lo calannouncements - Gardiner Chamber of Commerce
April 22, 2009 Edition # 16 The Gardiner Chamber of Commerce ☻ www.gardinerchamber.com 222 Park Street ● PO Box 81 ● Gardiner, MT 59030 ● phone 406.848.7971 ● fax 406.848.2446 ads@gardinerchamber.com HAPPY EARTH DAY 2009 NEWSLETTER ADS can be submitted the following ways: (Ads CANNOT be taken over the phone) Fax to 406.848.2446 Email ads@gardinerchamber.com (if you are going to type your ad, please email it and then submit payment one of the followings ways with a copy of the ad) Mail to PO Box 81, Gardiner MT 59030 Drop off at the Chamber office or drop box LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS PAYMENT IS DUE IN ADVANCE!!! There is no billing, payments must be received by NOON on Tuesday or the ad will not be printed. It is your responsibility to write or type the ad and to count the words before submitting it to the Chamber office. If you are not sure how much the ad will cost, call or email the office for assistance. 406.848.7971. Thanks to Alisa and Tim McLaughlin, students, family, friends and townspeople who made her art presentation at the Paradise Gallery such a fun, successful event. It will run through April 25th. GARDINER/MAMMOTH BIGGEST LOSER PROGRAM 101. Starts Wednesday 4/22/09 at 5:00 PM!! This is your chance to lose those unwanted pounds with the support of others committed to the same goal. Do not let it pass you by. For location call Maria at 406.223.0934 or email GardinerBiggestLoser@mchsi.com Benefit No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament Saturday April 25th. Contact Rob at 406-223-9215 for details and registration. Tourney is being held to raise funds for Gardiner Bruins and All-State Volleyball player Haley Love who has been selected to represent Montana at the Down Under Games to be held this July in Australia. Tumbleweed Bookstore celebrates Poetry Month with an Open Poetry and Prose Reading, April 25, 2009, 6:30 p.m. Poets and creative writers, sign-up to read your own or a favorite's writings. Complimentary wine/juice. Check out Tumbleweed’s new dinner specials! 406-223-9632. Need some help with lawn care, Spring cleaning, babysitting or other chores? Rent-a-Teen at the next Youth Group Fundraiser! Sunday, April 26th , after services at the Gardiner Community Church (about 12:30), we’ll be serving “Gourmet” Hot Dogs with All the Toppings plus Salads and Cookies followed by a Rent-A-Teen Auction. Any questions, call Alisa at 848-7171. Hope to see you there! Public Meetings On Park Road Projects Scheduled For Gardiner: Monday, April 27 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gardiner School Multipurpose room; and Thursday, May 14 at 1:00 p.m.; Monday, June 22 at 1:00 p.m., Monday, July 20 at 7:00 p.m., Monday, August 24 at 7:00 p.m., and Monday, September 21 at 1:00 pm in the conference room of the Yellowstone Association headquarters on West Park Street near the Roosevelt Arch. Come participate in the 30th Annual Park to Paradise Triathlon-Saturday, May 2nd! Boat (8 miles), Bike (18 miles), Run (5 miles), race registration and start is at Carbella Fishing Access (Tom Miner turn off just North of Yankee Jim Canyon), Registration 9-10am, Race at 10:30 am. For more information contact Stacey Gunther at 406-848-7941. NEW DATE! May 26th Gardiner Locks of Love Event during the Gardiner High School Open House (5:30-6:45). Raffle Prizes, Cake/Pie Silent Auction, Appetizers by donation. Raffle tickets available starting May 1-Grand Prize Xanterra Frosty Nights package. Those donating “locks”, bring ponytail in clean, dry ziplock bag this night or before. Names of stylists honoring free haircuts provided upon request. Contact Julie, 848-2168 or juliegillespie@hotmail.com or Kathy, 848-9864 with questions or to volunteer. Please visit www.locksoflove.org for more info. about the organization. Turbo Kick classes Tuesday and Thursdays at 6pm at the Community Center! This basic but intense, hour long, full body workout is the evolution of combat and drill style kickboxing. Bring water, an exercise mat and 5 to 8 lb. hand weights. Small donation appreciated. Have questions or want more info? Email annielou814@aol.com Join