lo calannouncements - Gardiner Chamber of Commerce
lo calannouncements - Gardiner Chamber of Commerce
October 29, 2008 Edition # 43 The Gardiner Chamber of Commerce ☻ www.gardinerchamber.com 222 Park Street ● PO Box 81 ● Gardiner, MT 59030 ● phone 406.848.7971 ● fax 406.848.2446 ads@gardinerchamber.com NEWSLETTER ADS can be submitted the following ways: (Ads CANNOT be taken over the phone) Fax to 406.848.2446 Email ads@gardinerchamber.com (if you are going to type your ad, please email it and then submit payment one of the followings ways with a copy of the ad) Mail to PO Box 81, Gardiner MT 59030 Drop off at the Chamber office or drop box LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS PAYMENT IS DUE IN ADVANCE!!! There is no billing, payments must be received by NOON on Tuesday or the ad will not be printed. It is your responsibility to write or type the ad and to count the words before submitting it to the Chamber office. If you are not sure how much the ad will cost, call or email the office for assistance. 406.848.7971 BEARS IN GARDINER—and we don’t mean the school teams. Twice in one week, grizzlies have gotten garbage, unharvested vegetables and fruit, bird seed, and food left out for deer. IN TOWN. Bear-proof your business and home. A town meeting will be held soon, watch for announcement. Thanks for all the interest in our Painting Class at Elk River Art. As a reminder to those who signed up for the 6 week session in oils or acrylics, it starts Monday Nov. 3rd, 6:30pm-8:30pm. We’ll see you then! Shirl 848-9449 Gateway Hose Company would like to thank the TVX Mineral Hill, Inc., for allowing the us to house an engine in the Jardine area. This will improve our response time for part of our newly expanded district. Sincerely, the Gateway Hose Company. THANK YOU TO ALL THE BREAST CANCER DONORS. My sister and I joined 2000 other dedicated women and men at the Boston Breast Cancer 3-day benefiting Susan G. Komen for the Cure. We were successful in completing the 60 mile walk, while also raising $5,038 to help increase education, awareness, and research. A total of $5.1 million was raised at this event. Thank you to the Baptist Church quilters for donating a beautiful breast cancer quilt and Dick Ruggles for donating framed prints which were all raffled off. I could not have done it without the help of the Food Farm, Sinclair, Town Café, Yellowstone Gifts & Sweets, Yellowstone Perk and Paradise Impressions who let me place donation jars in their businesses. The Food Farm let me sit for hours collecting contributions. Thank you also to Emily Cunningham and Annie Stoebe, who spent hours with me at the donation table. A very, very special “Thank You” to Dee Laubach, Wade and Paula Laubach, and Rick Eisen. You know what you did!!! ~Kathy Cunningham Congratulations to the Gardiner Cross Country Team, they did a great job over the 3 mile course at the state meet in Missoula last weekend. Boys race: Jackson Herring, 22nd, 18:43; Forrest Madsen, 23rd, 18:48; Kevin Wallen, 25th, 18:54 for a 4th place team finish. Girls race: Morgan Wines, 10th, 20:57; Monica Cloghessy, 32nd, 23:40. Morgan Wines made the All-State Team. Nice work, I am very proud of each of you. ~Coach Gunther. We have a great chance to win both the girls and boys state meets next year if we could get a few more runners to join the team. Running is fun and rewarding not to mention good for your health. If you are interested in joining the team please contact Coach Stacey Gunther at 406-570-6775 BEWARE!! Gardiner/Mammoth – your locals ghosts, ghouls and witches will be trick or treating on Halloween for the Food Pantry! We will be collecting can good or non-perishable food items. Fall Festival at the Gardiner Baptist Church - Family fun, make your own caramel apples, play games, decorate cookies. October 31st at 6pm. Gardiner Community Center is holding a Rummage