good growth - Baton Rouge Growth Coalition


good growth - Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
good growth
for Baton
About the Growth Coalition
Back in the Black Gala
2012 Good Growth Awards Winners
about us
An organization focused on
good growth for Baton Rouge
The Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
is a nonprofit organization established in
1994 to ensure a level playing field for the
real estate development industry in Baton
Rouge. Stakeholders include commercial
and residential developers and associated
disciplines including architects, engineers,
contractors, appraisers, banks, Realtors,
utility companies and others. The Growth
Coalition is truly a unique organization in
that it represents viable competitors all
working together to promote sustainable
growth in Baton Rouge.
A vibrant real estate development
industry is essential to the Capital City’s
economic growth. We believe creating
great places for residents to live, work and
play attracts population to the area and
creates more jobs and opportunity. To that
end, the Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
actively works with the Mayor’s Office,
Metro Council members, the Planning and
Zoning Commission, the Department of
Public Works, and other agencies to give
input on public policy pertaining to the
development industry, leading to positive
economic development while
balancing public concerns.
The Baton Rouge Growth
Coalition began in the offices
of the Capital Region Builders
Association, where the Land
Development Committee
met regularly to discuss issues pertaining to developing
subdivisions. This committee
saw such a need to focus
2 2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
specifically on development issues that
it established the Baton Rouge Growth
Coalition Inc. in July 1994. The charter
board members were a who’s who of land
development in the 1990s, including Clark
Taylor, R.J. D’Agostino, Hardy Swyers,
David Vey, Ben Skillman, Philip Haddad
and Charlie Cole.
Over the years, the Baton Rouge Growth
Coalition has led community discussion
and shaped policy and opinion on a broad
range of issues, including storm water,
transportation, sewer infrastructure, zoning
classification and criteria, permitting and
process review, and the most recent Comprehensive Master Plan update.
Part of our mission is to educate members on important topics, but our membership also likes to have fun. We often
combine the two at our events, and one
of our most popular is the membership
luncheons at Juban’s Restaurant where we
socialize and get updates on programs
and new ideas over lunch. Past presenters
The 2012 Board of Directors
have included Mayor Kip Holden, Walter
Monsour from the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority, DOTD Secretary
Sherri LeBas, program managers of the
Green Light and SSO programs, and John
Fregonese on behalf of the FuturEBR plan.
In 2011, we introduced our first ever
“Speaker Series Event,” where we brought
in nationally known economist David Altig
to the Manship Theatre for an evening
to socialize and learn more about current
economic conditions.
But the Growth Coalition may be best
known for the Good Growth Awards Gala,
an event that combines a little of everything as we honor individuals and companies in the development field for residential and commercial projects that “raise the
bar” of good growth in Baton Rouge. Set
in a celebratory and social environment,
the Good Growth Awards Gala is typically
attended by more than 500 professionals
and community leaders.
Today, the key priorities and activities of
the Growth Coalition include:
• educating stakeholders on the dollar
value of growth to municipalities
• directly assisting professionals in the development industry
• meeting with the mayor and his staff
• working with the Planning Commission
staff to craft new ordinances related to
the new Comprehensive Plan update
• helping identify and recommend qualified citizens for seats on the Planning
and Zoning Commission
• communicating with members of the
Metro Council and the Planning Commission about important issues related
to our industry
• serving on numerous committees to recommend new and amended ordinances
included in the Unified Development
• keeping our membership abreast of current endeavors and any breaking news in
our industry
Embedded in our name is a philosophy
that “together we are better.” Membership in the Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
is more than just paying dues to support a
cause; it is a contribution of your
company’s name to the effort, a
gathering of like- minded professionals focused on positive
growth in the Baton Rouge area.
Join the Growth Coalition
today. All disciplines within the
development field benefit from
progressive policies that spur
economic development. Together we can continue to raise
the bar for quality and sustainable growth in Baton Rouge. •
About us
(225) 924-4058
Sebastian Alvarez
Brian Dantin
Erik Piazza
Alvarez Construction Co., Inc.
