December 2013 - Belted Galloway Society
December 2013 - Belted Galloway Society December 2013 US Beltie News THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BELTED GALLOWAY SOCIETY, I N C . Delaware — The First State President Jon Bednarski It's hard to believe I'm writing my last letter as president of the Belted Galloway Society. My two-year term has flown by, and it has been filled with wonderful memories, traveling 25,000 miles to meet many great members, learning what's important to you, and of course, making lots of friends! Sylvia and I both feel we have gained more than we have given during our travels and my term. One of my main priorities two years ago was to raise and retain membership in our breed organization. I am pleased to report that we now have over 960 paid members, which is an increase of over 15%. My second goal was to visit one member farm in each of the lower 48 states. We fell short of that goal by eight states. However, during February we will travel to the Southwest and complete those farm visits. I will continue to write about those remaining farms in the newsletter as part of my duties as Chairman of the Promotion and Advertising Committee. I am by no means exiting or taking a backseat to our Society. Vice-president Michelle Ogle will take the reins on January 1, 2014. Many breeders already know Michelle. She has served the breed for years in many capacities and she manages Southdown Farm in New Jersey. (See the Newsletter farm profile on Southdown.) She has organized and managed many of our shows and sales, served on the Council for a number of years. Michelle brings a lot of knowledge and experience of the cattle industry to the role of president. I look forward to her bringing new ideas to the Society and I hope you will support her in every possible way! Thank you for your support. Sylvia and I will never forget the tremendous opportunity that serving the Belted Galloway Society has been. Amnesty Ruling January 1 –June 30, 2014 Any female, over the age of 24 months, may be registered/recorded for the fee of $50. President Jon Bednarski With only three farms and 13 registered cattle in Delaware, it was an easy task to select Choptank Farm to visit. In 1941, the late Bayard Sharp and family founded the farm which has two locations. Their south farm is located in Middletown, DE and is primarily a 500acre Thoroughbred horse farm housing brood mares and a training facility. It has been the home to many famous racehorses. Farm manager John Wiggins gave us a tour of the farm and the herd of about 35 Belted Galloway cattle. John told us that Mr. Sharp brought Belted Galloway cattle to the Choptank Farm in 1988 and John has personally looked after the cattle for over 25 years. The cattle graze in well-manicured and mowed pastures. Because of Choptank's long history with the breed, their farm name appears in many herds in surrounding states. We traveled about 30 miles north to their other farm, located in the affluent town of Greenville, DE. Greenville is the rural home to people who work in Philadelphia, PA and Wilmington, DE. We met with farm manager Juan Miguel, who is new to the breed, but very enthusiastic. Part of the original farm, with its beautiful stone house and barns, has been sold. However, the remaining acreage is very picturesque. There is a stately two-story home overlooking the cattle and pastures which houses an office and staff that oversee the Sharp family affairs. It's great to see that Mr. Sharp's passion and commitment to the Belted Galloway breed continues at Choptank Farm. DECEMBER 2013 PAGE 2 Belted Galloway Society, Inc. Breed Promotion Advertising/Newsletter Dr. Victor Eggleston, Executive Director Phone (608) 220-1091 Fax (608) 527-4811 Vic’s phone hours are Monday through Friday from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. (CST). A detailed message may be left at any time. Address: N8603 Zentner Rd., New Glarus, WI 53574. Leanne Fogle~Editor~U.S. Beltie News Phone (309) 965-2759 About advertising … Classified ads are free to members. All classified ads are automatically placed on the Hotline on the Internet. Two-month limit on classified insertions. Please include contact information — name, farm, location, phone, fax and email, if any. For all emails — place Hotline in the subject line. Please Email to, Fax 608-527-4811or phone (608) 220-1091. We encourage members to submit ads the last two weeks of the month. Advertising bulls … Before advertising a young male as a breeder we must be sure he is well conformed, tracks properly, has good legs and feet, and exhibits good weight gains. We should have data available on his birth weight, 205-day weaning weight, and yearling weight. If he's reached breeding age (around 18 months), it's definitely a plus to have his semen checked for quantity and motility. Any data available should appear in your advertisement along with his birth date and the names of his sire and dam. Further, it is required that registration numbers be included on bulls advertised for sale in the Hotline and newsletter. Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC) All Registrar Services 2417 Holly Lane Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA K1V 0M7 Registrars Betty Foti betty.foti@clrc. ca Phone 877-833-7110 or 613-731-7110, Ext. 310 Fax 613-731-0704 Lisa Hutt Phone 877-833-7110 or 613-731-7110, Ext. 312 Fax 613-731-0704 Office Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday to Friday. Lisa may also be reached from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Wednesday and until 5:30 p.m. on Thursday. She is not in the office on Friday, but Betty is still available to assist you that day. In Memoriam Debbie Masters, 54, of Malone, Texas, passed away November 28, 2013 as a result of an automobile accident. She was a beloved wife, mother, sister, Nana and devoted Christian. With her husband, Dawson, Debbie raised Belted Galloway cattle on their Double M Ranch in Malone, TX. She was a member of the Southwest Belted Galloway Association and The Belted Galloway Society, Inc. She represented the Belted Galloway Junior Association as the regional leader for the SBGA. The Masters family showed Belted Galloway cattle in their home state of Texas, and most recently, at the 2013 National Belted Galloway Show. The Masters’ Double M Ranch was visited and featured by President Jon Bednarski in the June 2012 issue of the US Beltie News. Debbie was born April 30, 1959 to Robert and Jean Baker. She is survived by her parents and her husband, Dawson. Also surviving, her children: Reese Masters; Natalie Crawford; Jessica (David) Epperson; Jennifer (Zach) Ethetton; Cory (Tracy) Crawford; Amanda Masters and many grandchildren. Leopold Conservation Award Jon and Sylvia Bednarski of Sherwood Acres LLC were selected as the inaugural winner of the Kentucky Leopold Conservation Award during November. The award honors a Kentucky landowner who has excelled in voluntary stewardship and management of natural resources. The Bednarskis were selected from a group of 19 outstanding applicants. Award applicants are judged based on their demonstration of improved resource conditions, innovation, long-term commitment to stewardship, sustained economic viability, community and civic leadership and multiple use benefits. To learn more about the Leopold award, log on to: Rancher Relief Fund Executive Director Vic Eggleston The Belted Galloway Society has received a request from one of its members to publicize the Rancher Relief Fund established to help assist ranchers in South Dakota who have been devastated by a blizzard this past October. One hundred percent of the donated money will go to ranchers in need. Donations can be made to The Black Hills Area Community Foundation/SD Rancher Relief Fund, PO Box 231, Rapid City, SD 57709. A website, has been established for donations also. Questions or concerns will be addressed by Livestock Marketing Coordinator, Carissa Lee at (877) 347-9114. DECEMBER 2013 PAGE 3 New Jersey — The Garden State President Jon Bednarski Our next stop was in Bedminster, New Jersey which is home to Southdown Farm. New Jersey has nine member farms and approximately 95 registered cattle. One reason for my farm visit was to spend time with Michelle Ogle, the farm manager and part owner of Southdown’s Belted Galloway herd. Michelle is the current vice president of The Belted Galloway Society. Southdown Farm, which is owned by a notable New Jersey family, encompasses about 500 acres. The farm contains a number of homes and interesting barns, some of which date back to the early 1900's. Located just 30 miles west of New York City, it is surrounded by large estate homes and many beautiful farms. Michelle and Southdown have been Society members since 1992. Many farms have Southdown genetics their herd. Michelle grew up in New York State riding horses, and received her degree in animal science from Cornell Uni- versity. Before coming to Southdown, Michelle was the herd manager for a 365-head Hereford farm in New Jersey. Her interest in Herefords continues, as she still keeps 26 top-notch brood cows at Southdown Farm. Adding another 50 Belted Galloways to the cow numbers, it is certainly easy to see why Michelle stays busy. Michelle and husband, Danny, both work on the farm along with two other farmhands. They produce all their own hay, maintain miles of fencing and roads, and they take care of the multiple homes and yards on the farm. The Ogles’ daughter, Mary, is now a Belted Galloway Junior Association member and she has recently started riding horses. With Michelle's extensive agriculture background and management experience, it is clear that she will be an asset to the Society. Around the ring at the 2013 National Show The Purebred Heifer Division Winners before the Grand and Reserve Champion Heifers were selected. The Bull Division Winners before the Grand and Reserve Champion Bulls were selected. DECEMBER 2013 PAGE 4 Annual General Meeting Louisville, KY The Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, November 19 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Louisville, KY. Ninety-one individuals were present for dinner, the meeting and lively auction bidding. Introductions of