Sale/Craft Fair! Saturday November 8th from 9A-1P. Do you want to clear out your closets? Or sell some crafts before the holidays? Now's your chance! You may set up early on Friday November 7th from 5P-7P. Rent your space/table for $10.00. Please call the Community Center at 224-2370 to sign up. This is also a great opportunity for the community to check out the newly refinished floor. See you then! OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD boxes are being packed in the Gardiner area. Through the ministry of Samaritan's Purse, shoeboxes are packed for children around the world who live in the desperate situations caused by natural disasters, war and poverty. Each box includes hygiene items, school supplies and small fun toys. Collection day is Sunday, November 16 at the Gardiner Community Church, so the boxes can be sent and received close to Christmas. Please call Annie at 848-7353 for information or a box to pack. Wolf Creek Anti-Social Club: A small group of crafts people have pooled their resources to purchase acreage and build a log lodge. Our intent is to construct a sustainable lodge off the grid, supported by solar, wind, and possibly hydroelectric systems. These systems will be designed, developed, and constructed by our group. We will be documenting this entire process for future consultation and publishing. With a minimum financial investment and a lot of “sweat equity”, we believe we can create a very comfortable and enjoyable haven and at the same time provide a viable monetary investment. If you have an interest in a project of this type, and would like to know more, please contact us at: 406-223-6844, 406-223-7559, or esurkynp@yahoo.com GARDINER/MAMMOTH SCHOOL CORNER Gardiner School staff and Elementary students would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to all of our Share Time and Read Volunteers that made this year’s reading program a success. Thanks to you, 92 students were read to each Friday morning for the past 6 weeks! You’re all shining STAR’s! Family Photos: LaRon’s Photography will be at the best Western in Gardiner, Friday November 7th from 2pm-7pm; Saturday, November 8th from 9am-2pm. Just in time for your holiday letters! The Background will be a winter wonderland. Call Suzette at 406.451.2477 for an appointment, walk-ins may be accepted, depending on time. 10% of all proceeds go to the Gardiner Student Council. Adult Ed Class: Ceramics-Basic Hand Building Instruction/Independent Projects Classes will be Tuesday 4-6 from November 18th-December 9th. The cost for the 4 week session is $40 and includes clay, glazes, use of tools and firing. Two potter’s wheels are available for use by experienced students. To reserve a space (limited to 14 people) submit your check to the Gardiner School Office. No refunds on cancellations after November 17th. Classes will be held in Gardiner High School Art room and taught by Alisa McLaughlin. Another session might be offered in early February. LIBRARY BAZAAR!!! 5PM-8PM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, ELECTION DAY @ Gardiner School Multi-Purpose Room SOUP! PIE! SALAD! HOT DOGS! CHILI! CRAFTS! BAKED GOODS! Austin Murphy needs your help! He has been hospitalized 21 weeks in the past 22 months. Montana doctors are perplexed and have referred him to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. An account to help with medical expenses has been set up at the Yellowstone Federal Credit Union. A benefit table will be accepting contributions at the Gardiner Library Bazaar on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS Snoopy Preschool will be at the Library Bazaar on November 4th. Come check out our fabulous variety of themed baskets in our silent auction. Some of the baskets up for bid are: Quilter’s(includes embroidery work and long arm quilting lesson), Cooking, Romantic Evening, Family Fun Night (including