List of Participants - aces Academy, Senec, 27
List of Participants - aces Academy, Senec, 27
List of Participants - aces Academy, Senec, 27 - 30 March 2012 Students and Teachers of aces Project Schools 2011/12 Last name First name T/S Sex School City/town Country E-mail Koçi Albana T f Andon Zako Çajupi Tirana AL Rama Ornela S f Andon Zako Çajupi Tirana AL Dinga Ira T f Primary School "Albanet" Tirana AL Dorin Mane S m Primary School "Albanet" Tirana AL Rieken Elke T f HTL Moessingerstraße Klagenfurt AT Klagenfurt AT Steyr AT Messner Dominik S m HTL Moessingerstraße Haslinger Heidemarie T f HLW Steyr Schickinger Anna S f HLW Steyr Steyr AT Čović Anja T f Prva osnovna skola Ilidza, Sarajevo BA Suljić Alma S f Prva osnovna skola Ilidza, Sarajevo BA Mancic Miodrag T m IV Osnovna Skola Brcko BA/RS Gavric Arsenije S m IV Osnovna Skola Brcko BA Ajanović Amela T f Secondary School of Applied Arts Sarajevo BA Panjeta Benjamin S m Secondary School of Applied Arts Sarajevo BA Vidovic Sladjana T f Primary School "Stevan Nemanja" Gornji Dragaljevac BA Stevanovic Kristina S f Primary School "Stevan Nemanja" Gornji Dragaljevac BA Purkovic´ Irma T f Primary school OŠ "Musa Ćazim Ćatić" Zenica BA Golub Emrina S f Primary school OŠ "Musa Ćazim Ćatić" Zenica BA Joukivskaia Anna T f Zlatarski International School Sofia BG Dimova Yordanka S f Zlatarski International School Sofia BG Hristova Valentina T f Profesionalna gimnaziya po ikonomika Varna BG Ivanova Elitsa S f Profesionalna gimnaziya po ikonomika Varna BG Toshkova Patya T f Osnovno uchilishte Neofit Rilski Gabrovo BG Trifinov Trayana S f Gabrovo BG Gospodinova Nellie T f Silistra BG Dimitrova Teodora S f Silistra BG Mecheva Teodora T f Osnovno uchilishte Neofit Rilski The Secondary Vocational School "Atanas Burov" The Secondary Vocational School "Atanas Burov" Nevrokop Vocational High School "Dimitar Talev" Goce Delchev BG aces Academy Report annex | 1 1 Petkov Georgi S m Karamanova Vanya T f Antova Anelia S f Nevrokop Vocational High School "Dimitar Talev" Profesionalna gimnazija po obleklo"Kn.Maria Luisa" Profesionalna gimnazija po obleklo"Kn.Maria Luisa" Goce Delchev BG Sofia BG Sofia BG Pashankova Vanya T f OU1 "Georgy Bakalov" Stara Zagora BG Timofeev Tenko S m OU1 "Georgy Bakalov" Stara Zagora BG Ayetola Louis Camille T m Junior school "Academic Daki Yordanov" Omurtag BG Georgiev Vasil Plamenov S m Junior school "Academic Daki Yordanov" Omurtag BG Yankova Zhulieta Yordanova T f SOU Sveti Sveti Kiril i Metodii Plovdiv BG Gesheva Yolena Stamenova S f SOU Sveti Sveti Kiril i Metodii Plovdiv BG Alimustafa Ayshe T f Osnovno uchilishte "Vasil Levski" Yurukovo BG Medarova Dune S f Osnovno uchilishte "Vasil Levski" Yurukovo BG BG BG BG Arnaudova Dimitrinka T f Private English Language Secondary School Chelopech Serafimov Hristo S m Stefanova Valentina T f Shopova Kamelia S f Private English Language Secondary School Chelopech Osmo Sredno Obshtoobrazovatelno Uchilishte Blagoevgrad Osmo Sredno Obshtoobrazovatelno Uchilishte Blagoevgrad BG Stankova Nadya T f SOU "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodii" Smolyan BG Terzieva Betina S f BG Zaharieva Lorita T f BG Krasteva Elina S f SOU "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodii" Smolyan Parvo Sredno Obshootbrazovatelno Ychishte "Pencho Slaveikov" Sofia Parvo Sredno Obshootbrazovatelno Ychishte "Pencho Slaveikov" Sofia Todorova Tsvetanka T f SOU "Tsar Simeon Veliki" Vidin BG Tsenkov Tsvetan S m SOU "Tsar Simeon Veliki" Vidin BG BG Pavelková Nina T f 1st International School of Ostrava Ostrava CZ Morawiec Jiří S m 1st International School of Ostrava Ostrava CZ Kučerová Iva T f Obchodní akademie a VOŠE Tábor Tábor CZ Petrášek Matyáš S m CZ Homolková Tereza T f Musilová Zuzana S f Obchodní akademie a VOŠE Tábor Tábor Střední škola Služeb obchodu a gastronomie, Velká Hradec Králové Střední škola Služeb obchodu a gastronomie, Velká Hradec Králové Zagreb HR Zagreb HR Talić Daria T f Osnovna škola Tina Ujevića Družetić Jelena S f Osnovna škola Tina Ujevića aces Academy Report annex | 2 CZ CZ 2 Varnica Dejana T f Osnovna škola Josipa Matoša Vukovar HR Dula Ankica S f Osnovna škola Josipa Matoša Vukovar HR Ćurković Klaudija T f Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje ''Ivan Štark'' Osijek HR Šandor Sandra S f Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje ''Ivan Štark'' Osijek HR Winkler Željka T f Secondary School Ban Josip Jelačić Zaprešić HR Vodopić Filip S m Zaprešić HR Hanjilec Barbara T f Zabok HR Čaržavec Marta S f Secondary School Ban Josip Jelačić Škola za umjetnost, dizajn, grafiku i odjeću Zabok Škola za umjetnost, dizajn, grafiku i odjeću Zabok Zabok HR Opatija HR Opatija HR Verunica Mira T f Gimnazija Eugena Kumicica Opatija Ostic Bojan S m Gimnazija Eugena Kumicica Opatija Klarić Teuta T f OŠ Hugo Badalić Slavonski Brod HR Hanuljak Martina S f Slavonski Brod HR Bodó Katalin T f Szeged HU Mlinaric Marica S f OŠ Hugo Badalić SzSzKSz Vedres István Építıipari Tagintézménye SzSzKSz Vedres István Építıipari Tagintézménye Szeged HU Bordán Zsuzsa T f Szent József Gimnázium és Kollégium Debrecen HU Fodor Attila S m Debrecen HU Mandják Gertrúd T f Budapest HU Kénoszt Barbara S f Szent József Gimnázium és Kollégium Klebelsberg Kuno Általános Iskola és Gimnázium Klebelsberg Kuno Általános Iskola és Gimnázium Budapest HU Dobó Gabriella T f II. Rákóczi Ferenc Gimnázium Budapest HU Pásztory Gréta S f Budapest HU Molnár András T m Pápa HU Szakács Eszter S f Pápa HU Kiss Eszter T f Pecs HU Sallai Andrea S f II. Rákóczi Ferenc Gimnázium Pápai Gazdasági Szakképzı Iskola és Kollégium Pápai Gazdasági Szakképzı Iskola és Kollégium Eltes Matyas Egyseges Gyogypedagogiai M Kozpont Eltes Matyas Egyseges Gyogypedagogiai M Kozpont Pecs HU Berényi Gabriella T f Tószegi Általános Iskola Tószeg HU Hingi Blanka S f Tószegi Általános Iskola Tószeg HU Geréné Kristóf Katalin T f Karácsony Sándor Általános Iskola Debrecen HU Erdısi Dóra S f Karácsony Sándor Általános Iskola Debrecen HU Kalocsai Agnes T f Pannonia Primary School Budapest HU aces Academy Report annex | 3 3 Raub Nora S f Pannonia Primary School Budapest HU Lleshi Krenare T f Mileniumi i Trete Prishtina KS Rezniqi Arrita S f Mileniumi i Trete Prishtina KS Cutasevici Angela T f Liceul Teoretic Gheorghe Asachi Chişinău MD Lupuşor Cristina S f Liceul Teoretic Gheorghe Asachi Chişinău MD Moisei Svetlana T f High School "Spiru Haret" Chişinău MD Ursu Cristina S f High School "Spiru Haret" Chişinău MD Hahuleac Mihaela T f Theoretical Lyceum "Mihai Eminescu" EdineŃ MD GuŃu Cristina S f Theoretical Lyceum "Mihai Eminescu" EdineŃ MD Samoil Andrei T m Art School Gratiesti Gratiesti, Kishinev MD Florică Vera S f Art School Gratiesti Gratiesti, Kishinev MD Man Eugenia T f Liceul Teoretic Magdacesti Magdacesti, Criuleni MD Malanetchi Cristina S f Magdacesti, Criuleni MD Radovic Marina T f Podgorica ME Radinovic Lazar S m Liceul Teoretic Magdacesti JU Srednja elektrotehnička škola ''Vaso Aligrudić'' JU Srednja elektrotehnička škola ''Vaso Aligrudić'' Podgorica ME Stamatovic Biljana T f Osnovna Škola „Pavle Rovinski” Podgorica ME Podgorica ME Podgorica ME Dujovic Iva S f Osnovna Škola „Pavle Rovinski” Nedovic Tamara T f Bozidar Vukovic Podgoricanin Betic Teodora S f Bozidar Vukovic Podgoricanin Podgorica ME Milatovic Milena T f Blazo Jokov Orlandic Bar ME Mijac Dimitrije S m Blazo Jokov Orlandic Bar ME Nikolić Marta T f JU: Sreddnja ekonomsko-ugostiteljska Bar Bar ME Lukšić Pavle S m JU: Sreddnja ekonomsko-ugostiteljska Bar Bar ME Dimitrova Sonja T f Dimitar Miladinov Primary Skopje MK Skopje MK Bitola MK Gjorgjioska Hristina S f Dimitar Miladinov Primary Tolevska Biljana T f OU Stiv Naumov Todorovska Ana S f OU Stiv Naumov Bitola MK Jordeva Gordana T f SOU Taki Daskalo Bitola MK Gjorgievski Vladimir S m SOU Taki Daskalo Bitola MK Taleski Darko T m OOU Kiril i Metodij Prilep MK Mitanoski Stefan S m OOU Kiril i Metodij Prilep MK Puroska Dana T f OOU Murat Labunisti Struga MK Islamoski Emel S m OOU Murat Labunisti Struga MK aces Academy Report annex | 4 4 Belinska-Andov Sunchica T f ASUC „Boro Petrusevski“ Skopje MK Memedovski Tamer S m ASUC „Boro Petrusevski“ Skopje MK Stojanoska-Ivanovska Vesna T f Primary School "Vasli Glavinov" Veles MK Djalev Ilija S m Primary School "Vasli Glavinov" Veles MK Nikoloska Suzana T f OOU"Josip Broz Tito" Struga MK Nicheski Andrej S m OOU"Josip Broz Tito" Struga MK Remboska Jasmina T f Primary School "Josip Broz Tito" Struga MK Struga MK Negotino MK Cambrcoska Loreta S f Primary School "Josip Broz Tito" Dimova Gjorgjina T f Primary School "Strasho Pindzur" Ristovski Stefan S m Primary School "Strasho Pindzur" Negotino MK Ristovski Aleksandar T m NOVA International School Skopje MK Zafirovski Viktor S m NOVA International School Skopje MK Nechita Nicoleta T f Liceul de Arta Margareta Sterian Buzau RO Burlacu Ruxandra S f Liceul de Arta Margareta Sterian Buzau RO Albert Ovidiu T m Colegiul National Roman-Voda Roman RO Stefanescu Stefan S m Colegiul National Roman-Voda Roman RO Pasca Roxana-Maria T f Happy Planet Kids (Pro Ingenio) Bragadiru RO Rosu Petru S m Happy Planet Kids (Pro Ingenio) Bragadiru RO Miheller Martin Peter T m Don Orione Highschool Oradea RO Chivari Tereza S f Don Orione Highschool Oradea RO Kiss Erika Ilona T f Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Agris Agris RO Gati Gabor S m Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Agris Agris RO Alecu Stefan T m Scoala cu clasele "Sava Popovici Barcianu" Rasinari RO Vidrean Aurel S m Scoala cu clasele "Sava Popovici Barcianu" Rasinari RO Popa Mariana Elena T f Scoala cu clasele I-VIII, Pietroasa Pietroasa RO Roman Flavius S m Scoala cu clasele I-VIII, Pietroasa Pietroasa RO Bucharest RO RO Codila Cornelia T f School Nr. 93 "Emi Racovita" Stanescu Darius-Constantin S m School Nr. 93 "Emi Racovita" Visan Corina Zenaida T f Scoala cu Clasele I-VIII Cocorastii Colt Bucharest Com.Cocorastii Colt, jud.Prahova Com.Cocorastii Colt, Petre Andreea Catalina S f Scoala cu Clasele I-VIII Cocorastii Colt jud.Prahova RO Stoicescu Luisa Denisa T f Grup Şcoala Industrial Energetic Campina RO Coman Andrei-LaurenŃiu S m Grup Şcoala Industrial Energetic Campina RO Danciu Sorina-Mihaela T f Colegiul National Roman Voda Roman RO Dobos Iulia S f Colegiul National Roman Voda Roman RO f Scoala 129 Elena Farago Bucharest RO Popescu Andra T aces Academy Report annex | 5 RO 5 Vlad Catalina Maria S f Scoala 129 Elena Farago Bucharest RO Acatrinei-Vasiliu Lacramioara-Ana T f Colegiul Agricol Falticeni Falticeni RO Pintilie Matei Ioan S m Colegiul Agricol Falticeni Falticeni RO Eigel Elena T f Scoala "Alecu Russo" Iasi RO Ungureanu Toma- Florin S m Scoala "Alecu Russo" Iasi RO Ghisa Adina-Ioana T f Iuliu Maniu Highschool Arad RO Rosenbeiger Eduard S m Arad RO Szabo Marta T f Alba Iulia RO Karacsoni Hajnalka Timea S f Iuliu Maniu Highschool Lic. Teol. Rom-Cat. Gróf Majláth Gusztáv Károly Lic. Teol. Rom-Cat. Gróf Majláth Gusztáv Károly Alba Iulia RO Oros Erika T f Gaspar Andras Secondary School, Biharia Biharia RO Barczag Beatrix Gabriela S f Gaspar Andras Secondary School, Biharia Biharia RO Colec Sanziana T f Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr. 49 Bucharest RO Colec Elfriede -Maria S f Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr. 49 Bucharest RO Bobocea Daniela T f Colegiul Tehnic "Dumitru Motoc" Galati RO Amarandei Geanina S f Colegiul Tehnic "Dumitru Motoc" Galati RO Adavidoaiei Mariana T f Scoala cu clasele I-VIII, Lunca Pascani Lunca, Pascani RO Prodan Teodora S f Scoala cu clasele I-VIII, Lunca Pascani Lunca, Pascani RO Mihălăchioiu Elisabeta - Luise T f Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII „Matei Basarab” Târgoviste RO Călin Maria - Cristina S f Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII „Matei Basarab” Târgoviste RO Milinovic Katarina T f Osnovna škola “Dule Karaklajić” Lazarevac RS Stefanović Luka S m Osnovna škola “Dule Karaklajić” Lazarevac RS Mamuzic Ivana T f Politehnicka skola Subotica RS Plesko Valentina S f Politehnicka skola Subotica RS Eror Sladjana T f Osnovna i srednja Žarko Zrenjanin Subotica RS Varga Emeke T f Osnovna i srednja Žarko Zrenjanin Subotica RS Nedeljković Ivan T m Prva kragujevačka gimnazija Kragujevac RS Milivojević Ana S f Prva kragujevačka gimnazija Kragujevac RS Jakovljevic Biljana T f Osnovna skola Dragomir Markovic Krusevac RS Dinic Miona S f Osnovna skola Dragomir Markovic Krusevac RS Eftimovski Zaklina T f Gimnazija Svetozar Markovic Nis RS Milenkovic Nina S f Gimnazija Svetozar Markovic Nis RS Hlapec Lidija T f OŠ Branko Radičević Novi Sad RS Gagić Ivan S m OŠ Branko Radičević Novi Sad RS aces Academy Report annex | 6 6 Tonsa Ivana T f Gimnazija Bora Stanković Niš RS Stojanović Milan S m Gimnazija Bora Stanković Niš RS Todorovski Mateja T f Osnovna šola Vransko-Tabor Vransko SI Lončarek Anja S f Osnovna šola Vransko-Tabor Vransko SI Rajh Jager Mateja T f Šolski center Celje Celje SI Gorjup Samanta S f Šolski center Celje Celje SI Senica Katja T f OŠ Franja Malgaja Šentjur Šentjur SI Trunkl Živa S f OŠ Franja Malgaja Šentjur Šentjur SI Slapar Irena T f OŠ Šmartno v Tuhinju Laze v Tuhinju SI Gradisek Jaka S m OŠ Šmartno v Tuhinju Laze v Tuhinju SI Šarb Lebič Ksenja T f Škofijska gimnazija Vipava Vipava SI Bensa Sara S f Škofijska gimnazija Vipava Vipava SI Lapanje Irena T f Osnovna šola Rodica Domžale SI Kešnar Jasna S f Osnovna šola Rodica Domžale SI Buglos Bödık Terézia T f ZŠ s MŠ Sámuela Gáspára s VJM Číčov Číčov SK Gaál Samantha Barbara S f ZŠ s MŠ Sámuela Gáspára s VJM Číčov Číčov SK Kaduková Mária T f Gymnázium Opatovská 7, Košice Košice SK Saladiová Slávka S f Gymnázium Opatovská 7, Košice Košice SK Kalna Gabriel T m Bratislava SK Benova Nikola S f Zakladna skola Pavla Marcelyho Zakladna skola Pavla Marcelyho Bratislava SK Students and Teachers of aces Project Schools 2010/2011 Last name First name T/S Sex School City/town Country E-mail Bećirović Mirzet T m Mještovita srednja škola Sapna Sapna BA Arifović Salko S m Mještovita srednja škola Sapna Sapna BA Stupar Biljana T f Gimnazija, Mrkonjic-Grad Mrkonjic-Grad BA Kopuz Milica S f Gimnazija, Mrkonjic-Grad Mrkonjic-Grad BA Musić Jasmina T f Primary school Kiseljak Kiseljak, Tuzla BA Kikanović Irma S f Kiseljak, Tuzla BA Aleksandrova Valentina T f Vidin BG Petkova Anna-Maria Yordanova S f Primary school Kiseljak "Yordan Radichkov" English Language High School "Yordan Radichkov" English Language High School Vidin BG Liović Tea T f Osnovna škola Bilje Bilje HR Kljaić Marinko S m Osnovna škola Bilje Bilje HR aces Academy Report annex | 7 7 Okanović Erna T f Primary school "Vitomir Širola Pajo" Nedešćina HR Hodža Adis S m Primary school "Vitomir Širola Pajo" Nedešćina