the Yellowstone Credit Union for National Youth Week. Make a deposit of $5.00 into a child's Youth Savings account and they will be entered into our drawing. Open an account for a child and share the "Magic of Savings!" The Gardiner Community Newsletter is sponsored by the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce & is printed on 100% post consumer recycled paper. Its purpose is to inform local residents and visitors regarding items of local interest. Occasionally opinions are expressed herein that do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber reserves the right to edit for length, grammar, good taste, and to prevent slander & libel. The Gardiner Chamber supports everyone’s First Amendment Rights. If you have a problem with any public notice printed in this publication, please contact the person who submitted it. April 22 EARTH DAY Clean Up Gardiner @ 12:30pm Power up the School @ 2pm We need YOU and your BROOMS From 12:30 to 2 Come to the Gym at 2pm Lend us a broom to use to clean up the town at 12:30 or join any group of students you see and pitch in. A photovoltaic system will be installed that day. Learn about & launch a 12solar-panel system that will serve the Gardiner School for years Cleanup organized by the Student Council with help from Xanterra Garbage Bags Provided Fully Funded by a NorthWestern Energy grant written by Bear Creek Council GARDINER/MAMMOTH SCHOOL CORNER Thank you so much to all the people who came to my Art Party and especially to all those who helped me put it on! I really appreciate the support and encouragement! The Art Show continues this week, in case you didn't make it to the opening and want to see my work and that of my students. Also, SAVE THE DATE for an Open House of Student Art, Writing and Science projects at 5:30 pm on May 26th along with a Music Concert at 7:00 and the Locks of Love Fundraiser! We are working to form a group of parents and community members to address issues at the school. If you are interested in getting involved, our next meeting will be May 4, time and location to be announced. Remember the next School Board meeting in Wednesday, April 15th. TRUSTEE ELECTION BY ACCLAMATION: WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Gardiner School Districts 7 & 4, Park County, State of Montana, have received nominating petitions equal to the number of positions to be elected, and there is no other reason for the Trustee election. Trustee candidate, Jerry Thomas, is hereby duly elected by acclamation for a threeyear term each to the Board of Trustees of Gardiner School Districts 7 & 4. COME TO THE GARDINER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PLAY!! *Friday, April 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the school Multi-purpose Room. The *Missoula Children's Theatre* will be working with the elementary school students to put on a production of "The Little Mermaid". Don't miss it!!! *WANTED*: Gardiner Public School is hosting a Track Meet on Saturday, April 25th. Anyone interested in being a volunteer as an official for the track meet, please call the school and leave your name and number. Thanks! MR. FRITZ IS RETIRING!!! After 31 years of teaching and coaching, Don Fritz is retiring in May. There will be a host/roast reception for Don on Saturday, April 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the high school multi-purpose room. Everyone is welcome. Cake and refreshments will be served. Gardiner Elementary School invites you to join the *Early Literacy Program* - Tuesdays, April 14th through May 19th, 3:45-4:30 p.m. at Gardiner Elementary. Children will interact with books, letters, and much, much more. Every child that attends will receive a free book to take home. This free program is open to children ages 4 to 7. If you want your child to be a part of this program, please call the Gardiner School office at 848-7563 so we have an idea of how many children to expect. This year Livingston Lodge #32 is offering two $500 grants for college expenses to two Juniors in Park and/or Gardiner High School. Applications must be submitted no later than May 1st, 2009 to Livingston Lodge #32, A.F. & A. M. PO Box 677. Livingston, MT 