Georgia and South Carolina Bound
Georgia and South Carolina Bound September 2012 US Beltie News THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BELTED GALLOWAY SOCIETY, I N C . Georgia and South Carolina Bound President Jon Bednarski Sylvia and I headed down I-75 to Georgia in August to visit a member farm. This trip however, would have a slight detour as we stopped west of Atlanta to pick up our new truck camper. As we have traveled around the U.S. visiting farms this year, the challenge of staying in motels and eating in restaurants can certainly take its toll! Call us gypsies, but the camper will give us great comfort and a place to call home while traveling. The state of Georgia has 272 registered cattle and 12 member farms. Our farm visit was to White Sulphur Farm which is owned by Jane & John Hemmer Jr., in Gainesville, GA. Talk about a piece of history, their family farm dates back to the early 1800’s and at that time was several thousand acres in size. But, with the pressure of the urban sprawl, it now consists of around 400 acres. Jane’s dad and family raised beef cattle on the farm for many years while living in town. Interestingly Gainesville is the self-proclaimed chicken capital of the world. Jane and John decided to move back to the farm in 1978 and built a magnificent home. Being the house nut that I am, I was impressed by their 15’ wide by 45’ tall stone fireplace in their great room and the polished brick and stone floors throughout. Jane, who was a former County Commissioner and State Senator, oversees the operation of the farm with the help of Ricky Hopkins, their manager. John, an orthopedic surgeon, enjoys farming on the weekends and recently added a few Texas Longhorns to the herd. The Hemmer’s son, Lee, and his family built a beautiful home on the back of the farm and their daughter Mary lives in nearby Toccoa, GA. As we toured the farm with Jane, we saw her grass fed Beltie herd that gets rotated to fresh pasture every few days. Jane and I had something in common besides our Belties, we are both supervisors for our County’s Conservation District. We also got to see several of Jane’s clay sculptures in a studio John built her using reclaimed building materials. I must say the more Beltie owners I meet, the more interesting and diverse I find our membership to be. Our next state visit was South Carolina. There are 335 cattle registered and 15 member farms. Our stop was at Stones Throw in Marietta, owned by Dick and Lisa Williams and is located in western South Carolina in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Dick and Lisa’s 85 acre farm is part of an original 500 acre farm that Lisa’s dad and family still own. In addition to the 85 acres, they either lease or use an additional 150 acres for hay or pasture. If you have been involved in the Beltie breed long, chances are you have met Dick and Lisa at a show, sale, or an annual meeting. Dick & Lisa have been great supporters of the Society by offering top quality cattle for sale to startup farms and longtime members. Dick currently serves on our Beef Technology and performance Committee. Dick raised American Simmentals prior to acquiring his first Belties in 2001. He was a member of the Simmental Board of Trustees from 1990 – 1994, then again from 1996 – 1999. Dick and Lisa’s original Belties came from Driftwood Plantation (SC) and Fearrington Village (NC). Although their Beltie brood cows number just 15, Dick is doing some very interesting work with the breed. Dick has 10 commercial cows that have been bred to a topnotch registered Belted Galloway bull, and are ready to calve this fall. Another 20 commercial cattle are recips of Beltie embryos that will also calve this fall. Dick’s excitement for our breed and his