to brochure - The Mercer Group, Inc.
to brochure - The Mercer Group, Inc.
NORTHWESTERN INDIANA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL NIRPC — AN OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY NIRPC operates as a cooperative of local governments within the area. It is currently comprised of fifty-three members. In addition to the municipal appointments, the County Councils, County Boards of Commissioners, and County Surveyors appoint one member each, as does the Governor. The Commission or the Executive Board meets monthly. NIRPC's meetings are open to the public and there is a place on every agenda for public comment. This is an outstanding opportunity to become Executive Director of a dynamic and progressive regional council of local governments serving the citizens of Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties in Northwest Indiana. The Northwest Indiana region is part of the U.S. Census Bureau's Chicago Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). NIRPC provides a forum that enables the citizens of Northwest Indiana to address regional issues relating to transportation, the environment, and community and economic development. NIRPC, as a recipient of federal funds, is subject to the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed and national origin. The Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) is a multi-purpose, sub-state, area-wide planning agency. NIRPC was originally established as the Lake-Porter County Regional Transportation and Planning Commission in 1965, pursuant to State-enabling legislation. An amendment to this legislation in 1973 provided the Commission with its current name and allowed for the addition of new member counties. Under this provision, La Porte County joined NIRPC in 1979. In 1996 the legislation was again amended to provide a seat on the Commission for all of the mayors in the three county region. The legislation was again amended in 2003 to provide for representation of all 41 cities and towns in the all three counties, and to specify that representatives must be elected officials. The legislation under which the Commission operates is contained within Indiana Code Title 36, Article VII, Chapter 7. The Commission’s planning area is strategically located at the southern tip of Lake Michigan and represents an integral part of the greater Chicago metropolitan area. The Commission's planning area is comprised of the three participating counties of Lake, Porter and La Porte, located in the northwestern corner of the State of Indiana. It consists of 770,815 people (2010 Census) and covers 1,520 square miles. There are forty-one cities and towns and fortyfour townships within the NIRPC planning area. One of the most important designations NIRPC has received is that of Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for northwestern Indiana. MPO's are responsible, together with state departments of transportation and public transit operators, for carrying out the transportation planning process for urbanized areas. Northwest Indiana is a diverse and dynamic region whose complexities are reflected in the regional transportation system. The NIRPC planning area includes arguably some of the most strategic and critical links in the national transportation system. These factors combine to make the role of MPO for northwestern Indiana extraordinarily challenging. IIn addition to planning responsibilities in the environmental and community development areas, NIRPC provides staff services for the Kankakee River Basin Commission. The FY2012 Budget is approximately $3.5M with a significant portion of that being contracts. There is a staff of 27 persons. • About 72% of the budget is derived from federal funds (both directly and through State funding) with the Indiana Department of Transportation providing the largest amount of funding. • About 16% is from County appropriations; 5% from shared service program fees, 3% from KankaKee River Basin Commission and about 2% comes from non-governmental sources and interest income. Mission Statement • To serve as Northwest Indiana’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and act as the designated recipient for certain public transit funding. • To generate meaningful dialogue and cooperation on issues of common concern. • To contribute to the development of a common vision pertaining to Northwest Indiana’s future. • To provide a forum in which elected officials and other decision-makers can develop and implement solutions to regional problems. • To promote public-private partnerships. • To provide a common voice for Northwest Indiana in its communications with the state and the federal government. PROGRAM AREAS The Commission carries out its Mission within three substantive domains: • Transportation • Environment (air, water, and land). • Community and Economic Development • Transportation: NIRPC coordinates the region's urban transportation planning process. This function is performed in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation and other transportation stake holders. • Environment: NIRPC coordinates environmental planning in the region. Lake, Porter, and LaPorte Counties straddle the shore of Lake Michigan. The region is home to unique and fragile flora, fauna, waterways, and land-forms that are under significant pressure due to residential growth and a long history of industrial activity. • Economic Development: NIRPC is charged by the Indiana General Assembly with the task of coordinating economic development in the region. ISSUES AND CHALLENGES While continuing current and ongoing programs, NIRPC expects to address a number of important issues and challenges in the next several years. Some issues relate to broad policy matters. Some are more specific to particular internal operational, organizational and management matters. The Commission completed the 2040 Comprehensive Regional Plan, a Vision for Northwest Indiana in June 2011 which contains a detailed guide for the future. The Commissioners are seeking an experienced, professional Executive Director to assist them in analyzing and evaluating these and other issues, and implementing programs which will best serve the region. The following issues and challenges are not listed in order of priority or importance, but are set forth to give candidates a sense of the type and scope of issues which the Commission will be addressing. The list is not to be considered as exhaustive, nor should the statements be interpreted as endorsing any particular course of action. • Lead an economic development component to meet the mandate of the State Legislature. • Coordinate economic development with existing private, notfor-profit, and public organizations. • Raise the profile and public's awareness of NIRPC's programs, goals, and