Development, LLC
Phelps Dunbar, LLP
Greg Ferris
Jones Walker, et al.
Brian Andrews
Andrews Commercial
Real Estate Services
Ferris Engineering
Sam Bacot
Greg Flores
McGlinchey Stafford
Flores Construction
Louis Quinn
Trula Remson
Architects, APAC
Wilfred Barry
Rusty Golden
Chip Songy
SJB Group, Inc.
Capital Region Builders
Stirling Properties
Donnie Jarreau
Scott Bardwell
Bobby Box
Executive Director
Property One, Inc.
Hardy Swyers
Brian Campbell
Chairman of the Board
Campbell Companies
Tom Cook
Richard Carmouche
Cook, Moore & Associates
Carmouche Construction Co.
Donnie Jarreau Real Estate
George Kurz
Kurz & Hebert
Justin Langlois
CID of Board of Realtors
Michael Songy
Tommy Spinosa III
JTS Interests
Todd Waguespack
Level Construction
and Development
John Fetzer
Norman Chenevert
Crabapple Properties
Chenevert Architects, LLC
Grey Mullins
Mike Wampold
Russell Mosely
Jeff Cook
Beau Box Commercial
Real Estate
Wampold Companies
Mosely Development Co., Inc.
GWS Engineering, Inc.
2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition 3
2012 Good Growth Awards gala
A celebration of projects that
build a better Baton Rouge
On March 12, the Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
hosted Back in the Black: the 2012 Good Growth
Awards Gala at the Renaissance Baton Rouge. The
gala is a unique opportunity for the local real estate,
Emcee Brian Andrews of Andrews
Commercial Real Estate Services
kicked off the Back in the Black
Gala with a ride on a Harley.
Members of the Metro Council, Planning
Commission and staff celebrate their
Quality of Life Award.
design and development community to come together and to recognize new projects that are good neighbors. In addition, special individual achievements in
the real estate development industry were honored.
Trey Godfrey accepts the
Heritage Award from Mayor Kip
Holden on behalf of his father,
Brace Godfrey, Jr.
Distinguished Service Award
Trula Remson
Herb Gomez
North Boulevard Town Square
Heritage Award
Brace Godfrey, Jr.
Quality of Life Award
East Baton Rouge Parish Planning Commission and Staff, for
their work on the Comprehensive Plan Update (FuturEBR)
Special thanks to our gala sponsors:
4 2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
Distinguished Service Award
winner Herb Gomez with
Mayor Kip Holden.
2012 Good Growth Awards
2741 Bocage Lake
Submitted by: Ferris Land Design
Landscape architect: Richard Hymel
This residential landscape project at 2741
Bocage Lake is very modern with clean lines and
beautiful, durable materials. Travertine decking
and glass tiles accentuate the pool and spa,
while the pavilion features all stainless steel
cabinets, rare black & blue granite counters, and
Spanish cedar island and trim.
The Cottages of Baton Rouge
Submitted by: The Cottages of Baton Rouge
Developer/owner: Capstone Development
Architect/designer: Dungan Nequette
Landscape architect: Cottage Builders, Inc.
Contractor: Cottage Builders, Inc.
This project takes the typical multifamily
student housing model and turns it on its ear.
When most developers are looking to find
the most efficient way to house students with
minimal attention to detail, Capstone has taken
a completely different approach by creating a
neighborhood with multiple housing options
ranging from one-bedroom cottages to fivebedroom townhomes. Architecturally designed
with an attractive streetscape and porches for
mingling, The Cottages has taken community
living to the next level.