crossbreeding was very apparent as he showed Sylvia and me around his farm. Dick also has a 60’ x 60’ cattle handling and sorting barn that would make any of us proud. The hospitality and friendliness Sylvia and I have experienced throughout the 14 states and 14 member farms we have visited makes me proud to be a member of this organization. Just 34 more states to go! SEPTEMBER 2012 PAGE 2 By-Law Change During the 2011 Spring Meeting, Council voted to amend the current By-Laws regarding junior membership. The current By-Law state that junior membership ceases on a member’s 21st birthday. By implementing the following change, an individual’s junior membership will be retained through the calendar year of her/his 21st birthday. We are required to print By-Law Changes twice before a final vote to ensure our membership is informed. During the November meeting, members will be voting on the proposed By-Law change. Article 1. Membership A. There shall be the following classes of membership: (4) Junior membership. A Junior member shall be an individual under the age of twenty-one (21) and may be assessed annual dues as determined by Council but will have no voting rights. A Junior member shall retain the privileges of junior membership throughout the remainder of the calendar year of his or her (21st) birthday and all rights shall cease after December 31st of that calendar unless converted to a Regular membership. Calendar of Events The Big E (Eastern States Exposition) September 12 - September 16, 2012, Springfield, MA. Contact Entry office at (413) 205-5011 or Junior Show: Friday, September 14 at 6 p.m. Open Show: Saturday, September 15 at 9 a.m. Farmington Fair September 16-22, 2012, Farmington, ME. Neal Yeaton (207) 778-6083. World Beef Expo September 26 - 30, 2012 Milwaukee, WI. Entries Entry office (414) 266-7052. Open Show September 29 at 11 a.m. Contact: Mark Ellerbrock (262) 537-2563 or Fryeburg Fair September 30 - October 7, 2012, Fryeburg, ME. Contact office at (207) 9353268 or Keystone International Livestock Exposition Harrisburg, PA September 29 – October 7, 2012. Contact KILE (717) 7832815 or Western Belted Galloway Association Annual Meeting October 5-6, 2012 in Reno, Nevada. Contact Ken Bajema (360) 837-3273 In Memoriam Mary C. McClellan Leeds, Alabama The Belted Galloway Society, Inc. is saddened by the passing of Mary C. McClellan of Leeds, Alabama July 23, 2012 at her home. Mary served as the Secretary/Treasurer of The Belted Galloway Society, Inc. from 1986 until her retirement in 1995. In the nine years of her tenure, the Society’s member numbers and registered cattle population nearly quadrupled. Supportive committees developed which expanded services to members and prospective buyers to include newsletters, press releases, breed promotional events and auction sales. Mary was chosen as the fourth recipient of the Harry T. Burn Award, announced at the Fearrington Center, North Carolina in September, 1995. Known to all Society members as the helpful voice on the telephone, Mary worked tirelessly during her nine-year tenure as Secretary/Treasurer to build the organization and further the breed. Mary gained high esteem for her knowledge of cattle husbandry, her willingness to help and instruct new members, and dedication to Belted Galloway Cattle. At age 90, Mary continued to raise Belted Galloway cattle with two animals still grazing on her Cedar Valley Farm in Leeds. Mary is survived by her friends and care givers, Pam and Ken Garrison. Tributes from Belted Galloway breeders include: Mary was a great lady, a leader in breeding Belted Galloway Cattle, American Saddlebred Horses and Hackney Ponies. We send our love and respect and deepest sympathy, especially to Kenny Garrison, who cared for her during her last years. Martha Aitken, Huntsville, Alabama We have missed Mary over the years. The Belted Galloway Society wouldn't be what it is today if it wasn't for Mary. She was a great cattle women and a good friend. North Carolina State Fair October 11-21, 2012, Raleigh, NC. Contact entry office (919) 821-7400. Annual General Meeting November 13, 2012. 