HR Benčić Vukičević Marija T f OŠ Vidikovac Pula HR Peruško Chiara S f OŠ Vidikovac Pula HR Dancs István T m Madách Imre Gimnázium Budapest HU Tóth András S m Madách Imre Gimnázium Budapest HU Nagyné Herczeg Judit T f Móra Ferenc Általános Iskola és AMI Répcelak HU Mihály Luca S f Móra Ferenc Általános Iskola és AMI Répcelak HU Radoman Dragana T f Primary school "Milija Nikcevic" Niksic ME Dubljevic Djina S f Primary school "Milija Nikcevic" Niksic ME Dokoska Mirjana T f PSU Petta Privatna Gimnazija Skopje Skopje MK Stamatovski Blagoja S m PSU Petta Privatna Gimnazija Skopje Skopje MK Mandrican Ovidiu Marius T m Grup Scolar "Constantin Cantacuzino" Baicoi Baicoi RO RO Vostinar Raluca Ioana S f Grup Scolar "Constantin Cantacuzino" Baicoi Baicoi Matei Gabriela Ana T f Secondary school Ioan Slavici Oradea RO Olariu Catalin Bogdan S m Secondary school Ioan Slavici Oradea RO Crisan Emilia Aurelia T f Colegiul ttf Anghel Saligny -Scoala Generala Simeria RO Matis Ana S f Colegiul ttf Anghel Saligny -Scoala Generala Simeria RO Dinca Doina Mariana T f National College Octav Onicescu Bucharest RO Ene Ana Maria S f National College Octav Onicescu Bucharest RO Pilbák Enikı T f Liceul Teoretic Apáczai Csere János Cluj Napoca RO László Kinga S f Liceul Teoretic Apáczai Csere János Cluj Napoca RO Safta Mariana Alina T f Secondary School "Tudor Vladimirescu" Târgoviste RO Safta Andrei Iustin S m Secondary School "Tudor Vladimirescu" Târgoviste RO Radojkovic Nikola T m OS Ivan Milutinovic Belgrade RS Petkovic Natasa T f Primary school Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj Djurdjevo RS Dujakovic Uros S m Primary school Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj Djurdjevo RS Tintor Silvija T f Poslovno-Komercialna šola celje Celje SI Knapic Tomaz S m Poslovno-Komercialna šola celje Celje SI Kosi Jelka T f Gimnazija Ptuj Ptuj SI f Gimnazija Ptuj Ptuj SI Banska Bystrica SK Banska Bystrica SK Komárno SK Špindler Sanja S Zilak Matej T m Evanjelické Gymnazium Poliak Juraj S m Szabó Beáta T f Evanjelické Gymnazium Stredná priemyselná škola - Ipari Szakkozépiskola aces Academy Report annex | 8 8 Batár Hajnalka S f Stredná priemyselná škola - Ipari Szakkozépiskola Komárno SK City/town Country E-mail Students and Teachers of aces Project Schools 2009/2010 Last name First name T/S Sex School Durdija Erdita T f "Partizani" High school Tirana AL Beli Juna S f "Partizani" High school Tirana AL Majić Olivera T f Prva Ekonomska škola Zagreb Zagreb HR Davarović Sabina S f Zagreb HR Kleisz Gábor T m Prva Ekonomska škola Zagreb Bács-Kiskun Megyei Önkormányzat Bajai Közokt.Int. Bács-Kiskun Megyei Önkormányzat Bajai Közokt.Int. Baja HU Ócsai Anna S f Petkovic Marinko T m Stevanovic Dragan S m SOSO Milan Petrovic SOSO Milan Petrovic Baja HU Novi Sad RS Novi Sad RS Students and Teachers of aces Project Schools 2008/2009 Last name First name T/S Sex School City/town Country E-mail Veličković Zoran T m RS Miljana S f OŠ ''Djura Jakšić'' OŠ ''Djura Jakšić'' Zaječar Stojanović Zaječar RS Sex School City/town Country E-mail f Ekonomska srednja škola "Bosa Milićević" Subotica RS Additional Accompanying Teacher Last name Šokčić First name Sandra Team Members Last name First name Dakuchayeu Dzianis T/S Sex m School City/town Country E-mail Interkulturelles Zentrum Vienna AT/BY Eckert Reinhard m Interkulturelles Zentrum Vienna AT Eichinger Maximilian m Interkulturelles Zentrum Vienna AT Gamper Christine f Interkulturelles Zentrum Vienna AT/IT Hämmerle Barbara f Interkulturelles Zentrum Vienna AT Steindl Maria f Interkulturelles Zentrum Vienna AT Zeilinger Rebecca Luise f Interkulturelles Zentrum Vienna AT Bratislava SK Bratislava SK Ďorďová Maria f VČELÍ DOM Lacová Danica f VČELÍ DOM aces Academy Report annex | 9 9 Balogh Peter m ORGA team Bratislava SK Gradinger Claudia f ORGA team Vienna AT Havasi Hajnalka f ORGA team Szentes HU Jakubcová Lucia f ORGA team Bratislava SK Majorošová Kristína f ORGA team Bratislava SK Steiner Benjamin m ORGA team Vienna AT Teubl Carmen f ORGA team Vienna AT Drtilova Svetlana f Pleasure & Leisure team Bratislava SK Pešek Tomáš m Pleasure & Leisure team Bratislava SK Sihelska Andrea f Pleasure & Leisure team Bratislava SK Schick Katharina f Finance team Istanbul TR/AT Tsurgan Olga f Finance team Vienna AT/RU Jelínková Kateřina f aces tutor Tábor CZ Pruthi Patrisa f aces tutor Prishtina KS/US Vukmanov Šimokov Vladan m aces tutor Subotica RS Habich Julia f aces council Klagenfurt AT Starešinić Vesna f aces council Zagreb HR Vatsov Mihail m NL/BG Roland m aces council Friendly Fire Den Haag Loibl Vienna AT Sex Organisation City/town Country E-mail ERSTE Foundation Last name First name Gurǎu Andreea f ERSTE Foundation Vienna AT/RO Gosejohann Robin m ERSTE Foundation Vienna AT/DE Marte Boris m ERSTE Foundation Vienna AT Neumayer Knut m Vienna AT Radunović Filip m ERSTE Foundation ERSTE Foundation Vienna AT/ME Facilitators, Workshop Leaders Last name First name Sex Organisation City/town Country E-mail Lüth Katrin f Freelance trainer, Facilitator Innsbruck AT Markovic Darko m Inn.Side, Facilitator Belgrade RS Steinbach-Buchinger Hermine f agentur, Facilitator Vienna AT Alexandru Livia f SOS Children's Villages International Bucharest RO Foidl Stefan m Superar Vienna AT Jolley Stuart m Fairsoul Communications Vienna AT/UK aces Academy Report annex | 10 10 Kennedy-Salemi Gregory m Fairsoul Communications Vienna AT/US Nemutlu Unal Gülesin f Freelance trainer Istanbul TR Pöyskö Anu f wienXtra.medienzentrum Vienna AT/FI Ristić Nataša f Center for Modern Skills Belgrade RS Sieberth Barbara f Verein Kopfstand, Freelance trainer Salzburg AT Taylor Mark m Strasbourg FR/UK Wagner Heinz m UNIQUE Network, Freelance trainer KinderKURIER Vienna AT Representatives of Ministries of Education of aces Partner Countries Last name First name Organisation City/town Country E-mail Mašková Irena f Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Prague CZ Banek Snježana f Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Zagreb HR Szabó Csilla f Budapest HU Gallopeni Bujar m Tempus Public Foundation Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Prishtina KS Stoimenova Nada f Skopje MK BaluŃa Lucretia f Ministry of Education and Science National Commission of Romania for UNESCO Bucharest RO, Krneta Marija f Ministry of Education and Science Kristina f SI Obžerová Eva f Belgrade National Education Insitute Ljubljana Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport Bratislava RS Kham SK Organisation City/town Country E-mail Sex Jury Last name First name Sex Civico Gabriella f EYV 2011 Alliance Brussels BE/UK Forštner Milena f Gimnazija Ravne na Koroškem Ravne na Koroškem SI Madjirov Nikola m MK Peter m Poet and translator European Youth Forum Skopje Matjašič Brussels NL/SI Organisation City/town Country E-mail Prague CZ Guests Last name First name Hnikova Eva Sex Jemna Stela f Lidove noviny Public Broadcasting Company TeleRadio Moldova Chişinău MD Steiner Philipp m Freelancer/film crew Vienna AT Werginz Thomas Andreas m Freelancer/film crew Vienna AT f aces Academy Report annex | 11 11 Mazakova Marika Slovak radio Blaščák Fedor Trend (journalist) Jesná Katarína f photographer Čintalan Peter m Molnár Péter photographer Evaluator m Budapest aces Academy Report annex | 12 HU 12 aces Academy Report annex | 13 aces Council FAQs What is the aces Council? The Council is an advisory body with consultative status within in aces. It reflects the participative principle of aces and was created to intensify the em mutual exchange of aces stakeholders and better prepare the field for decisions off tthe management. Who Wh o are the aces Council members? members ? The Council consists of four aces students and four aces teach chers. Each of the members comes from a different aces country, has a solid unde derstanding of the program and is willing to share his/her experience and knowled edge as well as ideas. What are the roles and tasks of the Council members ers? rs? The Council acts as a “bridge” between the participants (studen ents and teachers) and the aces management. It voices opinions, feedback, ideas, s, needs and questions of teachers and students deriving from own experienc ences and/or collected during aces events. This ensures their integration in the aces pr program development process. The Council members also act as (peer) consultantss a and resource persons for students and teachers regarding aces and the implementatio ation of school partnership projects. Furthermore the Council members, as ma any other participants, are important aces multipliers promoting program aims, valuess and information on various levels. ities? How and when is the Council involved in aces activit The mandate of the appointed Council members lasts 2 years (maximum). The Council members participate in the aces events actively as observers, resource persons and dialogue partners: each member takes part in one ne Kick-off Meeting and one Academy alternating during the two years mandate. In addition, the Council gathers with the aces management onc nce a year for the twoday “Council and Strategy Meeting” in Vienna. ething for it? How do I become a Council member & do I get some If you are interested in becoming a Council member and thinkk yyou can contribute with innovative ideas and valuable advice, please apply on the e “Council members wanted”-pinboard at the Academy or tell one of the Council mem embers. Because of legal reasons students must be minimum 16 years old! The Cou ouncil members are ultimately chosen by the aces management. Council members work on a voluntary basis, gain lots of fame ea and honour as well as a certificate at the end of their mandate but do not get any re remuneration. Council C In 2010 the aces Council was estab tablished with the aim to promote the idea of lived participation and to shape the th future development of aces together with the aces management. By involving in students and teachers of former aces projects, a broader perspective is guaranteed g as the voices and needs of the target group can be more easily considered con in the planning and development of aces. The Council assumes an advisory ad role with consultative status – it does not make decisions but can point po at blind spots and give recommendations to the aces management. The Council: 4 students and 4 teachers tea from different aces countries Council members work on a volunt ntary basis, are nominated by Interkulturelles Zentrum, gather once a year in Vien ienna and have an individual mandate of two years maximum. Current Council me embers (from left to right on the photo) Ovidiu Albert, teacher, RO Zoltán Sallai, teacher, HU Julia Habich, student, AT Mihail Vatsov, student, BG Tadeja Vaupotič, student, SI Tomáš Hano, student, SK Danijela Pop-Jovanov, teacher, RS Vesna Starešinić, teacher, HR aces Academy Report annex | 14 demy 2012 Council members at the aces Acade Apart from attending the Council Meetings with the aces manag agement one of our main task is to listen to you, to the opinions and ideas of th the representatives of the aces projects schools. This is why four of us are prese sent at the Academy looking forward to getting in touch with you! There are severall o opportunities to meet and talk to us, to express your concerns and wishes. You can an meet us at … the Council Corner Corner in the “PRESSO BAR”, Hotel Senec Se Opening Hours mornings: 08:30 – 09:00 lunch time: 13:30 – 14:15 Mihail Vatsov Univ. student at The Hague University of Applied Science, before student at: Pencho Slaveikov School No.1, Sofia, Bulgaria Julia Habich Student at HTL Mössingerstraße, Klagenfurt, Austria evenings: 20:00 – 21:00 (not on n Ceremony evening) the Council Coffee Talks lk During the coffee breaks we are happy to welcome you at our special “Cou ouncil table” in the coffee break area. There you will wil find at least one of us eager to chat with you! Vesna Starešinić Teacher at Osnovna škola Jure Kaštelana, Zagreb, Croatia … or you leave us a message in the Council Letter Box located in the Council Corner We e are interested in all kinds of feedback and opi pinions about aces in general as well as the Academy. Let us know your comments, suggestions and new ideas! Ovidiu Albert Teacher at Colegiul National Roman-Voda, Piatra NeamŃ, Romania Feel free ee to approach us! aces Academy Report annex | 15 The Members of the Jury at the Academy 2012 in Senec Gabriella Civico Gabriella is from the UK but has lived for many years in Spain and Portugal. She has a BSc in Social Policy and Education from Surrey University (UK) and an MEd in E-learning from the University of Hull (UK). Her professional background is in business and the youth NGO Sector where she has worked on a freelance basis as a trainer and expert and held permanent positions most recently as Policy and Communication Manager and Secretary General. Through her work in the youth sector she was involved in the campaign to establish 2011 as the European Year of Volunteering. Gabriella has volunteered since childhood in a variety of fields including Youth Advocacy, International Development, Disability, Environment, Immigration, Human Rights, Sports etc. Gabriella is the EYV 2011 Alliance Project Manager until the end of the project in March 2012. For more information on the EYV 2011 Alliance, please see Milena Forštner After finishing her studies of Italian and English languages at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, Milena has been involved in working with teenagers for more than three decades – either as a secondary school teacher of English and Italian languages or as an EU project coordinator. In her position as EU project coordinator she has been involved in quite a few Comenius and also aces projects and has organised many meetings and exchange visits. She attended a Comenius conference in Santiago de Compostela and the Mode conference in Madrid. She was involved in the Slovenian national team preparing the baseline study for the language assistants in Slovenia and she presented their findings at the IATEFL conferences in Zadar, Croatia, and in Veszprém, Hungary. She has been a mentor to many foreign English language assistants. She was a member of the Slovenian National Assessment Team and its Chief Examiner for about ten years and she also studied abroad, at Cambridge and Lancaster. As a language tester she was also a member of EALTA and a member of the Slovenian National team placing the Slovenian English language exams in Common European Framework. She is a co-author of several publications: e.g. “The Language Assistant Scheme in Slovenia, A Baseline Study” (2001); “Into Europe, Prepare for Modern English