59047. More information, call Ray at 406.220.6161. PARENTS! If you have a child that will be in Kindergarten or 1st Grade in the 2009/10 School Year, please call the school at 848-7563 to register them. It is important to do this as soon as possible for planning purposes so, please, do not delay. To register for kindergarten, your child must be 5 years old (6 years old for 1st Grade) by September 10, 2009. The Gardiner High School's Junior Class wants to extend a *BIG* THANK YOU to all of the people and businesses who supported us and helped to make this year's Prom a great success: Patty Welker, who made and donated the beautiful quilt for the raffle, Xanterra Parks & Resorts for the use of the Mammoth Hotel, Mrs. McLauglin for donating decorating materials, Yellowstone Gallery & Frameworks, High country Trading, Kellem's Saddle Shop, Paradise Gallery, Antler Pub & Grill, Yellowstone Perk, CCC Salon, North Entrance Washtub, Yellowstone Gifts & Sweets, Yellowstone Mine, North Entrance Shopping Center, the Beavers family, and to all of you who donated trees for decorating the Map Room. With all the money raised, the junior class was able to donate $1,000.00 to the Central Asia Institute!! Thanks again, everyone! 2 BUSINESSES SERVICES & ADVERTISEMENTS Absaroka Knoll Construction Gardiner Pharmacy 406.848.9430 406.333.4848 Fill your prescriptions Monday thru Friday 9am-6pm (Lunch 1-2:30) SERAFIN CONSTRUCTION * New Construction * Renovations *Restorations * Design/Build We can build you a new house or complete a small project. Roofing, Decks, Baths, Kitchens. References upon request. REMINDER: Offering you a great Vitamin selection and fulfilling your Electronic needs. Be Bear Aware! Located inside the Yellowstone Perk Home Remodeling and Repairs www.cstconsultantsllc.com David Serafin Contractor 20 yrs exp. Bachelor of Architecture serafinmt@earthlink.net 406.220.3472 or 406.222.9065 Gardiner Laundry 111 East Main Street NO job too BIG or too small 20+ years EXP Attention to Detail Yellowstone Gifts & Sweets CST CONSULTANTS, LLC Registered & Insured 406.223.8330 Open 7am-10pm Daily next to Coin Operated Self Service Laundry Self Service Coin Laundry & Public Showers Fluff & Fold Drop-off Service 209 Main St Gardiner 406.848.9870 $1.25 per lb $15 dollar min 6am-9pm Daily INK AND TONER RECYCLING The Gardiner Chamber of Commerce is your local drop off location, PLEASE drop off your used ink cartridges and we will RECYCLE them for you! Thinking of Kitchen or Bath Remodel? Variety of Ideas & Options for a Variety of Budgets Shana M. Lewis @ 224-2908 Specializing in all phases of Home Remodel Custom Cabinetry & Countertops Custom Furniture & Trim CCC Salon has some great ideas for your new locks of love hairstyle. Since your donating your hair, we’re donating our expertise and cuts! Call Judy or Jerri at 406.848.7137 for all of your salon needs, or stop by 302 Spring. Our hours are Monday-Friday 10am-6pm and Saturday 10am-2pm. SILVERTIP MOUNTAIN CENTER: Join us in Silver Gate for Sweet Corn ski fest this weekend. Fri.-Sun. April 17-19. Storewide discounts on outdoor gear: Patagonia, Black Diamond, Scarpa, Smartwool and more. Close-out discounts on remaining skis. Huge selection of climbing gear, clothing, maps, and more. Unmatched area knowledge! Silver Gate/Cooke City YNP NE gate. 838-2125. www.silvertipmountaincenter.com. The Paradise Gallery will continue to host Alisa McLaughlin and her students art work through May 25th. We are adding new inventory and products now for the upcoming season. Come say hello and check out our new inventory. The Hot Dogs are back on the grill at the Sinclair TNT! Don’t be like the guy that caught a state record Muskie and didn’t have the license...Stop in and get your licenses today! This week’s pizza special at The Town Café “The Fireman” 16” Canadian Bacon, sauerkraut and jalapenos $15! Fantasy NASCAR lotto in The Town Bar! Hours M-Th. 11am-2pm, 6-9pm and Fri-Sun 9am2pm, 6-9pm. 3 WANTED I am looking for a house/ apartment to rent. Must allow pets. I have a very wellbehaved dog that is house broken. Please contact Mindy at (406) 223-3047 Remember to: Be KIND to Mother Nature LOST Orange Alltel Cell phone. Please call 318.423.4234 if found. FOR SALE Beautiful 1999 Jaco Eagle 31’ motor home w/ V10. Very clean & used very little. 