UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK PARAHYANGAN Jl. Ciumbuleuit No.94, Bandung West Java, INDONESIA40141 Ph. ++62-222032655 (ext 125) Fax: ++62-2220331110 Email: io@unpar.ac.id Ref. Subject Attachment : : : To Rector / President / Vice Chancellor of Universities within ASEACCU Network : III/R-KIKS-IC/09-2014/1614-E Invitation to Participate at UNPAR’s Conference on Global Citizenship - Dear Honorable Rector / President / Vice Chancellor, Greetings from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan. Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR) is currently organizing an UNPAR 2015 International Student Conference on Global Citizenship, that will be held on 16 to 25 January 2015. The main topic of this year conference is “Sustainable Urban and Human Settlement : Creating a Smart City for All”. To implement the program, UNPAR is intending to invite students from ASEACCU network to participate at the conference. Further information as regards the conference is provided at the attached Project Description, and Leaflets. Digital information is also available at the website of the conference: http://iscio.unpar.ac.id/?page_id=1239. The application form and the leaflet of this conference can be downloaded that site. This is a good opportunity for your students to interact with other 90 students from all over the world and 50 UNPAR Students. They also will have a chance to learn about Indonesian culture and to visit historical places in Indonesia. This conference will increase awareness of the students about their important role as a global citizen to cope with global problems. Participants/home universities must provide as small contribution as USD 100 to participate at this program. UNPAR will cover accommodation (twin sharing based), the airport transfer to and from the hotel, local transportation, entry tickets for compulsory programs and most of the meals for participating students (except during the free time). The flight tickets and other personal expenses should be provided by the students or by other financial supports. Participation of your students at this conference is highly expected and greatly appreciated. For further inquiries as regards this conference, please feel free to contact the committee at: iscunpar@gmail.com. I look forward to hear from you soon and it will be a great opportunity for me to welcome your students at UNPAR. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Bandung, 8 September 2014 Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Prof. Robertus Wahyudi Triweko, PhD. Rector
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