2000 Annual Report
2000 Annual Report
42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page C1 >>> Inspiring citizens to action A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 0 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page C2 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page 1 I ask you to be citizens “I ask you to be citizens: citizens, not spectators; citizens, not subjects; responsible citizens, building communities of service and a nation of character.” —President George W. Bush, Inaugural Address, January 20, 2001 President Harry S. Truman once said that the highest office in the land is that of citizen. As we at City Year reflect on our 2000 program year and look forward to the work ahead, we must agree: there is no role more vital, no voice more powerful, no ingredient more essential to the health of our democracy than citizenship. ■ Echoing President Truman’s remark, President George W. Bush issued a call to the nation in his inaugural address, “I ask you to be citizens: citizens, not spectators; citizens, not subjects; responsible citizens, building communities of service and a nation of character.” President Bush has drawn a distinction of which Truman would be proud. To be a citizen in the dictionary sense is to be merely an inhabitant of a community or a member of a state; to be a “citizen” according to President Bush’s call is to be an active citizen. ■ We believe that the best hope for our nation’s future lies in the active citizenry for which President Bush has called. All over America, active citizens are putting their ingenuity to use and finding solutions to our country’s problems through social entrepreneurship and community service. As a proud member of AmeriCorps, City Year endeavors to inspire ever greater numbers of citizens to action. Through our unique programs and partnerships, we are engaging Americans on every level, inspiring people to be active citizens instead of spectators, to build “communities of service and a nation of character.” 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page 2 to the City Year community from the chair 2 Jeffrey B. Swartz City Year is a dynamic action tank of idealists whose daily service On behalf of the National Board of Trustees and the local site boards from is made possible by an extraordinary It may have been in a classroom or a community center or around the network of corporate, civic, govermental, kitchen table. Perhaps you displayed your commitment to our ideals and community partners. Each partner through your financial support. Perhaps you made it possible for your is anchored to the same mission and employees to serve or were able to sponsor Young Heroes or a Camp or all of us are united in a shared passion your team’s journey to cyzygy, City Year’s Annual Convention of Idealism. for changing the world through service. Perhaps you volunteered as a Board Member or on an event committee or The inspiration for in service with the corps. One thing I can guarantee, that without your even our commitment and passion are the knowing it — your example inspired the rest of us. Through your efforts, we young leaders of City Year, who remind us on a daily basis of the promise across the country, I want to thank you for your leadership and commitment. had an extraordinary “city year.” of Dr. King’s Beloved Community. They are — through word, deed, and purpose — inspiring citizens to action. Thank you for all you do for City Year and the children they serve. I hope you will continue to share your strength of service with them and the Our path of service reflects our life’s journeys and the resources we bring to communities where you live and work. bear. The educators among us contribute training and expertise to ensure that our classroom service is high-quality and challenging. Community With respect and appreciation, partners and civic leaders offer wisdom and frontline perspective so that the change City Year seeks can be realized and sustained. Corporate investors contribute business experience and insight so that the ambitious vision of a truly national service organization can be built — and built to Jeffrey B. Swartz last. And family members offer corps members the most essential gifts of all President & CEO — unconditional love and support. The Timberland Company Chair, City Year National Board of Trustees Different paths but one purpose, one meeting place — the common ground of service. Over the last decade we have become a community of champions with a mandate for unwavering idealism and powerful potential. This year that potential was realized again and again: the founding of City Year Detroit, the addition of Cisco Systems and MFS Investment Management® as National Leadership Sponsors, strategic program innovations to enhance service impact, and most important of all, nearly 1.42 million hours of service contributed by the 825 outstanding leaders of the City Year national corps. 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page 3 MFS Investment Management, both leaders in their respective industries, joined City Year at the National Leadership level with commitments of $1 million. We are honored by the belief in our mission that is reflected in these new commitments. We celebrated our 2000 program year with cyzygy, City Year’s Annual Convention of Idealism, in San Jose/Silicon Valley. For four days we shared ideas about national service and social entrepreneurship with the leading Michael Brown Alan Khazei Inspiring Citizens to Action. City Year 2000 was a time for recommitment to the organization’s core values, a time for renewal in preparation for what entrepreneurs of the New Economy. It was truly fitting that City Year celebrated its first cyzygy of the new century in a community characterized by innovation and distinctive as one of the first regions in America to be without a single race in the majority. lies ahead. City Year renewed its commitment to serving as an action tank for national service and promoting the concept of a federal commitment to national service programs. We were honored to co-host three major presidential candidates with The Timberland Company, and we distributed a presidential policy paper on national and community service to major party candidates. It was a year for building new organizational capacities, including a technology initiative that put the entire organization on a single computer platform and placed a Compaq computer on every City Year desk nationwide — connected by Cisco routers and switches. Thanks to Compaq In closing, as we look forward to the challenges and opportunities ahead, we are reminded how much the success of City Year is predicated upon the belief and support of the citizens who have taken action with us and on our behalf. We salute the 2000 corps for their commitment and accomplishments, and our dedicated service partners, board members, staff, and financial supporters. The theme of this year’s annual report, “Inspiring Citizens to Action,” would be equally true in reverse, for it is your action that has inspired us, and it is your support and partnership that will sustain us in the future. Computer Corporation and Cisco Systems, City Year is wired and online for the 21st century! It was a year for growth, as we welcomed a new Your partners in service, site to our network, City Year Detroit, and launched start-up teams for City Year New Hampshire and City Year Washington, DC. It was a year of innovation, as The Timberland Company launched a unique community wealth venture, Red Boot, which raised funds and awareness for City Year, and became the first corporation in America to house a youth service corps in its corporate headquarters. And it was a year of deepening partnerships. Two long-time City Year sponsors, Cisco Systems and Michael Brown Alan Khazei President & Co-Founder CEO & Co-Founder from the co-founders City Year Annual Report 2000 3 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page 4 inspiring generations of citizens to action citizens in action 4 inspire citizens to social action and transform the world around them. They do this with the spirit of idealism, the discipline of hard work, the purpose of shared goals, and the pride of representing their generation. The young leaders of City Year City Year, a proud member of the AmeriCorps network, is a national service organization that unites hundreds of young adults, ages 17 to 24, from diverse racial, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds for a demanding year of full-time community service, leadership development, and civic engagement. “I am proud of who and what I represent when I get up in the morning and put on my uniform; proud of the difference we make in the communities we serve and lives we touch; proud of my family’s involvement in Serve-a-thon, Young Heroes, Camp City Year, and cyzygy; and proud of the service that ‘my’ corps members deliver, the growth that they experience as students of the community, and the lives they go on to lead after graduating from AmeriCorps.” —Debie Parker, City Year Columbia Alumna, ’96, Director of the Corps, City Year Boston City Year Facts 1999–2000 Hours served ....................................1.4 million Children served ..................................115,879 City Year Corps Members .........................825 Citizens engaged ..................................64,015 Young Heroes ............................................959 City Heroes ................................................400 Nonprofit Partners .....................................399 Serve-a-thon participants ....................17,951 (An annual event run by City Year that engages thousands in service) 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page 5 City Year Annual Report 2000 Y O U N G H E R O E S Through City Year’s Young Heroes program, a service-learning leadership development program, City Year corps members encourage middle school students to take a proactive role in their communities, strengthening the lives of those around them and themselves. Young Heroes programs are established at ten City Year sites. To date, more than 3,500 middle school students have participated in the Young Heroes program, and we have begun to enlist our Young Heroes alumni into the ranks of our City Year corps. C I T Y H E R O E S City Year’s high school service and service-learning initiative, City Heroes, exploded in size and popularity in 2000. Launched in San Antonio in 1995, high school service is now a centerpiece in Chicago, Philadelphia, and Columbia. City Heroes represents the next stage in the continuum that began with Young Heroes, our middle school service corps. The City Heroes program is also a natural recruitment feeder system for City Year, providing the opportunity to develop a new generation of proud role models and problem solvers in their high schools and communities. Corps members at a roundtable with Jerry Yang, Chief Yahoo and Director, Yahoo! Inc. young leaders “I could tell that the kids were thinking twice about what they had learned, feeling pride in themselves. I know that they felt good to be a part of something this important.” —Parent of a City Year Young Hero, San Jose/Silicon Valley “It made me feel good because I was able to meet new people from different schools, and different races. At the same time, I’m helping the city!” —Kari, City Year Young Hero 2000 5 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page 6 inspiring a lifetime of active citizenship alumni 6 City Year’s alumni — a growing force of idealism and action This year we have initiated new efforts to leverage our nearly 5,000 alumni, keeping them connected, informed, and engaged in the national service movement. In the next decade there will be over 20,000 City Year alumni who have been inspired to civic action and possess skills and experience in leading social change. City Year alumna Taj Mustapha at cyzygy 2000. “It’s so obvious to me that City Year can be a life-changing experience. It’s so often forgotten that the thousands of hours of service are just the tip of the iceberg, and that turning a teenager like myself into a better person is the real benefit.” City Year alumnus Spencer Blasdale at City Year forum with presidential candidate Bill Bradley. “ “City Year demonstrated to me time and again the importance of doing rather than talking, of substance over hype, of working hard regardless of what others think.” —Spencer Blasdale, Boston ’88, Principal, Academy of the Pacific Rim Charter School “City Year isn’t just about service or one corps member. It’s about a revolution of the heart. A revolution of young people answering the call to service and committing their lives, talents, skills and energies to changing the world while changing themselves.” —Jenny Gray, Boston ’93, Assistant Director of Resident Services, Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción, a community development corporation —Taj Mustapha, Boston ’92, Founder & Executive Director, At the Crossroads, an organization that serves homeless youth in San Francisco “I took what I learned as an AmeriCorps member and applied it directly back to the community. I founded Blackfeet Youth Initiative on many of the same ideals as City Year: teamwork, diversity, inclusivity.” —Susie Margolin, Columbia ’95, Founder, Blackfeet Youth Initiative, a leadership and diversity training program serving Blackfeet and non-Native American young people in Montana “City Year has influenced the way I look at diversity. Diversity is about an honest exchange of ideas, talents, and background. City Year has helped me to push for true diversity in the institutions with which I work.” —Mark Payne, Chicago ’95, New Communities Initiative Outreach Coordinator, Near West Side Community Development Corporation 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page 7 City Year Annual Report 2000 Congratulations to our 2000 Compaq Leadership Award Recipients T H E C O M PA Q L E A D E R S H I P A W A R D S Compaq Computer Corporation, a National Leadership Sponsor of Sara Price, Chicago ’96, Staff Attorney, Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago City Year, began honoring City Year alumni in 1995 at City Year’s Jim Allen, Boston ’93, Director of Information Technology, City Year National Headquarters first Annual Convention of Idealism, cyzygy, in Columbus, Ohio. The Bernadette Limosnero, San Jose/Silicon Valley ’96, Program Director, City Year National Headquarters Compaq Leadership Awards annually honor the accomplishments LaTonya Brown, Boston ’94, Director of Programs, Phillips Brooks House, Inc., Harvard University of up to five alumni who have distinguished themselves through their Debie Parker, Columbia ’96, Director of the Corps, City Year Boston civic leadership skills and commitment to community service. Award winners receive a recognition plaque and a state-of-the-art Compaq notebook computer. Compaq Computer Corporation Chairman & CEO Michael D. Capellas congratulates Bernadette Limosnero at cyzygy 2000. alumni action ✓ City Year alumni voter participation rates are higher than those of their peers US Population of Similar Age and Education Level T O TA L A L U M N I 66% 34% College Graduate 67% Some College 69% 43% High School Graduate Non-High School Graduate City Year Alumni 59% 23% 14% 53% Source: Research and Systematic Learning, City Year, Inc., 1996 Presidential Election 91% “You have the vision, you have the passion, you have the ability to get involved, you have the ability to relate with people, and most importantly you have an ability to make a difference.” —Michael D. Capellas, Chairman & CEO, Compaq Computer Corporation 7 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page 8 8 inspiring corporate citizenship “National Leadership Sponsors are the companies — and the people — that are building City Year and taking it to scale. They are our closest strategic partners. National Leadership Sponsors invest at least $1 million in City Year — but just as important, the people of these special companies invest their time, their ideas, and their civic passion in City Year.” —Michael Brown, President & Co-Founder, City Year, Inc. CISCO SYSTEMS The Cisco/City Year relationship began in 1993 when San Jose Mayor Susan Hammer introduced City Year co-founder Michael Brown to John Morgridge, then Cisco CEO and current Chairman of the Board, and Barbara Beck, Cisco Senior Vice President of Human Resources. Cisco became a founding sponsor of City Year San Jose/Silicon Valley, sponsoring the first Cisco Team. Since then, the Cisco Foundation has continued to sponsor teams in San Jose and now sponsors Tech Teams in Boston, Cleveland, San Jose, and Seattle. These teams are involved with the Cisco Networking Academy program which gives corps members the opportunity to learn networking technology and help bridge the Digital Divide in local communities. The Cisco Foundation is also a founding site sponsor of City Year Washington, DC. Cisco Systems has been a major investor in City Year’s multi-year initiative to maximize technology to help the organization grow to scale, improve operational effectiveness, and provide City Year staff and corps members with the technological tools to enable powerful social entrepreneurship. Cisco has invested over $400,000 in equipment that forms the backbone of City Year’s wide area network and has provided City Year with invaluable technical assistance on using Cisco equipment for network connectivity and long distance voice service through the Internet. On the local level, Cisco helped launch a community-based technology initiative in Boston. “At Cisco, our employees are proud to Working with community partners, City Year and be working with City Year, which does Cisco helped establish the El Batey Technology an incredible job of using technology to Center with computers provided by Cisco and improve people’s lives. Working side by funding from the Cisco Foundation. At cyzygy 2000, side with corps members and hearing City Year’s Annual Convention of Idealism, teams their stories reinforces one of our core of Cisco volunteers — “Cisco Citizens” — joined in service with City Year to dramatically restore a values at Cisco: that we can make a community garden that had fallen into disrepair. difference in the community.” —John P. Morgridge, Chairman of the Board, Cisco Systems, Inc. C O M PA Q C O M P U T E R C O R P O R AT I O N One of City Year’s two founding national sponsors, Compaq Computer Corporation began its relationship with City Year in 