a family membership to the Museum of the Rockies), Wine, Gardening, Outdoor/Sportsman( includes a Mystery Ranch Backpack), Baby Boy, Baby Girl, Scrapbooking, U of M (includes 2 tickets to a football game), MSU (includes 2 tickets to a football game), Go Bruins, Preschool Playdate, Christmas. We’ll see you there! HALLOWEEN CANDY RECALLED. Sherwood brand Pirate's Gold Milk Chocolate coins are being recalled due to the fact that they contain Melamine, the ingredient in milk product that has caused many infant (and dog) deaths in China. These candies are sold at Costco, as well as many bulk and dollar stores. Please make sure to check your children’s Halloween candy and DO NOT LET THEM EAT THE PIRATE COINS (you know the ones wrapped in the shiny gold foil) and please let other parents know about this! STORE YOUR GARBAGE SECURELY. A grizzly bear has been making the rounds in Gardiner, getting into trash, recycling, compost, gardens, and fruit trees; this bear has been seen on King Lane, Solar Mountain Rd., Water Street, Main Street, and Calamity Jane. We live in bear country and have gotten complacent the past several years. It’s time to be more responsible in order to keep the bears and ourselves safe. Please put away all attractants so this bear won’t get into trouble or hurt someone. The Gardiner Ranger District has accepted an application for a day use Dog Sledding operation to be run in the Jardine area, the Tom Miner Area and the Cooke City area. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Dessa Dale of the Gardiner Ranger District at dessadale@fs.fed.us or 406-848-7375. The Gardiner Ranger District is in the process of renewing the following special use permits that have or will be expiring: City-County Joint Airport Board runway and access road (Gardiner) Richard Ducrot Septic System (Cooke City) Park County Sewer Line (Gardiner) Karnes & Durfey Road Users Assn Private Road (Gardiner) Don Laubach Class D Road (Jardine) Lou Ann Rintala Domestic Water Supply System (Cooke City) Ivan Tyson Domestic Water Line (Tom Miner) Silvergate Water Users Assn. Collection tanks and waterlines (Silver Gate) If you have any questions or concerns about the reissuance of these permits, please contact Dessa Dale of the Gardiner Ranger District at dessadale@fs.fed.us or 406-848-7375 ext 24 2 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN KEEPING PARK COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES WELL MAINTAINED? County residents, applications are needed for the Park Board. The County adopted the Park Plan and Board to serve the public’s park and recreational needs. The Park Board is directly responsible to the Board of Commissioners and has the responsibility of reviewing and evaluating existing county park facilities, discussing current regulations, advising the Commissioners on the management of the Park Funds, and making recommendations for the future of Park County parks. Board membership is open to any Park County resident living outside the city limits of Livingston and Clyde Park. For more information, please contact Assistant Planner Hillary Taylor at 406.222.4102. To view the Park Plan and for an application for the Park Board go to: www.parkcounty.org. If you need a ride to the polling place (Gardiner School) on Election Day, Nov. 4th, call 406-570-4144. 3 VOTERS There are copies of the American Association of University Women’s (AAUW) A Non-Partisan Voters Guide to the Park County Growth Policy available at The Park County Planning Department, 414 E. Callender St, Livingston. You can also view it online at: http://parkcountyourfuture.