12,000 miles, like new. $30,000 OBO. Phone 406.848.7051. “ I AM always sitting by the phone waiting for a call from you.” God “Call to ME and I will answer you.” Jer. 33:3 Sponsored by Gardiner Baptist Fellowship 406.848.2134 The Gardiner Chamber invites you to participate in the 2nd Annual Yellowstone Days 5K Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, June 6th. Race begins at 10am, registration starts at 9am in Arch Park. Pre-register for only $15. Stay tuned for more details... 5k@gardinerchamber.com Orthopedic care available at Mammoth Clinic. Dr. Michelle Donaldson, orthopedic surgeon, is available to see you at Mammoth Clinic. First Friday of the month Mammoth Clinic For appointments, call 222-9970. 4 HOMES/PROPERTY FOR SALE CLASSIFIEDS House for sale. Beautiful 3-bedroom 2-bath mobile with 3-season porch attached. Skylight, wood-burning stove, large master bedroom suite with full bath. 1989 Bellavista 16’ x 80’. Eight miles north of Gardiner. $34,000 or best offer. 406-451-4138 or 406-522-8616. call 406-223-1079 or e-mail Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. “MONTANA ~ Let it take your breath away!”® LOG CABIN to be built. This wonderful lot surrounded by abundant wildlife and picture perfect views will make a fabulous spot for a vacaERA Landmark Western Land Real Estate: tion cabin or your permanent residence. YearAffordable home, 111 South 9th St Livingston, Round access. Close to Yellowstone National nice neighborhood and priced to sell at $114,900. Park, Gallatin National Forest, and Bear Creek. Owner must sell to settle estate. Take a look. In TBD Good Luck Placer Jardine Road $190,000 Gardiner, 109 E Main St., a rare Gardiner VictoMLS #157681 Land only $90,000 MLS # 157680 rian, 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath, new garage. This home Please all Lori Hamilton 406-223-1079 or e-mail has character, also prices to sell at $215,000. lori@cbmaverick.com Please call Chris Lyness, Realtor 406.930.0299. COLDWELL BANKER MAVERICK REI would be happy to show you these listings or ALTY Cooke City Listing: Beartooth Primitive any listing between Gardiner and Livingston. Sites Property, 20 Acres near Kersey Lake. PropNew Construction River Front Custom Timerty borders Beartooth National Forest. Less than ber Frame Home on 20 acres $1,750,000 one mile from Kersey Lake. Approximately 5 (Reduced) Possible owner terms, Partial trade for miles from Cooke City. Please call Lori Hamilnice building lot in Paradise Valley. All offers e-mail ton 406-223-1079 or considered! www.absarokahomes.com Jennifer lori@cbmaverick.com MLS #146319 $98,000 Short Absaroka Homes 406.223.5856. Other property available. Call me! Rare lot near Yellowstone National Park & Gardiner Mt. Spectacular Mountain views of COLDWELL BANKER MAVERICK REElectric peek, Devils slide and the Yellowstone ALTY: ~ Lori Hamilton, Realtor/Property River. 1.85 acres $149,900. Jennifer Short AbManager ~ For all your real estate needs please saroka Homes 406-223-5856 HELP WANTED Antler Pub & Grill has an opening for wait staff. Start mid-may. Seasonal. Located inside the Comfort Inn. Comfort Inn has an opening for front desk clerk. Full or Part -Time. Morning and evening available. Stop by Comfort Inn for an application. Spring Cleaning help needed in April and May. Headwaters Bed & Breakfast. 406.848.7073 The Sinclair TNT and the Town Café. Please apply in person. Ask for Wade. The Yellowstone Basin Inn is looking for an Assistant Innkeeper from may to October 2009. *FREE Employee housing available* To enthusiastically assist the Innkeepers with all aspects of the hotel business: front desk, meeting room, breakfast service, housekeeping, laundry and other. www.yellowstonebasininn.com 406-848-7080 innkeeper@yellowstonebasininn.com Yellowstone Association, Yellowstone National Park has an immediate opening for an assistant to the Director of Finance. The position is currently a part time, year round accounting position, and is expected to become a full time position within one year. The benefits include paid