Exams, Listening” (2002) or “Placing Slovenian English Language Exams into Common European Framework” (2010/11). Nikola Madzirov Nikola (acclaimed poet, essayist, translator) was born in a family of Balkan Wars refugees in 1973 in Strumica, Republic of Macedonia. His poetry has been translated into thirty languages and published in collections and anthologies in the US, Latin America, Europe and Asia. For his poetry book "Relocated Stone" (2007) he received the Hubert Burda poetry award for authors born in Eastern Europe and the most prestigious Macedonian poetry prize, Miladinov Brothers, at Struga Poetry Evenings. For the book "Locked in the City" (1999) he was given the Studentski Zbor award for the best debut and for the collection of poems "Somewhere Nowhere" (1999) the Aco Karamanov prize. Inspired by his poetry two short films were shot in Bulgaria and Croatia. The contemporary American jazz composer and collaborator of Björk and Lou Reed, Oliver Lake, composed music based on Madzirov's poems which was performed at the Jazz-Poetry Concert in Pittsburgh in 2008. Nikola Madzirov is the Macedonian coordinator of the world poetry network Lyrikline. Nikola Madzirov has participated in many international literary festivals and events in the US, Latin America, Asia and Europe and has received several international awards and fellowships such as a KulturKontakt fellowship in Vienna, Internationales Haus der Autoren in Graz, Literatur Haus NÖ in Krems, Literarisches Tandem in Berlin, Villa Waldberta in Munich and International Writing Program (IWP) at the University of Iowa in the US. For more information see Photo credit for Nikola: aces Academy Report annex | 16 Peter Matjašič Peter, born and raised in Slovenia, graduated in International Relations, speaks eight languages and has been active in the field of (European) youth work for nearly ten years: as an active volunteer (including an EVS experience in Barcelona 2005-2006), youth trainer and facilitator (YFJ Pool of Trainers 2006-2008), youth representative and youth worker (e.g. Secretary-General of JEF-Europe 2008-10) and since January 2011 President of the European Youth Forum (YFJ). Moreover, he set up the English version of Le Taurillon webzine under the name back in 2006, serving as its first Editor-in-Chief. Currently he is part of the Soliya Network Fellowship, a diverse group of young leaders from around the world who are committed to building cross-cultural understanding by using new media technologies to facilitate constructive intercultural engagement. Peter is a passionate runner and traveller who enjoys reading books and cooking. For more information on the European Youth Forum see aces Academy Report annex | 17 08.05.2012 Introduce yourself and share one interesting thing that happened to you on the way Senec. Please, change your train… Share what you heard that was happening in Sarajevo Kick off meeting. aces Academy Report annex | 18 1 08.05.2012 Share one inspiring moment from your project. Write your Message for the aces Academy. Final stop: Senec railway station !!! aces Academy Report annex | 19 2 !∀ ## ∃% !∀ ## ∃% !∀ ## ∃% !∀ ## ∃% !∀ ## ∃% !∀ ## ∃% !∀ ## ∃% !∀ ## ∃% aces Academy Report annex | 20 aces Academy Report annex | 21 08.05.2012 Travel Stories and Adventure Tales 5 Fields of Achievements CIVIL COURAGE 5 Fields of Achievements STUDENT PARTICIPATION SPECIAL BONUS VOLUNTEERING INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION The aces Code of Contact Innovative Learning aces Academy Report annex | 22 1 The 5 fields of achievements orientation for project groups Dear Project Groups! We invite you to reflect on the achievements your project gained during your project work. We want to know more about all kinds of learning (planned and unplanned!) that happened in the last 6 months! Therefore we developed “5 fields of achievements” as a structure for your reflection: o student participation: active involvement of students in various phases of the project planning, implementation and decision-making processes o civil courage: daring to take risks, addressing controversial issues, bridging gaps or overcoming stereotypes o volunteering: relevant and innovative ways/methodologies of dealing with the topic of the call o international cooperation: cross-border share of tasks and responsibilities, excellent teamwork of the schools involved o ‘special bonus’: any other possible success of your project (e.g. overcoming specific challenges, difficulties and barriers) What do you think? In which “field” did your group really grow and gain the most experiences? Take your pin board and go to the field you feel most connected to!!! There you will meet really “wise” people who will help you to talk about your learnings – “to find the jewels”. (These 5 fields will also be the leading structure for the jury decision to vote for 5 “best practice” projects) aces Academy Report annex | 23 Dear Wise People! For the following project exhibition we need your help! To reflect on all kind of learnings during the project work in the last 6 months, we offer “5 fields of achievements” to the project groups: The 5 fields of achievements o student participation: active involvement of students in various phases of the project planning, implementation and decision-making processes o civil courage: daring to take risks, addressing controversial issues, bridging gaps or overcoming stereotypes o volunteering: relevant and innovative ways/methodologies of dealing with the topic of the call o international cooperation: cross-border share of tasks and responsibilities, excellent teamwork of the schools involved o ‘special bonus’: any other possible success of your project (e.g. overcoming specific challenges, difficulties and barriers) We kindly ask YOU to support the project groups in their reflection procedure in your role as wise people! YOU will facilitate the reflection process! The whole process takes exactly one hour. How to do it: 1. Welcome ritual and introduction (10 minutes) You will be the host at one of the 5 fields, together with 2-3 other persons and this is your story: … You are the group of the wise people who live in that field of achievement since the beginning of time. You are experst in that field and you love to welcome new members with new interesting stories, which will enrich this field and support the growth of comepetences of all persons in that field!... a) Welcome the new members b) Play a simple (short) name game: e.g. name and movement c) Explain who you are (as wise people) and what your role will be during the next hour d) Explain the programme of the next hour in short words aces Academy Report annex | 24 2. Ask your guests about their treasures: What kind of “jewels” (project experiences) bring they with them? a) Introduction (5 minutes): “Why we are here together” Explain your guests what is the aim of this session: “Our aim is to reflect on all kind of learnings which happened during the project work. We will learn more about achievements, experiences, succeses, failures, fears and happy moments that happened in the last 6 months. We want to find these learnings and expierences - “jewels” - and share them with the others.” Open boxes with the jewels (copies) and give each project group 3 “jewels” and a marker b) Reflection (10 minutes): “Name your treasures” Ask the project groups to think about their most important learnings. They should write one learning on each jewel-paper. (Tell them that they will have the chance to tell more about it in the next round.) For this reflection (thinking and writing) they have 10 minutes! c) Story Telling (20 minutes): “Share your stories” The project groups present their “jewels”, tell the story behind it and pin the jewelpapers on their pin boards. Take care that all project groups have the same amount of time for their stories! d) Respectful Questions (10 minutes): Wise people can ask questions “How do you mean it? Why was that important…?” or you can start a little discussion with the whole group “Do these stories have something in common?” e) Insignias (5 minutes): “We appreciate what you have done!” Wise people hand over “insignias” (sticky name tags with “MASTER OF…”) of the field of achievement and appreciate the growth and wisdom of the groups, thank them for their cooperation and invite them to listen again to the main faciliator (Katrin, Darko or Hermi) to receive the next part of information! Thank you for your support! You will do a great job! P.S. We suggest to arrange different duties within your group of wise people, e.g.: - time keeping facilitating (the name game, explaining procedure, tasks,…) asking respectful questions handing over insignias aces Academy Report annex | 25 At the bottom of the pages you will find additional symbols showing the thematic focus of the workshop: Workshop Descriptions On the following pages you will find the descriptions of all workshops that will be offered on Thursday, 29 March 2012. You will be able to choose two workshops: one in the morning and one in the afternoon (except if you go for workshop 11 as this one is all day long!). Or you can participate in the Open Academy, either in the morning session (with 6 offers) or the afternoon session (with 6 offers). During the other half of the day you can sign up for one workshop. Please note that workshop 2 “newspaper” is for students only. In order to make it easier for you to make up your mind, we have asked the trainers to select a picture that symbolizes their workshop and to rate their offer by using the following pictograms: stands for Input/Theory The flower illustrates a workshop focusing on issues related to “media literacy”. The workshops are dealing with specific media and encourage to analyze, to evaluate and to actively create media products. The blossoming tree stands for a workshop addressing issues of teaching/learning methods that can easily be used for dealing with all kinds of topics in education or for issues regarding school/project development. The pollen stands for aces related topics. Here you get the opportunity to contribute your opinions and ideas on aces development and implementation. This time you are specifically invited to contribute to the “aces Ceremony”. stands for Methods/Tools stands for Play/Fun The dark pictograms count: If you can see 3 dark pictograms for Methods/Tools it means that the workshop provides a lot of Methods/Tools. If 2 are dark it means that it’s average, and if it’s only 1 it obviously means that you can expect rather few Methods/Tools. Don’t forget to register online until 18 March 2012: for morning sessions at and for afternoon sessions at First come, first served! aces Academy Report annex | 26 The honey-comb symbolises the Open Academy / Bee House which is meant as a place for exchange rather than input. It gives space to teachers and students who want to share their thoughts and tools with others. You will find the descriptions of these offers in a separate file (Open Academy Offers). Workshop 1: Pretty Pink vs Brave Blue: Gender-related clichés in advertising Workshop 2: To be or not to be – in the MEDIA Trainer: Gülesin Nemutlu Unal, tekne – designs for learning, Turkey Trainer: Heinz Wagner, KiKu - Kinder-KURIER (newspaper), Vienna, Austria Size of group: max. 24 participants STUDENTS ONLY! Size of group: max. 24 participants The common purpose of advertising is to pass on a message to the public that the ‘product’ is good and it is worth having. The ‘product’ can be a house, a car, a toy, a health insurance, a washing powder or an organic orange. Looking at the advertisement, we see the product in a scene. Certain things happen around the product within this scene, for us to imagine the product’s value. Our interest is to explore the scenes around the products in advertisements. How do these scenes help us in being convinced about the value of the product? What are the potential influences of these simulated scenes on us? Are there certain gender-roles we are exposed of? What happens if we not only want to own the product but we want to be the person in the scene? Welcome to explore the world of advertising through gender-sensitive lenses. You wanna bring a story on your nice/good or whatever project from/on/with young people into an existing newspaper? How and what can you do, in which way could you inform the media or what should you avoid? You want to write your own article, produce your newspaper? Really? Let’s do it, or at least try. We’ll try to make small reports – at first within the group and then as well on the aces Academy. The best thing would be, that YOU start your journalistic work already the days before the workshop with “looking around/observing” and “collecting impressions and opinions”. Maybe you can use lunchtime or the evenings, to make short interviews with other participants. Collect information and bring it to the workshop. In small groups of two or three participants you will create reports and maybe we can put them together to a small newspaper ;). aces Academy Report annex | 27 Workshop 3: Future school – full of media? Workshop 4: Madonna! Is that music?!! Trainer: Anu Pöyskö, wienXtra-medienzentrum, Austria Trainer: Mark Taylor, President UNIQUE Network, freelance trainer and writer, Born in Brazil, lives in France Size of group: max. 22 participants Size of group: max. 26 participants When we are talking about media education, we usually refer to learning about media. But even more exciting is the question how much we can learn with and through the media – and I don´t mean material produced for educational purposes. Today kids live in media saturated surroundings and carry “big backpacks” of media experience with them. Institutions like schools traditionally regard this knowledge as problematic. How about viewing it as a big chance instead? Is it possible to connect the “wild media knowledge” with “formal school knowledge” in a way that makes sense? How would this change our methods of learning and teaching? Where lie the biggest possibilities and potentials? How to overcome barriers and obstacles? When this workshop’s facilitator was a school student, he used to listen to records while doing his homework – and his parents would shout: ‘will you turn down that noise!’