File - Bayport Aerodrome Society
File - Bayport Aerodrome Society
The Eaglet THE BAYPORT AERODROME SOCIETY NEWSLETTER Volume 8, Issue 1 March 2015 MARCH 1st MEETING CANCELLED! The First Meeting of the year will be Sunday April 12th 2015 @ 11:30pm in Hangar 23. (Why is it on the 12th? because the 5th is Easter. Why is it at 11:30am? Because the Long Island Early Fliers are also having their meeting on the same day at 1:30pm and many people are members of both clubs). *Up Coming BAS* Events: Bayport/Blue Point Saint Patty’s Day Parade: SUNDAY APRIL 12TH 11:30AM Sunday March 15th SUNDAY MAY 3RD 1:30PM weather permitting-we will haul out and dust SUNDAY JUNE 7TH off our SE-5A parade 1:30AM float once again. All vol SUNDAY JULY 5TH 1:30AM unteers should report to hangar 23 by 10:00am SUNDAY AUGUST on Sunday morning to 2ND1:30AM organize rides to get the SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 6TH marchers and float to 1:30AM the parade. Our tradiThe only thing moving at the Aertional corned beef and odrome lately has been Mike cabbage lunch will be Cifelli and his ski outfitted Cub. The Aerodrome is locked in a served after the parade blanket of ice and snow and back in Hangar 23 as Hangar Application footing is treacherous. soon as all the marchers Waiting List: get back-and not before! Bring the family and come on MIKE SCOTT : down to join the fun. APRROVED From The Presidents Desk: As we come out of hibernation from this harsh winter for most of the membership, the Board still meets each month to organize and discuss plans for the upcoming year’s events, policies and maintenance. The Board and some of our other General Membership Meetings: dedicated members have made some great progress and accomplishments on projects and improvements in spite of weather these past months. Our activities Director Jim and I have met with Town officials on the Saint Pattys Day parade. They are very excited about doing another fly-over this year and offered us a free advertisement in the Irish Gazette. Jim and Phil Rovere put together a nice add for our upcoming pancake breakfast in May. Jim has started to put together the Aerodromes event schedule for this year and some of the clubs have already secured their dates. BOB ALONSO 1 JOSH TEFEL 2 JOHN CACCAVALLE 3 ELLIOTT RODGERS 4 NICK MERCOURIS 5 ARTHUR SZU 6 The Eaglet From The Presidents Desk Continued: Our new Treasurer Nick Ziroili has been busy organizing and updating our finance’s and twisting the arms of some of his business associates to join and support our organization, and the possibility of more sponsorship may be in the wind? Good job Nick! The new men’s bathroom is progressing nicely; Bruce Distler had laid out the plan and organized the work along with Mike Cifelli, who Quote of the Month; “If you think you can do a thing, or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right” By Henry Ford. his efforts in updating our meet up site, and other technical much needed work. In any organization, it can only evolve and survive by the input of its members. However little or much you can do for our organization, do something. Step up to the plate and take a swing at whatever you would like to contribute. As always my best to all! had immediately jumped in and accomplished the difficult conceret work and plumbing which set the pace. Bruce and Frank did the framing and insulation and more, while Aldo did a great job on all the tile work. So between the expertise of Bruce, Mike, Aldo and Frank it’s moving right along. We can’t thank, these men enough for all their efforts. And I must say these are men with full time businesses and jobs so I can only imagine what it will be like when they retire? Our Membership Director Kevin Costello is finally back on his feet after his illness, he is up and running full speed in getting our Welcome Package together for new members, with a big help from Bob Mott and Nick Ziroili. Good example of team work at its best. I want to Thank Phil Rovere, our in house accountant and computer whiz for all Keep ‘em Flying ! John Hess, President 2015 Due$ This year the “renewal committee” of our new treasurer Nick Ziroli, our new V.P. Mike Cifelli, Secretary Steve Martin, and our Membership Director Kevin Costello mailed out 400 renewals to past and present members asking them to sign up again. They also added an additional do- Page 2 nation option that together brought in over $2,170 in extra income to the Society!! This alone paid for the 2nd bathroom we have put up in the BAS hangar! On behalf of the BAS we would like to thank all our new and old members for joining up again and for their very generous donations to the Society! Lifetime Individual & Family Memberships: Contrary to what was listed on the renewal form both life time memberships are still available so get them while you can: Individual: $500 and Family $750. Volume 8, Issue 1 New Website!! Thanks to Al Terego, Phil Rovere, and Bob Mott we have updated and revamped our website. You can check it out at the web address above. We now have a BAS Facebook page as well! I can hear some of our members from the Dark Ages asking “what the hell is Facebook?” Well Facebook is like a social bulletin board that connects people with friends, family, and other people who share similar interests, in this case aviation. Almost every day some neat photos or videos are posted from not only Bayport, but from the aviation world at large. Facebook is free so anyone can go on the site and create an account. Meetup is also a free site were people sign up to find out about other people in their local community who share similar interests. Meetup lists local events in your area of interest that you can attend. If you have a computer you can sign up to Meetup and become a member of the BAS group. Thenyou will be notified by email of not only BAS functions but any aviation event that is in your local area. It’s a great way to become more connected to our local aviation community. Holiday Party 2014 Our annual Christmas Party was held at the Irish Coffee Pub on Sunday December 14th in conjunction with the Long Island Early Fliers. After a cramped but fun time at The Oar for the last couple of years it was nice to have a larger room to socialize in. About 60 members enjoyed the beautiful holiday decor, good food, and the good ser- vice made the extra cost worthwhile. Pat Gallagher’s birthday was celebrated, speeches were kept thankfully short, Paul Emmert, Sal Vitale, and Mike Cifelli seemed to win all the raffles, the food was all gone by 4pm and shorty after so were we, but a good time was had by all. Photos and video can be seen on the BAS group page of The BAS would like to formally thank Stuart Bain and e-Media of New York for generously hosting our old website for the last ten years. Flying Santa Once again our resident Chris Cringle, a.k.a. Bill Clifford, took to the skies on December 13th to deliver an annual Christmas gift to the Fire Island Light House like in days of old when there were light house keepers who couldn’t get home for Christmas. Santa’s Elves Mike Cifelli and Nick Ziroli flew top cover while Santa circled the light house in his Bird and successfully dropped the gift once again without it landing in the drink. Way to go Team Santa! Caption describing picture or graphic. Page 3 2015 Tentative Calendar of Events: Note: This is a TENTATIVE List of Events. Please contact Jim Mularadelis to update an event you would like to host or post. Bayport Aerodrome Society Monthly Meeting – First Sunday each month: March Cancelled June 7th April 12th July 5th May 3rd August 2nd Mid Island Air Service Monthly Wings Seminar – 2nd Saturday each month @8:30am with Continental Breakfast: March 14th June 13th April 11th July 11th May 9th August 8th Bayport Aerodrome in St. Patrick’s Parade & Fly-Over: Sunday March 15th, @ 11am - Lunch for Volunteers Skylark (7B6) Pancake Breakfast: Saturday March 21th @8am Whitman Flyers R/C Swap Meet, Sunday March 29th @9:30-2pm Camelot Hall, 585 Rt 110 Melville, NY c/o Frank Mauceri Horn’s Point Fly-In - Potomac Antique Aero Squadron: Saturday, May 