2012 January - February - Land O` Lakes District of the Barbershop
2012 January - February - Land O` Lakes District of the Barbershop
64 YEARS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY Volume 64, Number 1 OVER 714,089 SQUARE MILES A Bulletin for Barbershoppers in the LO'L District January - February 2012 .. . e l d w a ! D ” T t ’ Don he “POIN t o t get Spring Convention and International Preliminaries & Division One Quartet and Chorus Competition May 4 - 5, 2012 Stevens Point, Wisconsin See page 7 for registration and housing Pitch Piper The Pitch Piper is published bi-monthly by the Land O' Lakes District Association of Chapters of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartets Singing inAmerica, Inc. Land O' Lakes Chapters are situated in the states of Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and the Provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. Office of Publication: Editors: Bob/Bill Fricke 2011 S. 14th Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 920-684-6866 Email: pitchpiper@frickeprinting.com Send address changes to Pitch Piper c/o SPEBSQSA, Inc., 110 7thAvenue North, Nashville, TN 37203-3704 Any and all correspondence or copy should be sent to the editor. DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: LARRY LEWIS 130 Hilltop Drive Neenah, WI 54956-3516 (H): (920) 727-4800 • (C): (920) 213-2516 llewis6@new.rr.com Exec. Vice President: CHUCK SCHUBBE 15398 615th Avenue Mapleton, MN 56065 (H&W): (507) 869-3756 • (C): (507) 420-3658 chuckschubbe@gmail.com Imm. Past President: DOUGLAS MILLER 4822 Rutledge Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372-1847 (H): (952) 447-8265 • (C): (612) 964-8769 (F): (952) 447-0820 • lolprez910@yahoo.com LO'L Home Page on the Internet: http://loldistrict.org FUN-FILLED BARBERSHOPPING YEAR AHEAD Submitted by Larry Lewis LO'L District President The deadline for the submission of this article came prior to the Mid Winter Convention in Tucson, so I will report out on Mid Winter in my next column. We are coming off another successful Leadership Academy. The unseasonably warm January was a welcome relief from the traditional cold temperatures usually experienced during our winter gathering. The cancellation of our Chord College allowed us to offer some new electives that Pitch Piper Secretary: ARV ZENK 209 Candi Court N Mankato, MN 56003 (H): (507) 388-7509 • (C): (507) 995-1655 arvjane@hickorytech.net Treasurer: JACK EDGERTON 1804 Conant Street Stevens Point, WI 54481-5819 (H): (715) 344-5746 • (C): (715) 340-3221 ragtime75@charter.net Financial Development: JIM HALL 614 Drumlin Trail Cambridge, WI 53523 (H&C): (715) 781-8714 jimsingsbari@yahoo.com District VP - Division One: THOMAS WEBER N114 W16629 Royal Court Germantown, WI 53022 (H): (262) 251-8943 • (W) (262) 789-2500 prezmve_2000@yahoo.com District VP - Packerland: CLARY REINHARDT 137 State Street Neenah, WI 54956 (H): (920) 725-1485 •(C): (920) 915-2355 rhino139@sbcglobal.net District VP - Southwest: THOMAS SCHUBBE 8540 Thomas Avenue S Bloomington, MN 55431 (H): (952) 888-6773 • (W): (612) 961-7930 thschubbe@aol.com District VP - 10,000 Lakes: DAN TRUE 8091 Stone Creek Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317-7419 (H): (952) 401-0793 • (W): (952) 512-8049 (C): (952) 210-5156 • dtrue@mchsi.com District VP - Red Carpet & Northwest: GORDON BILLOWS 73 Haverstock Crescent Winnipeg, MB R3P 2M7 (H): (204) 488-2009 • billows@shaw.ca were well received by many in attendance at the leadership academy. Your LO’L Board met and approved several policy changes that will improve both governance and competitions. Once again we enjoyed hearing and seeing some of our best quartets who participated in the Top Gun program that weekend. Thanks to all of those who were on the faculty and especially to Del Ryberg, Tyler Smith, Judd Orff and Dave Sylte for organizing and administering this event. District VP - Music & Performance: DAVE SYLTE 1804 18th Street SW Austin, MN 55912 (H): (507) 433-0004 • (C): (765-717-0081 sylte0004@msn.com District VP - Leadership Training (CSLT): JUDD ORFF 115 E. Linden Street Stillwater, MN 55082 (H): (651) 439-3108 • JuddOrff3108@msn.com DISTRICT OPERATIONS TEAM Director Contest and Judging: JACK RYBACK 3640 Lilly Road Brookfield, WI 53005 (H): (262) 781-6587 • (W&C): (262) 844-5184 jryback@att.net Director Events: CARL A. GRAHN 296 Stoney Ridge Road Ripon, WI 54971 (H&C): (920) 570-2093 grahn56ca@gmail.com Director Marketing & Public Relations: KEN METTLER 125 N. Blanding Woods Road St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 (H): (715) 483-9202 kbmett@hotmail.com Director Membership: STEVE ZORN 3036 N Snelling Roseville, MN 55113 (H): (651) 639-0366 Google Voice: (651) 31S-ZORN zorn.steven@gmail.com Director Youth In Harmony: JON BUSS PO Box 68 Star Prairie, WI 54026 (H): (715) 410-7324 allegrobuss@gmail.com We will soon be entering the time of year when many chapters will be putting on their spring shows. I want to encourage everyone to both enjoy and show support to each other by attending chapter shows in your area. I also hope you are planning to attend the Packerland Division and District Spring Prelims scheduled for May 4-6 in Stevens Point. Let's all work to make 2012 a successful and fun-filled barbershopping year. The board elected and welcomed Jim Hall as our new Vice President of Financial Development. Jim is a good fit for this position and will coordinate his education and fund raising for Harmony Foundation along side his chapter visits in the “Take the Coaching to the Chapter” program. 