Florence Coffee House Renovation
Submitted by: the front door design studio and
monochrome furniture and design
Developer/owner: Private Residence
Architect/designer: the front door design studio
Landscape architect: Ferris Land Design
Dating back more than 150 years, the Florence
Coffee House in the heart of downtown stands as
a reminder of our history. Bringing the building
up to modern standards while maintaining the
historical integrity of the structure proved to be
a challenge, but the design team delivered with
creativity. The use of sustainable building materials
such as recycled wood and stone, recycled steel
cabinets, environmentally conscious countertops
and LED lighting provided a base for the
streamlined interiors.
2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition 5
2012 Good Growth Awards
Hotel Indigo
Submitted by: Vision City Development Group, LLC
Developer/owner: Project King, LLC
Architect/designer: Coleman Partners Architects
Landscape architect: Benchmark Group, LLC
Contractor: Milton J. Womack, Inc.
This $25 million rehabilitation marks a
milestone not only for the former Hotel King, but
for downtown as a whole. The addition of Hotel
Indigo on the corner of Convention and Lafayette
across from the Hilton and the Shaw Center
further solidifies the core of the cultural district in
downtown Baton Rouge. The cobbling together
of funds from private equity investors, federal and
state historic tax credits, and federal New Market
Tax Credits is a glimpse into the challenges of
bringing a historic building back to life.
Lamar Advertising Corporate Headquarters
Submitted by: Lamar Advertising Co.
Developer/owner: Lamar Advertising Co.
Architect: Eskew+Dumez+Ripple
Landscape architect: Spackman, Mossop+Michaels
Contractor: Buquet & Leblanc, Inc.
This design was a rebellion against the standard
office environment and an opportunity to showcase
the company’s unique culture. The renovation of this
1970s data center showcases Lamar’s commitment
to Baton Rouge and the thoughtful way the
company does business. A light well in the center of
the building not only adds natural light to virtually
every space in the building, but also represents the
transparency the company hopes to inspire among
its employees. A “town square” with bleachers,
outdoor courtyard and even an old 1960s Airstream
are all purposed to encourage collaboration and
M.A. “Mike” Tassin Fire and EMS Station
Submitted by: Holden Architects, APAC
Developer/owner: City of Baton Rouge
Architect/designer: Holden Architects, APC
Interior designer: Eskew+Dumez+Ripple
Landscape architect: Joseph Furr Design Studio
Contractor: Lincoln Builders
Designing a durable institutional building
in a neighborhood with shared use requirements
for EMS and fire in the midst of a live oak canopy
was no small task. But the attention to detail, scale
and design aesthetic of this new structure does a
remarkable job of blending sculpture and function,
while balancing the context of the surrounding
6 2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
2012 Good Growth Awards
North Boulevard Town Square
Submitted by: Downtown Development District
Developer/owner: EBR City-Parish/ Downtown Development District
Architect/designer: WHLC Architecture
Landscape architect: Brown+Danos & Joseph Furr
Contractor: Arrighi Construction
Imagine the collaboration, the time, the fortitude and the patience it
takes for an entire community to transform a glorified intersection in the middle
of downtown into a recreational space for all to enjoy. That is exactly what took
place with the redevelopment of North Boulevard Town Square, which balances
the tension between the needs for active and passive recreational space in
an urban environment while providing access to all modes of transportation,
including bus, vehicle, bicycle, wheelchair and pedestrians.
2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition 7
2012 Good Growth Awards
One Stop Homeless Services Center
Orion Instruments Headquarters
Submitted by: Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless
Developer/owner: Gulf Coast Housing Partnership
Architect/designer: Robert Lunsford
Contractor: Milton J. Womack, Inc.
Submitted by: Chenevert Architects, LLC
Developer/owner: Orion Instruments
Architect/designer: Chenevert Architects, LLC
Landscape architect: Reich Associates
Contractor: MAPP Construction
The One Stop Homeless Services Center fills a major void in the city
for those who are low income, disabled or homeless. Equipped with
36 units and facilities for the homeless, the building was designed to
allow for maximum natural light and was purposefully decorated with
bright vibrant colors to provide an uplifting and positive environment.