Council and member farms in attendance were given. President Bednarski reported that he has enjoyed his term as president and meeting Belted Galloway breeders from coast-to-coast. Bednarski has eight more states to visit, completing his Belted Galloway tour of member farms in all 48 continental states. He reported it has been great fun to visit and write about each farm. He and his wife, Sylvia, will have traveled 30,000 miles at the conclusion of their tour. Committee reports were given (see Council Meeting, page 5). Additionally, Scott Griffith (TX) gave a visual presentation of the draft and multi-component new website which will include online registrations. President Bednarski invited Allie Abney (IN) to speak about her role as the Indiana State FFA President. Abney credited the Belted Galloway breed as the motivation and the foundation of her agricultural experience. She assured breeders that she promotes the Belted Galloway breed in her backstory during FFA presentations. Elections were held and returning to Council serving a two-year term are Greg Hipple (IA) and Brice Jackson (IN). Those newly elected to serve a two-year term were: Jane Hemmer (GA) and Chuck Neely (VA). President Bednarski reported that Council approved the following officers in 2014: President: Michelle Ogle (NJ), Vice President: Greg Hipple (IA), Secretary: Lisa Lovett (IL), Treasurer: Jon Bednarski (KY), and Executive Director: Vic Eggleston (WI). The new traveling trophies for Grand Champion Bull and Heifer at the National Show were on display during the dinner and the meeting. The Grand Champion Bull trophy was donated by Ellen Sims (PA). The Grand Champion Heifer trophy was donated in memory of Robert Flynn (NC) from funds of the former Southern Belted Galloway Association. A lively auction was held to support The Belted Galloway Junior Association. Recognition awards were presented to Scot and Chris Adams (ME), Scott Griffith (TX), Jane Jackson (IN), Lisa Lovett (IL), Michelle Ogle (NJ), and Terry and Julie Willis (IL) for their contributions to the newsletter. Jon and Sylvia Bednarski (KY) were presented with a Society lifetime membership and a Peter Sculthorpe print for their efforts promoting the Belted Galloway breed. The Spring Meeting will be held in Fryeburg, ME April 24-27, 2014. President Jon Bednarski The National Trophies Two magnificent trophies were unveiled at the Annual General Meeting on November 19, 2013 in Louisville, KY to be awarded annually to the Grand Champion Heifer and the Grand Champion Bull during the National Show. The National Grand Champion Bull trophy was commissioned by Ellen Sims of HC Sims Farms in Pennsylvania and Kentucky. Nationally known sculptor and artist, James Sulkowski (PA), created a magnificent bronze sculpture of Ellen’s previous National Grand Champion Bull, Meadowood X-Man. The sculpture is mounted on a beautiful walnut wood base. The trophy will travel yearly with each new champion and it honors the past nine champions who are listed on individual nameplates. The National Grand Champion Heifer trophy was the concept of Dick Williams (SC), past board member of the now-dissolved Southern Belted Galloway Association. The traveling trophy is to honor the memory of their past president, the late Robert Flynn (NC), for his long-term dedication, contributions and commitment to the Belted Galloway breed. This traveling trophy was designed and created by livestock artist, Carol Herden (MN), and the trophy sits on a unique oak base with space for 24 future national champion heifers. Longtime co-worker, Bob Strowd (NC) represented Fearrington Village to honor Robert. Jane Jackson The Belted Galloway Junior Association Fundraiser The Belted Galloway Junior Association had an excellent fund raiser at the North American International Livestock Exposition in November. When word went out that the Juniors needed items for the silent auc- DECEMBER 2013 PAGE 5 Annual General Meeting Louisville, KY tion, folks responded with remarkable generosity. People donated wonderful Beltie farm-related items--signs to hang, ornaments for the Christmas tree, things for the home, things for the show ring, food, furniture, toys, notecards, a purse and even paintings. Silent auction items raised $1,396. There was a piggy bank that was passed around and folks contributed cash, and at the annual banquet, auctioneers sold the piggy bank—twice!