(F)aces in your country
(F)aces in your country
Content The story „Fire of Friendship“ ..............................................................................................................2 Development of ACES ...........................................................................................................................3 Sarajevo City Rally .................................................................................................................................4 Sarajevo City Rally stories – Telling Around the Fire .......................................................................9 (f)aces in your country ...................................................................................................................... 10 Bazar of Learning ............................................................................................................................... 11 Challenges International School Partnership Projects ................................................................. 13 Ready for next steps? ......................................................................................................................... 16 Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Evaluation Hand ................................................................................................................................. 20 List of Participants ............................................................................................................................. 21 !! ∀! ∀ ! #∃# ! %# # ! &∋ ( !# ∋# ! )∗# # ! !!(∗ + &( ∗ ( ,∗ ( % # ∀# # ∀ !# # % ! # ∀ − −&# & #! . ∗ # ) /0! !! # ! !! % # # # 102 3, ! !1!# 45661 78) !∃:! Dear Project team, Welcome to Sarajevo City Rally! This exciting exercise will help you get to know the city of Sarajevo and get to know each other better. In order to play the game, you should have: - Your travel diaries with you - Card with the first task to be done in the city - City Rally Passports - Map of Sarajevo - A mobile phone able to take pictures or camera - Sarajevo postcard for each school - Information about the trams going from Ilidža to Sarajevo city center - Money for lunch for the team (per diem already received) - Tram tickets Before reaching the City center, you should: - Glue the City Rally Passports in your Travel Diaries - Find the tram stop and get on the tram to the city center - In the tram, fill in the first tasks in your passports: agree on the common name for your team, draw a small portrait of your team and find out 5 things that all members in your team have in common (warning: beware of pickpockets in the tram!) - Get off at Baščaršija tram stop In the city: - You should do 5 tasks; each task is leading you to one of the Meeting Points (see picture on the next page) where you will meet some aces people. At the meeting point, after presenting the results of the previous task, you will get your passport stamped and receive the next task. - You should be at the 5th Meeting Point, at Baščaršijski Sebilj, no later than 14.00. There the photo of your project team will be taken by an aces photographer After taking the team photo you may go for lunch (if you eat meat, we would recommend you some of famous Sarajevo Ćevapi in Baščaršija; if not, you may wish to try some of great Sarajevo pies available in the neighborhood) On the way back: - Write SA postcards to your schools and deliver them at the registration desk in the hotel (do not forget to put your school address) - Be back to Hotel Hollywood no later than 16.00 Have a great journey and enjoy! 5 meeting points in Sarajevo City Rally Task: Find Golden Fish in the street starting with K, make a wish and bring something as a “souvenir” to the check point. Task: Find out the history of Inat kuća and ask some of the local people about their understanding of „inat“. After completing the task go to Begova Džamija for the next task. After completing the task go to Begova Džamija for the next task. Task: Find out 5 most popular bands from Sarajevo in the ‘80s and learn to sing a chorus of a Sarajevo rock song of your choice. Task: Visit one of the bridges across Miljacka river and make a collective wish for aces. After completing the task go to Begova Džamija for the next task. After completing the task go to Begova Džamija for the next task. Task: Find out the place with the eternal energy, learn about it and take photo in front of it. Task: Have a walk in the main Ferhadija street and while walking share one strong memory that has come up for you with the people in your group. After completing the task go to Sinagoga for the next task. After completing the task go to Sinagoga for the next task. Task: Sit down in on a bench in one of Sarajevo parks, close your eyes and listen for 5 minutes. What can you hear? Task: Without buying or steeling, bring 3 things from the city – something pink, something soft and something shiny. After completing the task go to Sinagoga for the next task. After completing the task go to Sinagoga for the next task. Task: Find out the special meaning of in Sarajevo and take a photo of it. Task: Make a small research among the local people where are the best “Ćevapi” in town and mark these places in your map. After completing the task go to Katedrala for the next task. After completing the task go to Katedrala for the next task. Task: Task: Discover what is so special about local humor and learn at least one joke from