2 January - February 2012 MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM Submitted by Richard Staedt Fox Valleyaires President HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM VOCALITY! Vocality is very pleased and thankful for the outstanding year we had in 2011. It is so much fun for us to get together for rehearsals, our family outings and, of course, our many performances! We also had a change in personnel in 2011. Bob stepped down as baritone and Tom stepped in. Bob is having fun singing in a couple of choruses and Tom has become “extra” busy with the Vocality schedule! We are looking forward to getting back into the competition cycle this coming year and continuing to learn new songs and improve our overall performance package. We have enjoyed both renewing and building new friendships during our travels and look forward to many more opportunities to do so in 2012. The Appleton Fox Valleyaires have completed their sixth annual Community Christmas Chorus program. Chapter Development VP, Ken Felton collected names from chorus members and P.R. VP, John Micke spread the word through print media. Letters were sent to the men the members turned in. We began rehearsals on st November 1 and ended on nd December 22 with a White Elephant gift exchange, food and refreshments. We had twelve men of all ages as depicted in the picture. Ten made all the rehearsals and th performed on our 12 annual Barbershop Bistro Dinner Manitowoc County, WI show and our first Christmas show. Four men have been - Tim Steffen auditioned and three have Milwaukee, WI submitted membership - David “Bart” applications. Zack's wife Mel, Bartkowiak in the picture, has been West Allis, WI encouraged to join the Fox Valley Sweet Adeline chorus in - Dan Burkee Appleton. As we follow up on St. Croix Valley, MN the guests, it is possible we - Clarence “Bud” could have two or four more of Urtel them join the chapter. Here are a few fun “statistics” from 2011. • • • • • 2011 Chapter B.O.T.Y. Winners Pitch Piper • • • • • 12 shows 12,428 driving miles! Added 10 new songs to our repertoire Added the newest member to the Vocality family th Andrew Matchinsky, born April 29 Released our 2nd recording "Alleluia" one year after our debut CD Had over 2400 hits on our website Were aired on the "Harmony Time Radio Show" - twice! Our debut CD was nominated for "The Best Barbershop Album" and “Best Barbershop Song” by the Contemporary A Cappella Society of America (CASA) Hosted the "Vocality Hospitality Room" at the LO’L District Convention Named the 2011 Recording Artist of the Year by Woodchuck Studios! We look forward to seeing many of you throughout 2012! Vocality Jay, Tony, David, & Tom 3 January - February 2012 LO’L MUSIC EDUCATION SHARING THE WEALTH Submitted by Dave Sylte LO’L Director Music and Performance Leadership Training Ac a d e m y - L a ke s Chord College Review We c o m p l e t e d o u r experiment of combining our music education classes, The Lakes Chord College (LCC), with our Leadership Training Academy (LTA) at UW-River Falls, and based on the early reviews, things went very well. There was good attendance for the weekend, especially at the new Friday afternoon classes and there was a lot of interest in the brand new classes. We had a good representation from chapters across the District. Especially encouraging was seeing a number of young Barbershoppers who were experiencing a weekend like this for the first time. A number of these guys were still singing tags very late on Saturday night and pitching them in high ranges that would make dogs in the neighborhood very nervous. Just as important as the education part of the weekend, was a reminder why most of us became Barbershoppers in the first place. There's the satisfaction and the goose bumps that come from ringing fourpart chords. But then there's the fellowship that goes along with our singing activities. That's the basis for the frequently used PR line, “Although most men join for the music, most stay for the friendships they make.” What other organization can you join where you don't necessarily know what a guy does or did for a living, but you know what part he sings or in which quartet he has sung? What a great weekend for meeting old friends and making new ones. This came to mind in recruiting instructors for the LTA-LCC weekend. Once approached, these guys are eager to share their areas of passion and expertise on a January weekend. And the expertise of our members in a wide range of topic is really impressive. Even more impressive is the willingness of these guys to give up a Pitch Piper weekend to share this expertise with fellow Barbershoppers. Here was some feedback from instructors after the weekend. One instructor said, “It's just another way to give back to a hobby that's been very good to me.” Another instructor responded, “Thanks for including me! There are few things I'd rather do on a weekend than to spend it