6-8 pm on the grounds of The North American International Livestock Exposition. Time to TBA. The AGM will follow the Junior Show. Contact Vic Eggleston 608) 220-1091 or National Belted Galloway Show (NAILE) November 12- 15, 2012. Louisville, KY. Arrival Monday, November 12. Junior Show November 13 at 2 p.m. Open Show November 14 at noon. Contact Michelle Ogle (908) 781-5576 or The Belted Galloway Premium Sale. November 14, 2012 Louisville, KY 7 pm. Contact Michelle Ogle (908) 7815576 or Hoosier Beef Congress November 30 – December 2, 2012, Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, IN. Contact: Doug Abney 317.422.8137 or RedBarnFarms.dsa@live. Kathi and Jerry Jurkowski Rockton, Illinois Mary was a great friend and helped us buying and breeding Belties when we first moved to our farm in Leeds. We met some nice people through her buying and selling our Belties! She was a lot of help and always available when we needed her! Tony and Marilyn Hughes Leeds, Alabama SEPTEMBER 2012 PAGE 3 Join Us in Louisville for the Annual General Meeting & Banquet Executive Director Vic Eggleston I have heard from members from across the country that they will be attending our Annual General Meeting and Shows and Sale and it’s not too late to confirm with me that you are attending the event! Registration information appeared in the August issue. As promised I have some lodging accommodation information to share with you. A block of rooms has been reserved with the Rama- da Airport & Fair/Expo Center in Lousiville (502) 637-6336. Thirty rooms are reserved for 4 nights, November 11-15. The cost is $94.99. This hotel is within walking distance of the Expo grounds located at 2912 Crittenden Drive. Crittenden Drive is just South of the grounds and runs parallel to it. Another option for those arriving November 11 is The La Quinta Inn located on 4125 Preston Hwy in Louisville. Louisville. Phone: (502) 368-0007.Room Rate: $89.00. (These rooms are very limited!) Louisville Shows and The Belted Galloway Premium Sale Updates Chair of the Show and Sale Committees Michelle Ogle Sale nominations are coming in and we have a great selection of genetics being offered to-date. The National Belted Galloway Show and The Kathi Jurkowski Junior Show rules and entry forms are now posted online at Please pay careful attention to details when completing these forms. It makes my role so much easier when all information is complete! If you have juniors showing in the junior show; please be aware that we are asking you to complete two entry forms, a junior form and an open form. Joining me this year is Meagan Stephens from Oklahoma who will Calendar Contest President Jon Bednarski The Advertising and Promotions Committee is excited to announce our first annual Belted Galloway Calendar Contest. We are looking for top quality photos to be placed on an 8 ½” x 11” four color breeding calendar to represent our breed. The calendars will be sold with profits going to both BYG and the scholarship fund. Prizes will be awarded for the 13 photos that are used on the calendar. First place receives a $200 credit with CLRC for membership, registration or transfer fees. Second place receives a $100 credit with CLRC. All 13 winning photos will receive 3 complimentary calendars to share with family and friends. Along with your farm name and state listed on the calendar, we hope the calendar can be used as a tool to promote