. Now he is a parent himself and his own children tell him to turn off his noise! Everyone has music in them; everyone uses music in different ways in their lives. But do we ever think about what music really is? How we use music? What effects does music have on us? Are the texts of songs more important than the music? How can we make music together? In this workshop we shall try to answer these questions together, using different examples from a range of music. You don’t have to be a musician to participate here – we will talk and listen and see and touch and feel the world of music. And, who knows, we might even make some!. aces Academy Report annex | 28 Workshop 5: Social Media – an explosion of possibilities! Blessing or Curse? Workshop 6: I am a media hero! Trainer: Barbara Sieberth, free lance trainer, Verein Kopfstand, Austria Trainer: Nataša Ristić, Center of Modern Skills, Belgrade, Serbia Size of group: max. 20 participants Size of group: max. 27 participants Social networking with hundreds of friends on facebook. New information access through blogs. Fast updates on twitter. A million services to manage information online. Youtube instead of TV. Online wikis instead of heavy encyclopedia books. This is great, right? We can have friends all over this world, we don’t have to rely on few information services like TV and newspaper like 20 years ago. Up to date information every second and in all lines of work. But what about all the data we offer? What about all the time we spend in front of computers? What about all the information? Do we need it – or is it sometimes too much? How real are friends on facebook? In this workshop, we will take a short overview of latest developments in the field of social media. The chances and the risks. But we will also exchange our own experience around it. Have we found ways to take advantage of the new possibilities? How do students use it? Which paths are teachers taking? Can we learn from each other? We’ll take a look at the different useful tools and take the chance to try out something new. Turn the TV on - and you will hear all about economic crisis, wars and political conflicts, catastrophic weather conditions...anything but news you are really interesting in. Or change the channel – TV shop and commercials again. Sometimes you can catch good music, but – than again – you can choose even better one on your own mp3 or radio. Do you feel sometimes that it is very difficult for you and your generation to spread the voice trough media? Are you tired of talking about young people without hearing their own opinion? Have you done something good, something newsworthy (perhaps your project?) without the chance to compete with the blowoff and sensationalism of other media reports? That is what this workshop is all about: How to find your way into media, how to bid and win daily news competition and how to make a story out of your own experience. We will talk, we will watch, we will make storyboards and TV scenarios for our own features, even try to do something with a camera, just as on TV news production. If you have already made/broadcasted/participated in the production of any video material in a news form, please feel free to present them (bring it with you, compatible with PC, preferably in “.avi “format). Welcome to the real world of media. Prepare to become the media hero! aces Academy Report annex | 29 Workshop 8: Sing and Improve Workshop 7: Let's Team Up! Trainer: Trainer: Stefan Foidl, Assistant Artistic Director of ((superar)), Austria / Artistic Director of Jazz Chor Wien and Vienna Complaints Choir Livia Alexandru, SOS Kinderdorf International, Romania Size of group: max. 24 participants Size of group: max. 30 participants Like any other skill, group work must be acquired and developed and the school offers the most appropriate environment to learn this skill. One of the best methods to teach people how to work effectively together is to first have them perform tasks that aren’t that significant but allow them to reflect on the factors that influence the group work. How the people relate and interact to one another is a key element in determining how successful the group will be at achieving a common goal. The workshop offers the opportunity to look at specific behaviors that occur within a group by engaging participants in fun team building games, simple to use and suitable for various settings. The games will allow us to recognize each other's strengths and weaknesses, listen and discuss, solve problems and have fun together, while reflecting on what behaviors must be encouraged and which ones need to be addressed in order to improve group cohesion and efficiency. Discover the creative world of music! You will not need any musical instruments, because every person has an excellent instrument for himself: the human voice! "Sing and improve" is both a forum to learn more about the own voice, and a way to build community through group singing. We begin with a thorough warm up, using breathing and relaxation to explore the physical apparatus that is our singing instrument, thereby finding its most natural and efficient use. Participants begin to join their voices into a group sound. We might do a Brazilian samba, a Congolese storysong, an Italian round, or some Austrian Folk Music. All of the songs are broken down into easily learnable parts and become thrilling to sing in a group. Music reading is not a prerequisite, but we will also find simple ways to get into it. This class is able to expand your confidence and your consciousness! Play with melody, rhythm, language, and harmony. Vocal improvisation provides a safe and supportive space to express our authentic selves. Short musical interruptions in school lessons help to improve concentration and teamwork. So bring your voice and join the workshop! aces Academy Report annex | 30 Workshop 9: How to cook a tasty workshop? Workshop 10a: We are party! Trainer: Darko Markovic, Inn.Side – people and training, Serbia Trainer: Katrin Lüth, free lance facilitator of learning, Austria Size of group: max. 20 participants Only in the Morning! Size of group: max. 24 participants This workshop is about workshops! If you are about to create a workshop for your peers, students or teacher and wondering how to do it, join us in this educational cooking master class! During the workshop we will explore the following questions: Is there a recipe for a good workshop programme? What ingredients are a must in this process? How to ensure that learning will really happen? How to spice your programme up to make it even more fun for your participants? How to be creative and innovative, while keeping the educational value in mind? How to get feedback from your customers, so you can improve your cooking next time? What are the ingredients of a good party? Invite an interesting and fun group of people. Decorate a room with love and attention. Throw in some ideas of how to keep the energy flowing. Add a dash of secret ingredients. Mix carefully. Let rise. Enjoy. This workshop is like the party kitchen for our fare-well party. Together we will come up with ideas to support the party mood, play with colour and form, create, move and more. We will prepare the disco decoration and some small animations for the last evening together: creative, playful, interactive. Sounds like your kind of fun? Join us! aces Academy Report annex | 31 Workshop 10b: We are celebration! Workshop 11: Media Literacy, Civic Journalism and VisuALL Culture Film Workshop Trainer: Katrin Lüth, free lance facilitator of learning, Austria Trainers: Gregory Kennedy-Salemi, 5Colours1World, Austria (USA) Stuart Jolley (UK), 5Colours1World, Austria (United Kingdom) Only in the Afternoon! Size of group: max. 24 participants ALL DAY WORKSHOP! Size of group: max. 24 participants In aces we have a strong culture of celebration: it is important to all of us to value achievement, celebrate people, dance, laugh and enjoy good company. This workshop focuses on what it takes for a get-together or formal act to become a meaningful celebration. We will explore main points to consider when preparing a celebration for a larger group of people and you are invited to take an inside look at the workings of aces celebrations. A good party needs confident and inviting hosts. What does that mean? Let's find out together. You as a participant of this workshop are invited to take an active role as usher, co-host and party supporter on the special night, that will be happening on the same evening – the aces ceremony. There is a lot to know and learn about how to celebrate well. Be part of the magic! This workshop for students and teachers covers the digital filmmaking process, working in small film-teams on two interactive and globally relevant themes, using the latest in Hi-Definition ‘film look’ cameras, lenses, Apple Macs and Hollywood editing software. Participants will gain insights into ‘Generation M’ (‘Media’) and be empowered to create short films that raise awareness of issues that challenge us all. Participants will also learn how film and other media can be integrated into the classroom, allowing and encouraging teachers and students to actively engage and share during the learning and creative process, while having a lot of fun doing it. Themes: 'Banana Logic' - The journey of a Banana from farmer to the supermarket. 'Global Connections' - we all wear T-shirts and other clothing made from cotton, but where and how does the process start? Raising awareness about the journey of a T-shirt. aces Academy Report annex | 32 Open Academy / Bee House Open Academy / Bee House Morning Session: max. 50 participants Afternoon Session: max. 50 participants Dragana Radoman: What's your trigger? Djina Dubljević (student) & Dragana Radoman (teacher): Confuse or be confused Gábor Kleisz: Intellectual Disabilities: How they could be involved? Silvija Tintor: What is wrong with me? Jasmina Musić: THREE COLOR CULTURE Alina Safta: Are my values yours? Matej Zilak: Mis(s)communication Nikola Radojkovic: Challenge yourself and your community Nikola Radojkovic: Small projects as educational tool for developing competences Milan Stojanović: How to make a cool project presentation? Jasmina Musić: WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY Valentina Aleksandrova (teacher) & Anna-Maria Petkova (student): The Antibulling F-aces” – this is who we are: ambassadors of friendship aces Academy Report annex | 33 Open Academy Offers - 29 th cool-down your hot buttons! ;) March 2012 The Open Academy will be implemented in a way similar to the “World Café” methodology. There will be 6 different but simultaneous offers from participants (students and teachers) – each one representing a “honeycomb”. If you register for an Open Academy session (morning or afternoon) you will be able to attend 3 of the 6 offers. MORNING SESSION Intellectual disabilities: How they could be involved? What’s your trigger? Time: Morning Session Facilitator: Dragana Radoman, Primary school "Milija Nikcevic" Niksic, Montenegro Are you sometimes surprised by your reactions in conflict situations or can you easily predict them? How well do you know what your triggers are? Things that irritate you are not necessarily irritating others. We do not all have the same triggers. Conflict triggers are your personal “hot buttons”. They come from within you, not really from someone else pressing them. You are welcome to explore how to Time: Morning Session Facilitators: Gabor Kleisz, Bács- Kiskun Megyei Bajai Önkormányzat Közoktatási Intézménye, Hungary Intellectual disabilities. If you hear this, what images arise in your head? How do these images look? Do people with such disabilities have a different appearance in any case? How could they see the Do they see it in a different way, or is this just world? A prejudice? Can we involve them in a project? What can they contribute? Could they do anything? Do you involve them? If you would like to get answers to these or similar questions, visit me at the Open Academy! aces Academy Report annex | 34 THREE COLOR CULTURE Mis(s)communication Time: Morning Session Facilitator: Matej Zilak, Evanjelicke gymnazium, Slovakia Time: Morning Session Facilitator: Jasmina Musić, Primary school “Kiseljak”, Bosnia and Herzegovina Imagine you have a business meeting with people from two totally different cultures and you have to make an important business decision. How to greet them? How to talk to them? How to avoid offending them? How to come to a joint decision if all the three cultures are quite different? Join me at the Open Academy to find out more! Explore cultural differences and your emotions and behavior when meeting such differences. Good communication is a must in maintaining an efficient project work process and atmosphere. Miscommunication can lead to a conflict between project partners and damage the cooperation. In some cases, neither side is aware of the problem until it is pointed out to them. Did you have any experiences of miscommunication in your project? How did you deal with it? Where did miscommunication start and lead you to? aces Academy Report annex | 35 How to make a cool project presentation? Small projects as educational tool for developing competences Time: Morning Session Facilitator: Milan Stojanović (student); 'Bora Stanković'; Niš, Serbia Time: Morning Session Facilitator: Nikola Radojković, OS"Ivan Milutinovic" Belgrade, Serbia Working together to achieve a specific idea is a great thing for young people and their teachers, especially as far as the development of team spirit is concerned. At the beginning of such a process, one of the most useful things is to try to create and implement a small project. This workshop presents examples of how small projects support the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes of young people. Discussing examples of the various projects stages, resources, useful activities as well as methods for activating people will contribute to your future work and engagement in the youth sector and in your community. You have to present your project to students from your school. It’s your first time. You’re nervous. You don’t know what to say. How to prepare a presentation? What to do? What to take into consideration? If you don’t know the answers to these questions you should come to this workshop! You will get some practical tips about presenting a project to your peers and the whole school community. You already know how to do such presentations and have good tips for others too. Then come and share your experience with the group! aces Academy Report annex | 36 AFTERNOON SESSION Confuse or be confused What is wrong with me? Time: Afternoon Session Facilitator: Djina Dubljevic (student) and Dragana Radoman (teacher), Primary school "Milija Nikcevic", Niksic, Montenegro Have you noticed that often you are in situations in which you need to do many things at the same time? We’re sure you have! But, are you sure that you can e.g. listen to something and simultaneously