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/votersguide.pdf It tells why voting is open to county residents in unincorporated areas and much more. There are also a handful of copies available at the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce VOTE EARLY! VOTE NOW! Even if you are not registered, you can register and VOTE anytime between now and November 3rd at the County Clerk’s office at the Courthouse, 414 East Callender, Livingston. Call 406.222.7612 for more info. Vote for hope! Vote for change! Vote Obama! NOTICE: Ads & notices regarding voting FOR the Park County Growth Policy are placed and paid for by Park County, Our Future; Melanie Moroney, Treasurer; P.O. Box 391; Gardiner, MT 59030. We regret omitting this information in earlier newsletters. VOTE Time For A Change BELINDA SCHWEIGERT CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT for Experience Accounting, Budgeting, Legal Secretary Legal Office Manager, Business Owner, Secretary of Livingston Elks Lodge #246 Secretary of Livingston Youth Soccer Board of Directors Recently converted Elks membership to online computer program. I promise to give 100% to this position and am looking to dedicate 20+ years to the office of Clerk of Court. I would appreciate YOUR vote on November 4th! Paid for by Park County Our Future, Melanie Moroney, Treasurer The Gardiner Community Newsletter is sponsored by the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce. Its purpose is to inform local residents and visitors regarding items of local interest. Occasionally opinions are expressed herein that do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber reserves the right to edit for length, grammar, good taste, and to prevent slander & libel. The Gardiner Chamber supports everyone’s First Amendment Rights. If you have a problem with any public notice printed in this publication, please contact the person who submitted it. 4 SERVICES & ADVERTISEMENTS IslandParkNews.com & HenrysForkCountry.com Service Master Clean/ Restoration PLACE AN AD HERE Comprehensive coverage of Yellowstone National Park & greater Yellowstone’s west side Livingston, MT Log on TODAY! CALL 406.222.5865 Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Water Damage, Drying, and Restoration Smoke/Fire Damage, Cleaning, and Restoration BACK TO SCHOOL CLEANING: 4 areas of carpet cleaned for $120.00. Up to 400sqft. Offer available through 10/31/2008 YOUR TOWN VIDEO & DVD Wednesday Discounts: New releases $2.50 Older releases $1.50 Mon-Thurs: 3:45-8pm Self Service Coin Laundry & Public Showers New Releases: Friday: 3:45-9pm *Indiana Jones* Saturday: 2-9pm *War, Inc* & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Fluff & Fold Drop-off Service 209 Main St Gardiner 406.848.9870 $1.25 per lb, $15 dollar min. 6am-10pm Daily Absaroka Knoll Construction 2008 Fall Health Festival November 8, 2008 7am – 1pm 406.333.4848 We can build you a new house or complete a small project. Roofing, Decks, Baths, Kitchens. References upon request. AAA Cleaning & Drying Co. Gardiner Laundry 111 East Main Street next to Chimney Sweep, Carpet Cleaning, Duct Cleaning Yellowstone Gifts & Sweets Coin Operated Self Service Laundry Call Ron Price Open 7am-10pm Daily 406.333.4007 or 406.581.5434 Park County Fairgrounds Gardiner Pharmacy 406.848.9430 Fill your prescriptions Monday thru Friday 9am-6pm Located inside the Yellowstone Perk An eventful day of health activities and entertainment for community members of all ages. Health Screens Flu Shots Children’s Activities Senior Appreciation Breakfast And, for the first time ever in Montana, the Super Colon! For more information, call 823-6710 or visit www.livingstonhealthcare.org LOWEST Upfront Price Ever on a WildBlue High Speed Satellite Internet System. Call for the details on this great new offer. Everything you need for $99.95 (plus S&H.) Includes FREE standard installation! Jeff Guengerich, Bear Paw Ventures/WildBlue Internet 406.223.3893 FLU SHOTS AVAILABLE AT MAMMOTH CLINIC We appreciate appointments. Please call 307-344-7965 $25 Per shot Winter Hours Mon-Thurs: 8:30am-5pm Closed 1pm-2pm for lunch PLACE AN AD HERE Friday: 