warranty on its battery and
charger and one year warranty on the
handset. Plus they are backed with
qualified Telecare Clinic service which is
available at New Road.
look more attractive. The variable width
centered slots for evenly toasted bread
comes with an adjustable seven level
of browning control. Compactness of
the toaster helps to save space on your
counter top
as well. In
addition, the
cord winding
facility will
assist the
user for easy
storage of the
Features of
the toaster
includes two large slots to fit different
types of bread, an anodized aluminum
housing, seven toast settings to make
toast the way you like it, defrost
setting to defrost and toast at one go,
cancel button to stop toasting anytime,
removable crumb tray for easy cleaning,
870 watts High-lift feature to easily
remove small pieces of bread and
an auto shut off function if bread is
jammed. The price of the toaster adds
up to a total of NRs 3780. The product
is available at Phillips Showroom, Jamal.
Customer services: 2 years’ warranty
Contact: 01-4248192
D.A.O. Lalitpur Regd. No.77-066/67
ECS Media Pvt. Ltd, Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal. 5011571.
No. 111 28 March 2012
All LG Mobile phones are made in
Korea and come with 12 months
warranty on the handset, six months
warranty on battery and a 1GB
Memory card free on every purchase.
On purchase of every Slice bottle
during this period consumers will
get a scratch card with a 10 digit
mobile number or slice 250 ml free
drink on it, a press release informed.
Upon receiving the 10 digit mobile
number, consumers are required to
call that number from either their
NTC or NCell mobile phones for an
opportunity to party with the slice
26,95,000. The release stated that all the
booked vehicles will be delivered during
the launch in April.
Some of its other major highlights
include rear fog lights, halogen
headlights with manual leveling, and
rear air conditioning vents under front
seats. Plus, they all have telescopic
steering, alloy wheels and ABS.
Skoda has introductory discounted
prices for the new Fabias where
Active Plus is priced at Rs. 22,95,000,
Ambition Plus is tagged at Rs.
25,75,000 and Elegance is priced at Rs.
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On the Rocks
‘On the Rocks’ is set to gather rock fans from all over
Kathmandu every Friday night across five chosen venues
situated in Kathmandu and Patan. The month long rock fiesta
has already received positive feedbacks from The Bourbon
Room and Lorry’s in the first two Friday’s of March.
— Prabal Man Dhaubhadel
he Bourbon Room at Durbarmarg featured His Will
band for the opening gig
on 9 March. Dedicated to
rock, the band covered all time
hits by Bryan Adams, Eagles and
many other rock legends. The
band also played Hindi rock tunes
upon the request of the audience.
Their wide playlist featured songs
like Love will keep us alive, Hotel
California, I’ll be watching you,
I want to break free, Aahatein,
Kasam se etc. In a lively atmosphere at the Bourbon Room, both
young as well as old audiences
thoroughly enjoyed the taste of
soft rock. The four man band recreated the evergreen rhythms to
provide the perfect ambience for
a fine dining experience.
“The theme behind ‘On the
Rocks’ was to create an environment where our customers could
enjoy live music while sipping
their favorite whisky. Along with
the setup, a good dining experience is equally mandatory to
complete the feel. So, we have
chosen five of our very own
Pernod Ricard outlets as venue
for these events.” said Ravinder
Saini, Country Manager, Pernod
Ricard India. Within the outlets,
a large variety of Pernod Ricard beverages are being served.
However, the title sponsor to this
event remains Seagram’s 100
Pipers whisky; one of the beverages offered by the international
brand. Likewise, Nepa Music is
in charge of the sound.
Similarly, Bijay Shrestha of
mu’az entertainment; official event
organizer said “We have been planning events like this for Pernod Ricard for a very long time. This is not
our first time working with them –
Rock in Pokhara held last October
was taken care of by our men. This
time too, we are focusing on rock
mainly because it is high time we
bought something new to the fading rock culture in the capital. At a
time where DJ parties are outnumbering live concerts, we thought it
was time to deliver the right mix
of music to dedicated rock fanatics in Kathmandu. Apart from the
chief objective of brand promotion and the promotion of outlets,
we believe that ‘On the Rocks’ will
also succeed in reviving the rock
culture within clubs and restaurants. As far as the band choices are
concerned, we have put forth our
best efforts to include a wide range
of sub genres within rock. While
we have His Will performing slow
and soft rock, Rusty Nails playing
hard rock and Space Cake Break
with some progressive rock music.”
“The theme behind ‘On the Rocks’
was to create an environment where
our customers could enjoy live music
while sipping their favorite whisky.”
From amongst the performers, Raajib Sayami, bassist of Space Cake
Break said “We are gearing up for
this event. Practice sessions are in
order as we hope to play some of
our very own creations.” The band
has reported that originals from its
earlier EP and upcoming album
such as Donna, This box facing
west, Meat chop dogs etc. will feature on their playlist for the show at
Trisara, Lazimpat.