do several other things at the same time? You can find that out and discover some of your new skills by having fun and challenging yourself. Perhaps you had no idea how productive you can be in 2 minutes!? Who knows, you might not be as confused as you thought to be in the end! Would you like to give it a try? Time: Afternoon Session Facilitator: Silvija Tintor, Poslovno-komercialna šola Celje, Slovenia “What’s wrong with me?” is the question we get to ask ourselves not only once in our lifetime. Usually, there’s nothing really wrong with us, it’s just that we are different. Being different is not easy, we all know that. And we also know that, if different, the way to being discriminated because of that is rather short. It’s much easier to discriminate and judge, than to understand. Join us, play the roles of discriminated people in order to understand and not discriminate. aces Academy Report annex | 37 Challenge yourself and your community Are my values yours? Time: Afternoon Session Facilitator: Alina Safta, school Tudor Vladimirescu, Romania We are different. We have different (national, cultural, social ...) backgrounds and so also our values differ. We will investigate on these important issues and discover our values through games and creative methods: imaginary ball, ghosts’ tree, talking image… Being together, talking about values, we will see if we find common values which accompany us and are important for integration in society. There will be questions like: Which values are important? Can you tell why? … You are a part of this world – your standpoints matter! Let’s find out together the appropriate values and good practices for daily school life, good society, a future job, for developing a project on intercultural dialogue, no matter in what country you live. If you are interested in building an ideal society together and to find out more about the importance of values, join me at the Open Academy! Time: Afternoon Session Facilitator: Nikola Radojković, OS"Ivan Milutinovic" Belgrade, Serbia What is street animation? Street animation is a kind of public space activism, it is a way to express your opinion and your ideas directly to people/pedestrians – it is something diverse, complex and funny. It can be helpful for initiating changes in ordinary daily life, in peoples’ attitudes and in cities’ routines. Also it is a form of advocacy or media, to promote new ways of public campaigning, of spreading messages and raising awareness of people on certain topics. Let’s learn to use street animation without any prejudices and for changing the world around us! aces Academy Report annex | 38 Antibulling Faces” – this is who we are: ambassadors of friendship Whose line is it anyway Time: Afternoon Session Facilitator: Jasmina Musić, Primary school “Kiseljak”, Bosnia and Herzegovina Many of us find it difficult to communicate with persons that we just met. We do not know what to say or how to behave. Some say we could use humor and competition! If you want to try out how that works join me at Open Academy and experience how humor and competition can help to establish contact and communication. Time: Afternoon Session Facilitator: Valentina Aleksandrova (T) & AnnaMaria Petkova (S), “Yordan Radichkov” English Language High School, Vidin, BG Have you ever been a witness of how words can take away the smile of your friend next to you? The fighting at home makes you feel depressed all day? Have you ever wanted to shout in your teacher’s face “It’s not fair – listen to me, understand me”? If you want to be heard, if you have the courage and believe that the change depends on our general messages – come and take part in making our common face of the aces youth! We will create an ACES message poster by using our faces and our good-willed attitudes. Let’s demonstrate the power of our network – be part of the poster-message today in the Open Academy! aces Academy Report annex | 39 ACES SPEECH Good evening ! I am Catalina from Romania and I am very happy that aces gave me the second chance to take part in this academy. The last two years have been a huge step in my life. Maybe you are wondering why this project made me say such beautiful words about aces. The answer is very simple. This initiative of ERSTE Foundation was the only opportunity to convince children to tell their points of view concerning all kinds of problems that the whole world has. I can tell you a lot of things about each step that I have taken during this project and also why I love taking part in this academy. Firstly, all the good points that define my personality were taken from the experience that I have had during these two years. I have become more open-minded. Now I am able to find a solution more easily. Living these wonderful moments together I could notice that many pupils have and share the same thoughts like me. Due to this, I could see how important it is to communicate. Communication is the key of making the world more organised. Secondly, being part of an international project I made a lot of friends around Europe. I am still talking to them about music and other cool stuff – like teenagers☺. I have also learned about new cultures. I found out that it does not matter where you are from. It is important to feel free to talk and tell your points of view. Trying to have a good cooperation with my new friends I have improved my English skills. Can you see how important it is to have aces near you? With their help I have become a better person. Moreover, this year, being involved in ‘’Building bridges in society’’ project, I have opened my eyes. I was in different situations. I have realised that the world is not as pink as I thought it was. Children are innocent but we can see how things work. I was hurt when a girl from my school cried because she could not stand the jokes that were made because of her looks. I cried when I had to sing in front of children who suffered of diabetes in a hospital. They are children like me! They can have a better future! They deserve to be as happy as I am! I promised myself that I have to do something for them! The only thing that I was able to do was to become a volunteer. I am just 14 and the only thing that I can do is to spread the information and stop students eating things that can make them feel worse. They do not need aces Academy Report annex | 40 to suffer from diabetes and obesity. It is clear that our community needs help! Children need help! Adults also need it! Trying to make their days better will make you a volunteer. Giving your seat to someone on the bus means volunteering. We are all volunteers! Building a good society is about YOU! I am not the only one who has realised these things. A lot of children, who took part in the project this year, discovered the joy of giving and the fact that only WE can change the future of many people. Volunteering makes you a better person and this world needs this kind of people! Now what can I do more than just say “THANK YOU, aces! YOU have made me realise all these important things!”? Those people, who are working there, are definitely amazing. Together, there will be always a way for the better ! Thank you! ☺ ☺ ☺ Catalina Vlad 14 years old Bucharest, Romania 129 ,, Elena Farago’’ School aces Academy Report annex | 41 End of project … aces Certificate Outlook: Teachers and students actively & continuously involved in aces projects can request a certificate of participation ONLINE. Ready,, steady Ready steady,, go go!! Available from END of April 2012 You will get an info e-mail including the link The future of aces & you The certificate will be sent to you via e-mail as PDF document To be finalized the certificate requires the signature of your head of school & the school’s stamp aces Work plan 2012/2013 aces … 6th generation! A new CALL for school partnership projects with the overall theme: „Reality Check – How we perceive and construct the world through media“ Date Activity February 2012 Launch of the “Call for School Partnership Projects” February - April Schools: partner finding, project idea, application 30.04.2012 Deadline for submission of project applications May Assessment & selection of awarded projects June Information of schools on results of the selection & notification of awarded school partnership projects Kick-off Meeting: delegations of awarded projects 24. – 28.09.2012 September 2012 Application Deadline: 30 April 2012 – March 2013 aces 2012 = max. 45 projects, max. 105 schools involved aces network development … many friends! week 15, 2013 09.–12.04.2013 ? Schools: implementation of awarded school partnership projects (including reporting) aces Academy: Concluding event with delegations of awarded projects (no former aces schools this time) aces community … a community of experiences & good practice aces Academy Report annex | 42 1 aces Network … aces … on facebook & youtube A good tool for the network is the aces WEBSITE all information updates school projects‘ photo galleries to see project activities resource material and tools for teaching and learning To further support (national/international) interaction there is a section „SCHOOL NETWORK“ names and contact details of all aces member schools (awarded schools) from all years Each member school is asked to create its own „school profile“ with short info aces Members … Participation! The aces network is a vivid community that can share a lot! Online resource providing information, advice and support materials for the successful international school partnership projects: general information on project-based learning, intercultural education, international project cooperation project preparation - preparation methods for students, funding possibilities, dos and don’ts advice on communication, potential obstacles, evaluation and other relevant issues follow-up actions You can participate in many ways: stay in touch with your partners & national aces schools aces website and social network sites being experts for aces (inform/advise other peers about aces; give feedback and contribute ideas to aces students can become aces tutors, ambassadors… aces Council of 8 students & teachers (2 years) aces Members support aces Stay curious … Getting your feedback is helpful to improve the quality of aces as well as the quality in education! Telling your experiences is valuable for other pupils, teachers, schools and your environment/community! Continuing (y)our international cooperation and exchange assures the sustainability of the partnership and the aces network Stay in touch… Keep going! Best wishes, your aces team aces Academy Report annex | 43 2 aces actual projects & network development Ministry Session I Update on latest activities in aces aces Support letters to headmasters To enhance support for project teachers within school Preparation of support letters in summer 2011 „Customized“ letter for each partner country regarding the inclusion/non-inclusion of the ministry/institution logo and text „supported by (education ministry)„ aces project visits 2011/2012 Visits to 4 countries BG: SOU Tsar Simeon Veliki, Vidin partner: Gimnazija Svetozar Markovic, Niš RO: Happy Planet Kids, Bragadiru/B. partner: 1st Internat. School of Ostrava, CZ RS: OS ''Branko Radičević'‚,Novi Sad Gimnazija „Bora Stankovic”, Niš October 2011, after Kick-off, letters were sent to all 2011/2012 project school headmasters (copy to project teachers) partner: Sredno Obhstobrazovatelno Uchilishte“ Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodii”, Smolyan, BG AT: HTL-Mössingerstrasse, Klagenfurt Additional support letters from Ministries? partners: Gimnazija Eugena Kumičića Opatija, HR & II. Rákóczi Ferenc Gimnázium, Budapest, HU aces project finalization – reports aces project finalization – reports (2) Problems for school visits due to weather in Jan/Feb Some projects could not implement planned partner visits in Jan/Feb 2011/2012 New option of extra reimbursement of VISA costs incurred during project implementation (not related to aces events!) Postponed visits if possible until mid of March to finalize the project until deadline Request: made only at the end of the project (March) with a separate sheet of final project report 2 schools did not manage within March aces allowed extension of project Interim project report mid of March Final reports until end of May latest until now (25.03.2012) NO school made request for reimbursement of visa costs incurred for project exchange visits aces Academy Report annex | 44 1 aces Certificates of participation aces Backstage Foto Diary Teachers and students actively & continuously involved in aces projects can request a certificate of participation ONLINE (since Dec 2011) Available for aces years/project cycles 2008 – 2010 Until now 600 requests Franco Passarelli (Italy) documented the team and activities „behind the scenes“ of the Academy 2011 in Prague Available on the aces website for 2011/2012 projects available from END of April 2012 aces UNESCO patronage aces Council & Strategy Meeting 2011 aces had the Unesco patronage from 2008 - 2010 2nd Council Meeting, Vienna, 1 – 2 Dec 2011 Review of „1 year aces Council“ Council FAQs & Council Charter in 2011 the rules on patronage changed result: aces cannot receive the patronage for a whole project cycle anymore (for whole program, 1,5 years) possibility maybe to get it for a single conference World Café: Participants „stay-in-touch incentives“ / PR / Topic 2013 Special topic: aces Continuity & Innovation New Council members Only for a conference is not really worth the effort as for aces would be important e.g. to have the Unesco patronage on the folder for the call. aces Academy 2013 – Save the date ! aces new Call 2012/2013 The Academy 2013 will take place in week 15: A new CALL for school partnership projects with the overall theme: 09 – 12 April 2013 or: 08.-11.04 /10.