positive impacts on the region. • Stabilize and develop funding sources to meet Commission goals and objectives. • Implement the agency-wide, long-term strategic plan. • Coordinate and implement a regional land use plan. • Manage and analyze tax-base sharing concepts and programs. • Provide programs and services that meet the needs of member governments, save them money, and take advantage of multi-jurisdictional economic strength and economies of scale. • Lead the Commission and its members in implementing the comprehensive lakefront plan. • Lead and develop a more cohesive and accountable Staff team, maximizing the input and utilizing the talents and skills of all employees. • Establish and continuously measure internal performance. • Improve electronic communications • Improve data processing technologies and processes to further achievement of NIRPC goals and programs. • Strengthen partnerships with regional, State, and Federal governments, agencies, and legislators. • Leverage opportunities provided by municipalities collaborating through the regional council of governments model • Develop and strengthen the rural-urban and multi-cultural opportunities within the region. • Drive regional infrastructure studies and plans between the various forms of transportation: road, rail, air and water to create efficiencies for citizens and goods between end points of destination. EXECUTIVEDIRECTOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Executive Director is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Commission. The formal duties and responsibilities of the Executive Director are set forth in State Statutes. In summary, the Statutes assign the following powers and duties to the Executive Director: • Serves as chief administrative officer and regular technical advisor of the Commission. • Appoints and removes the Staff of the Commission. • Submits to the Commission, annually, or more often if required, a status report on the operation of the Commission. • May, with the approval of the Executive Board, execute contracts, leases, or agreements on behalf of the Commission. • Shall be given access by all governmental agencies, upon the Executive Director's written request, to all studies, reports, surveys, records, and other information and material in their possession that are required by the Executive Director for the accomplishment of the activities and objectives of the Commission. • Proposes and administers an annual budget. • Keeps the records, cares for, and preserves all papers and documents of the Commission. • Performs other duties and may exercise other powers that the Commission or Executive Committee may delegate. CANDIDATE QUALIFICATION CRITERIA The successful candidate for the Executive Director position of NIRPC is expected to possess a combination of education, skillset, competencies, vision and commitment that enables him/her to build a coalition in creating a broad/shared vision by the many and diverse interests in the region. Graduation from a college or university is required and a track record of proven success in a similarly complex and diverse environment is desired. Although not required, a Master’s degree is preferred. Favorable consideration may also be given to applicants with Urban or Regional Planning related experience and backgrounds. Familiarity with Indiana regional planning issues would be helpful, but is not required. Also sought is a well-rounded key executive who is a strong leader with effective public relations skills and who can effectively deal with a number of challenges. The successful candidate will also be an independent thinker, be consistent, and be able to withstand pressure and someone who has experience in a similar complex environment. The next Executive Director should be a proven problem solver, be able to resolve conflict and be someone who can influence outcomes while maintaining impartiality. Also sought are proven interpersonal and negotiating skills, experience in effectively dealing with transportation planning, environmental planning and economic development, a consensus builder, someone who has a commitment to sustainable development and a quality environment, someone who gets out and meets with community leaders and various stakeholders, someone who builds trust and lasting positive relationships, and someone with a professional calm demeanor. . State Statutes require that the Executive Director must be qualified by training and experience in the management of public agencies and be knowledgeable in planning. In addition, the Executive Director will need to possess a background of experience and skills necessary to provide a balance of strong leadership with a collaborative approach to working with elected and appointed officials of cities, counties, townships, and state and federal agencies and legislators. In addition, the ability to work effectively with the business community and a wide variety of organizations and institutions is critical. Successful experience in working in a multi-cultural environment is critical. Previous regional planning commission and/or COG executive experience is important. Salary for the position is negotiable, depending upon experience and qualifications. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Possession of a baccalaureate degree is required; an advanced degree(s) in planning, public policy, management, political science, public administration or related fields is highly preferred. A minimum of seven (7) years experience required. • Has demonstrated progressively responsible, executive-level management and administrative ex- perience, preferably in a regional organization which has successfully managed regional issues and programs. • Has sufficient experience to evaluate NIRPC's organizational structure, staffing, activities, and operations, ensuring that the organization is properly staffed to carry out policies and plans for the current and foreseeable future. • Has knowledge of metropolitan area local government structures, processes, and operations, as well as being familiar with legislative and regulatory processes of state and federal government agencies. • Has experience in developing measurable performance criteria and measuring for continuous improvement. • Has the experience and ability to interact successfully and positively in an open, participatory climate, working effectively with diverse groups represented by elected officials, staff, business, citizens, institutions and intergovernmental agencies. • Has the experience and ability to identify and propose solutions for regional issues affecting the growth and development of a rural/suburban/ urban metropolitan area and provide staff direction for analysis and development of policy recommendations for consideration of the Commissioners and