the local people. Take a photo which has all these things on it: an impressive building, a person who was born in Sarajevo, a baby carriage, a dog, 3 tourists and your whole group. After completing the task go to Katedrala for the next task. After completing the task go to Katedrala for the next task. Task: Behind these numbers 925837 you should find out a male name starting with W. Then collect three statements from the locals about him. Task: Find Sarajevo “snowflake”, take a photo of it and discover who won the only medal for formerYugoslavia at the Winter Games in 1984. After completing the task go to Stara pravoslavna crkva for the next task. After completing the task go to Stara pravoslavna crkva for the next task. Task: While walking in the center, find out how many cultural foods (cuisines) you can see. Write it down. Task: Go to Baščaršija market place and see what is the best price you can get for a small copper coffee pot. After completing the task go to Stara pravoslavna crkva for the next task. After completing the task go to Stara pravoslavna crkva for the next task. Special instruction for check points: No matter if all the tasks are done or not, the groups need to be sent to Task number 5 at 14.00!!! 5th task: You have deserved to get a voucher to get something nice for your team in Badem Butik. After completing the task go to Baščaršijski sebilj for the final instructions. Final instructions: Take your printed project title and make your Project team picture in front of Baščaršijski sebilj, then go for lunch. Bon appetite. Please, be back at the hotel before 16:00. On your way back to Ilidža, write postcards to your schools and hand it over at the Registration desk upon your arrival to the hotel. Sarajevo City Rally Passport (for each participant) Name of your team: Portrait of your team: 5 things you have in common in your team: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Image of the Meeting Point Stamp (task completed) Sarajevo City Rally stories Choose one person to be the time keeper for your group. Light the candle and place it in the middle of your circle. Imagine you are sitting around a bonfire. Introduce yourselves to the circle, no more than 1 minute per person. Share: 勦 your name 勦 where the water comes from and flows to in your hometown 勦 one thing that is special about your school. Share a Sarajevo City Rally story with the others in the group: something funny, something sad, something surprising, something that made you think... a true moment that happened during the City Rally. You have 3 minutes per person. After everybody has shared his / her story choose one word or sentence that sums up the stories of your group. Write the word on the strip of paper. When the light goes back on, please blow out your candle. Now swap your paper with another group close to you, read and swap again, read and swap again ... „Life will go on as long as there is someone to sing, to dance, to tell stories and to listen.“ Oren R. Lyons, Native American Elder !! ∀ ∀#∃% & ! ∋ ( ∋ ∋ ∃)! ∋!∋ ∗∋ + )∋!∗∋∋, − #) ∋+ !∋∋./∋+. 0 &∗12∋ + + ∋ 1 % +!3 4 !+ % ∋+ ∋ ! +, !+3 5 /∋ + ∋ 6+ !+ 7 % 3 8!!+ 9 :∋! % ! ! ;∋ ! < =>3. 0 ! % ∋!3 ? % +!3 ≅!! !∋∋ 3(∋. Α 0 = ∋! +∋∋! Β 0 ! /+Χ ∋ . % !3 & ∆!Ε3≅ 3Φ !. 0/ Γ∋ !. 4 0+Η Η+ !+∋ + +∋ ∋+ Ι . 5 ϑ 0+∋! 7 :&∋ : !ΚΛ∋ . 9 ∆% −Ε !∋∋!∋+ < Η∋ Ι∋. Γ ∋ ∋ !! ? ∀Γ!! ! !3:+∋ ∋ Α =Ι(Η −∋.:+∋! Β ! =∋∋!!∋. 4 ∋! 4 +!. Γ+ !+ !. 44 % Γ ∗!! ∋∋ 45 : ∋∋! +∋ 0++ ! (&∗∀ !∋ ∋ Χ∋+6∃:! ∋ . Challenges and possible sources of conflicts during an international school partnership project There are quite a number of things that can go wrong during an international school project! However, good communication between the project partners is the way to prevent conflicts and to deal with them as they occur. SOME OF THE MOST COMMON CHALLENGES ARE: • Lack of precise planning and agreement on crucial points: If the project as a whole, the school visits, project activities etc. are not planned thoroughly (and planning needs time!), this can lead to confusion and frustration (see also next point). The teachers of different schools might have different notions of what “good planning” means. This is also a question of (different) expectations, and possibly of the assumption that it is a matter of course that others do things the same way one does them and/or that the way one does certain things is indisputably the best way. Planning is also crucial to find out what the needs of the respective schools are with respect to project work, cooperation, aims etc. Even if a project is well planned a certain amount of flexibility is indispensable. • Differing concepts concerning project implementation and differing expectations of the partnership and project work: e.g. o Work distribution: It is important to make sure that the project work is distributed equally and that there is transparency concerning the following questions: Who does what? How much time/energy is invested by each partner? How seriously do the schools involved take the project (work)? One teacher/school might gain the impression that the other school(s) do not do their part of the work, or do it in a negligent way and this might lead to dissatisfaction with the project, with the end products etc. as it depends on the work/input of all partners o One school or teacher might monopolize the project so the other school(s) have the feeling that they do not have any - or not enough - say in it. Making important decisions