
Provides portable interactive documents, rapid web development toolsets and low cost annual training solutions.
Product Examples
Instructor-Led Courses
Instructor Guides/Student Guides
Rate Training Manuals
Non-Resident Training Courses
Electronic Classroom Media
Interactive Multimedia Instruction
Computer-Assisted Instruction
Electronic Tech Manuals
Web-Based Training/Testing
(ILE/NKO/NEL) Blended Solutions
Naval Education and Training Professional
Development and Technology Center
General Dynamics Information Technology provides training products and support
services to Department of Defense customers on the Navy Training Products and
Services (NTPS) multiple award, indefinite delivery / indefinite quantity contract vehicle
administered by the Naval Education and Training Professional Development and
Technology Center (NETPDTC). This three-year, $92 million ceiling contract was awarded
on April 1, 2012, and has been bridged three times, with task orders competed among
nine prime contractors.
A NETPDTC prime contractor since 1992, General Dynamics Information Technology has
performed successfully on more than 400 task orders. We have delivered a variety of
training products that have included paper-based instructional materials for classroom
and facilitated instruction, highly engaging Interactive Computer-Based Training (CBT)
and Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) in compliance with the Shareable Content
Object Reference Model (SCORM) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For
the past 23 years, we have provided hundreds of instructional designers, technologists,
subject matter experts, graphic artists, and other support service personnel to our
NTPS Contract Points of Contact
Greg Adams (COR)
direct (850) 473-6476
Doug Lauten (ACOR)
direct (850) 473-6473
Dynamics Information
Points of Contact: Totam
Mark Hetterich, NTPS Program Manager
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Dr. Richard Smith,
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direct (850) 696-2569
laudantium. Suspendisse pulvinar, dui at
luctus iaculis, ligula elit adipi. Maecenas
Don Barnard, NTPS Deputy Program Manager
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Our highly skilled instructional design team has successfully developed numerous hours of
Instructor-Lead Training (ILT) blended solutions utilizing the Navy’s Authoring Instructional
Materials (AIM), Content Plaining and Learning Object Modules (CPM/ LOM). We
developed, produced and facilitated 15 annual professional development training courses
for the Navy Chaplains Corps. These 16- to 24-hour, graduate-level training events were
conducted at U.S. Navy and Marine Corps facilities at CONUS/OCONUS locations. Training
topics have included:
• Ethical and Moral Advisement to
• Operational Stress Control
• Suicide Awareness
• Sexual Assault Awareness and
Our team has developed many SCORM and Section 508 IMI courses in support of Navy
schoolhouses, and personal and professional development training that reside on the Navy
eLearning (NeL) Learning Management System (LMS), available via the Navy Knowledge
Online (NKO) portal.
General Dynamics Information Technology has been leading efforts to address operational
stress throughout the Navy. Partnering with the Navy, we developed numerous hours of
NeL-hosted training providing sailors of all paygrades with the information they need to
help sustain their own psychological health and build resilience in themselves and their
shipmates. In addition, General Dynamics IT, with the support of its subcontractors, are
providing the personnel manning, and curriculum maintenance support for the Operational
Stress Control Mobile Training Teams (OSC MTT). The OSC MTTs facilitate the OSC
Leader and Deck Plate Leader courses to Sailors at shore stations and afloat commands
worldwide. In fiscal year 2015, the OSC MTTs trained over 64,000 Sailors.
General Dynamics Information Technology has been at the forefront of Naval Education and
Training Commands (NETCs) revised end-to-end (E2E) training analysis and development
process. Partnering with our subcontractors, we have provided NETC and many of its
Learning Centers with accurate and timely analysis of numerous curricula, as well as
developing dozens of courses using this revised process. Our experience includes all
aspects of the revised E2E process including Authoring Instructional Materials (AIM)
Content Planning Module (CPM) job duty task analysis, front end analysis, as well as
curricula development in both AIM Learning Object (LO) Module and AIM II.
•• Mission-funded with no pass through (service) fees – Potential 10% or more savings
of training investment dollars
•• Multiple award, five-year contract competitively awarded by FLC-Philadelphia
•• Curriculum analysis, development and training related services available
•• Task orders competed amongst nine prime contractors
•• Ceiling value of $92 million
•• 30-day statement of work (SOW) turnaround time
•• Dedicated program office to assist with SOW development, proposal evaluations, source
selection and contract administration
•• Delivery orders with option years for re-occurring services
•• 39 labor categories
•• Part of the Integrated Learning Environment (ILE) team that provides technical requirements for hosting products on the NKO portal
About General Dynamics Information Technology
As a trusted systems integrator for more than 50 years, General Dynamics Information Technology provides information technology (IT), systems engineering, professional services and simulation
and training to customers in the defense, federal civilian government, health, homeland security, intelligence, state and local government and commercial sectors. Headquartered in Fairfax, Va.,
with major offices worldwide, the company delivers IT enterprise solutions, manages large-scale, mission-critical IT programs and provides mission support services. General Dynamics
Information Technology is one of two business units that comprises the General Dynamics Information Systems and Technology business group.
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General Dynamics Information Technology is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer –
minorities/females/protected veterans/disabled ©2016 General Dynamics Information Technology. All rights reserved.