ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO A THESIS By : Rukhoiyah Swandani St. Number : 121112057 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA SURABAYA 2015 Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO A THESIS By : Rukhoiyah Swandani St. Number : 121112057 ENGLISH DEPARTEMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA SURABAYA 2015 i Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO A THESIS Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya By : Rukhoiyah Swandani St. Number : 121112057 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA SURABAYA 2015 ii Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga DECLARATION This thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university. And to the best of this candidate‘s knowledge and believe, it contains no material previously published or written by other person except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis. Surabaya, 16 June 2015 Writer, Rukhoiyah Swandani iii Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga The writer dedicates this thesis to her beloved mother and father for the love and sacrifice they always give iv Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga Approved to be examined Surabaya, 16 June, 2015 Thesis Advisor, Dra. Lilla Musyahda, M.Pd. NIP. 196612102007012001 Head of English Department, Dra. Lilla Musyahda, M.Pd. NIP. 196612102007012001 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA SURABAYA 2015 v Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga This thesis has been approved and accepted by the Board of Examiners,English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga on 30June 2015 The Board of Examiners are: Noerhayati Ika Putri, M.A. NIP. 197807162005012002 Dra. Lilla Musyahda, M.Pd. NIP. 196612102007012001 Ema Faiza, M.Hum. NIP. 197410142003122001 vi Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT who always blesses my life and especially helps to strengthen me finishing this thesis. Deepest gratitude is also expressed to Prophet Muhammad SAW who influences me to have great spirit for finishing this thesis with his inspiring and enlightening way of life. I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my thesis advisor, Dra. LillaMusyahda, M.Pd, a genius who is filled with excellent idea. Without her supervision and constant helps, this thesis would not have been possible. I am grateful to be one of her pupils. It is an honor for me. Deep appreciation is also given for the lecturers of English Department, Faculty of HumanitiesUniversitas Airlangga, for the knowledge they have shared, especially linguistics lecturers who inspire me a lot. I learn from them how to be a ‗real human‘, not only excellent in hardskill, but also softskill. My endless love will always be sent for my mother, Mami, and my father, Suwani, for all your support, motivation and prayers. You are the greatest parents I have. For my four young sisters, thank you so much for always making me smile. My deep gratitude is also for my grandparents, Munarah and Suyono, who always support and pray for me. I would like to thank my aunt, Indah, for all her supports and helps whenever I need. I also feel grateful for Yuli‘s help. Thank you for lending me your laptop when mine is broken.For Mbak Nicky who does not mind helping and accompanying me taking the data, thank you so much. For my big vii Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga family members who I cannot mention all, thank you for all support you have given to me. Last but not least, I would like to say thank you to all my friends. They are my friends in genk NERO: Nabilah ‗qubil‘ and Kartika ‗cungkring‘, who are full with brilliant idea, Desi ‗wiwik‘ who cares me so much, Putri ‗siomay‘, and Ariel ‗upiels‘) who always cheer me up with their ‗harsh joke‘. We study hard and play hard together. I also want to say thank you to all of my friends in EDSA 2K11. We have been together and have shared many unforgettable moments. I also want to thank my friends in UKM Taekwondo Universitas Airlangga who strengthen me with their spirit and support. I love you all. Surabaya, 16 June 2015 Rukhoiyah Swandani viii Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga “If they give you ruled paper, write the other way” -Juan Ramon Jimenez- ix Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga TABLE OF CONTENTS Inside Cover Page i Inside Title Page ii Declaration Page iii Dedication Page iv Thesis Advisor‘s Approval Page v Thesis Examiners‘ Approval Page vi Acknowledgements vii Epigraph ix Table of Contents x Abstract xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 7 1.3 Objective of the Study 8 1.4 Significance of the Study 8 1.5 Definition of Key Terms 8 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Types of Utterances and Speech Events 10 2.2 Speech Acts 12 2.2.1Illocutionary Act 14 Assertive 15 Performative 16 Verdictive 17 Expressive 18 Directive 18 Commissive 20 Phatic 20 x Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 2.3 Positioning Theory 21 2.4 Review of Related Studies 22 CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE STUDY 3.1 Research Approach 25 3.2 Participants and Setting 26 3.2.1 Participants 27 3.2.2 Setting 27 3.3 Instrument 28 3.4 Technique of Data Collection 28 3.5 Technique of Data Analysis 29 CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION 4.1 Data Presentation 30 4.1.1 Assertive 31 4.1.2 Performative 34 4.1.3 Verdictive 36 4.1.4 Expressive 38 4.1.5 Directive 40 4.1.6 Commissive 47 4.1.7 Phatic 49 4.2 Discussion 51 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION Conclusion 60 REFERENCES 63 APPENDIX 65 xi Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga TABLE OF CONTENTS Inside Cover Page i Inside Title Page ii Declaration Page iii Dedication Page iv Thesis Advisor‘s Approval Page v Thesis Examiners‘ Approval Page vi Acknowledgements vii Epigraph ix Table of Contents x Abstract xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 7 1.3 Objective of the Study 8 1.4 Significance of the Study 8 1.5 Definition of Key Terms 8 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Types of Utterances and Speech Events 10 2.2 Speech Acts 12 2.2.1Illocutionary Act 14 Assertive 15 Performative 16 Verdictive 17 Expressive 18 Directive 18 Commissive 20 Phatic 20 x Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 2.3 Positioning Theory 21 2.4 Review of Related Studies 22 CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE STUDY 3.1 Research Approach 25 3.2 Participants and Setting 26 3.2.1 Participants 27 3.2.2 Setting 27 3.3 Instrument 28 3.4 Technique of Data Collection 28 3.5 Technique of Data Analysis 29 CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION 4.1 Data Presentation 30 4.1.1 Assertive 31 4.1.2 Performative 34 4.1.3 Verdictive 36 4.1.4 Expressive 38 4.1.5 Directive 40 4.1.6 Commissive 47 4.1.7 Phatic 49 4.2 Discussion 51 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION Conclusion 60 REFERENCES 63 APPENDIX 65 xi Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga Swandani, Rukhoiyah. 2015. The Analysis of Speech Acts in Medical Consultations between Midwives and Patients in BPS S.Miraningsih, Amd.Keb Geluran Taman Sidoarjo. ABSTRACT Every utterances are speech act because humans utter their utterances with intentions behind their utterances (Robinson, 2006). One of speech community which employ speech acts in their communication is midwives and patients. This study aims to find what speech acts are mostly used by the midwives and patients and why those speech acts are used. Qualitative research approach through a case study inquiry is implemented in this study. The conversation between midwives and patients were recorded for the data. In analyzing the data, the writer uses speech acts theory proposed by Charles W. Kreidler (1998). The result shows that assertive utterances are mostly used, especially by the midwives. Since it is a consultation, the midwives frequently give information to the patient based on the empirical fact while the patients frequently use assertive to report their experience. While speech act appears the least is performative type for the patients and expressive type for the midwives. The analysis leads to a conclusion that the position of the speakers are also related to the types of speech acts and the speech functions they employ. Keywords: midwives; patients; position theory; speech act theory xii Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Humans are dependable creature and in order to fulfill their needs, they communicate their thoughts and feelings. Communication, generally, is understood as the processes in which humans construct and make meaning together, whether it is verbal or nonverbal, spoken or written, cooperation or conflict, and face-to-face or not (Stewart, 2002). One of elements in a communication is language which makes a communication successful. It denotes everything in this world, concrete and abstract things. Humans use language for many purposes since language seems to have many different functions as there are occasions for using language, therefore, humans call it as speech functions (Kreidler, 1998); humans use language to tell others what they know or what they feel, to ask questions, to thank, to say hello and goodbye, and so on. Those speech functions will also affect its form, why they select one way rather than another to convey their message. The form of an utterance does not necessarily coincide with the speaker's real intention. A speaker may produce an utterance that is just the opposite of the message he wants to convey. What makes those utterances understandable is the context or the people being involved (Kreidler, 1998). There are a lot of examples on how humans employ the speech functions to interact and fulfill their needs in daily speech community, how humans convey their message in many different ways, for example in medical consultation in 1 Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 2 order to get health service. Based on Fischer and Ereaut (2012), medical consultations can be defined differently according to their organizing principles of purpose. In narrower sense, they might be organized around the achievement of a diagnosis, a transaction involving the transfer of knowledge, whereas in a complex sense means they might be organized around the development of complex shared understanding: the creation of new knowledge for both participants, unique to that patient. Medical profession who has right to deliver medical consultation is a midwife, for example. A midwife is a woman who attends women in confinement (The American Medical Association, 1989) or she can be considered as a woman who is educated and trained to help delivering babies and to advise pregnant women. In Indonesia until 2013, the number of midwives is ranked at the top position with 136.489 persons compared to other medical professions (BKKBN, 2014). Midwives outnumber doctors (42.189 persons), dentists (13.022 persons), and specialist (38.210 persons). This is also supported with the data from Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional or BKKBN (National Family Planning Coordination Board) in 2014 which claimed that in East Java the ratio for doctors/people is 7,43 : 100.000, while the ratio for midwives/people is 33,48 : 100.000. The number above is also equivalent to health problems in Indonesia because health problems in Indonesia are dominated with maternal and children health problems which are the focus of midwives care (Wang et al., 2009). In addition, Indonesia is one of developed countries involved in United Nations Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 3 Development Program which established eight goals named as Millenium Development Goals. Millenium Development Goals are eight international development goals as the result of United Nations summit in 2000 (UNICEF, 2012). Two of the eight goals are to reduce child mortality and to improve maternal health. Those two issues are pertinent to midwife‘s scope of activity. Those are the reason why midwives outnumber doctors in Indonesia and are still needed in health service according to dominant health problem in Indonesia. Interaction between a midwife and a patient includes the process of examination and consultation. In this communication, the midwife differs from the patient because of her roles, one of them is as a medical consultant. According to Cohn (2003) the role of the medical consultant is to identify and evaluate a patient‘s medical status and provide a clinical risk profile, to decide whether further tests are indicated prior to surgery, and to optimize the patient‘s medical condition in an attempt to reduce the risk of complications. Based on the roles (explained by Cohn above), it can be considered that a midwife, as medical consultant, positions herself as a person who knows and gives the information while a patient positions herself as a client who needs and receives the information. All of conversation characteristics of midwives are shaped in midwifery. In the midwifery, they are taught on how to do medical conversation with their colleagues and their patients. They practice to communicate in accordance with the foundation of professional conversation called as Positioning Theory proposed by Rom Harre (1990). Three key components of positioning theory include Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 4 position, storylines, and determinate speech acts, developing from the everyday social interactions of professional conversations (Davies and Harre, 1990). Furthermore, individuals manifest the concept of positioning by a certain set of right, duties, and obligations through the story line within speech acts of the conversation (Phillips & Hayes, 2007). Therefore, a midwife also uses different ways to express particular speech functions to fit the context of communication she is in and her position while she delivers medical consultation. From the phenomenon above, the writer presumes there are some intentions and act performed differently by the midwives and the patients through their speech since they are involved in different role or position. In those speech functions, several different kinds of utterances, or speech acts, will be recognized then classified according to their general purpose. Smith et al. argued that ―the notion of speech acts is a valuable contribution to health communication research because of the positive and negative affect certain acts can have‖ (2009, p.2). Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing the speech acts mostly used in medical conversation or consultation between a midwife and a patient since this topic is valuable. The writer chooses midwives and patients as the research object because linguistic research on medical conversation delivered by midwife has not been conducted extensively, especially in Indonesia. In addition, it fits with Indonesian people health need phenomenon as mentioned above. The writer conducts this research at a private clinic or Bidan Praktek Swasta in Geluran, Sidoarjo named BPS S. Miraningsih, Amd.Keb to be the research place. Private clinic is chosen because almost Indonesian people prefer Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 5 health facility of private sector to health facility of state sector for health cases such as maternity (birth), childhood diarrhea, and Acute Respiratory Infection. Moreover, a private clinic is chosen because the number of state clinic, such as Puskesmas (Public Health Centre), is still low only 9.599 unit compared to private clinic such as Bidan Praktik Swasta or BPS (Midwives in Private Practice) which is 47.000 unit. Considering this number, the needs for getting health service from midwives especially Midwives in Private Practice are high enough. BPS is a Midwife who has Surat Ijin Praktek Bidan or SIPB (Midwives Practice License) in compliance with medical laws, registered legally to have private practice (Ikatan Bidan Indonesia, 2004). Therefore, BPS is always named with the BPS owner‘s name itself because BPS refers to the midwife as the individual. In addition, BPS S. Miraningsih, Amd.Keb is one member of Bidan Delima. Bidan Delima is a midwife system standardization program launched by Ikatan Bidan Indonesia or IBI (Indonesian Midwives Association) in 2003, to educate and incentives Indonesian private midwives to meet and maintain the standard of care. In contrast, there is still a major barrier in providing and maintaining quality maternal health services in Indonesia because of the lack of supervision, monitoring and evaluation of compliance with best practices of private midwives. Thus, this clinic is trusted because it has been accredited with Bidan Delima. There have been many studies discussing speech acts. First is Ohtaki S, Ohtaki. T, and Fetters MD‘s study (2003) about doctor-patient communication in the USA compared to Japan. Ohtaki et al. found that ratios of questions and other Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 6 speech acts in the USA and Japan were similar. Syaifana (2007) conducted a study titled Speech Act in Military Conversations Performed by the Indonesian Navy’s Personnel at KRI Lambung Mangkurat. She found that performative utterances that are found in each data contain order, question, request, advising, and warning. In addition, Amelia (2008) discussed the functions of speech acts used by male and female preachers in a church in Surabaya and drew to a conclusion that personal character, culture, and power-relation are determinant factors in the use of direct or indirect language style. Another study was conducted by Arifin (2008) who analyzed the speech acts used by non-Madurese police officer and Madurese victims and witnesses and revealed that representative act is the act most frequently used by police officers and victims or witnesses and Indonesian is the chosen language in the process of interrogation. Smith et al. (2009) conducted a research on memorable messages about breast cancer and their speech acts (purposes of the messages). They found that individuals who had personal and friend or relative experience with breast cancer were significantly more possible to recall memorable messages than other respondents and the most frequently perceived speech acts were providing facts, providing advice, and giving hope. Hayati (2011) did an observation about speech acts analysis of public service advertisement and found that directive function was most frequently used. The last is Ismail (2013) who analyzed the illocutionary act used in Jokowi‘s campaign speech using John Searle‘s speech acts theory and found that Jokowi mostly used representative act in his campaign speech. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 7 Almost all of studies above use the same theory that is five types of speech acts proposed by John Searle (1969) and different participants such as between doctors and patients in different culture, police and victim or witness, preachers, and so on. The present study, by contrast, utilizes Kreidler‘s theory, which proposes seven kinds of speech acts as analytic tool to examine the utterances in the medical conversation between a midwife and a patient. This study is conducted to examine what speech act frequently appears and why it appears most. The information about the most common used speech acts and whether those speech acts are effective and understandable is the importance of this study. By knowing this information, what speech acts frequently appear in the consultation between midwives and patients, the writer hopes this study could help the midwives to use effective speech acts for improving their service in their clinics better. 1.2 Statement of the Problem According to position and role, a midwife and a patient will use different ways to express particular speech acts. To know more about speech acts used in consultation between midwives and patients and the relationship between speech acts and role, problems are discussed in this study as follow: 1. What kinds of speech acts used dominantly by both midwives and patients in consultation BPS S Miraningsih, Amd. Keb Geluran Taman Sidoarjo? 2. Why are those speech acts used in the consultation at BPS S Miraningsih, Amd. Keb Geluran Taman Sidoarjo? Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 8 1.3 Objective of the Study Based on the statement of the problem mentioned above, the objectives of this study are: 1. To find the speech acts used dominantly by midwives and patients in BPS S Miraningsih, Amd. Keb., Geluran Taman Sidoarjo 2. To find the reasons why those speech acts are used in the consultation 1.4 Significance of the Study The result of this study is expected to give both theoretical and practical significance to the society. The writer hopes it will give new insights to linguistic studies, especially pragmatics, since it concerns speech acts. Moreover, this study is expected to make linguistics readers, especially linguistics students, understand about speech acts theory as important in analyzing verbal communication uttered by each person with different role or position. Since this study is related health service, this study can be used as references to improve a better service in medical centers by using right speech acts to avoid redundancy and gain an effective consultation. It is also expected to be further reading or reference for other researchers who plan to conduct pragmatics studies, especially related to speech act theory. 1.5 Definition of Key Terms Medical : pertaining to medicine or to the treatment of disease (The American Medical Association, 1989). Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 9 Consultation : a consultation with a doctor or other expert is a meeting with them to discuss a particular problem and get their advice (Collins COBUILD Dictionary on CD-ROM 2006, 2006). Midwife : a woman who attends women in confinement (The American Medical Association, 1989) Speech Act Skripsi : an action performed through an utterance (Kreidler, 1998) THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW This section presents the theory applied in analyzing the intentions of midwives and patients in their communication and the relation between their speech and their position in a determined situation, in the context of medical consultation. The main theory used for this study is the theory proposed by Kreidler (1998) who categorized the speech act based on the utterances characteristic. Furthermore, Kreidler also provides the explanation about speech act and its categorization. Therefore, the writer uses the theory proposed by Kreidler as the main theory for categorizing the speech acts because Kreidler gives more specific speech acts categorization and more understandable explanation about speech act. To gain more understanding about speech act, the writer prefaces Kreidler‘s theory with the theory of speech acts proposed by Austin and Searle. The last but not least positioning theory proposed by Rom Harre which has relation with communication and position is used to see the correlation between speech act and position. 2.1 Types of Utterances and Speech Events Pragmatics would serve as the linguistic approach for this study, since pragmatics is one of the major fields in linguistic that could reveal meaning in language use or simply as a systematic way of explaining the language used in context and situation. Leech (1983) stated that pragmatics aims to explain aspects of meaning from the way in which utterances are used and how they relate to the 10 Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 11 context in which they are uttered. Therefore, the writer confines her attention to language utterances. There are two types of utterances proposed by Austin as cited in Lyons (1977), constative utterances and performative utterances. Constative utterances are statements which functions to describe some event, process or state of affairs, and they have the property being either true or false while performative utterances attempts to study people doing things with words rather than saying something is true or not. According to Robinson (2006), performativist see a language as a drama. All participants involved in this drama have collaborated on a group of speech act. Austin in 1962 (as cited in Robinson, 2006) also suggested that performativist see language as made up of speech acts. The speech acts can form a speech event (Yule‘s term) or speech situation (Robinson‘s term), and every speech event is a little drama. Speech event is a set of speech generated from social situations involving participants who need to have social relationships and may have a special purpose on certain circumstance (Yule, 1996) or it is simply the circumstances surrounding the utterance. In a speech event, it often includes a central speech act accompanied by other utterances reacting to that central action, but it can also exclude a central speech act. An example to explain speech event without central speech act is proposed by George Yule (1996, p.57) as the following: Him: Her: Him: Her: Him: Her: Skripsi Oh,Mary.I’m glad you’re here. What’s up? I can’t get my computer to work. Is it broken? I don’t think so. What’s it doing? THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 12 Him: Her: Him: Her: Him: Her: Him: I don’t know. I’m useless with computers. What kind is it? It’s a Mac. Do you use them? Yeah. Do you have a minute? Sure. Oh, great. The dialogue above is about ‗request‘. The request above is not made up with obvious speech act of request such as can you fix my computer? or I need you to fix my computer. The dialogue above can be called as a ‗request‘ speech event without the presence of a central speech act of request. 2.2 Speech acts Because of the fact that people perform some actions through the use of words, the theory of speech acts would serve as a tool for analysis of the selected speeches in this study. Speech act makes the writer able to discover the intention of the utterances of midwives and patients when they are communicating. When people speak, they use language to achieve several functions like expressing uncomforted situation, offering an apology, greeting, request, complaint, compliment, invitation, or refusal. Thus, all things can be done through process of speaking (Saddock, 1974). The speech acts theory was firstly proposed by Austin in 1962 and further developed by Searle in 1969. Austin (as cited in Robinson, 2006, p. 76) assumed that every utterance does something, performs an action and according to Searle, speaking a language is performing speech acts, acts such as making statements, giving commands, asking questions or making promises (as cited in Kreidler, 1998). Searle also stated that all linguistic communication involves linguistic (speech) acts. In addition, speech acts are the Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 13 fundamental units of linguistic communication because the principal of communication is to construct meanings together between the speaker and the addressee. By ―knowing‖ what speech act in every utterance is, both speaker and hearer are able to understand the meaning or the intention of their counterpart. There are three levels of speech act introduced by Austin (as cited in Archer, Aijmer, and Wichmann, 2012), those three levels are: locution, illocution, and perlocution. Locution refers to the actual words uttered, so this level concerns with the meaning of the words themselves. Illocution refers to what is performed in saying something, the speaker‘s intention to communicate to the addressee. Illocution is discussed in the next subchapter for further explanation. Perlocution refers to the result of taking the hearer‘s perspective, his interpretation of what the speaker says. Perlocutionary act is the actual effect of speaker‘s utterance to the addressee, so this act happens after the locution and illocution act are produced. Since this study is primarily focused on the meaning and act performed of midwives and patients speech, so the writer continues to the illocutionary act which is also considered as speech act itself. It is not necessary to discuss locution act because This study does not concern with semantic level of the utterances. Communication in a determined situation does not ask how languages organize and express meanings, but rather the participants‘ utterances are success or not in accomplishing their intentions or aims (Kreidler, 1998). In addition, it is a pragmatics study which emphasizes the speaker‘s intended meanings, meaning in use and meaning in context (Thomas, 1995). Moreover, because it has no purpose to find the effects to the hearer or the addressee and the effects are difficult to be Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 14 evaluated especially the effects on the patients it takes deeper research with prolonged time, so this study excludes perlocutionary act as a tool for analyzing the data. 2.2.1 Illocutionary Act The illocutionary act is one of sub levels of speech act proposed firstly by Austin. Illocutionary act is the central concept of the speech act theory which functions as analyzing tool the use of language in communication. It is employed to understand the meaning of someone‘s utterance. It is in accordance of the statement that illocutionary acts are important because they are basic units of meaning in the use and comprehension of language (Vanderveken, 1990). Austin also classified speech acts into expositives, verdictives, commissives, exercitives, and behabitive, but then, Ballmer and Brennenstuhl in 1981 argued that Austin‘s approach is far too limited, only five categories (as cited in Robinson, 2006). Another theory of speech acts and its categorization was proposed by John Searle in 1969. It is a wide and helpful theory because he gives a great explanation about speech act, but still a narrow taxonomy. According to Searle there are just five basic kinds of action that one can perform in saying utterance. Five basic kinds of action are: declaration, representatives, expressive, directives, and commissives (as cited in Archer, Aijmer, and Wichmann, 2012), but the writer thinks those five macro classes are still limited as Ballmer and Brennenstuhl said before. Both of Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 15 two big theories of speech act above are lack of categories. Both of them do not include the polite formulas such as chitchat about weather, asking for someone‘s health and so on. However, those utterances are equally important from linguistic perspective (Holmes, 2008). So, the writer considers another profound and newest taxonomy of speech acts which is proposed by Kreidler, but it still has the correlation with the theory proposed by Austin and Searle. Kreidler (1998) grouped the speech acts into more specific categorization. According to Kreidler, the categories of illocutionary acts are assertive, performative, verdictive, expressive, directive, commissive, and phatic (Kreidler, 1998). The following are the explanation of each illocutionary act categories proposed by Kreidler. Assertive Assertive is an utterance which functions to tell what the speakers or the writers believe or know. Assertive concerns with facts and its purpose is to inform. Generally, assertive can be verified or falsified, not necessarily at the moment the speaker utter them or by the addressee hear them. The form of the utterances can be either direct or indirect assertive. Direct assertive starts with the subject I or we and an assertive verb, whereas indirect assertive no need those all. Here are the examples: a. We declare that most plastics are made from soy beans. (direct assertive) b. Most plastics are made from soy beans. (indirect assertive) Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 16 Shortly, the use of assertive is for stating, claiming, denying, concluding, and deducing in our daily life. There are certain conditions to make an assertive appropriate such as what is reported must be possible, the speaker commits himself to the truth of what is reported, and the addressee also receive it as a truth (Kreidler, 1998). Performative Performative is an utterance that brings the state of affairs. Performative changes the world by uttering something and it makes things happen just by being uttered. Performative utterances are appropriate if those are spoken by someone who has authority to make them accepted and in appropriate circumstance. Performative functions can be found in the daily life such as for firing, marrying, and arresting. It also includes things said in ceremonies and official acts