concerning the project in accordance with one another is essential for identifying with the project and its goals and for the motivation to work together. o (lack of) motivation of teachers, students or other persons involved o differing interpretation of the project goals (e.g. project should be relevant to all partner schools) and project aims (e.g. to further the image of the school, to further o o the self-importance of a teacher/headmaster, to really make a difference/change with the project, sustainability etc.) reliability/accuracy of partners (e.g. concerning deadlines, input for report, information at what times nobody can be reached because of holidays, etc.) lack of willingness to take over responsibility • Communication problems/lack of communication/misunderstandings : are very often at the heart of conflicts (e.g. as far as planning and work distribution etc. is concerned, if the expectations and notions of the partners are not clarified). Connected to this, conflicts might arise if the following points are not clear: o How and how often do the partners communicate? o Style of communication (formal/informal; How are teachers addressed in the respective countries? etc.) o Means of communication which can/should be used It must be kept in mind that not all schools have the same access to modern communication technology, to the internet etc. or might not have as much experience with such tools. This can also be a reason for certain kinds of communication problems (for which the schools with a lower technological standard should not be blamed.) Language and understanding problems: Might be a problem especially during visits to the partner school (misunderstandings, frustration). • Differing concepts of participation and teaching structure/styles: Student participation, cross-curricular teaching, autonomous learning, working in teams and groups and many other methods which play an important role in teaching/learning structure might be taken for granted in one school but might not be in practice in the partner school(s). These differing learning and teaching styles may harbour a potential for conflicts (e.g. if the teachers of one partner school have the opportunity to participate much more actively in the project and to make their own choices and decisions while the students of the other school are not meant to do this; if a teacher of one school expects the teaching/learning structure to be the same at the partner school) • Intercultural conflicts: due to e.g. o differing values o differing ways/styles of communication (e.g. very direct, very formal between students and teachers in each country) o different ways of perception o different ways of dealing with conflicts (e.g. addressing conflicts/problems, keeping quiet) o prejudices or stereotypes o (and possibly ensuing) overestimation of one’s own or one’s country’s capabilities, values, language etc. A lack of preparation or insufficient preparation of the students increases the possibility of such conflicts. A lack of tolerance and sensitivity is very often at the heart of intercultural conflicts (and many others). There are many conflicts in which the cultural factor plays a role but there are few conflicts in which it plays the decisive role. Often, conflicts are called intercultural conflicts because, using this definition, it is easy to suppress the “actual” conflicts (or their sources). This is why it is important to analyze the framework and the factors which play a role in the conflict (e.g. gender, generational issues, social strata, (political) exclusion, minority/majority etc.) Prejudices and stereotypes regarding these factors are of course also possible sources of conflicts (e.g. if a teacher with many years of teaching experienced does not believe that a young teacher from the partner country is capable of coordinating a project) • Culture shock and/or feeling of insecurity: Could come up during visits to partner schools; ensuing feelings (anxiety, rejection, stress etc.) could lead to misunderstandings/conflicts (possibly due to lack of preparation of the participants) • Dealing with sensitive issues/topics: Different people react to certain topics (e.g. sexuality in general, sexual orientation, gender issues, religion, national identity etc.) in different ways according to their upbringing, age, gender, cultural/religious background, experience etc. If such topics are treated in an insensitive way, conflicts may arise. • Pressure/strain on teachers during partner school visits: A visit is more of a strain for the teacher(s) of the hosting countries (much preparation work, possibly longer working hours and less pay). There should be understanding in case the organization is a bit improvised and the programme is not 100% perfect. The visits should be mutual (to all partner schools) if possible so all schools involved can take on the roles of hosts and guests. • Lack of support/cooperation/appreciation from headmasters, other teachers, parents etc.: This can be a source of frustration and consequently also a source of conflicts between the partners (e.g. if other teachers convey the impression that a teacher involved in the project only does this in order to take part in international meetings, to aggrandize him-/herself) • Misuse of modern means of communication: The use of Facebook, Blogs, E-Mails, etc. involves certain potential dangers such as mobbing/cyber-bullying, publication of inappropriate statements, violation of data privacy. • Conflicts due to financial issues: e.g. One partner might have the feeling that they invested more money into the project (also additional funds apart from the aces grant) than the other partner school, e.g. during hosting the partners. For more information on potential challenges and ways to avoid them see: www.aces-tools.or.at Ready for next steps? 