—along with other special items, amounting to a whopping total of $3,493. Special thanks to auctioneer Neil Bowman (NC) and assistant Greg Anderson (NC). The Juniors would like to thank everyone who contributed items for the auctions. They include Aavalon Farm (TX), Sherwood Acres (KY), the Belted Galloway Junior Association Area 5, B&J Cattle Co. (IN), Countyline Belties Farm (IN), Daylily Farm (IN), H.C. Sims Farms (PA), Haley Hanson, Klover Korners Farm (IL), Southdown Farm (NJ), James Sulkowski (PA), Sunnybrook Farms (IL), Sutliff Belties (IA), Wagner Farms (IA), and Wayside Valley Farm (IL). The Belted Galloway Junior Association would also like to recognize the several people who won the bids and bought the donated items: Aavalon Farm (TX), Agri-Exposure (KY), Blisful Acres LLC (OK), Bluebird Ranch (TX), Cross Creek Farm (NC), Daylily Farm (IN), Driftwood Plantation LLC (SC), Fearrington Village (NC), Fields of Athenrye Farm (VA), Oak Run Farm (NC), Sutliff Belties (IA), Mitchell Ledge Farm (ME), Meadowood Farms LLC (NY), Red Star Cattle (MS), Southdown Farm (NJ), Sherman Farm (FL), Megan Sibert (IL), MCS CMS Cattle (OK), Wagner Farms (IA). Fall Council Meeting Belted Galloway Society, Inc, The Fall Council Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm, Nov. 17, 2013 in Louisville, KY by President Jon Bednarski. Council members present: Leanne Fogle (IL), Scott Griffith (TX), Treasurer Greg Hipple (IA), Brice Jackson (IN), Secretary Lisa Lovett (IL), and Vice President Michelle Ogle (NJ), and Executive Director Vic Eggleston (WI). Leanne Fogle (IL) also represented the US Beltie News. Absent: Kris von Dohrmann (NH) and Past President Ron Howard (ME). Introductions of Council and all those in attendance were made. Prior to the business meeting, professional business consultant Jeffrey Jackson (IN) met with Council. Strategic management strategies were discussed to establish and identify short-term and long-term goals for the organization. The minutes of the October 2013 teleconference were approved. Secretary’s Report. Lisa Lovett provided Society membership and registration data through November 2013 as follows: Regular, 675; Junior, 129; Associate, 14; Life, 117. The following 2013 registration transactions were reported: Male, 190; Purebred Female, 717; Appendix, 97; Transfers, 791. The Society has experienced 39 total inquiries to-date. Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Greg Hipple reported Society funds in checking: $26,774.63. Society funds in savings: $8,287.52. Society funds in a certificate of deposit: $100,756.98. Executive Director Vic Eggleston Honoring Jon and Sylvia Bednarski When Jon Bednarski, KY, was elected as President of The Belted Galloway Society, he set a goal saying that he, "would try to visit a Belted Galloway farm in each state that had Belted Galloway cattle registered with the Society." The travelogue printed each month in the U.S. Beltie News and the Society's Facebook page has provided a glimpse of these visits with members opening the gates of their farms for all to see. His stories illustrate the diverse environments, management techniques, and individual personalities that make up the lifestyles of our members, all with a common theme of raising Belted Galloways. On behalf of the Belted Galloway Society members, we are pleased to take this opportunity to thank Jon and Sylvia Bednarski for their continuing physical and monetary support of the Belted Galloway Society and Belted Galloway cattle. With this artwork you will never be without Belted Galloways; and with this complimentary lifetime membership, you will always be a part of the Belted Galloway Society family. Our sincere thanks for your dedication and service. Promotion and Advertising. Chairman Jon Bednarski reported that representatives from Connections Advertising LLC of Lexington, KY who produced the 2013 Belted Galloway Journal will be in attendance during the event in Louisville. Connections Advertising LLC will continue as the contractor for the 2014 magazine. The 2014 Belted Galloway Society Calendars will be promoted and sold during Louisville with all profits benefiting the Belted Galloway Junior Association. An upcoming ad has been placed in Hobby Farms. The committee recommended offering a complimentary membership for 2014 for new members of the BGS who have purchased/transferred belties during 2014. Annual Meeting. Council approved holding the 2014 Spring Meeting in Fryeburg, ME and the meeting location of 2014 Annual General Meeting is to be determined. Beef Technology & Performance. Vic Eggleston reported the committee will continue to monitor information from the University of Illinois regarding hypotrichosis. He also discussed with Council concerns made by members regarding extraneous white hair appearing on an animal, as well as the presence of scurs on Belted Galloway cattle. Rules from other Belted Galloway organizations Around the world indicate that scurs are handled in a similar manner as The Belted Galloway Society, Inc. Chatfield Scholarship. President Jon Bednarski communicated that three $1000 scholarships were awarded in 2013 to the following: continued page 8 DECEMBER 2013 PAGE 6 The National Belted Galloway Show Louisville, KY Grand Champion Female. Meadowood Yona 90Y. Bred and owned by Marc Schappell and Tom Anderson (NY). Grand Champion Bull. Driftwood Red Oak 18Y. Bred & owned by Sue Drew (SC). Exhibitors. Aavalon Farm (TX), Bishop Avenue Belties (IA), B& J Cattle Co. (IN), Blisful Acres LLC (OK), Dickinson Acres (MN), DayLily Farm (IN), Double M Farm (TX), Driftwood Plantation LLC (SC), Four Starr Belties (KS), Harmony Meadows Farm (RI),Hausner Cattle Company (PA), HC Sims Farm (PA), Ice Age Naturals (WI), Jadewood Belted Galloways (PA), Lehr Cattle Company (TX), Magnolia Trace (MS), Marben Farms (CT), Meadowood Farms