-13.04. most probably again in Senec, SK „Reality Check – How we perceive and construct the world through media“ Application Deadline: 30 April 2012 aces 2012 = max. 45 projects, max. 105 schools involved aces Academy Report annex | 45 2 Thank you for your attention! aces Academy Report annex | 46 3 The 5 fields of achievements orientation for project groups Dear Project Groups! We invite you to reflect on the achievements your project gained during your project work. We want to know more about all kinds of learning (planned and unplanned!) that happened in the last 6 months! Therefore we developed “5 fields of achievements” as a structure for your reflection: o student participation: active involvement of students in various phases of the project planning, implementation and decision-making processes o civil courage: daring to take risks, addressing controversial issues, bridging gaps or overcoming stereotypes o volunteering: relevant and innovative ways/methodologies of dealing with the topic of the call o international cooperation: cross-border share of tasks and responsibilities, excellent teamwork of the schools involved o ‘special bonus’: any other possible success of your project (e.g. overcoming specific challenges, difficulties and barriers) What do you think? In which “field” did your group really grow and gain the most experiences? Take your pin board and go to the field you feel most connected to!!! There you will meet really “wise” people who will help you to talk about your learnings – “to find the jewels”. (These 5 fields will also be the leading structure for the jury decision to vote for 5 “best practice” projects) aces Academy Report annex | 47 nnn%b`bl%Xk nnn%XZ\j%fi%Xk B@E;<I Today we had a conversation with a friend who was attempting to wrap his arms around Facebook and the social media world. His question was similar to Shakespeare‘s phrase „To be or not to be?“ <okiX$GX^\j 8:<J$D\\k`e^#J\e\Z&JcfmXb`X )0k_f]DXiZ_)'() My friend had interviewed a couple of so called social media experts and recognized, they knew as much as he did. So he ask for some of my time because he had witnessed my results over the past five to six years. The first question I asked him was, who was his target audience for his sales leads? His answer reaffirmed that Facebook is probably not his primary social media platform. LinkedIn and YouTube would be far better along with Google Plus. The better question to be asked is „How much time should I devote to Facebook?“ Imagine you have 45 minutes for your social media efforts. Allocate the following: -10 minutes per day for Facebook. -5 minutes for Twitter. -5 minutes for Google Plus. -25 minutes for Linked. If you are writing a Blog, then you may need to invest some additional time and that holds true for posting to YouTube. The key is to go where your target audience is and then interact with them to increase sales leads and to increase sales. Facebook may have Centers of Influence (wives of those CEO‘s, CFO‘s or small business owners). So to ignore Facebook is foolish. Yes, social media is here to stay. Not to be is no longer a viable business strategy or tactic. Jk\]Xe\jZlJk\]XeXe[ BXd\c`XJ_fgfmX Hello, I’m Vasil and my country is Bulgaria. I live in asmall town, called Omurtag. Bulgaria is asmall country with big history. On east is Black sea, there are a lot of beautifull beaches and big cityes like Varna, Burgas, Nesebar and a lot of other cities. In north is the biggest river in Bulgaria Dunav. On west are the longest river in bulgaria Iskar, the river Maritsa, the capital of the country Sofia. It is really a big city with a lot of buildings, shops, hotels, a subway, an airport, a lot of trains and other things that are in one city. On south is the mountain Rodopi, the longest mountain Stara Planina (Balkan) and the biggest mountain Rila. In the city Veliko Tarnovois the castle Tsarevets. In the town Gabrovo is the museum Etar – the people who are working there show the tourists our traditionals from the past. In my town Omurtag live about 70.000 people. There are 5 schools. I study in primary school „Daki Jornavov“. 8lkfi1MXj`cGcXd\efm>\fi^`\m There were many interesting workshops in the morning, to be aprox 12. They were all educating and interesting so you had much to choose from. Every workshop had an exciting tutor or teacher or whatever they are called. The workshops are: 1. Pretty pink vs brave blue: Gender-related cliches in advertising 2. To be or not to be – in the MEDIA 3. Future school – full of media? 4. Madonna! Is that music?!! 5. Social media – an explosion of possibillities! Blessing or Curse? 6. I am a media hero! 7. Lets team up! 8.Sing and Improve 9. How to cook a tasty workshop? 10a. We are party! 10b. We are celebration! 11. Media literacy, Civic journalism and visuALL culture film workshop. 12. Open academy – and that’s it! In this workshop, called open acadamy, we had 6 mini-workshops but only in the morning. 1. Whats your trigger? 2. Intellectual Disabillities: How they could be involved? 3.Three color culture 4. Mis(s)communication 5. Small projects as educational tool for developing competences 6. How toAcademy make aReport cool project presentaaces annex | 48 tion? And in the afternoon there were: 1. Confuse or be confused 2. What is wrong with me? 3. Are my values yours? 4. Challenge yourself and your community 5. Whose line is it anyway 6. The antibulling F-ACES – this is who we are: ambassados of friendship. These are all the workshops that were at the ACES open acadamy and they are all interesting, but you can only go on 3 of them because they are all half an hour. I hope some of you went to this workshops and had fun :) PS: This workshop is great :D @mXe>X^`Z * KiKu = the last two letters stand for KURIER, an Austrian dayli‘s, and Ki are the first two letters of the german word Kinder, which means children nnn%b`bl%Xk nnn%XZ\j%fi%Xk B@E;<I As we got to Senec in Slovakia, we found out that many people had a long journey to ACES meeting. When I heard that someone spent sixteen hours on the way to Senec, I thought: „How is still breathing?“ Our partners from faraway countries like Macedonia, Romania and other countries away from Slovakia had a hard time. Some said that they came by plane, others came by train. Let me tell you my opinion: Monday, after a long school day, at 11:40 P.M. I left my city, Iasi (Romania), saying goodbye to my parents. I didn’t sleep but i was O.K. In Bucharest we had to wait 3 hours to take of by plane and go to Wien. When we arrived, I was tired. Then the bus to Bratislava was next. Only there I fell asleep. We arrived in Bratislava, so we tick this in our plan. Then the bus to Senec was the shortest. Let’s make a short revision: Iasi-Bucharest 8 hours plane to Wien 2 hours bus to Bratislava 3 hours and another bus to Senec – about 35 minutes... Now , you can see what i wanted to say. But now, all students are here and we can proudly say: „We made it! We are here!“ I just wait what are we going to do next! I am sure that all that hours spent on ways is not a time lost but a way to find new friends, new colaborations, new projects. At this meeting I found a way to know me better and to help others. For all people who read this: I think that is a TREASURE for everyone. KfdX$=cfi`eLe^li\Xel Our journey from Romania to Slovacia started in Deva, Hunedoara, not far from our hometown. Me and my teacher took the bus, and leaved on twenty-sixth of March around three in the afternoon. We found our sits and everything was allright at first. In the bus many other people found their sits around us. After a while, a very noisy woman sat behind us; she was talking very loud and lots of stupid things. She was quiet disturbing. After we were to leave Romania, the man <okiX$GX^\j 8:<J$D\\k`e^#J\e\Z&JcfmXb`X )0k_f]DXiZ_)'() near us took his shoes off, and shared with us the „beautiful“ smell of his feet. He also fell asleep after the long and loud phone conversations tired him. But the phone didn`t stop ringing. These things didn`t disturb us that much, tough. We were supposed to be in Bratislava, at the main bus-station at about two o`clock in the morning and wait untill four o`clock, when the bus to Senec had to arrive. Around one in the morning, when we just woke up after a short nap, the driver announced that we arrived in Bratislava. We quickly took our luggage and left the bus. At first, the cold fresh air pleased us. But then we went in the bus-station and found out that the building was closed and that we had to wait three hours instead of two in the cold air of the night. It was really frightening to be there, in the empty bus-station. After three awful hours, our bus finally came, and we leaved for Senec. But our adveture didn`t end there. We called at the hotel to send a taxi to our rooms. We also waited in the Senec`s bus-station for about forty minutes. But the taxi didn`t come, so we called at the hotel again, to ask for a taxi, and we were told that the taxi was alredy sent. We found there a taxi that was free. We took it to the hotel and on twenty-seventh of March, at six in the morning we were finally sleeping in our comfortable beds. 8eXDXk`j As we know, everybody was excited about the upcoming ACES meeting in Senec, Bratislava. Different people with different projects had to come and present what did they work in their project. People from different 15 countries in Europe had to use different methods of transport to make it to the meeting, and our journey began like this: We started our journey from aces Academy Report annex | 49Struga at about 1 a.m. in the morning. Our first stop was the airport in Skopje. We arrived there at 3:30 a.m. Then we had to catch a plane and fly to Belgrade. We waited there 15 min before our next flight to Vienna. When we got there, we took a bus to Bratislava. The journey to Bratislava took about an hour and a half. Then there was one more bus waiting for us to take us to Senec. We got there and went into our hotels. The complete journey from Struga to Senec took aproximately 14 hours. At first we thought what a long and exhausting traveling but when we got here we all realised that it was worth of it. 8e[i\aE`Z_\jb` D\\kk_\kiXm\cc\ij For these 3 days I’m here, I’ve met many different and interesting people. They come from all parts of Central-Europe: Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Slovenia, Czech Republik, Austria, Hungary, Albania, Croatia, Kosovo and our host Slovakia. Some people travelled incredible 16 hours, changed about 3-4 buses, 2 planes or came with a simple van. Here are some of them : Name: Lazar Radinovic Age: 18 Country: Montenegro Travelled with: 2 planes and 3 buses Expressions: It wasn’t an exhausted trip, we actually enjoyed it. Name: Ivan Gagic Age: 13 Country: Serbia Travelled with: Car Expressions: I was very tired after the trip cause we travelled all night long, and it was strange for me. 8cdXJlca`¡Z * KiKu = the last two letters stand for KURIER, an Austrian dayli‘s, and Ki are the first two letters of the german word Kinder, which means children nnn%b`bl%Xk nnn%XZ\j%fi%Xk B@E;<I Have you ever wondered what kind of people are involved in ACES? „Do we have anything in common or are we too different?“ In order to introduce you to the personas involved in the Academy we took a few interviews of people representing different groups of ACES such as: students, teachers, guests and organisers. All of them are different people with different characters, but despite this, have very similars desires, fears, wishes and hobbys. All of them have become involved in ACES in a different way – some of them have been invited by their teachers or countries ministry or the organisers to join – but they are united by the idea of an international community which brings people together to learn from each other and make the world a better place. ACES’s valedictorian of 2012, Catalina, 14, Romania, worked on her speech intensively editing it 3 times until she was satisfied by it. Although she is choosen to be valedictorian at the age of 14 she has grown as a person, especially thanks to ACES. The most important thing skill she thinks she gained is the courage to speak in front of people and say what she thinks. Caty had to cope with one of her music teachers telling her she cannot sing and she did. She stood up for herself and never backed down. So her message to you is „Don’t stop dreaming and stick to your ideas because you can make them real“. Catalina is involved in ACES for the second time but Sabina, 18, Croatia, on the other hand, is here for the first time with her teacher as a guest. Sabina has heard of the project before by her teacher and her boyfriend, who had a project the previous year but she didn’t have any special opinion about it. Now she thinks that ACES is the perfect opportunity for people to compete in some way and express their opinion and have the ability to present themselves. Sabina is a persistent girl who doesn’t know what she will do without dancing in her life. She also wishes book plans to be involved in project next year because she is presenter and likes projects. <okiX$GX^\j 8:<J$D\\k`e^#J\e\Z&JcfmXb`X )0k_f]DXiZ_)'() The people you know who are always protective are the teachers. Miss Anna, BG, is involved in ACES for the first time and she is more than excited to be here and be a post of this because she found at how to be flexible and adopt because stressful situations and she feels that her reward is that students are really trusting her and are being initiative about such projects. Miss Anna is also the creative person who would make collages whenever she can and is also a person who has mattle. She is participating in everyone of the projects she can find throuhg is pregnant and her partner gets angry with her sometimes because her job doesn’t end when she goes home. It’s a 24 hour job. Another post of the participants are the organisors as well as the pleasure and leisure team. The coordinator of the team for Senec, Tomas, 30, Slovakia, thinks of his job and ACES as an opportunity to be crazy and creative and also meet a lot of different people who behave differently and have different experience and opinions. All of the pleasure- and leisure-activities he thinks of as a hobby and makes his living by such events with his organization PLUSKO. He also plays the guitar and basketball and likes to be a presenter but prefers to leave others have their turn speaking. All he wanted to say to all of you is „Peace and Love“. Did you manage to see yourself somewhere amoungst those people? Even if you didn’t, don’t worry, ACES appriciates diversity and will accept anyone who want to learn and teach, give and take, express an opinion as Sabina said: „Everyone shouldReport join, because aces Academy annex | 50you CAN change the world“. At the first meeting, we’ve got the information that we have to choose only one student from every country who will become the ACES-AMBASSADOR. They are a special group of students. What ist special? It is a secret job which they will do on thursday night. We’ve tried to figure out what their job actually is, but they’re keeping it in secret. Aces-ambassadors were choosen on a very easy principe: They were picking cards and the one that got the ace, became the ambassador of his or her country. Unfortunatelly, not all of the participants were lucky as Marta, Filip, Milan and the other 12 ambassadors. Their main job isn’t a secret, they will welcome the ambassadors of their country and tell them all about Aces and our projects. We wish them all the best and good luck in presenting their country and of course the ACESland. * KiKu = the last two letters stand for KURIER, an Austrian dayli‘s, and Ki are the first two letters of the german word Kinder, which means children nnn%b`bl%Xk nnn%XZ\j%fi%Xk B@E;<I <okiX$GX^\j 8:<J$D\\k`e^#J\e\Z&JcfmXb`X )0k_f]DXiZ_)'() HEINZ WAGNE R G`Zj]ifdk_\nfib`ek_\ Ùf]]`Z\Èf]k_\ Fe\$;Xp$E\njgXg\i aces Academy Report annex | 51 * KiKu = the last two letters stand for KURIER, an Austrian dayli‘s, and Ki are the first two letters of the german word Kinder, which means children aces Academy 2012 - Senec Feedback session, 30.03.2012 (feedback from participants) Each participant got 5 empty Piatnik playing cards and 5 questions to answer: - King: “Great learning” - Queen: “Heart moment” - 1: “Worst moment/ low light” - A: “Think about - can be high or low – to be considered by team and/ or myself” - Joker: “ What surprised me at this meeting, unexpected etc.?” They filled them in and played with their neighbours. 