1. Looking back at the Workshops: Take two minutes each. Take some time in your project team to collect impressions from your workshops today. Please share these three points: • The two workshops I participated in • One personal learning for me today • One important aspect we should keep in mind for our work together 2. Looking ahead to your project work at home: Try to finish it in 40 minutes. What are your next steps and meetings? Refer to your application and workplan. Do you need to make any changes? (Please include this point: Telling the people at home about the conference: Students tell students, teachers tell colleagues. When and how?) What? When? Who? Comments… 3. Closure This is your last official time together. Please take the time to say good-bye and thank you ….and anything else that needs to be said. Start! The Project Implementation Phase KickKick-Off Meeting Sarajevo, 25 – 29 September 2011 Next Steps… New! Extra reimbursement of VISA costs for project exchange visits Only for participants/schools (countries) who need to pay visa fees for visiting their partner schools Eligible costs: visa fees, postage visa documents, travel cost for getting visa & health insurance visa Reimbursement of REAL costs up to a maximum of 300 Euro per concerned SCHOOL March 2012: Documentation in final project report ( financial part) part ) Send original receipts of expenses ( as in report) report) to IZ Reimbursement AFTER the Academy (April 2012) by transfer to the same bank account as for aces grant Website tool: „Events“ Announce all important events & happenings of your projects in the online Event Calendar e.g. meetings with partners, public project events or presentations Transfer of grants to the project schools in October 2011 > upgraded grants! 1.800 € for the coordinating school 1.600 € for each partner school Realisation of partnership projects from September 2011 – 15 March 2012 Show your success! Documentation of the Projects To follow your partnership projects and to see their continuous progress is interesting for all of us and for others! The aces website www.aces.or.at offers tools to visualize your project. Please contribute by uploading information and pictures regularly! You will get all instructions via e-mail. Website tool: „Photo Documentation“ A space for a Project Photo Documentation for each project to upload pictures and short descriptions of the project activities. activities Present your „work in progress“! e.g. photos of classroom work, meetings with partner schools, excursions, public events … 1 Presenting your Project When presenting your project in public (media, events, school or project websites, on posters, in letters …), please always make sure to include the aces labels: • Logo: Logo Final Report on the Partnership Project The final project report consists of 2 parts: • the narrative report: activities, achievements… • the financial report: a) list of expenditures b) for those concerned: extra visa cost expenses & sending original receipts related to visa to IZ IZ provides you with a template for the final report! • Organisations: Organisations • Website: Website www.aces.or.at The logos are available on the aces website. The report is compiled together by the partner schools and submitted by the coordinating school. Deadline for report submission: 15 March 2012! Project work live! Visits to Projects Be a part! aces School Network Members of Interkulturelles Zentrum, ERSTE Foundation and eventually representatives of the Ministries, VČELÍ DOM and the media would like to visit single projects: projects Comprises all awarded aces schools since 2007 and links to their project documentation. • to experience project activities & learn more about the project and participants • to get to know applied approaches, approaches innovative ideas and school programmes • to discuss the project development and impacts Be a part! aces social network sites! Complete your own school‘s online profile by: • describing your school • giving contact details • uploading a photo of the class/school aces Academy Senec (SK), 27 – 30 March 2012 The Academy is the final conference of the aces year. year Delegations from all aces project schools 2011 & from other aces schools will meet! Aims: • Presentation and evaluation of your project outcomes • Collection of good practice for partnership projects • Working together on a joint Academy topic Bring your project work products! 