10 Oct 2014 Newsletter


10 Oct 2014 Newsletter
October, 2014
Vice-President Sharon Hime 352-572-9701
Secretary Janet Marks 407-886-7610
President Jim Gonya 803-539-1263
Treasurer Nancy Leonard 407-886-2147
Newsletter Editor Steve Griffin
Sep celebrates: Breast cancer
Awareness Month.
Bill Mann 11/10; Carolyn
Breitweiser 11/12; Larry Andrews
11/21; Carol DeFina 11/25; Charlie
Ritenburgh 11/26; Colleen Litz 11/26
Jeanne Daland 11/27 Sharon Vander
Bok 11/28;
Happy Anniversary to:
Ted & Colleen Litz 11/26
Cares & Concerns
Please keep the following in your thoughts and
prayers: Gale Kneisley -heart; Rita Hawkins –
back surgery; Mickey Marks & Marie Galusha –
knee problem; Nancy Leonard – Back; Moe
Beardsley – cancer; Archie & Bobbie MacLarity
as they care for their daughter-in-law who has
Finally, the men beat the women. 8 -3. It’s been a
real uphill battle for the men!
Golden Triangle Sams had their monthly October
campout at Travelers Rest RV Resort, Dade City.
Thursday arrivals had pleasant arrival weather and
got set up for a relaxing weekend. We had a large
group, seventeen rigs, as most of our members have
returned from traveling. Some went to Cracker Barrel
for dinner. We played pegs and jokers after diner.
Friday was a very relaxing day with a warm and
muggy afternoon. We enjoyed our happy hour under
the shady pine trees that separated the golf course and
the camp sites. Some went out to a Dade City
Mexican restaurant for diner. We played pegs and
jokers after diner.
We had a little rain Saturday morning but the
weather cleared early. Breakfast to share was
delicious with egg souffles, casseroles, fruits and
breads. At 10:00 AM, President Jim Gonya conducted
the business meeting. Marie introduced our guests
Charles & Sharon Vassallo. We enjoyed their
company. The Fall Samboree is just around the corner
at the end of November. The theme is “A Country
Fair”. We will have a Fair booth.
At 1:00, we played a game of Bean Bag Baseball
and, finally, the men scored many times and it started
in the very first inning. It’s been a while since the men
have scorred so many runs.
Next we played washer toss and Murbles with
some rousing games.
We again enjoyed our happy hour celebrating
Dick and Dotty’s new rig with wine and cheese.
Dinner was a pot luck with many delicious dishes
and desserts. After dinner some of the members
square danced in the large Busch Hall. Two squares
formed up and we alimand left, Do Sa Do, Swung our
partner and Promenaded home. We enjoyed the
dancing; some for the first time.
Sunday morning was sweet things to share with
more visiting and good-byes until next month. Thanks
to the hosts: Charlie & Penny Rittenburg, Jerry &
Carolyn Breitweiser and Steve & Carol Griffin and a
special thanks to Tom Defina for his expert Coffeee
making using his Bunn Coffee machine experience.
Campout Photos
Dick & Dotty Weiss’ new rig
We had a beautiful day!
Happy hour under the shady pine trees
Our monthly meeting
Carol & Karl Raabe discussing the Pet Memorial
Square Dancing
November Campout
5:30 Turkey Dinner (meat, dressing and gravy
A-H mashed potato or sweet potato casserole
I-P Salad or Veggie
R-Z Dessert.
7:00 games in the clubhouse
8:30 Breakfast – Sweets or fruit to share
Nov 7 –9; Lake Oklawaha
Early Bird Thursday 11/06/2014
Lake Oklawaha RV Park
15991 N. E. 243rd Place Rd.
Ft. McCoy 32134
Hosts: Weiss, Hampton, Chase & Litz
Confirmation: to Weiss: plmb3d@aol.com or 352551-3178-6731
Directions: Directions from Hwy 19 in Salt
Springs (33 mi. north of Umatilla): turn W on CR
316; travel approx. 10 miles to NE 160 Ave Rd; turn
right and travel 10.4 mi.; campground on left. From
Fort McCoy, travel 5 mi. E on CR 316 over the
Oklawaha Bridge; turn left on NE 160 Ave Rd; 10.4
mi. to campground on left.
Please note: you must make your own
reservation with the campground and also notify
the hosts that you are coming!