1993 with a $70,000 contribution to support a 10-member Boston team. To date, the company has invested more than $3.5 million in City Year and provided the organization with equipment, technical expertise, and employee volunteers in collaborative community service programs. In 1998, Compaq deepened its partnership with City Year by leading the effort to migrate the entire organization to an all-PC technology platform. The $500,000 Compaq Challenge to the high-tech community ultimately leveraged nearly $2 million more in cash, software, printers, and technical support. Compaq’s investments significantly enhanced City Year’s capacity to deliver its community service programs to nonprofit organizations and schools across the country. Since 1995, the company has sponsored the Compaq Leadership Awards, presented each year to five outstanding City Year alumni at cyzygy, City Year’s Annual Convention of Idealism. The Compaq Leadership Awards recognize City Year alumni who have continued their dedication to community service, maintain a commitment to excellence, provide encouragement to others, and exemplify the core values of Compaq and City Year: teamwork, responsibility, diversity, respect for others, leadership, innovation, and personal growth. Compaq employees regularly participate in communitybased volunteer programs, including City Year’s annual Serve-a-thon and other events. At cyzygy 2000, teams of Compaq employees joined with City Year to transform the grounds of a San Jose elementary school — resodding hundreds of square feet of grass, painting murals, and building a new playground that delighted the school’s children. “To the elected officials, the corporate leaders, the people who are giving time, the people who are giving talent, and the people who are giving money to City Year, we need to re-double, re-triple, all of our efforts. We need to continue to stay involved. For all of us who have had some success in our lives, let’s look back and remember there was something along the way that helped us, and let’s make sure that we continue to carry the baton.” —Michael D. Capellas, Chairman & CEO, Compaq Computer Corporation 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:22 AM Page 9 MFS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT MFS Investment Management®, a leading money management firm named by Fortune in 2000 as one of the “Top 100 Companies to Work for in America,” has become City Year’s third National Leadership Sponsor. The MFS Investment Management/City Year partnership began a decade ago when Jeffrey L. Shames, the Chairman and CEO of MFS and a Peace Corps alumnus, began to provide City Year’s co-founders with informal advice and personal support. Over the past two years, MFS Investment Management has forged a strong partnership with City Year Boston, sponsoring a City Year team and “What we can accomplish together serving as Presenting Sponsor of is truly amazing. By partnering with the Boston Serve-a-thon, a City Year, every MFS employee can transformative day of community service and pledge-based fundraishave a sense of pride — working ing that engages nearly 8,000 together for the company and for community members each year to the community.” complete service projects with over —Jeffrey L. Shames, 100 nonprofit organizations. Chairman & CEO, MFS Investment Management Because it believes that financial literacy is critical to effective citizenship, MFS sponsors a select group of Boston corps members, the “MFS Investment Management Financial Literacy Team,” which is trained in a financial literacy curriculum that they in turn teach to the Boston corps, with the ultimate goal of integrating financial literacy certification as part of the personal development program for the entire national corps. In addition to serving as the Presenting Sponsor of the City Year Boston Serve-athon for the third consecutive year, MFS is now the Presenting Sponsor of the Boston-area Starry, Starry Night, a festive evening of fundraising, inspiration, and celebration. Throughout the year, and on special days each fall and spring, hundreds of MFS employees make a powerful human investment in the greater Boston community by serving alongside their City Year team and local residents to renovate school grounds, community centers, and playgrounds in Boston’s neighborhoods. T H E T I M B E R L A N D C O M PA N Y For over a decade, The Timberland Company and City Year have built a powerful partnership and redefined what a company and a nonprofit organization can do together: build a national youth corps, embed service and civic ideals into the core values of a corporate culture, engage other corporate partners in service and idealism, and create sustainable community change. Two U.S. presidents have lauded this collaboration, first year Harvard Business School students are required to study the partnership, and corporations across the country use it as a reference for developing strategic partnerships. In 2000, the fusion of Timberland and City Year cultures, values, and service took on new dynamism and energy with Timberland championing the development of City Year New Hampshire and housing the new corps in its global headquarters, launching a unique community wealth venture promoting City Year, the Red Boot campaign, and hosting with City Year town-meeting events with the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees, each of whom discussed his commitment to national service and citizen service. Timberland’s commitment to City Year is rooted in its philosophy that service is a means to build community and affect social justice. In addition to its investment as a National Leadership Sponsor, the Timberland uniform equips our corps to serve and lead in high-quality boots, clothes, and apparel. City Year partners with Timberland at service events all across the country, contributing 33,695 employee service hours in 2000. “At Timberland we act on the belief that doing well and doing good are not separate activities. In fact, our commitment to social justice is a part of how we earn our living. It’s how we earn value for our shareholders. It’s how we provide distinction for our customers. It’s how we recruit top talent. Finally, it’s how we create real, sustainable change in our communities...and choose to compete in the world.” —Jeffrey B. Swartz, President & CEO, The Timberland Company corporate partners City Year Annual Report 2000 9 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 10 inspiring new City Year programs citizen champions 10 Citizens build City Year People often ask us how we choose where to start new City Year programs. The simple answer is, “we don’t.” New City Year programs start wherever a champion emerges who is inspired to bring City “Seven Guideposts” for Establishing City Year in Your Community 1 A community delegation visits City Year’s National Headquarters 2 A local champion commits to lead the two-year process of starting a new City Year program factors that determine whether a new City Year program gets off 3 “Start-up” grants are raised the ground: support from community leaders, funding from the 4 Letters of support are received from business, political, and civic leaders in support of launching the program 5 Multi-year funding is secured from the private sector, AmeriCorps, and municipal government 6 Housing, transportation, and headquarters space for a City Year “Start-Up Team” is secured 7 A unique “stone soup” contribution from the new community to the national City Year network is identified Year to his or her community — people like John Marshall in Detroit, Steve and Jean Case in Washington, D.C., and Jeff Swartz and the Timberland Company in New Hampshire. There are many business and philanthropic communities, and nonprofit service partners excited to work with City Year corps members to expand their capacities and programs. Each new City Year program succeeded in its launch because a champion emerged who “wouldn’t take no for an answer” when it came to exciting people and institutions about youth service, AmeriCorps, and the City Year experience. These champions dedicate their time, energy, resources, and personal credibility, often over a two-year period or more, to successfully meet City Year’s “Seven Guideposts” for New Site Development. 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 11 City Year Annual Report 2000 Launching City Year Detroit While visiting Boston, Detroit Mayor Dennis W. Archer encountered City Spotlight on Service Year corps members doing their daily PT and declared “I want that for COMMON GROUND SANCTUARY Detroit!” He got his wish thanks to early support from C. David Campbell, Common Ground Sanctuary, corps members developed and delivered substance President of the McGregor Fund, Virgil Carr, President/CEO of United Way abuse skits to elementary and middle school students in a low income area of Community Services, and The Kresge Foundation’s President and CEO Pontiac, reinforcing the dangers and long-term consequences of drugs and violence. Through City Year Detroit’s partnership with the John E. Marshall, III and Senior Program Officer Marlies Parenti, who led City Year Detroit through the two-year launch process. The exploration of JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT these early champions began to pay off when co-chairs of the Founding deliver business and economic curricula to elementary and middle school students Board, Gail Warden, President & CEO of Henry Ford Health System, and in Detroit, teaching the actual long-term economic benefits of staying in school and Walter C. Watkins, Jr., former President of Bank One-Michigan, quickly achieving self-sufficiency. Junior Achievement and City Year Detroit partnered to secured start-up funding for the site. MICHIGAN METRO GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL (MMGSC) City Year Detroit’s The Kresge Foundation contributed a challenge grant of $1.5 million over partnership with MMGSC trained and certified corps members to lead and deliver three years to establish an endowment fund, a first for a City Year site. the Girl Scouts’ unique “critical life skills” curriculum to hundreds of girls in Detroit The first $300,000 pledge, thanks to the leadership of Founding Board public schools who may never have been reached otherwise, due to a lack of member David Page, Senior Partner, Honigman Miller Schwartz and parent volunteers and limited financial resources. Cohn, came from the Jewish Community of Metropolitan Detroit (The Jewish Fund, The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, and the United Jewish Foundation). This three-year commitment was the catalyst for other corporate team sponsors to come on board: Bank One, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Comerica Incorporated, DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund, and Henry Ford Health System/HAP. Significant commitments from the Community Foundation of Southeastern Michigan, David Whitney Fund, Hudson-Webber Foundation, McGregor Fund, Pistons-Palace Foundation, Skillman Foundation, and W. K. Kellogg Foundation solidified the start-up funding for the site. As a result of all this hard work and dedication, the 65 members of City “By bringing together a diverse group of idealistic young people for a year of service, City Year Detroit demonstrates that inclusiveness and service are an integral part of the city’s renewal. Programs like City Year make Detroit a better place to live and work.” —John E. Marshall, III, President & CEO, The Kresge Foundation Year Detroit’s founding corps far exceeded their service impact goals, established innovative programs with service partners, actively engaged team sponsors, and participated in events with President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, and Corporation for National Service CEO Harris Wofford. Congratulations on a remarkable first year! John E. Marshall, III addresses the City Year Detroit corps at graduation. 11 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 12 inspiring a national call to service Presidential candidate George W. Bush action tank 12 Inspiring our Nation’s Leaders City Year and The Timberland Company were proud to host 2000 presidential candidates Vice President Al Gore, then-Governor George W. Bush, and former U.S. Senator Bill Bradley. City Year distributed a policy paper to the major presidential candidates entitled: “Taking National and Community Service to Presidential candidate Al Gore Scale: A Presidential Policy Proposal,” which served as the inspiration for President Bush’s plan for Silver Scholarships (see opposite page). Through these activities, City Year shares its vision and goals for national service and continues to work towards fulfilling its vision that one day the most commonly asked question of an 18 year-old will be “where are you going to do your service year?” “Cultures change one heart, one soul, one conscience at a time. Government can hand out money, but what it cannot do is put hope in our hearts or a sense of purpose in our lives. This is found in churches and synagogues and mosques and charities that warm the cold of life, just like City Year.” George P. Bush Joins City Year Philadelphia in Service During the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, George P. Bush, nephew of President George W. Bush, joined approximately 100 youth, 25 City Year staff and corps, and 30 people from Youth in Action and Youth Service America to support the Fairmount Park Commission’s efforts to maintain F.D.R. Park. —Presidential Candidate George W. Bush, December 1999 George P. Bush (left) with corps members “An ‘action tank’ is both a program and a ‘think tank’ — constantly combining theory and practice to advance new policy ideas, make programmatic breakthroughs, and bring about major changes in society. City Year is an “action tank” for national service, working to advance and improve the concept and delivery of voluntary national service so that one day, giving a year of service will become a common expectation — and a real opportunity — for millions of young Americans.” —Alan Khazei, CEO & Co-Founder, City Year, Inc. Presidential candidate Bill Bradley 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 13 City Year Annual Report 2000 A B O L D N AT I O N A L A N D C O M M U N I T Y S E R V I C E AGENDA FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Throughout the presidential campaign season, City Year worked with national service leaders across the country to promote a series of critical steps that must be taken in order to expand the reach of national service in America. These ten steps form the cornerstone of City Year’s policy paper “Taking National and Community Service to Scale.” “Seniors have more free time, and they want to use it. They have the wisdom of years, and they want to share it.” —Presidential Candidate George W. Bush In May of 2000 presidential candidate George W. Bush announced his plan for “Silver Scholarships,” inspired by a concept proposed by City Year. Seniors who spend at least 500 hours a year tutoring 1 Take national service to scale by increasing full-time AmeriCorps volunteers from 40,000 to 250,000 per year within the decade and mentoring students will be eligible to earn a $1,000 scholarship 2 Ask senior citizens to serve — and earn college scholarships they can donate to young people in need their children, grandchildren, or another child in need. The Silver 3 Establish a grant fund to challenge the private sector to match new government spending on national service 4 Turn college “Work-Study” into “Serve-Study” to enable 500,000 college students to perform community service 5 Challenge 100,000 high school students to become “Summer Heroes” by dedicating their summer vacations to service 6 Provide 10,000 high schools with a “Community Coach” — a service-learning coordinator — to engage millions of students in service 7 Establish a “Citizen Response Corps” for disaster relief 8 Launch a new presidential tradition in which the President of the United States personally engages in monthly community service to inform public policy decisions and inspire Americans to serve 9 Challenge the private sector to provide a week of paid leave for community service, and to recognize the value of citizen service in college admissions and hiring criteria 10 Establish an annual presidential leadership summit on the state of national and community service that can be deposited in an education savings account for use by Scholarship program was included for $20 million in the federal budget President Bush proposed in January 2001. 13 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 14 14 inspiring a deeper commitment to social entrepreneurship lism of idea ention v n o c l ua r’s ann City Yea 2000 “Not since Bobby Kennedy broke bread with Cesar Chavez had y g y z cy Susan Hammer, Mayor of San Jose (1991-1998), is honored with City Year’s Lifetime of Idealism Award idealism and energy joined together with such force in California.” —San Jose Mercury News, June 16, 2000 idealism C ity Year’s Annual Convention of Idealism, cyzygy 2000, held at San Jose State University in the heart of Silicon Valley, celebrated the power and potential of the national service movement. City Year corps members, alumni, and champions joined with some of the most successful New Economy entrepreneurs to explore ways in which the two sectors can learn from each other. What a difference a day makes! Service Day at cyzygy 2000 More than 1,800 City Year corps members and champions joined together for a powerful day of transformative community service. The event was launched with the AmeriCorps pledge and an inspiring call to service from San Jose City Council Member Cindy Chavez. Providing the San Jose community with more than 10,000 hours of community service in just one day, volunteers at the cyzygy Service Day built three playgrounds, repainted six elementary schools and playgrounds, painted several murals, planted two community gardens, and lifted spirits across Silicon Valley. 