which affect the people as the addressee. There are some qualifications for utterance can be a performative. First of all, the performative verb must be in the present tense which means that the speaker utters performative utterances in the present time in accordance with the performance of actions. The most important is that the speaker must be appropriate; he must have the authority to utter those performatives. Performative utterances are valid only if spoken by an appropriate person in socially determined situations. The success of this speech act depends on the speaker being approved by the social Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 17 community or the addressee. Therefore, performatives usually take place in formal settings. The last, the subject of the sentence must be I or we. However, it is necessary to distinguish between explicit or direct and implicit or indirect performative. Here are the examples: a. I declare this meeting adjourned. (direct performative) b. This meeting is adjourned. (indirect performative) The example ―I declare this meeting is adjourned‖ is a direct performative while ―This meeting is adjourned‖ is an indirect performative when it is spoken by the same person (Kreidler, 1998). Verdictive Verdictive is an utterance which the speaker makes an assessment or judgement about the previous action of the addressee or their present results. Verdictive utterances include congratulation, accusation, appraising, and blaming. The action of the addressee also can be viewed as positive or negative by the speaker. Verdictive verbs used to judge the addressee‘s previous action as positive or as negative. Verdictives are considered as positive when the speaker honors, compliments or praises the addressee. Verdictives are viewed as negative when the speaker accuses, blames or criticizes the addressee. Felicity conditions for verdictive are the act was feasible, the addressee was capable to perform it, the speaker is sincere in making the Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 18 utterance, and the addressee believes that the speaker is sincere (Kreidler, 1998). Expressive Expressive is similar with verdictive. Whereas verdictives assess the addressee’s previous actions or the failure of those actions, expressive utterances assess the speaker’s previous actions or the failure of those actions, and even the present results of those actions or failures Therefore, expressive is retrospective (concerns with something happened or has happened) same as verdictive. Here are the examples: a. We admit that we were mistaken. b. I apologize for having disturbed you. Felicity conditions of expressive are: the possibility of the act, the ability of the speaker to perform it, the sincerity of the speaker in making the utterance, and the addressee‘s belief that the speaker is sincere (Kreidler, 1998). Directive Directive is an utterance used by the speaker to get the addressee to do something or refrain from doing something. Therefore, directive has pronoun you as the object or the doer of an action the speaker means, whether the pronoun is shown in the utterance or not. A directive utterance is prospective which means it is oriented toward later happenings because someone cannot tell others to do Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 19 something in the past. Three kinds of directive utterances are often found in daily communication: commands, request, and suggestions. A command is effective if only the speaker has power, control, or even the authority to get the addressee to perform or refrain from the actions. Command is viewed as positive when the speaker orders, commands, tells the addressee to do something while it is viewed as negative when the speaker forbids the addressee to do something. A request is the speaker‘s expression to get the addressee to fulfill the speaker‘s wants. Whereas a command needs the authority or the control power of the speaker toward the addressee, a request does not need all of those. A suggestion is the utterance the speaker makes to give other persons his/her opinion what they should do or not. So, the addressee has a choice of performances and the speaker gives an opinion about it. Expression for suggestion can be viewed positively or negatively. Suggestion is viewed as positive when the speaker use ‗nice‘ verbs such as recommend, advise and so on. Suggestion is viewed as negative when the speaker gives pressure by using verbs such as warn, caution and so on. The felicity conditions for directive are the act is feasible and the addressee is capable to do it. There is addition for each subdivisions of directive speech act. A command to be felicitous, the addressee must accept the speaker‘s authority or power. A request to be felicitous, the addressee must accept the speaker‘s wishes or wants. The last, a Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 20 suggestion will be felicitous if the addressee accepts the speaker‘s judgment (Kreidler, 1998). Commissive Kreidler (1998) explained that commissives are the utterances which can be used to commit or refuse to commit oneself to some future actions. Therefore, commissive is retrospective because it concerns toward later happenings, it is yet to occur, and it is speaker-involved also since the utterance makes the speaker commits to some future actions. Commissives include promise, pledge, threat, and vow. Commissive has the addresse whether the utterance shows it or not because the speaker must be making a commitment to somebody. Felicity conditions for commissive are the speaker intends to perform it, the ability of the speaker to perform that act, the addressee believes the speaker‘s ability and intention. Here are the examples: a. I promise to be on time. b. We volunteer to put up the decorations for the dance. Phatic Kreidler (1998) stated that phatic is an utterance which expresses solidarity with others and its purpose is to maintain social bonds between members of the same society. Phatic utterances include greetings and farewells, the polite chitchat about weather, and whatever is expected in particular society. Phatic utterances are no less important compared to the previous six speech act although it has less obvious function. According to Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 21 Holmes (2008), phatic utterances convey social message rather than a referential one because language is not only functioned to convey only referential information but also the information about social relationship. Kreidler stated that phatic utterance is felicitous if the speaker and the addressee share the same social customs and recognize phatic utterances for what they are (1998, p.194). Finally, predicates used in those seven types of speech acts above can be described according to their relative ‗strength‘, politeness, and consequences. Direct speech acts contain a first-person pronoun and a predicate that specifies what utterance it is, whereas indirect speech acts lack of these. 2.3 Positioning Theory As mentioned above that we can see language as a drama. Analogically, in the dramaturgical model, people are seen as actors with lines already written and their roles determined in the play they are in, but they still have freedom as to how to play their roles in the play (Davies and Harre, 1990). This is what is called as positioning by Harre, how people position themselves or another in their conversation. Position, storylines and relatively determinate speech acts are three key factors inherent during conversations (Davies and Harre, 1990). By using this theory, the writer is going to be able to reveal the reason why specific speech acts are uttered by the midwives or patients in their conversation related to their position in the context of midwife-patient consultations. Furthermore, individuals manifest the concept of positioning by a certain set of right, duties, and obligations through the story line within speech acts of the Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 22 conversation (Phillips & Hayes, 2007). In the medical consultation context, midwives represent certain rights and duties because one of their roles as the medical consultant is to identify and evaluate a patient‘s medical status and provide a clinical risk profile, to decide whether further tests are indicated prior to surgery, and to optimize the patient‘s medical condition in an attempt to reduce the risk of complications (Cohn, 2003). By knowing what the participants‘ role in the consultation, the writer is able to identify participants‘ specific reason beyond their utterances or the functions of their utterances. 2.4 Review of Related Studies There are a lot of works related to speech act in the recent years. First is the study conducted by Sachiko Ohtaki, Toshio Ohtaki and Michael D Fetters (2003) about doctor–patient communication in the United States of America and Japan. They aim to examine communication patterns of doctor–patient consultations in two different cultures, namely the USA and Japan, and to find linguistic differences and similarities in communication. They use quantitative discourse analysis from linguistics to compare 20 consultations of four physicians in Japan with 20 consultations of five physicians in USA are taken as the data. They measure the time spent in each consultations, number of categorized speech acts, distribution of question types and frequencies of back-channel responses and interruptions. Another research was conducted by Syaifana (2007) titled Speech Act in Military Conversations Performed by the Indonesian Navy’s Personnel at KRI Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 23 Lambung Mangkurat. She found that performative utterances that are found in each data contain order, question, request, advising, and warning. There are two studies from year 2008. Amelia (2008) discussed the functions of speech acts used by male and female preachers in a church in Surabaya. The female preacher was from USA and the male preacher was from Germany. Both of them gave sermons in English and then the interpreter translated those sermons into Indonesian language. She drew to a conclusion that personal character, culture, and power-relation are determinant factors in the use of direct or indirect language style. Another study was conducted by Arifin (2008) who analyzed the speech acts used by non-Madurese police officer and Madurese victims and witnesses. He revealed that representative act is the act most frequently used by police officers and victims or witnesses and Indonesian is the chosen language in the process of interrogation. Smith et al. (2009) conducted a research on memorable messages about breast cancer and their speech acts (purposes of the messages). Their participants are the individuals who are breast cancer patients or have relation with breast cancer patients. They found that individuals who had personal and friend or relative experience with breast cancer were significantly more possible to recall memorable messages than other respondents and the most frequently perceived speech acts were providing facts, providing advice, and giving hope. Hayati (2011) did an observation about speech acts analysis of public service advertisement. She observed the public service advertisement such as poster and billboard in Surabaya and found that directive function was most Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 24 frequently used. The last is Ismail (2013) who analyzed the illocutionary act used in Jokowi‘s campaign. He took the Jokowi‘s speech in the form of video from Youtube. Ismail categorized Jokowi‘s utterances using John Searle‘s speech acts theory and found that Jokowi mostly used representative act in his campaign speech. The researchers above had already conducted research related to speech act. Most of the studies above especially in Indonesia, still observed the speech acts in the social themes conversations such as politic and still used the speech act categories proposed by Searle. Their object in their study also varied, from the written discourse such as public advertisement until the spoken discourse such as the Jokowi‘s speech. However, this study utilizes Kreidler‘s categories of speech act and discusses different theme of conversation and different participants, medical consultation between patients and midwives. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE STUDY 3.1 Research Approach In analyzing the data, the writer uses qualitative method. Flick argues that qualitative methods take the researcher's communication with the object as an explicit part of knowledge instead of judging it as an intervening factor and are used to make sense of the individual‘s subjective experience in a natural setting (Flick, 2009). Furthermore, the characteristics of qualitative research are taking place in the natural setting, using multiple methods that are interactive and humanistic, and emergent rather than tightly prefigured. (Kwary, 2014, p.16). The writer considers this study is more appropriate to apply qualitative method since the writer has to gain information about the setting where the consultation occurs and about the participants‘ identity. Moreover, this study is presented in a descriptive way. For the strategy of inquiry, the writer uses case study. Case study is one case (or perhaps a small number of cases) that is studied in detail, using whatever methods seem appropriate (Punch, 1998, p. 150). Case study aims to understand case depth, and in its natural setting, recognizing its complexity and its context. Thus, this approach is appropriate because in this study, the writer will focus on the type and use of speech acts based on the specific circumstance, the situation of a consultation between a midwife and a patient and the reason why some certain speech acts are mostly used. 25 Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 26 3.2 Participants and Setting In doing this research, the writer specifically takes the data from BPS, stands for Bidan Praktik Swasta (Midwives in Private Practice) clinic. The preference of doing this research in the BPS is because the fact that almost Indonesian people prefer health facility of private sector to health facility of state sector for health cases such as maternity (birth), childhood diarrhea, and Acute Respiratory Infection (Wang et al., 2009). Moreover, the woman patients tend to see midwives in BPS rather than in Puskesmas. They state that BPS is nearer from their place, accessible, and fast-service. Location for this research is in a BPS or Midwives in Private Practice named BPS S.Miraningsih, AMd.Keb in Geluran Taman Sidoarjo. Geluran is chosen because the writer has known the area very well and there is no research conducted in this area especially linguistics research related to medical practice. Thus, the writer was curious about the pattern of the medical communication in this area. The writer chose this BPS because it is one of the three biggest BPS in Geluran and it is in strategic place, therefore, this BPS has more clients or patients compared to others. In addition, BPS S. Miraningsih, Amd.Keb is one member of Bidan Delima. Bidan Delima is a midwife system standardization program launched by Ikatan Bidan Indonesia or IBI (Indonesian Midwives Association) in 2003. Therefore, this clinic is trusted because it has been accredited with Bidan Delima. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 27 3.2.1 Participants Participants of the research is all of the patients, with average 30 patients per day and two midwives in there. In order to get the best respondents and manageable results, the writer only takes ten consultations by limiting on the patients number using some criteria. The writer includes all the midwives in the BPS as her particpants because there are only two midwives, the senior midwife as the BPS owner and her assistant (junior midwife). The criteria for choosing the patients are followed. First, the patients must be registered in BPS S. Miraningsih, AMd.Keb. The writer uses case study in BPS S. Miraningsih, Amd. Keb for this research, so the patients must be registered to make the data requirements fulfilled. Second, the patients must understand and speak both Javanese and Indonesian. The reason why the writer used this criterion is to anticipate their code mixing in the consultation, so their consultation is understandable. Third, their conversation is about medical consultation. This criterion was to make the data accurate and fit with the topic of this study. Finally, the writer finds ten up to thirteen patients per day who have consultation sessions with the midwives. Therefore, the writer considers taking ten consultation sessions which are qualified with those three criteria as the data. 3.2.2 Setting In this study, the writer took the recordings at October 29th 2014 and from April 7th 2015 until April 20th 2015 in the BPS S. Miraningsih, Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 28 Amd. Keb Geluran Taman Sidoarjo. Ten transcribed conversations were used in this study. Each conversation is between two persons, a midwife and a patient. Their conversation are about maternal and children health problems. The participants also talk more informally and they use the mixture of Javanese and Indonesian language as in their daily conversation since they usually have known each other. Therefore, the writer assumes that she can get the adequate data of the most natural midwife-patient consultations for the intention of fulfilling the naturalism that is one of the characteristic of qualitative approach. 3.3 Instrument In order to record the conversation in midwife-patient consultations, the writer uses two cellular phone sound recorders. Cellular phone was preferred because it is capable enough to record middle range audio. Moreover, the condition of the clinic is quiet enough so disturbance from outside is very minimum. In addition, cellular phone could camouflage well to get hidden recording. Although the participants‘ gesture could not be recorded, the writer noticed that they sometimes used it. The writer was able to notice their gesture because she is camouflaged as the midwives‘ assistant. However, the writer considered to use sound recorder instead of video recorder to protect their identity and unwanted situation that would disturb the participants. 3.4 Technique of Data Collection There are several steps in collecting the data. First the writer observed the activity in BPS S. Miraningsih, AMd. Keb Geluran Taman Sidoarjo to get Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 29 knowledge about the routine activity happens there and made a trial for her recorders to make sure, at least, one of the recorders could work properly. Second, she recorded all the exchanges in the BPS at October 29th 2014 and from April 7th 2015 until April 20th 2015 by placing the cell phones on the desk near the position of participants. The last, she sorted the recordings based the criteria above that the conversation should be a medical consultation in order to be examined in this study. 3.5 Technique of Data Analysis After selecting the data, the writer began to analyze the data starting from preparing and transcribing the data manually. The writer chose to transcribe in common orthography because the writer only focuses on the meaning of the utterances. Second step was reading through all the data. Then the writer categorized the data of the medical consultations into macro classes of speech acts proposed by Kreidler. Those macro classes are: Assertive, Performative, Verdictive, Expressive, Directive, Commissive, and Phatic. The next step is analyzing the speech act used by the midwives and the speech act used by the patients. The last step, the writer related participants‘ utterances with the context, their position as midwife or patient. Finally, the writer concluded the finding of speech act in midwife-patient consultations. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION 4.1 Result In the ten recorded conversation, the writer finds 330 utterances which can be classified into some kinds of speech act proposed by Kreidler. Almost all of those speech acts appear in the form of indirect speech act. They do not contain first-person pronoun and performative verb, a predicate which specifies what type of speech acts the utterance is. As the researcher, the writer should be careful to identify the intention behind the speaker‘s utterances. The results are presented below. Table 1 Types of Speech Act and Their Occurrences in Medical Consultation Total Occurences Category Occurences Assertive % Patients Occurences Midmives % % 174 52,73 8 2,42 0 0,00 8 2,42 Verdictive 10 3,03 1 0,30 9 2,73 Expressive 10 3,03 9 2,73 1 0,30 Directive 78 23,64 5 1,52 Commissive 10 3,03 7 2,12 3 0,91 Phatic 40 12,12 20 6,06 20 6,06 330 100,00 92 Performative TOTAL 50 15,15 Occurences 124 37,58 73 22,12 238 30 Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 31 In the following analysis there are some abbreviations so the writer would like to give explanation first to make them understandable. KB stands for Keluarga Berencana (Family Planning), but in the context of the community here, it refers to birth control or contraception medicines (pill, injection, and so on). P stands for patient and M stands for Midwife. 4.1.1 Assertive Assertive is used to state speaker‘s belief that something is true. The aim of this speech act is to inform the addressee what is in speaker‘s mind. From the conversations have been recorded with 330 utterances classified as speech acts, the writer finds many assertive utterances both from the patients and midwives, with 174 occurences or 52,73% of the total (330) occurrences. It is then specified into two, the speech act performed by the patients and the speech act performed by the midwives. From the patients, there are 50 occurrences or 15,15 % of the total utterances while from the midwives, there are 124 occurrences or 37,24%. The following excerpts are midwives and patients utterances which contain assertive speech acts. Consultation I P: Yo maksude sing iso cepetan mens iko loh mbak. (I mean the pills which make me get menstruation as soon as possible, miss.) M: Sepuluh ada, ya tergantung. Lha nek misale njenengan minume teratur ya Insya Allah bisa mens. Tapi lha nek tiga bulan gini biasanya nggak langsung mens. (Ten thousand, it depends you. If you drink it regularly, Insha Allah Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 32 you will get menstruation. But, in the three months usually you do not get menstruation directly.) In the consultation above, the patient made a request to the midwife to give her KB (Keluarga Berencana) or Birth Control pill which would make her get menstruation as soon as possible. The midwife replied her request using assertive to explain and guarantee that the period of getting menstruation depends on the patient‘s condition itself. She was confident to guarantee because she knew that her information is based on empirical fact. She focused the speech act on the truth-value of her utterance. Because the midwife in this consultation is a Moslem, she asserted indirectly that her utterance is true and she guaranteed the truth by using Insha Allah. This phrase is commonly uttered by Moslems. It means that if human has done the best then God will do the rest. Consultation III P: Sakbotol mbak. (One bottle, miss.) M: Kenapa kok nggak asi? Iki loh kok kurang eh mbak. Pancet ae nang garis kuning, gak naik. Arek sakmene iki minimal berat’e 6. (Why not breast milk? It is underweight, ma‘am. Still in the yellow line, it is not increased. Children in this age should be weighed 6 kilograms.) In the excerpt from the Consultation III above, the midwife examined and evaluated the patient‘s infant. When the patient was questioned how much she gave her infant the formula (milk), the patient answered, informed that it was one bottle. Then, the midwife informed her that the infant‘s progress is not good because the baby lacked of breast milk. Although both of them focused their Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 33 speech acts on information, but there is still difference in the content of their information. The difference between patient and midwife in using assertive is the patient reported what she had done to her baby (giving a bottle of formula) while the midwife reported the result of her investigation toward the baby‘s condition and emphasized the importance of breast milk and ideal weight for the baby. Consultation VII P: Laah kula biyen niku lak ndamel KB sing tiga bulan sekali, ternyata niku loh kok mboten men. Nopo’o? (So, in the past I used trimester KB/ birth control, but I did not get menstruation. Why?) M: Soalnya buk yaa.. Setiap orang itu berbeda-beda hormonnya. Nah.. Ada yang pake tiga bulan, lancar, ada yang nggak lancar. Itu menurut hormonnya ibuk sendiri. Soalnya setiap hormone itu berbeda beda, ada yang pake satu bulan, nggak mens. Ibuknya sebelum pake tiga bulan pake apa? (It is because everybody has different hormones. There are people who consume the trimester one then they get menstruation and there are people who do not. It depends on you hormone itself. Because every hormone is different, there are people who consume monthly but they do not get menstruation. What do you consume before the trimester ones?) The context of the consultation above is about a patient who wanted to consult her KB program. She told the midwife her problems when she had used her previous KB pill. The midwife gave her information and explanation about her problem and its solution. It can be seen that the patient used assertive to report the fact she had experienced. The patient utterance focused on information by Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 34 reporting her experience. She also focused on the nature of the message by narrating a unified series of events, that she had used trimester KB but she did not get menstruation yet. In contrast, the midwife used assertive to explain and emphasize the fact based on empirical investigation that the patient‘s problem was caused by her hormones, because everyone has different hormones (state). The midwife emphasized her information by telling the patient frequently that everyone‘s hormones are different. 4.1.2 Performative Performative is an utterance that changes the state of an affair and it is acceptable if spoken by appropriate person. In the conversation, the writer finds 8 occurrences or 2,42% from the total utterances. Interestingly, not even once the patient uttered this kind of speech act. All of the performatives are uttered by the midwives. Here are the excerpts from the consultations which contain performative speech act. Consultation IX M: Ayoo satune. Monggo Buk. (Okay the next. Please, ma‘am.) P: Nggih. (Yes) Consultation X M: Pun buk. (Finished ma‘am) The first utterance above was uttered by the midwife in the beginning of the consultation to let the patient come in and start sharing her problems soon after previous patient left. Indirectly, the midwife had decided that the consultation with the patient who just arrived could be started, while the utterance Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 35 in the second consultation above was used by the midwife to finish a session of examination or a consultation. Not only changing the state of the consultation, ‗not started‘ became ‗started‘ and ‗not finished‘ became finished‘. Performative can also change the state of the patients like the excerpts below. Consultation V M: Terus niki hepatitis BCG ne kan pun telas, sakniki tak paringi BCG dulu. (Because the BCG is used up, so I am going to give you BCG firstly) Consultation VIII M: Yawes kalau gitu pake yang pil. (Okay then you consume the tablets/ pills.) In the consultation V, the midwife prescribed new medicine for the patient because the patient had used up her medicine. In the consultation VIII, the patient consulted about her KB program. After listening to her patient, the midwife decided to give her certain type of KB. Both of the statements in the two consultations above are categorized as performatives because those would change the condition of the patients after those utterances were uttered by the midwives. Patient in the consultation V was changed from the condition ‗she did not give her baby the BCG because she has used up it all‘ become ‗she will give her baby the BCG again because the midwife is prescribing it again‘. While patient‘s condition in the consultation VIII would be changed from ‗not consuming the pills‘ become ‗will be consuming the pills‘. Because midwives have the authority to prescribe those medicines, they are also appropriate to utter those performatives which affect the patients‘ future condition. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 36 4.1.3 Verdictive Verdictive is an utterance which the speaker makes an assessment or judgment about the acts of another, usually the addressee (Kreidler, 1998). Verdictive occurs in this conversation, either uttered by the patients or the midwives. Total occurrences are 10 or 3,03 % of the total occurences. The patients uttered only once or 0,30% and the midwives uttered 9 times 2,73%. The number between patients‘ utterance and midwives‘ utterances is different enough. The following excerpts containing verdictives are from the consultations between midwives and patients. Consultation II M: Biasane nganu mbak, terlalu panas. Sampean ndeleh’e kepanasen. (It is usually ehm, too hot. You put it in hot condition.) The midwife uttered the utterance above as her response to the patient who stated that she found her medicines being crystallized. The midwife hypothesized that it was because she had put it in wrong place. She also judged negatively the patien‘t action at the same time that what the patient did by placing the medicine in the hot place was a mistake. Beside to admonish the hearer, the speaker can use verdictive to judge other addressee, the third person such as in the excerpt below. Consultation VI P: Oh belum buk, ini kemarin dapet info dari temen, eeh kalau udah berumur, udah agak tua, mendekati paruhbaya mending kamu Pap Smear. Makanya saya kesini mau tanya kan. (Not yet ma‘am, this is the information I got from Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 37 my friend: hey, if you are aged, almost middle aged you better do Pap Smear. Therefore, I come here for asking.) M: Nah yoo bener seperti ibu iku. Soale ya... apa yang namanya Pap Smear itu harus, diwajibkan buat orang yang sudah menikah atau yang sudah melakukan hubungan intim. Apalagi ibuknya sudah punya anak toh ibuk? (That woman is right. Because... what is called as Pap Smear is an obligation for women who has married or who has mated. You even have kids, right?) The patient above came to the midwife and told her what she had heard from her friend about Pap Smear. The midwife who considered that her friend is right and what the patient did by coming to her is right also, so she assessed both of the patient and her friend‘s action as something right. In other words, she assessed and complimented on what they have done as positive. Although most of verdictives are uttered by the midwives, but there is still a verdictive uttered by the patient as her denial toward midwife‘s action. When the midwife uttered assertive utterance to inform the result of measurement, the patient wanted to criticize indirectly that her measurement might be wrong. See the excerpt below. Consultation II M: (Menimbang berat badan) Inggih, tujuh koma empat. [(Measuring the weight) Yes, seven point four.] P: Hah! Tujuh koma empat? Gak enam tah mbak? (Huh! Seven point four? Not six, miss?) Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 38 Verdictive are mostly used by the midwives because once again, either patients or midwives themselves unconsciously position the midwife as the person who has right to judge or assess the action or the failures of the addressee, the patients. 