our breed as well as a unique gift item for that potential Beltie owner. Below are a few contest rules to review. Digital cameras must be 3 megapixels or better. No more than 3 color photographs submitted per person. The contest is open only to 2012 paid Belted Galloway members (life, regular members, juniors and associate). All photos become the property of the BGS. Photos must be horizontal to fit the calendar format. Photos must be submitted digitally to All photos must be submitted by October 15, 2012 to be in the contest. assist me with the planning of the Kathi Jurkowski Junior National Show. Megan has also been asked to represent the BYG during the National Western Stock Show. I’m sure she will be an asset to both shows. We are currently looking for sponsorships to fund awards and administrate our show. Sponsors will be able to display their farm business cards in our hospitality area and will be acknowledged in the show catalog and displayed at our booth. Your sponsorship levels are as follows: Platinum Sponsor $200 or more, Gold Sponsor $150, Silver Sponsor $100, Bronze Sponsor $50. Sponsors can specify if they wish their money to be put toward the Open or Junior Show. Mail your contributions to: Dr. Victor Eggleston, N8603 Zentner Road, New Glarus, WI 53574. Flags!!! Order your Belted Galloway Flag for your next promotional event. The green, white and black flags are 3’x5’and are available from Vic’s office for $50.00. + Shipping. Belted Galloway Pride. Sylvia and Jon Bednarski proudly fly their Belted Galloway flag at their Kentucky farm. Culled/Deceased Animals Breeder’s Manual Please return all registration/recordation papers to the CLRC for deceased or culled animals. Your help will ensure the Society database is up-to-date and member herd inventories are accurate. The Belted Galloway Breeder’s Manual is now available on disc! In fact, every new breeder will receive their Manual in disc format. If you would like a copy of theManual in disc format contact Executive Director Vic Eggleston! SEPTEMBER 2012 PAGE 4 The Belted Galloway Society 2011 Profit/Loss Statement 2011 INCOME Registrations Transfers Dues Late fees Pedigrees Advertising (consisting of ) News letter Internet Annual Interest Beltie merchandise Misc. income & sales DNA testing, certificates Special services CLRC Revenue Sale * 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 $37,010 20,750 29,610 --- $27,540 11,400 31,955 3,780 $20,860 9,345 32,740 10,365 -- $21,275 8,540 28,040 8,856 10 $22,065 10,055 37,580 11,940 30 $25,700 8,715 34,980 13,995 10 3,650 525 130 215 1,095 1,390 3,700 705 -243 146 598 3,010 300 9,968 453 369 570 1,470 10 9,215 1,422 285 596 1,770 210 9,812 2,350 332 3,302 2,037 240 11,340 2,413 358 1,540 2,190 10,289 1915 5,427 864 1,757 1,074 1,208 2,355 $106,854 $88,273 $89,737 $80,793 $100,654 $103,683 $16,400 10,485 $26,176 10,785 $41,420 12,605 $41,425 10,800 $41,000 10,200 7,836 1,049 -- 9,533 -2,123 9,441 658 5,459 9,291 1,165 535 10,944 446 273 $41,000 10,200 151 8,991 501 1,253 -298 716 -7,836 3,491 1,250 2,238 32,911 1,795 2,103 3,479 -269 2,606 3,458 2,128 1,501 21,138 325 7,252 1,170 9,408 4,205 5,009 1,286 2,002 637 4,015 1,000 9,188 2,643 5,600 1,797 1,044 1,243 3,925 2,000 9,000 12,427 4,233 1,925 1,955 2,164 5,225 2,000 9,304 TOTAL EXPENSES $86,305 $85,299 $100,240 $89,140 $99,571 $87,847 NET INCOME (LOSS) $20,549 $2,974 ($10,503) ($8,347) $1,083 $15,836 TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES Secretary’s Office Editor’s and Website’s Office Printing & Equipment Newsletter Printing & Mailing Annual Mailing Meeting expenses Promotion & Advertising Brochures, printing Shows Sales Annual Advertising (Ads Travel Misc. & Internet Expenses DNA & credit card Expenses CLRC fees Liability