$27.00/night rally price.
Looking Ahead to Dec 2014 Campout
The December Campout will be at Paradise Oaks,
Bushnell, FL
Upcoming Samborees!
Schedule of Events
Thursday – Early Bird –
3:00 happy hour; dinner on your own.
7:00 games in the clubhouse
3:00 Happy hour
Dinner on your own
7:00 games in the clubhouse
8:30 Breakfast – Biscuit and sausage gravy; jams
and jelly; OJ, and coffee/hot tea; costs to be
10:00 Meeting
Lunch on your own
1:00 Outdoor Games
3:00 Happy Hour; Drinks only NO snacks big
dinner coming
Fall: Nov 19-23, Southern Palms, Eustis, FL.
The theme is “A Country Fair”. Applications
available at
Nearby Out of State Samborees
Alabama: April 16 -19, 2015, Dothan, AL;
“Hooray, for the Red White & Blue”
Georgia: Spring to be announced
Tennessee: Oct 30 –Nov 2, 2014, Sevierville,
TN; “Hillbilly Halloween.”
Golden Triangle Scrapbook Is
“In the Works”!
Everyone should be
keeping track of hours and
money spent on our various
projects and charities!
Remember – everything
counts, even 10 minutes
here or there, travel time, etc!
Apopka, FL 32712-5633 or pay them at the
November meeting.
Kudos to Roger Hime for the exceptional and
safe rescue of Charles & Sharon Vassallo’s 5th
wheel from the shoulder of I-75 after their tow
vehicle broke down.
Tom & Carol DeFina
Email or call Sharon Hime or Dianne Gonya
Charities & Fund Raisers!
Don’t forget about all of the items we collect for our
various charities. Everybody needs to help!!
 Aluminum cans, etc.
 Books & magazines for Vets
 Old printer cartridges (now going to no kill
 Old cell phones
 Bears & blankets for Boggy Creek
 Non-perishable food items, clothing, etc. for
Loaves & Fishes
 “Take home” Food items for schools .
 Coupons for Troops!
Martha & Jerry
Wright are heading
the committee to
organize and send
in coupons for our
service men and
their families.
This program is coming to an end in December.
You can bring in any kind of coupons, preferably
cut out neatly! The can be current or recently
expired (up to 6 months); food or non-food items.
Bits and Pieces
 LJ and Trish Green are still out west enjoying
their new grandson.
 Don’t forget, Chapter elections during our
November meeting.
 Don’t forget: send in your $20 annual dues to
Nancy Lenoard, Treasure, 3339 Little Joe Ct;
Our youngest dancer: Ken & Rose Mary Culp’s
Square Dancing away!
Golden Triangle Sams Minutes
October 4, 2014
President Jim Gonya called the October meeting of Golden Triangle Sams to order at Travelers Rest
RV in Dade City at 10:00 AM. Tom Leonard gave the invocation. Past Presidents Karl Raabe, Steve Griffin,
and Mickey Marks led the group in the Pledge to the Flag.
Secretary Janet Marks called the roll; 19 members in attendance, with 18 member rigs camping and
1 drive-in. Marie Galusha Penny Ritenburgh moved and Sharon VanderBok introduced our guests, Charles
& Sharon Vassallo (friends of Ken & Rose Mary Culp). The minutes of the previous meeting were
approved as corrected by Jim Gonya: Archie & Bobbie Jo MacLarty and Cliff Chase and Marge Ennd were
added to the list of folks working at the Spring Samboree in Okeechobee. Thanks to these hard-working
Nancy Leonard presented the Treasurer’s Report, showing a current balance of $4092.95. Carolyn
Breitweiser moved we accept the treasurer’s report, Marie Galusha seconded, and motion passed. Bills were
presented for payment. RoseMary Culp moved and Penny Ritenburgh seconded that bills be paid; motion
Committee Reports
1. Membership: Marie Galusha (see above)
2. Sunshine: Carol Griffin - need prayers for Gale Kneisley and Mo Beardslee with their ongoing illnesses;
Derek Pymer had hoped to be here but is under the weather; the "knee club" includes Carolyn Breitweiser
(successful surgery), Marie Galusha, and Mickey Marks; Michele Mann has been ill so they had to cancel this
weekend; Nancy Leonard back problems; Rita Hawkins facing back surgery next month; those still traveling LJ and Tricia Green, Sharon & Rich VanderBok, Barbara Bishop, and Tony & Peggy Hampton; also Archie
& Bobbie Jo's rig is being repaired, plus they are giving assistance to their daughter-in-law during her illness.
