Current Newsletter - Utility and Transportation Contractors
Current Newsletter - Utility and Transportation Contractors
UTCA NEWSLETTER Convention Awards Will Go To Joe Walsh & Rob Culnen Joe Walsh, past President and a current Board Member and Legislative Committee Chariman with the association, will receive the annual Robert A. Briant, Sr. Memorial Award during this year’s convention program in Atlantic City. The award recognizes Joe’s leadership to UTCA as past president and his service on the Legislative Committee as well. The presentation of the award is scheduled during the Saturday night dinner at the convention. August 2016 Frank Renda To Be Inducted Into The Construction Industry Hall Of Fame Frank Renda, Owner of FD Renda Engineering & Construction, will be inducted into the New Jersey Construction Industry Hall of Fame at the Saturday night dinner during the convention. Bob Briant, Sr. was the chief executive of the UTCA for 33 years and is remembered for his tireless service in leading the association to unprecedented growth during his tenure. Bob continued his service to the association as a consultant until his untimely death in 2013. Frank has served as a member of the UTCA Board of Directors from 1974 to 2016 and as President in 1977. He led the Specifications Committee as Chairman for over 30 years and has been a This year’s Larry Gardner Memorial Award will go to Rob driving force for writing and updating Culnen of C & H Agency. Rob is being recognized for his the New Jersey regulations regarding years of support to the association as an advertiser, exhibitor the construction of wastewater and drinking water treatment facilities. and sponsor as well as for committee representation. Larry Gardner was active with the association during its early years and was instrumental in organizing association meetings, enrolling new members and producing early editions of the association industry directory. In 1982 Frank was presented the William Feather Memorial Award for his dedication to the Industry and in 1992 he was selected by the Professional Engineers in Construction as EngineerConstructor of the Year. Borgata Convention Rooms Are Selling Quickly Friday Luncheon Keynote Speakers Bob Beckel & Cal Thomas Rooms for this year’s convention at the Borgata are selling very quickly. Members are urged to make their room reservations as soon as possible in order to guarantee accommodations at the event. Deadline for reserving your room is September 8, 2016. You can reserve your room by CLICKING HERE. UTCA: INDUSTRY NEWS PAC Auction Party Set For Annual Convention UTCA’s Annual PAC Auction Party is scheduled for September 30th which is the Friday evening of the convention. We expect to have approximately 100 items at the auction. There is still time to contribute items for the event. To do so, please contact Dan Neville at the UTCA office. Your generous contributions help to strengthen the association’s legislative program. This year’s PAC Auction Party will feature guest auctioneers from Ritchie Brothers. Fall Golf Outing September 29, 2016 This year’s Fall Golf Outing is scheduled for September 29th at Atlantic City Country Club. The first notice for this event was recently emailed to all association members. October Magazine Includes Awards To Joe Walsh, Rob Culnen & Frank Renda The October Issue of the Utility and Transportation Contractor magazine will feature the 51st Anniversary Convention and awards to Joe Walsh, Rob Culnen and Frank Renda. This edition will also feature Aspen Landscaping which is celebrating 20 years in business. The October edition of the magazine will also include the induction of Jim Coddington as UTCA’s new association President. There is still time to include a congratulatory message for the award recipients or Aspen Landscaping for those who have yet to do so. NJ TRANSIT Presents Capital Program & Superstorm Sandy Resiliency Program To UTCA On August 19th, NJ TRANSIT Capital Program staff, led by Assistant Executive Director Steve Santoro, provided a briefing on the upcoming NJ TRANSIT Capital Program to members of the UTCA Board of Directors. In addition to the regular Capital Program, UTCA was given an indepth look at NJ TRANSIT’s upcoming Superstorm Sandy Resiliency Program. A link to the presentation can be found BY CLICKING HERE. UTCA On Social Media New Member Applicants Moretrench American Corp. Rockaway Contractor CW Solutions East Brunswick Associate As part of an ongoing effort to increase engagement with both members and elected officials, UTCA is building its social media presence on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. It’s now even easier to stay up to date on all your construction news, opinions, and action items, just follow us on Twitter @utcanj, friend us at, and connect with us at Have an important event or anniversary coming up? Let us know! We’re always happy to help spread the word on your accomplishment. SUPPORT OUR ASSOCIATION MEMBERS UTCA: INDUSTRY NEWS UTCA’s Zoe Baldwin Participates On Infrastructure Panel At Rider University Director of Government and Labor Relations, Zoe Baldwin (bottom left) and