Ins. *Income shown because some 2010 expenses not received in 2010 4,366 767 1,925 SEPTEMBER 2012 New members Doug & Sherry Abney & Jay & Elizabeth Dausman, 4960 W 150N, Bargersville, IN 46106 (317) 422-8137. Alden Hills Farm, 16011 Stateline Rd., Harvard, IL 60033. J. Keith & Bonnie Bell, 4718 County Rd. 31S, Bellefontaine, OH 43311-9774 (937) 844-3886. Peter A. & Andrea Campbell, 314 River St., Hobart, NY 13788 (607) 538-9107. Jeffrey B. & Johnna Duke, 8076 Mud Lake Rd., Maccleny, FL 32063 (904) 259-5133. Tommy & Suzanne Fey, TS FEY RANCH, PO Box 671, Stockdale, TX 78160-0671 (210) 827-4018. Juniors Dillon, Hannah & Hayley Folkerts, BISHOP AVENUE BELTIES, 1850 Bishop Ave., Waverly, IA 50677 (319)276-3221. Associate Karen Keck, 217 O’Hara Rd., Saxtonburg PA 16056 (724)352-2908. Ed Kolmosky, 429 N. Shore Dr., Owls Head, ME 04854. Arthur Kontos, 1 Channel Dr. 1703, Mammouth Beach, NJ 07750 (732)749-2104. Ted & Carol Madden, MADDEN’S MOUNTAIN GALLOWAYS, 35397 Canyon Mill Rd., Box 758, Ronan, MT 59864 (406)544-1363. Rancho La Humorosa, c/o I.V. Pabst, 10962 3250 Rd., Hotchkiss, CO 81419 (970)872-4847. Toby Richards, FLOODWOODS FARM, 1066 East Rd. Waitsfield VT 05673 (802)496-2113. Tim & Beth Rowland, 811 Duckwall Rd., Berkley Springs. WV 25411 (304)258-9220. Johnny Simons, 2770 White Rock, Le Grand, CA 95333 (209)6316339. Daniel Snyder, 10416 Voss Rd., Marengo, IL 60152. Marjorie E. & William H. Trelease, 1954 County Hwy. 18, Delhi NY 13753 Grace T. Walsh, BOTA SPRING FARM, 2101 High St. Extension, Lancaster, MA 01523 (978)368-1356. Juniors Whitney Brooke Watts & Will Watts, RED STAR CATTLE, 1184 Watts Lane, Wesson, MS 39191. Mackenzie Woods, 12578 Lee School Cross Rd., Wilton, CA 95693 (916)687-6532. Rick & Tina Woods, PO Box 674, Lewiston, ID 83501 (208)7467443. PAGE 5 Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC) All Registrar Services 2417 Holly Lane Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA K1V 0M7 Betty Foti betty.foti@clrc. ca Phone 877-833-7110 or 613-731-7110, Ext. 310 Fax 613-731-0704 Lisa Hutt Phone 877-833-7110 or 613-731-7110, Ext. 312 Fax 613-731-0704 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday to Friday. Lisa may also be reached from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Wednesday and until 5:30 p.m. on Thursday. She is not in the office on Friday, but Betty is still available to assist you that day. Belted Galloway Society, Inc. Breed Promotion Advertising/Newsletter Dr. Victor Eggleston, Executive Director Phone (608) 220-1091 Fax (608) 527-4811 Vic’s phone hours are Monday through Friday from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. (CST). A detailed message may be left at any time. Address: N8603 Zentner Rd., New Glarus, WI 53574. About advertising … Classified ads are free to members. All classified ads are automatically placed on the Hotline on the internet. Two-month limit on classified insertions. Please include contact information — name, farm, location, phone, Fax and Email, if any. For all Emails — Place Hotline in the Subject line. Please Email to, Fax 608-527-4811or phone (608) 220-1091. Advertising bulls … Before advertising a young male as a breeder we must be sure he is well conformed, tracks properly, has good legs and feet, and exhibits good weight gains. We should have data available on his birth weight, 205-day weaning weight, and yearling weight. If he's reached breeding age (around 18 months), it's definitely a plus to have his semen checked for quantity and motility. Any data available should appear in your advertisement along with his birth date and the names of his sire and dam. Further, it is required that registration numbers be included on bulls advertised for sale in the Hotline and newsletter. Help Grow the Society