Coupled with several green building features and Smart Growth building
principles, this building is an example of how good design on a budget
can have a major impact in our community.
8 2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
Orion wanted a space that would provide a “wow” factor
for the international visitors they bring in to tour the facility and
sell products to. The impressive glass and steel entry reflects
the industrial nature of the company while still providing a
comfortable working environment. This $4.5 million project
was designed and built to LEED standards and reflects the
company’s serious approach to quality and sustainability.
2012 Good Growth Awards
Perkins Lane
Perkins Hardware Redevelopment
Submitted by: Donnie Jarreau Real Estate, Inc.
Developer/owner: Donnie Jarreau Real Estate, Inc.
Architect/designer: Remson-Haley-Herpin
Landscape architect: Mike Lorio
Contractor: Apex Solutions
Responding to many site challenges and market opportunities, this
new construction has acted as a catalyst for growth in the Overpass
neighborhood. Designed from scratch for multiple uses, with high
visibility from pedestrians along Perkins and tens of thousands of
vehicles along I-10, the fresh architecture and efficient design has
yielded an award-winning project that embodies many of the principles
of Smart Growth and adds to the cool factor this area demanded.
Submitted by: Dantin Bruce Development
Developer/owner: Dantin Bruce Development
Architect/designer: LRK, Inc.
Landscape architect: Reich Associates
Contractor: Dantin Bruce Construction
Set amidst a canopy of heritage live oaks, Perkins Lane boasts
community amenities including street trees, custom street
furnishings and efficient use of infrastructure to preserve the
existing oaks. In addition to 24 townhomes, Perkins Lane offers
four live/work units, some of the first to be developed in the
Baton Rouge market. After navigating the hurdles of entitling an
infill site, the developers utilized a traffic light to ease access in
and out of the site while maintaining a charming residential scale
for residents and visitors alike.
2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition 9
2012 Good Growth Awards
Renaissance Baton Rouge Hotel
Perkins Road Community Park
Submitted by: Joseph Furr Design Studio
Developer/owner: BREC
Landscape architect: Joseph Furr Design Studio
Contractor: Charles Carter Construction
Submitted by: Wampold Companies
Developer/owner: Wampold Companies
Architect/designer: Gensler
Landscape architect: Joseph Furr Design Studio
Contractor: Roy Anderson
BREC set out to redesign Perkins Road Community Park from an
underutilized public sports park into a signature property for the
park system. The end result is an asset for the entire Baton Rouge
community. The design challenges of melding existing facilities with
new sporting options were approached with thoughtful determination.
First, the entire park orients as a radial form culminating with a rock
wall at the center. Second, the undulations sculpted for the skate park
yielded multiple opportunities to make the park undulate, offering
picturesque views of BMX track, recreational pond and walking trails.
The first suburban full-service hotel built in Baton Rouge
in close to 40 years, this landmark, 12-story, 256-room hotel
represents more than just a new defining standard for upscale
accommodations in Baton Rouge—it represents a rebirth of sorts.
Projects like this are not for the faint of heart. Mike Wampold is one
of our community’s most accomplished developers, and he easily
could have sat back and enjoyed the view. Instead, Mike shared
his vision with us by pulling together a first rate team of experts to
assess a long-abandoned property and make it what it is today.
Congratulations to the
Let us handle the details. Relax and enjoy the view.
Good Growth
Award Winners!
Jones Walker serves business interests in a wide range of markets and industries
throughout the United States and Internationally. Our real estate attorneys represent
Property owners, developers, investors, and lenders rely on us for all aspects of
real estate matters.
Issue Date: Good Growth Ad proof #3
Four United Plaza
8555 United Plaza Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Telephone: (225) 248-2000
Contact Bill Hines at No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be
performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers
10 2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
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manufacturing and industrial projects, mixed-use developments, and public projects.