with a bunch of dedicated Barbershoppers.” Still another instructor added, “I have a blast doing these classes.” In addition, Adam Scott from the Music Education Staff of the Barbershop Harmony Society in Nashville led eight different classes over the weekend. (That must be some sort of indoor record for these weekend education events.) And after it was all done, Adam was still up late on Saturday night singing tags with a bunch of new LO'L Barbershop friends. Adam's response after the weekend, “Thanks for letting me be part of a great event this weekend. LO'L plans and executes very well, and I was happy to be part of it.” We would like to thank all of the instructors for doing their part to This sharing of share the wealth. administrative and music expertise was a shot in the arm for all of the chapters who were fortunate enough to have guys present to pick things up and take them back to their chapter. Sharing of the Wealth Continues This sharing of the wealth will continue during the coming year given the music 2012 education resources that are available to each chapter in the District. The first resource is the Standing Ovation Program (SOP). We now have 23 fellows around the District trained in doing an SOP review of your annual show or any other chorus or quartet performance. All you need to do is send me an e-mail and we will direct an SOP Reviewer your way. The second resource is Take the Coaching to the Chapters (TTCC). We revised the criteria for this program last year so now any chapter that wants to improve its performance is eligible for one free coaching session each year. Again, send me your request and Judd Orff from our District Education Team will recruit a coach who is a good match for your chapter. For both SOP and TTCC requests, e-mail me at sylte0004@msn.com. The last music education resource is the four Quartet Coaching Clinics that are scheduled for this year as follows: • 10,000 Lakes Division March 3 - Stillwater, MN • Southwest Division March 3 - Faribault, MN • Packerland Division March 31 - Appleton, WI • Red Carpet/NW Divisions April 14 - Fargo, ND For contact information on these Clinics, refer to your LO'L 2012 District Directory. We are trying to share the rich music wealth that we have all around us. Now all you need to do is take advantage of it. SINGOUT Sunday, August 12 Call time will be around 11:00am Game is at 12:10pm We have set the date for next year’s trip to Target Field. We will again be singing the National Anthem, God Bless America and Take Me Out To The Ballgame. Get out your calendar and plan to join us in delivering another vocal treat to 40,000 of your closest friends! For more information, email Ken Slinde at gnubass@comcast.net 4 January - February 2012 • Consider what advertising you will do - print media, directories, etc. • Consider training members to sell ads and tickets • Consider writing articles - educational to the public, giving helpful tips and advice, become known as a music expert • Consider what publicity and press releases are needed • Consider how social media like facebook and your chorus web site can be used DO YOU HAVE A MARKETING PLAN FOR THIS YEAR? Submitted by Ken Mettler LO’L Director Marketing and Public Relations Welcome to another edition of Marketing the Magic of Barbershop Harmony. It was good to see many of you at our leadership training in River Falls. Our subject today is: “Every Chorus needs a marketing plan for the year.” The plan can be short and to the point, or it could take several pages. Sadly, many plans are complicated and therefore not implemented, so, the simpler the better. The plan becomes the backbone of how you will operate this year. However, if you get stuck in the middle of the plan, don’t throw the whole thing out. Instead, modify it to meet your current needs and expectations. Seventh, decide how to make and demonstrate that your shows are a great bargain for the price. Determine how you will achieve awareness of your product. Eighth, determine what marketing strategies you can afford! What can you do in house? What do you need to outsource? Budget your dollars. Ninth, write out measurable and attainable marketing goals. Turn your goals into numbers. For instance, your goals might be to gain at least 20 new members or to have one sing-out a month, or to increase your chorus income by 20% this year. Your goals might be financial, numerical, or simply to improve community awareness. Here are a few basics for your Marketing Plan: First, collect information you have from last year’s successes and failures. What went well? What needs changing? Do some research in your market area. Some things to consider are: Tenth, analyze your year as you go along. Monitor results. Identify programs that are working. • Your previous market patterns - what worked well and why? • Your audience - Why do they come? What are the demographics? Who is your target market? • Your musical product - What's out there now? What's the competition offering? What must you invest in? • The people and groups you will need to rely on - Who can help you in your effort? • Survey members and audiences • Track finances, leads, visitors to your chorus and website, note the percent of visitors to new members Do your research. Check