2 Support … www.aceswww.aces -tools.or.at Support of Interkulturelles Zentrum During the project implementation phase we will: • consult project schools on request Contact us when you have questions or problems! • keep you informed on new developments and details Important! Provide us with your actual e-mail address! • update the website and support your use of the tools • supply templates for final reporting and other activities • supply additional material and give impulses e.g. „Thoughts for aces“ text compilation … This online resource provides a wide range of informainformation, tion advice and support materials for the successful management and realisation of international school partnership projects: projects 1. general information on project-based learning, intercultural education, objectives of international project cooperation and the skills promoted 2. issues related to project preparation, preparation such as preparation methods for students, funding possibilities, dos and don’ts 3. practical advice on communication, communication potential obstacles, obstacles evaluation and other relevant issues 4. follow-up actions We wish you a good time together with your partners and exciting project experiences! aces coordination team 3 How did the Kick-Off contribute to getting to know your project partners? On a scale 1-10, how motivated do you feel now to implement your project? Please, explain. What is your understanding of volunteering after the Kick-Off? What was the most inspiring moment for you during the Kick-Off? What would you change in the future KickOff Meetings? What are the most important learning outcomes that you will bring back to your school? List of participants - aces Kick-Off, Sarajevo, 25 - 29 September 2011 Students and teachers Last name Kasimati Shkodra Dinga Mane Liedl Keindlstorfer Hötzendorfer Jirka Grumet Kohlmayer Hadzi-Stevic Bacanov Vidovic Stevanovic Purković Golub Memic Suljic Ajanović Šurković Stefanova Hristov Ayetola Mustafov Mecheva Teshovska Toshkova Borisov Alimustafa Durlyova Pashankova Zyumbyuleva Zaharieva Georgieva Arnaudova Pandzherova Karamanova Antova Hristova Ivanova Stankova Delcheva Ivanova First name Ina Klaudja Ira Dorin Maria Elisa Tanja Julia Elisabeth Michael Ljiljana Tamara Sladjana Kristina Irma Emrina Nermina Alma Amela Admir Valentina Velislav Louis Camille Mustafa Ridvanov Teodora Aleksandra Petya Simeon Ayshe Emine Vanya Suzana Lorita Beatris Dimitrinka Nikoleta Vanya Anelia Valentina Elitsa Nadezhda Nevena Svetla Nikolova T/S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T Sex f f f m f f f f f m f f f f f f f f f m f m m m f f f m f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f School A.Z.Cajupi High School A.Z.Cajupi High School Albanet Albanet Bundeshandelsakademie Linz Bundeshandelsakademie Linz Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe HTL-Mössingerstrasse HTL-Mössingerstrasse IV Osnovna skola IV Osnovna skola Primary School "Stevan Nemanja" Primary School "Stevan Nemanja" Primary school"Musa Ćazim Ćatić"Zenica Primary school"Musa Ćazim Ćatić"Zenica Prva osnovna skola Prva osnovna skola Srednja Škola Primjenjenih Umjetnosti Srednja Škola Primjenjenih Umjetnosti Eighth Secondary School "Arseni Kostentsev" Eighth Secondary School "Arseni Kostentsev" Junior school “akademic daki yordanov” Junior school “akademic daki yordanov” Nevrokop Vocational High school "Dimitar Talev" Nevrokop Vocational High school "Dimitar Talev" Osnovno Uchilishte "Neofit Rilski" Osnovno Uchilishte "Neofit Rilski" Osnovno Uchilishte "Vasil Levski" Osnovno Uchilishte "Vasil Levski" OU 1"Georgy Bakalov" OU 1"Georgy Bakalov" Parvo Sredno Obshtoobrazovatelno Ychilishte Parvo Sredno Obshtoobrazovatelno Ychilishte Private English Language Secondary School Chelopec Private English Language Secondary School Chelopec Profesionalna gimnazija po obleklo Profesionalna gimnazija po obleklo profesionalna gimnaziya po ikonomika dr ivan bogor profesionalna gimnaziya po ikonomika dr ivan bogor SOU "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodii" SOU "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodii" SOU Sveti Sveti Kiril i Metodii City/town Tirana Tirana Tirane Tirane Linz Linz Steyr Steyr Klagenfurt Klagenfurt Brcko Brcko Gornji Dragaljevac Gornji Dragaljevac Zenica Zenica Ilidza, Sarajevo Ilidza, Sarajevo Sarajevo Sarajevo Blagoevgrad Blagoevgrad Omurtag Omurtag Goce Delchev Goce Delchev Gabrovo Gabrovo Yurukovo, Blagoevgrad Yurukovo, Blagoevgrad Stara Zagora Stara Zagora Sofia Sofia Chelopech Chelopech Sofia Sofia varna varna Smolyan Smolyan Plovdiv Country AL AL AL AL AT AT AT AT AT AT BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG E-mail inakasimati@hotmail.com iradinga@gmail.com M.Liedl@hak-linz.at hta@hlwsteyr.eduhi.at elisabeth.grumet@inode.at ljiljanah@gmail.com bokislaki@teol.net irma.purkovic@yahoo.com mnermina@gmail.com amaja20@yahoo.com valtina@abv.bg louisayetola@yahoo.fr teodora_mecheva@abv.bg impressed@abv.bg aishe_bangiova@abv.bg Vanyazp@gmail.com lorita_zaharieva@hotmail.com dimiart@hotmail.com vanyaji@gmail.com valentina_d_tamneva@abv.bg nstankova68@abv.bg svetlaivanova74@abv.bg Todorova Todorova Tsenkov Gospodinova Marinova Joukivskaia Petkova Helebrant Morawiec Jandlova Jelinkova Homolková Rabasová Ćurković Sandra Verunica Čule Klaric Hanuljak Varnica Dula Talić Grah Winkler Vodopic Hanjilec Vrgoč Kiss Sallai Dobó Bartos Geréné Kristóf Tóth Pálfyné Tornay Winkler Kalocsai Szigethy Molnár Szakács Bodó Császár Kozsup Hudák Berényi Széphalmi Shahini Pruthi Samoil Teodora Petrova Tsvetanka Tsvetan Nellie Monika Anna Nikol Ivo Jiří Alena Katerina Tereza Anna Klaudija Šandor Mira Karlo Teuta Martina Dejana Ankica Daria Gita Zeljka Filip Barbara Sara Eszter Andrea Gabriella Franciska Katalin Balázs Dorottya Bálint Agnes Marcell Gyorgy András Eszter Katalin Attila István Bence Gabriella Imre Vjollca Patrisa Andrei S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T f f m f f f f m m f f f f f f f m f f f f f f f m f f f f f f f m f m f m m f f m m m f m f f m SOU Sveti Sveti Kiril i Metodii