As far as the event owners
are concerned, they equally seem
happy and satisfied by the way
things have shaped up. From
among the five outlets, Nabin
Tuladhar, owner of The Bourbon Room elaborated on the
impact of events like these on
the outlets image. He said “The
Bourbon Room hosts music
events on quite a regular basis,
however events like this featuring the best rock bands attracts
more audiences and also elevates
the status of our facility.”
‘On the Rocks’ has attracted
a decent turn out during its
first two shows featuring His
Will band at the Bourbon and
the Prism band at Lorry’s past
Friday. In the weekends to come,
On the Rocks is expected to feature Space Cake Break this Friday, Rusty Nails at the Irish Pub
the following week and the final
show at 8 Degree, Jhamsikhel
with Cobweb. !
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P.O.Box 233/2640, Tinkune, Sinamangal, Kathmandu, Nepal
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Just like your heart, Toyota Avenza is
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Every Thursday
for the love of drinking
The Fat Doc
— Dominik von Bohlen
have been fortunate enough
to have had, for several years
of my life, a quite exceptionally brilliant guide in matters pertaining to alcohol. That
man’s name was Dr. Shusinski
and he is sadly no longer among
us. He was a man of startlingly
originality who approached the
struggles of life with the sort
of tragic nobility which would
have impressed a Samurai. He
was also a man who held trenchant views on how to drink
well and having willfully sidled
up to the abyss on many occa-
sions there was no better friend
to teach me about the insights
that alcohol can afford and the
dangers that it can present.
Dr. Sushinki was a paradox.
For one, he wasn’t a proper
doctor. Over the course of his
eventful life he did many different types of jobs. He often
worked as a barman, though
just as often got fired for indulging in his employer’s wares
during working hours. For
many years he also worked as a
postman, a job he disliked with
exquisite relish. I think he was
most happy picking grapes on
small vineyards in the Italian
Alps. His real interest lay in language and during the last years
of his life he devoted much of
his energy to a mysterious unpublished monograph which
proposed that a close examination of what he termed ‘the butterfly anomaly’ in the context of
cognate borrowing would bring
about a complete overhaul in the
field of Linguistic Analysis. As
far as I know that work and also
his unfinished novel ‘Mother
Maturin’ both disappeared after
he died – we will never know if
either of them was any good.
Though a waster and a
drunkard the Fat Doc (and he
was fat) espoused, throughout
his life, a Kantian concept of
duty. Since what he felt he was
best at was drinking, it was rational that in the fulfillment of
his duty as a moral person he
should spend as much time as
possible in a state of drunkenness. Being drunk for the Fat
Doc was not some base form of
pleasure, rather it was a means
of self-realization. He never saw
himself as a hedonist, though
many others did. For me the evidence for his unhedonistic lifestyle lay in the fact that often he
would force himself to drink far
to and would do so intermittently; in this sense he was not an
alcoholic. Though he was wedded to drink most of the time,
he in no way thrust his relationship with the bottle on anyone
else as other drunks are prone to
do. Often he would appear clear
minded and restrained after
the most prodigious amounts
of whiskey, which, along with
Trappist beer, was his life long
favorite drink. Admittedly there
were other times when this was
not the case and he could end
up in the most extraordinary,
and not uncommonly danger-
I also picked up from the Fat Doc a
lingering distaste for champagne and
suspicion of wine buffs. I learnt that
there is no such thing as a hangover
cure but that a robust psychological
confrontation is the closest thing to it
beyond the point at which being
drunk for a long period of time
(and we are talking weeks here,
not days) provided him with
any kind of ready enjoyment,
though of course on another
level he derived satisfaction
from the belief that it was his
personal philosophical imperative to continue drinking. A curious thing about him was that
he could also stop entirely for
several weeks when he wanted
ous, situations but these ‘antic
dispositions’ or ‘fits of misrule’
as he liked to refer to them,
never ended up harming anyone
other than himself and actually
served to give a strange existential sort of purpose to his life.
It was his way of dealing with
the idea that, in the end, there
are no answers to the riddle of
So what did I learn from Dr.
Shusinski? I learnt that drink-
ing in the morning is the highest form of drinking because it
requires more commitment than
drinking in the evening. I learnt
not to be swayed by what others drink or to be unconsciously
coerced into drinking certain
drinks by public opinion. This
was a matter of the utmost importance to the Fat Doc since he
valued the freedom of choice, in
its purest unconditioned sense,
as the highest virtue in life. As
if to hammer home this point
he could often be seen ordering
the most ludicrously effeminate
bright pink or blue cocktails
complete with cherries and little
umbrellas pitched in the glass –
the point was not so much the
drink itself but the thought process that went into its drinking. I
learnt also that it is a good thing
to settle on several personal favorite drinks to fit your particular mood and stick to them for
life. I also picked up from the
Fat Doc a lingering distaste for
champagne and suspicion of
wine buffs. I learnt that there is
no such thing as a hangover cure
but that a robust psychological
confrontation is the closest thing
to it. And I think I also learned
that ultimately we should try to
embrace the prismatic absurdity
of life in all its many tragicomic
hues. For Dr. Shusinki alcohol
led the way to most fully realizing that embrace.!