out your competition. Determine your unique positioning. Then you will be in a much better position to promote and sell your chorus services. When you establish goals for your marketing campaign, you can better understand whether or not your efforts are generating results through ongoing review and evaluation of results. Be sure your plan is a living document that can be adapted as needed. Good marketers continually review the status of their campaigns against their set objectives. If you do so, you will ensure ongoing improvements to your marketing initiatives and it will help you with future planning in your chorus. Remember, there can be more musical magic in the air when marketing is done well. Second, find your market niche. Target specific markets for your musical programs and describe them. Third, describe your musical product. How does it relate to the market area? What does your market area need? We may think we know what they need, but, is it working? Fourth, describe your competition. This will help you develop your own unique selling feature. What makes you stand apart from the rest? Fifth, write your chorus mission statement into your marketing plan. What needs to be included? MAKE NOTE...new email address for Executive VP Chuck Schubbe chuckschubbe@gmail.com • It should identify who your audience is. Who are you selling to? • It should uniquely describe what you're offering. What are you selling and promoting? • It should state how you are selling it. What is your unique selling proposition? What is your distinction? District Board of Directors VP Financial Development Jim Hall 614 Drumlin Trail Cambridge, WI 53523 (H&C): (715) 781-8714 jimsingsbari@yahoo.com Sixth, write down the marketing strategies that you will possibly use. • Consider how you can network - go where your market is • Consider your direct marketing options - sales letters, brochures, flyers Pitch Piper 5 January - February 2012 HAROLD HILL RETURNS! Submitted by Steve Zorn LO’L Director Membership “Operation Harold Hill” is in full swing. This Society-sponsored membership effort is the highlight for 2012. Let's review the numbers for 2011 and then learn what we can do to increase our membership. 2012 Summaries Chapter New Members Minneapolis 8 Hilltop 6 St Cloud Fargo-Moorhead Greendale 5 Saskatoon West Allis Appleton Madison 4 Regina Winnipeg Fergus Falls 3 St Croix Valley Dunn County Greater Grand Forks Green Bay Rock Valley 2 Thunder Bay Wausau Willmar Bismarck-Mandan Delta County Frank Thorne Greater St Paul Area La Crosse Lake Geneva Manitowoc 1 Mankato Minnetonka Polk County Racine Stevens Point A highlight of the year was the licensing of the new Thunder Bay chapter. It is great to have this new group in our fold. “Operation Harold Hill” is an intensive effort to help chapters improve performance and attract new members. Chapters sign up for the program by going to www.operationharoldhill.com. Taken from the website, “Operation Harold Hill is a mobilization of the Society to increase membership for 2012. It is an opportunity for each chapter to select its own method of recruitment of members that fit its particular vision, not a new plan designed for everyone to implement in the same way. The goal is to increase the Society's recruitment by 25% over the previous five-year average…” The Operation Harold Hill website provides a huge array of ideas and opportunities for chapters. Even if you are not an officer in your chapter, go to this site and see if there are some things you can do to encourage membership in your chapter. Please contact me with any membership questions or ideas. Please let me know so I can use this column to show how we can all be like HAROLD HILL. Let's make 2012 a break out year by drawing in all the men who would enjoy singing with us! As of mid January, 16 LO'L chapters have enrolled. I have contacted all chapters and encouraged them to sign up. This program offers great information and expert guidance. Immediately after signing up, a chapter is assigned a “Harold Hill” who will work alongside chapter leadership to help. Each Harold Hill is specially trained and brings a wealth of experience. While the work will be done over the phone, “Harold Hill” will become very familiar with your chapter and provide guidance and encouragement. Rooftop Rhythm 2011 was a good year in the LO'L District for gaining new members, but not as strong as hoped. Eighty-eight members joined. Thirty-two of the 52 chapters had at least one new member. Our total membership at year end was 1832. Pitch Piper A Capella Quartet Ashley - Nathan Jacob - Steve www.rooftoprhythmqt.com 608.751.5098 rooftoprhythm@gmail.com #rooftoprhythmqt Nathan Oxley Quartet Contact 6 January - February 2012 Pitch Piper 7 January - February 2012 REPORT YOUR CHAPTER’S ACHIEVEMENTS 2011 Bulletin Editor of the Year Contest on Hold Submitted by Dick Teeters Submitted by Dick Teeters Land O’ Lakes District PROBE Coordinator Chapter Achievement Awards - is not really a contest even though awards are made. It is a means by which you can let the rest of the district know that you have an active chapter. For over 45 years, PROBE (Public Relations Officers and Bulletin Editors) has conducted a program called Bulletin Editor of the