flyer - EUPSA
flyer - EUPSA
VENUE Centro Internazionale di Studi e Formazione (C.I.S.E.F.) "Germana Gaslini" Via Romana della Castagna, 11 A - 16148 Genova Quarto Registration: 60 participants will be admitted. Registration fee Nurses, Pediatric Nurses: 125 €* Medical doctors: 250 €* Airway course only: 100 €* Airway course only: 200 €* Pectus course only: 60 €* Pectus course only: 120 €* *10% discount for members of Societies offering patronage The fee covers: The registration fee must be - entrance to scientific sessions paid within 5 days after - working lunches and coffee breaks confirmation of acceptance - dinner on March 6th by the Organizing Secretariat - certificate of attendance CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT SCIENTIFIC SECRETARIAT Kristina Cosulich Michele Torre C.I.S.E.F. “Germana Gaslini” Airway Team via Romana della Castagna, 11 A Anaesthesia Critical Care 16148 Genoa Quarto - Italy and Perinatal Medicine Phone: +39 010 5636.2882 Phone: +39 010 5636.217/392 email: email: Post course program At the end of the course you are all welcomed to join us for a ski trip in the ALPS together with the faculty. Departure 7th of March after the course, return 8th of March in the evening. The first 20 full course registrants will be offered the entire trip! G. Gaslini Institute The Gaslini Airway Team presents PECTUS AND AIRWAY SURGERY COURSE 2015 Il CISEF Germana Gaslini è Provider Nazionale Accreditato ECM n. 856 Certificazione ISO9001:2008 March 5-6-7, 2015 Genoa, Italy INTERNATIONAL GUESTS Carlos Bardaji | Marcelo Martínez Ferro | Philippe Monnier Michael J. Rutter | Sergio Sesia | Patricio Varela LIVE Topics: • MIRPE: how to do it safely. Bar removal, Flaring ribs, Costal arch resection • Repair of pectus excavatum in complex, redo and adult cases • Pectus carinatum, Poland Syndrome, Currarino Silverman Syndrome: update on treatment • Non operative treatment of chest wall anomalies • Laryngotracheal reconstruction and partial cricotracheal resection step by step • Presentation and discussion of multiple airway cases • Airway surgery complications • Innovations on pectus and airway surgery INTERNATIONAL GUEST FACULTY PROGRAM Carlos Bardaji, Pediatric Surgery, parc Taulì Hospital, Barcelona, Spain Marcelo Martínez Ferro, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Hospital Privado de Niños Fundación Hospitalaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina Philippe Monnier, Emeritus professor, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Centre Hôpitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne Michael J. Rutter, Pediatric Otolaryngology/Head Neck Surgery, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA Sergio Sesia, Pediatric Surgery, UKBB, Basel, Switzerland Patricio Varela, Division of Pediatric Surgery, Calvo Mackenna Hospital and Clinica Las Condes, Santiago de Chile Guglielmo Actis Dato, Heart Surgery, Ospedale Mauriziano Umberto I, Torino Serena Arrigo, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Roberto D’Agostino, Otolaryngology, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Andrea De Negri, Thoracic Surgery, IRCCS A.O.U. San Martino – IST, Genova Nicola Disma, Anaesthesia Critical Care and Perinatal Medicine, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Maurizio Infante, Thoracic Surgery, Humanitas, Rozzano (Milano) Vincenzo Jasonni, Emeritus Professor, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Giovanni Montobbio, Anaesthesia Critical Care and Perinatal Medicine, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Andrea Moscatelli, Anaesthesia Critical Care and Perinatal Medicine, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Giorgio Peretti, Otolaryngology, IRCCS A.O.U. San Martino – IST, Genova Luca Ramenghi, Neonatology, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Maria