membership!! Through the end of the calendar year 2012, all first-time buyers, new to the breed, who buy registered Belted Galloway cattle and/or have Belted Galloway cattle transferred to them, will become new members and their membership fee waived at the time of transfer. Like us on Facebook! Glimpses from the Road. We like to feature our youth who promote our breed. Ryan Fogle (IL) and Lane Rahe (IL) showed their Belted Galloway heifers at the Illinois State Fair! Five Hundred people were in the stands watching the show. Judge Ken Geuns from Michigan State thanked the boys for introducing their breed to the Illinois State Fair! For more photos of President Bednarski’s farm visits, check out The U.S. Beltie News ~ Belted Galloway Society Facebook page. SEPTEMBER 2012 PAGE 6 For Sale VIRGINIA. Wanted to lease black Registered Belted Galloway bull to breed 4 registered Belted Galloway cows and one registered Belted Galloway heifer at my farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Looking for a small to medium size proven black registered Belted Galloway bull for a period of 45 to 60 days starting no later than mid-September 2012. Please contact: Kathy Higgins - Back Hill Farm - Staunton, VA -PH: 540-414-1804 - IOWA. For sale: Registered Belted Galloway heifer, Old School Yasmine (34403-B 6/19/11). Excellent conformation, sweet disposition (will eat out of your hand), and great belt.Yasmine tested 7 out of a possible 10 for tenderness in Igenity genetic profile. Sire is Grand Champion Sutliff's Underdog (11791-B) - note that Underdog tested 10 out of 10 on Igenity scale. We also have several registered Belted Galloway cows for sale - all have given us excellent calves year after year. Please contact Tom Erger (319-521-3113) of Old S c h o o l F a r m, E l y, I o w a 5 2 2 2 7 o r e m a i l a t TEXAS. Red Bull for Sale: Angel Wing Andy [USD] 34540-R, Calved 01/18/12. Sire is Dublin OurlandTator-Tot [USD] 11671-B, Dam is Dublin Ourland Brandy [USD] 30628-B. Has nice white belt. Will consider trade for heifer. Contact Cathy, Freyburg Belted Galloways, Schulenburg, TX at or cell (512) 923-3310. Photos can be sent upon request. TEXAS. Multiple Animals For Sale. 1. Bull - Flying M's Gold Nugget # - (USD) 11823-B calved July 18, 2007 10# Left ear FMT3, 2. Cow-Lone Oak Shannon's Tess # - (USD) 33425-B calved 9-25-08 ID LON IU Right ear, 3. Cow-Lone Oak Naomi 85 Savanna #(USD) 33424-B calved 9-30-08 #U2 LON Right ear, 4. Cow-Lone Oak Sara's Kiss #(USD)33423-B,PBXX calved 10-08-08#U3 LON Right ear, 5. Cow-Lone Oak Scarletts Patience # (USD) 33422-B calved 11-28-08#U6LON Right ear, 6. Cow-Lone Oak Abrgail's Noel # (USD) 33421-B calved 12-16-08#U7LON Right ear, 7. Cow-Lone Oak Tara Lillie #(USD) 33420-B calved 03-02-09#W8LON Right ear, 8. Cow-Baker's Heather #(USD)32588-B calved 04-10-09#BHB 1W Left ear, 9.Herdquarter's Sadie #(USD) 26390-B calved 07-3006#S11 HHQ Left ear, 10.Herdquarter Ursula #(USD) 29334-B calved 06-01-08#U3HHQ Left ear, Willie Sanders, Cross Roads Belties, Nursery, TX 77976. (361)576-2853 Home - (361)648-9450 Cell - MICHIGAN. For Sale: Registered Red/White Heifer (DOB 1/31/11), Registered Dun/White Heifer (DOB 12/2/10), and Registered Dun/White Cow (DOB 6/1/09). All three are smaller framed. They have been exposed to a Registered Bull. Visit http:// or email or call (616)528-0543. NEW HAMPSHIRE. FOR SALE: Registered Belted Galloway Heifer – Holbrook Hill Yin (7/5/2011) – Sired by outcross Danish bull Markov Bo out of Holbrook Hill Lilac, the granddaughter of lifetime champion Aldermere Ronda. Yin brings two outstanding world class pedigrees together in a complete well balanced package. Yin will be part of the Holbrook Hill show string this year. BULL FOR SALE: A herd sire that definitely