vacation, paid holidays, personal/sick leave, and contributions to retirement and flexible benefit plans. Affordable housing is available with the position. A bachelor’s degree with an emphasis in accounting or equivalent accounting experience is required. Starting hourly rate is $12 - $15 per hour, depending on qualifications. Application information and a complete job description are available online at www.YellowstoneAssociation.org. Position will start as soon as possible after selection. Yellowstone Mine is taking applications for breakfast shift, cook, prepcook, waitress and dishwasher. Stop by and pick up an application. Ask to talk to Patrick Rose phone # 406.848.7336. FOR RENT 1 Bedroom Cottage in Jardine. Suitable for 1 person. $600 mo., first & last. Leave message 406.223.0507. Full Hook-Up RV Site in Gardiner, available for monthly rent. Great location. Available approximately midMay. Call for details. 406-223-7333. RV Site with full hook-ups including power, water, and septic. Located just five miles from the North Entrance to Yellowstone. Very private. $500 monthly, May-October. References required 406.223.7845. Storage Units Available - Located in Gardiner. Units renting for $50.00 per month. Contact Ryan with D & D Storage at 406.223.1056. If no answer, please leave a message. 5 An excerpt from How the First Earth Day Came About By Senator Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day The idea for Earth Day evolved over a period of seven years starting in 1962. For several years, it had been troubling me that the state of our environment was simply a non-issue in the politics of the country. Finally, in November 1962, an idea occurred to me that was, I thought, a virtual cinch to put the environment into the political "limelight" once and for all. The idea was to persuade President Kennedy to give visibility to this issue by going on a national conservation tour. I flew to Washington to discuss the proposal with Attorney General Robert Kennedy, who liked the idea. So did the President. The President began his five-day, eleven-state conservation tour in September 1963. For many reasons the tour did not succeed in putting the issue onto the national political agenda. However, it was the germ of the idea that ultimately flowered into Earth Day. At a conference in Seattle in September 1969, I announced that in the spring of 1970 there would be a nationwide grassroots demonstration on behalf of the environment and invited everyone to participate. The wire services carried the story from coast to coast. The response was electric. It took off like gangbusters. Telegrams, letters, and telephone inquiries poured in from all across the country. The American people finally had a forum to express its concern about what was happening to the land, rivers, lakes, and air - and they did so with spectacular exuberance. For the next four months, two members of my Senate staff, Linda Billings and John Heritage, managed Earth Day affairs out of my Senate office. Five months before Earth Day, on Sunday, November 30, 1969, The New York Times carried a lengthy article by Gladwin Hill reporting on the astonishing proliferation of environmental events: "Rising concern about the environmental crisis is sweeping the nation's campuses with an intensity that may be on its way to eclipsing student discontent over the war in Vietnam...a national day of observance of environmental problems...is being planned for next spring...when a nationwide environmental 'teach-in'...coordinated from the office of Senator Gaylord Nelson is planned...." It was obvious that we were headed for a spectacular success on Earth Day. It was also obvious that grassroots activities had ballooned beyond the capacity of my U.S. Senate office staff to keep up with the telephone calls, paper work, inquiries, etc. In mid-January, three months before Earth Day, John Gardner, Founder of Common Cause, provided temporary space for a Washington, D.C. headquarters. I staffed the office with college students and selected Denis Hayes as coordinator of activities. Earth Day worked because of the spontaneous response at the grassroots level. We had neither the time nor resources