Cuyahoga County Region


Cuyahoga County Region
Orian a
Cuyahoga County Region
Providing community corrections programs and
substance abuse treatment services to help individuals
succeed in returning to the community as accountable,
self-suf ficient, contributin g adults.
Judge Nancy R. McDonnell Community
B a s e d C o r re c t i o n a l F a c i l i t y ( C B C F )
Secure residential program for felony of fenders
F a n n i e M . L e w i s Co m m u n i t y C o r re c t i o n s
& Tre a t m e n t C e n t e r Halfway House, Federal
Residential Reentry Center, Work Release, Parole,
Cuyahoga County Jail Reduction
Oriana House Reentry Center
Halfway House, Cleveland Community Residential
Oriana House Hough Center
Day Programming, CBCF Transitional Ser vices,
North Star Neighborhood Reentry
R e s o u rc e C e n t e r Direct ser vices and
convenient access to community resources
Operated by
Oriana House, Inc.
Oriana House Services - Cuyahoga County
In Cuyahoga County Ohio, there is a purposeful and collaborative initiative to focus
community efforts on improving outcomes associated with the transition from prison
to the community. Oriana House, Inc., strives to offer services that help returning
citizens develop a sense of responsibility and self-sufficiency; facilitate their ability
to pay rent, restitution, and taxes; and provide opportunities to establish critical
ties to family and community. In doing so, Oriana House has worked closely with
officials from Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, and the neighboring communities; the
legal community; law enforcement; The Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health
Services (ADAMHS) Board of Cuyahoga County; and many community agencies.
Because 95% of offenders return home, comprehensive rehabilitation and reentry
services benefit them and all members of the community. Research shows that
individuals are significantly less likely to re-offend when they are placed into evidencebased programs that offer rehabilitation, facilitate education and employment, and
focus on successful community living.
In this brochure you will find an outline of the services we provide in Cuyahoga
County. Oriana House, a nationally renowned, private, non-profit agency, also has
facilities in Summit County and in North Central Ohio and has been providing services
in Ohio since 1981.
Oriana House Cuyahoga County Region
O r i a n a H o u s e provides a range of evidence-based community corrections programs
Facilities & Services*
and reentry services to meet the sentencing needs of local courts, while also helping communities
address the issues of public safety, offender accountability, and successful reentry.
case management; community service; and drug testing services. Licensed counselors provide
substance abuse treatment including aftercare. Routine and random alcohol and drug testing are
required, and clients’ whereabouts are closely monitored.
Judge Nancy R. McDonnell Community Based Correctional
Facility 3540 Croton Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115
The program also serves as a Residential Reentry Center for offenders in the Federal system, and
targets Transitional Control offenders from the state prison system, individuals on parole, and
clients through the Cuyahoga County Jail Reduction program.
Community Based Correctional Facilities (CBCFs) provide a local alternative to a prison sentence
for non-dangerous persons who have the potential to be rehabilitated through local sanctions,
substance abuse treatment, work, and education. They also provide programming that helps
offenders who are returning to the
community at the end of their prison
sentence. Every CBCF in Ohio has an
appointed Facility Governing Board
that is responsible for oversight of
its facility.
Programming The CBCF program
is designed to last four to six months,
consists of three progressive phases
and, in Cuyahoga County, is for male
offenders only. Clients are closely monitored, participate in extensive programming, and are
subject to routine and random alcohol and drug testing.
Upon admission, clients are restricted to the facility for a minimum of 30 days. They are assessed
for substance abuse, education, employment, cognitive skills, and other needs. After appropriate
programming is established and an individual demonstrates readiness, then appointments for
job searching, school, 12-step programs, etc., may be pre-approved and then verified. Eventually
clients prepare to reenter the community by establishing housing and fiscal responsibility.
When clients successfully complete all program requirements, they are released to community
supervision (probation). If additional programming is needed, clients may be eligible or required
to participate in Transitional Services, a non-residential component of the CBCF that requires them
to continue with case management, classes, or other services.
Fannie M. Lewis Community Corrections & Treatment Center
1829 E. 55th Street, Cleveland, OH 44115
The goal of this facility is to divert adult, felony
offenders from the crowded jail and prison
systems to a highly structured, residential
setting that emphasizes establishing the skills
needed for successful community reentry.
Programming The halfway house program
is three to six months in length and offers
evidence-based, individualized programming
for felony offenders in need of intensive
services. Programming is assessmentdriven and includes cognitive behavioral groups such as Thinking for a Change; employment;
Oriana House Hough Center
6000 Hough Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115
Offenders can be directly referred by the court, probation, the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation
and Correction, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and the Adult Parole Authority. Offenders classified
as sexual offenders are ineligible.
This facility, which previously housed the Salvation Army, now offers Day Programming
Services as part of Oriana House’s non-residential community corrections. Individuals
on Day Programming are required to report in-person for classes, substance abuse
treatment, and/or other services for 5-20 hours per week and as often as five days
a week. Drug and alcohol testing is done regularly and electronic monitoring and residential
placements are available if closer supervision or increased level of treatment are needed. Adult
offenders are referred to Day Programming by courts or probation departments. The CBCF
Transitional Services Program is also located in this facility.