Year (BETY). This program determined the top bulletin editors in each district and, eventually, the top bulletin editor in the Society. Each year, the Land O’ Lakes District has participated in the program. That is until this year. Apparently the program has been put on hold for this year, but only at the district level. The program is entered by having a member of the chapter, usually the secretary, complete a form. There are approximately 30 categories in which the chapter can earn points. Examples are: Membership Drives, Annual Shows, Other Chorus Performances, Quartet Performances, Participation in Division and District Contest, Youth Outreach Activities, Chapter Board and Music Committee Meetings to name just a few. Awards are presented to the top three chapters in each of three plateaus, based on chapter membership. It’s easy to participate and every chapter should have an entrant. The following is a statement from PROBE President John Elving, that some of you may have seen on Facebook, or elsewhere. This is just to let you all know that there will be a bulletin contest this year for those who published at least six different editions of their chapter bulletin in the year 2011. However, there are some changes that are taking place. Forms can be found on the LO’L District website. Access the website, click on ‘District Document Center’ (you might have to go to ‘About Us’ first) and scroll down to the line that reads ‘Achievement Awards Reporting Form - 2011). It’s in .pdf format and is easily downloaded and printed. If there is a problem, I can be contacted at eagle872@comcast.net. As of our annual meeting last year, the district BETY contests were at least temporarily done away with, mostly due to lack of participation in the last few years. Instead, everyone will be eligible to compete in the IBC. Additionally, there will not be separate contests for hardcopy and electronic bulletins. These will all be judged in the same contest under the same rules. That means that Layout & Reproduction and Design & Graphics will be folded into one, taking into account differences in how they are published. There are a few changes made to the form for 2011 so use the new form. There are several added ways in which your chapter can gain points. I encourage every chapter to enter the program. Last year almost 70% of the chapters participated in the Achievement Awards program. This is the most ever. I would really like to have 100% participation. That would be wonderful! New Bulletin VP Jerry Daiker and I are working on updating the contest rules and information to be published on the PROBE website. As soon as possible, we will have that information for all to see. In the meantime, if you have questions feel free to contact either Jerry at jerrybbs@aol.com or me. Submission forms must be received by me on or before April 10, 2012. Data received will be compiled and combined with other submissions and awards will be made at the Spring Convention in Stevens Point. Start getting your bulletins in order to submit to Lowell Shank, IBC Chairman (lowell.shank@wku.edu) by April 1, 2012. You will need two consecutive publications in a printed format, even if it is electronically published, for the ease of the judges who need to mark up copies. If anyone has any questions, please contact me at my e-mail address listed above and I’ll provide you with all the information you need. Keep checking the website (www.harmonize.com/probe) for more up-to-date information. THE GAY NINETIES QUARTET INDUCTED INTO THE LO’L 2011 HALL OF FAME In recognition of their exceptional contributions to the Land O’ Lakes District and for the Encouragement of Barbershop Harmony, the Gay Nineties Quartet was inducted into the LO’L 2011 Hall of Fame. The Gay Nineties Quartet from Monevideo, Minnesota has been entertaining barbershop audiences for 67 years and is still going strong. The quartet is celebrating the start of their 61st year as the oldest, continuous registered quartet in the Society! The routine remains the same though the faces have changed slightly in those years. The trademark is deadpan comedy and these “Four Fugitives from a Mortuary” excel at it. 8 January - February 2012 9 January - February 2012 YOUTH IN HARMONY Submitted by Jon Buss LO’L Director Youth In Harmony Thanks to Ken Bester, the only student to attend the Youth in Harmony class at the Leadership Academy in River Falls, Wisconsin. We had a great discussion about YIH and what we are trying to do. The Society has a stated vision and mission for all of us, which is a good one. What Ken brought to the class was his experience at work with Kimberly Clark. Here is the layout that we came up with. Each chapter can apply these to the chapter goals as well. MEASUREMENT: The number of youth that participate in each activity sponsored by each chapter of this LO’L District and the BBS Harmony Society. It would be great if those reading this article would share this with their chapter and send me any and all suggestions to add to this list. All ideas are welcome. OBJECTIVE: To increase and/or sustain the LO’L District membership. This is the long range objective. [5, 10, 20, and 30 years out] GOALS: To increase the number of youth to be exposed to the barbershop style