16th & May 17th Jones Beach Air Show – Thunderbirds & Golden Knights: Saturday May23rd @10am Horn’s Point Fly-In - Potomac Antique Aero Squadron: Saturday, May 16th & May 17th Bayport Aerodrome Flyovers: Jones Beach Air Show – Thunderbirds & Golden Knights: JULY? - The Annual Concert in the Park – Hecksher State Park Fly-Over May23rd –25th @10am Bayport Aerodrome Pancake Breakfast: Sunday May31st @8:30am Reading Regional Airport, Pa. – World War II Weekend: A Gathering of Warbirds – June 5th, 6th & 7th Sentimental Journey @Piper Memorial Airport, Pa.: June 16th – 20th Antique Airplane Club of Greater New York Fly-In August 14Th -16th Bayport Aerodrome Neighborhood Appreciation Picnic: SEPT TBA CAR CLUBS – SUNDAY’S OPEN HOUSE Classic Car Club of Bethpage Greater New York Antique Automobile Club Ford Model A Car Club Buick Car Club of Long Island Long Island Sound Reyes Classic Club Mustang Car Club Sunday, August 16th JULY 4th - Grucci Fireworks Presentation Photo by Nick Ziroli ? “Honor Flights” over Calverton for Vets ? Young Eagles Flight Program ? “Exploring Aviation and Aerospace”. An educational program with Mid- Island Flight School’s Island’s Aero Camp. Organization Long Islands Living History Museum, T H E B AY P O R T A E R O D R O M E S O C I E T Y PO Box 728 Bayport, NY 11705 Phone: 631-868-3838 Editor: Bob Mott E-mail: Associate Editor: Steve Martin As a "living museum" we have a variety of antique aircraft flying on the field. These include Bi-Planes, Champs, Cubs and others. The Bayport Aerodrome Society was formed in 1975 and its membership is composed of aviation professionals, recreational pilots, and people interested in preserving aviation history. By offering tours of the Aerodrome as well as various Social Events, our members share their passion for aviation with the community. BAS Board Of Directors President: John Hess; 631277-4706 Vice Pres. : Mike Cifelli 631-374-3450 Follow Us On The Web: Treasurer: Nick Ziroli 631-806-5967 Secretary: Steve Martin 631-742-4358 Past Pres.: Kevin Kilroy 631-239-6361 Activities Director: Jim Mularedelis; 631-381-4408 Membership Director: Kevin Costello; 516-6926688 Plans & Programs: Fred Schmukler; 516-7909559 Museum Director: Bob Mott; 631-245-0829 BAS Project Reports: John Hess has removed the damaged wing form his Seabee out at Brookhaven with help from Ray Kelly and has replaced it with a new one he picked up in the state of Washington this past spring (after an epic drive there and back!). BAS Bathroom #2 Project has been in full swing this January. With professional contractor Bruce Distler laying out the work to be done, John Hess and Mike Cifelli got started with help from Jim Mularadelis, Mario Barra, and Aldo Catsaros. By the time you read this we may have our second bathroom up and running not to mention a new sink outside of the bathroom for cleanup duty during our events. Well done crew! Bill Taylor will be jumping ships from his Boredom Fighter, which may have been sold as you read this, to an Ercoupe he purchased as a project from Nick Ziroli. John Bianco has been hard at work replacing the wood spars with metal on his Aeronca L-16 in Bob Fritt’s hangar. Nick Mercouris and Aldo have finally finished putting in the new headliner in their Cessna 150. Still for sale is one quarter share of a 1961 Cessna 150 N7340X “The Pilot Maker”, (formally known as “Old Swayback”), that is based at Islip MacArthur. Please contact Josh Tefel or his Grandfather Bob Fritts for more information. 1/3 share of 1972 Cessna 150 N5390Q Based at Bayport Aerodrome. Comes with spare past TBO Continental O-200 core. $6000. See Bob Mott for details: 631-245-0829 1/5 share of 1946 Piper Cub N2049M “Little Yellow Airplane” club based at the BAS. Recently overhauled C-85 and new Sensenich prop. $7000. See Bob Mott for details: 631-245-0829. Welcome New Members! Philip Segal Richard & Leanne Lucente John Manfredi Jefrey Petrocelli Sean Martens Tony Petrone Rich Uravitch Howard & Cynthia Lebow George Klein Scotty Gerber Richard & Dayna Yabsley Thomas Melito