former NJDOT Commissioner, Jack Lettiere (seated, right) pose with students following a recent Rider University panel discussion on the challenges and the importance of infrastructure policy. Professor Ben Dworkin believes that a working understanding of our state’s built environment is critical to any area of policy his students pursue. Each year he makes sure to incorporate infrastructure policy experts into his annual program for political science students. UTCA Associate Member Richard M. Maser to Receive Prestigious Boy Scouts of America Distinguished Citizen Award On November 5th, Richard Maser, Chairman and CEO of Maser Consulting, will be receiving the 43rd Annual Joshua Huddy Distinguished Citizen Award from the Monmouth Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Rich is very active with the UTCA and we are happy to congratulate him on this honor. To learn more about the event please see the attached flyer with registration and sponsorship opportunities. SUPPORT OUR ASSOCIATION MEMBERS UTCA: Upcoming Events Fall Golf OutingSeptember 29, 2016 This year’s Fall Golf Outing is scheduled for September 29, 2016 at the Atlantic City Country Club in Atlantic City, NJ. Those participating in the outing may do so and then check into the Borgata for the Thursday night reception at the Annual Convention. To learn more and to register, please CLICK HERE. UTCA 51st Anniversary Convention September 29 - October 2, 2016 UTCA Sporting Clay Event October 25, 2015 The 51st Anniversary UTCA Convention will be held at the Borgata Casino in Atlantic City. To register please CLICK HERE. Lehigh Sporting Clays, Coplay, PA LAST YEAR UTCA MEMBERS SAVED AN AVERAGE OF $504 ON FEDEX SHIPPING! Stay tuned for $25,0000 Sweepstakes Launching on September 12th!… Click here for savings Utility & Transportation Contractors Association P.O. Box 728 Allenwood, New Jersey 08720 732-292-4300 • (Fax) 732-292-4310 Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of America 43rd Joshua Huddy Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner Chair Honoree Saturday, November 5, 2016 Trump National Golf Club One Trump Blvd, Colts Neck, NJ Reception with Hors d’oeuvres & Open Bar 6:00 P.M. Followed by Dinner & Dancing Philip J. Scaduto Richard M. Maser PE,PP, CME Formal Program 7:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. Vice President Chairman & C.E.O. Food Circus Super Markets, Inc. Maser Consulting P.A. Black tie optional DINNER SPONSORSHIPS All major sponsors recognized appropriately in the Dinner’s Program Book. □ Gala Signature Sponsor—$25,000 Includes (50) reservations , corporate banner displayed at podium & Full Page Gold Ad on Rear Cover of the program □ Eagle Sponsor(s) —$15,000 Includes (30) reservations, corporate banner highlighted & Full Page Gold Ad on Inside Front / Rear Cover of the program □ Star Sponsor —$10,000 includes (20) reservations, recognition in program book & Full Page Gold Ad □ Cocktail Sponsor —$7,500 Recognition in program book, Full Page Gold Ad and Signage at the Cocktail Reception □ Entertainment Sponsor —$6,000 Recognition in the printed program Full Page Silver and signage at Band Stand □ Photography Sponsor —$5,000 Recognition in the printed program Full page, couples photo jacket and video credits □ Gold Table Package—$5,000 includes (10) reservations, recognition in program book & Full Page Gold Ad □ Dinner Reservation: $500 per ticket # of Reservations____ @$500 Total enclosed $____________ □ I will be unable to attend, however, I would like to donate $___________ to help support Scouts. Tribute Ad in the Program Book □ Full Page Gold Page $1,000 (8.5 X 11) □ Full Page Silver Page $750 (8.5 X 11) □ Full Page Tribute $500 (8.5 X 11) □ 1/2 Page Tribute $300 (7.5 X 5) □ 1/4 Page Tribute $200 (3.5 X 5) All Ads Will Be Printed in Full Color □ Program Back Cover $5,000 (8.5 X 11) □ Program Inside Cover(s) $2,500 (8.5 X 11) PROGRAM PAGE SPECIFICATIONS Full color, 8.5” wide, 11” height. E-Mail in PDF format to Deadline for printed program - October 24, 2016 Name:______________________________________________Title: ____________________________________ Company: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone________________________ City:_______________________________State:_____ZIP:_________ Check enclosed ___ Bill me ____ AMEX/DIS/Visa/MC(circle one)Card #_____________________________ Exp. Date___/___/___ Sec #________ Signature:________________________________________ Email _____________________________________ Make checks payable to Boy Scouts of America or visit our website to register www.MonmouthBSA.Org /calendar 11/5/16 Please submit names of attendees on reverse or email to: 705 Ginesi Drive Morganville, NJ 07751 ● 732-851-8228 ● FAX 732-536-2850 Souvenir Program Book The Souvenir Program Book will include the evening’s program schedule, honoree’s biography, and Scouting information. DEADLINE FOR YOUR AD COPY FOR THE EVENT PROGRAM BOOK IS October 24, 2016. For I.R.S. purposes, $390 of each reception reservation purchased is tax deductible. Donations are 100% tax deductible.4202-502 -10
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