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 15 City Year Annual Report 2000 “We strive as a company to be an outstanding corporate citizen, and City Year members allow us to accomplish that. Adobe believes that inspiration becomes reality. City Year inspires us to move beyond words, to act on the community values that we, as an organization, profess. We’re proud to sponsor City Year, and we’re proud that they also wear the Adobe name. Best Camps, City Year San Jose/Silicon Valley —Bruce Chizen, President & CEO, Adobe Systems Incorporated cyzygy awards Each year we celebrate excellence in service and best practices at City Year’s sites through the cyzygy Awards. Award winners for 2000 were: syzygy [siz-i-gee] — noun — rare alignment of celestial bodies cyzygy A convention: City Year’s Annual Convention of Idealism that unites more than 1,500 corps members, alumni, corporate, civic, and community champions. A demonstration: Of the power of service to build a stronger democracy and empower people as citizen leaders. A celebration: Of an intense year of service, leadership development, and civic engagement in communities across our country by young leaders serving on the front lines of our nation’s most critical issues. City Year’s Annual Convention of Idealism, cyzygy 2000, featured powerful and inspirational speakers including (from top left) Stuart Davidson, Managing Director, Labrador Ventures; Dr. Robert Caret, President, San Jose State University; San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzalez; Guy Kawasaki, Founder and CEO, Garage.com; Kathy Levinson, former President & COO, E*TRADE Securities, Inc.; Gib Meyers, Chairman, Entrepreneurs’ Foundation; and Lisa Sobrato Sonsini, President, Sobrato Family Foundation. Best MLK Day: San Antonio Best Daily Briefing: Columbus and Seattle/King County Best Team Sponsor Program: Cleveland Best Inspirational Communication: Philadelphia Best Civic Engagement: Seattle/ King County Best School Impact: San Antonio Best Camp City Year: San Jose Best Curriculum Impact: Boston Best Beyond School Walls: Seattle/ King County Best Young Heroes: San Jose Bridging the Digital Divide: Boston Best Research and Systematic Learning: Chicago Best Recruitment: Columbus Best Leadership Curriculum: San Antonio Physical Training Competition Winner: Columbia The Cup of Idealism: San Jose 15 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 16 16 inspiring innovative fundraising Chad Gifford, President & COO, FleetBoston Financial Corporation, speaks at Starry, Starry Night 2000 in Boston. “The City Year Red Boot is more than a fashion statement; it’s a commitment to community.” —Jeffrey B. Swartz, President & CEO, The Timberland Company Timberland and City Year took our shared values and passion for community to the marketplace in 2000 with the development of the City Year Red Boot. In seven markets nationwide, the distinctive red boot made both a fashion and justice statement — featuring the voices and experiences of the corps in hang tags and product collateral. The in-store presence served as a powerful S tarry, Starry Night, and other related events across the country, are recruitment and awareness-building tool to motivate young inspirational evenings that share the City Year story and raise funds to people to learn more about City Year. support City Year’s ongoing work. The collection debuted in the fall of 1999 in Philadelphia. In Boston, more than 600 guests gathered under the stars at the home of Over 22,000 total units of footwear and apparel were sold Joe and Ruthanne Fuller, raising more than $600,000, including a $100,000 — and over $46,000 went directly to City Year Philadelphia. challenge grant from Steve Woodsum and Anne Lovett and a $100,000 gift In the fall of 2000, Timberland introduced the Red Boot announced at the event by Chad Gifford, President & COO of FleetBoston Collection to Boston, Chicago, Detroit, New York, and Financial Corporation. City Year Chicago held its annual “Ripples of Hope” Washington, D.C. “The Timberland Company believes in dinner, an evening of celebration recognizing the commitment of the people Community Wealth — that it can do more than redistribute and organizations that have supported the service initiatives of City Year and existing wealth to nonprofit partners; it can create new wealth the communities of Chicago. In Columbus, the “Starry, Starry Night 2000 for those partners,” said Jeffrey Swartz, President & CEO of Candlelight Picnic” was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Jefferson, Timberland. “The City Year Red Boot is more than a fashion and was sponsored by Continental Office Interests and Ted and Nancy St. statement; it’s a commitment to community.” For that belief Clair. City Year Philadelphia hosted a tribute dinner for Safeguard Scientifics and the new community wealth it is creating for City Year, we CEO Pete Musser that included 1,200 guests under City Year’s biggest tent say thank you. ever, raising $1.2 million for the Philadelphia program. In Rhode Island, two hundred guests gathered for Starry, Starry Night 2000 at the home of City Year champion Tom Goddard, raising $138,000 for the program. 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 17 financials Independent Auditors’ Report CITY YEAR, INC., Statements of Financial Position The Board of Directors Assets City Year, Inc.: W June 30, 2000 and 1999 position of City Year, Inc. (“City Year”) as of June 30, 2000 Cash and equivalents Investments Government grants receivable Contributions receivable, net Other assets and 1999, and the related statements of activities and Equipment and improvements, net e have audited the accompanying statements of financial cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are Total assets $ $ 2000 1999 2,051,540 145,832 2,579,172 12,974,010 194,688 976,188 25,060 1,506,351 13,031,435 119,854 2,977,084 3,142,414 20,922,326 18,801,302 1,611,810 120,000 1,695,284 160,000 the responsibility of City Year’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Note payable Line of credit 2,500,000 2,000,000 Total liabilities 4,231,810 3,855,284 Net assets: Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted 3,041,158 8,954,995 4,694,363 2,589,677 9,713,633 2,642,708 16,690,516 14,946,018 $ 20,922,326 18,801,302 Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets See accompanying notes to financial statements. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of City Year as of June 2000 Revenue Resources 30, 2000 and 1999, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with accounting principles Individuals 10.0% Foundations 18.3% generally accepted in the United States of America. Special Events 2.8% AmeriCorps 29.9% Corporations 21.6% September 27, 2000 Other Government 5.6% In-Kind 11.8% 17 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 18 18 financials CITY YEAR, INC., Statements of Cash Flows CITY YEAR, INC., Statements of Activities Years ended June 30, 2000 and 1999 Cash flows from operating activities: Increase in net assets Adjustments to reconcile increase in net assets to net cash used by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization Contributions of investments Realized and unrealized net losses (gains) on investments Contributions of equipment and improvements Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Contributions receivable, net Government grants receivable Other assets Accounts payable and accrued expenses Years ended June 30, 2000 and 1999 $ Net cash provided (used) by operating activities 2000 1999 1,744,498 8,933,295 857,024 (186,770) 691,630 (66,198) 65,999 (498,854) (83,604) (1,188,660) 57,425 (1,072,821) (74,834) (83,474) (8,355,428) (144,045) (26,631) (485,278) 808,193 Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from sale of investments Capital expenditures Net cash used by investing activities Cash flows from financing activities: Proceeds from note payable Repayments of note payable Proceeds from line of credit Repayments under line of credit Net cash provided by financing activities Net increase in cash and equivalents Cash and equivalents at beginning of year (724,919) — (192,841) 356,747 (455,033) (192,841) (98,286) — (40,000) 1,400,000 (900,000) 200,000 (40,000) 3,190,000 (1,608,600) 460,000 1,741,400 1,075,352 918,195 976,188 57,993 Cash and equivalents at end of year $ 2,051,540 976,188 Supplemental data: Cash paid for interest $ 205,669 149,271 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 2000 1999 7,642,936 3,486,965 1,171,387 853,547 9,049,251 1,858,682 87,132 7,373,464 3,141,724 704,858 834,808 8,526,108 1,602,569 35,269 (65,998) 4,879,250 83,604 2,687,150 Total revenues and other support 28,963,152 24,989,554 Expenses: Programs: Program operations Education, training and corps development New site development Special events External affairs and organizational development 15,507,408 1,351,548 262,736 1,165,700 1,656,328 14,064,866 1,360,102 251,654 1,288,906 717,106 Total programs 19,943,720 17,682,634 Support services: Organizational support Fundraising 6,696,346 1,871,605 5,931,001 1,099,643 Changes in unrestricted net assets: Revenues and other support: Corporate contributions Trust and foundation support Individual contributions Special events Federal grants—Corporation for National Service Other government grants Interest and other income Realized and unrealized net (losses) gains on investments Net assets released from restrictions Total support services $ 8,567,951 7,030,644 28,511,671 24,713,278 451,481 276,276 1,053,042 2,092,073 892,628 82,869 (4,879,250) 2,531,468 6,219,993 — — (2,687,150) (758,638) 6,064,311 1,089,293 — 962,362 1,592,708 1,000,000 — Increase in permanently restricted net assets 2,051,655 2,592,708 Increase in net assets 1,744,498 8,933,295 Total expenses Increase in unrestricted net assets Changes in temporarily restricted net assets: Corporate contributions Trust and foundation support Individual contributions Other Net assets released from restrictions (Decrease) increase in temporarily restricted net assets Changes in permanently restricted net assets: Corporate contributions Trust and foundation support Individual contributions Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year See accompanying notes to financial statements. 14,946,018 6,012,723 $ 16,690,516 14,946,018 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 19 City Year Annual Report 2000 CITY YEAR, INC., Notes to Financial Statements (2) Years ended June 30, 2000 and 1999 (a) Basis of Presentation The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. (1) Organization Background and History City Year, Inc. (the “Organization” or “City Year”) is a not-for-profit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”), and is generally exempt from income taxes under IRC Section 501(a). City Year’s mission is to put idealism to work by tapping the civic power of young people for an annual campaign of idealism that generates transformative community service, breaks down social barriers, inspires citizens to civic action, develops new leaders for the common good, and improves and promotes the concept of voluntary national service. City Year works to fulfill this mission through five primary activities: (1) operating a national youth service corps; (2) building the infrastructure of national service by setting up new operating sites across the country; (3) providing technical assistance to individuals and organizations in national and community service; (4) planning and running large civic events to engage citizens and organizations in activities that promote service, inclusivity, leadership and citizenship; and (5) constantly developing new ways to engage people and resources to promote the concept of voluntary national service. City Year was founded in Boston in 1988 as an action tank for national service. Its first initiative was to pilot a summer corps with 50 corps members, supported entirely by contributions from private sector organizations and individuals. In 1992, City Year was selected as a National Demonstration Project and was awarded its first federal funding under Subtitle D of the National and Community Service Act. During fiscal 1994, City Year operated its first program outside of Boston, a summer pilot program in Columbia, South Carolina with 50 corps members. In the fall of 1994, City Year launched its first full-year expansion site in Rhode Island, and expanded its Boston corps. In fiscal 1995, corps were established in Chicago, Illinois, Columbus, Ohio, and San Jose, California. The Organization expanded to San Antonio, Texas in fiscal 1996, launched the Cleveland corps in fiscal 1997, began operations in Philadelphia in fiscal 1998, opened its tenth site in Seattle/King County in fiscal 1999, and founded City Year Detroit in fiscal 2000. In fiscal 2001, City Year will begin operations in Washington, DC and New Hampshire. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Net assets and revenues are classified based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. Accordingly, net assets of the Organization and changes therein are classified and reported as follows: Unrestricted net assets — Net assets not subject to donor-imposed stipulations. Temporarily restricted net assets — Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that may or will be met either by actions of the Organization and/or the passage of time. Permanently restricted net assets — Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that they be maintained in perpetuity. Generally, the donors of these assets permit the Organization to use all or part of the income earned and capital gains, if any, on related investments for general or specific purposes. Revenues are reported as increases in unrestricted net assets unless use of the related assets is limited by donor-imposed restrictions, including time restrictions. Expenses are reported as decreases in unrestricted net assets. Gains and losses on investments and other assets or liabilities are reported as increases or decreases in unrestricted net assets unless their use is restricted by explicit donor stipulations or law. Expirations of temporary restrictions on net assets are reported as reclassifications between the applicable classes of net assets. Expirations of temporary restrictions occur when donorimposed stipulated purposes have been accomplished and/or the stipulated time period has elapsed. If an expense is incurred for a purpose for which both unrestricted and temporarily restricted net assets are available, a donor-imposed restriction is fulfilled to the extent of the expense incurred unless the expense is incurred for a purpose that is directly attributable to another specific external source of revenue. Contributions are generally recognized as revenue in the period received. However, unconditional promises to give that clearly stipulate that the promise to give is to support current-period activities are reported as unrestricted support. Similarly, contributions subject to donor-imposed stipulations that are met in the same reporting period are reported as unrestricted support. Conditional promises to give are not recognized until they become unconditional, that is, when the conditions on which they depend are substantially met. Contributions of assets other than cash are recorded at their estimated fair value at the date of gift. Contributions scheduled to be received after one year are discounted at rates commensurate with the risks involved. (b) Equipment and Improvements Equipment and improvements are stated at cost, except for donated assets, which are recorded at fair market value at the date of gift. Ordinary repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred. Depreciation and amortization are calculated on a straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives: Furniture and fixtures ..........................3-7 years Equipment and software......................3-5 years Leasehold improvements .................Life of lease (c) Cash and Equivalents Cash and equivalents include checking, savings and money market accounts and certificates of deposit with maturities of three months or less at date of acquisition. (d) Investments Investments are reported at fair value. The market value of publicly traded securities is based upon quotes from the principal exchanges in which the securities are traded. (e) Contributed Goods and Professional Services Contributed goods and professional services are reflected as contributions in the accompanying statements at their estimated fair value at the date received or provided. (f) Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The Organization’s federal grant programs are subject to financial and compliance audits in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133. In addition, various federal, state, and private funding sources reserve the right to perform separate program audits. 19 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 20 20 financials (3) Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Temporarily restricted net assets consisted of the following at June 30: Time restrictions Purpose restrictions: (4) 2000 $ 4,241,127 4,713,868 $ 8,954,995 1999 4,099,110 5,614,523 9,713,633 Nature Support Services: Professional services Rent Advertising and promotional Program sponsorships Public service fellowship (5) 1999 1,642,708 1,000,000 2,642,708 Net assets released from restrictions consisted of the following for the years ended June 30: (6) 2000 $ 2,545,750 1999 2,052,650 2,333,500 $ 4,879,250 634,500 2,687,150 Contributed goods and services during the years ended June 30 were used for the following purposes: Total program services 2,845,220 692,071 421,984 260,339 $ 3,505,712 3,510,695 Investments Investments were as follows at June 30: Equities (8) 2000 $ 145,832 $ 145,832 1999 25,060 25,060 Contributions Receivable Due within one year Due within two to five years 1999 1,842,262 458,853 2,204 97,750 65,647 — 23,159 7,373 13,337 47,700 2,558,285 $ 8,372,166 5,369,000 13,741,166 Less: present value discount and other allowances (9) In-Kind Contributions Nature 2000 Program Services: Uniforms $ 1,106,454 Transportation and travel 426,676 Workshops and conferences 67,490 Materials and supplies 163,601 Equipment rental and maintenance 123,932 Professional services 700,000 Food 204,497 Printing and copying 3,552 Telephone 49,018 Scholarships — 238,508 Contributions receivable consisted of the following at June 30, 2000: Net Assets Released from Restrictions Expiration of time restrictions Satisfaction of purpose restrictions 544,240 85,943 61,888 Contributions of equipment and improvements in 2000 and 1999 were $498,854 and $1,188,660, respectively. (7) 2000 $ 3,694,363 1,000,000 $ 4,694,363 113,186 119,605 5,717 Depreciation and amortization Total Permanently restricted net assets at June 30 consist of the following endowment gifts whose income is restricted: 1999 Total support services Permanently Restricted Net Assets In fiscal 1999, in recognition of its tenth anniversary, City Year established and raised revenue for an endowment as a means to contribute to the long-term financial sustainability and security of the Organization. 