membership. • Has familiarity with information technology and computer systems as they may be utilized in support of NIRPC's mission and services. • Has experience and established contacts involving obtaining grants and funds from the State and Federal government, corporate or private sources; also, have experience in the selection of technical consultants, and in the negotiation and administration of consulting contracts. • Has had responsibility for preparing and administering financial plans and budgets and providing appropriate and timely analyses of financial matters to the Commission. • Has knowledge of transportation programs and funding, including environmental justice and other planning and program requirements; and understands the economic, land use, and community development impact of transportation planning. • Understand and has experience working with a broad spectrum of transportation programs including roads, public transit, and connections to rail, air, and water transportation systems. • Has appropriate experience and ability to positively and effectively foster inter jurisdictional cooperation. • Is knowledgeable about "cutting edge" innovations relating to regionalism which have been successfully advocated/ implemented in similar regions of the country. • Is experienced in taking the initiative in providing strong leadership and vision in assisting the Board to identify, analyze, and thoroughly deliberate and address policy questions which are critical to meeting the objectives of the organization and effectively confront the challenges and opportunities facing the region. • Has experience developing strategic planning practices which anticipate future opportunities, issues and concerns, assisting in development of annual and longer range implementation plans and direction for the organization and the ability to provide a sense of direction to a complex, multi-interest organization. • Has financial management experience, and is an effective communicator with a proven record of positive public relations and media interaction with strong public speaking and writing skills, and, together with Board leadership, be comfortable being a major spokesperson for NIRPC. • Is capable of personally supervising the preparation of comprehensive, concise reports and recommendations offering policy options and a recommended course of action for policy review and consideration. MANAGEMENT STYLE & PERSONAL TRAITS • Has the maturity, self-confidence, independence, and strength of professional convictions to provide in- sights and counsel to the Commission, being able to firmly and diplomatically present professional views and carry out Commission decisions in a timely, professional, and impartial manner. • Is articulate and an effective communicator, orally and in writing; someone who is comfortable listening to and talking with a wide spectrum of people and actively seeks a broad range of input from Commissioners, Staff, and other stakeholders. • Is a strong administrative leader with strong organizational skills and able to successfully facilitate and assist Staff to identify, analyze, prioritize, and implement administrative and management programs which are critical toward meeting both current and longer range needs of the Commission in a timely and accountable manner. • Is an outgoing, enthusiastic leader who can quickly earn respect and credibility inside and outside the NIRPC organization, possessing particular ability to instill confidence and a positive image of NIRPC and its activities, programs, and services; is capable of increasing the visibility and relevance of NIRPC throughout the metropolitan area. MANAGEMENT STYLE & PERSONAL TRAITS CONTINUED • Has a flexible, facilitative, and open style and the ability to function effectively in a demanding professional work environment; be willing to devote considerable time to "outside" and "after hours" meetings, events, and activities. • Is accessible to regional community leadership and citizenry, as well as personally initiating "out of the office" contacts throughout the region and interaction with county, city, village, rural, and town officials and personnel. • Is someone who sincerely seeks and respects broad and diverse public input as an important element in reaching successful solutions. • Is capable of attracting, developing, motivating, and retaining highly qualified professional staff and teams, following a strong team management approach in organizational problem-solving, services delivery and administration of organizational programs, activities and services in a demanding work environment. • Is personally and assertively supportive of affirmative action and equal opportunity, encouraging efforts that increase upward mobility among staff and increase opportunities for minorities and women in NIRPC employment. • Is a role model to staff, leading by example, supporting, counseling, and mentoring others as appropriate, and be sensitive to issues of employee morale with a reputation for developing staff motivation; be enthusiastic and energetic and project a sense of urgency to Staff. • Has a personal respect and positive attitude toward public service and public officials, • Can develop and maintain effective relationships with peers and representing other inter-governmental and public interest groups. • Is a skilled negotiator, one who can represent NIRPC well with all constituencies and contacts, developing alliances and partnerships with other organizations. • Is personally sensitive to environmental and quality of life concerns and issues, including air / water quality, open space, and passive amenities. • Has a demonstrated record of unquestioned integrity and trustworthiness. • Committed to live in Northwestern Indiana and want to make a contribution to the future of the region. • Be committed to a reasonable tenure with NIRPC. • Is someone who can clearly and concisely present written and oral information to decision makers. • Has a reputation of political neutrality, yet be able to function effectively in a political environment. • Is comfortable maintaining a highly visible public profile, communicating and championing Commission- approved policy decisions and direction to the media and regional groups and organizations. HOW TO APPLY Formal applications are to be sent to: Jerald W. Bailey, Senior Vice President The Mercer Group 3011 Sable Creek San Antonio, TX 78259 Or email to: 210-526-9789 Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission of Portage, Indiana is an Equal Opportunity Employer. NIRPC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual preference, age, marital status, national origin, gender identity, political ideas or disability in employment or in the provision of services.
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