LLC (NY), Mitchell Ledge Farm (ME), Needmore Acres (IN), Oak Run Farm (NC), Oak Valley Farm (IL), Pine Creek Show Cattle (ME), Pineview Farm (ME), Post Oak Cattle (TX), Red Barn Farm LLC (IL), Red Star Cattle (MS), Southdown Farm (NJ), Sunnybrook Farms (IL), Sweet Meadow Farm (NH), Triple R Farm (NC), Twelve Oaks Cattle Company (RI), Weaber Livestock (KY), Z&W Farm (MS). Club Calf Steer born after 1/1/13, Sunnybrook Tahoe. Finished Steer born after 11/1/11, Bishop Avenue Turbo. Grand Champion Steer, Bishop Avenue Turbo. Reserve, Sunnybrook Tahoe. Appendix Spring Heifer Calf born 3/1/13 or after, Magnolia Trace Floredes Amari. Appendix Junior Heifer Calf, Double M Abiline. Winter Heifer Calf 11/1 – 12/31/12, Driftwood Cross 36Z. Appendix Late Summer Yearling Heifer 7/1-8/31/12, B&J Miss Liberty 41Z. Appendix Junior Yearling Heifer, Sunnybrook Sage owned by Ice Age Naturals. Appendix Early Junior Yearling Heifer, Jadewood Kara. Grand Champion Appendix Heifer, B&J Miss Liberty 41Z. Reserve, Jadewood Kara. Late Spring Heifer Calf, PCSC Step Aside 5A (AI) (ET). Early Spring Heifer Calf born 3/2013, Southdown Allure 7A. Late Junior Heifer Calf 2/28/23, Southdown Angel 1A. Early Junior Heifer Calf, Magnolia Trace Whippoorwill Auri. Champion Junior Heifer Calf, PCSC Step Aside 5A (AI) (ET). Reserve, Southdown Allure 7A. Winter Heifer Calf 11/1-12/31/12, Driftwood Usherette (AI) (ET). Late Senior Heifer Calf 9/1-10/31/12, Oak Run Take the Lexus. Early Senior Heifer Calf 9/1-10/31/12, Meadowood Zanna (AI). Champion Senior Heifer Calf, Meadowood Zanna (AI). Reserve, Driftwood Queeny Z12. Late Summer Yearling Heifer 7/1-8/31/12, Sunnybrook Skye. Early Summer Yearling Heifer 5/1-6/30/12, Pine View May owned with HC Grand Champion Appendix Heifer & BGJA Champion Appendix Heifer. B & J Miss Liberty 41Z. Bred & owned by Brice, Jane & Jeff Jackson. Grand Champion Kathi Jurkowski Junior Show Heifer. Countyline Billie Jo. Bred by Jay & Liz Dausman (IN). Owned by Lillian Ford (IN), Ellen Sims (KY), Jay & Liz Dausman (IN). DECEMBER 2013 PAGE 7 The National Belted Galloway Show Louisville, KY Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair. Sunnybrook Alexis Bred by Chris & Steve Willis (IL). Grand Champion Steer & Kathi Jurkowski Junior Champion Steer. Bishop Ave. Turbo (AI). Bred by Neil & Connie Folkerts. Owned by Hayley Folkerts (IA). Sims Farm. Junior Yearling Heifer 3/1-4/30/12, Countyline Billie Jo owned with HC Sims Farm & DayLily Farm. Early Junior Yearling Heifer, Magnolia Trace Trisha’s Zoya owned by Oak Valley Farm. Junior Champion Heifer, Countyline Billie Jo owned with HC Sims Farm & DayLily Farm. Reserve, Sunnybrook Skye owned by HC Sims & Weaber Livestock. Late Senior Heifer 11/1-12/31/11, Driftwood Marie 56Y owned by Z&W Farm. Early Senior Heifer, 9/1-10/31/11, Meadowood Yona. Late Two Year Old heifer 4/1-8/31/11, Ridgeview Cover Girl owned by Triple R Farm. Senior Champion Heifer, Meadowood Yona. Reserve, B&J Miss Sugarbaker 10Y owned with Twelve Oaks Cattle Company. Grand Champion Heifer, Meadowood Yona. Reserve, Countyline Billie Jo owned with HC Sims Farm & DayLily Farm. Two Year Old Cow with Calf, Mitchell Ledge Gazpacho. Three Years and over Cow with Calf, Sunnybrook Alexis. Grand Champion Cow/Calf, Sunnybrook Alexis. Reserve, Mitchell Ledge Gazpacho. Spring Bull Calf 3/1/13 and under, Driftwood Admiral 11A. Junior Bull Calf 1/1-2/28/13, Driftwood Anvil 09A (AI) (ET). Winter Bull Calf 11/1-12/31/12, Oak Run Always in the Limelight. Senior Bull Calf, 9/1-10/31/12, Meadowood Zeus. Champion Bull Calf, Driftwood Admiral 11A. Reserve, Driftwood Anvil 09A (AI) (ET). Early Summer Yearling Bull 5/1-6/30/12, FSB Starstruck’s Zeus (AI) (ET). Junior Yearling Bull 3/1-4/30/12, Oak Valley Zeus. Early Junior Yearling Bull 1/1-2/29/12, Magnolia Trace Ginny’s Magic owned by Red Star Cattle. Junior Champion Bull, Oak Valley Zeus. Reserve, Marben’s Traditional. Late Senior Bull 11/1-12/31/11, Driftwood Time Piece (AI)(ET). Early Senior Bull 9/1-10/31/11, Mitchell Ledge Glisten. Early Two Year Old Bull, Driftwood Red Oak 18Y. Senior Champion Bull, Driftwood Red Oak 18Y. Reserve, Driftwood Time Piece (AI)(ET). Grand Champion Bull, Driftwood Red Oak 18Y. Reserve, Driftwood Admiral 11A. Get-of-Sire, Driftwood Plantation with Driftwood Talon. Produce of Dam, HC Sims with Driftwood Una. Best Pair of Weanlings, Driftwood Plantation. Best Pair of Yearlings, Driftwood Plantation. Breeder’s Herd, Driftwood Plantation. Best Six Head, Driftwood Plantation. Premier Breeder, Driftwood Plantation. Premier Exhibitor, Drift- wood Plantation. Kathi Jurkowski National Junior Show Exhibitors. Allie Abney (IN), Doug Abney (IN), Nate Crawford (TX), Hayley Folkerts (IA), Lillian Ford (IN), Lukas Hill (IN), Margaret Hall (ME), Dustin James (ME), Jake Keller (IL), Noah Keller (IL), Lauren Kirschbaum (WI), Iris LaRochelle (NH), Shelby Lehr (TX), Adam McConnell (IL), Caroline Oatley (NJ), Fallon Oatley (NJ), Zane Rushing (MS), Taylor Sanchez (MS), Garett Sentry (MN), Julia Weaber (KY), Will Watts (MS), Josh Zimmerscheid (OK). Club Calf Steer born after 1/1/13, Sunnybrook Tahoe, Adam