SOU Tsar Simeon Veliki SOU Tsar Simeon Veliki The Secondary Vocational School 'Atanas Burov' The Secondary Vocational School 'Atanas Burov' Zlatarski International School Zlatarski International School 1st International School of Ostrava 1st International School of Ostrava Obchodni akademie a VOSE Tabor Obchodni akademie a VOSE Tabor Střední škol služeb, obchodu a gastronomie,Velká3 Střední škol služeb, obchodu a gastronomie,Velká3 Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje "Ivan Štark" Osijek Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje "Ivan Štark" Osijek Gimnazija Eugena Kumičića Opatija Gimnazija Eugena Kumičića Opatija Osnovna skola Hugo Badalic Osnovna skola Hugo Badalic osnovna skola josipa matosa vukovar osnovna skola josipa matosa vukovar Osnovna škola Tina Ujevića Osnovna škola Tina Ujevića Secondary school Ban Josip Jelacic Secondary school Ban Josip Jelacic Škola za umjetnost, dizajn, grafiku i odjeću Zabok Škola za umjetnost, dizajn, grafiku i odjeću Zabok Eltes Matyas Egyseges Gyogypedagogiai M Kozpont Eltes Matyas Egyseges Gyogypedagogiai M Kozpont II. Rákóczi Ferenc Gimnázium II. Rákóczi Ferenc Gimnázium Karácsony Sándor Általános Iskola Karácsony Sándor Általános Iskola Klebelsberg Kuno Gimnázium Klebelsberg Kuno Gimnázium Pannonia Primary School Pannonia Primary School Pápai Gazdasági Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium Pápai Gazdasági Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium Szegedi Szolgáltatási Középiskola és Szakiskola Szegedi Szolgáltatási Középiskola és Szakiskola Szent József Gimnázium és Kollégium Szent József Gimnázium és Kollégium Tószegi Általános Iskola Tószegi Általános Iskola Mileniumi i Trete Mileniumi i Trete Art School Gratiesti Plovdiv Vidin Vidin Silistra Silistra Sofia Sofia Ostrava Ostrava Tabor Tabor Hradec Králové Hradec Králové Osijek Osijek Opatija Opatija Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod vukovar vukovar Zagreb Zagreb Zapresic Zapresic Zabok Zabok Pecs Pecs Budapest Budapest Debrecen Debrecen Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Pápa Pápa Szeged Szeged Debrecen Debrecen Tószeg Tószeg Prishtina Prishtina Gratiesti/Kishinev BG BG BG BG BG BG BG CZ CZ CZ CZ CZ CZ HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU KS KS MD tzvety_st@yahoo.com jessie_n@abv.bg counseling@zlatarskischool.org helebrant@is-ostrava.cz jandlova@oatabor.cz indiankatery@seznam.cz klaudija.urkov1@gmail.com mira.verunica@skole.hr kosjenkaa@hotmail.com dejana.varnica@gmail.com daria.talic@gmail.com winklerica@yahoo.com barbara.hanjilec@skole.hr canada10@freemail.hu dobog@freemail.hu kitti234@freemail.hu tornaydorottya@hotmail.com k.agnes@freestart.hu mandrew@vipmail.hu bodokati@freemail.hu kozsup.istvan@szjg.hu berenyigabi@gmail.com vshahini@gmail.com samoilsa@gmail.com Cheltuială Natalia Alexandrina Man Gamurari Moisei Melega Hahuleac Guţu Osmanovic Bajkovic Nedovic Novovic Radovic Nikezic Stamatovic Zizic Nikolic Brajovic Mitrevska Klees Dimitrova Koljozova Ristovski Rajchikj Puroska Islamoski Taleski Zdraveska Ruvinova Nicheska Uzunova Kjeleshovski Krstanoska Tolevska Angelovski Jordeva Stefan Lazov Jovanova Stojanoska-Ivanovska Djalev Mihălăchioiu Călin Acatrinei-Vasiliu Pintilie Albert Stefanescu Bobocea Cezara-Nicoleta Griu Cheptanaru Eugenia Elena Svetlana Teodora-Demetra Mihaela Cristina Admira Petra Tamara Teodora Marina Marko Biljana Ana Marta Nenad Silvija Dennis Sonja Tijana Aleksandar Olga Dana Emel Darko Maja Margarita Evgenija Dragan Nikolina Biljana Andrej Gordana Gulevski Petar Simona Vesna Ilija Elisabeta - Luise Maria Cristina Lacramioara-Ana Matei Ioan Ovidiu Stefan Daniela S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T f f f f f f f f f f f f f f m f f f m f m f f m f f m m f f f m f f m f m m f f m f f f m m m f Art School Gratiesti Liceul Teoretic Gheorghe Asachi Liceul Teoretic Gheorghe Asachi Liceul Teoretic Magdacesti Liceul Teoretic Magdacesti Lyceum "Spiru Haret" Lyceum "Spiru Haret" Theoretical Lyceum"Mihai Eminescu" Theoretical Lyceum"Mihai Eminescu" Blazo Jokov Orlandic Blazo Jokov Orlandic Bozidar Vukovic Podgoricanin Bozidar Vukovic Podgoricanin JU Srednja elektrotehnička škola ''Vaso Aligrudić' JU Srednja elektrotehnička škola ''Vaso Aligrudić' Pavle Rovinski Pavle Rovinski Srednja Ekonomsko-Ugostiteliska Skola Srednja Ekonomsko-Ugostiteliska Skola ASUC „Boro Petrusevski“ ASUC „Boro Petrusevski“ Dimitar Miladinov Primary Dimitar Miladinov Primary NOVA International Schools NOVA International Schools OOU "Murat Labunisti" OOU "Murat Labunisti" OOU Kiril i Metodij OOU Kiril i Metodij OOU"Josip Broz Tito" OOU"Josip Broz Tito" OOU"Josip Broz Tito" -Struga OOU"Josip Broz Tito" -Struga OU Stiv Naumov OU Stiv Naumov Sredno Opstinsko Uciliste "Taki Daskalo" Sredno Opstinsko Uciliste "Taki Daskalo" Strasho Pindzur Strasho Pindzur Vasli Glavinov Vasli Glavinov Școala cu clasele I-VIII "Matei Basarab" Școala cu clasele I-VIII "Matei Basarab" Colegiul Agricol Falticeni Colegiul Agricol Falticeni Colegiul National Roman Voda Secondary School Colegiul National Roman Voda Secondary School Colegiul Tehnic "Dumitru Motoc" Gratiesti/Kishinev Chisinau Chisinau Magdacesti, Criuleni Magdacesti, Criuleni Chisinau Chisinau Edineţ Edineţ Bar Bar Podgorica Podgorica Podgorica Podgorica Podgorica Podgorica Bar Bar Skopje Skopje Skopje Skopje Skopje Skopje Struga Struga Prilep Prilep Struga Struga Struga Struga Bitola Bitola Bitola Bitola negotino Negotino