won’t talk back; Holbrook Hill’s YakityYak (9/10/2011) Another offering of prodigy from the great Danish bull Markov Bo, out of the granddaughter of the legendary Aldermere Riga. Yak is robust and thick of rib. He will finish out of moderate size and Holbrook herd quality. SEMEN FOR SALE: Markov Bo was recently introduced to the United States. His first calves are on the ground and they are dynamic, robust and deep. Markov Bo is the first Danish Belted Galloway bull available in the US. “Bo” traces ancestry to several legacy Scottish herds. Photos available at Silberberg - Holbrook Hill Farm - Bedford, NH, (603) 472-2205, WISCONSIN. 3 Appendix Recorded cows for sale, two with bull calves at side and all have been pasture exposed to registered Belted Galloway bull. Two cows are 4 yrs old and the other one is 3yrs old. Also 3/4 appendix recorded 14 month old heifer calf for sale. Barbara Beeler, Double B Farm, Beloit, WI. Email, (608) 921-0293. ILLINOIS. Wanted to buy in or near Illinois: January-May born heifer/bull or steer calves.Cows bred for January-April calves. Pictures,pricing and pedigree info appreciated. Rahe Family Belties, Chapin, IL.(217) 370-4120 NORTH CAROLINA. Registered Steer, East of Eden Bruce #33844 -B. DOB 8-8-11, Sire: Todd Hill Jacob, Dam: Rockwater Hannah. Registered Steer, East of Eden Ferdinand 33845-B. DOB 8-16-11, Sire: Todd Hill Jacob, Dam: CraiglandO’Nell. Registered Bull, Todd Hill Jacob #11683-B. DOB 9-12-08. Bull Breeding Evaluation done. Sire: Fearrington Viper, Dam Todd Hill Windsong. Very good bull, proven breeder. Consider sell or trade. Contact Jim Bennett, East of Eden Farms 336-684-7519 MISSOURI. Bred cows, heifers, starter herds. Top genetics.Janet Moyer, Legacy Ranch, 417-207-1234. COLORADO. Bell T Bar Ranch in Silt, Colorado is flush with calves and is offering the following Belted Galloway for sale: (3) Calves all sired by Ch. RF Diesel. The genetics make these potentials for quality animals, born Feb-April and would also make good club calves. Weaning will occur in August. We also have available Registered Heifer Bell T Bar Ash for sale, she is Gr. Ch. Bell T Bar Tia X Ch. Highland Otto and has been bred to Ch. Bell T Bar George Washington. This heifer is well structured and has placed in local and national competitions. Her offspring will have the genetic line of Champions! We are also offering a Registered bred cow. She is a large, full cow who has given birth to several 4-H club calves and National Western winners! Contact Gregory Shaner, (970) 8765656, SEPTEMBER 2012 PAGE 7 Little Everglades Ranch Bob & Sharon Blanchard Jordan Road Dade City, Florida 33523 Registered Belted Galloways ~ Breeding and selling bulls & heifers ~ Purebred five generation pedigrees <> Barn: (352) 521-0366 Fax: (352) 521-0377 4960 W. Rd. 150 N• Bargersville, IN • 46106 H 317-422-8137 • M 317-409-6857 Ta t t o o Ye a r C o d e The Year Code on tattoos for animals born in year 2012 is Z ABC 1Z White Sulphur Belties John and Jane Hemmer 770-532-2768 Gainesville, Georgia Belted Galloway Society, Inc. Dr. Victor Eggleston, Executive Director N8603 Zentner Road, New Glarus, WI 53574 Phone (608) 220-1091 Fax (608) 527-4811 Non-profit org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #1040 Leesburg, FL 34748 Belted Galloway Cattle Semen Available Breeding Stock Jeffrey & Lisa Lovett 5600 S. Hickory Road Oregon, IL 61061 (815) 652-3789 OAK VALLEY FARM Mark, Jake & Noah Keller 9889 Moate Road Durand, IL 61024 815-248-4687 Fax: 815-248-4507 HOLBROOK HILL FARM World Class Genetics Imported Semen Jane & Steven Silberberg 47 Holbrook Hill Road Bedford, NH 03110 Young Herd Sires Open Heifers available Phone: 603-472-2205 Fax: 603-668-6470 E-mail:
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