2000 (767,156) $ 12,974,010 Equipment and Improvements Equipment and improvements consisted of the following at June 30: Furniture and fixtures Equipment and software Leasehold improvements Less: accumulated depreciation and amortization 2000 73,984 3,308,400 2,301,471 5,683,855 1999 70,142 2,686,278 2,235,741 4,992,161 (2,706,771) $ 2,977,084 (1,849,747) 3,142,414 $ (10) Federal Grants—CNS The Corporation for National Service (“CNS”) selected City Year as a National Demonstration Project under the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and awarded a two-year National Demonstration Grant. Funds were awarded through the Massachusetts Department of Education, which was the legal grantor for these program years. Programmatic oversight was provided by the Massachusetts National and Community Service Commission. City Year received grants from CNS totaling $ 10,045,264 and $9,611,058 for the program years 1999-2000 and 1998-1999, respectively. The funds were awarded through the AmeriCorps program administered by CNS. Funds expended in fiscal 2000 and 1999 totaled $9,049,251 and $8,526,108, respectively. (11) Leases Rental expense for office space was approximately $623,000 and $581,000 for the years ended June 30, 2000 and 1999, respectively, exclusive of certain in-kind arrangements. Operating leases expire on various dates through 2007. Future minimum lease payments under operating leases as of June 30, 2000, are as follows: Fiscal Years 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005-2007 Amount 539,226 397,762 172,232 97,317 283,841 $ 1,490,378 $ The Organization is also liable for certain real estate tax increases and operating cost adjustments under certain office leases. (12) Line of Credit At June 30, 2000, the Organization had a $2,500,000 demand line of credit with an interest rate at the bank’s prime lending rate (9.5% at June 30, 2000) plus 1.25%. The line of credit is for working capital purposes and is secured by all assets of the Organization. Interest expense under the line totaled $194,601 and $135,454 for the years ended June 30, 2000 and 1999, respectively. On August 15, 2000, the Organization concluded negotiations for a new credit facility totaling $5,500,000, comprised of a $2,000,000 term loan amortizing over five years at the bank’s prime lending rate plus fifty basis points, and a $3,500,000 committed line of credit with an interest rate at the bank’s prime rate. This credit facility is secured by all assets of the Organization. 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 21 contributors contributors C ity Year is grateful for the belief and commitment of our partnering sponsors—corporations large and small, foundations, municipalities, individuals and the Corporation for National and Community Service. City Year thanks all of our investors across the nation and recognizes their essential role in creating a new standard for investment, engagement, and support. NATIONAL The donors listed below gave to City Year, Inc. between July 1, 1999 and June 30, 2000. The Corporation for National and Community Service National Leadership Sponsors National Sponsor Endowment Commitments of $1 Million Bain Capital Group Holly Davidson Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation FleetBoston Financial Foundation The Swartz Family Foundation The Timberland Company Supporters Hale and Dorr LLP F.J. O’Neill Charitable Corporation The Case Foundation The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation Fidelity Foundation The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Surdna Foundation The Woodcock Foundation Supporters America Charities-Fidelity Avis Foundation-Fidelity Beacon Hill Garden Club The Cambridge School Combined Jewish Philanthropies Committee to Elect Tim Cahill Committee to Elect Barry Finegold Coolidge Family Foundation Eckerd Youth Alternatives F.A.O. Schwarz Family Foundation Fannie Mae Foundation The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Harvard University The HKH Foundation Kenwood Foundation The Kurz Family Foundation, LTD McConnell Foundation McFarland/Bromley Charity Foundation Metzenbaum and Kelman Family Foundation Skoll Community Fund Sogg Foundation Corporate Donors National Leadership Sponsors ($500,000+) Compaq Computer Corporation The Timberland Company Foundations & Other Sources National Sponsor ($250,000+) Adobe Systems, Inc. Major Gifts ($100,000+) The Atlantic Philanthropies Supporters ABS, Inc. AboveNet America Online American Airlines Bechtel Behr Capital Partners Boston Brace International, Inc. Boston Private Bank & Trust B.R Alexander & Co., Inc. Calpine Corporation Canam Consultants Charitygift, Inc. Chunky Productions CIBC World Markets Connors & Co. Investment Services Dan’s Chocolates Devcon Construction, Inc. eBay Edwards & Angell, LLP Electro Sales Company Fidelity Cares FleetBoston Financial Corporation Forest City Commercial Management Freedom Capital Management Goodway Graphics Grogan & Company Hale and Dorr, LLP Hill & Barlow, A Professional Corporation Hollister Associates Intel Corporation Iona Technology Knight Ridder, Inc. Lewi Direct, Inc. Merrill Lynch The Mountain Winery Netscape Optima Shipping Pell Rudman Trust Company Plan-It Mark Int. Quality Suites RhumbLine Advisors Corporation Richard Davis Hospital Schlesinger & Associates SGI Shawmut Design & Construction Shea Brothers, Inc. Summit Partners Sun Microsystems, Inc. TA Associates Realty Thomas Lee Co. United Way Vertex Partners Wainwright Investment Counsel Zefer In-Kind Donors Major Gifts ($100,000+) Bain & Company Cisco Systems, Inc. Compaq Computer Corporation The Timberland Company Supporters 15 Court Square 800 Plant It Adobe Systems, Inc. Back Bay Brewery Baja Mexican Cantina Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Big Sky Bread Company Billy Tse’s Chinese & Pan Blanchard’s, Inc. Bob the Chef Brookline Ice Company Callanen International Cellular One Church of The Redeemer Jennifer D. Cogswell Come Rain or Shine/Tent Works Commonwealth Brewery Commonwealth Copy Computer Associates International Cordelia’s Cottonwood Café Custom Signs and Lettering Dana Farber Cancer Institute Dan’s Chocolates DEXTERMedia Dudley’s Soul Food eflicksMedia.com E. Fox Company, Inc. EW Gardner Finish First Church in Chestnut Hill Foley Foods Hale and Dorr LLP Handy House, Inc. Ha Nguyen Design Harpoon Brewery High Output Horizon Beverage Company Instant Sign Company Jim Harrison Photography Jules Catering Kashmir The Kettle Café KPMG Legal Seafoods Lightning & Thunder Editorial Marrakesh Restaurant Martignetti Company Middle House Systems/ Projections, Inc. Mistral Mobedshahi Hotel Group Mondavi Monitor Company Montilio’s Bakery M.S. Walker The Naked Fish Restaurant North East Brewing Company Not Your Average Joes Omni Parker House Oskar’s The Palm Restaurant Pat Kirk Photography-CS Pretty Polly Productions Projection, Inc. Puritan Press Richie’s Classic Italian Ice Rule Broadcast Systems, Inc. Safeway Sakonnet Vineyards 21 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 22 22 contributors San Jose Convention Center San Jose State University Martha Shaw Sonial’s International Catering Sperry Sails Starbucks Coffee Company Streamline Taberna de Haro Taylor Rental Volume Services America Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery Why Not Rent, Inc. The Wine Bottega Silent Auction Donors (Starry Starry Night 2000) Jimmy & Kristen Atwood Bella Luna & The Milky Way Boston Ballet Boston Lyric Opera Dean Boudreau Beaucage Martha Edison Ruth Feldman Marsha Feinberg Finale Fire + Ice Restaurant Victoria Florea Folklorica Hollister Associates HRM Associates—Northeastern University Inn at Harvard Robert Lewis, Jr. Dr. Kim Luzzi Mohr & McPherson Andrea Roth Moore Anne-Claire Pache Chris Schlesinger of the East Coast Grill Jean Seigle Tom Sieniewicz Learning Express/The Toy Store Ritz-Carlton, Boston Tealuxe The Timberland Company The Tremont Hotel Lori Truly Rosabeth Moss Kanter & Barry Stein Barry Morris Phil Berkenstein Charitable Fund Robert Smith & Dana Weiss-Smith Deborah & Jeffrey Swartz Theresa & Robert Wadsworth Matt & Susan Weatherbie Phil Wolpow Family Fund National & Boston Individual Donors $2,500+ Anonymous John Cozzi Kevin Dennis & Rebecca Kellogg Elizabeth Fowler Richard & Lisa Frisbie Mark Fuller & Jo Froman John & Martha Hamilton Peter & Tammy Herman William Hogan Ira & Martha Jackson Dennis & Lin Kelleher Imelda Kenny Seth & Beth Klarman Josh & Alex McCall William Miracky & Tammy Hobbs John Muse James Osborn II Kevin & Leila Parke Pell Rudman Neil Silverstone & Risa Shames Craig & Patricia Underwood $100,000+ Anonymous Jeff Shames & Lois Egasti Steve Woodsum & Anne Lovett $10,000+ Jimmy & Kristen Atwood Josh & Anita Bekenstein Walter & Marion English Joe & Ruthanne Fuller Steve & Cindy Gormley Adam & Mary Kirsch Nina Longtine David & Marion Mussafer Gary & Merle Orren Steven Walske Mark & Robin Wolpow $5,000+ Jim & Karen Ansara Brian & Karen Conway Michael & Linda Corcoran Jane Danforth David & Marsha Feinberg Tim & Corinne Ferguson Lisa M. Gauthier Chad & Anne Gifford John & Maryann Gilmartin Ilene & Richard Jacobs $1000+ Robert Asher Maxwell & Beth Bardeen Steven Barnes Michael Brown & Charlotte Mao L. Brownstein Paul & Katie Buttenweiser John Cadarette “The best thing City Year does for corps members is build up a hopeful confidence: in themselves, their peers, their community and in the views of the world. It shows them that breaking down barriers at the ground level can successfully break down barriers at each level beyond—through service, through learning, and through caring. Corps members realize that chains can be broken, and change is possible. It starts with the individual and, hopefully, that corps member carries away with them the responsibility and the desire to educate and serve others, knowing that their efforts can spread, just like the Ripples quote. City Year shows young people that not only someone, but many people, do in fact care. It makes you feel part of something big, something great, which makes you proud to serve your community.” —Marcie Lambrix, City Year Cleveland Alumna, ’00 Kevin Callaghan Gerald & Cindy Cameron Karen Webb Campbell Linda Chin Hillary Rodham Clinton John Coburn Jon & Joanne Corzine Glen & Julie Darby Tony & Deanna Dinovi Benjamin Esty Richard Farrell Paul & Jacqueline Fehrenbach Kenneth & Cynthia Freitas Janice Frisa Erin Gorman Michael & Nancy Grogan Antoine Hautoun & Andrea Levitt Lucia Henderson John & Ruth Hodges Daniel & Elizabeth Jick Owen & Paige Kane Deborah Kay & Penelope Peck John & Karen Keogh Alan Khazei & Vanessa Kirsch Pamela Kohlberg Cindy Laba Eric & Lori Lander Michael Lapham William Laskin Charles Magnum Martin & Tristin Mannion Theresa Mao Fred & Sarah Maynard William & Brooke Muggia Sarah Bankson Newton Robert & Elizabeth Owens Gary & Margaret Pforzheimer Robert D. Poor Stuart & Anne Randle Irvin Redlener Robert Sachs & Caroline Taggart Michael Schmitt & Andrea Conway Eric & Maureen Schwarz Eli & Phyllis Segal Steve & Ellen Segal Neerav Vipin Shah John Sigel & Sally Reid Alan & Susan Solomont Sherman Starr David Tomer George & Sharon Vanderheiden Bob Vila & Diana Barrett Evan Walters Stephanie Wu $500+ Robert Adkins Edward Anderson & Linda Cabot Jerry Asher Kathleen Beckman Frank & Ruth Belvin Morton & Miriam Brown Tim & Tina Cahill Bob & Carol Cashion David & Lisa Chaffin Farai Chideya Virginia De Lima Sarah Doering Scott Dyer & Diana Smith Thomas & Joan Feeley Chris & Hilary Gabrieli Robert Gallery Jerry & Annie Grady E. Anderson Griswold Richard & Lori Hamermesh Robert Hanss William & Daisy Helman Steve Kelman & Shelley Metzenbaum Jordan & Evangeline Kirsch Edward Krupat Barbara Lehman Luddy Robert & Ralinda Lurie Joseph & Kristan Madison John & Diana Marshall, III Michele May Michael Maynard & Ilene Greenberg Kathleen McCarthy Colin & Anne McNay Paul Milbury & Heidi Lehner Estelle Morrison Christina & Kelley Murphy Joseph Nye Fred & Jean Prickett Merril & Sharon Pyes Charlie Rose William Sahlman Steve Saltman & Beth Davis Scott Seidman & Shelley Poulsen Harvy Simkovits Edwin & Katherine Smith William Stewart Nathan Wilson Steve & Danette Wineberg Peter & Dyann Wirth Pamela Woodworth $250+ Eleanor Acheson Alan Albert & Carolyn Heller Martha J. Alexander James Allen Jeffrey & Jennifer Atwood Stever & Elsie Aubrey Michael & Suzanne Aubrey Carl & Andrea Axelrod Ruth Baker Mary Bardeen Samuel Barnard David & Katie Bechhofer William & J. Bennet Debi Benoit Graham Biving & Leigh Pallett 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 23 City Year Annual Report 2000 William & Kat Bliss William & Karen Brooks Kevin Broughton Jeffrey Brown Richard & Laurie Brownstein Jim & Reny Burrows Leo & Karen Cangiano, Jr. Mark & Karen Cangiano Stephen & Candice Carr Carolyn Casey A. Churchill & Marjorie Lewis Richard Claff James Colman Michael Conway & Andrea Schmidt Mason Day & Germana Fabbri Philip & Deborah Dean, Jr. Stacy Debroff James & Mary Jane Devins Robert & Dubs Dickey Ann Dixon Terry Eastman John & Bonnie Emmons Todd & Olivia English Karen Fennell Raine Figueroa & Sandy Starr Stephen Foley Steven & Jayne Friedberg Charles Freifeld & Marilyn Smith Dale & Robyn Garth Larry & Annie Geoghegan Walter Gillis Deborah Gordon Eric & Katie Green Gordon Green & Mason Smith Stanley Griffith & Ann Schauffler Jessica Haines Philip Hamilton Philip Hammer Bredt Handy & Chris Reynolds Joseph Herdade Edward Hines, Jr. Joseph & Karen Holland Paul Holtzman Jen Huntington John & Alyson Hussey Mark Irvings Ethan & Maryellen Jacks Wendy Jacobs Samuel Joffe Winston Jones Karen C. Jordan Tom & Vicky Keiser John & Annabelle Kelloggs Ellen Kennelly Brian Kilcoyne & Martha Livingston Larry & Paula Klane Robert & Jen Knowles Victoria Knox Mark Korrs Mildred Guberman Kravetz Rama Kulkarni Robert & Laura Langer Jonathan & Jeanne Lavine Mike & Betsey Lee Pamela Lenehan John & Ashley Linell Thomas Liszewski & Patricia Reinhardt Isabelle & Ian Loring Ken Maloney & Sara Campbell Kevin & Polly Maroni Jennifer Mendelsohn Christopher Meyer & Mary Rivet Leo & Nora McBrown Michael & Elizabeth McCabe Scott & Kelly McDermott Nora & Leo McGowan Peter Nichols Bruce & Anne Nolan Geoffrey & Clare Nunes Robert & Megan O’Block Thomas & Elizabeth O’Reilly Michael Paolini Jeff Paquette & Heidi Johnson Debie Parker Bruce & Dana Patton Robert Plumb, III James Brooks & Katie Porter George & Kathy Priest Bunk & Gay Read Cameron Read Paul Reidt & Kim Manasevit Mary Richardson Edward Rimer & Katie Pakos Philip Rootberg Victor & Lynne Rosansky Max Rosen & Judith Edersheim Ethan & Francine Royce Everdeen Salustro Henry Salustro Stephen Sayre & Nancy Walters Mark & Linda Schenker John Schneider Robert & Catherine Schneider William & Sherry Seaver Allen & Amy Seifer Roger & Pamela Shelpey John Shumway & Melinda Mitchell Rosamond Smyth Mark & Sarah Snyderman David & Elaine Sobell Nancy Soulette L. Stewart & Catherine Briasco Newcomb & Trina Stillwell Drew Sullivan & Mary Peck Roger & Mary Ann Tackeff Sara Tague James Todd & Claire Baldwin Steve & Katherin Topazio Ivy Jones Turner Ernest Ulrich Ursula Ulrich David Vernick & Mary Gardner Amanda Wallace Jerry & Lorraine Ward George Warshaw Robert Bruce White & Andrea Stern Peter Wilson & Susan Lapides David & Louise K. Wineberg Maura Wolf Paul Zintl & Elisabeth Frost $100+ Burt Adelman Jeremy Adelmann Julie Ahn Colin & Melody Anderson Sara Andrews Donald Atwood Matthew & Jami Axelrod Lotte Bamberger Henry Barnard Robert & Jacqueline Baum Bechek G. D’Andelot Belin Jeffrey Bellows Lawrence Berkowitz & Ellen Cohn Susan Berry Jill Bicks Joan Black William & Lee Bliss Judith Boucher Mark S. Bourbeau Jeff & Kristin Bradach Roger Breitbart & Linda Hill Joanna Breyer Charles Brown Katherine Buckley Patricia Buckley Lawrence & Phyllis K. Buell Christopher Burr Jan Byce Shane Cambronero Pam Campagna Paul Carey Dan Carlon James Chace, Jr. Eric Chapman Robert & Jane Cheever John & Jean Childs Terry Christensen Alan Cohen Jim & Barbara Cohen Virginia Coleman Michael Connally Peter A. Connor & Maria T. Kieslich Harvey A. & Cynthia Stone Creem Linda Crinti Catherine Crocker Daniel Cruz Walter & Polly Cummings Mary Darmstraetter Richard & Mary Dart, Jr. Susan Dearborn John & Carol Deblois Bruce Demple Alan Dershowitz & Carolyn Cohen Daniel & Karen Detterman Laura Dickerson S. Whitney Dickey Christopher Donnelly & Carolyn Bitetti David W. Duehren & Anne M. Murphy Andrea Durkin Lauren S. Dutton Edward Eames Joan Quinn Eastman Mara Elich Barbara Feibelman Ruth Feldman Barry Finegold Newell Flather Charles & Sarah Forbes Peter Frasca Steve Fraser Carl & Laila Freidberg Joseph Fuller John & Beth Gamel Marc Gearan Richard & Shari Gelber Rebecca Sue Gelman Pam Gerber Robert & Margaret Gibbons Barrie Gollinger J. Gollinger Laura Hamasaka James Hammerman Barbara Harrell Jason Henrichs Robert Herr Charles Hewitt Barbara Hickey Steven & Catherine Hill Arthur C. & Eloise Hodges Brian & Margaret Holland Caitlin Hollister Timothy Hresko Amy Jackson Lars Jensen & Anne Komer Chris Johnson David Joyce Elizabeth Kaden C. Keefe & Mildred G. Hurley Mark & Anne Kelley Amy Kertzman Edward & Alexis Kleinhans Christopher Arnesen Klem Ellen M. Kuhl Michael & Gloria Lacek Paul & Susan Lapointe Arthur Laskin Peter & Linda Leahy Sarah Griswold Leahy Ann R. Levinson Donald Levinstone Stephen Lewis Emily Lipof Michael Lipton Julia C. Livingston Domenic Marineli Kevin Marion Lawrence Marks Ted Marquis Doug & Kristen Marshall Hunter & Helen Marston Joan Creamer McArdle John McClellan & Elizabeth Martineau James McCorkell David & Cece Mead Jose Medina Carole Milott Frania Monarski Benjamin C. Moore Lisa Morganstern Barbara C. Motley Robert Mullaney Betsy Munzer Faye Murren Marc & Beth Myers Bansi Nagji Jon Neuhaus George & Audrey Nichols Kenneth J. & Almeda A. Nicholson Sean Nolan & Gloria Jacobs Nicholas & Ann Oberrender Noyes Frank & Marianna O’Brien James & Patricia O’Connor Thomas O’Connor Linda O’Leary William & Lynn Osborn Ed Ostrowski Edward & Arleen Paquette Rosanne Payette Bob & Laura Peabody C. Gregg & Julie A. Petersmeyer Daniel & Deborah Phillips Paul & Susan Pintus Gena Pirtle Charles & Jessica Pohl Marcia Porty Bruce G. Posner Robert & Megan Quinn Joel & Rachel Reck David & Kim Oey Rosenthal Chuck & Sue Ross John W. & Barbara B. Routh Nancy Routh Thomas Royall & Sharon L. Smith Ethan Royer Greg & Carolyn Rudolph John Russell Steve Rybczynski Thomas & Laura Carter Sander Anni and Charles Santry Rebecca Schanberg Alan Schechter Taube Schofield James Schuchman 23 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 24 24 contributors Eleanor Searle Michael Secor Jean Seigle Page Shippen & Anne St. Goar Joni Shore Gregory Shoukimas & Marjorie Staub Ronald & Anne Siegel Jeremy Silverman Joy Silverstein James A. & Darien N. Smith Jody Snider Debra Solomon Anderson Solomon John F. Spence, Jr. Gary Spiess Christopher & Kathleen Stafford David Stolow Toni Strassler Ned & Julie Strong Amy Tabor Kingsley L. Taft & Gillien Todd Lauren Thurmond Joseph & Cornelia Tierney Michael & Nancy Tooke Lisa Ulrich Brad VanBrunt Paula Vangelder Mark Vasu & Susan Finegan S.J. Velleman Mary Altman Victor Robert Waldeck Michael Walters Craig Weatherby & Laura Inouye C.A. Webb Mark Weld Charles V. & Mary Sue Willie Richard & Frances Winneg John Wlassich & Amey Moot Josh Wolff Mary Andrews Wolff $50+ Jorge C. Abellas & Elizabeth A. Seitz Dr. Gerald & Corrine L. Adler Read & Joanne Albright Robert & Paula Angell Roland Bathory Hisiya Beppu James & Molly Berry Susan Blair Patricia J. Blankenhorn Mark Bracken Justice Stephen Breyer Myles Brown & Judy Garber Jennifer Burger Edward & Joanne Cale, Jr. Nicholas A. & Barbara G. Campagna, Jr. Michael Carpenter & Elizabeth Mansfield Shirley Carrington Bruce Chafee Joe H. Clark Candice Coakley Dennis & Donna Coffey Dr. Robert A. Cohen & Dr. Amy Ship David Cooper Robert & Molly Cramer Jennifer Cunningham Tom W. Curlin, Jr. Bethany Czerny Thomas & Sheila Decter Carl Dierker Brian P. & Margaret Donaher Barry Dym & Francine H. Jacobs Elliot Eichen & Adria Arch Richard Einhorn & Julie Nagazina Scott & Catherine Fairbain Steve Farrell Robert A. & Glenda S. Fishman Michael S. Fox Pamela Goodale William & Natalie Gorham Dr. Andrew & Dawn Gross Paul and Tulika Hainsworth Michael J. Hogan Paul & Elaine Holley Elske W. Holmes Gordon Holmes Nancy Holway Susan F. Horowitz Dirk H. & Diana M. Isbrandtsen Peter & Marion Johannsen Mitchell H. Kaplan Walter & Eva Kasell Rudolph & Helen Kass Thomas Keane Dr. James & Phoebe W. Kent Elaine Kiley Patrick King & Sandra L. Moody Spencer & Barbara Klaw Scott Kresge Elliot Laffer Kenneth J. & Bette J. Lavery Gerald Leader Normand & Margaret LeBlanc David & Roslyn Levy Ronald & Sandra Levy Amy Lipman Anthony P. & Sarah V. Lopez Linda Mahoney Karen Mallory Jeff Masters Dan McAllister James & Claire McGuire D. Randolph Meiklejohn & Diane Sokal Phyllis Fine Menken Joyce A. Michelini Virginia Miner Mark W. Modrall Michael Monroe Stephen C. & Elizabeth Morris Myron Ray Mosher P.F. & J.H Neumann Ross & Susan Neisuler Kimberly Nelson Dr. Eli H. & Carolyn M. Newberger Catherine Nicholson Peter November Jeffery & Patricia Ryan-Nutting David A. Oka & Joyce M. Fukami Elizabeth H. Ondaatje David A. Pace Catherine Pakenham Sandee Pascoe Russell H. Peck Christopher & Sarah Pope Steven Ratiner & Karen Liebold Anne Raynolds Carol Riordan Carol Rogers Bob B. & Anne S. Rosenthal Ruth Rosenthal David & Peggy A. Ruehr Paul S. & Judith L. Samson Frank & Emily Sander Lewis Sargentich & Valerie Bradley Marilyn Schachter Anthony Schwartz Anne M. Serafin Charles N. & Josephine W. Shane Dr. Howard M. & Leslie H. Shapiro Robert Shapiro Richard & Brenda Sharton George T. & Anna D. Shaw Amina Runyan Shefa Barry M. & Sally Ann Shuman Ernest & Betty Singer Judith Sizer Thomas Smith & Margo Ayres Michael & Donna Smoler Andrew & Joanne Snider Andrew & Thelma Klein Strauss Ellen K. Sulkin Alice K. Sullo Kristin Thalheimer Bob Thomas & Polly Hoppin Derek Tomlinson Jon Truslow & Sharon Ross Geoffrey Tuba Michael Underhill & Lisa Monroe Richie & Peter Vanderwarker Dr. Charles M. & Rebecca M. Vest Thomas Wasow Gerald Weenick Tony Weiner & Priscilla Cohen John V. & Linda M. Woodward BOSTON AmeriCorps Massachusetts Service Alliance Team Sponsors Bain & Company Bain Capital Children’s Charities Boston Lawyers Consortium Choate, Hall & Stewart Foley, Hoag, & Eliot LLP Hale and Dorr LLP Hill & Barlow, A Professional Corporation Palmer & Dodge LLP Ropes & Gray Cisco Foundation Compaq Computer Corporation CSX Transportation Fidelity Investments—“Fidelity Cares” Fleet Johnson & Johnson Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority MasterCard International MFS Investment Management The Millipore Foundation Monitor Company Reebok Human Rights Foundation State Street Corporation The Timberland Company Thermo Electron Foundation United Way Mass Bay United Way of the Tri-State Foundations & Other Sources American Red Cross Anonymous (3) Agoos (Lassor and Fanny) Charity Fund, Inc. Ansara Family Foundation ARC Philanthropic Fund Babson (Paul And Edith) Foundation Belmont High School Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center Boston College Boston Foundation (Gualala Fund) Boston University Brigham & Women’s Hospital Bright (Alexander A.) Charitable Trust Chadwick (Dorothy Jordan) Fund Credit Suisse First Boston Foundation Trust Ellison Foundation FleetBoston Financial Foundation Germeshausen (Kenneth J.) Foundation Gravestar Foundation Harvard University Hayden (Charles) Foundation LLH/LHM Foundation Lynch Foundation MIT Sloan Challenge New Horizon Foundation Outdoor Explorations Peter A. Brooke Fund at the Boston Foundation Prince of Wales Foundation Reebok Human Rights Foundation Robert Sachs & Carline Taggart Gift Fund at the Boston Foundation Roman Catholic Bishop of Fall River Seth & Beth Klarman Fund Share Our Strength Sierra Bright Foundation St. Paul Religious Education Program The Pingree School, Inc. Unitarian Universalist Society Wellesley High School Corporate Donors Abt Associates Inc. Andersen Consulting Association For Corporate Growth AtCom Bain Capital BankBoston Berkshire Group Bernard Hodes Advertising, Inc. Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center Boston Light Software Corporation Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Boston Ventures Management Bridges to Businesses Bronner Slosberg Humphery Bronnercom Brown Rudnick Freed & Gesmer, P.C. Charles Hotel In Harvard Square Circle Company Cisco Systems, Inc. Citizen Schools Inc. Comforce Staffing Services Committee to Elect Michael Ross Committee to Elect Tim Cahill Community Health Charities Compaq Computer Corporation Connors & Co. Investment Services Cross Country Group CSX Transportation 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 25 City Year Annual Report 2000 Dan’s Chocolate Day, Berry & Howard Digitas Doyle’s Café Electro Salles Co., Inc. Epsilon Ernst & Young Fidelity Investments Fiduciary Trust Company, Boston FleetBoston Financial Corporation Grantham Mayo V Otterloo Hale and Dorr LLP Hewlett Packard Hill & Barlow, A Professional Corporation JAM’N 94.5 Intuit Johnson & Johnson John Hancock Financial Services John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company JW Childs Associates, LP London Economics Inc. Lotus Development Corporation Management Ventures, Inc. Marketing and Planning Systems MFS Investment Management New England Financial NY Life Benefit Services Omnipoint Optima Pierce, Davis & Perritano, LLP Posternak, Blankstein & Lund, LLP Professional Resources Group Public Consulting Group Putnam Investments Reebok International, Ltd. RhumbLine Advisers Corporation Richard David Hospital Shawmut Design & Construction Spaulding & Company TA Associates Realty The Baupost Group, L.L.C. The Gillette Company Towers Perrin Wainwright Investments Wilson Butler Lodge, Inc. Zefer Zweig White & Associates, Inc. In-Kind Donors Boston Coffee Cakes Boston’s Best Coffee Roasters Boston Public Schools Cape Cod Potato Chips Cellular One Dancing Deer Co. Doubletree Guest Suites Hotel Finagle a Bagel Hannaford’s Homeruns High Output Home Depot HP Hood Inc. The Kettle Cafe Legal Sea Foods Marche Movenpick Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority McDonald’s of South Station Stonyfield Farm The Timberland Company Welch Foods CHICAGO AmeriCorps Illinois Commission on Community Service Team Sponsors The Alter Group Arthur Andersen, LLP Bain & Company Charitabulls (Chicago Bulls) Chicago Transit Authority Bank One Corporation Equity Residential Properties Trust Focal Communications Corporation Joseph Freed & Associates LaSalle Bank Loop Capital Markets Mayor Daley—City of Chicago The Northern Trust Company Foundations & Other Sources Anonymous (1) Aon Foundation Arie & Ida Crown Memorial Bank of America Foundation Cellini Fidelity Investments Charitable Fund Francis Beidler Charitable Trust Freed Family Foundation Hickey Foundation Hurvis Family Foundation Jewish Foundation of Metro Chicago Kinsella Charitable Trust Levine Family Foundation LPI Charities Nathan Manilow Foundation NW Memorial Foundation Oppenheimer Family Foundation Pittway Corporation Charitable Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation Rhonda Alter Foundation RR Donnelly & Sons Company (Dollars for Doers Program) Sanford C. Bernstein Company Foundation William Blair & Company Yuh Charitable Foundation Corporate Donors A. Epstein & Sons AAR Corporation Abbott Laboratory Foundation Alberto Culver Company American National Bank of Chicago American Express Ariel Capital Management Beatrice Mayer Bedco Brett Hunsaker Burke Engineering CB Richard Ellis CDW Computer Centers Chicago Urban League Chicago Advertising Chicago Tourism Chicago Tribune Crain Communications Credit Suisse Cushman & Wakefield Donlon Corporation Edelman Public Relations Eli’s Cheesecake Field Container Co. Forsythe G-Barr Ltd Partnership Goldman Sachs & Company Harris Bank Heidrick & Struggles Heil, Heil, Smart & Golee Heller Seasonings Hill Mechanical Group Household Financial Ikon Office Solutions IL Tool Works, Inc. James McHugh Construction Jordan Industries JP Morgan Chase & Company Jupiter K & R Christopher, Inc. Kraft Employee Fund LaSalle National Bank Levenfeld Pearlstein MacGregor Associates Madison Dearborn Partners Mariani Enterprises Mayer, Brown & Platt McDonald’s Corporation Mercantile Capital Markets Midwest Stock Exchange Molex Multiple Vendors MVP Plumbing Corporation Nalco Chemical Company Near North Insurance Northern Trust Company Olds Products Olsson Roofing Patricia Hurley & Associates Preister Aviation Private Bank & Trust Property Tax Consultants Quaker Oats Company Robertson Center Rootberg Business Services Rosset Electric Rothbart Realty Company, Inc. RR Donnelly & Sons Company RREEF Outreach Rush Presbyterian Sanchez & Daniels Sanford C. Bernstein Sara Lee Foundation Sheridan & Pearlman SIL Nielsen Media Research Solomon Smith Barney Sterling Advisors Tech-1 Pest Control Thompson Ventulett Transwestern Investment Company Urban Options USG Corps Wells Fargo William Blair & Company Winston & Strawn Michael & Nancy Reinsdorf Sam’s Club Sara Lee Foundation South Shore Decorating Center Vitners Walgreen’s In-Kind Donors McDonald’s Corporation American Dental Association Barcello’s Pizzeria Sanford C. Bernstein & Company, Inc. Burger King Chicago Historical Society Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Tribune Job Finder Magazine Domino’s Pizza Early Edition Genesis Art Village Girl Scout Troup 348 Godfather’s Pizza Greater Chicago Food Depository Hester Decorating Company, Inc. Highlights for Children, Inc. Holiday Inn Express Ikon Office Solutions Jewel-Osco Loew’s Cineplex Entertainment James N. Perry, Jr. $500+ Jennifer Affelder & Jeff Weissglass Mr. & Mrs. Phillip D. Block, III Philip Block Justin S. Huscher Phyllis Locken Barbara Manilow Dr. & Mrs. Sachs Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sheridan, III Mr. & Mrs. William Smithburg Mark & Betsy Westhoff Individuals $5,000+ Kavies Kastenholz James N. Perry, Jr. Jennifer Steans $2,500+ Kenneth Alpart Jennifer Grumhaus Michael Reinsdorf Stephen Quazzo $1000+ Carlos Azcoitia Edward Brennan John Edwardson Richard Ellis Calvin Frese Richard Gatto James P. Gorter David Helfand Lawrence Levy Jeffrey Morales Richard Morrow Mr. & Mrs. J. Porter/Green Bay Foundation Lee Selander Julie & Brian P. Simmons Eric & Kimberly Smith Neerav Vipin Shah John VerBockel $250+ Leslie Bluhm & Michael Helfand Joanne B. Friedland Justin S. Huscher Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Krey R. Susan Motley Steven Plonsker J. Jeffrey Thrall Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Yih 25 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 26 26 contributors $100+ Mary & Dave Andersen Raymond Arenson Michael & Nicky Bilwas Mort Borkan Steve & Iris Borowsky James Brault Sally Carton John T. Coletta Lester Crown Mr. & Mrs. H. Gary Frank Richard Gerber Samuel Gould Gregory-Wallis Family David & Mary Grumhaus Fund Herbert Kendall Amy Knoll-McCormick Mary & Scott Lafferty Susan & Doug Lyons Irwin Mandel Michael Mandel Keith & Anne Martino Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ochs Francis J. & Mary S. Oelerich, III Steven E. Plonsker David Sherman David & Jill Sickle Loretta Simpkins Douglas & Patricia Sutton David Vitale Michael & Laura Werner $50+ Nancy & David Blankenstein Diane Bounds James & Judy Clark Nancy Crane Pat Crum Ned & Jean Franke Frank Gihan Grumbans Lisa Grumhaus Haas Alison Helbling Gerri Mead & Gail Russell Jamie Meisler Noreen Murray John Musachia Sarah Keith Rebeka Kohmescher Judy Replin Dr. & Mrs. John Schweitzer Beverly Seiden Matthew Ward CLEVEL AND AmeriCorps The Corporation for National and Community Service Team Sponsors Abbott Arter & Hadden, LLP Baker & Hostetler, LLP Benesch, Friedlander, Arnoff & Coplan, LLP Brouse, McDowell Cavs Charities Cavitch, Familo, Durkin City of Cleveland Climaco, Lefkowitz, Peca, Wilcox & Garfoli Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners Davis & Young, LLP Duvin Cahn & Hutton Fay, Sharpe, Beall & Fagan, Minnich & McKee Forest City Enterprises McCarthy Lebit Crystal & Haiman Co., LPA Hahn, Loeser & Parks, LLP “When we are surrounded by people who are similar to us, there is no need to question, no need to explain. When people from many cultural, socio-economic, educational and moral backgrounds work together, important things begin to happen. In the midst of this diversity, we begin to question ourselves and others, dialogue begins, and ideas change. As understanding moves in, ignorance and fear move out. This is the work needed to create the future world that City Year envisions.” —Jacquelynn Grote, City Year Rhode Island Corps Member Hyatt Legal Plans Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue Kelley McCann & Livingstone, LLP KeyBank Krembs & Alkire Mansour, Gavin Gerlack & Manos Co., LPA Messerman & Messerman Co., LPA Pioneer Standard Electronics, Inc. Polster Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur Reminger & Reminger Co., LPA RPM, Inc. Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland Spieth, Bell, McCurdy & Newell Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, LLP Thompson Hine & Flory, LLP TRW, Inc. Ulmer & Berne, LLP Weisman, Goldberg & Weisman Co., LPA Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA Zuckerman & Daiker Foundations & Other Sources Cleveland Brown’s Foundation The Cleveland Foundation Deaconness Community Foundation Gannett Foundation George Gund Foundation Jewish Community Federation Johnson Foundation Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Mt. Sinai Health Myers Foundation O’Neill Foundation Raymond John Wean Foundation Richman Brothers Foundation Rosskamm Foundation Edward & Betty Sloat Foundation Corporate Donors Alcan Aluminum Cedar Point Cleveland State University Cleveland Steel Container CVS/pharmacy East Ohio Gas Eaton Corporation First Energy Lincoln Financial National City Bank The Plain Dealer Warner Bros. In-Kind Donors American Greetings Corp. Anne Schoff CVS/pharmacy RPM, Inc Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Individuals $1000+ Anne & Jim Schoff William Summers $500+ David O’Neill $250+ Jeff Concepcion Raymond Murphy Dick Pogue Scott Wolstein $100+ Ray Elliott Robert Markey Hermann Menges Michael Nock Kevin O’Donnell Leroy Parks Alfonso Sanchez David Sunderhaft Charles Zellmer $50+ Stephen Lau Marvin Manes Thomas Richlovsky COLUMBIA AmeriCorps The Corporation for National and Community Service South Carolina Commission on National and Community Service Program Sponsors City of Columbia Team Sponsors Bank of America United Parcel Service Foundations & Other Sources Allstate Foundation Department of Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) Lipscomb Foundation Marion A. & Rachel S. Knox Foundation McNair Law Firm Foundation Palmetto Pride Litter Initiative Publix Super Markets Charities Richland Clicks! St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields Foundation Walmart Foundation Westbrook Foundation Corporate Donors American Red Cross AT&T Bank of America Bell South Biscuit House Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Duff, Dubberly, Turner, White & Boykin EdVenture Inc Ellis Physical Therapy Association Fleet Mortgage Geddings Communications, LLC International Paper Junior League of Columbia McCrory Construction Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, LLP Oswald Wholesale Lumber Pizza Hut Providence Hospital Resource Bancshares Mortgage Group Rising High Natural Bread Company Rotary Club of Five Points Russell & Jeffcoat Realtors Suggs & Kelly, PA Time Warner Cable Wachovia Bank In-Kind Donors Alltel Communications Cedar Terrace Hardware Cromer’s D’s Wings, Incorporated E.D.’s Paint Educational Wonderland Hardware House Ace Jillian’s McAlister’s Deli McDonald’s Corporation Pet Dairy Publix Super Markets, Incorporated Red Lobster The Sherwin Williams Company Sonic Taco Bell Corporation Yesterdays Individuals $2,500+ Marie-Louise Ramsdale Kenneth Suggs $1000+ David Dukes Andrea Geyer Mr. Harry M. Lightsey, III Jane & Thomas Suggs Inez M. Tenenbaum $500+ E. Perry Palmer Gerald Wagner 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 27 City Year Annual Report 2000 $250+ Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Chris Barker Steven Burritt William Cook Claudia Devant Deloach Elliott Epps Donald Fowler Carl Johnson Elizabeth & John Jones Anil Kudchadkar Vernice Leonard John Paul McNeal Marguerite & John O’Brien Chris Reidenbach Knight Ridder Joel A. Smith, III Jane Paterson Suggs G. Todd Weiss $100+ Air Cycle Cooling & Heating Alltell Alpha Phi Omega, Iota Mu Association of African American Students Judith Burns George Cauthen Ilsa Cohen Edward Dolby Exclusively Housecleaning Deann Fairfield Clente Flemming Terry Frame Barbara Hamilton Mrs. James L. Hampton Hayne Hipp Michael