8:30am-1pm Home Remodeling and Repairs NO job too BIG or too small 20+ years EXP Attention to Detail CST CONSULTANTS, LLC Registered & Insured 406.223.8330 www.cstconsultantsllc.com Mention this ad for s 5% discount 5 RESTAURANTS/SALOONS/FOOD “Ladies Night” at the Blue Goose. Beginning October 25th every Saturday night from 8-10p,. Nightly drink specials. Come see David!!! Halloween Party at the Blue Goose, Wear your costumes, prizes & drink specials. See you at dark. K-Bar News: Happy Halloween! Treats for the kids at the K-Bar! Join us for our great luncheon specials served by Keith, 11am-2pm Mon-Fri! “Best pizza in the West” is K-Bar pizza served 7 days a week 11am-10pm. To go orders call 406.848.9995. BUSINESSES IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN,WERE HAVING A HALLOWEEN PARTY. SO GET OUT YOUR COSTUMES AND COME JOIN US AT THE RUSTY RAIL FOR A SPOO-TACKULAR TIME, CASH PRIZE FOR BEST COSTUME, DRINK SPECIALS, APPETIZERS AND MORE. SEE YOU THERE!! Sawtooth Deli will be closing for the season this Saturday. Our hours are Tues-Thurs. 9am-3pm. Homemade soups, daily specials, breakfast til 11am. Wood fired pizza’s Thurs & Fri. Thanks for your patronage this year, from the staff of Sawtooth Deli. Two Bit Saloon: Halloween Party Friday, Oct 31st. Drink Special if in a costume, shot specials for all who come party with us. The Yellowstone Mine is back to the full breakfast menu, featuring our homemade hollandaise sauce. We also will be continuing our Sunday omelette bar thru hunting season. Hours are 7am11am daily. Yellowstone Perk’s new fall hours are Monday-Friday 8am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, closed Sunday. Sale on Gold Canyon candles 30% off plus 50% off select gifts items. Whoop Up Creek soaps and Montana Bounty products just in! RETAIL/MISC CCC Salon: October Specials: $5 extra conditioning with a haircut. FREE Tanning Wednesday & Thursday for 4 weeks, just drop a cash donation in our jar for the Gardiner Food Pantry. Call Judy at 406.848.7137 or stop by 302 Spring St. Remember we have fresh roses every Thursday in the floral department at the Food Farm. This week’s special is cute Halloween arrangements at various prices. We will make up any arrangement for that special occasion. Just call 406.848.7524 Kellem’s Montana Saddlery is fully stocked for your cold weather needs with gloves, mittens, hats, wool caps, scarves, socks, wool pants and long johns. NEW THIS YEAR; 100% merino wool long johns, surprisingly soft machine washable. The clothing SALE RACK is overflowing! Open Mon-Fri 96, Sat 10-5. 406.848.7776 The Paradise Gallery: Halloween cds, new antler art & furnishings, reasonably priced framing. Raflle for Nancy, Glacier limited edition print. Happy Halloween from Serenity Salon!!! Ghouls, ghosts and goblins are nearly gone which means the holiday season has just begun. Gift certificates, baskets and bags are available for wonderful gifts. While you’re in add your name in our raffle for a basket of goodies. Drawing will be held on December 15th. For appointments call Connie at 406.223.5210 or CJ at 406.224.2858. Walk-ins welcome. Shop early at Yellowstone Gifts & Sweets for best selection. All Woolrich clothing 20% off Yellowstone Gifts & Sweets has new fall hours starting September 28. Opening at 6 a.m. and closing at 9 p.m. Come in for an early morning coffee, espresso, roll, burritos, egg biscuit, Cinnabon pretzel and much more! Jump start your morning with a quick breakfast. Just arrived – Woolrich fall and winter clothing, hats and gloves and new warm winter socks. Come in and check out our sale items including coats, t-shirts, shoes and gift items. Yellowstone Gifts and Sweets is having a Halloween Special! All bulk & hard candy is now $3 per lb. Newsletter ads must be paid for in ADVANCE. There is no billing. Ads submitted without payment will not be run. Ads are $5.00 