1. King – “Great learning” - Workshops IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (44) Media (like new methods, social media, in school etc.) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (35) I learned English (other languages) IIIII Sorry! I have nothing to say here! To work together (Team, Helping each other) IIIIIIIIIIIIIII (15) Community IIIIIIII (8) I learned that I must New friends II To listen better Learning a lot about people and feelings III You can do anything III I have learned how to present something really good (talk in front of people), make a good project IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (29) Singing, music IIIIIIIII (9) Painting Never judge a book by its cover! Students want to be involved/ Students participation III Playing the drums III I learned more about Senec Experience I learned how to be more creative, work harder II To be a good volunteer IIII The moment when we went here first time - 1 aces Academy Report annex | 52 - Power of improvisation Communication III Different cultures IIIIIIIII (9) I learned a lot about myself IIIIIIIIIII (11) Partners II Prepare the party IIII Aces II Preparation for project presentation Party II Keep your smile always on! It can brighten up somebody’s day! Old friends Tolerance III 2. Queen – “Heart moment” - Making new friends, nice people IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (52) Our project got 1st place reward, best practice IIIIIIII (8) Met a teacher my age Meals III Skype video from Sarajevo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (18) Ceremony IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (22) Photo and receiving of the plaque II Party IIIIIIIIIIII (12) When I saw the project presentation from the school with children with special needs III Birthday greeting II Partner school, future project partners IIIIIIIIII (10) I think the heart moment will be the leaving IIII Singing When the group decided to actually hang around Pleasure & Leisure Compliment cards. Thanks! IIII Joy of students II Project day, presentations IIIIIIIIIIII (12) Students achievements IIIIIII (7) Workshops IIIIIIII (8) Sitting late at night near the lake & thinking about home The whole atmosphere of aces is warm and positive II - 2 aces Academy Report annex | 53 - Organisation Old friends IIIIII (6) The most exciting & emotional moment for me was when I was on stage & received the aces award for student participation. Media When the project that I wanted to win, really won When I got appreciated by other teachers When we threw the paper airplanes with the messages on them Free hugs III Feedback after my speech 3. 1 – “Worst moment/ low light” - Post traveling effects, the trip IIIII (5) Project presentation (scared, nervous etc.) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (22) Nothing IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (27) Last day/ End of the meeting/ Say goodbye IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (32) Rain, bad weather IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (22) Workshops IIIIIIII (8) Everything soooooo childish II 100 times to have to “say your name” etc. Bad reactions of some people IIII Going from hotel to hotel IIII I hate the long speeches Separation from our friends II To get up early IIIIII (6) Being non-productive, boring IIIII Ants in my room Loss of luggage IIII Very tired at the end of the day IIII I got a cold/ sick IIIII Disappointment of teachers and students when they didn’t win/ weren’t awarded III I was standing next to a woman who I didn’t know, so I didn’t talk to her. Later I was told that she is the mother of a student from Slovakia. If I knew this, I would have definitely spoke to hear. English speaking III No place to go for a walk or visit. 4 days only in hotel! Just students taking the plaques - 3 aces Academy Report annex | 54 - Narrow-minded people Short free time, more time for pleasure & leisure II Party II Bad program, useless things Queue in front of the finance office I did not like to choose the field of achievement. Presentation of our work is more important than COMPETITION. 4. A – “Think about - can be high or low – to be considered by team and/ or myself” - Staying in touch with aces/ widen the aces network IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (18) Including students with special needs Civil courage III The ceremony party Media in school and education IIIIIIIIIII (11) Why should we do an aces project? What’s the purpose really? II More open to new people, new things? Workshops (ideas, etc) IIIIII (6) New projects (partners, ideas etc.) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (50) To use things I have learned IIIIIII (7) How everything was planned and well organized II Take home all the great moments (smiles, free hugs, great people etc.) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (16) More teaching & speaking English IIII Make it a smaller event/ the size of the group is too big Enhance cooperation with other schools II How music influences us? II Be a better volunteer IIIIIIII (8) Purpose/ meaning of the project IIIII (5) 5. Joker – “What surprised me at this meeting, unexpected etc.?” - People (friendly, new friends, nice, smiling, number of participants etc.) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (39) Ceremony IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (49) - 4 aces Academy Report annex | 55 - Excellent organization IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (22) Big family IIIIIIIIIIII (12) Old friends IIII Teachers Presentation of projects II Workshops, activities IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (23) Hotel IIIII Room far away from my partners Pleasure & leisure II Meals II Aces team IIIIII (6) Arriving day IIII Our project was rewarded II Potential in children, students II Man with red hair Distance between the hotels Being an ambassador Free hugs II 5 aces Academy Report annex | 56 aces Academy 2012, Senec, SK Results of the Feedback on Workshops Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students/teachers? Why? Why not? Do you think the activity/workshop was: clear / useful / inspiring / empowering? Any additional comments Note: For the qualitative answers (1, why? why not? and 3, comments) we gathered exemplary answers. Morning Workshops Workshop 1: Pretty Pink vs Brave Blue: Gender-related clichés in advertising by Gülesin Nemutlu Unal Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 20 No => 0 • • • • • • • To teach critical thinking Both, students and teachers should think about these issues. To see the advertisements more clearly and analyze them. Because it is an interesting question about women and men. Because it is interesting! Because it made me think… It is good to realize how advertisements influence people, tell people what to do and what not to do. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 20 No => 0 • To think about hidden messages in advertisement Question 2: Clear: Yes => 20 Useful: Yes => 21 Inspiring: Yes => 18 Empowering: Yes => 12 No => 0 No => 0 No => 1 No => 4 aces Academy Report annex | 57 Question 3: • I enjoyed it. Thank you. • I did enjoy it! • More gender-related examples and comments on it. These are really inspiring. • Thank you for the workshop! • I think it was a little bit boring but useful. • I appreciated working in groups, with Power Point presentations, videos, having very quiet music, very good atmosphere. • I kind of feel depressed because now I know how advertisements manipulate our view about gender. • Very nice and interesting. • I really liked the last advertisement, now I understood what small children want. • You should give more images to comment on them and make people do their own ads about something. Workshop 2: To be or not to be – in the MEDIA by Heinz Wagner Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 10 No => 4 • I don’t think this is for teachers • Because it’s not for them. • They are not fun. • Because we are actually not free. • It’s really fun. • It is useful! • Because it is a great experience and you can put your emotions and thoughts into words. • Because it is empowering! Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes =>14 No => 0 • It’s a good practice for mind. • I strongly recommend the WS. • Because it can increase your creativity. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 12 Useful: Yes => 14 Inspiring: Yes => 12 Empowering: Yes => 9 No => 0 No => 0 No =>1 No =>2 aces Academy Report annex | 58 Question 3: • The activities were very beautiful and I like it. • Good time! • This will help us in the future. • Heinz is the best. • Cool! • I liked the idea of doing a creative work. • I learned that I have many things to say and I am able to. Workshop 3: Future school – full of media? by Anu Pöyskö Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 18 No => 0 • • • • Because teachers can learn new methods of involving media at school. Useful. It’s inspiring and motivating to express one’s opinions. We get to know more about media and how it affects other parties. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 16 No => 1 • Because students can say a word on this theme. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 17 Useful: Yes => 17 Inspiring: Yes => 14 Empowering: Yes => 14 No =>0 No => 0 No => 3 No => 1 Question 3: • I wish to have more information. • Good and useful workshop. • I will use the idea about the radio discussion. • Every person can be concentrate only 20 minutes!! • Just want to have more time do discuss and to understand more things. • I very love it! • I like the idea of the debate! • I think that this workshop is going to be really useful for everyone of us in the future. • It was interesting to learn and try a new method. aces Academy Report annex | 59 Workshop 4: Madonna! Is that music?!! by Mark Taylor Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 19 No => 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • It has nothing to do with the subject to teach It was boring I think it’s more for children It gives new way of motivating Because I think this workshop is a great way for us to learn more about music and how to express ourselves Very interesting It could change their point of view. Useful. It was relaxing. Funny. So they can use this method in teaching. Great program. Pay more attention to the sounds from everyday. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 20 No => 2 • Because it’s fun. • They find more ways of having fun and relax. • Because it’s cool and unusual. • I learned good things. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 22 Useful: Yes => 20 Inspiring: Yes => 20 Empowering: Yes => 21 No => 0 No => 2 No => 2 No => 1 Question 3: • To talk more about how music affects our mood. • Love John Cage. • Mr. Taylor was very, very friendly and fun. • I think this workshop should be longer. Because we have a lot of things to say about music. aces Academy Report annex | 60 • • • • Keep that methods of working with people cause it’s unusual and interesting. The way we represented each other was a great idea. The possibility of lie down during listening was great. All was cool. Lector was perfect. I will use some of the ideas in my school. We really don’t have enough music in our school lives. Keep it up! Workshop 5: Social Media – an explosion of possibilities! by Barbara Sieberth Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 19 No =>0 • To learn something new about social media. I did. • They can learn a lot from students! • Educates teachers on the techs. • You can see the perspectives of students. • They should get more involved in social media. • To learn things that could help in their work. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 20 No => 0 • They can learn much! • They can teach each other new things. • Students exchange info. • So they can help teachers! • Students know a lot about social media. • To protect themselves. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 20 Useful: Yes => 20 Inspiring: Yes => 17 Empowering: Yes =>15 No => 0 No => 0 No => 3 No => 2 Question 3: • Better time management, less talk, more practical work. • There is something to think about here. • It was great! • We should have spent more time using the computers. aces Academy Report annex | 61 • • • • • I was impressed about the students skills with the internet. I learned about new websites as well as how to keep safe on the internet! Nice presentation! You are the best! It was interesting! Workshop 6: I am a media hero! by Nataša Ristic´ Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 13 No =>0 • Because it’s was interesting and we learned some new stuff. • Entertaining. • Inspiring, good atmosphere. • Because it was so educative. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 13 No => 0 • Adressing students, their opinion. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 13 Useful: Yes => 12 Inspiring: Yes => 12 Empowering: Yes =>11 No => 0 No => 1 No => 1 No => 1 Question 3: • The teacher is so generous and talking about real fact. • More people should do this workshop. • It was a lot of fun and we learned a lot. • Very professional. aces Academy Report annex | 62 Workshop 7: Let’s team up! by Livia Alexandru Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 18 No => 0 • Interesting, stimulating, energizing • Because it is an opportunity, you have a lot of things to learn, and you can know yourself better. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 18 No => 0 Question 2: Clear: Yes => 14 Useful: Yes => 15 Inspiring: Yes => 11 Empowering: Yes => 13 No => 2 No => 1 No => 5 No => 2 Question 3: • Thank you! • It was great! • Nice problem solving! • Go ahead! • It’s ok! • We had a great time! • Excellent workshop! • It was very enjoyable and useful! Workshop 9: How to cook a tasty workshop? by Darko Markovic Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 15 No => 1 • They are intelligent however. • It’s useful • Inspiring. aces Academy Report annex | 63 • • • • • • Provides dreams on how a workshop should be planned. Vivid. It’s more for teachers, they learn how to organize a lot of things. Great experience. Learn more how to pay attention on participants needs. It may have an impact on teaching methods. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 15 No => 0 • We are young and we like to do more activities. • It was a great experience. • To learn something new. • To get an idea. • For the students who want to be independent, who want to know how to do… • Learning on how to activate. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 16 Useful: Yes => 17 Inspiring: Yes => 18 Empowering: Yes => 15 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 Question 3: • Everything was cool. • It was great! • This is perfect. • Thank you Darko, let’s go to lunch! • Good job, Darko! • Thank you for the materials at the end. • Darko, as always, was a great facilitator. • Keep on cooking good stuff!!! • This workshop met my expectation. Workshop 10a: We are party! by Katrin Lüth Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 22 No => 0 • Because it is funny and useful! • It helped us to be better organized for parties, more ideas, we helped to prepare the things for the ACES party! We felt involved! aces Academy Report annex | 64 • • Because we did a lot of things and we learned something new. Because they can do this in schools. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 20 No => 0 • Because it’s fun and innovative. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 18 Useful: Yes => 19 Inspiring: Yes => 20 Empowering: Yes => 16 No => 0 No => 0 No => 1 No => 1 Question 3: • I like party. • It was fun! • I always use ideas from these types of workshops. • Everything in ACES is great! • I love it! I think we made the party greater than it would have been. Love this project and workshops! Open Academy- Morning Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 18 No => 0 • It’s great to have three different workshops in two hours (not just one workshop) • A good place for get much experience, for example different cultures, meet different peoples etc. • Useful, varied, excellent. • You can find out something about yourself. • Effective, funny. • Because this was interesting for everyone, doesn’t matter what age you have. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 16 No => 2 • They don’t understand it. • They can learn a lot. It’s great because it’s not boring!!! • You can learn a lot of interesting stuff. aces Academy Report annex | 65 Question 2: Clear: Yes => 18 Useful: Yes => 18 Inspiring: Yes => 17 Empowering: Yes => 16 No => 0 No => 0 No => 1 No => 2 Question 3: • Cool. • It was interesting! • Many activities. • I liked it and if I can I will also come in the next year. • It was better than a workshop because it’s more varied. • Great idea to be at three workshops during 1:30 hour. • Don’t miss it next time! • Great job; carry on! WHOLE DAY Workshop 11 : Media Literacy, Civic Journalism and Culture Film Workshop by Gregory Kennedy-Salemi & Stuart Jolley Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 18 No => 0 • Interesting, motivating. • It was great! • They are doing an amazing job. • Gregory and Stuart are awesome! • Excellent things to learn and do… Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 17 No => 0 Question 2: Clear: Yes => 19 Useful: Yes => 19 Inspiring: Yes => 19 Empowering: Yes => 19 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 aces Academy Report annex | 66 Question 3: • It could have been longer. • Wonderful! I really learned new things! • Thank you! I hope we’ll see more from you!!! • Awesome. • Over filming, 45 minutes more than additional, watch on time!! • It was the best workshop. • Everything was perfect and I enjoyed it. • Gregory and Stuart are even cooler than first time. • You guys are great. Keep doing it. I like your job. • It’s been my first opportunity to take part in such awesome… It’s not easy to learn everything in just few hours but it’s a good start. Afternoon Workshops Workshop 1: Pretty Pink vs Brave Blue: Gender-related clichés in advertising by Gülesin Nemutlu Unal Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 11 No => 0 • To discover the hidden things in the world. • Quite interesting. • Very good, powerful. • It opened up my mind to do something about this cliché and change it. • The workshop explained the way how society works and it was fund and interactive. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 11 No => 0 Question 2: Clear: Yes => 11 Useful: Yes => 11 Inspiring: Yes => 10 Empowering: Yes => 10 No => 0 No => 0 No => 1 No => 1 Question 3: • I liked it! • Kind person. • More workshops like this. aces Academy Report annex | 67 • • Aces is blue. It was amazing and very interesting. Workshop 2: To be or not to be – in the MEDIA by Heinz Wagner Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes =>4 No => 4 • It’s a student thing, simple. • Because now I know how to make a good newspaper. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes =>9 No => 0 Question 2: Clear: Yes => 9 Useful: Yes => 8 Inspiring: Yes => 9 Empowering: Yes => 8 No => 0 No => 1 No =>0 No =>1 Question 3: • This had to be longer! • Heinz rules! Workshop 3: Future school – full of media? by Anu Pöyskö Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 9 No => 0 • Interactive. • It was creative and interesting, especially the radio part. • It can inspire them in their work. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 6 No => 2 aces Academy Report annex | 68 • • • It mainly was about how to include media in education, which might not be interesting for students. To difficult at the beginning. They can actively participate in the discussion. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 9 Useful: Yes => 9 Inspiring: Yes => 9 Empowering: Yes => 9 No =>0 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 Question 3: • Very useful workshops to improve the knowledge the teachers already have. • Great experience to be in this workshop! All the best with further work! • I particularly enjoyed the radio broadcast. • It was really relevant. • Good ideas, use of microphones and technical stuff, ability to speak to other teachers about what is going on at school and to talk to experts. Workshop 4: Madonna! Is that music?!! by Mark Taylor Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 21 No =>0 • It helps you understand music. • Because I became a part of music. • Because it was quite relaxing. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 20 No => 0 • Because it was great and I had such fun! • It teaches you different kinds of music. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 16 Useful: Yes => 16 Inspiring: Yes => 19 No => 3 No => 0 No => 0 aces Academy Report annex | 69 Empowering: Yes => 15 No => 1 Question 3: • Wonderful. • I liked it very much. • It was unusual! • Interesting. • Great workshop! • Excellent workshop. • I wish that the workshop could have last longer. Learn more about the music around music. You’ve done an amazing job. • Keep on meditating! • Great. Workshop 5 : Social media – an explosion of possibilities! Blessing or Curse? by Barbara Sieberth participants: 14 – only 8 gave evaluation sheet Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 8 No => 0 • Because it was a nice workshop. • Because it was very interesting. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 7 No => 0 • New knowledge. • Because it is very useful. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 8 Useful: Yes => 8 Inspiring: Yes => 8 Empowering: Yes => 8 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 Question 3: • Super useful for both students and teachers. • Could last longer (a lot of material to discuss). • Best workshop. aces Academy Report annex | 70 • • Written papers for home (with information). Thank you! Workshop 6: I am a media hero! by Nataša Ristic´ Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 7 No => 0 • This was a very inspiring workshop! • Because I learned a lot and I find this workshop very useful and innovative. I’m sure it will help me in life. • I learned a lot about media. • You can learn many useful things! Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 8 No => 0 • Students will learn how to approach media issues. • I’ve learned a lot of things. • Media can be so interesting! • They can learn many useful things! Question 2: Clear: Yes => 8 Useful: Yes => 8 Inspiring: Yes => 8 Empowering: Yes => 8 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 Question 3: • Perfect preparing and presentation. • Good luck in the future! • Thank you! • I think two hours aren’t enough to learn everything about media. • Everything was perfect. I liked this workshop. • Now I see how difficult and interesting this job can be at the same time. • You are the best! aces Academy Report annex | 71 Workshop 7: Let’s team up! by Livia Alexandru Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 10 No => 1 • Good ideas. • Provides useful information both for teachers and students. • Team building and finding your place in the group is always nice. • Interesting, dynamic, useful, puts you in different roles. • It’s challenging to work in a team. • They can do these games with their students. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 13 No => 0 • Because you have to learn that working in a team is essential. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 13 Useful: Yes => 13 Inspiring: Yes => 12 Empowering: Yes => 12 No => 0 No => 0 No => 1 No => 1 Question 3: • This was really good. • It was great. Too bad that we lose… • Thank you for the ideas. • I like team spirits. • This workshop involved some nice games. • It was fun. In the end we all understood teamwork. • I liked this workshop! • I want to do it again. • Let some participants play something with the group while being the leader. Workshop 9: How to cook a tasty workshop? by Darko Markovic Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? aces Academy Report annex | 72 • • • • • • • • Yes => 18 No =>0 They can learn how to organize the project meeting better. Because it teaches you how to prepare a workshop. To get familiar with the steps of organizing a workshop. Because it is interesting and fun, for all. Because they can learn how to do something fun and also that I can learn something. They can improve their workshops and work. It could help them with their classes. It’s great! Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 16 No => 1 • It is good to be prepared for organizing project activities in school. • It is less useful for students, but it is alright to participate. • It’s a fun way of learning. • The teachers prepare workshops, not students. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 16 Useful: Yes => 18 Inspiring: Yes => 17 Empowering: Yes => 14 No => 1 No => 0 No => 0 No => 1 Question 3: • It was a really interesting workshop, especially the way how it was organized. • It was great! • Too short. It means that just to have more time, not just two hours. The time flies… • I really loved it and I would like to see more workshops like this. • It was very useful. • It was very interesting to find out about different elements/ ingredients we should put in our workshops and cooking plans! Useful and done in a very involving way! It fulfilled my expectations! Thanks! • I learned many new things in this workshop and I’m very proud of choosing it. • Thank you, Darko! I needed such knowledge a lot – and you gave me more than I expected! It will help me a lot, not only in doing future activities at school as a teacher, but also in my private life as a creative person. Thanks. Workshop 10b : We are celebration! by Katrin Lüth Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 23 No => 0 aces Academy Report annex | 73 • • • • • • • • • • It can teach you a lot about making big ceremonies. We got clever information and tricks for organizing a party. To get more experience on organizing a ceremony. Great experience. Funny, relaxing. Because it is good to know how to organize a celebration and think about the important parts of it. Because I liked it! It was very interesting. If you do international projects, this knowledge is essential. Because they can learn how to prepare an event. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 23 No => 0 • The same reasons as for teachers. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 23 Useful: Yes => 23 Inspiring: Yes => 22 Empowering: Yes => 21 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 No => 0 Question 3: • Katrin is just simply awesome! • Thank you, Katrin! • Congratulation. • Keep up the good work! • You’re great! • I like it! • You did a great job. Happy to meet you! • Lector and atmosphere were very, very good. Cool. • Like always I’ve enjoyed your energy and your effort you’re putting in the workshops. Thanks so much. • Maybe a short video clip to illustrate the sequence of events. • I liked this workshop because I liked the idea of how things are organized in a ceremony. • Katrin is really full of energy. She always makes great workshops! aces Academy Report annex | 74 Open Academy - Afternoon Question 1: Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other teachers? Yes => 17 No => 2 • Because we had fun. • Different, interesting. • It was an interesting mixture. Would you recommend this activity/workshop to other students? Yes => 16 No => 2 • Creative. Question 2: Clear: Yes => 19 Useful: Yes => 18 Inspiring: Yes => 16 Empowering: Yes => 18 No => 0 No => 1 No => 2 No => 1 Question 3: • Some of the workshops need more time but still it was fun. • This is a funny project. • Some more time for the mini-workshops. • Pity we couldn’t follow all the workshops. Keep being the same. • This Open Academy shares practical, useful knowledge… • Some of activities of Open Academy were very interesting and useful (like CONFUSE), but some not. • I’ve learned lots of useful things. Thanks! aces Academy Report annex | 75
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