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District of Columbia
Specializing in New Home Purchases
and Home Refinancing
Now Offering Commercial Lending
GMFS LLC is an Equal Housing Lender. All mortgages are originated by GMFS LLC at 7389
Florida Blvd. Suite 200A Baton Rouge, LA 70806. Louisiana License #619. NMLS #64997.
At Regions, we know our customers want a banking experience that’s personal, helpful
and secure. And when you bank with us, that’s exactly what you’ll get. We’re dedicated
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your goals with more peace of mind. Most of all, we’re dedicated to putting you first.
Come see what over 8 million customers across 16 states have already discovered – with
Regions, it’s time to expect more.
Regions Bank would like to congratulate
this year’s project winners on a job well
done and also for “raising the bar” in the
development of the Baton Rouge area.
1.800.regions |
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Simple and reliable
has always been a good way to go.
To The
Good Growth
Award Winners!
© 2012 Regions Bank.
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2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition 11
2012 Good Growth Awards
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
Submitted by: Sauviac + Dang
Developer/owner: St. Paul Catholic Church
Architect/designer: Sauviac + Dang
Landscape architect: Benchmark Group
Contractor: Block Construction
Good growth can be defined in many tangible ways, but this
project represents a commitment to community that can’t be bought
and is often overlooked. The new sanctuary, prayer garden and soon
to be rectory and office complex reinforces the Catholic Diocese’s
commitment to the Baton Rouge community and the Gus Young
corridor. When many have left the area, St. Paul’s reverses the trend
and reinvests millions into the area and acts as an anchor for this
12 2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
Village at Magnolia Square
Office Complex
Submitted by: the front door design studio
Developer/owner: Nunnally Pollard Development, LLC
Architect/designer: the front door design studio
Contractor: Rabalais Homes
Quality materials and attention to detail are what first strikes
you about the offices in this development, but soon you realize
the scale and orientation of the buildings are no accident. Built to
promote pedestrian access for the true live-work-play community,
inviting front doors and large windows overlooking the common
greens are trademark features that set this project apart. Balancing a
residential scale with commercial uses is no easy task, and Nunnally
Pollard was wise in selecting Rabalais Homes and the front door to
lead off their commercial development.
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Congratulations to the Good Growth award honorees!
Knowledge of the Market
Strategic Resources
Diverse Business Relationships
New lots available
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Toasting Wampold Companies for their vision with
the Renaissance Hotel and their ongoing commitment
to growth in our community
C PA s & B U S I N E S S A D V I S O R S
New OrleaNs
HOustON BatON rOuge
© 2012 LaPorte, APAC
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Good Growth
Award Winners!
11616 Southfork Avenue
Suite 404
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
phone: (225) 293-7006
fax: (225) 293-7009
2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition 13
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Proven Program Management
Good Growth
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award winners!
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• Educational
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Civil | Municipal | Highways | Structural | Land Surveying
Celebrating 58 years in the consulting engineering business.
9029 Jefferson Highway, Ste. 200
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
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Metairie, LA 70001
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to the
Good Growth
8400 Jefferson Hwy • Baton Rouge, LA 70809
(225) 924-8050 |
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Capital Region’s housing market
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14 2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
SponSoRed by:
The Alvarez family
congratulates all of the
Good Growth
award winners.
Family owned & operated
Ranked #1
2010 Book of Lists
Proud to Support Baton Rouge Growth Coalition
3700 Essen Lane | 14150 Coursey Boulevard | 7054 Jefferson Highway
7325 Highland Road | 10430 Perkins Road
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Congratulations to the Good Growth Award winners.
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Baton Rouge Business Report
2010 Seal of
Growth Coalition
Good Growth Award
The Lakes at Jamestown Subdivision
12035 Coursey Blvd. Ste A
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition 15
Special advertising supplement to the greater baton rouge business report
16 2012 Baton Rouge Growth Coalition