for 40 words or less, 10 cents for each additional word. $1.00 for borders or artwork added. Deadline for all newsletter ads is Tuesday @ noon. Ads may be submitted by email to ads@gardinerchamber.com if payment is required please drop of a copy of the ad and payment AT THE Chamber office. It is helpful if you submit your ads before Tuesday. Ads CANNOT be placed over the telephone. Lost and Found, Free, Thank you, and PSA ads are free up to 40 words. If any ad is over 40 words, we require payment of 10 cents per additional word. Payment is required for all words in the ad! You may drop off ads at Chamber Office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by using the conveniently located drop-box outside the Chamber office. 6 FREE FOR SALE Hell’s A’ Roarin’ Outfitters will pack out elk and deer, free for local residents. We also have a few horses available for anyone taking their children hunting. Call Warren Johnson at 406.848.7578 For Sale: Marie Buchfink "Bear Shield" signed and numbered limited edition, professionally mated, framed and glazed, $75 or best offer. Other professionally framed prints including Bev Doolittles, rare signed Grizzly Summit poster in excellent condition, best offer(s). Call 848-2538. Kid’s Arctic Cat z120 low miles, runs great $1500; 1984 Chevy Suburban 4wd, new brakes, good tires, front/rear, heat/air $1500. Call 406.848.9401 1993 Toyota 4-Runner, V-6, 5Spd, 155k, loaded, sunroof, very good condition and runs great. $4500 obo. Jeff at 406223-7333 Firewood for sale. $120 a cord, cut & delivered. Call 406.599.0201. FIREWOOD SALE (Cottonwood 14-18" lengths). Emigrant/Pray Area, $65. cord, no deliveries. Phil @ 333-4784 CLASSIFIEDS HOMES/PROPERTY FOR SALE Now is a great time to buy property in the Paradise Valley! Let me show you around with no pressure. See my own New construction River Front Custom timber frame home on 20acres for $2.1 www.absarokahomes.com Jennifer Short Absaroka Homes 406.223.5856. GORGEOUS LOG-SIDED HOME ON 4 ACRES FOR SALE. 3 Bed/2 Bath, 1850 SF, large double garage. End of the road privacy, wonderful views, vaulted ceilings, wood trim everywhere, custom finish. Easy year round access - lots to love in this South Glastonbury home. $375,000. Call 406-333-4049 or 406-581-9344. 1 Bed, 1 Bath House located at 111 S. 9th St. Livingston. Price reduces to $122,900. Owner must sell to settle estate. To see this or any listing please call Chris Lyness at 848-7585. COLDWELL BANKER MAVERICK REALTY: ~ Realtor Lori Hamilton can help you with all your real estate needs. I would be happy to help you find your piece of paradise here in Montana! Call 406-223-1079 or e-mail lori@cbmaverick.com “MONTANA ~ Let it take your breath away!”® NEW LISTING~Two 20 acre parcels near Chico Hot Springs! Listed separately at $360,000 each or both for $670,000. Gorgeous view of Paradise Valley and surrounding mountains. Both parcels have wonderful build sites with year- round access. MLS #156644 $360,000, MLS #156641 $360,000 or both for $670,000 Maverick Realty Property Management: If you are looking for a place to rent or you have a place you would like to add to the rental pool please call Lori Hamilton, Property Manager 406-223-1079 or e-mail lori@cbmaverick.com 3BR 1BA House for rent in Gardiner. One bedroom located above the garage. New carpet, hardwood flooring, cupboards and counter-tops. Large back yard. Wood stove and base board heat. Call Lori Hamilton, Maverick Realty Property Management 406-223-1079 or e-mail lori@cbmaverick.com FOR RENT For Rent: 6L’s Parkview Apts. 1 and 2 bedroom available. Clean, NO smoking, Absolutely NO PETS. 1st, last and deposit required. Call 406.223.1407 to schedule an appointment. LOG-SIDED HOME for rent on 4 acres in South Glastonbury. Three bed/two bath, 1850 sf plus oversized double garage. All wood trim and custom finish throughout, awesome views of Emigrant of Yellowstone River & EmiPeak. $1200/month. 