Kelly Durgesh Kudchadkar J.C. McColl H. Phillps McDowell Alison Montgomery Dolly Montgomery James Nash Monica Newman Sandra Nesbit Frederick Noble Brian Owens F. Huling Poston Louann Reeves Terry Scott H. Dabney Smith James Smith J. Elizabeth Strohecker Mary Wilkins $50+ Benjamin Blanks R. Bradley Brannon Sandra Bryan C. J. Cambre Ann Cargill Carolina Material Handling Service Kathryn Carter Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Krista Clark Susan Collings John Creed Frady & Stafford Jonathan Frew Mary Gardner Geela McGaughey Wally Graves Charlie Howard Jennifer Hicks Mary Lou Ippolito Wendy E. Jones Helen Kahn M. Terry Kirven William Latham Jennifer Mallory Arlene Merritt John Nichols Elizabeth Patterson Charles Rampey Suzanne Reidenbach Elizabeth Rollins St. Martin’s Episcopal Church R. Bruce Shaw George Terry Terry Tysinger John Waddell Sandra Zimmerman COLUMBUS AmeriCorps The Corporation for National and Community Service Ohio Governor’s Community Service Council Foundations & Other Sources City of Columbus Columbus Medical Association Foundation Columbus Youth Foundation English Family Foundation Harry C. Moores Foundation Ingram-White Castle Foundation Mykrantz Family Foundation Nationwide Insurance Enterprise Foundation OSU Women’s Faculty The Columbus Foundation The Reinberger Foundation The Siemer Family Foundation United Way Race Relations Vision Council Corporate Donors Advanced Drainage Systems Andersen Consulting A-Plus Personnel Services Application Link, Inc. Bank One Bob Evans Farms Borden, Inc. Britt Business Systems Check Smart Continental Office Furniture Continental Office Interests Crane Plastics Elford, Inc. Gingerbread Day Nursery Heritage Haven Honda of America Mfg., Inc. KeyBank Marshall Fields Minority Business Consortium National City Nationwide Insurance OhioHealth Pepsi Cola Distributing of Columbus Plaskolite Redwood Development Corporation Renny Tyson Co., LPA Sarcom Schneider Downs Schottenstein, Zox, & Dunn Solutions Staffing Sophisticated Systems Stonehenge Partners, Inc. Strathman Associates Techneglas Tee Jaye’s Country Place The Kroger Company Time Warner Communications United Parcel Service United Seal Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, LLP Wolfe Enterprises Worthington Industries In-Kind Donors Central Ohio Transit Authority Police Athletic League Individuals $5,000+ Gary Glaser $2,500+ Ellen Julian Peggy Mativi Theodore St. Clair Mark & Janet Sturgeon $1,000+ Bill Courson Lisa Defendiefer & Todd Kleismet Rob Edmund John Fishpaw Elizabeth Mykrantz Fred & Kathy Ransier Thekla Shackelford Alex Shumate Stephanie Tresso Tom & Kathy Woods Scott & Carolynn Ziance $500+ Lorraine Brock Ken Gaither Sam McDaniel Priscilla Tyson Renny Tyson David Weiss Les Wright $250+ Sheila Barfield Barbara Bryson Beau Euton Janet George Larry & Donna James $100+ Erie Chapman Ellwood Lewis Dan & Melissa Prond Ann Powell Riley The Skillman Foundation W.K. Kellogg Foundation Founding Corporate Donors Kmart Corporation Founding In-Kind Donors Audio Visual Impact City of Detroit Department of Transportation Gleaners Food Bank Henry Ford Health System Home Depot Massie & Associates Michigan Metro Girl Scout Council Founding Individuals John & Diana Marshall Marlies Parenti NEW HAMPSHIRE AmeriCorps Volunteer NH! The New Hampshire Commission on National and Community Service Founding Site Sponsor The Timberland Company $50+ Melanie Bowles Founding Team Sponsor CBE Technologies, Inc. Fleet Bank—New Hampshire The GE Fund DETROIT Start-Up Funder The Timberland Company AmeriCorps / Founding Partners Michigan Community Service Commission The Kresge Foundation Founding Team Sponsors Bank One Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Comerica Incorporated DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund Henry Ford Health System/HAP Jewish Community of Metro Detroit The Jewish Fund The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit United Jewish Foundation Founding Foundations Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan David M. Whitney Fund Hudson-Webber Foundation The Grayling Fund The Knight Fund The Kresge Foundation McGregor Fund Pistons-Palace Foundation Founding Supporters Compaq Computer Corporation Green Pages The Lawyer’s Consortium: Matt Benson, Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson; Susan Chamberlin, Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella Robert Ciandella, Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella Steven Grill, Devine, Millimet & Branch, P.A. Paul Hodes, Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. Emily Rice, Orr & Reno Danette Wineberg, The Timberland Company David Wolowitz, McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton New Circle Communications The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. Pepsi USA Start-Up In-Kind Donors Phillips Exeter Academy 27 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 28 28 contributors Foundations & Other Sources Enterprise Rent-a-Car Foundation The Fuller Foundation Rockingham County Department of Human Services Founding In-Kind Donors Computer Group, Inc. Dot’s Flower Shop ES Sports Corporation Fleishman Hillard, Inc. Flora Ventures, Inc. Jane Walsh Photography MassAV Pepsi USA PortCity Roasters Redhook Ale Brewery Shaw’s Shop & Save The Timberland Company Trash Can Lid Productions Individuals $1000+ Peter Bender & Anne Ostberg Elise Klysa $250+ Dr. Amir & Mrs. Veronica Khazei PHIL ADELPHIA AmeriCorps PennSERVE: The Governor’s Office of Citizen Service Team Sponsors $100,000 Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. $70,000 First Union Corporation Firstrust Bank Prudential Fox & Roach Realtors Sunoco Philadelphia Lawyers Consortium Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley, LLP Dechert, LLP Duane, Morris & Heckscher, LLP Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC Hoyle, Morris & Kerr, LLP Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP Pepper Hamilton, LLP Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, LLP Wolf Block Schorr & Solis-Cohen, LLP $35,000 The Hunt Corporation Radian Guaranty Technitrol, Inc. Turner Construction Foundations & Other Sources The Barra Foundation The Binswanger Family Foundation The Germeshausen Foundation The Knight Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts The Victory Foundation City/State Municipal Funders The School District of Philadelphia Corporate Donors 4anything.com 610 WIP Sportsradio AAA Keystone Advanta Corporation AgWeb.com Alta Communications Amerimer Enterprises, Inc. Andersen Consulting Anonymous Aon Consulting ATX Telecommunications Services Bluestone Consulting, Inc. Brandywine Realty Trust Breakaway Solutions Broadreach Consulting Buchanan Ingersoll Professional Corporation Cambridge Technology Partners CDI Corporation Centocor, Inc. Cephalon, Inc. CFS Grubmeyer Chubb & Son Comcast Spectacor CompuCom CoreTech Cozen & O’Connor Cross Atlantic Capital Partners Day & Zimmermann, Inc. Deloitte & Touche, LLP Delsys Pharmaceutical Corporation Devon Consulting Dollar Financial Group Drinker Biddle & Reath Eastern Technology Council Eastern Technology Fund Enertech Management e-Vend.net Corporation Excelon Capital Partners Firstrust Bank Fischer Foundation Fox, Rothschild, O’Brien & Frankel, LLP The Franklin Institute Garfield Group Gemstone Group Gladwyne Partners, LLC Global Financial Press, Inc. Goldman Sachs & Company The Graham Company GS Capital, LP Liberty Property Trust Heidrick & Struggles Hollister Publication Services, Inc. HoopsTV.com Howard Fischer Associates Howard, Lawson, & Company Hunt Corporation IBM Corporation International Data Corporation iMedium Insignia/ESG InterDigital Communications, Inc. Internet Capital Group, Inc. Investor Broadcast Network IT Profiler JM & Company Karr Barth Associates, Inc. KBS Systems, LLC K-Mart KPMG, LLP Leslie Mayer Associates Linda Creed Breast Cancer Foundation Lubert-Adler/LLR Management The Main Line Trust Company MarketMembers.com Marsh Merrill Corporation Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. Micro E.D.S, Inc. Morgan Lewis & Bockius, LLP Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Munroe Creative Partners mVest Technology Solutions The Nasdaq Stock Market Naviant Technology Solutions Neose Technologies Netreach, Inc. Neuronyx Next Generation Network, Inc. Omicron Consulting PA Early Stage Partners PECO Adelphia Pennsylvania Merchant Group Pepper Hamilton, LLP Philadelphia Eagles Philadelphia Phillies Philadelphia Reads Phoenix Management Services, Inc. PNC Bank PricewaterhouseCoopers Pro Cap, LLC QuestOne Decision Sciences RAF Industries RealTIME Media, Inc. Robert W. Baird & Company Safeguard International Fund Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. Sanchez Computer Associates Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, LLP SCP Private Equity Partners, LP SCT The Standing Stone Group The STAR Group The Staubach Company of PA Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP Summit Bank Sunoco Technitrol, Inc. The Tierney Group TL Ventures Traffic.com, Inc. Tube City, Inc. Turner Construction Company Tyco International U.S. Trust Company United Messaging University of Pennsylvania Ursinus College US Interactive, Inc. VerticalNet, Inc. Visalign Wawa The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania William M. Mercer, Inc. Williams Communications Solutions Willis of Pennsilvania, Inc. Wilmington Trust Major In-Kind Donors Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA) Colorlith Printing Next Generation Network Packard Press Media Bureau Networks Other Donors American Red Cross The Boy Scouts of America Individuals $5,000+ Behr Family Room Sponsorship Vincent Bell Kenneth G. Langone Heinz Schimmelbusch Dick Vermeil Raymond & JoAnne Welsh $2,500+ Joe & Helaine Banner David Lacey Bennett & Judie Weinstock $1000+ Jim Balfanz Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Binswanger, III Ronald Biscardi Fred Blume Suzanne & Norman Cohn June DePonte Richard Dilsheimer William A. Doyle Edward M. Dunham, Jr. Annette Gibbons Marla & Richard Green Jennifer Insalco Karen Keating Eve Klothen Ronald J. Naples Anne Marie Sheedy Harmon S. Spolan Donald L. Thompson Daniel Wofford & Sarah Peck $500+ Kelly Alexander Majid Alsayegh Edith W. Barnes George Barnes Ann R. Baruch Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Block George E. Boudreau Laurada Byers Russell Byers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thierry Chansigau Debbie & Robert Chiumento Mr. & Mrs. Michael Christina Karen Cohen Donna Cooper Melisa Dietz William A. Doyle Joe & Donna Duffey Brian Dwyer John Fenger Peg Fitzpatrick Tim Foster Fred D. Fox Phil Glick Mary Gordon A.E. Gorman, Jr. Richard & Mary Guttendorf Alex Hart Hendrik & Nancy Hartog Janice Hauptfuhrer Robert & Barbara Hauptfuhrer Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Hewit Sean Holleran W. Joseph Imhoff Richard Jaffe Sidney Lazard Andrew Z. Lotsis Tom Lynch Mary Wiest Mackie Carol Markus Max Mason Herman & Marciene Mattleman Kevin McPoyle Judy Munroe Diane Nelson Arthur Newbold, IV 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 29 City Year Annual Report 2000 Linda Rosanio John M. Ryan Steven Sammartino Hudson Scattergood Dr. Frank & Mollie Slattery, Jr. James J. Smart Martin Snyder Arthur Spector Christopher & Pamela Starr Iliana & Ben Strauss Linda & Ian Swain Dr. & Mrs. John M. Templeton, Jr. Jay H. Tolson John Touey Msenzi Traylor Elizabeth Tuppeny Tony & Elizabeth Vale Mariannia Valencia Mr. & Mrs. Enza Venezia Judith M. Von Seideneck Mr. & Mrs. Watson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Welch Timothy G. Wenhold Mitch Wienick Terry Williams Paul Woodruff $250+ Charles Andes Linda C. Austin Mel Baiada Henry Barnard Richard Battista Ann R. Baruch Zack Bergreen Hugh & Barbara Best Roger J. Braunfeld E. Talbot Briddell Ike Carpenter William B. Churchman, III Augustus Cicala Della Clark Yasuhiro Hane Linda Hansell Fritz Heinemann Lee Huang Jeffrey A. Dalke, Esq Jeffrey & Anne Dalke Aretha D. David Leman M. Davis Brian Dooner Edward G. Driscoll Marc Duey Mark & Jill Fishman Donald M. Gleklen Barbara Gohn Martin Goldsmith Steven P. Grenz Karen Griffith Gryga Antonia W. Hamilton Barbara Hauptfuhrer Robert Hauptfuhrer Florence Hiller Sally Hyman Keith S. Jennings Sam Katz Julia Alexander King Craig Kingston Bob Larson Dominic Liberi Ben Marini Shawn Marcell Robert McAlaine Judy Munroe Ronald J. Naples Cathy Neifeld Dorothy Potash William E. Precious Charles A. Reinhart, III Peter G. Randall R. Linda Resnick Don K. Rice David Ryan Peter Satorius Justin T. Scott Jonathan Smolowe Richard Sperry Robert A. Swift Andrea Szymendera Macduff Symington Phil Toews Pam Wilcox Denean & Alicia Williams William J. Wisely $100+ Kenneth Ackerman, III Neysa & Arlin Adams Andrea M Barsevick Wanda Beilenson Noel C. Birle Jerry Block Jon & Donna Boscia Ann Buchanan Winchell S. Carroll Paula R. Cherner Norman Cohn Gerald Conroy Dianne K. Crouthamel Tracy Maria Duffield Jack E. Feinberg Frezel Afmily Foundation Doris & Dana Greenblatt Elizabeth Kapnek Grenald Thomas P. Griga Norman & Phyllis Gutman Mark Harrell Jenny Hamilton A. Scott Holmes Lynne Honickman Josephine Klein Nancy D. Kolb “Thank you for creating my future. I am the person I am today because you gave me the gift of City Year. But more importantly you gave me the tools to be an idealist.” —Sarah Roberson, City Year San Jose/Silicon Valley Alumna, ’97 Carter R. Leidy, Jr. Ronald & Suzanne Levin Eric MacMillan Alison J. Mackey The Honorable Theodore McKee Richard & Donna Meyers F. Bruce Millr Daniel J. Mooney Barbara A. Noone Michael Nutter Dennis S. Pizzica Philip Price, Jr. Jeri Ramos Michelle Regan Minnie Reyes Frederick & Debra Robinson J. B. Scargill Samuel Singer Robert Spencer Zachary Stalberg Kimberly Streeter Robert & Jane Toll Suzanne Turner John & Tracey Vispoli Robert Wert Signe Wilkinson Richard Wining Other John & Nancy Dura Vivian Ehert D. J. Hollister Paul P. Giordano Jenny Hamilton Gordan Hattersley Lynn Hull Jacquelyn D. Leake Francis P. McGee Judy Nelson Kimberly Nelson Lisa Phillips Otis G. Roberts, III Albert Scaperotto Mary Strasser Robert & Joellen Street Patricia M. Toner James Willie RHODE ISL AND AmeriCorps Rhode Island Service Alliance Team Sponsors BankBoston Bank of Newport CVS/pharmacy Fleet Bank—RI Hasbro Charitable Trust Providence Journal Charitable Foundation Foundations & Other Sources Alperin/Hirsch Family Foundation Bryant College C.R. Bard Foundation Channel One City of Pawtucket City of Newport City of Providence City of Woonsocket Easton High School Elms Foundation Feinstein Family Foundation FirstFed Charitable Foundation Haffenreffer Family Fund Johnson & Wales University Joukowsky Family Foundation June Rockwell Levy Foundation Learn & Serve America McAdams Charitable Foundation Newport County Chamber of Commerce PKL Foundation, Inc. Prospect Hill Foundation Rhode Island School of Design Rhode Island Zoological Society Roger Williams University Sharpe Family Foundation State of Rhode Island Trimix Foundation Westminster Church Youth Group United Way Southeastern New England William Bingham Foundation Woonsocket Housing Authority Woonsocket Neighborhood Development Corp. Corporate Donors Abt Associates, Inc. Adler, Pollock & Sheehan, PC Aguirre International Amica Insurance Company Aon Risk Services Aquidneck Growers Market Autocrat, Inc. Bank Rhode Island Beacon Mutual Insurance Company Bell Atlantic Bigney & Bigney Blackstone Valley Security Brown, Rudnick, Freed & Gesmer Capital Orthotics, LLC Carlson Restaurant Center for Therapeutic Massage Cerilli, McGuirl & Bicki Citizens Bank Collette Tours Commonwealth Development Group, Inc. Creative Impressions, Inc. dba COSMO, INC. Duffy & Shanley Edwards & Angell, LLP Ernst & Young FM Global GTECH Corporation Heritage Consulting Group, Inc. Hunter Insurance, Inc. Jessel Design John Hope Settlement House Landmark Medical Center Law Offices of Richard P. D’Addario Lawson Hemphill L’eggs Products Liptak Designs Majestic Motors Manpower, Inc. McLaughlin & Moran, Inc. Mendez Travel Metropolitan Property & Casualty Moran Agencies Moses & Afonso Nantucket Nectars Narragansett Electric Company Neptco Nixon Peabody Ocean State Power 29 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 30 30 contributors As I commute into work each day, I find myself feeling both nostalgic and proud when I spot a red jacket in the crowd. Nostalgic for those intense, exhilarating, and even frustrating days with my team, and incredibly proud to see another young person who believes in national service.” —Caitlin Hollister, City Year Chicago Alumna, ’95 Omnipoint Paramount Cards Partridge, Snow & Hahn, LLP Paul Arpin Van Lines Pawtucket Credit Union Pawtucket Lions Club Pawtucket Red Sox Pediatric Physical Therapy, Inc. Professional Facilities Management, Inc. Providence Gas Company Providence Journal Company Providence Washington Insurance Company The Robinson Green Beretta Corporation Rusco Steel Company RW Beck, Inc. Salon de Fatima Sanitech, Inc. of RI Sansiveri, Kimball & McNamee, LLP Sinclair Realty Teknor Apex Textron, Inc. Village Reflections W.B. Mason Company Wardwell Braiding Machine Company Winkler Group Major In-Kind Donors Adler’s Hardware Ballooney Tunes Calcutt True Value Hardware CVS/pharmacy Delvise Berkley Dunkin Donuts Honey Dew Donuts Industrial Welders Supply Company, Inc. Jason Cloutier Johnson & Wales University N.E. Audio Visual OOP! Original Homestyle Providence Marriott Hotel RI Monthly Rhode Island Public Transit Authority Ron Bianco Southwest Airlines Spot Interactive Target Individuals $5,000+ Anonymous (2) Letitia & John Carter Buff & Johnnie Chace Kim & Liz Chace Stanley & Merle Goldstein Craig & Sarah Beinecke Richardson $2,500+ Shem & Karen Garlock Peter Kellner $1000+ Anonymous (3) Guy Abelson Alden & Emily Anderson Matthew Brown Daniel & Elizabeth Burke Bryant David Elbaum Christine Ferguson David Haffenreffer Casby & Mary Sylvia Harrison Michael & Hope Hudner Jack Keigwin Marie Langlois Frederick Lippitt Fred & Phyllis Lohrum Jonathan Nelson Howard & Kim Sutton $500+ Richard & Joan Abrams Richard Bruce Feinstein Tom & Lisa Goddard Bernard & Sharon Jackvony Ted & Deborah Leach Monica Patton Charles & Bernadine Reilly Henry & Peggy Sharpe Sheldon & Sandra Whitehouse $250+ William Browner William & Jeanne Bundy Richard Carolan & Carolyn Greeley Senator Lincoln Chafee Murray Danforth, III Fred Flanagan Louis & Mary Fuchs Michael Gilson Robert & Hope Goddard Sol & Suanne Goodman Cristie Hanaway