to organize 20 million demonstrators and the thousands of schools and local communities that participated. That was the remarkable thing about Earth Day. It organized itself. Provided by http://earthday.envirolink.org/history.html Earth Day 2009, April 22, will mark the beginning of The Green Generation CampaignTM which will also be the focus of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day in 2010. With negotiations for a new global climate agreement coming up in December, Earth Day 2009 must be a day of action and civic participation, to defend The Green GenerationTM’s core principles: A carbon-free future based on renewable energy that will end our common dependency on fossil fuels, including coal. An individual’s commitment to responsible, sustainable consumption. Creation of a new green economy that lifts people out of poverty by creating millions of quality green jobs and transforms the global education system into a green one. Provided by http://www.earthday.net/earthday2009 6 PICNIC WITH A MARKER Some time in between the artichoke dip and the coleslaw, you lost track of your cup, and now there are a sea of matching cups on the table, one of which might be yours. The next time you picnic, set out permanent marker next to disposable dinnerware so guests can mark their cup and everyone will only use one. A PRIL /M AY 2009 Sun 19 Mon 20 Pediatrician @ Gardiner Baptist 9am-1pm Tue 21 Wed 22 Livingston JobFest EARTH DAY Food Pantry 1-6pm Thu Fri 23 24 Assistance Business Clinic Family Game Night 7pm @GBC Library 6pm-8pm Sat 25 Open Poetry Reading Texas Hold’em Tournament Library 10am-5pm & 6pm-8pm 26 Rent-A-Teen 3 Mr. Fritz Retirement Party 27 28 Park Road Project Food Pantry 1-6pm Public Meeting Library 10am-5pm & 6pm-8pm 29 4 6 5 Food Pantry 1-6pm 30 1 Library 6pm-8pm Schwan's 4:30-6pm 7 Family Game Night 7pm @GBC 8 Library 6pm-8pm Library 10am-5pm & 6pm-8pm 2 Park to Paradise 9 Family Game Night 7pm @GBC Park to Paradise COMMUNITY SERVICES & COMMITTEES 2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects people with important community services and volunteer opportunities. AA Meetings: Every Wednesday @ 7 pm at St. William’s Catholic Church. American Legion Meeting: 2nd Tuesday @ 7pm at the Gardiner Community Center Bear Creek Council Meeting: 3rd Tuesday @ 7pm - For more information call 307.344.7414 www.bearcreekcouncil.org Gardiner Community Center: Gardiner School Board Meeting: Board Meeting: 1st Tuesday @ 7pm 2nd Wednesday @ 7pm in the Gardiner School Conference Room 406.224.2370 Gardiner Community Library Tuesdays 10am-5pm, 6pm-8pm & Thursdays 6pm-8pm. 406.848.7835 Electric Peak Arts Council Meeting: 1st Thursday @ 5pm in the Gardiner High School Library Gardiner Food Pantry Hours Tuesdays from 1pm-6pm. 307.344.9006 - Linda Gray Gardiner Ambulance Board Meeting: 1st Wednesday @ 7pm at the K-Bar Golden Word Toastmasters Club: Every Wednesday @ 6:30pm at the Gardiner Ranger Station Back Entrance Gateway Hose Company Gardiner Chamber of Commerce Board of Trustees Meeting: May 18, 2009 @ 7pm at the Fire Angel Line: 2nd and 4th Member Meeting: 3rd Wednesday Monday of each month. 9- @ noon. Office hours MondayHall Thursday 9am-5pm. 406.848.7971 9:30 pick-ups leaving Gardiner-Park County Water Livingston at 2pm. Call Patty at District Board Meeting: 2nd Tues406.222.4668. day @ 6pm at the District Office CHURCH SERVICES Mt. Republic Chapel of Peace (Cooke City): Sundays: Worship 9:30am St. John’s Episcopal Church (Emigrant): Sundays: Worship 9am The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Sundays: Sacrament Service 10am St. Williams Catholic Church: Sundays: Mass 8:00am Gardiner Baptist Fellowship Sundays: Sunday School 10am Worship 11am Lunch 12noon, All welcome Mondays: Evening Crafts 6pm Fridays: Family Game Night 7pm 7 Mammoth Chapel: Sundays: Will resume in Spring Gardiner Community Church: Sundays: Sunday School 10:15am Worship 11:15am Youth Group 7pm Mondays AWANA 6:15pm Gardiner Community Church (cont): Wednesdays: Weekly Bible Study 7pm Thursdays: Women’s Bible Study 9:45am Fridays Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30am
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