Thanks for cards, calls from Carolyn Breitweiser, and Penny Ritenburgh. Also thanks from Shirley Zummo
for welcoming her back.
3. Newsletter: Steve Griffin - no report
4. Aluminum Engineers: hope to make a delivery this coming week.
5. Webmaster: Karl Raabe recently made updates; schedule up to date
6. Dog Memorial Banner: Carol Raabe displayed the banner that Eddy Zook made for us - many thanks to him!
Are working on how to put the pet names on it.
7. Host Schedules for 2014 and 2015: Dianne Gonya. Still need some hosts and campgrounds for 2015; list sent
8. Loaves & Fishes: Tom Leonard - will only be collecting the food items at December meeting (not rest of
year); they still take clothing rest of year, but Tom will be unable to deliver.
9. Books for Veterans: Bob Sims, also Ken & RoseMary Culp still collecting and delivering to VA..
10. Sheriff: Jerry Breitweiser no report
11. Recycled phones: Marie will take, if any.
12. Coupons for Troops: Jan Beasley will take coupons to Martha.
13. Ink Cartridges – Carolyn Breitweiser will take them to the no kill pet facility in Umatilla.
14. Hosts: Carol Griffin thanked all for great participation in games, etc Thurs and Friday. Games Sat at 1 PM,
3:00 Weis hosting wine & cheese with tours of their new RV; pot luck at 5:30; square dancing at 7:00 (have
invited Manatee Sams who are also camping here to join us).
Old Business:
1. Jim Gonya reported that he has sent a letter to Sumter County to inform them we are not going to do the road
clean up anymore; hasn't heard back yet.
New Business:
1. Nancy reminded everyone that $20 dues must be paid before Dec. 1 so the State portion and report can be sent in
on Dec. 1.
2. Fall Samboree, Nov. 19-22, in Eustis: we have signed up for a booth at the Country Fair. We are doing a toilet
paper toss. Will also be doing several raffles -- a wooden bowl donated by Larry Daland, Boggy Creek blanket (
Thanks, Jim Gonya); and the 2 carts handmade by Cliff Chase (Penny volunteered to be in charge of putting the
raffles together). Thanks to all for their participation and donations! Also for helping at the Samboree! We will
also be doing Hospitality1
3. Dianne moved and Carol G. seconded that we purchase two $25 gift cards for door prizes at Samboree.
4. We are signed up to sell sandwiches at Okeechobee, April 15-19. Just need to be thinking about that. We made
$1262 on sandwiches and $74.55 on garage sale last spring.
5. Karl Raabe and Mickey Marks, Nominating Committee, presented slate of officers for election: President - Jim
Gonya; VP - Sharon Hime and Marie Galusha; Secretary -RoseMary Culp; Treasurer - Jim Galusha. They asked
for any nominations from the floor. Election to be held at November meeting.
6. Boggy Creek is holding their Holiday Party on Sat, Dec. 13. They are asking for volunteers for set up on Thurs
and Friday, Dec. 11-12 from 10 - 2 PM, and on Saturday from 7:30- 5:30. Jim sent around a signup sheet; Janet
volunteered to coordinate with Peggy Brown of Florida Eagles. Call Janet if interested.
7. We are also participating in the Laying of Christmas Wreaths at Bushnell National Cemetery on Sat, Dec. 13. Ken
moved and Jim Galusha seconded that we once again purchase $150 in wreaths. Karl Raabe will chair this and
send it in.
 Humane Society of Lake County sent thank you note.
 Carroll Commons, former member, recently had 3 surgeries, is regaining strength; are selling their RV.
Invited us to come visit them at Lake Rousseau.
50/50: Mickey Marks reported we collected $44; $22 to chapter; $11 each went to Dianne Gonya and Tom Leonard.
Tom DeFina moved and Penny seconded that we adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 10:58..
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Marks
Contact your Newsletter editor to submit items, or for
change of address:
Steve Griffin - sgrifbv@gmail.com – 352-797-7893
5104 Abbonmarsh Circle; Brooksville, FL 34604

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