Barry & Kathleen Hittner Lukas & Sharon Ingendahl Robert & Judy Levy John Moran Ted & Kristen Moran Gordon Parker James & Virginia Purviance Vernon & Florence Roosa Marcia Russell-Cintron Dr. Robert & Carol Sholler Beverly Scott Peter & Fentriss Stickeler $100+ Anonymous (4) Gregory Barr Robert Borah Andrew & Anna Browder Robert & Marjorie Catanzaro Peter & Virginia Chace David Cicilline Thomas Cook Raymond Endreny Malcolm & Susan Farmer William Hollinshead, M.D. Lacy Howe Denise Jenkins Lorraine & Nancy Jessel Helene Labrecque Richard & Jacqueline Lawrence Richard Licht John McCauley, Jr. John & Kay McKallagat Ken Martin Diane Martins Leslie Munson Jeff Paquette & Heidi Johnson Michael Parker Richard & Kathleen Phillips Richard Regan Bill & Cate Roberts Mary Ellen Rodgers George & Susan Schuellin Ned Stetson Cassandra Thomas Gradella Young Joseph Walch Samuel Zurier $50+ Mary Ellen Ahern Christy Angevine Michael Aubin Jay & Kathy Burke Malvin & Joanna Bates Ruth Chamberlain Edward Clifton Albert Dahlberg Mark Desisto Stephen Glinick Melvin & Elizabeth Hauck John & Teresa Howe Sally Lapides Robert & Judy Levy Ernesto & Marisol Luna Linda Monteiro Hugh O’Mara David Padilla Elizabeth Panciera Jonathan Richardson Andrew Riley Michael Rosenberg Ann Stiness Sherry Sudduth Joaquim & Ana Tavares Robert Twomey Carol Young SAN ANTONIO AmeriCorps Texas Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service Team Sponsors City of San Antonio ComNet Ericsson H-E-B Kronkosky Charitable Foundation Wells Fargo Bank Foundations & Other Sources Kimberly-Clarke Foundation San Antonio Association of Petroleum Landmen San Antonio Fiesta Commission Southwestern Bell Foundation Spurs Foundation Starfest Labor Day Festival Corporate Donors Advantage Rent a Car American Financial Services Anderson Advertising Arnold Automotive & Oil Company Arter & Hadden, LLP Trader Publications Bank of Frio Canyon Bank One Benefit Planners, Inc. Caltex Protective Coatings CaminoReal Bank Caprice Productions, Inc. Cavender & Hill Property Management Cavender Buick Cavender Cadillac Cavender Chevrolet Oldsmobile Cavender Oldsmobile Cavender Toyota Davidson & Troilo Dealer Performance Group Enterprise Rent-a-Car Ernst & Young, LLP Excel Vending of San Antonio, Inc. FBS Communications, LP Frost National Bank G&K Services, Inc. Garcia LKS Marketing GMAC Commercial Lending KPMG, LLP Kuper Realty Corporation Luby’s, Inc. Maximum Uptime, Inc. McCombs Enterprises McKane Morgan Insurance Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Onsite Fuels Our Lady of the Lake University Rotary Club of San Antonio San Antonio Express-News San Antonio Federal Credit Union San Antonio Spurs Saturn of San Antonio SBC Communications, Inc. Security Service Federal Credit Union Tesoro Petroleum Company Tetco, Inc. USAA Federal Savings Bank Valero Energy Corporation Veridian Information Solutions Major In-Kind Donors Alamo Community College District American Airlines Catholic Television of San Antonio Charline McCombs Empire Theatre ComNet Ericsson Corporate Travel H-E-B Foundation Camp H-E-B Media Center Hermes Music Jefferson High School KMOL 4—NBC Affiliate La Prensa—Bilingual Newspapers Jane Macon Mario’s Mexican Restaurant Mi Tierra Café & Bakery MIX 96 Radio Our Lady of the Lake University Palo Alto College San Antonio Express-News 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 31 City Year Annual Report 2000 Sue Merrell Schwirtz Team Leadership Resources The Ruble Center—Trinity Baptist Church The Quarry Golf Club VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority— Transportation Wells Fargo Bank YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow R&C Individuals $1000+ Ed Gistaro Thomas & Mary Hill Sue Merrell Schwirtz Kathy Sosa Stanley Spigel $500+ Dave Abshier Roland DuBay Tony Rivera $250+ Dr. Arline Patterson Col. Lynn Wakefield $100+ Reggie Williams $50+ Les Sachanowicz SAN JOSE / SILICON VALLEY AmeriCorps California Commission on Improving Life Through Service Team Sponsors Adobe Systems, Inc. Cisco Foundation Comerica Bank California Compaq Computer Corporation Consortium Team Sponsors MIPS Technologies Inc. NEC Electronics SGI (lead sponsor) Co-Team Sponsors CoMerica Bank California San Jose Mercury News The San Jose Sharks The Sobrato Family Foundation Therma Foundations & Other Sources The City of San Jose Community Foundation Silicon Valley David & Lucile Packard Foundation Ella Hamlin Foundation Jeff Skoll Community Fund Kids in Common Lockheed Martin Employee’s Foundation National Conference for Community and Justice Northern California Grantmakers Peninsula Community Foundation Steve & Michele Kirsch Foundation William & Flora Hewlett Foundation Corporate Donors Advanced Micro Devices BronnerCom Mervyn’s California Pacific Bell Penney’s Towing Quantum SBC Communications Schlumberger The Fairmont Hotel Toshiba America Major In-Kind Donors Albertson’s, Inc. Buca Di Beppo Restaurant Center for Employment and Training, San José Child Abuse Council of Santa Clara County Click Magazine Dunn-Edwards Paints & Wall Coverings Food 4 Less Green Team of San José Iguana’s Taqueria Kelly Moore Paint Company La Victoria Taqueria Lou’s Village Restaurant and Conference Center Max’s Restaurant MBA Office Supply Mexican Heritage Plaza Minitab Computer EquipmentSoftware Minitab Software The Minute Maid Company Odwalla, Inc. Pacific Bell Pioneers S&S Welding Second Harvest Food Bank Starbucks Corporation Time Deli Valley Transit Authority West Evergreen Neighborhood Association Individuals $5,000+ Lisa & Matthew Sonsini $1000+ Carl Guardino Philip & Susan Hammer Dolores Moore Maideh Radpour $500+ Joel & Susan Hyatt Lindi Ramsden Regina Reilly $250+ Rosline Demuizon Martha Kanter Mr. & Mrs. Edwin McCauley John Sarvey Patrick Tehan Christie Vianson Brooke Wagner Joanne Witt $100+ Shelia Brown Iris Buchmiller Terry Christensen Ann Curtis Shawna Holmes My & Kevin Laughlin Sandra Musashi Julien Phillips Ingrid Spies Gordon Strause Richard Zahner $50+ Carol Hollenberg Tara Karsian Harry Martin Elizabeth McDade-Montez Tashia Owens Robert Schmiedeskamp SEAT TLE/KING COUNTY AmeriCorps The Corporation for National and Community Service Founding Sponsors The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The Bruce R. & Jolene M. McCaw Fund The Henry M. Jackson Foundation Adobe Systems, Inc. Team Sponsors KeyBank Kids.Health.2001. Campaign City of Seattle Department of Parks & Recreation/Seattle Public Utilities Foundations & Other Sources Hugh S. Cannon Foundation Kettering Foundation The Craig & Susan McCaw Foundation Seattle Foundation The Stuart Foundation Washington Health Foundation Washington Women’s Foundation Corporate Donors Alliance for Education The Boeing Company Employee Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound New Start/King County Youth Services Nintendo of America, Inc. Nordstrom Diversity Affairs Planet CPR/The Tides Center Seattle Public Schools In-Kind Donors Boyd & Associates Cascadia Quest Domino’s Pizza Highline School District Kent Youth & Family Services King County Metro Transit Langston Hughes Cultural Arts Center Noah’s Bagels Panels for Progress Seattle Center Seattle Youth Involvement Network Sound Transit Starbucks Coffee Company Thrifty Car Rental Tully’s Coffee Youth Service America Individuals $7,500+ Dave & Shelley Malcolm $5,000+ John & Mary Snyder Richard Yarmuth $2,500+ Rich & Kathy Bray Arthur Wahl $1000+ Patrick Duhon & Karen Murphy Mickey Fearn Ann Fenner Susan Kim & Dan Williams Paul Smith $500+ Darnell Malcolm Scott Perret Craig Stewart $250+ James & Lois Hampton Bob Ratliffe $100+ Alden Jones Angelina Ong $50+ Dorthy Bullitt Sharon Ocho WASHINGTON, DC AmeriCorps The Corporation for National and Community Service Founding Site Sponsors The Case Foundation AOL Founding Team Sponsors AOL Cisco Systems Fannie Mae Foundation ServiceCorps: A Project of the Advisory Board Foundation Start-Up Funder The Case Foundation Founding Supporters Discovery Communications The Timberland Company The Washington Post Company Foundations & Other Sources German Marshall Fund Youth Service America Start-Up In-Kind Donors DrinkMoreWater, Inc. Honest Tea Lockheed Martin PricewaterhouseCoopers 31 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 32 32 City Year boards boards NATIONAL Chair Jeffrey Swartz Chief Executive Officer The Timberland Company Board Members Kristen Atwood Former Vice-President City Year, Inc. Michael Brown President and Co-Founder City Year, Inc. Farai Chideya OXYGEN George Gendron Editor in Chief Inc. Magazine Susan Hammer Former Mayor San Jose, California Ilene Jacobs Executive Vice President Fidelity Investments Rosabeth Moss Kanter Professor Graduate School of Business Administration Harvard University Alan Khazei CEO & Co-Founder City Year, Inc. Li Lu Managing Partner Himalaya Capital Partners Gary Orren Professor John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University Eli Segal Founding CEO AmeriCorps Welfare to Work Partnership Bill Shore Founder and CEO Share Our Strength Ron Sims King County Executive King County Courthouse Danette Wineberg Clerk pro tem Corporate Counsel The Timberland Company Steve Woodsum Managing Partner Summit Partners BOSTON Chair John Gilmartin, Chair Retired, CEO Millipore Corporation John D. Hamilton, Jr., Vice Chair Chairman Hale and Dorr Board Members James Ansara President Shawmut Design and Construction Matthew S. Axelrod Alumnus 1988 Attorney at Law Hill & Barlow Shawn M. Donnelley Manager, Political Affairs RR Donnelly & Sons Company Arne Duncan Director, Magnet Schools Chicago Public Schools Michele Courton Brown President FleetBoston Charitable Foundation Gena Pirtle Community Investments Manager Cisco Systems, Inc. LaTonya Brown Alumna 1994 Director of Programs Phillips Brooks House, Inc. Harvard University Ken Pucker Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer The Timberland Company Shirley Carrington Director of Human Services The Boston Empowerment Center Arnita M. Cooper Manager The House of M&M Barbers Commissioner Paul Evans Boston Police Department Ruthanne Fuller Strategic Planner Reverend Ray Hammond Bethel AME Church Stacey Kabat Co-Chair of the Board of Directors & Founder Peace at Home Paige E. Kane Regional Vice President State Relations CSX Transportation Paula McNichols Executive Director Brookside Community Health Center John Muse Financial Consultant Merrill Lynch John O’Connor President Greenworks, Inc. Evelyn Riesenberg Executive Director Boston Community Centers Dr. Ravinder Sakhuja President & CEO APEX Enterprises Casel Walker Principal Joseph Manning Elementary School John Edelman Assistant to the Chairman/International Director of Human Resources Edelman Public Relations Larry Freed President Joseph J. Freed & Associates, Inc. Michael Mandel Alumnus 1996 and 1997 Student, Northwestern University School of Law Phyllis Martin Executive Director Financial Research & Advisory Committee Eric T. McKissack Vice Chairman/Co-Chief Investment Officer Ariel Capital Management Ronald L. Walker, II Senior Vice President Community Banking Fleet Bank Jeff Morales Executive Vice President Chicago Transit Authority Dana Weiss Consultant R. Susan Motley Vice President, Community Leader.com Dr. Bak Fun Wong Principal Upper Quincy School CHICAGO Chair Michael Alter President The Alter Group Board Members Kenneth Alpart President Alpart Trading Company Carlos Azcoitia Deputy Chief Education Officer Chicago Public Schools James N. Perry, Jr. Managing Director Madison Dearborn Partners, Inc. Stephen R. Quazzo Managing Director Transwestern Investment Company Michael Reinsdorf Managing Director International Facilities Group LLC Jim Reynolds Chief Executive Officer Loop Capital Markets Lee Selander Executive Vice President The Northern Trust Company Pamela George Program Associate The Cleveland Foundation Jennifer Steans Executive Vice President Financial Investments Corporation Cathy Lewis-Wright Program Manager Cleveland Television Network Gil Walker Executive Director Chicago Housing Authority Resident Programs/InnerCity Games CLEVEL AND Co-Chairs Jan Roller Attorney Davis & Young Thomas Sullivan, Sr. C.E.O. Chairman of the Board RPM, Inc. Board Members Bruce Akers Vice President Public Affairs Keybank Greg Brown Fellow Federation of Community Planning Deborah Coleman Attorney Hahn, Loeser & Parks, LLP Jeff Concepcion Chief Executive Officier Sagemark Consulting Nancy Cronin International/Government Relations Cleveland Port Authority Anthea Daniels Partner, Attorney at Law Calfee Halter & Griswold, LLP Robert Deitz Director Community Affairs RPM, Inc. Mike Frothingham Marketing Manager Day-Glo Color Corporation Judge Donald Nugent U.S. Federal Judge Yvonne Pointer-Triplett City of Cleveland Department of Parks & Recreation Dr. Wornie Reed Director Cleveland State University Urban Child Research Center Richard Sayers Senior Vice President Pioneer-Standard Electronics Alan Senger Director Community Affairs TRW, Inc. Anne Schoff Alumna Parent Retired School Teacher Ellen Ticktin Grants Consultant The Ticktin Group COLUMBIA Chair Kenneth M. Suggs, Esq. Founding Partner Suggs & Kelly, PA Board Members William T. Bateman Director of Economic Development BellSouth Tom O. DeLoach President Business & Industry Political Education Committee Bob Derrick Senior Vice President Wachovia Bank David Dukes, Esq. Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, LLP 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:23 AM Page 33 City Year Annual Report 2000 Clente Flemming President The Flemming Group, Inc. Bobby Gist Director, Office of Equal Opportunity Programs University of South Carolina Wally Graves Assistant Vice President Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina David Hyatt Senior Vice President Bank of America Ozie Jackson Manager Budweiser of Columbia Don Montgomery Assistant Vice President Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company Monica Newman Assistant Director of External Affairs SC Department of Juvenile Justice Rick Noble Development Director Midlands Technical College Brian Owens President Rising High Natural Bread Company Greg Plagens Communications Director Richland County School District One Marie-Louis Ramsdale Director SC First Steps to School Readiness Terri Randall Vice President Consumer Marketing & Public Relations Fleet Mortgage Jane Suggs Community Member G. Todd Weiss Manager Heritage Chevrolet COLUMBUS Chair Gary A. Glaser Chairman National City Board Members Ron Barnes General Manager COTA Maurice Blake Director, Pupil Service Columbus Public Schools David Weiss Senior Vice President National City David Williams II Vice President of Student Affairs The Ohio State University Les Wright Station Manager WSMG-Z103 Scott Ziance Attorney Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, LLP K. Noreen Keating CEO Lighthouse of Oakland County Patrick O. Lindsey Community Relations Specialist DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund Reuben Munday Partner Lewis & Munday, PC DETROIT Rex Nelson Vice President of Community Development & Player Programs Pistons-Palace Foundation Beth Bubis Vice President, Community Relations Bank One Chair Gail L. Warden President & CEO Henry Ford Health System Paul Piper Executive Assistant Office of the CEO of Detroit Public Schools Wendell Bugg Assistant Manager, Company Communications Honda of America Mfg., Inc. Co-Chair Walter C. Watkins, Jr. President Bank One, Michigan Scott Romney Partner Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn, LLP Ken Gaither Director, Financial Planning & Analysis Borden, Inc. Board Members N. Charles Anderson President & CEO Detroit Urban League, Inc. David Smydra Group Executive The Mayor’s Office, City of Detroit Holly Hollingsworth Reporter/Anchor WCMH/NBC-4 Penny Bailer Executive Director Michigan Metro Girl Scout Council Dr. Martha Smydra President Oakland Community College, Royal Oak Tarik Daoud President Al Long Ford, Inc. Laura Trudeau Vice President Regional Contributions & Community Relations Bank One Lorraine Brock Vice President, Urban Markets Development Nationwide Insurance E.W. Ingram President White Castle Yvonne P. Jones Director, Classified Personnel Columbus Public Schools E. Jeffrey Kovacs CPA Shareholder Schneider Downs Bill Petrarca Chairman Strathman Associates, Inc. Ted St. Clair Corporate Vice President Continental Office Furniture Alphonso Simmons, Ph.D. Vice President, Minority Affairs Columbus State Community College Krista Stastyshyn Board Member Southwestern City Schools Maggie DeSantis Executive Director Warren Conner Development Corporation Diane Frank Director of Youth & Education ACCESS Reverend Edgar Vann Pastor Second Ebenezer Baptist Church Liz Kanter Groskind Founder Volunteer Impact Executive Committee Gail L. Warden, Chair President & CEO Henry Ford Health System Joel Jacob President The Bottle Crew Joseph J. Buttigieg, III Vice Chairman Comerica Incorporated Diana Jones Vice President of Community Affairs Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan Amanda Caballero Executive Director Latino Family Services C. David Campbell Executive Director McGregor Fund Virgil Carr President & CEO United Way Community Services John E. Marshall, III President & CEO The Kresge Foundation Heath Meriwether Publisher Detroit Free Press David Page Senior Partner Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn, LLP Rebecca Salminen Witt Executive Director The Greening of Detroit NEW HAMPSHIRE Board Members Maureen Barrows Commissioner Rockingham County Department of Human Services Eleanor Dunfey Freiburger Co-chair Global Citizens Circle Professor University of Southern New Hampshire Aaron Smith Consultant State of New Hampshire Reverend Russell Weatherspoon Professor Phillips Exeter Academy PHIL ADELPHIA Co-Chairs Joe Banner President/Chief Operating Officer Philadelphia Eagles Phil Behr Managing Partner ANC Capital Board Members Fahtima Ali City Year Greater Philadelphia Alumnus, ’99 Rev. Dorothy Bailey Philadelphia Clergy Fred Blume Administrative Partner Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley, LLP Laurada Byers President Warthog Productions Donna Cooper Senior Vice President, Welfare to Work Philadelphia Workforce Development Corporation Joe Cox Headmaster The Haverford School Marla Green Firstrust Bank Mary Gregg Mark Harrell Frances M. Jones Assistant General Manager, Government Affairs Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA) Karen Keating Senior Corporate Counsel Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. Frank