McConnell. Finished Steer, Bishop Avenue Turbo, Hayley Folkerts. Grand Champion Steer, Bishop Avenue Turbo, Hayley Folkerts. Reserve, Blisful Watch Me, Josh Zimmerscheid. Late Spring Heifer Calf, Oak Valley Apple Pie (AI), Jake & Noah Keller. Early Spring Heifer Calf, Pineview Daisy, Margaret Hall. Junior Heifer Calf, Magnolia Trace Whippoorwill Auri, Taylor Sanchez. Senior Heifer Calf, Driftwood Shelby 19Z, Shelby Lehr. Champion Heifer Calf, Driftwood Shelby 19Z, Shelby Lehr. Reserve, Pineview Daisy, Margaret Hall. Late Summer Yearling Heifer, Sunnybrook Skye, Julia Weaber. Early Summer Yearling Heifer, Moonshadow Maudie, Iris LaRochelle. Junior Yearling Heifer, Countyline Billie Jo, Lillian Ford. Early Junior Yearling Heifer, Manolia Trace Trisha’s Zoya, Jake & Noah Keller. Junior Champion Heifer, Countyline Billie Jo, Lillian Ford. Reserve, Moonshadow Maudie, Iris LaRochelle. Late Senior Heifer, Driftwood Marie 56Y, Zane Rushing. Early Senior Heifer, B&J Sugarbaker 10Y, Caroline Oatley. Senior Champion Heifer, B&J Sugarbaker 10Y, Caroline Oatley. Reserve, Meadowood Yasmin, Julia Weaber. Grand Champion Heifer, Countyline Billie Jo, Lillian Ford. Reserve, B&J Sugarbaker 10Y, Caroline Oatley. Junior Showmanship, Lauren Kirschbaum. Reserve, Julia Weaber. Intermediate Showmanship, Fallon Oatley. Reserve, Will Watts. Senior Showmanship, Adam McConnell. Reserve, Caroline Oatley. Champion Overall Showman, Adam McConnell, Reserve, Fallon Oatley. Beginning Herdsman, Shelby Lehr. Intermediate Herdsman, Nate Crawford, Junior Herdsman, Doug Abney, Senior Herdsman, Josh Zimmerschied. DECEMBER 2013 Fall Council meeting continued PAGE 8 Hayley Folkerts (IA), Paige McGlothern (CA), and Clayton Stephens (NY). Belted Galloway Junior Association. Chairman Brice Jackson reported the committee has successfully implemented the name change and new logo for Belted Galloway youth in 2013. He presented committee recommendations regarding a mission statement, advisor goals, and organizational structure including committee responsibilities and expectations. Council discussion will be on-going. Jackson stated it is the desire of the committee to establish a junior board and a program to hold a Belted Galloway Junior National. Budget & Finance. Executive Director Vic Eggleston reported the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation has made minor increases in the unit fees or transaction fees charged to the Society. Eggleston reported that Society revenue has not been affected by the recent increase in fees. Communication, Education and Information Technology. Chairman Scott Griffith reported regarding the progress of electronic registrations. A draft of the webpage was presented to Council. Belt marking options or photo uploads will be choices offered for registrations. The site is set up to be a component site so that various segments of the organization can manage their specific Society role. The target date for completion is 60 days. Newsletter. Newsletter Chairman Leanne Fogle reported that recognition would be given during the Annual General Meeting to the individuals who provide regional news and show results. Currently, approximately 900 newsletters are printed monthly. Foundation. President Jon Bednarski reported that capital campaign concepts have been discussed but there have been no recent developments. Show and Sale. Committee Chairman Michelle Ogle reported 90+ animals are entered in the National Belted Galloway Show. The Premium Sale has experienced some scratches from the sale roster and an additional animal has been consigned by Driftwood Plantation (SC). The National Show will be represented by two traveling trophies: the Grand Champion Bull donated by HC Sims Farm (PA) and the Grand Champion Heifer trophy donated with the funds of the former Southern Belted Galloway Association in memory of Robert Flynn. Nominating Committee Report. Jon Bednarski reviewed the current positions open for Council members and communicated the Nominating Committee’s recommendation for Jane Hemmer (GA), Greg Hipple (IA), Brice Jackson (IN), and Chuck Neely (VA) to serve a two-year-term. President Bednarski reported the following officers were recommended for the year 2014: President: Michelle Ogle (NJ), Vice President: Greg Hipple (IA), Secretary: Lisa Lovett (IL), Treasurer: Jon Bednarski (KY), and Executive Director: Vic Eggleston (WI). Council accepted the nominations. New Business. Council approved a registration amnesty period January 1 – June 30, 2014. Any female over 24 months of age may be registered for a $50 registration fee. The fee has been reduced from $100. Council accepted the donation by Sue Drew (SC) to implement a traveling Grand Champion Cow/Calf trophy and a Get-of Sire trophy. The trophies will be ready for presentation at the 2014 National Belted Galloway Show. The World Galloway Conference will be held in Germany during 2014. The World Galloway Conference will be held in Scotland during 2016. Herdsman Awards Brice Jackson Chairman of the Belted Galloway Junior Association At the recent Belted Galloway Junior Association Kathi Jurkowski National