of music. If we accomplish this through our youth activities, it will help to achieve our long term objective. STRATEGIES: Create connections with youth in multiple areas. Schools - churches - community organizations [e.g. YMCA, boys/girls clubs, Big Brothers Big Sisters], inner city programs, summer sports, etc. - bars [young people hangouts] - Karaoke 4H clubs - fairs - theatre groups. Leverage social media to access BBS: Pandora, YouTube, iTunes, Tagmaster, Smartphones, and Facebook. This is a contact sport and we need to be involved with youth everywhere, if we are going to achieve our goals and objectives. Our one day festival in St. Croix Falls, WI on Saturday, January 14th was a huge success! We exposed 27 boys and 73 girls to the BBS style. We had a great audience for the show. Our clinicians and quartets were fantastic in their performance and working with the youth. I challenge everyone to try one, it is fun and invigorating. The BBS Harmony Foundation pays $15.00 per evaluation and your District will add $5.00 per evaluation for a first time workshop, submitted to me. Your passion for youth will guide you. GO FOR IT!!!!! INITIATIVES: Festivals/one day workshops - Camps of various kinds for girls and boys - Youth ensembles - Scholarships for individual students or school curriculum's in your area. Joint shows [high school choirs, college choirs, quartets, octets, etc.] Fundraising for local schools music educators. Mentoring in various ways. Quartet competition. Octet competition. Chorus competition. Jon Buss - 715-410-7324 • allegrobus@gmail.com PO Box 68, Star Prairie, WI 54026 Harmony Society. This way, we are accountable to our goals. CONTEST REGISTRATIONS ON EBIZ Submitted by Jack Ryback LO’L Director Contest and Judging Greetings LO’L Members: The combined SW/10,000 Lakes Divisions (March 31) and the Division One (April 14) Contests are now available on Ebiz Contest Manager to enter your Quartet or Chorus (or VLQ if applicable) for the contest. Please make sure to follow the CJ20 registration procedure to the very last page and read over the note on “legal music” and then “enter” the contest. This will finalize your registration for submission. If you don't have all your songs confirmed as of yet…that's ok. Simply add all the possible songs that you may sing in the contest. This never needs to be an exact list and it's best to have more songs than less when registering. Deadlines for registrations are always 30 days prior to the contest date and registrations should always be available on Ebiz about 30 days prior to that date. As always, if you have any questions on the registration process, please feel free to call me at 262-8445184 or send me an email. If you need help with registering, I will be happy to walk you through the process over the phone. Simply call me to set up a time to do so. The registrations should be open for the remaining contests shortly, so please visit Ebiz or watch your email for my note informing you of the availability. Also, there are some policy changes for C&J. Please make sure to read over Carl Grahn’s article detailing these changes. Good luck and have a great spring contest season in LO’L! 10 January - February 2012 MAJOR CHANGE IN QUALIFYING FOR THE FALL QUARTET CONTESTS DIVISION CONTESTS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER Submitted by Carl Grahn LO’L Director Events Submitted by Carl Grahn LO’L Director Events A major change as to how quartets qualify for the different District Fall Quartet contests was approved by the District Board at their meeting in January. The system used in the past was District Quartets, Novice Quartets and Senior Quartets each qualifying by different scores. The new system is, All Quartets singing in Division Contests will be listed and sorted in a descending order by score. The top 24 quartets will qualify for the Fall contest regardless of the awards they may have received at the Division Contest. Should any of these 24 indicate they will not be attending the fall contests, the next in line will be invited provided they have scored 60 percent or more in a Division contest the previous spring. ARTICLE XIII DIVISION CONTESTS of the District Polices is your information source for Division Contests. The polices are on the LO’L Website. Go to loldistrict.org, click on “links”, click on “LO’L Document Center”, click on “District Polices PDF”. Per District Policy 13.01 - All quartets and choruses must qualify at a Division Contest to compete at the Fall District Contests. The 2012 Division Contests are: March 25th - Southwest/10,000 Lakes Divisions Mankato, MN April 14th - Division One Greendale, WI May 4 & 5 - Packerland Division Stevens Point (Including the District Seniors Quartet Championship and the International Quartet Prelim’s) May 19th - Red Carpet/Northwest Divisions Fergus Falls, MN A study of how this would effect the Novice and Seniors at the fall contest was made using the past 5 years and this showed that at least one of each would have been in those fall contests. Why was this change made? This past year was the year the straw broke the camels back, when we had 32 quartets qualify under the old system. Yes this is good, however, it required the District to have a triple panel