Oriana House Reentry Center
North Star Neighborhood Reentry Resource Center
1804 E. 55th Street, Cleveland, OH 44115
This facility houses a halfway house program and a Community Residential Center. The halfway
house program operates jointly with the halfway house
program at the Fannie M. Lewis Community Corrections
& Treatment Center, offering all the same services and
programming for appropriate offenders.
The Community Residential Center provides housing,
limited monitoring of residents, case management, and
community referrals for services. The program serves men who have been released from Ohio
Department of Rehabilitation and Correction facilities with no viable home placement options who
are stabilized and have moderate to low programming needs that can be met in the community.
Drug Testing and Substance Abuse Treatment
Overcoming addiction to alcohol and other drugs is integral to an individual’s success.
Oriana House’s treatment services are certified through the Ohio Department of Mental
Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS). Licensed treatment counselors conduct
individual assessments to determine the nature and extent of a client’s substance use.
Appropriate treatment goals and programming are established for each client ranging
from preparing to start treatment, to individual and group sessions with a licensed,
experienced counselor, to aftercare treatment to help maintain sobriety.
Recovery Coaches
Comprehensive treatment services may also include recovery coaches - individuals
who have gone through recovery and are trained and certified by OHMAS. Recovery
Coaches help remove obstacles to recovery and serve as personal guides and mentors
to others who are seeking or who are in recovery.
Family Matters North Star NRRC and Judge Nancy R. McDonnell CBCF
Addiction is a disease that affects the entire family. This program provides education,
encouragement, and support to family and close friends of people affected by addiction.
Weekly meetings are facilitated by licensed treatment counselors and participants can
attend any or all of the different sessions, which cover topics including communication,
healthy boundaries, anger management, possible relapse, and rebuilding trust.
1834 E. 55th Street, Cleveland, OH 44115
This essential and unique service assists those
involved in the criminal justice system and
their families in navigating the challenges
associated with reentry. The goal is to lower
recidivism, crime and victimization rates, with
services funded by the Cuyahoga County Office
of Reentry. Membership is free and includes
access to computer training labs, employment
services, assistance obtaining vouchers for state
IDs and birth certificates, GED classes, health
care clinics and screenings, family and parenting
classes, and access to many other resources.
In 2015, artist Christopher Darling, an assistant
professor of illustration at Kent State University,
assisted clients from the Judge Nancy R. McDonnell
CBCF in designing and painting this communityminded mural on the outside of North Star NRRC .
Cuyahoga County Adult Transition Model (ATM) The Cuyahoga County ATM provides services
and assistance to Cuyahoga County offenders prior to their prison release. Orientations are held
in the participating institutions so that during their last weeks of incarceration individuals can
meet staff and learn about services offered at North Star NRRC.
*The CBCF and halfway house facilities are accredited by the American Correctional Association. The
halfway house program is also licensed by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction and
audited by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Oriana House, Inc., has earned the Standards of Excellence
accreditation by the Ohio Association of Nonprofit Organizations.
Research Based Assessments and Programming
To reduce recidivism and change offender behavior, a validated, statewide assessment
tool – the Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS) – which Oriana House staff helped to
develop and teach, is used to determine the level of services each individual needs.
Behaviors including antisocial attitudes, peers, personality, poor family relationships,
and low educational or vocational achievement are addressed and Oriana House staff
work individually with clients to establish accountability. Teaching techniques such as
modeling appropriate behavior, reinforcing desired actions and deterring unwanted
actions, and role playing problem-solving and relationship-building skills are used. By
targeting dysfunctional thought patterns, Oriana House’s programming helps offenders
change the way they act by changing the way they think.
Oriana House, Inc.
A nationally-renowned community corrections and
chemical dependency treatment agency
Founded in 1981, Oriana House is a progressive leader in the areas of residential
and nonresidential rehabilitative community corrections and substance abuse
treatment. With more than 25 facilities in Ohio, Oriana House provides safe, proven,
and effective sanctions and programming for thousands of appropriate offenders.
For eligibility, scheduling, program costs, or other related information:
• Call 216-443-4909
• E-mail
• Visit
Judge Nancy R. McDonnell
Community Based Correctional Facility (CBCF)
3510 Croton Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(216) 202-1017
Fannie M. Lewis Community Corrections & Treatment Center
1829 East 55th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44103
(216) 881-7882
Halfway House, Parole, Transitional Control,
Cuyahoga County Jail Reduction
Oriana House Reentry Center
1804 East 55th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44103
(216) 417-4213
Halfway House, Cleveland Community Residential Center
Oriana House Hough Center
6000 Hough Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44103
(216) 205-4679
Day Programming, CBCF Transitional Services, Admissions, Administration
North Star Neighborhood Reentry Resource Center
1834 East 55th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44103
(216) 881-5440
Oriana House, Inc.
It is the policy of Oriana House, Inc., to not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability,
age, sex (wages), genetics, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status, retaliation, and military/veteran status. 12/2015