Show, held at the North American International Livestock Exposition, four young people were awarded with the much-respected Herdsman Award. Their names were announced at the Belted Galloway Society Premium Sale, just before the sale began. Shelby Nate Doug There were four different age groups: beginner, intermediate, junior, and senior. The winners were: Shelby Lehr (TX), beginner; Nate Crawford (TX), intermediate; Doug Abney (IN), junior; and Josh Zimmerscheid, (OK) senior. The criteria for choosing the outstandJosh ing herdsmen included several things. The young people were judged on how involved they were working with their animals with regards to grooming the animals, keeping their pens clean, caring for the animals, presenting their animals, and showing them in the ring. The young people were also evaluated informally on their knowledge of the breed, and their enthusiasm for promoting their animals as well as promoting the Belted Galloway breed in general. Congratulations to all the young people who participated at the National Show, and made it an outstanding success. 2014 Calendars The Society office has Belted Galloway calendars available for $8!! The calendars include photos of our Junior members plus breeding dates! All profits benefit The Belted Galloway Junior Association! DECEMBER 2013 PAGE 9 The 2013 Belted Galloway Premium Sale Louisville, KY Donation lot to benefit Belted Galloway Junior Association Total Sale $1800 Average: $1800 Nine Open Heifer lots Total Sales $27,100 Average: $3,011/lot Four Bull lots Total Sales $8,750 Average: $2,188/lot Three Semen Lots Total Sales $1,825 Average: $61/straw One Embryo lot Total Sales $800 Average: $400/embryo Total Gross sales $40,275 Overall per-lot average of $2,238 Top Selling Female Driftwood Usherette (AI)(ET) 36135B, consigned by Sue Drew, Driftwood Plantation LLC, Awendaw, SC and sold to Bill & Katie Bliss, Blisful Acres LLC, Newkirk, OK. $6000 Top Selling Bull Driftwood Time Piece 54Y 36133B, consigned by Sue Drew, Driftwood Plantation LLC Awendaw, SC and sold to Steve & Callie Taylor, Jadewood Belted Galloways, State College, PA. $3,300 Steer Donation. Jake & Noah Keller (IL) together with Driftwood Plantation (SC) auctioned Driftwood 33Y at the Premium Sale for $1800. All proceeds to benefit the BGJA. New Members Hollow Hill Farm, 16071 Paint Bank Rd., Paint Bank, VA 24131 (540) 897-5000. Kelvin & Janice Lashley, 31770 Rich Mans Hollow, Wright City, MO 63390 (636) 745-9441. Junior Shelby Lehr, LEHR CATTLE CO., 117 Linden Dr., Athens, TX 75751 (903) 681-4700. Dawson & Debbie Masters & Nate Crawford, 173 HCR 3303W, Malone, TX 76660 (972) 465-0339. Christopher Piovarchy, 6465 Grafton Rd., Valley City, OH 44280 (440) 812-4791. Bob Volk, 620 N 14th St., Arlington, ND 68002 (402) 720-0469. The 2013 Kathi Jurkowski National Junior Show Members of The Belted Galloway Junior Association DECEMBER 2013 PAGE 10 For Sale ILLINOIS. Three yearling steers weighing approximately 650 pounds and a 300 pound April steer calf for sale. The older steers are eating grain and hay. The smaller steer is weaned for 45 days and on grass/hay. Please call, text or email for additional information. Arnie Rahe, Rahe Family Belties, Chapin, IL. (217) 370-4120 or NORTH CAROLINA. Red bull, Rockwater Rayman 36317R. DOB 9/20/12. Excellent belt and conformation. Ann Furr, Rockwater Farm, Salisbury, NC 28146. (704) 798-3460 or MASSACHUSETTS. Registered bull. Blackstone Matt Dillon 33162B. DOB 7/23/2008. Wide belt plus very good disposition. Stephen and Marilyn Nelson, Blackstone Valley Belted Galloways, Douglas, MA. Email or (508) 344-6214. INDIANA. Your bull calf needed for our small herd in Northwest Indiana. We don’t show but we do spoil. Contact Tim or MaryKay at or Facebook Saugany Lake Farm, South Bend, IN or (219) 306-1761. ARKANSAS. For sale: Two black Beltie bulls. Johnson Farm’s Boris, 36108B, DOB 8/17/12 and Johnson Farm’s Achilles, 36107B. Both bull have good bloodlines, uniform belts and are easy to handle. Please contact Eulalia Johnson, Johnson Farm, Waldron, AR 72958. Phone (479) 6370396. TENNESSEE. Nice registered black Beltie bull for sale. 33368B. Contact John and Emily Habel at Habel Farm, Shelbyville, TN, (in southern middle Tennessee). Phone (931) 685-4216 or email WISCONSIN. Registered heifers and a mature bull for sale. All of the heifers are sired by Stonesthrow Wonover (AI) 32417B. Rockin D-3 Irish Delight, DOB 4/23/12, Dam: Berlyn Penelope. Rockin D-3 Charlottes Web, DOB 6/10/12, Dam: Klover Korners Charlotte. Rockin D-3 Rachels Peace, DOB 5/12/12, Dam: Klover Korners Rachel. All heifers exposed to a registered red bull for 90 days and will calve in May/June 2014. Bull for sale: Stonesthrow Wonover (AI) 32417B. Very docile and halter broke. Sire: Shiralee Moonshine. Dam: Stonesthrow Savannah. Patrick Dutter, Rocking D-3 Cattle, Monroe, Wisconsin. or (608) 325-5403. WISCONSIN. Registered black Belted Galloway bull for sale. Birth date6/7/11. EU-VI Farms ACE. USD 36155-B. Sire: EU-VI Farms TJ USA 11611- B. Dam EU-VI Farms Jodie, USD 29562-B,W. Nice wide belt and good disposition. Cameron, WI. Located 40 