aboutcac - Mansfield UMADAOP
aboutcac - Mansfield UMADAOP
ABOUT UMADAOP ABOUTCAC The Mansfield UMADAOP is a non- The Richland County Community Alter- profit organization certified for out- native Center (CAe) is a minimum secu- patient services by the Ohio Depart- rity residential alternative to jail facili- ment of Alcohol and Drug Addiction ty, certified by the Ohio Department of Services Alcohol & Drug Addiction Services and codified by legislative action to work with those with ad- (ODADAS) to house offenders partici- dictions pating in DIP training. CACalso houses and educate and others about addictions. provides comprehensive inform UMADAOP services other offenders of misdemeanor crimes from Richland and other Coun- with accessible and affordable care. ties at a cost of $30 per day. Our services include family advoca- Tom Trittschuh, Progr-am Director cy, education, trittschuh.t@cpnet.co.richland.oh.u5 treatment, interven- MANSFIELD URBAN MINORITY ALCOHOLISM & DRUGABUSEOUTREACHpnOGR~ (UMADAOP) and RICHLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY ALTERNATIVE CENl'ER (CAC) tion and prevention services for minorities and other people affected by alcohol without and drug abuse issues regard to race, religion or color. HOLISM This organization is dedicated to serving clients, families, youth and others with respect, dignity, passion, concern and professionalism while using innovative, cutting edge and integrated approaches to serve all client needs in a holistic and compassionate manner. fie DRUG ABUSE OUTREACH PROORll.M 72 HOUR - RESIDENTIAL 48 HOUR - RESIDENTIAL Dennis A. Baker Executive Director 400 Bowman Street Mansfield, Ohio 44903 Phone: 419.525.3531 Fax: 419.525.3538 E-mail: umadaopdab1@neo.rr.com 22 HOUR - NON-RESIDENTIAL All programs certified by the Ohio Department of Alcohol & Dmg Addiction Services (ODADAS) The Mansfield UMADAOP has Driver Intervention Programs (DIPs) in two different locations. UMADAOP processes all registrations regardless of location at 400 Bowman Street, Mansfield, 419.525.3525. Ohio The Mansfield UMADAOP is certified by the Ohio Department of Alcohol & Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS)to conduct three (3) Driver Intervention Programs. The 72 Hour and 48 Hour Programs are residential programs which provide an alternative to incarceration for first time offenders, repeat offenders and others. Residents are housed at the Richland County Community Alternative Center (CAC), and are able to wear their own clothes, have all meals provided, engage in small group discussions, participate in presentations and view DVD's that focus on the behavioral changes needed to prevent repeat offenses. • 72 Hour Residential Program $ 250 • 48 Hour Residential Program $ 200 • 22 Hr Non-Residential $ 150 • AOD Assessments Program Afff)("dable $ 100 ISS Ca~h~,"f)ne~ U..-der- ()r-Chet:k INDIGENT OFFENDERS Funding available for those who meet required income guidelines or those who receive forms of public assistance including, but not limited to Medicaid, Disability or 551. 44903, The 72 hour & 48 hour Residential DIPs are held at the Richland County Community Alternative Center, a Residential Alternative to Jail, 597 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, OH 44905, Phone 419.774.3576. The 22 hour DIP is held at the UMADAOP Office. The 22 hour non-residential DIP is held at the UMADAOP office. All three programs meet the objectives and state screening, education, and small group discussion standards. The staff is professional and credentialed. HOW TO REGISTER Call 419.775.5967 to register for orientation and intake screening. All payments must be paid in full when registering, unless determined to be indigent. Upon completion of DIP training, the referring court or attorney will be notified in writing.