12/6/13 - Epping School District
12/6/13 - Epping School District
Epping Elementary Cool News December 6, 2013 UPCOMING EVENTS Tue 12/10—Holiday Concert, Grades 1, 2, & 3 @ EMS Gym at 7:00 Wed 12/11—Holiday Concert, Grade 4 & 5 @ EMS Gym at 7:00 December 23rd—27th—NO SCHOOL, Holiday Break December 30th, 31st, January 1st—NO SCHOOL, Holiday Break January 6th — PTO Meeting, 7:00pm January 17th — NO SCHOOL, Professional Development Day January 20th — NO SCHOOL, Civil Rights Day Just a Reminder Dec 10th , Holiday Concert, Grades, 1,2 Epping Elementary School &3 @ EMS Gym at 7:00 Mark Vallone Principal Erin Milbury Dean of Students www.SAU14.org Dec. 11th , Holiday Concert, Grades 4 & 5 @ EMS Gym at 7:00 Principal’s Corner Concerts Next Week….. Bake Sale… Grades 1, 2 and 3 sing next Tuesday, December 10 th while grades 4 and 5 perform on Wednesday night, December 11 th. There will be a bake sale to benefit the music and art programs at EES Donations should be dropped off in the main lobby outside the middle school gym where the performances take place. Please make sure students arrive by 6:45 so the programs can start at 7:00 p.m. Please note that the band and the new EES chorus will perform in their own concert in January. The 72nd Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Tomorrow, December 7th marks the 72nd anniversary of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor which brought the United States into World War II. The veterans of that attack are few in numbers these days as time has taken its toll and with it much of the direct memory of that important event. Epping Elementary School took some time to remember that event and I ask families that are interested to check out the following web site to help children understand how December 7, 1941 helped transform our country’s history. Here’s the link. http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/ushistory/pearlharborattack1.htm Students can shop at school the week of December 16-20 The PTO will run a small shopping mall to give students a chance to purchase inexpensive gifts for their families. Prices will range from 50 cents to 8 dollars. This is NOT a fundraiser for the PTO as prices are set to just break even. The purpose is to give students an opportunity to make choices and to budget. Please look over the materials being sent home that explain the program. in more detail. Teachers have scheduled visits to the lobby during the week. That schedule will be posted in Cool News. SHOP FOR PARENTS, SISTERS, BROTHERS, GRANDPARENTS, TEACHERS, PETS, AND FRIENDS Kid-Friendly Pricing: $.25-$8.00 Items are 100% guaranteed! Students will receive envelopes to help organize their shopping list and money. PTO Holiday Shop Contact: Ann-Marie LaVigne email at spirited1964@gmail.com or call 603-679-1373 Envelopes to help students plan out their shopping will be sent home the week of December 9 th Classroom Holiday Shop Times MONDAY 12/16 8:30 Mrs. Crane / Mrs. Butt 9:15 Mrs. Kennedy / Mrs. Rossel 10:45 Mrs. Thompson / Mrs. Baker WEDNESDAY 12/18 8:30 Mrs. Daniels / Mrs. Colby 9:15 Mrs. Darois 10:00 Mrs. Tulcninsky / Mrs. Bilodeau 10:45 Mrs. Stalzer / Mrs. Yates TUESDAY 12/17 THURSDAY 12/19 8:30 Mrs. Masury (AM) / Mrs. Gillis 8:30 Mrs. Demers / Mrs. Mitchell 10:00 Mrs. Mahalaris / Mrs. Sweitzer 10:45 Mrs. Hutchings / Mrs. Eckhardt 10:45 Mrs. True / Ms. Donovan 12:20 Mrs. Masury (PM) 10:00 Mrs. Boelter / Mrs. Pattee If you would like to volunteer and help your child’s classroom with their shopping, please contact spirited1964@gmail.com FALL Fundraiser WINNER "Oops our mistake" Mia Miller also sold 20 items and has been invited the ice cream party! Due to popular demand!! Are now being sold for $1 on Wednesdays at snack cart!! NEXT PTO MEETING The next PTO meeting will be held on Monday, January 6th at 7pm in the art room. Free babysitting is offered in the library for those who attend. Bring a friend, bring a neighbor, we would love for you to come and get involved!! Dining To Donate Enjoy A Meal That’s Filling and Fulfilling. Epping High School Goes to Honduras Needs Your Support Applebee’s will donate 15% of your check when you dine at 7 Fresh River Road Epping, NH 03042 (603) 679-2327 Present this to your server December 11, 2013-4pm to 9pm Donation percentage excludes tax and tip. Valid ONLY at above mentioned location during specified hours. Must present flyer in order for organization to receive credit for purchase. Flyers are not to be distributed in the restaurant or within the perimeter of the parking lot. Doing so will result in a voided event. EPPING HIGH SCHOOL 2014 PROJECT GRADUATION CHRISTMAS TREE SALE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY DECEMBER 7TH AND 8TH 9AM-4PM EPPING AMERICAN LEGION SUPPORT EPPING SENIOR CLASS MAKE IT A FAMILY TRADITION AND BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, YOU’RE LITTLE ONES WILL BE SELLING TREES FOR THEIR SENIOR CLASS TREE PRICES ARE $35 OR $40 CHARLES DICKENS' "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" AT LEDDY CENTER! DECEMBER 6 TO DECEMBER 15!! Director Elaine Gatchell is proud to present Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”, at Leddy Center’s beautiful theatre at Verdant Pastures of Ladd’s Lane in Epping, NH, Decenter 6-15. Performances are Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30pm and Sunday afternoons and one Wednesday afternoon, December 11, at 2:00pm. Tickets are $18 and $16. Call 603-679-2781 or go on line at www.leddycenter.org to reserve your tickets. Epping Elementary School HONOR ROLL First Quarter 2013-2014 High Honors Brooke Bacon Kaelin Beattie Jared DeCourcy Keaghan Hayes Brady Lewis Sophia Morang Miriam Peck Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 3 Kaitlyn Boelter Alexa Bade Melissa Daigle Delaney Clough Sydney Farris Isabelle Deary Trey Finkelstien Tyson Dionne Jade Gagnon Spencer Gaudreau Jessica Galante Tayler Holt Julia Hardy Andrew LeBlanc Elizabeth Hobbs Jack LePage Jacob Loving Erika MacLeod Wyatt Noel Ryan MacVicar Kevin O’Connell Mackenzie McAniff Aryana Patnaude Dillon McKenzie Mikey Pickard Peter McTague Abby Purchas Taya Morgado Maxwell Simpson Arianna Murphy Rachel Swanson Jenna Needham Molly Tessier Luke Rossel Haley Williamson Emma Roussel Morgan Witmer Amara Stevens Cassidy Wall Isabella Walley Abigail Walsh Alexander Wyatt HONORS Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Sophia Bade Will Barker Mia Boccelli Jada Bartlett Jacob Brown Ryan Butler Cooper Bernier Ethan Chevalier Joshua Coolidge Aidan Colban Dylan Comeau Kendall Crenshaw Ethan Coldsmith James Dross Cody DeLorge Aiden Dyer Amanda Fenstermaker Collin Finney Allison Galante Owen Finkelstein Nico Greubel Olivia Gosselin Alex Greubel Alexa Guarante Leah Hackett Zachary Hodgman Dustin Hale Kaylin Hennessy Abby Houston Owen Hayes Jordan Horton Katrina Jansson Alyssa Higginbottom Daniel Johnson Jackson Knox Kalee Hill Emma LaChapelle Zachary LeBlanc Trevor Hovey Sean Lecuyer Ciretta Mackenzie Toby Jansson Cassidy Lustenberger Stamatis Maschas Scott Johnson Calynn Marcheterre Sasha McCabe Chase Lambert Nathan McTague Patrick McTague Madison Lambert Mackenzie Milbury David Meyer Jack Meyer Pacy Morgado Gregory Moulton Ben Milbury Lindsey Parents Zachary Orthman Will Morasco Annalee Roy Mikhail Ozols Meaghan Murphy Carly Sanborn Ryan Page David Parents Lilly Sheerin Gracie Re Ciara Patey Tyler Valdez Rachel Robinson Kaitlyn Prince Sarah Wilkins Zachary Rogers Kate Roussel Alexa Williamson Aaron Sable Abigail Roy Aaron Wyatt Caden Snell Brandon Spechuilli Dominic Spinelli Haleigh Sullivan Jacklyn Tracy Brynn Sweetsir Katelyn Whitman Payden Swidrack Sean Thornton Jr. Maddie Walsh Megan Webber Epping Elementary School Student of the Week Week of November 18-22, 2013 st 1 Grade 2nd Grade Mrs. Bilodeau-Reed Yates Mrs. Boelter-Abigail Deary Mrs. Darois-Hayden Miskinis Mrs. Bliss-Mitchell-Robert Bizzaro Mrs. Mahalaris-Jazmine Raymond Mrs. Demers-Carlos Guenard Mrs. Sweitzer-Jacob Purington Mrs. Pattee-Alan McNeil Mrs. Tulchinsky-Anna Gatchell 3rd Grade 4th Grade Mrs. Butt-Aidan Colban Mrs. Eckhardt-Ethan Chevalier Ms. Crane-Mackenzie Milbury Mrs. Hutchings-Matthew LeBlanc Ms. Kennedy-Owen Horton Ms. Stalzer-Gregory Moulton Mrs. Rossel-Pacy Morgado Mrs. Yates-Katelyn Whitman th 5 Grade Mrs. Baker-Erika MacLeod Mrs. Donovan-Trevor Hovey Mrs. Thompson-Mackenzie McAniff Mrs. True-Kalee Hill