miles north of Eau Claire, WI. Call or Email (715) 458-2519 or for information. Ask for Vicky Kringle. ALABAMA. Registered Bull for Sale or Trade. "Toro" has done a great job for us but he has worked himself out of a job and it's time to trade him out. Ideally, we are looking for a similar aged bull with good genetics for a trade. Stonesthrow Jarvis 33178B. DOB 3/27/10. Sire: Northfield Donald 6519B. Dam: Holbrook Hill Lilly 20216-B.Proven breeder, excellent disposition, easy keeper.Toro is located at: Jarvis Land & Cattle, Sylacauga, Alabama. Contact Lisa Hewitt (706) 255-5656, or e-mail Dave Jarvis at for photos. WISCONSIN. Registered heifers and a mature bull for sale. All of the heifers are sired by Stonesthrow Wonover (AI) 32417B. Rockin D-3 Irish Delight, DOB 4/23/12, Dam: Berlyn Penelope. Rockin D-3 Charlottes Web, DOB 6/10/12, Dam: Klover Korners Charlotte. Rockin D-3 Rachels Peace, DOB 5/12/12, Dam: Klover Korners Rachel. All heifers exposed to a registered red bull for 90 days and will calve in May/June 2014. Bull for sale: Stonesthrow Wonover (AI) 32417B. Very docile and halter broke. Sire: Shiralee Moonshine. Dam: Stonesthrow Savannah. Patrick Dutter, Rocking D-3 Cattle, Monroe, WI. Email or (608)325-5403. WISCONSIN. Registered black Belted Galloway bull for sale. Birth date 6/7/11. EU-VI Farms ACE. USD 36155-B. Sire: EU-VI Farms TJ USA 11611- B. Dam EU-VI Farms Jodie, USD 29562-B,W. Nice wide belt and good disposition. EU-VI Farms, Cameron, WI. Located 40 miles north of Eau Claire, WI. Call or Email (715) 458-2519 or for information. Ask for Vicky Kringle. ALABAMA. Registered Bull for Sale or Trade. "Toro" has done a great job for us but he has worked himself out of a job and it's time to trade him out. Ideally, we are looking for a similar aged bull with good genetics for a trade. Stonesthrow Jarvis 33178B. DOB 3/27/10. Sire: Northfield Donald 6519B. Dam: Holbrook Hill Lilly 20216-B.Proven breeder, excellent disposition, easy keeper. Toro is located at: Jarvis Land & Cattle, Sylacauga, Alabama. Contact Lisa Hewitt (706) 255-5656, or e-mail Dave Jarvis at for photos. WISCONSIN. Two-year-old red bull, Double B Horatio 36296R for sale. DOB 9/23/11. Sired by Klover Korners Whiskey Pete. Halter broken. Contact Barb Beeler, Double B Farm, Beloit WI. or (608) 921-0293. WISCONSIN. Three mature females for sale. Sun Valley Betsy 26468B DOB 4/8/06 with calf at side. The calf will not be registered as it is a mismark. Arbor Winds Joyous Jackie 31518B, DOB 4/28/09. Arbor Winds Emily 28710B, DOB 4/24/07. Due to a shortage of hay, we are selling these fine females. They are all pasture exposed to Sutliff's Ulysses 11661B. Contact Cathy Stern, Arbor Winds Farm, Fredonia, WI. (262) 6926686 or MAINE. Cull Cows Needed: Aldermere Farm will pay twenty cents above market price for your cull cows. Need them year round and can help with transportation at cost when needed. Please call Heidi Baker, Aldermere Farm, Rockport, ME at (207) 975-4415 with any questions. NEW YORK. Meadowood Zeke 36143B. DOB: 10/11/12. Dam: Meadowood Welwyn. Sire: Marbens Lochinvar. Welwyn is out of Enniscorthy Loretta x Driftwood Revered. Contact Seth Hanauer at Meadowood Farms, Cazenovia, NY. E-mail: or call (802) 6815542. PENNSYLVANIA. Dun Bull for sale Triangle Farm Arnan (36196D). 8 months old, Date of Birth 2/17/13. Sired by Fearrington After Hours 11607D. Dam FF Highland Ulice 29664B. Great Disposition. For more information contact Max Shaffer, Triangle Farm, Clearville, PA. or (814) 784-3389. COLORADO. Two Registered bulls from champion bloodlines for sale. Coen's Nicholas 35753B born 12/24/2012. Coen's Judah 35754B born 12/27/2012. They will be at Denver in January during the National Western Stock Show. Please phone or email for photos, registration information/ bloodlines. Mike Coen, Oreo Acres, Berthoud, CO. or (303) 941-0292. DECEMBER 2013 PAGE 11 Little Everglades Ranch Bob & Sharon Blanchard Jordan Road Dade City, Florida 33523 Registered Belted Galloways ~ Breeding and selling bulls & heifers ~ Purebred five generation pedigrees <> Barn: (352) 521-0366 Fax: (352) 521-0377 Like us on Facebook! For photos of farm visits, cattle, and more, check out The U.S. Beltie News ~ Belted Galloway Society Facebook page. Ta t t o o Ye a r C o d e The Year Code on tattoos for animals born in year 2013 is A ABC 1A OAK RUN FARM QUARTER HORSES & BELTED GALLOWAY CATTLE White Sulphur Belties 770-532-2768 John and Jane Hemmer Gainesville, Georgia MMike & Nancy Hannah Bear Creek, North Carolina | | Belted Galloway Society, Inc. Dr. Victor Eggleston, Executive Director N8603 Zentner Road, New Glarus, WI 53574 Phone (608) 220-1091 Fax (608) 527-4811 Non-profit org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #1040 Leesburg, FL 34748 Belted Galloway Cattle Semen Available Breeding Stock Jeffrey & Lisa Lovett 5600 S. Hickory Road Oregon, IL 61061 (815) 652-3789 OAK VALLEY FARM Mark, Jake & Noah Keller 9889 Moate Road Durand, IL 61024 815-248-4687 Fax: 815-248-4507 4960 W. Rd. 150 N• Bargersville, IN • 46106 H 317-422-8137 • M 317-409-6857
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