or 3 additional Judges at the contest. Then, when the smoke cleared with last minute drop outs, we had 25 quartets in the contest and a double panel would have been all we needed. For economics reasons, it was decided that with the decline in member participation at the conventions, along with increasing room rates, meals and airfare for Judges, we need to hold our Fall Judging panels to a double panel. Yes, we know that E stands for ENCOURAGEMENT, however, it also stands for E c o n o m i c s . T h e re f o re , u n t i l participation out performs economics, this method will be in effect to qualify quartets for the LO’L Al y Gar Fall District Quartet Contests. There Les will be no change in the method of m Ji qualifying choruses for the LO’L Fall 1995 LOL District Seniors Quartet Champions. District Chorus Contest. Est. 1943 The contact person for each of these contests is also on the LO’L website under “Events”, then click on “3 year Events Schedule”. From the Archives... May/June 1982 On the cover: Pittsburgh Bound: The Minneapolis Commodores and Little Rascals, Talk of the Town, ‘Lectric Chord Company, and Queen City Slickers Page 5 - Jack Gray named LO’L BOTY Page 13 - The Menomonee Falls Chapter presents “The Great Merge” featuring The Louisville Thoroughbreds and Blue Grass Student Union Many years of side-splitting musical harmony GARY ERICKSON 606 S. 10th St. • Montevideo, MN 56265 (320) 269-7148 Main Street Station an a capella quartet robb jason steve patrick contact: steve mendell (608) 769-5830 skamwbass@yahoo.com www.mainstreetstationquartet.com facebook: main street station Pitch Piper 11 January - February 2012 Now, for the Society Scholarship… DIRECTOR’S COLLEGE IS FOR YOU! Submitted by John Plazek LO’L Chorus Director Development YOU MUST SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR EACH SCHOLARSHIP YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. If you want to apply for both scholarships for a better chance to receive one, then you must send in TWO APPLICATIONS, one to Nashville and one to me. The Society applications will only be st accepted if postmarked between March 1 and April 1st, 2012! Happy New Year Director's, it's that time again. Out with the old and in with the new. Maybe new songs, maybe new members, maybe a new attitude about the music, and maybe learning some new directing techniques to help your guys! What better place to do that then at Director's College and Harmony University, July 29 - August 5, 2012. For the Harmony Foundation sponsored scholarship application, go to: http://barbershop.org/directors-college-scholarship.html. Make plans to attend for the best week of your Barbershopping life! You won't regret it! If you have any questions, please contact me at the above address or call 414-423-8885 or email jplazek@execpc.com. You have 2 DIFFERENT WAYS to receive a FREE Scholarship (transportation not included). 1) Apply for the Harmony Foundation Scholarship AND 2) Apply for the Land O' Lakes District sponsored scholarship. Now here's the Society Information: Here is the Director's College Harmony Foundation Scholarship Guidelines and Criteria for the Application In order to be considered for a Director's College (DC) scholarship, you must meet the following criteria: 1) The Harmony Foundation Scholarship information is listed below. • Be a BHS member, associate, or affiliate • Be a front line director, assistant director, or aspiring director of a barbershop chorus, and • Must commit to becoming a Certified Director *see note* • Have not received a scholarship within the last 5 years to attend Directors College, and • Can commit to the dates of Directors College July 29 - August 5, 2012. *Note - To become a Certified Director you must take specific, designated classes that focus on directing skills, sound management, music theory, barbershop craft, and leadership. • Please complete and send Director Certification application with the Directors College Scholarship Application and paperwork. • If already enrolled in program, please note that on the Certification Application. • Exceptions - Affiliate and Music Educator recipients. Please read and follow the below instructions. Failure to follow all instructions will result in invalidating your application. • Applications must be completed and postmarked to the Society Headquarters between March1st and April 1st (if you live overseas, emails ARE acceptable…please send PDF format) • Applications submitted first and that meet all criteria will receive priority • Applications sent before the deadline will be asked to be sent again between the requested dates of March 1st and April 1st • Priority will be given to Front Line Directors • Once all scholarships have been offered, each successive application will be filed in order of receipt and placed on a waiting list • If for some reason the scholarship award recipient cannot attend DC, the next in line will be offered the scholarship. 