Veles Veles Târgoviște Târgoviște Falticeni Falticeni Roman Roman Galati MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK MK RO RO RO RO RO RO RO natagriu@yahoo.com man.eugenia19@gmail.com luminamois@yahoo.com mihaelahahuleac@mail.ru admiraaosmanovic@gmail.com tamaran@t-com.me radovicmarina@yahoo.com fika1@t-com.me oktobar005@t-com.me silvija.mitrevska@gmail.com sonjche@yahoo.com aleksandar.ristovski@nova.edu.mk danapuroska@yahoo.com taleski000@yahoo.com maginice@gmail.com bckimikodragan@yahoo.com biljana984@yahoo.com gordanajordeva@hotmail.com p_lazov@yahoo.com stojanoska.vesna@yahoo.com luise_eli2005@yahoo.com lacra_av@yahoo.com albertovidiu@yahoo.de danabobocea@yahoo.com Amarandei Oros Barczag Stoicescu Coman Cociuba Ghica Pasca Rosu Scarlat Lacatus Szabo Fechita Meşter Mihele Suman Rendler Ionescu Luca Valerica Vlad Alecu Cruceat Cornelia Catana Adavidoaiei Batalan Popa Roman Graur Petre Aionitoaei Zgarcea Colec Deaconescu Milinović Petrović Eftimovski Milovanović Djokovic Stojanovic Eror Hlapec Gagić Jakovljevic Dinic Mamuzic Plesko Geanina Erika Beatrix Gabriela Luisa Denisa Andrei-laurentiu Nicoleta Denisa Roxana-Maria Petru Alina Andreea Marta Luiza-Maria Dorina Maria George Daniela Gabriela Livia Ofelia- Aura Alexandru-Marian Nita Radulescu Stefan Maria Bianca Codila Teodora- Lavinia Mariana Maria Magdalena Pamela Flavius Marilena Andreea Catalina Cristina Maria Iustina Sanziana Ana Maria Katarina Mia Žaklina Nemanja Sandra Milan Slađana Lidija Ivan Biljana Miona Ivana Valentina S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T T S T S T S f f f f m f f f m f f f f f m f f f m f m m f f f f f f m f f f f f f f f f m f m f f m f f f f Colegiul Tehnic "Dumitru Motoc" Gaspar Andras Secondary School, Biharia Gaspar Andras Secondary School, Biharia grup scolar industrial energetic grup scolar industrial energetic Grup Scolar Iuliu Maniu Grup Scolar Iuliu Maniu Happy Planet Kids Happy Planet Kids High School of Art "Margareta Sterian" High School of Art "Margareta Sterian" Lic. Teol. Rom-Cat. Gróf Majláth Gusztáv Károly Lic. Teol. Rom-Cat. Gróf Majláth Gusztáv Károly Liceul don Orione Liceul don Orione Roman-Voda National College Roman-Voda National College Scoala ”Alecu Russo” Iasi Scoala ”Alecu Russo” Iasi Scoala 129 Elena Farago Scoala 129 Elena Farago Scoala cu clasele "Sava Popovici Barcianu" Scoala cu clasele "Sava Popovici Barcianu" Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr.93 "Emil Racovita" Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr.93 "Emil Racovita" Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII, Lunca-Paşcani Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII, Lunca-Paşcani Scoala cu clasele I-VIII, Pietroasa Scoala cu clasele I-VIII, Pietroasa Scoala cu Claselei - VIII Cocorastii Colt Scoala cu Claselei - VIII Cocorastii Colt Scoala Nr. 8 ,,Elena Rares'' Botosani Scoala Nr. 8 ,,Elena Rares'' Botosani Shool no.49 Shool no.49 Dule Karaklajić Dule Karaklajić Gimnazija "Svetozar Marković" Gimnazija "Svetozar Marković" Gimnazija Bora Stankovic Gimnazija Bora Stankovic Osnovna i srednja škola Žarko Zrenjanin Osnovna škola ''Branko Radičević'' Osnovna škola ''Branko Radičević'' Osnovna skola Dragomir Markovic Osnovna skola Dragomir Markovic Politehnicka skola Subotica Politehnicka skola Subotica Galati Biharia Biharia campina campina Arad Arad Bragadiru, Ilfov Bragadiru, Ilfov Buzau Buzau Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Oradea Oradea Roman, Neamt County Roman, Neamt County Iasi Iasi Bucuresti Bucuresti Rasinari Rasinari Bucuresti Bucuresti Lunca - Paşcani Lunca - Paşcani Pietroasa Pietroasa Cocorastii Colt Cocorastii Colt Botosani Botosani Bucharest Bucharest Lazarevac Lazarevac Niš Niš Nis Nis Subotica Novi Sad Novi Sad Krusevac Krusevac Subotica Subotica RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS ery_ancu@yahoo.com; eryancu@gmail.com dencri5@yahoo.com nicoleta.cociuba@gmail.com roxy_p78@yahoo.com alinamonica75@yahoo.com szabo_marta80@yahoo.com doramester@yahoo.com daniela_suman@yahoo.com ofelia@arusso.ro vali_nita6@yahoo.com alecustefan@yahoo.com codilacornelia@yahoo.com adavidoaiei@yahoo.com pamicx@yahoo.com gheea4all@yahoo.com art2006_alina@yahoo.com colec_sanziana@yahoo.com katakind@gmail.com zakiefta@gmail.com sa.djokovic@gmail.com esladjana@gmail.com lidija.hlapec@gmail.com biljana.jakovljevic58@gmail.com ivanamamuzic@yahoo.com Nedeljković Stefanović Drešček Ogrizek Potočnik Lanišek Todorovski Koler Lapanje Grošelj Podbersič Smrdel Milavec Rajh Jager Senegačnik Kaduková Tomašková Kalna Gulisova Buglos Bödők Tarcsi Ivan Bojana Jasna Urška Petra Katjuša Mateja Dorian Irena Nika Martina Nina Mateja Grega Mária Jana Gabriel Michalea Terézia Jessica T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S T S m f f f f f f m f f f f f m f f m f f f Prva kragujevačka gimnazija Prva kragujevačka gimnazija Oš Franja Malgaja Šentjur Oš Franja Malgaja Šentjur OŠ Šmartno v Tuhinju OŠ Šmartno v Tuhinju OŠ Vransko - Tabor OŠ Vransko - Tabor Osnovna šola Rodica Osnovna šola Rodica Škofijska gimnazija Vipava Škofijska gimnazija Vipava Šolski center Celje Šolski center Celje Gymnázium Opatovská Gymnázium Opatovská Zakladna skola Pavla Marcelyho Zakladna skola Pavla Marcelyho ZŠ s MŠ Sámuela Gáspára s VJM Číčov ZŠ s MŠ Sámuela Gáspára s VJM Číčov Kragujevac Kragujevac Šentjur Šentjur Laze v Tuhinju Laze v Tuhinju Vransko Vransko Domžale Domžale Vipava Vipava Celje Celje Košice Košice Bratislava