4.1.4 Expressive Expressive is similar with verdictive. Whereas verdictive is about what the addressee has previously done, an expressive utterance springs from the previous actions of the speaker, or perhaps the present result of those actions or failures. From the record, expressive appears ten times or 3,03%. Almost of xpressive were uttered by the patient, 9 times or 2,73% while the midwives only uttered it once or 0,30% from the total occurrences. Patients more often use this kind of speech act to express their judgment toward their action or their failures. Consultation I M: Nopo’o mbak? (What is up, ma‘am?) P: Mari mulih loh mbak lali aku... sek tas pirang dino iku. (After coming home, I forgot it...It was only few days) Consultation IX M: ...Sisan, ambek mbak’e iku sering minum air putih ya.. Pinggange sakit? (And also, you should drink water frequently, okay..Is your waist alright?) P: Kula minum air putih sering buk, tapi kadang-kadang lali. (I frequently drink water ma‘am, but sometimes I forget.) The patient in the first excerpt above forgot that she had a schedule for regular meet (KB) with the midwife after she came back (from her origin). She came the other day. When the midwife opened the consultation, the patient as Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 39 soon as possible gave the reasons that she was fail to remember her schedule for KB. In the consultation IX, the midwife asked her about her drinking habit. According to the midwife implicitly, drinking water frequently is good for health but the patient confessed that she did not drink water frequently. Both patients‘ admissions above are included in expressive because the patients wanted to be honest by judging themselves as the persons who are not good remembering something or not good to do something right. By admitting their failure, they hope the hearer, midwife, might understand and forgive them. Although it is not significant, but the writer is not going to exclude the midwife‘s expressive. Here is the excerpt: Consultation IV P: Tanggal 16 Februari sampe terakhir niku.. 23 Februari.(16 February until the last...23 February.) M: Lha nggeh itu mulai mens? (Yes, it started menstruation?) P: Mulai 16 (Started from 16) M: 16 mulai mens? Ooh salah berarti. (On 16th you got menstruation? Oh..I get it wrong.) In the excerpt above, the midwife misunderstood the information given by the patient. When the midwife was not certain with the information, she asked the patient again to crosscheck her understanding and she found that she was wrong. Therefore the midwife‘s utterance above is included as expressive. The expressive uttered by the midwife above has similar function with previous patients‘ Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 40 expressive. It is used to admit a failure. She acknowledged that she misunderstood the patient‘s utterance and she felt sorry for her ‗arguments‘ before. 4.1.5 Directive Directive is an utterance in which the speaker tries to get the addressee to perform some act or refrain from performing some act (Kreidler, 1998). There are so many occurrences in the conversation, 78 times or 23,64% from the total utterances. Patients uttered directive speech act 5 times or 1,52% while the midwives uttered 73 times or 22,12%. Here the writer categorizes directive utterances into more specific function as Kreidler‘s theory namely: command, request, and suggestion. a. Command Interestingly, from the total utterances of directives more than half are command. 51 directives appeared as commands and all of those commands are uttered by the midwives only. Those commands can be positive which means that the midwives strongly order the patients to do something and it can be negative which means that the midwives strongly forbid the patients for to do something. Here are the excerpts contain positive commands. Consultation I M: Malem aja gak boleh pagi nggeh. Kalau pagi nanti mual, tapi nek ada keluhan engken njenengan control! (Only at night, do not drink it at morning. You will get nausea in the morning, but if you have problem you must come for control.) Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 41 In this consultation, the patient consulted her KB and the directions to consume it. The midwife explained how to use it, the risks and so on. She ordered the patient when she gets problem with her KB pills someday, she have to come back for check up. Here the midwives wanted to make sure that the patient would not take risk by ignoring the nausea if it appears someday, so she used command which is forceful to the patient. Consultation VI P: Puasa dulu? (Fast for it before?) M: He’eh. Puasa dulu, ya?! Trus habis itu dicuci dengan air bersih. Jadi pas waktunya periksa, sudah dalam keadaan bersih. (Uh huh. Fast for a while, okay?! Then wash it with clean water so in the examination day, it is already clean.) P: Ooh nggih, nggih, nggih. (Ooh yes, yes, yes.) In the excerpt above, the patient wanted to ask about Pap Smear and its procedure. The midwife ordered her to stop her intercourse activity for a while before she got her examination done. The midwife commanded her to stop it implicitly by using implicit word like ‗puasa‘ or ‗fast‘ because in the context of this community, intercourse is taboo for public conversation, although it is in a session of a consultation with physician. Literally, if you fast, you eat no food for a period of time, usually for either religious or medical reasons, or as a protest (CollinsCOBUILD, 2006). But in this context, the patient was required to not have intercourse for a period of time for medical reason the midwifes had mentioned. It was also already understandable by only using that word for this Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 42 community because BPS or Midwives in Private Practice is a place for handling maternity and children health. One of those health issues is reproduction organ health. So it is enough to order the patient to not have intercourse for a while only using that word. Midwife‘s command also continued until when she told the patient to clean reproduction organ before she would be examined. Because those requirements, fasting for having intercourse and cleaning the reproduction organ before the examination, are obligatory, the midwife then commanded the patient to do all her say. Consultation VII M: Biasanya itu buk, hormone juga bisa mempengaruhi pola makan ibu. Semua pil KB ada hormone buat menggemukkan. Cuma..ibuknya aja pola makannya yang harus dijaga. Jadinya kalau pake yang tiga bulan ada yang mens ada yang nggak. Tapi ibuknya ngeflek? (Usually, hormone can affect your diet. All Birth Control pills contain fertilizer hormones. You must manage your diet only. So if someone uses the pills during three months, she can get menstruation or even she cannot. Are you getting fleck?) In the consultation above, the patient was afraid that she will get fat if she consumes KB pills. The midwife calmed the patient that all KB pills contain fattening hormones. She told the patient that for ideal weight maintenance, diet is needed. Here, the midwife also displayed her position by using more direct command than previous commands. She explicitly ordered the patient to control her diet by using ‗harus‘ or ‗must‘. It is because she has authority because as a Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 43 consultant she has to evaluate the patient‘s condition and provide that information to optimize the patient‘s condition. Commands also can be negative which means that the midwives strongly forbid the patients to do something like the excerpts below. Consultation II P: Oh, terus deleh kulkas? (Oh, then put it in the refrigerator?) M: Ojo, nggumpal. Ojo ditaruh kulkas! (No, it will be crystallized. Do not put it in the refrigerator!) In the excerpt above the patient wanted to store the medicine at the right place so she consulted it. When she asked the midwife whether it is allowed or not to put the medicine in the refrigerator, the midwife spontaneously answered no, prohibited her. The midwife forbade the patient to put her medicine in the refrigerator because it is not safe, even it will damage the medicine itself. Because she has knowledge about medicine and duty to control the patient, she is able to forbid the patient forcefully. Consultation VI M: Ndak usah mbawa apa aja. Pokoknya, ibuknya nggak boleh habis melakukan, trus habis itu.. habis menstruasi. Kalau menstruasi nggak boleh. (No need to bring anything. You only need to not do it before and also your menstruation is already finished. If you get menstruation, you are not allowed.) The midwife‘s excerpt above was uttered when her patient asked what requirements needed for Pap Smear test. The midwife only answered that the patient must not have menstruation. The midwife ordered the patient to make sure Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 44 that her menstruation is finished and forbade her to do Pap Smear if had menstruation. b. Request The utterance function as request appears 11 times. Six times it appears in the midwives‘ utterances and five times it appears in the patients‘ utterances. Here are the excerpts of request either uttered by the midwives or uttered by the patients. Consultation VII M: Sekarang ibuke mau ganti apa? (Now, what do you want to use?) P: Saya mau coba itu aja yang katanya pil itu. (I want to try pill.) The exerpt above is about a patient who wanted to replace her previous KB. The midwife then asked her what type of KB she wants to use after the midwife explained the types, benefits and deficiencies. After that, the patient expressed her want and indirectly made request to the midwife. Her request was made by asking the midwife to give her new variant of KB pill. Consultation VIII P: Buk, saya mau konsultasi soal Pap Smear. (Ma‘am, I want to consult about Pap Smear) M: Iya, sebentar, tak catet dulu. Siapa namanya? (Yes, wait a minute, I record first. What is your name?) The patient in the excerpt above came and told what she wanted by coming to the BPS and then the midwife agreed to meet her and give her consultation. The patient‘s utterance above is included in directive–request Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 45 because by telling her intention, she indirectly made a request to the midwife to spare time for a consultation session. The midwife also fulfilled the patient‘s want by agreeing it. Consultation VIII M: Nggak usah takut! Kalau bisa ibu jadi motivasi. Pap Smear itu nggak sakit, cuma dilihat lendirnya bagus apa gak. Berapa nomernya? (Don‘t be afraid! You become a motivation (motivator for others) if possible. Pap Smear is not hurt, it is only observed that the mucus whether it is good or not. What is your phone number?) P: 081xxxxxx The midwife above gave consultation to her patient about Pap Smear. When the consultation was almost finished, she asked the patient to be a motivator for women in her environment and she also asked the patient to give her phone number. This is clearly a request although there is no ‗request words‘ such as ask and beg. Moreover the patient responded positively the midwife‘s request by giving her phone number that proves the midwife‘s utterance is a request. c. Suggestion Suggestion here is not as forceful as command. The speaker gives opinion about the addressee‘s choice of performance (Kreidler, 1998). Suggestion appears 16 times in the consultation between the patients and the midwives. Interestingly, not even once the patients uttered it. Only the midwives uttered this kind of directive speech act. Here are the excerpts of the consultations. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 46 Consultation IX P: Kula loh eneg nek minum susu. (I feel nauseous if I drink cow milk.) M: Nek sampean eneg nggih, tumbas susu kedele. Nek susu kedele diganti mboten opo-opo. Nek suka maem es krim maem eskrim, gakpopo. (If you feel nauseous, you can buy soy milk. If you replace soy milk it is okay. If you like to eat ice cream then eat ice cream. It is okay.) P: Oooh angsal maem eskrim? (Ooh ice cream is allowed?) The patient above was pregnant and she had regular consultation with the midwife for checking up her pregnancy. She consulted about her and the baby‘s nutrition. She dislikes certain food or drink, but that food nutrition is needed to support her baby‘s growth. Therefore, she asked the midwife for an advice. The midwife then advised her to replace cow milk with soy milk or ice cream. Here, the midwife gave the patient some options as solution for her problem. The patient was free to choose what option because those option functions are same. Here the midwife already examined the patient‘s condition, evaluated it, and she gave information about the risk for the patient if she avoids certain food or drink. Consultation I M: Tergantung.. Kalau mau yang nek gak gampang mual iku sing tujuh ribu. Tapi kalau mau yang agak bagus (***)sama (***)tiga empat sama empat puluh ribu. Atau yang dua belas (*) hampir sama semua. Tapi kalau yang lima belas, eh, lima ribu takut gemuk saya tidak menganjurkan. (Depend..If you want to not easily get nausea, then choose the seven thousand rupiahs (pills). But if you want the better, the (***) and (***) the thirty four thousand Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 47 and also the forty thousand rupiahs. Or, the twelve thousand, all is almost the same. But if you choose the fifteen thousand, oh, five thousand and afraid of getting fat, then I do not recommend it.) P: Yo. Sing limolasan iku ae lah. (Okay. That‘s the fifteen thousand then.) The patient in the consultation above consulted about KB. Then the midwife explained about the types of KB, its price, and its specification. In the end of her explanation, she gave the patients suggestion what she should better choose. The midwife had explained some kinds of KB pills and then automatically the patient had some choices from the midwife‘s explanation. Finally, the midwife was the person who advised the patient which the best among those choices. Here the midwife used negative expression by stating that she does not recommend certain KB pill. 4.1.6 Commissive Commissive is a kind of speech acts that commit a speaker to a course of action (Kreidler, 1998). Commisive happened ten times in the conversation, with 3,03%. From the total occurence, most of them were uttered by the patients with seven utterances or 2,12% while the midwive suttered commisive 3 times or 0,91%. Here are the scripts for the patients. Consultation I M: Dua belas. Mulai dari malam ini bisa minum soale njenengan suntike telat. (Twelve. Started from tonight, you drink the pills because you are late for injection.) Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 48 P: Rabu, Kamis, Jumat jam berapa? Engken diikuti. (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at what time? It will be followed.) The setting is about patient who had consultation with the midwife about KB. Before the consultation ended, the midwife ordered the patient to drink the KB pills according to the directions given. When the midwife ordered, she used directive speech act because the patient was indirectly obliged to consume the pills that night soon after the consultation. Then, as a response to directive, the patient answered with commissive ‗engken diikuti‘ which means ‗it will be followed‘. The patient agreed to the midwife‘s statement and made a commitment to the midwife that she would do the action the midwife referred to. Even though external force such as midwife‘s directive above mostly makes the patients utter commissive, but there is also patient‘s commissive as her voluntary action such as the following excerpt. Consultation VIII P: Oh ya udah buk, saya mau Pap Smear. Nanti saya kembali kesini aja dulu, besok ya? (Oh, okay then, I will do the Pap Smear. I will come here first, tomorrow right?) Whereas patients tend to utter commissives as their response toward midwives‘ directives, the midwives tend to use commissive to promise or to volunteer themselves to do something and they make commitment to the patients. Midwives‘ commissive is used as a self-motivation rather than used as response to directive like the patients mostly do. See the script below. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 49 Consultation VIII P: 081xxxxxx M: Bu yuyun ya? Rumahnya kedungturi, nanti saya hubungin. (Mrs. Yuyun right? The address is at kedungturi, I will call you later.) The midwife above asked the patient‘s phone number and she got it then. Without command, the midwife voluntarily offered to call the patient first. There was no force toward the midwife‘s action. 4.1.7 Phatic It is an utterance which the purpose is to establish rapport between members, the speaker and the addressee, of the same society. There are 40 occurences or 12,12% of the total 330 utterances. Both of patients and midwives uttered phatic utterances at the same number. 