Keel President Keel Communications Eve Biskind Klothen Philadelphia Bar Association David Lacey Vice President, Human Resources Technitrol, Inc. Mary Mackie Director of Community Services United Way of Southeastern PA Marciene Mattleman Director of Literacy Programs Public/Private Ventures Honorable Theodore A. McKee U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit Honorable Michael A. Nutter City Council of Philadelphia Glenn Rieger Managing Director Cross Atlantic Capital Partners Richard P. Sperry President RS Sperry & Associates Donald L. Thompson Chairman, President & CEO The Hunt Corporation Don Tollefson Anchor WTXF-TV Suzanne Turner, Esq. Partner Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP Elizabeth Vale Principal Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Investment Management Denean Williams Business Senior Manager VerticalNet, Inc. Dan Wofford Director, Philadelphia Scholars Philadelphia Education Fund Ahmeenah Young Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing Pennsylvania Convention Center 33 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:24 AM Page 34 34 City Year boards RHODE ISL AND Chair Casby Harrison Partner Harrison Law Associates Board Members Guy Abelson Guy Abelson Events Matt Brown Community Member William Bundy Vice President Fleet Technology Solutions Christine Ferguson Director Department of Human Services Kristen Haffenreffer Moran Executive Director Rhode Islanders Sponsoring Education George Nee Secretary Treasurer RI AFL CIO Weayonnoh Nelson Alumna ’99 Tomas Ramirez Principal Nathaniel Greene Middle School Sarah Beinecke Richardson Community Member Cate Roberts Director of Community Affairs Textron, Inc. SAN ANTONIO Chair Kathy Sosa President Garcia-LKS Vice-Chair Les Sachanowicz Attorney Bexar County Courthouse Board Members Dr. Shari Albright Principal International School of the Americas Roland DuBay Vice President of Institutional Advancement Alamo Community College District Merle Goldstein Community Member Chris Smith Alumnus ’94 Cristie Hanaway G. Frank Hanaway Insurance Agency Delia Rodriguez-Masjoan Partnership Specialist Census 2000 Tertia Emerson Founder Neighborhood Resource Center Beverly Scott General Manager Rhode Island Public Transit Authority Steve Fanning Executive Director Buckner Fanning Evangelistic Foundation Brian Travers Vice President BankBoston Investor Services Robert H. Finney Attorney Arter & Hadden, LLP Keith Stokes Executive Director Newport County Chamber of Commerce Greg Flores Manager of Public Affairs & Corporate Communications H-E-B Sheldon Whitehouse Attorney General State of Rhode Island Ed Gistaro Chairman Docucon Janie Groves President Groves Cheney Group, Inc. Lynn Hallinger Community Volunteer Derrick Howard Executive Director Freeman Coliseum Dr. Jon Johnson President Team Leadership Resources SAN JOSE/ SILICON VALLEY Jan Krug Regional Vice President Merrill Lynch Chair Carl Guardino President and CEO Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group James Lifshutz President Texas Home Improvements, Inc. Jane Macon Attorney Fulbright & Jaworski Dr. Arline Patterson Director for Extended Learning Texas Lutheran University Dr. Jada Pitman Executive Director of Special Programs Southwest Independent School District Steve Preminger Community Services Director South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council Terry Christensen Professor & Chair, Political Science Department San José State University Reverend Lindi Ramsden Senior Minister First Unitarian Church of San Jose Dyanne Compton Senior Manager, Community Relations Adobe Systems Regina Reilly Tony Rivera Retired; Community Volunteer Rene Ruiz Attorney Matthews & Branscomb Adam Escoto Principal Horace Mann Academy Sue Merrell-Schwirtz Owner Seven Seasons Travel Christie Hardwick Vianson Vice President of Change Management SGI, Inc. Eric Swellander Outreach Assistant Vice President of Commercial Lending Bank One Joe Pon Global Corporate Affairs Applied Materials Board Members The Honorable Cindy Chavez Council Member District 3, City of San José Bill Erlendsen Assistant Superintendent and Director of External Affairs and Programs San José Unified School District Jennifer Snoga-Sill Investments Account Manager MCI Worldcom Corporation Linda Murray Superintendent San José Unified School District Shawna Holmes Corporate Community Relations Program Manager Compaq Computer Corporation Martha Kanter President De Anza College Reverend Richard Tankerson Board Chairman VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority Deborah Kim PhD Student, Stanford School of Education City Year Alumna ’95 Lawrence (Bucky) Wellisch Senior Manager Trident Data Systems Lani Luthard Vangie Maynard Vice President Comerica Bank-California Dolores Moore Vice President of Human Resources and Administration San Jose Mercury News Richard Rios Deputy Executive Director San José Redevelopment Agency Sylvia Andrew Rodriguez Dean, College of Social Work San José State University Scott Smith Chief Operating Officer Theory Center Lisa Sobrato Sonsini President Sobrato Family Foundation Laura Udall Director, Global Community Affairs Redback Networks, Inc. Brooke Wagner Vice President of Investor Relations Aspect Communications, Inc. SEAT TLE/KING COUNTY Chair Richard C. Yarmuth Yarmuth Wilsdon Calfo PLLC Board Members Reuven M. Carlyle Vice President, External Affairs XYPOINT Corporation Steve Daschle Executive Director Southwest Youth & Family Services Mickey Fearn Consultant The Synapse Group Carol Gregory Education Liaison, King County Executive Highline School District Keith Grinstein President & CEO Nextel International Rodney Hines Consultant Cedar River Associates Susan Kim, MD Dermatologist Marc Lhormer Consultant E=MC2 Shelley Malcolm Marketing Consultant John Merner Director of Youth Programs Seattle Center Joseph Olchefske Superintendent Seattle Public Schools Johnetta Rowsey Diversity Affairs Director Nordstrom Craig Stewart Executive Director Bruce R. & Jolene M. McCaw Fund Norma Straw Youth Involvement Specialist Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Washington State Maxine S. Thomas Secretary & General Counsel Kettering Foundation Art Wahl President CB Richard Ellis James A. Washam President, South Puget Sound District KeyBank 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:24 AM Page 35 City Year service partners service partners BOSTON CHICAGO American Red Cross-HIV/AIDS Education Benjamin Banneker Charter School Blackstone Elementary School Boston Renaissance Charter School Cambridge Area 4 Youth Center Cambridge YMCA Citizen Schools Commonwealth After School Community Servings, AIDS in Action Committee Condon Elementary School Maverick Gardens Housing Development East End House Eliot School Emerson Elementary School Emily A. Fifield Elementary School Fairmount After School Program Faneuil After School Program Frisoli Youth Center Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion Joseph P. Manning Elementary School Joseph P. Tynan Elementary School Josiah Quincy Elementary School Kwong Kow After School Program Lee Elementary School Martin Luther King, Jr. 21st Century Community Learning Center Mason Elementary School Nathan Hale Elementary School Neighborhood House Charter School O’Hearn School Old Colony Teen Center Orchard Gardens Community Center Peace At Home Red Oak After School Program Roxbury Boys & Girls Club West End House YMCA at Neighborhood House Charter School Albany Park YouthNet Ariel Education Initiative—Youth and Family Resource Center Armour Elementary School Carole Robertson Center for Learning Chicago Vocational Career Academy Chicago Youth Center at ABC Chicago Youth Center at BBR Fellowship House Kennicott Park Youth Net Lathrop Academy Rebecca Crown Youth Center Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boys & Girls Club Roosevelt High School Willa Cather Elementary School YouthNet 17 CLEVEL AND Abington Arms American Red Cross — Greater Cleveland Chapter Art-On-Wheels Buckle Down Cleveland Citizen’s Academy Corlett Elementary School Earth Day Coalition El Barrio, Inc. Fairhill Center for Aging Goodrich-Gannett Neighborhood Center Lexington Bell Community Center Ohio State University Extension Program Old Brooklyn United Services Association Oliver H. Perry Elementary School Our Lady of Peace School Rainbow Children’s Museum Scranton Elementary School St. Malachi Community Center Stephen E. Howe Elementary School T.E.A.M.S. Program at Merrick House Templum “One of the most important things City Year does is create a true understanding of responsibility, community involvement and civic duty amongst a large cross-section of this country’s youth. Whether you’ve graduated from college, high school or are working towards your GED, and no matter your ethnic or financial background, that’s extremely important, on both an individual and national level.” Steve Gottlieb, ClickatWork.com The Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence Urban Community School Wade Park Elementary School Walton Elementary School Watterson Lake Elementary School West Side Community Computer Center Youth Opportunities Unlimited at Prospect Elementary School COLUMBIA Boys & Girls Clubs of the Midlands, Inc. EdVenture Hammond Village Superstars John P. Thomas Elementary School Koban at Saxon Homes Lexington/Richland Alcohol & Drug Abuse Center/Fighting Back Palmetto Baptist Medical Center Richland Clicks Richland County School District 1 COLUMBUS DETROIT Artists in Action Boy Scouts East Columbus Elementary School Gladstone Elementary School Heyl Elementary School Lincoln Park Elementary School Linden Elementary School Linden Resource Center Main Street Elementary School Ohio Avenue Elementary School Rosewind Community Center Second Avenue Elementary School Southside Settlement House Windsor Academy YMCA of Central Ohio César Chávez Academy Common Ground Sanctuary Duffield Elementary School Harms Elementary School James B. Webber Middle School Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan, Inc. Michigan Metro Girl Scout Council NHEC/Adams Butzel Recreation Center Signature Service & Short Term Service Clinton Elementary School Gang Retirement & Continuing Education Employment (GRACE) Greater Detroit Area Health Council Harding Elementary School Habitat for Humanity Lighthouse of Oakland County Marcus Garvey Elementary School Marsh Elementary School Miller Middle School Motor City Blight Busters Nichols Elementary School Pitcher Elementary School Salvation Army, Eastern Michigan Division Southwest Counseling & Development Services Spain Middle School The Greening of Detroit 35 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:24 AM Page 36 36 City Year service partners “I believe that programs like AmeriCorps are not only about serving those in poor communities, but also about youth empowerment and leadership. What is a better way to instill in a young person a sense of service and social responsibility, than to have them work with other young people to achieve a goal? They gain confidence in themselves and their generation when they see the benefit of their labor.” —Kavita Raman, City Year Boston Alumna, ’00 NEW HAMPSHIRE RHODE ISL AND Barrington Middle School Cooperative Middle School Dover Middle School Healthy Communities Coalition New Heights Community Campus New Outlook Teen Center Portsmouth Middle School Seacoast YMCA Somersworth Middle School Southern District YMCA/Camp Lincoln Strafford County YMCA Trash Can Lid Productions YMCA COLORS Program Youth to Youth Camden Avenue School Chad Brown After School Program Community Preparatory School Connecting Children & Families Edmund W. Flynn Elementary School Fifth Avenue School Hopkins Middle School John Hope Settlement House Kendrick Elementary School Martin Luther King Center Michael H. Sullivan Elementary School Mt. Hope After School Program Newport Boys & Girls Club Newport Housing Authority Newport Parks & Recreation Department Norman Bird Sanctuary Perry Middle School Pothier Elementary School Roger Williams Middle School Saint Clare Home Salvation Army Second Avenue School Social Street Elementary School Teen Action Group Thompson Middle School William D’Abate Elementary School Woonsocket Housing Authority Woonsocket Neighborhood Development Corporation PHIL ADELPHIA Barry Elementary School Conflict Resolution TheatrePhiladelphia Department of Recreation Greater Philadelphia Book Bank Hartranft Elementary School McKinley Elementary School Meade Elementary School Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Philadelphia READS School District of Philadelphia Frankford Cluster Franklin Cluster Furness Cluster Gratz Cluster Kensington Cluster King Cluster Lincoln Cluster Roxborough Cluster Strawberry Mansion Cluster South Philadelphia Cluster SAN ANTONIO SEAT TLE/KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, DC Antonian College Preparatory Bowie Elementary School Christian Senior Services City Heroes Churchill High School DeZavala Elementary School Fox Tech High School Grace Place Alzheimer’s Care International School of the Americas Jefferson High School John Jay High School Palo Alto College Project Learn to Read Saint Mary’s Hall San Antonio’s Neighborhood Action Division Smithson Valley High School Southside High School African American Academy Aki Kurose Middle School B.F. Day Elementary School Cascade Middle School Central Area Youth Association Evergreen High School Highline School District Horizon Elementary School Kent School District Kent Youth & Family Services Kids.Health.2001. Campaign Langston Hughes Cultural Center Mattson Junior High School Meany Middle School Meredith Matthews East Madison YMCA New Start Panther Lake E.C.E.A.P. Pinetree Elementary School Salmon Creek Elementary School Seattle Department of Parks & Recreation Seattle Public Schools Seattle Public Utilities Springbrook Elementary School TEAM READ Wing Luke Elementary School Youth Quake/Diversity Dance Workshop Arts and Technology Academy DC Housing Authority East Capitol Center for Change Edison-Friendship Junior Academy— Blow Pierce Campus PCS Forest Knolls Elementary School Friendship House Higher Achievement Kids Computer Workshop Malcolm X Elementary School McGogney Elementary School Metropolitan Police Boys & Girls Club Moten Elementary School Power Up Savoy Elementary School SEED Public Charter Boarding School Simon Elementary School SouthEast Academy of Scholastic Excellence PCS Southern Ridge Technology Lab Technology Works For Good Turner Elementary School SAN JOSE/SILICON VALLEY Bachrodt Elementary School Burnett Academy Columbia Middle School Columbia Neighborhood Center The Digital Clubhouse Erikson Academy George Shirikawa Community Center Horace Mann Academy Kennedy Year Round School The Mexican American Community Services Agency Ryan Elementary School Sacred Heart Community Services San José Unified School District Santa Clara County Volunteer Exchange Santee Neighborhood Action Center Seven Trees Library Slonaker Elementary School Solari Community Center The Tech Museum of Innovation Washington Elementary School Signature Service & Short Term Service Boys & Girls Club #11 City at Peace Clergy-Police-Community Partnership Congress Heights Recreation Center DC Public Schools and Public Charter Schools Food & Friends Greater DC Cares Helping Children with Special Needs Kalorama Recreation Center Latin American Youth Center/MANY AmeriCorps Metropolitan Police Department Prospect Learning Center Public Allies Co-Founders: Michael Brown and Alan Khazei V.P. for Development and External Affairs: Bob Cashion Director of Strategic Communications: Ellen Frawley National Creative Director: Heidi Johnson National Design & Production Manager: Hisiya Beppu Project Manager & Senior Editor: Julie Marcus Copywriter: Josh Wolff Contributor: Katie Crocker Design: Ha Nguyen Design, Concord, MA Photography: John Gillooly; Jim Harrison; Jonathan Kannair; Lauren Thurmond Printer: Henry Sawyer, Charlestown, MA Special thanks to all those at each of the City Year sites whose contributions helped make this report possible. 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:24 AM Page 37 City Year, Inc. City Year’s mission is to build democracy through national service. City Year serves as an Action Tank, striving to advance the national service movement as a vehicle for developing the civic engagement that communities in all democratic societies require to achieve their full potential. City Year envisions a day when voluntary national service will be a common expectation of all citizens. City Year unites a diverse group of 17 to 24 year-old young people for a full year of rigorous community service, leadership development, and civic engagement. With a focus on educating, challenging, and developing the elementary and middle school population in thirteen regions across the country, City Year corps members break down social barriers, effect meaningful change, and instill idealism and hope. City Year seeks to develop a generation of citizen leaders prepared to take action for the common good; already nearly 5,000 City Year alumni have dedicated a year of their lives to service, and many demonstrate an ongoing commitment to social change and civic engagement as student leaders, teachers, social entrepreneurs, community activists, and members of the private sector. Lead investors in City Year include Cisco Systems, Compaq Computer Corporation, MFS Investment Management, and The Timberland Company. City Year is a proud member of AmeriCorps. 42465_CtyYr2001 12/12/01 10:24 AM Page 38 City Year National 285 Columbus Ave. Boston, MA 02116 City Year Columbia 1817 Hampton Street Columbia, SC 29201 City Year Philadelphia 2221 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 City Year San Jose/Silicon Valley 116 Paseo de San Antonio San Jose, CA 95112 City Year Boston 285 Columbus Ave. Boston, MA 02116 City Year Columbus 35 North 4th Street Columbus, OH 43215 City Year Rhode Island 77 Eddy Street Providence, RI 02903 City Year Seattle/King County 201 Broad Street Seattle, WA 98121 City Year Chicago 545 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 City Year Detroit 1 Ford Place, 1A Detroit, MI 48202 City Year San Antonio 302 Valley Hi Drive San Antonio, TX 78227 City Year Washington, DC 1140 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 City Year Cleveland 1007 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 City Year New Hampshire 200 Domain Drive Stratham, NH 03885 National Leadership Sponsors www.cityyear.org National Sponsor