2) For the LO’L Scholarship, send the following information to me at: John Plazek Attn: LO'L Scholarship nd 5859 S 42 Street Greenfield, WI 53221 The Land O' Lakes District is giving away one Directors College Scholarship. Yes, emails are acceptable for the LO’L scholarship only. You can also find this info at: www.loldistrict.org. The rules for LO'L are: The applicant must be: - A Front line Director of an LO'L Chorus. - Able to attend Director's College in St. Joseph, MO. - A Member/Associate member of the LO'L District. - Application must be received by me no later than May 12, 2012. This is for tuition, meals and lodging only. You must provide your own transportation to and from Director's College. Please send the following information to me: - Your Name: Your Member #: The Chorus you are currently directing: Your Email address: Your Home address: Your City, State, Zip: Your Phone #'s: Your Voice part for learning CD: Why you want the Director's College Scholarship: Have you received an LO’L District Scholarship before: If yes, when? - Have you received a Society Scholarship before: If yes, when? Thank you for listening and remember… it's what's up front that counts! That's it! Pitch Piper 12 January - February 2012 LEADERSHIP ACADEMY THOROUGHLY ENJOYED VERN ZWICKY CHAPTER COUNSELOR OF THE YEAR AWARD Submitted by Bill Mark The leadership academy was fantastic! I have been to other sessions, but this one was the absolute best. Five Faribault Lakelanders attended, and we all came away pumped up. We were made to feel welcome even before arriving. I drove a minivan with three other Lakelanders to River Falls Friday morning. We were honored with an unexpected police escort, we were led by a squad car right to the building. A very polite young policeman stopped us right on the edge of the University of Wisconsin campus. After we had a nice chat, he gave us directions to the building where he thought the training would take place. We could not find the building, and he again stopped when we were obviously lost, performing a U-turn. He then gave us a police escort to the building. I think it is just swell how helpful and friendly the police department of River Falls is. If any other barbershopper wants a police escort next year, all he has to do is go 34 when the speed limit is 25. I only received a warning, and made a new friend. Pitch Piper The 2011 Vern Zwicky Chapter Counselor of the Year Award recipient is Chuck Olsen of Fergus Falls, MN, representing the Red Carpet/NorthWest Divisions. Presenting the award is Judd Orff. 13 January - February 2012 LEADERSHIP ACADEMY AFTERGLOW The Bottom Line LLLL O O O O LLLL St. Croix Crossing Grand Design Vocality Expedition LLLL O O O O LLLL TTTT O O O O PPPP TTTT O O O O PPPP G G G G U U U U N N N N G G G G U U U U N N N N Q Q Q Q U U U U A A A A R R R R TTTT EE E E TTTT S S S S Q Q Q Q U U U U A A A A R R R R TTTT EE E E TTTT S S S S Pitch Piper 14 January - February 2012 2012 LEADERSHIP ACADEMY OFFERED... Good Coaching Good Food Good Administrative Training Good Singing Education ...AND MORE! 2012 District Board of Directors (Left to right): Larry Lewis, President; Tom Weber, VP - Division One; Dave Sylte, VP - Music and Performance/Education; Jim Hall, VP - Financial Development; Jack Edgerton, Treasurer; Chuck Schubbe, Executive VP; Arv Zenk, Secretary; Clary Reinhardt, VP Packerland; Dan True, VP - 10,000 Lakes; Thomas Schubbe, VP - Southwest; Gordon Billows, VP - Red Carpet/Northwest; Judd Orff, VP - Leadership Training (CSLT). Pitch Piper 15 January - February 2012 Land O’ Lakes District Association of Chapters of SPEBSQSA Inc. 110 7th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37203-3704 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANITOWOC, WI 54220 PERMIT NO. 14 DATED MATERIAL ENCLOSED Calendar NOTE: Dates shown on this page are for those activities that have proper clearance through the District Secretary. Please DO NOT send show registrations to the editor, DO notify: ARV ZENK, Secretary Land O' Lakes District 209 Candi Court N Mankato, MN 56003 arvjane@hickorytech.net 2012 March 3 3 10 18 24 24 24 30-31 April 13 14 14 14 Hilltop, MN Milwaukee, WI La Crosse, WI Greater Grand Forks, MN Manitowoc, WI Minneapolis, MN Oshkosh, WI Southwest & 10,000 Lakes Contest Fergus Falls, MN Vocality, Rebecca Davis Detroit Lakes, MN Vocality, Rebecca Davis St. Croix Valley, MN Greendale, WI Division One Contest Appleton, WI The Real McCoy 14 14 14 21 21 21 27 28 28 28 May 4 5 19 19 25-26 June 30 July 1-8 Dunn County, WI GQ Mankato, MN Wausau, WI St. Cloud, MN Old School Willmar, MN Great Northern Union Winnipeg, MAN Regina, Sask Regina, Sask West Allis, WI The Benson Family Singers Green Bay, WI October 26-28 Rochester, MN Fall Convention November 10 Rock Valley, WI 10-11 Hilltop, MN December 8 Greendale, WI Stevens Point, WI Spring Convention & International Prelims 27 28 28 Stevens Point, WI Packerland Contest Fergus Falls, MN Red Carpet & Northwest Contest Greendale, WI Saskatoon, Sask May 3-5 2013 April 6 27 3-5 18 Hilltop, MN Portland, OR International Convention Greendale, WI Division One Contest Minot, ND Red Carpet/Northwest Division Contest Regina, Sask Regina, Sask Dauphin, MAN The Bottom Line Hilltop, MN International Prelims & Spring Convention Hilltop, MN Southwest/10,000 Lakes Division Contest Appleton, WI Packerland Division Contest June 30-7/7 Toronto, CAN International Convention
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Office of Publication:
Editors: Bob/Bill Fricke
2011 S. 14th Street
Manitowoc, WI 54220