Victoria Romanini, Plastic Surgery, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Oliviero Sacco, Pneumology, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Pier Luigi Santi, Plastic Surgery, IRCCS A.O.U. San Martino – IST, Genova Jürgen Schleef, Pediatric Surgery, Ospedale Regina Margherita, Torino Nicola Stagnaro, Radiology, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Vincenzo Tarantino, Otolaryngology, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Michele Torre, Pediatric Surgery and Anaesthesia Critical Care and Perinatal Medicine, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Gianluca Trocchio, Cardiology, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova Pietro Tuo, Anaesthesia Critical Care and Perinatal Medicine, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova THURSDAY 5TH OF MARCH: PECTUS 8.15 WELCOME AND PRESENTATION OF THE PECTUS COURSE: V. Jasonni, M. Torre LIVE SURGERIES MIRPE - 3 CASES (1 WITH FLARING RIBS) LATERAL THORACIC EXPANSION FOR THORACIC DYSPLASIA ORAL PRESENTATIONS (15’) PECTUS EXCAVATUM AND HEART COMPRESSION: N. Stagnaro, G. Trocchio MIRPE STEP BY STEP: HOW TO DO IT SAFELY; BAR BENDING; STERNAL ELEVATION: P. Varela WHICH ANALGESIA IS THE BEST?: N. Disma PECTUS BAR: COMPARING WHAT IS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET: M. Torre PECTUS CARINATUM: THORASCOPIC CARTILAGE RESECTION: P. Varela POLAND SYNDROME: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH: A. De Negri, MV Romanini, PL Santi CURRARINO SILVERMAN SYNDROME: UPDATE ON TREATMENT: P. Varela INNOVATION: PECTUS UP: C. Bardaji 13.00 - 14.30 LUNCH AND SYMPOSIUM ON NON-INVASIVE TREATMENT OF PECTUS DEFORMITIES M. Martinez Ferro, S. Sesia ROUND TABLE: REPAIR OF PECTUS EXCAVATUM IN DIFFICULT CASES ( ADULTS, REDO): OPEN VERSUS THORACOSCOPIC APPROACH Chairman: V. Jasonni. Discussant: P. Varela, M. Infante, J. Schleef, G. Actis Dato PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF CLINICAL CASES 18.00 CONCLUSION FRIDAY 6TH OF MARCH: AIRWAY 8.00 WELCOME AND PRESENTATION OF THE AIRWAY COURSE: P. Tuo, M. Torre 8.15 AIRWAY EVALUATIONS, INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION OF CLINICAL CASES ORAL PRESENTATIONS LARYNGO-TRACHEAL RECONSTRUCTION WITH COSTAL CARTILAGE GRAFT: HOW TO DO IT, STEP BY STEP P. Varela PARTIAL CRICO-TRACHEAL RESECTION: HOW TO DO IT, STEP BY STEP: Ph. Monnier LIVE SURGERIES (TO BE DECIDED) Ph. Monnier, P. Varela 13.00 - 14.30 LUNCH SYMPOSIUM ON JET VENTILATION IN AIRWAY PEDIATRIC SURGERY: G. Montobbio AIRWAY EVALUATIONS, INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION OF CLINICAL CASES PRESENTATION OF CLINICAL CASES BY NEONATOLOGIST, INTENSIVIST PEDIATRICIAN, PULMONOLOGIST: Chairmen: L. Ramenghi. Discussant: P. Tuo, A. Moscatelli, O. Sacco 20.00 DINNER SATURDAY 7TH OF MARCH 08.00 MANAGEMENT OF TRACHEO-ESOPHAGEAL FISTULA: P. Varela 08.15 MANAGEMENT OF TRACHEAL COMPRESSION: O. Sacco, F. Santoro 08.30 MANAGEMENT OF THE FLOPPY AIRWAY: Ph. Monnier 08.45 AIRWAY AND IMAGING: N. Stagnaro 09.00 AIRWAY AND GASTRO-ESOPHAGEAL REFLUX: S. Arrigo 09.30 ROUND TABLE ON COMPLICATIONS OF AIRWAY SURGERY Chairmen: A. Moscatelli. Discussant: Ph. Monnier, P. Varela, G. Peretti, M. Torre 10.30 - 11.00 COFFEE 11.00 ROUND TABLE ON TRACHEOSTOMY: TECHNIQUES, COMPLICATIONS, SUPRASTOMAL COLLAPSE Chairmen: V Tarantino. Discussant: A. Moscatelli, Ph. Monnier, R. D’Agostino 12.00 MANAGEMENT OF VOCAL CORD PALSY: M. Rutter 12.15 MANAGEMENT OF CLEFT: M. Rutter 12.30 LASER IN AIRWAY SURGERY: G. Peretti 13.00: INNOVATIONS IN AIRWAY SURGERY: Ph. Monnier 14.00 CONCLUSIONS POST COURSE PROGRAMME SATURDAY 7TH OF MARCH LUNCH 15.00 BUS DEPARTURE FOR THE SKI TRIP 17.00 ESTIMATED ARRIVAL - ACCOMODATION AND FREE TIME ACCOMODATION AND FREE TIME 19.00 DINNER SUNDAY 8TH OF MARCH FULL DAY SKI 16.30 BUS DEPARTURE TO GENOVA ESTIMATED ARRIVAL 18.30