Bratislava Číčov Číčov RS RS SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SK SK SK SK SK SK ivan.m.nedeljkovic@gmail.com First name Jonida Katerina Sex f f School PSU "Petta Privatna Gimnazija" City/town Burrel Skopje Country AL MK E-mail jonidakolaveri@hotmail.com katerina.miovska@gmail.com First name Dzianis Reinhard Gabriella Christine Barbara Fanny Katharina Mari Gertraud Rebecca Luise Mária Danica Tatiana Omer Lucia Kristína Jelena Bojan Mirela Sex m m f f f f f f f f f f f m f f f m f Organisation Interkulturelles Zentrum Interkulturelles Zentrum Interkulturelles Zentrum Interkulturelles Zentrum Interkulturelles Zentrum Interkulturelles Zentrum Interkulturelles Zentrum Interkulturelles Zentrum Interkulturelles Zentrum Interkulturelles Zentrum VČELÍ DOM VČELÍ DOM VČELÍ DOM, civic association ORGA ORGA ORGA ORGA ORGA ORGA City/town Wien Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Wien Istanbul Vienna Vienna Wien Bratislava Bratislava Bratislava Sarajevo Slovakia Slovakia Sarajevo sarajevo Sarajevo Country AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT SK SK SK BA SK SK BA BA BA E-mail dennis.dokuchaev@iz.or.at reinhard.eckert@iz.or.at gabriella.feledi@iz.or.at tine.gamper@iz.or.at barbara.haemmerle@iz.or.at fanny.kuerthy@gmail.com katharina.schick@gmx.at mari.steindl@iz.or.at gertraud.steininger@iz.or.at rebecca.zeilinger@iz.or.at maria.dordova@vcelidom.sk danica.lacova@vcelidom.sk tatiana.makova@vcelidom.sk omer.brankovic@gmail.com lula.jakubcova@gmail.com kikamajorosova@gmail.com orsolicjelena@gmail.com bojan@infohouse.ba training@seeyn.org jasna.drescek@gmail.com petra.potocnik@guest.arnes.si mateja.todorovski@gmail.com irena.lapanje@guest.arnes.si martina.podbersic-smrdel@guest.arnes.si mateja.jager@sc-celje.si kadukovamaria@yahoo.com zsdrienova@centrum.sk tebod@lycos.com Accompanying teachers Last name Kolaveri Miovska Team members Last name Dakuchayeu Eckert Feledi Gamper Hämmerle Kürthy Schick Steindl Steininger Zeilinger Ďorďová Lacová Maková Branković Jakubcová Majorošová Oršolić Pavlovic Rajkovic Antic Jovanovic Krstevska Nacevski Sehic Terziu Hano Pop-Jovanov Sallai Vaupotič Valentina Ilija Ivona Martin Lejla Sibora Tomáš Danijela Zoltán Tadeja f m f m f f m f m f Pleasure & Leasure team Pleasure & Leasure team Pleasure & Leasure team aces tutor aces tutor aces tutor aces Council aces Council aces Council aces Council Krusevac Sarajevo Sarajevo Skopje Sarajevo Burrel RS BA BA MK BA AL SK RS HU SI valentina@ec.org.rs ilija@seeyn.org ivona@seeyn.org nacevski.martin@yahoo.com lejla_sehic@live.com boraalbaniamun@gmail.com tomas.hano@yahoo.com danijelapj@gmail.com szoli@freemail.hu Vaupotic.tadeja@gmail.com First name Robin Boris Knut Filip Jovana Sex m m m m f Organisation ERSTE Stiftung ERSTE Foundation ERSTE Stiftung ERSTE Foundation ERSTE Foundation City/town Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Country AT AT AT AT AT E-mail robin.gosejohann@erstestiftung.org First name Brindusa Ana Torben Jona Neda Katrin Darko Jasmina Kristina Barbara Nathan Siniša Hermine Sex f m m f f m f f f m m f Organisation Foundation for a Dignified Life Loesje Austria City/town Roman Country RO D D UK AT RS BA SI AT AT HR AT E-mail albertbrindusa@yahoo.com t.gro@gmx.net jona@pluralog.de neda@mepi.info training@lueth.cc darko@innside.co.rs jasmina.music@hotmail.com kristina.pahor1@gmail.com barbara@sieberth.com nathan.spees@wwf.at stanivukowski@gmail.com office@agentursteinbach.at First name Arnela Ljubica Jovana Nataša Kristina Sex f f f f f E-mail arnela_ba@hotmail.com ljubica.bajo@uwcim.uwc.org joe@nspoint.net nsekulic22@yahoo.com kristina.simeunovic@uwcim.net E-mail zaneta.dzumhur@aposo.gov.ba alisa.ibrakovic@aposo.gov.ba Sremski Karlovci Budapest ERSTE Stiftung Last name Gosejohann Marte Neumayer Radunovic Trifunovic knut.neumayer@erstestiftung.org filip.radunovic@erstestiftung.org jovana.trifunovic@erstestiftung.org Facilitators, Workshop leaders Last name Albert Grocholl Hölderle Kajfež Lüth Markovic Musić Pahor de Maiti Sieberth Spees Stanivuk Steinbach-Buchinger International Award Association Inn.Side Beograd Freelance Trainer // Verein Kopfstand World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Austria Youth Peace Group Danube agentur steinbach.at Salzburg Innsbruck Vukovar Wien Organisation City/town United World College in Mostar Svetozar Markovic Mostar Novi Sad United World College in Mostar (UWCiM) Mostar Country BA BA RS RS BA City/town Sarajevo Sarajevo Country BA BA Living Books Last name Babić Bajo Jocic Sekulić Simeunovic Representatives of Ministries of Education of aces partner countries Last name Džumhur Ibrakovic First name Žaneta Alisa Sex f f Organisation Agency for preprimary, primary and secondary educn Agency for Preprimary,Primary and Second.Education Stojkić Baluta Jakovljevic Durić Maja Lucretia Radmila Aida f f f f Agency for Preprimary,Primary and Second.Education - Director Romanian National Comission for UNESCO APOSO Ministry of Civil Affairs Mostar Bucharest Banja Luka Sarajevo BA RO BA BA maja.stojkic@aposo.gov.ba balutalucretia@yahoo.com rada.jakovljevic51@gmail.com Aida.Duric@mcp.gov.ba Sex f m f f m m Organisation derstandard.at Trend Lidove noviny TeleradioMoldova Philipp Steiner City/town Wien Bratislava Prague Chisinau Wien Wien Country AT SK CZ MD AT AT E-mail Journalists/Media people Last name Al-Kattib Blaščák Hnikova Jemna Steiner Werginz First name Jasmin Fedor Eva Stela Philipp Thomas Andreas