6,06% of the total occurrences or 20 phatic utterances are uttered by the patients while the midwives also uttered 6,06 %. Both of the participants mostly uttered polite formulas such as amit nggih (excuse me), Assalamu’alaikum (greetings), suwun (thank you) and monggo (please). Look at the excerpts below. Consultation VII P: Udah nek gitu. Terima kasih yaa buk. (Okay then. Thank you ma‘am) M: Sama-sama (You‘re welcome.) Consultation VIII P: Assalamu’alaikum buk. (Assalamualaikum, ma‘am) M: Wa’alaikumsalam. Ada yang bisa saya bantu ya buk ya? (Waalaikumsalam. Can I help you?) Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 50 The two excerpts above contain phatic utterances. In the consultation VII, the patient said ‗thank you‘ because she would leave the consultation room and it is a custom that after you getting helps from someone you should thank him/her. And then, the midwife answered the ‗collocation‘ of thank you with ‗you are welcome‘. Those phatic utterances are usually used in the end of a conversation. In the second excerpt, the patient uttered phatic for greeting and goodbye. In the speech community, it is common to open a conversation with ‗greetings‘ and it happens also in this community. Because in the consultation context the participants are mostly moslem, they greeted each other with ‗assalamualaikum‘ and ‗waalaikumsalam‘. The excerpts below are phatic utterances. The midwives uttered these utterances as chit-chat for the patients‘ babies or the patients themselves to make them closer. Moreover, the patients also replied with the similar comment which proves that they understand the midwives phatic utterances. They understand those comments because they share same custom and context of the conversation. Consultation II M: Oh yo gak popo. Wah ibuk’e gak tego iki ya? Loh gak nangis. Durung.. habis ini ya? Diteken! (Oh it is okay. Woaa does his mother not have a heart to see this? Huh you aren’t crying. Not yet..after this, right? Push it!) P: Iya. Kurang keroso. (Yes. It is not felt.) In the consultation above, the patient examined and immunized her baby. When the midwife gave the baby injection, she played with the baby, teased her. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 51 Here, the midwife wanted to establish rapport between herself and the mother‘s baby as her patient. She also indirectly displayed her maternal love toward the patient‘s baby by showing her interest and care. It is because of her position as a midwife which requires her to be mature and gentle for handling children health issue in accordance with her duties and her scope of health problem. And her technique is effective enough since the patient replied her comments too. Consultation X M: Gak keroso ya? (It is not hurt, right?) P: Gak keroso buk sampean. (You are not strong, ma‘am.) In the consultation above, the patient was given birth control or KB injection. When the injection was finished, the patient did not react or move as a sign that she would get up from the bed of examination. Therefore, the midwife uttered an allusion that the injection is not hurt. By saying this, she would have a chit-chat with the patient and could establish rapport with her. Midwife‘s joke was used as a tool to have a chit-chat in order to estrapport between her and her patient. This joke is effective to make the participants closer enough since the patient also replies her joke. 4.2 Discussion Based on the results above, the writer found that midwives performed all seven speech act categories in the consultation while patients performed only six speech act categories in the consultation. Patients did not performed performative category even once in the consultations. From the result, assertive is mostly used by both midwives and patients. It can also be seen that the midwives tend to use Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 52 assertive more than the patients. It is because the position or role of either the midwives or the patients is different. The setting is a consultation which means one of the participants positions herself either intentionally or unintentionally as the ‗information seeker‘ in the consultation and another positions herself as the ‗information provider‘. Here, the midwives position themselves as a provider of medical knowledge, or in narrower sense as the medical consultant for their patient. They also position the patients as commons who are not expert in medical knowledge. It is because midwives as medical profession have more knowledge as a result of their study and training to be a professional. Unconsciously, the patients also position themselves as the ‗information seeker‘ from the midwives because they consider that they are only commons who do not get medical knowledge through education and training as the midwives get. That is why patients utter less assertive than the midwives. There are also the differences in the use of assertive between the midwives and the patients. According to Kreidler (1998), what is reported in the assertive can be true or has been verified through empirical investigation. Assertive can have relation with scientific facts or only someone‘s belief. In the consultations, the patients tend to use assertive to inform the midwives about what they experienced or to conclude information given by the midwives. In contrast, the midwives use assertive to inform facts rather than to inform what they believe or experience because they are physicians who should make sure their medical information would not danger the patients. They also use assertive to inform the results of patients condition examination. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 53 Next speech act is performative. Performative utterances in the conversation are only uttered by the midwives and most performatives are used to declare that the consultation can be started or finished or not. It is because the midwives are the ones who have authority in this conversation and in higher position compared to the patients because their rights as BPS owner and duties as medical consultant manifest their position. They position themselves as the ―active‖ one to start or change the state of affairs in the conversation. Midwives usually are the ones who start or open the conversation and decide whether the medical conversation or examination is finished or not. Performative in a conversation is like an ‗opening‘ or a ‗closing‘ declaration of a conversation. Performatives are also employed by the midwives to change the state of patients‘ condition. Because midwives have the authority to decide the action toward the patient in order to optimize the patients‘ condition, it makes the midwives appropriate to utter those performatives which affect the patients‘ future condition. Midwives have responsibilities for their patients, therefore, they have rights also toward the patients according to their responsibilities. Here the patients can only receive what the midwives have decided for her as her position as the person who receive the treatment. It is supported with many definitions about patient, for example from CollinsCOBUILD (2006) which defines a patient as a person who is receiving medical treatment from a doctor or hospital. Third speech act is verdictive which is used to assess the addressee‘s previous action. For the patients themselves, to assess or judge the act or the service given by the midwives is considered as rather impossible because they do Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 54 not have more knowledge than the midwives to decide whether the midwives‘ information or medical act is appropriate, good, or not. Both midwives and patients themselves unconsciously position the patients as the ones who are more appropriate receiving the judgment or the assessment without question given by the midwives for their action. Whereas the patients only utter once, the midwives utter nine times. Midwives uttered this speech act because they need to judge or assess the patients whether the patients do or not what they have told. They consider that patients‘ medical action needs to be controlled and assessed whether it is appropriate and safe or not. They get their authority indirectly because they have more medical knowledge and have role as the medical consultant whose tasks are to identify and evaluate a patient‘s medical status (as Cohn statement before). Therefore, they are able to evaluate their patients‘ action by judging. There is also a speech act which its function is to judge, but jugde the speaker herself. Expressive are uttered more by the patients than the midwives. Patients unconsciously feel that their action needs to be assessed by the midwives whether it is appropriate and safe or not. Therefore, they voluntarily judged themselves as they were fishing for midwives approval or disapproval toward their action. The expressive uttered by the midwife has similar function with patients‘ expressives. It is used to admit a failure in understanding the patient‘s information but she does not need the patients‘ aprroval. She directly admit her mistake in order to correct the information since her has duty to make sure all the information she receive, record, and give is true so she can avoid mistakes in Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 55 diagnosing or prescribing. It is also implied that midwives very rarely make mistakes in their action because they position themselves as the persons who work excellently without mistakes in order to fulfill their duty and minimize malpractice risks. Directive is the second mostly used speech act in the consultation. Directive is divided into three subtype based on the major function: command, request and suggestion. Directive-commands are only uttered by the midwives because they have authority to get the patients to perform an action or refrain from performing an action. Commands are effective if the speaker has some degree of control over the hearer‘s action (Kreidler, 1998) and the midwives have this control over the patients‘ action. Because she is a midwife, her position makes her able to order or forbid and to have the right for taking a medical decision toward the patient condition. It is in accordance with Cohn‘s statement (2003) that the role of medical consultant is to identify and evaluate patient‘s condition and provide clinical risks, and to optimize patient‘s condition in order to reduce the risks. Midwives‘ directive-commands are always responded by the patients with positive response such as ―yes‖. Response from the patient also implied that midwife‘s utterances were forceful because patient gave positive feedback by saying ‗yes‘ which means she would do what the midwife already said. Here, the midwife positions herself higher than the patient because she has the authority to control the actions of the patient. They have to be sure with their utterance and Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 56 make the patients do as what they order, so they use commands which are more forceful or obligatory. Request is used by the patients and the midwives as the speaker to get their addressee fulfill or do what they want without force. Kreidler stated that request does not assume the speaker‘s control over the person addressed (1998, p.190), therefore, the addressee has choice to fulfill or not the speaker‘s want. Both midwives and patients uttered directive request, unlike other directives subtypes which are only uttered by the midwives. Patients are also able to make because request does not need the authority of the speaker. Suggestion is also a directive uttered by the midwives only. It is because in the context of medical consultation, the person who needs medical counseling or information is patient, not the midwife. Therefore, midwives are the ones who give suggestion to the patients about what they should do or should not do. Midwives as the one who have medical knowledge share it with her patients by giving suggestion. She not only shares the knowledge, but also tries to reduce that risk by giving advices. A good example is when the midwife in consultation IX provided clinical risks to the patient that it may risk the baby condition if the patient avoids certain food. So, she optimized patient‘s condition by giving advice in order to reduce the risks. Therefore, the midwife‘s action above fits with the role of a medical consultant as argued by Cohn (2003) that is to reduce the risk of complication by identifying and evaluating patient‘s medical status. Once again, the position of the speaker also influences her speech acts. It is seen in the consultation that the position of the midwives is considered as Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 57 higher than the patients because of her rights and duties. They are also medical consultants. They have rights to give their opinions and lead the patients to do something or prevent the patients from doing something according to their order within their utterances or speech acts. It is in accordance with Phillips & Hayes (2007) who argued that individuals manifest the concept of positioning by a certain set of right, duties, and obligations through the story line within speech acts. Next speech act is commissive. Patients more often uttered commissive in the consultation than the midwives. Commissives make the speaker commit to a course of an action. Patients are the persons who receive the advice from the midwives or in other words that midwives who give command, order, and advice make the patients to commit and do what the midwives say. Therefore, patients are the one who frequently use commisive more than midwives as their response toward midwives‘ directive. Whereas patients tend to utter commissives as their response toward midwives‘ directives, the midwives tend to use commissive to promise or to volunteer themselves to do something and they make commitment to the patients. Midwives‘ commissive is used as a self-motivation rather than used as response to directive like the patients mostly do. There was no force toward the midwife‘s action. Their different function is influenced by their position. The midwife‘s position, which needs intelligence, work hard and heavier duty than the patients, is higher than the patients because she is a medical consultant. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 58 The last speech act is phatic. It is an utterance which the purpose is to establish rapport between members, the speaker and the addressee, of the same society. Phatic utterance here was employed as a means to build rapport between the midwives and patients (Kreidler, 1998). Both of the members tried to use polite formulas such as amit nggih (excuse me), Assalamu’alaikum (greetings), suwun (thank you) and monggo (please). Patients tend to use polite formulas to give their honor toward the midwives. They consider midwives as the persons who are educated and trained well. Midwives also do their job by giving medical service for them. Therefore, they consider that they should be polite and honor the midwives. The midwives themselves use polite formulas to reduce the gap between themselves and the patients. They also consider that patients are their customers who use their service. They need to keep their customer by giving a good service. The forms of polite formulas depend on the context of the social community where those polite formulas exist. Because in the consultation the participants are mostly Muslims, therefore, it is found many Islamic polite formulas such as assalamu’alaikum (greeting). Beside polite formulas, all sort comments which are expected to build rapport between the members such as joke and chit-chat are included as phatic. Those comments are useful to make the situation more fluid and closer for both participants. They understand those comments because they share same custom and context of the conversation. There is a pattern in their communication by using certain speech acts. In a consultation there is a storyline built up from the participants‘ certain speech act Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 59 as the result of their position. There is an opening of the consultation such as greeting, then it goes to the core of the consultation and the last it is finished with goodbye, for example. From all the speech acts employed by the midwives and the patients differently above, they play their role in that consultation through their speech acts. In the medical consultation between the patient and the midwife, the patients ―play‖ a role as passive one. It is supported as the patient is defined as a person who is receiving medical treatment. In contrast, the midwives play the role as the active one. It can be seen from the total of the speech acts they uttered, midwives are more productive. They are active because they have to identify and evaluate the patients, provide the information, and decide the action for the patients. Their speech acts are also effective since the patients and the midwives use appropriate speech act according to their position and both participants understand their counterpart‘s utterances. They can maintain their position through their appropriate speech act and its functions so the consultation would not be messed. It must be confusing if they violate their speech act, and even dangerous if a patient who does not have medical knowledge and license to do medical practice give advice by uttering directive-suggestion to the midwife or if the midwife who is considered to give valid information by using assertive, such as prescription, but she gives subjective information based on her feelings which may not be validated. Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga CHAPTER V CONCLUSION There is intention from either the patients or the midwives behind their utterances. Because their position in this consultation is different, they also use different speech functions and different speech acts. From the investigation, the writer finds that all seven categories of speech acts in the midwife-patient consultations. The result shows that the three highest speech acts uttered by the midwives are assertive, directive, and phatic, and the three highest speech acts uttered by the patients are assertive, phatic, and expressive. Although both of patients and midwives dominantly use assertive, but they still have differences in the total utterances and the function of their assertives. It is because of their position is different. The midwives are as medical consultants who have authority, duty, and obligation to deliver medical knowledge to their patients through the conversation. Their medical knowledge are mostly based on empirical or scientific fact rather than only their subjective thoughts or self experiences. In contrast, the patient‘s assertive is used to state what they know. Their knowledge is mostly based on their experience but it is match with their position as the information seeker. By reporting their experience and consulting it to the midwife, the midwives would be able to explain and inform or even guarantee the medical knowledge they share. What makes the findings interesting is directive. Directives number is significantly different between the patients and the midwives. It is because the 60 Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 61 position of the patients in the consultation is as information seeker. They need those advices and information. Therefore they very rarely uttered directives. While the midwives‘ position is as medical consultant who has duty and authority to optimize patients‘ condition, therefore, they utter more directives than the patients. It is also possible for them to use more directives as they are capable to give direction, advise, and order to the patients. In contrast, the patients use only directive-request in order to get the midwives to do certain action because request does not need some degree of control over the hearer. Speech act appears the least is performative for the patients and expressive for the midwives. Patients never uttered this kind of speech act because of their position. They cannot change the state of the consultations. They do not have authority to make the utterance appropriate because they are the ones who need the midwife. In contrast, the midwives are recognized as having authority in the medical consultations. Whereas the patients never uttered performative, the midwives almost never utter expressive speech act. It is because that midwives‘ position needs them to be careful and accurate delivering their consultation to minimize risks such as malpractice. Therefore, they do not need to judge their action and inform the patient about their action is appropriate or not. From their utterances and the speech acts they use, we can see the relationship between midwives and patients. Speech acts are related to the speaker position, here, midwives have higher position than the patients. Furthermore, there are relation between speaker‘s duties and rights in the story line of consultation Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 62 with their speech acts. How they position themselves and another in the consultations is implied in their speech acts. Their speech acts are also effective since the patients and the midwives use appropriate speech act according to their position and both participants understand their counterpart‘s utterances. They can maintain their position through their appropriate speech act and its functions so the consultation would not be messed. 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(expressive) sek tas pirang dino iku (***) M: Lapo o buk kok pengen ganti? P: Wes mblenger mbak. (expressive) M: Rencanane mau pake yang apa? P: Ono opo ae mbak? M: Macem-macem, mulai dari yang harga yang terendah 5000 ada, 7000 ada. (assertive) P: Yo maksude sing iso cepetan mens iko loh mbak. (directive – request) M: Sepuluh ada, ya tergantung lha nek misale njenengan minume teratur ya Insya Allah bisa mens. (assertive) Tapi lha nek tiga bulan gini biasanya nggak langsung mens. (assertive) P: Gitu? M: He eh. Nunggu hormonnya stabil dulu baru biasanya baru mens, empat, lima kali pil. (assertive) Tapi ada juga yang langsung mens juga ada, tapi jarang. (assertive) Itu nanti tergantung sampean, tergantung hormon‘e. (assertive) sampean pernah dulu pake pil? P: Ya..sakdurunge iki. M: Pake apa? P: Ndak tau, wes lama. (assertive) M: Wes lama? P: Lama, berapa tahun iki. Iki ganti kartu baru kan iki. (assertive) Kartune ilang ta entek. (assertive) Skripsi M: Tapi mual muntah gak? Pake pil? P: Ndak. Ndak kayake (assertive) M: Lali yo pil e opo? P: Lali mbak, wong wes suwe. (assertive) M: Ini terserah mau pake yang berapa, hargae? THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 59 P: Onok e piro mbak? M: Yo niku wau, macem-macem harga pil‘e. (assertive) Mulai harga yang lima ribu sampek yang seratus ribu ada. (assertive) P: laughs M: Tergantung.. Kalau mau yang nek gak gampang mual iku sing tujuh ribu. (assertive) Tapi kalau mau yang agak bagus (***)sama (***)tiga empat sama empat puluh ribu. (assertive) Atau yang dua belas (*) hampir sama semua. (assertive) Tapi kalau yang lima belas, eh, lima ribu takut gemuk saya tidak menganjurkan. (directive – suggestion) P: Yo. Sing limolasan iku ae lah. (directive – request) M: Yang dua belas (**) biron iku ya? Monggo tak tensi buk (directive - command) P: Pun ngonten na mbak? M: Saniki hari rabu. (assertive) Minumnya berarti mulai malam ini. (indirect assertive) Kalau bisa minumnya malam malam terus. (directive – suggestion) Jamnya sama, misalnya jam delapan ya.. jam delapan terus. (assertive) Telat satu atau dua jam nggak masalah. (assertive) Yang nggak boleh minumnya besok pagi, besoknya malem. (assertive) Nggak boleh. (directive - command) Nanti njenengan mual muntah atau memengaruhi mensnya, ya? (assertive) Ini hari rabu, besok ngikutin arah panahnya. (Directive – command) Iki enak kok, mek dua arah panahe. (indirect assertive) P: Maringunu mandek nek men? M: Men gak men tetep harus diminum. (directive – command) Awal- awal gini yo gak lancar, dadi tetep diminum. (assertive) Men gak men tetep diminum. (directive – command) Hubungan gak hubungan tetep diminum. (directive – command) Supoyo njenengan lancar. (assertive) Nek njenengan gak minum yo gak ada harapan gawe lancar. (assertive) P: laughs M: Soale ini isinya vitamin. (assertive)Dadi fungsine vitamin iki supoyo saat men gak ono gangguan nyeri koyo nyeri perut. (assertive) P: Skripsi Apa, resiko gak pengaruh pas mens * ? THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 60 M: Bukan, yang saya maksud (**) P: Iya M: Ooh.. Nggak. Nggak ada pengaruh, nggak ada pengaruhnya sama sekali (assertive) P: Ooh M: Jadi walaupun sampean mens tidurnya pagi siang sore ndak pengaruh. (assertive) P: Soale enten sing ngomong naik. Naik.. M: Darah putih? P: He.eh M: Nggak, nggak naik. Onok sing ngomong ngunu, tapi nggak. Itu hanya mitos. (assertive) Sebenernya nggak ada darah naik. (assertive) Soale kan nek tidur yamunu, males. (assertive) Gak oleh.. P: Males buk, soale M: Tapi kalau tidur pagi itu biasanya kurang dari jam sebelas, nggarai diabet. (assertive) P: Habis sarapan tidur. Berapa mbak‘e? M: Dua belas. Mulai dari malam ini bisa minum soale njenengan suntike telat. (directive – command) P: Rabu kamis jumat jam berapa? Engken diikuti (commissive as a response) M: Malem aja gak boleh pagi nggeh. (directive –command) Kalau pagi nanti mual tapi nek ada keluhan engken njenengan control. (directive – command) P: Makasih ya mbak (phatic) M: Inggih, inggih. Monggo (phatic) Consultation II M: Duduk aja, mau imunisasi? (directive – command and performative – open the session) overlapping Skripsi P: Biasane mbak icha M: Iya ibuk. Umur berapa ini buk? P: Empat. Monggo.. mumpung dereng nangis (directive – request) THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 61 M: Inggih (laughs) tujuh koma empat (measuring the weight) (assertive) P: Hah! Tujuh koma empat? Gak enam tah mbak? (**) ( verdictive – to criticize) Midwife’s phone rang. She answered the phone call M: Imunisasi aa mbak? P: Nggeh, mantun imunisasi langsung mlentung mbak jek ntas. (assertive) Imunisasine wes suwi mlentunge jek ntas (assertive) M: Oh yo gak popo. (assertive) Wah ibuk‘e gak tego iki ya? (phatic) Loh gak nangis. (Phatic) Durung.. habis ini ya? (phatic) Diteken!(directive – command) P: Iya. Kurang keroso (phatic) M: Tenanan tah iki? (Giving immunization and talking to the baby) Lah, sudah. Lah kok pinter, kok gak nangis? heh, Le kok gak nangis? Ora keroso tah? Mek ngowoh (phatic) ……………………………………………… P: Obat panase wonten mbak? M: Wonten P: Mbak wingi obat panase kok modele nggulo mbak? (assertive – to report) M: Yo mesti ngunu mbak (assertive) P: Oh.. Kula wingi kok onok gedhe ngene * (indirect assertive) M: Biasane nganu mbak,terlalu panas. (assertive) Sampean ndeleh‘e kepanasen. (verdictive) P: Oh terus deleh kulkas? M: Ojo, nggumpal. Ojo ditaruh kulkas! (directive – command) Ditaruh ruangan biasa ae. (directive – suggestion) P: Oh M: Sing wingi ditaruh kulkas? P: Sing kawitan ditaruh kulkas. (indirect assertive) M: Sing kedua? P: Mboten M: Gak oleh mbak yo ditaruh kulkas. (overlapping purpose, directive – command and verdictive – judge) Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 62 P: Oh ngoten, nggeh! (commissive – response) M: Nanti rusak (examines) M: Pinten timbange iki mau? P: Kula? Enam lapan (assertive) M: Pancet? P: Sinten? M: Sampean. P: Oh..tujuh puluh (assertive) M: Netek tah tasikan? P: Nggeh M: Niki anake kurang mek campak tok, anake umur sembilan bulan, Maret. (assertive) P: Pun pinten? M: Tiga tujuh.(Play with the baby) Turune menclek tah mbak kok pipine gedhe sisih? P: Inggih. Senengane tengen. (assertive) M: Gak popo.Lek gedhe wes mari-mari dhewe kok. (assertive) Lek angel ngunu kasure, bantale ae sing diwalik. (directive -suggestion) Diwalik biar miring, biar ganti posisi. (directive – suggestion) P: Inggih, kula ganti posisine. (expressive) Cuman nek mimik ngiri, sing mriki metentheng. (assertive) Consultation III M: Opo mbak? Imunisasi tah? Sek ya? (directive – request) P: wait M: Monggo mbak.. (phatic) pundi bukunya? (directive – request) (measuring the weight)4,4 kg. (assertive) Nopo‘o mbak, mimike sing angel tah? P: Nggak, iih M: Kurang berarti. (assertive) Kurang akeh? Asi tah? Mboten formula dicampur asi? Sedino sewengi ngunu dadi piro susu formulae? P: Skripsi Sakbotol mbak (assertive) THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 63 M: Kenapa kok nggak asi? (verdictive) Iki loh kok kurang eh mbak. (assertive) Pancet ae nang garis kuning, gak naik. (assertive) Arek sakmene iki minimal berat‘e 6 (assertive) (injecting the baby) Diangkat ae pak. (directive – command) Nek gak keluar darah ndak papa pak. (assertive) Namae siapa? Si kecil? Laila? P: Dikek‘i banyu anget ngunu gak popo tah? M: Pokoke gak gampang kembung kembung ngunu gakpopo. (assertive) P: Iyo mbak, nek dikeki obat anget titik ngunu ilat‘e mrintis. (assertive) Tapi iki nek dikeki bubur tithik-tithik gak popo? M: Umur piro sik‘an? P: Telu. M: Gak nggarai lemu.(assertive) Bubur iku nggarai perut‘e mlenthing, gak perlu. (assertive) Arek sakmene iki susu thok ae, cukup. (assertive) Arek nangis bukan berarti gak cukup. (assertive) Arek.. P: Iki.. susune lumayan.(assertive) Wingi malah mundhak‘e sakkilo saiki 6 ons. (assertive) M: Lah yo gedhene loh angel. Ngengek‘e yok opo? Mari mimik gak langsung ngengek? P: Enggak, sedino pisan. (assertive) Ngunu gak lemu lemu iih. (assertive) M: Sering sakit? P: Enggak. Pokoke iki lak panas mari imunisasi iki, sedino rong dino lah. (assertive) M: Iki balik tanggal 5 eh 3. (directive – command) P: Bulan 12 yo, 11? (assertive) M: Iki satu bulan. Saiki akhir, nanti awal desember. (assertive) P: Piro? M: 20, nanti sampe rumah obat panase lanjut yoo. (directive – command) Nek arek sakmene gemuk‘e mek lewat susu thok mbak. (assertive) Jadi semakin banyak arek‘e pipis semakin bagus. (assertive) Skripsi P: Bolak balik pipis sak pampers eeh. (assertive) M: Ngene iki gak nangis aah? THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 64 P: Enggak. Nek sakit ngene iki mek pas imunisasi rong dino thok. (assertive) monggo (phatic) M: Inggih Consultation IV M: Bulan dua, sampe mens nopo mboten? P: Tanggal 16 Februari sampe terakhir niku.. 23 Februari.(assertive) M: Lha nggeh itu mulai mens? P: Mulai 16 (assertive) M: 16 mulai mens? Ooh salah berarti. (expressive) Sek yo? (directive – command) P: Nggeh. Nek terose niku mek dua hari M: Sek 20 eh 16 februari, berarti 23 bulan 11 perkiraannya (assertive) M: Kalau menurut itungannya, harusnya masih 23. (assertive) Kalau 16 mulai, berhentinya 23. Itu dari 16 berarti perkiraane 23 bulan sebelas. Kondisie sae, pun mapan, bayi‘e nggeh mboten terlalu besar kok buk. (assertive) Soale nek kontrol pun sepuh ngenten niki kadang-kadang ** buk. Mangkane kula tanglet bukune, nek ada bukunya damel mbandingaken perkembangane. P: Ooh M: Soale enten bayi sing perkembangane memang besar, tujuh bulan karo bayi sembilan bulan tapi perkembangane kecil, kan podho mawon. (assertive) P: Nggih. kkene taksih 2 juta niku? M: Nggeh P: Biasane perkiraan niku setunggal minggu nopo sesuai tanggale? M: Perkiraan niku 9 bulan 10 hari. (assertive) Consultation V P: Kados pundi mboten di timbang? M: Terus niki hepatitis BCG ne kan pun telas, sakniki tak paringi BCG dulu. (performative) BCG, mboten panas, karo tetes polio mbak ya? P: Skripsi Ping kalih? THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 65 M: Mboten. Satunya suntik, satunya tetes. Nggeh? P: Nggeh M: Nggak usah BCG. Iku posisine dipindah ke kanan, kepalae. (directive – command) P: Nggeh. M: Pokoke ibuke mau ae, njenengan kasih motivasi.(directive –command) (Injecting the baby) P: Kepalanya ndak usah? M: Ndak papa, ndak papa kepalanya nggak usah dipegang. Mungkin nanti beberapa hari timbul..anu..bengkak. (assertive) Nggak boleh diuyek-uyek, nggak boleh digosok-gosok! (directive – command) P: Nggeh M: Kembalinya nanti umur dua bulan. (directive – command) Ke posyandu ae. (directive - suggestion) P: Posyandu ae? Posyandu endi? M: Posyandu rt ne bu Hindun. (assertive) Onok arek kok ayu dewe (phatic) P: Nggeh. Panas nggeh niki? M: Mboten, mboten. P: Nggeh pun, suwun sing kathah.(phatic) M: Nggeh, nggeh. Consultation VI P: Assalamualaikum buk (phatic) M: Oooh nggih, monggo buk, masuk buk.(directive – command) P: Nggih, amit. (phatic) M: Ada perlu apa iki kok rene iki? Tumben.. P: Niki buk..kula badhe konsul. Kula ajenge, pengene sih, niku, melakukan PAP SMEAR.(assertive and commissive)overlapping M: Ooooh..pap smear. Nggih. Ada di sini, pap smear juga ada, IVA juga ada. (assertive) Tapi sing paling bagus itu pap smear buk.(assertive) Ibuke sudah pernah pap smear sebelume? Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 66 P: Oh belum buk, ini kemarin dapet info dari temen, eeh kalau udah berumur, udah agak tua, mendekati paruhbaya mending kamu pap smear. Makanya saya kesini mau tanya kan (*) M: Nah yoo bener seperti ibu iku. (verdictive) Soale ya... apa yang namanya pap smear itu harus, diwajibkan buat orang yang sudah menikah atau yang sudah melakukan hubungan intim. (assertive) Apalagi ibuknya sudah punya anak toh ibuk? P: Oh sudah, tiga. M: Hoo.. Apalagi sudah tiga. Tambah rawan kalau kena kanker serviks. (assertive) Tahu gak kanker serviks itu apa? P: Eeeeeh.. Kurang tahu buk. M: Kanker serviks itu kanker yang menyerang pada leher rahimnya ibuk gituloh. (Assertive) Jadi itu..harus kita lakukan pap smear supaya tahu ibu itu sudah terkena apa belum. (directive – suggestion) P: Tapi saya rada wedhi eeh mbak. Wedhine engko dadakno malah kenek kanker. Ragu ragu iku piye terusan. (expressive) M: Ndak usah, ngapain? Wong namanya kita iku cek otomatis kita pengen tahu gimana keadaan badane kita iku kayak gimana gituloh buk. Wong cuma diambil lendirnya aja terus ditaruh di laboratorium.(assertive). Wong nggak sakit buk. (assertive) Masak dimasukin itunya suami nggak sakit masak dimasukin barang yang kecil aja sakit. (assertive) P: Ndak diobok obok sampek sakit gitu tah buk? M: Ya ndak lah P: Oooh.. Trus itu kira-kira biayanya berapa yaa buk ya? M: Sekitar.. Ini kan saya kan..apa namanya itu..barengan sama ibuk-ibuk RT sini sama RT yang lainnya jadi cuma 85 kalau gabungan. (assertive) P: Oh.. M: Kalau njenengan mau nanti langsung saya daftarkan, nanti jadwalnya saya sms,(commissive) nanti tinggal nomer telponnya saja.(directive- suggestion) P: Skripsi Eeh.. Nek pengen tes pap smear niki mbetha nopo mawon nggih buk? THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 67 M: Ndak usah mbawa apa aja. Pokoknya, ibuknya nggak boleh habis melakukan, trus habis itu.. habis menstruasi.(assertive) Kalau menstruasi nggak boleh (directive- command) P: Oooh M: Pokoknya sebelum, nggak boleh. Malem melakukan besoknya periksa nggak boleh. (assertive) Dadi.. P: Puasa dulu? M: He‘eh. Puasa dulu, ya?! Trus habis itu dicuci dengan air bersih. (directive – command) Jadi pas waktunya periksa, sudah dalam keadaan bersih. (assertive) P: Oooh..nggih, nggih, nggih. M: Ya, sudah. Apalagi yang mau ditanyakno? Nggak usah takut. (directive – command) Wong pap smear buat dirinya sendiri kok. P: Ooh nggih pun nek ngonten. Engken kula tak tanglet bojo kula piye enak‘e, kapan tes‘e (commissive) M: Segera loh buk, ditunggu loh yaa (directive - request) P: Nggih nggih M: Nggak usah wedhi. Nanti dikasih tahu barangkali tetanggae, supaya lebih murah, ya? (directive – request) P: Nggih, nggih. Maturnuwun nggih (phatic) M: Ya P: Monggo.. Assalamualaikum (phatic) M: Nggih Consultation VII P: Buk, kula ngriki niku badhe tanglet (assertive) M: Inggih monggo (phatic) P: Masalah niku loh buk, KB. (assertive) M: Nggih.. Nopo‘o KB ne ibuke? P: Laah kula biyen niku lak ndamel KB sing tiga bulan sekali, ternyata niku loh kok mboten men. (assertive) Nopo‘o? Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 68 M: Soalnya buk yaa.. Setiap orang itu berbeda-beda hormonnya.(assertive) Nah.. Ada yang pake tiga bulan, lancer, ada yang nggak lancar. (assertive) Itu menurut hormonnya ibuk sendiri. (assertive) Soalnya setiap hormone itu berbeda beda, ada yang pake satu bulan, nggak mens. (assertive) Ibuknya sebelum pake tiga bulan pake apa? P: Dulu itu waktu menyusui,pake yang sebulan. (assertive) M: Ooh P: Katanya, ada yang bilang itu bisa mens. Ternyata..pake yang sebulan kok juga nggak mens. (indirect assertive) Trus badan saya itu loh kok gemuk sekarang? Apa ada pengaruhnya? M: Biasanya itu buk, hormone juga bisa mempengaruhi pola makan ibu. (assertive) Semua pil kb ada hormone buat menggemukkan. (assertive) Cuma.. Ibuknya aja pola makannya yang harus dijaga. (directive – command) Jadinya kalau pake yang tiga bulan ada yang mens ada yang nggak. (assertive)Tapi ibuknya ngeflek? P: Maksud flek, gimana? M: Yaa ituloh.. Apa, kayak bintik bintik, kecoklatan yang di celana dalamnya ibuk ada coklat-coklat gitu. (assertive) P: Nggak. Perasaan biasa. Ndak ada flek, sesret pun, sithik ndak ada. (indirect assertive) M: Sekarang ibuke mau ganti apa? P: Saya mau coba itu aja yang katanya pil itu (directive - request) M: Pil? Pil itu juga bervariasi, buk. Ada pil yang kombinasi, ada yang lebih bagus. (assertive) Terserah njenengan, mau pilih yang mana P: Terus cara minume gimana? M: Nanti ada aturan pakenya di belakangnya. (assertive) Nanti ada harinya, senin, selasa, rabu, kamis. (assertive) Pokoknya ikutin arah panahnya. (directive – command) Kalau ibuk.. kalau mau diminum jam sembilan malam, wes, jam sembilan malam terus.(assertive and directive - command) Gak boleh sekarang diminum jam sembilan malam, besoknya diminum jam enam pagi. (directive – command) Soalnya harus teratur Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 69 P: Kenapa? M: Ya iya.. Otomatis kalau jam sembilan malam diminum, trus besoknya jam enam minum, berarti itu nanti ada perubahan hormone. (assertive) Jadi kalau ibunya minum jam sembilan ke jam enam otomatis ada perubahan hormone. (assertive) Nanti kalau ibu melakukan, nanti bisa jadi. (assertive) P: Trus kalau gini, suamiku kan nggak setiap hari dirumah. (assertive) Kadang layar, ada tugas. (assertive) Terus kalau misalnya suami saya ndak ada M: Oh.. Suaminya angkatan laut tah? P: Iya M: Ohh gitu buk ya, hahaha. Yawes gak papa buk. (verdictive – assess the patient‘s previous act)Ini ibuknya sudah pernah pap smear apa belum? P: Dulu. Sudah lama (assertive) M: Iya nggak apa apa kalau sudah melakukan pap smear, maksudnya ibuk sudah menjaga dirinya ibuk. (indirect verdictive) Tapi kalau ibuknya pengennya pil ya gak papa, tapi gak bisa langsung mens soalnya perubahan hormonnya masih harus distabilkan dengan hormonnya ibuk. (assertive) P: Ehhm… ya ya ya. Terus untuk pap smear sendiri itu sebaiknya berapa dalam pap smear M: Setahun? P: Berapa kali dalam setahun? M: Iya..iya.. Kalau ibuknya umur berapa sekarang? P: Sekarang sudah empat puluh (assertive) M: Empat puluh.. setahun sekali juga nggak papa. (assertive) Apalagi ibuk ini kan suaminya juga layar, kalau bisa ya ndak usah jajan (directive – suggestion) P: Oalah..hahah yayaya. Tak kira beli rujak. M: Yawes kalau gitu pake yang pil..(performative) Yang kombinasi juga ada, harganya beda-beda bu. (assertive) Ada yang delapan ribu, ada yang lima belas, ada yang dua lima (assertive) P: Skripsi Loh? Kenapa kok beda? Nek pake yang murah? THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 70 M: Sebenernya sama. Cuma ada yang bagus, ada yang biasa, kan terserah ibuk seh yang kayak gitu. (assertive) Yang murah juga sama hasilnya, cuma ada lebih bagusnya gituloh, kan beda sih.(assertive) P: Oooh.. Berarti yang mahal kualitasnya bagus? M: He‘eh.. Tapi fungsinya juga sama (assertive) P: Udah nek gitu. Terima kasih yaa buk (phatic) M: Sama-sama (phatic) Consultation VIII P: Assalamu‘alaikum buk (phatic) M: Wa‘alaikumsalam. (phatic) Ada yang bisa saya bantu ya buk ya? (phatic) P: Buk saya mau konsultasi soal Pap Smear (directive - request) M: Iya, sebentar tak catet dulu. (directive – command) Siapa namanya? P: Yuyun M: Rumahnya mana? P: Kedungturi buk M: Tanya apa ini ibunya? P: Buk, pap smear itu gunanya apa sih buk, kok tetangga saya terkena kanker serviks. (assertive) Kan saya takut (expressive) M: Pap smear itu untuk mendeteksi adanya kanker serviks yang ada di dalam kemaluan ibu. (assertive) Jadi, ibu bisa mencegah atau mengobati sebelum terjadinya kanker lebih lanjut. (assertive) P: Harganya berapa sih buk? M: Kalau disini saya mengadakan kolektif. (assertive) Jadi bersama-sama, kayak ibu sama tetangga ibuk ada berapa orang nanti bisa murah disini. (assertive) P: Oh gitu ya buk. Tapi saya takut. (expressive) Kata tetangga saya itu dimasukin alat. Itu alat apa sih buk? M: Itu alatnya untuk membuka serviks ibu atau kemaluan ibu, nanti lendirnya diambil terus ditaruh di laboratorium. (assertive) Nanti ibunya bisa tahu rahimnya ibu itu bagus apa ndak. (assertive) Jadi ndak usah takut, wong buat kesehatan ibu sendiri kok (directive – suggestion) Skripsi THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 71 P: Ooh. Itu gejalanya kanker serviks itu apa sih buk? Kelihatan apa nggak sih buk? M: Memang buk, gejala pada kanker itu tidak kelihatan pada awalnya. (assertive) Pada stadium 4 baru, maksudnya baru muncul gejala-gejala yang..apanya.. nyeri perut, keluar nanah atau darah yang berlebihan seperti itu. (assertive) Tapi gejala kanker sendiri bisa dilihat dari..hmm.. seperti kalau ibu keputihannya berlebihan terus kalau ibu omong-omongan sama temen, temennya ibu itu bisa kebauan. (assertive) Terus celana dalam, kalau basah itu kalau bisa cepet diganti. (directive – suggestion) Kalau celananya basah itu bisa menjadi gejala kanker. (assertive) Nanti celana ibu basah terus muncul bakteri-bakteri lalu dipakai lagi, ituloh buk. (assertive) P: Saya kan nggak ada gejala, masa‘ harus periksa pap smear? M: Loh, harusnya. (verdictive) Ibuk kan sudah menikah. (assertive) P: Oh gitu M: Pap smear itu, syarat-syarat untuk pap smear itu orang yang sudah menikah atau orang yang sudah melakukan hubungan, dan yang sudah mempunyai lebih dari dua orang anak. (assertive) Ndak apa apa, nggak usah takut! (directive – command) P: Oh ya udah buk, saya mau pap smear. (commissive) Nanti saya kembali kesini aja dulu, besok ya? (commissive) M: Tinggal nomer telpon aja buk ya. (directive – command) Nanti saya hubungi, (commissive) ada berapa orang biar ibuk bisa kolektif, biar lebih murah. (assertive) P: Oh iya buk. Nanti saya ngasih tahu tetangga-tetangga saya juga. (commissive) M: Nggak usah takut! Kalau bisa ibu jadi motivasi. (directive –request) Pap smear itu nggak sakit, cuma dilihat lendirnya bagus apa gak. (assertive) Berapa nomernya? (directive – request) Skripsi P: 081xxxxxx M: Bu yuyun ya? Rumahnya kedungturi, nanti saya hubungin. (commissive) P: Iya, buk. Makasih ya buk ya. (phatic) THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 72 M: Sama-sama (phatic) P: Assalamu‘alaikum (phatic) M: Wa‘alaikumsalam (phatic) Consultation IX M: Ayoo satune.(performative) Monggo buk (phatic) P: Nggih M: Bu Rita.. Timbang sik buk nggih. (directive – command)(call her assistant) dek itu dek, timbangen dulu. (directive – command) Berapa dek? M2: Enam puluh lapan buk. (assertive) M: Ooh enam puluh lapan. Ayo buk, monggo, mlebet buk! (Directive – command) P: Nggih, nggih. M: Tensi sek nggih buk, nggih? (melakukan cek tensi) normal buk, 120/80. (assertive) Sek nggih. Diangkat buk sikile buk. (Directive – command) Lapo‘o sakniki sampean? Enten keluhan? P: Niki buk, kula sakniki kok sering pusing, sering nguyah nguyuh. Sering pipis kula.(assertive) M: (examining the patient’s stomach) wah wes rodho masuk iki, Wes dua per lima iki (assertive) P: Maksute? M: Yo iki sing nggarai nguyah nguyuh iki. (assertive) Kepalae bu, wes masuk, kan menekan, menekan daerah, apa namanya.. daerah kewanitaan ibuk, vaginanya ibuk. (assertive) Jadinya itu langsung gemretek kepingin pipis ae, kan itunya diteken.. apa kayak kandung kemihnya itu tertekan gituloh. (assertive) Ibu sering pusing? Skripsi P: Iya, sering pusing, rasanya lemes kayak mau pingsan (assertive) M: Muntah kalau pagi? P: Nggak, nggak pernah. THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 73 M: Sek tak DJJ dulu ya buk ya. Alate rusak buk..wes tak nggawe iki ae. Baterene durung ditukokno (setelah memeriksa) ehhm.. Bagus kok bu. (verdictive) Ambek sopo mrene? P: Niku suami kula, teng ajeng. M: Pun, ibuke iki gak usah pegel pegel, nggih? (Directive – command) P: Nggih M: Mpun delapan. Kepalae nggih pun rodhok masuk, kurang sediluk engkas. (assertive) Tafsirane kan bulan depan iki sih? Tapi itu bisa juga maju bisa juga mundur. (assertive) Sing penting ibuke makan. (assertive) Ibuke arep sayur nopo mboten niki? P: Saya suka banget sayur. Saya yang nggak suka apa ya..cuman susu sih (assertive) M: Justru iku sing paling penting kok. (verdictive) Gawe kalsium ibuk. Nek njenengan gak onok kalsium, gak onok susune, engkok bayine nutrisine tekan endi, bu Rita. (assertive) P: Kula loh eneg nek minum susu. (assertive) M: Nek sampean eneg nggih, tumbas susu kedele. (directive - suggestion) Nek susu kedele diganti mboten opo-opo. (directive – suggestion) Nek suka maem es krim maem eskrim, gakpopo (Directive – suggestion) P: Oooh angsal maem eskrim? M: Nggih angsal. Eskrim walls iku lak wonten susune seh, kathah. (assertive) P: Nggih, nggih. Kalau eskrim saya suka bu. Kalau susu saya eneg (assertive) M: Lah gakpapa, pake itu ae. (assertive) Tapi yo ngunu yo, bapake. Bapake iku thorok, yo? (phatic – joke to establish rapport) P: Hehehe, nggih. Nek ben dinten tumbas eskrim, jebol kantonge bapake. (phatic – joke to establish rapport) M: Wes, iki tak kek‘i obat, tak tambahi gawe penambah darah karo vitamine dimimik. (directive – command) Nek wes entek engko control utawa nek bayine ono opo-opo atau merasakan keluhan, gak usah menunggu jadwal, langsung balik kesini, ya? (directive – command) P: Skripsi Oh THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 74 M: Langsung control gak usah nunggu ada apa-apa. (directive – command) Barangkali ad keluhan langsung kesini, ndak papa, ya? (directive – command) P: Oh yaya M: Pokoke dijaga gak boleh berat-berat wes. (directive – command) Ya? Ibuke mau wes apik djjne, detak jantunge, tensie yo normal. (assertive) Gak usah terlalu mikir. (directive – command) Anak pertama tah iki? P: Iya buk, baru anak pertama (assertive) M: Oalah..penganten anyar iki? (phatic) P: Mangkane saya iki cemas kalo misale kerasa wes pusing atau nyeri- nyeri trus pipis pipis (assertive) M: Gak perlu. Pokoke sampean gak sampek keluar ketubane pecah dulu, gak papa. (assertive) Kayak ngflek, ngflek sih ada tapi nggak banyak. Cuma ngeflek di celana dalam.(assertive) Sisan, ambek mbak‘e iku sering minum air putih ya.. (directive – command) Pinggange sakit? P: Kula minum air putih sering buk, tapi kadang-kadang lali (assertive and expressive)overlapping M: Minum air putih, pinggange cek gak sakit, nggih engko. (directive – command) Iki mau tak delok sikile rodho aboh. (assertive) Nek tidur bantale diganjel nang sikil, apa ditapakno nang sikil. (directive – suggestion)Dadi sikile diganjel nang bantal (directive – suggestion) Skripsi P: (*) M: Wes, tiga lima. (performative) P: Nggih, sekedhap. M: Obate ojo lali diminum (directive – command) P: Niki pun mek cukup penambah darah mawon, nggih? M: Tasik wonten jarene njenengan iki mau P: Nggih pun, buk. Monggo (phatic) M: Nggih P: Assalamu‘alaikum (phatic) M: Wa‘alikumsalam (phatic) THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 75 Consultation X P: Assalamu‘alaikum, bu mira! (phatic) M: Wa‘alikumsalam, nopo buk? (phatic) P: Suntik, buk. Biasane (assertive) M: Telat nopo mboten niki? P: Mboten M: Sek timbang riyin (directive –command) P: Oh nggih (while measuring) loh lak lueemu niki, bu mira! (phatic) Loh lah kok mundhak sak kilo?! (expressive) M: Subur berarti P: Mangane yo biasa biasa loh bu mira (assertive and expressive)overlapping M: Nggih pun buk ayo ndang suntik sik. (directive – command) Mbak iku mbak, opo jenenge, tensi mbak (menyuruh asistennya) (directive – command) M2: oh nggih (segera mempersiapkan alat tensi) P: Iku eeh bulan wingi mens, sak niki mboten mens bu mira (assertive) M: Mboten mens sakniki? P: Inggih, mboten mens. Tapi e nopo niku ndukure bathuk keroso kemeng (assertive) M: (looking the tensimeter) normal. (assertive) Sek nggih buk nggih. (directive – command) Pun buk (performative) P: Loh, pun? M: Gak keroso ya? (phatic – chitchat) P: Gak keroso buk sampean (phatic) M: Nggih balike niki mbenjeng Mei tanggal 7 nggih buk nggih (directive – command) P: Oh, nggih. M: Niki wau lak tanggal 9 dadi mbalik‘e tanggal 7. (assertive) Dikurangi tiga hari, bekne sampean engko telat.. Engko tambah ditelat-telatno. (assertive) Mangkane tak kek‘i tanggal 7 Skripsi P: Oh, nggih. M: Dua lima buk (performative) THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga 76 Skripsi P: Niki buk, nggih. Matur suwun nggih (phatic) M: Nggih P: Assalamu‘alaikum (phatic) M: Wa‘alaikumsalam (phatic). THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS BETWEEN MIDWIVES AND PATIENTS IN BPS S.MIRANINGSIH, AMD.KEB GELURAN TAMAN SIDOARJO Rukhoiyah Swandani