406-333- grant Pk. Call 406-333-4049 or 4049. 406-581-9344. Riverfront cabin 10 miles north of Gardiner, furnished, satellite tv, electric paid, portapottie. $250 a month. Call 406.599.0201 LARGE CEDAR-SIDED HOME for rent in Paradise Valley. Fully furnished, shortterm lease. 4 bed/2-1/2 bath, $1700/mo plus utilities. All wood trim and custom finish throughout. Wonderful views 7 Storage units for rent. 6x8 $30 a month. Contact Renee at 406.848.9123 Storage Units Available Located in Gardiner. Units renting for $50.00 per month. Contact Ryan with D & D Storage at 406.223.1056. If no answer, please leave a message WASH IN COLD OR WARM If all the households in the U.S. switched from hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the energy comparable to 100,000 barrels of oil a day. Only launder when you have a full load. 7-day Weather Forecast forecast provided by weather.com Wed Thurs Fri Sat High Low 65 High Low 63 36 High Low 62 34 Precip 0% Precip 0% Precip 10% Precip 37 Sun 59 High Low 36 Mon 53 High Low 33 10% Precip Tues 47 High Low 27 30% Precip 45 High Low 26 30% Precip 20% O CTOBER /N OVEMBER 2008 Sun Mon 26 27 Halloween Carnival at Mammoth Community Center Tue 28 Food Pantry 1-6pm Wed Thu 29 Schwan's 4:30-6pm Fri 30 Sat 31 Fall Festival! HALLOWEEN!! Library 6pm-8pm Library 10am-5pm & 6pm-8pm HS Volleyball @ Lima* FREE Spay & Neuter Clinic 2 3 4 ELECTION DAY! 5 6 Library Craft Bazaar 5pm Painting classes begin Library 6pm-8pm Food Pantry 1-6pm 9 10 11 12 Food Pantry 1-6pm 13 School Board Meeting Library 10am-5pm & 6pm-8pm HS Volleyball Divisional @ Butte 1 Bugle for Kids Hunt HS Volleyball @ Twin* HS Football First Round Playoffs 7 8 County Commissioner Community Center at Community Center Rummage Sale/Craft Fair 10am-12pm Family Photos at Best Western HS Volleyball Districts @ Butte Library 10am-5pm & 6pm-8pm * Conference HS Volleyball Districts @ Butte HS Volleyball Districts @ Butte 14 HS Volleyball Divisional @ Butte 15 HS Volleyball Divisional @ Butte Library 6pm-8pm COMMUNITY SERVICES & COMMITTEES AA Meetings: Every Wednesday @ 7 pm at St. William’s Catholic Church Electric Peak Arts Council Meeting: 1st Thursday @ 5pm in the Gardiner High School Library Gardiner Community Library Tuesdays 10am-5pm, 6pm-8pm & Thursdays 6pm-8pm Gardiner-Park County Water District Board Meeting: 2nd Tuesday @ 6pm at the District Office American Legion Meeting: 2nd Tuesday @ 7pm at the Gardiner Community Center Gardiner Ambulance Board Meeting: 1st Wednesday @ 7pm at the K-Bar Gardiner Food Pantry Hours Tuesdays from 1pm-6pm. 307.344.9006 - Linda Gray Gardiner School Board Meeting: 2nd Wednesday @ 7pm in the Gardiner School Conference Room Bear Creek Council Meeting: 3rd Tuesday @ 7pm - For more information call 307-344-7414 www.bearcreekcouncil.org Gardiner Chamber of Commerce Gateway Hose Company Member Meeting: 3rd Wednesday at Board of Trustees Meeting: the K-Bar @ 12pm November 17, 2008 @ 7pm at the Fire Hall Gardiner Community Center Board Meeting: 1st Tuesday @ 7pm Golden Word Toastmasters Club: Every Wednesday @ 6:30pm at the Gardiner Ranger Station Back Entrance CHURCH SERVICES The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (12 White Lane): Sundays: Sacrament Service 10am Gardiner Baptist Fellowship (803 Scott St - Hwy 89 S.): Sundays: Sunday School 10am Worship 11am Lunch 12noon, All welcome Mondays: Evening Crafts 6pm Gardiner Community Church (318 Main St): Sundays: Sunday School 10:15am Worship 11:15am Youth Group 7pm Wednesdays: Weekly Bible Study 7pm Thursdays: Women’s Bible Study 9:45am 8 Mammoth Chapel: Sundays: Worship 9am Mt. Republic Chapel of Peace (Cooke City): Sundays: Worship 9:30am St. John’s Episcopal Church (Emigrant): Sundays: Worship 9am St. Williams Catholic Church (Scott St): Sundays: Mass 4pm
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